The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, October 04, 1866, Image 4

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.m The Daily News and Herald. THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER*. 1866. Off to The Se». aib—“Ove* the Sea. « Off to the Se*! off the Seal’ • • Hear what a coaxing wife whispered to me— “ Off to the Sea! off to the Sea! Dearest, you're working too long; Then, Charles, Charles, Charles', % Let’e all go together, This warm Autumn weather, For, Charles, Charles, Charles*. M - The children are not looking strong. So it’s off to the Set r off to the Sea! Hear what a cunning wife whispered to me- ‘•OfftotheSea! off to the Seal Somebody’s working too long.” Off to the Sea ! off the Sea! Tickets the clerk has just given to me, Off to the Sea! off to the Sea! Now then for Ramsgate once more; There we’ll bathe, bathe, bathe, And hear the waves roar, And its populous shore; There we’ll boat, boat, boat, And saunter in Straw hats along, So, it’s off to the .Sea! off to the Sea! Charlie, you’re going once moje.'.’ [Punch. In Oeneral. i —Letters from Paris assert positively that the Empress Carlotta will leave for Mexico in October. —Three deaths from starvation have oc curred at Montgomery, Ala. —Thirty-two foreign newspapers are pub lished in New York city. —Basil W. Duktfc'tx-Confederate.Major- General, is a commission merchant in Gin cinuati. . —An attractive advertisement—a hand some saleswoman. • —Seventy five cases of muskets were ship ped from Buffalo last.Thursday night forDe troit, and supposed to be a Fenian inyest- ment. . —There is a rumor that. Brevet jBrigadler- Genfral Green is* likely to succeed Dan Sickies in command of the South Carolina department. —A concert in Houston, Texas, fur. A. S. Johnston’s family, yielded $800. —Counterleit United States postage stamps are in circulation iu Florida. —Where a girl has too many boys about her, the indication is like that of buoys off a harbor—shallow water here. —Gbioni and Susini Opera Troupe made tblir first appearance at - Hibernian Hail, Charleston, on Monday night, and were greeted by a good, though not a full house. —It is said that General Jordan has with drawn from the Memphis Appeal, and*has been succeeded by Colonel James Birney Marshall. The papers in south Alabama are discuss ing various plans to prevent the sacrifice of property at forced legal, sales, as is bow be ing done all oyer the State. -Eight hundred and'twenty-two writs were serve.d in Union District on last return day. The Charleston Courier wonders what the people of that section think of stay laws. —liev. Leonard Bacon, of New Haven, one of the most prominent congregational divines in the country, has written a letter taking Mr. Beecher’s view of the situation. —The Bastrop (Texas) Advertiser of the 20th ultimo says that corn is selling at forty cents per bushel, and will go down to twenty-five in less than two months, so great will lie the abundance. —The New York Daily New% says of the Nerv York Times that it lias “gone back like the canine quadruped to the rejected con tents of* his stomach, or, the porcine female to her bath in fluid impurity.’’ | —The Columbus papers report bilious and broken bone fevers very prevalent in that city. —Chattanooga is full of small-pox cases. It has also bad two fatal cases of cholera; one of the victims, we are told, “ate im moderately of boiled cabbage while suffering from diarrhoea of eight days standing.” —California, which in 185" imported about 50,000 barrelswf lloijr, can export this year, according to the estimate of .the California Farmer, something like 2,500,000 barrels, —The weather in England cout-.nued stormy and wet. Disastrous floods prevailed in the midland counties, and great anxiety was felt for the crops, which were still out standing. —H. Hives Pollard had a difficulty at tli Fountain Hotel, Baltimore, recently, with one Frederick Hopkins, about a female at the hotel. Pollard shot Hopkins. * fhe wound is not serious. PollaTd has been ar rested. • —The San Antonio papers say that since cholera has become epidemic in that city, the rats, whereof it was before enormously popu lous, have all vamosed. —Wendell Phillips declines the nomination for Congress offered him by the Boston work ingmen.* He says he will have more power out oP'Congress, where he does not wish to go unless he had all power. —One of our exchanges, in noticing the presentation of a silver cup to a cotemporary, says: “He needs no cup. He can drink from any vessel that contains liquor, whether the neck of a bottle, the month of a demi john, the spile of-a keg, or the bung of a barrel.” ■ —Judge Fowler, of the Fourteenth Ken tucky District, has decided the Freedmen’s Bureau bill unconstitutional, and the case has been carried to the Appellate Court. —A wealthy gentleman of Oswego, New York, and his wife, are on & tou| to New Or leans in a little steamer, built expressly for the purpose. It is only twenty-five feet long and six feet wide. They have just touched at St. Xonis. ; \ t.1 » —$>ome one makes the following state ments “The latest Masonic statistics Re ports there are one million three hundred thousand brethren of the mystic tie in the world, and five thousand lodges scattered all over the world—in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Oceanica and 'the Indian Archipelago." —An Eastern date of the 28th says : There has been a fearfnl gale of wind off the coast of Nawfoundland, and a great many wrecks have been reported. A French frigate was lost at 'St Pierre, and several eoasters were wrecked. Over 150 dead bodies were picked up on Sunday, which were lest from . the different vessels. No. further particulars have come to hand. M—The Montgomery Advertiser tells a sad tale of destitution in 'that vicinityi * The widow of a soldier who died in Confederate service, was found dead on the floor of bar house, with four little girls lying ronfid her. They were taken to the Episcopal Orphan’s dome, where two of them died, and another, it was thought, would not recover. The poor little thmgs ware complete skeletons, and begged constantly for bread and m6at. —The Union State Central CommiUe* of asn Francisco has issued an address to the people of California, urging upon them the importance of sustaining the restoration policy of President Johnson, and counselling the immediate formation of club and county societies throughout the State. Groceries and Liquors. Scranton, Smith & C*. ' REPP CONSTAHTLT oh hand CHOICE OLD BRANDIES, WHISKEY, BIN, Amo WINKS, EVERY VARIETY OF GROCERIES, eaoat'j - Hay, Corn, Oats aa&Bran, strictly at wholesale to the trade; and we MM»«aiSetrai«fcat we can make it to the interest of duller* to patronise ns, at the heart of Bay* opposite Jefferson at. mlO-tf THUS. J. DUNBAR. HUNKY A?t*TULT8. T. J, Dunbar & Da., IMPOSTERS. AND DMUM IN Brandies, Whiskies, Gins, Wines, Cigars, Etc. tar* Agent for Robert Smith’s celebrated PhilaihH- phla Ale andDemereier Champagne. . • [, li ’ 14*7 Bay Street; >pG-3m . SAVANNAH. GA. H. G. RUWE, WHOLESALE Lipr Dealer* Demission Merchant Corner Bryan and hUttfllg ami Monument Square. * • WrVANNAH. GA. ^“FRUITS and VEGETABLES in seaaou always *n hand. * * ’• au27-tf Philip CalJsAn^.Jaiu» i£rh*i6AN. Colunrbiu Square G If O C K It Y STORE. East side of Colombia Square, coi ner of Habersham •arid President streets. BY PHILIP' CALLANAN & CO. R ECEIVING. WEEKLY, tlret-class family Gro ceries, Ales, wines, Liquors, Cigars, Fruits, Vegetables, die. For sale on most reasonable terms. je29-ly pierce mm, . j t; Wholesale and Retail Dealer ' In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, For eign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segal s. . Also,' Skehsn's Celebrated - * •*■*•“ GOLDEN ALE CHAMPAGNE CIDER. in bottle and 1n wood. _ . London aud Dublin Brown: Stout, Scotch and Eng ijeh Ales, Ac. -'. •• Liberal deductions made to. he trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll-tf and Cl Liberty street, S. Y. '< V. A. RYAN & CO. ad7 Bay Streot,V J DUUU IN STANDARD LIQUORS, Agents for Charles Farre Champagnes, Heller's Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey, Ac. tuyl-tf *, LOW PRICES ! Quick Sales! W DRY GOODS to be found in this city, and which we oiM- at LOWER PRICKS than they can be bought for at any other house, consisting tu part of Every variety of Dress Goods Housekeeping Goods Domestics and Prints Cloths and CaesimerSs Figured Linens and Drills Embroideries and Lace* Hosiery aud Gloves Ribbons and Braiils • Hair Rolls and Curts Lace Points and Veils Bradley’s Empress Trails Handkerchiefs 4c„ Ac., Ac. EINSTEIN A Et KMAN, myil-tf Commission Merchants* POWER & MULLER, General Produce & Commission MERCHANTS. Corn, Oats, Flour. Feed, etc, SAVANNAH, 6l/ REFERENCES: Messrs. Tison A Gordon, Sfivannah, Ga. A Wilbur. E*q.,Pres’t Home Ins Co., Savannah. * Messrs. La Roche, West A Daniels, Savannah, Ga. Messrs. Bell, Wylly A Christian, Savanna, Ga. - Messrs. Weaver. Richardson A Co., New York. R. Bacheui, of G. Renoward 4 Bachem, New'York. 8epiD-6m { t . WILKINSON. WILSON & CO, Cotton Factors and 7 General Commission Merchants A GENTS for the purchase and sale of all kind* Of Cotton Domestics. Liberal advances made-on consignments. Office No. » Stoddard’s Lower Range, Bay street, - Savannah, Georgia. U. B. WlUHSSiON, * or Neman, Ga . ~ -B. J. WIpSOS, Formerly of Okeefuskee Cotton Mills, Ala. ' P. H. WOOD. Of the late arm of J. W. Rabun A Co., Savffi. , sepldim' wuBmaassBttammmm—mm New York Advertisements. DORYEiS’ IAIZEXA a < o’ z: n. O e ■ X o Austin &• Ellin,- Commission i 80 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. THOMAS IJ. AUSTIN,l ine of Apalachicola, Fla CHARI,ES ELLIS, f aud .Columbia, Ga. Bepll-tf A.M,Suum, . ;,-v r L’.'F. SlLyuf. < .. Lfile’aCB'imF.- Gs.i i, ^ , Lari cl ilneon.GAL C. W. S-ruiai.i.. Late oi Thomas vtlle. SLOAN, STUBBS , A STEGALL, COTTON FACTORS, t'orwardiu;’ uu<! tJommlssyin WXEK.CHANTS, No. 4 Stoddard’s Lower Range, ‘ ' > C? isrArt, 3 fe-ie * * . Will make liberal advaucti-s -on cotton and otlier produce ill transit or 'store, or on consignments to points,,t- in New York » ; . -- 1 a z s o a Id z o. > ft H WAS THI SILT “ PREPAIATIII f«» MM ttON INDIA! eo«N” That received a amdal and honorable mentioa Ran, the Royal Coamlssioeers, the competittoe of allgro- minent manufacturers of “Uorn Starch " »»“ Pre pared Corn Floor” of this and other reentries not withstanding. rwh * kaxzbna. The iood and l:t» ay or the age, without ••J** 1 * fanlt. One trfaa wfij convince the myet skeptical- Hakes Pudding , COue, Custards, Blanc Mange, *«x, without isingls-s. with few or no eggA at a coetae- tonishing the m wl economical. A alight addition to ordinary Wheat 1 our greatly Improves Bread and Cake: It is also excellent for thichemngy west sauces, gravies for Ash ami meats soups, Ac. .For loo Cream nothing can compait with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream Tor coiTe*,cbeeolale, tea. Ac. Put up in oae pound packages, under the trade mark Mairena. with directions for use. * * A most dglickms article of food for children and In valid* otaUages. Per sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wjrplcsale. Depot, 166 Fulton Street. WILLIAM DUBYJ1A, }85-,y j. General Agent. Market Square .Honse, 138 BRYAN STREET, VAtENIIN£::JASLER. r ■ , • . , , . . , -> Cigars, Wlnso, Ales and Lager, and ail kinds of Liquors. Ranch at eleven ohfioek. -Tbn Pin Alleys •attached. ang4-3m MEECHAHTS’EXCHAN6E LUNCH HOUSE, Bull Strgwt, near B&y Lane. F REE LCNcffe served from 11 *.m. to 1 p. m., and from » p. m. to l'i m. Best of Liquors, Ales. Wmas. ae., ctmslstiy oa tiaad^^ ' ---, lyjltf FRANK PERRY Proprietor. GENERAL V 0 M MISSION AS I’OR- J-; .Vfpmnm ^ m j| feftirf, whel, MWwrLwmlAr, an«l Provisions. AUEMT8 rOB MOROiPHSUIPS; SU|iRjPHaSPHATE OF LIM£ jytlSm ' SA^aVxAH. GA.‘ BLAlli & BICJfcFOltD, Lumber Manufacturers - OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Dooisj, pddtAlt and ; HUptls. %WT Jdm ancl Lumber Yard on Canaf, rear Bryan atreet.. Office. 18»» li>»y street, Sav;tnn?ih. Ga. jyW-tf Gw. B. ; LAMAR, JUN.; Snccessor toG. B St, O. W. Lam.r. General Commission Merchants Forwarding nod Shippiitg MtMs, No. 0:i BAY STREET (up stuirs.) Pefer to Geo. 1^: Andenmn. John C. Ferrti «nd G. U. LainaivSavuuimh: W. E. Jackson. Josiah Sibley v Sons, J B. tindM. W. W.liter, Augusta. Consign: melltssolb-iied. tpvtft [Planters’ BICE P0UNBIR6 DOLL! The undersigned, having become proprietors of the property kcowu as the ‘"LOWER SAVANNAH RICE MILL,” intend at once patting in all new and- necessary machinery for making it a FIRST-CLASS RICE POUNDING MILL. No pains will be spared to have Rice thoroughly' cleaned and prepared, for market, ami to the Planters aud Factors who give us their patronage we can promise full attention to their interests. H rtring ample facilities for storing Rice, Planters and Factors yen ship at any time to tile Mill to cuts their convenience, to remain on storage oj lin- pounding. LLOYD D. WADDELL. - WILLIAM M. TUNNO. ROSE. A ARKWRIGHT. Having taken entire charge of the working of the above named Mill, we would respect fuily ask of the Planters and Factors living in t he vicinity oT .Savan nah their patronage for the coming season, and in so doing we can but promise a careful attention to. their interest, based upon our past business connection and experience ill that line of basipe-s. The Mill will be in perfect order fur pounding bv the 1st of October. ROSE A AKKWJUUU .. “ GILLIAM’S OLD.MILL.” GBITS, GRITS, MEAL. LUDDINGTON A CO. ,/~s KITS and ME\L always on hand in large qnanti- '|jj* ties, daily ground, and can make it especially to the interest of Grocers snd Bay Merchants- who tiLl country orders to give us their patronage. We re- spectrally solicit a Call from all who use the above. Depot for shippers at S. U. Hayne’s warehouse, d>0 and 1M Bay street, corifer of Market Dock. LUDDINGTON * CO.. oc2-tf Cor. Habersham and Liberty streets. For further particulars, enquire of Messrs. R.ise k Arkwright, at the Mill, orat the Banking nouse ot Win. M. Tun no k Co, in Exchange building: or ot Lloyd II. Waddell,-office (when in the diy; lit the counting room of W. H. Whitney .A Co., Noi 4 tfui- nfi* Blowti Bay street. D • »ii'-’2-ni Board, Board. S RY^RAL Oentlemen, ot 6entlcn»eir htitf cau obuiiu Board on reasonable terms in Qiieof the most pkmaant afld convenient lopai ties iu city. Apply to MR9. W.'F, PAKKKK, r lv?6 South Broad street, 8ep22-tf Bacomt dopr west of Barnaul. NOTION. a LL PARTIES having bills sgalnst. Steamers EX PRESS and ECLIPSE will render them to • J. M. KIKCHLEY, oeil3t Florida Wharf. ENTERPRISE MILLS,! CORKED WEST BROAD AND CON GRESS STREETS. DEFOT AT B OOWDEN S. South side St. Jullrn street, West of the Market. Grits tad Meal always on hand. ocl-lm B. J. WADE A BRO. Baggin and Rope. NOR SALE on reasonable terms, by 1 [oo2] BRIGHAM, HOLS' Sc CO , Coffee. 2,000 . Direct importation from Rio de Janeiro, For sale by ocl-Sm* , WEEa^XOKNWELU CORN. 2 1 A A/k BUiHIU prime WHITE OOBN for !?Wf “‘ e ’ 10 ^BRADLEY. HILL A <X> ROPE. 100 f co,LS h 0R * ENL ? Ar J nst received, jand 01 ea * by BRADLEY. HILL 4k Co., 8eS8 -tf No. 12 Stoddard’s I^ower Range. j. F. Uodsu. *. W. A. Havant. Bouse & Bryant, (Formerly of Jacksonville, Fla.,) FomMifl£ andCommission 'Merchants. li>4 Day Street, SAVANNAH, - - - - GKOHGIA. W ILL give prompt atu-nthm »<• receiving anil for warding goods, e.-ties on (on.-iignment, and ali orders; aud win illsb keep constantly on hand a good stock of Groceries, Liquors. Agricultural Imple ments. Building Materials, Fairbanks & Co’s Scales. Ac., besides other goads and moimfsctared-articles for sale an conSigMneut, and for width they are agents. Orders and consignments respectfully sic icited. al8-tf m s. siHMis & £ Forwarding: and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 8AMM1S’ BLOCK, Bay Street, JaelftoiiTille, Florida. mo. ». saumisT sn. a. sahvis. <iuas..l. matbeb aull W Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MERCHANT, No. 193 Bay Street, Savannah, ~ ’. AMD S arienj GreoijgiA. rs foVLnYnher solicited. d!6- "'jfoAftCEVlLLL SUTE MINING C0MP1, VAN WERT; POiLK' CO., GA. Cnp’l Stoelt, i300,000 SHARES, $50 EACH. DiaaKnuumr-U. Jlrigham, J. F. Devcr, E. C. Gran- nigs. A. .Wilbur and A. E. Marshall. Pasii-Sak—A. Wlllmr. S^v»nnah A Ga. jsuaSaSBpJMa 0 * T HIS Company will goon be -preparial to fill any ord4b for Slate, however large, for ruoflng, for fumitore nvanuiActurtil out of elate, for Hutele, for iiavemMt, m*i for *$y mhet Dies to whiefi slate can he topple*, i TbrlqainYiahiuveificbt to -the cities of jktlajita, Augusta, Macon, Albany and Columbue. “la.; to the cities ofSclmm Montgomery and Mobile, Ala.; to New Orleans, and will shortly be to Mem pMs, r<np..Mid S'. Loui,s, Mo- The superiority, slatefoAoonilgpunloseb. anil its gpeclal adAplamUt tovarioue articles of furniture aud for pavement well known. Oolera muj be addressed to A. K. MARSHALL, Sec'y, 18 D. J. TRACY & CO., Sncceaso to D, 9. Cohen, * '"'■'*' jtlh/BTCM AKD JOBBEBS OT LADIES’DRESS TRIMMINGS, ORNAMIF’ifc PHYR WORSTEDS, AND PARIS FANCY GOODS. No. 303 Broadway, comer’of Duane strecl, aug3-4mo Nrw Yosk. A MOK'l'tl IS BJtlNGMADK with onr IMPROVED STBSCII. DIES by ladies $ad gcptletnea, 8end fqr our free Catalogue contaiHng JytMm «ple» Ahd Trices. Addre.*, 8. M. SPENCER k Co. Brattlelioro. Vt. WlSBjfTURE i am opening for Ibd inspection or the pnblie, a line stock of CABINET FURNITURE, CHAIRS, • T TRESSES, &c., &c., - To which the attention of au la invited, HT-Warerpaaa, 118 BBQDGHTQN STREET, Bher .oak’s old Dry Goods store. , ' flfrly 8.B. HARRINGTON. HAWKINS & FAY, Commission Merchants, NO. *T PEARL STREET, NEAR PRODUCE EXCHANGE, N. Y. WM. B. HAWKINS, J- ROCKWELL SAT. Particular attention paid to buying Produce, Provl sione. Whiskies, aud* Cigars, on order, aud to con ■igninenta. UKFEUENCrSI | CLINTON HUNTER, di m od Spofford, Tlleston A Co., New York. Fanchcr A McChesbey, 5 Water At, New- York. Richard Ellis, 114 Water street, New York. Win, B. Mites. S» Christie street. New Ybrk W. B. Sibell, 5 Wall street. New York. Loads L. •lone*.IV Sr.ndw.iv. S. w. Mivten A Co., Savannah Ga. ' . JOHN GRAY, DEALER IN Wooden Ware, Brooms, S*AI1.S, BRUSHES, HATS, Twines, Contace, Tabs, Churns. Crsdln, Wagons. Chairs', Baskets, 4fce. Nos. 15 H’ulton and SOSFro®* ® NEW YORK LINVJLLE & GLEASON. St. Julian Street, West of Market, S A V A X Ji A H, iV Or S 3NT T St FOR MERRITT * WALCOTT A CO., . 64 Coartlandt Street New Tort. Hotels. N otice to debtors and crkditors.—mi persons having claims against The estate or Msr- caret Marshall, deceased, will prtsoi* tested, within the time prescribed h_ indebted to .kid estate will make payment to CHARLE8 J. WHITE, gepIS-lawOw Administrator., S TATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: • Whereas, Adam Hohenstein wflkepply at the Court ■of Ordinary for Letters DigmlssorJ as Administrator cam testemento annexo oe the estate of Brier Yoreeson, late of aaid^onnty, deceased; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish AT whom it may concern, to be and appear before mid Const to make otqection (if any they have j on or be fore the' first Monday In Octobdr next, otherwise, sold tetters will he granted; - . Witness, my .official signature this 2Tth-day of March, 1866. D.-A. O'BYRNE, . m31 Ordinary. . PAVILION HOTEL, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF • BULL. AND SOUTH BROAD STREET*. ' T HE FROPRIETOFS Wbawrespoctfiiily announce to the public tiiat the above Hotel is now open for the reception of ..permanent and Transient ^Davti^ had large experience in the Efotel buslnem, they intend to make thia House one oi’ the moat com fortable Boarding Houses for families and others in There is a Bar connected-with‘the Hotel, at which may-liefound the best of Wines, Liquors and Segau. AUached-toihe House, ii also an ICE cream GARDEN, where may be procured at all hours, both day and ettening, tile finest Cream in the City.’ Also, a Soda Fountain, from which they will furnish the hest Soda la the' city. * . .' Parlies can oe furuiahed with Cream at all times. jylC-tf SI. .CfiARLES. SALQ0.N,.. B Y A, STAMM, Bay Lane, rear. of Post Office.— Tito ‘ Litfddfe.^AM!( *e.. always on. hand, including a choice article of SiLT- F.R'S WATER, directly imported .from Hersagthum. Nassau, and tl»Ubegt.ef Rhine Wines. -. - UJNCH every day at 11 o’clock. m!2-1y Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL * K. a. aiDUKLU iukrif Yiefsiirtisi u. r. nneea LA PIERBE HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA.’ rjlHB SUBSCRIBERS haying leased this ravertte' A House, it has been - refitted and Refukmsiibd IN AN HLEGANT EAHNES, And I* now Prepared wito tKe filost Per fect Appoint inents far the Recep tion of Guests. * The first position among flrsuclaso Hotels will be maintained in the fnture, as in tliejiast - je!2 6m BAKER A FARLEY. Le^al Notices. G eorgia, Chatham cocntyI^wS' it may concern: ali lit ttieii, duly at-1 Whereas, Th«rnas if. Fleetwood will by law, and alf ‘Oonrt of Ordinary for Letters of Guar i-TnJh£ at f l BORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom v3T It may concern: Whereas, Mary Fleetwood will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismiesory as Executrix on tie estate of Gree Ft?etwood, d- erased: These are therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said court to make objection (if any they nave) oh or before the first Monday In April next, otherwise said letters will be granted.- Wituess my official signature this 8th day of Sep tember, 1866. D. A. O’BYRN B, s*pl"-1amfim Ordinary. S TATE OF GEORGIA; CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: _ - , Whereas, James Heed will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration-cum testa- mento annexo on the .estate of William D. Etheridge, deceased: * * , . ’ . These hre, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom ltbmaynoticeru, to la- amt appear before caid*Conrt to make objection fif pay I hey have) on or before the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be'gr&nted. • Witness my official signature this 21st day of Sep tember,*1866. D. A. O’BiHNK. sep22^1awlm• o c. c. S TATE 08 GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—Tp all wiionrtt-may concern Whereas, J,eti 8. Hart will apply at the rourt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of John Harris (colored), of s lid county, deceased : These are, therefore, to titc and admonish ail .whom it may concern,'to be and appearliefore said Conrt to pia i.« objection tif any they have) on or be fore-the first Monday in November next, otherwise did it!turn irill ~ Witness my official eisiwtnrfe this 51f»t day of Sep tember, . D. A, O^BYHNH, Hep^-lawfTH ‘ c. C. OTATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—Tt* whom it may concern : Whereas, Anna Weinhepuer will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the oe-* tate of Jacob Weinheimer, late of said county, de- These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom \t may concern, to hna&d ap^»ear betore t-aid Court to make object ion any they have) on or before the first Monday in November next, otherwise said let- tetfi Will be granted. Witness my official signature this 21et doy of Sep tember, 1866. * * D. A. (VitYRNE, ■epg2-lawJm f. c. -Miscellaneous. CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. fflHIS pbpulu and well known Hotel, sitnated in rile -1 business jiortion of the city, has been newly fur nished throughout by the present proprietor, who has been sixteen years connected with the establishment. mftLtt , W WHITE, Proprietor. CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR! FBOM NEW WHEAT. T HE Savannah Stonm Flouring Mills (east end of Broughton strcoi) are now supplying Grocers and Families with an excellent quality or NEW- FLOUR, made tronvNRW WHEAT, Tumi'i.-s'snii. pledat their r.’-sidenres. by trie- t arreL half barrel orquarter biirrel Also, iivsli UlttTS and MFAL by the l>u.shel or half iiusael LIVE OAK CLUB HOUSE, No. 32 GBORGB STREET, L Charleston, South Carolina, Ianow open for the accommodation of transient an permanent gneats. Choicest Liquors, Wines, Ales and Segars ALWAYS ON BAKU. Term*, 02 por XJny. alltf PETER JONES, Proprietor MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Sett Screws, Taps and Dies, 4c., 4c., andslealerrfiii all kinds of Railroad. Steam- sbipand Engineer’s Supplies, oils. Tarnish, Paint, Hemp and Rubber Packing: Oak Tanned and Rubber Belting, Brass Fittings. Chipping and Riveting Ham mers. Files, Chisels, Gas Pipe, Nails, Circular and Gang Saws, Pumps, Steam Whistles, Steam aud Wa ter Gangers, Steam Engines and Saw Mills of every description, 4c., 4c. Also Agents for A. P. WOOD 4 CO.'S celebrated Portable Stoam Engines. O FOB SALE, NE MACARTHY GIN, second hand. Will be sold cheap. . sepJ5 CHARLES L. COLBY 4 CO., for. Bay and Abereora streets. BDWAKfl H ‘YOUNG. CLAYTON B. WOODS YOUNG & WOODS, Bankers & Brokers Eofaula, WILL receive Deposits, buy and sell Bxchange, Gold and Silver, Uncarreitt Bank Notes, Government, Railroad and all other Securities. Will also buy Cot ton ou-nsdnre. — Collections piade and promptly, remitted. I hey will al^mnke ctflf; <4n 1 th”,* W R» rt ° r the Uuited States, linJ*make hash nbvances on cotton consigned to unr /rietida in New York, Charleston, Savannah, Apaiacbicola or New Orleans.'' ' ( Operating on a paid In capital, with onr long es- tnMisbed ertsW, is » sufitelent gunrentee of safety TtSiKlWftSZ -j REFER TO Conatft A Young, i „ York Nourae 4 Brooks, I w * ■ JjAdafos, Frost 4 Co., Charleston, 8. C. * * Johnston, Woods 4 Co., savannah, Ga. Feote 4 MataM, Mobile, Ala. • —- Josiah Morris, Montgomery, Ala. Win. U. Young, Columbus, Ga. John King, Banker, Columbus, G*. Jennings, Wicks 4 Bro., New Orleans, La Guthrie A Co., Louisville, Ky. Shirok A Rowland, lit. Louis, Mil. EFvapla, All, sept. 1.1866. sepS Sm J. W. STEELE, , , (Late Steele 4 BnrbanK) 11 Merchants’ Raw, Hilton Head,So. C t And corner King and George.Sts., Charleston, C IALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail 1 chaseys tu his superior stock of Military and Naval Clothing, aud FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, ic-gjiyasd PIMe Ware, Swords, Sashes, Melts, Rmforeidenea,Boot Caps, Ficfo Glasses. Gauntlets, Gloves, Ac.,;Ac. YELLOW CORN. ^^Qj^Yuehetj’for sale' low, u/ closA'consign raeut,*by BRADLEY, HILL'4 CO,, sep21-tf No. W Stoddarfi< Lower Range. Johnston, Woods & C(H,\ General Commis’n Merohants I*. 10 Stoddard’* Lswsr Eristge, sepl-tf ^SAVANNAH, GA. FERTILIZERS A. Liister & Brother’s RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LME * AND PURE GROUND. BONE* r FHESB FERTILIZERS, being made from the beet JL materials and in the moat approved manner, are confidently recommended as the beet in the market. C. O. CRANE & CO., General Agents for the Mannfactnrers, a .-•■- - Nefafk, N. J. west * 94HKLS, fg»nts.£m- Sepaf 2m Boker’s Bitters For sole at *11 prominent Grocers, Wine Merchants, and Druggists, and wholesale only, by FOR SALE, A SBR, Pula* au30-tf r DRAFT HfifcSE. Apply At iouse&ables. Q Screven Ifonae For Sale, 4 Blake's STEAM-PUMP, in eam|>t«te CHARLES L. CtoLBY 4 00., Oor. Bay and Abereom streets. HERRING’-.S FIRE PROOF SAFES AND v Fairbanks’ PATENT PLITFOKM SCALES. BELL, WYLLY Si CHRISTIAN H AVING BEEN AGESTS for'the above Safes and Scales for the last fifteen years, are now receiving large coilslgniiient* of Safes and Stoales. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE PROOF SAFES, 'with pa.out Cry stab zed lion -Burglar Protif, * ALSO, A large and complete assortment of FAIRBANKS’ PATENT PLATFORM SCALES, from J.JOO poarids dormant down to 4«o pounds. PLATFORM AND UNION, - - GROCERS’, COUNTER, AND -i '- — EVEN BALANCE. The above Safes and Scales are too well known to require any comments. .-Stock e instantly on nand an 1 sold at Manufacturer’a Card Pr ces, . sepl'V [VALUABLE PLANTATION For Sale. rTQBjmbscribev offers bis plantation and appnr- X tenanvYs for hale on reasonablo term,; also, the entire crop of Corn, Colton, Cane, Potatoes, Ac., now in process of cultivation. This Plantation Is sitnated sine mife* from Madi son Court House, Fla, snd twt> miles from Cherry LakcChDrctuwlierelbere are .good schools now in' successful, operaiinn. 'The fertility, of .tbfi hiljiiiil healthful ness of the place, and the high moral tone of the neighbovtiond, make it one of the most desirable place* In the State. The land is well watered with lakes and rnnniDg branches, that have never failed in the meet pro- .traded draught* and. iqenpclca/ediaads are cov ered with the finest oak, hickory and. pine timber. Theplantatoaks now in success Ini, operation, with 400 acres planted in lor.g staple cotton, which will produce at least 2*0 bales: 2T‘i acres in corn, which witt produce 4,< 0 > bushelo corn. The lands on the entire place are composed ol 8A»0 acres—1,000 acres cleared and- under good fences. ., I will also sell eighty head of hogs, fourteen good mules, well broke, two horses, three plantation wag ons. farming utensils to run twenty ploughs, black smith and carpenter stools, due McCarthy Cotton Gin. household an-1 kitchen larniture, and everything else on the place. ' There is an unfai ing well of water on the place, good dwelling hoese and cabins sufficient to accom modates!! the laborers neceaaary to woik the plan- tatloa eucoessfuily. . -U applied for early, the purchaser will get a bar- Rockland Lime. 1 AAA BARRELS -FIRST QUALITY, COBB’S IvUU make, for sale by . septl-tf HICHAROSON 4 BARNARD. Notice. T W. HBVYIT. of the firm of Nevtt, Lathrop 4 (j • Rogers, has associated himself with Lathrop A Co. tn the Jny Goods bustness, at the old stand of HENRY LATHROP 4 CO STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. A FIRST CLASS SPECIMEN STEAM ENGINE and Sew Mill, manufactured to order at the Ful ton -Work*, Ne « York. Codeiatsof aa .eosinuof 40 hone power, return floe boiler, with all the conve niences complete; iron frame, 4o feet carriage; M inch saw; patent eelf-eettiog head blocks; Phi feet tog ehata, with pulleys ami orat eiaau belting for the mUi complete. Thu whole Is perfectly new and cun be purchased towon upoUauthm to au30tf LaROCHK, WEST A DANIELS. The Charleston FLOATING DRY DOCKS, TTANING undergone a thoroogh and complete re- XL pair, are BOW ready to raoeivu all Yeaaels necd- tng the same. " For particulars apply to „ JAMES G. 4 D. C. MARSH, ■epSl-eoddt Marsh’s ship Yard. Advertising in Southern Georgia T HE BAINHRJDGE “CHART AND COMPASSV (formerly tlie “ Rumbridge Argus,offers OTperior indgeemen!* to the uierctmnto of Sa- v*nnali hh an advening n eilium. It b:i$ a and iMpidly increMeing circaUuion in that section, and its terms .are reasonable. A.ltlress WILLIS M. RUSSBIXv E<litQr and Proprietor. Bainbridge, June 11.1S06. - jci^-tf. BABRETT’S T IX 33 ON THIS CONTINENT. It is W.RRASTEn to UESTOIU! C.K'V All' TO ITS-’ ORIGINAI-, NATUJ1AI. Ciq.llK, 111 t-Vf-I V. iSC -t Will STOI Hie hairironi falling oft; it willir c^i i- ■ ad fri-c liumoreaud dmdrnir; i-hohoti: ihe . i:: t- u of ih- uaik, and is a beactiffl dbessino. We offer no large rewards, but Wb • ith ail o: our agents to refund tile mon kv to > y p - iiwhr- will use two bottles, and then siiy U V «ti Yegl TABLE HaIK ItESTOKATrYB has not [,3r -fil e 11 wt tlaiin. Testimony from, the Capital of t: e t.'ni.f. States. Messrs. Barkett 4 CO: 1 was induced lo give your Hair p epai 'ition a trial, aud can heartily recommend if as unequalled as Dressing. Purifier aud Restorer,—giving to the Han a luxuriaiu richness, auj to the head a cool am most agreeable sensation; while it is thorougli in re storing the tmicta its natural color. Very respectfmly, W. Hamlet.. Washington, D. C., May 15,1806. Messis. J. R Barrett A Co: I was induced bv a frieuil to mate « trial nf Bar. rett’a Vegetable Hair Restorative, and I am very much pleased with the effect ir has had oil my hair. 1 was nearly hair gray, and now, before using om bottle, my head is treed from dandruff, anil my hai: has all the appearance of youth. I luily believe Bar rett’s to be the best hair preparation iu ihe-world. • Wm. Hamilton. Fredonia, N. Y., April 26,1866. J. R. BARRETT St CO., Proprietors, Manchester, New Hampshire. JACOB UPPMAN, Corner Congress and JBurnard streets. Agent. Sold by ali Pniggtetp. jy^-tf SANDER A WILKINSON, HARNESS, SADDLERY AND TRUNK STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Under St. Andrew’s Halt, Broughton St., SAVAWNAH,* GA, THE EYE, EAR, AND THROAT. D R. WRIGHT, of Toronto, Canada West, iTiyat dan and -Sorgeon, Oculist sal Aurist, can Is consulted on Deafness, Uirchargcs from the Ear, noisev in the Ucml, Catarrh, Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Ail diseases of the EYE, requiring eitheir Medical or SurgicaJ aid attended to. Office No. 41, inlir. TIiqs. Bnekleris old office qs Lexington street, Baltimore. Md. Office hoars from 9 to 12 A. M., and 3to 5 FLM. j9-»f '■ THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY. ^fe£4 I>oc Street, I*tiila«lelpUla v Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly ate tenlod to. fv31-tf Nutting, Powell & Co. BANKERS, • MACON - . Gr E«0 . C. A. NUTTING, A. H. POWELL, ISAAC SCOTT. arreamnT-. EDWARD PADELFORD, je28-6m -SAVANNAn. BHODES’ THE STANDARD MANURE, AT SO‘4 SO PER TON, cA.SH. jglY-tf .. MILLER, TflOMAS 4 CO, PRIME YELLOW COEN. sale by B. F. SANFORD, At Savannah Mills, east end of Broughton *t„ or by > BRYAN. HAKTR1DGK 4 CO., Bay street. White Corn constantly on band and for sele. Also, choice Corn Mesl sad Grits. fell-If Bailiffs Sale. W ILL be sold on TUESDAY, the SHh day ofOcto- ber, 1886. in Iront of the Court the city of Savannah, between tbo legal hours of sale* the Gtu*ti2Cincksiami 1 oik’-* "Teles tooiPumeroQs to deceaseii. ^^ ^Jded on as the property of Cyras Breder a re”r«>n of color to sat iffy » distrain Warrant issued Sm^rfthellonorable the County Court for the county Bailiff County Court C.*C ■WANTED TO PUKCHASE, FOR CASH^ STORY'BRICK DWELLING. Mast be located to a good neigh boyhood. _ Addieto, stating particulars, auto-tf *“ K. P. TUNISON, Agent Southern Expresa Company. Legal Notices. w hOBi iary for Letters of GuardiauThin th e ocroonsmnd pro|ietty of Limn C « r ' ® the and ° rp " a " 8 0f Grt « FleereojJ ’ Theae are, therefore, to cite and admonisi, .ii ’ It my concern, to be an d appear befwe «aid o * ho « make objection (if any they haveren n? SLS“ , » tt o first Monday in November next otherwi^ 0 -"’!» ters will be granted. ^ merwue Baa lef Witness my official signature foi. Rth ^ September, 1866. D. A 0’BYkvir^ «f seplo-2am2m Ord>m ®’ PTKOF GSOUG1A. t’nATUAjreoT^i- w all whom it may concern t ^heroaa. Ruins L. Xxst»*r will armiv a* f ° r of Admlnislrmioa ” h ' h Cc 'ln tote of James A. Z.trour, late of .said coumy^ These are. therefore, to cite and admonish , * it may concern, to be and appear heforesrid r * ho ® make objection (if any they liarej, „ n ,fr to first Monday in November next nth.™,” - for - lb ters wifi be granted; ' otllc ™ 'Se said Li “““ ’««•«■• « % Ba.IO--.w4w Or.l.,,., 0 ,.;.; 1 ;. 1 '-- mis3ory as executors on the estate of nil . ;: i «- left late of said county, deceased • Klcllard R Cay. These are, therefore, to cite'ami . whom It may concern, to be and appe J h m," 11411 court to make objection (ifa.iv they havei i e S * J fore the first. Monday in December lievf ‘r 0t ^ said leuers will be granted tit ’ otn erwa fitnessmyoffldaUignatnrcthi, Viihdayof Msf , Crdm.Afc.c S 1ACF GEORGIA, t'lIAT. i.l.M COUNTY t all whom it may concern • I i—io Whereas, Ctiae H.olmsteadwill »nni„.... „ of Urdinary for Lot ters bi.mi. i ,,rv P J?f fh, tlC , CMm Charlotte Veadcr, deceased • J a the cetaie o( These are. Therefore, lo citeanfl ailmonlaball ,i it may concern, to be and appear * bo * to make olijection Of auy they havejun 0r V.r 5' jr l rt first Monday in March next. oiher»i,e M, lie will be granted. “'fera Wifhess my official signature, this lift a.,, gust, 1866. D. A. O BVHNi aulS-lainCm Or.nTiarv. S TATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTvT all whom it may conceru: '* 1<1 . Whereas, Jacoli Weinheimer will apply a, tlieCrort of Ordinary for Letters lJismissory as Administrate, OK the estate of Jacob Waiter, late of said count? deceased: , >’ These- arc, therefore, to cite and rdmoni«h whom it may concern, tojie and appear be'ore s»ii' Court to make objection (ll any they fcavcj on or b- fore the first Monday in November nci*,. oihenrii said letters afrlll be granted. Witness my official.signature this23d davotAnri 1866. - - D. A. 015 V UN E, a91* , Qrilinanr. Ol’AW Oh* GEORGIA, CHATHAM-CotMi.^IJ O ail wliour it may concern: Whereas, Barnard G. Tiulen will apply at the Court of ordinary lor Letters Disinfcsory as Admas- trator oil too Estate ol George 8. lirow-u, of county, deceased. Tltese are, therefoir. to cite aud admonish ail whon it may eouceru to be aud appear before said Courtio make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Mouaay in January next, otherwise said ’ettem will be granted. " Witness my official signature, this 26th ilay «; Jnue, IS65. ' D. A. O’KYKNE, je2T-!awlm Ordinary Cbatham County. — ea that I "have VTOTIUE —Nonce Is Iter, by it made application t - the Ordinary of Chaika :onuty for leave to sell all the real estate and Claud property belonging to'ihe estate of Aliyla Ul:; at sixty days from this date. It. T. GldSON, Acting Executor. Savannah. Atigu-.t 31, 1-66. iiim-S-. ir,.m S TATE OF GEOKCiAr CHATHAM CCfijN’iV.-fo all whom it may concern': Whereas, George (Iem.*nden will apply at tie Conft of Ordinary frtr Letter! Dismisson as Adminis trator on the cetaie of llcnry tiermanii, late of said :ounty, deceased: . These are, therefore, to cite ana aatnonieh nil whom it may concern, to b; and aopeur before said Conrtto ob ectiou (il any tUe.f havej on or before the first Monday In November next, oth^rwige said letters will be granted. Witness my signatnre*, this ?f,th (lay of April. 1S06. D. A O’iiYKNE, a27-lamGm* Ordinary. all whom ii. may concern Whereas, John* I). Hopkins will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dirinissory Executor on the Estate of Miss Isabela iiarron, late oi said county, deceased. Tnese are, therefore, to cite an J adnnnirii all whom t may concern, to be and appear b tore said Conrtto nake object ion f if any they hav<7 on or before the Jrst Mouday in January next, otherwise said letters will be granted. • • Witness my.officiil signature, this 14th darof.Iare, IS*;. D. A. U’BY3NE, je!5 0.0. c.^ S TATE O? .GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.- To all whom it may concerns Whereas, .fas. L. Haapt will am>!y at thcConrt of Ordimry for Letters i bsmissory an Atiuiinistratornn :he estate of Jane i;avn*tt, of said comity, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admouii-b al! whom it mtiy concern, to be and appear before said conrtto make obieetioir fif any they have; oil or before the Jrst Monday in Fe >ru,iry next, otherwise said letters will be *:raiitet!. Witness my official signature this GMi day ot August, ISC6. D. A. O’BYRNE, au7-lamfim . ordinary. all whi>m it may concern: Whereas, George A. N :coll wiil apply at the Court *>f Ordinary for Let ers DiSmissory as Adin.Lidraior in the estate of John C. Xicdli, of said connty, de* •ensed ; . ' Tiiegeare, therefore, to cite and aumonisii all whoa it may coucerinlo be and appear before said Court to make"objection (if any they have} on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise said let ters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this 23d day of August, ISfiti nu?5-lamGm D. A. O’BYRNE, Or iu&ry* OTATfci OF GEOKlitA—OHaTiIAM CUlNH-iO O all whom it may concern: Whereas, Dr. Richard I). Arnold will apply hie Court of Ordinary for Letters D smlssory 'ic'-ntor on the estate of Margaret James, late of said county, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish £ vhora it Hfay concern, ;o be and appear at said Co co make objection, (if any they iiavej on or beK.* the first Monthly in December licit, otherwise.^ letters will be gran'ed ^ Witness my official signature this Sth day orM..^. 186« i). A. O’BYRNF. myO-lamGm S TATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.-!- all whom it may cuncci u: „ ., Whereas, HetiianA. CTane will applyatffieCourt, irdinary for Letters Dismisaory a. A*lnntnstrator - :he estate of James L. uliver, ef sain cootuy. «■ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail whotr it may concern, to be and appeal- before said Coon » rivflke objertion (ii fitly they have; on or betoreiCj first Monday in Marelt next, otherwise aaiil k®” will be granted. .. Witness my oflicial signature this 15th my o; gnat, 1866. ■ D. A O’iiVKNE- au’C S TATE OK GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNT!-**! 0 all wliom It may concern : . Whereas, James McGrath will apply at ‘lie t™ of Ordinary for Letters Ptsmisgury as Afinj™® 1 * tor do boms non on the estate ot Thomas Malier- said cone tv. deceased. ' , ... .1 These are, therefore, to cite and atlmorasn a whom it may concern tobean'l appear at tnesa Court, to make olijection. if any they have. uefore the first Mouday in Feoi uaty next, other said letters will lie granted. . , Witness my official signature this 4lh daypf Atg^" 1906. D. A. O'liVKNt- * unO-lamfim OrdmW. l X KORG1A—CHATHAM COUNT !e-To ail s* 101 ” vJ it may concern: .....hi Whereas. Charles C Prendergast will hPP;-. Court of Ordinary for Letters Disnussory as 10 A .. trator cam te-tamento annexo on the estate “ garet Prendergast. late of said county, derei • These are, than-fore, to cite and admonish aa it may concern, to be and appear la-fore sal “tie make objection (if any they have) on br ot' H first Monday in January next, oiherwise »aii* wfll he granted. , ,, P f Witness my official signature this -“Jr 1 Jnlv. 1966 I). A. O’BTK® )j3-lum6m °.-f 0 ^TATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COC-'! 1- o all whom it may concern: ^ H , x j. Whereas, Edward Padelfnrd an 1 VVi-iar: ■ .J'-IJ.., well will apply at the Court of Ordinary for L -, d:^mii*pory ae execufoie on the estst^ Walden, late of said county, deceased. _. ... ,t>otn These are, therefore, to cite and admon !8 “,7, onr t u> it may concern, to be and appear before asm'- fte make objection (if any they have) on or on" n flret Monday in December next, oihenoae sam will be granted. ... ,i«vofMat. Witness my official signature, * hI ! ^byrNE, 15«6- * D - A ' OrdiMfr gy30-tam6m vSrvCTo S TATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM C° L * all whom it may concern: rte Court Whereas, Valentine Greet will a P p, .w. n ,or on the of Ordinary for^MvPismistory asTto^,, de- estate of Ann E. Bowen, late ot sata w C6 Tlu>se are, therefore; to cite and whom It may concern, to be- n ® ,ld ®P^ e ave ^n or h°* Court to make objection (i. any they ha e) he[WS e tore the first Monday m Novembei next, eaidlettfrs wfll be granted. .. , 9th divofApn 1 - Witness my official signature this 1966. * , U - Or.'MV. «20 S TATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM CO .« all whom it may concern: 5. And«- Whereas, Robert U. Anderson. ., lt court son. Jr., and W-S- Chisuolm vil jg “ n me o* of Ordinary for Letters of Admtnistiat.ou tate of Joliu W. Anderson deceased , a .j whom These are, therefore, to cite and adm™f. : conr tu it may concern, to be and appe iir W , e _ he f, re ** make objection (if anv they have! °“ "-yj letter* first Mom lay m October next, otlierw^e - will be granted. -, h of A u ' Witness my official signature tnm - l, " Y RNli. gust 1866./ kill bs2(“ “• ^“iarK^s. S^nteunVr 3. 1S<W ftBORGIA—CHATHAM < " v Pfmwm : Minis will aPP^/°onf tSSV9&5£EEZS&cW- ► ^Tkree are, therefore, to die “/^““said Court it may concern to be and appear before ^ f , e fore tb ® K^S^21!SSKST~“3• ; ■"' , ' f* icsa D- A - u QtilBttJ' 1866. JET-lawlm