The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, October 06, 1866, Image 1

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Daily News and Herald. PUBLIBHKD BY s. W. MASOV. * > 111 Bat Steot. TERMS! Savannas, Gao .RlvtaOtntt. $3 60. *10 00. per COP? •••Ji * Per Hundred PsrY®-'r* ,# * ,. T GS OP AOVEUTI8ING. "* anriBE, first Insertion, $1.60; tee hi taaer- m News and Herald avl it i« l Mr J’ eac - « 7SceuU per month-, and I, iMoed «rory itaa.rfaay|l tfijf y<^ i JOB PRINTING, Bev-ry stylo- neatly and promptly done. By Telegraph. MORNING JDKjPATCHES. FROM SEW YORK* (jen. Dix and thA Minion to France. T HE NATIONAL EXPRESS ^Coil#ANY IN COURT. jjRlTiL OF XORE SPCCIf. COTTON DECLINING THE MARKETS. yiw Y»ek. Oct. 6—Noon.—Gold 149X* Exchange ominal, IX tor sixty days. Oottab declining; nomi t ; Uj-iindi 39^40o. Orleans 41^42c. Flour firm, pork firmer, $38 25® $33 37. Lard quiet D:x leaves ou the 27th for his mission to France. Ine cate of Joslyn against the National Express Ccaipaay was beft>re the Court yesterday. A motion made by defendant's counsel to dissolve the iu- {suction which bad previously been granted in the ,n. Judge Barnard reserved his decision. Steamship Saxony arrived with ninety thousand pounds sterling in gold. MOM EUROPE. BY ATLANTIC CABLE. TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN ITALY AND AUSTRIA. THE MARKET. Fl/Oisxcs, Oct. A—A treaty of peace between Italy lad Austria has been flpally signed. * Liverpool, Oct. 4.—Cotton market quiet, with to day's sal'*s of 10,000 bales, middling uplands at 15d. Lj>dox, Oct. 4.—Thors is no change in the Loudon Boaey uurxct. Consols 39>4; U. 8. Five-twenties FROM WASHINGTON. Raiapse of Secretary Seward. HIS SON APPOINTED ACTING SECRE TARY OF STATE. Resignation of General Torbott. WiSBiNaTON, Oct. 5.—Secretary Seward is again ^uteiii, having a relapse, it is said, of the disease from which it was hoped he had entirely reoovered. Mr. Fred. W. be ward has been appointed acting beo- retaryef State. ILyoMjeneral Torbett has resigned. from TROY, NEW YORK. Honors Io General Wool. EXPECTED LETTER FROM THE PRB9IDBNT- Imt. y. y M Oct. 4.—A gran 1 dinner is to be given terete (Jen. Wool in the latter part of the month, it is gaid, a letter from President Johnson de future policy, will be read. Georgia Items. Macos- asi> Brunswick Ralroad.—The Br-iu-wicfe Courier, of the 28th says: We ire happy to be able to announce lo the friends of ibe ci;y of Brunswick, that the completion of this road to No. 7, on the At- iimtcand Gn.f Railroad, is now assuming a taugib'e shape. Tue President of the road mu a ci)i suimiiou with our City Council *111011 w u satisfactory to both parties, aud wt.l restilt, we hope, iu the speedy commencu- j tnl 01 operations on this end of the road. firraoseaieDts have already been initiated for w purchase of iron, aud nothing ie now ne- cesiiry but a few preliminary arrangements * „ e ciminieuciug the grading, a very ®*“ omouot ot which is to be done. Diimtombmo tub Federal Brad —This r t lias^ commenced iu this vicinity, and nicontinue until all the remains shall have efi transierreu to the National Cemetery at r.etta. The work will proz-es as rapidly tssalute will admit.—Atlanta Intelligencer. Scdden Death at Gritfin.—The Southern cald, of yesterday, makes the following '•ccuDcement: . „ , J'Wisto our lot to record the sodden H.rl ,r 0ar fai Khly esteemed citizen, Major vJi Ioore ’ lhat '°°h place in this city on morning, about half past ten d ecea9e d occupied a high po- “ c « a member of the bar of Georgia. Accepted thb Call.—Rev. John Fulton, ^ Columbus Sun, has accepted the ■vj? become rector ot the Episcopal itv am ID lhar city. We congratulate the wtra-p t * le church upon securing the min- dipj. 1 ^ of 8ucl * an “hie, useful and popular fern* Picthmu.—While cotton picking, 'in., j ® ran g e New s, progresses, not- '“-Hodiug the wet weather, the latter, to- " r with the worms, wiil cause the se ason Hu ‘upaiauvciy a ouuti uuv. vuC pldu* ; die neighborhood informed us ot bis declaring that, whereas a few ** dnee be felt justified in expecting groan under a weight of fortune, ^'‘hundred pounds to the acre, he would ' I'^ed now were he to- realize seven k ltca - This is discouraging, for, besides Jr* unexpected losses the heavy As* upon gJS claimed by the Government win very My decrease the planter’s profits. , bseto, wfcerwM tbs Ant i, UmO, belns intended se A’ tiikfloetiooe n on teetf. ship*. In the on wbi for use <k fiikfloetioo* or on beeAl ehipe. In the third weapon compressed ,teem or gas ere employed * 01 Eajoba with AxoxaaoxvjiAB.—A. PUi- f* a Virginia Confederate, tue written ebook ■ el Perience in Northern prisons. The book ink!? ‘‘‘ u Venculis; or The Prison of Wer,” end ^Uedby B eloet fc Co., of Memphis. We select '^gpaSMgM; < btj the b»sie of my comparison, the pat* “f^e ^yten Andersonribeptisenen, *• ito * Uo *ed to come North on their represents- f ten.,7„ ej ’ ““hi induce their hnuene government jHi exchengfe. Van.i Spes. gdwin H. *' ua o aTe **““ 'h® whole of time die before Ge “- Lee en able-bodied eoidisb Uilm^u'ek* -Hrfirti’tltee ont ef epepSeiien of ^Hliti, ?f thousand at tbet pen, six thousand. Site **'• whole, died between the tint of >1 the * flr,t of August, 18S4. Now st m n q i *“ not made «e tU th* last of a ,i “to,^ S 0 e P , * mb «weetbe flr,t fcfiTtk^dmr- C <* aud^ wthnnte of the moruuty of tbe camp ‘ itt odr«d Vv? ow ’ out thoasaod gsaisaar' ^ thswtecvf At Elmirs it was four per cent: el JM)«leaa than three pep cent. M the mor- S th? fc r *®vllta, had been * as glew asWEL should have' bewi one thotnand k *’ 1| ‘>n,h ™ afor typer month, or fifty par ceaL ‘hey were. _ Journal gives a lktolttitrteen ^ — —u B 3 and prince* now living in a Psrts of Europe. ZZ2 Vto f lately, cglied upon and eewu^telly 4b- forrned that if she made an application far a pension both to the Empefec find koneieur Tould. Mipistir' of Finance, they weald eertainly feel disposed to' firtetnae. Ifadanw Hoosa npliad, that net only wtmld ebe nti ippjy'ttr ohWbnt wtafild' each M pen? eion hi offered her, etar W ould leei n ber : S»te de- cllneit Vre-Y*rTTnh r.UriollJ UKAfi Accidents front terelyps driving are getting daily more numerous la Ruia. A fatal pa* tote place two days elnoeteltbe^lenlbvard de Babeetopol, pear the Sgoara 8L /aegfiae La Bonteerie. A ladf. WltJt her two dhfldren. in attempting to cross the street, was knocked down by an emmibea. the wheel of; which ernahet her head. The ohifdm were trahtort, The PiAnoe ImperUl, though bqt tea yetn oC age, has already reoeired several deeoretlone The King of Greece has Just conrsrred ihe Order of theSriour ‘ * Itch thg. Princess Dagneon, of Denmark. :J/,H 3'W3WW\ .T8 TA The EtiiueReglves the following fiat of the amount of the population of Paria at d*^s epochs: rear. uoo U74 1930.. .. i»o ;..... iwo 1719 I 1783 , run >). ans.. ;....! 1784 1793.. ., XJJL.- ................ 120.000 ...r iso.oao 210,000 2flB,o0o 492,000 609.000 1616,000. 660,000 1806 1806.. 1809.. 646,746 680,809 714,MB 783*896 774*388 1831.. 1863 1,190,000 Ififig .v... A.7WJ00 A magnificent maoeoleam bee been erceded in Highgate Cemetery, in honor to the memory of the celebrated pugilist Tom Sayers. This tomb, wbloh has been erected by the lovers of the noble art of self-defence, la In the form of a mas sive bower, with a medallion of the deceased boxer. On the bears and at ita foot is carved a dog, lying down. Quien ?—Which is the more worthy of the monament, the mayor the faithful dog? A German joaraal givaa a fiat of dethroned Princes who now live in different parte of Europe. Firiti there is Don Miguel dethroned in 1830, who resides hi Germany; next the Count de Chamboir, if! exile since 1830. Then the Orleans family, who re side in England; Leopold and Ferdinand, of Tuscany; Francis V, of Modena, and the Duke of Parma,’ who lost their thrones in 1860; and Francis IX, Xing of Naples, dethroned in 1800. m 1863 Xing Oiho was driven from Greece. The lfttii nter sprrflte by the King of Btuevsg the $*-f**— T— 1 addi tion to whom we may add Prinoe Conza, who resides in Paris, and the Prince of Augustenhurg, wlici fives in Bavaria. The Qiornale di Napoli atatea that a brigand Chief named Pave, who haunts the Terra de Ladoro, has very exclusive ideas about the profession he ex- ardaea. Be brooks no rivals, and not only denounce* any <ftmr 'gentlemen uf tbe highway” whs practice on Siadiatrictaa "impoaters,” hut actually ameika aud Our Paris Correspondence, [9pse^FCerr|Spo|dencj.'Of the xtj> Hdlalp. Paan, Sept. 14.1866. RlfllfARCK’S CROWNIKO Of TU RDIFIOB. U appears now certain that Hohenzellnm. Jack ot all work, la about to go through the popular farce of universal suffrage and the elect of the people. The decree has appeared and the electors have been con voked. Bismarck is never toibo fMtht napping, tot °( *+° hunted a^d pinetyjaie Migies to be elected! one hundred and ninety-three belong to ancient Pi eia aa it existed belore the pilfering took place. Amongst the many good qualities of the Premier, prudence. Is, perhaps, his greatest. taowever, to htee only iome to the second act of the grea£’German’dtonaTsnd the Praestan has yet Along |arf$o May ijut He has. however, so* fanptetmg hte-teequering propenaijea to the otherwise peaceful deputies of the Premier cham ber. He has already said to them that the division of Germany in two confederations it bat temporary, and thaftfie wkige of thpTghfgh'ef Tktherland will ory out for union with the north. Iu the mean while the ambitious Premier is prun ing mud paring right and Mt to bis Ipgrt'a content, fie hasjusf taken a fancy To qjart h^Oldenbarg. whioh he has laid hold of and intends adding to Prus sian territory. Hewever, Bismarck’s appetite is not satisfied. He may wants the king of Saxony to give him the fortress of Konigstein, end the King of Holland bo give him the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg. Ibtm, he WST11 be Abie to point one hundred, cannon fit France and an other at AesHa. It Is very likely that he will again ton hie ends,’as he botorii to tfi OSe apoill child of Europe at present, and is allowed to cut up Germany at will, ( , - I The tyrannical Bismarck’s con-system will, we fear, haahortly applied to Belgium if the, preaa of that na tion be not a little more utrcSmepect fa* the Intare, and do ncil abstain from toiag th* Prussian Premier sqgh hard raps on account of,his piofcing and sweating propensities. The eemi-offleial PrU&iafi papers are eli'eaay throwing outhints to their cotemporenee in Bel glnm to be on their guard, a* the Prutsian Gottatore has already his eye upon them ami ie only waiting to punish the unpleasant truth “tilers. Our official papers wish to make ns believe that Bel gium will at all times be respected, but we know the adage, L’affistU vurit en mangeant. The different reports respecting the health of our Emperor do not agree. The organs of the TuUeries tell ue that liis Majesty has very much unproved since kis return from Vichy, and those who pretend to be well informed on the subject, affirm that the Empe. ror la still laboring under severe rheumatism. Napo leon III. abstains from political business as much possible, and is about to start for Gompiegnea, where he we will be able to enjoy a little relaxation in the pleasures of the chase. The intended journey to Biarritz, to join the Im press and the Prince Imperial is etiiely set aside. We^ow get more f«lae news by telegrams than true, and news is now given us every day, which is almost sure of being contradicted the following. Tele grams told ns last week an interview had taken plaos at Biarritz, between the Queen of Spain and the Em press of the French; but suoh is not the case. The intended Journey of Queeu Isabella has been re tarded by the sudden illness of one of the Spanish Princesses, who is now attacked with measles. Things look gloomy In Spain. The large towns are being constantly kept in a state of siege, and the Queen is every day getting more and more unpopular, as shs persists in not sending away those, who it,is suposed urge her to oppose liberal-measures. Bister Patrocino. and Father Claret have a most baneful in fluence on the Queen, constantly menacing her with the wrath or Heaven if she consents to countenance the doings of Victor Emanuel in the Italian Penlm aula. voxtuoal a’la mtussninra. The King of Portugal, who is himself an sssoteur gunsmith, intends introducing the breeeh-lcuding guuintohii army, tho’it is not likely that he la ex posed to any attack from without. The revenues of the French General Post Office, which equal at present the revenues oi a Stats of the third order, were not always so great. In 1163 the administration of the Post Office wee let for l,200,000f. In 1778 it amoeuted to 13.0C0.009; in 1841 the snm swelled to 48.043,4391, which was almost doubled dur ing the peat year. A Lyons newspaper relates the following anecdote, which, if not true, ie at least, as the Italians say, “been trovato/’ A few days ago, about 11 o’clock at night, an individual wearing a blouse, entered the Lyons railway station at Paris. His arrival caused a general alarm amongst those present, as he led by a cord an immense bear. The bear, however, was muzzled and followed his master, wagging its huge head, and appeared so gentle and lame that It toon won the esteem of the assembled company, some of whom even went so far as to fondle ths tenggy ani mal. The bear and master, having taken a thirk class ticket for Marseilles, conducted the bear to the train where it wae duly labelled and installed in a special compartment. When nearly arrived at Dijon, one of the railway guards had the curiosity to see into the box Where the* .week, bear was, and to his surprise he beheld the wild beset unmuzzled, with its bide opened in-front; quietly oc cupied In reading Le Petit Journal, with a bottla of wine placed on the seat beside him I Indeed, the bear was so occupied with his paper that ha did not perceive that he was being gaxed upon. ^ Aa soon as the train arrived at Beaune, Jack and hismaater were pre-ented to the station matter, and it was then found that the two men, wot having suffi cient money to pay their journey to Marines, bad agreed that one of them should dress up as a baar, la order to pay a smaller sum. The two man were sent back to Paris, under the charge of fraud towards the railway company, and also lor robbing, it appearing that they hsa stolen the bear's skin. Tbegarden of the Luxemberg, white was threatened with the destructive hand of Monsieur Haussmazui, the Prefect of the Seinw is for the present to remain untouched. Our theatres are preparing their winter pieces, and we bear that the scenic art will - display .wonders yet unseen in any country. m vhtbhsax. zxsnmoy or 1867 now sails all our attention. The Emperor takes ad vantage of every spare moment to go and inspect the works ROW progressing rapictly. . 0/ Paris la brushing itself up, and every proportion is being made for the stranger. Amongst other eimvea- lencee being contrived to make things ran smooth for On*e gears rose bed fads port en Thsredsy, wfafifijsrge those not acquainted with the in* and outs of Pariolte 'number of p—rp'ge^ some* throe’ htiMwif'M on. isarreeird aad fited ten dollar*. Tbatie, story of that cron But stheTO anceead it, wtik. per- lftp*, a” Tiriatioffin the total*.' Tbh editor toy tjfar conductor tot hold of a man wba .wae ten mesh tor Mm, wl:Sn he called to his assistdkee'thd drtfamfd iiriother’dlto—• fitofc? strapping feQcw,Vror that in kMibUrfae.tafafette.passenger up infai£armsa*£, - eeepilLd attaints the street. The pstashgertreHad upon a couple of ngl Instate’ to arrest the >ey {efitoed to jftJX fid die Lightning as a Fhotoorafhbe.—An Eng lish journal reooeds the following singular oci:u*fijnp,y hapMffi > Kaftand, ;i"uxIfTlireerMi Taught In a thundt* storm, sought the shelter of * tree, with large overspreading branches. They, had not long been under tbeir shelter before •IfrfftVief lightning UhmiitatmXthp at-U ■MramtfairaMHfS circle around the tree in a curiously terpent- >oe fashion, and- upon exemHHOg one of the lads it was found, that upon bis left ride was imprinted wnfi 1 “pliblographic accuracy the perfect image of «tree, with its fibres, leaves aad branches. >, HOLD MEDAL BHfiRRT, PoBT AND MADK1EA, HARVEST BOURBON, WHEAT NUTRIENT, OLD HOMESTEAD RYE. In addition to our business of selling-Wluae, etc. la eglgh'al packages, and la order to lasuee to con- Muaers Pure Liquors in a compact and non vented form, we commenced the enterprise or bottling aud packing In cases our well known Wines, Brandies. Whiskies, etc , and have sent them out In a style that I wuaId preclude the possibilit* or, tbeir bourn tam- ' pWM WUk before reach lag the purchkato -We gen eral appreciation and gratifying success that has re warded our efforts has encouraged ns to maintain tlie standard as regards quality, also, to make in creased efforts to retain the confidence and patron age which lias beau so liberally bestowed upon uo. _ fc BLNINGER A GO., Established 17V8J- Importers of Winer, Ac., No. 16 Beaver street, New York. The above popular goods are put op In cases con taining one dozen bottler each, and are sold by H . G. R U W E, SAVANNAH and all prominent Druggists, Grocers, etc. OPINIONS OF THB PRESS. The name ot Biuinger A Co.. No. 16 Beaver street, » a guarantee of the exact and literal truth of what ever they represent.—N. Y. C o. Advertiser. The importing house of Biuinger A Go.. No. 16 Beaver street, is conducted upon principle* of Integ rity, fairness, and the highest honor,—N. Y. Evening Express. Je6-DeodAWly Insurance, a. knickerbocAb . n*.. ■ t -4,’^ ui fiJ trV:.V U L . LIFE INSURANCE Of Niw Y«rih m/mm i‘ I j’l *1- 1 BBAJtH OFFICE 89VLY STREEL .nrziar. give* them up to th* people. Ha lately rent lour of. BARRETT’S oompetitors to fait meanest port of Gepd’armes, rrqaeatAng tham to b4 severely puuiabsd, "Setting a thief to catch s thief ’ i» nothing to this, hut we are sorry to dud that "honor amougt thieves 1 'is un known in Calabria. Mr. Valetou, proprietor at St. Aigne, whilst Causing son* agricultural works to be oarried on, has lately discovered the foaeelixed remains of a human foot The foot measures 69 centimetre* long and 1G centimetres broad. The breadth of ths heel la 11 centimetres. The foot appear* to haroworn a shoe. Tbatoee, though disttaeUy ya*rt*d, af# voile, and the inset tue nail ie plainly marked. The heel is well formed, aud the foot la attached to portion of the leg, which la broken 4 Uitle above the unlop faf the two ankle bones. ■' J' Onr New York forrespendeace [From our Regular Correspondent ] ept 28, 1866. Nkw York, , fato crow agar of public talk this week have been Madame Birtori, the Pittsburg Convention, and last, though perhaps’ not least, Gen. Dix. Opinion is not divided aa to whether the General will accept the mission to France or the position of naval officer; but there era moi e believer* m ths latter than ths Sorer or. j The mitalcn to France ie -highly honorable, but tho General ie getting along in years—may in fact have btgun to turn into the “aero and .yellow,” end is diapfeedtu take hie oomfort; end at hie age comfort consists in staying at fiome^particulatjy when It lj worth $50,C0O continues to attract great audience*. She has appeared once this week In Brooklyn, the moral—u Bo*ton la the Intellectual hub of tho universe. In Brooklyn several murders and dlvoroa ctaaa are reported this rwltale of them^ro patoffiatlF batty, ktetace, Thfareday te$hfa toW cute American citizen of African descent, formerly a slave, and now a freedman. He pocupied a stet in fai*upi«r p very Intent apeotator. After the play was over toms one asked him; "Major, bow dldyqalika it ?’*■ "Golly, masse, fua’ rate, only t couldn’t uhiler- ataafaa word she mid—Ml t&inot*ian.“ I reckon there were hundred* iathaataUeace too knew UUle more about what was laid than the poor African; but all Eked the performance fas’ rata. Si CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR I ■V-. -FROM. NEW. WHEAT: .— t flE Saia’nnah Stc -m Flodnng Mills fetal end of Broughton struct) are now supplying Grocers aud Families Wild an excellent quality of NEW FLOUR, mode lroiu NEW WHEAT, Families gnp- plcdat their resideueeB. by the barrel, half barrel, orquarter barnl Also, Iresh GRITS and MEAL, by the bu.lifei or half busbd an’ - way*, is tho establishment of TH* XKHDEZVOOS, an International and commercial' daft, which will bo opened in the most oentrol part of Paris, and wily offer every accommodation to m erchania and commer cial men who may happen to bo residing in Paris at the time of the Universal Exhibition. Thta estab- ttiparativeiy a abort one. One plan- -Hehmete will answer ell the purposes of a first rate gentleman’e club, and the commfats has b*41 sense to make it zteffljM* to fvfau thoge x^h the good o do not Whilst soma are aotively employed in furthering the ifficoit naAcfae of Interests of pesos in bringing the difficult On world together; others srO racking ISeTr brains in order to And oat rapid and nMteln 1 Methods of "klll- lng God’s eroatures ” ' ’ " L Ths Opinion NaUanale thros new eaglEss in the art of sieur Perrot. The first a musket with tores Itersls, WhioU project from ten to twenty bullets peril sec ond. or from nine hundred to twelve hundred p« minute. The motive power is compressed air, and the ballets drop without intermission into the barrels from shopper white contains severs! thousands. The to project atones or combustible matter In. tattnient quantities to crush, or bury the beeeiger laiiii trenches or batteries. Monziew Ferret calculates that two pounds’ weight of prqjfcfales per second die. ohergvd, which quantity ^aybw tecirorod trnhdd. And auppgafaffi ike to be half a pound, and' bat on* men we* killed to every hundrad dtatrCTOd in twenty-fan* boon -by* tongto loooaeotivw'wtoffd bn 172.800. The writer declare* th*tt%»',® d,littln< > 0T ‘ rrament wished to obtain. possession of those armv but Mr. towt pretasrod- tereesrte hUdfivtefiteJor the zitoiee of biz wn> toUlfff ~ l -\;. j :i a zratmen Ittdzmtr Flocou. flrii VldPw of the tote metpbernf the Frovieional Goveniment of the French Republic of 1448. who 11 firing in Paris with bat very limited The tots lerribie dlssstsr in Aveune A, by white many lives were teorifioed, has created adezlof itiiUei- tudr on escape*. . Hundreds of pro- r i. >..»g tlfagnsyon - "How should I escape if my hones were to be burned ?’’ The qpee- tien seems In a fair way of being answered ^tiafao- torily by the introduction of* new Inventloz/or white arottetkto I nnter««*nd, been pranored. It cam be applied to Sny hbtUe, and trill provide mean* of exit from a^y portion of faM building, end. yet, when not in nee, lt|prewnta no potior appearance thealbat of a’ •’leader"-’or wnteropdnt. This, by a very ’ staple Mecheaieal eontrtveees.' Is tamed into a znbettettol iron ladder, by Means of white, upon occasion, vain- aM* live* imt be sewed. The Inventor, if hi* plan Is snooesafto will .fcftaV* UtaAanto ot th* oommumly, to say nothing of a snXrwuait reward in greenbacks. mmuM,tovt>, : i5|‘ Among them were General Beauregard am Juignet, manager of the French Open in tlxfin city, with • new batch of ringer*. The cent phrase, "fisw are you General Beauregard ?*’ has been turned into a sober question by hundred* of the admirer* to the, r~ -toth Screven, Bavannali. General’s talents rince Us arrival. There ore a great -many Southerners In New York, and a hug* number of them have paid their rayeeta to their stahtoo,' ~ citizens generally hero not derated ths General. The personal eoluttna of the dally press someEst contain qyeer znnoonewerota .. On* reoanlly sail "A young tody, an taphun; IT yean otege, ot refine ment and good oducalton, would Bin to adopted by' a family of wealth, AddeoteAe.” Thto edynruse- ment I* net taro mggesttv* than many ethHn appate-’ tag lmtoeaeme fatemu. xTlte fhtayoung lady of “reftne&«riMd>odd HMarionf tolifind some One of watath to adopt hor. even thoqgh ah* says nothing BnsctttansDpg? lie* of wealth" there are that would -healte to adept a BUMi^Wyoung-IOdrofMHdtitot sAi tocd lo cation" of that to hvnnild to faogff L ^ 41<4 it is a wicked wefid, this wo live in, and them to no ecd rltharime taiq iota and sin I vwz dan bras tonuwea . _ - la trow ins I,, *ji ' . ' ... ‘ taoent Bperiai Wtox Mo terms ot tbtoool+ta- _ i 11 *® “ ,nt l ** l> ®—LMtoft'tof t-MPg sixty day*’tun*. a» h*™«W» »«**- erml thleg New Yottasue tho moot rorMrifa :ti;r In ths world eomtofita, ttudr ngfato 4ft Mhfcf ptotoeto them igriMt tat extorGem ofeftf roffioatP oomptelro. and the ronsiqfmta to tho rrififtt itori* poniz* go on charging tho old lhra,'ssdie«fa4uptnlM payment. Brooyday, naariy, tfaarafa . mtaritM b^ 1 * pjgjf rioppod—other prorongera dented tha^ Tt be mt in motion again—th* oonduotor and pasarozar ham a Mflo-the peoteoger to put ofi-tho ozndwto ON THIS CONTINENT. It is wsbranted to xxsroKX ox.-’r :t*iK to m ORIGINAL, NATURAL COLOH, IO every 1 tec 11 Hill STOP Mie Imir from FALLING orr; It wllllr el-n: tad from liumoraaod dxndruff; FROawrx the gRG\> n of ibe HAIR, and is u beautiful drkssing. We offer no large rewards, but we uth > all ol uur ageuwto REFUND THB MON BY tO V J |,i» n who will use two bottles, aud then say Ba - m V'EGF table Hair restorative has not pee jru.e all we claim. Testimony prom the Capital <tTVs Vnke, state*. Messrs. Barrett fa Co: . 1 , j I wm Induced to give your Hafrp epaiation a trial, and can hearLliy recommend It as unequalled as a Drcrsiug. Purifier and Restorer,—giving to the Hair a luxuriant richness, and to the head a cool and most agreeable sensation, while it is thorough la re storing the hair to Its natural color. Very respectla-Jy, W. HAMLET. -Washington. D. C., May 16, 1866. Messrs. J. R Barrett A Co: I was Induced by a friend to tnak atria! of Bar rett’s Vegetable Hair Restorative, And I ’em very mm«8 pleased with toe • Sect It has had on my hair. 1 v»*9 nearly "half gray, and how; before using one oottle, my head is freed from dandruff, and mv hair has aH the appenrauee of youth. I mlly believe Bar ren’s to be the best hair preparation In the world. Wr. Hamilton. Fredonia, N. Y., April 26,1866. J. H. BARRETT * CO„Proprietor*, . Manchester, New Hampshire. JACOB LIPPMAN, Corner Congress and Burnkfd streets, Atent T~ aold by all Drugglate.. .jyfc-tl Emigrants Can be Supplied WITHIN TEN DAYS. |1HE undersigned are prepared to supply Planter. L And other parties who may he in want of WHITE LinuRKiifl. and have made necessary arrauye- .... , ijers on arrival of the steamer here, and transported to the points where they are wanted at Employers’ expense, and the Bmpiojers have further to pay a certain sum per Itead in advance, partly as aeenrtty and partly for covering the expenses in bringing the Emigrants from the North to this port. The rate at which Farming Laborers can be se cured wifi average about glU per year, the Employ era finding them. ,. For further parficotorato^to ^ ^ Jones’ Block, Bay street. One door East of Banuurd Mrtct, barannah, Ga. references: ; Jficfceofi * Lawton, -avannab. John W. Anderson A Son, Savannah. Solomou Cohen, Savannah. ,,,, Jrttr. c, Ferrlll, Savannah. Nicholia, Camp <t Co., Savannah Geo. A- Cuyler, Savannah. , W. R. Fleming, Savannah. —ldwlfirfOo., Savannah uvanotah Nation a) Bauk a Savannaba McKAY, BLISS & CO., :*l U ffii| airiAdi Cash advances nude on contigiutaiBU » fwtfiiiber, Cotton, Navml Store*, kc. ■ The *i>of*taBined house offeribb*m>I UlWei the sale of Southern Products, aad respectfully Reft tearignment* dUrtawtf MoXAT. BUBB A CO, 146 Browlwax. N. T. SALE OF 1 MACHINERY MATERIALS, &C^ AT THE STATE WORKS Ml .1 - 1., A. GREENVILLE,'8- C. DT] r . - 1 * 1 ■ litaMB nrnr MM. out a*8 jma m eqnat Iron' Bands and Arrow-Ties. - * :w L— , i Ai JOBtTHSR supply of Banda XV and for sale by 0034-lw 4- ANDRXW LOW * CO. RESIDENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Policies Written at the Branch Office and Losses Prompt ly Paid. 50 Per Gent Credit Given, WHEN DESIRED. DIVIDENDS PAID IN CASH, ADDED TO POLICY, ; np OF NOTES. Non-Forfeiture, E n d. o w m © n t AND Life Pol&oieta Written. Call and get a Circular setting forth latte *¥fi - mr Wo hare PBHale orPremtam for ovary part of the OaUodSiatte NoBmlu of travel within the civilised aottlemteta. This feature to oworiaUy fa vorable to Southern cn.toatara. aa many Companies are iu th* habit of charging extre mes for th* privi lege of residing South dortag ■r- EOTSfl Insurance. THE 08ILCTH0RPE Miscellaneous. A. AC8TKLL, Atlanta, Georgia, W. U INHAK, (Late of Georgia,) New York. & Inman, No. 86 WaH street, • NSW YORK. dally prepared to make liberal cash ait M roneptooitto oil onantoproant* to m Merchants and Planter*, both ef till, place and at Our etrenciro tarooghoot the Sooth. Oar. Mr. Anetea, ef Atlanta, will arrange ndvanenrents there. Cotton end mer- eOandta An b* forwarded loro with dtopatah by ouragefals, Messrs, Brady a fioeer. orSevannsh. We will exerf onr Met em rgles to give e»Usftction, aad ptoasoto the tatenste of our pauox^ Qtajuiamti from our Souihern friends respect* fhnyaoUrited. ‘ be Comp’y J. T. Taro 11, Me*. si fieassiasis Tens, At thrir OOtotb, Ilf Buy IfaraeL S. W. Hereer O. S. Hard*# William Hunter A.S. Rartrldgo A. Potter B. Morgan J. Stoddard J. T. Thomas \V. Bem.hart P. L-Gas H. A. Oran# Directors: M. 8. Cbhen •* - - J. leoa J. W. Neritt DO. Fuse L. J. Galtororthi F. W. Sim* O. Butler M.I W. W. Gordon agyT-tf •’ B. P. Claton, Augusta 3. W Knott, Macos W.*H^roung,*Colambnr S.B.HABRIN6T0N. OffiAUBDf CVEKY VARIETY OF FURNITURE IB SELLING GOODS Lower Than Airy Other House ur lifAHAH. HOTELS AND STEAMBOATS FUBNI0HCD. A. WILBUE, (Hmend Manager. WM. R. BOYD, Agent. R. D. ARNOLD, CdinRttf PlT&Ciai. EASTON YONGE, Examiniog Physician. **pll->r Gtaeral Insurance /»• JSjtj AGEN CY FIRE, MARINE, Life and Accident. INSURANCE EFFECTED LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. JafaioLi PARLOR SETS, extra well upholstered.' FINE BHD MOIL Watoot and Ha ApptflT-^ J jVi III 1 fill 5 U U : COTTAGE BED ROOM SETS; of eyery t j, i.s i.-t DINING BOOH aad LIBRARY SETS. MATTRESSES, BOLSTERS and PILLOWS of ail kindi. .3cU0H iJi 4A3H’ KITTLE ’S FOLDING SPRING BEDS aad * MATTRESSES; Mis boat. Bod in and Wi others: OR to all LACE AND GAUZE MOSQUITO CANO PIES, ag^jQ^pP^ r FBAME& :.U’i, •aST-tm Harannah Inntltnte FOR Young Toadies. T HB BZBRC1S&8 of this School will be resumed October gib. • X8 * LANCASTER, • , JOHN B. MALLARD, Te.diare of Janior and Senlos Olaeaea, Teacher of Preparatory Department. . Pbof. DEITZ, Teacher of French. Mas. PELOT, Teacher of Fennmanahlp. Dr. CHARTERS will lecture on Natural PhUoao* phy, and Dr. HARB18S on Physiology and Hyctat*. atfi, OC2-1W J. 8. F. LANCAbTl_ Principal. Steiger’s Volks Kalender PRICE—U Ca Far sale by oc8 shill k my. MARTIN J. FORD, ATTORNEY ATT LAW, OFVICK. N*. ft BRYAN I jylT-6m SAVANNAH, OA. Wax and Pearl Flowers. rriHK ART of maktog WAX and FXARL VLOWKBS A la taught In an elegant manner, and in a very short time, by ‘ Mro KLIZA KEOGH, Coraar of Broughtuu end Barnsnl streela, Jy26-tf Over L. Price’ fitcra. Notice 1 8 HEREBY GIVEN that the partnerships hereto* fore -slating under the nimea of Hiller, Thomas A Go . In savannah. Ga., and Thomas. Livingston * Co.. Madisoa, FI*, have been dissolved by the detafa of D. O Llvtagefon, one of the partners. A. 3. MILLER will give his attention to th* boat- ness in bevannab, ana 8. B. THuMAS to the bnlhieta. la Madison, ta liquidation. A. J. MILLKli. & & THOMAS, August, 1966. Surviving Fartnen. Th* mb* ribere will continue the Grocery and Com* mission Buetneea In Savannah, Ga. at tho store ocv eupted by tb« late firm, on Bay street. ’ August, 1866. - MILLER T . A BROTHER. The sabscrlber solldte for the new a conttnuano* of ths patronage extended to tho late firm. S. B. THOMAS, , One of the enrvlvors. August. 1866. U31*tf copiRTmsmp iMtTiee. rfAHB UNDER8IGNRD has this day associated with A himself Mr. SAMUEL 0. CATHEKWOOD, for th* rmrpose of carrying on the Wholesale and Retal Dreg and Prescription Business. The firm will be known under the name and style of THOMAS M. TURNER it CO. THOMAS M. TURNER jrtufite Anguat U, 1»66L eato-tf Chills and Fever, Asthma, Rheumatism, Cancer, And ISpileptlo Fit*, CURED BY MRS. ELIZA KEOGH, Corner ef Broaghtou aad Barnard -tresta f vM-tf Over L. Freld’srio Paper Hangings ND Window Shades.. 178 BroBfbioQ Street, ImtIj OjiKiie It. ktim'i HaU. 89 BAY STREET, • H Savannah, Ga. * J ‘ VYAfr' ft. r BOYD, lapuriataadmtsf Agrasr- ; A. WILBUR, .Hftttf ... .' ,, ffi*Wteffil,B*oto8« G. V. HUTCHH8, ::n Hay Grain aod freiuce. , OATS. MEAL* XEKD. BRAN, OIL rtOHBTAJOU BBCBTT1NG. «ad ffir eato fit the ^ssaassaRSLee. J: i‘ ’J ”.’ v- '■■■ } • .'JO.; 155 Bay Street. Savannah. j b Chimiy' Cloth, ►0 h S^5- ,f ^gmRflSS , NT B1BBABP BACON! JBAC0N! ,ijt. a lit". 1 t «ui*»■ • Shoulders and Sides, ItisT hue mlaS. » :a2 la order, Just received and for aal* by Wi k €0., . - .ue fa Harris’ Hang*. UPflOlFTTTT-' ive entered Into a limited pert-- bockeataelrowuaccoabtendonoomurtaGoa Intae efty oi faTaq|L|ULffi4nny)6B, of8eveaneli, Jen ftUkH b' 9TBPHEN D. HARRISON^ rnteffi PHe Kt* Jertoy, and UlfiMBLIUaD- VAN WAGSNEN, of the city of New jasaatgataea JBceagss • oeuMiv.r e EastamrHay. 300! VMf-atrass.** 1 White Corn. -- M. H. WILLIAMS * | MBS. MARY J. TURNER, No. 58 8t. Julian Straat* Has received a new supply of Paper Hangtate, Wba ’ ' ’ aad Gilt Oornicas, which win behold FOR RENT, M Apfrly IO Oa raaaoMMe terms. FOUR COUNTING ROOMS and TWO LABOR HALLfita too brick building on the corner of Bey IM f I. Poeaaeali - • coin street*. Lin ton given immediately EDWARD PADRLVORO. Thoznaston Lime, gQQbbla.forteleby BRADLEY, mt t. fa OOfa * eeptl-tf Nraifi Stoddard, Lower Raagta RESIDENCE - For Sale. arranged; ike Probate eeairiro many verteMee of te- criieut ink and th* Vineyard tkme vmfeUeeef ' The water to abundant and exediMf tdsono, iso -wbowroftal** tar ■ • told off and bousa* K A. toibioii.L ~ ~ ~ ~ A L- . gfavanuik. gnus. The Tuoploeor building i going np 1 sep26-Un NOTICE rg^tssvsaiur’ -»» * House Wanted. Any person having a small DWRLLINffi BOCBI to root, betweeu sow and OcMm* lm. euifiadagoodtteaot by agplylag to •aMtf AOBH C. MAKVR ffi CKX, OWHHAHCR PAMHfr BT 1MR «JC wUmthaffilh Bay of J[ m gross taka of every i md wwefa ejte IPrijil e A