The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, October 08, 1866, Image 1

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rot **0. 229. ■: £ .if *>84)3 jjajiy News and H6rald. PUBLISHED BY W. MASON. Stbeh, «AV*n»AB. Gao Ham: .Five Cent*. s. L<o Bw (3 w. I'-indrel *10 on. Wfm oF advertising. r -ire first insertion, $1.S0; each Inser- L rtlli News ani Herall I ill) 1 u ,, „ r year, or 75 cents per month, and [ weekly News and Herald r is "nodererrSan.rd»yat $S per year. JOB PBINTUfO,- p !tyle, neatly and promptly done. — The Relief Question.—The agitation of tfci^rsubject neonas Jo be.oo.~the . increase id Upper and flidfllff G4>rgK andjMjivfifis being forced ioto the controversy. The in*, dications are that the great mass of the peo ple demand relief, and are determined to have Uiti some form or other. It is a foregone conclusion that they cannot pay the one- fourth required by the existing stay law on the 1st of January next, and, therefore, ar- gutnent on that point would he pleonastic; lot thequestion as to bow the necessary re lief can be afforded, is ooe of the gravest im port, and will force itself upon the considera tion of every man in the commonwealth.— Quitman Banner. High Prick* Aweao.—The Macon Journal By Telegraph. IorNING jdispatches. FROM KEW YORK. i eo t to Steamship Starlight.. ■ CBAIIBER of commerce and the COTTON TAX , .-«./• fc. ^ CANDIA. ortavt news from i Defeated with Grreat X.oss. COTTON DEPRESSED. THE MARKET. I vi* Jobe. Oct. 6.—noon—Cotton depressed, and t lie made except at a decline of l(gp5 cents 5 the highest point Tuesday, nominal upland: 5s; Orleans 40c.; sales fc for the week 15,003 bales. kcri'Avy, at $19 10® 16 50: wheat drooping; pork • h 4t$33 25<ft33 30; Lard stcadyj Gold 49#; ster- ruie!; sixty days, 7*£i sight, 8>4; alxes *67, 13S: ..•via, fives ’"4,103; coupons. *81, 112%; ’64, 109%; k l'JyJi; tens, 99%; treasuries, 10G; Caroliuas, 84; loisianas, 95. L steamer Sfarlight, from Wilmington to | >k, is ashore on Barnegat Islaud, and has bilged. ie vessel is probably lost - - A'. [ The Chamber of Commerce unanimously adopted a t appointing a Committee to consider tkn Lediency of petitioning Congress for a total abcili- tjtj of export duty on cotton. e Ueraid’s foreign advices per Persia aays, the lroin Candia is of much moment. In a recent lavement b .'tween the revolutionary Christians And ddels, the allied Turks aud Egyptians wers defeated great less, having three thousand placed hors du The Turkish Pasha in command was taken Ijrisoner, aud re ; eased after signing terms of capitula- The agitation was spreading, and this, With the liu'ltra question, commands the serious attention of l^e g Teai Powers. From Washington. I WisHiyoios, Oct. 6.—Flint, who is charged with IibKoalug from Norfolk, in a letter from Chicago, ■LuioU, to the New York Herald, says he is no forger, I us not decamped with auother man’s wife or de- 1 tend bis own, but that ho made over to his creditors I kimoney necessary to pay his debts. Hr. G. B. Lamar, of Savannah, Ga., is here urging Itaclaim toa.arge amount of cotton seized by the I G.ftrnment. His object seems to ba to. secure Jx- ) or Departmental action in his favor, thus I keeping it out of the Court of Claims, before which I v ibmal the first s tep in the proceedings would re- I in oath that ho had never participated in the | iire rebellion. Tbe President to-day directed a pardon to be issued 1toEdward L. Martin, of Delaware, who was convicted I z April, 1864, in the United States District Court, for 1 ts District of Delaware, of siding and assisting the niellion, and sentenced to pay a flue of $1,003 apd ccss of prosecution, all his slaves to be liberated, and | tht he be disqualified from holding any office under a Costed States. Martin paid the fine and' costs, iii ta pardon is recommended by many of the most Tonunent citizens of Delaware. Georgia Items. acres, not a thousand miles from {Ma con, upon which tbe laborers were employed on shares. The proprietors received thirty- se4in and a half bushels of nubbins, and tbe hands divided out the remainder of the crop at the rate of two and an eighth bushels apiece. There will be uqgphucking trolic ou (hat plantation this year. ^ ' 7T f ; g The Cotton Crop.—The cotton crop in this section will fall far below the expecta tions of planters at tbe beginning of tbe sea son. At’ first the prospect was good fora fair crop upon the lauds planted; but tike accidents of season have been unusual.. The. , long heavy rains protracted tbe damp weather to such an'extent, that (fi« first dt.bottom boils eh ihosOdko rotted tof be%uM worth less. ' The rainy weather is now over, but the caterpillar has. also made its appearance in most Of the fareas, aud the last, qr lop bolls, from which planters always expect a fatocrap, will nbw E*T1« sacrifice tp ito-deft redations. The present poifi ska§ tfiread* indicates ea/iy we ;t|Mr, and . bRweeti Ute accidents, ofjhj'seasans.tth* glifetanc/ of freedmen to gather that already maae,anfi the devouring ealterpillar, the crop will laU extremely short of the. general expectation. The facts of. this stateqieqfi we Have gather ed "from the farmers theinseldei rious sections of the country, — . • ■ .! ereim; u t. rJ! U t IV’ lu l ■ •> II > T |» .H JliJi/ \ ...... SAVANNAHv GEORGIA, MONDAY, tiCTOBKR 8, 1806. PRICE. 5 CENTS. .i-,i ... ■. *“ ' ; r, r . i-T.'iTT! M». fi»vU* TrIal_Corrtip«Adcnce '6f ftlr F ■ ^ coumi with amn “ rV. 1 '■L' H*b*u CMfU Talked OT. Richmond, tnewlay. OCIuberT, IBS.. The counsel of Mr. D«via, now in attenjdlw* «' Baa it their duty to 'uy before tho public ! Tertiaw*.*' sail ui fill uj*» . iTfr'tm w latoa ■ ■EWWAMD SBRAUk sttoaa ewnusni, in accobdanck a its AntucAioN nr tn ' A ’« ■rue. :ii \ %!■ JU'iT> 1- 4 brief stktemecte of .) i,v . .. ' WiutoiB.Bm, J. Randolph Teem, RoattfOUU). On Tneadey; June Sth, tbeto w»* > ronnsl seadon of the Circuit Court Of tbe Cinltcd Stitts at Richmond, Judge Underwood presiding. Grand Jurymen were sworn.end other Judicial formalities observed. Mr. Davit counsel werd present, ready and snxtonfto O proceed to triiL On motlun of tbe District Attorney. ‘' the Court was reguHtrly adjourned to the 3d of Octo- ber. tbe presldlug Judge tmtng Uiis langnager “The Chief Justice, who tt expected to preside at this trial, has named the firs [.Tuesday of Ochtter tbe tiue that will be.woat convenient to him. When Butler, Hannah this Court adjOnrna It will adjourn, not mm the- nett I 'Bliss. Martha term, which is in November, but until tbe first The*- 1 Bu'locb, M E day is October next. The motion at the District* At-' torney is therefore granted. This Court win adjoi*>n,' October, Attorney General. This case will then, if not before disposed of, be taken np.” lu accordance with this order of the Conrt the- un- kitfee ni “ FROM WASHINGTON. • f ffill'DI ATTRIBUTED TO EX-SEC. KETARY HARLAN. |hcepta.\ce bit general dix of FRENCH MISSION. | HEALTH OF SECRETARY SEWARD IMPROVING. WssHuroio.v Cm. Oct.G.-^ttorney-Oeft’ Etansburg H 1 ™ a!1 opinion that the sale by Secretary Harian of tie ieutni lunds belonging to the Cherokee Indiaas * Connecticut Emigration Company is illegal, -Mid °»j?ht to be ignored. It was charged that Hat Ian w^s uite.-ested in the matter. Dix has formal 1 / accepted the French Mte non. Salary Seward is improving, and will sson re- Rme big official duties. The Government Demaada an Apelsg^r from the British Consul st Buffalo. Ottawa, Oct. 6.—The Governmentiias be oh inquir- Bg tnto the search of the steamer Congress, under ftited States colors, by the British gunboat Rescue. Tie American Government has demanded an apology British Consul at Buflaio, who informed tjw -remment that the Congrsss , was a Fenian vessel, ^ bad been armed to attack the shipping of the ^ on lake Erie. FROM PHILADBIaPUA. Cholera Is«r*|Ml$* —iJ CJ PREVENTIONAL MEASURER. i Phudelphia, Oct. 6.—Yesterday fifty new ca*£( of juj* ^ fcre reported. Since the 28th ultimo one httiK *«id seventy cases have been reported. In vifew brZ mcre ™ of disease-the Seleet Gon wit yies- ' appropriated seven thousand dollars additional irdof Health. w 1 * Shipwreck. ^ ■ *01HESS Monboe, Oct. 6.—The brig t4esno% C*)t. ^ cr . from the West Indies, with a cargo of gua$o, ashore at Old Currituck Inlet, horth Caroline, on dnesdty morning, at four o’clock.- The vessel And it is thought, will prove a total loss. Baltimore Market. Wihobe, Oct The grain receipt* are very Wii. and price, unsettled. Flour vary firm. *hd Provisions du'l. Mess pork, $34 60. 8a S»r« firm. Coffee dulL Whiskey—Western, *1 43 Liverpool Markets I^IRPOOL, Oct. 5.—Sates of cotton for tly week ^.000 bales. Sales to-day 8,000 bfldee. the market do8ln g dull at a decline of %. Middling Uplands are Ibotedatu^d. ConaoU, 89^. Five-hrenties. :< 7f^iab6at $TTJXJOr • , r AT^oPlU bjJbJ Crop.—■ Sew Market. ^ a ,, r •NXK*. OcL 6.—Cotton has 41 , G^perponna. We quote low middling at. S Com, mixed 85 cents, white 90. “rd.'J0@2L Sterling, 60. Hew York Market. ; er K f,^ 7o “*. OeL 6.-Cotton duU and two o*pU)ow- htL.i. 8a ' es of 150 bales middlings, at 38<*40e.; Rour ISiii’. du fi< eufi drooping; pork finnea at *Uv’ hr A firmer, at 16X®l*e.: angar fina.atl0K Uo e ?-;’ “ ffee quiet; naval atoms firmer;' tarpon- ;wKjSS2rtt^fiSW Is the canser^tone of the Maaonlc Temple *h^ DU: he ™ •'ken 111 on tbs Waf. Mddlod y.£ '•&A C A 0Tin * ton - Mr - Butterfield wii^ Site .E and “ttv# member of the Muonic frater- ,*** respected by all who knew him.— u 9>uta Constitutionalist. A war with Turkey is talked of. The “rat grand battle will w>me J o#in Rhode, U- «nd on next Thanksgiving dejr. 7 j is, from vu The Sumpter Republic says that Americeq is one of the healthiest places in Georgia^ only ten deaths .01 white persons having, oc curred within the limits of the town innelae last six months- This does not include the blasts, who ere kdt buried by .the dpfton. An interesting revlval’ls in proves in the Methodist church in (Amerjcus. New Entebpkise.—We understand from one of the real Estate agents An the' Trilj ttw* he has been commissioned by a company of capitalists to select a suitable location for another foundry. The company will go ex tensively into the manufacture of car-wheels, railroad iron fin/l all otfcer castings, end icons used by railways.—Atlanta Age. llneaiaiu and Msmterioc* Jiff us.—Th% mangled remains of a' man was found on the track of the Macon and Western Railroad yesterday • morning, About' two .miles out. One arm, both legs, and half of the skull were crushed off by the train. The fijbt impres sion was that be had been by the train; bat on close examination it was found 'that his throat had been cot by a sharp knife. Relipioub Revival in Athens. The Athens (Ga.) Banner, of the 3d, notes' the progress of a religious revival which has been going on for some time at the Methodist church in that place. . ; j’M Kly Health of Columbus.—Though there.,is mudh sickness here, and has been for sevefil weeks, it is not of a virulent character, and but tew cases are fatal. The Dengue,'or; “hreak-bone fever,” is’ prevalent and; annoy ing, but is easily treated. More stubborn- bilious fevers aud chills and fever are gene-' rally mastered by the skill of bur physicians. Columbns Sun. Death of Mr. W. W. Garrard.—Many of our citizens will read with surprise, ami all with sorrow, Uie notice of the death bflfie gentleman whose name stands at ibe head .of this article. Only a tew days ago he -was with us, iu the lull vigor of mature manhood —now he is no more! He died yesterday af ternoon of congestion of tbe brain, .aged about 48 years.- ' - * — • - • Interesting Cotton Statistics. The following memoranda in regard to the erejw pf poetbn, ^ec‘and com, iq fofoier years, have been carefully compiled ffomfhe United States census re(uruh of.7860: 1793—First Cotton Gin (Saw), there Was exported from the United States, 138,338 pound*. 1793— Nearly 600.000 pounds exported. : ) 1794— 1,601,700.pounds exported. . . . ~ 1793—6,376,300 pounds exported. 1800—17,789,808 pound* exported. 1860—Crop, 3,079,390,800 pound*, end 1,765,115,885 poun<k exported. p-; 1783—M. Dt8de»fl,'af New (Mans, i gnu ted A cot ton Kill for Wplende.wv - - I 1 t \ 1772—Kinsey Burden, of South Corolina, construct ed a Roller Sin to qtoap Jongwtspte -tOflttos r of qrhioh he wak tka flretsnUhcetpi CHOP OP COTTON. 1860—5,887,053 bales of 400 pounds, ox 2,16A,S0k8«O pounds. 1850—2,445,79* bates. •*- . i» — . _'- Si “ ' *. vua: Mississippi j>-.. f. ■ ■ .1, Alabama.. Louisiana, .i... ,VW Georgia Texas Arkansas South Carolina Tennessee - North Carol* na Florida Missouri Virginia, Illinois x Utah i '-V <77%. dsraigued are in' attendance here. They find no CourL and, except from tbe information elicited in the following telegraphic correspondence, have no in timation of the intentions of tb* Judge. ~ / ' RicBMoND.-sept ember 39,1866. To the Hon. John C. Undnnoood, Alexandria: As counsel for Mr. Davis, sr« are’ very know if you will be in Richmond on Tueri which day, aa you recollecL the circuit cfeurt United States wee adjourned.. W® -ere in Attendance here, and are deMrons to he apprised of the views of tbe Court. An early aqawerViH much oblige us. ‘ J. / T , /. f / Ik’iauiM 6. Reed, J. R. Tockeu. Alexandbia, September 39, 186S. 7b Messrs. Heed and Juc&r: ;} /. 11. / ’J e.%\ > There wiU be no United States Court ia Richmond nextweek. ■.•••,. . i ,-t . ; J. C. Underwood. -X7 tri^l .1. .l'i Richmond, September 29,1866. Tour telegram is received. Pexasit ae to renew the inquiry whether, ou Tuesday, you will be at Ricb- moud, Norfolk or AleUKnjtidXiYonf laawer will much oblige us. ..s i i Vwxut B. Reed, J. R. TchSEB. *. 'i - - - I: ftX It , A* Alexandeu, September, 99,19*6. - I Will he in Alexandria ou Tuesday. J-. r . ^ ■ “ 'J. o. Wa—voeex t The following dispatch was sent Nerlh front Rict mood Tuesday Bight by the. agent of the Associate! Press: -• ■. Rio. d*y ttifi<£lieL__. ^ *P> be bhid here this month. The June legal, aud cousequentty, by the adjournment to this day. was invahd The opinion is expressed here that Davis’ counsel will, ere long, test tbe efficacy of a writ of habeas cor pus, awarded by Jtidge Dyobs or Judge Meredith, of this city, and if they fail to make the application, it is .... — ’ - li hi ■ i AdderooeJ Jod* I I in itzrnmtMitl b. y • B ranees. Mary Brsxlle. Thesis ROY^T'RO’i srina Conthbanth, 8 ■ rs Jamas Cuddigaa, Ruaa C Clay, T 8 s&teft H &fe> i a.4i/Jr Cooney, Catherine Csmpfleld, Mrs Jai Campbell, J X D*nn< »*: Dordsy, Harriet I Ennis, E Elerson, Higar Hernandez, E Jtsber, G E Frtme, Mrs their number. . 'fhe *New Yftrk HerxW’g BichttDnd obmspSflAeilk^/ telegraphing on the sft»e4at*.Mrs: I hear t suited that in case there is no term of the for s writ af habfrfs corpus for Davis, and will be pressed before thafr- Court. ’ l>e advocates of this mode of procedure urged raat*!Be President has proclaimed pesce snd civil law throughout the laud, and that the military are hotmd to obey any writ of luibeax corpus that msy be served upon them. It is " “* 'thstswnt' respected. There fi f tnc fore, a taint chance that Davis will soon be brought to atrial, even 8bcu4«'jQUef Justice iL'hase persist in ahirkiug the responsibility of the triaL Auother re port has it that Judge Underwood, ^tbe presiding J un tie© in this Judicial District, is afraid of assassination should ha venture here. This, however, is, if true, a groundless teas. -There is no disposition here in edy quarter either 4# molest the Judge* < .my manner interfere with the assembling aud dis- chargefci the dntfeewf Ike - Conrt. *i o / tl rO Proef 9f tk« Shorinen of the C^b^ Estimates of the cotton crop heretofore have been based, first, upon the extent of the land planted, and secondly, upon Uie state of the weather, the ravages And that shorter crop than, the lower e»umates have named. Last year is ndtrs Ml* ^esr bf Which to make the comparison, because the cotton brought to market; during that period was the swings of -several ??*n pf many pi—tirrsy and-therewaUa of ths good fortune yif those who, disregarding - the general role,, planted largely gfcotfon.liut jxikr. But tbe receipts of Sep- tentber oTtHniyfesr art even far*below those of Sep tember^ lSO&^aad'tbe total receipts of J860-G were only about 2,600-,000 bales. Our file of 1860 has been tisplaced, sad we canuot therefore compare results k Il^ced* the press discontinued, early tyiAhf fjtceipti “ “ ^ *ng k< 1‘ceipUI business, if we had our file at hand. We fall buck, therefore, upon f 1869-GO, as -the only cotton year •'filth frtsab i fai^<x>gu»a^ijityhn be made. It was thah^Mktt piMdMn|$3cn» |u our his tory, thfi total recetpU .behag-npdrtsd-at 4,004,417 bales of Upland. Knur Oblkans—Beeeipks of %ptember K 7 MpO, 140,000 bales; of September, 1800. 1U,4aO—only a ijtle over one-fourteenth the receipt* of lttjl). • - Iobui.—Reoeipta of fisptember, W, about (Arse days iu the asrix part of the month ‘ of Beptember, 1866* 2.468 b«W 4hO-rouetpts Of 1800. tinmii .Mecsipta bales; or SepOsmbeiv 184% %487 baleJ-rhe«^¥ tmc-1 the rsefeipt* of 1860. I bales—about oue-p » The wwiitepf the three principal seapoi^ thus show an sggidgete xmemge of hoi u^qre Uua. one- "welflhof the receipts of 1859. iny||Rp & tfmuspoi ieii< ion- that -existed iu 1859 ypjjqiBefftiff have twelfth of tbs receipts of 1859. of »re . T IZ ^. p . , »rthi tbhrr to sell their cotton as there has been this year, want of mcnr gpuld hum|fcKyW| forward* .that stimulus hAaMRi gtmfln’^nrAm ever before^ The only consideration that might make the crop latch- iu getting to umftet this year than in 1850 is the back wardness of the crop; but that is a condition that so- niable of tbe greet tocorrectuee* of tbe higher ea t(- nutes of the-qpuj efvttll fmn epM/ot the greater M- vuiecy of the very emeileat 4«am»ter made.—Colun\- bus Enquirer. |- .1947 v/- Belet of 400 poundn. 5,387,052 • ’1 OJtf Count Bismarck has conceded to Gover nor Wright, our Minister at Berlin, that tbi naturalization laws .of this country StifiU be to farreeogdled lx Prussia^.^8 Ta Rilfw na ; MWthoRs StkwiMA^teussiv Jhjb fWP emi grated to this country, to be excused Iran, military duty. The Prize rWo.—A&roft- Jobes bits eitaK, lenged Mike : MeO»l». lie .recent victor in tbe prize fight at 8t. Louis, to fight for tfee-belf and Bum' or rofci^y.'itPfiakiPJdi Go- burn does not offer to enter tfee arena for tbe championship , - ’ Z Boytagton, Wilder*Cuh’apmcking bouae, digeot the body#t» Kffu jumgtf tPt&f pejfcdrotn • i tree. The horrible right for * moment Terrified him, end for tome moment* he was unable to articalatea word or move a etep. - ! *• MW j i n , tew minute* e number of men, »ith Been at _ to ihelAte BonirfB tbe eveefifig. -ltt^MeF. Were t»k(*> Mt to reauve the body, bat .it remained theta- ffT‘ ' ^ heR-Bthreff ikkk As Official Swindler.—Chargan bare ja^w^^j*iM»8yfriu been preferred against Paymaster lin^. M. ] WiMton, of At (TCtvtff SWW PV e of ^ , Department of tbe Gulf, for alleged fraud upon soldiers, iu cutlipg off the couffo^siof seven^thirty bonds previous to paying them , out, and retaining the .Juter«8t,‘^. The sum involved, it is alleged, ^ EsTiMATffopTftif CdrfbN*CROP.—The Afc ^ur^au at Washington MUmi|te8 «fcp A of 'tftis yea* 'Wt vio.OOO bales. iA correspondent of Ui^ NaUqn^l Jq- tfflligenfier, however, writing itotn on has ff|_ _ m *be Hydrogtaphijs Offle«. London, caatioififtfe mi U» Tax on Conoa-^-fhe Attorney-Oentral decides, 1&4 Ablate tfAQCongmM regula ting the knUtbiittodAU inly b* modified by the next Congress; .that thepoww of tto President wae exhautt^d ih ^^ oi^it4| lim- ilaUon oftbe coUadSon Districts. 1-i ■ T»dA fees V«a no IJqns i o'. On Monday nlgMrebffat. th o'clock, Mr. Samuel Beer*, living At the Unioh Atock-yards, while rgtnrn- virit to some frqtnds residing in a westerly Doan, Mary * f. :- Foley, Leny Fnmer. Leli i>- :y#uj, ■> Grave?, Lucy ' < -. OodderdhMto M R Goodwin, Coriuthla Grant Sarah A Gklligan, Kat* Y. 1.1 (Mff*af4talhk It) r Jf-.i-ifiBTi*,Mb*» I * ; B«*«rehae^ Patfeat t-AHAty - • < • j;> *win. EUie • > i . J. . I/ Johnson, Peroila 1 ‘ ■ : fiitiii-ir. TltWe 9 Johucon, Sarah ,. - Jackcoa. Ai Johnson, Miss Bich ' l * tuda.T, A Johnson. MraOtek; I /. Ji Johnaon. L C 2'iIaiiiiiSlL.; : ;;i,r ato'v.u:!:! Lee, Silnary t Lovell, Mias TTfi® Hsbersbsm,' Harris, Mrs D Hulm, PHwp McAndrew, Annie Marshall, Alice MoAdams, AnRti -r ■: Mayer, Mrs IMcKinsy, Mies •Mehoteus, Catherine j .j Lew. RF Lopys, Florida LaRoche, Nellie mnote«TiYnofofl "McRhem, Mrs Rdw Miller, Mrs Jane L vstjsr* - tienee W **W t eitij’UUlfl'H j’ Nichols, Ur* Wm M Nichole, Mary Penny, Carr* ' 1 ‘ ' 1 Fiiter*ofi, Mkrt ' Petta, Caroline s : HfffftSB . • Power*, Haitf^;,,,, La’W/1 ... Rothwel”’ Roberta, Annie F JUa Mmrtba/ ^ Redcliff, Annie Richard*. Mary OR Rogers, Carohm tt. ■ Rounddeld, Ellen Smith, SaraCM Stark; Smith, Wi Smitb, Stone, Henrietta Thornton. Cordta Taylor, Elaey Wolf, Beisey i ■ 1 Williams, Charlotte Wo Wilkinson, Ella --■> > - .Wa Walker, Mias Francis >- VilMama, Penelope Williams. Hannah [Freed: Wiggins. Rebecca woman) WtUNma, Mr*John Watts. Mary . . Withingfon, Mary Wainsley, Margaret i'*’ 1 Young, Elizabeth. Zephyr, Anted* Y; Z. GtnUaatta’i Us*. Alexander^ Alfred Abbott C J Allen, Gcp 2 Albright, J<kl • • .' Ambrose, Louie B own. Andrew B r *4e,ll, S A Brown • lire* Buiiidc * Hudffht* Black, Alex. D . Bendy, Billy Brown, Syrttt Deadly;Teay v.' ... Rrauck, Haipnije Brown, Isop Malone Amaalan, L B Agnew, Patrick Amber. SgaS Aiaahadar. Wm I B. Brjsbon, John Baker, John T ‘ Brown, James U - Baker, Joseph H Barrett, Michael 2 Brown, Richard Bovn*. Tho* H BliatkBrW.W* go BOwmsn, Wa Bnrdstt, /as T t. un '' '■ - Gardner, Nelson Cary, Preston M > E^Wki, Reward M ' " Eauas, Henry tivfl i Ferrell, Joe Fnmt, John niHsUAz Me at t 8 | Evans, Jim ' BHAF a i’ :Kt 1 .* 1 Eliot Bennie , r ! ^'*^Fi . J ’ r ’ • J •• Friektemt Jacob 'OSSSrltAjLo Forman, Edw B uOMAn V - V A3 ’:r/.fe>fin EH "i ii, . JB mwttaher* J BoU*tomr.‘/rf u ‘ • Reive*, JB Q. iins epf.q Richard, 8 RoaeASaml I V J.r Self Steven v ~ ‘ TO Jillil IwedDit'ttJ’l -i Samson, G A n Symmooa, Henry Siamon, James SbeOWW, J«m*W n/, Juo „ , ■ Ijmi, Jno J Imith. J W Swan, JB strepnm An* Aussac, JE Upton, BV • Vesting, Adolf Wifcy r A i Wilson, Allas Wen’S;- B Wade; F Winston, F ■> WUliams, Goo Wittibms, Bewr j Wells HL WinmaJH - Webster. Joe -WafeltJiio Yeung, 8 M -ssasu% 8. smrt—;«i - ia Strecy, L O Stewart L Bsrfb— 8*iiT Spear, B J Smalt, Sdpio .' / MettJIRi i GcMey, Wm t ilsar, W . ider, lfnh. , ’i. : Tuton, /aa - - sskssf! Tyson, sr — Tracey, Pat -Tone*, ROW Testae, TO t:. ~ ' r. - w„ , WUffmit. J B . Wiison, J B. Wedlsy. MBS Walsh, M3 ■ Wads, BuhA Williamson. 3 . WIlhams, 8 B Williams, W X -Whitfield. Wm - Wooding. W E 'aft®*:. WDktoMB, WDeonB.0* . " MEDICAL KXAWRRRS: 4 . W Thi*toto^nTdeSirlcflr rchtnaL toe^ficyBbfoiv remM-.modMhepto.M^.^ (Late of the ’Baht of HWbmand.” Ta. J "*»"*« .’0i»^4wnt for Georgia. WWHIM.B Walter, Wi P M. GUP & CHRISTIE,, tf if at* J ; ii. fiAMBTR, ©lepers ajld jailors, - ^ HI BROUOHTOUTRRET, H AVE in store and ready for inspect! on their Fal snd Winter Stock, cemprisiag tA* largest aaeort- ment of Wllto Clothe, 1 , .WaritaFMRfc .'f? ‘ n.ff ve^lmgy to be fonfid in suy house to the city in their lfiM,oll of which wm be mad* to order at short noMoe, trim- BMd and {st op iBUteorpMed fltfle. Farafakl^g. Good* of _ robe, constanfly on band. "• ’ WM. S. BOGAfiT’S " classical, mathematical and English SCHOOL, CHATHAM ACADEMY, MALE DEPART MENT, Will mb Reopened Monday, Cot. 8th. Pirtienlar attention i* paid to Cjmpotlriow end Be- cbcpaatinti. French -U taught «* on*o< tfieregwttr Tb* echodl year is divided into Thr** ft fourteen week* each. Tb* Tuition Wm is (811; per term, according to advancement Former pupil* will secure their plane*, end n*w *p- plicaqts WOIiwut " * " o*3-wfAm Insurance. Honan Fumelus Pnrideaft Wm. H. Base*. Actuary. hAYANNAH BRANCH OFFICB: ■» tSoarnsL BstLotNa, eoner Bay and Ball atreota. LOCAL BOARD OP I THE OGLETHORPE Insurance Comp’y OF lAVARMAH Are prepared to take • , : -i ,, lti ; ,. a - „ Fire Mi oi: BraswaWe Tens, At their Office, m Bay Street. " fl. W. MERCER, President CHAU fit lUJMl—. Ffoe PrrridhiU A T. Taren.Bec. ^ , ! fitpeetonr: *; * : tLlfiokm .■*,- • I J. Lama • J/ w.-l&m . ' A.FUltoton J.McMalire F.W. IiSSShoW 1 RP.CUeon, Angaria . J. W. Knott Macon B. K‘Boa* Matsu W. B- Yenng, Cotombnr F. L. Go* 8. A. Orebe A. A Solomeaa M. Hamilton W.-W. Owidon ■JT-U ni; ■■ii „ „ '» -t rl Till ii! nfeATXft m CVCRY VARiETY OF MISS S. SULLIVAN ^ill RE-OPEN mat SCHOOL at the Chatham Academy on the 8Ui of (torober next eepMtawdw Gook’s Hotel it. For SalGfi A (Athn Famttatw, Bar Flxtnres, JWHacd Ihbien A Uqaorn, Frariaiona, and naespfrad . In*** on CVOKut HOTEL, Coinmbna, Georgia. See or address , ...... 8MTVBRB, WYBNRAOO., CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR t FROM NEW wheat. wash IhthJhi Rwjnghtoa atretj are new repph Mmlttae with sa esosiiant-1 FLOUR, made Irotn NEW WJARA1 pledat their rontdaner*. bw the Lanet hail oerrri. Grant, J Hi V'.’ unil itmr /n “ ithler BnnWtxaTfvcnhaimrlkxne-In aGaaJQf fJtUment mffimaSsBM commanding the posit bad nothing to do with tb© . tan and ttm iCair areohred * , B .. r ■■ M- riiwsl towtiteM-tn^aeP.-. , ^ aifpi, think* that it wiU be lgsa bales. haedred •Mr <(M8* «4,) *o4tb* s pjSxp&ssa&x khty-thwe sente » Trie i roniue*c*on the >M *i oaohar, ISA, r 1 ABRAM X JEWE1, L anding from MeritJArefia at WUte'e Frees, Bd eel* low to close consignment. -"e ta Lt d.kewbamillPillOeM. . J -JHI 1M t*A4h TTkTi Ikre . „ H. WILLIAMS A MW. Kennedy, Wiq Xifktt J*o t nMii({UBi i / irttvnn^* Lever, Frank r2Sttfi * n 'JttSMUa e Lyona. Jno Long. Tbot. bsjnuoM McCord, N B - r,. • ayflvzy* 01 ?/ s H , a.fSSS5(>iA>B n - a r/ i i<n>:» if* l 22&&JM £SS£!wa,’; S!saaavii^JH o ,, TaJ^ , ‘ , NOTACCt i.. bHOUGH. for the baying tad aching or morebandtri, both on their own acconfit and on commission la the dRVdf Sevsnanh. A^M- ac—WMUflBBiA h»>h*generalgartaer, and ABRAMAJRWRLLor Vets t ClTr. 8t*te of Mew 6any. BfWJIII D. BAHRIWOS, of tteegen, 8tHt* of Jlaw Jeaof, and CORNBLIUa D. VAN WAQRNKN, of UMrity Of New lAJ, ' 18 8ELLIRG ti'obUB Lower Than Any Other House INHATANNAH. HOTELS AN^STEAMBOATS !t - ■ • *ft|0 *»/ l> 5 Jt- ... FUBNL8HED. , utTT UTw .‘rut* il-i ir-j-.- f ,ai • 1 > 7k. > •• ,ti -MJ.qj Oil bat J.ltlLVj 1LV> . FINE BED ROOM SETS, Walnut uAX» ■jm: ♦') a.j; VJj vif . ■ COTTAGE BKD RPGM ^ VhfteW- • i. r,',c;> c ..J ^.qo-.Lif r, 1 * DINING ROOM and LIBRARY AMIS. •' •-•ffjJr x.’ it'iv ygirr.nM ->lt <[■!■) t; j “ MATTRBBSESs BOI^TEBBltod PJLLQWB ofaUUnd*. ' * =“ f " AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, 8BEDB AND FERTILIZERffL,^ - .1*. Jl- ifix^f rxnd 90 Plow*, celebrated MO- OOTVON CHNB. - WBnireYtTriiirn— t -^~ ‘ ’--r mr* ■ ■ ■ .'ggaaa-gflBBte: u ««- ' Gtimoy fDlpfh,. SARD FA bales nnw land tag. all -faepM-tq WOi Troh-rBarids and Arrow Ties. * •£' FtJRTHRR supply of BandeandTic«Tn**ived, J Aa. and for aale by. . — - . .. . . - l - 'fflLa&y.ggeffiBg HBim rik ■* rilr. awAffttUg W1NW0H3T LaWTBR. ^ Ur.jsC. JBSS- HotI66. cJ.* , 3 5 u n 39rTj;©«A Rimwmt B WHfftlCRD wm l *A>b .ffaUMTAIiMH A JO AH 3 KITTLE'S MATnUESriffi; ihe brit Bed to wto, and W ARRANT1D SUPERIOR to all Miscellaneous. a. Acstbll, , i w. H. Inman, Atlanta, I (Late of OeotXte.IA Georgia. | Mew YofiF Austell & Inman, Mtei aad CamBiiifaa T*.—**, Ho. M Wall street, NFW YORK. Tirp are fqlly prepared to make liberal c»h ad TV vancemsiit* on consignments tr> m Herchaata . and Plsnfetr, both at this plaoe and a-, our avenciea Ihroogtooot the South. Gar Mr. AysteU. i f Atlanta, will arrange advancements there. Cotton and mor- eband ee will.!» forwarded to us with dispatch by oar at ents, Messrs Brafly A Moser; of Savannah. We ytownboarbeet tnugiea tp give anhifacUoh, and promrTe mdidterest* of onr patron*. Consignments from our Southern friends res pect- ftffly solle ted. Se27-3m C.T. I ret on. a Hay Grain and Produce.. Mtnhaat and Whslfials Denier in CORN, OATS, MEAL, FEED, BRAN, OIL CAKE, FLOUtt. BACON, SALT, ROPE, 4c., /VONflTAN > LY RECEIVING; and for. mis at tho lowest whol. sale rates. Agent Savaunqnnah Floer Mills 155 Bay Street. Savannah, Steiger’s Volks Kalender PUR 1887. PRICE—SA Cans. -Forsals by 0*3 . 2STHifi k KAkflN S. FORD, ATTORN EY AT LAtY, OFFICE. Ea 78 BRYAN STREET, jyl7-6m SAVANNAH. GA. ' Notice TT HEREBY GIVER that the partnerships bertto- A fote-i-ilsUng.UBder the names ofMlUer, Thomas A Co . In SavaDeah. Ga., and Thomas. Uvtogatoa A Otk, Madison. Fin,ban* been dissolved by the deafe ql D. G. Livingston.'one of the partners: A. J. MILLER wM give bis attention to th* huff- ares in Savannah, and 8. B. THOMAS to tin bualnese in Madison, In liquidation. A. J. MILLER. & B. THOMAS, August, IBM. torviving Parfoora. The subs^ fibers will continue tb* Urocefy anddori- mlsaion Buslnsre In Savannah, Ga . at tb* store so espied by (lie late Irm, oa r August. 1(66. Tbe subscriber solidt* for the new a con tin nance of the patronage ewtendriUo the late firm. S. B. THOMAS, One ef the rervirere. AagaaL 1966. . ■ . . .-jafiLtf , mTIlbT* BROTHER. T HE UNDERSIGNED has this dav associated with himself Mr. SAMUEL C. CATUEE.WOOD, for th* purpose of carrying on the Wholesale andRetoi Drag and Prescription Business.-.The-firm wiU Be known endec the name and style of THOMAS Mb TURNER i i CO. THOMAS M. TURNER. Savannah, August 13,1966. au3T-tf FOB RENT, On reasonable terms. FOUR COUNTING ROOMS and TWO LABOR HALLS la the brick building on the corner of Bay and Lin. coin streets. Possession given Immediately Apply to jy»-tf EDWARD PADELPORD. Thomaston lame. if i -rZ! ' gQQbbls.forealehy , . BRADLEY, HILL BOO. mg No. 12 Stoddard's Lower ^Rsngm RESIDENCE For . Sale. I OFFER for sale my Reskleneo. with fia extenrive grounds, ritnated ia the moat de sirable and beautifhl part of Thoifiasvin*. The Moose b lartre handsome and con*e- **itab)efor and Booses rape*. The water la jbnodani and excellent Tiie place eohtalfib to acres, tbe whole salt boiMIng hits. Streets ere ahead, laid off and *is .re ahead, laid t the place. Apply to B. IJ’CGAtMHL ‘ -;i.i, 0r jpw. t cp- . BBvIWlWBi NOTICE. ■ i i b.*- .v lio&ftir ■> —jir TAROM tbtodat*and Mr toe-nauaffr months *W JRH:ox>•E:s! , T i - - ■ , . THE STANDABI) HANtfRE, AT (08 M NR,TDM, «AfH. alt-tf M1LLKR, THOMAS A OQ. : »tp-v?*. * v i,♦ t .. * LACE ANp .G4$Q^H^p6QinTO CANO PIED md CAIICPY ■ ■till ire <j,|: B : r >. -iv? -1 p:- ,vrr 1 .», t ;!■ ■ • u> j-x dim tm» (Smc -.q; -i,;* -.j. 7 . WAREFIOOMS, • •' ■-• • - • A/r 3;.i:nmi->fcri,*iiii L/7 le ■ stoY I Af.’! Mu: id. nwilwjisvnqq - ,Jrdi.iioa_ I X“ liaJei- trri ~inl v u ^iliT * toto/i. Ret MEW aaGto RoW to. ~F msr Hr 1 0^ iiTfifir.iW NOTICE. ■■ B Y THE ORDINANCE,PASSED BY THE CH» Council on thb TtSTaffy of December, UtoOt Taxes upon gx.ssjsf.s at every ffrecriptkm tfmer. chaadise and Wares, unofi freight and paaasR sreriley, payable in thte otty, sad Upon bsrees snd mwlea, are aaarterly. Tb* andsariMrid ( prepared to naRg tb* Tax dae for tb* third quarter. • it <' MMW-V od ,w ^l!SS£u. MACHINERY MATERIALS. iC„ AT THE STATE WORKS, GRKNYILUE. fi-C ., .. On Wrelnredny. October 17tta, 1880. ■ 'ismtore oi Bonth Carol na, at iu i.Ws-twat af JMe-aato ‘n- j; ttoa, ; ae heretofore pub- inemnat mtoidfto,.a*ri u b^apeared with.«^(»roT*d eare- Becr^toCommWfitatfv^k*, 4-) f-jvou i.i Uoj ffaMttfU%ffL 0. r, sssmE&mgazi i ox. OU * OR, *a wttv ribs baifl -td Mmu#+ J . . .i-.ji.nA.i.zy jOj «i eittI ogittiatBp ^trrlww q^n,nn.<- oi.x*/: 41 '-coiri, >'{{ jg/fqaoLfltxI .aanxiti‘1 flid'H .tt-'K