The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, October 08, 1866, Image 2

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the Daily News and Herald. by s. w. mason* •iUICBb W. MA80» W. T. THOMPSOK. AiiocUte Kdltorf Official Paper of the City. AffOSST CIRSOLATIOH IfiTHECiTV AIIB CffifflTT HOKDAf OCtO«BK "S, Wekn -been PgfortM* tljit- m»4y sons in UirfMounl^are deterred, by fe»iof contagion, from Mwllng- our (Sty. even for the pursose ot transacting business. Tlfe impression appears to have gone abroad that the cholera is still on the increase, and altenaarww Uftnsnal-ftTatity? ~Wv ere gratified that we have it in our power to j. 'gjve the most positive assurance that the rumors referred to are witout foundation Hie um the ils—n imrfaseil finite riUiflU. PUSTSJITSBS) Are authorized to receive subscriptions for the NEWS AND I HERALD, Daily. Tri-Weekly and Weekly, at our ndvertSed rates. TO OUR COUHTIIV FRIENDS. t As innch Interest iafelt throughout the country in regard to the prospeots Of the Wilton and other crops we will bo prate fa 1 to aur planting/floods and others in tho interior for information on* that subject. Those who have -op nortuuitles Tor obtaining valuable infor mation in regard to the growing ct-bps, the working of the free-labor system, and kindred matters, of gon- eral interest, wilj confer a favor by communicating the same to ns.- COUNTING-BOOM CHANGED. The Business Office of the New* and Herald is removed totheroOmsimmediately over those recently occupied; Entrance by the Urge-stair-way next door west. 9IUNICIPAI. ELECTION. The polls for the election of a Mayor and Board of Aldermen for the ensuing year wilt be opened at the Court 'House this morning at seven o'clock, and close at six in the even ing. Tho election is one in which evety citizen has a deep interest, as at the present time, more than ever before in the history of our city we need wise and prudent councils, am! an energetic, just and intelligent administra tion of our municipal government. The names of worthy citizens are presented, frohi Which to select a Mayor and Board of Aider- men to whom the honor and interesls.of the cily may be safely entrusted, and in choos ing between the candidates every good citizen should be impressed with a due sense of his own responsibility, and be governed in biscboice solely by bis.conviotions of the superior fitness of those upon whom he cou- fers his suffrage for the discharge of tfcefr official duties in such a manner as will pro mote the good order and general 'prosperity of Savannah. FROM NEW YORK. The Daniel ^eSster floun- ?RiHoT CBSHL 1 sen AflSFmm daring the greater portion oi the month just past, owing to the pferaleDha oiriexceedingly j warm, damp, unhealthy weather, but - SCHOONER JflNKfc&AHA LOSTIX 4 it has been ' rapidly^ decreasing since! ftkfr the 1st iust., and, with top exception j j of two er three case*,.&|The Passen^w-rt and Crew negro hospital on the extreme outskirts Picked UD : at Sea. of thweitj,*»osdyinhabi*dd by negroes.'., It^A • ... tt is a remarkable fact thM notwithstanding tl^e Arrival of Steamer L'ao^ large influx of strangers to- the city for a . month past, not a single visitor his been ; TOE BRIO ..gioWSKgS UN DlfTKXSS. attacked, with the disease, aaiwe may there- j s. j? . Z -1J. ? fore safely assert that them, is not a bar, EAT FIRE IS. NEW YORK, really, to tire enjoyment of a trip to S»v&n, •ht, under thwfa SttoVtaVaatarre..* e«k' TM-mtr wanfeat» with >h RUM am he la i , flop of Lies; and the Clark-of Connell, with the regMry orvotcref The tlbtorc/ FeMa*. with anl- otont-torv,, will attend and preearre eater at aat ■rdaad«> polli.• r ... ' tteSt: A true copy bom Minute* ef.Coaactl ah ing of September ,19th. 1866. . - JAMES STBWAHT, ofCtmadi, DAY OP MEETING UP TUN STATE LEGISLATURE. There having been some doubts expressed as to the day on which the General AssChF- Bly is to meet, Col. Weems, Secretary ot, the State Senate, publishes a communication .in the Macon Telegraph, in which he gives the the following extract from the new Constitu tion, fixing the day for the meeting ;. . v j “The first meeting of the General Assem bly under this Constitution shall be on the first Monday in December next, after which it shall meet anuatty bn the first Thursday in November, or on such" .other day as the Gen eral Assembly may preacribq.”. No other day having beer, prescribed, says CoL Weems, the first Thursday in Novem ber is the dey of meeting. 1 i’- i j! ["COMMDNICATKD. ] " The Municipal Election, Editors News and Hf.rald :• The present situation of our city and its future welfare imperatively 'demand of every good citizen that he shall not fail, to avail himself of his privileges at the election to be held t»-dayf Odf taarcbawls d£f&o3r in flitenlial men, tvhose attention 'Is* but^iittle turned towards politics, but whose interests are deeply involved in the resnlt of onf; mu nicipal election, will be too apt to rp9t as sured in the success of Mr. Anderson (whose course for the past year will recommend lliid to the support of all prapertj-holdera,- and bf those who have the welfare of the city at heart), and to stay away from the polls .ayd neglect to vote, under the assumption That he will be elected in any event by the votes of others. Many n worthy and deserving candidate hasheenxladeateiby sncffh|efiH|—* the luke-wArianaas of- Ut» own friofrlg'^id the combined energies of his adversaries. We have no fears for the success'of, Mr. Ander son to-day over his opponents; but his indi vidual success will not effect the result -ne cessary to the welfare of the city. He mu ,t have good men associated with him in his municipal duties—men whose opinions sire harmonious with his, and with those of eacfi other, and who will not, hy personal or par tisan opposition, vender, the Connell Cham ber an vena bf continual strife, and, of un necessary effort J[o defeat the views- of the presiding ynsgialjaito jpf > ty in her bv- manager Urn* <■ ■ j’tm.n G38 MMJ'i [. We regret that the Company is so ------ w. v - i I short; still our music-loviug cittzeus wifi 1 half-a course which would render his posH opAdfturfty e!**ttig : ‘frfcfiSbloui tion as unpleasant and odious ta htanru it . ,i,„n i unpleasant and odious to lino as would be destitute of all good ^results. Co der these suggestiona rye uygq it upon ail CITIZJ5NS’ TICKET. 1 9Hf fi C. AmseMbo * V r •’ U For A/dtrme».~ IS. w JopN'C. ^'^SRy.Iy.-'” Geo. C. Freeman. John McMahon. s ' r -j ; _ W-. H- WlLTBMOX*. - - o 1 i - John Conkinoham. , !' M. J. PoM>, ; ' J. L. VlLLALOHOA. , ’ Thomas H. Harden- ' “* *** j I John Flannery. _ j Hftbtv • SmuNah. Citizen. Great Revival at Athens’, *(jfa.—^jt Hu last few weeks a icwivai has bsen in progress has beea a wonderful dfSpUy'oi tfivfbfe pow er. We learned about the middle of iasf week that above 200 persons had presented them selves for prayer atone time. - Wehtve heard from'the meting down to Monday. OldClfristiaas had never aeen anything like jt All busmesa was sfispended, «fid the community m nasst was at prayer meeting. StaM S5br90-bad joined the Methodist, |6 the Presbyterian,' ahd' three the. ,JBiptiet o ■ , r ijis. «r?y?T , T??nv?:; ;f. Scuotous Ifrmc*.—«b Conference of »the llcthaiiiat Church, for the Georgia District, Vffllheheia at Friendship Cbtucb, in-JBeard oounty, cbm menciug on Thursday, tke.&fitb d* r Ohi& bar next. Delegates going totlibCyiaferenoJ hy railroad, will be oieA at Hogansvilie, on Wedaeaday. before, with coiiakya^ceatotioa- ference. • Alt members going by railroad, Srill be allowed toretornfree, by payingJatt bid OaonoE Harlawd, President..^ ropjmipEicATBD. hah, for either business men-or tourists. -’ We take occasion to state, inr this connec tion, that there is now a considerable nmribbr of country merchants in the city whp.ars supplying themselves with merpliAndise of every description, from the largest and-finest stocks thhttddrapVB''frb^iJigp^ltedbhar^'for theefipply of the trade, jand, as we have been informed by some cif them, upon terms so satisfactory as tajjpduito them’ to abandon the idea of going North, as contem plated when leaving t|Mir homes. V\ NAPOLKU.VU'lMiMT MA&IKK8TU. The political drclwiat Europe have lieeu electrified lately by-%e appearance 1oi r the Pal is papara of jvhft la Wmed tlie French diplomatic ciMBlatl tb the Various envoys, ministers, and other agents "of that country abroad i It hi credited to .the inspiwtii in ol Napoleon himself and refers, . bf course, to the present condition df Eirtopbl We regret we have not tire spec* to lay the entire document before our readers, as—like every- Xt$es*r PCI ^ m It coDgr^fufaMAlfk%fiti)il till pence is restored, and that hereafter affairs ana to ,Uei conducted upm the saute principle*. thati*pW sway in France'. Aggraodized Pruss?;r, rt says, seeks the indepeuijence'Vif berm iny, aixl France wiH ant oppasu oc mgret its ac complishment. Germany afld Ifsfy Have imitated and dnuwt.aeaierdlP French ideas. The September convention, securing thv Pontifical interests, is. to be loyallyfCfjrrfc^ out. France will send' naval forces torabciwu the freedom of the Mediterranean mul Bril id seas. Austria, it'also states, uovy. leans fur France, and nations that were her enemies in the past now enter upon a new existence' to be guided by the same principles as her self: The circalar says the Emperor was cifihlill accepting tbepart of niediatbf,' and into'aeibggpr wmr. a: t estotdishefl ^cl^ttaV* rdk 1 trolled matters in the late contest. It hints, however, that the Emperor, in spite of his self complacent congratulations, is actively preparing lor home defence and the periec-i tion.of the military organization of France. ' 1 The forfetgn lnielfifefinCte 'hnMflflfcS-fruit the circular meets with general approval; that it UtHKISK BESTtOfiTtM OF FKOFUT1. .JNO. MITCHELL VERSUS HEAD -CRN- TRE STEPHENS. v < " T ,t.. v. • >• • '--I f . r Cm'.i \ i r THE LAT1VR PREPARING PGR D»> SCENT 09 IRELAND. . New Tore, Oct. 7. : - J Thtf Steamer George CitmwG, from New OrleihE, strived to-day, baviug on beard the crew and passengers of the steamer Daniel Web- ster, and also the crew cf the schooner Minnehaha. The Daniel Webster, vas from this port for AivbU^ and encountered a heavy gale, causing her to fonnder Off the coast of Florida October 3d, and Lb# ^Jrtmiwrli took o£f all her paasengara and crew, bhlle the .Web ster was sinking; ■ no liven! lost. The crew of the schooner Minnehaha ware picked up at sea on th* 9th instant, having abandoned their vessel. * \. * " , Also arrived, the steamer tieo, itorn Savannah, ind J the brig Mary Ellem from Turk’s Island. She reports falling in with the brig Slowness, from Wilmington^ for Por- au Prince, with all haiuU sick, but wanting no assistance, as they were but three miles from J Turk’s Island. ' a Tho establishment of Voght A Co., porcelain dealers, Crosby street, dfcs tlsetrsyeff by lire last nlglit; torn ; over $‘ii)0,000. Tbo two lower stories, occupied by C. t odl’rey Gunth«,.arcf» .damaged to the amount -of 50,000. The hoe coma animated to t>t. Patriuk’s Church, the Cathafia tCatisndral, which was jdao -d*r , atroyed. Several vaiaabie. pictures were, asve»l, bi*t others and the organ were io«t; loss, Cathetiral was’built m IHll.- a U k : -W It is stated that John Mitchell writes from declining to hatV’#auy further coimectiouTWdlvdamsi Stephens and hia Feniasi movements. ... , It is said that Stephens has chartered a large sD'^iucpy lately, for operations of a trans-Atlantic character. V yBOM 1 EUROPE. ^ BY iklOE. Tn aty Between t Itifr and Austria. °www, ** The Msrketa. FI London, Oct G.—By the treat? befetota.infer and Austria the former acquiesces in the Veuetia frontiers, and t the latter assllBIt•ft'’lPdUf>t , 6i 85,00(^000 florin^. 1 £ general amnesty to all political Liwuuttx** QcU G- 1 —The cotton market baa decUued * From Philadelphia. THE gOh#J{I9tt3N SWCEND- ANT i ■ , .... .. _ rfZ - Great Political HIxoitcinent. g'rtlnr'o# Swilterinnibj Franco have a complete understanding intend, it possible, to control Europe. and ITALIAN QPERA. To-nigbt the celebrated-Glilobi and Susint Italian Opera Troupe will open the season with Verdi's favorite opera IWrovatore. In all the refined communities of the old world, tbe ; pre-«p^Dent. It is admired and patronized by all Who 'have ao^mi^Wal taste, and is the principal source of amuse* ment for the intelligent and educated peo ple. In ttflacMatfUF Vof Uavr lad but few opportunities for acquiring a taste for classic music, and hence we find comparatively fe\f who really admire the Opera. Of lutc.years, however, these opportunities have been in creased, and we are sure that we have iq riayafipfcfr ^ifisicql iast^ talestjtahtcft GfiQ prove more and more encobragmg u) tfi'e*rfi>- pearance of an OpeTa troupe iu our midst. The tWU'fitfckdSl 1 ast sc asoh and generally admired. This season the same troupe, with some new artists and ah increased chorea, Will again appear Ik;fort cur public, and we hope that our citizen^ will respond liberally, ao as to induce tliii ri, manager to visit us N^aiu Btf ^Wt^frkilri] in listening to a capital companlf'''WMfe they the .elect, cultivated Mid large audience was elect! fled. We mimed—ail mimed, the magnificent Susint„ whose stately presence Mid surprising gilts of geuiiia mark him as one. once seen and heard, ever to be rri. mem be red. We also mused the taacinatiug and a*, compliabed Prims Donna Caaiasa; nor did we hsya the pleasure of seeing the talented Ardarani, who,, looks as much the gentleman as he is the accom plished artist. But then we hsd M’me Ghioni iu ' her power; M'me Strakoech, whose rare gening, p feet acting and charming voice, never fail to leava a profound impression; Ham (at last), with h a elpt gant flgnre aud »uj>erb voice; Coletti, who, the pa- ceding night. I and any in such a manner us jo ally took the house by storm. Thy, wftoje u|>*ra passed off like a dream of rapture. r.t. i <>i t ' ■ :r// i t ' NVreWmlatcV : dfol St*tae«a uatain the Citizens' and \Vhito Fircme^’i Ticket. Vote to-day for yonr~lrue interest. Vote for the men who will recognize the ju£- in Athens, and for the past two weeks there tice w&MfraatW!*t¥fr*' liccudtwtj, i— v...— . aD {i will not discriminate against you, and : i ravor of strangers. Vote the citizen's m£T ‘Zmsimj&ti&t springing up everywhere to add toyourcofcn- and that, too,, in less than J1BIT4 At ; Old S^wr^h. , iioiotrs TRCjcEEUrtSoS—^EVfe^L ! dHori Philadelphia, Oct. 7.—The mob spirit prevails hertcjatiui pobucat osrikea«tDt km 4iigk«r (hoa. for ammr yaarn ou FrtUy ijighv' Tb^ve Drmoc- quartern were gutted by the Kcpnmioiu rowoiet. Xut ujgfct there were rioioh# proct<djpg« in different perte of ib# cHpy acd Beverel peraou wtre ahot. _ From Washington. E SI«Y{A( JN «F f I^IOBSSIONER nrwBvnw between the pbescdent JOfu a new xqr a delegation. f \ MR SEW$&l$&Efl¥n6iMPROVEDi WabEmhuoH. Oct. 7.-3CominimtaMm Coder, of.-.In- diao- Affair*; pobltahegwietaer, saoigtliuff huposiflsil. Hia successor, Cot 1/mis Bogy, had jmsvioiaalp hesk appointed. ,*-j if' - u-*r»d C#l.-Melly «Nd Cbpi.. MaOaflN'ty, on Saturday, Hfrtnd xBMflutioDs of a ujeeting of lata Cai ‘ WR and »evej;alfM ^tMau movement President referred them to Secretary 8cward. One »epn-td FOR MAYOR, XUju*.^ .»: • rf.. •. er u * * r ., CHAS: FAMELY. { «. - U - " • CUr Ticket. * FOB BATOR: E. C. ANDERSON. A * - BOB ALMBWRX : 1 -G^0uJV--1irtLLY. “ ^ .‘‘J 2— MAtrrtN J: TORD. * ' :• 3— EDWARD C^WADE 4— JOHN L. VILLALONGA- 5— IE *ft MEYER. 6.—GEO. C. FREEMAN. 7— A. H. WAVER. 8— JOHN McMAHGN. »—JNO.-t G. FERRILL. - 10-AV,|I^R. 11 —thoma» h. harden. > 12—F. L. GUE. . oca-M EiiiZGiis 2 aim White uFiremea’s Met. Reform ! Reforfa 11 Reform I f! sepia J^DERSOM; » ' -a-- M ttlMm; W. ^TfjfLLT.' *’ ““ 2— WM, H. BURROUGHS. 3— F. Yi GUE.', *‘ oA, ' li BpjGHAM. 5— MARTIN Ati FORD, x 6— Da JAMES J. WARING. 7— EDWARD C. 1 WADE. 8— JOBS Ik’VILLALONGA. # Tr ^; ! ^ / -MEYER. 10— CHARLES C. MIT J. A3. 11— WM. HUNTER. 12— ALVIN N. MH.T.FR h t.. . *- iMHm.':• FOR MAYOR: R'C. ANDERSON. i v,.-rj ■. . FOil ALDERMEN: JOHN C. FERRILL GEO. <3. FREEMAN.. ' " JPBUJ McMahon. ; W'H.WIBTBERGER. JttHNT CUNNINGHAM. M. J. FORD. J. L VILLALONGA.' ' THOMAS Hi HARDEN. JOHN FLANNERY. HENRY BRIGHAM. * H. R. CHRISTIAN. H. A. CRANE. 1 aetT-tda •Bin OUykmd a i am»as*tra. Ir • — - . lr J^ r SinfdPd, iod it iWMBHtq mtaMnu H#Me _ Wri larmtettMly anmtiatactury.. SacrsHry.BawndU Stlfsnil to Sayc 1. .1 ' ■ J sj ttlkta Jt f ^ mvoKTivt from oymopm}^ ■ TlteConstltw tdaUIliitfaiMM Dsfrated. ; 'u; li t -ir v&e nrcrnffMa'mukie3#i! ’.a..- :jn • B T JO tut Ad K jbeadan “ritotMamsAmanamauk by * wto of iwaatiOou, to twuMy4kraaL ■ er. -a*} fit Ya/j: i tJ&sKT. ’ —ri.-j-5.-vTT--.nrj- -.,v— T,-- r -V r '*a**ri- JFAL'WtiilBrtMJifi af? re»pvctf)jUj-\ijTity41« i«kt«d '■JL MigMuMla/ ttoffinwr Bom his-wsidsaza, ! 'Ifiurf kbsUt, tfifi afbsraoou at ** oduack. - •• ^LdmuAbso- «•»*..rr tfiiatioflr .flinTCi | j * -ir , --*'-^^Trr'-Tnn[-TiBi * •• at tho Bi- changa. «1D1«U UHH1W, Sth instant, at 1% t ##uikFY>r.ijn- i- ^ , A&MeWydrSfc ! Vtik!«neSf Paul. or Panl, conducted by the Sisters oI Merry, 4Wd ky to* liwufoiio^'ai. ■ riritoku Astoo a l sepu-iridf-^TTiT: 13 i <i s }. Assignees’ Notice. -< Bank or Sivinii, \ Savannah, Georgia, July*, IMS./ The unrisyfljgnfil baring bees appointed Atvgnaes or this Bankfarjihe <uupos* or adjosUaff end liqui dating Its affairs, thsreMre all pan** having Uataas against trite corporation will present' them, and el bill holders of this Avnk are required to preuast the saine-wttfiiiijfls UloaHta from this date, ar tbay will lose the priority granted by 8UtaM, Und' tkoauia. deb ted wHI make imnedute payment to H. BRIGHAM, , it’- ? "'j <*»>- %-"6mxik 7' and Ibe .Cebblai... .. rw pcatbnmoa* grand opera. ti'AFRICAlNE. 1 . * - ' “ the greatest mnslcal sfnasUon, which wtn he Jars dueed In gorgeous style, with entirely new aud ebstiy wardrotM, appointments, etc, end the GREAT SHIP la the 3d Act, and MAN CAN ILL A TREE in the &th Aot.expreealy made forlh» Company, aa need In. the Acadaaat of Mario in Raw York. ' GRAND tad «R- Oondactor and Mqstcal Director.. Alghor IOCOLAO. : ;««^asawfc: Admission to Parquet and served teats. Ip cants extra; Gallery, $1. TlfMa fotaele lot dlfher Opera night during the daw, from » o’clock a. n>, at J. C. Schreiner A Son' 'HqsIc fl>0f ^ Dows- epen at Vi. Overture commences at V o’clock - . . ofr-'f ORFF « WATKINS K, ‘ >r ’mvn»^3rt If '»* " .iAOSAM TO EXAMINE ri-ii j. Savannah Inatitnte TOR. ^ ; v a: Yopixg Ladies; * IJTOE^IltRCtStit of thlaSchoel .WIU be reeaaod J- & F. LANCASTER, • JOHN 8. MALLARD, Teachers of Junior aud Senior Classes, Mms CATHARINE A. ADAMS. ■ ■ ■ - id -• : ... ) . Hi l, . Teacher of Preparatory Department. . . Paox. DEITZ, it iMMif Teeeher of Pceaeh. .... .. . . • Mm. PELOT, 2 ; _ v t?urtter of Pennmunahtp. Dr. CHARTERS will lecture on Natural Pldloso- phy, end Ur. 11400189 os Pb(*Haay aid Hygiene. Ml« ADAMS, a native, ff Bayenuab. tea Teasbci' af leo* axpaneace and high re station.- For several years she waa connected w.;ii the Huntsville Female Cta.fge. aad Ortega the moet satisfactory testimonials success. •- Tl fin r reiMnewnt ocC-lw Principal, TO COTTON SHIPPERS. WB ABE FREPAllSO TO MARK Ca&b. J^dviaxices OH OON81GNHONT8 TO TBS .WX/di KNOWN ■OIMOOUP - Messrs. Norton,Slaughter A. Co . .‘TfoW.VrVwrl*.* ' ' - ABB . b • Messrs. John K. Gilliatt & Co., . - Liverpool. TDt CAN 8APBLT PROM 180 the tallest aattabc- TT llohteun PATRONS el the ABOVE OlCBAad FAVORABLY KIOWM PIRMI,. Our A uhtsatCaiatnbuu.Amerlcnt.ljUhany. MfO Grifflu, West Point; tUOraflfV WeiKinf, - Atlanta. IIad woo, and the House, of MESSRS'EFBETCilf 4 GO.. Hnvannnh, " V me at nil timea prepared to take OBAHGB OP. PAV TAXES and taller BXPRNSRS. aaWmalm Uharal ADVANCES upon constgameata K. M. BROCK A ICO., BANK BBS AHD COTTON FACTORS, oeS-lm ... Aagaata, Ga. HBUIRfen- INSURIUICEII v l. ga., augcar », THE enderMgried Wahid respectfully talbrm their Wends aaHihe gflbhc'fi^at they areprepatad to t#Mt Fire aniLMartae.-iiaka; in tne. fbtlarwtag Ant alma companies, at eMabllahe| rates, sad solicit A share df patroeage: INTERNATIOlaAL. JfvStJRAHCB QQUtABX. New York. *>. :< ( >. .... . national nSirlhffG insdrahc# cokpaitt, of 8L Louie, Mo. ., CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO., of St. LoalS, Me. PERRY INJS.jAjitfTic.ST CO., MWrthe. Ala. j. tja8» w. andersoH i HOWL eeplAsa - Cuyher*f;Bryan and Dray tarn alreSta. wA^xie^’s Nb^ice. iA Vie-i ^idtatMul a':U»» - TUe midenigBed itav^g be#n appointed of the Bank tg,0o«ps£rM of Savaiquh, Georgia, Is prepared to ergefemso his duties. Afi btU hrifisrs and other perSedh having claims agalBSt lhe Shirt Bank, are remri^f^l^t’fcaent the samh Br BfflMA- tioo, and aU jeallaa-indebted to the. Ran It in *•< quested to MRetaMedlate payment. Bill holders will looekhelr priority if the Mils ire‘ months from this data. JOHN C. not presenlsrl .MS* :i.R - AasUaee. rjir Wv>q We intend to-day to swmarysfs ourselves rom your rule. Wsui Firuuu. Tire nnderjgu4i hattari Vme>ppolnted sealgrteeS of the Farmin’ and- Mllharlrat/tAjiltql^mnitah. Georgia, hereSphMliy hHt-hoMsn kM.eShsUclOm ewtartaMiaifIhtisldBllrtr to(instofWth son# fa,II- aUfr-rw tafftpdte 5Bh Banker, reqalred to mak^hnm.lteteTftynWf. * Wanes boro iu possession ot horses, took ont* a wfi/tifr lidtesMbh* «Ddfir>'^lSiate lJw,.23iT WO 11A .1'ii fafitMtihy. TboetvUhuthoritiuAaf tiie gpgn from the Macon IWPMS, fate 1 und ltdpmparty and iQiitai “sn 1 i03r i T ■agasssse^srr.i.M-. enforCeda I WVug I jjflmxned. and aU persons amItnst,tatas1<urr t tra v 'tlMftdb holders to send thorn m the toM of _ q nan lilies. This Is the explanation of the one palzsrilloutwsar three wlthoatUpa. Sold every Londoe pm*. « < where. i ..iidrrifi, -»T The nadeitaglled.-’llilrlng been appotatoeguMMe of the m P1 * Dterr *b. <* prepared to eater opondim dsO)l‘ All billholdarB. peraona hs^Hg HaHah' against sale Oaaa; am ve- same tor’ TlliaiflsMoa. And all pertlaagaMbtaSd* the Bank are men sated ta make lmM*dl*ta"'psrfmfnt. BillhdUeie wMtoasr their prieritydf the b%|a arc not presented wlthta Sts. I.TQCI..IC.. lunnua • Hnrveyotf’s Compasses, . Cl ,*al .!.! 1 J . .. * Bra and six inch Needla. > iar-.i V ^ Stalaa, X«1m and TWkX ^eodt ,*«• .! , i|; Mounted Roll Drawing Paper. r&tto, ’ DRAWING »0R SALS T, & iVteliy. SflPli-tf “ 1 WHA' Cooper, OlMtts H i. ? us DAJHCBCG ACADEMY AT,*T.A«DRItMV.NAU> twig -ahull V -U.a—r..L- ». M^aWSSKdSirsHriL lSUb atfifsemmi. M.. tom efc ^]OST K REC£IVat ,0_ w oMJ ,OOvy3\> Hi. .u;-.-r„0 rrtd ,io. Aj OUR HOUSE DIMM ROOMS, fTtnE naileisigned havtag leased the-above fagerlte X EdaMlabmeflt, sad havta«grrS! trtt -onA refiir- nlsliedttthrooffhoahta she anatriagaut mtmaer. wnold Inform the pahlle that It to ouar ogea kw the Reemnraef Gneeta. Thv.pveaaittfrowrieio* will spare no pains ta nBahis -the eharaou* te has al ways enjoyed, ss being one or the State! the FlrM- Ctsea ZatlH Hsnw oT'lhs cstaitsy, aud those who fuCrktm with tiiali yatvuaoes mez to asaased ihat nothing will be left nodose to- aeeara taa aoav- fort and aatlsfaeuda of hta gseatt. MOAWWOrtwu hf taken brow week o.dty aka taSWe stata ( . / ,i , -et- li. ltIRtAM, • ; uMBCftvxmn^sY. ; ANY HOTEL SOUTH, WlLfrB* teo^oned To 4he Fufrlfo ■. uvDini v -Hi . #- Hi7. : Ut~ ' octnas* videos. .. ;vr r irf.^.vi. < • ’tijn-i-'H* - ft r TiKT-r «, u MsmpKis (TinfU .Coupons slid Past Dustndsbtedness. B I ol£.5ff25S darned that the ga#daj adaswefto <taU^|tabgta| by theOtyer ilOrTsam, Btatahis, Idhil, anil ChArJtatoufrsilrced cdujkju Itaatolita Tran.. Ohio E*nrdaACka»P<*s jm*t fine. For SatS, STOCK OF FILL i\n ii/tu SISTER MOW BEING OPENED, BOUGHT EXPRESSLY FOR THk SOTJTfiERN JOBBING TRADE. Ill and IIS t'ou^rm Street. ock-tf • msss E. D. SMYTHE * CO. Importers and Dealers in AND GLASSWARE, * C. • I. t • -.^ -. ....... ... .. _ H AVONOWON HAND (and are conerantlT receiving additions thereby, the LARGEST STOCK * gl .above Goods that has ever been Offered lntlii- market'which they are prepared fo»!l»tprt:sal low it* they c.iirhe bough, le New-York or aoy Northern city. Dealers are respecriullv Inwitert •oct 1 . tt4 | ergmlneoflr liHs of asderteil crates, which ooBtaiu ;io uaealeahlv.Gqeris, they having -teen poimfeij| Staope (Xpreealy mr this market. ... . 109 BROUGHTON STREET, 8EC0ND DOOR ZKOH BOLL STREET. sepu-tr New Advertisements. JOHN D. I)ELANS01, Commission M eP«»hant, . . ■ ^ . -' QXriTJiiA.'N',, -CrJL. hi the Altauv and .Gail Ita.lrod, Iruai rsl .our ojdftiiud. at the C a.,i Ifri.l w.» thfCa-l tr-il Railroad, we are jireisared to deliver the wj| Wild. CiVB lila parsoual afentlon to thcppvchasc beat quality of ot Ctatoa, Produce, aud ail *rt,ctea usually grown in a el cfrmlr thiaaeeU-.aof cfontry, i. J . AND ALSO j . ..... To the sale (Jail descriptions el Family and Plan tation .-.applies utuall.v iuiport.-dtn this market. Reference m any of the ref+touts of havuttnnh- • orff-let ■ - .> - WOOD. ,tatB, the undersigned, take this m-ttiod ol fj.| Tv fdlrmlng our frtenrtf. and the pnhltc scntnlyl that, -to facilitate our badness, wei.uvee-’ijbl WOOD YARD Notice to Bice Planters. rrqrf STtkMKR .T. A. ’METCALFS 13 SOW PSE X pared to Prafeht Nice from the battlla, O^Kchse, lAMinMte aid other rivois. . L : The ahckff Steamer was built at AugngtajnlS^j. lag the Rice Trade, having bulkhead'coupsrtmebfs throtnrhout, and c«» carry from • eighteen *0 twenty thousand baabab under deck For further paitkn- Itaa-Kitay ta , TOCHER k LAPHAM. Agehts, ocS-lw ■ r.t La arinfa Prase. Ths Mabise Bake of Gborou, I , Savannah, Oet .ber S, 1806, ( O N AND AFTER 16th NOV EM REE NEXT, THIS Bask purposes io redeem its noted Issued prior to lSJl, at par, in currency. Bill-holdeia are, mean- -wMte; reg (tasted promptly to rears tef at the Bank the ataoaata they may hniil, -in order that pvsvisios may he Btada for their redemption. The omission so to register may sender It necessary to defer payment when the nates aranreaenterk > Partita having claim- againaltha Rank will pieaer present them, an#a 1 Indebted ar* -pectolly requested t, make prompt settlement, the object being rb who 1 up theuffidr- Of the institution at the earliest posai ble day, ' ....... i o.Afr... WML P. HUNT^g.Caehi r. ■ ....TlSi. 7...rj. - T.-U-r-, Soots and Shoes AT A BARGAIN. riA CASES, CONSISTING OP MEN’S BOOTS, *r\J B-fgimk. and W .men’s Shoes, some extra large alzes, which Will bo sold v- vy -w.wr to ell const imient. W. B. GR1PK1N A CO.. ocfflw. ‘ v* Bay street, IU£H LAND CAE WOOL a> eight dollars ($8) per cord, and _ DRY YELLOW PINE WOOD athix d dlarc (i«y p-r cu-d, on very snort Doiicr. Qrdcr boxes ch.. be round at Sr. Stsley, Bxl Store, corner sr .fc and Bell street-, and it Mr.J.1 Uppmaa s Dru- 8 '» e, corner ol Congress aid hr-1 Hal'd streets. f ocfi-lm 1HJTLER A HARDWEE. | FOWLER & WAffl 87 Water street, New York, " IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS J| RICE. /•hONSIQNAIENTS koliclted, on "htch Wiril i| Kj ▼AiaCementB will be mad«. O. R. tfte abuxe firm, caa be eeen at the MarshallH^| A Practical BOOK-KEEPER AID SILESIAN, VUbas extoaatve huatasss. aeggaiatanoe, ta opei. for an engagement at a mpderat* salary. ,Jridre«a -BtKig-KKEPSB.’’ at this office, otff-t School Notice. WAR. COZBT reapectftilly annonnecsto hisfortny .JM. patrons and the public that the exercise* et hi School will hpresumed. In the bailuiugowiltaoocne: of Chsrlumand Drayton streets, oa MONDAY, th ''ffth or October. Mrs. ALETBffA S. DURRUCGHS, First Asstetam. •ad Miss WILLIE LAW, Teaeber oT Primary. De- partmsnt, will be associated with him. heAlw COAL, COAL. JJ^RD ASH, Bag size, , y y,tt Labding,.(nd for safe by ' . It... No. 3 Stoddard’s 1 NOTES DISCOUNTED t”’-‘ - ' - BT "> - • ii ■ DAVID R. DILLON, Banker. 'd > «*4 nirt fruuH. ■; Notice to Consignees. VVOHinONIBff Will attahdta the rwwpdon «f Iheii 1/ Made. landing I rom steamer Monticeilo, Iron BofftotoatWlUte'(Jpper Wmirf. All Roffda remain in* on the wharf at a.fleer will be stored at owners ‘SgT ' - ... eHAJUB^ftHAYBgj.^ Per Rent, •rff-tf ..i.wato ■ -d st, Or W. T. CRISHOLSk - smm aoitaissioH aipsnAymmo .Iwift,' -yf, |M* (ffWYltalf 1... V ' J-Mjn ; . SAli Vs ,BtNr ^ BSBRABJUHIvLt ot foot? ISO v-u-Ai;, JU! , UIT ssas. aha s.i£i aufr, d otflfft Notice to Consignees. d^iONSiaNKKS per schooner g. W. BljNNELL. L/from Newtbrk, wm aitandto the tveeptam lamitaff into day «t Botum’s wh»rL ai ' tag o^Gtaj Wearf at mmafft fiffl h, wm* NotmeT -Di-. A,i’cfr Y'hTgtjr trienwfryreat Son 1 * America, Md toitotatalj tarvlOta 'V Jha cjtmena. IMS af Sayao- aga. ffpaakf ton street, corner Monigomety. v. J ~ rim MoomDand 1~ T. L.J. H».« BlWnFa Upper Dmmwf sFi m -sl( Ir»r r-’-ersu" b-.tb : e / Vo io vi m sue. ii.l-f -rV-' >zso orfl y«; Mi I Mi-,! i'V *1 -»i », »i ' *e (1 . OtoML k tgttT hlS.. Oar. Bap and Abarcorn atraata SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL liiNK, of Ktelf City. ort-hy Foe- Jiciglit or Ctorinj 11 THE A1 BARK EAGLE, j -DRMIVGTON, JInst.r. wi l bo -ca.iy to ,i(f| XL MONDAY, OctdhorS'.i. for New Y»r»', in on 'pt.-ftlvVly Sail'Aa rtw tBtbs * , _ .. This splendid vessel m.sle the p.-asaee fron - York to this p-rt in four and a half u»ji »r pers may rely on the'riiibftjrt dtsentcli. r Far freight cign reman ts. apply t» . * vv'iL h. stark a- co., ue* Heavy freight* wanted. - ° 9 ' • Eastern Hay. 600' BA ^*® Haatera Hay. wA nf*| from Richmond, Maine, now affost, ir. . .... f ^ . , . For syte low, by oeff-3t WM. H. STARK * ® I cf - 1 1 REXIDEttt’ M ■ i COMFORTABLE Brick Teatmest. d J A or 13 rooms, conveniently located to o Terms acctJmiflodotlng. Apply to . oefffft • LARlXjHB, WESTADA^. ' GOCift tceytound, . I”JSSSS535&i‘S®?» ! «'l veitiaelnenL BOX REMT ^ . -i—a tfctf I Ts DU* at the Post OfBee, and dr.I ’X aU boxes not paid for od or before ta. ^ P will bo for rent. SALT, SALT O Cnn 8ACCR Liverpool Sail, m ^ ° dpguu to* jN0 McMA hoS ■DW.Vfrnos: : ~ . ” ' » E«w. <yByrne & »<”*• WaoLXaxita xxn Scran. jjufoemB, —- XTTE sollefrt share oftbe patroB^e ^ ' W andttopobtte ttoiM io®’! ocs-iy I To Rent. rpas amattHrsFALMBW of per c ^| ptS^tdmo*w*>thi. payxlfia at th. CpinpanySi <>® c " P .... laaa ■ . - D-. TtmS>\ 16th October, 1866. ocff-Mt -'VVanted,