The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, October 08, 1866, Image 3

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IOC a l matters. j!0> MORNING OCTOBER 8. 1866 ,, nf Steamslitps »««* Steamer >rto rc fob new tore J«»n Salvad r, on Saturday, October 6th, ' j'clOCK P- I'.^iiisbip 11 i' 9 Bisblp Herman Livingston, Thursday, Oot. r a. ®* . * rirg0t Tuesday Oct. 9th, at — o’clock FOB W1I.APILPHIA. ToDawanda, Saturday, October «, at 4 v-K P- m - • for BlSTON. Mp jionticello, Wednesday, October loth, i'"’ d ?in Pity or Batli, Saturday, Oct. 13th, at- I /lock FOB baltimobe. , Gen. McClellan, on Thutfiday. October ' ,eS /clock, — m * FanDle, on Thursday, October 11, at — i lC jO»blP — TO- for FLORIDA. baker, every Saturday morning, at ;0fti" Steswer r io /doc* «vsam e; . u o'clock .‘sjnsn snore, every Tuesday morning, at rou atronaia. . c „, n Wednesday, Oct. 10th, at » a. m. Stainers 1 ^ —mH—m — - & HROTHBlt, Newsdealers, Sta- aeS,rJ j nouKaeflere, Bull street (down stairs. !l#M . n ' * Bay lane, next to the Post Office, are au- '" : ^d'«pe““ for lhc Da,LT N * W * * . * ic ri v.Ith them will bo promptly attended The Lagrange, Ga., Reporter.—We had . , pleasure yesterday of greeting in onr -cc Mr. Wellingham, the genial ami able f]nor above paper. The Reporter i« " of tlie largest, as it is also one of. the country papers in the State, and in ito literal appearance, as well as the ability with lulcs it is Conducted, will compare farora- j,,r with any of our city journals. It haa a ,' K ) :;r ge ciiculation in West Georgia and r rft Alabama, and our merchants would consult their interests by making it the jclium of communicating with the secttbns Mcrred to, from which they 'must get Hge portion of their business. Mr. W.. will-. r jl on the merchants of our city to-day for a- purpose of receiving their favors in the Ia y oi advertisements. Petty Thefts.7 172 have rccqptly heard of a great maay patty ihe.t* perpetrated in various portions of tho city by negro boys, but not thinking them of any great im- pj.-tance omitted auy mention of them. The event tod ^rowu to such an extent that We desire to call the itteutiou ot the police to the facr, as well as to put our cazena on the lookout for these young thieves. We beard of a case of theft occurring a few days since whore a small white ehild, while stauding in front of a dry goods store had its hat stolen from off Us head. B’o also hoard of a casfi in which a Child's, carriage was stolen from iuside of a garden railing, while tho child, who hail occupied it was being carried into the house by tho servant. Iu the vicinity of tho public squares, gangs of negro boy* are in tho habit of assembling and con ducing Utem-wives in such a manner as to disturb the residents in tho neighborhood. There should be some remedy for this evil. Neither white nor black youtiis should be allowed to congregate in the streets aLd squares for riotous aud disorderly conduct. The luhject w worthy the attention of the police. “ Our Hoaic ’’ Rcitonrant* According to announcement, ttiU- splendidly fitted up establishment was thrown open on Saturday even- ing last It i*eeriainly furnished in the best style, *11 the furniture beinghewhnd ofi the The main entrance is £roi% Bay |treet also one from the^ane. The flrsp notice^hla' ft on entering the room fa the cashier's desk, neatly fitted up; and in the raar of him isa dumb waiter leading to the bar, through which the liquors |re sent to the dining room, there being no bar.— Everything in the room has an air of neatness and elegance'Which 4* refrf ahipg^ . It is brilliantly lighted with a number of gas jets at intervals along the waUC and the fixtures are of taonze, presyiUag a beautiful aad substantial appearance •)*>•! U Along the eastern side of the room are several ta bles arranged, either for individuals or parties, wfefle in the rear of the building is one large tdble extend ing the full width of the room, and intended for the accommodation of the peiifisuent hoarders"of the feouife. ' '' ' *' On the west side are erected sevArST stalls, neatly* furnished with curtaihs, so that those dekiring privacy may be accommodated. '' ' vv * ; On the North side of the robm «*• situated twe spa-' cious supper rooms, with folding doors.VhSoh can at auy time be thrown into one, and which ato capable of accommodating a company of twenty or thirty per sons each. They are furnished with extension tables, and contain everything calculated to- make one feel comfortable. In addition to tbeso rooms the proprietor has' laid out three other smaller rooms, which are devoted ex clusively to the use of ladies, aud all furnished in the ■‘finest style. * • » The third story has been set apart fbr lodging rooms, and contains several of the. most spacious and airy rooms to be found' in -Savaiinelv /On the fourth floor may be found bath room and. water closets, and al though not yafc Unshed, tho rooms are almost alien, gaged. . _ . . , The dining room is superintended by Mr. P. A. Bar- jest, formerly steward of the-Ban Jacinto, and latterly of i by .San Salvador, and he-cfjgtoinly understands ca tering to the appetites of his gpeats, if we are to Judge from the dishes prepared on Saturday nlglitT' ‘ The kitchen is well worth an inspection, everything being gotten up im tho most substantial and servicea ble manner. It ’ id provided with one of the best cooking arrangements seen in the country, and one thing not to be seen every day, a charcoal fire for broiling steaks, or anything that the customers may wash. Id one ^pd nf this room is •situated the. ^tpre room, whict is' filled to4«pietion and ; the arrimge- ments of which bear testimony to the ability of the^ head of this department. They have also several tqbs in the room furnished with hot and cold water and used for washing dishes. . .. Tho proprietor, Col. E. H. Karlin, has spared neither pains nor money, to mkke this establishment second to none ip the country„and an inspection will satisfy, any one of his eucoess. The attendant# are polite and attentive, both in theffimng-satoon and in the bar room, and most of them have been .for a long time in the business, and are well known to. the frequenters of that establishment. As heretofore, the oyster-bar will bo situated in the rest of the bar-rpom, where tho finest bivalves of the market are always to be found.., ^ From New York.—The steamship Herman Living ston, Captain Laker, from New Yjork K with % large number of passengers -And a full 'feeighh tttfxed at her wharf a few minutes before seven o’clock last evening, in seventy hours. For full files of late New | £ aD *' York papers, we are indebtedfQ ; iks ohligiug. Pqmej of the Livingstou. Shipping Intelligence. T . Auction'’Salei^ - ■ ■ J =-■ ■ • ■ — »**7i —i. Kl.UUrt Almanac—This Day. HIGH WATER'. At Tjrbee . 7 lBIAt Port -i.'t ti r> ... :■.> PORT OF SAVANNAH. SCNDAY, Oct. 7. 1SG0. Arrived. / 1 0fl 1 VUI aell in front of store THIS DAT, at 1 o’clock, tho follsviDg articles: * L. 1 box Fancy Good* ® 1 box Shirts . > l packve (5 boxes) Cheese 4 coils Rops 0 3 barrels Rys 1 box Candles, . Rm»s | AH on bosrd the stasmer Ssn Salvador on bad passamdrem New York to Savannah. Sold for aoeotmt of Underwriters and all concerned. Terms cash. Arnos M Roberts, Dosfb, BdUksTf M^-di Pitcher. oc8-lt Brin Ocean Bejle, Martin, Boston—Haywood, Qage * On. ■ ”■ 't > !r GET7 4 rfnfTni peatjo^kj-asfn-^d cargo ~r: .c HisS Bcbr Isaac Moran • -E K Hertz A CD. ■ ~«lek*da.' Steamaht () Tonawauda, Teals Philadelpbla—Hoatasr k Uamtaiell. . 8teamabtp San Salvador, Atkina. New York—Rdi Barden .. 7s : , Steamer Lizzie Baker, King, Palatka, etc—dag- horn k Cunniaakata. . . «j ? ! U A Cl hchr Wanats, Hawkins, N#W Tort—Bdtip Forge * . 3■■ * i ' iclew. “•* Br hark M K Lockhart, Hadoway, from Havana e» New Tark, pat In in distraea ■ Hcbr Veto, from New York, toand to Cbarleeton, pat in In distress. - ■ Hena twig and tore and aft athoooer. . . G Inaporaa. ->r Per brig Amos U Eoberta, from Belfast, Ml ..500 bales hay, 60 hhds molua^a. - ' ». Per brig 0:ean Bella, from Boston—<07 tons lgo, Kxports. a . Per steamsblp San Salvador, for New Tork-^3# bales upland cotton, 8 do domes! lee, n rolls leather, It colls of yari), if boxes tobacco, 6 dp batting, and ,rfOC jnZ IHAHO Per ateamaliip Tonawanda, for Philadelphia—561 bales,cotton^ SU7 do domestics, 34 pkgs mdse;’ 191MA dried fratb 3 bales wool, 11 hols terrapins, Bf imptif. kets. . -■ .... v .* Hi 11 »•'» Per tdw Wanafa, for K«w Totk—163,00011 Intonetf ._JD»T, Oct. 9th, mi the aentti three aoora from Whttaker. at lO Mayor's Court. There were but two men brought up before His Hoa -rtho Mayor on Saturday morning. The fiqgt case was that of Adam Simmons (colored), charged vuii being drunk aud disorderly iu the street, and resisting au oulcer. Ha was fined five dollars aud cwt*. Peter Todd (colored) was charged with being a sus- pitiioas character. He was found on the premises of •citizen 2: a late hour on Friday night.- Todd having been formerly emjdoyed in the neighborhood in which be was disc jvert-d, and being well known for his tlucvia^ propensities, added to the fact that several articles had been siolen from the premises upon which ho was found a f«* v nights prior to his arrest, he was sentenced by His Honor the' Mayor to the chaingaug for thirty days. O PRIVATE SALE. , Vr yyRK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRK AtCO Himfi.V Shoulders, Clear BwV -tutte^; Hominy, Ac., kef ^ 5 -*• i J BTrMtiiU M YU.Y A CHRISTIAN, xffi'tjijiku qq •b’cioclf, ^ , AND ELEGANT' is^tWEENT AT HB7T3BHDLD ,’T ' tcbnittbe, • Fine P»r lorwtts. Wardrobe a,. Bedding, Mahogany. Chair,. - Etagetes,’ Crockery. MahluAuvSidaL Sldeboerda, Matlreseea, Mabogaov Btfre&u,' Bedabeads. Kitchen Forniture, Alahmahy Tablift Waahatanda, Rocking Chatrm, ko. ■ v. :V .... - also. • —S-- . ATIoePiaae- • wS'Wdnlffibegreive to say to thorn who are was tins Au&l'eraitiuRthat oof iatbelr chance. Do' wk 1st Sale positive. Terms coah. 0t6. 'TYTHICB la now offered to Planters pmaiaan qoali- VI ties vMeb sre pecnlisr to i< aloes, to< Djndar it far superior to any other known, as has been fully -7 proven by the •• French Academy of Adencca,” and also hy^rsOtknl psraoos of enlarged experiawbia in ■ : .r-Yi- a CONTINUED ••• \ it, CHA^T,^ COUNtT SHERIFF’S SALE. lirTti^esoldon the second TUESDAY In October tlie Cotwi :n ih£ legal hmise Of tain M>i- 00*1 n the dtf <*, SbWtunalathi: MiscelTaneons. To Plaaterat % yy •: : r - SAVANNAH. Oatobar let, U66. THE J. B CARY A CO.’S “NONPAREIL FRENCH GUANO” Among 4hv meritorious qualities which riraWerlr diatmgnlah the -Nonpareil FfWnh Gtaaao," sum bo ennmarated the fallowing: 1st. It will pranote the growth of Cot too, Coin' To bacco, or ankfelod of grkio or rsgatahfr. HWd-A> A NO. 1 Peruvian or Mexican Guano, aa haa been fully Id. It can be cppkeAAo Abo leAfea os _wRF ms the toots of plants, without spy danger of burning them, if tteed property: stud we goafontee that s^ererae «p-< plied the soil will retain its mass Loro, eng will not htoe, even the most clayey. _ jd. It will prevent Wants or In easts from destroy ing either planter grsin, aud wherever it. la apnligc every AiodwC worm or ULtocasriS inatanOy diaap aearaibs pcopartias being repugnant to iiiaoat Ills of every kind. Thiaqnaltty oiooe wlUhea greR beoeflt to aaricmtoie when it ia estimated what vast numbers, 'aa Sothesn planters know, have loot their crop .by in sect depredations. In a circular it is impossible to fully onter nto'tke jnente »f the •» Nonpareil Fsettcri Gu#KX" tot we at- When we feal confident that it toll rapidly augercade aUothera. • - - . 4* ar.-.-y 3-RfcFHk^riw.--) Oot. B T. Peudiefou, Clark count#, lYeat Tlrgfula; Morgan, do.; C. Cimble, do.;E. ICcConllTck, do.; Msj. Green, do.; Ool. J.}C, totppard,dot P. Y- Sheppaid, do.; J. End rs, do .' Daniel McCullough, Puirflcld Dtabriet, South Carolina; Dr. tom. Monroe, Baltimore county; F. Kerrymsu, do.; S. Pstteixon, Harford couuty, Md.; B. Eirland, Calvert county,Jid. ' “ 1W.; J. P. Silver, Cecil county. Qufcx Trip.—Tho American ship Ellon Hood, Cap tain Pell, from New York, In ballast, arrived in the river, abreast ot Lincoln street dock, about five o'clock yesterday afternoon.' The Ellen Hood is the first ■ailing ship that has arrived at this port this season. 8be made the run from New York to* Tybfie bar in eixty-three and a half he ars. /* ’ - To Cotton Shitpkr*.—The attention of cotton ship pers aud others ia directed to the advertisement of Messrs. E. M. tfruce & Ool, Bap fare and Cotton Faotofg, Augusta, who are ^trep^ed ta> make cish ad vances on consignments of cotton to the welf kndwh houses of Norton. Slaughter k <36., New York, and John E. Gilliatt A Co., Liverpool. -Arrival of the Virgo.—The steamship Virgo, Cap tain 8 F. Phillips, "from New Tork, arrived at her wharf about.hali-pest one o’clpck ox Sptu^py. She brings a full freight, among which *s a second-class steam file engine fc£ t^he Firo Department at Atlanta. • Savaaaah Market. -V * -. * Savannah, Oot. 6, 1868. Cotton.—There was nothing doing on Saturday, Buyers seemed trf hold jftf in auticip^ion of a father decline. New York.Middlings are quoted at 38(S)37c. IsDisrBEia.—The Brltiuii bark Milton K: Lockhart, Cip: Hoibway, bouud from Havana to New York, pat .nic this port ou Saturday iu distress. The Lock- iantedou board 2,225 tons and b6 hogsheads sugar; »iwi4 o.i be a sugars .»nd 80 half barrels papar do. The Tessci was siruck by a regular hurricane in lat. ioa. a8>a, wluch lasted, about eighteen hours, com- EeiiJing E. X. au ,i backing iuto N. W. DuMiif the prevaJ-.-ace of the storm «he lost her rudder head/ aud i»is:cd u»i her lower mast. She also bad her lore top- fflat broken oil' aud top gallant mast aud jibboom oar- ntdavay. Tue vessel commencing to leak badly elie tjs -^I'd lor charleston, off which place she lay for u '-b)e eudeavoring to get in. Be^fi{£^nabie' to go into CiiudcBton she was headed lor S^vaquaii, mud ar- •a dm Tybee Boads ou Saturday afterAcaat. A por- the cargo la in-a damaged conditi m. Inejchoouer Veto, bouud from Naw York to Charles- ^ put into Tybee Boads yesterday, with the loss o* o-'aiuiunnst, mizzeu-mas.t and jibboom. Arrivals at the Hotels. PUfiANlil HOUSE—W. H. W1I.TBRKQEB. T" PLiXiias’ Uoikl, AuGUbXA, Ga.—The tfSvoiinB public viU lie gratified to learu from the'card in aa- oUitr toluma iiut this popular hotel, aftor beinc uciy luniiaiiMj am j tborodgbly refitted in most supi.b bij'.e, ureopened to the public to-day, by Ihst popnijr iiosi, Nickerson, so favorably known throughout the country as former proprietor of the Rilis II u-o, Charleston. Tlie Planters' Hotel is eligibly siiustta ou the great business tboi oughfars of iii^unu. and is oue of the best constructed and con- vrnivntly arranged houses in the Southern country, iu the lnnd- of Mr. Nickerson it will take rank with hie best hotels in tho country. H L'Shultz. So Ex • ■ . J U Mingled.irff, Ga .1 Beiiliy, N T 11 T EmoYv, Augusta I > A Van Horn, N J M Steuou. N 3 Master G Walden, O RR It E Launits A i man, NY W B lluinlley, John don cu Mia Burgest, N Y tV < : bubers, Ga E R Peabody. Ga S South wick. Terns •J Mi-ses Ayres, N Y E J McGuire, M Y Mrs Dodt A daughter. Ala Miss Proctor, N Y Misa Jacobs. N T J Beckett. < ity J Abtnt, Imi II A lleyer, Mobile W L Gary, S c tv Badterjjr, Balt T 9.trm.uj, Mobile Mrs Ma-ier«iu, klrtbilw O D Earle, N Y 1) bawjs .Vt daughter, Ga J P P limes, Yorkvillt' J A Fenueil, sliip E Hosd W Troeger, . M « Lev, Columbus Mi-s Hawks do ’* Mrs 8 tone lake, Fla 2 Misses Lowry k maid, FIs f 45 Bavemeycr, N Y G tV ibltcli and Inly, 41s SI 1 63 Fouquef, N Y Mr k Mm nuiUi. rU A tlsowit and 1-dy, X Y J G Powers, NY C B Bacon A lady, N Y Mi,s M L Tullmau, N Y Miss Nutting, Macon .1 E Cuntriugham, N Y M Marrion, N.Y g lXfce and hid/,./? Y P*r etcamshlp &u 7dr' i New Y^rf—ilA S Peyser, M Stetson. 1. Peyyeti'. Mrs .Lgcke. i Misses Locke and kix t3ib*Ife«, UlsTtect&tMi; J U JfieFtz, K D Klcket, P M Buckner, J T Garter, W Gullloyle, T Plfitekefc.A Ctroo, lady, icbiitlieuRud -stt, MiesJ Braiyn. J.G Pittman, W Jolilisun, and 8 steerage. Per (tcamship Tonawanda, for Philadelphia—Jas Neetetc ante *ow, JWyi>«,>ia4« aa4 VkiUUeu, Mies d, vyrnUutotoiii tl h mut4MyjAto7Us«i«tt,-J Car ' i -fichors Master E^VaPu, BliSr’3iwifi r f Mlsir Mooie, s c Per steantship Virgo, from New York—Mr Fogarty and lady, « 8mgw, jr; « Mytfatt, Mian S S-Bxtteyr Miss M Ayres, Miss G Ayres, Mis. d Proctor, Mat ta iSSNsaftffiBea: L A Duck, R U LatUlWz, M Gammon. M Sauthwick. S ri Fucotig. Miss M G dinger, Mrs H Dodt, Miss L Dodt, t W Tophanl, B Newrthi. BHatfioW,'Mtnu Hat Held, B Hatfield, A J Caret*. P M Moclyt H Col. litis, A Pasquet, W 0 Saltern; **• Pea body, E Plant, 1 p Brooke, H M Luke, Wm B Handier If, K Wu>oii, R ttilsuu. Jr, J J U-Gouaeii, C MeUubie, W M Mitch ell, M W Wimberly, H A Wllliatus, A Merkle, H Uue- fleid, M Hagan. Mrs Hagan, Miss Hag.n, T Mitchell. sstttatnafiBK Sennot, W luton, H Witoen,. M Nohiu, UMils, P Per steamship Herman Livings too, froitiNaw Yfi 4 Daoey lady, T S KcviU and .wife, Mrs EC Idle. Miss J D Hawka, Mrs L DeW,tt and family, Mr^ W E Davis and 3 ekliurcu, Mrs Stoustnke, MisfiLoh- sey, s t*s Levant, Mrs M J siuiih. Mrs Hatch, Miss PUIJIHril, H Wtuts, M Lo|i*A k^VliJij'JS PAt^ v Gnuuiughsui, G B ilacuu aud wife, Miss Ttriiirouaii, Miss Meltiu*. Mr Gilbert, l) A Melting. Dif lauders .» lady, Mrs L Massart, W N Murray, G f Ward aud — ice v W ilairuuu, J G Johnson. A U A FSpiller, Mffe'O'O Maejtf Mr-fi Mrs Eidutt and hchildren, a MSplBer, 11G Poole and nmuyr JhW : Iterated. A Mvciay, J4,ATqtoMpttonl lady,I Mrs TL Eius.y, Mrs E Gourstock, J cHart- tueyer, Mr Brown, Mis M Sulfiernll, Mi-s Somtw, to, D iicuyq, P G, Mis vvjhlle. Mrs I ruddeit- Gca' KelcCib', M Mariob, fit' Angeft, TP»pp»», AtoStodyd Gol J Presdee, i G fremaun, J L Runs: p^ulkru, W N Murray, ER 14ug.L U Allen, N Howland.J1 T Hanvar. Mrs Smyth, J U Psfpiefi M Uvy, fi »**euheyer, W W Thorpe. S J Smiles, W H Clark, 11 P Meaderiiill, Col adua. A CPowma,.A^’Uh fijt VyP‘ Comlfuec*. Per steamship Virpo, from New York—Adams Ext G W Allen, A k « RR,. T H Aqsitui Aiieiin /t Co, A * Ellis, J \\ Anderson & 8 dki BtunM M. E O’B.vme A t-on, to R Bo^gt, Bri^ham, H A Co, Bouseijfc B. li 3 8 Conen, Crane k G, A Duicnhufler, J J Dunhar k Co, J P Collins, dagnorn A C, O Cohen A Co, iiun- cau A J, L Duuu, J Dcacy. U A, J II Kstllu E k smtemu. ■ N Ellis, 3 Epstein A Bro. ErWin A 11, G C Freeman. M Fust A Go, Klortda-test Agt, F A * " lenoerg, W B Uriffltt-fifCo, C G llg, G W U a r mo hy,”A jfiom L, J hen, 8 H HaritegtoiW Hunter A f A Hardee A Go; Hi ss tU, Jll ez, Horton & W, S P liflaiilloii. A ibe & Co, J M KlliChlCjqLoV 11 & _ Li icntbal, LuMoenv, : Latluup k Vo. Miller , m a C,C3 (HHBir.-M smsh: cut Ex, Ortf to, G Patted .tt5o)i7Fu1W-r WTvP s Meyt i-, T Popper, Capt G A Reynold -, H llueduilicr. J K Reilly, xtogei-s A C. G u itogers a Siu, itaudaJl A Oo, E RoblM- n, WO Bbbfusmi.iM;Ro.-piAtemi - Rescher A Co, HA btetii, Sluiu. £ A'-'i* K .Wfidtffi Solomons A Co, So ex, tcoit, H A 11, E D Suivtlic A 1 ft- Biactefr* Co., Boltimare. knndle llcddiug, Uvo boxes Bcddlug, one bQx Boots one box Uciftltiig, one box Stationery, dne’bex Crock- sry.foe^aeiLjSCy taiobox Ink aud tyro boxes, esn-. LeyietL.ui ihi the properly of Henry L. Palmer and ChsneB C“S'nlfc",7(i ifiiti-fy au attachment ri tama ble to the Snperior Court, of Ghaibam county in Jun- aaey Fext, at 1ht wilt of Cans. L Coli.y A Co te.M tey otot-i of the Hon. A. H. Hansell. Judge of the Supci ior Court of the Southern District of Georgia* Property pointed on' by plaiutilf's attorney. fiefiM"- r • HENJ. L. COLN. SheriffC. C. Jobs Merry mss. Balti Regular Auctian Sales ^ . or fi • Rom.s Mnlcs, Cattle, Wagons, Buggies, j CsRHIALES, , * At the Veteeinhry Htaljldh of It. to. iCAMPBtLL, on Bay street, between Jefferson and Montgomery streets, will commence on WEDJjl^lDAY, Sept. 19th, aud every vYcdnesday thereafter. sepH-tf r Errnrn, N Y % -Jg Mari a, AeghStU A Blecailaiitl, do Zfllfrhirty' j At'davofisL t fp j H U Poole & IttRly N Y 'i.'uiettl. AuguRa Mrs Howard, Apgusta IP Caret la. Mrs tobitc,' Mobile M tor White, add . Wl\ Joh'ueon, NO li ^ lady, Adgasta Mr * Mri Ghtoni, Mute Ptrakosb, SigStisml, do iSantaella, • . '.do big Mfx Strakosh M XlmcuP^, u' fio Mr Suns k lady, do leapt J BEater; tor H Liv- Sig CanUaa t daughtcr.l lug-ton, - ■ Augusta | H A Topllam te lady, Ga MARSHALL HOf.SE—A. B. LUC*. AW Ballard. NY Dr J G JohUti9u^N ;Y,,, ’’'iiTnis. - as the season for bivalvea is at hand, the j g^Km^Vla b.pers el restaurants are nveoarimr to sunolv their. oi WmA,*. staurauts are preparing to Bupply their -auoaers, ami many of them have refitted their sa-' •l as. Our friend^ T. Nugent, Jr., at the comer of StJatnl Bryan streets, has, timing the hummer, tel Lis restaurant refurnished and fixed np ■3 tie best manner, having put up • several to, ell well arranged and comfortable, and •te morning will open hie oyster bar, where bis patrons may indulge in a "fry” or a “ atew” pre- t»e,l in the Lest style. Mf. Nugent 1* one of the teu liberal and attentive gentlemen in the business, ins wines, liquors, Ac., are of the very beat to be “I in the market. He has also made extensive “Uations in his bar, whiqh presents as neat an ap- itewnce as any iu Savannah. ^ litRINC Bank op Geobols.— The attention of bill niton i« invited to the advertiatment in another by which it will be seen that on and after the J ®tl November the Bank will redeem Its notes hoed Prior to I860 at par in currency. It will be iC Whlihoff, N York rJAtUrbelk Columbus I f F'Antfell, New ID toadley, Ga j aijRjerv conn, 1 York d J Wmfliuin, Wash ~-^ r . —„ ..,NY . ,j«JtOqvinsofl,MrTtegO Gin WS Kctchum, WashQf D Hendry, A a G It It to Jf Murray and lady, ®t{AV m Wdfiley, G* 1 to Rivet-i, lady; -ehild -mid servant. New Fork G F UuderbUl, Mass ' IbatlS tibat holders of bills are notified to register their te l but we understand that the Bank (loss not re- r ^-' 1 the notes to be prosented at the time of Mffister- % bin simply that the name of the holder with the te-out of bills held be furnished, so that-tbS amount tonrary for redemption may iu time be produced, liu may> 0 f C0l :rse, be done by letter where parties 'teis out of the city. J tHx D. Delannsv, CoMMisatos Muomiir, Qc1*- Ga —We take pleasure In directing the attention c ur business men to the card of Mr. John D. Dohin- tey, commission merchant, Quitman, Ga. Mr. Detau- ls r it an old citizen of. Savannah, where he is waB favorably known. Enterprising and energetic, Utb largo experience, he is in every respect qualified’ ,ot *be business in which he if engaged. Thoto ftoiing consignments to him, or requiring hia agency 11 »ay matter of business, may be assured of bis te>mpt attention and reliability. bsownhd at Sea.—Augustus Merkle, a passenger from New York to Savannah, on bosrd the steamship ’ ,r 8°. w-Uich arrived on Saturday, wae wtohed over, k'tod on Friday morning, about three 'o'clock. 'The toeased was a native of New York, a •ober^Steady yo “ag man> emplo} . ed in tnu city Se a bookJfbsper in e wholesale establishment of Uncklcs 1 Son. ifr* rrilt was united to a young lady of this city sbont a, •'to ago, and was returning Irom a visit to his rslte, b ,es at the North when his untimely death occurred. Thz Late Gales.—The late gales seem bdfcd along ihe entire Atlantic coeat, doing - rab ‘ t damage to the (hipping. Two vessels hsvqpli *tely put into this port in distress, sad we have in- ““nation by telegraph of another putting ItojiSattp-' l _' L Roads in a disabled bonditiqte We stall probably “ter of further disasters in a fow days. ' Spskik—The eteanuhip Gcnarsl Batiiefc vpjioh left is hurt for New York on Thursday lutf trftTspoken " ff Fr rihg Pan Shoals on Saturday by the ship ninw. wood, arrived at this W F Bute. ScollaiicT E Price, Maena • L Whi a. Mor.ti. eHo Mrs A LSoovll. M V A F SjitUer, Ekv ' t i _ . „ — G A S.iiler, Fin [tow Thorp, sr Albans "E R Pendsr, Madison iG toTiwAp, MAlbtms W Harrington, MaCuit lULelvy, GhteaM E IsaftL*?, Macoii IMDunielRo* IT-ort O Millcn. str MontlcdlVw wMiss Dsvte, »M - G D Hendry. A and G B R* N Rehefio. C *R- G to Hit9 Duck k lady.N Y 3ScheDkJclty v T LA Dm*. New KB Boyd, city } N i }. F.Jfog Fk TinimonwAngusta , R 8 Williams, J H SchoflefcTMAdo'n 9 * ASete, str Vrgo Miss D McCerren, N Y |H FJbliCS, Qa J W Hetty, MaUodgevilfe. 11 Gands C U u Willingham La- .grangi Dr X F i— _ Dr JM Poweitr*nd iidy.Fla tooREvysN aousi' - - V lluUn^llillD & 300, a oaosuw ww - — —— A 8 iimtridge, Hilton A it, UM Heiut, A b Ives, 8 J Joseph, K Msifi-qateSo', Renier tetoB, J M Kinchiey, E H a iriiuTja Efl*S bKuiiqau A bro. Luieu- thal A K, LaRocne, wk u; irTJltnitliaJ, J Ltu.a, W ivitt, Laihrop k Co, G Luuiant, J Loavy k Co J wK/to to Hntohr, H U Law, M a 'NkBeff'Mi s MwarTs Meyer; IMfi Ibhaito « 14«k J-G MAera co. n CMcSrrens, H Maiitire * Goi J McMteoar* Co, A T Mira, E Max, U Mo«nly, N to Morarlmid. E L Nelillingdrrllat Bx. EXFByrn* A Co, O Oo«ufi tk to, OUT A W, J Oirrer, t, PhilrtpaA M. PaUner « H A Reseller, H RueenSlfilB, J A Kobe*is, M Howls, _ . 5j» m iij tt Wiliiiims N«w To k»n" ?M i, ny a?., ........ dgeville ilGanrls, Ga .rgSkpv Morgan, Yia jS E Foilong, ^ H -G. ork PClJlIjV. , T JR wens, A * G R R [Mrs Finder, Mscoh J Verdery, - do 1H WOilbert.« Haven J M IteLsoo,Oa Mr>Kt*d,.N V -...' . r. 8 Peyser .fc wile, Ga. [Mrs chamberlain, M Y R Panst, wife a;« children Me UuuubusUta. N Y Macon ' T ” J U Nosely’. GlauriUfi T G Sawyer A wiffe.riUT - • B F Darby, Balt M KmArirh. Katt. (A A Cole, N Y F ATES for Printer* and BookhisAei Goods, Hardware and. Book find Sli for Grocers and Druggists. Printers’ shj kinds. Also, Binders’Boards, Paper Bagr aud Twine. AU goods SOW at New York prices, with expenses ad<[Mt. . WLBREN BROTHEBft, ' J cete-tf »' " aMHIgy mreeC . tohave-Hte' 1 ' ■ ngconside- . ' '.* | 1 1 y rituKr* Van Ness, Van Newtou <£ W, S White, Viila.Ubka, fi L » 11 Wlltbcl ger. M H Wiiiiai»»A Sifn-AYph***, \ CO, T U VI Uliugnam, A wife JX JTco, J Ter steamship Herman Livingston, tr< —Agf CRB, Adams nx, Atisim A 2, A Aii.ier.nn A bou, G Ariedge, Bluu -it M, Bradley, il A Core J Beatty, bulgcriteCo. THRolshaw, Bngliaa.,. — - ' "Mbwdi •* to, W Barmsjite <S teW4 Biter m-B, .W flEur- atfw® ; Coiinerat St-J, c-,liner t t, p . Doyle k L, L Dunn. M Doyle M 1 Jteffi* k Cit, -DujisuA A J. m ug Darnels A H k Co, T Bateson; Botbwdl * to, W BnrumtateJt Muses, T browu, VV H teoggs, inter dk-B, ,W-H Eur- roughs A Co. K * M Brown, CBK, Claghorn kji. ~ Cohen, Champion A r. Dstehnski.’j JJeacy, T Oo, M J Duty IS k Git, 4WWf AJ^DeDltt AA, T fi[ Duubar A Uk Darnels A Co, U Davidson; £H inuuil, J Doyle,.HiUSteUl 4 Co, i t midfberg, W » ~ ’ i tiis A COt'J tatodigtr. 0 Aj Soott, H A H. W U Kohiih.* to U Sauk. Smith k H, Tt-beaU k f/Tison k U,' H A TopUsni. c W Thotepsen, U O Tiklen, to M Tunrlu, H H Tafan, J L EtoahmgJ, vililcr k F, Wen k M, l M*« O W WesO,' Wrat Jt C, .r.lliams <■ Ssu, J / West, Wette, tecBae * Oa, W ' T cpxk Cw to Wolfr: MU WeettsA go, teOtoaile. Nensnatfa, • s-.a'-ovq sMlfidYnom be ifiisshi, Berth and go ry blow andTOSsup- h, 2&) p m; IS miles ip yiijga kportdrTptfl 3 p m. 5th, Mr A Mcrklft wju ffiuod lb i was' last seeu to tea# his fiefti t^aui durUtf h heavy blow a tmstfi to be lost overboard. 5tu ; 2:w p m\ 15 nines eoutfrwuf Ciiarlaatou &ir passed steamship Gene mi aoi th, 5:30 p m» arrived oiT fight ship, awaw.B&JSfS* “4 irf)0 o 1 T.tniW<;> TH1KS8 TRIMMIlfQS, OTNAMTavate C—slffuses -jp»r natral R. to*. _ ... Got fi, ll66. Cm*H'ai.O. A Mevcrs k CO, J Sc.uey, teXbeutly. its *a ojis k W H Stark A Co; fiffiklCTdir, to! iSnEMCTT Tl‘nates uplsi-* catthtefi do ana island'‘dto 24 bbls k, J to Latnrop Vo, s AS, L J Gu.l, p, hi Co, J W ) AtotulferD. 8, W B «■*»!*•*»* Co, icC.'’HWtefitotWiiPte*! (jhAgfiteUditcy Gordon. jj i rr. Shiipl^i5ftflfl3riwi Merchant, L Tt/iiLb' Ml fiftWfidtf o*TO buying Morikumfiiso 'ano'Tmdu uon. ■ OuMtin<*enM u4os*»< ^evabtdbe ox hTIotUBin.—Tbs steamships Son Vador ’ c *Ptein Atkins, and Tonawanda, Cant Teal, tee termer for New York Aid the tetter Me HtUadel- t». both sailed at fimr o’clock, Saturday afternoon, lU >» good number of passengers tad foil freights. W. G/ftickson. uader the Ann name of H. wop - ym a *~xw&&- itlOfiM^i - A bn, ,4 we ir-’ ll-Ttas 1 D Ia SaVAHjiaB—lkd«r fi. stun, H. A Morfiee eta, Stoddard. • ... irV-a.- Lif * ‘ Wti “toBtore j/ u. Beware of Counterfeits. .All of our be stomped with name and address. John Mebstuak, Esq., formerly President of Ma ryland's AgricdHnrai Society, eoys: . * Balttwobs, July 31, ladfi. J. B. Cast A Co.: - 1: ' cmrrs—-My gerdnar bos been making experiment# with your ’’Nonpariel French GuocO"—he has ap plied it to beets, canteiopes and very young cisrwnhar vines, w tllia season of the yoar are very liable to injury fpeau ineeeSs. As far as we qm. Judge^teis a first-rate article, and comes up to yo ' * merits. 1 shall use three tons on whs tell. ^IfiOOlfflisceftn&us^ J */// PRINTING. Bill Heads. R ads, tea, Envelcpcs, Blanks, TTAWNG purchased the Job Office attached to the [1 ‘’Dally News ahdHcrald.* smlwiado additions to It, Ijrouiil lfiformtlie public that 1 am prepared jo execute every description of. - ' ' 4’»rd Priutlu?. S«3O , i ..“Se'cSSWi -M Check Books. Programmes, Handbill*. ' o ' P.itfiplitets, By-Laws, and /VlTbther Kinds of Printing Done "iKEAT. CHEAP AND (JlllClC,. - IDtiesHcml •J I CitoSais, GAVE M,E Jk. TRIAL 1 also fecsive orders and have manufactured every variety of bla^k books. I ; EsTtfi.'JU Bto street, sepq'-tf NewsTtnd Hefald Office. NEW STORE. SOOTS; SHOES, HATS AND ^I(0SLbTHIN©,i' -rAfcfWfcfik^ t- BY _ SiMin Eckmaii & Co., ’J ru4 otoia ::i V *« , »- s ^ »ruH . tHO. 16^ CONGRESS STBKKT. le yutq rn» : .• ; |.,,di *" ■”i„,ia J.‘, j . " ‘ tbit onr receiving, and ready ft exhibit < yrejl selected stock of the abiwet#' Starr ha best manufacturer*, and-ptit ute«Fpte*«iy Tod the Georgia aud Florida Mads. i' V lAteTMr)| tS1<ki0S ' ■ . Merchaub and Planter* are invited-io axauyinaour stock before purchasing elsewhere: •* ' ‘ - ‘ oc«-3in WES iafr p® ► to* igmiy VV tained ^oadifrtmrtt^bea 'Br wifi Messrs. J. B. Cary k Co., through (heir Agent, Mr. Louis T.-Guioiiet, having made onsrraagraent with the firm of-DELL, WYLLY k CHRISTIAN, ploulers cad relv upon obtaining the geauiue “Nonpareil FWacb'Ggaao." ,;;, . F-wr ^ Bftatoa and SaY«HM.alt SteamBUn^iiie, ’ - - •- A il >?u?>, : FOR BO^tpW, If A .’ lb.’ ■f^. . i i The test CITY OF BATH, Bhltoiniw Fbr Baltimore. " ■ | ■■ The new and elegant teeamship F4isnsriE, Capt. H. H. SH OT, rBl sail for Baltimore on ' Thanday, Oet. H, at — o’eWefe — ■. A$o ^ passage, having good atcomino- LoROCHM WEST * DANIELS. . o Ww. x^smrifffipQ ,L .15? L_ ~——±2*jss*a will sail for the above port on •ataifiay newt, Oet. 12, at— IN k W>K»aBk-;, I For Baltimore. Sidfiwbeel ( Use. 'fbi fill tide wheel atoanuhlp Tlkq fins steamship * mo^tictsllo, MILLER, ComUNMR, will sail as above on Wefiataday, Oct. lOtk, a* - o’clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dation-, apply to . CRANE k GRAY BILL, ocB-fit Agents. McClellan, r. M. HO WHS, Commander, Will sail as above oa Thwndsy, Oe*. lltfc, — o’alcck. tor freight or paaaoge having aeeommodattons equal to any ship running from this port, apply to > ,. CRA1M* GRAYBU.L. oc9 Agantg FOB NSW YORK AIlANTfC COAST Mail Steamship Luxe. SIDE WHEEL LINK. This Is tke Priabipdl Depsl. 'Cl _ e of Counterfeits I All ow hsrFBla WiiC •be branded with our name and address. oc2-tf •': 1 * * ■ Cabin Passage, ......Stearwgef |lS • Tho new and very fast sailing aide-wheel •feamshlp HERHAM LIVINGSTON. CSITED STATES SALK OP LOTS AND LAftDSIff ST. HELENA PARISH, SUUTU UliOLtyA. U nder an Aet of Congress entitled “An A#4 to son* tknae iu lozee and to amsnd 'An Act tonstabhsh a iiuisau Ibc tbe Belief of TreadWK* aud^BaKflees, audHarAAl» altety^bbf 'v^qM^Me. Pberson, Clerk House of Bepresentatives • Of the more especteUFdwter the teh seeded: ot Mte said Act We, Wm. Henry Brisbane sad William E. Wording, rii.iy.i States District Tax Couiniiasiouen for the District of South Carolina, do hereby'dsdsrJand make known tliaSa'pribU* n4-> witl bo held at the office of the Commissioners aforesaid, in the town of Beaufort, Parish of Si. Hejeaa, Beaufort Diairiot, state ot South Carolina, commencing on Thursday AWfaeJkyefMosateibfcj ltofcatjfipjctesh, fitiMo for the dispose 1 of the following blocks: Lota and bouses si tossed in the Sow! town afBcgafort Statu at South Carulmo. to wit i Blocks 8, J, S aud 7 lots AJ Moi »i loik Ajfcd |in t Uck U; blocks IT. lsTand 19; lot A inlSWli 28; lttts A and D in block JX; Jot D in block 38,lots Band Gin block at; 6l«ia> MBiB ffi£k44: ldjt’m btekfif; Wtete block 46; lots U and D in block 61; lota A, B, anffOn block 61; lot E iu block 71“ lot B ih block 71; lota D, lot B in blocfc 115 and blocks 1 it U7,118. Alrio at tlie same place,’ oil ^Holiday, Iforember 5th, 15H, at ttife hourqf^O,o’clock A. AL, tiAjtfl*.*qdMr« cels of lsuid comprising the city of Port Itoyai, aftd embraced withiu section fourtefn (M), Alteon.^15). twenty-two (kh. iwemy-Uree (2a|raud twenty-seWi (27), Township 2 south, range A. weet, by united Stales district Tak ComOiissK^er's': kuntty of lands iia the aforesaid TariSh of St Helena fexocptiug those beretofore sold, namely, IOC lota on Aster stretrt, 29 on Bunulia street 1 on Dc&dn street, 1 on Franklin siiefcL. U on Greene street. T on ty^rd street, 4 eik • Mbrion street, 4 sm PidMki Quincey street), being more than 2,000 lots on the Wo&XJ’M. flonday, December 3d. 1806, all *he GoVetaiaeMt School Farms lathe —i.i gi. Helaua Parish, numbered from 1 to 3. iuctusiye. each either entire or in two 'dr storsdiyi* cions, as the Commissioners may deem' expedient, the minimum price being ten dollar# ($10) an acre. Nome of tha above named property being ftsw lease,t, will be cold subject to the respective leases. The aforesaid ..(files may b* adjourned, as may ttefuefireat, from, place td plaqp. aad from t|Mk U> tmJiipryelmikifOD, fir by Writ**® Incite*, ter by printed advertisement, unfil all (he albrfiSailT proper ty is disposad of to the highest bona JUe bidder. Terms cash in all canes; and if not paid within two days alter heiag struck oh. the property may. too taken ' by any person gtviag the asm* - hmouafi, <* hantt up attain fur sal# tp the highest bidder, at ft* discretion of ilie Commissioners. f ’ J C. j ■ Office D. B Direct Tax Gomiasion.: ffisanfcrtv 8.C., October 1st, 1806. . WM. HENRY BRISBANE, , to. X. WORDING, e ■ D. S. Direct Tax OouHnteeioner* ' O&dfnr ” far South OcrcMna. 2,060 tons burthen, J. A Baker, commander, will poaMtyfilp.sail an her tegular-dap,, r „ -w ThaiHey, get* lURte ai M j'cWh % td. Tor freight or poamge, hfivjat we w aafi .fifitendldl; Tanged accommodai Ions; applytb WILDER * PULLARTON, H. B.—No epfiaged Oot. 2th,"unless ppld tor. NEW fO EXT- CHANGE OF DAY. * The first-class, new steamship Vi n Will sail on her regular day, Taeaday, Oet’r Vtit, at J- o’rlnelc- - ' For-freight or r-’irfr* having sanerlqr accommo dations, apply to ^HOTTER FGASMELL oc5 .... ^4 Bay street, FOR BOSTON old n-wiuim Leave rat? Wav aii Sativlav. For Palatka, E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK,- ST. MA RY’S. FEUNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PlCOlATA. Tha new and elegant stdam packeis, . LIZZIE BAKER, Cap*. N. KING, and SYLVAN - SHORE, Capt JAMES TUCKER, ly fitted up for this route with accommodations, will leave regularly ilaces, the Sylvan Shore every TUBS- tear uusurp places, the Sylvan snore every tuna. DAY MORNING, find tlicTJxzis Bakor every SATUR DAY K" '’"'tl .ii u-n o’clock. Returning, .v-ill learo- JofcksonVUle eveft.Tuesday and kridax, striving at Savannah every Wednesday and Sxmrtlaj mornings. In time to connect with tha New York steam, r Forfrelghtor Pa jhoit, or as gLAUHeHN 4 CUNNINGHAM, . Agents. M. gy All frolglitpw^e by Shippera. Jiia-tf r Passage apply at the office onTIoridt FOR SALE, , RIYKR STEAMBOATS and TOW. BOATS, of Tattoos riser and draft, (also, • Saljlng Vessels, St am Barges, Ac. A. M. DA COSTA. No. 42 Water street, K. Y. FULTON PETROLEUM AND MINING CO. FOR AUGUSTA AND ALL INTERJUEDIATK LANDINGS ON THE SAVANNAH RIVER. Capital Stock, ■« fr - $200,000 SHARKS, $90 EACH. FIRST PAYMENT, «1< PER SHARE And ao other asaammeat made, axospt by direation ofa majority of all the StasUul lets. OPFIOSBg: ,* - ^ v J. P. SLOAN Preildent K E. RAWsON Tied Prei-ldent. JN«>. 0. to HI IN ER... -JccreUty. P.P. PEASE Treasurer. ROOT. 1 LOGAN..'. General Superintendent. MBBCTOBfte ROOT. LOGAN. ./* 1~ if QS9SM9IQHM .... f,.. .-'fiat Steamer • Wj :jALVIN" P. S.—Freight received at all times it the tnclo- sure an the wharf, adjoining tlie' Utatr RIM Mills and forwarded wflk dlspalth. - -uefitet . M A, CQH8N- Agent. Notice to Maimed Soldiers lOUltNING GOODS S UPER English and French Bombazines, Super 9-1 and 6-4 Black Motts de LatnM, Super 3^«nd 64 Block Alpacas, Super AM aud 64 Black Empress Dieth, i Super 54|Black Drape de Buase, nsw style, Suffir 6-4 Iifacfc French Merino. English and French Mourning Prints, - 84 and-UHBlock Thibet Shawls, , 84 and 164 Mourning Scotch Shawls. F 8 ‘ Btry 1 * ungiiah Crape, Yells, CdlUrs, kot HeIVITT At MORGAN, fi* - -147Congress str*e J .. .. r■* ' Exkoutivx DiTAsnan, I MiLunosvxum, G*., September 20, Ufid. 1 awardeACo fir.^louglss Diy, far his Army and Navy Leg, -and fur hia Keeler Arm. aa the lowest bidder, Waking Into consideration finality ae-wall apprise,” office, to wnufiKtnro said Limbs In tb cefi.ptrrte* bsvfag piMbrikPltm aecfisssL. ■wfirovtited in racHvii* secund and third of acid Act,’ (whTiih may be seenTiy csillkg on the Ordiamy,) may ■tapiy to the eontraotor and ha- snppUeA. Parties ap plying are enjoined to strict ecriteliancs with the Act. Dr. Bly requests that the OriUraKes communicate to ■■ icon thanoinasBd ad liras if each person to ivfiffak tfisfis' h**rtific*te. ; , . i ermr b* publilhsd in tha fisgirS 44 this city; the Macon Telegraph, Catambn* Enquirer, At- lanta Intelligemcsv, Borne Condtr, Augusta Chronicle k Sontteri,'imd* SseanaWi New# and Herald CD# month. CHARLES J. JENKINS, GpVtensr. five. *. Be Hfrrrttmv enacted. Chat Wtemhvsr-.aoy maimed, iadjgent sol-tier or offiosr, who has become ao maimed iu (b6 service nf the State, or in the set- vim pi the Confederate States, while a member of finj Geo&tf* military organisation. It M bn lawful fur such soldier or officer, to apply to the Ordinary of the County where he resides, for an order to obtain such srtifichjlimb, or part (hereof, as his m rimed condi tion may render necessary; which'he shall be entitled "fTTRACY & % Sncreoso . t» D, 8. tfibig, } M0.1. Be it further ehafitfiff,' ThlWtery ineH sp- plicahou -shall contain a personal description of the appbnsC designating hi# fige, ouk# ior bis hair and eyes, his height, aud any other dlstihgutshing mark UfifiMM te lnsnre hia (dearies. rr*fi»ISt hi which ha BelDuged, i lurasliig Ms wo—fi. rag Ida per , Mol SOS Broadway, coiner qf Duane ■ a? ri gJa»fte. aoopVo^he'eSoe trsnsmiltqd' to the* General, accompanied with the certificate of the Or- dinkey; that be believes tha ststeureaU la be eoritlad to credit; whiob appHcarioa sad srrMHcrie shall be filea in theeteeweg the Comptroller Genarri. 0*4*4w • • ■ ■' ' pfffiatatiffin tor . als. IMT1 in siee win. arp mid, twenty f32«l acres of qpeu iCtnotlSaiia (1«“) to be oieared. F«cll> mlll. Three YauiI. and onl turpentine, your eaUje^tHji^^ide^tsn uid.-c,^^jj • buildings in good repair. Apply to Smith A'sfilomon, Coi aifCPfl ghwMaretainta’ National ^ ' “ ‘wo '"- reetiy absve, IA the ••• teriWtoBr Satt**ce., first rS-st oi the Bank. ■j. fjSfrf in «a iguishing also the cemneag and the plafie and rime of ■ tm- „ ■ EM* ptoyment; which statement riuUbe.gworn to by the applicant, and tne foots verified by aaCsd of tixao of the the Qr-iupyy.-epan .... ..... 'f MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. w. FOB . . . , ’ ; , . . ST. THOMAS, PARA, PERNAMBUCO, RAHiA, and ri6' de Janeiro. A i ijauafi fitejss au$ Jrhei «aoftW mdlfa wflkdla. Uader ooatract with Iks ._ Governments ids the cairiag*' ytrl osi gf t^rtr 411 w NEW FIRST T3LAS$ 8IDKWMREL STMAMSHXPn, each over ^oeo tqn* baithen. On the 22d*df Every Menth< , '• From the *••’,* Port of New Yorkl From New Tork to Sh Thomas f&C From New York t* For* *166 Prom New York tq Ferasmbueo................ lit From ttew York ttrlhkia. Ut From New York twBio dwfiaaeiro 4. W* Steornjg^aA half t^fipefjtAfm^^ktit indnded, bat Au experienced Surgeon is attached to etch vseerl. AllLeterijS mqata*^sAhrs«gb tfrej^fii JlfifiCf Post' No. 12 • toddanP?Bteck. GUfillKM, MANSION HOUSE, Broad Street, twar Meeting, , CHARLESTON, S. C* - fFntS poputir and well-Ynowfi Hbnfie, ARastod iq A the trosinea portion otthe ctr, SariMWse r« rentiv rcjutcal and aewly rarnishert ny tne present proprletzesi, Mtifafoe T.'M. RUTJEtt, ( ormerlr or the Ceauol H-mee, at Columbia. 8. offers the travel tec aahlte egteririd >ltng place, wm. * with the comforts. [J. a Stoker & Co. JJiW «• W.WPtm JP , ■*•'» n.tA xte ooti OYSTERS. StfUA ii J Mh\>; ir.ii JV , [7H* ,*66T Qr8TKRS «*ril riways be foafid si rjm nt. -Wi-wiA epfiRtqifiUtofo sieem iu* I -a EAJUL1 he wdi he*g*mewtrir«ai, rateto ArifaWfc Lkpinrs. iSSSsssr sad Choice Liquors at the Btr. NEW YORK OYSTERS BY BYBAfefjMSraRR. '' Psrtiqdiar attentfou gtven, as heretritefa Wfiiyg j> TovRenL H j/. st:n.K REMOVAL. ■; , .«)„ m .tint. .IF ««MER OT iii‘« .r, k-stria la H ! I Ji A‘ TINE - ' toBBORTMBWf Of} '.3YTVf>-> »3Aa -DM;' n be male! If J. P. LOGAN, T80 SE, B. E. BAWSON, S. H. MCCAWRY, f t. PEASE,' ' INO <T. totOTMaH, to. % PARKHUBn. tin the Thief „ , IT _ bama sad Tennessee. Having leased Irtiiaedrite viciotty of recent Ml rifreoverlea, tt now offers a portion of its Stock for sale, the amount paid upon which shall be returned to tie purchaser befor* it general dividend will be declared. A untried arnoent of Stock may be secured by call- isgeutbet a*-*- 'STORE LO "LET, r the best baslnem part of the city.' I: the News and Herald Office T WO MoNlDs AFTEH DATE, application will wfil he made to Die Court ofOnUaaryrtBullork County for have to sell all the land9 belonging to the estate efJAMEG H MARTIN, late of eaMouan- In, deceased, lot the benefit oi the heirs anil oreditora or skid estate. This aotb day of Gwtember, 180*. JAMES ALDERMAN. ■FklawM 1 Afisal metis tor la Boons Nan. . FURNITURE. DEGRAAF <* TAYLOR, IT kad lt ■riwory, »»d M Ohilttie tta ‘ ■ FEW YORK continue to be the largest Fqrnftfira Menu, fhciuieislnthecity. : DErtNO ROOM afid ■ i . " - . ; OHAMBfiR PURNTTURM ' CURijr aid Vmtoida ftdriwdi, FOB MU 80UTHE-N TKADK y . tt IP percear. redueriog in price. • ocs CHEAP ICE HOUSE. jce! 10 m A T ICE HOUSE, cornet Whitaker strset sad Sonth . Eroad street, laae, south side, ■ ■ ■> a* am* cbmt ■ouim BY QUANTITIES. 75 CTS. PER lOOXBa DELIVERED, fit. ocf-lw ’ F.'.BROWN. -M. P. BEAUFORT, ^ SAIL-MAKSR, £ " EXCHANGE WHARF, tetoute r. • - ■ • ■ . < A.KUFACTURE8 Soils, Tents, Cots, Sr* 1 **** .ownings. Window Busts#, Blocks andtoalls; White Floqr Socks, 24, 48 and 96 pounds; Bagt of all rises for rice, gfhln, ke. Haring good workmen kfid first- Has* artring4nSM>friee,etn fill orders tor Bags fit Short Tsrpraten ter Mrs. ■ . ■ , nefi ► / iolilio*•*]T - Tcwit' •). • / s la i’ iUOiC.'.rQ'.t J... r ' . .*• i -o’ •>> ttreowSRHii at/savannam, lAxHiKd-riij »w • *?.' >• u. ^ ' 7 iqfiljj *teb4rftririlt»«te«tR «nd whltinffh the : tailh r •rfii/J «; jH ;U Jhildb > ^ikflSwriWlMh^adg'WbariNter 1 '- - « X'llmtt iiu('<u:i»ii -ly', q a , dsonqx.j . ivcj»,id jaavA. ,«fa' ojy