The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, October 13, 1866, Image 4

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Autumn Supahlnc. him «i the glances of angel eyes, Boft u the khwi of first born low, > *t)own ChooJSEs l»s*e of these Autumn skies CfTtntf the glad snnehine from realms above. Beautiful ploture* It sketcheth now, Touohed with the growing hue* of old, tminfng the ralle; and mountain’s brow With poi®to ana opal, and red and gold. AWtflepaf o* beauty the apirit fine; Talee of a lu d that birth ne of vta d that tww>y uotdi, Sunshine that <riideth the beautiful hills, Oyer the banj^ 0 f the shadowy river. Beautiful re*t J or the weary soul, Earth hath Hq beauty akin to this! Anthems of g>2dneaa forever roll Over those halcyon plains of bliss. Down the ■ tofc oaof life’a western hill, Beautiful u^Bhine of hope and light, Bvery rtiadowjnd hope diepei, r*mt* • ‘ lift my s t from realms of eight. b of the Autumn sun, Vs death of the Summer flowers*. r ' o wels one by one, r soul to those fhdelees bowers. Tbe Tomb of Sydney Jotonitoa. ••Town Talk," of the New Orleans Times, gives ns the following. The epitsph is indeed rarely beautiful aad appropriate: A lady correspondent, in a recent stroll through the Saint Louis Cemetery, in this city, visited the grave of Gen. Albert Sydney Johnston, .and 'found a written epitaph pasted upon a rough board attached to the tomb. In her note to T. T., our fair- cortesponden t says she was affected to tears upon reading -it, and took the trouble to copy it verbatim. She begs us to find out the author, and she should be gratified in that desire if it wore possible for T.'T. to do so. Here is the beautiful epitaph: — IN MKMOBIAM. Behind this stone is . laid, For a season, Albert Sydney 1 Johnston, A General in the army of the Confederate States, Who fell at Shiloh, Tennessee, On the sixth day of April, A. D. Eighteen hundred and sixty-two; A man tried in manyliigh offices And critical enterprises. And found faithful iu all. Hia life was ono long sacrifice or interest to conscience; And even that life, on a woful Sabbath, Did he yield as a holocaust at his country's need. Not wholly understood was he while-he lived; Bat, in his death, his greatness stands confess’d In a people’s tears. Bmolute, moderate, clear of envy, yet not wanting In that finer ambition which makes men great and pare. In hia honor—impregnable; 'In his simplicity—sublime. No countr^a’er had^a truer son—no cause a nobler champion; No people a bolder defender—no principle a purer victim Than the dead Soldier Who sleeps here! • The cause for which he perishdd is lost— The people for whom he fought aro crushed— The hopes in which he trusted are shattered— The Flag he loved guides no more the charging lines; But his fame, consigned to (be keeping of that time, ’ which, Happily, it not so mnch the tomb of Virtue as its shrine. Shall, in the years to come, fire modest worth to noble ends. In honor, nowy our great captain rests; A bereaved people mourn him. Three commonwealths proudly claim him; AnAJiistory shall cherish him Among those cloicer spirits, who, holding their con science unmix’d with blame, Have been, in all conjunctures, true to themselves, their country and their God. V.A.MYAN &CO. STANDARD LIQUORS, Agent* for Charles Fun Champagne*, Keller** Kentucky Bourbon wi myl-tf Scranton, Smith & C:. KIEF CONSTANTLY ON HAND CHOICE OLD BHAI6D116S, WHISKEY, Oil), WINKS, Ate. EVERY VARIETY OP GROCERIES, he trade; and we flatter ourselves that we can make <t to the interest of dealers to patromae aa, at the, head of Bay. ’opposite Jefferson at. ml (MX THUS. J. DUNBAR. HENRY A. 8WJLTS. T. J.Punbar b Go^.' Jas.T. Paterson, UMBER, Lumber ft Commission merchant, No. 158 Bay Street, Savamaah, Darien, Georgia. ' Orders ferLombar aollaltad. . dlt-tl & 6. BATHES. DfPOBTBBS AND DEALERS IN Brandies, Whiskies, Gins, Wines, Cigars, Etc. tw* Agent for Robert Smith's celebrated Philadel phia Ale and Demercier Champagne. . _ 14T Bay Street, se|)A-3m SAVANNAH. Gi H. G. RUWE, WHOLESALE Lipr Mu & aonuBissM Merchant, Comer Bryan and St. Julian streets un<l Mowmneiit. Square. SAVANNAH. OA. EST" FRUITS and VEGETABLES in season always mi hand. aaYI-tt PuiLir Callahan, Jamks Kcuuiuan. Columbia Square GROCERY store. East slt)e of Ooluinbla Square, corner of Haberaham and President streets, BY PHILIP OALLAHAH & CO. WILKINSON, WILSON & 00.. Cotton Factors and General Commission Merchants R ECEIVING. WEEKLY, llrsUctaaa family Uro- . cerles. Alee, Wines, I.lqnora. Iters, FruiLs Vegetables, Am For sale on must reasonable tei ins. jeS9-ly Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, For eign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Began. Also, Skekanw Celebrated GOLDEN ALE In Greneral. —The Colored Tennessean, lately pub lished in Nashville, is dead. —Miss Sallie St. Clair, the actress, is said to be hopelessly insane. —One thousand new buildings have been put up in Nebraska City this summer. —A London lady has promised Mr. Spur geon $20,000 for the foundation of an or phanage. —John S. Rarey, the celebrated borse tamer, died suddenly at Cleveland* Ohio, on the 4th inst. —Kentncky planters say that the tobacco crop of the present season is the best ever known in that State. —The Charleston Mercury, which has been suspended for some years, is abont to be revived by its former editor, Mr. R. B. Bkett, Jr. —Mazzini is furious over the Italian re adjustment with Austria. He thinks Italy ought to have walloped both Austria and France. —It is said that Head Centre Stephens will start for New Orleans at au early day, on a mission to the Fenian Brotherhood. —The politicians making the most noise in New York city at the present time ate John Morrissey and Theodore Tdton. —On the night of the 30th of September, the greater portion of the business part of Florence, Ala., was destroyed by fire. ■ —It is stated in the papers that about one- third of the com crop of Illinois has been destroyed by the frost. When you are in danger of external ene- ok mies, look out. When the peril is from your own unbridled passions, look in.. —A keg of yeast powder exploded in an express office at Freeport, Ill., blowing a 40 pound bar of iron through the ceiling, and seriously injuring the express agent. —A snow-storm at the White mountains bn Tuesday night covered the summit of Mount Washington and the neighboring peaks to the depth ot several inches. —The great slumbering volcano Popocata- pell has recently been explored by a party .which reports the crater accessible. Millions of tons of sulphnr are lying in there, and in many places in a pure state. ana experience in inn line oi uuniL.-o. - ---- will be In perfect order for pounding by the |*t qi October. ROBE ft ARKWRIGHT. -—The Saltan of Turkey has received, via Trebizond, s consignment of thirty magnifi cent Arab horses, of the. purest breed, which he intends, it ia said, to present to the Em peror Napoleon and Ring Victor Emanuel. —The ladies -Of UrSuline Community, of Columbia, 8. C:,'whose convent was destroy ed by fire during the war, have, upon the solicitation of the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Mooilc, consented to locate in Tuscaloosa, and open au academy for the education of young ladiea. —From the decidedly loose manner in which Andrew Johnson is swinging the Presidential scbytbe, there is reason to hope that, after all, he will establish a claim to be considered a Mawaeke The Radical office holders may welt exclaim, in the bitterness of their souls, “d—n it, how he tnowna.” —A Maine newspaper mentltgis the case of a young lady who, for two years past, has been ill, and batiuffend wrere pain, in con- sequence of having accidentally swallowed a needle- The pernicious and dangeroua^aU* of placing pins and - needles in the mou should be rigidly guarded against. .bit loutb —The famine in India still reigns unas- snaged, and the unfortunate people of the Valley of the Ganges are dying by thousands. The correspondents who write from Calcutta tell heartrending tales, and in the open coun try vultures ana jackalls feed almost undis- • i bodii turbed upon the bodies of the dead. of Ohio, and other Radicals, have promised to inaugurate with the Revolutionary pur pose ot niakiig some temporary president of the l/. 8. Senate—Wade, of Ohio, or Yates, of Illinois, perhaps—Acting President of the United States, —A North Carolina paper contains the fol lowing advertismeot: “Confederate money taken tor goods, aad also bank notes of North and South Carolina! And rather than be over-scrupulous, we will take greenbacks, although old Tbad. Stevens is going to play the deuce with it this winter. And if any of you have seme of the ‘bard,’ and it ia trou blesome, we will not refuse iL” Wax and Pearl Flowers. BACON! BACON! CHAMPAGNE CfDEft. tn bottle and hi wood. London and Dnblln Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng llah Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to he trade. - ITS BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, ■* 1 dll-tf and S3 Libertv street, N. Y. LOW PRICES! Quick Sales! W E havejnst received and opened the LARGEST STOCK of - - r DRY GOODS GENEBU COMMISSION MERCHANT, and wbolxbali bum or ■ Floar, Grain, Feed and Produce, - V CORNER STORE, 190 an Ml Bar Sraxir, foot or Baumaxd Sr., Savannah, Georgia. References—C. A. Gambrill A Oo„ Norris k Bald win, Baltimore; Woodward, Baldwin A Go., Baltimore id New York; L. Gambrill, Banker, Charleston. Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton and Produce. oc2-tl POWER & MULLER, General Produce & Commission MERCHAN T S Coi-ii,. Oats, Flour, etc. Teed, j SAVANNAH, GA. REFERENCES: Messrs. Tiaon A Gordon, Savannah, Ga. A a 11 bur. E-«q .Pres’t Home In* Co., Savannah. Merit*. La Roche, Wert A Daniels, Savannah, Ga. Meeira. Bell, Wylly A Christian. Savannah, Ga. Measrs. Weaver, Richardson A Co., New York. It Buchem.of G. Renoward A Bacbem, New York. nepl6-8m A GENTS for the. .purchase and sale of all kinds of Colton Domestics. Jlieral advance** made on congignmeuls. Offlce No. 3 Stoddard's Lower Range, Bay street, Savannah, Georgia. U. B. WILKINSON. of Ncwnah, Ga. B J. WIlSON, Formerly ot Okeeiuehee Colton Mills, Ala. P. If. WOOD, o Of the late Arm of J. W. Raima A Co., Sev’h. r -a.pj.3m Austin & Ellis, Commissisn anil Forwarding Merchants, SO BAY STREBT, SAVANNAH, GA. I THOMAS 11. AUSTIN,! late of Apalachicola.. Fla CHARLES ELLIS, - T - and Columbus, Ga. aepll-tf A. M. Swan. C. K. Stubs*. Late of Rome, G*L Late of MaCon, Ga. J C. W. SmcaaLL. Late of Thomasville. SC0AN, STUBBS & STEGALL, COTTON ^ACTORS, Ftinvuiiiiiiijf 1 Eatf CfiiiiuUslbn MERCHANTS, * No. 4 Stoddard’s Lower Range, BAY STREET, , oAiVAJPnv-aia, gka- WBI make llfcrttl advance* oil cotton and other f produce iu transit or store, cr on couelgnmeuto to wr correspondents in New York airtT 3m to be fonnd lb this city, and which we offer'at LOWER PRICES than they can be bought tor at any other house, consisting In part of Bvery variety of Dress Goods Housekeeping Goods Domestics anil Prints Cloths and Casslmereg Figured Linens and Drills Embroideries aad Laces Hosiery and Gloves Ribbons and Braids Hair Rolls and Curls Lace Points and Veils Bradley's Empress Trail* Handkerchiefs Ac., Ac., Ac. EINSTEIN & ECKMANy my*21-tf ^Planters’ BICE PODDING MILL! The undersigned, having become proprietors o! the property known as tho “LOWER SAVANNAH RICE MILL,” Intend at once patting in all new ami necessary machinery for making it a FIRST-CLASS RICE POUNDING MILL. No pains will be spared' to have Rice thoroughly cleaned and prepared for market, and to the Planters and Factors who give hit their patronage we can promise full attention to their Interests. Il-tviug ample facilities for storing Rice, Planters and Factors can slilp at any time to the Mill to salt their convenience, to remain on storage or fur pounding. LLOYD D, WADDELL. WILLIAM M. TUNNO. ROSE A ARKWRIGHT. Having taken entire charge of the wotting of the above named Hill, we wuulil respectfaily ask of the Planters and Factors living in the vicinity of Savan nah their patronage for the coming season, and loan doing we can bnt promise a careful attention to tnsir interest, based upon our past business, connection and experience in that line of bnslre-s. The Min For further particulars, enquire of2JS1 hSsfedf Arkwrigh^st the.Mill, orwt Wm. M. Tunno A C Wm. M. Tunno *Co, In Exchange!* adding Lloyd D. w added, offlee (when •“ *!§[* . Var counting room of W. H. Whitney A Co., «*>. 4 Har- Bhmk. Bay street. * llg n Board, Board. S &VBRAL Gentlsmen, or gentlemen and Ladles, mb obtain Board on reasonable terms In one of MM monk vdensant mad convenient local lies in the 3l»?^5pWto MBS. W. F._PARKER, i^pN-tf lv* Booth Broad street. Second door west of Barnard. •* GILLIAM’S J)LD MILL." GRITS, OBITS, MEAL. LUDDINGTON A CO. G BITS aad KSAL llnya an hand in Iarga qni^ti- tie», dally ground, and can make it especially to the interest of Grocers and Bay Merchants who fill country orders to give ua their patronage. We re spect fully aolicit a callYrom all Who uae the above. Depot for shippers at 8. G. Hayne’a warehouse, MX) and 192 Bay street, corner of Market Dock. LTTDDINOTON k CO., ocH-tf Cor. Habersham and Lihejty streets. 1 Liberty i ENTERPRISE MILLS, OORNRR WEST BROAD AMP CON- GRBSS STREETS. DEIOt AT B- COWDENS. Baath side It, Jaltea street, West of the Market. Grits and Meal always on hand.. ocl-lm R. J. WADE X MUk po Baggin and Rope. iR SALE on reaonaHe terms, hy [OC2] BRIGHAM. HOLS *' A CD.. Coffee. 2,000 DirecttaportajhmfopnjiRto4eJaneiro, * f j ocl-hu* WEED A CORNWELL,’ ROPE. jyQQ COILS OREENLEAP Jn»t renewed, and ■eW-tf for *al* by „ . BRADLEY, HILL. A CO., Ho. II Btoddard’s Lp ver Rsnge, WANTEQ TO pORChAsE, FOR CASH, TYOgKHY GEO. PATTEN t SON, •MESEBAL COMMISSION AN FOB IVAKDINU M KUCHA NTS, u 1 Healers in Colins, Wool, Hides. Lumber, a mil ProvUlous. ■018 [PHStllP aoints rrm S8PEI PH8S ►HATE LIME (,18.3m SAVANNAH. GA, ' BLAIR & BICKFORST Lumber Manufacturers AND DEALERS IN TIMBER AND LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Doors, Hlash and Blinds. Mill *«ud Lumber Yard on Canal, Mar street -Office, ISO Bay street, Savannah. Ga Jy»T-U G. B. LAMAR, JUN., Successor toG. B. St G. W. Laiab, Gene ral Commission Merchants . Forwarding aad SUffiM 4*^ - No.«» BAY STREET (np stairs.) p yferM Geo.W ; ^.de»on,J^C- andG. A JSSTJ’ H W. Walker, Auguata. Consign- meua* eolic Ited. j. y. Bo ua c- W. A. Bhyamt. Bouse & Bryant, (F(>rmerly of Jacksonville, Flh,) 194 Bay SAVANNAH, - - Street, « BORGIA. W ILL give prompt at* ention to receiving and for- warding goods, sales on conaignraont, and all ottiera; and will also keep constantly on hand a /te., besides other goods u>r sale oc consignment, and for which they arc ' lirenta. Orders and eoasignments respectfully *o- i4*it«.*d. al8-tf JOHN S. SIMMS & CO., Forwarding! and Commission - MKItCIIAIVTS. WHOLBSAU AND! RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry < Gdrids, Orooeries, Ac., NOS. l AND 2 SAM MIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, cJflwawTfllq • Florida. KD. a. SAMJffia. BLANCEVILLE SLATE PING COIPT, .1 v/vn Wffltr, poLk to., GA. , , . POLK 6©., GA. ‘i 1 ^ cjjtp’l Stoolk,8000,000 SHAKES, $M> EACH. Disisotobu—H. Brigham, J. F. Dover, B, 0. Graa- nlae, A Wt'bur and A. B. Marshall. -—A. Wilbnr. Savannah, Ga. Vmi Paa»nnrr—B. C. Grannies, Macon, ( Ssoaivaav—A. E. Marshall, Atlanta, Ua rpuis A urdi furnitarc a*ansi C Veiil«nt, and for any other rites to which state can applied. Tlie quarry is convenient to the dties of «Hanta, Augusta, Macon, Albany and Colnmbns. Ga.: to the cities of Selma, Montgomery and Mobile, to various article* oi furniture ana for pavement well known. Orders may be addressed to / .-If >|AlUM8BSffflftl.«sffy« „ NOTICE. TO ALL WANTING FURNITURE .lam opening for the taqiratlon or the pubUc, a floe stock of! CABINET FURNITURE, CHAIRS. a TRESSES, Ao^ Ac., - To which the attention of all ia invltad. UNVILLE & GLEASON. St JulLu Street West of Market, SAVANNAH, agents roB. MERRITT, WALCOTT A OO. 64 ConrMt Street Hew Tort, Ac , a, and dealsrs ship and Engineer's 8u] Hemp and Rabber Pack ~ ting, Brass Fittings, re, Fils*, Chisels, Gi MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF dies, OHS, Varnish, Phmt, • Oak Tanned and Rabbsr ig and RivetUg Bam- !, Nails, Clrcnlsr aad Steam and Wa rners, File#, Chisels, Gaa Gang Saws, Pomps, Steam tar Onagers, Steam Engines and description, Ac., Ac. Also Agsnts for A CO.’S celebrated Portable Steam Bnguea. OI Mill* of evary A. F. WOOD GOLD MEDAL SHERRY. PORT AND MADEIRA, HARVEST BOURBON, WHEAT NUTRIENT, OLD HOMESTEAD RYE. In addit ion to our bualuesa of selling Wines, etc. ih original packages, and in order to Insure to Con sumers Pure Liquors iu u compact anu convenient form! we commenced the enterprise of bottling and ■Making in cases our well known Wines, Brandlei. Whiskies, etc., anil have sent them out In a style that would preclude the possibility of their being tam- Dereil with liefore reaching the purchaser. The gen eral appreciation and gratifying success that ha* re warded our efforts has enoonraged ns to maintain the standard as regards quality, also, to niakejn- creased effort* to retain tho confidence and patron age which has bean so liberally bestowed npou us. w BININGER ft CO., Established 1773.1 Importers of Wine*, *c.. No. 15 Beaver street, New York. The above popular goods are put np In cases con taining one dozen bottles each, and are sold by R U W E, SAVANNAH. and ail prominent Druggists, Grocers, etc. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. The name-of Bluiuger ft Co., No. 16 Beaver strew, re a ffiiftr&otfic of the cJwCt'8Dd literal troth of wm** Mar tiiev repreaenL—N. Y. Com. Advertiser. The Importing house of Binlnger k Co.. Wo. If Beaver street, ia conducted upon principle* of Inf eg- rity, fairness, and the highest honor,—K.Y. Evening Express. jeo-ueo*i«wiy FOR SALE, /\sl MACARTHY GIN, second hand. Will be ■aid cheap. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., sepU c of . Bay and Aberrorn streeta. EDWARD B. YOUNG. CLAYTON R. WOODS YOUNG & WOODS, Bankers & Brokers 188 BRYAN ITREET, VALENTINE BASLER. Clgan, Wins*, Ale* aad Iftgar, and all klada of Uquora. attached. IERCHAKTS’EXCHAHGE ^■LUNCH HOUSE, BuUftteeefe mhJv Lmm* F ree LUNCH served fromH a-m-to Lp. m.. and bom 9 p. m.U) O a. BaR. ol Ufflera, Ales. _ from 9 p. m. to U m. _ Wines. 4c , conaUnUyon hand. FRANK P»RRT Proprietor. PAVtuesMOrEtpu OF BULL AND ITREETS. ' respectfully announce re Hotel Is now open knent end Transient SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUU. AND SOUTH BROAD ITREETS. PROPRIETORS would T'Ho the pnblic that the above the reception qf Permanent B Hav1nghad large flKtmNBqeMthMfot»g|Mli they Intend to make this House one of the most * lortable Boarding Houses for families and others In the city. There las Bar coanae'ed eRh-UiC Hotel^a may befooad thfl be*» frf WUsaliquors and. Attached to tls. House ifl ftlie aft. If GARDHH, where may Ae pihrereARftll day and evening, the finest Cream In the city. Also, a Soda Fountain, from which they will furnish the best Soda in the city. There are as many roads to fame and fortunes there were gateways to ancient Thebes. Yoor hr- butene warrior Is for carrying hie way with the ; your aspiring politician for acheming his way by Intrigue aad consummate art. Bat there ia one grand broad path to the goal, along which nothing base can travel. It ia tha^ath art apart fin the march of talent, energy, and nobis purpose an Sthoogh foil of obstacles, Itco^tns none that a brave Irfan cannot surmount. This fact has been exemplified n innumerable Instances, bnt in lew more forcibly ban in the rise and progrere of DB. HOOFLANIP8 GERMAN BITTERS. For over fifteen yean ltacoomt has been onWanl and upward, scattering blessings at every step, until it now stands on the topmost rounds ofthe ladder of fame, as the Parties can be furnished with Cream at all times, iylfr-tf . ~ "ST. CHARLES SALOON, gY A. STAMM. Bay Lau*. rear of Post Office— ~ The bask Ltqnora/'lrice, ’xrines, J**** 1 ?.^^; -tide of BELT always on nano, lucinmng a cnoice article oi bsm- EB’S WATER, directly Imported from Hersagthnm, Naasan, and the best of Rhine Wines. LPNCH every day at tl o’clock. W«-ly LA PIEBRE HOUSE, . PHILADELPHIA. ffilHSSI I H0«y*.4 ■KFimtD TfiD^l IN AN ELEGANT MANNER, qad la near Prryired witn the Me feet near Prepared wits the Moat Pe app «J22S3£: The drat position among first-class Hotels will be maintained in the future, aa In the past.. JelS dm . BAKER A FAftLjT. GHABLESTOR HOTEL, ' CHARLESTOM, S. Ci , flUflS popnlai and well known Hotel, situated in the M. business !Dii!l tasted ir a of the city, has been newly far- bosini .. nlshed throeghoat by the present proprietor, who hoe been sixteen years connected with the establishment UiLil W WHITE. Proprietor. HERRING’S m imMrn AND A Glorious Result H. Austell & Inman, ItfthtliL i No. 00 Wall street, ’ J NEW YORK, tally prepared to make _ enta on consignments u both at this place and a: v<re»en'dh Atlanti j *>th dispatehq m ►hrofigl will arrange advaneeanants Uiere. ehand M wfi; be forwarded to ns ojr agents; Messrs. Brady ft Moere of k... - 7 We wiU exert our best energies loffi, satKtJ?*^ andpreasotethe interests of our p.Sos- ^ /,CUo » ^^J^nmentafrom our Son them mend, rre^ — Se27-3in MARTIN J. FORE ATTORNEY AT lav, | OFFICE. No. 78 BRYAN STREET |yl7-6m ~ SAVANNAH. GA. GREAT TONIC. T O Notice I S HEREBY GIVEN that ihe partner^hirM 1 fore existing under the mines of I ft Co. In Savannah. Ga.. and ThoniaTr I Co.. Madison, FI... have been efiw br hf 1 ,° n * ! 01 A > j a i*flj5S° 0 i 1 l 0n | e “'a! 110 ^ ’ “• J* MHjudR will give hid at tent ion to h, « in Savannah, and 8. K. THOMAS to the tatoS in Xsdjaou. in liquidation. Hoofland’s German Bittera Is a positive remedy for DYSPEPSIA, Diseases Resulting; from OISIRDEI IF TNI LIVES ami RIIE8TIVI 818AM, (And is the only certain and safe RESTORER OF STRENGTH IN CASKS OF DKBILITY. ref this Bitters By the Wrekened' and Debilitated Frames Be come Renewed with all the Vigor ot Health, Impaired constitutions are rebuilt, and the patien n a abort time regains Viwor, Health and Stren~th. August, KtC. A. J. MILLER a B. TH0MA8, Surviv.ngPir,^ the sol*- ribere will continue the Cro-orv ans<vl m'amoaKnsme'.s In Savannah, Ga, at the^ 01 "' I copied by the late arm, on Bavstrrel “ rtot ' ot ' Angnst, 1856. MILLER i BROTHER. Tbe subscriber solicits for the new a rnntitf. of the patronage extended to the lateiSm. S- Tl- THOMAS, August, 1866. ° f tl,e “tvivors. n«!4f COPIRTIRSHIP Hr T HE UNDERSIGNED has this ,l av as**-**., a ■„ I himself Mr. SAMUELC. UATnfenw.SS 1 ? nnrposc of carrying on the IVliuie^He^dHeti^ Drug and Prescription Business. The S a known under the name and-tjk-o' nr n ‘‘‘ “ I THOMAS M. TURNER * CO. TItOMAS M. TURNER, auai-tf 8AVAXMAH, Acgnst 13, 13*Si. FOR RENT, M Apply 10 iy»-tf On reasonable terms, FOUR COUNTIlfn ROOMS and TtVO LARGE llALLSin brick building on the corner oi Ba v and Ik Poeseaalon given EDWARD PAbEBFORn Thomaston Lime. 600 bbls. for t»a!e by BRADLEY, ^HILL k C0„ wep2T-ff No. 12 Sroilflanl'E Lower Radi ia BAEEE i'T’8 T II E *ii ITairbanks’ IU * L/ V WILL receive Deposits, bay and 'aell Exchange, Gold and Silver, UncnrrentBank Notes, Government, Railroad and all othur Securities. WUl also bay Cot ton on onders. Collections made and promptly remitted. They will also make collection, in any part of the United States, and make cash advances oa cotton consigned to our friends !n New York, Charleston, Savannah, Apaiacblcola or New Orleans. Operating on a paid In capital, with our long es tablished credit, h a ssfflclent guarantee of refefy tn all our business transactions. REFER TO Conent ft Yunng, I« _ York Nourse ft Brooks, (,” ew Iorlt ' RAdama, Frost ft Go., Charleston, 8. C. Johnston, Woods ft Co., Savannah, Ga. Foote A Malone, Mobile, Ala. Josiuh Morris, Montgomery, A a. -Wm. H. Young, Columbus, Ga. John King, Banker, Columbus, Ga. Jennings, Wicks A Bro., New Orlaans, La. Guthrie ft Co., Louisville, Ky. Bhirok ft Rowland, St. Louis, Mo. Eoraeu, Ala., Sept. 1,1866. aspASs J. W. STEELE, (Lata Steele A Bor bank,) 11 Merchants’ Row, HHtoa Head, So. Ga and earner stag and George Sti.,CkarleMon, C l ALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail 1 chaser* to -bis superior atoek of Military and Naval Clothing, . ,j,j . ABO FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clock*. Fancy Hoods, "w^iiy and Plata Ware, Swords, Sashes, licit*, RmVrolderie*, Boot Capa, Fie’d Glasses. Gauntietat Gfovea, fte.^Ae. FERTILIZERS BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN JJAVING BEEN AGENTS, for the above Salta and Scales for the last fifteen yean, an now reoeiviug large consignment* of Safes and Scales. HERRING-8 PATENT CHAMPION PISE PROOF SAFES, with patent Crystallxed Iron Burglar Proof A large ant complete asgorOnent of FAIRBANKS PATENT PLATFORM SCALES, tom 3,500 pounds dormant dowi PLAl’FORt AND GROCERS’, COUNTER, AMD EVEN BALANCE. The above Safes and Scaleaare too well known to require any cuoimenta. Stock constantly on Hand ami sold at Manufsctnrcr’s Card Pr ces. seplli VALUABLE PLANTATION For Sale. rj<HK subscriber offer«_ Ua plantation and .appur tenances for sale bn reasonable entire crop or Corn, Cotton, now in process of cultivation. i; also, the dw tn process of cultivation. This Plantation Is situated nlna miles from Madi son Court House, Fla. and two mites from Cherry Lake Church, where there are good school* now in snceeseral operation. The fortuity of the A U and healthful ness of the place, and the high moral tone of the neighborhood, make It one of the most desliable places In the State. The land tv well watered with lakas and running branches, that have sever tailed ia the meet pro tracted droughts, and toe uncleared lands are cov ered with the finest 'oak, hickory and pins timber. Tho plantaton la now Is successful. *600 acres t produce at le good L. Upper & Brother’s RAW BONK SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF UME PURE (GROUND BONE. rpHESB FERTILIZERS, being mads from the best In' ' ' A material* an*tin the mast approved Banner, are confidently reran* meiuled aa thebret In the mafeaL C. G. CRANK ft oa, Gtnerml Agents for tbe Manufretureo*. Newark, N, J. Messrs: LaRocbe, Wist A Damixls, Agents, Sa na. * sspoa- j hrunnah. Boker’s Bitters Ffar sale at all promlnent Grocers, Wine and Druggists, and wholaaals only, by L. FUNKE, Jr., Sole Agent, an»8m No. 66 Liberty »iw»L ■■ T. FOR SALE, 4 8EBVICEABLB DRAFT HORSE. A. Pulaski House Stables. Apply at a MoGINLT, For Sale, QNK Patton ft BlsWs STEAM-PUMP, In camplate orfar. sep25 ’ CHARLES L. COLBY A 00., ' Cor. Bay and Abereorn areseta. PHCENIX STEAM SAW MILL. EASTERN WHABF, SAVANNAH, GA. T im on _ GANG BAV kSuaeSa.. BF" Warerooms, ITS BROUGHTON STRkET, Sher .ock’s old Dry Goods Store. •' fl6-ly U. HARRINGTON. YELLq^ t; QO^N. 7000 balhels for tale low, to clone consign BRADLEY, HILL A CO., Mo. II Stofidanda Loww g- W** i SAVANNAH HAT STORE, STEAM SAW MILL" would their friends sad the PjSi!? now prepared to H cs" 81 * fprLumbera say qaa* tit, and of any sines 'and lengths. We nave een- gUtoMrifrular^rtsaifom t^oSuara tor planed and asasSBSaatfJMc >Y5Bfi s asssor j. »- uauiLToa. a. uirans. tf ' • netted. HATS AM) CAPS. wlH pro . The lands on the entire place are composed tftco acres—1,000 acres cleared and under gc fences. I will also sell eighty head of bogs, fourteen good moles, well broke, two horses, three plantation wag ons, farming utensils to ran twenty ploughs, black smith and carpentertotouia, oeoMsGwtliy Cotton Gin, household and kitchen furniture, and everything else on the place. There la »n ireful ing wall of water on the place, good dwelling house and cabins sufficient to accom- modate aU toe laborers qeceaaary to wink the, pUp- II applied for early, the purchaser will get a bar- gala. ' Address me at Madison O. H„ Fla. aaio-dtf JOHN L. TOOK!. T" Rockland Lime. 1000 S2?W33Rf twnl ' «“■’ repll-tf R1CHSBD8QN A BARNARD. Notice. J w. NEVl'lT, of the firm of Nevtt, Lathrop A Rogers, has associated himself with Lathrop A Co. In the Dry Good* business, at the old stood of Jl-tf ,H»f9tT LftT'UiPP Af» ; A FIRST CLA88 SPECIMEN STEAM ENGINE - —d Saw Mill, mrenfretared toordsr at toe Fal- Works, Ne > York. OouaUu of an enalue of so banepowenreturaflue bettor, with all the eon re- frame, to feet carriage; if |Uug head blocks; li* feet patent self staling a t chain, with puite; II complete. Tmi be parehiaed lo# M tf La ROCHE. WEST.* DANIELS. BaiKfFb Sale. .•V W ILL be sold oa TUESDAY, the WMr day Woefo- ber, 1*66, in front cf the Court House, In the city of Savannah, between th* legal hoars of sale, toe following property, to-wifr One Sot*. 6 cuahiooed-bottom Chair*, S cushioned- aaasKsae isss, tesLtt a person ot color, la mM*D a dial outoftoa HcmotabtathaCuaaly Coari for th* county of Cbatoam, ia fitvdroftaaae D. LaRocbe. J>latnUffi A. H. SADLER, ocl Baffiff Oounty Oourt C. C. Wanted*. 10,0001™****#** oor Gunny Cloth. 50lVH ’^wBfiURUSoliiTa OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS. Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs 1 Constipation, Inward Piles, FuUneae ot Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stomach. Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at toe Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of th* Head, Harried and Difficult Breath- ' ing, Flattering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation when In a Lying Pos ture, DuiuieaaorViaioD, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever sad Dull Pain la tbe Head, Defi ciency of I'erspl atom. Yellowness of the Skiu and Byes, Pain in the Side, Bock, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sadden Flushes of lleut. Bum lng in tbe Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression ol Spirit*. Remember That these Bitters con tala no Rom or Whiskey. And can’t make Drunkards. Is not a Bar Room Drink, But a Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract. Ftee from Alcoholic Stimulant or Injurious .Drugs It cannot Inshllonaly lntrodupe the vice of Drunk enness Into tlie bosom of your families—to your wife, your children, or your friends. - Or others, whose systems have become impaired by hardships or disease, will find in this Bitters a tome hat wiU restore them to all their fell vigor. Throe Bittera have performed more cares I .Given Better Satisfaction! vo more Testimony Have more respectable people to vouch for them I Than any other article in the Market. We defy any one to eoatredict this ease rt tor, AND WILL PAY $1,000 To any one that will produce a Certificate published by ns hat la not GENUINE. N READ WHO SAYS SO. FROM THE HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. Washington, January 1,1864. Gentleman:—Having stated It verbally to yon, I have Bo hesitation ill writing the fact, that I experi enced marked benefit from vonr Hoofland’s German Bittera. During a tong and tedious session of Con gress, pressing and onerous duties nearly prostrated me. A kind friend suggested the use of the prepara tion 1 have named. I took hia advice, and the result was Improvement ot health, renewed energy, and that particular relief I so much needed and obtained. Others mar be similarly advantaged. If they dasire to Truly your friend, THOMAS B. FLORENCE. ON THIS CONTINENT. It IS WaKRaSTED to RE-'Ti'liK 08. v HAIK TO 1 ORIGINAL, NATPRAL COLOK, In l-vrrv, is,' 'I «• ill sir the hair from falling orr: it will ir 11,»ora liamoroaml dandruff; promote the > u ,- i. of* UAiK/snd Is a beautiful dressing. We offer no large rewards, but we nth * ad our ageiits to refund the kon ky to * y pa n in will use two bottles, and tlieu say li t rn Vu- table Hair Restorative has nut per me aUn claim. Tntimon>j from the. Capital of ti e Uiii e, Sla Messrs. Barrett ft Co: 1 was Induced to give yonr Hair p epaiation 3 til and can heartily recommend it aa unequalled a Dressing. Purifier and Restorer,—giving to the b a luxuriant richness, and to the head a cool i most agreeable sensation, while it is thorough la- storing the hair to Its natural color. Very respectfudy, W. Hamlf Washington. D. 0., May 15, 1866. ' Messrs. J. R Barkeit ft Co: I I was induced by a friend to mak a trial of I rett’s Vegetable Hair Restorative, and 1 »m vj I much pleased with tho effect It has had on my hi I I was nearly half gray, and now, before using < I bottle, my bead is freed from dandruff, and my t has all the appearance of youth. I lully beiieve t rett’s to be the best hair preparation in the world. Wh. Haxiltoi | Fredonla, N. Y., April 26, 1866. J. K. BARBGTT ft CO„ Froprietori | Manchester, New Hampahlie. JACOB LIPPMAN, Corner Congress and Barnard streets, Agen I f~ Sold by all Drngglats. jyi- Emigrants Can be Suppliej WITHIN TEN DAYS. NIBS undersigned are prepared to supply Plan I A and other parties who may be in want of WE I be. From Rev. W. D: Srigfrisd, Pastor of Twelto Baptist Church. - Philadelphia, December 06,18(8. M sea as InnaftEiAn, -I have recently been labor* sg a Oder _ fleets of indigsation, aneompanled by of the aereoas system. Numerous w«re recemmsnded hyftieod»and tome of tested, bat wlthont relief. Yonr Headland's Goman Bitters were recommended by person, who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of tbs Bittera tn- duced meatso to try them. I must confess that I had an avetaloa to potent medicines, from toe "UMaaand and one'* quack "Bitters,” whoes only aim seems to he to palm off sweetened and dragged liquor npou toe community, in a aly way; and toe tendency oi which, I fear, ia to make auuiy a confirmed drankard Upon learning that yours wan really a medicinal preparation. I took it with happy effect. Its acton* was not oaty apon the stomach, but upon the ner vous system, was prompt aad gratifying. 1 (tel that 1 have derived great and pare+aent benefit uae of a few bottles. No. eryfropeetrully yours, W.G.8UGFRE1D, beware OF COUNTERFEITS.' 830thatttaaijpmUIroof “C. M. JACESOM"isouth* Wrapper of* PRINCIPAL OFFICE & MANUFACTORY No. 631 ARCH STREET, JONES & EVANS, SUCCESSORS TO C. K. JACKSON ft OO. w. M. WALSH, Soto Agent. Corner Barnard ft Broeghton St*., Savannah. Ga o*U w«cs - ME EYE, Eli, ABD rnnil. rt*-, WRIGHT, or Toronto, Canada West, AJ clan and Surgeon, OeaBst clan and Sara eon, Oedtot and Anrist, ca Pea fa eat, Discharges from thu^ , . , Discharges from _ notoei In the Head, Catarrh, Diseases of the „ — of theETE, requiring *iti>elr Iddtoai or SonloRlftia Attended to. OfiSouNa41,Si’Dr. Thom Buakleri* old c » Lexington street, Baltimore, Md. - . _ „ Offlo* hooia from * to 13 a. M-, and LABORERS, and have made uecessiiry arra meats in the North to fi'l any orders for agricnl I Laborers, Woodcu’, Mechanics, etc., witliin I or Twelve days fromc he day the order is giveu 11 The laborers are to «e received by the Emplo on arrival of the steamer here, and transporti the points where they are wanted atKmplo; expense, and the Employers nave further to p certain sum per head in advance, parity as sec and partly for covering the exi*en»e» in bringln) Emlgrantqfrom the North to this port. The rate at which Farming Laborers can b cored will average abont $150 per year, the Em- era finding them. For farther particulars apply to WM. MOHV1LLE ft CO., Jones’ Block, Bay street, . One door-East of Barnard 8tree Savannah, < references: Jackson A Lawton, r-avaunah. John W. Anderson A Son, Savannah. Solomon Cohen, Savannah. Jno. C. FerrilL Savaunah. Nicholls, Camp <C Co., Savannah Geo. A. Cnyler, Savannah. W. B. Fleming, Savannah. John Screven, Savannah. Brigham, Baldwin <6 Co., Savannah Savannah National Bank. Savannah. N titting, JPowell & C> BANKERS, MACON, G-EO C. A. NUTTING, A. H. POWKLL, ISAAC SCOTT. umuo. EDWARD PADELFORD, JeSSem SAVANNAH.^ THOM. W. BROOK manufactures of FURNITURE AND CENEtf UPHOLSTERY. SIM Doc Street, Pbilmlclpbia, I E. &—All ORDEB8 sent by Vsfi Pr° B tented tn. IC^OL t Um RESIDEN For Sale. / idencc.f ® In the**' I OFFER for sale my Residence./ FJ Pw extensive grounds, situated BN airatil* and hcsutiiui part of Tim talHlT Utent; the The House is large, handsome an; . .j* Gardens large, productive and arranged; toe Orchard contains foahf celleut trait, and the Viueyanl three grapes. The water ts abundant and exrelieL, Ihe place coatahu, SO acres, the white building lois. Streets are alreaily laiden a** - P»g up mound .taptere.^App^te Or BRADLEY, HILL * Ct aepss-im CUL -RHODES liLalfo/i Soper Phcspli THE STANDARD » Oct I of p tluj nc] AT flflfl OO PER TOM, < alfi-tf Paper Hangings THOMAfi * Oft TJE. ■ u m ’° | ! T ti„ •Oct. * Window MB& BABY PARSED BY . day Of Deoember. of every description >n freight and 1 upon horee* *nd EwfriX thly. Th* Tax npTO«taJW and loom* are requireji» ”11 ndcreignsd It prcp*r*a to '"T • third quarter. .,mbaU johk wnxygj. Eastern’Hay? [Pro [tod w, It* i j. mo. rmmiTOl m Ww — ****** *"•&* : e.-. BRADLEY, BILL A Offo «*«LM Mo. lfififoManta Lor* [ **cter 'in tht