The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, October 15, 1866, Image 2

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The Daily INews ancTHerald. BY* 5. W. MASON. SAMUKL W. MASOS, Editor W. T. THOMPSON Associate BdUnr. Official Paper of the City. -assest cmsauTioi in tiugitv and gqiuty MONDAY OCTOBER 15, 1866.. POSTMABTKHS Are authorized to receive subscriptions for the NEWS AND HERALD, Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, at our advertised rates. TO OUR. COUNTRY FRIENDS. As much interest is felt throughout the counfry in regard to the prospects of the cotton and other crops' we will be grateful to our planting friends and others in the interior for information on that subject. Those who have opportunities for obtaining valuable infor mation in regard to the growing crops, the*working of the free-labor system, and kindred matters, of gen eral interest, will confer a favor by communicating the same to us. COUNTING-ROOM CHANGED. The Business Office of the News aNd Herald is removed to the rooms immediately over those recently occupied. Entrance by the large stair-way next door west. OUR CONFLICTING OPINIONS UPON FINANCIAL CONDITION* The New York journals, descanting upon the excitement in the slock market and the rapid appreciation of gold, put forth very conflicting views. .One ot them says that notwithstanding the unsettled condil financial affairs, as denoted by the fluctuations, a feeling of monetary everywhere prevails, and that our is independent of all foreigu elements turbance. It remarks, also, that there is a larger volume of currency outstanding than at any former time, the aggregate of legal tender and national bank notes'being fifty millions greater than at the beginning of June of last year, and that the money markets all .. over the country were never at this season in such an e*y condition. Per contra, another journal takes a less hopeful and, we think, more correct view of the financial situation. It says the commercial and financial horoscope of our coun try presages serious trouble, and gives its leading features as follows: 1. A plethora ot what is (with questiona ble propriety) called money, and (still more inacurately) capital. 2. Loans on call at short time go begging, and are to be obtained at low interest “on call" or shorMime on nlmost'any sort- of col laterals. 3. Stocks of all kinds selling at enormous prices mid generally rising immarket value. 4. The premium on Gold Ttdvaccing, and nearly up to 50 per cent. 5. Gold flowing hither from Europe, though our imports of goods enormously ex ceed our exports of products—the gold, with the accruing commercial balance against us, being invested in stocks and bonds, main- ly those of the Government. In other words: we are drawing bills against the industry of our children and grandchildren, selling them at 25 per cent, discount, and spending tbe proceeds in wines, silks and other luxuries which “perish in the using.’’ 6. High prices for labor, for products, for almost everything, rendering ours the best market in the world to seRin and the Worst to buy in, an increase and diffusion of sumptu ous tastes, and luxurious habits, ail seem to forseshadnw the grand qjash, which no skill in financiering can long postpone, if there be not a radical change in our financial and commercial policy. Tho latest telegraphic intelligence is that gold and stocks continue to advance, and that the excitement in Northern markets is now greater than it has been at any time since the close of the war. Dry goods of all kinds are going up, alfd it may be expected that this upward tendency of prices will communicate to every class of commodities. It is not easy to account for this sadden and unexpected movement. The partial failure of the cotton crop may have had something to do with it, and this supposition is strengthened by the fact, that raw cotton has advanced with equal if not greater rapid ity. This upward movement in prices is to be regretted for many reasons, but chiefly, that tho burdtJn will fall mainly upon the poor and working classes in all parts of the country, but especially in the South, owing to tho failure of the crops. It will furnish a pretext to every retail; dealer to advance his prices for articles necessary for subsist ence, and the household expenses of these nnfortunate classes will thereby be increased. IMPORTANT DECISION. A decision wa* recently made by tlie Judge of the Superior Court of Sumter coun ty, in this Stale, which will attract attention. A negro was arraigned on an indictment for rape, when bis counsel moved-Ao dismiss the proceedings on the ground tlia|i- the; party charged had already been arraigned,’Tried and punished by a nKlilary or provost courts the crime having been OTmmilled upon tb»' person of a white woman, and the punish ment inflicted, ball and clfain for three months. The Judge decWed that the plea could not avail the prisoner unless it should be shown that he belonged either to the army or navy of the United States. The Court gfbceedcd with the trial, which resulted in the conviction of the accused party, who was sentenced to twelve’ years imprisonment in the penitentiary. The RoTiftcHiLos and the Cotton Cbop.- The Rothschilds recently wrote to this coun try for as correct a statement as could pos sibly be procured of the probable yield of cotton in the Southern States during the year 1866, and received in reply, from a dis tinguished planter, that it would not exceed, “under the most favorable circumstances, over 1,200,000 bales.’’ The gentleman who wrote this has since, in view of the depreda tions of worms, havoc from rnst, and scarcity of labor to pick out the staple, reduced his estimate to >>000,000 bales, of which amount he does not believe there will be ?90,OQ0 bales available for export. In the United Stales Circuit Court, at’ CHcago, on Friday, the cdse of Oerritt Smith vs. The Chicaga Tribune Compauy, an action for an alleged libel, came up on a a demurrer to the plaiStiff's declaration- The alleged libel was contained in an-edito rial article, published June 13tb, 1865, which, as the plaintiff alleges, charged, antofcg-oBfef things, that he aided ' and abetted' John Brown in the commission of wrongful and criminal acts at Harper’s Ferry, and tbat on the arrest of Brown, the plaintiff, in order to avoid arrest and punishment, feigned In sanity, and fled to and took refuge in a lu natic asylum. _ % .. 7 A Fi-orid* Railroad for Bai.*,—We have noticed in one of our Florida exchanges the announcement that the Florida Railroad', and all its appurtenances of every kind. co„l necting Fernandina with Cedar Keys, will ho Qnlil nn/1n«tl.A kk * * “111 APPEALS TO THE SOUTH. The New York Times and other professed ly conservative- jo- earnest appeafa to the StrutfcerA. Sites'to ac cept the ConswKitlpiial amendment adopted at the test seam* tif Obngresa^ They say that in view of the Radical ascendancy in the next Congress, it would be not only inexpe dient, but exceedingly unwise not to accept it, and that speedily. It is urged by .them that the ; only parts 'of She* amendment' open to serious objection are temporary in their operation. That by changing the rates of representation their political power is re duced, bwh-onlywiriMme find it wise 1 and safe to apply the same qualifications for suffrage to both blacks and whites. That in the or dinary course of things, this result must be obtained before many years. The same thing they think is time, ton stiller outer extent, till the disfranchising law. It exclndes from of fice certain classes of those whp have been active in the “rebellion,” but Congress may at any time, by a two-thirds vote, remove this disability. That if peace and order again prevail, and mattesq ye^njauf ^ejr nojnjai course in the Southern States, but very le.iv years can elapse before Congress will be very glad to remove (tho disability ^together, a*ds in-regard to maqyBoutliemj man, there js little doubt, hrth<fir r opinlon, it irould be fe-' moved very soon. These are the reasons given why the South may well consider whe- ; By Telegraph. T-T^ f NIGHT DESPATCHES. FROM EUROPE. MARINTB NBWi A Vessel Sank by CtUisiei* ROYAL HONORS CONFERRED UPON ftf fid BI B’ ther it would not be wise to accept these tem porary inconveniences^ for the 'sttko Df^hir permanent and substantial advantages to be gained,* EE they assert, thereby. Would the editors of the journals referred amendment if .ttity mere they consent to (bat negro suffrage— b puls the brand ^Political 1ST ears- WET. LORL\LYO'SS\APPOINTED MINISTER INSURREC&IONTn CATTDIA GRE8SING. V 3 London. October 13.-CotU(ttlJM4- Cotton tales, middling uplands, Mttj 'braqdittilfo h«n*r;*>ryvisions declining. Nto Yoi*, October 14.—Arrived : .teamen Amer- iiis. From Southampton, 3d; Malta, from Liverpool, 2d; and City of Bos&a* trad HiMMElWown. lib. t Ateo arrived steamers Flambeau, from Charleston, and Champion, from Aspinwall, with 1,300 passengers. The schooner Mary Ann McGee was sunk at West Hank yesterday afternoon, by#tcamship Queen, which > easel arrived last evening. No lives lost The for eign news to tho 4th ioMafc* confcitoi the ftUfcttafcs. steamers Heels, Peruvian, and Perrcy bad arrived out. ,\.t the bagquet in honor of the layers of the Atlantic cabVva Message was road fray oonfsfring Knighthood upon Captain Anderson, ProfbsJor Thompson, Messrs. Glass and Canning, and.*'Baron etcy on Mr. Sampson and Mr.* Gache. The Queen Special Notice. Assigned’ Basic *r SatassAs. Savahnto, Georgia, JuB *, Uto The undersigned having been appointed Assignees of this Bank for the purpose of adjusting and liqui dating Its affairs, therefore all persons having cUlma against this corporation will present them, and al •sqanedtf | Hotels game within six months from this date* or thw wiH I B. BHIGHAJf, aepS-tf Hagai’s Magaslia Itfafe VALENTI W ORFF * WATKINS 1 Aig la the cost dcHghtfhi andextracrliry AitfcU wv discovered. It changes the fnn-bntwt fbkM on J pgvrrB .osG *<}£!> ft.l -*ri ot b - Jli £ T. 4.* hands to a pearly satin texture of rs- Imparting the marble parity of yaath, end the ffistta-, pue appearance so torittng in the dtybeBd wffotolta. 1 ml*. Jtoremoroa tan, freckled, pirapies and ronfhnees from j ti^sklte tearing the complexion fresh, tnaapaieuti .ind smooth: It contains no material tafartesm to Patronized by Actresses jOtd Opera Singers. It Is what every lady shonld. base. Sol* * everywhere. HetaH price, M cent*. *- ’’ Prepared by W. B. HAGAN, Troy, N. g. Address all orders to j DEMA9 EARNER*.DO,^ .COUNTRY m fcO )f> uyj laiiy ( f»>U» tff.l ; *1 . ,, • / v U >i til ; bxX5 to itMtn i MERCHANTS. ,/* -i.' ~ • Il.*« i y TO examine ,*vV ’ * body Df Uotlttlerff Isays her reason for not conferring distinguished marks men ? Would they(Wkr conforming to all lhat Congress said was tbe object of the war, and all that Piesideut Linoolu declared was necessary for re-admission, and all that Pres ident Johnson said was required, adding even more conditions than was prescribed- by President Lincoln—consent to new terms, and when tbf Sumners, the Butlers, the Stevenses ana the whole host of radicals d! clare that the amendment is but the begin ning of new demands—would they, we ask, in view of all these facts consent ro this un just pressure? We do not believe they would thus vote, and what they would not do themselves let them not exact of others. If uegro suffrage is bo good a thing. as these editors would have the Southern peo ple to believe, and it is but justice to the negro to permit him to vote, as they contend, why do not the Northern States coufer the privilege upon him? Who wait lor. the rat ification of the Constitutional amendment. It is not a year 6ince t^reh Northern States rejected negro suffrage upon a straight out vote. The people of these States are now clamoring for negro suffrage to be imposed on the South. If it is not good policy lo admit the negro to equality at the polls at the North, it is not at the South. So far as any policy injures the South, it is injurious to the whole country, and so long" as the Radicals insist upon negro suffrage in the South, they can only vindicate their consis tency by. adopting it in tbe North.. We all know that we must submit to what is inevitable, but this does not require us to falsify our own judgment or convictions by testifying approval of that which, in fact, we do not approve. If we go aright we must take principle for our guide. 1* will not do always to sacrifice conscience and principle To expediency, which is the maiu element in the argument of the journals referred to. We can accept for ourselves -tbe legitimate ,ra-d, suits of the war. We Can'adffef'the jfcnalttelT of failure, but we have no right to trade off the rights of the future—tbe rights of other* as well as ourselves—by establishing prece dents of subserviency that will afford excuses for similar submission, and, of course, simi iar stretches of power and oppression, in coming years. While we claim to-be freemen we must adhere to some other standard than the will or dictation of any body Of men, no matter how powerful or how commanding their position. of lior favor upon Mr. Field is au apprehension that it might encroach town the JWovjnoe of hisowa Gpv- ernment. Electioneering ported, looking toward the possible dissolution of Parliament next spring. It is stated that Hie recent t encroolfcnpcn the fwovinoe of his own G? oneering mNirlofcg^ j&rtL of England ar41 in England jfreqfroycd % tenth part ot the store Jhil Woolwich arsons* 1,4-1 ffiSfe plosion of gun-cotton. No lives lost. It is reported that Lord Lyons will succeed Earl Cowley at Paris. The case of the seypi pqnlffermtf wessalo, apijted a irmhent nu bee property of the Urilt^l States Gntemih! postponed. .'(-•*< *, ,* t u >tt»i ••»*;a.** Tbe inundations* ii» Fninpe yarjQ. subsiding. Great damage ^as been ddnd ny Yhv fiooft, rtftrtbe Emperor heads a subscription with ! 100,000 francs. Garibaldi had returned to Capuaa and volunteers been disbanded. AU quie£ at Palermo. . ^ , The King of tadlktAe^ cabi nets of Europe against the annexation to Prussia, and appeal to all Powers to aid him against oppression. The insurrection in Carnlia is still progressing, and the insurgents are marching upon the city of Candia. The Port has recognized Prince Charles as hospador. ceding State* or Russia^ -m TBCIft STOCK 8P FALL an ilillf WINTER oetS7-eodl, INSURANCE I INSURfNGt II SAVANNAH, GA. AUGUST to, IMA TUB nmlersigrod would respectfull, Inform their frienilH and tlat public that tbe, are protoiwl to efloct Era and Marto* Bbka to toe follow!** Mat clMR companies, at estahlMed rates, smisoitettsskaMof patronag.: , INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE OQMPANT, ot New Yorlt. ICXtU^NAI. BAN LINO 1NSDRANCB COMPANY, of SL Louis, Mo. N CONTINENTALlSSUBANCBC&.of St.Loab, Mo. PERKY INS. AND TRUST CO.. Marts*. Ate. JOHN W. ANDERSON A 80NS. septum Corner of Bryan and Dr»jton streets. oFt- . ' 6 *jn jii i-f.Df DRY ST. CHAR’ .At nn- I'n. B Y A. STAMM Ly6n’ .d from fleriac'l Wines. • ( ‘- fl' »’» * m HO T'l H j’prt4f NO-BEING OPENED, BOUGHT EXPRESSLY FOR THl SOUTHSEN JOBBING TRADE. if*, in and 113 Congress Streiet S . KATHAIRON. Kathsiron is from the Greek word "Kathre," or Kathairo,” slgnifrihg to cleanse, rejuvenate and re-, {This article Is what 1U name siculfles. For restoring and beautifying the human hair, st remarkable preparation in the world. It is again owned and put up b, the original proprie tor, and is now made with the same care^skHl and at tention which gave it a sale of over ona million bot tles per annum. ' It is a most dettgfitfll flair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevents the hair from foiling off and turning gray. „ It restores hair upon bald heads: ■ j A^y Ifdy or gentleman ^rht> values a beantfM head of hair should use Lyon's Kathairon. It Is known and used throughout the civilised world. SoM by a’ respectable dealers. DEMAS BARNBS k 00 New York. E. D. SMYTHE * CO., Importers and Dealers in iHiELESTOR HDTEIe T* CHARLESTON. 5. C. irUon of lb ^»it by the in connect 4TTAVENOWON J above GoodalUaL GLASS WAKE, HAND (tod are that hi* «ver been offered in thi* market, wteht ^ctfuiiv iaviu-d to call and ■vraiT." 1 HER ! Sorope expressly for this market. oct27-eodlv The French Hiaister has pyotestod agaitol Turhe* ♦•“‘V 8 Innt T DT R. 5fT edMIL—Bis* OI 'ding any porto’in the Guff of Egias tolho UniU »«>*», Wanfoneova. ChtoRreh. itoMb to ll.Ua Donnt Vn Rtt T/vlin Vo> Vn*l* fin J FIRE PROOF SAFI Special Notic&s. ANNisiiees^ Notice. The undersigned, having been appointed Assignee of the Merchants’ and Planters'Btok,«s prepared lo enter upon tils duty. AU biUholders, aud other persons havlng/ala^iia against said Ha*K, arv re quested to present thb * samfe for' lfqulAitlbn. Yhd all parties indebted to the Bank are requested to make Immediate payment. HflthdldenVlftlose their priority if the bUlsare n>,t presented within six mouths. HIRAM R0BSRT3, sn31-tf .Assignee. Academy of St, .Vincent of Paul. rptlE EX«tCia»3 of tbe Academy of St. Vincent of Paul, conducted by tlie Bisters of Mercy, «1U be resumed MONDAY, ITth inst. Books will be sup plied by tlic IiStttisLkm at a moderate chkrge. sipli-imo L J ^ -i I . - fi I be sold under the hammer in a short time. Ihis is the result, we believe, of the lal QIe of the company to meet one or more re quirements of the charter made in considera tion of certain privileges granted by the .Stale. A Washington dispatch to the Phila delphia Ledger says : “Gen. Howard lias ordered the rents lhat have accrued upon the property cf Joseph E. Davis, brother of Jefferson Davis, to be paid to him from and since the date of his pardon papers, wbiete were issued on the 28th of March last, but not forwarded to him until early in Septem ber. The value of these rents is net far from $20,000 per anntun; so that, effect, Davis receives probably as full, or nearly as fuH-nn equivalent, as if the propesljritpelf ha|>acu fully restored to him. The fjfiesnon oT rue restoration of.this property has been before Gen. Howard for some time, but be prefers that another, and not himself, shall order its restitution. 1 am told that the property of Jefferson Davis is also included in the amount held or claimed by his brother,, one title, covering the whole.’’ * 1 ■ ' . « V ( « St. Lome—Donations Southern Relief Fair at from Louisville.—The greet feir for the relief of destitute* Southern families wee inaugurated at SL Louis on Wednesday night laaL* jfothiDg in the his- tory of St. Louis, says the Democrat, can compare with the grand and signal triumph of this *great eh- terprise. It commenced in weakness, with a thousand had prejudices to battle against. Although its objects were the highest and holiest known in the lauguage of earth—the succor of helpless widows and orphans, made such by the events of a terrible war—yet many shrunk from its liberal and open proposal, while 1 others attempted to caat odium upon the wholo pro- ject becqnse the effort was In fovor of. a people that were lately In anna against the Government The latter, however, composes a lean and mean minority of a great hearted people. And the 'magiiiliccut pop- ular demonstration of the opening night-is a terrible rebuke to the whole racq of political and social Phari sees. Assignees’ > Notice. The an^cr.-igaod having been appointed of the timers* and Mechanics’ Bank of Savannah, Georgia, hereby notify bill-holders and other claim, anus against the saM Bank to present the*same for li- quldatlqu, and oil persona biOobted to - the Bank. or. required to ruakslmin'^ia^i payment. BHI-holdere will lose -ttwir priority if the Mila are yiqt presented within six months from this date. .JOHN RICHARDSON, • . a J. «. GAUDBY, Assignees. iy2T-tf Notice. The Mechanics’ Saving anil Lojn Association of Sa vaanak, having-made to the undepigued an assign ment of oil o( ! i*» I*oi>eftJ gig] affects. forAfte txglfIR of its Creditors, all persona having claims against the corporation are requested to present’ titan to the un dersigned, and all persons lqdcbtpjl to told corpora tion wiil^uake payment to - ' '** «epl-3m *— , GW W. BRTF.N. ■ Loan Association of Savannah. THK BEST TONIC.—Caswell, Mack k Qo-’S PERRO-PHOSPHQRATRD ELIXIR OF CALI8AYA is a combination of the three best tonics, IfKffi, JNK&PHyRDS, CAL18AYA. ” Tpelrfn gives the. blood- a rich vcanlUien color where it becomes thin and watery; the Phoepnetws supplies nervous power In cases of mental dspres- siun. while the Calfsaya gives tone and vigor to aH the organa of the body. ^ a *_J: _ . Soiq manufacturers, GANWtlXi MACK Moot, una der Firth Arsnue Hotel, New York, and Newport, R. L For salo at LIPPMA1US Deng and Chemical Warehoue. 8. T.—1860—X. FUNERAL INVITATION. CULLEN.—The friends and acquaintances ot Mr. and Mrs. PATRICK CULLEN are invited to attend the funeral of their youngest daughter, Margaret, from their late residence, corner of 8t. Gall and liar- risen streets, this afternoon at NX o’clock. CAMP & CHRISTIE, AUKMTN. „ Draper's and Tailors, 118 BROUGHTON STREET, 3 in store anfl read/ for inspection tfceif fat 1 Winter Stock, coihprUing the fargest asaort- v Uf J ti’J H ave and ■nentof . , . ,. if u Caulmtrri, and Vestings. to be found in shy house in tbe city in their Hne, all of which will be made to order at abort notice, trim, mad and got up In aomupasaed style. .* Fttrahkiai Goods r every description, requisite to A gentlqman>w tbe. constantly on hand. 1 " * odMtolll For Rent, A RESIDENCE OulraMd tor a latgs font ly, located on Oalhoon Square, fronting east and south, with flower garden and balconies attached;'also rts. bdtilpg rooms and otiter modern imuroremAier' It is one of the most desirable residences ft Sfe city. The Fosse-Is handsomely furutshed, which will be rented wHI the house for oue ytor or .haute, (Ntae option of the ap- seplT-.awlm GEO. W. NNVMi They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They areate a healthy appetite. ' They *e aakhMbte tpdiafogobf watremndidfet. TheyoWrcbuft dflbcts’of dbsipatidil affd late kourh.* They strengthen the system and enliven the mtn^_ G«stom Hoose They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diaizhoea, Cholera and Cholera Herbs*. They dare Llv« Complaint and tin tenh rirtiitoIiil T They atethe best Bitters in the world. They make the weak strong, amt are exhausted nature's great re storer. They are made* of pure St. Croix Bum. the celebrated Callqua* Bark;, taken witk tlietfcaBnre' to age or time of day. delicate persons requiring a gentle stlmnlanL Sold by all Grocere. DrnggM»,flMMk«nd8rtwuF Chair tan nine when Cork Is covered by oar private U. & Stamp. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. P. H. DRAKE k CO., octffl-eodly 91 Park Bow, New York. liable. Dqpot, No. 66 John street. New York. 8old by all drug ami patent medicine stores everywhere. . m9-ly • » • 109 BROUGHTON STREET, SECOND D00E FROM BULL STREET. «epl5-tf , r * Com Tire protect tfie toe* or chfldrto’s shock.— One pair will ontwear three without lips. Sold every be where. . mb New Advertisements. PH’i WOOD. m!«<: irf CHEESE!-* CHEESE! 150 BOXES H and R State Dairy Cheese, 60 boxes Extra Cream Cbeeae, just landed and fur sale by . . » , HILTON A RANDELL, QClS-fy 188 Bay street. .‘,‘3 MILES. MULES, MULES! . For Sale. I. the LttGrnngrc Reporter, . PUDLISHBD AT tied', fs*e thlt method of in- LaGKANGE, GEORGIA, W E, the nmloreiffnc . ... . . , „ forming <mr friend:-, end tee public ccncrallT, .. forming <mrf.. that, to (acilitatoour but-Uiesa, we havecetaliltsheda WOOD YARD at tile Albanv anti Gulf Railr-si, fnitu which, or r >m I our old stand, at tlie Capal Bridge, iwmw the Con- tral Railn>ad. wc arc prepared to deliver Ihc very ?.£l.L WYl 'TTTANthelnrgeer'cifc’ilation of aqypapprin WesL (|1 ern Ge .rgia, anil» Utcnted in thc midw of one Oi fceat cotton sections in tb»*t portion of the “ It ia. therefore, au excellent advertisinstnie- nm fbr the merchants a ml factors of Sn*'an>i3h, desire to solicit tfie trade of We^teni ami Eastern Aialmma. 2>upacrlpt:oii, $3.«Q. AilvertiainK rate, reasonable. & ocl5-tf Proprietors, ' A , FINE LOT. large, and well broke. Apply at corner of Weft Broad aud Hate sham streets. tsUW> T. D. STEVENS r TOBACCO. WANTED, JO Half anditiree-quartcr boxes bright pound;", . !:1 I RISH LABORERS, to dig a Basin forte Saw MUL Appiv to James T. patbrsoh. No. 163 Bay street. 1*o half aa<! three-quarter boxes Medium lbs., 4* bad boxes Navy lbs.. J00 eighth boxes Bright Half-pounds Tobacco, 60 eighth boxes Sweet Ilaifpouuds Tobacco, for sale by HILTON k xANDELL, , oet5-«t 10:; itay street. WANTED, M’COMBS’ [PIFTY THOUSAND pounds Cotton la th* Seed. A. WILCOX A CO. House to Let "DART of JL liy. R< Office box 9 nouto lo !c Rent, $40 to (30 iter thonlh. a desirable sol 900. let to a small Address Post oolt-3t VKITI.H »|SKS AND “Work Boxes; ; ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, AND .HCy TOURISTS’ Frajf Orr»te<*>te«. Q A £ iwo; ’ “ ■ ’ OASES AND TRAVELLING BAGA COOPER, OLCOYTS k FARR ELLY, Cor. Rt. Jaliau acd WUliakerstree* opll Cor.tit. Julian acd Whitakeratreeyt, HAVE ’koU An Advertlsenient Purse & Son’s ‘SAVANNAH BUSINESS HOUSES?” HOW IX ooH-3t Ant wffi he nnt IfftTTbW tMfrs. . * * **’ Shades Lane -k*.'. ~—— 'i. • PBKE X.XJ*rc» U FROM 11 A. M. TO 1 P. M. fflRR subscriber, with- a view to aetommodate Ms X patrons and friends, has Oongreu 1 ocl3-lw THOMAS OILROOLT. To Rent, Agua de Magnolia. A toilet delight! - trcretfre and ‘fttotfi melt’s bqon 1 The “sweetest thing” and largest quan- Uty. Maanfoetured from the rich Southern Magnolia. Used lor bathing the foca and person, to router tl skin soft ,na fresh, tq prevent eruption^ to psalnn clothing, Ac. ... * ‘' It overeomqath* unpleasant qdqr ofpsrqdrtefriM It removes *bh«ea.ta*, Moidtto, Ac. I It cares tier retmbemlaAe and Ml ays lnfhtoitotito It qoois, softens and adds delicacy to the «M» It yieldsasnbdied atektesMagureteyator. Tf Trt UjCjqca mosquito bites sail sfiugs’of itofeflte t ’ ' ; Iccoptglns no material infnrions to the akju. * PhtrStd* d by Actresses and Opera Singer,, it la whatever* lady aiareld tunA' Sold svcrywltoa. Try ■xsasaar MKAS &BQ96 6 CO., ‘ octlLendtv Psapa. Eastealvs Afftote, W. te AsHigp^e’i Wife TheeidcrstgnsAhawtoR tierii eptothUil or th? Bank of Comtoerc* of Savaaneh, Georgia. Is prepared to enter upon his duties. AU btiihaldH* Another pdreohl hiving claims against nimdil Bankovs requested to present the same for flqutda- tlqjj.'amjall Jtertleq Indebted to the Bufc are re- qnested to makaimured itqjteymenL . ■mtoMera wifltesetlieir priority i( theiftlla are E OflkB, turn la bed or lodgings, or a small fotnlly, wear Apply at this pace. WANTED, A GOOD SERVANT OIRU etther white or nob A. ored—tori who ctoCook, Wash sail I row, and do rienerat Housework. For such aa one good wages rill bo Apply at>p. Ill South Broad UrteL L west ot BonSti at at THIS OFFIOB. W For Sale or Lease. T HE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale one of the beat PLANTATIONS on the Savannah River, In the neighborhood or MoMeyW Pond, Sctiven coenty, diergls. Tbo pteoe wMttatos about aeveuteen huu- and wM within owe-fourtb of a mile of the Awritetoffstarka piaea, now owned by the estate of Sonera! W. H. T. Welker, deceased, and Captain A. M. Martin, For feoflbty and convenUaca it ia onsar passed in this vicinity, it la well improved, * * Mood Dwelling, Gin Hoi ' Mood Dwelling, Gin House and Iron ncrew^ud < el Mceaaary aut-bnltfftiigs for a wen regulated for*. JU.mK sold; H iaif&e Isnsdl fdr anuinlter of yaaHL Tmnswill be made easy to an approved pure baser. Ihrfoaiar paittouiaaapply, tepoisaacr bytet- U ]&Lm T. ». MIMb. BACON! BACON"! S IDK8 AMD SHOULDERS, landing Is'toy, and tar sale hr Jg- - BLANKETS! BLARMiwax, fi AK and HEMLOCK TjUVE HUNDRED Pair flm French BlankeU. ritte XT l>on bound, sailing at extremaiy low prices, at PEPPER’S, 115 Congress street JjlOUR HUNDRED Pair Grey Blankets Selling off very cheap, at PXPPERV.lie Congress streak Flannels I Flannels f T HREE HUNDRED pitoca Shaker, Watch and Me- I dlute Rug bill fffoLnels, Also, Bod, Blae, Grey and Opera Flannels, in endless va- M|. selling very cheap at PKflllfB, 116 Congres® rtreet Ladles’ Dress Goods. T Etoneh Merinaa, Otempaa Cloth* Em ±J pram Oio(iia,. BomtoaLnes, Aipaesa, -aiid Do- lames, iq great variety, nod selling very lpw, at • i 1 PEPPER'S, 115 Congress stre< T WO HUNDRED pieces Cassameras; Tweeds and Mellon Cloths, selling very cheap at PEPPER’S, 116 Congress street. Shawls and Cloaks. ■posmVELY Jhc greatest assortment that has ever X- beaa offered for sale ta this city, at great bar- S Aiaa, at - -PEPPER’S, 155 Congress strset. LAMES ont shopping will please give OarEr- iwaive Sleek a trial before purchasing, aa we _ re net sensation advertisers. We have the GOODS and mean to sell them low* .cf TH9MA* PEPPER. ’MOLASSES-.. VINEGAR J lor New Orleans Molas White wine vinegar, HILTON * RANDELL, 1M Bay street 2Q BARRBL8 superior Mew Orleans Molasees, <0 barrtlwSstrs While Wine Viaegar. Giieen JLeai' , Hemp Manafoetnrew’ Price a ocU-tf DAY ANT AWaPLES, CLOAKS. SHAWLS. SC: DeWitt & M i» r s a b * • *- V U W^re,Black an?Colored Cloth pioaka. Udiea’ Barques, Jschqte, tt.. French end Seotch Shawls tu great vuriety. • Black. Colored n<t White Ground Cloths fur „ Ladies’ and Children’s Cloaks, ‘ ' , NEW DRESS GOODS, Jack Bt.ks.iiit widahe, „ , ■ Olutha and Casaimereefor Qanitemcn's Units, Superior quality Whitney lUaukets, Embroideries, Laras, fee, ■ - '* Novelties la Woryted Itooda, > AT Uff OOMGBIflB STREET. ocU Leather Belting and Hose. DAVANT k WAPLES. Sob* Agents. best qaalily of HIGH LAND OAK WOOD at eight doll an ($9) per cord, and- DRY YELLOW PINE WOOD at six <1 dlars ($>'•) per cord, on very abort uotice. Order boxen cun be founti at Mr. Staley’e Boos Store, comer 8t:Ue .nnd Ball street-J, au*l at Mr. J. Lippnjairs Drag Store, eornef ot Ooncress ana Bar- "'‘rSfl-ta* 1 *' - . BUTLER A HAKDyiCK HOLLIHOSWORTH & CO, commit mum, MACON, GEORGIA. Especial attention will he giv^n to tlie exfcation of Cotlou Orders, which we Bolicit. Peters dt Hollingsworth, CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE* 1BIRRSON. The business of the fli ill will be con ducted under tho name ahd style of Mallon FmkitSoM, to date rrom October 1st. 1966. OOlh-lW * It. MALLON. COTTON gUIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION HERCIIA5TS, Stoddabv’^ UprBB Bat Stbekt, SAVANNAH, GEbllGIA. E VERY lacillty offered for consignments and exe- cutlon of order*. Liberal advance^ made on Dissolution of Co-Partnership Savafkak. Ga., Oe'.ober JMi, 1S66. \ j rjYHK co-partnership of VAN Horn, HoEEyoab A Mi'kray expires this day, by Rs own limitation. liOLLYOKE . CHARLES V. FOR RENT, "VTBAH the Park, s desirable RESIDENCE, consist- J5i. lng of six Buuma. Apply at this Office. oclS-3 Notice te Consignees. CONSIGNEES per brig W. H. Biohmorc. from New \j York, will please attend to the reception of their Goods, landing this day at Ciaghorn A Cnnningham’s wharf. All Goods remuiniug on the wharf after son- Notice to Bice Planters. CT-HB STEAMER J. A. METCALFE IS NOW PRE- J. pared to Freight Rice from the Satllla, Ogecchcb, Alteumha and other rivers. The above Steamer was built at Augusta in 1864. for the Rica Trade, having bulkhead compartments throughout, sod can chivy from eighteen to twenty thoasand bnshels under deck. For farther particu- fors apply to ' ' TUCKER k LAP U AM, Agents, at Lamar’s Press. ock-1 W New Style Dress Trimmings ... .AND Millinery Goods, . Jost received at MRS. LOUIS’. T IABDSOMB CLOAKS, Racks, Buttous, Festhere, IT Flowers, Riblions, Velvets of aff colors. Cords, Cotton shipped to onr friends In New York, Rtlti- aore and Pkitedelphin. . FOWLER & WARD, 8? Water street, Hew York, IMPORTERS riND Will ii.EbALE DEALERS IN RICE. FYOmilONMBNTS aolictted, on which lihei^ ad; U VA» till be the above firm, can "be ’ vaacements wii be made. C. * B. FOIVLEB «• te seen at the Marshall Rouse. HEFEB TO SAVANNAH NATIONAL RANK. „ , MERCHANTS’ NATIONAL BANK, of b>"* « r ‘ city. . , ocij-lni* BOX RENT 1 8 DDE at the Post Ofrfcc, and notice is pRf n .^ all boxes not yitfl for on or bclore the loth in* will be for real. SALT, SALT Q frftri SACKS Liverpool &dt. In good orde. OiQl/U for gale low, by oC*-tf JNO. MoRAHON* A CO. Bow. O’Btexk. J- R- 0 BrE>! Edw. O’Byrne A-Son. *SP Retail a OmaBi» fries 1 * LlQUOftS, to., TXT* solicit a shore of the pstronsge W and the pubhc gauerally. Xha »tn of this Arm having dose bnsiness in this \„g e *a warda of thirty-two years. Corner Lrysn smi Tassels, Ac. Hats Irom ob* dollar upwards : Fsath- ere from Si eta. upwards and a great variaty of band-, some Braids, silk, worsted aud ootton. Call and ex- afttine for youreelL st MRS R. L. LOUIS, wll-Sw Nq.*161 Congress street, up stUrg. School Notice. — // -tfully announces toRThformer RffR. COZBV reaped _ . Jvl ipatrooeJMd the public that the exerelsea of hie School will the building on tbs corner of Charlton and Drayton slreeta, on MONDAY, the **Mra. < ALETfi84 R BURROUGHS, Kiret Atelatani. and Mite WILLIE LAW, Teacher of. Primary Do- partm ent. will be aasoetateil with him. oc6-1 w p I V I barrela Cruatod Sugar,. ^ fire barrela ortonlatefl siripr. Five barrels Fowdsredjtegte, ^Mlx^^^gar, jre*rere!^M. Y ^u°:^f“rite tew, tec The Charleston Daily News It received Emr Honnm at ESTIU'S MEWS DEPOT, .'iesnses—To IParterS. ssrwsr DANCING ACADEMY AT 8T. ANDREW’S HALL. M r. L. trims will open his DANCING ACADB- my at 8«. Andrew’s Hall, on TUESDAY, Oct. 16th, at S.S o’clock p. M. Days of instruction for , ,l*m, at as young Ladles, Misses and Masters, on Tuesdays, Thuredays and Saturdays, at 3'X o’clock p. m., and “ “ Wwduesoay; ' tor Gentlemen, \ V-r still--.»» at 8 o’clock W OC6-1 m Bent *rar, CoastsA or Bat Lass, gsvsaaah, ; Ootton Plantation to Rent , Kjli OF 5fHB DEpp efrfros ^LANTATIONB’IN Burke woenty, Ga., care be leased Job s ruiishar of ytore oh eaay terms. Bight hsndred acres ami be j.1^^1 Foaperoiorf given in December if desiredf. Address . jit t OBOBWI W. «APB, ttoom w>fd*pboro.^ To Rent. COTTON I’ACTOB" QeneraC£Oinfnt>sioD Merchan LCwtatrllwrirei In Liberal advances bo consignments ta onr Wr", 1 ^ R. A. .SOLOMON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, COLLET XNa AGENT, Ac-, Eufaiala, Ala- ' Prompt attention given to Coliecticn* tanc«!Purchase and Ssle of Cotton. *«• sewil lit WLolei PIPER P APER for Printers and Dealers Goods.fMmwwsretena Bjpt »* rrjiire fbr Groaers and Druggists. wI« W , ' lop ^ kinds. Also, Binders’ Bosnia. F»P* r ***V nce «, vd* and Twin8. \AM gsata natosl Maw srproaea added. WA RBBN PBC^ito. FBR m “Hr f*vr ; '"ffs 'Sdy |