The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, October 20, 1866, Image 2

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The Daily iNews and Herald* BY S. W. MASON* SAMUEL w. MASOS, U'. T. THOMPSON, AwocUtc Editor. Official Paper of the City. ARQEST OHUHLATWI II TIC MTV All MUTT SATURDAY OCTOBER SO, 1866. POSTHA BTRRS Are authorised to receive subscriptions for Re NEWS AND HERALD, Daily, Tri-Weekly end Weekly, at our advertised rates. TO OUR COUNTRY FRIENDS. As much Interest la felt throughout the country in regal'd to the prospects of the eotton and other crops wo will be grateful to our planting friends and others n the interior for information on that subject. Those who haro opportunities for obtaining valuable infor mation iu regard to the growing crops, the working of the froo-labor system, and kindred matters, of gen eral intereat, will confer ,a favor by communicating the same to ns.. T11E WESTERN CROPS. YVe learn from a Chicago paper that in the Southern parts of the tier of Western States in the latitude with Illinois, no damage has hecu done to the crops by the late frosts; in the ccutral parts the damage has been but slight, aud in the Northern parts the damage has been considerable, probably. destroying, in the aggregate, about one-third of the crop. It is believed that, notwithstanding the ex traordinary vicissitudes of the season—ex treme droughts for a loug time in some re gions, long continued rains in others, with general coolness of summer, early frosts, and other untoward influences here and there— - the products of this year in the great West ern States will not be less than the usual average. After many discouraging predictions from various quarters, says another paper, it was conceded at the Illinois and Indiana State fairs that the corn crop, though falling short of the usual average per acre, would, owing to tiie increased quantity of land cultivated, reach nearly the result of last year. Indeed, it is announced now fiorn Washington, that the Agricultural Department has “reports from various regions establishing the fact, that notwithstanding the recent heavy rains aud early frosts, we shall: have this fall the largest corn crop ever produced in America.'’ With wheat and other grain generally in the West the remark will be fobnd probably equally applicable. Southern planters who have been so un fortunate as not to make corn enough to sup ply their wants during the next ten months will do well to make their purchases early, as the auticipatcd European demand may cause the market prices to advance very con siderable in the spring. Deep Seas Sounding.—We had the pleasure of perusing last evening a communication from Mr. Henry, of the Smithsonian Insti tute, acknowledging the reception from Mr- Hugh H. Grant, of this city an ingenious plan for deep sea sounding, an achievement not yet fully attained, as demonstrated by the nautical experience of those engaged In laying the Ocean cable. The Invention of Mr. Grant, which is a very simple apparatus, is pronounced by the Smithsonian InstMute official to be an ingenious discovery, the merits of which, however, can only be shown by actual experiment. Should the plan prove successtul upon trial, it will be of great utility in sub-marino^operations, and entitle the inventor to the gratitude of the public. Important fbom Mexico.^-An important private letter to the Emperor Maximilian has been sent, says a Washington dispatch, to the State Department at Washington. It purports to have been written by M. F. EI- loiuu, u Belgian, who possesses the fconfi- dence of Maximilian, and who is now on a mission to Europe. The writer professes to be indignant at the course adopted towards Mexico, and states that the mission of Gene ral Castelnau is to bring matters to a crisis as soon as possible. The French Govern ment, according to Mr. Elloine, wishes that the abdication of Maximilian should precede the return of the French army, so that a new state of affairs may be arranged through which the interests of France and those of its subjects may be secured. The letter also contains some curious revelations relating to popular feeling in Austria and Venetia, and casts very serious doubts upon the fidelity of General Almonte, but recently the Mexican Minister at Paris, to the cause of Maxi milian. Important to Cotton Planters.—Mr. James T. Flewellen informs ns, says the Co lumbus (Ga.) Inquirer, that he has in his possession the opinion of one of the ablest lawyers iu New York city, also the opinions of able lawyers in this State, that there is no legal foundation for the demand upon plant-_ ers to return for income tax cotton produced in 1866, or any previous year. These legal gentlemen express the opinion that the re quirement should not be complied with. Mr. Flewellen, therefore, requests all planters in that section of the State, and of the adjacent counties in Alabama, who have been required to return to the Assessors of the United States Revenue, as income for the year 1865, any cotton or other produce raised by th ezu previous to said year 1865, to call at his office over the store of H. C. Mitchell & Co., in that city. As the time is near at hand for tho collection of the income tax, it is im portant to take immediate action. The UnioR Pacific Railroad.—The Union Pacific Railroad . Company received, laat week, bonds from the Secretary of the Treas ury to the amount of •$560,000 for the second section ofjtbo road from the 240U» mile-post west from the internal point, oil the Missouri river, near Omaha, to the 204th mile-post, the distance being thirty-five miles, at $16,- 000 per mile. The Union Pacific Company, eastern division, made application for bonds for twenty-five miles from the 105th mile post, which, including the Leavenworth Branch, completes one hundred and sixty miles of this road. Bonds will be issued by the Secretary. Petroleum as a Motor.—A company has been formed itt Memphis to teat the applica tion of.petroWnm to the nan of steamboats. It is to be used instead of'coal or wood for fuel,, aiid all the cooldng.pij.the boat is to be done with petroleum stoves. The boat is to be not less than fifty horse power. If suc cessful, it will save one-third of the apace of the host usually occupied by final, while the lightness of the fuel will admit of much lighter draft, and be of great utility in shal low wat«fc_- _ _ - The 8tate«Uuiveisiiy is, we are pleased to . lean, in a prosperous condition. The re- Amm the, tuition of tlM Btudentk are 'tatween-$?,00o aftd $8,000: and this, added to the *8,000 of interest guaran teed to the University by the State, enables it to sustain itself very creditably. ‘ A-^al CoKFanxitcM—The next annual meeting of the Georgia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church will meet in Americus on the 28th of November. It will be presided oyer by Bishop McTyere. *me *»• wwJima. Sincewarm Europe, and the success of pitueia, uhder the policy of the wagld- renowned Bisrhhtbk, it may not be uninter esting to give the new proportions of the preseht Empire of Prussia, which is now one of the recognised leading-powers of Eu rope, These facts we gather from an article in the London Times, and may be relied tipon as authentic. Before the war the territory of Prussia was contained within ah area of 5,058 square a German mile being four and three-quarters American miles. The number of the population was 18,552,137 in habitants. By the results of the war, 979 square miles have been added to the Prussian territory, from the States of Hanover, Hesse, Nassorn, Frankfort, and the slice cut out of Hesse-Darmstadt. By this accession of ter ritory Prussia also added to the sum of her population 3,218,548 inhabitants. These ac quisitions, exclusive of Schleswig and Hols tein, give Prussia $,087 square miles, and in creased her population to 82,640,185 inhabi touts. The Bund States, exclusive of Prus sia, will eaoloee an area of 33,000 English square miles, and a population ol' about 5,400,000. The treaties of peace which Prussia has already- concluded embrace Austria. Ba varia, and Wurtembnrg, and Badeu- Be sides these she baa Conned treaties of al liance with twenty-three of the smaller Ger man States. Ig these, however, Saxony and Saxe-Meiningen are not yet included, and it is said that the diplomats are likely to have some trouble with them. This already ex ists to a certain extent, owing to the absorb ing policy of Pntasia which demauds the possession of Koningsteio, a town and fort of Saxony, and is regarded as its Gibraltar. Prussia also demands the right to garrison all the large cities, including Dresden with her own troops, and insists on military and diplomatic supremacy, and an oath of al legiance to the King of Prussia himself. Notwithstanding the so-called intervention of France and England, it is stated that Prus sia wilt exact these terms. The difficulty in Saxe Meiningen is owing to the inveterate hatred entertained by its King against Prus sia. The accompliahaaunt, however, of the views of Prussia is likely to he brought about by the resignation of the King of this obsti nate State in favor of his son. The prevailing tendency everywhere is said to be toward* 6 new generalization.— The Allgemeine Zeitznng is cited us utter ing—“we find that Providence with wise bands, even through incomprehensible means, is leading Germany to a higher desti ny. The nation will soon attain au assured unity." Such is the status which reaches us in the latest foreign intelligence. Browmlow la 1800. The National Intelligencer republishe s one of Brownlow’s letters toPryne, written in May, I860. The following extract will serve as a specimen of the principles then professed by this miserable creature, who is now in voking the knife, the pike, and the torch upon the heads of those who have main tained those very principles—excepting a) ways their brutal ferocity. He writes: I, sir, would favor an alliance with France as a meant of more effectually ponding and starving out the Abolitionists of the North. The far-eeeing monarch of the French would unite with ua on our own terms, as it would afford him an opportunity to crush the commerce and manufactures of Old England, and make her feel that she it dependent upon her ancient enemy, aa well aa atone for villainous treatment of his illustrious uncle, Napole m Bonaparte. Dis solve this Union, you infamous villians, and we shall make this proposition at once to Louis Napoleon a most sagacious monarch, and he would quarter at New Orleans two hundred thousand Frenchmen, and at Chesapeake two hundred thousand more; we would then command the Mississippi Valley, whip the Northwestern Slates into our Southern Confederacy, and we would then turn upon the New England States and cause the hurricane of civil war U> rage and sweep from Mason and Dixon's line to the cod fisheries of Maine, until we would extinguish the last Abolithm foothold on the continent of America! Face to face, knife to knife, steel to steel, and pike to pike we would meet you, and as we would cause you to bleed at every pore, we would make you regret, in the bitter agonies of death, that you had «tu fait any concern for the African race f Since clipping toe above, we find the fol lowing appertaining to the same subject in the Chicago One of tbe newt abusive article* ever written, north or south, concerning Mr. Lincoln, wee written by an old blackguard named Parson Brownlow. It wna written after Mr. Lincoln's election, and while the old blackguard Brownlow was invoking tbe vengeance of Heaven against abolitionists. It wan also written be fore this same oid hlackgnard was hired to enact the role of- Jude*. Why, does be not complete the role of Judas, end haogbtourlf! Ours not a Rimucrx Government.— We have several times alluded to the fact that a minority of tbe people of these United States are now ruling tbe country. YVe are- pleased to learn that tbe New York Journal of Commerce, one of the most staid and re spectable journals In the country, aud tbe organ of the mercantile classes of that city, has had its attention attracted to tbe same mortifying fact. It says: “It is plain eaough that tbe majority ot the citiseus of the United States are op posed to tbe course taken by Congress, and in favor of the policy of tbe President. Halt the people of the North and all the poo-, pie of the Sooth are agreed in this. On (he other band, it is plain that the minority of tbe people, a very decided minority at that, now ruie, and will continue to role the country. It is not a rale of majority under which the. inhabitants of ton United ptates are to live. Cornered-—Logan waa “cornered” neatly the other day. Tbe Cairo Democrat says that daring Logan’s speeds at Carbondale, he branded as a liar the man who would say that he gave a cent to any man to go to the rebel army. Hia sister arose in tbe audience and cried at tbe top of her voice : “You did; you gavo your brother-in-law money to carry him to the rebel army.’’ The General did not call her a liar. Hon- W. T. Worroas, Representative elect of tbe Seventh Congressional District of Georgia,.has resigned that unpromising po sition, and Governor Jenkins has ordered a special election to be held in the several counties of the District on tbe 26th ol No vember, to designate another expectant of a seat ip Congress. oev. w*rtk, «r Bards to the Delegatee from different povUow. Ot North Carolina to aa educational convention of colored people met at Raleigh laat week. On Wedneaday they Were ad; dreased by Oov. Worth*. as fallows ■' -I have coma hmo, wpa*- yonr twvttattoc, to give yon. by my preaenoe, what countenance aud encour- ■gsreent 1 could, haring nnSgtaS** SB your pro- ■fnlll way nrnBsctlg i§ jtoMtoB Jpid orderly manner. T waa not MUMn^Saluiy remarks were .Iota.aem W XJtf£2ZJr,ou that I am dis posed to do everything I can, aa a citizen and a* Gov ernor, to protect yon in ail yonr right*, and to encour age yon to be induetrtoua, to educate vour children, and to mate yourselves reepectable and happy; end ssitussttsunfifjsusjt- who do wrong. _ ahonld be, by d anppbee ot ■pure to edn- it la tbe com- idn'bMaietoof tariff nasi IMS no allowed ~ r an rtshow. tbe isIIMM Tha wkitea tael that they owe you a debtor _ for yonr antes and ft (fatly conduct during the and yon ahoul# wndfiwvoo to act as to keep np this mfMHtrNWytoV^fcsMMsta noaBihm ni ii ToflSmThow tow of yonr Ace are now ca- asfiiMStMB’aiffit saws have Involved the whites. Avoid poUttcn Practice industry, virtue, and onDM the ktadly feeUog which now exist. batons tho reoes, and yon will thua uate* competence and tfovsta your condition. Pa-LTMAN ton this writing a sermon by m Of wood. Ksamiaa, in . . tonic, but It wUfuut aimmmido tho Mceasil} of proper medicines The most relaabto of these la MARS- DEN’S CALYISAlA TONIC, tha klrfa« of which am eertUksd to by thOMMgS WhChSSS Mod II. * NIGHT DISPATCHES. • -. -. FROM WASH1MCT0II. 9 News From Mexico* NEGROES WANTED IN CHILI. DELEGATES FROM VIRGINIA AH NORTH tARULOA. Washington, October 19.—The State Department has received a communication from our Consul at Guyj^i , dated. September nth, rftttag tip* tho ©VEcdjjtioii qf. tfcat poft and State, Softora,tep the Frenoh squadron and forces will take place on the 14th of September. He was officially Informed of this Tact by the Admiral in command. The preparationa lor embarkation, which have been gains on for a tew days, and the tnct of the withdrawal of theae forces have created a panic among the population, both .native and foreign, aud in consequence the steamer which leaves on the 13th for Mazailan and San Francisco would be crowded beyond her capacity. The merchants and respectable families, not com promised in the political difficulties, apprehending danger from the lower classes during the interim of the withdrawal of the French troops and the entering «jl the Liberal forces, have aoughte^he protection of jhe U. 3. Consul, who baa addressed a letter to Oov. Pesquira, the Chief of the Liberal forces of the State, with au appeal to hia generosity in behalf of those who are threatened with ruin, and who are now pre paring to flee the country. This lias had the effect of qntetfttg the apprehension. The State Department haa communication from our Consul at Peru, informing the Government that a na. live Chili resident in Lima baa left for the United Slate.-!, w ith the object of contracting for two thousand f amilies/of negroes for that country. This specula tion ls*upjW the color of free colouiaatiou, but, lu fact, the negroes are to be sold in the same manner as the Chinese Coolies, for the term of eight years. The State Department issues a circular to the Gov* gtruors ofthe several States, suggesting all legal and wool means to be used to prevent tbe oob—mmation of such a wrong. A delegation from North Carolina and Virginia called upon the Commissioner of Internal Revenue this morning, with a view to having a change made iu the regulations issued by thst officer governing the shipment of eotton. From Philadelphia. Proposed Convention of Colored Soldiers and iailsn. Philadelphia, Oct 19.—It is proposed that a Con vention of colored soldiers and sailors be held in this city on theSth of uext January. The object is to lay the claims of their race before Congress. New York Market. New York, October 19.—Gold, 47-?*. Sixes, 113>£; Fives, 1151*. Flour firmer; sales of 450 barrels Southern at $12 106,16 50. Wheat and Corn, 1 to 3c. better. Pork firmer; sales of 6,800 barrels new Mess at $33 70. Laid dull, at 15@47£c. Cotton heavy; sales of 2,500 bales (including itovernment sale) mid dlings at 40@42c. Coffee quiet; sales of 500 bags La- guayra at 18 19 ^c. Spirits Turpentine higher—85 £86c. Rosin excited and higher—$5 506*12 00. Augusta Market. Augusta, Oct! 19.—Cotton has declined' lc. middlings, 36c. Mobile Market. Mobile, Oct. 19.—=Cotion.—Sales to-day, 350 bales middling, at 37c.; sales for the week, 2,400 bales; re ceipts for the week, 7,366 bales, against 2,990 bale# last week; exports for the week, 2,580 baled; stock, 28,056 baldB. New Orleans Market. New Obleanh, Oct. 19.—Cotton, 2c. lower; quota tions nominal. Gold, 147 M- Pork, $34. Bacon shoulders, 19c.; sides, 19c. Flour—auperflne, $12 25; extra, $12 50$ 15 50. Whiskey, $2 40. F€NEltAL INVITATION. The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. John McDonough are respectfully invited to attend xhe funeral of their daughter MARY, from their resi dence, corner Gordon and Tatnall streets, on Sunday evening, at 3 o’clock. Special Notices. Gottes-dienst. ST. ANnRBW’S HALL, SOXTAG, den 20th OcU> ber. Morgens 10 Ihr. oc50 T. A. B. Mliam. Pastor. A CARD. Mr. nr. 3. BOGART has been called to Virginia In cogoeqnence of aickneae In hie family, and hia School will be Huepeaded for one week. oc2Q-l> n ;tr*j Tiweaaraaaatf. y UBL.lnr.O" "Oj.jLi.- —: T*K$?Jsr*r mm.- CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. OrncE Ganxaal SunaDrmsnz ) Atlantic and Gulf Raxlboad. > Savannas, Oct. U. UM.) Q N and after HOBDAY next, tba 2M inatant the Schedules «t the Paaaengw Train, on thie Rood will be aa follow,, dally, (Sunday's excepted): leave. a earn. S.00 A. M. savaanah . ..«.10 P. M. 6.00 A. M. Thomaaville 600 P. If. 7.26 A.M- Live Oah 60S P. M. 2.00 A. M. l'allahaaaee U-O®*- M - L00 A- XL Jacksonville 1X00 Night. H. & HAINES. ocl6—tf general Superintendent. - Assignees’ Notice. The undersigned, having been appointed ArnlgMe of the Merchants' and Planters’ Bank, Is prepared to enter upon hia duty. All billholders, and other persona having claims against sold Bank, are re quested to present the same for liquidation. And all parties Indebted to the Bank , are requested to make immediate payment. Billholders will lose their priority If tbe bills are not presented within six months. HIRAM BOBBBT3, au3l-tf Assignee. Assignees’ Notice. Thenndemgned having been appointed asaigaeet of tbe Farmers' and Mechanics’ Bank of Savannah, Georgia, hereby notify bM-holdera and other claim ants against toe eaidBank to present the same for 11- qnhlatioo, and all persona Indebted to the Bank are required to stake Immediate payment. BlU-holdem will lose their priority if the bille are notpteaented within six months from this date. JOHN RICHARDSON, J. R. BAUDSY. Jj2T-t* . Notice. The Mechanics’ Saving and Loan AaeodaUon of Sa vannah, baring made to the undersigned an assign ment of ail or its property and eCeefs, for the beasdt of *• endRufP, auptasons bartc if claims against-The WfisolOtlonAre requested to p?e»ent them to the un dermined, and .U peraeus indebted to Midcorpora- tlnn will tuako paymea* to r w » . • !. -i - c ^ ^ BRUSH. ... Assignee*! Mechanics’Saving and > 1 ,-jLfojx tmorityion pf Savannah. I HU I ladtfrnm me, ail your President jnat informed, a O me. Tha*ew wordslahaHete are unpremeditated.! il.j':- fi u! The undersigned, having bean dnly appointed. Nptic*. will liquidate the affairs of the late Arm ot Morn, Holyoke A Murray. KiOoFPeTYeiiiaiifla^ sefl one of 'the moet wonderful sad most saleable articles of the age. Business entirely new; can be done at home or toweling. No out lamirrlee aktombny. .JKinstm' ■JVjygapmbng cncBTtR, U*y. TtCWTork. The nndenlgned having been appointed amignee Of tire Bank of Commerce of Savannah, Georgia, la prepared to enter upon his dnrtsa. Jttl btU boldan Bank, an requested to present the same for Uqataa- tfoo, andaU patOM indBdBd to to* Bank urn tested fotonke tMtadlato Myteenk Bill holders wWt rose fomr pHMty' If the hills are not presented within six months from this date. JOHN C. FEHRILL, 59BS OfricL GENE»AL8ora«NTa»DEsT • Atlantic & Gulf Kail Road, Savannah, Oct. 15lh, 1966. r e Florida Braseh Ball Boad toll he opened to tbe Public on Monday next, the 22nd turn. Arrangements have been made^toan^g^iRrert.^g jTS Nations on the Pen.=mcoU and Georgia Bail Road. Florida Central Bail Road, [and Florida Ball DnaA — 0 ,h tickets wiU be sold between the Mlotong _ _iuub and Quincy. TalUbaasee, Moatioello, Ma dison. Lake City, and Jacksonville. Thomaaville and Quincy^ Tallahassee, MonUcello, end Madison. Kidiw>n and Quitman and Valdosta. Freights between Savannah and all points on Pen sacola A Georgia Railroad and Florida Central Bail will be shipped on through rates and without b ~ to « bUlk fl. 8. HAINES, octl6-tf General Superintendent, Assignees’ Notice. Bank or Savanna,, 1 Savannah, Georgia, July 6,1666./ The undersigned having been appointed Assignees of this Bank for the purpose of adjusting and liqui dating Its affairs, therefore all persona having claims against this corporation will present them, and al bill-holder* of this Bank arc required to present the same within six months from this date, or they will lose tho priority granted by statute, and those In debted will make linn edintc payment to H. BRIGHAM, GEO. \V. DAVIS, sep6-tf Assignees. INSURANCE ! INSURANCE 11 SAVANNAH, GA., AUGUST 30,1686. . THE undersigr.ed would respectfully Inform their friends and the public that they are prepared to effect Fire end Marine Risks In tue following first class companies, at established rales, and solicit a share of patronage: INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Ot New York. - NATIONAL BANKING INSURANCE COMPANY, of St- Lonia, Mo. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO., Of St. Loots, Mo. PERRY INS. AND TRUST CO.. Marion, Ala. JOHN W. ANDERSON A SONS, aepl-Sm Corner of Bryan and Drayton streets. S. T.—1860—X. Drake’s Plantation Bitters# They purify, strengthen and Invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. * They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and aridity of the stomach. They core Dyspepsia and Constipation. They core Diarrhoea, Cholera and Cholera Morbn*. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best Bitier* in the world. They make the weak Wrong, ann are exhausted nature’s great re storer. They are made of pore St. Croix Rnm, the celebrated Callsaya Bark, roots and herm, and;are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, withont regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons reqnlring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. Only gen uine when Cork Is covered by our private U. 8. Stamp. Beware of counterfeits and reQlled bottles. P. H. DRAKE A CO., oct28-eodlj 21 Park Row. New York. FOR SALE AT GOST. rr\HE UNDERSIGNED to make room for a NSW X STOCK, will sell AT CO--T, during the coming week, his LARUE STOCK now on hand, coai Ittlng of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, MLVBH AND SILVER PLATED WARE, BKVOLVERS, ' and varlons other articles too nume ousto mention. F. BROWN, 119 Congress street. gar Mr. BROWN will remove to his new Store on the 1st or November. oc2 -tt AJEORGIA^t-LIBERTY COUNTY.—Notice is hereby Vi givefl to all persona concerned that Stephen Bax ter, ar., lata of raid county, departed this life tn- taetate, and no person misapplied for administration on the estate of said Stephen Baxter, and. In terms of the law, administration will be verted In the Clark of tbe SUj erior Court, or some other fit and proper person, on the first Monday In December next, unless some valid ot jectiou is made to hts ap pointment. Witaeae my official aiguatnre this 17th day of Oc tober, 1866. oc20-law4w W. P. GIRARDEAU, O. L. C. CD-PlRTIERSfllP NOTICE. mflg undersigned ha* taken Into partnership N. A kBIBRSON. Tne business of the Hi in will be con ducted under tbe nauie ahd style of MalloN k FH1EK80K, to date from October 1st. I860. OCH-lw B. MALLON. New Style Dress Trimmings AND Millinery Goods, juvt received at MRS. LOUIS’. TTANDSOMK CLOAKS, Sacks, Ballons, Farthers, 1*1 Howera, Ribbons. Velvets of all colors, Cords, Tassels, Ae. Bats iroin one dollar upwards : Feath ers from 14 eta* upward; aud a creat variety of band- some BraWe, efik. worsted and c-itton. Call and ex amine fbr yourself, at MRS R- L LOUIS’, ocll Sw No. 161 Congreae street, up stairs. BUTTER. 1A PACKAGES, KEGS AND TUBS CHOICE BUnXR, landing and in store. Fbr sale by CHAMPION A FREEMAN, point Corner Drkyum ami Bay street.. STORE LO LET, t N toe beat baslnem part or the city. I: the News arid Herald Office. F. C. LfdHTE A* CO, fLate Llghte, Newton A Bradburys,) Raaafketorm of First Class Plauao ■I : Fortes, Highest premium at the A -m-rlcan World's Fa'r and Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations. This well known establishment is a w continued by F. C. LIGHTS and LUUIS ERNST, at the old stud. 621 Broome street, betwt eh C-osby and Elr- “ — - — New York City. fyA.1 rood iiistablisiied in 17801 .SOAPS! CANDLES I STARCH I t. O. HULL'S HOST, No. 32 PARK ROW, NEW YORK, Iavltea tho attention of enyers to bis unequaled stork of every grade or - v Staple and Fancy Soaps. Raney Soap, Demulcent Soap, Palm Soap, WlndsorSoap, Glycerin : Soatt, Poncins Soap, White Soap, shaving Soap. Almond May. Cywardr af One Hundred Styles. Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow Candles. Constantly on hand find for sale by RANl^LL ff 0.t lid many ether dealer*. tttlMojla GAMP & CHRISTIE, AGENTS, Drapers and Tailors, us BHOl'6HTOM STREET, TTAVElu (tore and ready for Inspection their Fal la ms winter Stock, comprising the largeet aeqorW men t of | YUta Cloths, * ' / CMintln, sued Vestings to ba foand in any house in the city in tfiAr Une, aB at wtadh ton be xasde to order at sbo^ mad and got ap in nnsarpaaaed atyla. Famishing Oonds •■nssas THBOAf. ThJL.' WRIGHT, of Toronto. Canada West, Physh r JLJaten and Surgeon, Oculist and Aurlst, can be oaMnltad on Deafness. Discharges front tbe Bar. natesslntAs Head, Catarrh, Diseases of the Threat Office Na 41, in Dr. Tho*. Buckler's old office e» Lexington street, Baltimore, Md. Office hoars from 2 to 12 A. M., and 3to 6 P. M. totf New ABvc ure as No Extra €ha era for Sonth- f? 9$ Bay Street, D| Stidre, AGENT FOR THE Beselt mm, O# NEW YORK, Will ba pleated to famish ttH Information upon all systems of Life lasnraace to any pernon applying to him at hia office, or by mail. A tabulated list, showing tbe actual aitMena tt the snrplos tundomade July 1st, 1M6, can be seen it hia office,octe-lm Widows’ aid 9j LIFE 1 Fire Insurance ! London and Lancashire FIRE HVSfiRAHGE CAPITAL: S5>000,000 in Gold! fi l Insures against loss by Fire on every de scription of Property at most favorable rates. Losses adjusted and paid by Local Agents without any reference to England. J. T. STEWART, Agent, Qtao-lm At No. 6 8toddai .fa Paper Wanwe. LEA. & PEREINb’ CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. PBONOUNCED BT IIIMUSUM TO SITUS Only Good Sauce and appUcable to Every Variety OF DISK. EXTRACT of a Letter from a MmiCAL Gfntia- xan at Madras, to Ills Brother at WOKCESRB, May, 1851: Tell Lea A Pek- SINS t h s t their SAUCE is highly es teemed In In (Ua, and is, In my opin ion, the Most pala table as well as the most wh-.leso >-e Sauce that is made. Largest and most Complete Stock Ever Brought to Tills City. # S30>000 Worth — or HITS AND CAPS! FOB GENTLEMEN. BOYS, LADIES, MISSES, AND INFANTS, AU Styles t AU Colors! All SamlUlMl Now open and arriving by every steamer * AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! |WT Particular attention Is called to my Stock aa above, a large part of which was manufactured from samples a letted by me exprt ssly for my retail tndm 8. M. COLDINO H. A. TOPHAM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CIO GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Src.j &C. SHIRTS marn'acttired frora measure. Clothing made to order at shut t notice. HAT8. CAPS. UMBRELLAS and CANES. I3S Congress sad 53 f>U Jallca Streets. ' SAVANNAH, GA. The success of this most delicious aud unrivaled condiment having caused many unprincipled dealers to apply the name to spurious compounds, the Pub lic ig respectfully aud earnestly requested to lee that the names of Lba A Femme are upon the Wrapper. Label, Stopper and Bottle. Manufactured by LEA to PERRINS, Worcester. JOHN DUNCAN’S SONS, Aoekts, oc20-eodlyir Xbw Yontt. Notice. HOLLINGSWORTH & . COMMISSION MERCMir MACOS, GEORGIA. Esrerial att-ntlm toll be civ-n to the ,x'cat)J of Cotton Orders, wbu h we solku. 1 W K HAVE ASSOCIATED wHh a* as a General fartner Mr A B. W ESSO LOW KY the crepart- ntrship to Uke effect frero >be 1st of Auiraet. 1S66, antler tho firm name of OCEBAEO. F^RRILL * CO. oclS 1w m»RR * Bl> & FERR1LL. PLANTERS’ HOTEL Restaurant. mBI mtdersigneil woald Inform hie friends and the X public that he baa returned from hia tour of Europe, sad will reopen Abe Restaurant Connected with the nAKiair botex Monday, October SSd. The best o r the market will be constantly on hand, aa also the oe» of Wines, Liquor* anlejffara. O. GRMENDEN, :90 Fianten’ Hotel. MAGAZINES For IN~ovember. OODEY’S LADY’S BOOK, for November. FETEBSON’S, for November. HARPER’S MONTHLY, for November BALLOU’S MONTHLY, for November. CBXSCENt MONTHLY, for November. LAND WE LOVE, for October. LESLIE'S BOYS' AND GIBUS’ WEEKLY. ALSO, Our uenul supply of Comic Illustrated Monthlies and Almanacs. oc20 RBTHAto BROTHER Mrs. Keogh K ESPBCTgDULY tafsmo Mis Ladles of Sarannah that she haa Maned the art of Straw Millinery In all Us brandies to Enginnd, and. will whiten an i alter straw Hate to th? toil fashionable shapes. 'Mie will also renovate Gentlemen's Black Beaver Hate. ,oc2Q Boarding. her bonuses from , end South Broad suvuie w wnm o< vnwsis streak and Bay laDe, Burt's old stand. Gentlemen eaa be accommodated with Private and Transient Board oo moderate terms - - f** 0 - 8 *! Mules! Mules! Moles! nn BEAD OF FINE MUJJ58 for sale at Sadler A FrMman’s Stables, Znbfr street. SApLER A FREEMAN. CITRON. 50 Ing and fur sale by, Alton a ranurlu MS Bay street. U»OF JP B. R OFFICE OB SLEEPING ROOM, a pleasant _ BASEMENT ROOKta tbe Bines' Kange, Na A an Barnard street. Bar terms, enquire at this offien. ocio-at . .' A Free Lunch, _Jv? . /NONSISTDM OF OTOTERS. Ar^ fton l to U L o'clock, THIB RVRHINGx.AX the RgSTAU- BAbT, oornerof Prica and Sonth Btfotd ete. oc Alt tjrto * j • C AAA SACKS FOB SALE BY ' ,J o3St ct H. rogbhs to mo. WANTED, A TO UNO MAH. ahant IMS aSnycere af age, Who writes a good hand and r«A»T-?. wdticciws utendnd. One who Urea totnM> fosslly pwtened. s-.»-Jter.-H5SHt2S*—»SaB« m *io »C* FLOUR I FLOUR I : ■ AMOKELS TLOU* ja* an*«d 9* ****## n emff for site i.'Mic jq— ——— ant Monday la December asst, ulliiMfSRasin Let- B COTTON GINS. EST M’CAETHY GINS. For Bale by BOUSE k BRYANT, 1*4 B y street Z. N. WINKLER, Commission Merchant, &o, BAY STREET, OVBB THE STORE OF BoTHWELL & WhITKBEAD, Will Attend promptly to the !»«le of all merchandise cnfriwtetl to him; aifco. :o the shipping of cotton, mod to die proper getting up of all marine papers. ocl7—*-m . FOR RENT, T 3E HOUSE AND BAKERY on the southeast cor- ner of Moi tgomery aud 8ourh Broad streets — Tne Uou-w will be retired without the Bakery If de sire i. Auply to. Mbs. J. EVANS, ocl7—tf Evans' Kow. Fine Plantation For Sale. Great Bargain. ldlNE PLANTATION FOR SALE, containing 6M r acres oi land, well adapted to the culture of Cot ton, Klee, Corn aDd Sugar Cone, and well wooded with oak and Dine. The above Plantation is situated Are miles from this city, on the Ancnsta read. For p: ice and terms spply to OC17-IW JOHN W. ANDERSON'S SONS. FLOUR, CORN, OATS, RYE, AC. O NE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Sacks choice Extra Flour l.ttflO bush-la Corn, 600 btuhele Oats, aad 260 bushels Seed Rye. in store and tor sale by BELL, WYLLY to CHRISYIAY. OC14—St Soap, Candles. 75 B0XE8 MACY’3 ADAMANTINE CANDLES For sale by HILTON JrBODEIl* 123 bay street Custom House Shades, BAY LANE- FREE LUNCH DAILY, - FROM 11A.M. TO l P. M. fPHE subscriber, with a View' to accommodate h<8 J. patrons and friends, hae made arrangements by which be will be enabled In tutu re to nerve dally, a Free Lunch. His Bar is well stocked with superior Liquors of every vurietv, choice Wines, end Massey, Collins * co.’s celebrated Ale; atso, Kiaeeagen ante ’ Count*. Waters. _ . - 1 ’ ocDMw THOMAS GlLHOOLY. Apples, Onions and Potatoes] T AND1KG from Steamer thin day, aad for sale by rocri BKLL, WYU.Y to CHRISTIAN | Florida Railroad For Sale. I N VIRTUE of the anthortty vested te the Tratosta of the Internal Improvement Fund of tie State of Florida, bj the provteIon» of the **mct to provide for and encourage a liberal ojsteni of Intemil !■» nroTememrs in thie State," approved January tab, anti in conformity with 4 renolntton or I W COBIUDUH/ ■ lOtevimwo w. W.WWS iu by the Board of True tew, will bo sold to .... ™»-hcst bidder, for cash, on Thursday, toe fort day of November, lse* at the office of tbe Ootipsay at Gainesville, Flurida, the Florida Railroad, and ell Ita property of every kind, lariadtag too road-bed. Iron, equipments, workshops,depots aad franchise The said sole will be subject to all the eondtt ons pretcribed by the art abova Te’erred to. HUGH A: CURUCY. Cel* flt Salesman Beard Tnuiaea I I Fond. NEW BOOKS RECEIVED BY Cooper, Olcotts & Family* - Doctor Johns, bv author Eererioa Bachater- Ufe of Atffirew Johiwoa. by LliUau Yoffite- . WSlSssagqBk: aaafisssaiB^*. Securities. 110,000! jl-Sl&SZJXSXXiS&r' by Cbntral Ballroad Company, and ' trsl Railroad Bulk in this city. oclMw** 1 * bJ BBTAN, HARTEUXIE * 00. New Advertisements, To Bondholders of the^y • of Georgia, pr - I CONFORMI \ Y With »n actofro.^ 64 11 sembly approve! 12th Mard/ J disordered, • cuaJj Ut. That all bonds and coupon, of 1 Gsorgla now due, aud which w.r “ot S '^J of the tat, war,*, hertsoever mria "J toadsd 00 pro ant. tin it ut the Tir*£,2,, e ’ :i -1 In Mortgage Bunds of tile Slate Ule s j ssassiasLi; “»«“S sei •SpiSSEIsrJKSA’wJ sffttoBaaAsSd the NUujal baulk of tile Rrphb.i^ «'esj Sruly. Tim tail coupons fuuded in v 0ri - 1 marked PAID an returned to the nj* !'<« J descriptive list of bonds iss ed tr r„r, u U ' urj 4thly. Thai tbe Treasurer #1,^^"“* endorsed on each bond funded, thoi,’,.' U| son presenting It. and that a reul-tr. ,. oi ‘“’id kte-dfo to. tunoro, process kept^^'J orj CHABIJH J. IB.NKLN-S GorrrJ ItatXBofvmL 8 ^ o^beu^K^- Holden Of overdue Bonds and 8Ute of Georgia are hereby notitie, 01 aoce with the above ordt-r. tn.-v c 1 on presentation „t tut* D.pwtmanin,- the State, dated 1st Juli, 1SC0 du'/of from date beanug tnlerem ut ; kt . e„ r t: ' J J paj'-hle semi-annually, in Jam.., rl u cnnjnjr mong^ on the . T&e Bonds being in sizes of gino and t: v I Sr» B<« prwant their bonds and cononn. H plea or these turns or make np currency. “'Urine;; Noprovleloa for payment or Interest „ - lily of Bonds or coupons h-avmg beau legislature, it tarenut of cours, bo all..-,.,! Department. ™ ’■ 'til Pera-utreendlig Bonds in under tte are n-qu-cted to write their uamrs ie. inly • . m irgin to xuard against mistakes in the-i ci the records as oriiered aito .e. ' •’ oc!9-di wAtblawh v WOOD. W E, the nndersigtifd. tain this methol at terming our friends, and the pnbiic -eaenl that, to facilitate our business, wehdVeestabljJ WOOD YARD at the Albany and Gulf Rail red. from rvhHi. hr J oar old stand, at the C u-u Bridee, h. low r-, e J trai Railroad, we are prepared to deavtr the t] beet quality of niGH LAND OAK WOOD at eight dollar, ($S) per cord, and DRY YELLOW PINE WOOD at six d liars ($6y per Co-d. on very short cofc. Order boxes cius be found at Mr. Suin', A Store, corner Side and Ball -Meets, and a v I Llppman's Dru k Store, to. net ot Consri-.-s its J narrt streets. I oes-iia. -witlrk * t!Ai!mn-i| Peters St Hotiingswortti, COTTON SHIPPING AND 6ENEBAL COMMISSION HEUCHAMj SropbABD's Urma Kanoe, Bat Slum. SAVANNAH, GiORGIA. E VERY ltclllty offered for cons’giimi'ii's ande:J cutlon of orders. I.llte ai ndv-tnres Lit e 1 Cotton shipped to our friends in New V.rttis more and Philadelphia. '<"■! FOWLER & AVAJUJ 87 Water street, New York, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAIisd RICE. C ONSIGNMENTS solicited, on “Inch libm 1 vexcements will be made. c. FOhLStl nc above firm, ca . te seen „t Ibu Marshal E.a| sefes to SAVANNAH NATIONAL BASK. MERCHANTS’ NATION AL LiaSK, of city. 1 SALT, SALT| 3 C/\t\ SACKS Liverpool Snlt, In go-'d o ■OUU for tale low, by . JNO. Me lAliON t fj EowTo’Brairr. !■ n. Edw, O’Byvnc & son WioLtiiiE akd- Brail Dealzti3 is Liquobs, itc., 4c. I tTTE solicit a sh «re of the patrons of or.:bM ▼▼ and the public generally. The of this Ann having done business in thu c\tv .m ' of titirty-two years. Comer Bryan To Rent AfflaffJsssrsrASl and R»rald offi TOMEICO., COTTON FACTOE 1 1 Qvneral Commission Merchants| Kmtataltwhed in 1S36. Liberal advsnris on oousignmeniswoor!'’ | New Y- rk ^ . R. A; SOLOMOS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, "tut 1 '"' ING AGENT, ia, Enfaula, -A- la * . Prompt arien-ton aiwn ’o Cyl'** 10 ?® 1 tasuw. Porch s- ami s,leof Fjdt"' 1 - •teawSBrAitoin '«■-1*""* — —WTExoTeiafe w, PATER for Printers ^ i*4 I: Goods. Hart ware and ^ rij tor Grocers and DrnggiWa. FrgS B<*Wj kinds. Atao, Binders’Boards, and Twine. AU goods sold at >e* I «p«, K .rtdrt. WABBESBW® octi-tf — 1 — FOR SALE- pHJOTmOPAPBK I Bagging! BaggmS rt 1 V E BALES HEAVY GUNST BiG<iCS j " 1.000 yards IK 9e» Island I £i00 yards IX 8aa m y*\ %U9jaria Burlape, for I on eottognment and for sale U OgM weia^tw 190 Bay streenj^**^! Bacon. Bacon.. * X god 9*3 T | 21 bogpueeds c* 101 ?® H E, r e'an<i^ r ^,| heads cbotoTSouldera, to ^ ] BELL. WYLLY * Ocl$ 5t —- Potaioes.lini®'’ 8 ' ^ HU, WYLLY * * Sale ! ... mm - w--r • rtoiiT RAoaiHft***” vt FTCAlji acri*