The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, November 01, 1866, Image 1

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Volume 2. 3V3 '(j'fikiio Hi’ Savannah, Georgia, Thursday, November 1,1866. No. 250. t l,rHiJf- p » ckl "« Pro*Ye«ts. r . j Circular of Henry MttOard St Co.f October 13.—It is! futile to ®n- "V venture any predictions as to tlie ' iaturc olMte trade. So we prefef 0 friends to form their opinion JfiK fullest information we have it in JLtr to furnish them. It may be all however, to offer a few opinions »• ^present prospect of the coming season! ::/jfier circumstances may completely Jja them. The season just closing •".fi disastrous to many, profitable to cjj. Amoag the former class were not :.. J0 se packers who were compelled to seir products at an early date, buj, ,- v tlie operators who were induced by able prospects to make shipments tb •English market. To these last the yeak i!ee i) one of continued disaster ; and us Idol bacon in England is still heavy, iibe stock of home-led hogs is said tp -j : uallv large, it is fair to infer that un- ' considerably reduced prices, the pacld- ; n,e Eoglisb market will be very si. Last year, the product of abdift 00 hogs were packed for the English !?;. and this, with an increase of 500,000 civer the supply of last year, will have vpvnil for consumption on this country, •every reduced rates Bhould encourage Ration. The accounts from the Sooth ; - my in tho extreme, and we cannot ’ from that quarter a healthy or ;Mt demand under piesent circum- Ve have never entered on a season when lew engagements for hogs have been made the packers. The corn crop will be all a\UMe for bog feeding, and as the farmers , j n jeneral prosperous, it is probable that v will feed late rather than submit to an ..v decline. But for packers low prices we iisneusable, and unless they can get to rates uLrlthew chance of profit the bosiness j be hazardous in the extreme. We hope >, next spriog, to congratulate them iivurablu Investments. The low prices glut hams and lard this year will ne- iie increased caution. Beef packing too progressing lor some time, and thus libont 4,700 head have been packed. The aiity. however, has been such as is suita - i to the American market. But little He will probably be packed till spring. ra Mexican Relations.—General Sheri- zbb issued the following important or- k addressed to Brigadier-General Sedg- iii commanding the District of the Bio adt at Brownsville, Texas: > . Euhiwuehs Depabtment of the Gulf, taUnass, October 23d, 1866.—General: 'IcaaiisSed that there is only one way in rah the state of affairs on the Bio Grande si be altered, and that is by giving the heartiest support to the only Government in StncoifCdpiized by our own—the only one wki e.vaiiy favorable to us. You will, •'■--'ii all adherents of any party or )Rv or pretended Government in Mexico or ate State of Tamaulipas, that they will permitted to violate the neutrality jv-aween the Liberal Government of -: and the United States; and also that iidl not be permitted to remain in our pro and receive the protection of onr k a order to complete their machinations - -- violation of our neutrality laws. r -a-lniftions will be enforced agaimrt ztrrents of the Imperial Buccaneer, rep- the so-called imperial Government -fco, and uIbo against the Ortega! Santa dU other factions. President Juarez rknowledged head of the Liberal w.-Jkut of Mexico. -General, your obedient servant, P. H. Sheridan, Major-General Commanding Uvtss of Sahdines —We have glad tI i le * overs of Bardines in our ™ the French sardine fishery hai been successful this season than for thie last ‘-jesrs. At Ducarnenez and Goncarneau •principal centres of this species of indus- ^ eight hundred and eighty-four boats upwards of 110,000,000 sardineain July alone, the sale producing '' 't-zacs. At the end of the month one sardines could be bought for two Miscellaneous. TO COTTON SHIPPERS. — WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE Cash. Advances ON CONSIGNMENTS TO THE WELL KNOWN HOUSES OF Messrs. Norton, Slaughter & Co New York, AND Messrs. John K. Gilliatt & Coi, Liverpool. WKCAN SAFELY PROMISE the tallest aatitfsc- VT tlon to all PATRONS of the ABOVE RICH and FAVORABLE KNOWN FIRMS, Onr Agents at Colnmbns, American, Albany. Macon. Griffin, West Point, LaGrange, Newnun, Atlanta, Madison, and the Houses of MESSRS. E.F. METCALFE&CO. Mavannah, aie stall times prepared to take OHABGM OP, PAY TAXES and other EXPENSES, and make liberal ADVANCES upon consignment*. B. M. BROCK At CO., BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, 8-1 m Augusta, Ga.' jT ^Rfor'a Discovery.—An Austrian II. hcinelbrock, has discovered a 7«tidoiing' electricity in small glass TjK. which will explode under the shock. The capsule is enclosed in lv.| M5e ’ b*’ tliat if shot from a rifle it will it ®'! 1 ’ au< * tbe explosion which fol- j: sufficient to kill a man. Experiments ^•wnaisde on oxen and horses with these animals having fallen - l: if struck with lightning.. ^otleiuk of Doe ton was lately asked of Miss Dickinson’s lecture. Opera Flannels of all Colors, Handsome Styles Printed Flannels, White, Red and Shaker Flannel*, LARGE STOCK Fob Sale at Popclab Prices by At the Southern Palace Dry Good* House, 111 and 113 Congress Street. oc97 FOR SALE OR REIT. mHAT FINE SEA-ISLAND COTTON PLAlfTA- 1 TION on the Buffalo Creek. In Glynn County, and at the junction of the Brunswick and Albany and Macon and Brunswick Ball Roads, containing 1,600 acres mixed land, with about 800 acres chared, good dwelling, and all necessary out-buildings. This plaee is known as the AnquiUa Plantation, and is admirably located for a stock farm or Sea Island cotton place. Parlies desiring to buy, or rent for ensuing year, are referred to the undersigned, at Macon, Ga, or to F. W. Hazlehubst, near Brunswick, Ga. Qc29—lm W. HAZLEHURfiT, For Sale. hen ACRES, more or less, PINE LAND, In the JjU 26th District of -Glynn County. Alee, 614 acres Mixed Land in Glynn county, known as Pepper’s Hammock. Also, 303>< acres in Lea county. Also, 490 acres Pine Land in Pierce county, Ga, Apply to WM. HAZLEHUBST, o9—lm Macon, Ga. NEW BOOKS JUST RECEIVED BY ESpTILL & BROTHER. In Vitaculis ; or. The Prisoner of War. Being tfcs exper ence of a Rebel in two Federal Pena. By A. M Kellery, a Virginia Confederate. Price $1 60. Venetian Life, by Wm. D. Howells; $9 86. Mr. Wlnkfleld, a Novel; 76cents. Tire Seeodd Mrs. Til to toon; 76 cents. Phlilo Garnscllffe; 76 cents. The Dead Letter. (Illustrated.) SOcts. iep80 said he; ‘ I think Daniel Webster « ri s ht time, and before a corrected w®'W° n was willing to rvtuAaa its in- of constitutional ^“anoUlmaid.'’ receive its in law from the Francisco paper toy’s there are thousand coolies in Callforni#,- ■ & demoralizing -/Might to any which they are domiciled. It ^*7 are filthy, thievish, and infa- Memphis (Tenn.) Coupons and Past Due Indebtedness. B y AN ORDINANCE passed by the Board ol Mayor and Aldermen, Sept, a, 1866, It was or dained that the past due Bonds and Coupons Indebt edness of the City of Memphis be received for dose owing the City, are refundable in 30-year bonds or 91,006 each drawing 10 per cant, interest and paya ble In the City or Memphis semi-annnaUy, for the following Bonds and Coupons loaned and indorsed by the City of Memphis : Memphis, Tenn., City Bonds and Coupons past do*. Memphis, Tenn., and Little Rock Railroad Coupons past dne. Memphis, Tenn., and CBarlemon Railroad Coupons ^^gMupuis, Tenn., Ohio Railroad Counons past ha Memphis, Tenn., Mississippi and Tenn. Railroad Coupons past due. Inquiries for further particulars, by man or other wise, will receive pnnctnal attention. Address P. T. HUGHflB, oc8-2Ct City Controller, Memphla, Tenn. Insurance. IITO BOTMICEi No Extra Charge for South ern Bisks! ’ Market Square House, W. R. BOGGS, 92 Bay Street* Up Stairs. 1 agent for the Wiiovs’ aid Orphans’ Benefit LIFE MftilE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK; i Will be pleased to famish foil information upon all systems of Life Insurance to any person applying to him at his office, or by mall. A tabulated list, showing the actual atoittend ot the surplus funds made July- 1st, 1818, can be seen at his office, ocSO-lm VALENTINE BASLER. Cigar., W1n«e, Ales and Lager, tod all kinds qf Liquors. Lunch at eleven o'clock. Ten Pin Allege attached. aug4-3m[ Fire Insurance! -1 London and Lancashire FIRE HSHRAHGE GOVT. CAPITAL: S5,OGOjDaD -iixOold! LA PIESSE HOUSE; PHILADELPHIA. IUHE SUBSCRIBERS having leaaed this fovorite A House, it has been REFITTED AND REFURBISHED j In an elegant manner. And is saw Prepared wit a the Most Per- T lkct Appolmuaeista for the Rsrep flow of tiacsti. . positioa among drat-class Hotels will he maintained in the fnture, as in the past. jelMm BAKER A FARLEY. Fire oh every jde- ■criptioa of Property at most favorable rates. Looses adj noted and paid by Local Agents- ' without any reference to England. J. T. STEWABT, Agent, OC29-lm At No. 0 fltoildard^ TTnoer Hotels. 138 BRYAN STREET, BY UNITED STATES SAAK OF LOTS AMD LANDS IN NT. HELENA PARISH, SOUTH CAROLINA. U nder an Act of Congress entitled “An Act to con tinue in force ladle amend ‘An Act to establish a Bureau for the Belief of Freqdmea and Refugees, and for other purposes," attested by "Edward Mc Pherson, Clerk House or Representatives at the United States,” and by "J. W. Forney, Beet alary of the Benate of the United SlaUh" July M. 1884, and more especially under the 8th section of the said ' We, Wm- Henry Brisbane and William Z. W< * United States District Tax Commissi oner. District ot South Carotins, do make known that a public sale gill be held at the etOceof the Commissioners aforesaid, in the town at Beaufort, Parish of SL Helena, Beaufort District, State of South Carolina, commenclag on Thursday the that day at November, 1866, at 10 o’clock, A. M. for the cUspoeal of the following block*: Lot* end houses situated in Che said town of Benfor State of South Carolina* to wit r BM£ks2.3,0 and f lots A* B, and C in Block 9; lota A and B in block U; blocks 17,18, and 19; tot A in block 26; lota A and D in block 37; lot D in block 38; lotsBand C in block 39; ilock 43; lot B in block 44; lot C in block 48; lot A in .lock 86; lot* Cana Din block »: lot* A. B, l* ' btak71: CH1MST0N HOTEL, milts pojmt&i slid w5l known Hrteh gWnated in fhe 1 business portion of the city, has beeu newly nialied thruogbout by the present proprietor, who been sixteen years connected with the establish!!* m26-tl W. WHITRy Proprieto THE LIKE CITY PRESS, Mjgm»g in fiiilt mvsnrti, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, • - i T 1 AT { T.AKE CITY, FLOBIDA. TTiROM Ike extensive circulation and Ike point JC where published, the LAKE CITY FHEsa, 88 »■ au'vertisiDg medium, offers superior loducements to the merchants ot Savannah. E. WALLACE DAVISi seplAtf Proprotor. General Insurance: A G E N CY FIRE, MARINE, Life and -A^ccident. INSURANCE KFFBCTED LOS8ES PROMPTLY PAID. 89 BAY STREET, Siavannah, Ga. „ WM. R. BOYD, Naiperlntendent «f Agtsscy. A. WILBUR, sept&tr Bans' end Agent. The Bainbridge Argos. j rpms PAPER is published every Saturday morn- X lug, in Bainbridge, and is one of tbe best adver tising mediums in Southwestern Georgia. The mer chants of Savannah appreciate It on account or tta coasiatent and unraltering advocacy of the Atlantic andG ir Railroad and the commercial Interests of this city. An business connected with the Argus in Savsn nalt will be represented by tbe subscriber, who is authorized to receive and .receipt for subscriptions aad advertisements, and make contacts for adver . tisjng with our merchants. avn - M Miscellaneous. Oin lots D. Hock *1; lot £ in block 70; lot B in brnox n; ,ot* E and F in block 73: loU AaadC in block Bl; lotO in b’oek 90; lots AB in block 91; lot Bln block 99; lot B in block U5 and blocks 116, UT, US. Also at the nm place, on Monday, November 6th, 1866, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. the lota and par- cels of land comprising tbe city of Port Royal, and embraced within section fourteen (14), fifteen (16). twenty-two (33). twenty-three (33) and twenty-sevsn (37), Township 3 south, range 1 west, by Unttad States District Tax Commisaoner's survey of the land* in the aforesaid Pariah of St. Helena (excepting those heretofore sold, namely, 1 106 lota on Aster street,30on Bunuliastreet. A on DeKalbstreet, loo Franklin street, 6 on Greene street, 7 on Isard street, 4 on Marion street, 4 on PnlssH street; aad 6 on Quinosy street), being mom than 3,000 lots an the high land, and about 800 mafah lots. Also, at the saute place, Wt 10 of deck A. M- Monday, December 3d, 1866, all tbe Government School Farms - in the said St. Helena Parish,' numbered from 1 to M inclusive, each either entire <W t» t* 0 or moendlri- sions, as the Commissioners may deenl expedient, tho minimum price being ten dollar* (|10) an acre. Some of the above named ptopecty being now leased, will be sold subject to the saffiisctlva leeas*. The aforesaid sales may be adjourned, aa may be expedient, from plaoe to place, and from .time to time, by proclamation, or by written notice, or by printed advertisement, until id the aforesaid proper ty is disposed of to the highest Dona. JUe bidder. Term* eatih in all cases; and if not paid within two days after being struck oil, tbe property may ha taken by any person giving the same amount, or be seSnp again for Bale to the highest bidder, at the discretion of the Commissioners. „ ■ „ _ Office U. 8. Direct Tax Contusion, Beaufort, 8.O., October 1st, 1886. WM. HENRY BRISBANE, W. E. WORDING, U. 8. Direct Tax Commissioners oc2-dlm for Booth Carolina. Dress Silks, Poplins, Merinos, Bombasines, aad Ena press Cloths, At Popalar Prices, at the SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE ocST 111 and 113 Coxoxxss Stsxxt. GEO. H. JOHNSTONE, i Bafannah, Sept, 26,1866, Plantation far Sale. O N Savannah river, twenty (30) mile* from Savan nah, consisting of seventeen hundred sod sixty- &'e (1,766) seres of LAND, with two aStOemeoW, and se en negro houses, fourteen by twenty (14x30) feet In Jxe with a splendid stream fortnmber and grist mill Three hundred and twenty (3901 acre* of open lAfo. and one tfiouaand (1.000) lobe enareA Facili ties'ft- a stock range, with meat stall 1» Bavannah, nnsanagged by any locality In the vicinity. All the buUdtoMingood repair. Apdyo b. V. Solomons, Congress start, or at tHsoffoe. oc3-9m - H.J. STKOBHAR. FERTILIZERS A. LlEiter Ac Br<i^tdr’* RAW BONE 8UPEK-P1198PHATE »F LLW aw. PURE GROUND »ONE. r rassi FER1 3LIZBBS, being made Irom the best A materials u id a the moet approve' i “ anl “ r j * r ® confidently reco mmended at the brat i n the lOsrtet. a G- CRANl . A CO. A-. Grner tl Agents for the Mans lecturers, N' iwsrR, N. J- Meaara. LaRo< OX, VM -k DawiEt s, AgeniOia- Tannah, Ga. ' sep26.2m YELLOW CORN. 7000 - by stpa-tr bush ftls for sale low, to c lose consign BRADLEY, HIL L A CO., < No. IS Stoddards. Lot v«r Range. epre- :enu dfron ear, 1869. cents on . .fert.v re po neat li and ty, on tbe iitetday of twenty-one and directed sisaassa.* ss-ssiC ol April last, between the , sixty years, as an extra tax for educational pufoones, to pay the county debt, to meet expenses ol tbe County Oourt, aad increased expenses of the jail at tin present period, and otuer tnfoltoMu expendl- tU Ami it is further ordered, Mat fifty per eentam on the state tax he collected from all practitioners of law. physic and dentistry, from every dagnSrresn. ainbrotype, photographic, and similar artists from every auctioneer, from every keeper of a pool or bil liard table for public play, from every Keeper of a -bagatelle table for public play, trom every keeper ol btcn-piu alley or aUey of like kind Ur public play, —i from the keeper of any other table, stand or piwce for any other game or play with or without a * —_f.aa fna wwantloa Av m amnoPmant Afllv. UUl » unless for exercise or a amusement only, and not prohibited by law; and from every agent of, or engaged in any gift lottery, or enterprise of Ukeriiaraeter in Chatham county. ' GEO. P. HARRISON, J. 1-C. a.C, JOHN SCREVEN, J. J. C. C. C. JNO. WILLIAMSON. J.l. C,C:C. True extract from the minute*. WM. H. BULLOCH. oc9-30t Clerk L G C. T^ITY COURT OF SAVANNAH, JULY TKBM. 1 / 1866.—Wherese, Lewis 8. Bennett, Alvin AV. Miller, McPherson B. Milieu, Aaron Wilbur and Edward Bough, Grand Jurors, summoned to attend and be •worn as such Jurors for the July term, 1864, of the City Court of Savannah, and made default, it la or dered that they be fined each forty dollars unless they file good and sufficient cause of excuse, on dr before the first day of the next term of this Court • Whereas, Timothy Bielly, W. Qrooclsud, James K. Reilly, James Monahan. Jr., JsmeS Ray, William Ru therford, E. Robinson and B. Msllon, Petit Jurors, summoned to attend and be sworn as such Jhrora for the July term, 1666, and made default, it M ordered that they be teed twenty dollars each, nnlesa they file good and sufficient reuse of excuse on or before the test day of the next term of this Court; and whereas, Michael Goodwin, Michael Bryan, William Cullen, Thomas Pepper and Michael Norris, Talesmen, sum moned to attend and be sworn as Petit Jurors, made default, it is ordered that they be fined in the sum of twenty dollars each, unless they file good and suffi cient cause of nTSpag on or before the first dsy of the JSTutti *owell*fc Co. BANKERS, M A CON. 4). A. NUTTING, A. H. POWELL, . ISAAC SCOTT. GKO je2S-bm EDWARD PADELFO^^ Johnston, Woods & Co., Ceneral Commls’n Merchants Nw. ID gtaUard’s Uwer Baage, sepl-tf SAVANNAH, GA. FURNITURE. DEGRAAF & TAYLOR, 87 and 88 Bowery, sad 66 Christie lb, i . NSW YORK. CTILL continue to be the largest Furniture Maan- O Ihctmers in tho city. PARLOR DINING-ROOM and ' CHAMBER FURNITURE, Caeop; find Victoria Bedsteads, FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE, At 90 percent reduction, in price.QC3 NOTICE. T HE undersigned have entered into a limited part nership, under the firm name ol A. M. 80AR- BNOUGH, for the buying and selling of merchandise, both on their own account and on commMon. in the city of Savannah. A. M. SCARBROUGH, of Savannah, V 1 —I — ADDA If 41 TfflWIT rtf CORNELIUS D. VAN WAGENRN,.of the dty of New York, aretbe special partoeia. A bras* 8. Jewell con tributes to the common stock three thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-four sent. ($3,333 34,) andri-e said Stephen D. Harrison and Cornelius D. Van Wigenes contribute eath three thousand three hundrea-aad thirty-three dollar* and thirty-three cents ($3,333.33). Tbk partnership la to commence oh the 1st of October. 1664, and shad con tinue for one year, tb-wit: AMI the lstnf October, 1967: A. M. SCARBROUGH. ABRAM A JEWELL. bTBPHEN D. HARRISON. CORNELIUS D. VAN WAGES KN. ocl-6w IT POPULAB PRICES! HOSIERY IN WOOL, „ MERINO aad COTTON, Of all sixes and at all Rriees, at ths SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE, Orff & Watkins’, 0097 U1 aad U3 Clnmffireis N$trQ»«. Dissolution of Co-Partnorshlp SaTANnxn, Ga_ October 9th, 1316. rjrtHE co-partnership of Van Ho*x, Hollyoxx A Muiuut expires this dsy, by its ottn Umttattoo. 1 BOUYOKE A MURRAY. odS 1 CHARLES VAN HORN.