The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, November 16, 1866, Image 1

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•;m3 ■iiSwii: biijJ aJAi? IIO'I 33 ®f!iflH2irT“ ; : - .Ini .i > i . K^J J k f . VOL. 2-NO; 263. t Ml] SAVANNAH* GEORGIA. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1866. PRICE. 5 CENTS. Daily News and Herald. rouLbaia) int * A a. g a • S. W. MASON. ijl liAi ViaYANHAU. CiXO !...#idno. OF ADVEHXIS1NG. n-.TE "uNK Sii^AKE, Aral. Insertion, $1.50; eacli laser THE GEORfill LHifflRE. [SPECIALLY BEPORTKD FOB TUB NEWS AND HEBALD.j •.ion alter first, 75 cents.’ fie Tri-Weelly News and Herald •iijiuhe.l iit $6 per year, or 75 cents per month. and H ie Weekly News and Herald la issued every Saturday at $3 jier year. ,i <»it i*hi iva'M jaii, .trie, justly and ptoMMitfrtfrOSM 1 • t By Telegti&ph. MORNING DlSPAtCHEJ FROM EUROpfe i BY ATLANTIC CABLED oppression or 1*1.-«=*»“ CI.litM.Wn- 1(II -(i»veraor Kyre IndlileU lor War- jrt-Praitr, Trenltolm & «fc Meeoyer ,Ucir Ve»*cl»—-English ' Garemmeat la*' rllneil to Settle Alabama Clainu-Uyb j \fl crpnni Market. : ‘' ’ * •- “ losBOA. Nov. 13.—Tbe Admiralty have resolved to kf ,, a ..rung force pi gunboaU In the Chinese waters , a |ie suppression of piracy. me Jamaica committee have unaniinonsly resolved «indict Gov. Eyre for m order. The questions pending between the United States ltd Frazer, Trenbolm & Co. have been amicably uet- tied. whereby tbe vessels in at Liverpool. »l all other property have been released. * ■ ;,, The English people and Government seem inclined -. tile tbe Alabama claims if a demand is made by •ye United States. ■ London, Nov. 14.—Consols 96. F’iVi,s rJ'.- a . ,i | !.i j LncnPooL, Nov. 14.—Cotton heavy and irregular; to-day 6,909 bales. fiSisTo, Nov. 14.—Two more Fenians warecon- vicfcil yesterday and sentenced to be hung on llie 13tli nsxmbcr. NEW TURK MARKET. .1)1!I Cotton Dull. Xiav Youk, November 15.—Gold 11-1; Exchange neminul, at fie- for sixly days. Cotton dull and nomi- ul at 54 >£@33*ic. 1 A Destructive Fire in Athens. Fa,m an Occasional Correspondent of the News and linn ald. ] Franklin College, / Athens, Ga, N'uv. 13, 186G. \ Emjors News and Herald Siuce* I last wrote to you our ‘little town ins gone tlirongli considerable excitement Tim fiery eli-meut lias ^gain swept through our midst, and snatched, as it were, from our little town two of 1 'its very • important business houses. The two buildings which sere consumed occupied a very conspicuous Plate ou Broad street, where their ruins are iu suiting contrast wi th the general neat ap pear; wee ot our classic town. ;Unut two o’clock last Saturday morning .5re was discovered in' tbe building occu- peil by Messrs. Culm & Slion. As soon- ns iiie flames tveie discovered tbe alarm waB given, and the fire engines in town weie speedily brought from the .places they bad sulong idly occupied and immediately com menced pouring Itaeir streams of water upon tbe fire. Tbe college-boys were promptly, on the ■;iot, and many of them’ tendered efficient service in assisting the fire company, for rliich they received the thanks oi Maj. Cobb a behalf of his noble company. A great many articles were moved from the adjoining stores, find I suppose the “darkies” pkuished their wardrobes to a considefjwli extent, as a great many of them puseut. the negro Rfe , 'coiripany did ex cellent service. They worked faithfully, Hum the time their engine wits Vought into action until the fire was subdued. During the Are whiskey was passed around very freely, and about daybreak Saturday there was quite a jolly crowd assembled on Bmail street, in .140 vicinity of the smoking ruins. A good many .fights occurred, but no one was seriously'injored. But very little property was saved from filestores, which were entirely consumed, tie occupants being compelled to jump from the second story windows olT Jbe building to etiect their escape. Oi*s ot dfe firms had their good’s insured and did mJt loose a great deal, but tbe other lost nearly everything. A good many jokes have passed around among the hoys siuce the fire. Every one who has a new suit is certain to be taunted. *«b tbe stale rem£fckr-“Yoa Jiave txjpi* in flit fire.” Several very amusing dceuea.©h- Wired at tbe time of the fire.’ Au old Eng - lishuiau, residing here, repovered a box bf tobacco iroiu the burning ruins, which Wap j preprinted as his share of tbe plunder, by * a Vi 1 suppose, of: WOmpe8|ati0h lrfr uis work. While he was standing guard over ‘fi>»lreedman took a plug aiid ran off. The' Englishman ran after him with a big club, but before be could return another freedman had tiieu a [ilug, and thus it continued until the,, “‘deiain called his better-half tq, his assist-- ance. When the good woman arrived, 1 she deliberated^ placed the tobacco ilmt-waa rg- fflainiag uu ter shoulder and inarched home 'filfiit. “VtK.” "ereceived, after the above was.put fa lands of the printer, another young eplj le ge frieuds^coihmuhic> l i on * giving an ac tual of the sam e 'for which we return °ar thanks to tbe writer. Refuactory \V'iTNEssKKj-4Judge Macken- ^ presiding over the Court in Alexandria, ' a i undertook last week tttlise the aulhor- -1 of his position to compel two white and °ae colored witness to place their bands af fire same time upon the book to be qualified. J.'-i-t w 11 ., SENATE. »•*.. £ Milledokville, November 14, 186G. Tbe Senate met at 10 o’clock, A. M. “ Prayer by Rev. Mr. Brooks. The Governor sent in a message covering a communication from the merchants of Mil- lcdgeville, asking of tbe State the purchase of a fire engine for the city. Tbe Governor I'ecommendr .that the request be complied with, as the State has sb much at stake in the city- ,, BILLS on third reading. Bill to consolidate tbe offices of Clerk of Superior and Clerk of Inferior Courts in El- :*aiUUfjSau*fendthp charter of the Kennesaw Mining Company. Passed. Bill to incor(K>rate the Lumpkin Manufac turing Qompauy. i Passed., Tl^ Jiill^o ^noiify , the Cbunty Court act was madp the order for to-morrow. — ntnjduced a bill to render valid :erliii&ctijg| lnff^or Onsps dfjUftttcr tbe isMgc titEkS iuCoreatlk^6Cou|ty§ourts. Mr. Butler—A bill to repeal the act in re latioh to carrying deadly concealed weapons Tbe House resolution appointing a joint. ■Committee *t« make arrangements .far the ob scryance of. the fast day on the -2SW iust. at the’Capitol was conourrCd id, and Messrs. J. A. W. Johuson’ and 'Butler were app" 1 - 1 the poinuiiuee tm the part of the Spud HOUSE BILLS ON THIRD READING. The bill'to strike out from the act for the diet of indigent, maimed apldiars the won| Inoigehl” was parsed. ' /! r JO TJ Bill to prevent the obstruction by fish traps of Spring Creek iu Early, Miller|and Decatur counties. Passed. . Bill to amend the charter of the Southern Mutual Insurance Company. Passed, f j V? Bill to incorporate the town of MaTShSib' vilto iu*Mucou county. • Passed. The committee to whom was referred the memorial of S. C. Elam, Esq., reported a resolution recommending that as soon as the. -digest of the laws of (Jeorgia, should be pre pared by’ said 'Elam' and submitted to tbe General Assembly, it should be jbe duty of that body to*appoint a committee 4e examine and report on said digest. ,Q The resolution to donate to counties cer tain books was adopted. At the hour of 12 o'clock, M. the Seate ad journed. 1 . J „ .. .. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. I . f ) , I UIL1B INTRODUCED. Mr. Burnet,—To regulate building fish traps in Withelacobchee rjver. Mr. Morrow—To exempt persons actually engaged in attending grist mills from jury duty. Also, to prevent suits in the civil courts of this State till Jauu.u-y.lst, 1868. Mr. BoyntonAi-Tqj authorize Trustees of Clayton-High School jo raise money by lot * ! ai,.- courage the tillers of the Soil. His attention Titles now, as a legislator, is especially directed 'to 1 ' J the introduction of reliahle and efficient la- j The Raicigh Standard urges that the re- i^, And eyefy one who stishes well to his } jefoon ( ,f the Howard amendment may lead SThis Mbl^effort to emancipate t^^h'Re j' 0bn e rt ‘ ss to tha < leW^^R.Pf!^ate freemen of Goorgia from..their..dependence j Governments, and the consequent making .upon L^ 1114 aud and void of everything that has thus ftf the South — What will the Radicals Dal At the same lil&# JhdglS 36j&k '^fiftld act sound nad safatarr laRa'iogfJjie 3 ,govern ment, protection and enbotnwgement. ot the ffeedmen. Ignpwing, as hr doe-; that they, will, in all probability, remain among us for years to come, he would stimulate them’ to render themselves eflScient laborers, tp ‘ im prove their, social, moral and infellectnal condition. ■ • . ' ’ Burke may well be proud of him as a rep resentative, and tbe Suite will long and 1 pro fitably feel the impress of bis., genius, and his zeal upon her material progress and advance ment. ” G. Trial of Captain Rralne. - „ Captain Ursine, the captor of the Chesa peake, pleaded not guilty, to the indictment ih Ufe,pircuitCourt at Brooklyn, N. p., on Friday. He was" remauiled, and' 'lJUe trial will take plaeiToh the‘16th instant. captain - hr ainu’s statement. At the time he c‘upthre<l the Cbesaiieake (in December, 1863,), he held a commission 48 master's been done, stud says “the Ri^Ulbe that all pardons granted by the President will fall to the ground.” It warns purchasers, therefore, to be careful about their titles. In ri>ldi to jhif j tlje National, Ii^qll^geneer says that Congress is not likely to be guilty «f any such folly; but, in any eyeht^l can not touch the pardoning power ofhffie Presi dent. That is segued by the Constitution, and is beyond the reach of a two-thirds vote. In this conuectfa* the i'ollowjng specula- , ‘tions as to what will be the .line : of , policy pursued by’the Radicals, whieh we fatd in the Atlanta lutefUgencer, have ’the iMoom - mendation-of strmtg- probability: The New W.rk Wfirf.i iliiukb thul *o for an thefitouth 1 IshoUeernDUi Ihu lun«IMfo «uu« ,tft iit Oonfederal!-* S^ttUfS : T ll i' Jro -- - commission topri sist Mr ,^S(^^n's-irTo prevent obstructions in OchldfckOmie mar. ! Mr. AVillifirrhani—Ta increase the jailor’s fees iu DeKalt) county. Mr. Powell—To compensate grand and petit jurors in Decatnr county. ' Mr Maddox—To legahze acts of certain jfmikling and leap assoi-iations in Atlanta. u ’ Mr. Hill—A resolution to arrange for di- viig; services on the 22d inst. Resolution agreed to. Mr. Swann—To provide transportation fpr maimed soldiers when going lor artificial limbs. ' .‘..a , Mr. Martin—To pay Dr. Johnson for at tending to small pox in Gwinnett county. f Mr. Howard—To incorporate the Chism-* lee Blooming and Gold Mining Company- Mi. Lawson—To amend section 3883 of the Codfi, Also, to regulate the publication of citations. Mr. Gross—A resolution tendering tbe use of the hail to Mr. Jackson to deliver au ad dress tliia evening, ou relief. Agreed to. Mr. Hughes—For the relief of the people. (The Stale to issue bonds and tend proceeds to the people to pay their debts.) Mr. Humph—To amend section 16G9 of tbe revised Code of this State. Mr. “Starr—To 'ameod the act for the relief of administrators, executors, guardians and trustees, a? " Mr. Adams—To amend the act establish ing the County Court. Mr.-Tench—To legalize the sale of certain property of Joseph Bohanan, deceased.. Mr. Gartrell—For relief of soldiers in the late Gonfederate afmy. •Mr. Barnes—To pay; the last quarter’s sal ary of Hoti.‘ W. W. Holt, lafe Judge of Mid dle Circuit. ” - . J Mr. Sweariugen—Resolution to print re- t.ot .lhe ComuiiUiw .OH the Slate of the Nptsfreed-^'. THIRD READINGS. as an ’ Acutig ‘He'siys he-whs ordfrreiP T New York with a crew tJ cou- Chtnu iggotfe and men, and capture tbe Chesapeake. The crew bought tickets as passengers, and went on board as passengers. . : v ’’ to the rank of masteb, and received orders to proceed with a crew, jfo the city of Ihxvana for the purpose of capturing the United cated/under tBe cbhfficatiouwrm* 18(51, by the United States Government. I sailed lrom. Havana on the 20th of September, ,186<t, on board the Roanoke, with fiy.e officers find fourteen men, «he having,a crew qi fifty men hud officers and forty-six pas.seuge»'s. I cap tured the ship in lifiyriive minptes. ' She had-a cargo -consisting of 6{>0 bo^ea, of sugar, 700 bales, of. tobacco, 200,000,, ^gars, 3,000 gallons of honey, 820,000 in greenbacks, and *1,110 in gpltl-^j Jfl|e, Ship aqd cpt'O wfire valued at $500,000 in gold, r took the ship' to Bermuda, where, finding I could not' coal her, 1 Fet ijre tq her on the morning of'the- 9th of October, after putting tlie'^assengeis and crew on board abrig. i ” I was next ordered to RfclriribiiA where 1 airived tbe 16th of January, I860. I was then promoted TO a first lieutenant-command ing, and received orders for tbe North Pa cific. I left Richmond ou the 28th of Feb ruary, with five officers and^six men. <> Oo the 1st of April, 18G5, I captured the United States schooner St Mary’s at the mouth oi the PRfukeat) Aver, Mainland. I captured another vessel off Cape Henry Light worth ten thousand dollars. I had uu chart or sex tant, and arrived in Nassau on-‘lbc 19th ol April, having only twenty gallons of water Wjien I le<’t. I burned the St. Mary’a on the 13th of June, 1865. On learning the war was over, I sent my men to Liverpool, Eug- laud, where I paid them off. I sailed from NOTICE. T U6 undersigned hive entered Into a limited part ner-bin, tinier tne firm nstne of A. T. CUN NINGHAM, for the transaction q( a General Com- jnR-dou Business in the <*liy of Saysunuh. Air -“ tier T. Uunninghum, of Savanoah, Is the ge partner, and John J. Stoddard, of the same via the special partner, and coutribqtes ten thousand dollars lo the common stock. This partnership Is to commence on tile twentieth or Novcmher, Eighteen HU' drud and Sixty-six, and t„ lerinliiMto on ilte first of January, Eighteen Hun dree, and Sixty-eight, A T CUNNINGHAM, aoiiliwr ! W » < JOHN J. .-STODDARD, 'To amend the certiorari laws. Pa! To ditieuti' ‘sectioH 8,25a of the’Code. To punish persons who entice laborers to leave the service of an employer before their contracts are completed. Passed. To change the rules of evidence so as to arrive at the equities in a contract. Laid on table lor tbe present. . 1 ;- t AEW MATTER, .Mr. Barnes—A bill to regulate the issue of new bouds iu lieu of lost or stolen ones- v third readin6s. - s -* To consolidate certaiu railroad companies. Passed • To tax in Camden county two dollars each alldogs aver three owned by one person, and one .dollar each on >11 guns, pistols, rifles and muskets over ttvo owned by auy t ^To?uC0!t)(ifaTO S timjHa^imoh GoldMinmg Company. Passed.- 1 _ To amend Penal Code. Passed. ‘ To authorize titJlbferior Court of Decatur county Jp pay Supgrintemleuls aud Clerks ot Elecfftiffi. 1 ‘ PasseW ; To-make adytmees toffificers and membecs of the Geiieraf A^sfcmblyl Passed, and ordered trahstaitted forthwith to the Senate. To Amend the charier : ol Mount Vernon Academy. Passed. j T . To amend section 3555 of the tikdo. Id>st • For relief of J. T. Bridges, aad Jolui Sau- '*6n and jJ- Glenn. Rassed. _ , . To encourage sheep raising (makes it a misdemennor for poisons to hunt, without perinissioiy ttRh dogs in fields where there are sheep.; Paised. • ' To relieve purchasers of., slaves from pay ing for the same, where the slaves have been ‘“^SSkWdvtMcokoStale Printer. Massed. The Governor, by a resolution,. was re quested to subscribe for 250 [copies of the .1 .digest of decisions of the Supreme Court, 1 prepared 'by_ A. O. Bacon. Tb u 'vhitu men indignantly refused. and tilougU threatened by the Judge, and ad “onished that he had the powet..tP. coerce. U ‘ un ' lhe y persisted in their reJ)i8al; UMtil' a hhc-d to (,e sworn, withput the amalgam a- lion. Cotton Shipments —TheMacon Telegraph ■’yesterday sa ys: It wilf be; seen, -frem tfee, * ' trlls emeut elsewhere, that the railroad oni panies between Macon and Norfolk are fining a tilt for cotton against the 8avan- UQ l^nilroad and ateamahip line,- and have W freights to New York at is very low fig-, re - All competition is beneficial to the Adjourned. The Planter’s Association bf Georgia as- sembled yesterday afternoon in the Hall of the House of Benresentatives. About sixty hxjrjp^^rs ansiyerfd to roll-caU. After adopt ing some unimportant resolutions and ap pointing a committee to recpnjmend suitable officers for the p«rt*ap»«itr organization of tiie Association, they adjourned to 8 o clock, P M., to-morrow. Considerable interest is manifested mfhfa nfirifjjcn ispH itrifa- ai gratifying fact IthWC ^e^ers of the Legisfature are taking aach xnore than to the individual efforts of JzfonTZiLin either House. Ever since he a member of the ^epaUtup he Ras been persjBt^in hm { ■ .Ikeir miiMV ,Uu ywaiia over tbo v tto of the dtjutt tii'cir Ciui bill, and their FreeduienV iirti, iiufy no forther except by l»n>|>c»A(kg aitieudAiMflf. iu thu CtimmtiiUua. But Bttjpiadfuciitti. bcjii'g ull ratihed by three* iuui thd ut Ui<; blfiti.*, ijie of the Sooth to iWjUri'to them UuUi Ufa Pritoifiih, tiSi veto m iu reapuut U» urtiiinuo ffowM. ‘l it* veto, can pc Gi;t*c-JUie U> ^wo-lUirdu yi both Houses, blit the negative of thirieeu States (Ktoiuufcy, tonryUad aud Delaware makeup'the tbirtfiMi) on a proposed afljfiud*. vneut, cfja.iiuuawuy. bffi overcome till ipe uurnber of States reaches lifty-two—a forger number than we are evef likely to have. « ilte south, ilton, * ha# ftottriuf worse to fenr, as a coaacqueuoe ot the late aWiinp^ than a protracted exclusion,frum Congress. Negro suffrage cannot be iorcud oil theta except by an amendment to tbe Con- gtunHou, which they can checkmate. - Newt-penalties tor treason are eQumiy by the prohibition to *&r5 < ’ x .. i>tr Uiicto laws. The old penalOee have been rOiniticd by the Prebident*s proctoniatiini of lur&fy and his individual pardons. Tbe State govern-, uieutfi which haw b- mi tunned in .the South cannot be uotid, because Congress never comes in contact wifli thfih ex«A*pt‘id Judging of their oompetmey to furbish credcptiais tu members of that body. Dou* greas having already done its utmost against the 'SouUi, that section has nothing to toilthe consequence oi those elections, beyond what it already suffers. iObbgreRv, being powerless to wreak additional ven geance on Uie South, wdl probably concentrate their hostility upon the President. It they could replece him by a iiadical, they might admit the Southern Representatives without endangering their power, and thus escape the odium—an odium which will grow— ot preventing a restoration of the Union. With every Southern Senator and Representative in hit seat, the Radicals would still have a majority, both. With this Congress, and the next. But an long as we have a President disposed to veto their bill?, they would sur render fheif power by admitting tbe South. With the South excluded, the Radicals are too strong for the veto; with the South admitted* the veto would be too strong for them. If they conld dejtose Preaident Johnson, their chief objection to the immediate resto ration of the South would be the Southern vote in the Presidential election. The key to. the political situation is the ability of the Cougrgss just elected to pass, in the winter of 1869, a joint resolution decl&rMg that the Southern electoral votes shall not be counted. If they were insured against a veto, they could pass that or any other reso lution they chose, even if the South were represented; but the inconsistency ol admitting the Southern States to Congress, and at the same tune excluding them from Uie Presidential election, would be too damaging to be incurred. We may therefore be certain that, whether the President is impeached or not, the South will i >e shut out ol Congress till after the Presidential election. Seeing that they cannot inflict new pnnishment on the South, the Radicals will probably .try to make a scapegoat of President Johnson, and n ecu mil lain their vengeance ou time. Their hatred even of J^farsou Davis has become softened by the lapse of tiffd/ by his long suffering as an imprisoned Invalid, aud *«a- pucfoiiy by the fact that he has no power to obstruct . their designs. If the Radicals were allowed to de- LWerpoOl IQ Ike 8team^lip Helvetia, relying Cide which ofthe two should be hung, Jefferson 1M^ A on the President’s amnesty' proclamation. 1 or Andie* Johnson, they would giv» their rmoei i . , ... . 0 -•,„*. releasing the priboiiA-r aud executing the President. have been living i£ Savannah, ^rjjorgia, ever 1 * siuce October, 18G5, and was intimate with all the United States officers stationed there. Hevolitionary Plot—Tiie Radicals Con voke a Force to Back Congress. fFrotujHtf ffichmond Dispatch.] jMt w«pJ(iAA*radl»ilicaUsm~ aa thoroughly as we supposetf we appreciated its recklessness' and lawlessness, we confess we are astonished, to linA the following proclamation in l)it: 1 JUifcgV*>n Chronicle. The names tytpeuded to it are netC to Ms. What tncii- positions in their party rankatlr elsewhere, we unable to.aay. We jufer that they are the second third-rate men of their turbulent faction, to wbotu the leaders have left.this bold work of catUug togetlie, and organizing the force that is intended to sustam the revolulicdiary Congress. The following is their .roCttnlation;. ‘ • ‘ "Being profoundly impressed with llie importance of the struggle through which the cogu^y is passing. ’and ofthe nacewtity c#preserving the results gamed by Its triumphs lu the field, and more recently at tbe polls, the undersigned, a committee appointed by the Soldiers’ aud Sailors’ Union of Washington, D. C., do in their name earnestly invite their cojurldes, thf loyal veterans of the Republic,-with all oilier friends of the great cause of union and liberty, to meet in - national mass welcome and council to Jbe held in the the fedetpi capital, on i—rday, Oeccmber the lnt, ^^S?ask'your predeule m honor and assure protec tion to the loyal majority iu the Tinny-ninth Con gress, in whom we recognize faithful mtardtuus ol out- assailed institutions, and able supporters of the prin ciples involve^ ....... “Come in your might! By your presence show how sternly loyalty can rebuke treason. Prove thereby that the threats and insults of a treacherous Exeguuvc afliiost th# legislative,hranoh of the Government can- nut inti m i date' a -freei jleopldi • Here in the Erl era! Capitol must our great struggle cubninatu in wiseand eqnitaUe legislation. Hero, theu.gkaoldweussembic to encourage -and strengthen Coifeiess—to whose hands the Constitution wisely entroats the power—to such just action as will make peace permanent aud liberty univel Bab • r-i*. . ; He ill ‘f D. S. Ctotis, “K. J. Hinton,' * j^UHAH )\H A , i . L. Edwin Dodley. : "Correspbn'dence lit ftiVited, and may be addressed, B. J. Hinton, Washington,'D. C.” " Tbe National Intelligencer, referring tot this markable publication, states Hut it Irons from many reliable Bources that it looks to tbg establishment there mi'permanenoe of an oiganized farce, to be sub ject to tbe orders of Congress. We observe that the same number of the Chronicle-which contains this inflammatory address "to tbe colored , and uitizeps ofthe District of Coluw- reSS cells the persons thus designated to meet en mtlSse -at an early date" to consider the -best-means.of securing-their “yjghtfc’’—assuring all persons that they know their “rifffit*,’’ and “know ing dare maintain them.” Ab not much alaring la required for asserting end maintaining anything they please before the Radical Congress, we apprehend this anxltlary colored mess-meeting will be very Jarge- ; -^t2b tSSttssidmifci that “Jue notice will be given of the time of the meeting” thus called; and “every council-of IhudicE. A. is invited to-be present m tt Doau."- Th»8.,"U. I* A.” iadhe ‘Jlnion League uf America,” aeoyt j of secret order, having black and white lodges.-. Tbare are nine names signed to this Dttper: ill negroes, we suppose. Whether this mass meeting of blacks is to be timed to co-operate with the convention of “Soldiers, Sailors, and Loyal Veterans” She Republic, called in.the paper copied above, re- nfnsAO'bWteehT'Wdtiier it be bo or not, thetwo cannot be tor apart, and the black agnation will add something to the inflammable n^tenal of <he day. There promises to bo a commingling or “black rplrfts and-wldte ,, aronnd the seething cauldron of natioual ^guKifaie thsdnstrumenls with jwbicb Radicalism waeea its destructive w;ir upon the peace and safety of this country. The names of tbfe/whites which ap- ity for their oonvctltlon of lawle^tmeL are obscure. Designing leaders in dll great plots f ir ■'the subversion of authority and unsettling all the^ re lations oTsociety act very much through the obscure aud nnaernpnkras—tbe very outcast* «f society. Most of them do not like to venture-so far as to show their -hands m a step which may fall and invoke the exc- cration of mankind. Th.y are wil ing,, ho—™* * nroflt-by any success which may follow j a perilous movement. Should thusslbad inehMd<S**l in caUing ti) foe FederaTcapibft “BmiulUneously with L rreg n jrefa large number of those L Jled “tbVSl vfcMfan^fiSfthlst the dmcharged Fed eral soldiers aud aaUors, it is plain that their sasem- h»Tie nnder-tbe fanatical and lesocious counsels of S^ i’tZnmt and brutal men *»o- wW direct their movements, will be fulLof daiiger. Tbetrsnlieut la C8 G? 1 cmi^^t^ i PTcsident, being pnbbcly informed revolutionarvand diabolical plot, ttlHk pre- i nreserre ordgunnd maintain the antbority of mB „„ve?Se™ TlS^ole allidr indeed, nm, be a rose to frighten the President, and the emetfuily not Snect to hgre a great aasemblageol veterans or .ny aBSSaaamasS M(dhe day. and we shatt “rVLT-^iJISirilie devoioument ef these schemes rt°^hiSS^exhSthemrohldeeuaphase.of the Radicalism-- understand For Sale, A BICE PLANTATION, containing five hundred A. acres, more or less, plat ter’s measure, known is ” Murray’s Hill;” situated on tw Carolina shore, oppori e the cily of bavanttah, ou the beet pitch ot tide. On Hie ptice ate ample buildings for opera lives, dwelling house and o verse era house. 'terms liberal. Apply lo nolo lot OCTAVUN COHEN A CA .Insurance. LIFE \ AND: ACCIDENT. Ml ORIGINAL Traveler’s Insurance Company OF HARTFORD, CONN., INBL MSS AfllUiST ALL ACCIDENTS; -.'also IMSUBSa AUA1S8T LOSS OF LIFE FROM ANY CAUSE! : Whether Disease or Accident. . witi 'compensation for Personal INJURIES. tiQ.> . . KO’ » , ,i t »„ . k —— w .1 J^ATLS of PREMIUM lower than fhosd of auy life Compauy. v Ail approved form* of Life Polled, eii>e r wUli Of Without couip a nation for personal iUjUiiefi, as the applicant may deeire. CASH CAPITAL, s i i L $300,000 With » surplus of about $2-. 0,000. Miscellaneous. Dan Oastello’s 6BEAT SHOW I'.iru b-' TRillEDIVILB iHIliLS !i ‘ LIFE DSPARTilENT The Traveleth oi Hartford now Issues policies in suring against loss ot Hie iroin any cause, whether disease ur accident, with weekly compensation lor disabling hcuMeut, thus combining life ami accident insurance under one polic>, at the lowest rates of preminln. ’• ANNUAL PREMIUMS FOR LIFE. Policies for Life Insure against death from any cause, aud llit premium is i-arable annually during Uie. Rdlepe: $i,ikh>: I Ago of 30 49- SO S5 40 | Let loose in the streets, taken from Its - cage by the LOOK OUT f'6r TUB - . GRAND PflOl'ESOiDii. Knights in Real Armor, Ladies in Regal Rohes, aeett’s Carriage <>1 State, 'he Mounted Zouwes, Tne Cornet Band, Gclden Chariot, Unracc , Ponies . . and Rules, Will be prominently seen aud admired, Butlh“ NOVEL FEATURE WILL BE THE LIVE LION, Ordinary Lire Policy *1216 *13 56 (16 06 *16 02 (22 K Uombiueo Life and Accident 151C 16 66 10 06 21 SJ 26 75 Other ages iu proportion.. TEN TEAR NON-PORFE1TABLE. Ten Year Non-Forfettable Policies insure against death lrom any cause, and the premiums are all paid n;t in ten yean. Compensation bolds, under this formot policy, during 'he whole life. These policies are nou-:orl'eitable after two annual pay ments. Bate per (i-.Ouo: Age of 20 26 SO . 31 40 Ordinary .Life -i/if Policy $2614 $ 20 08 *32 66 (37 04 $42 44 Combined- Life and Accident 32 5< 35 37 36 76 42 91 48 03 Other ages in proportluu. Aiso, Term and Non-Forfeitable Endowment Poli cies at proportionate low rates. Tho Combined Life and Accident policy, it is confi dently believed, aflords the best insurance for the least money, and covers all personal hazatds under one policy. Aas. G. BATTERSON, President. ROONEY DENNIS, Secretary. fioa EI,1ZUll WHIUHT, Consulting Actuary. HENRY A. DYER. General Agent. H. P. STEARNS, M. D-, Codlnlting burgeon. A. WILBUR, General Agent Sonlheru Georgia, 8» B.iy street. WM. R. BOYD, nov!3 ' Agent in Savannah. THE OGLETHORPE intrepid HERR LENGEL, Walked aver a Platform and placed- upon a Cor and carried in triumph. THE GOLDEN CAB Q? ORPHEUS, „ CONTAIN I NO ECKHART’3 SILVER CORNET BAND. A Street Parade! Gorgeous to an Extreme ! Unmis takably Indicative of the Strength and i -j Resources ol Dan Costello’* Great Show, AT SAVANNAH, On Lincoln-street, between Charlton and Macon, for four day* only; WEDNESDAY, Nov. I4tii, TUUR'DaY. N .v. lolll, * 1 • FRIDAY; Nov. 16th, SATURDAY. Nov. 17th. ADMISSION... T9 Ceuta. Children under 12 years of age; ...$< Cents. .Separate Seats for Colnrc 1 Persous 50 Cents. Doors open at 2 and 7 o’clock. Performances com mence ha; f an hour after. Tito MANAGER in ftuno)iociug the Commence ment of the sSecohd Annual ‘Southern Tour of DAN GASTELLO’S Great Shoft*, U pteasni to be enabled to present au array of artfotic. names, c ,mprisin^ llie very bent talent ii) tiie wt>r!*1. DA.M' CAhS^ELLO, the ofld inal conversationalist. Will appeal 1 at each Kiitoitaiuineiit. and introduce filly ttforongblv Trained llorre In tuu ..c i - Untverto. tbc RUSSIAN RHAUPY, “ CZAR,” 1 CUtG^j^lAN STEtD! The Creature %iiib Uie Maue uud 8weepinj TdIT/6tyI^f ttti ♦•AMinfti with Sonl^tlio Par- aguuof ftoanty, Docility and Iuiclii- gonce. "W^ood Wanted. W ANTED to purchase ^po cords of OAK, HICKORY and BLACK JACK WOOD, to Its delivered at our wtiarl. Foot of West Broad street. Highest market price will be paid, m,14-30 C. K. OSGOOD A CO. Golden Ale and London Porter JjlOJSl sale by the case, at 176 Broughton street, by Irish and* Scotch Whiskies, C HOICEST BRANDS, for sale by the cask, barrel or puncheon, at 17C Broughton street, by nou!4—tf % P. SKEHAN. Fine Bourbon and Rye Whiskies GINS, BR.YN1HES, WINES, &C„ ^y rrH a fine stock of 6ROCMUKS, Boots and Slioes*, L ATEST Styles from the Beat Namsfac- t urt-rs, at 176 Broughton street, by novl4—tf P. SKEHAN. REMOVAL. . t ,i . ; , rpHK subscriber has tMa day removed his eEtsh- lisiimt-nt from Congrem street to 199 Bay Street. , w_ , THOS. U. WILLINGHAM. t»t. Wholesale Grocer. no!8-2w TOBACCO. 1BOXES Tobacco ^ ±4.) VactoUB grades, JUst received, and for sale by n„14-|w WM. H. STARK A OO. Large Brass Key Found, iranaicn thaosbiac.ttih applying at tu» JtV Office, or toiatl .HANUSXf ut the Merchants’ Bat k. nol6 ~ 3t '[a. youths* History of thf Great Civil War. Z-VSE VOLUME. l6mo. SR ptfse, with illuMra- ten*; Price (l oJ. Just rec^vri, acdjoc »(le by,,. nol3 ; I AT- MTOL k BROTHER ■jeStiion prov* tbi jrotect stock i introduce che^i l i? f ’ and the Savannah line ffiuat wipe their] advance and promote agricultural P-ctaclcs and look after th^ir interests. | and generaHy -to elevwt^pmprove ' c aufactnring.. Company, In Mnrnh^dfr 1 Afitil Isat, went ARROW TBS JUST RECEIVED and ready for debvtry. in lots to suit purchasers, by . nol3-5t BELL, WTLLY A CHRISTIAN. pAmpfily to work, ani ltfi fiflScera expect f wear a complete suit Ol cloth made by their machinery on New Year’s Day. Tjite i» doing up maUeiKwith dispatch. ■ j ” Who knterMrfc GaramAnd Orangeburg, South Carolina, by (he citinmtof thar place on TftC IreeifiWjw i?t npjgfr to bum the inur- by the whitea. - J vsBnah, ga. • - ... - n 'Jj W.. **9*jm«k BwWiei-n RAW BONE r r ; SlPES-PMSPHATfi OF LIME PURE CUE. from the bea( Mom. ... ir ■ •- u.J» «ftfa* « Wy General m*l» *" ** LAitocani-wmt« BJMnuTAftSMiMh- Insurance Comp’y OF SAVANNAH Are prepared to take Fire Risks «t Reasnable At (heir Office, 117 Bay Street. H. W. ME! CHAS. S. HARD. J. T. Thumbs, See. [ERCER, President ire, Vice PreaMeat. n. W. Mercer C. 8. Hardee William Hunter A. S. flartridge A. Porter U. Morgan J. Stoddard J. T. Thomas W. Bemshart t. L. One H. A. Crane A. A. Solomons M. Hamilton W. W. Gordon myT-tf Directors i| M. 8. Cohen i. Lama J. W. Nevitt „ D G. Purse ° A. Pnllarton i. McMahon L. J. Guilmartin F. W. Sims G. Butler > K. Lachlison E. P. OlatOn, Angusta J. w. Knott. Macou ‘ B. P. Ross, Macon W. H. Young, Colnmbur Miscellaneous. New Fashions for 186ti. J. W. BRADLEY'S CELEBRATES v DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DODBLE SPRING) Hoop Skirts. . W. BKADLEY’9 DUPLEX SKIRTS hare printed in RED INK, on the band J. W. BRADLEY’S DUPLEX SKIRT. DON’T BUY ANY OIHEK. Ton can always find fall assortments at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT J. C- MAKER A CO.. ' LATUROP A CO. ' ASK FOR J. W. BRADLEY’S DUPLEX SKIRT ‘ AND , -sn’v THE NAME ON THE BAND.” For as!, i.i raiaunali at Wholesale b> J. C. MAKER A CO., LAERKItP A CO., ORFF A WATKINS, Retail by * .1. «: MAKER * CO„ L STHROP A CO., 1>B WITT A MORGAN, EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, ORFF A WATKINS, . THOMAS PEPPER. At wholesale by the Ax dnaira Manufacturers and Sole Owners of the Patent, , WESTS, BRADLEY A CARY, Wareroome and out e, Nos. 87 Chambers, and 78 anti 81 Raade st., tio#-3m New York. NEW MERCHANT Tailoring . Establishment. T HE subscriber would respectfully Inform the citl zeoa of Savannati that lie baa tuat received, and Is now opeitioghhe finest Block of goods in the above line iu the Sonth, consisting of Superfine Black, Bln*, Brown, Amelia and Olive Cloths, Doeskin, I/tndon Bes vers. Fancy Coatings, Heavy French Caasiuieres, for Busincia Suits, Frosted Baaver for Overcoats. Fine Velvet aud Silk Vestings, Ac. Having an EXPERIgtj£F,D CUTTER and the BEST WORKMEN, I am prepared todxej cate any orders In my line In the n BEST STYLE OF THE ART- ALSO. A splendid assortment of FDRNlSnlNG GOODS of every kind. Give me a call and judge lor yonrselv. s. W. 0. KENNEDY, oc31-lm Screven House, Hull street North. River AGRICULTURAL WORKS. C T RIPPING A CO., *8 and 60 Courtlandt street, W New York, Manufacturers and Dealers In AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS. “ Moe. 10,11.60, ts and oo Plows, celebrated Mo hawk Valley Steel; Clipper Plow; Horan-power*, Threshers and Cleaners, Fan Mills, Ac. COTTON GINS. Emery'* celebrated Saw Gin. McCarthy's celebrated Roller Gin. Dealers supplied. Send for Circular. EUUNELt RUNNELLS, ’ ITte embodiment Of Grace and Style, will, ■ If dim his . TWO PRETTY AND GIFTED BOYS, Render a pledsinirseriea of livi -g pictnr, s, width, for ease, exteilcitco and eltgaie e. have never before been witnessed iu. America. 'This young Southerner aud Ids twwL-ttteChildren couetimte-l the leading attract]' Dale -the principal Theatres, Hippodrome. and CircnseS' bf the Ota World. Papers praise them' Journalists endorse the m! People pronounce them ««*§ ! ' - ‘ ' THE HATOUTTE LEAPS ' Are kjSdlklttlre'in'lGl Great Show, aud arc given in a .style opal tempted by cotemporary concerns. , , ,WILJa EXHIBIT AT Qaitnuif, Monday, Sov. 10.1 TtmmiuviUe, Tuesday, Nov. 20. ' vildod&V Wedhestey, Nov. 21. m - Jasper, Thored*,, Nov, 22. J icksouvllle, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 23 and 24. Lake City, Monday, Nov. tf. Tiilinhsam-ri’TIW —lay and Friday, Nov. 20 and 30. qaincy, Satimday-Dec-1. lit C Of Folim accommodation of the pnb ! ic, to avoid the crowd at lb* Xickec Office, Tickets will be sold at the PULASKI HOUSE. (r? < iih>cfc8rfir. DANIEL H. LONDON. NO. 63, BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Shipping and Commlssira Merehnat, YTTILL sell all kinds ol Tobacco, Cotton, Bagging, TV Grain, Seed, Ac., and will execute order* wr baying Merchandise and Produce of every descrip tion. Consignments and orders solicited. . t j 4 t MBFEBE.NCES. . . . j .* tn JtkvANlUB—lAjor A. Porter, Dnncan A John ston, N. A. Hardee A Co., E. K Hertz A Co., John ’Stoddard. - I IN NcwToU—W. C. Lanjley A Co., BarcWy A Uvmaaton, Wm. Watson A Cot. ..a Liberal advances allowed on Cotton shipped to Messrs. Byre* Evans A Ou., Liverpool. ocl-Sm ORANGES. 2&ym Superior Florida Oranges, 7 * ‘ 25 boxes Silver Skin Onieas, i t , For sale by oc30-tf A WILCOX A CO. FOR SALE, SBBYicEABLE DBAFTe HORSE. Apply ad Pulaski House Stables. . ,, ft MoOINLT, a*-tf « Bcroven Ho WINTER INPLOm. Anno PER MONTH and expenses paid Main or KlUU Pronto Agents, to introduce n Hffir ami Useful Invention, of abaolnte ntWty in every house hold, Agents ptefoilng to work on eommlsMoacah •am from (M to (66 per day. ForfuU puticaton, anctass stamp, and address W.G. WHAONACO., osn-fim CleveUnd.lOMa New Rio© for Sale. at PLANTERS’ RICE POUNDING ] •MEAB GA88 WOKKB, t { i yyHOIJI andhaddiraglBce, 1 a. n. isisnsoa. . J. 1.1SBEWS M)i\fi & CO. ' 'iFiLOTORB, General CMmisMon awl Porwariliug wouLj*a MKIICHANT8. CORNER DRAT7QN AND BRYAN STS . Mavttnimli, Georgia. Mwuti T-! , rQl aett .on Commission, Cotton, Bice, Naval Stores* Beni Estate, Produce and blerchandifttf.' ■ - \ '/ . Audi wilLflft tbe boainm of ^Receiving and Forward- iqgp wfiftr jdiq^ach, to ull American and European ports, 04 roftsonabiefornts. . < ; Hie ifttfoi kSc irded euntomers. OuBsigmOeat]! and osdeca sobckMl. novl-lm -M. Hunt, COM. MB|rAKBR '* STATE HTHKK ‘ TJT EKPS constantly on-hpmd, tiio finest and purest JV os ... i q Ffeitch and American ;••• CONFECTIONARIES aw CHOCOLATES, Jellies; Cordial, 8yrnjfc, Figs, Nats, etc. '• also, ,i: ‘ ' ’ Valv nhi»a and Fluey Goods, India Rubber Toys, Dohsattd DoU Head* Wax. MsHts and Chian, Dobs sad DoR Heads, 1 t:i! 4.'.. rDeU Carriages, Fancy Baskets, ete. ban .- . .. ' NOTICE. TO ALL WANTING FURNITURE r nit opening for (he iiispcrtjoii.ur ibu public, ft flue stock of CABINET FURNITURE, CHAIRS, MAT TRESSES, &c., Ac., To vhlrh the attention of all is invited. T" Wardrooms, 176 BROUGHTON STREET, Sher ocfc’sold Dry Oooils Store. (16-tv 8 H. UAUKINGTON. Bacon, Hams, Lard. y UST received mud fdr sale- 25 hogsheads Clear Bacon Sides 56 hogsheads Clear Rib Sides 30 hogsheads Prime Bright Shouldeis 20 tierces Pure Kattle Rendered Lard 25 tierces Cho ce Sngsr Cured Bag-red Hems 16 tierces Sugar Cared Uncovered iinm* • W. a WHITNEY A CO., nolO-tf No. 4 Harris' Range. Bacon, Flour, Salt, &c. JQ HOGSHEADS C E SIDES, 10 hogsheada Bib Sides* 5 hogsheads Shoulders, 30 c&sks Hsms, Sacks Turk's Island Suit, Sncks Liverpool Salt, 100 sacks Superfine Flour, 10 quarter-casks Sherry Wine. Apply to uov€—lOt BELL, WYLLY 4 CHRISTIAN. Z. N. WINKLER, Commiaaion Merchant, tto, BAY STREET, OvkK THE STOKE OP llOTHWKLL A WHITEHEAD, Will attend promptly lo tbe sale of all merchandise entrusted to him; alto, to the shipping of cotton, and to the proper getting np of nil marine papers. bcl7—Cm COTTON GINS. JJEbT McCarthy Gins, Livingston’s manufacture, kept for sale by BOUSE A BRYANT, 0 -22-lm m Bay street. B Y a- Young Gentleman, within a short distance of i “ > the Poet Lidice. ' Address no» • M. COBUM, IJpH many pears a Teacher, Tuner and Repairer J? of Pianos in tins city, soUeKn a share of patrou- Gntora lsft at H 8. BOGABDUd' Store will meet with prompt aUentton. no2-lm - ;ok: t ;i wn UPJULMI’S OLD MILL.” J UAL g cO, , /"VltlTg aafl Tt&Ml alwa,* «• band in. large qnanti- W.fcdAMsito groniwL aadreaoxsak* it especially to - - — itjiMiofiH Wit, - ill, Dr.N-M. Sneed, For Sale. nen ACRES, sasee nr lens," JPINE LAND, In the HjU 36th Distract of Glynn County. Also, 614 acton Mixed Lind In Glynn emmtR known an Pepper's nsmmni* Also, MBK, acres in Leeeonnty. Also, 490 acres Fine Land In Pierce county, Ga. * Apply to • O WM^flAEUBtnwr^ W^ISTTJED- •lAA AAA P O U H D ff' UBgluiad Cotton aUU 5 UUU wanted, tor which-the highest price wfil be pnkA offjii'ssStetai"a,nr G. N. OSGOOD A OO., Rowland's Old Stan*. r jMasvwhut ei.iitrtl bid ativfcfi aH isdJ lo noiiojncs jui without fire- . .htoiftows ptaarent tocauttos to tha Cttj.ApptoatUSBonUEraadsmst. noiffilw ad