The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, November 21, 1866, Image 2

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The Daily News and Herald* sv s. w. mason. BY TELEGRAPH, SAMUEL W. HAW* — W,t * t. thowpsoa TfficiaTPaper of the City. WE9KEWAT. jlUVEMBBK 81. 1BB6. ••OSTMAITBB* Are authorized to receive subscriptions for the NEWS a .,D HERALD, Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, »tour advertised rates. TO Ol’R COUNTRY FRIBKOS. As much Interest is foil throughout the oouutry lu regard to the proepeote of the cotton end other crops »•„ will be grateful to our planting friends and others n tire interior for Information on that subject. Those Kilo llftVd opportunities for obtaining valuable Infor mation In regard to the growing crops, tbs working o f*h? free-labor system, and kindred matters, of gen eral Interest, wtU confer a favor by communicating th* 5*mo to tm. . NIGHT DISPATCHES. FROM EUROPE. BY ATLANTIC CABLE. Preach Oevtraaeat sad Mexieaa tkmrm- tloa—French Troops Uavlng Koine— Loadoa Market—Ketorm Meeting in Kaglaad—Liverpool Market Cotton 9** Tax on LlqnoB. Ill* operation ot that section of the tax law having reference to liquors is causing much dissatisfaction with a large class of our merchants, as well as the State authorities. A3 it cow stands, '.iquora are taxed every lime t£ey are sold, aad a number of ex pedients have been adopted to escape the payment of the tax, which can be done without violating the strict letter of the law. For instance, a merchant in the Interior of the State sends to a gentleman in this city an erder, which he sends across the river in South Carolina to be filled, making no re turn to the Collector, claiming that he only acted as agent, and bo on, until no one pays any tax but the retail dealer; thus defrauding the Stale and effecting a practical discrimina tion without incurring a penalty against •»' own liquor dealers, iodavor of an «tside "^his is so manifestly unfair to a large class of the merchants of theStAe and prejudicial to the commercial trade of our cities, that it is not to be doubted for a moment um Legis lature will correct the evil by prompt legis lative action. We understand that a petition for the re peal of the tax is being numerously signed by our merchants and leading citizens, and it Is to be hoped that the Legislature will promptly adopt such action as will relieve onr reviving commerce from the embarrassing effects of a law so discriminating, unjust and impolitic. Prospect op a General Amnesty.—The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Gazette says : “There is a rumor and an impression existing among very intelligent gentlemen of every shade of political opin ion that before the assembling of Congress the President will issue a proclamation de daring a general amnesty, with a limited number of exceptions. The reasons for prompt action in this matter are so apparent that they may have induced the current be lief and report. I can trace the report to no authentic source, but am among tbose who believe it to be highly probable. Columbia and Augusta Railroad.—A vote of the citizens of Augusta on the question of authorizing the City Council to subscribe $100,000 to the stock of the Columbia and Augusta Railroad was taken on Monday, with the following result: In favor of tbe subscription, 537; opposed, 89. Tbe Chronicle regards the vote as authorizing the'subscrip tion, while the Constitutionalist, holds that the law requires a majority of the legal voters of the city to be cast for the measure in order to get the question before Council for con sideration. Railway Meeting in Bainbridos.—Tbu Bainbridge Georgian ot the 15th inst. says— Wc understand that the City Council of BaiDbridge, at their last meeting, appointed a c'lmmittee of nine of our citizens to matte renewed efforts for increasing the subscrip tion of our city to the capital stock of tb* Atlantic and Gnlf Railroad Company, and to that end a meeting of tbe citizens of Bain- bridge is called for this evening in the Court bouse, at 7 o’clock. In Candia the Turks have conquered the “Cretan Insurrectionists,” and, by way of showing the United States Government bow to act magnanimously, have granted oa the spot a general amnesty to the insurgents How poorly does tbe boasted Christianity of this country contrast with the humanity of tbe Mussulman! Quxxmrowa, Nov. ja—Noon.—Tbe Inman .team- Aip City of Faria, from NaW York. Nov. 10, touched here this morning. an rents to Liverpool. Praia, Nov. JO.-It Is said M. Mouitier, French Minister, is preparing a note ea the Mexican qusw Hon. It is understood U will ba conciliatory toward the Unite* Sutra and wtU not object to the recogni tion of the Juarea Government. Preparation, tor tbs evacuation of Boms by the French troope will be anally completed on the lSlh of December. Lomov, New. JO—Noon.—Coneole, 30)4; D. B. Flve- Twenttee, T0K; lUtaoto Central, T*J4i Brie, *0. St. Pxtzsdum. Nov. J0.-A proportion hae been Introduced in the Hoorn to authorise negotiation» r f a loan of forty million* ot Borina. Ifiiimm Nov. JO.—At tb* NaHonal Reform Conference, held In this city. It wai reeolved to nee |U poulble effort* to connteraot the tactic* of the To ne* and to prepare to* outline of a Reform bill. LtvnroOL, Nov. JO—Noon.—The ootton market open* qqlet and atsedy, at ltd. lor middling uplands. Busineaa thua for indicate* a day's sals of 10,000 bales. FRoa Baltimore. Orest Masomle Display—President John son In Pnll Beguile-Five Thousand Masons Presnut. Bai/rnronx, November JO.—The Masonic display In ^ddegttkms participated in 1 stdent Johnson, In full regalia, appeared on tbe por tico in front of the residence ot Governor Swann and reviewed tbe procession. He afterwards, accompa nied by Governor Swunn, proceeded to where the cor. ner stone of the new Mesonlo Temple was being laid and took a position on the grand stand. It is eat mated that Ova thousand Masons were in the line. Legislative Proceed! nga. Millvoostill*. Nov. 30.—The Senate has passed a biU to exempt on* hundred said sixty sores of land in the country, and Bv* thousand dollars worth of pro perty in the city from levy end sale. The House has appropriated five thousand dollars to bury tbe Confederate dead. The State I the JJd Instant, as • day of I therefore this Bank will be closed. jlU pgpff felling duo on thtt dftjr bi ittwiin I this day, Wednesday, by I o’clock p. n. nojl-lt 0X0. W. DAVIS. Cachin'. NOTICE. Omci or t«x < *** B **S?aSnln. Nov: Jo. USB laUhtsfln The Anna , - . ny will take place at the Banking Hones in Savannah, on THUBSD AY. the 30th *TDtoember. at 11 o'clock a. m. Stockholders will be passed to and from the meet ing free ovtolwpempsay'* Hoad, ton presentation of their stodleefHBtotoJd th* OoniWor*. , ~I nojl-lm T. M. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier, Attention, Washington Fire Company, No, 9, 'i!bU Attend an extra meeting of your Company THU EVENING, ett e'cloofc. Punotual attendance is reqneated. By order of PiXVHhow*, 8fO**rj. Aldermen Feed, Wader Jfeialer. A* N. Burroughs, Waring, Meyer, and O. CL 1 Tbe meeting wee called-to receive the report of the medal eomn.ittoe appointed at tbe la at meeting of Council, under a resolution of Alderman A. N. Miller, as fellows: Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed n—mrtoeasehetiiweidptecttcehgityofdredg. tog the bar at the •‘wreck*’’ by ploughing, and report yfca same to a special meeting of Council celled for lefoEownwnuipedcoAinittoe were appointed— __trmen a.N. Miller. C. C. Miliar, and Edward 0. Wade. The committee submitted the following me- NOTICE. Omon U. S. Imnii RcVuun, Fznsr District or Gaoaoia. SAVjjntAMi TO, IK A K The attention of Cotton Fedors aid others inter ested, i* celled to recent regulationi of the Trmsnrj Department. >fl ■ * I '> No Cotton grown to thl* District will l-ereafter be allowed to be ahipped froto this j»$t,with<mt having tbe Metallic Stamp affixed, as prescribed by order of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, September 3Sth, 1866. C. H. HOPKINS. noJl-lt GAB CONSUMERS Will piaaaa taka notice that all bills for Gee due laid ember must be paid on or before WBDNBSDAY, the flat lnatant. After that data tha no » utuaa arm in cut off from all persona to arrears, and ONE DOLLAR extra will be charged before tbe soppjy will be. re newed. W. F. HOLLAND, nol9-3t Seeretery. Sale of Savannah ani Charleston Rail road. CnaaLssro*, Nov. JO.—Tbe Charleston and Savan nah Railroad, subject to sundry liens, sold at anetlon to-day to Jaa. H. Taylor and others, for thirty thousand dollars cash. Wanted, B Y a competent Engineer, who hat had expe riecce for several years in Australia la quartz crushing, malgramating. mining the reefs, end also eonsideiable experience in oH well staking ta Penn- yWauto. Ohio, etc., aud general machinist, a place where his services may ba needed. Address THOMAS BXOM1LOW, nol» ’2w Box too Post Office, Savannah. Go. A. RICHARDSON, MERCHANDISE AND SHIP BROKER, 194 BAY STRESS', C ONSTANTLY on hand, and/or able at lowest mar ket rptea, , i.'» Corn, Flour, Bacon, Whiskey, etc. Vessels of alt sizes for charter. solS-tf Raisins, Citron. nro BOXES, half boxes and quarter boxes New ZDU Layer Raisin*. 3.1 boxes New Leghorn Citron, for sale by HILTON A RaNDhLL, nol9-3t 193 Bay attest. 180,000 BRICKS. ^.REY ERICKS. Hard Brown Bricks, sort Brown Bricks, far MleJow by no!9-3t ' BRYAN, HARTRID&E * i ^ YOUTHS’ History of the Great Civil War. O tions. Price $1 6ft. nol8 NE VOLUME. lOmo. 686 pages, with illuitra- Just received, and for sale by ■STILL A BROTHER. Woman's Rights Convention. Alba nr, N. Y., Nov. 10.—Woman's Bights Conven tion met here this morning. Lucy Stone, Mrs. Hoi ton, Parker, Filsberry and Fred. Douglas were promi nent delegates. The usual resolutions consequent upon sueh gatherings were adopted. New York Market. New Yoxx. Nov. 20.—Cutton active; .sales 1,400 bales, at 34fe36)4c.; flour very dull, sales 6.009 bbls., State, (9 15911 60; Ohio, flO 76913 T9; -Southern. $12 76916 T6; wheat Arm, deollned 293c.; corn Brm. sales 67,000 bushel^ mixed Western, $1 27: yellow, $1 2691 27; while,' $1 29# 1 30; beef heavy; pork heavy and Irregular, Mae* $22 76; lard heavy; whirl key dull: sngar quiet; naval stores Steady and quiet; rosin steady, $6 12X912; gold, 41. Mobile Market. Moboa Nov. 20.—Cotton sales to-day, 800 bales low Middling at 30c.; Middling Me. Market easier. ■altlawr* Mnrket. Fusat, November 16th. Corvaa.—W* have only to report a aale or 230 bags strictly dioloe Rio at 111/0, gold. The bark Wlntfred is to the bay, with a cargo from Slo. Cotton.—Receipts and etook good, but with the de cline in gold and prices at Liverpool, per cable, there is no inquirv either from spinners or for shipment, ead the market eonttonee much depressed; we give the rang* of prices, though nominal, as follows: Upland. Gulf. Ordinary 2*9— cts —ota Good ordinary 309—cte —<&—ei» Low middling 3-9— cte —9—ets Middling 349— cts 869— cfc* Good middling 369— ot* 3*9— cts Floub —The market la Inactive, but holders exhibit confldenoe, and are unwilling to accept the same price paid early to the week. We have only to notice lo t bbls Northwestern extrsat $13. Quotations generally remain unchanged, though for most part nominal: Howard street super ead cut extra $11 609312 26, do extra shipping none, do high grades $13 60@$15 25. do family $16 609(16; Ohio super and cut extra $11 50 9$11 73, do extra shipping none, do retailing none, do family $169$16 *0; Northwestern super $10 'a# $12, do extra $12 609$13 30; City Mills super $119 $11 75, do shipping blands extra $1} 609(16; Haiti more. Welch's aad GreenBeld family (17 50. and Bal timore high grade extra (16 76 # bbL Rye Bour—new (7 7*9(6 24. Corn meal—City Mills $5 60 ft bbl. Buckwheat—we qoote at $$ TS9$4 # 100 lbs, as to quality, to bulk. The inspections ot Roar and meal in tbe city Baltimore for the weak ceding November 19, 1886. were as follows: Howard street. 9,496 bbls. and 00 half bbls.; City Mills. 1.150 bbls. and 00 half bbls. Ohio, 9,739 bbte; and FMaUy. 2.9*0 bbls and 00 half bbls. Total Wheat Floor. 36,668 bbls. and 00 half bbls. Together with *63 bbls. Rys Floor, and 1,078 bbls. Corn Meal. Cona.—6,806 bushels white, end 1,300 bushels yel low received: demand good aad prices steady—we re port sales of 4,000jbuabate new white at (191 19; in ferior ranged as low as (9 eta.; 2,000 bushels old at $1 1691 22, bulk at $1 9091 JJ for good to prime— of yellow 1,000 boskets old at (1 16; several small lots asw at $191 10, as to eeudlttou. Vi.ww • IM * *- -*- ~ -** * . am TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. DR. SNEED, Dentist, is now extracting teeth w ont pain and without the slightest danger to the pa tient, by a late Improvement lu dentistry. Offlee No. 117 Congress street, over Pepper’s store, near Bull street. 1106-lm NOTICE. Neither the Captain or Consignees will be respon sible for any debts contracted b; tbe crew of the ehlp John Patten. n.'16-lbt CRANE A GRAY BILL. SPECIAL NOTICE. TO WHOLESALE GROCERS, LIQUOR DEALERS, DISTILLERS, DRUGGIST8, GLASS AND SOAP MANUFACTURERS. Essential Oils, Extracts and Essences for flavoring and improving Brandies, Whiskey*, Rama, Wines, Cider, Ac. Age and Body Prepsraiiors for Neutral izing and Mollifying Whiskeys and Spirit*, Extracts or Holland and London Gift, Colorings, Gam and Sugar Syrups, and Fruit Juice*. Dr. FECCHTWAN GER'S Treatise on Fermented Ltqnors, with 1,600 Recipes *ud direct lens. DRUGS. CHEMICALS, OXIDES, ORES Ac. Fob Soap Manupacturhbs.—SilUcato of Soda, Sa lable Qlas*. or Liquid Quartz, to Dry, Crystal Liquid, or Jelly form; Caustic Soda, Seto A*h, Palm aad Coeeanot Oils, Soapstone and China Clay. AH orders rant to me will have prompt attention, And every information required will be cheettoQy given by .i ■> JOSEPH W. FEUCHTWANGER,' No.' 09‘ Cedar street, oc3l-3taw3m New York. Your committee, to whootwaa referred the reao* ludon to relation to testtug the practicability of piow- the bar at the wreck*. leeaeet- from all tbdto- SMS attach (he toachtoe and pro cure the services of a propeller for ten days, to work on both ebb tote* in the twenty-four hours. Upon dtoenEatlon, however, with His Honor the Mayor, be presents what may be a aeriens objection to Me utility, and yoqr committee, not haling author ised to advocate the expenditure of the pubue money Without dn* recompense, would suggest that the repoCllfoiRsnSualonv to Council at its aext regular meeting, and that any expenaato axemialng Into the ime be paid by thiaConncib (Signed) A. K ilrteraiaa E. C. Wade made the following iiij : jmtoniTT mxroni. The aoderatgned, one of tbe committee by hla Hoaor. ttw Mayor, to take into eon Ao.rh(g Ham to aamnlt bis obJeettona to tbe posed plan: Its adoption would lead to a wasteful expenditure of money, with rhinott* results, by stir, ring up and drifting with the current u maos ot earthy matter, which would be deposited at some other point below, and form a now shoal, or alas be drifted back by the oounter tides, and deposited whole it wee originally dragged up. The constant ■craping of tbe steamships over tide shoal since the close Of tbe war is the beet evidence that no good re- likely to be attained by the plan proposed. 1 as actual soundings token at this point ■bow that, notwlfhaanditig the scraping 01 ] heavy steamships forced over and often grounding upon tbe ahoel, the depth of water hae rather di minished than increased. This most continue to be so until tbe removal of the crib obstruction* to the liver sear Elba Island. The deposit near Mg Intend tm but the effect of tnoal cause*, which can only be permanently remedied by the removal of the cause It self. The free flow of the entire liver is Impeded by the onbe. and the currant, restricted to a vary narru* opining, Is Cheeked and set hack to ltrlowar Ante, depositing it* earthy particles at certain point* where eddy or alack water prevails. Tbe evil* are ere long to be removed, and tjie city baa Jnst entered into a contract for a costly end powerful dredging machine, which will efficiently remove in bulk the land and mud that baa .been, deposited near Mg Island; thnagtrihg d eertain and permanent channel of any deal.ed depth to and from the oity. Under these drcumatences the undersigned deems the pro position of Alderman Miller inexpedient, and reconi mends its prompt rejection by the council. (Signed) EswanD C. Wadb. Alter some debt:* aa to fho adoption of the majority repeat, Alderman Burroughs offered the following resolution, which wu adopted: Resolved, That both the reports of the majority and minority of said committee tat submitted to tue above- named gentlemen, ea experts, for examination and report. Aldermen Hunter stated that Major Williams ~ ~ ' Vwas considered by the •ubtniUed to GWieraln A motion being maos for an adjournment, Alder men Waring called for the report of apeoial committee appointed at teat meeting of Council to obtain a legal opinion and replyto the objections of Hon. Georges. Owens, Senator First Senatorial Dietrich as set forth to his letter addressed to Council, giving his reasons for not advocating the bill about to be Introduced in the Legislature eotfued “An act to reorganize tbe Mrs Department of Savannah.” Hie Honor, the Mayor, decided that, according to the rules of Council. (Rnie XXL) no other business could be transacted at this meeting. Tne motion for adjournment was adopted. Council adjourned. JAMES STEWART. Clerk of OouncU. NOTICE. 2 All persons having unadjusted claims against the British Schooner ONI. GREGORY- must present the time for settlement before or on the Zlat tost no*0-2t Notice. The Mechanics’ Saving and Loan Association of 9a- yaDigh, having made to the.apderpigned aa «stegn- moTitef alLor Its property and effect*, for the benefit of its creditors, all person* having claims against the corporation are requesteff-to'pteeent them to the nn- dersigued, and all persons indebted to said corpora tion will mile payment to C W. W. BBUEN. Assignee of Mechanics' Savliig and senl Sm Loan Association of Savannah. Oats.—8.900 buahels oAsrsd; market doll and prices 1930- tower; sates at IJW bushel* at 60#61c.. mostly at letter. Lmm-We report sales of 60 M feet good Vir ginia Flooring at $3*930, *0 M feel North Carolina do. at (30 per M. MolaSrxs.—No mte* to-day; quotation* nominally unchanged Assignee?’ Notice. Babb or SAVnmAn, \ Savannah, Georgia, July*. 18*6./ a—We quotespirlla turpentine at 759 | The undersigned having been appolaied Assignee* : *om*on_«an, $49$*; No. J, $6# ] 0 r this Bank for the purpose of ad]anting and liqui dating 1U affairs, therefore ill parsons h*»J against this corporation will present tW bill-holders of this Bank are required to pi same within six months from this data, 6r toby will lose the priority granted by statute, and those In debted will make Immediate payment to * T • H. BRIGHAM, GEO. W. DAVIB, »ep6-tf Aaelgnecs. Assignees’ Notice. NaVal 80c. per . . _. . . . _ $6 60; No. 1, $8; pale, $99(10: supply and demand both light. Tar is scarce; w# quote Wilmington bbls. $49*4 3*. Pnovmona Bacon iheulden are scares tor imme diate wants, aad steady at 1614c-; sides are more plenty aad irregular to prices, ranging as to quality aad quantity from 17)4 to 16c. for rib, and 18)4@l*c. fur dear rib. Hama an dull at 21921)4c. for ship ping and 39c. for good eugar-cured. Bulk meats are dull and uneataabb, and quotations entirely nom- InsL Lard quiet and nominaL at 19c. for dty and Western; jobbing late 16)4*;; Baltimore refined in kegs, 19c. per lb. BUSAB.—The decline to gold censes a dull and heavy market: are hear of no sates today; quotations nominal m last quote*. Barman wars again reduced to day )/c; no stock of hard crushed or soft A; we quote Maryland Company's B white 14)4c; C extra lilac; C yellow lie; circle O l*Xo; Baltimore Company's crushed, powdered and gran diet ad quoted at l*)4e; A white Wto: end circle A lie. Sntrr.—Maryland Ooaapaoy's Golden la 6c lower, nhw quote at 83e; Brillur* Company's do 76c per gallon. ' Balt.—W* notice the sate ot n cargo of 10.000 sacks Liverpool Grousd Atom, to arrive, on private terms. Tb* market Is steady, with mbs Areas dealers at (2 2* 9$2 SO ferOround Atom, and $0 109(8 23 per sack for fine, aa to brand. Turk's Island dull, but held Arm at 6to # bne for tote from store. Bkisoles—Are scare*, aad taken quickly at (12 30 for No 1 Cypress. Wniaaai—Continue* dull; wa have only to nottoa a ■null tot of Country at $3 00 par gallon. No tales of City or Western; quotations entirely nominaL SALT, SALT 3 oaa SACKS Liverpool Balt, In good order, ■0UU tor sale low, by JNO. MCMAHON A CO. Law Notice. 67" Hit tmdi A me second «d has removed his Law Ofltoa to of tbe old City Hotel Building, HENRY WILLIAMS LUMBER I LUMBER ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT Cjff LUMBER FOR Lachbeou’e Foandty. Alto. Cypraea ■hlngiea In anj quaorlry.. oc»—lm 1 • » . TO COTTON PLANTERS. TXAYING been appointed Agentg for the Stated XA. Georgia by the patentas of BEARD’S PATENT LOCK-TIE, Forlartoerpsi r, TST& Augusta, gJ3s orto B. 9. METCALFE A Ok, *OG, Msecs Cetten Matrlxat. Maoov, Nov. 19,1866. There was s better demand for Cotton today than S several days fiat, though but little disposition on part *f hcldera to eelL Planters seam more dis posed than ever to atom; to preference to selling at though the lower grades are tn bat fimfted request. G Boarding. OOD BOARD can ba attained, wife a Ana lane room wife fireplace, by early application at No. ' novl9-tf UFA' pet* For Sale, AG0MB AM* CARTE, b# E. F. METCALFE A CO. Liverpool Salt -piunBtoi solid at BELL, 9YTLLT*fcHRHTlAN. Assignees’ Notice. The undersigned, having been apjpolnted Assignee ol the Merchants' and Planters' Bank, Is prepared to enter apon his duty. All blUholders. and other persons having claims against said Bank,, an re quested to present the same for liquidation. Aad all parties indebted to tbs Bank are requested to make immediate payment. BlUholders will their priority If the bills are not presented within six months. HIRAM BOBEHTB, anSl-tf A SURE PILE CURE. Dr. Gilbxbt's Pile Instrument positively cans tbs worst easels of Piles. Bent by mall on receipt of $4. Circulars free. Sold by Druggist*. Agents wanted everywhere. Address J. B. ROMAINE. Manager. Be. 676 Broadway, New York. oe*l-l id Mechanics’ Bank of 1 Tha of the Farmers* and Mechanlca’ Bank of Bavannah. Georgia, hereby notify Mil-holders and other ctelm-i ants against the said Bank to present the tame for M- qultfatloo. and all imhom Indebted, tp the Bank are required to make Immediate payment. BlU-hoIdera will loss their priority if tbefctU* are. not presented within aix maths fram this data. JOHN RICHARDSON, J. E. GAUDRT. , Jz?vi aSBz*. Alderru*n.#*q(ljr cQhrad th* following reaototlon, whloh waa adopted 1 Jteaolvad, That top Senator and Eepraesutady** from Chatham cdfmty he telegraphed to that a revised lira bill la being prepared as* substitute for the one seat np, and requesting them to defer any action stll such revised bill reaches them. Counrii edjonrned. ^ v A Clerk of Connell. sfeto JAWd- L- Bterat Lttotttka time re-, gP < r returns has ex- f!-SL Notices ^ Aa 1 Orrr Tnxxsirims'a OTTjc*. Aavaanak, October H1Z6A TAX PAYERS are hereby notiied quire* for the payment of quaeteriy pired. end they are earnestly raqtwated to esll end pay their dues, and fens avoid additional sxpenes and the Issuing of executions. * JOHN WILLIAMSON, oc24 City ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. priority of their claim* will ba tost, unless presented Nffefealg mo the from the time of iwhtumtmt af the assets If tbe Dank. • A. FORTER, aul6-d9«rfrtl ar 1 alCtwii w daily for INSURANCE I INSURANCE Ii T'.jjzswxsmm. friends and tha public that-they are prepared to eflkot Fire and Marina BEE* to ton ffia#% ■Brat, companies, at eetaMtobcd totes, aadgpnctta Peruvian Guano and Phosphate. itoC TONS Genulna Parnriaa Guano, direct from patronage* I/O . _ INTBMNATIONAL INSURANCE OOtoFAITY, of a^d ganraatqed pure. CONTIKEKTALINBURAS6B CO.,of (t. Leuifo Nw For ante lew, by . itlfc'B. OTANk'9 00. Golden Ale and London Portpr yoteariehytoaamtttoMi^^MtoetearithF Depot, Mo. MMn steaat, TtearYork. ggU by aEtoeffRiil PRltoi teiiHitoi gtetoi tortpstotojii 1 nfely <ti -,i J j-' q tn,-. i i,iiituau|i at ^oiJI V .JiroiHWE.'IA A UrGil D-7Sw UaVAjniAn, Nov. 19th, 186*. Tha Board met pursuant to call, to receive the re port at special committee appointed at teat regular meettag of Council to obtain a legal opinion, and to present to Council a written reply to the letter re ceived from Boo. Georg* & Owens, Meaefor from Chatham county. Present. Hor. Edward C. Anderson, Mayor; Alder men Wade, Hunter, A. N. Miller, Wyliy, Burroughs, Waring, Meyer and C. C. Millar. Tha Committee presented their repot, and, .! , On motion ef- Alderman Burroughs, the “Act to re organise the Tire Department of tbe Cityof Savannah,'’ aa BTreented to the Legislature, was read. Afrtrdiwaaaloaof the act, Oa mutton of Alderman Waring, tha papers ware hen np neriatim, and the letter of Hon. George 8. Owens, Birnamr, was read, a* follows: Snui Cm nan, ■ MilledgevUl*. Nov. 12th. 1666. j 7b (As Mayor and Aldermen . tt of the City or Savannah: Gentlemen—Your representative, Mr. Ruaeell, baa presented to the Legislature “ A bill to reorganise the Fire Department of Savannah,” accompanied with a resolution of your body requesting the Senator and Representatives to aid to ita passage. Upon a careful examination ot tbe bill, 1 find several important ob jections which will preclude my favorable action, and I beg leave to present them to you for your coaaldera- JliraL The bill, although not oxpreealy proposing an act of incorporation, yet approacnee it so closely as to indues me to consider it drat iu that view. Under the sixth eeotion 2d arttole of the Constitution of the' that* of Geoegla, tha power of the Legislature to lr- oofporal* la limited to certain kinds of incorporation. A Fir* Company to not on* of the excepted cases, aad the Legislature ta not therefore authorised to act. Tha tew leave* no doubt that thiate a private ooepo- ratten under tha definition given by the Ooda of Geor gia. te#ton» 108 to 1*36 Inclusive. Hthla lanot aa act of Incorporation, it is, in my judgment, a subject of municipal sebon alone, and therefore within fee control of the Board of Aldermen. Again, the fifth section of the KB proposes to repeal all lawa and partaoftewigtetogacuipaeato Alstonoe to tha Sa vannah Fire Company, except ao much as allows them to bold and control their funds. Tbe effeet of ■its clause would be. in mj Judgment, to annihilate fee existence of this company as a Fire Company; and that if It shell become a law, thl* company would have no future right or set la their organised capacity to the extinguishment of fires. I cannot nut that snob wa* ttie Intention of Council, and if it e?. 1 in a court of competent Jurisdiction. The Council la of coo rae fully advised of ita own powers, and I do not propose to do more than simply state that, to my opinion, U»ie ia no sense for legislative iqj '■It 1. arrive from pasture Entertaining these views, I have thought tt wniy proper to reap)fea* to your resolution to advise yon of them, and as forming the reason why I cannot give Gnoaox b. Owns. The legal opinion of Hon. K. J. Harden, corporation (Money, was then submitted and reed; and fee cor poration attorney was, on motion, requested to lay hie views before Connell, after which Alderman Waring oflsrad the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the bill be referred to the corpora- tfoo attorney for amendment, and report the same to an adjourned meeting of Uena«lfor Tuesday evening into of Low Walter, of said maty.deceased! at 8 o’clock. Theeear*. thtnfern tocMeaad ifrnnateh sM Duplex Elliptic AEDUW FLYNN A 00. Stag* Maaagvr Mr. ■BIST LAMGDOM. Acting Manager Jlr. WOOD BBNSON. Lewlcr cf Ore^tra,..,,^r. f1C-^i- D ^ »^#mnq#U«AEhteW I I ' "• anlt0r,a "’ Teeo»men.led by fethlon UigBzlibfl y the Standard bK18T of tki 8TART STOCK COMF*HY.^ wona. WKDNH8DAt i>YBNIMO. Mte. iff; 186$. Tha greet Moral Dnma, to ( aete, of to* ncEBf J *± OVBBTURB. , iU J .OSOHBhTRA. To eondnd* with to# Operatt* farce of fee 8Wise COTTAOM. The lateat NorelUte are to preparation. For partioulen, to* ProgTStoBae eff the flay. Doom opau at 7 o^took; Curttto rite* at * o’clock precisely. Box Offlo* a pen mm from 10 till • o'clock, ncdl .■ 30 Joan D. Ftaa, M. D„ Chairman Board at Health FLORIDA PROPERTY Irbr Sale. A SPLENDID RESIDENCE. ALSO, A LARGE TRACT OF YALUA- - DEMAND ^RADLEY'S CELEBRATED Ust of Uncalled for Freight Corwin, T. B. QMWmltete MnvwtoHe Oolqulit, H. H. 11 Dnyadnle, Mte 9. A. Dixon, Preston E. LADIES will Bad all styles, laelndtog tbe XUPRK3 TRAIL, PRIDE OF THE WORLD; PARIS TRAIL . ' - IMMOVABLE, 9a, lor sal* a! the lowest market prices, by J. C. Maker & Co. wuSMJf * • The Orient Mutual insurance Company v Vtl. <CS Wall (treat, I NSURES CARGOES and FREIGHTS i i - - - _ rtne Rinks. No Fite Risks titan from Marine Riaka. AS9BTS, JULY 18T. 1080. $1,137,018 9G, AFTER PAYING ALL ADJUSTED This Company have made arrangement* to ia when desired. Policies and certificates payable in London and Llverpuo , at the Counting Roomaof Messrs. Diske, Klelnwort k Cohen. TTNDBR, | _U Waylas Baker, utBrawoN, 8IM0V Dn Visa*a, JOBIt & WILLIAMS, AIXX. M. LkWBBsOX, town FaXD. G. Foszxn, UauaOS CBB18T, HlCUAXD p. RlUtDLS, John A. kalli. Joe! uaoxha Moslb, KCWAKB’F. davizok, A. LnxoTBB, Jr., B. H. B, UYltklt. Lawbxhcb Wells. verm y AVTU JOHN AUOHI3CLO*a, find by virtue of • deems of the Hon. J. _ i Baker, Judge of tha Middle Circuit of Florida, I will of* foraeteoaMOMBAT, U* 17th of December, tiefafe'the ObiA ifottee Odor, In (he town of Quincy, Gadsden County, Florida, at public out cry, to the highest bidder, a very desirable dwelling house and let located In said town. Sold dwelling oontafna nine elegantly finished rooms, and la fur nished with gas flxtares—olueeu and bath rocma conveniently arranged. Said lot baa on tt ml Deo* ■ary out Douse*, eoetlattng of a kitchen, storehouse, servants' bouses, carriage house and stable in good repair. Adjoining mid lot, which oomprlana two ■ere*, are ain* acres ei land, which will be sold there with. ... Also, at fen eame time and place, a Plantation con taining twenty-sight hundred acres of good .cotton land, well Improved, lying sad being In tbe county and Slate aforesaid, shorn eight miles east of Quincy, known aa the “ Gideon Piaee,” aad described as the south half Section tv, Bastion 33, tbe southeast quar ter, the east kalfof southwest Quarter, and the south west quarter or southwest quarter of Section 33, the west half aad the southwest quarter «f SsettouHia TIM, north and west, the northeast q sartor of southwest quarter otanotton fi, the n*nh half*/ Section 4, the north halt thdaonthwest quarter, amt the west half of southeast quarter of tteopon 6. the northwest quarter of Section s, toe east half of north east quarter of Section T, the aonthenst quarter sod tbe east half of northerns quarter of Section fi, in T. It 17. Said toads sold aa the properly oi tbe es tate of Harriet B. Gunn, deceased, and will be divid ed, if desired, into low i# anil purchasers. Terms—Ooe.third of purchase money cash; the balance payable on tha first day ol January, 1898; note* drawing eight per cent, tateraat from date, se cured by mortgage on tbs toad sold. WILLIAM H. GIBSON, no31-3awtds Administrator. FOR SALE, i/.A J . -ii'J LINSEED oil, boiled and raw, • 1 j • : • -• , / ,1 t ; , / PRIME LARD OIL, No. 1 MACHINBBY OIL./* W BIU T MA ? »(EQ>l^ :!Uj ;i i", |A LARGE LOT OF THB ABOVE OILS, which wu are Mftflng very lt*r tor CASH. Proposals Wanted. P ROPOSALS are requested for tn* fallowing named Public Weeks, aa directed by naoJuttoB of City Connell t First—To rasters the banka of Bcrutea** Canal. Second—To restore the aolvert nader the Central Railroad embankment, being port of the wreck of the wooden sewers raonlag through tho lend* of Meters. Giles * Bradley. Third—To bolld • brick newer fear feet deep, east or and parallel with tbs Oaail Fourth—lb dig • aaattoaHen of (dbote oaanl, from the Tbnnderboll to the opening er tbe Park NW8T. Parties offering hid* foratbeebov* specified work, or any portioa theraeC, wU euteril fee serna in writ ing ic lie underrigneti, who wiU ten* the naeaeary inionaatioa as to thn datalls. Bidden maatatate tee lowed ptlcte with BBteaa of eacnrtttes, aad handed to HOWARD a WADB. Otetaaen Ccmmitera on pry Culture. noli-lOt Ona Tjvn SHOP for J? . no when ordered. Apply to nofl-st TRUSTEES. Gaillaed, Jr., FxakoiS CriTBUf,.. . ALax. H. Hamilto*. Jr., Unones F. Thobas, ' C. H.SAMB, W. F Cast, Jr., COBB'S K. SOTTOB, w. A. Saul ID4AX»HaNR, Jab as Baows, K. D. CanULK William soball. Lbofolb Horran, Wk. a. WuaoH, F. Cousin BBT, GUSTaV Scwhab, Jobs F. ScunrnLKX. KUGENB DUTILH. President ALFRED OODBN, Vice President. Cbablbs Ibvhki. secretary. : Applications received by J..T. THOMAS, Insurance Aseot. noJl-tf ll7Bxy »tt»«t. i SHOOTING NATCH, -y^-mi RIFLES, will come off on THANKLQIViNG DAY, THURSDAY, 22d Inst., at 1 o'clocknt my plaje, for a GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN. Parties may bring their own Bides, or Mr. 8TK- VKNS will furnUh them on tbe gronnd. Refreahmente, Wines, ke.. can be had. nc91-3t F. BROADBACKRR. ! "W^anted, A TEACHER for lhe SAVANNAH OATHOUC FRRR SCHOOL. No one need apply nnleea competent to teuon tbe cl«*ste< and the higher branches o' an Bngli-h Eduoati'in. Salary, Twelve Hundred Dollars, for the scholastic yaw of TEN MONTHS. -Appltrat'ons tn be forwarded to the Right Beyerend A VRBOT, Bishop o'Muvtumab. no21-fit JOHN A. POWER, Secretary. W- Blake. Ford, Gordon. H. MtlctefiUJJeat.J.0. ffathanz, L 0UB.R- C. PdlMB, J. Roane, W. R. ■milk, a H. Shorter, A. Tsnae, A. A P. T. Ward, J. A. “ ^Johnstone, 0«o. H. BU'en, M. B. McLanghtln, W J N. O. P. & a. Hmlth, Dr. H. I. T. W. Wilton. F. Wade, t. W. E- P. TCNISOS. Aveet Sea Island Cotton Plantations FOR 8ALE OR RENT. SEVERAL large and prime Sea IsUni Cotton Plantations on Diwfuekle Wwd, wltn awfUlnra and out bnildinga. Also, several Bice aad 8ea bland Cotton Plants. Hons on New River, near Savannah. Apply to ■ofiO-lWif J. 8TODUAW), ^V^OtarieatoB Newt please copy and rend bus *> Market Stalls. CITY MARSHAL'S HALF U NDER the Ordinance of the Cityof Samoaii and under direction of the Chairman nf the Market Committee, I win sell on WEuNhMjAY, De cember 5th, at 10 o’clock a. m., at ilic Markcu uie BcaC Email Meat, Vegetable, Coffee and Breil ttin'to. In no Instance will the bid of a person be re lived who to not a Bntcher, or Vender of Mtut, Provisions or Vegeinoles. THOMAS 9. WAYNE. ao30-14t City Ms sbal. iSATANNAfl MUSEDI CHIPPEWA SQUARE, £JEXT door to tl.e Theatre, open daily, Soadajj excepted, from 9 a. m.. to 9 p. m. Colored pcopU WiU bp admitted on Tuesdays and Fridays. no20-Hn« THRO. MEVKS. Canary Birds, Canary Birds. LABOR lot of Singing Canary Birds, Gold Pinches, and a handsome variety of Sea Shells, cor ner of Drayton and McDonough streets, by noJO-St* . , ' THSODORE METIS. TAKEN UP, A COy and CAT.F, yellow, with white spots; has been In my poaf atoa about ten days. Bhswfll be delivered to the owner u port calling on mo atVTS Bay street, and paying expenses. no$$ L. T. WHITOOMBE. Potatoes, Onions snd Cabbages JJECKIVING, and tor sale by L P. CALLANAK k CO, aodl t| Comer Habersham and PrealfiiBtato. LOST, 0*u TUESDAY night tost, a POCKRT BOOK. < V/ taining rams moaev, and aoine note* and pagan valuable oily to Ike owner. Tbe finder may retain the papers to tbe store of F. Solomon, opposite the Marshall House and retain the money. So question* asked. nevtl A. W1LCOXI STATE OF OaOIKHA. ° all whom D mar c«M CHATBAM COUNTY—TO - Rice* Rice. I atoaFrime Rangoon Rice reeelvod par Bea- Mavk “GEORG A JOHAN," and for aaie by BRIQttAM. HOLbT A CO. mzrmm Auction sales JK'i OW -.til :•!. ' Heraei, lain, Cattle^ Jf»gn»y Boggfea, CARRIAGKS, At., Atfiha Veterinary Stable* of R. W. CAMPBELL, to ‘ afreet, between Jefferson and Montgomery efrasta, tomaeacn an WBDNBSDAY, Sept, life, end Wednesday thereafter.BgMjf Wanted: OABD WANTED by a Gentleman, for himself, i wife, child aad servant, in a genteel private fra- where the comforts of a home cen be enjoyed by lag for them. Address Pori Offlo* Box 740. .m m: .. ■ -V. Hftlet for LOT Of HULKS tor «le ebeap. i«t i;;:; aiders btablh, West Broad street, : Opposite Stats. Whereas, fotnie. Phll ipe will apply at the Court of Ovdtotey fov^Lateawof AifrrintotiHnu re thn as- It may oososnL to he and appear baBDraa -j Tto-frey in«,«nv GOOltn mike' okjwdoo (if iaj f fint Monday In Januiy arid, will be granted. Wltntos my official signature this 20 th day of No vember, 10*6. D. A. —- no21-iaw4w OTATE OF GEORGIA: I O ali whom it may Whereas, Bridget L of Ordinary for ijiicn ntteef Hugh Mnnahan. of reid oouaty, daceneed Taeto ore, therefore, tocltonnd admonish ail whom It may eotipera, to b* aad appear before aald court to mans ohfecIlOB (If any they have) on or before the SwuimSateR^.W 1 I Wltaeaa my •amber, 1861. noix-iawlm omoUl rignatnre_thto lR^de^ef R» * *■" FOR;, REST; poURFuntohed Roena, pleasantly situated, aad two Bmcarat Booms, anitebto for an offlee and Steeping Room. Apply ntTMiOynpA i WANTED, tkentxa, a Jmsll np vhlch they mu lire ’occupants. Aina reqaired. Apply to L AI H S! ,000ESS—'KSJSVS For Sale, inquire at HORATIO I1TCBMR .-ga Under the Bluff. EDWIN E. BERTA 9 (XX aAT.m, FLOWR. 90* barrels v ’■ ij 1 Mfird,rto: No*. ‘ will he fcr s>)* by OoreacBavand Draytonalrrete. Bacon, Lard and Flour HOE SALE. |QQ CASES Dry Salted BACON, 90 tierces LEAF LARD, 96 barrels CHOICE FAMILY FLOOR. It barrels BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, 19 half hamate BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. M bags BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, which we moat respect folly ask nil those who ARB IN NEED •f say article tn our line to eiVS US A CALL before making their pure hates elsewhere, as we are determined to give satisfaction to all. CASE & HARRIS. nol54t - Mapes’ Super Phosphate of Lime £I0N8TANTLY on hand, and for sale by PUR8tt k THOMAS. Agents, No. Ill Bay street Cotton Beams and Frames. Yy/ B have just received a superior article of share, which w* offer for sale low. PCRSK A TH0YAS, no20 No. ill Bay street - Groceries. A AA BaRBELB FLOUR, 41/1/ M barrels Pork. In hogebe* <ls Sides, to hags Rio Coff a, . M bags Java Coffee, 100 boxes Cheese. 29 Arena. Batter, 90 boxes Pickles, 99 barrels Clarified Sugar, Ufi boxes Flpeb. 10* Blue Mackerel, IS hogsheads fngar, 90 half barrel* Mmskerd, ltSO boxes Sardine*. IS cases Table Belt, 690 boxes Soap, various breads, 19 bates Almonds, to boxes and half boxes Baiafos 19$ Caddie* (3 pounds) Choice Tees 10* boxes Starch, 1*0 boxes Bern age. 300 boxes Adamantine Candles, *• ba re is Vinegar, 90 barrels Lsxd, ' asM-fit Comer Bay and Barnard streets For Sale, Bennett, Van Pelt & Co. 109 WATER STREET, k\ivt YORK CITY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS For fee sale of ‘ J OOTTON, NATAL STORES, van era will be made. Especial attention given to all totbrefortbe purchase of Gere-al Merehaadta* In Mew York. ^ , . seen at t York. . C^., » . _ References—Bryan, Bnrfridge * Co., T. H Mnrahall 9 Bra., savannah ; St. Nicholas National Bank, New BLANK BOOK PAPERS. C* p J1 HOBBLE CAP, UfiiiBMY, (UJL I fit! MEDIUM, SUPER ROYAL, 6 I flHfiWJYOBX PRicIM lluUd Cooper, Olcotts & Family. ■»{$ '■■■ V Valuable'Wharf Property / vREMOVAL ■ALL LOUIS wouldreswsotfuBy Infiwmhre _ patrons end the public, that sha h** removed fee latest efrias. Alma Biiheriira mptag. Ae^stthe ehocteqt aotira. A AAA* 01 ®* 18 TKiOW co * Jl - Thn ridewheel steamer ANNIE. ______ Lltht draogW afiar. and very fast, with a moderate conaumpo" ot eoai. T Tbe above steamer will be sold low. «»• mediate application to made toCapt. GKO. at tha FatoaU Honse. or at the office of ***»?•. 3, DUNBAR A OQ„ 167 Bay street. noiHL- Valuable Reid Estate FOR SALE. J OFFER for sal* the following named proptdr Two DpeQiag Housee, pieaaantiy siioated. Two vncfiht fre simple Ballding Lola One-half interest ia Boose and Sixty Aens, mw or leas, at Thunderbolt. For particulars, inquire of the nndrealped-^ Or at the store of , RALPH KKLDBM. , B017-1W WCougretoRmeLtovtowMt- cn BAMULUA. B, e at^Ext^C 90^ 0U to half barrels Powdered eurir. g for U boxes Brown andYeJiow W. B. DDFTT 4 00., t07 B»y Street, . 1 • - .wi.tici 'Hs&St rfileeolvcd Of 1 alto* are anfepriard w CO-fARTNBfflHIP. * LWf^'