The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, November 26, 1866, Image 1

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ul | ; . 2-NO. 270. yy News and Herald. PUBLISHED BY j \V. MASON. Stbitt. Savaksam, Gao ; Bi» .. .Fire Cents. $3 so. *10 oo. OF AOVERTXsING. Ht irioi-Mlon, $1.50 ; each lnser 5* if-" r iKi: ‘e*.* ceD, t i r ,.feet!y News and Herald • j»i*r year, or 75 cents per month, and Weekly News and Herald *’ 6 every Sa :urday at *3 per year. - It I TV TING, THE GEOKGIA LEGUBE. [SPECIALLY BEPOBTED FOB THE NEWS AND HEBALD. SENATE. Mni.EDOEvit.LB, November 21, 18G6. The Senate net at 3 o’clock p. m., and, on calling the ( roll and ascertaining that a quorum was riot present, adjourned, in re- vrhich were filled with beautiful Lillies, of whom Mr. Shaw is a most ardent admirer, he continued: spect to-the State fast day, till the 23d. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. AFTERNOON SESSION. The House spent the whole afternoon read- ng bills 8t second time. iJIlrtl e <>U l|tt ly nod promptly done. y Telegraph. N ING dispatches. profit Washington. . s ^ oV . ’21— General George H. Hteuart, _ era \ jn the Confederate Bervice, was ,.(Lty by the President, upon the earnest tiyi, of several distinguished officers of army, iir-aded by General Grant; the At- ral abo coincided in the request, iiiiaceof the National Course took place to- r 4 curt spectators were present, including mi anil siaff, Secretaries McCulloch, Stau ivuing. & ir Frederick Bruce and many igntehed gentlemen. The race was for j^OOO, nnle heats—best three in five. The r i were the famous Dexter, the trotter, ami the pacer, Polly Aun. In all D, xU r started behind, but passed his an- the quarter-polo was reached. His ,first heat was 2:20%; the second heat his id him as last as he coutd, and he made beating any time he had heretofore nt on tlie Kalamazoo course. In the third .a the time in 2:2‘J. , 4 and was not pushed, ut Polly Ann came in two lengths be lt in the other heats the pacer ci^me in . it in second. Dexter runs in Kieh- u ity ue.\t, when the seasjn will close. jiurU rs of the Department of Arkansas n-Urem Little Rock to Fort &mith. From Kiirope. jY X popular outbreak against the i ; s.iain is liable to occur at any mo- jj. ma cs that the Queon will abdicate to . -It is reported authoritatively oil baron Riccasoii in foreign ; v.2J. -A number of persons accused j iui bee:* an eated a: Li/uoric v and ia .. g pikes aiiu other anus have been e authorities. ; v ^3.—The Chambers agreed in cen ifVftrument for the sale of the Cologne •1, *ut their sanction. iL 2j oV . 23—Evening.—Cotton unchanged; iui’liangetl lard tending downward, y v. 2:1—Evening —Money slightly easier. Kilat'JO; Five-twenties, 70^. SENATE. Milledgevillk, Nov. 23, 186G. The Senate met at 10 o’clock, a. m. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Yarborough. Mr. J. F. Johnson moved to reconsider the bill passed on Wednesday for the relief of in solvent debtors. Lost. Mr. Moore moved to reconsider the bill lassed for the relief of Benson Roberts. Jnanimouslv carried. Mr. Thornton moved to reconsider the bill passed to allow railroads and express com panies to! be sued in any county in which snch companies may have an office or an agent doing business. Carried. House bill to make advances to members and officers of the Legislature was amended 'I by including an advance of $5,000 to the '~ r State Printer, and passed. The special order was taken up—the bill to extend the aid of the State to the Macon and Brunswick Railroad. Mr. Owens offered an amendment, which was lost,: that the State endorsement be ex pended to only that portion of the road which is jat present unfinished and on condi tion that bona fide solvent subscriptions be obtained, for grading, bridging and cul verting the whole extent of the line of road. Mr. Owens also offered an amendment providing that the bonds endorsed by the State shall not be negotiated at a greater dis count than ten per cent, and that the said bonds shall be used solely for the purchase of iron rkils and spikes. The amendment was lost by a vote of ten to twenty-four. Mr. Owens also offered an amendment providing that the officers of the road shall not eugage in speculations iu real estate along tne line of the road until that portion of the road shall have been completed.— Lost. Mr. Blount called the previous question. The call was sustained. The hill wa9 then passed. Mr. Butler offered a resolution providing tor the appointment of a special committee to devise some plan by which the State shall extend aid to railroads hereafter to be built. The Senate adjourned. Vuv York Market. ; iS . Sov. 23.—The Chamber of Commerce, aimiftiuj! mi Thursday, adopted the report jl i immittee reeommouding an abolition iiTLUk-nt tax on cotton, and memorializing 5 to ttiat effect. The ground taken is that lanstioth unconstitutional and oppressive. Exchange. SO days, 9'i; Sight, 10>£; cot- ..but firm, ;tt 33} 2 '@35*aC. I he, Nov. *24.—Cotton quiet, sales 1200 bales, ..i.' 1 ,. dour opened at 10(al5e. butter, but xj advance lost—sales 4C00 barrels State at .' win at dull; corn irregular and unset- LvvijinVt; pork closed firmer; lard firmer • • naval stores firm; petroleum easier Liverpool Market. . November 23, noon.—During the week ni rather dull, but steady at 14d for -ipand*; the sales for the week do not fQol • ■»*)bales; to-day tlie market shows some 1 --Lt ami prices have an advancing tendency -Inin is quoted at 14 !£d, and Riles to-day ‘ 'if roach 15,000 bales. Breadstuff's con- •tfiii.v, and the market to-day is still firmer lairucom, 40c. Uulllmoie Market. 3 ie Nov. 23.—Flour dull and low grades " wheat very dull; corn dull; new white, w yellow, 94@96c.; oats heavy, at 54(<f>55c. i*selected and nominal; cofFeo quiet—Rio ' j’old ; whiskey dull, at $2 17@$2 3S, iVrunsylvania, 23@30 free. Mobile Market. '■i N v. ;i—Cotton sales to-day 1200 bales - »-V. Market steady. Ui.ine Kmer prist, . v -out It. • ttlTOKs News and Hebald: " T-bidt! in licatious, it would seem that the '• of war had demolished almost every " tii- handiwork of genius and energy along the Ffth ral raiders. A recent article in ht Ulomadal on the lumber trade sug- '‘StUut you t:ike a very sapieut view of that v riant branch of Southern wealth, and "■* »trt‘ put into execution by our own capi- 1 '-auction r.f I he Slate would soon find her "• -Mf rests of excellent timber a source of in ■*- - *t-ulUi it. those who engage in the lumber as much energy and determination as *- i Brothers, whose mill and lands are some “ iisor thereabout from the Forest City. "■■Uuk the* mill they have some seven mile v- r which to transport their saw-lops and r ^ 1 they also have numerous log carts, aud *fc«uua mules sufficient to keep their '•«»• goiijir ;i t thundering speed. Their mill ° *Ved by the enemy and twice by accident, ■‘■“.plMMiix like, has arisen from tho ashes destroy»;j, and instances a display ol energy "Utlitxu men in whose vocabnlary there is no •a as “lail.” one thing speaks volumes in l?! they have mostly in their employ men ^"ldierr* in the late Confederate army, aud •htv fm uihh the b<5st of subsistence sndgiv© The mill is on the incessant go,- arv heaping upon these energetic men. • from the success of this firm, is that 'f regi on adjacent to your city, and a ‘•■usable by railroad and water, is in itself a 4 * wui ' ce «f wealth, when worked by men t*f ^rprise and business qualifications. Oapi- • r ’ invested in cotton lands and slave pro- Htk employ ment in other business, and * °t cotton and wool manufactories, fouu- shops, grain and saw mills will opt u a for lucrative giin to such capitalists : I’tent percept ion to make in voStnieiitj. ■“'Jitav, aits this section of Georgia, if pro- is energetically displayed and idle capi- ' ^ J. T. S. Star of the brave, thy ray is pale, And darkness must awlrile prevail. But while freedom hallows, with her tread, Those silent cities of the dead, Let beautiful in death be they, Who fighting fell in thy array. Then turning his gaze to the galleries, Now, If any of your readers think we have no poetic talent here, let them read the above. Byron, Tom Moore, Milton, Long fellow, Bryant, &c., stand to one side. Anti now, Mr. Editor, when you read this effu sion of one of Georgia’s unknown poets, don’t say (P)shaw. C.. Tub Impeachment of the President.— The Radicals are so confident of the im peachment aud removal from office of Presi dent Johnsou that they are set iously discussing the question as to the length of the term tor which bis successor will be elected. The Chicago Republican says: We recently expressed an opinion that, iu case of the removal of President Johnson by impeachment, and the election of his suc cessor by a special electiou ordered by the Secretary of State iu the mode prescribed by the act of 1st of March, 1792, section 10, that successor would hold his office only for one year, being the residue of the term to which Abraham Lincoln was elected in 18fi4. One of the best constitutional lawyers in the country, however, informs us that in his opinion the person so elected would staud ! elected for the full term of four years, and that he would in no sense be elected to fill ihe one year vacancy. Jefferson Davis^ and the Fenians.—The Toronto editors are retorting upon Mr. Sew ard for calling the Fenian prisoners ‘‘polit ical offenders,” and therefore deserving of clemency, which could not attach to crimes of a criminal character—retorting by asking such questions as these: " How has the American Government acted to wards political offenders ? At the very head of the list stands Mr. Jefferson Davis. By tho united voice of aU parties in the United States, not to say anything ol the opinion of outside nations, Mr. Davis’ continued imprisonment in Fortress Monroe is a disgrace to the country which keeps him incarcerated. Does Mr. Seward think that tho way in winch this mm lia* been treated by the Government deserves to be called "eminently humane;’’ that tho hardships, the palpa ble cruelties which.were associated with his imprison ment until within a very late period, were 6ucti as to give him the right to preach clemency to the people of another country ? ’’ LATEST FA8HMI8'1LK3? DEMAND " BRADLEY’S CELEBRATED Duplex Elliptic S K I R T S ■\ynicu arc universally recommended by 11>. Ka-hloa Magazines as tbc Standard SKIRT ol the ftuMonable World. . » LADIES will iiml all slyKJ, Including the EMPRESS TRAIL, PRIDE OF THE WORLD, PARIS TRAIL, IMMOVABLE, Ac., For sale at the lowest market prices, by J. C. Maker & Co. b. sold at the Court in Statenbofo, Bulloch, county, on in December ttext. between the legal following tracts of land, belonging to the eatatO of William Bnrnaed: ‘ One tract, improved, in Bulloch oounty, known as lbs 8aL Futch place, containing four hundred and ten iilOiecres, man or lew. end bounded by lands of W. Brown, i. C. Darla and J.^nd M Brannen. One ntsiniag 3<S acres, more or toman. Black Creek, Daniel KHerman, and O. W. Moon. One tract, improved, in Bryan county, «oMMag SOT. acres, move or leas, knodn an tlie Sam. Futch place, situated on the New and bounded - by At. Aharn, S. Cowart, and estate of-Burned. One tract In :y,*im Aiaared, containing 188 acres, more orleas, known an the Daniel Newmans tract, •nd bounded by Black Creek and land of Daniel Now- 8oU under an ardor of the Judge of the Onpsrlor Court of Bdlachcguity, and tar the benefit of the heirs mid creditors of said deceased. Teram on tbuday of tale. JOHN GRIMES, no3-law4w Executor. instate Sale. 5,000 Acr« a of Timber©;! Lands In a Body AT PRIVATE SALK. BY HELL, WVLL1 & CUU1ST1AN. 5,IK*) acres of Heaxily Timbered LANDS lying in Bullurli count), adjoining the lands of Dr. Brown, .lames Young, and others, situated three miles from the Ugtechee river and four miles from No. 6, Central Raiin ad. 'The Lauds produce cotton, com, sugar cane, etc., and is one of the most healthy locations in our State; the sec:eiy is excellent For the lumber business and farming it cannot be excelled. The above property belougs to the estate of the late John M. Burns, deceased, and sold by an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Screven countjr, No vember term, lbGG, for the benefit of the heirs and credito s of .said estate. Plot of the Land can be seen at our counting-room. For further particulars apply to us, or Mr. H. U. Kittles, No. 6, Central Railroad. Terms—One half cash; balance in twelve months, with 7 per cent.interest, secured by mortgage on the property ; purchaser to pay for papers H. C. KITTLE, Administrator, cuinmeo, testamento annexo, no22—ira estate of John If. Burns. New York Herald please copy for one month and send bill to this office. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. RECONSIDERATIONS. Mr. Gartrcll moved to reconsider the bill pasted on Wednesday to authorize sale ot certain of tbc commons of Columbus. Car ried. Mr. McWhorter moved to reconsider the bill lost on Saturday for the protection of factors, consignees and commission mer chants. Carried. BILLS INTRODUCED. Mr. Chauuler—A resolution requesting the establishment of an assay office. Also to incorporate the Villa Rica mining company. Mr. Johnson—To change the time of bold ing the couuty court in Forsyth county. Mr. Russell—To point out the mode of paying county judges aud other officers of tbc county court. Mr. Swearingen—To incorporate the Na tional Insurance Company in Bainbridge. Mr. Adams—To amend the charter of Fire Company No. 1, of Athens. Mr. Hill—A resolution of thanks to Rev. E. W. Warren for his appropriate and im pressive sermon yesterday. Adopted. Also to incorporate the Atlanta manufac turing and mining company. Mr. Maddox—To extend the time for building the Air Line Railroad, and allow said road to consolidate with other roads. Mr. Hill—To incorporate the Fulton Sa vings Bink. r. Maddox—To incorporate the Atlanta Depository. Mr. Morris—To give landlords a lien upon the growing crop of tenants. Mr. Brock—To change the time of holding (he county courts in Polk, Carroll, Paulding and Harralson. Mr. McRae—To change section 4,370 of the Code. Mr. Stapleton—To remit fifty per cent, of the State tax in Jefferson county. Mr. Fraser—To authorize J. Deharrow to peddle without i,eeuse. Mr. Baker—To issue bonds by Lowndes county to build a court house and jail. Mr. Ragsdale—To abolish the couniy court. ■ ... Mr. Dozier—To change the line between Stewart and Quitriiari counties. On motion of Mr. tilenn. ft seat on the floor was tendered to Colonel J. I. Whitaker. Mr. Green—To legalize marriages between freed men and freedwomen. Mr. DuBose—To define the law of simple larceny* bills on their passage. To incorporate Hancock Iron Company. Passed. bill introduced. Mr. Gartrell—To transfer to the State the charter of the State Quarry Bailroad. SPECIAL ORDER. To extend State aid to the Air Line Rail road. Mr. Dorsey, the member from Hall, who. by the way, is a man of considerable . .1 . T -Alwx hill f»s! HlH Ski HO ’ "f F« A mo,, C. W. — r P; isonere—Great Lx* ilia Released Htn— tLe A©. .-uiSdsortnigbt u -Lhe old jail* November 19.—:C 4 ' [Ian prifMxieis, confined iu rjJ 4 Ir ‘ m uusiody. v-n^r" w . as conduct* d with gif J*tsecrecy. • , tt ' ur ’s notice bdutfsiveu them before net away. bo • : : VJ it J nsc ' ntr *» wero made aware of the joyous ^ llu '«fied transportation by the ^^enrien Bndge, and a special train Hi it . l ' le ® reat Western Railroad. Tills r ^fol ? ai *Lt; jail at 10 o’clock, and the •y jy,.; on boai’d, in charge of ft guard .lyma' corporal and sergeant, under tn.‘’i h ' ! Lieutenaiit Harrison, of the lfth ■'JU4 I ,ll8 °*‘ers received a good supper at h r ,.. f: 1 " 11 , 1,1 fore, starting, aud eoch one of Fh, u ' 1 wi, . h u f5 bill in greenbacks. On 5 i.;;;,,., 8 Fenians bado good-bye to their '%r j Ti lu aity cheers for the sheriff, the 1 y jail and the jail officials. j tl,e OUift of mc Nava|'.B»v«M Of —-, ^' 1i >^how llrKe,y * ,iaH P r(4 P are<1 some valiTable ffutbor*,. , r ^lii ( , n “*2 tl »« naval casualties of battle during i talent, spoke in favor of 4he bill, as did also Mr BhaW, the poetical member from Stew art Mr DuBose, of Hancock, who, by the way, in one of the most conservative mem bers of the House, spoke against the bUL Mr Adams, of Clark, also spoke in favor of the hill. Mr. A is a gentleman of great financial ability-standing deservedlyLighi as Universal Supfraoe in Tennessee.—A bill is before Ihe Tennessee House of Repre sentatives to repeal the present franchise law and give suffrage to tbc negroes, it being a proposition for universal suffrage and a m nesty. It was laid on the table on the first reading by a vote of thirty-nine to twenty- nine, the East Tennessee members (Radicals and Conservatives) votiug solid to lay on the table, and the Conservatives from Middle and West Tennessee against it. Another hill was introduced, striking out the word white in the present franchise law. The Congressional Reirenchment Commit tee, while investigating the affairs of the New York Custom House, discovered that the clerks were taxed four dollars a month for political purposes, and, if they refused to pay, were discharged. A very handsome sum has keen made by the Collector in the mat ter of bonded warehouses, ai.d it is stated that lie now makes $40,000 a year out ol his office. Texts.—The Legislature adjourned sine die on ihe lith. Mr. Speaker Buford iii his farewell remarks said he was now and for ever opposed to negro suffrage. He could make no distinction as to the qualification. If it were granted to Fred. Douglass, lie would favor the same privilege for the dull est Cuffee iu the cotton field. He said the Legislature had done everything that justice required for the negro. A New Orleans dispatch of Saturday gives a report that Maximilian, havin reached Cordova, was prevented from pro ceeding lurther until lie should abdicate in favor of the person named,by Bazaine. It is stated that he offered to abdicate in favor of Iturbide, but this was not accepted, and lie retained to Mexico, declining to abdicate in favor of any one else. A Worthv Mission.—Dr. Augustin Verot, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Savannah,and Apostolic Administrator of Florida, is now lecturing in Northern cities, and soliciting aid to enable him to repair the losses in his diocese by the war, and to build churches, schools and orphan asylums for the colored people in Georgia and Florida. No Intercourse with Ms. Slidell.—It is stated that Mr Slidell, the Minister of the late Confederate Government to France, te- cently applied to the Government for a par don, through Mr. Bigelow, Minister to France ; aud that the reply of the Govern ment was that no intercourse or correspon dence of any kiad eonld be held with Mr. Slidell. E. l\ Metcalfe. E. M. Bbuce fc Co John W. O’Connor. E. F. METCALFE l CO. Cotton. Factors! Comm ission AND Forwarding Merchants, So. 5 Stoddard'j Lower Raage, Bty 8L, SAVAKNAH, GEORGIA. Cash advances on consignments to Norton, Slaugh ter & (Jo., New York, aud John K. Gilliatt k Co., Liv erpool. ocl2-3m Office General Superintendent Atlantic A: Gulf Rail Road, Savannah, Oct. 15th, 1866. —isEffi fgfging T HE Florida Branch Rail Road will be opened to the Public on Monday next, tbe 22nd Inst. Arrangements have been made insuring direct and speedy c< »m rnun ication by tbit route between Ha vac nab aud all stations on the Pensacola and Georgia Rail Ko:id, Florida Central Kail Road, and Florida Kail Road. „ . Through tickets will be sold between the following pluct s, viz.: Savannah and Quincy, Tallahassee, Monticello, Ma dison, Lake City, and Jacksonville. ThoiiKtSville aud Quincy, Tallahassee, Monticello, and Madison. Majisou aud Quitman and Valdosta. Freights between savannah and all points on Pen sacola Georgia Ktilroad and Florida Central Rail ltoad will be shipped oa through rates and without breaking bu:k. H. S. HAINES, ocll6-tf Gereral Superintendent, Tde Chattanooga American Union says: “The corn crop is turning out much belter than was hoped for by the most sanguine. Up the river farmers are jubilant over splen did crops of corn, and the bay crop has “md when it is known)that been large, the immediate constituents of this gentle* ^ Ze are opposed. oounties through which the road will run will “il to remember Mr. A. for his advocacy U * Mr.lfoynton spoke, in his usually forcible s'vie in opposition to the bill,and Mr. Moses, Of Muscogee, who never fails by his elo- A quebee to^ttrtct the undivided attention of the House, spoke in favor ol the bill. Mr. Pottle, of Warren, a N veiy forcible speaker, closed the debate and was opposed to the bill. The previous question was cs* 1 ** on agreeing to the report of the which was averse to the passage of the bd , anti resulted in Jeas C7, nays 64—so the bill was lost. i SENATE BILL TASSED To authorize aud require tlm Judge of i.Afi..r~ri„r Ctfan in ^— circuit to dismiss £Tu I.i'* CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Office General Superintendent Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, Savannah, Oct. 15,1866. O N and after MONDAY next, tbe 22d instant tbe Scliounlei of Uie Passenger Trains on this Road will be as fellows, daily. (Sunday's excepted): leave: arrive. 7.00 A. M. Savannah 6.10 P. V. 6.00 A'. It. Thomasville 7.10 P. M. 7.2a A. M. Live Oak 5.45 P. M. 2.80 A. SI. Tallahassee 10.20 P. M. 1.00 A. M. Jacksonville 12.00 Night. H. & HAINES, oclG—if General Superintendent A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold at the Ooort House door in Statesboro, Bulloch county, on the first Timday in December next between the legal bonrs of sale, (170) one hundred and seventy res of land, more or leas, well improved, belonging , tbe aetata of Albemarle Nessmitb, late of said coun ty deceased!; bounded by M. A. Burnsides and Newton Woodcock and otbero. Sold under an order ot tbe Court of Ordinary, and tor a division among tbe beira of add estate- Terms on the day of sale, this 12th day of October, 188K; -i __ oc29-law6wi ’nSh'nbSmItS^ } Administrators. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE —Will be sold, at tbe Court, Bona* door. In tbe county of Bullocb, an t ie first Tuesday in December next, between tbe legal hours of sale, (1286) twelve hundred and eighty-six seres of or laaa, bounded by Wm. Brennen, T. Alderman andA. Bants, belonging to the estate of Michael Poasesb, deceased, it being tbe late residence of said deceased and iwell improved. Sold under an order of tde Oaurtof Ordinal' fora division among tbe bain of said estate. Terms on the day of sale, this 12th day of October. 1866. DANIEL L. KENNADY, Administrator. oc29-law(w aary of Seriven connty, Georgia, there will be sold Defers tbe Court House at Stateaboro, Bulloch county, Georgia, on the First Tuesday iu December next, between tbe usual hours of sale, One Tract of Land containing two hundred aud fifty acres, more or leas, adjoining tanda ol W. Williams, Hardy ■ Hodges, and Arthur Curby on tbe Ogeechee river. Terms made known on the day of sale. ' WILLIAM IVEY, oc22-lawtd* Administrator. S TATE OF GEORGIA—EFFINGHAM COUNTY—To all wham it may concern : Whereas, Georgians MlngledorlT baa applied to me for letters nr Administration on the estate of N'ormou Mingledorff. deceased: These ate, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested, whether kindred or creditors, to show cause nr any they have) on or before the first Monday In December next, wby letters should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my band end official signature this 16th day Of October, 1866. P. K. TEBEAU, oc28—law4w Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold at the Court House door in the connty of Bulloch, on tbe first Tuesday in Decamber next, between tbe legal boura of sale (295) two hundred and ninety-five acres of bud, more or less, well improved, belonging to the estate of David A. Bennett, lt being tbe late residence of said deceased, and bounded by Wm. Mitcbell, New ton Woodeopk end J, W. Proctor. Sold under an order of the Oouft of Ordinary, and for a division of said es tate among the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale, ibis 12th day of October, 1866. oc29-law6w ISAAC FUTCH, Admistrator. JlkOBGIA—LIBERTY COUNTY.—Notice is heretiy U given to all persona concerned that Stephen Bax ter, sr., late of said oounty, departed this life in testate, arid no persna ha* applied for administration on tbc esutte of aahl Stephen Baxter, and, in terms of the law, administration will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person, on the first Monday iu December next, unless some valid objection is made to his ap>- poii tment. Witness my official signature this 17lh day of Oc tober, 1866. oc20-ta*4w W. P. GIRARDEAU. O. L. C. LIFE AND ACCIDENT. THE ORIGINAL Traveler’s Insurance Company OF HARTFORD, CONN., INSURES AGAINST Al-t ACCIDENTS; AL«0 INSURES AGAINST LOSS OF LIFE FROM ANY CAUSE! Whether Disease er Accident. With Compensation, far Personal INJURIES. JJATES of PREMIUM lower than those of, any other Life Company. |r" All approved forma of Life Police*, either with or without compensation for personal injuries, aa the applicant may detiro. CASH CAPITAL I a t t 9500,000 a surplus of abont #2'-0,000. LIFE DEPARTMENT. The Travelet > of Hartford now issues policies in suring against loss of life from any cause, whether disease or accident, with weekly compensation for disabling accbit ut, '.bus combining life and accident Insurance under one policy, at the lowest rates of premium. ANNUAL PREMIUMS FOR LIFE. Policies for Life insure against death from any cause, aud the premium is payable annually during life. Rato pet si.000: Age of 20 25 30 35 Ordinary Life Policy $1216 $13 86 $16 06 $18 92 $28 75 Combined Life and Accident 1516 16 SO 19 06 21 92 25 75 Other ages in proportiou. CJTATBOF GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.—To D all whom ft may concern: Whereas, Jane L. Umpe wiU apply at the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of Christian Lantpe. late or said connty, decea>ed; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Conrt to make objection (if any they havej on or be fore the first “Monday In December next, otherwise said letters win he granted. Witness iny official signatnre this 2d day of No vember, 186*',. D. A. O'BYRNE, O. O. C. n,3 1aa4w (STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To O all whom It may concern: Whereas, John Heery will apply at the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration an the estate of Patrick .Wisely, late of said connty, deceased:' These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Conrt to make ob action (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witnes niy official signature, this 29th day of October, 18(1. D. A- O'BYRNE, O. C. C. no3-tmw4w* TEN YEAR NON-PORFSITABLE. Ten Year Non-Forff liable Policies insure against death from any cause, and tbe premiums are all paid np in ten years. Compensation holds, under this form of policy, during >he whole life. These policies are noo-iorfeUahle after two annual pay. ments. Rate per $i,0o0 : Age Of 20 25 30 35 40 Ordinary Life Policy $2614 $.’9 08 $32 66 $37 04 $42 44 Combined Life and Accident 32 5-t 35 37 38 76 42 91 43 03 Other ages in prcpoilluii. Aiso, Term and Nen-Forfeitable Endowment Poii cies at proportionate low rates. The Combined Life and Accident policy, it is confi dently believed, affords the best msnrance for the least money, and covers all personal basalds under one policy. JAS. G. BATTERSON, President ROONEY DENNIS, Secretary. Horn. ELIZDR WEIGHT, Consulting Actuaiy. HENRY' A. OVER. General Agent II. P. STEARNS, M. D., Consulting burgeon. A. WILBUR* - General Agent Southern Georgia, 89 Bay street. WM. R. BOYD, novl3 Agent in Savannah. The Orient Mutual Insurance Company, No. 43 Wall Street, I NSURFS CARGOES ant! FREIGHTS against Ma- riitc Risks. No Fire Risks token disconnected from Marine Risks. 1 lod - ASSETS, JULY 1ST, 1S66, $1,137,GIB 30, AFTER PAYING ALL ADJUSTED LOSSES. Cumberland Valley iCOIPiST, j OF NASHVILLE, TESN. (Mn, Sfsrlae and Life.) OFFICE IN SAVANNAH, 157 BAY STREET. Asthsriied Capital, : > $506,000, rjAHIS COMPANY Is prepared to issne Policies on X as Cara table terms as any Eastern Company. GEORGE H. LENOIR, President. S. L. Tbiffk, Secretary. ■kfebench :' Wing, Tobey k Co., Bankers. Nashville. Hon. W. Mat. Brown, Mayor, Nashville. Hon. W. H. Wilkinson, Recorder, Nashville. Hon. U. J. Stubblefield, Attorney General, Nash ville. General N. B. Pearce, Wholesale Grocery and Com mission Merchant, Naebvil e. Stratton, Cheney k Roy, Cotton and Commission Merchants, Nashville. C. Mies k Co, Furniture and Commission Mer chants, Nashville. W. J. Parks k Co, Druggists, Nashville. D. Wiel A Co., Dry Goods Merchants, Nashville. ' D. J. Meyerhardt, Dry Goods Merchant,Nashville. W. C. Collier, Book Dealer, Nashville. K. B. Singleton, Book Dealer, Nashville. F. C. Dufiningion A CO, Editors and Proprietors of the Union and American, Nashvlll •. Merrit A Hill Wall Paper Dealer*. Nashville. Dr. Frazier, Senator. Nashville. J Rham, Editor Tennessee Steals Zeitnng. A Myer A On, Wholesale Grocers. Nashville. General J. B. Palmer, Attorney, MuriVetboro. General James R. Chalmers, Attorney, Memphis. B. F. C. Brooks, Banker, Memphis. Hod. Benjamin G. Humphreys, Governor of Miesis- Hon. T. T. Swann, Auditor of Mississippi. General B. C. Walthall, Attorney, Coffecville .Miss. General W. F. Brantly. Attorney, Greenau tro^Uss. General B. D. Lee, Brook,ville, Miss. General J. Wheeler, Cotton Factor, New Orleans. General J. B. Hood, firm ol J. B. Hood k Co, New Orleans. Generals Gibson 2k Austin, Attorneys, New Or leans. Professor J. P. Logan, Atlanta, Ga. Hon. Kemp P. Patties, Treasurer of State, Raleigh, North Carolina. General N. B. Forrest, Memphis. NEW ENGLAND Fir-E"INSURANCE COMPANY, of HARTFORD, CT. •' Authorized Capital ol 1 t #'400,000. wm* rTsymoks, Agent for Savannali, nol6-lm 151 B ly street. FIRE, MARINE AND ACCIDENTAL IISU&AHCE AGENCY. Security Insurance Co Phcenlx Insurance Co International Insurance Co... Manhattan Insurance Co Harmony Insurance Co North American Insurance Co Capital and Assets. #1,000,000 1,093,000 1,433,000 1,078,000 300,000 800,000 Total Cash Capital and Assets.#7,094,000 Capital. New Yorb Accidental Ins. Co #330,000 1,'lliE, MARINE and INLAND Risk* taken in the A' at>ove highly responsible lomp nies on Huiidmga and Merchandise, to auy amount, at the lowest rales corresponding witli the risk , Losses eiimtably adjusted and promptlv paid. A. A. LAN B, Age t. No. 12 Stoddard’s Kan e. Bay street, nol6-3in BavairoaK Georgia. S IXTY days after date application will be made to tbe Court of Ordinary of BiUloch conn y to sell a portion of the real estate of W. A. cannon, late of said couatv, deceased. jcseua d. Deloach, sep22-law2m»Executor. C 1HATHAM COUNTY 8HERIFF SALE.—WiU be / sold on the first Tuesday in December next, bo ro re the Court House, in the City of Savannah, be tween the legal hours of sale, one bay Horse, one bay Mule, and one spring Wagon, sold as the property of John H. Plate, defendant, and Holliday aud Mltchel, plaiutifls, levied on by aOhstnun Warrant, issued oat of the Honorable tho County Court of Chatham coa ly. BENJAMIN L. COLE, ' no3 Sheriff of Chatham County. / WANTED, B Y a Lady and Gentleman, a small apartment, with Furniture, in which they may live entirely separate from tin: oilier occnpams. A fine location required. Apply to CLARK, JONES k CO., noi’O-lw* No. 1 Stoddard’s Lower Range. M. M. MULLS ft It, G OITON FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, • :pi SinttlAI, G COR <11 A. - Liberal advances made on consignments of every articlo .J produce for sale in Sarannab or New York. Correspondent in New York, JAMES COLLiS, Jfo, ,v CO. ,86 FriiUt f IreeL mH-tf A. RICHARDSON, MERCHANDISE AND SHIP BROKER, 194 BAY STREET, C 10NSTANTLY on hand, and for gale at lowest mar- ) ket rales. Com, Flour, Baoon, Whiskey, etc. Vessels of all sizes f. r charter. LAW NOTICE. rnHE UNDERSIGNED sre associated se partners, A and propose to practice in the State Courts of Law and Equity for the districts of Barnwell, Bsanfort and CoUeton, under the name and otjlo ot “DAVANT.” Office, for the present, at Gillisouvilie, South Caro- R. J. DAVANT, 1 Ift line. novil-2aw6er I'llltef j^ssc“ A.’Glenn, who is charged 1a T^kik you^ the foUowing specimen of Georcia Illative oratory- ^ he »■*!«», * *srSSSE5hm- ff l apqeoheWwfth Impromptu S- 1 iiV‘™ WI " d in hattle, and 546 scalded in | foffowing, thoughte&JJJfj'^J^^^^ J^Suiot The deaths in the naval service j are yot so charackeffiP*W OT ™}^ raOT . lil 'iUnb B ‘, K ', l " 8U °t fractures, 1,309 from gunshot j forbear lepoitiEg'-them lU " 11 ^' M ^ “ nVi pl'. l ’ || :ilrun ‘ incidental casus-lties, while Aftef i' s^afb-FeinMltS *>y RusseUr Gfohn-aad.ltoea, Mr. Shaw, of I 6 fraint*“"‘bled, 550 from caBOhafts of'war. Stewart, arose andjfiai® .Lifiii;fci^t,i*Wnw 1 ’1 i S’W casualties—981 in all.. Three j Mr< Speaker, IdBSSt ^flftaaaasResiij^iir toy; @ ■ fcB ( Jtkii*. .u-jil( i.irw A ORANGES. The Famine in India,—The great famine now prevailing in India is said to be the re sult of four or five bad seasons, varied ’by great floods, which have mado the supply of food totally inadequate to the wants of the inhabitants. A family ha9 bem discovered in Chicago in a starving condition, and tlie wife and mother claims to be a sister of John Morissey, Congressman elect from New York, to whom she says she has applied for aid. Visit to Jefferson Davis.—Dr. Chas. Macftill and family, of Richmond, whose risUto Mr. Davis at Foriress Monroe we have already announced, returned home on Haturdav last. While at the fort the visitors had frequent interviews with the distin- ,) r 4»|k|| Superior Florida Orange*, goished prisoner, whom they represent aa in , - ^ mm 8Wn oniom. good spirits though in somewhat feeble con • Fcwmleby dition In a circuit around the ramparts ot | the fort, Mr. Davis had to halt once or twice for rest. He is comfortably provided for and enjoys unrestricted intercourse with hi*’family. On all suhjecLs, save that of his political position, Mr. Davis is very commu nicative and entertaining. He says very little about his future destiny. The officers of Fort Monroe and their families treat Mr. Davis and lady with tbe utmost kindness and respect.—■.Richmond Examiner. BnoczMAN. one or tbc victims ot tbe In dian massacre at New-Ulm Mountain, in 1863, ha* ar- rivedrtSLLoni*. He exptrienced toe tortures of Sltehis wife znd four children murdered, and was OnSf^hornbly mutiUted; his tongue cat out, lnun- Mvered, his fingers cut, bis hands maimed, his sralD^torn reeking from his head, which had prevtou*- «jto tte,. 0 buUet. rtnt^e,piU, L„ -ohnda the unfortunali man sdrviv«L»nd theae wonw*» .t— he remained in A DMINISTBATOK’S SALE—WiU be sold at tbe Court House dnor in the county of Bnllocb, on the first Tuesday iu December next, between the legal hours of sale, (300) three hundred acres of land, more or leas, welt improved, belonging to the estate of William F. Crosby, late of said county, deceased, and bounded by lands of J. H. rginmnus, W. A- Sheffield end others; and sold under an order of the Court of Or dinary of said County for toe benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms ou toe day of sale. oct27-lswtd. JOHN BROWN, Adm’r, r Yu MONTHS after dale application will be made to the court of Ordinary, Bulloch County, for leave to sell all ihe land belonging to tbe estate of Samuel Dutton, late of Raid connty, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. JOSEPH DUTTON, Administrator. * Bulloch County, October 29th, 1806. nol2-lzw2m OTATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY.—To £3 all whom it may concern : Whereas, Mathew Olltff and John OURT. guardians of Joseph Oibffi a lunatic, deceased, will apply at the Court oi Ordinaiy for letten of dhnnOBiou from said guardianship: These-are, therefore, to eltoand admonish all whom It may con com to be end appear before said Conrt, to make objection (it any they have) a or before the first Monday In December next, otherwise Bald let ter* willbe granted. Witness my hand and official signature this I2th day of October. 1868. - DAVID BEASLET, oc29-lAw<w Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—Will be sold at to* Court House door, in the county of Bulloch, on the first TnndOT In December next, between the legal hours ofade, I25WI two handled end fifty acme of land, mage or less, belonging to the estate of John J. Hodges, bounded tj lands of Alien Lanier and Sea born Tractor, well improved, it being the late res- tdence of the mid decerned. Sold under an order of tbe Court of Ordinary and sold for a divison among the ' heirs of Said estate. Terms on day of sale, this 12th day of October, W06. MATILDA HODGES, Administratrix. ! MATTHEW OLUFF. Administrator. ■•usOTiIsjeffe. ' CJTATB OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY—T7 O aU whom it may concern: Whereas.Margaret L. Grcnwald will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters uf Admlnistrathm on the estate of Louie Grenwahi, late of said connty. de- These are, therefore-to cKe and admonish all whom lt may coaoern. to be and appear before said Coart to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday In DteemU r next, otherwise said letter’ will be granted. Wunes my official signature this 28th day of No vember, 1866. D. A. O’BYRNE, O. C. U. no3-law4w XT OTIC E TO DEBTORS AND CBEDI TORS.—All i.v persons having demands against John Harris, deeeaepd, will prvsewt them to the undersigned, and those indebted wifi g ^ ‘ nbh-fawnw* Admloistrstor. A. WfLCOaFEOa •KB '.T BHODES' Super-Phosphate i THE STANDARD ffAHUllE, AT #0* SO •pfcR TOW, CASH. * u MILLER. THOMAS AIM. CfTATK QffiAiBDMBlA, BULLOCH OOUNTY.- O hB whom it may concern: Whereas, Jackson Bird will apply at the Coart of Ordinary for LfetteWof enardianship of Dsvld B., RtohoM, EhtobdU and.ltody M Btrd, orphans ot WUsY Wrd, late or said county, deceased: . 1KII sre, therefore, 3o r.Ue and admonish all wham - raers^’HtiWisr.'isask ths trst HMdHle ihMhffihm wtxt, dtftsrwfoe eeffi MtoW^rThe remained in bos- for three years. citate of oeorgla, mcintosh coumty. i ■ county, Is . all tuft*** titflMlr iUMvco the flfst Monday in J aau» r J , said Klfmigdil liuatne thia Given "gABlkD 1S noitfa^52 oidtonffi- e- , i^MUhto x -M nois-iawow- ’ .-hri isder/»-.«! stew : i **» * e ICE.—Sixty lijur r“| due'harseCI wU itoy at the Conrt of Ordinary ot Effingham for leave to sell ril the lands of the estate of ■W. ffidrst, deceased. QEOBOE W. FOY, , Ap#.lsw2m« WlthesB my ^nd and official signature this 12fh day sf October, MM. - - — . , DAVID BEASLEY. 0Cfd>-law6w ordinary, Wfisrea^dmaes E Mosers wiU apply at the Coert ’ — 1 6m 4 rttsm OT Ihffir Hhhffilh nf aim— of Peter ■it bald emu er before aahl Coart, a Of aey toey hanejoa er belece i Ourmher meats, etbenrim aaM aad effictal signhtore this 11th This Company hove made arrangements to issu-. When desired. Polii'ii-e aud. uuniUcate-i payable in London aud l.iverpoo., at the Counting Rooms ol Messrs. Drake, Kleiowort k Cfelb-n. ! TRUSTEES. I , J Joseph Gaillaed, Jr., FbanciS OoiRNgT, UKOBtia Mohle. Edwahd F. Davison, A. Lkmoyne, Jr., E. H. R. LYMAN. Lawkence Wells, John AucniNtLoss, Ki>. F. SANUEBSOK, Leopold BiEBwrrn, Simon De Vissek. John s. Williams Alex. H. Hamilton, Jr., Ueokub F. Thomas, C. H. Sand, W. F Caby, Jp., COEN’S K. Sution, W. A. Sale. Euaakd Haight, James Bkown, N. II. Cab Lite; William schall. Alex. U. Lawbesue, Leopold Bupfeb, Feed. G. Foster, W» Wtrsrwr, Geobge CnniaT, F. Cousikeey, - Richard P. Kindle, Gustav Scwuau. . John a. Kalli, John F. Schepsler. EUGENIC DUTILH, Preeident. ALFRED OGDEN, Vice President Charles Irvino, secretary. - Applications received by 1 rp 'PH, |U no21-tf T. THOMAS, Insurance Agent, 117 Bay si root. Valuable. Wharf Property FOR RENT. T HOSE valnabflrmmnTfiJrmMB* «*- - FUnneUv-WUito Opera and Pfeide, SINS, known on the mapsA the cityjta U’l*yl*e’s ’ r “““‘ u ‘ Wharf, having a iront of 300 teeti on the lawanaali river, and running back to River street. . The Basins have a capacity fjr ducking 500,000 feet of timt-er. jKT““£SS'7.'OT!n»ia STORE TO LET, ihe corner of Drayton street and Congress “rent Land. T ” fs-8 J. V. ASMBSUI’S HHS & GO. FACTORS, Geueral Commission anil eorwardiiipr ' MERCHANTS, CORNER DRAYTON AND BRYAN 8TS., Savannah, Georgia. Stores, Lumber, Real Estate, Produce and Merchandise. And will do the business of Receiving and Forward ing, with dispatch, to all American and European ports, on reasonable terms. Tbe usual facilities afforded customers. Consignment* and orders soliciteiL novl-lm R. M. Hunt, COR, WHITAKKIt A STATE STREETS, K EEPS constantly on hand the finest and purest French aud American CONFECTIONARIES akd CHOCOLATES. Jellies, Cordial, Syrups, Figs, Nuts, etc. ALSO, Wax, Marble and China Dolls and Doll Heads, Doll Carriages, Fancy Baskets, etc. novl—2m Fashionable CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, F ASHIONABLLK Dress Goods, Black Dress Goods, Blanke's and Marseilles Quilts, Mine. L: WILL OPRN THIS DAY, her new store, on BROUGHTON STREET, Two d'*oro east- of Ball, opposite Masonic Hall, her Fall Millinery and Fancy Good*, wbich are of the la test style aud the best choice, > MMR. MASSART . • respectfully solicits her numerons Iriends and ensto- mers to give her a call. bo!2 DANIEL N. LONDON, _ NO. 63, BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Shipping and OMmnlssioii Mercfrant, -yyil.i, aell all kinds ol Tobacco. Cotton, Bagginfi, ., Grain, Seeil. Ac., and wrd exeento orderB for baying Merchandise ana iPftHiqci: of jffYstt fisseflp- tion. tXinsiguments and orders solicited. B2F-EKBMQE& -, *wrt< In Savannah—Major A. Porter, ftmicair A John ston, N. A Usrdee « Oa, K. hi. Hertz to Co., John Stoddard. Livingston, Liberal agvaaeea allowed Messrs. Eyre’ KvsaahCo.. Viverrool REMOVAL ijms lishment from •abteriber has this day MtoOVtd hi* estab- NOTES DAVID R. OTL’ sep22-tf ■ms fmsffifeff wiffi mmSm ffiw^( Twoeds, Jeans, Cassimeres and Cloths, Bleached Shlrtmes and Sheetings, Tilde Damasks and Toweling*. Uo-lery or all kinds lor Ladies,’ Gents' and , . _l Ohildrea. A very large Mock of the above goods for sale at tbe lowest cash prices by Dewitt a Morgan, no!2 137 CONOR KSS STREET. Smith & Rand Powder Co. GB Rifle in Kegs—25 pounds, 12,if I pounds _ and C>. pounds. Blastiag, in kegs of 25 pounds. Canisters of 5 pounds, 1 pound and half pounds. A fall supply of this unequaled Powder always on hand, and lor sale bf their Agents, KANDELL k CO.. no3-lm ' 201 and 203 Bay street NOTICE. T HE undersigned have entered into a limited part nership, under the firm asm. of A. T. CUN NINGHAM, for the transaction ol a General Cbm- miasiOB Business 4n toe city of Savannali. Alexan der T. CnDOtogbam, ol Savannah, is the general partner, and John J. Stoddard, or me same place, la ihe special paitotf, and contributes ten thousand . * " te tbe common stock. partnership is to commence on the twentieth . ember, Eighteen Hu- dred and Sixty-six, and mlBate on the first of January, Eighteen Hun dred and Sixty-eight. *ol6-4w A T. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN J. STODDARD. For Sale, A RICK PLANTATION, containing five hundred acres, more or fees, piaster’s measure, known as “ Murray’s Hill,” situated on the Carolina shore, oddsnl. •■■■■> jMi i-i- ''rswf snegtof oppoel'e the etty of’Sahsnnah, on the beet pitch of IN NewYokk-W.C. Ian-ley A Co.. Barclay A tm e . On the place are ample baridiagsfor opera- Ivingatoo, Wm. Watson A 00: " tives, tlwetting honsc and overseer,6 house. - Tenge liberal. Apply to •'toUt OCTAVUB COHEN A CO. ‘ GILLIAM’S ©LD MILL.” GBITS, UAL. LUDDINGTON & CO. ~t BITS and MEAL always on hand in large quantl- — tiesj daily ground, sad can make it 'especially to — t ot Grocers and Bay Merchants who- fill Jen to give ns their patronage. W* re- ,80 ewf Market Dock. u l „ . LUDDINGTON A CO.. Or. Habersham and-Liberty streets. N- M. Sneed, ‘ ’ j IH<!NTI8T, ' •?* |jeq of Dj'.fiqum v * -.••■•Y 1 .XJA8 returned to tbe cite, and opened his office in' XI an Megant suite ofTooffik, OTiCongreffi street. rtSatnewwetoMnil streak Hariagfisveted- to the study of Medicine and Dentistry, e» ot over twenty years In Deati»ti - -