The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, December 25, 1866, Image 4

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The Daiiv News and Herald. TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 25. 1860. [From the Atlanta Intelligencer.] Harp of the Soafh. BY Hies s. r. b., or foiwytk. Bh Southern harp awake, awake. Thv i/olden chorda to aoug. Au.l h-t thy murmurs, eoft awl deep, Be of a nation’s wrong. not an accent speak of joj% For sorrow’s gloomy pm* Has hidden all the jojS o ll'e. And liopo is in her thrall. Mourn for : , 101 a nation bright and lair. That 'neath the coat'd m „ llcfi twi ivd, l*lire W their shade; For sunny bowers, lud ifssauiiues t... A J * groves ami rosy bowers, ,r orange groves »«»* ■ I)i‘rttro>edby vandal raid. Wail ye for hearts attuned i» mirth. Whose every pulse w as i>> Who now, beneath the ty rant s,r ' Yri! forced to bend the knee. For widow's moans and urpli; And country's bitter gruff. In vain we call, in vain we tag For none may give reH,e<. oh harp, now cease thy mournful strain, YVo ( iinnot brook to hear Thy tones of grief, whene’er before We only touched to cheer. Oasi- cease thy dirge, oblivious shade, Sow gather o'er the form, * As has tho dust of Southern soil. O’er gallant hearts once warm. Ob, hush thy music: when the ieet That trod the dance to thee. Have ceased to move, 'lis tit that thou Sbouldst hush tho melody. May ivy creep with tendrils green. Thy golden chorda around ; And iet oblivious years he cast, Upon thv mournfulsound. Messrs. Giles & Bradley. • . , Third—To build a brtek aewer four feet deep, east 'KS'Sio. of Bibo’. Canal, from the Thunderbolt culvert to Itae opening of the 1 Parti.* wishing information in relation to the above work are 'referred to the City’Surveyor <*fflce third Porv Exchange Baildlng.) for drawings and details aiidwm snhinit lheir bids ip writing (stating lowest m it e ami names of securities) to , n EDWARD C. WADE, ,lecl7 Chairman Committee on Dry Culture. ^ Letallwholuvo baen givan fffbjfoodoe- tora, and spoken of aa incurable, read the following. !*• Let all who ean belfore facta, and can have faith in evidence, road the Mowing: .ON THIS CONTINENT. It is WAKKANTED to URHTOltS GK>V 1IAIII TO ITS miiiiNM. natural color, In every i -tse it willsror o • hair from fabling out; it willtr. elec ,cad from ittiorsatid dandruff; fkohotk the • now mol the i vtit, and is a KFAUTIVl'i. liHEsSING. lie niter nolaigerewards, bin we ntho t allol .it agents to kefuniltlir uonkv to a ty pm m who v:11 use two bottles, and tlien say Vkgk- A1.I.K Hun Kestobativk has not per >rn.e all we New and Ext rnordinnry Care for cholera. .lust at tile close of lire cholera u|>iih'mif' in Paris, an interesting expctimeni was tried by Dr. Lorain, one ol lb.: physicians ol the llgmilal St. Antoine, in. Lite Faubourg SI. Antoine. As is weil known to the profes sion, the blood in cholera becomes thick ; or. to speak more correctly, loses its wintry par tides, and does not circulate in the cap'yl hay system. Under this state ot things tlYi- pulieut grows bine and cold, and lads rapidly iuto collapse. Dr. Lorain thought that when a patieul was f.rnml ioftbis fatal condition, ii would be a good inject, water into his veins so as to thin the blood again,'anil enable it to circulate to all parts of the hotly. He first tried lire experimful on animals me t found it did not kill them. lie then Uml, ll,e first collapsed case which came into the hospital, which happened to be a young man wilh_ no other bodily ail limit” Ilian the' disease in When .lie was .cold, insensible, veric in a word, within an hour or two of his death—Dr. Lorain (sailed his hospital col leagues together, 1 old them what Ire wanted to do, and”asked them tlieii opinion as In the possibility of curing the man by other remedies. With one accord they declared the patient beyond hope of relief, anil that the doctor’s conscience might be til ease in the trial ot the experiment lie proposed, lie then, with the usual precautions against the introniiseion ot air, injected into tire veins at the fold of the arm about twelve ounces ol water at a temperature of 101 deg. Fareu- The man soon grew warmer, his pulse* became perceptible, lie showed unmistakable signs of returning life, and, in lact, sixteen hours alter the operation, in the morning, he sat up iu bed and asked for a. drink, lie went on improving, passed thrrmgh all the phases o( ordinary convalescence front cho lera, and got well! r tlii in anile >• Simony .from the Capital Qf the Uiiften Stales. .t'-ssrs. Cakkktt ft Uo: i was induced to give your Hair p, epaiation a trial -t.J can lieurtily recommend It as unequalled as a 'reusing. Partner anil Restorer,— giving to the Hair i-iixuriant richness, and lo the bead a cool and agreeable sensation, while it la thorough in re- of< i itn?t lie lialr to iLs natural color. Very respectfarly, , W. Hamlst. Washington, D. C.,May 15, ISCtl. I.SSIS. J. K IUrkett & Co : I was induced bv a friemWto male a trial of Bar 'p’s Wegeiable Hair Restorative, uml 1 *m very in'll placed with the eflfectltTiks had on my hair, was nearly half gray, and now, lielore using one . nle, my head is freed from dandruff, and my hair ,s all Hie appeuranrie 41 youth. I fully believe Bar- ■M's to be the heat hair preparation in the world. Wm. Hamilton. . Freilouia, N. Y. . April as, 1S66. .1 It. I [A Kll n'.TT A CIO,, Proprietors Manchester, New Hampshire. JACOB LIPPNIAN, '.'ornfM- ro*igi*Pa9 ami Barnard streets. Agent. Sold i»y ali'>ruggisUj. jy- ti Coimqijsfen, jforphafts. L=l. PILLS AND*SALVE. J^ET the Suffering and Dtoeaaod rend the fulllow- I tag. «e an isa KNOW ALL MEN BY THEBE PRE SENTS, . That, on this, the 94<h day of Jane, l» the year of our Lord, 1848, personally cane Joseph Hsydpck, to mu known as such, aha being duly ewarn, deponed as follows: That he Is the note General Agent fur the Uutted States, and dependencies thereof lor prepa rations JUST received and for sal wa: That he Is the sole General Agent f BlataA and depiendeneias thereof lor | or medicines known an MAGGEEL'3 PILLS AND SALVE, and mat the following Certlfloates are verbatim c of Us I Jotary : Wall street, Mew York. Public, ■ it Jokh let, 1844. > my paw to Write you of my beawlW pale in my aktehaa i to yonr medipme. 0*wW»c- i that I can get some a leap I Du. Maggiul : I take greaL relief, and that the awful left me at but—thanks to '— tor, liow thankful I am _JM_ _ „ „ ...... can never write it enough. 1 thank you again and agaiu, and am sure that you are really the iHend of a.l sufferers. 1 coaid met AMp^wrlting to you, ■ hope you will not take it ammo. . JAMES MYERS, U8 Avenue D. U* This js to certify that i was discharged from inh a “ - tho Army with a Chronic Diarrhoea, and have been cured by Dr. If agglel's PI Us. WILSON HARVEY, New York, April Tib, 1844. H Pitt street pr The following Is an Interesting esse of a> employed lu an Iron Foundry, who. In Pouring cd iron Into a dusk tuat was damp and wet, u an explosion. The melted Iron was (brown W*«*d and on him in a perfect shower, and he was burned dreadfully. The following Oertilcate irai *tv«R to me by him, about eight weeks after the accident: NbW York, January 1.1806. My name la Jacob Hardy; I ein an Iron Fbonder; 1 was badly burned by hot iron in November last; my buruH healed, but I had a running tore on my leg lb at would uot heal; 1 tried MAGGIEL'S SALTB, and it cured me in a few weeks. This is all true, and anybody can uow see me at Jackson's Iron Works, second Avenue. J. HARDY, H » (Merck street. EXTRACTS FROM VARIOUS LETTEH8. Letter from the Czau of Russia.—Tlio folL'w- in^fc a translation of the letter of the Czar Alexander of Russia, which was transmitted by the President to both lfouse»of Congress on Monday last: Pktkrhof. AligU3t 17th, 1H0(*. ffis s Sl(tit>Jty the Emperor of Russia to the FresiiU**t of the Uuitfp States of America: I have received from the hands of William Fox the resolutions of the Congress of the United States »*i America on the occasion of the Providential grace tit which L have been the object. That mark of sympa thy has moveil me sensibly. It is nothhme personal It attests once more tin; sent i in cuts that bind the American nation w» that of Russia. The two peoples have no injuries to reinember, bnt only good rela lions. Under all circumstances proofs of mutual be nevolence are added. These cardinal relations are as conducive ta their reciprocal interests as to the of civilization uml humanity, and answer the dejig us- of Divine Providence! whose will is peaee^d conronl among all natious It giveroo a lively-plcasnre to see these ties constantly streugUieuedm<m> aud more. I have imparted my sentiments to Mr. F«»x. 1 pi*a> you to bo my interpreter to Congress and the Amen- cau people, whom :t represents. Tell them how much 1 appreciate, and with mo the whole ol Russia, the let- timonies of friendship they have given me, and ie»u happy I will be to see the American nation grow n 0 strength ami prosperity by the union ami constant practice of tho civil virtue that distinguish it. Accept *^t the same time the assurances of die high consiilera- wifi wliich I am your good friend, q. Alexanijf.r. Rebel to IIavi No .—In tlie Ho of Representatives Wednesday* 'Ifi, ^ adoi**'^ #.4V “ItmApd, That tho Committee on Public Ltuvmid- lnstniccra to inijiiire into the expediency of disposal ing the act, approved June24, 1SGG, font settleimnt of the public lauds* for‘homestead, as to require tie- in certain States therein uieutirof January, 1HD7, to applicant, from and aftor./L borne arms a^tinst tlie make oath that he bn aid and comfort Iff its en» - United States, o»* *+ in lea.” 4j£ j§Lfi^fcoWTflOMEiiY. — The New Orleans Times prints the following telegram: Montuomeby, Dec. 15.— Judge Busleed’s pieki d grand jury liavo just reported. 'Hie report is as radi cal as Judge Busteed’s charge; probably more so. aid mad vests severely on the press. Gen McArthur, of Chicago, Fairbanks, and Tate, a government d« t< tive prepared the report, and tlie exhausted minority yielded. The report has produced considerable sen nation. Thk XflW Orleans Radical. Riots.—The War I>e- j partment is very busy iu preparing the voluminous document relating to the New Orleans riots, f«»r use of Congress. The report <»t the Military Commis- w-eion makes an immense elueninent, to say nothin the detailed evidence takeh by General Sheridan. Florida Sentinel f ^k!ffith gai^t ? Jiiat received and for sal PUBLISHED AT t.\LiL.auai>skr;. Florida, TRI-WESKl.V, BY BFItRti* OlilllEII. ttyHB snbw-Jription price is lower than Dial ol .any A other paper iu Die Slate, viz : Per anmim hix mmlthH Three liioinhs... Tho piper Will be furnished Twice a week lor one year ....$U ©0 Oocca week for one Jour 2 i«> We have able correspondent* at Washington, At lanta. mid oilier points, who Rive us weekly fh- latest and lllost reliable nows. Regardless or labor * and expense, we intend to continue the-improve ments already made oil tbe SENTINEL, until it he ( comes wbattt is making-rapid progress lo wards, THE LEADING PAPER IN frfXHlfDA. 101.D MEDAL SHERRY, J'liRT AND MADEIRA, HAHYEhf. BOURBON, WHEAT NUTRIENT, OLD HOMESTEAD RYE. In addition to our business or selling Wines, etc. in original packages, and in order to insure to con sumers Pure iilquorn In a compact and convenient form, we commenced the enterprise of bottling and packing ill eases our well known Wines, Brandies. Whiskies, etc., and have sent them ont In a fffjle that would preclude the possibility or their being tam- perrd with before rearlilng the purchaser. The gen- eral appreciation and gratifying success that has re- wrr.led onr 1'irorts has encouraged us to maintain Die standard as regards quality, also, to make in- creased efforts D> retain tlie confidence and pulron- :ig ‘ wliich lias liean so liberally bestowed upon us. BIN1NGER A UO., Established 1773.] Importers of Wines, Ac., No. 15 Beaver street. New York. Tlie aliov.t popular goods are put up in cases con- ia in ing one dozen liol ties each, and are sold l>y H . C . R U W E , BOLE AGENT BOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA, SAVANNAH. and all prominent Druggists, Grocers,etc. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. The itanfb of Uiningt-r Jk Co., No. IX Beaver Street, IS a guarantee ol' the exact and literal truth of what ever I hey represent.—N. Y. Com. Advertiser. The Importing house of Biniugcr A. Co.. No. 15 Beaver street, is conducted niton principles or Inleg- rily. fairness, and Die highest honor,—N. Y. Evening Express. jeC-Dcod* Wly Notice. Opfick General Superintendent Atlanta*, f & Gulf Railkuad, Havannal* I MIROfJGIl TICKETS to Jacksonville are nowm>M oytT this RomL Fare, $R2. Tiine, 17 hours. Trnin leaves Savannah daily, Sunday* excepted, at i a. in., arriving at Jacksonville at i*j at night. Leave Jacksonville atl a. in., and arrive at Savan nah at it. lo p. m. l orauy information concerning this route, apply to II. Haines, General Superintendent, or J. B. Bond, General Ticket Agent.. H. S. IIAINKS, dec2J—fit ^ General Superintendent. NEW BOOKS. IjAUS VENERIS, (Swinburne). SKIRMISHING. W UO BREAKS—PAYS. DAURYLL GAP; Ok, Whbthsir It Paid. MADONNA MARY : By Mrs. Olyphant. THE BEAUCLhRKS—Fathke and Son. ARCHIE LOVELL. SLR BILOOK FOSSBROOKE. sale bv BSTILL A BROTHER, Bull street, opposite Poet Office. BLANCEVILLE SLATE MINING COMPT, VAN WERT, POLK CO., UA. Cnpl IS tools., tSOO.OOO SHARKS, $50 EACH. Dikrkotokb—H. Brigham, J. F. Dover, E. C. Gran- nisH, A. Wilbur and A. E. Marshall. PatumcNT—A. Wilbur. Savannah, Ga. Vine PuKaimwT—E. C. Graimhw, Macon, Ga. Seouktaby—A. a K. Marshal), Atlanta, Ga. 1 had no appetite. MAGGIEL’S PILLS gave ms a hearty one. “ Your PILLS arc marvelous." “ I send another. Box, and keep them fa house. ” “ Dr. MAGGIBL baa cared my headache, that waa chronic ’’ “ l gave half of one of your PILLS to my babe lor cbolera morbus. The dear little thing got well In a day." “My nausea ol a morning la now cored,” “ Your box of MAGQIBL’S BALYK eared mo of noises in the bead I robbed some of yonr SAL VS behind my ears, and the notes left." Send me two boxes; I want one for a pool (aas ily.’ I enclose a dollar; yonr price la 95 cents, bn the Medicine to me Is worth a dollar.” “Send me five boxes of yonr PILLS.” “ Let me have three boxee of yonr SALTB by « turn mail.” I have over two hundred sacb these, hut want of apace compels me to eoaelnde. J. MAGGIBL, M. D. MAGGIEL’S PILLS AND SALVE. tSf NOTICK—Nous genome without tl graved trademark around each pot or box. by Dr. J. MAGGIBL. It Pine street, Mew York, to counterfeit which Is fslouy. tsar Sold by all respectable Dealers In Medicine* Lb< uughout the United States and the Oenadaa, at 95 cents per box or pot. THE EYE, EAR, AKD THROAT. xR. WRIGHT, of Toronto, Canada Weal, Pbjsl- AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. taken the large Fire Proof Stare, re- pied by Messrs. Wilkinson A Fargo, to offer th$ best faculties for sades noge-tm COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WHOLESALE Corn. Oats. Meal, Feed, Bran, Oil Cake. Flour, “Bacon, Salt, Hops, <&c., Constantly receiving, and for sale at the lowest wholesale rates. « . . Agent Savunnx% Flour Sfilisi 155 Bay Streep Savannah. oc4—6m . Bacon, Hams, Lard. hogsheads Clear Baum Sidea 50 hogsheads Clear Bib Sidea 1$ hngulnails Prime Bright Sbonldeta M tierces Pore KettlsHtebdered Lard 95 ttoroee Choice Sugar Cared Bugged Hams 15 HareeaHngmr Cored Uncovered Hams W. H. WHITNEY A UO., neld-lf No. 4 Barrie’ Range. Eow. O’Bimm. . J. H. O'Bruxm. * Edw. v <y Byrne & Son. Yiouuu in Rut ail Dbalxxs is Gaocxaixs, Liquons, Ac., Ac. aeUcit a share of the patronage of onr friends and the public generally. The Senior partner iff this lrm having done business in this city for up- Warda of tumr-hro ysars. Corner Bryan and Jr** streets. ^ iy Butter. Flour* 'Bacon, LARD, &c. HOGSHEADS Clear Ribbed Sidea Pork, rn HOGSHEADS Clear Itiooeu Pines OU 90 hogsheads Shoulders, Baltimore cored. 95 tierce* Lard, Baltimore Leaf as barrels Pork. Prime, Prime Mess and Mea M kegs and half kegs Butter, Choice Goshen lee boxes Cheese 15 tierces Hama, New Sugar Cored. 8BQABS. COFFEE, TEA, SOAP. CANDLES, Be. 5$ hogabeads Sugar, St. Croix, Porto Rico and Muscovado 140 barrels Snyar, A, B and C iepackages Tea, assorted qualities tee bags coffee, ltio 44 pockets Coffee, Old Government Java ISO boxes Soap, alt qualities 100 boxei Candles, Adamantine and Tallow If* boxes Tobacco, all qualities Cube Molasses ia hogsheads and barrets Hay, Corn, Oats and Cow Feed constantly on hand finding and for sale by SCRANTON, SMITH A CO., Hodgson’s Baildlng, nolt Bay street, opposite Jefferson. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. UR stock to equal to any in the city. Call and o fudge for youraetvss noa? SCRANTON, MITH Jt CO. MNLBMWKi Sealer & Commission Merchant, r ““ Pxiur Callahan. Jasb Ekbsioah. Colnmbw Square GROCERY STORE, Rant aidebf Colombia Square, corner of Habersham and Pftaident streets, BY PHILIP CALLAHAN A CO. R BCHIYINO. WEEKLY, first-class Family Gro- oeriea. Ales. Wtnen, Llqnora, Cigars, Fruits, Yegatablns, Ac. For sale on must reasonable terms. ^ — Fall Fashions for 1866. J, Ws BRADLEY’S CELEBRATED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) Hoop Skirts. ... >ug eltheir Medical Surgeon, consulted on Deafness, Dfsclurge. from tbo-real noises In the Head, Chtarrh, Dlaeao^^* and Lungs. oreSuSshbarif-jJ'"' Buckler’.old ofioeo. s,»ra m r* r «..and «•$,.«. •liihce liour-r 19-tt— FULTON PETROLEUM AND MINING CO Capital Stock, - - - $300,000 SHAKES, $50 BACH. FIRST PAYMENT. $16 PER SHARE And uo other assessment made, exce» r by direction of a majority ot all the Stockholders. OFFICBB8: J. F. SLOAN E. E. RAW8DN JNri. C. WHITNBR P. P. DBASE ROBT. LOGAN General Boperintandent President Flea President. Jtocretaiy. J. P. LOGAN, E. B. RAWSON, P. P. PEASE, ROBT. LOGAN. S. K. MuCAWRY, JNO. C. WHTTNB5, W. F. PARKHUBST. This Company proposes to bumasud Having leased Lands In! immediate vicinity of recent oil discoveries^ It now offers a portion of Its Stock for sale, the amount paid upon which shall be returned to tbs purchaser before any general dividend wUi be declared. A limited amount of Stock may be secured by anil, ing on the undersigned, agents in this city. • * WII oc2 Laroche, bell , Assignee’s Sale. T OFFER for sale the Bnlldfag known as tbs Bank tree, alia atari on the southern oaeffhlrU Jeykyl Tythlng, Derby Ward, frouttag n Drayton, and sixty (set on Bryan i ot Commerce, or lot No. l«t ‘ thirty feet on street. The Building Is well adapted for carrying an a large Banking business. i ALSO, T ills Company will soon be prepared to rill any orders for Slate, however large, for roofing, for of slate. raatogfartured ont of slate, for lintels, for t, iinwffor any pchcr uses to which .into can Tile prominent feature or the SENTINEL wiil In “its devotion to the rights, interests and feelings o Florida an her 'stricken nis#t States; wewol»ldllli them up om tho valley of imiqiliation, exhort Chen to a forgetfulness or the past (except ils o|oriefH, and nerve (hell- arms for me arduous straggles of I he lii lure." | Mr. John A. Gnriiu is our General Traveling Agent, and is authorized to receive subscription* and solicit advertising, colled monev, and receipt for Hi games J. DEItltlEN OLIVER, sep5f-<Uf 1’iopriutJ r. The flichmond Eclectic, ^Vlontlily iVtagazine Oil FOREIGN LITERATURE, RELIGIOUS AND SF.C- ULAH. EDITED BY RcV.‘ MOfc*ES D HOG3 AND He?. WM. BBOWN. T BBMS FOUR DOUaAUSayear In adyanre. .Sin gle Copien, Iforty Cents. The undersigned are Agents for the above Maga zine, and are uow readv u>' roceive Hiilfiicflptions by the year or elngl nninnhr. F.STILL & KBOTUER, no24 Newsdealers. THE LnGraiige PUBLISHED AT Lagrange, Georgia, ) circulation of any paper in W«®t fir kL?‘^|K la *^nrt 1* located in the midst or one re^l^p*' ^“^PUon, $3a*. Advertising ocis-ir J0NEB fc WII.IdvIcftlAii. Ffuprletoni. Notice. T“^b b y\ r ovrwmi inR ,lken the lately c .7Z. williams, Mciutirfi Ae(1i, -ill bnue the business undM , th’(. ! H^, Intlre * <Jo '’ wil1 °°" MoINTIRE 016 “rtu name of WARD A McINTIRE. declO—tf H. WARD, JOHN R. McINTIRE. furniture pavement, . . be applitsl. Tlie quarry is convenient to the cities of .Vilantii, Augusta, Macon, Albany and Coluuihua, Ga.; to tlie cities of Selina, Montgomery and Mobile, Ala.; to New Orleans, and will shortly be to Mom phis, (V'uii.. and 8(» Louis, Mo. The snporiorlt' rltyr abflit ' pavement Lo various artiol well known* (jritcrs tiiSy he addressed to jiiiiS-iy A. K. MARSHALL. Soc’y. •CHRISTMAS PRESENTSI DRY GOODS! Jj7LEGANT LACE SETTS. Bmiiroidered Hanc kerchiefs, (hints’ Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Fancy Articles, Dreg* Goods at Cost, . Cloaks at Cost, Cloak Clotlig and Casefmeres, Damask Tabic Linen, Nspk Ins, Doylies anil Towel.. For sale by DxWITT A MORGAN, dec!5 137 CONGRESS STREET. COAL. ANTHRACITE, BITUMINOUS, ED ASH, Steamboat, Baltimore, Cumberland T> ED ASH, SI XL lupl English OV»l For sale by ton $r cargo 1 Shipman a chapin. Notice. fllUE umlersii X PURSE A TUOJ lied partnership. Coniitiiiwioa and Aw the name and style of —J, have this day formed a lim- the transaction of a General business In the city of ' rst day of Jsiy, Thomas are the *the Spe ll mission .— — - - . — aunah, to Cbnflntfe until thff^flrat day of Ja[y, eneral . cial Partner,,»nd has^^^uted_T<sn Thonsand Dol tbs Oomartnvrvhlp. D. G. PURSE, D. B. THOMAS. A. H. STODDARD. dscftr ■ ^‘TWil9i l fe. : VW* Potatoes, Onions and Cabbages H ECKIVING, and for ■alwbyi - mihuo—*I» ,i. P. CAI.LANAN ft CO., no^i-tf Corner Habanham and President sta. The middle ana-third of said lot No. 1$. and the improvements thereon, the ground upon which both buildings are situated to fee simple. U1 Thirty bonds of one tbboesnd dollars each, city or Colnmbna, gaaranteed by the Mobile i rard Kaliroad Company, and thirteen bonds city of Columbus of *ve handled dollars enefc. la- terest on all the bonds seven per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. - I The above described real estate and bw feted at private sale, and If not disposed 0 ly, will be sold at Auction by Gsorgs W the first day of February next, at tbs Coart inthiacily. JOHN 0. FEB RILL, no29 ids AaSgnse. j NOTICE. TO ALL WANTING FUfUHTURE am opening for the tn^retlon of tfcapablk, a fine stock of CABINET KUBNLTUHE, CHAIRS, MAT- TRKS8BS, Acg Ac., To which the attention ot mil Is InTttad. ■ tsar Ware rooms, 1T8 BROUGHTON STHUr. 8W eck’eold Dry Goods Ktors. fl4-l» KB. HAHHtHBTQN. A Fine Black Mare POR SALE, By LaHOCHK, IBM. A WH.WBI. nrs wm wc»—a hhrWrheBtof.naMi.amfla W every parttentor » tornffy Norm past tor a iSssjsrsswrsJt Terms known a Ota—KnyBaere.'. T w el v e € a rile n AT PBIVAVK BAU. BY JqftnCHK BILL * Oontalnlng 909-1$ acres W HM'' Lota._TbhJrsrvi — Shell Koad cod 0 , ated within owe nrOy ef tfta M Dissolution of m ii, i ii J. W. BRADLEY’S DUPLEX SKIRTS have printed In HKD INK. on the band i. W. BRADLEY’S DUPLEX SKIRT. , DON’T BUY ANY OTHER. Yon can always find frill assortments at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT J. C MAKER ft CO.. LATHROP ft CO. - ASK FOR I. W. BRADLEY’S DUPLEX SKIRT AND “SEB THE NAME ON THE BAND tour sslela Savannah at Wholesale by J, C. MAKER ft Ctt, LATHRDP ft CO., OBFF ft WATKINS, Retail hy J. C. MAKER ft CO., LATHROP ft 00., DE WITT ft MORGAN, ■( ■ EINSTEIN ft KCKMAN, OHPF ft WATKINS. THOMAS PEPPER. At wholesale by the kxcloalv. Manufacturers and Soto Owners of the Patent, WESTS, BRADLEY ft CARY, Warerooms and Of# e. Hot. 97 (numbers,TT!d 79 and 81 Reads 8L, New York. PIANO TUNING — AND — b *■ jl. i *». i xar a-. /j . ! a. H. MILLS. (PROM LONDON,} j^ESPEOTFULLY offer, hi* aervice* In the above M. M. comes recommended by many of tbs first ar- tiato of Ms Igs, sack as Strakosch. Adelina Patti, Harr JaeLQoHachalk, fcc., aa one of Um best toners of lbs BXrBBBNOB IK SAVAHHAH. G. M. Heist, Esq. M. R. Turner, Saq. tuning at iheestoWtolwnant of ' " i resident Co., eft ft tbs l nee of Mr. Mills, on Whitaker street, between Broughton street jane and Stole street no99-lm Paper Hangings Window Shades. Ot - u . ~— ■?—"— MBS. MARY J. TURNER, No. $8 8t. Julian Street, C. T..HDTGH1N8, 5I9MB0J Wn. stakb. Jos. A. Ro*bxts. B. NrpmaYk$ STARR & ROBERTS* Shipping and Commission merchants; lh3»'.! %. y.rrrr aftllneqiu rjui- li r-j? ecihLitoot^a t Not Too Late Tor ft :137A .vW-J. i'f?. CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR’S PRESENTS, , cyt Birili And Elegant Quality. - jy 1ST RECEIVED a choice selection OF 1 richly SAVANNAH, GEUKGIA. Liberal advances on conaignmedta of Cotton or I Other Produce. Particnlar attention given to the purchase of snp- plies for Manufacture^. Ac.dvef» A. ADSrm.L, Atlanta, Oeorgto. W. H Inman', • (Late of Georgia^ New York. -A-ustell & Xnztiaii, C#tt$u and tammissiun Hcrchauts, No. 90 Wall street, NEW YORK. W K are fully prepared to make liberal cash ad. vancements on consignments lrom Uerchanls and Planters, both at this place and at our agencies throughout the South. Onr Mr. Austell, of Atlanta, will arfange advancements there. Coitoq and un r- cbaudfte will be forwarded to us with dispatch by onr agents, Messrs. Brady A Moses, of Navaunah. We will exert oar best energies to give saHsfxclfou, and promote the interests of our patrons. Consignments from.onr Southern friends, respect fully solicited; •Jfr > RISLEY & CREIGHTON, Commission Merchants and «■ SHIP BROKERS, TOILET SETTS, VASES, DRESSING CASKS, ODOR STANDS, WORK BOXES, WINE CA8IS, and I Ornamented Goods- of all descriptions. Baskets of Fruits, containing Pears, Plums, Peaches, Grapes, Ac , each and every Fruit ailed uith , delicate perluuic. Something quite novel. „ Watch stauds. Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, ftc. Scotcli Plaid Goods of ingenions workmanship. Ivory. Tortoise Shell and Buffalo Combs, Ivory and Buffalo Hair Brashes, ftc. Berides, a splendid assortment of French, English and Uerman Perfumery, Lubin’s Coudiaj’g, Ronille. rou’s and Chaidiu's products or Paris. Low, Son ft Uaydon, Bailey, Cleaver A Yardley’s products or London. OermanColognes from the gennine Johann Maria Farins. 1 Call and examine, lor goods are atihwu with pleasure at LIPPMiN'S Drtug arid Chemical, . * Corner Congree, >D ,| Barn . ri , decil-tf . HOLIDAY PRESENTS, FOR LADIES, <|ENTLEMEN and children, ’ J * A v Embracing tbe most EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT RICH c. charleston Charters made for any ports atsbort notice, and on favorable terms. Advauees made on consignments to onr friends in Europe, West Indies and Northern cities. decC-lm R. A. SOLOMON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, COLLECT ING AGENT. &c., Eixfanla, -A-la. Prompt attention given t«> Collect ions and Rom it* tancee: purchase and bale of Cotton. Jtc. Reference:—Messrs. 8. SchilTer A Nephews, Lau- ence Bros. A Co., Mew York; Rnpiug, Hannerd & o., Columbus, Ga.; Wm. A. McKenzie if Co., Ap:t tfhicola; Austin & KilK Savitagah. Ua. oclO F. Mjctcalfe. E. M. Buuce A Co v John W* O’Cokmoe. E. F. METCALFE A CO. AND,RARE ARTICLES OF EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS CITY. LUXURY lYIS UESPEt'TFCILl.Y SOIaICIT A CALL TO KXANINE OUR STOCK* fe. D. decl l-tf SMYTHE & CO-, lOO Broujfliton Street, WM. J. ILADGHLDi, DEAT.EU IN s * Wall Paper* W indow Shades, FIRST FLOOR, OVER IIILLSAIAN'S DRUG STORE, A large assortrtient ol Wail Paper, Window Shadea Gilt Cornices, C’urtuin liaudn. Picture Frames, Gil MouMirgs, A-c., Ac.,'always oirh.oiU. OEDEES FOE Cotton tractors; Comm ission Forwarding Merchants, No. 5 Stoddard’s Lower Range, Bay St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. " Cub advances on consignments to Norton, Slaugh ter ft Co., New York, and John K. Gilliatt ft Co , Li erpooL oel2-»ra Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber A Commission MERCHANT, Street, Savannah,. Lilil'itJri, o ’ Order* for Lumber §. G. GENERAL COgUIISSlON MERCHANT, AND WHOLX)toLK DKALER IN of those visiting the city, is called to the extanelve assortment ot TOYS, FANCY GOODS, ftc’., •P » . to be had at W liblesaie or Retail at ^ * T. BATESON’S. . Corner £Jom?re->« all i Dr.iyton Ml reels. N. TIiAnklnl for thn iiiHtfftl putionsgo vstend* clorimr the last | #lFTKEX YKAJfci, I r<spect'nliy solicit a continuauce of the name. Flour, Grain, Weed an* Produce, CORNER STORE, 144 and 199 Bat Szseet, toot of Babnakd S*.. Savannah, Georgia. References—C. A. OimbriU ft Co.. Norris ft Bald, win, Baltimore; Woodward, Baldwin ft Co., Battnaore and New York; L. Oambrilt, Banker, Claarleetou. Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton And Produce. oc9>tf & Co., Johnston, Woods v* General Commis’n Merchants . ) Ne. MO 8todd«rd f « Lower Rang;, SAVANNAH, GA. a cpl-tx It. A. HARDEE & CO.. COTTON FACTOR- AND General Commission Merchants. Liberal advances made on consignments. Sales made In Savannah on New York or Liver pool, and bnt one commission charged.noli Austin & Ellis, Commission and Forwarding Merchants 80 BAY' STREET, SAVANNAH, «}A. THOMAS H. AUSTIN,) late of Apalachicola. Fla , CHARLES ELLIS, f . and Columbia*, Ga. sepll-tf■, t. P. Booaa. W. A.^ Bryant. Bouse & Bryant, Honaeviy of Jacksonville, Fla.,) 194 Bay Htroet* IAVA9BTAH, • - • ^ (AKUHGIA, TJTILL give prompt attention to receiving ami for- W wasdlag goods, sale* on constowaeid, and uii omen; and will also keep ermafaetiy on hand a m Articles fttr aale on coatognmeut, and for which they are aetints. Orders and conaignmeuta lespectruiiy so ld ted. u,. _. als-tt— HOLUiWWiWH & 00, COMMISSION MERCHAUfS, . MACON, GEORGIA. i to tlie execntlon i we solicit. Peters & Hollingsworth, COTTON SHIPPING AND I a new supply of Paper Hangings, Wln- and Gilt Oornlcea, which will be sold Ul± GENERAL QOMMIHBtff MERCHANTS, BPODDAito’s Upfxk Range, Bat Stbeet, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. STEAM SAW MILL. XARTKRN WHARF, SAVANNAH, QA. .vlag completed their U known s* the ”1 HOUSE. SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAIN r1N G PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. no29-lm Prepare for Christinas. Toys, Fireworks, Confectionery Ac.,, Ac. ic. VHE attentior. of the reridi-nts of Savannah, and S. B. HABBINGTON, DKALM J EVERY VARIETY OF FURNITURE IS SELUNG GOODS Lower Than Any Other House IN SAVANNAH. HOTELS AND STEAMBOATS FURNI8HED. PARLOR SETS, extra well upholstered. Citv Sheriff’s Sale. ■JJ"NDBR anil by virtue of two fieri facias*, issued outoj the iif»norableCity Court*»f Siv:in!mhAA lnvt»r of JMiied Lloyd vs. Bernard C. Wagner, I have levied, Jtyid will sell, on the first TFEi»i>AY1nJaun* bolug the first day of said month, before IrnTTourf Hoii«lo<»r, in "the city of Savannah, in the county of ciuKham* and State *»f Georgia,.be r tween the legal hours of sitlo, the following proper ty. to > - •» All that Lot, Tract or "Parcel of l »ud, lying, befog and situate in t ho cJty of B:tvannah, comity and State afuresaiii, and known and dhdixrguished iu the Map or Pdf!) of naid city of Savannah as Lot Lib erty Ward, containing sixty feet fro t, by ninety feet deep, more or less, with the improvements thereon, bounded as follows r On the nortji by State stideL fouili by Piesi*lent street, east by Lot No. 17, and west by Montgomery street. Property pointed oat by deffendaut T^tine Parch; baser paying for titles. CUAKLES J. WniTE, dccl-tds Sheriff City Savannah. CITY COURT OF SAVANNAH. NOVEMBER TERM, 186R. W HERKAK, Mannarinke Hamilton, James Reed, Richard W- Ailams, weiv sinnnimpff lo attend and be sworn as rirnid Jurors an he present term of the Huminible'riity Conrt of Savannah, and made default, it is ordered that they inj fined in the samel forty dollars eueb, ualesa ih-y file good and suffi cient cause of excuse oil or before the first day of the next '.February; term of said Court And whereas, Kmunnel bheffal’, Thomas Hol- conibe and A. J Miller were summoned Lo attend as Talesmen and lie sworn as Grand Jurors at the pre sent term of tliiaConrt, and made defanlt. It Is or. dcred that they be fined iu Uie sum of tarty dollars each, unices !.h<*y file g"nd and sufficient cause of ex- cnseco or before llie first day of the next (February; term of said Conrt. And whereas, Patrick Rumen, Ueorge H. Ash, Charles K. Simih, Daniel. G. Purse, Henry P. Ben nett and James U. Busklor were sun monad to at tend andl^Boru aa Petit Jurors at tlie paesont term of thisCoMMhild made default, it to ordered that they be fined in the sum of .twenty dollar! each, un less lhey file good iind sufficient cause o{ excuse on or before the first day o. the next (February) term And whereas, W. O. Godfrey, James H. Demand, 9 H. lirovtn, Beujsaiiu B. Fcrrill, Peter Yandever, A Kui - Fumandez and L. A. Wakeman were summoned to appear on the 8th of November, I8G& to attend and be sworn as Petit Jarure: and whereas, Patrick Dum,, I„ W, Landcrs&ine, Dr. Warren Johnson. Patrick H. Malli lie and John Kilay were summoned to appear and In: swum as Pent Jnrors, and made defanlt since the nth of November; and whereas, Morris Duty, B. B. Chipmnii, B. F. tinner, F. Brown, S. ri. Catlierwood, 8. M. Golding, L. J. QnUmartin and A. Dntenhofer were 9nmmoued to attend and he sworn as Psrit Jurors, uud unule default since tlio 10th of November, ISSfi; ami whereas, David S. How ard and George 8. Williams were sum mooed to at tend and be sworn as Petit Jurors, and made defanlt since the 231 of November, 18r,6: and whereas Pres ton Wufoer, VY-.W. Rciusiiart, K. O. Withington, T. . .. — „ j^epi, p. Peiut, Rndfcy and Wm. Salt were summoned lo attend and he sworn as Petit-Ju rors, hnd made default since I he 71b day ot Decem ber, ISCtl; uml whereas, John D. Hoprins was snmmoned to attend and be sworn, aa a Petit Joror, and made default since Die 8th day of December, liCti, It is ordered that they each he fined m the snm <>f twenty dollars, unless they file good and sufficient cause for such default oh or before the first day of the next (February} term of Ibis Court. W. 8. OU I -HOLM, Judge. Attest:—WM. J. ffULE.ilENTS, Deputy Clerk City I'jiiirf ol KiiVitnn’ih. Court ol Savannah. True extract from tlie minutes of Conrt of the 17th December, ISOG. •PHILIP M. RUSSELL, decl8—.TOt CierkCliy Court of Savannah. Ill orders forLomber In aajqnaa •toes and langlha. We *■— — an Improved PlanatjjjgS vrlfr » : .. ■iyiniftfift, fmmotofoanfootY«.a 1 ... '■• i m'l ie Isuui^e to oJt7 HDMMf afoWfoiltoff. hy It* own ifftoi HOLLYOU ft MUBAAY. od* UBABLPS YAMBOam ORANGES. DANIEL H. LONDON. NO. '63, BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Shi^pingr anti Commission Merchant, W ILL sell all kinds ol .Tobacco, Cotton, Bagging, Grain, Seed, ftc., and will exeente onlers for buying Merchandise and Produce ot every duscrip- tton. Consignments and orders solicited, . REFERENCES. In Savannah—Major A. Porter, Dnncan ft John ston, N. ft. Hardee ft Co., ii E Heylz ft Co., John Stoddard. ' In NKw Yorx-W. O. Langley ft Co.. Barclay ft Livingston, W m. Watson ft Co. Ltberat advances allowed on Oottofostop$®4 to casrs. Eyre* Evans ft Co.; Liverpool. oclAto '• PINE BED ROOM SRTS, Walnut anil Ma hogany. COTTAGE BED ROOM SETS, of every variety. DINING ROOM and LIBRARY SETS. MATTRESSES, BOLSTERS and PILLOWH of all kinds. KITTLE S FOLDING SPRING BEDo and MATTRESSES, the best Bed in use, . and WARRANTED SUPERIOR to others. LACE AND GAUZE MOSQUITO CANO PIES, and CANOPY FRAMES. WAREROOMS.' 178 Broughton Street, JearlT Opposite SI. iiiiei'iHil. NEW STORE 600TS, SHOES, HATS AND CLOTHING, At Wholesale and Retail BY Einstein Eekinau & < NO. 163 CONGRESS STREET. W E are now receiving, a “ d 1 oe «*»■ large and well selected. pt , mined goods from the beat Diannffwnf”'’, JP exoreesiv for the Georgia and FlorW* traae- jp expreeely for the Georgia t Merebants and Planter* atock before p*r^« Estate Sale- W; 5,000 Acres of Timbered U*J« “ AT PRIVATE SALE ■ By LaHOCHK, BELL * 5,404 acre* of Heavily Timbered Bro"- Bulloch county, adjoining the tond* “ ^ (n® James Young, i»nd others, «, the Ogeechee river.*nd four milefifro® * co01t ing* 1 Railroad. Tbe Lands produce waaoM cane, etc., and ta one of. the moat beriiuy^ m te ir State; the society ia excellent, r isineaa and toimtag it cannot be excen ( j ( u» The above property belonga te ^e ta ^ rf dd John 11. Bnrns. deceaaed.aad»Mbr^ ^ SJ ■»i,0()0 BA^ffiS PRIME NORTHERN HAT, chipmA ' dec!9—2w. y M foCRAP! WiBayst IN. street. ^ tGeXJEl(«Jl*S5ass5*-‘® “ - " ■ »itAto% - , novf»tf ■* * Ji a 196 South Broad a credito.a of said estate, riot oi““ at onr connting-room. For fordierp*^ grot to os, or MtTH. C. Kittles, No.«, Term*—One half cub; batacem l«ta w f with T per cenkinterest, secured by morw* propertj; porchaMr to pay for Administrator, cummeo, testamesio estate of John a-”-^ noil—lm New York Herald pleau copy for 0D ® aend hlB Sn this office- w. BBOO* 8 THOM. JIANUFACTUHEB of ^ FURNITURE AND CENI URHOL«TE*« y * . N. B.—All OBDEBS sent by ended ta MARTIN J, ATTORNEY AT orncc. *•. w ••*** jl^fo SAVANNAH, 8A. S 03