The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, December 28, 1866, Image 2

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Jk The Daily News and Herald# 3V w. MASON. SVItlUKL vv. S1ASON i Ktinoj w. THOMPSOS Asaoetete EillMf Official Paper of the City. j-jtsTCiRliULATlOHINTHECITY AND C0UKT7 PKIUAV. DKCKMBKR H«. 18*>6- »* VSTMA » T KHS Aru authorized to receive subscriptions for the NEWS ASU HERALD, Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, atom ailverlined rates. TO OUR COUNTRY FltlKSiJKg.- As mucli interest Is felt throughout the country «i» regard to the prospects of the cotton and other cropi- we will l»e grateful to onr plautiug friends ami other* n the interior for information on that subject. Those who li'ivo opportunities for obtaining valuable inlor- luation in regard to the growing crop*, the working ol the Ireo-labor s> stem, and kindred matters, ot gen eral interest, will confer a favor by coiuinniiicating the same to us. A Singular CoinpUilut. Looking over our Radical exchanges we occasionally see an article berating the Southern people for manifesting a disposi tion to iguore politics and devote their un divided attention to their domestic interests. It really seems quite impossible for us to give satisfaction to rnauy of the Radical journals in the North. If we express our opinions upon political matters, we are ac cused of impudence aDd disloyally; if we don't express them, we are guiily of a criminal apathy about the alfuirs of the couutry. If we talk politics, we arc re bellious; if we don’t talk we are contuma cious. Wlieu we elected members ot Con gress we were charged with trying to rule the couutry again; if we show uo disposition to elect them, we are sulleu and refractory. What are we to do, to give salisfacliou, no one can tell us, and the Radicals themselves seem not to know- Such being the case, lue Southern people are betakiug themselves to hard work, as much from necessity "as from sound policy. In this they are doing light, and we hope they will stick to the de termination to make meat and bread and let politics alone. They have uo friends now ou whom they can rely hot their fertile soil and industrious bauds. Let them apply their energies to the recuperation ol their ruined lortuues- Not iu a sullen or contumacious spirit, but with au enlightened appreciation of their true interests, let them devote themselves to the development of their busiuess resources, and leave the barred field of politics to those who are in u situation to cultivate it. There is no calculating what the Southern people may accomplish by applying their immense puergies to agriculture aud the mechanic arts. And then, too, every Southern State should' now he busily engaged in establish ing factories of all kinds. Our State is leading off handsomely in that direction. She has now a large number ol* mills lor the manufacture oi cotton and woolen goods m the course of construction. This is the true way to reconstiuci. After Rome had con quered Greece, by forae of arms, Greece turned round aud conquered Rome, by literature and the arts aud scieucep. A • similar achievement awaits the South ii she pursues a similar course. Tun Cou.apsk op CuntOLisE.—No one who promenades Broadway now-a-dnys, says the New York Times, will doubt that the long foretold, long delayed “collapse of cri noline’ has at last come to pass. It is visible to the most careless observer, and has j.inol iu our most fashionable ladies as they •‘march along. ” The immense circumference of skirl and sweep ^pi traiu that came in vogue a dozen years ago, aud have been expanding and lengthening ever siuce, uutil recently, are now things of the past. In their stead masculine eyes are now gratified by neat, trim dresses, at ouce moderate in size, gruce- tully brief, aDd pre-eminently piquant. The Cordova Colony—Mexico.—Intelli gence bas been received that only General Price and Gov. Harris, of Tennessee, arc- now left at Cordova. They have erected a house, but it is scarcely comfortable, and their families reside in the city. Governor Hatris is about sending his family, six iu number, to Tennessee, to have his childreu educated. Gen. Shelby is at Vera Cruz en gaged in the colonization' of Tuxpan. Gen. Stevens is still superintendent of the Vera Cruz Railroad, but the ‘.ravel and business on it are small. All the Confederates, iu Meixico are In excellent health, but their prospects were poor. Tub Banks.—It appears from our ex changes that the persistent refusal of the banks to lend tbeir money to customers ope rates with the greatest hardship upon indus try and labor. It is alleged that they invest their means In Government securities, for which they receive the interest in gold, and thus discourage by refusing to assist honest enterprise. A member of Congress, when presenting a petition a few days since pray ing Congress to “correct the growing evil,'’ remarked that the banks preferred tiie inter est oftheir stockholders to that of the outside public, for whose convenience they were or ganized. An .lff<ri|At IMldsa. 4 A case was recently tried in Baltitflofc in which the question was decided whether the assignees of a person wfco, previous to the breaking out of the rebellion, bad ^is life in sured," and who entered Into the rebel ser vice, could recover tho amount of his policy. The insurance compaffy resisted the pay ment ol the amount called for by tho policy, on the grouud that the qgsured violated the tferm of the policy by going south ol Mhe lines prescribed by it into the^ military ser vice, contrary to Jfte express provisions thereof.. At the bottom ot each policy is a notice or stipulation that the'agents are not authorized to alter the contract entered into, or in any manner change the provisions con tained therein. Hence it was urged that tiie act of the agent in receiving the pre miums after it was known that the insured had entered the military service did not bind the company. The jury found a verdict iu favor of the compauy and against the claimants ; but it ib stated the President of the compauy he fore leaving the court-room, with great lib erality, gave them a check lor $4,000, and paid all -costs of the case. He said tin 1 amount involved was of no importance, but the company desired to have the principle settled by the courts. Emigration to Foreign Lands.—A Texas paper announces the departure, from that State receutly, of a party numbering about one hundred and fifty. They will settle iu the same region with a colony which had preceded them, about one hundred and fifty miles from Bin Janeiro. The Picayune, condemning this and other similar move ments iu tho Southwest, says nearly all the voluntary exiles to Mexico aud Brazil have returned after having endured unheard-of jufi'eriugs. It says, also, that most of the agents who are prowling over the eountry, trying to induce people to emigrate to this or that country, have private interests to sul>- SQi ve therein. Many of them are tho paid agents of speculators, who are taking ad vantage of the natural recklessness ami dis content of onr people, consequent upon the lute upheaval of society, aud they should fce on their guard against them. Negro Emigration.—The Atlauia Intelli gencer says : “Not a day passes but largo numbers of tiie negro population take tbeir departure Westward over the State Road.— We have been informed that not less than a thousand per week are thus transported on their way rejoicing to the rich Mississippi bottoms. They are collected up in various sections by agents, and it is said that all sorts ot inducements are offered them. A group may be seen at the car shed everyday awaiting shipment.” Personal.—Wc had the pleasure of greet' ing in our office last evening Mr. Orme, ot the Mtlledgcvillc Recorder, who is eu route for New York for the benefit of his health. He lakes passage on the steamer going hence this morning. -■= The Louisville Democrat says General Sherman and Mr. Campbell went to Mexico to find out what they went for. Thoy hardly found it necessary to go so fat to find out what they came back for. Mayor Monkob, of New Orleans, has ex pressed his williugoess to give the Congres sional Investigating Committee every facili ty to obtain information in relation to the riots iu that city. Hon. Montgomery Blair has declined tiie appoirtmcul of foreigu attorney to take charge of the United States subs Id Europe against the public property of tbe late Confederacy. This Sau Antonio (Texas) Express states that the arrangements for the uew telegraph line through that State to California are com pleted, and the line will be in working order by ?pi ing. Grnebal Grant has bought his father-in- law’s farm, ten miles from St. Louis, for $20,000. Ho is su’d to intend it as u final home for himself aud family. Mb. Davis.—The: Richmond Enquirer re marks : '“If it was generally understood how aunoying it is to Mr. Davis and his iainily when visitors leave them to publish all they saw of his domestic life, and all that they hesnl, or thought they heard him say, such publications would bring tbe writers far more of shame than credit. It is something more than indelicate or unkind—it is treacherous iu its nature and cruel iu its consequences— to retail, of one in bis situation, the language spoken iu the reserve of private converse.” Georgia Enterprise—In Georgia there are seventy-two mills for the manufacture bf cotton and woolen goods in course of con struction, some of which will also manufac ture calicoes- The MobileGazettc calls upon Alabamians to note the praiseworthy exam ple of the Empire State ot the South, and go and do likewise. This is the true w.iy for the Southern States to construct themselves. iNIGHT DISPATCHES. * Vfwt WukUfUa. Washington, December 27,—Petition, are oka lit!ng.throu«bonl to# North tot aign* tore**r»yt«I Cobgrras to refrain from the passage of any art an- t «rising the curtailment of the national earn*of, or having in view the return within a limited lima 10 specie payments. This moremWht is to opposition to tho policy of Secretary McCulloch, who maintains that the country wants mOtu labor thplaad of currency. The fall in gold la not to eenaaqnenes at anything the Srcjntaryot' to* Treasury has Houa. Thar* hove not been •ny torgs isles of gold by his direction fct * longtime. .. ' The President ia the recipient from MM? I* 00 ** Richmond, of a cane mad. of >ptea* of th. rtd trifta Oonriitatlon. Tit* iaaeriptorate to* gold bead plimests Andrew Johnaea aa tee i■storm of th. Oom- stitntiesi. The Secretary of State and Assistant crick Seward left Washington yastardag funeral of the Portuguese minister, who died at Brook lyn ou Monday laat. - , Mr. Sumner entertained the nawFnnto nrtutrtiwf. yesterday. Mr. Stanton was among the guested The Commissioner of OurtipftS 1 mation of the arrest at DStrutt of nto* smuggling. Secretary McCulloch, who baa 1 Washington for a few days, has returned and iteemed his duties. This morning the Uuited Slate* consul al St OMtu* West Indies, report* to the Slate Department account of Ihu prevalence of eholera, email hoc and yellow fever al 81 Thoma*. the Bngliah Inland* have established a quarantine on vowels from 8L Th of iweuty-oue day* and the Spanish Island* days. Tho President has pardoned Johuaoo Noble. ot tucky, and F. W. M. Holiday, of Virginia* on * commendation of the Governor* of their respective Stoics. i a con venation with the Preaid—t, he denied hi toio the occarrenoe of the oonvenation repeated as having taken place with Congressman ^glestoci says no political matters were discussed, and the tor terview did not last mors than five minutes, Inst sad a* hour us reported. Th# report Is published to and quoted from the Cincinnati Commercial, —d tony And its way to Southern papers. case is -oou to be msdo before the Supreme Court of the Uuited States which will involve the qussHon whether Alabama is a State to the Federal Union, or what her present bteUu is if she is nol a Stole. From Baltimore. Caltymorh, Dec. 27.—The Legislature to tots State meets Wednesday next. It A understood that an will be made to declare the last election for Mayor and City Council Illegal and void—said election having been hel l under registration list* of lifl^ In to* —■ elusion of those registered last fall. It teal— aa* pecto J that a bill will be introduced looking to too declaration of a general amnesty, by which all disfranchised under the provisions of toe Stall atitution, for sympathy or for participate— to « bellion, will be restored to all tosit fc—sr foUMeM rights. There is little doubt but tost the Kate—al Constitutional Am—dineat will be rejected, tel II • believed many of th# more obnoxious Code with reference to colored people will be repented aud tho opinion has be— expressed that there will be found k majority iu tbe Legislature in favor of to# ad- miasiou of negro testimony. Th# —groateng — of interest connected with the meeting of the leg islature is the election of United States Senator to place of Senator QEjpwell, whose term ecpira — toe, 4th of March. .notes DISCOUNTED Gt)XD, [SILVER, BANK | BILLS, DEPOSITS IN SAVINGS BANK, PURCHASED BY DAVID R. DILLON, Banker, 224 Bay Street. Praia S.a PrsulM*. San Fkanouco, Deo. 27.—It la understood that ■»- ebanta and buaiuoos mm of thte dtr wlllrt**. . grand in tuguration dinner In honor of th. depasture at (he »teenier Colorado, th. flrrt ot th. grate Chtea fine. Department, of Stale, nation*1. gtete ad municipal government, ot New York, and ha irradte ber of Couimerc., and Pacta. Railroad, raid Chterah MeroltauU, ho., wlllb. represented. A battalion of troop, for th. liberal serrio* ha. bras quietly organised in thi* oily for the Govarameut at Mexico, witt)In » few week*, end aTlotachmant of men, under command ot Major Herring, left yester day for Maaatlan. per .trainer Continental. J. Rosa Browne and party, oorutettog of several members of the State Oeetogtral survey, took by the wue steamer for th* purpaoa oi maktag fall ami coinpleto topographical surveys of Lower ferula. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. ■be rauterrtgDed having been *-pointed Anlgnee FtMltaBk of Commerce of Savannah, Georgia, prepanwd to miter upon hi. duties. AU bill holder, art atoer peroona having claim, again.t the .aid Bank to praaenl the name for Uqaldation, and tadebted to make Immediate payment Bill wiU leee their priority if the bill* are not pre- rtthta rtx month* from thi* date. JOHN C. FEB RILL, Aaaignee. Savannah. Angnat 1. 1866. deolS-tfebl NOTICB. gmoa am tub Obotbal Railboad 1 ahb Baku ao Co up any or Georgia, * Savannah, Nov. JO, I860. > Xbe Anneal Meeting of Stockholder, at thi* Com ray tel take place at tbe Banking Houa# in Savon rah. m THURSDAY, tho 20th ot December, at 11 a’totok,*. a. ghirthatrtm. wtu be paused to and from the meeting ma over to* Company'. Road, upon presentation oi haft rtate aaatfflcatee to the Conductors. war gha T. M. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier. A BURB PILB CURB. Ik. Oragrara’, Pile Iuatramaut pooiurely ouree the prate sates of Piles, sent by mall rat receipt of $4. OUrateas fra*. Bold by Drngglate. Agent* vaulted race. A fdr*w> J. B. ROM Al FIB, Manager. No. ■gwey, Hew York. ocM-ten NOTICE. at Underwriters of Savannah being die- toagonthern Insuronoe and Troat Company %a Vrtto Ha Blaks at aa low rates aa any other ant- ana amnpony in tho city. OgtVIOB—11« Boy Street, up itatrs. H. BRIGHAM. Preaidant, f.e. URtma Secretary. dee2t-lw SAYAN^fiT CONCERT. HALL., FORMEHLT'TIHfc^'—*a *t ^ i * Washington Billiard Mall. wr. D. DONOVANj the’proprtetor of thi. place of JH. amusement, lake* great pleasure in an nouncing the opening of theabove placo on gATU&DAY, DECEMBER tWtk. Thia Hall bas been well bttednp, and no pains or expense spared to make it a coni Id table place for tll p?o?*^SBK n wUl 1 ^iave charge of the Musical Department, with a good selection of talent, whlcb illadd much to thelnteregt of tbe occasion.' Mr. D. DONOVAN, tbe (avorito Ballad Singer. Mr. CHARLES BISHOP, Baritone. Mr. HARRY CLARENCE will appear in some of bis unrivalled impersonations of character. STRICT ORDER OBSERVED. Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. g&. Ilia finest Vines. Liquors and Cigars to be bad at the Bar. Admission, 25 cents; and admittance ticket good for Ouo Brink. dec28—2t THE COUNTY COURT, III CUAIIBEBS, Savannah, December 27,1S6®, rpo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, GREETING: X Where a., by an act of the LegUlatarc, approved 18th <!ay of December, 1888. it la made the duty ol the Couotv Judge to hold two sessions uf said Conn tote known aa qaarter sessions iu addition to its semi-annual seasides, abd to fix the time of bolding sold quarter seaslona-anil give notice by advertise ment in one of tbe public gaxetUaof tbe time of hold ing said ioraioaa; ., ' Now know ye, that I, Levi y. Rnssed. County Judge in aud for the efimuty of Chatham in said State, do hcrolore, in execn ioa of aaid act aud of the duty t in potted upon me, hereby give notice and order that tbe said quarter sessions ehall tic hold on the t iurd Monday lu-api it and November of each year at the Oonit House To the city of Savannah. Given nnder my official signature and tb* n. * !■ sent of the county Court at Savannah, ’ the day and year afotesoid. LEVI S. nUSSELL, decxv—it County Judge. Reduced Rates on Fertilizers. r * \ SCO. j paptr jkisc;.-,, .swf" Atlaivmo As Get, Bailcoad Cokpant. j GCNOtAL SerXaiNrKNDXNT b OrviCE, V gavauuab, December 21,1400.) O S and alter Jonnary 1st. ISOr. Fertilizers will be transported on tnis road tq Tltomaaville, Live uak and all way Buttons at three dollars per ton, and to * 1 stations on the Peiiftscols sod Georgia Railroad at four dollars per ton. when .nipped in quantities of aot lera than one ton of two thousand pounds. H. 8. HAINES dec28—G; General Superintendent. ATLANTIC & GULF RAILROAD. JOp »jr*£7 Qbnbbal StrrBXDrtannXNY'B Ovrici, ) 8 tvannob, Dec: in ber i7,18t6. J O N and after January 1st 1887, freight may be paid either at point of shipment or of delivery, on good.shipped from Savannah to 1‘homasvillejor to rranlar stations on the Pcu.ecola «nd Georgia v Rallroad. M. 8. HAINES, gects—lw Generiil superintendent. Assignees’ Notice. Bank or Savannah, I Savannah, Georgia, July*, 1888,/ The ■udwalgnod having been appointed Aaalgneea at tola Bosk he the purpose of adjusting and liqul- gattag tto affairs, therefore all porson. having claims hg.lsat tola corporation will present them, and al bffi-hrtdtoa ef this Bonk are required to present tbe Same wVMtla six months from thia date, or they will leaatoa prlartto granted by statute, and those in- totoff will make immediate payment to H. BRIGHAM, GEO. W. DAVIS, -tpl* ^ Aiialgneea. Special Notices. Horace Gkeeley, in a conversation with friends iu New York, stated fie bad no hopes of being chosen to tbe Senate front New York, and acknowledged that bis recent manifesto destroyed bis prospeels ; but be said that, holding those views, be could not change, uor would be deceive tbe people by cooeealing them until after tbe electiou. 3 , Tse Southern Methodist papers abound in reports of large accessions to the. church, in various parts of the country. The Nashville .Advocate reports, from different circuits, 770 ; the Richmond Advocate, nearly 1,000; the St. Louie Advocate, 350 ; the New Or leans Advocate, 175. The Nashville Union of the 17th snytj that An Illinois ufffer aaka whether General Butler is looking to the Presidency, He sqnintH that way.—LAi^UU Journal. FOR AUGUSTA AND WAY LANDINGS. HOME LINE OF STEAMERS. Swan. Jllla Sr. Claiu, Banov JIoohk and Haud Tiuu, Leave Savaunab DAILY, (Sunday, exeepted) when freigbtH offer. Apply to M. A. COHEN. ThoSwAN leaves regularly od Wcdneaday morniug. > dee22-lm LIVE OAK LODGE, No. 3, L O. O. F. Tho members of this Lodge are hereby summoned to attend the Regular Mooting TO-NIGHT, at o’clock. This being tbe night for the election of offi cers, a full aUenil—co is requested. Members will please come prepared to pay their dues. . 13y order of C. F. BLANCHO, N. G. pro. tem. Hknby Booabpum, Secretary. dec28 ANE\VAND GRAND EPOCH IN MED ICINE. Dr. Magoiel la .the founder of a new Medical Sys tem I The quantitations, whose vast Internal doses enfeeble the stomach and paralyze the bowels, most give precedence to the man who restores health and appetite, with from one to two of Ills extraordinary Pills, and cures tbe most virulent sores with a box or so of hta wonderful and all-beallug Salve. These two great specifics of the Doctor are last supersed ing all the stereotyped noetrams of the day. Extra- ordinary cures by Magglel’s Pills and Salve have opened the eyes of the public to tbe inefficiency ol the (so-called) remedies of others, and upon which ptoplo have so lung blindly depended. Muggiel's Pills are not oi tiie doss that are swallowed by the dozen, and of which ovety box full taken creates an absolute necessity tor another. One or two of Mog- ftiel’s Pills suffices to place the bowels in perfect or. der, tone the stomach, create an appotite, auil ren der tbe spirits light and buoyant. There is no griping, and no reaction In the form of constipation. If the liver Is affected. Us functions ore restored; and ol the nervous system 1. fcebl»„it is invigorated. This last quality makes the medicines very desirablo for the wants or delicate females. Ulcerous and eruptive diseases are literally extin guished by tbe disinfectant power of Maggiel’s Salve. In fact. It la here announced that MAGGIEL'S BILIOUS DYSPEPTIC ANO D1AR- RHtBA PILLS cure where ali all others foil. While for Bums, Scalds, Cuts aud all abrasions ol tbe skin MAGGIEL'S SALVE is Infallible. Sold by « t \J . j. MaGGIKL, 11 Pine street. New York. And all Druggists, at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PfiR BOX. nol-1y • ' General Sohuintehdnnt'b Office, 1 Atlantic and Gulf Railboad, 1 • I Savannah, Deo. tilth, I860. J CHRISTMAS EXCURSION TICKETS. During the Chriatmaa holidays, beginning with tbe 21th lust, Excursion Tickets, good until January 2d, 1867, will be sold at reduced rates, between any'sta tions on this road. deqBO ‘H. 8. HAINES, Pen. Snpt. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE. , This splendid Hair Dye U toe beat in the world. Xhe only true and perjtct Dps—Harmless. Reliable, Instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tSq, health of Hon. John Bell is quite feeble, tints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies the 111 During lost weekly was/onaidered in ten. Aieal condition l^yhis Medical attendants, but at latest accounts was slowly recovering from liis attack. effects of Baa Dpra. Invigorates th* hair, leaving ft soft and beautiful. The genuine is signed William JL . Batehtior. All otbara ore men Imitations and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists and Perfnmer-. Fartery 81 Barclay street. New York. deoU-ly coffxk Tire prefect the loss of children's oboes.— One pair will uni wear three without Upa. Sold eveiy where. From Fort Laramie. Fort Lakamib, Dec. 27.— Moneengere Justin report the formation of s grand coalition al I tribcA of Iudiaue for common caara against tbs white* in the Territories ol Docoteh and Montana. Tbs nara. her ot warriors ia estimated at 11,000, bnt thte b very doubtful. The nsmee of toe killed and wounded to the mussui'xo reported yesterday will bo forwarded aa soon aa they eau be reached. From 81. Loala. bT Loch. Doc. 28.—Col. Sawyer, Adjutant General on Gen. .Sliurrnan'a .tell, died last ntgbt at Undail Hotel. Tho Collector of Internal Revanuo for LafojuUe. JacknoD, and adjoining counllca, baa been auapeuded, and tiie Collector is a fugitive iu SI Louis In aotiae- qounce of the troubles In that region. Front New York. Nctv Youk, Dec. 27.—The dispatch reporting toe failuru or tbe well known firm or Ball, Bloch h Cct.. made current by a certain so-called news eranotsMon, bus uo foundation whatever. Bnqulrloeln the peopea. quarter leave no room to doubt that the story tea' wicked :elsebood. From Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Dec. 27.—A severe gale (Teas to* northwest tils evening and several slight MBs ot snow during tho day, bat Bow date and sold. New York Morkut. New Youk, Deo. 2?.—Cotton heavy, sale bulcu upland* 8*988*. urtesna at*. Flour to. with rather more dolug; salsa 7,200 bbls. IMq $8 to ®i2; Ohio, <11918 60; Western. <8 t0918H;Bawto- ern firmer, sole. 460 bbls. <11 10918 to; whate un changed, sales 28,000 bnahela No. 2 MUwamkea, $S U Milwaukee mixed, <2 15; eorn dull sad deetthtog, sales 28,500 bushels mixed western at <1 lkffl 18, white Southern, hi IS aloat. Oat* dull and hravy. sale* 17,000 bushels. PrOvtalona gmyally dull; posh firmer at $10 8892050 lor aewraaua, and $17917 to lor prime. Whiskey quiet. Bloe quiet at $09* M ft* Carolina; sugar steady : sale* of ffto tthda. to 10*c. lor Muscovado and Havana; other groctote* dull; naval stores duU; spirits tarpeMto*. <898; freights to Liverpool baavy. Arrived—Ship David Crockett, from Ban Fraarfsoo 95 days, with 00,000 bushels of California wheat. Mew York Money Market. Nbw Yoke. Dee. 27.—The demand for money la tea* active, and the market closed up easier at T par sate, on caU; tbe gold trialket was firmer towards afro, aud left off at 182*; cash gold, to and from fiat to 181 per cent; the market for foreign exchange la dull, and prime bookers' bills hr* quoted nominally, 10B9108*; Government securities dun this afteraoon, and lower on Sevan-thirty notes. Maw Oiteaai Marks*. Nbw Oilham, Dae. 27.—Cotton Arm; low raid. S' aaM*M dlinga, 20930; middling, lie. Bogar, Mr at »*h Molaaaea fair, at 80a. Tobacco qstea and waeboaaadj common loaf. 5M97*a. IW lower; enperfin* <11 911*. Corn, <1 08#1 07*. Oats Arm. to TT98B*. Hay dull, at <26. Pork lower; mass, <21; beam, shoulders and rib aides. UMo; *l**r ribbed rtdaat 15*. Lord, 1**91*. Sterling, *2; eight, H fra emt. discount; gold, 82. B*. hauls Market. Sr. Louis, Deo. It.—Flour unchanged. Wheel steady and Arm; spring, « 10; Ml, $1 7092 to. Corn heavy; old yellow, 88; tod white to. Oeto aofive, St 65987; Bjk $1 10. Bariepstaedy; AU1, $1 7091 *0. Hay. <189*0. Porb. <» «A hhto. lte Whiskey, <2 25. Hate. 8Me- TSSTH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. DM. BHflMD, Dentist, Is now extraotiog teeth vrlth- ■tfrtBted without tbe slightest danger to Hie po rn* by a lute Improvement In dentistry. (MM* MW. Ill Oenrarcas street, over Pepper's store, decA-2m Boutuuhn Hbobo Laoob in A. WaJswarth, who liras in Gb has taken thirteen negrdte. tora totob emt Government enpenee, end hue let them awl to Mr. Hudson Hollister to shop wood. They ere we* ever Industrious, and like better to hear one eftoslr num ber preach end ring, than toebop vraod. jteMsllyln this weather. However, they de vecy watl aud Mr. 1 9 be making e gead Wadsworth, who I* aoppomd a?ss,?sjrTrsEus'J:sfB Africans ah* utete.—BartM* . - — How Fan a Railboad . .. ▼etaran conductor wws reumtty sand* auperintaaoml Ofa Wratem railroad who had sate twaoto tour tema of conatont aarvteo. DwM* scarcely missed a Bay. mat mi 220 mUea tor tbs abtef part of.u - . that he hoa truvatod l.aOfLOBO mUas IW to* ipgrarato, which amount* to abonl MW-twoloumaja totete tea Turn IaruoaMaiayv ^2h"*WmdakPl2tested uudar bis own signature, d want of plack, and spnning i. the people. Phillips' and the Uka evIdakUy want another civil w—PUBtoB. aa b stormy | steal, to lira In a typhoon, gtoen trfmvs freak opportunities fc> *«b NOTICE. or tub Centkal Railboad and j Bambino Comfanx or Geoboia. V Ravannah, Deo. * 1UC6.J pa oocordanoe with the provisions of tor nine Directors to manage tbe affairs te tote Company tor the ensuing year, will be held at mu »' ■■ m «s-T— '* aavenneb on MONDAY. 7th ter Of Jbmuaay, 1887, between the boon of 10 a. m. tef I m to. 1, upon presentation of their stock err to the Conductors of Train*, will be passed to art Mom the election over tbs Company’s Roods free. T. M. CUNNINGHAM. , Cashier. HOTICE. an l OUOIA, > . a. 1080.) cun Obntral Railboad and Banxino coufany or GbouoIa, Ravannab, Deo. A dividend of Are dellar* per share ou tbe capital ngfc ef tola Company has this day been declared by te Btoeators kom the eitrufriga of the Road, for the ,te mdlap 88th ultimo, payable on and after the 20th Instate te United States currency. " moot tax will be paid by this Company. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier. Assignees’ Notice. Th* undersigned having been appointed assignees after krunrr and Mechnalcs* Bank of Savannah, FM ^|H_ barsby natiry bill-hotdeDi and othw clolm- dnrt tbe sold Bank to present tbe same tor ll- and all person* Indebted to the Bank arc 1 make Immediate payment. will I ora their priority if the bills ere pot proa—ted within six months from this date. JOHN RICHARDSON, J. B. GAUDKY, JffJL KOTICB TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF f THE OGLETHORPE INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAVANNAH. &AVAZNAH, October 18th, 1868. la aceardane* with a resolution passed at a meeting at ton Board ef Directors, bald <m the IMh Instant, an inateteamt of ana dollar per share la called for, paya- M* at toe atoeaaf toe Company, No. 117 Boy afreet, to* 1st December proximo. J. T. THOMAS. 8ecr*tary. Aaalgneea’ Notice. nawadaratgued, haring bran appointed lte|iii at to* Merchaate' and Planter*' Bank, te prepared upon hla duty. All bfrlholdun, and other having claims against aaid BoqJ;, are rs- qnaatad to present tho same for liquidation. Aad al partten Indebted te the Bank are requested to stake launediata payment. Billholden win loss toetr prioriw If the Wits are not presented within Ms months. HIRAM BOBBKTS, Assign niu.1 MAIM DYM, SO Mteta^-Btock-or Brown, tortaniaasona. beat, cheapest, durable, lab|*. Dapet, Ha. *8 John street. New York. Bold Ip aO diwg and patent medlclaestorae awateWhtok Notice. HM anhatelliira having taken toe Store lately seen- I afad by Tovk. WUllomo, Mclnbr* A Go., will aost teUTtoa testates under th* firm tiara* of WABD A fttei am p. H. WABD, $0—m John B. Mcnmns. ECC NOCC. nn OAABi Portable Bgg Nogg far sale by . UONB9 GORDON. Locust Mountain Steam Coal. 300 St Mo t arrive) by For Sale, AMD CARTA, by R. F. MCTUALISaOO. fbampagne Cider. tbateuMMaw Otter, tor aate by B' - HONl A GORDON Boarding'. Qjararthi iMAauto Brand OOD BOARD coatee obtetaed, with a Aae lam tripkea, hp early applliHira at la n NEW BOOKS RECEIVED BY Cooper, Olcotts & Farrelly. gt. Rimo. By Augusta J. Evans. The Brewer'e Family. By Mrs. Ellta. Brido of Llewellyn. By Mrs. Bouthworth. The New Gospel of Pestc. By N. Benjamin. Tbe History of a Mouthful of Bread and its Effect. By Jean Mace. Ol ve Logan’s Christmas Story. Chriatmaa Holly. By Morioo Harland. rtecM . HALF 1NTERERST IN A Steam Saw Mill for Sale. I WI^H to dispose of one halflGtercst in my Steam Saw Mil), Land, Mutes. Carts, ft. ., situated on the line of the AtlaMtc and Gulf Kai road, near Sla tted 7H- The Mill snd fixture# are entirely new oul and out, and capable of cutting as much intniier a. any milt on the line of thia road. To a peison that can attend 11 l!i» business of the Mill at Savannah itocgg m»• W. G. RICHARDS. For Charleston. VIA HILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. rpHE Steamer BMIL1H. Captain fdair, will leave A as above on Sattu'lay morning, Decemlier 2vtb, at 7 o’clock, from the Wharf, tout of W st Broad street. Dor freight or pa-sugc, op^ly on board, orto dt.28—2t 8. M. LAFFJTEAU, Agent. For Rent, Kb FIjANTATXON on the White Bluff Shell Rood, about three miles from this city, with good cotton and provision lauds. Apply to ROBERT HABERSHAM £ SONS. dec'JS—iawtf WANTED, m A HOUSE, with six or seven room*, in a convenient locality. Apply at U. 8. Qaarteimaster’s Office, corner Biy and Barnard stream ^ de^28—2t Guano, Com and Oats. gQQ TONS Peruvian Qnano In store. 3 AAA HUSHKLH Corn and 800 buabels Gate expected by bilg Hattie from Baltl- "ilecifl—St ROBERT HABERSHAM 4 SONS. BEEE SHOOTING! A BEEF SHOOTING will take place on New Y«ar’s Day at Mr. C. UBLES' Dliice, at White Bluff. The shooting will commence , t iJ o’clock. dec'JS—4t LOST A BLACK NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. with a while spot on hMMkeaat, eight months, old, find au stere to the name of‘‘Rover.” Was lost ogUirLt- masmorning, lie was last- sten In Ibc narkei. In inair—h~~ of a white man. $ suitubto rtwsrd will he puldlr left at this office. ,7 | |9Mt THEUNDElisiGffE I S prepend to Rent, or Plant ou Shares, bis PLANTATIONS, Deptford ana Caustin Btaffi for the coning year. For terras apply to deelB-St ROBERT HABERSHAM. FOR RENT, K OOM8—Famished or unfurnished. Apply at N. W. corner or State and Jeffcrtou streets. decM-31* to rtTATE OF GBORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY—.To jj all whom It may concern; Whereas, Archibald C. Davenport Fill apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dlsmlraory as Execu tor ob the estate or Ann Morel, colored, deceased shaffwh The** are, therefor*, to cite and admonish affwhom It may coscero, to te sad appear before said Court to stake objection (If any they have) on or before tbu first Monday In July next, otherwise safid tetters will te grunted. ;' Wltneasmy official algnsture^thte«thflaj^f De- ltoifim * v o. c. c. WINTER EMPLOWNT. toonn PKR MONTH and expanses pate Male or fr/Uy Female A genu, to introduce a New and hartal Invention, of abaotaM otfrl'y m svery koose- eold Agenta preferring to work on commission con am flora $9 to $G0 ,mi day. For fun particulars, enoteM stomp, and addraSs mmam * W.G. WILSON A CO.. ocn-Ste Cleveland, Ohio. o- For -Kent. of lte test located storas on the Bay, formerly occupied by the •f Corner of Bay [Ulra GHARLE8T0H HOTEL, OHARLCSTON, S. C. ITIHIfl popntei and wall kuown HotUrtMualed tethe ■* boalocaa portion of tha city, has be— rawly fnr- ' proprietor, wlnxtoa t the setaMiahiueut. W WHtnL Pmpjjplte. Cove Oysters. 2Q OASBS Freeh Cove Oysters, tor sate Igar, "y HILTON * RANDKLL, 108 Bay street. AiictiorSate—This Day* ” ^ XlKTMON SAUL Bp WARD & MtlVTIKK, '' THIS DAY, 28th lost, at 10 o'clock, a. nf.« in front ot Store, will be sold, 13 cases ShyeR, IS* 1 Coffee Sugar, — _ utter, 16 firkiqd Lard. ,6 tierce* Shoulders, * bbls. Hama, • * ’ ' 10 M Cigars, 10 caddies Green Tea, * 5o doz. Undershirts, 80 kftta Mackerel, 100 boxes Herrings, • A lot of Clotfiing and Fancy Notions, 50 boxes Bs*rin.i. decM AT AUCTION. Will be sold at Public Auction, al the Post Hospital, Hilton Head, 8, C., on Friday, the 23th ot Decem ber, I860, s large lot of serviceable lledicsl and Hospital property, constating of- Auction Sales—Future non. AT AUc - W *teHOCHK,RtLLto Win,,.. To-morrow, SATURDAX. at 11 ovi Tv , *to«. wiU positively for Blankets, woolen. Mittrasses, hair. Pillows, hair. Sheets, linen. - Pillow cases, linen. Counterpanes. Bedsteads, iron. Chairs. Tables. Medical books. Instruments. Medicines, Ac., Ac. Catalogues can* be obtained on application to tbe undersigned. J. W. WILLIAMS, dcc21-6t Bvt. Maj. and Asst. Surg. U. B. A. AuctSon Sales—Future Days. ESTATE SALE. BT GEU. XV. YVY LLY. WiU be sold on tbe first TU iiSDAY in January, in front of the Court House, between the legal hours of sale, Lot No. 8 Chatham Word, on th* corner of Jon and Whitaker streets. Tne improvement* consist of * well finished li .use, oil brick basement. Sold by order of Court, ior a division among the heirs of the estate. dec20 Regular Auction Sales OF Iforses, .Tfulps, Cuttle, Wagons, Rubles, rt ( ARRIAGBS, Ac., At the Veterinary Stnblen of H. W. CAMPBELL, on Bay street, between Jefferttonand Montgomery streets, wifi commence on WEDNESDAY, tepU 19th, snd every Wednesday thcrealter. sepl4»tf ADMINISTRATORS SALE. BT GKO. W. WILLY. Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in January, 1867 between the legal hourn ol file, iu front of the Court House, One-third of Lot No, 4, Wet lay Wad, improve ments, for the benefit of the hc..^. .od flmdft^rs ofthe state of Samuel M. Bond, deceaseu. HOC J. B. McINTOSH, Admini: In c Private Sales. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. by Laroche, bbll a williams. Trust Lot No. 19, Troup Ward. 181*^ feet by 60, fronting Troup square lbl 'A feet on Harris and Macon streets; fsesimpio. Terms - Hall cash: balance in six and twelve months, with interest secured by mortgage. Will be a bargain. dec28-6t STEAMBOAT AT PRIVATE SALE. BY LaROCUEgBELL +6. WILLIAMS, LIGHT-DRAUGHT fcTEAMER GENERAL BERRY .The General Berry was built in Portland, Maine, in 1863. Length, 146 feet; breadlh. 92 feet. Depth of hold, 6 feet; 275 63-100 tons. 1 high-prej’Bure noiler, 13 feet ioug, 6‘£ feet in di ameter two high-pressure engines, 16-inch cylinder; 6 feet stroke; two forcing pumps, 2-inch plunge, 72 inch stroke. One bieuw fire-feed and bilge; pump; one hundred feet of hose; twenty buckets: boats; life preservers: signal lanma; fmniture. apparel, etc. ThiB boat is well adapted for light-drauglit river business, lighterage, etc. Capacity from 400 to 500 bah 8 cotton. Mhe is now iu good running order, her engines are well built, and as fine as any sea steamer, snd are in as good order as when built. Is now un der insurance at low rates. dec25 PRIVATE SALE. Groceries!! Groceries!! URUCIKC, BBLL A WILMAMS 20 casks Bacon Sides, 15 casks Bacon Shoulders, 10 tierces Bacon Shoulders, 20 tierces Choice Sugar-Cured Hams, 10 bbds Family Ham.-, 10 bbls City-Cured Hams, 25 tierces Rice, 50 sacks Rangoon Rice, 100 kegs Lard, 25 kegs Choice Butter, 10 i-t'gri extra Canada Butter, 20 bbls Clarified Sugar. Also, 200 bales best E-stern Hay, teft Vara—V Mnrtham 1«. T DWELLING HOUSE AT PRIVATE SALE. BY LaROi HK, BBLL WILLIAMS, One fine two-story Brick Dwelling, situated on Jones street, between Al-ercoru and Lincoln. Two-story Brick Dwelling on basement: ALSO, A two-story Brick House, Mtnated west of the Park, on Tatnall Street. Apply at office. _ dec25 at Private sale. BY geo: w. wylly. M Lot« in rear of Ihe Parade Ground, each 60 by 105 feet between Bull and Drayton streets. Also, Lot6 Non. 20, 21, 22, 2*J, 30, 31, 32, ;t3 aud 34, frouling on Taj! »r, Gorrlo;i and East Broad streets. These Lots- are high and very desirably located, and have t:.e ad- van: age of being allowed the privilege of building wooden houses on them. dec 17 AT PRIVATE SALE. BY GkO. \V. WYLLY. 45 Shares South Western Railroad Stock 26 Shares Central Railroad Stock <8,000 old Georgia Seven per cent Bonds. Six Residences, priced at from $3,SiiO to $15,000; for farther particulars enquire at n y office, opposite Mon ument square, late Merchants’ and Planters* Bauk. dec 15 HOUSE FOR SALE. BY GEU. W. WYLLY. East half of Lot No. 57, Brown Ward. The improvements consist of :i two story dwelling with attic, ou a brick basement, fronting on Liberty street, opposite the United States Barracks. For terms apply at our conuting room. nolO DANCING ACADEMY; AT SI. ANDREW'S HALL, M R. L. LOUIS will commence hi- 8econd Fra- slon on Tkumtey, December 27th. 1808, at o’clock p. m. Clavses for Fancy Dances will bo formed of ad vanced pnpils. Mr. LOUIS will also open a School for Gentlemen on Ftluay eveniiig, at 8 o'clock. Hours of lnstructloB—For young ladles, mimes and musteis, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday si 3)i o’clock p. m ; for gentlemeo, on Tuesday and Fri day at S o'clock p. m. [dec!!—lot ADVANCES ON COTTON. ~|~ ^IBEItAL ADVANCE3 made on conslgnmenta to Muma RA.THBONE BROS., Liverpool, by AUSTIN * ELLIS, decil—2w 80 Bay street. WANTED, A SITUATION as Teacher or Governess, by • young 1 dj who!* competent to teach the Ena- llah branches, wtfh Initrumemal and vocal most-. Haahad several years’ experience In teaching, and can give the beet references Would not object to going in the country Address -F..” ot< his office.[dee27—7t WANTED, ROOM in * respectable family, by one or two Best references given. Address box 22:). (dCCST—St A aingle gentlemen. Board At $8 Per Week. FEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with BOARD at eight dollars per week. Apply at this office. [dee07—tl TURPENTINE. ^ BARRELS Spirits Turpentine tor sale by dce>7—It • HUNTER ft GAMMBLL. * Boarding 1 . M RS. JCLABBRK has removed ber bnsucss bora the corner of ’MontgopiCTj^fcnd Sooth Bread streets to th. corner of Je&raon fiteeet apd Bay tene, Bart’s oM stand. Gentlemen can bo accommodated with Private anl Transient Board on moderate term*. lime. J Ut>T‘^received 1,800 norrelK For sole on reasonable dec*T-rtt schooner Florence M. * H0L8T A pa % cerned. 7 teles Dundei^aggin, 20 pieces Gunny Cloth*" 20 ceils Hemp Rope 26 ooUs Jute Rope, tele poaitiva. Terms, cash- ALSO, tto*awe lias- 20 bbls. Muscovado Suasrs 50 sacks Rice. K 5 htada. Bacon Sides, 5 tierces bagged Hams 5 bbls. citv cured Ham* lOhhda. Shoulder. ’ 200 boxes No. 1 Herrin 1:9 ® Mrte crown shcr-v 1 eighth cask Cro*n 8lierrv‘ y ’ 5 boxes and 10 csddi. g TuWeo 5 boxes Cumberland ' 10 boxea Dr. Scotc, Tome no, 10 boxes Port Wino Bltl rrs, 13 boxea Native Wine 1 case Indigo, 1 case Shoe Thread Terms, cash. dec's ESTATE sale BY GEO. W. WYLLV. WiU be sold on the first TUEsmv . front of tbe Court Honse,is * shores Atlantic k Gnlf Roilroxi v oc *’ 5 shares of Stock of the Steamboat c!S[’ gio and South c““ jn,“ lp “ J 01 ALSO, <1,000Bond of the 8outh.We.tern ^ by the Central BtUtoSf55S rt ’ 0 Share* South-Westn-n Railroad 40 Shares Central Fa.iroad Stock. WX ' ALSO. Lota No*. 230, 275 and -7* au in lhA a.. ^ mdglnaliy Appling, confining 490 Jcvw e^h'™' BY ML.UN dt MEYER. Will be sold on TUESDAY next. Januirv l„t „ „ o'clock, iu from ol tho Court U uu «e ^ ' 11 That fine CGTTAGB BUILDING AND lot v coruer of Bull and Mllledge airttls, Bal( i feet front by 106 feet ou Bull street ** n6 * The Cottage building is in superior order, w br v feet: aUo kitchen, aiabio, aheda and other outto,, * s good well and pump in Ihc yard, and a fa, orchard on the eastern half of the lot. ““ Possession can be boa at a mouth's notice Title* warranted. Terma-Huh coah; bahew i. twelve mouths with intereer. sec-nred by momL' Purchoger paying for titles an.i stamp,. d ’’ e ' LOTS AND HOUSES AT AUCTION^ BY LaftOCHU, BELL Oi WILLIAMS. ‘ WIU be sold on tbe first TUESDAY in h miTy „... al 11 o’clock, iu front of Ihe Conn House ' Eight Lois, 50 feet square, on Mill street snd Incan street Lane, One Lot, with small House theruon, Two Lots, with Houses, subject to removal, on «r- rangeiuent willt purchasers, the above will bo cold without rroeivc, pardugr paying tor titles. Terms, esslt. dec’s UNDEBWEITEE'8 SALE. BY LaROCHE, DI- LI, A WILLIAMS, Will be sold ou 8ATCRDAY. the 29th inst., u h o'clock, in front of store, for secount of .11 couaroni 8IXTY-THBEE THOUSAND NEEDLES, Damaged on tbe voyage of importation, and soli mt- ucr tbe inspection of the Port Wardens. Terms, cosh. MY EOH IV K. HERTZ A CO.. Edwin E. Hertz, Auctioneer. On MONDAY, the 31„t iust., at 11 o'clock, mil he told vlr in front of our store, 9 bbls. cboico grocer's yfuacovado Sugary 10 bbls. choice Golden Syrup, 2 boles Dundee Bagging, 20 bbls. extra C Sugar, -Johnson A Lazarm,'’ 10 cages Port Wine, direct importation. 5 cases Manzanillo Wine, dir.-ct importation. Terms, ousli. dec28 lit TWO BUILDING LOIS AT WHITE BLUFF. BY LaROCHE, BE Lit IVILlIaHS, Will be sold on TUESDAY, Ihc first 4&v af January, In front of the Court Homo, Two Building Lots in rear of A. B. Luce's lot, with » front on creek, containing ‘1\ acr< m, more or lew, each, with good landing sail line sh:ule trees. Terms, cash. dec2S Valuable real estate and WAREHOUSE AT AUCTION. BY LaROCHE. BELL & WILLIAM*, Will be 9oId on TUESDAY Leif, Janoiry lat. at II o'clock, in front of tbe Coart House, Lots Nos. 9 and 10, each 90 by 60 feet, fronting on West Broad and Stale btreets, with impruniuecu, consisting of a large Warehouse, pO by l'^J feet. Terms, cdsb. Purchasers pay jug for a}l paper? dec'28 MULES AND HOUSES AT AUCTION. BY LstHOCIlE, BELL Ac WILLIAMS, To-morrow, SATURDAY, Dec. 29th, in front of tiie ^ store, at 12 o’clock, will be soli), . THREE MULES AND ONE HOfcSY. Terms, cash. dnciS LOTS OF LAND AT AUCTION. BY laaRUCHE, BELL & WILLIAMS Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in January next, I LOT No. 287, 490 acres, 4th District, Irwin county, j drawn oy David £. Adams. ALSO, LOT No. 735, 40 acres, 14th District, Section So. I ALSO. LOT No. 250, 8th District, Wilkinson county, 202-* I acres, situated near Jacksonville, Ga. It in a valuable tract, well wooded and located. fck>ld for a diviswa ] amoDg tbe heirs. Terms, cash. Purchasers paying for papers. dec25 DWELLING HOUSES & REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. BY LaROCHE. BBLL *fc WILLIAMS. On the first TUESDAY' iu January next, at D o'clock, , in front of the Court House, LOT No. 28, Clwrlton Ward, feo simple, fronting I on Tatnall street, west of tho Park, with improvement*, J consisting of ONE TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING. The property will rent for $35 to $40per month. PO’ session given immediately. f . Terms, cash. Purchaser paying for »'l Htle*- BUILDING LOT AT AUCTION. BY LsROVHK, BELL >v WILLIAMS. On the first TUESDAY in January next, si 11 o’e!«t | in from of the Court Rouse, LOT No. 01, on Henry street, between Baruird aJ I Jefferson, 25 > ■! 100 feet. Fee simple. Terms, cash. Purchaser paying for all papers. dec25 RAILBOAD STOCK AT AUCTION BY LsRUCHB, BELL & WILLIAMS. Ou the first TUESDAY in Jsuuory next, »t 19 o'clock, and in front of the Cwurt House, 50 shares A. & G- Railroad stock, 10 “ C. R. R. ** 5 •• S. W. R. R. M de ^ VALUABLE PLANTATION. BY GEO. W. WYLLY. Will b« sold on tbe first TUESDAY in “ | front i f the Court Honse, at 11 o clock, »• “ ■ CIO ACRES Of first quality of land, situated within I tbe city, on tbe canal, known ss the Tci™* jy I non; 300 seres cleared, balance wf *»«“'tuc Improvements eonaist of s substantial J gin house, seven servant*' homes, sttblra o- # i Terms—One-third crab, balance la jUl seven per cent. Interest, secured by moa *^ ai . u chaser to pay for papers. BY GEO. W. WILLY. Will be sold, on the firat TJJJrt'l'mf front of tbe Court Houra, st 11 o uocs. A beautiful residence on th ' next to H. M. Davenport's. wool | gardens on the lot, together with 1*5 land. , jecM-t* Terras mode known on dsy of sots. —- BY BLUM 4t MEYER. By permission of tbe Honorable Oojriof^"” 5 j will te cold on Wednesday, JannsW » o’clock, a. m., ♦. the esU"" The perishable property belougtaJ Peter Endree, deceeeed. SC H^Al tZ ' deeSltds 4 BRICK WAREHOUSES. BY GKO. W. WYLLY. ft|)nirTi .. WIU be eold on the first T UE ® 4 L‘°legslb9“ r, 'l front of the Coart Hoaee, between th I Two Brick W*rehottaes, 80by 2C«^'Sf’sajSI constructed that they con be tskso ss d* I of 20 feet each. The property ’* vbv* I Cotton Pros* Sheds, situated on thet*^ I Terms cash. —■—' t 1 BY GEO. W. WYLLY. ^ WOl be sold on lte trat TDK8 ?*3 r . |?ckS- front of the Court House, at U ooaS ty, J| 2^50acres of tend, altuated in mites from tha Srn. on ffielAnooritee ^ ,rjj in cultivation. Th* improvement. dwelling and out-houae*: 'Rte locsoto ^ vevy healthy. Timber and produce™, tl<( '» throngh the Canal. Tbe range tor I ■beep is excellent. _ ,ai«t la rf "ih >r| Tuna: One-third <* ,h j_'"J*'' l !|!SLs« and balance In 4 years, wfrb pr^ I nunity, and secured by mortgage o<i atc^| Pnrcboser to pay f r utamps and P*P^-- ADMINI8TRATOK S SALE BY T, On 9. WALSH. (roa‘1 Court Bo»^ at Uo’f Jr* No. 38. Franklin Ward. of (• street. 80 x 0*. anbjart to » grasm* ^ Lola lattars adatooner '}&'£Z2SS30 rtteifthyito ^ rad Two shares of Augusta and ^Trato*** Iterate 1 ,