The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, December 28, 1866, Image 4

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The Dailv News and Herald. leous. FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28. 186G. Tna Coktuci or Acthokitt Bbwms the Gov- OP Missouri *!TD GenhsaiGbakt.—The Bal timore Gaiqtte of yesterday ho clearly states the ns- tore and condition of the cpn diet of authority between Governor Fletcher apd General Grant that we give its paragraph in place of a number of telegrams on ftfee subject: , . ▲ very nioe question has sprung up in Missouri. Governor Fletcher a rampant Radical, has long been carrying matters with a high hand in that State. His latest exploit was the calling out a-large body of militia to proceed to certain counties where the Radicals are in a minority, and where, as a matter of course,JJto people ere Assumed to bo not only dissffectod but con- tumadoua. The two counties thus placed at the ten der mercies of Governor Fletcher’s volunteers seemed toh^e anneSjed to the Federal authorities for pro- &*£2% « tho course adopted by Governor Ftetcherbad created groat excitement. General Grant orw^ededto Missouri to Inquire into the matter. The^reiult wae that General Hancock in command of Amt deoarlment, dispatched several companies of United States troops to Lexington for the purpose of rawserving order. This interposition .loos notap. to hive suited the views of Fletcher. Yester day lie telegraphed to Washington, protesting against the action of Genoiml Grant, and declaring that be would not submit to the interference of Federal IXps in the adairs of the State. It was such an uu- paralleled outrage—Federal- military commanders in S the States being noted for their strict deference to the State and civil authorities—that the Senate, sym pathizing profoundly with Governor Fletcher, and earnestly desirous—as tho Radicals have invariably shown themselves—of maintaining the rights of the States intact, promptly passed a resolution of inquiry, to which the President is requested to respond. We regard this as an excellent beginning. We trust, however, that the Republican Senators will not stop short with Missouri. It is rumored that there are other States iu which the military ure constantly In the habit of interfering with the civil authorities, ami now that Republican Senators have been aroused to ttie enormity of the thing, it would be well for them to push tlioir inquiries iu those directions also. YmwtiIaATIon.—On Thursday evening, at the Frank lin Institute, Mr. L. W. Leeds delivered the first of a •sries of lectures on ventilation. Mr. Leeds dis cussed at some length the laws of hygiene, explaining the value of fresh air in dwellings, and denying the popular notion that night air was injurious. Experi ments were given to show the deleterious effects ol man’s own breath, and it was demonstrated that a large proportion of the sickness# in cities is caused by the foul air generated indwellings, owing to defective ventilation. People go to the country for pure air, hut there is as much difference in the atmosphere of an ordinary unventilated bed-chamber* occupied by- a family, and the air iu the streets, as there is between the air of the city and that of the country, and the lec turer recommended open windows for sleeping cham bers.—Philadelphia Ledger. |USS RUSS’ RUSS’ RUSS’ RUSS’ RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO ST. DOMINGO BITTERS BITTERS Tub Jackson (Miss.) Clarion announces the return of General Lowry, one of the commissioners sent to Washington by the Legialaturo of Mississippi to in tercede in behalf of Mr.*Davis. The Clarion says: “General Lowry brings back no word of hope or en couragement from the President, nor does he believe there is enough conservatism left in Congress to save uefrom the vortex of destruction into whieft Radical misrule is carrying the country tft railroad speed. When Messrs. Hillyer and Lowry first called on President Johnson, thoy were led to believe a uni versal amnesty would soon be proclaimed, but a couple of weeks later this impression was removed, and they come homo convinced that the day of lUr. Davis’ liberation is still far distant.” ^ New Dirnoui/riEfl for Fbance.—Napoleon seem# to no sooner settle one difficulty than auotlier appears to annoy him. He is now threatened with an over powering military organization iu Northern Germany that will make France au inferior military power; and his efforts to strengthen the French army are almost neutralized by tho discontents of the French people. Napolaon certainly cannot hold much longer the pres tige that once gave lustre to his name, for the Roman failure, the Mexican failure, the growing power of Germany, and tne French discontents, alt indicate that his government is much weaker than formerly. ELEGANT FURNITURE. Geo. J. Henkels, Lacy & Co., THIRTEENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. have a anil ol Minr Hoorn*. Klegnntly Carpeted, Auil furnished complete as PARLORS AND CHAMBERS. Purchasers can s;t; bmv a suit of Furniture will appear in THEIR HOUSE, and call, from these rooms, make a better selection than they can from Furniture promiscuously placed in large wart-rooms. no27-2m For Rent, or Sale, rpHK Plantation known as Montielh, twelve miles 1 from Savannah, near the C. and S. It. It. This place embraces about throe thousand acres of land, near one-third open and ready for a crop the coming year. About one-halt ol the open land i« suitable lor the culture of Rice, with extensive backwater, banks, ditches, trunks, Ae x The remainder of. open lairds are well adapted to the cult ure of Cotton and Provisions. There is a good Dwelling, liarns. Steam Engine Thrasher and Corn Mill. Stables, and all necessary out hnildiug#, together with ample anil comfortable houses for operatives. There is also on the place orchard# of Peaches, Perats, Apples, Plums, &e. As the proprietor has lived upon the place with hi** family for many years, lie can confidently sj>eak of its healthful ness. For the present, address GEO. P. HARRISON, uo24-2aw4w Milledgeville. (la. Soluble Pacific Guano. Peruvian. It differs only i i the proportions of the same elements. While it contains less Ammo nia, it has nearly twice the quantity of Phosphate of Lime, fifteen per cent, of which is 1MHED1ATKLY SOLUBLE. Its effect# on Cotton the past season have in many instances excelled Peruvian Guano. It has in no case proved less active in the early growth ol the crop. When drought intervenes, the crop does not suffer from its use, a9 In the case with Peruvian Guano. By reason of the presence in it of so large a per cent, of Phosphate .of Lime, its use improves the soil to an extent that cannot be realized from Petn- vun Gnano. Every erfrgo of this Gflauo Is subjected to rigid INSPECTION ANALYSIS, and Is sold on a basis of actual value. The undersigned -agent is pre pared to furnish the testimony of well knowu Geor gia and South Carolina planleis, in evidence of the superior excellence of this Gas no. K. C. WADE A CO., Agents, ilecG-eod3m - Savannah, Ga. FOB BENT OB SALE. T HAT well known RICE PLANTATION, “FIFE,” nearly opposite Ibis city, on tbe best pilch of tide, eoutaieiug about #50 acres. Patties desiring to bay or rent can see the crop now being threshed out. ascertain the yield per acre for a series of years, mill turn-outs, andget all information, by applying to the subscribers. This is a flrst-ciasa Kico PianUuoii in every particular—pitch o' tide, quality ol land, yield per acre, turn-outs at mill, and quality of rice. ROBERT HABERSHAM A SONS. del«cSl*w •Rope, Rope, Roptr J UST rccelted from Messrs. Richardson, Chat A Co., of L 'tHsville, Ky.. ft 0 coils and half coils of “Uissonri Milis" ROPE, a superior article, fully equal to their celebrated “Green Leap’ brand, and for Bale on reasonable forms by BKIQHAM, HOLST ft CO. ocll-dlwftoodtf A First-class Spring Wagon Eor Sale. A PPLY to n. O'COXSOR, Blackeftiitli. Bay street, opposite Mr. Bciiuett’s Carriage Manufactory. noM-eodff -* For Rent or Lease, A FARM adjoining Bonaventnra with twenty to fifty acres cool Cotton and Provision Land. Also, seven mvc-acre low, fronting on Warsaw river, thirty minutes drive from Savannah, on the Shell road, will be leased on good forme, where you can live -cheap, and save high rents. Apply at 201 Bay street, to decl4—eodlm WM. E. LONG. Dissolution of Co-partnership. T HE co-partnership lately existing under the name of HELL. WYLLY A CHRISTIAN was dissolved on the la, Instant, by mutual consent. H. R. CHRIS- TI AN- is authorised td collect debts due the late firm, and is charged with the closing of the business. SAMUEL P. BELL, GEO. W. WYLLY, declO-tf . HENRY B. CHRISTIAN. Notice terest of Wylly A Christian in the late firm ol BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN, will continue tbe business under the name of decio—tf Laroche, bell a williams. Notice. 8T. DOMINGO^- BITTERS Oue of the most valnabldtumbinationa o medicine and an agreeable beverage that has ever been offered to the public. Millions of bottles were sold throughout the North during tbe last four years and, wherever introduced, it has proven a welcome addition to tbe invalid's table, the family circle, and tho batcheior’s sideboard LADIES who bave lost strength an 1 appetite, and suffer from nausea, vomitting and vertigo— GENTLEMEN who “don’t feel very well" juat before breakfast or dinner, whose stomach is out ol order anil system is generally deranged— MOTHERS weaning children, and suffering from geuoral debility— CHILDREN of a sickly nature, and sour, dyspeptic constitution— TRAVELERS who have occasion to change their water, and— LLwho live in malarious districts, and are subject ed to miasmatic influences, will find one of tbe most valuable Tonics and Invigorators at th can be taken. In RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO BITTEKS. TRY THEM BUT ONCE. RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO PUNCH, ItUSS’ ARRACK PUNCH, MADE PROM BATAVIA RICE. RUSS’ MESSINA PUNCH, RUSS’ GIN COCKTAIL. RUSS' BRANDY COCKTAIL. RUSS' BOURBON WHISKEY COCKTAIL The most delightful coucoctlona that ever templed Alan's taste—cheaper lhau any STEADY DRINKS in tbe world, BLACKBERRY BRANDY. RASPBERRY SYRUP, GINGER CORDIAL LEMON SYRUP. Also ou band and manufactured to order. 0 Medical. „ *_ Dr. nr xBDicmt. nance of ihe business to the new firm. GEORGE W. WYLLY, HENRY R. CHRISTIAN. Law Notice. the second floor of the old on Bay street, WtS-tf folerflffl?* '» ;y williams. Dey New York. Sold Wholesale by W. M. WALSH, Wholesale-Druggist, HALSEY, WATSON & CO., ftucers, SavAnuali J27eod-ly BAnRETT’S ON THIS CONTINENT. It Is WARRANTED to RESTORE GRAY HAIR T<* ITS ■itluiNAi, naturaecolor. In evervt use it willsTot* 13 hair front falling our; it will ir- e tne »ead from i mors and dandruff; prorate the un.yvt in of the -air, and is a beautiful dressing. tve offer no large rewards, bat we nth > ■/.< nil of "it agents to refund the money to a iy pc, - ,n who til use two bottles, and then say Ba i. rn Veue- k blk Hair RRitokatttb baa not per -jrii.o all we aim. f-itiniony from the Capital Of tr.e untie<t states. tessrs. Bahrktp ft Go: t was induced to give your Hairp epilation a trial, nd cau heartily recommend it as unequalled as a ’tc—siug. Purifier and Restorer,—giving to the Hair i 'ti\nriant richness, and to the head a cnol and ■ >st agreeable sensation, while it Is thorough In re- •i ting ttie hair to Its natural color. Very respectfudy, W. Hamlet. Washington, D. C., May la, 1966. .leasts.’J. R Barrett A Co: I was induced by a frientHflo mak a trial of Hir er'a Vegetable flair Restorative, and I am very ouch pleased with the effect it has tiad on my hair. ' was nearly half gray, and now, before using one mllle, my bead is Treed front dandruff, and my hair hp> ail tile appearance of youth. 1 fully believe Kar el t’s to be tlie best hair preparation in the world. Wm. Hamilton. I'redonla, N. Y., April 26,1866. Maggiel’s : PILLS ^ND SALVE.’ T JOT tb* Suffering and Diseased read the billow- .1 a tag. * (tar- Let all who have been given BO by tb. tom, and spokc a of as Incurable, read the Mlewlag. rw Let all who o*m belfore fccU, and ran ha** faith in evidence, read the following: KNOW all MEN BY THEBE PRE SENTS, That, on this, the 2#lh day of Jane, In the year of our Lord, 1869, personally cam. Joseph Haydock, to Uie known as sack, sad being duly sworn, dspused as follows: That he la the sale General Agent for the United States, and dependencies thereof lor prepa rations or medicines known as MAGGIEL’S PILLS AND SALVE, and that the following Certificates ar. verbatim co pies to the best of bis knowledge and beliet V “ JAMKS8MBTRH, L.s.} Notary Pnbiie, I —I Wall street. New York. Jon* 1st, 1*69. Dr. Mauuiel : I take my pea to write yoa of my great relief, and that the awful pain in my stdo has left me at last—thanks to yonr medicine. Oh, Doc tor, how thankrnl I am that 1 ten get some sleep. I cun never write it enough. I thank jam again t again, and am sure that yoa are really the friend of a,l sufferers. I conld not help writing to you, and hope yon will net utko it amiss. JAMBS MYERS, 116 Avenue D. ggr This is to certify that 1 was discharged from the Army with a Chronic Diarrhoea, dad have been cured by Dr. Maggiel’s Pills. WILSON HARVEY, n Pitt street. New York, April Uh, ISM. pT The following Is an Interesting case af a man employed iu an Iron Foundry, who, in pouring melt ed iron into a flask tnat was damp and Wet, canned an explosion. Tbe melted iron was thrown nrunnd and ou him in a perfect shower, and he was burned dreadfully. The following Certificate was (ivaa to me by him, about eight weeks after the accident: NSW York. Janaary 1, UN. Mr name is Jacob Hardy; I am an Iron Pounder; 1 as badly burned by hot Iron In November last; my burns healed, but I had a ranuing sore on my leg that would not heal; 1 tried MAGGIEL’S SALVE, and it cared me in a few weeks. This is all true, and anybody can now see me at Jackson's Iron Works, Second Avenne. J. HARDY, 11# Uoerck street. EXTRACTS FROM VARIOUS LETTERS. 1 had no appetite. UAGQ1EL’8 PILLS gave me a hearty one. “ Your PILLS am marvelous.’’ “ I send anot&er. Box, and keep them In tbs honse." “ Dr. MAGG1BL has oured my headache, that was chronic.” “ 1 gave half of one of yonr PILLS to my babe hx cholera morbaa. Tbe dear little thing got well In a day.’’ “My nausea of a morning is now cared,” “ Yonr box ol MAGGIEL’S SALVH cared mo ol noises iu the head I rubbed some of your SALVH behind my ears, and tbe noise left ” “Send me two boxes; I want one for a pool lam Uy.” “ I enclose a dollar; your price is 36 cents, bn Hie Medicine to me is worth a dollar.” “Send me live boxes of your PILLS." “ Let me have three, boxea of yonr SALVE by » film nifl.ll. 1 ’ I have over two hundred sack Testimonial* aa theSc, hut want of space compels me to eonolnde. J. MAUUIEL, M. D. MAGGIEL’S PILLS AND SALVE. tUf~ NOTICE.—None genuine without tbe graved trademark around each pot or box, signed by Dr. J. Pine street, New York, to counforfeit which la felony. fW Sold by all respectable Dealer* In Medicine* Uu uughout the United Slates and the Canadas, at t* cents per box or pot. Bol-ly THE EYE, EAR, AND THROAT. D R. WRIGHT, of Toronto, Canada West, Physi cian and Surgeon, Oculist and Anrist, can Im consulted ou Dearness, Discharges from the Bar. the Head, Catarrn, imnMsr the Throat am) Lungs. Aildtseases of the EYE, requiringelthetr Medical or Surgical aid attended to. Cilice No. 41, iu Dr. Thos. Buckler's old office on Lexington street, Baltimore, Md. Ulllce hours front S to 12 A. M., an<l Sto 6 P. M. 19 If J. II. UARllETT A t;o„ Proprietors, Manchester, New Hampshire. . JACOB LIPPMAN, Corner Congress and Barnard streets, Agent. tsr Sold by all Druggists. Jy'z-tf Notice. Office General Superintendent Atlantic ] . ti Gulf Railroad, Savunnab, Dec. 21,1x66. j T HROUGH TICKETS to Jacksonville are nowsold over this Road. Pare, #12. Time, 17 hours. Train leaves Savannah daily, Sundays excepted, at T a. nt., a-rivlng at Jacksonville at 12 at night. rstave Jacksonville atl a. m., and arrive at Savan nah at 6.10 p. m. For any information concerning this roofo, apply to II. S. Haines, General Superintendent, or J. B. Bond, General Ticket Agent. H. S. IIA1NBS, dec'22—tit General Superintendent. BLANCEV1LLE SLATE MINING COMPT, VAN WERT, POLK CO., GA. Oapl Stock., i800,000 SHARES, 960 BACH. Dnscoross— H. Brigham, J. F. Davor, E. C. Gran- uiss, A. Wilbur-and A. E. Marshall. Pksidxnt—A. Wilbur, Savannah, Ga. Viox PacsiDENT—E. C. Orannlsa, Macon, Ga. SaesiTAEY—A. E. Marshall, Atlanta, Ga. T HIS Company will soon he prepared to fill any orders for Slate, however large, for roofing, ' furniture manufactured out of state, fur lintels, pavement, and for any other nses to which slate can t>e applied. The quarry is convenient to the cities ol Atlanta, AnguBta, Macon, Albany and Columbus, Ga.; to the cities of Seim*. Montgomery and Mobile, Ala.; to New Orleans, and will shortly lie to Mem phis: roan., and St. Louis, Mo. The superiority c datefor roofingpurposes, and its special adaptabllit to various article* ol furniture and fur pavement well known. Orders may beaddreaaedto iun8-ly A. a. MARSHALL, Bec’y. CHRISMS PRESENTSI DRY GOODS! ^URGANT LACE SETTS. Embroidered Han kerchiefs, Gents’ Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Fancy Articles, Dress Goo,is at Cost, Cloaks at Cost, Cloak Cloths and Casalmeres, Damask Tabic Linea* Napkins. Doylies and Towels. For »alc by DxWITT A MORGAN, *>016 . , . 137 CONGRESS STREET. ULi COAL. ANTHRACITE, BITUMINOUS, R ED ASH, Steamboat, Baltimore, Cnmberland and English Oval. For sale by ton or cargo by oc31-6m CH1PMAN A CHAPIN. Notice. T HE undersigned, under the name and style ol PURSE ft THOMAS, have thin day formed a lim ited partnership for tbe transaction of a General Commission and Brokerage business in the city ol Savannah, to continue until the fine day or July. 1868. Daniel G. Pane and Daniel R Thomas are the General Partner*, and Albert H. Stoddard la the Spe cial Partner, and haHoqntribnted Ten Thousand Dol lars W the eommonatock of thnCo-parwmshlp. D. K. THOMAS. A. H. STODDARD. SxVarreaH, Deei 1.1896. , d*c6 6rr • • J NO, and lor sale by P. CALLANAN ft CO., Corner Habersham and Preatdent ate. Assignee’s Sale. I OFFER for sale tbe Bulldin ; known a* the Bank of Commerce, situated on l be southern oue-third or lot No. lu, Jevkyl Tything, Derby Ward, fronting thirty feet on Drayton, amt sixty feet on Bryan street. Tbe Building is well adapted fur carrying on a large Blinking HuxineHS. ALSO, The middle one-lhlrd of said lot No. 10, and the improwtiH-nte thereon. Hie ground upon which buth buildings are situated la fee simple. ALSO, Thirty bonds of one thonsand dollars each, of the city of Columbus, guaranteed bv the Mobile and Gi rard Railroad Company, and thirteen bond* of the eity of Columbus of five hundred dollars each. In terest on ail the bonds seven per cent, per annum, payable semi-annnally. The above described real estate and bonds are of fered at private sale, and if not disposed or previous ly. will be sold at Auction by George W. wylly, on the first day of February next, at the Chart Home, in this city. JOHN 0. FERSILL, no29tds At, jig n re. JAMBS RUSSELL, Col. JOHN 0. HATELY. Savannah, Ga. Jasper, Florida. FILL AND WINTER GOODS. RUSSELL & HATELY, JA3PKK, FLORIDA, yy ILL open, forthwith, a large and well Selected stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots end Shoes, Hate and Capa. Also, Staple and Fancy Groceries and Hardware, consisting of everything needfal for Plantation sad Family use, which will be offered at prices to salt the times and the interests of purchasers. They will also act aa COMMISSION and FORWARDING Merchants, and will give special attention to the purchase ot ths product* of the country and the tale of produce ae merchandise on consignment. deei STEAD ENGINE AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. A FIRST CLASS SPECIMEN STEAM ENGINE and Saw Mill, manufactured to order at Ute Fal lon Works, New York. Consists of an engine ol er horse power, return fine boiler, with all tie conve- be purchased low on au3u tf La" whole Is perfectly i application to ROCHE, WENT A WEST ft DANIELS. COTTON MACHINERY B " For Sale. .9i QNE THIRTY-INCH 8 P B E A DEB Twenty-four thirty-inch CARDS, Two DRAWING FRAMES, Six Pattern^ SPREAD KBS, all in good order. Address • SAMUEL A 113 South Front street, decl#—Jw Com and Oats VS: *f ■-. FOB BALK. 6 000 BDSHJIU beading from Brig * "GEORGIA.'’ L ’fl N, A. HARPER A op. 26,000 8o P* rior >l0rld * J K hniM <Wnr Rkln OhImii. 1,000 BALES PRIME EOBTHERN HftX, j 1 For sale by CHIPMAW* CHAPIN. decl#—2w SM Bay (treat. A WALTON, | • w wei JfoJ.*9..»*•■£>gaadUa'-ioiTx; WHOLESALE GROCERS AND AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. i ' ' *' ■?* H ATING taken th* large Fire Proof neatly oocopfed by Merer*. Wilkinson A w. are prepared to offer the beet facilities for •f sawngnments. Bacon, Earns, Lard. JUST received and for sale— Si hogsheads Clesr Bacon Sides, ._ to hogsheads Clear Bib sides M hogshead* Prime Bright Sbouldeta It tierces Parc Kettle Rendered Lard 26 Marses Choice Sugar Cared Bagged Ham* It Merest Sugar Cored Uncovered Hint* W. H. WHITNEY ft CO., aeia-tf No. 4 Harris' Range. Row. O'Btbkx.- J. H. O'Btbkx. £dw. O’Byrne Ac Son. Wwoutuui and Retail Dbalbss nt Liquoaa, fto., ftc. IXTEMllott a share of the patronage of oar Mauds YY sad the public generally. The Senior partner refthia firm having done bnsinees in this city for up ward* of thirty-two years. Corner Bryan and Jefferson oot-ly Butter. Flour, Bacon, Fork, LARD, &c. C/\ H0U8HBADS Clear Ribbed Sides OU *•> hogsheads Shoulders, Baltimore cured. 2# tierces Lar', Baltimore Leaf 69 barrels Pork. Prime, Prime Mesa and Mes 69 kegs and half kegs Batter, Choice Goshen IDS boxes Cheese It tierces Haras, New Sngar Cared. SUGARS, COFFEE, TEA. SOAP. CANDLES, fto. 69 hogsheads Sugar, St. Croix, Porte Rico and Masco vado Ufl barrels Sugar, A, B and C r , 69 packages Tea, assorted qualities 159 bags Coffee, Klo 9S pockets Coffee, Old Government Java 160 boxes Soap, all qualities lot boxes Candles, Adamantine and Tallow 109 boxen Tobacco, all qualitiea Cuba Molasses in hogsheads and barrels Hay. Corn, Oats and Cow Feed constantly on hand Landing and for sale by SCRANTON, SMITH ft CO., Hodgson's Building, no37 Bay street, opposite Jefferson. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. QUR stock la equal to any In the eity. Call an judge for yourselves. no2J SCRANTON, MITH A CO. H. G. RUWE, wwnnitiii r.y. * (.iiur Dealer & Commission Merchant, Corher Bryan and Mt. Julian streets and Mona men. Square. 8AVANNAH. G A. W“ FRUITS and VEGETABLES in season always taad. uu27-tf Cau amaN. Jam** KsaaiuAa. Columbia Square GROCERY STORE, East aide of Columbia 8qnare, corner of Habersham and President streets, BT PHILIP CALLANAN A CO. R eceiving, weekly, drst-ctaa* Family Gro- eeries, Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Fruits, Yegatabire, Ac. For sale on must reasonable terms. Jsta-ly Fall Fashions for 1866. J. W. BRADLEY’S CELEBRATED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) Hoop Skirts. s u I 11 li I’ L i x l * i n’ TI ( J. W. BRADLEY DUPLEX SKIRTS have printed in RED INK, on the band J. W. BRADLEY’S DUPLEX SKIRT. DON’T BUY ANY OTHER. Yon can always find fall assortments at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT J. C MAKER ft CO.. LATIIROP ft CO. ASK FOR J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX SKIRT and “SEE THE NAME ON THE SAND. For sale in Savannah at Wholesale by J. c. MAKER ft go., OOMMIIBBION MERCHANT and wboLesau ' SIAUK i* ' „ MAT,GRAIN ‘Ann PRODUCE, ’ ' Com. Oats. Meal. Bleed, Bran, Oil Cake. Floor, Bagton, Salt, Rope, Ao„ Constantly retetrlng, end for sale at .the -towret wholesale rates. . . Agent Savannah Floor Mina. 155 Bay Street^ Savannah, oef—9m 1 . Wm. Htakr. Joa. A. Kobxmth. E. NxlmaTxB 8TARR Sl ROBERTS* •.Shipping and Commission. MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Liberal advances ou consignmedts of Cotton or otheg Produce. Particular attention given to the purchase of gup plies for Manufacturers, ftc. dec6 HB WHOA, JANUARY! ROBERT __ _ ^ Corner Jci N. B—Centrai Railroad money taken fit par. H- TATEM, "- 0 " *«1 H-Dom... ffb street*. d«27 RISLEY-& CREIGHTON, Commission Merchants and SHIP BROKERS, CHARLESTON, 8 C. Charters made for nny ports at short notice, and on favorable terms. Advances m*de on consignments to oar friends in Europe, West Indies and Northern cities. dect-lm HOLIDAY PRESENTS^ FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN » Embracing the moat EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT — OB’ RICH AND RARE ARTICLES OF LUXURY EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS CITY. WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT A CALL TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK. R. A. SOLOMON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, COLLECT ING AGENT, 4c., Eufaula, ^Lla. Prompt attention given to Collections and Bemit- taccea; Purchase and Sale of Cotton. Ac. Reference:—Messrs. 8. Schiffer ft Nephew*, Lau- ence Bros, ft Co., New York; Epptug, Hanserd ft o., Colnmhns, Ga.; Wm. A. McKenzie ft Co., Apa- Shicola; Austin ft bill., Savanualt. Ga. oclA-3m E. F. MxTCAhrx. E. M. Baucx ft Co John W. O’Connob. E. F. METCALFE A GO, Cotton Factors* Comm ission AND Forwarding Merchants, No. 5 Stoddard’s Lower Range, Bay St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Caah adrances on consignments to Norton, Slaugh ter. A Co., New York, and John K. Gilliatt A Co., Liv- erpooL ocl2-&n Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MERCHANT, Na. 183 Bay Street, kavaaaah, UD Darien, Gfeorgia. r Orders for Lumber solicited. dl94l decl 1-tf E. D. SMYTHE & CO-, IQO Broughton Street & 6. HAWES, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND WHOLE8A1.B DEALKB IN Plawr, Grain, Peed and Produce, COBNEB STOBE, 190 and <92 Bax Stbbxt, foot or Baknabd St., Savaaaah, Georgia. Beferencee—C. A. Gambrill ft Co.. Norris ft Bald win. Baltimore; Woodward, Baldwin ft Co., Baltimore and New York; L. Gambrill, Banker, Charietdon. Liberal advances made on consignments iff Cotton and Produce. oc2-tf Johnston, Woods A Co., General Commie’n Merchants No. lO Stoddard’s Lower Range, CITY COURT OF SAVANNAH. NOVEMBER TERM, 1866. WHEREAS, Harmaduke Hamilton, James Reed, l" Richard W. Adams, were summoned to attend and be Hwom as Grand Jurors-at the present term ol the Honorable City Court of Savannah, and made default, it is ordered that they be fined in the snm of forty dollars each, unless they file good and suffi cient cause of excuse on or before the first day of the next (February; term of said Court And whereas, Emannel bheftal’, Thomas Hol combe and A. J Miller were summoned to attenfl as Talesmen and be sworn as Grand Jurors at the pre sent term of this Coart, and made defanit, it is or dered that they be fined in the sum of lorty dollars each, unless they file good and sufficient cause of ex cuse on or before the flret day of the next (February) term of said Court. And whereas, Patrick Burncs, George H. Aah, Charles E. Smith, Daniel G. Purse, Henry F. Den nett and James U. Bashlor tve- e sun moiled to at tend and be sworn as Petit Juror* at the present term Of this Court, and made is ordered that they be fined in the sum of tweuty dollars each, un less they file good and sufficient, cause of excuse on or before the first day ot the next (February) term of said Court. And whereas, W. O. Godfrey, .Tames H. Demand, R. H. Brown, Benjamin B. Ferrill, Peter Vandever, A Fernandez anil L. A. Wakeman werty summonod to appear ou the Sth of November, 1866, to attend qnd be sworn as Petit Jnrers; and whereas, Patrick Dnnn, L. W, I^tndershiue, Dr. Warren Johnson, Patrick H. Mallctte and John Kilay were summoned to appear and be sworn as Petit Jnrors, and made default since the 9th. of November; and whereas, Morris Doty, B. B. Chipman, B. F. Ulmer, F. Brown, S. C. Cntherwood, H. M. Golding, L. J. Guilmartin and A. Dutenbofor were summoned to attend anJ bn sworn as Petit Jurors, and made defaultBince the 19th or November, 1866; anil whereas, David S. How ard and George S. V< illiam* were summoned to at tend and be sworn as Petit Jurors, ami made default since the M l of November, 18«6; and whereas Pres ton Warner, W. W. Bemshart, B. O. Withington, T. Blabewood, F. Dowd, E. A. Weil, Joseph F. Pelot, T. Bostick, David Bailey, Jacob Uucky and Wm. Salt were summoned to attend aud be sworn os Petit Ju- rore. and made default since the 7th day of Decem ber, 136*: and whereas, John D. Hopkins was summoned to attend and be sworn as a Petit Juror, and made default since the 8th day of December, 1S66, it is ordered that they each bh lined in the sum of twenty dollars, unless the; file good and sufficient cause for such default ou or before the first day of rite uext (February) term of this Court. W. S. CHI-HOLM, judge. Attest:—WM. J. CLEMENTS, Depnty Clerk City Coart ol Savannah. T r ue extract from the minutes of Court of tbe 17tb December, 1866- PH1LIPM. BUSSELL, decis—30t Clerk City Court of savannah. S. B. HARRINGTON, DEALER IN EVERY VARIETY OF FURNITURE IS SELLING GOODS Lower Than Any Other House IN SAVANNAH. HOTELS AND STEAMBOATS FURNISH ED. s epl-tf SAVANNAH, GA. Retail by , C. MA LATHHDP ft CO.. OBFF ft WATKINS, ft C MAKER ft CO., " IHROP ftf-CO., LAT1 DE WITT A MORGAN, KIN8TKIN * JtCKMAN, OHFF ft WATKINS, THOMAS PEPPER. At wholesale by the Exclusive Manufacturers and Sole Owners of tbe Pateut, WESTS, BRADLEY ft CARY, Warerooms and Office, Me*. 97 Chambers, and 79 and 81 Resile SL, BOMBS New York. FINE SETS OF JEWELRY, Watekes, Silverware, Oral Ear Kings and Breast-Pins, OlSMBd, Pearl amid other Plmgcr Rtage PLATED WARE, FANCY GOODS, Cutlery, &c. r B largest selection of Revolvers and Pistole, suitable for presentation, and of tbe raost oele brated makers; Shot flans, Shot Poaches, Powder Flasks; all sizes of Cartridges and Capa. AU goods wen ejected carefully by myself in New York, last weak, and will be opened today. Watches and Jew elry carefully repaired by experienced workmen, and warranted. a. harig. decafl—91 Coir. Broughton and Whitaker els. Paper Hangings Window Shades. IBS. MARY J. TURNER, No. 58 St. Julian Street,' a aew supply of Paper Hangings Wla- inff Gilt Cornices, which will be sold 1 v -~ iyi-o PH STEAM SAW MILL tod their DOUBLE an the “PHfHMIX aid respectfully Inform seoeroUy, that they are EASTERN WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA having com; GANG SAW MILL, kaowi (W MILL,.” wonld iaad theftifhUe raw. _ bow prepared to fill order* for Lumber In any qnan- MMftnd of shy limes aud lcngtha. We have fob M9lad with earMlU an Improved Planer, and will Bhrogartlcalar attention to orders for planed and tongas sad grooved lumber, orina left at the mu, or at J. F. ft M. HaraUton 1 ■BayandAbercom streets, wlU receiv " A nhara of public patronage la respectfully so. MM. . EULEN ft haMiltoNs. ■j '4 ’■ f rer** * ORANGES. £k “fV , S?23a^ ta 0 “ k ""’ IMpJ A. WILCOX ft oa FOR SALE, A^sssatsassr ■OME Apply at a. Moodily, N. A. HARDEE l CO., COTTON -FACTOR ** AND General Cdlnmission Merchants. Liberal advances made on consignments. Sales made In Savannah on New York or Liver- pool, and tint one commission charged.nol4 Austin & Ellis, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, SO BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. THOMAS H. AUSTIN,) Laie of Apalachicola, Fla., CHABLRB ELLIS, f and (JolumbuB, Ga. sepll-tf i. r. Boraa W. A. Bhyant. Bouse & Bryant, (Foraerif of Jacksonville, Fla.,j, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, 104 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, - GKOHGIA. and all band a ile- good stock of Groceries, Liquate, Agricultural Imp! menu, BoUding Materials, Fairbanks ft Ca’s Scab ftc., besides other goods and maantactored articles for sale on consignment, and for which they are sgenta. Orders and consign menu respectfully so- Kited. l a!8-tf H0LLH&8W0&TH & GO. C01IISSIQN MERCHANTS, MACON, GEORGIA. Especial attention will be'gtran to tho execution of Cotton Orders, which we solicit. Peters A Hollingsworth, COTTON SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SroDoann't Dream Sanaa, Bax Stbxet, SAVANNAri, GEORGIA. E VERY facility eoerad for conslgnmenu and exe cution of enfera. Liberal advances made on Cotton Gripped to onr friend* In New York. Balti more Hfi Philadelphia. oell-tf Notice 1 8 HEREBY GIVEN that) he parteenbips hereto fora existing muter the naiaea of MHIer, Thomas A Co., in Savannah, Ga, and Thomas. Uvingnton ft Co., Madison. Fla, have been dissolved by Ute death of D. G. Livingston, one or the partners. A. J. MILLER will give Us attention to the bQ<it- neasln Savannah, and 8. B. THOMAS to the business In Madison, in liquidation. * A- J. MILLER, 8. B. THOMAS, Auguat, 1869. Surviving Partna*. intlnne the Groasry and Oom- Ga.. at the store oo- strecL K ft BROTll KK. The snhecrlberaoScit* for the new a tSmtlunanc* ol the patronage extended to the late *rm. 8. B. THOMAS, Dike of the sunrivers. aa«Uf I the patronage extended August. 1899. THOS- BOSTOCK. J. F. HOBSON. Yale Royal Piaffing' Mill, Ctr. Liherty it. ui TiuicrMt Boat. kinds of PMaetlLamher for sale. ’ > deell—lm» BOSTOCK ft HOMBOR. Prepare for Christmas. Toys, Fireworks, Confectionery 4c., 4c., 4c. rjlHE attenrionof the residents ol Savannah, and of those visiting the city, is called to the extensive assortment of TOYS, FANCY GOODS, ftc., to be had at Wholesale or Befall at T. BATESON’S, Corner Congress and Drayton streets. N. B.—Thankful for tbe liberal patronage extend ed, during the last FIFTEEN YEARS, I respectin'); solicit a continuance of the same. . dec3JSw WM. J. MLAB6HLW, DEALER IN "Wall IPaper AND Window Shades, FIRST FLOOR, OVE.P. HILLSMAN’S DRUG -STORE, ’A large assortment of Wall Paper, WindowfShades Gilt Cornices, Curtain Bands, Picture Frames, Gtl Monidipgs, ftc., ftc., always on-hand. OBDEBS FOB HOUSE.SIGNAND DECORATIVE PAINTING PROMPTLY no22-lm ATTENDKD TO. City Sheriff’s Sale. r U NDER and by virtne of two fieri facias*, Issued out oj the Honorable City Conrt of Savannah in favor-of JMnea Lloyd vs. Bernard c. Wagner, I have levied, and'will sell, bn the first TUESDAY in Janu ary, 1867, being the first day of said month, before the Cnort House door, in the city of Savannah, in the comity of Chatham, and State of Georgia, be tween the legal hoars bf sale, the following pro ty, to wit; " All that Lot, Tract or Parcel of lyiag, being and situate in the city of Savannah, cnnnty and State aforesaid, and known aud di-tinguished in the Map or Plan of said city of Savannah, as Lot Mo. 18. Lih erty Ward, containing sixty feet fto t, by ninety feet deep, more or levs, with the improvements thereon, bounded as follows: On the north byStote street, sonlh by President street, east by Lot No ]7, and west by Montgomery street. • Properly pointed out by duiendant. Terms cash. Pnrcbaecr paying for titles. CHARLES J. WHITE, Uecl-td* Sheriff City Savannah. DANIEL H. LONDON. NO. 63. BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Shipping and Ommission Merchant, \jriLL aell all kinds ol Tobacco, Cotton, Bugging, TV Grain, Seed, ftd., and will execute orders for baying Merchandise and Produce ot every descrip tion. Consignments and orders solicited. REFERENCES. In SiYANNan—Major A. Porter, Dnucan ft John ston, N. A. Hardee ft Co., E. E. Hertz ft Col, John Stoddard. IN Nrw York—W. C. -ley ft Co.. Barclay ft Livingston, Wm. Watson ft Co. Liberal advances allowed on Cotton shipped to Messrs. Eyre' Evans ft Co.. Liverpool. ucl-3m •SANDERSON IVILKINSOX, HARNESS, 8ADDLEKT AMP , TRUNK STORE, j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL East Side of Market, Between St, Julian and Bryan Streets, SAVANNAH, GA, TIN J. FORD, Jl® office, nw. n aai SAVANNAH, GA. $5,00C Reward. fTlHE anbreriber has goo<i reason to belteva that the JL estate of her late husband, James Mclntlra, was wronged to a large amount by an agent or agents employed by him in December, 1861, and Jinnery, 1892, In the pmcbaae of cotton and other merchsa- dtee. The above reward will be paid for proof to eon- vlet tbe parties implicated, and to ratobBah claim to the proceed# of her husband** property. FRANCIS deefl-tf • l . vr Macon Telegraph plmmo capy and send thin niBrr * PARLOR SETS, extra well upholstered. FINE BED ROOM SETS. Walnut and Ms- hogany. COTTAGE BED ROOM SETS, of every variety. DINING ROOM and LIBRARY SETS. MATTRESSES, BOLSTERS and PILLOWS of all kinds. KITTLE'S FOLDING SPRING BEDS and MATTRESSES, the best Bed in use, ind WARRANTED SUPERIOR to others. LACE AND GAUZE M( PIES, and CANOPY F UITO CANO ES. WAREROOMS,' 178 Broughton Street, Nearly Opposite St. Andrew’s Hall. flegl-ffin - NEW STORE. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CLOTHING, At Wholesale and Retail. BY Einstein Eekinan & Co, NO. 163 CONGRESS 8TREET. ffTK are now receiving, and ready to ejhibK® W large and well selected stock of the *boreiK* I taiued good* from the brat manufacturers t»d pt | up expressly for the Georgia end Florida trade. Merchants and Planters are invited to exam’ne our stock before P^!|^ W. B. DDFFT t CO. 207 Bay Street; pkalos nr Imported and Domestic Liquors A GKKTB for Charles Farre Champagnes, KcU" 1 1 Kentucky Noorbon Whiskey, Renault ft Co ' dy, etc. cmaeuL W. B. Dnffy ft Co. are standing accounts. Dissolution of Co-Partnership| (T7H8 CO-PARTSRRSHIF heretofore ftxUti^^l J. tween the nnderalgned.unffi'r the firm te ^B V A. RYAN ft CO., U this day dlraolved by m« fl antborised to settle alt oc ' | l £ & t J? P; GILSON, hi* 1 CO-PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have associated gether under the firm njune of W. » ^ w l St the former store of V. A. By-n *'gjyyv 1 street. A S BIOKLO*- no!5 Plantation for Rent, QA1D to he ono.of gI Ot ntoiclng WJjAjl —.driver heteWLli» ^ f(Jr colUvati'>»^ j the | .prgHtoerfCottMgd ‘aMurpaaeedin thle *^j having «toeli*nt andl»nnirajie^“*^| beiof^l Loaded along th*Oe«»*»^S two toeS^SWe convenift c, | yor partienlara, ng^y to p E«i^bam Onmta. •*^®2hri f jr. o'W dec7 Notice. 4