The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, February 26, 1868, Image 4

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In General. —Montgomeiy Blair is .tamping Neir Hampshire on the Democratic side. •■Do you take me for a fool ?” said one chap to another. “No, X leave yon for one," was the reply. Which was the real fool I —The hotels at Little Kock keep a slippery atone with each wash basin. It passes lor Boap, and the only expense is first oost. —A girl with a “ringing laugh” caused an alarm of fire in Peoria. They took her for a belle. ...... —General Grant’s income from tbe gov ■eminent is said to amount to about thirty thousand dollars. —Klopatock engraved on the grave ot his wife two sheaves of vrhoat. thrown, *« it were, carelessly together, with the words t 4 ‘We shall ripen in heaven.' —All tbe cases before the Supreme Court involving the constitutionality of the Legal Tender act will be put over to next year be fore a decision ii* rendered. :x ,- r r • —Gen. Sickles, while speaking ill a hall at Manchester, New Hampshire, on behalf of the Radical candidates on tbe State ticket, was hissed by some ladies in the crowd. —A recent Continental wedding wife cele brated in two acts. One at Paris, where the parties were legally made man and wite, and then at the Vatican, Rome, where the mar riage was consecrated. —In the Supreme Court at New York, on Wednesday, m citizen of New York sued a firm in Texas for the recovery of certain goods delivered during the war. The plain tiff was, non-suited on the ground that his contract was treasonable and unlawful. —An old bachelor in New York offered a young lady h pony for a kiss, tthe gave him the kiss. He refused her the pony.«- He plead “no consideration.” The Court de cided that a-kiss was a legal consideration, and made him pony up. —The Corkoniaus, on the occasion of Geoige Francis Train’s third lecture there, broke into the room without paying, smashed all (he forms, tore down tbe gas pipe, and left George to foot the bill. He did bo, and left Cork in a hurry. —Highway robberies are getting common in Arkansas and Mississippi. Several large robberies were committed' last week. In Mississippi the negroes, in most oases, re fuse to work, and are committing depreda tions through the country. —Elder Hiram B. Olanson has just mar ried the fourth daughter of Brigham Young. He had previously married the Prophet’) eldest daughter. Besides being a high dit Hilary of the church, he is leasee and man ager of the Balt Lake Theatre. —The Boston Advertiser, speaking of tiergeant Bates’ trip through the Bomb with the Stars und Stripes, is {urced to make tbe unwelcome admission that "it must be con sidered on tbe-whole not a bad sign that ho had been so well treated.** —Don't tell all you know. Keep a little ammunition instore. It may pome in need. The man who cab not keep hia mouth closed sometimes shows that he has an aperture leading to an empty head. Besides It is al ways policy to keep a nest egg. Any old hen knows that, and governs heratlf accord inglv—she does. —They have a new concrete pavement in Detroit, which is nut slippery, noisy or rough, costs $1 25 per square yard less than the Nicholson, requires no stone curbing, aud is claimed to be superior in durability to auy other pavement in use. —The Frankfort Yeoman says: “On the 1st inst., Mr. Jas. A- Middleton lost a child eight years old; on the 10th another, six years of age died ; on the ltfth the mother also died, aud on the 16th the list was com pleted by the death of the father and bus band. —Several of the Southern railroad and steamship lines, in order to facilitate itnmi gration, have made arrangements te issue a regular emigrants’ ticket from New York to all points in the South. A special agent is to be slationed at Castle Garden, New York, to accost emigrants on their arrival there from Europe, and prevail upon them to pro ceed South immediately. Questions.—How many soldiers died that Jay Cooke might amass fifteen millions of dollars ? How mauy soldiers died to found a bond holding aristocracy of the United States? How maev soldiers died that Southern ue- f roes might be transformed into Abolition 'resident-makers? How many soldiers died that the masses of the people might be crushed beneath an intolerable and oppressive debt' How many soldiers died in the false belief that their lives were given for the preserva tion of the Union?—died victims of false pretences.—Crawford County Forum. These are questions for the voters of tbe No>rtb. B y e. h. Nxrcust Bay Street, Cor. Whitaker, • SAVANNAH. GA. T HIS HOUSE ibu neon tnorunghly renovnto-t and refitted, and oaefy practical Improvement made for the Fall and Winter. The TABLBS are supplied with the choicest article, from the Demestio Market and from New York, Fhlladelfbla, Baltimore, Flo rida aad elsewhere. Bipedal atmaHou paid to pro- curing the choicest Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc. MEALS FURNISHED AT ALL HOURS, From 6 a. w. to midnight. . vaw parties.- Separate rooms for prl- The best of WINES, ALES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &c. tar Skilful cooks and coarteons attendants, oclt—4$m .. Oyster Saloon. JOHN IMMEN, AT THB STAND ON Whitaker Street, JSear Bay, [FORMERLY MONAHAN’S,] H AS the pest facilities for supplying OYSTERS, either In the quantity, in shell or opened: or at bis Saloon, cooked in any style. Ho warrants his Oysters to be of the very beat quality. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, &c.,* Of the best brands, on hand, and a LUNCH every day. nov9—ly A. CARD. What Is Tarrant’s Effervescent A per (•at, and what are its effects ? These are questions wbiob ths great American public lias a ri^bt hi nsk, and it hsa alao a right to expect a candid ami s:itis- fsstory reply. The preparation is a mild and gentle saline cathartic, alterative aud tonic, and Is most carefully prepared is the form of a snow wLUe pow der, containing ah ibe wonderful medical preperties of the far famed Seltzer Springs of Germany. Of its effects we wouid say that those who have tested the preparation are tbe beet iqdgou, and they declare orer their own signatures that the prepara tion will promptly relieve indigestion. Regulate the flow of the bile. Cure every specie* of headache. Trauqsilizo tbe nervous system. Refresh and in vigorate the weak. Mitigate the pangs of Rheuma tism. Neutralize acid in the Stomach. dlcanne aud tone tbe bowels. Assist the railing appema. Cure the heartburn. If you are • sufferer give this remedy oue trial,and it will convince yon of tbe above facta. TARRANT *00., Sole VroDrifter* Sew York SnM h* «I1 Unwiriit* - CHEAP EDITION OF DICKENS. -9M»t BECE1VBD • Farther Supply o, BKKTOHS* BY 4*0Z..r.._ 26 cents ‘VTWWJIwP*!’FRIEND « cents A OF TWO CITIES.. 25 fie DKWICR. PAPERS.,.,, ...25 cetits. OLIVER tWIST 25 cents. GREAT EXPECTATIONS 25 cents M4BTIN CHUZZLEWIT 25 cents. CHRISTMAS Bi OKIES 25 cent,. NICHOLAS NICKLEBY 25 cents. DOMBEY ANDrBON 25 cents. HARD TOim. 26 cents. I OE SALE AT ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, BULL STREET, NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE. (eU24—t Dissolution of Co-Partnership. fpHS FIRM OF ESTILL * BROTHER IS THIS X hay dissolved by mutual consent. WM. ESTILL, Jk„ will p ty all bills and collect all .... - .jjjf - - - debts of the firm, and wi old stand. lime 1 J.H. ESTILL. WM. ESTILL, Jn. Savannah, Januaiy 17,18C7. H aving disposed oF my interest in es- TlLL’S NEWS DEPOT to my brother. WM. EtiT(LL, Jn., who ha» carried 4 on for the past two yeans, 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the lib eral patronage heretofore bestowed upon It. jan!8—tf >r .1 - tlf 9. H. ESTILL. 'JL BATS, CERTAIN. iSB Speedy Cure VOB NEURAL6M, ASM A1T ‘ NERVOU8 DISEASES. I T 13 THE Unfailing Rewedy In all cases of Neuralgia Facialis, often effecting a perfect cure in leae than twenty-four hours, from the t '— more than TWO OB THREE PILL0. No other form of Neuralgia or Nstrvoas has failed to. yield to this Wonderful Remedial Agent Even in. the severest gases of Ohroite Jtenralgta and general nervoas derangements,—of many years sUtndiag,—affecting the entire system, its use for a few days, or a few weeks at the utmost, always af fords the most astonishing relief, and very Tarejy fails to prod uoe a complete and permanent cur£ it’ contains do drugs or other materials In the slightest degree Injurious, even to the most delicate system, aud can alwkys be need with perfect safety. It has long been in oonstant use by many of our most «tf. nent physicians, who give it their uaanimoosand unqualified approval. dQpSeatbymalionreoelptof prioe and postage. One package .$100, Postage 6 cents. Six -psekares $S 00, Postage 37 cents. 7w^v« packages., $» Oo, PBstagsdSoeniM It ty*old by all Wholesale snd Betail Dealers la ikagi aadlfsfcrinas thrssghsnt Vm ■-“"***-*" - - URgn Purely Mutual Cash System! * equItable LIFE MfRAIE SOCIETY, UN Bay af reet, Hsvsnnsb, Georgia, CASH ASSETS upwards of.... .$5,000,000 CASH ANNUAL INCOME $2,500,000 ANNUAL CASH DIVIDEND» may 20—‘Jawly LANGDON BOWIE, (late of Charleston,) General Agent. LAIRD, BROWN « SMITH. Shipplag Mast era ssd Notaries Public. Comer of Bay and Lincoln streets, (over Wm. H. Stark * Co’s Store,) SAVANNAH. : GEORGIA. C RBWS SHIPPED and pat on board at the short est notice. Marine Protests noted and extended. flDSfiE88 BHffiBEfllrtf McMAHON ■ nuiu in Grocefes, Com, Oats, Feed, eOUH MtflHTU AID JEffEMOBiTUtTL All orders promptly attended to. W#-ly OF SAVANNAH. DELETTRE Si SYMONS, .Auctioneers AND # General Comwisgi«n. Merehints, 76 St. Jalien and 10? Bryan Ufa., SAVANNAH, GA. /■'fONSIGiJMflNTS OF ALL KIlfDS SOLICITED \J Quick sales and prompt r6 uijty. _ M. N. D CLETTfiE, lato r pf AUgflBUI. HR SYMONS, of Savannah.decj7—tf fOU ?nLATKA,*FLA., AND Qharlestoiij S. C. J. T. patbbson. L 1. TUOXXB James T. Paterson Si Go., TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MEROHAN T8, Bo, its Bsy Street, Savanash, 4NP * JDarien, Gheorgfia. tW Orders for Lumber solicited. f b4 1. P. Boors. * W. A. Biiiw. Bouse & Bryant (Formerly of Jacksonville, FIs.,) - Forwarding and Commission Merchants, 194 Bay Street, BA VANN AIK, » GKOKGIA, VTTILL give prompt atieatiflP tp repelylng aud for- W warding goods, sales ffn cooslgpiuent, and all orders; and will also keep constantly on hand for sale on consignment, apd for which they are agfhtf- Orders and coaslghWh^ res)iactful|y «o QO-diRTNERSHIPNOTICE. N. A. Hardee’s Son Si Co., No. 5 Stoddard's TJppar Range, SAVANNAH. GA. T HE UNDERSIGNED have formed a partnership Tor the tran.-actlpn of a GSNHRAL COMMIi - SION an«l FACTORAGE BUSINESS onder tbe firm name of N. A. HARDEE’3 SON * CO. Tendering to the friends of the old Arm our ttiffidus tor past iHvora, we aoiicit for the new establishment a continuance of their patronage, and from Planters and Merchants generally we ai*'encouragement. Having ample meap-<, y? e iHll make liberal ad- van res on a 11 Cotton orotlmr Produce consigned to us for sale hero. In New Y ork, Philadelphia, Balti more, or Liverpool. We will keep on hand a full supply of GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO, LAND PLASTER, and othor Fertilizers. JOHN L. HARDEE, sepea—ti WM. W. KIRKLAND F. C. FORD, maiufacturu of Letter-Copying Presses OF ALL KINDS. NO. 24 BEEKMAN ST., NEW YORK r E TRADE SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL TERMS, Particular attention given to eouthem orders. ET SAMPLES OF THB PRESSES can be seen at Messrs. COOPEB, OLOOTT A CO.’S, Agkntb, Savannah. nov2S—tf J. A. B. WILLIAMS. T. II-FRANCIS WILLIAMS Si FRANCIS, Cotton Factors AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 3 STODDARD’S LOVVKU RANGE, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GkA*. No. 89 Ur»ad Street, Columbus, Ga, wad No. 93 Commerew .street, Mont gomery, A |u. tar Cash advances made on consignment* ot Cot ton aud other Pr Mines. novVl—tf '1‘JEiE LADIES OF THE Needlewomans Society B EG LEAVE to inform the public that the price of the GOODS at their Depot. Sooth B r o»<l siren, one door east of Barnard, ins been REDUCED to the owesl point.. They rcepictfally solicit the patruuage of the charitable and benevolent, who may need such articles as the SOCIETY has f ir sale. jan25—tf CANCELING and BUSINESS STAMPS. FURNISH THE ^FOLLOWING CANCELING . STAMPS at makers’ prices : Secomb’a Canceling Stamp, with die and dates complete. $3;8e"onib’s Banking HouseStiimp, with out date, Irom $12 to $15; extra Dies $2 bo each extra Ribbons, from $1 60 to $3; Dates, $2 mi extra. Address orders to WM. ESTiLL Jr . Bull street, next to the- Post office, Jan21—' flavammh. JOHN A. GRUBB, GENERAL NEWSPAPER AD VERTISIN G AGENT, 111 Bay St^et, Unit—f SAVANNAH. GA ST. MARTS RETREAT. A DIOCESAN SCHOOL FOB YOUNG LADIES, AT FERNANDINA, FLORIDA, Uadsr the Patraaage and Immediate Su pervision of the Right Beverend Dr. YOUNG, Bishop af Florida. T HE SERVICES ot most able and experienced TEACHERS, of Enfopean edncatUn, having been secured, this Institution will onen on the 16th of February. . - — > The School year ronsists ot two terms of five months each. The Clin* was Term begins on the, first Taeaday in October, and the Easter Tt-rmon the Afteenth of February. ” For Circulars giving particulars, or other in forma tion, apply to the Chaplain of the School, the RXV. O, P. THACKARA. |an4—2tawtf F.-rnamliaa- Florida. A RARE CHANCE FOR A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT! ivoUKS ARB NOW OPENED at the Offlc“ of T. B. D MARSHALL * BROTH KB for Subscription to the Joint Stock Company being organized for the purpose of purchasing the PATENT BIGHT or L. Sword’s Patent Brick Machine For the tuts of Georgia. OOBNTY »od TABS'HIQBTJ will be solj by tbe ^impany as soon aa said Company is fully organ ized. The MACHINE oan be teen at Me?ara. Bulger shop, also specimeu8 of the . ■ 1 | B taed. * Calvitt’s w brick made ■lffi Mti Machine In this rity. For furthgfTmoriuatiim call at the oflice of T. B. MARSHALL * BROTHER, or at the shop or BUL- GEK * CALV1TT. pr : This opportnnlfy offers greater Inducements for a r- fitable investment than any other in the market. This Machine will turn out from 25,000 to 30 00.1 brick per day, of ten boors, with the labor of elgh t 5B ‘ T. B. EARRHALL * BROTHER, an7—tf HAY. 400 BALES PRIME NORTHERN HAY. For sale by N. A. HARDEE'S SON FOO WM. ESTILL, Jr., NEWSDEALER AND BOOKSELLER) Bull St., Next to the Post Office, (DOWN STAIRS,) Savannah, Georgia. FA. IRI3 AJSTIv’S PATENT PLATFORM SCALES * HERRING’S BELL Si HULL, Agents. T HIS HOUSE, having been Agents for the above SCALES and SAFK8 for tbe past fiftem years, are now receiving and keep constantly on hand a complete assortment of the above Patent Platform Scales, from 8,500 [too nds dormant down to 450 pounds pint' f -run and anion grocer's c.muter and 1 v*n balonce. Also. New Oceans, pattern of COTTON SCALES aud Plate , and pric-i of HAT and COAL >€ALE rut. Also. HERRING’ ^PATENT CHAMPION FIREt PROOF SAFES, with Patent CryStalried Bnrifiar- proof Hank and Money Safes.Plates and price list can be eeen at office, and orders filled for any pattern a 1 <1 sice. The aheye SCALES and SAPES are too well known to requirelpy comment. Eff they are the STANDARD from which there s no appeal, bating obtained tbe FiRSt' PRIZES and MEDALS at the PARIS EXHIBITION. 8< official reports. decqa * COLGATE Sl CO’S h , UKIUfA.l ERASIVE SOAP FOR '* LAI VDKV USE. jan87—Imif TO PLANTERS AND FARMER: ZELL’S RAW BONE A., fof-I^rnaw a, all U» |erBaadlas idiagi •jihe Nt^r And ^lLgAnt otzaMers PXOTATOR fi,ooo Tons,) ^ Captain L. M. OOXKTTBB, CITY FOINT, (l,U0 Tons,r Captain 8IMADONS, WUI leave SAVANNAH. GA. Jacksonville, Palatka, on St. John’* River, on Wednesdays and Saturday, at 3 o'clock p. an. -■»*«'• Returning, will leave Palatka, Florida, on Fridays and Mondays, al 7 o'clock a, m, ( Jacksocvilie on * ; Saturdays and Tuesdays, at 3 o'clock a. at., and Femandina same day. s Will leave Savannah for Charleston on Sundays and WcilBfielty^ at • o'clock Upturning, wi|l leaye CUrleeJop dn Tuesdays and Fridays, at ^'o’clock p. p. j^TFreight reeeived from sunrise to sunset, at the Florida Wbart, foot of tias Uouse hill, and stored free or charge. L l GUILMAKTiN * 00., agents. OT These Bteamors conuect with stages a: Pic^- lata lor tst Aggaagne. * fei-4—tf CHANGE OF DAY I United States Mail For Palatka; E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RY’S, FKRNANDJNA, JACKSON Vltip AND piCOfAI’A- Tbe Dew end .lenent swam Tucket Lizzie Baker, Captain P. L4RGSE, WUl leave Savannah for the ahnve places EVERY WBDNESD A Y Mt»RN ING, at 9 o’clock. RETURNING, Will leave Jackson villa EVER v SATURDAY MORN ING and Feruandina EVERY SATURDAY EVEN ING, arriving at % van null SUN DA V MORNING. This Boat has large sad stry State Room aocom lodations for Pagachgei*, For Freight or Fuasage apply at the oflice, on Flo rida Steam Packet Wharf, or to CLAGHOKN & CUNNINGHAM, Agents tr No Freight received after 8 o'clock on the dayof Bailing.' ~T~ Al* Freight payable by Shippers. -JT This Bojvt eouueote at Fernarnllna with the Florida Railroad fo Cedar Keys; at Jaukaonviiie with ths Central Railroad to Luko Oily, ami at Pioolata with regular lines of stages lo St/ Auguatluo, aov9—if -ioaiUfl HER. /^AKL EPi'ING A OO u General Commiaslou Mer- \J chants. No. 149 Bay street, Savannah, Georgia; V ico consulates of Spain aud of the Netherlands. 4SF* CAUL RPPINQ, Timber Merchant, Darien and BruavwiCE, tjtorgm. • nor^fi—tT AKNEY A (X)., Commission Merchants, No. M Stodda; u’s Upper Range. Liberal advances uigge on ganaiguinonU of cotton. Wool, ic-,to our friends in Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. V auSO—ly . \17 AUD H ilclN i'JRjfi, Auction ’ Commission and YY Shipping M-rchaats, Bay street, Savannah, GlbirfiiA IliintlJnmDiilinrall Ir.nJ. ./ Ls Georgia. Consignments of all kinds solicited, lion days Tueeduyn aud Fridays. Agent for quality Kerosene Oil. augai-_^ t ROWLAND * CO., Storage and General loiaajici»iwh Merchants- ‘Jetton taken on Btor- “ - -st Class Fireproof Warehouses. Ion given to weighing and sampling. U. It. ROWLAND B. -.OBIFFUI * CO., Cotton EjLAJrs. CO«. • miaston and Forwarding MerdSnts. No. 88 Bay street Bavannah, Georgia. jyifl—lr tHTiLK-INSON AWli^ON^Uotton factors aud“So- ff neral Oominiasion Merohahte, No. SO Bay street, Savannah,4t*o:gia. Liberal advance uiaoeon con- algnmenta to onweivos or Qnr in New York and Liyeiyotfi, jya7 fll B. kSSuAilALL U B&O., General Cumuua- X* sion, shipping and Lumber Merc nants, No. a Harris’ Block, Ray at: out, loot of Llnouin. Coash»- meats re3poctfully solicited, and wiU strict attention. * jy23 ASQWBUiiiri*; •. —• > •) -rf and Raise RsvenoefSr to amend the various Tax Mgofaald elty; to fix the .ol certain officers dud to redoea.the ex _ J6S Of the cjfv. and fnr thn tain kinds of bi Section 1. The Mayor and Aldermen of the city Of Savannah, in Ooancu assembled, do hereby or-fato, Tha and after the first day of-Januarv next, 18W, Axes and revenue lor the support of -the gov ernment of the c'ty of Savannah, and for the advop- tageandbenefitof ill* inhabitants 1 hereof 1 8k* 1 ’ ' asaeflse#, levied, and raised, at and after Lkr . .. be lng rates, that is to say: „ toIIow- 1. At the rate of one u nd three-fqdv** per annum on r^ai ea’at in Raid ,ns per centum the valuation for tbe year 10* city,- aecordina 10 valuation for ‘mprqvyma' - ' and such subsequent n « ^ rear J8CI. or W *ts as may have been made j. (in all gT<4e^ hRve been made thereafter, and merchant •* | es o 1 '’very kind of goods, wares auctioneer" - •**»Jncluditg all sales by broken and a avoir including lumber, timber, ahtnglesand ctxr*- mnd . "^cepWng liquors, ons-hair of one per ■ am; sales of real estate, oac-luU of one per centum;s:ocks and bonds, one quarter of one per ceitura -- -,A f O» the amonntof all gross sales of liquors, in cluding wine, malt and spiriiuom liquors, whether at whcJeaale or retail, one lialf oi one per centum ■ i- 0|1!1 gross rales of cotton and rice, one-tenth of one per can tom. 5. One per centum on all commissions or profits derived from any i-uainess transactions hy any mer chant faetor, auctioneer, broker, forwarding, - ■ ping or eommiaaioo merchant, — WADE A CO., Cotton Factors and Gom- oalasioii Merchants, No. 8 Stoddard’s Lower iyfi3 ■IfU. 1>. R. MILLAR A uo., 167 Bay street. Com- YY mission Merchants, Dealers in Railroad Sup plies, Agents for Ingersoli’s Cotton Press and John Wntaon A Co. 1 ’8 4?!a Grease, hf- jy23 VIAKSUALL HOUSE, Savannah, Georgia. Ifl -jy.'J] a. B. Luca, Proprietor. NDRTg AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO TIIBOUGH LING TO CALIFORNIA, Via Panama or Nicaragua, SAILING .FROM NEW YORK December Stb and 151 h ; January 5lb, 15th and 'J5th, onil February 15th aad iiotli, With New Steamshii.B of Ihe Fli rt Oia«S. PASSAGE LOW SR THAN BY ANY OTHER LINE. For farther information addrees the nndcrsigned atlT7 West Street, New York, dee—3m D. N. CAR KINGTON, Apent. Hew York and Bremen Steam ship Company. fpl FIRST-CLASS United States Mail Steamships ATLANTIC, BALTIC, WESTERN METROPOLIS, . fourth atoamshm uow building, for Southampton and Bremen, taking passengers to Southampton, London, Havre and Bremen, at the following rfttes, payable in gold, or its equiva lent in currency, (ty London or Par in $5 additional) First Cabin, $110; Second Cabin, $65; steerage, $36. From Bremen, Southampton and Havre to New York, First Cabin, $11«; Second Cabin, $75; Steer age, $48 EXCURSION TICKETS OUT AND HOME, First Cable, $210; Second Cabin, $130; Sieeragt $70l liima days nos hkw to ax aud bbbukn. Leave New York Sqpt. I4tb and ti6!h, Oct. £6th and Nov, »th. Leave Bremen Oct. fctli anti linh Nov. 16th aud 80th. Leave Southampton for .New York Oct. 9th and 23®, Nov soth aud Dec. 4th BLUN A MKYKR, Agents for Savannah, Ga. ISAAC TAYLOR, r»eeldmit Wo. «* KrnadwSy Naw York, CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STEAM packet line. PltOT BOY, •Cmit. W. T. MoNELTY, F A.' 1ST -ST IE, • Capt F. PECK. One of tbe above Steamers will lcagp Savannah every Wedaeaday und Saturday Moratag at t •’clock, aud Churlealon every Monday aad Thursday sight, at 13 o'clock, to nett ing at BLUFFTON on Wedntvday trip trom Savan nah and Monday trip from Chart) su.-n, AU Way Freight and RLUF1TON Wharfage mat be prepaid. Far freight or pusage apply tb CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, 7 au!3—tf Ag«nts. ROYAL 0I8DRAHGE flOIPANT, OF LIYEItPOOL. AND Capital £2,000,000 Sterling. BESERVE FUND STEKUNG. ANNUAL INCOME £700,000 S.TEBLING. lONTISCKS to tats ' • • ' ' . Mensuitlle and Dwelling Mouse BbU (Frune BaOduig. ciMpted) AGAINST LOSS flY FIRE, .t WHI.i.lOSAl.K LlltUOH DKAUEHS. tII J* DUNBAR & CO., Importers and Dealera JL einfikkudien, Whiskey a, Gins, Wines, C-gors, Ac., and Agent for Smith's Celebrated PiulUdeTpUa Ales, 147 Bay Street. jjfi$ 1X711 LIAM HONE, Importer and Wholesale rf Dealer in Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Bay st, Savannah, Georgia, and Hole Agents for Uepfgia and Florida ol Mtoplie.sou A Donald Siqith’s celebrated Fate Ale, in barrels aud hulf Da.frela, febS WHOLEjALK tiUUVEKS. W. M. DAVIDSON, Wholesale Dealer in Gro ceries, Wines Liquors, Tens anti Cigars, 150 Bay stieet, Savannah, Sole Agent in the State of Georgia for Massey, Houston <L Co.’B rhiladelphia Philadelphia jy24 LI4UOUS, die., AT EETAUj. C USTOM iiousk SHADES, oy F. Down, Bay laue, rear of Font Office. Beat of Ales, Wines, |hquors, Cigars, Ac., aud a Lunch every aay irom 11 I RViNU HoUsE, corner of St. Julian aud Jefferson streets. Aleck in vino. Proprietor. Best of Alee, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Ac., alwayp Qfl hand. iy23 mUiUblSTS AND AFOTHJ^CAKiES. K OliEKT H. TATEM, Druggist and Apothecary and Wholcaaie Dealer in Window Glass fad Kerosene Oil, coruw Jeffersou and MclXmougL stress, and corner Broughton streety. jy25—ly PHOTO GRAPHS. i >UOroG'tAFUS. a®d all ot»;?r gtyiyw q! pictures, With Frgipes, Fiittyga, 4c., qf eypry kind, uopies of .til Jilu-JA from Old lectures neatly finished, fctereoecopje Views of Bqoaveuiqie apj Savanuali. Come- of Whitaker 44a -Broughton streets. J N. Wilooh. - jy23 . WATCHES AND JEWELRY. i l' GR«>s CLAUDE,. Dealer in Watches, Jewelry • and Silverware, ball street, opposite Masonic Hal), Savannah, Ga. Watches and Jewelry carefully repairod. novl—tf kJ AMUCL f. HAMILTON (aucoeasor to Wllmot « O Richmond), Dealer la Watcheii, Silverware, Jew elry, Ac., corner Whitaker, st. Jqlien and Congress streete. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronome ters rated by trausit. jy*t—ly HAILS, AWKINU^ BAGS, Ac. M. F. BEAUFORT, Exchange Wharf, Manufac turer of saiis, Awuiuga, Tents, Flags, Bags, Sold at New York prices. jpJi A KCHiTKCTS AND E5U1NEERS M ULLER A bRuyN, Architects and otvu and chauicai Engineer^ saotuweet corner Bte Bull streets, up etai MOLLUB, Civu Dxtyi’rr Ubuxn, Archlf - ' * UrcbuilcU sepfi MAllOWAltE, tyMrSli. Ate. P ALMER A DKPPljj 1 nab, G*iorgia. ■le and Retail Deal EdgQkTeols, Ag- _ LOlesale ai ers in llaidware,«fiuery, Files, ricuiturnl Implements, Fuwcer, Shot, Caps and Lead. 148 Oougresstynd S7 St. Jit t-11 a tree 9, Savan- jy26—ly PAINTING AND GLAZING. M URPHY & CLARK,’ Pulaski House, Ht bout Painters. Gilding, Glazing. Sighs of overy opposite till Ship and Steam- ig. Marbling and itiun. jy‘23 PLAS>flCIUCHS, »Y'» TUJ Tors and ulaud Hu Dravton and . and Ornameuitai Fiaa- ln Lathn, Lime, FJaater, Hair, Material, Bryan street, between itreefg « augl-tf ROOKS AND NEWSPAPERS. Ti^sT/LL A BBO, Bull street, next to the Post JOj Office, Dealers in Newspapers, Magazines, lfo-ks and Stationery. Tho latest New York and other Daily and Weekly Newspapers received by every mail and >towner. jyJ4—ly UN. USak-lAKKHS. F IEliiiu4>N & DIXON, Undertakers, 120 BrODgll Mahogany, Walnut and Grained Coffins, Ice Box< for Preserving BtHlies. Fanerals furnished at the shortest notice. Country oraera,promptly attended ho. ; • _JyY7—Iy HUMTLKK. S B. MILLER, No. 157 Broughton street. Dealer • in Mahogany und Walnut Furniture and French Co’tage Chamber Bets. Alep a fine aaaort- msut of Parlor Furniture. Mattresses made to or der. r i . i iy*S—3v UPIIOLSTEHV. ETC. h Super-Phosphate of Lime A re adapted to all kinds of crops Aim permanently improve the soil. These Fertil izers were extensively used ladt year by many Intel- ligent Planters in Georgia, and gave satis faction, Tbe Manufacturers, an old and highly re spectable firm of Baltimore, hi, only ask a trial, side by side with ot bars, to tatatrilsh tbalr superior value. Thom Phosphates are as active as Peruvian for the fl rat crop, and ~ rior. We invitejgtienl id for succeeding ones hr entrant*the Maw culare. w For sale in bags only, at $fl» per ton of two ty sand pounds. SORREL BROTHERS, sep* -apr- THE * VIRGINIA TOBACCO «! [Eatabllatyd lk 1986 ] . * CONNOLLY & CO., 46 Water Street, NEW VORK, B EG TO OALL the attention of the Trade to their large and well assorted stock ot VIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO * Suited to ths Wants of the Booths** Trade. Agents for the PRINCIPAL MANUFACTU- _ *--- - . . MKRS IN VIRGINIA. Furs and EAOCOON - stc -> xoort* . WtM. iwni ud Wool- ty , , and filled with care. OHAB. M CONNOLLi; Jk.1 r- : I - JAHBB A. CORN -U-Y. . | dMA-tt*wUa,W -AMu-BiL-u, ntott-nuA. ninui Ourreut Hat< WM. C. COSBN.S, Agent, Merchants* Gsiwral Exchange, Battoleby’s Balding. MERCHANTS’ .» CONSTANTS OLD STAND, •k Bill Street, opposite ike Post Office. • 0 By A. PAUL, , -b-Formerly of Drayton street. VINCENT PAOETTI, Superintendent r OBB^TOM WilEg.LIHlORH, T AKa.iu, . bd kept contain ly on hsnd. our ftldnds and the pnblic generally are invited to call and see us. LOMCH DAILY from H to I o’clock. Janfio—tf COE, ABERCORN AND BRYAN STa Savannah, Ga. WM.'K ALKX^NDSK. ocM-T 1 ! ;. j \ l WM. A. RUSSELL Seed Establislimeiit! -'MILK a. SCHWARZ, 160 Broughton street, be- 1 tfrecn Jefferson and Barnaul streets, Uphol sterer, and dealer in Wall Paper, Window Shades, Cornices, Curtains, Cords, Tassels. Carpets, Mat- tine*. OH oi.tiba. dUoff. n.s tono fndlaid irmBn.1% ggaega—sHemai g—a j—— LIVERY StAdliBS. O ’CONNELL A CABO, Marshall Houss Stables. tyto best of Livery Hums and .Carriages al ways on hand, with careful ana eXperienceM drivers. I rt iULASKI HOUSE STABLES, by J. Fbkubt. Oar- riages, with competent drivers,or Single Teams, let. Boarding At reasonable prices. J>23 IMG SALOON. O UR HOUSE DINING SALOON, Bay street, cor ner Whitaker, up etalrs. Meals from 6 a. m. to midnight, with a hill of tyre (haupriaing all-tbe mar ket affords. -Every kind of gK in um ~nrtn. prp pa’*-'* >>v the eiwik* to he obtained. aolB—-tf CIGAR MAN UFAClPiikiL O# a between Whitaker, above House. „. n Ml«L Klrct, duon SAVII*OS BASKS. O ULtTUUUPIC lNsUSANc‘8 ca M SaTlUB^ Be- parlment, office 117 Bay street. Interest ah lowed on deposits. U. W. Mnnffia, President. Jno. Ik Thomas, Secretary. . |yfi4—ly THE 1EGK0: Tilt Is Bis EtlnluU Stalu?. 1 8 HE THE PROGENY OF BAMt Is h« a «to- eceritlata o> snam and Evef Has he a Bontt orMiea Beost io God’s Nomendatiref What ty his relation . p the White Race t By Ariel. For sale at KSTILL’S Nhwg |>| decH Bull taeet, nWxt to MAURICE HACKETT, COOPER, AND AGENT OF THE-SUB MARINE DIVING AND WRECK ING COMPART. TT**' O FFICE DNUER TUB BLUFF; foot .f pnytoD street. All orders lor the’Submarine Diving and Wrecking Company uAn $s,tyri with him. and on the value of ffii furniture, jewelry aud'plate worth over three hundred dollar^, including pianos and all otber* muaieal instrameuta ; and ont>-fourth of one ^er centum on the value of- all solvent bauds; mort gages, judgments, notes, and other evidences of debt owhed or controlled Iff the city of Savannah, ex- oept bonds of the cifv of Savannah. 6. One per oeaiuni per annum ou all incomes de rived from salaries, and the pursuit of auy profes sion, faoulty, trade ok whatsoever, except in come from real estate. And ti if. hereby declared and ordained to be the duty ot every person, hatur«1 or artificial, stardiqg in the ye ation of employer to another resideut per son, receiving a fixed ealarv or compensation, to make a return of the tax hereby declared payable by or on accouut of sucu employee, and. after deducting said tax from such nlary or compensation, to pay said tax Into that City Treasury. In the cose of a Corporation, the return ^buxt. be m:ide by tbe Pres ident, Cashier or Treasnt^r, of the Corporation, and the tax must be paid by the CfUtporation aud deducted as aforesaffig'tvThe atuonak of Eight Hundred (8U>) dollars partyunatn ou all salaries is hereby relieved fro® tftxstion. 7. Oue per centum on gross rcoelpts of anybusi- ness transaction pot included in Uie above and fore going, and including all local insurance gas companies, express companies, oaffiMVpresscs: all receipts for freight and for pa.-sd^e money payable in this ffity; of all hotels and restaorante; aud on afr gross earning* ot every bank, Wink agency, bauker, bill and exchange broker, oue per centum; but on the gross receipts ot ail agencies of other than such local companies or banks, two per centum. Alao, one per centum-on all gross receipts of all commercial, steamship, steamboat, vessel or other ugeneses other than those taxed as commission mer chants. Also, for the improvement of tUp Savannah river, one per centum on all freight and passage ■uoney received or collected hy the agent, purser, clerk or other officer of any steamboat or vessel ar riving at qr departing from the port of Savannah, it feeing hereby made incumbent on tbe agents of said boats and vessel* doing business in Savannah to make returns under oath monthly to the City Trea surer, aud puy the tax. 8. Ou every horse and mule, except those actually used in wagons, drays, trucks 07 other vehicles for which badges may have Upon takuu out* one dollar per month, ft. On ail gross sale* of horsos and raulcs, on* per ceatum; it beiug umlersto d that every, person bring ing In horses or mnk^for sale, shah not offer them for sale except through « taxed livery stable keeper, auctioneer or uih'chanL or other person property taxed* und all returns of such sales shall be made separately from Other returns of gtoas axles. 10. On every, dog, the annual tax of three dollars and fifty cento, including the, 'price of a badge for each. And all dogs louud running at large without such badge Fhallbe impoQiidud, ,tn<] if not reel filmed in forty-eight, hours shall be diaf -osed «i. Aud It shall be the duty of the Treamipr to put every persou on Oath as to lt>& Ptwwbei of dogs on Ills or bjT pre- misca. • B ptiou a. And it is further ordained by the antho- rity afi-rosaid, That wheuc ti', nutier this or any uiher ordinance of said city, &uy return may re quired or any tax be *.si*e&. ed or due, tiy or from any • uou-res deut cmnpauy or corporation, tbe return -ball be made and tue tax be pa able l»y the agent or vAfeor manager or director of such company or cor poration, and for every d< fau'-t execution shall Issue accordingly; andfihat m the case or every person or persons liable or subject to make a return umler this or any ether ordiuaaca, and where detank may oc made, execution shall issue for a double tax on the immediate y previous return, and If no return ana) have been made, then ti.e party in default shall be liable to a penalty of not mure than one hundred dol lars on conviction before the Foiice Coui t for every day's default, for which penalty the City Treasurer shall forthwith issue execution; aud in all cases of default in making teturusor payment of tftxos, exe cutions shall issue, aud the taxes and penalties col lected in tbe nianuer now pointed ouc by existing or diuaucea; and that the same rule sbatl apply to the esaee of persons toiling or refusing to take out badge* or licenses. Aud iu auy case where such persou or party shall have no pi operty to bo found, out of which fo ooilect suck pen liies, such persou or party may be oommittad to jail for a peridd not lunger ttou thirty days. Section 3. And it is further ordained by the au thority aforesaid, that the following annual specific taxes shall oe levied and collected: Ou fevery auctioneer, two hundred dollars; no every wh lesyle and retail dealer iu goods, wares and mer chandize, exclusive of HquSr license, fifty dollars; •ve*y retail desk*,.exclusive of 1 quor license, Lwen- ty-Qve drntaMu tM every bank, bauker or bank agent engaged in Msytyg or selling exchange, one hundred dollars; every person or house dealing in exchange, and every broker, money-broker aud pawu-bioker, one hundrtd dollars; every focal insurance com pany or agency, one hundred dollars*, the same fur eAchAud every agency; every foreign insurance com- pan^tr agency, oue hundred aud fffiy dollars; every the keeper or keepers of a hotel, one hundred dol lars; every thgkeepar or keepers of a tailor board ing house, otyffimndred dollars; every the owner or owners, lea^H^essees of a cotton press, driven by one engine,hundred dollars; every the owner or owners, ImsS* or leasees of u junk shop, three bun dred dollars; a cotton pickery, two hundred do)- Ptpkery two hundred dollars, exclusively to the sate of owner or owners, lessee or ies^oes oue hundred dollars ; every com- 14 or factor, fib y dollars; evory abip- luindred doilars; every stevedore other than non-resident, fifty doilars; noti-rei one hniMlred dollars; every the owner or owi a coal, lumber or wood yard, fifty 4ollai a ; every' keeper or keepers of a warehouse for the storage of cotton, merchandise, goods. Ac., for each warehouse, fifty dollty;jfMy the owner or owners ot a bil liard tyfityttytyfi' for hire, one hundred dollars for Ik; every the owner or owners of a ten pin alley, tyly dollars for each alley; every the owner or owners of a sa«r mill, planing mill, each and b.ind factor j, one hundred -dollars; and on the owner or owners of every steam engiue used for hoisting pur poses, ginning purposes, or any other purpose or business uol regularly taxed, as hereinbefore staled or enumeialed, seventy-five dollars; on every engine used for driving a grist mill, tweuiy-five dollars; a flour mill, fifty dollar*; every the owner or ownors of a job printinffioffice, twenty-five dollars; every mas ter builder, mason or mechanic, including shoe makers and tailors, taking contracts lor work, twenty- five dollars; every the owner or owners of an intelli gence office, twenty dollars; every manufacturer ol soda water soiling from founts, tweuly-fivo dollars, and manufacturing and bottling soda wacer, fifty dollars; every soap .boiler, 1 suner, and founder, for each establishment, fifty dollars; every gaa fitter, twenty-five dollars—one tax for each firm of two or mors persons; every practicing attorney st law, pbyshlau, dentist, dsguerrssn artiat, photographer through S> broker, shall be Itobla to m\ T. - tforosild, TbtfnrjMi'- twMDUuaFiOI Mnutl be ll»bl, to m poll or 0»U1W —it ■ nnollj, ex ejtt only lo»‘ .-on t entitled to reMrt0' ... olaeld ~ rr—-- • whe tbell rqpe-- /«d to nto at dl, eleeHom^JS Been on o —r tlwtr nune, end pe,e—- 1 tbority '' And it it farther ordim ■ Jen- ^oreeaid. That on end efter, ' * .MT nent, the pnoe of a iicenee tor oue liqnon foe one rear shall beonebnnu- the nMghborhpod as a prerequisite to the issue afLin license; and torn .wholesale liquor license the shall be one hundred and fifty dollars, ana no eiImT be made under a half gallon,* by any whol£,u dealer. And no bar-room shall be licem** which has cot an entranoe to it separate distinct from tbe entrance to the dwelling •»!, the shall be forfeited for a second viol tioo of auy 8tate tow or City ordinance; and In rJL ot forteitufw thabeamw shall not be renewed for to! space of two years. “*• Section 7. And be it hereby ordained by ths tbority 0 the same. That hereafter the foUoain!' shall belhe prices for licensed or badges for to* ir hicles and animals hereinafter mentioned: 0 For each one horse dray or truck fils nn For eaoh two horse dray or truck *24 Isi For each three horse dray or truck.... S, XT For each four horse dray or truck ^ For each oue horse cart or wagon * *' ^ shin- *<>«■•«* two horaecart or wagon 24 rg id one DOT “centum Fof e * cb one hor8e “ b . iack or buggy.... ofi go • centum For each two horse cab, hack or pleasure car’^ ad oa For each two horse omnibus ^ }T For eacu four hoop omnibus In For any break wagon used for exhibiting horses for sale...,........ 40 os Foresch horse or mole used for loading or un- loading vernal*... f. a Mfln The license fee Tor cabs, hacks, and buggies* to b« paid to the City TreJfcurer. and not to tha Clerk ^ Council, and in the ca^e of all other vehicles wh*?! badges are exacted, tbe badges shall he token nT to Sm° ffiC ° ° f 0,8 ° f CeunoU * the fo!?p»5{ Section 8. And be it further ordained by the thority afor. said. That all rpturna required by this .wdiuance for real estate, income and commission, shall be made quarterly, that is to aay: on the fir.! day of April, the first day of July,the first day of Oeto! ber and toe first day of January of each yearf or irito in ton days thereafter, respectively, for the tori' months immediately preceding such respective c/yT and that for gross sales, including freight and nos! sage money, and gross receipts or all commensal agencies, and gross receipts of all steamabip, .tlSr boat and vessel agencies carried on by other tout taxed commission merchants or brokers, returns shall be made between the first and tenth day of tab month for the preceding month, beginning with the month of February next, eighteen hundred end six tv. Sight. * Section 9. And it is further ordsined by the an thority aforesaid. That the following shall be toe an* nuai compemation, and no more, allowed the fol lowing city officers and employees from and after the fin* regular meeting of Council in January a**t tost la to aay: * ' The Mayor fiiMa City Trtw.ur-r vSjj Assistant City Treasurer i rja City Marshal City Printer (by contract) ’gyn Clerk • f the Market \ ^ Assistant Clerk ot toe Market ’35© City ^8rveyor Messenger of Council ’7^ Keeper of toe Pest House 450 Jailer, including Deputy ; 2ooa Keeper iff' Forsyth Place ’ygQ Puuip Contractor !.•><» Corporation Attorcav . .4R... . ' Harbor Matter,, ’■ ..... 1,200 . 2.1(00 the sum off fly dollars for each agenoy; on every ice house, fifty dollars; ou eseb and every mn- aeum, twenty-five dollars; on every express company two hundred and fifty dollars; on every baggage ex press wago* drawn by one horse, tfrenty-fivu dollars; if drawn by two bors-s. forty dollars; ou wery gas company, two hundred and fifty dollar*; on every resuurant where a liquor M —~ n - IjKitiil Yuli u out twenty-five dollars;’on every nhtyaKuwe hundred dollars; on every peraop eelffinty offering to sr-11, by sample or otherwise, and Wfiols not a resident ol toe city, obe hund^Rbllars; every tottery office or agen^p, three hundred dollaraj everytyarb to* annual tax of* billiard table, the Every person abai a money broker who boys or sella Mocke, money, other than hia own; and shall be boi make returns and pay taxes, under the pei [bed by ovdluasttn. The taxes pro’ ereryntaber simp. gt t. W lr-nv« dotor,; every Chief of Police First Lieutenant of Police 77....,.,^.,.,.,.... 1 ft Stcond lieutenant of PeHce i’ft Chief Detective of Police..,,....' ***’” 1*4^ Six Sergeants Of the Police, each ’ i’ogq Privates of Po)ice,'each ^ * ’-jIq -toil Guards, each ” Health Gfl^cer So Keeper of Laurel Gr -ve Cemetery \ 1 iso City Dispensary '^o Engineers or Fire Department, each. cod Superintendent and Engineer of Water Works 1 500 Assistant Superintendent aud Engineer of ^Water Wbrks 1 goo Second AasietoniEntinua of Water Works...* 900 Hecrejary and Treasurer of Water Works 1.2U) Tu» ncock of Waiar Works * 900 tiectiou 10. And it iS hereby ordained by the autho rity aforesaid. That hereafter the Clerk of Council, the City Marshal and the Messenger of Council shall, without' compensation therefor, perform for toe Board of Health Ahe duties heretofore respectively perforuied by said officers for ssid Board. Section H. And it is further ordained by to* authority atoressld, That all ordinances -nd parts ol ordifiauces, aokur as they militate with this mdiuance, be and they ore hereby repealed'. Ordinance passed in Council December 30th, 1867. EDWARD 1 1C. ANDERSON, Major, Attest; JAMES STEWART. * Clerk of CouucjL janl tyftf CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. I TNDERDlBECTIGNofa Special Committee o J the City Council of Savannah. I wlU sell in tioLt of the Court House in the City of tftvan- Osih. .ifcv Ueet TUESDAY in March next "be- t ,e ,!r ff " 1 hon- “f -Uie, the (olto-m* propen? in. ’ * nd l>cckcr wd, He-tQcotc tytti “I* Property est of 1) O'Bvrne. fa jaul—S0t watmA City Marshal. Book und Job Printing AND BOOK-BINDING. NEWS THK AIN D HERALD BOOK MB JOB PRISffiili X) eparmen t YTAS BEEN For IN COMPLETE OBDER. with Merchants and 0 n r thin hi. uwn; ud dull In t u ul pmr toeu'-under the ■rdwribed by omfiuab-. The tue, ■ fortnUitaMeUajh.tuU. be.dae and r-jibt on drat da, of JAnttrr. In Mch and erer. Tear, and tnnu therefor atulf be nude on said gnt day of J*n- n*rj nr wiUtlu tMr tut; days thereafter: Pmrtded. atweya. Out any peraou who may befeln bu>theas after the ftrat day of July atull, immediately alter ao be- —»U“« bualneaa, maka UuptM-r mane and ahaU Uatde.for and pay onnMpU tho aaid tax. And pro Tided further, that tn the daaeof co-parthereliip'be: tween practicing attorneya-at-law. or nhyaidana or SaSartdSS.Atft'S- Idcjery .lull, alter the tenth dap « January nantTbo need or kept open, ualeea tho owner or ownexa ed year, and ahall hava taken out n Uoet ^jOoffl^onrefosal of such «ectioi» «: And ll W further requiring Printing ofany Bescripi npon having toeir orders sxeented promptly in a FIUST-GLA88 MANNER, AND AT KEAKONA- BL8 PRICER at tols OFFICE. ***** ACCOUNT BOOE§ or Merchant^, Rankers, Insurance and other Oom- paules RULED TO PATTERN, wlib PRINTED HEADS, BOUND in the K.5SI substantial manner. i Book-binding of All Kinds ATTENDED TO. MASON & ESTILL. DISEASES OF TIIE FEEL Corns. Bunions. ingrowing nah&. Tetter, JScurvy, w MjUfr-tyLIZA O anTannah, for the above BUeas**a. CormwtymM Bwnlows >KNCE— 38 Fl Mrs. Perry’s. Hoars from 9 A. tf. 5 o’clock P. M. ’ ** Lksrgtt M< oa^tisss& Ml OhulMton; ■ From Hon. Salt Rheum AND OTHER DISEA I yelwf*Asy were J (Signed) -4.L. - Ve v n Uto'lale Dr It my duty to i ' From D»? her ir ttt, with gopSi owtpatn. uttgnodj From Dr. I. • fortify that Hra Keogh irnr. and advtr, atrwho ara troubled with them, or buntona, t» apply lo this lady. derisKf’ a Bobuiack, M. D. who are afflicted lal. I have seen and core them wi'h* J.tirrcn, M. D. ck. cured me of bad si GREAT DISCOVERY I EV*BY MAN HB OWtT ARTIST! .A SCIENTIFIC WONDER. f INSTBUUKMTbw which any poreoa can Ufa JJhen-wnan or Fttotagnphe. Thia In- atr.inu.^ with IMl lrutrncttau. muyg^nU for om da«m. Addtnea a a AMtSt * CO., --n—ohm" yar BerU-fwitT Forest City Paper Warehousei ™ D AND BncmpnoN of pa- MB-Prlntem, Book-Waders aad gutic&tff, manufactured and for sale. kiaoTpa KS BY ;*BRICK*1 POUEROY. nfhm^kilura' BgHjjj' ok' SI'lllHDA' or —_ qntrad tty fhta ordinance to ha - takL Sul falling to dn ao for ha Xji' uw ih. ndd day ofJmHury t. emu yaarTMj beUS! to anno of not moaa than thlatp. 4olmimr day’, default, on eoartetion bororo theMto* ~ ^ ' . I IHT MUS- OUGRTFUL PAPB|» WOT. Frier, St-SO. ott. HITS AND CRITICISMS • FOLUB8 OF THE, PAY. tyiuf FOB SALS AT ESTUJL'J 1KW5 DTBAST, BBSS -ID TBB l l