The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, February 27, 1868, Image 3

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* THE MAH'S, o ncvrsAL Railboad. through pouches for New ^prniuielp&w. W*naington, Augusta, Char lea: jSmbttJand Macon. at 6 o'clock P. 1C. |01) ' liwraALKaU'ttJAD. through pouches for Naah- & ,d-uiuL aDuodgovnlo and Augusta, and way ^'WiiadofOaatralKulroad, aud all points oon- .a 6 « o'clock every morning. . vri0 and golf Kailbiad, for all points on U* , ’ a j continuous; lUiabrldgo, Feruaudius, tlie roa p^ r u of Florida, via Florida Branch . i, daily, except Saturdays. ^•‘^uneu. Brumurick, ttu Simons’s Island, St. And contiguous country, by steamer at 1 k*every Mouduy andTuucaday. °' Cl ' ,i r uie name points, except i>arlen, by steamer, at •idxk every Wednesday morning. 80 ' SES 8ENT WITHOUT DANGER OP LOSS, lueaiis el Money Orders, at the Savannah Post Of- Jed. n rwe will open for business at 9 o’clock a. in., , .i.Sfat 5 o’clock p. m. On Sundays the Office ‘ 1 ieUu j for the delivery ot the mail from 9 to u'clock a. i T. P. Robb, P. M. AUK NTS. me following named persons are authorised to act ;o receive subscriptions and advertisements aN1>>: Wm. Bsriiit., Jr., Rail street/ corner Bay w agents u fur tboi> ClXi'. L ui.’.)S-Uavf.ns A Brown, News Dealers. .hViliUlOOB.—ruKoooait R. Wabbkxx. SoMAbVlLLE-J. K. S. Davis. IV J. J. h-BKN. ua.-A'wlfh a. o»»!M Jn. Sitl. UA.-U.W D*v«. i *TJV.-J*!*es ttVSSSU.. ii.i3iitsviLi.ii.-Jam mu, J,KitfEVK. UA.—Ji»- L. Mos-IKY, Elia. Mlitliil. Uu.-GBOllUll S. Park u. KioShlN. Gu.-GaouUB S. MKKBnnT. S ofa HiAU, s: C-W. H. U.LVurr. .illisSVILLK, PLA.-UU. PoETKK. M Hi I'lOEUA), FLA.-THM. Siunusn. ?i r.UN'il'O.’i. FLA.—H. i.BiaNWooo. ilinlSOS, FLA.—J. w. JONBH. im-'V FLA.—Thomas J. shkpabd. JVkVcI f f. FL4—M. L MOOKE. JACKSONVILLE. FLA-E. H. KHll>. AN DIN A, FL .—J. M. Paynb. ertf FOKd.— e*. Id. Fkitingill A Oo., 37 n ‘ ! i uv , <Joe A (Jo., No. 1 Spruce street; O. yanU’SsOo., New York Herald Building, andJ. ^^•vfoN -s. M. PETriMOiti. A Oo., State street, , J riKoit'iK P. UoWeLL A Oo.. -2d Congress stroot, A. •.J (VC0LN & co , No. 89 Court street; 8. R Nn.ES* PHILADELPHIA—Joy Cok A Co., 144 South Sixth ^I’fw’tNNVri—S. H. Parvis, 176 Pine Street; A , K (WBUitM x Mack. 186 Pine Street. indilAUO—Cook. Coburn a Co.. 87 Dearb rn-et. j, 0 bEVi.E, E3U-, is the Ueneral Travelling for the News Hebabu for Florida and iiiGiihwestern Georgia. H sl’il AS id it-S everywhere are authorized to r4- eeive advertisements and subscriptions at our reg- Blur rates. . .* nqrapv Venn* Before Hoo. E. C. 3 Wn»KDAY, February *6, lses, The boy that won an elephant ataxaffla and took fee trank was up for etealing. hie name la §oL Wil* . llama, both of which cognomens are suggestive at rascality iffthellpe of darkeylBn^ It occasion to move, and Solomon.was employ^ by carrier, trr «—«-*»*— *—■iTirtrl tin Eanfibtif Mm. i o*B. Negro-like, instead of cttfyiug^tfe trunk where It properly belonged, he to«* U T^l^ilown posMfiefen, and after rifling .tt at Ra irdmHile nm tents, filled it with his own" goods and; put it under his bed. The Poilceman ^bfid lt ln positon, filled with clothes Malmsd by ~ ' caw was sent onto the County Court, wbereUrt pris oner plead guilty to the charge of la&uy aud waa id to $135 flue, or six months on the ptaMlo- Of course the latter alternative was ac cepted. ' / * ■ t " . ' 1 Simmons found sleeping under a stoop gave a very confused account of bts aotkm find doing* in and on the premises. He will relieve ,«e man on the street gang for thirty days, a labor which wilt be appreciated by therliy and citlrens iij tbs present condition of the atrreta and lanes. ‘'.' 7 . Tk. lr«l npru lh»t Ui. UlK boik L<* u don. Wm pmt injustico In connection with th. ■M o'ILciunU#<>kU.nod,Mtord>,l. Ilk. hnd. known thu u iMIMImi tak«n ho would inn h.To pnt th, nntue in Hi* pqw,, hat the mnttel now stead., nt th. iteit ntMUng J Oo. not k U..UW- jer from Lm and the msld« (Mm St. lory's win hsis to SPPMI hsfore that nnenst bodj.nbtwiiUstshd. in, tbo Msoont psid the sou, i.portet *x kstjilng the nsme oat of th. papsr. • ^ a ■. JO*. 1 •• jotf F.asiri.MG. We have connected with the Niws and Hbrald FAUblHiiuumt, a hue Job Pruning Office, complete lu a I reapacM, wi;h new type, presses and ether lost-ml sad couipeteut work.ueu. Orders from the jinirv eta bo forwarded uy mail or expreea, and will be promptly filled, at as low prices in tne ntaio. i as anywhere Mu Jous a. Ububb is tho authorized collector for iliG s k ws AND 11 bbaud, and any advertisements or BiiiiKcriiiUons handl'd to him will receive prompt 4t* teutiou. CiTY INTELLIGENCE. \ index to New Advertisements. Steamship Cleopatra tails for New York on TuesdAy next Auction sale of groceries, etc., this morning, at 10 o’clock, by Bluu A Meyer. A regular ci>uimuuicAtion of Zerubbabel Lodge, No. 15, this evening at 7 >* o’clock. Heof and bacon at private sale by Boll A Hull. Auction sale or real estate on Tuesday, March 3d, b Williams, Ward A Mclnlire. Administrator's sale of utocka on Tuesday, March 3d, by Bell A Hull. BaCob and pork lor sale by Hilton A Randell. Tne lion. Mrs. YelverJon will give a reading from tbc modern poets this evening at Masimlc H*1L Proclamation by the ProvlHlonal Governor. Liverpool sait for sa e by Johnston A DeLeon. Chesup -ske phosphate for salj by Robt. Habersham A S <ns. For Liverpool—the American ship Screamer. Auction sale of a piano this morning, at 11 o'clook, by Bell A Hull. The Turf.—All ye who have horses, and te who patronize shank's mal e, will make a note of tue r»ces this day over the Central Trotti.igConrse. It U in fine condition and good sport may be reason ably anticipated. ***0. (JSS-MSUSi- Owfv—Wh»»i’<(*se lower; eorn Am bs^rs; whiteeioqlhMi, llUsl J4iniliodi*l 18*1 3). - “*■ «h ow. m ax; rn Arte .t I5;.@i«vc. Navau .-TOBts—Quiet • FHBiaHTa—jFlrm. . -r . Nxw Orlsam. February 26. . PniawCVAi.—SterHne, 164jki58; NeW Ymrk sight, % dRoom.L PoW m*. OunoN—Market qaiet; middling. 2l^c; sale* of belea; receipts, 4,863 bales; exports, 831 bale*. SugaR—Firm and unchanged. Mol>0#£*—Unchanged. - j FL-ma—KsHiiinai. GpAuor-Uom firm, at 95986c; oats, 82c. Paovntions—Meaa nock firm, at $26 &o. Bacon •oarte; .thonidora, I3^c; c ; enr wdea, 16‘^c. Lard firm; lierce, I5‘^(g>!6>ic; keg, 16c. Raining to day and markets generally dull. s - - AOOchva, February'28. Cort^N—MAiketqaleti sales, 85(f bales; focefeta, 603.bale.; middling, 21c. Mobiue, February 28 Cowo*—Market closed dull and nominal; mid- ouig, TiOJtf@2Ic; rt ceiptsi, 882 bales; sales, 6U0 bales; exports, lee bales. Haperier Court. - > ,<w* Hoa. W* B. Fimwiao, Ere^diqg. ?££* The Court met; and the l-sue cane4'’fi?ui of ihe btaia va. Hetterich for an attempt to commlt a rape. The defendant announced himself-ready, but the Case was continued by the \ The petit jury was dlsohargeJ far theterm. and the grand Jury until Monday next, when tbs appeal dooket will be taken up. . * j Thus c oses a criminal docket nr known before In the records of the court of Savannah. Solicitor Smith, with energy and skill, has brought to bekr a pa'ience ol Job. Jadge Fleming day after,*day has labored to advance the ends of justice. The Juiers, in wearied, have discharged their duties; and yr* can confidently say that justice has been adminis tered Impartially,and with an even seals have crimes n weighed and verdicts rendered. - .Bt. Louxs, Fk hnuqy^A PaeviaiONB-Stiff. Mess poik. $24 5C<a»2&. Bseon* shouMars, 13c; clear aides, 14Ji(£lbo. n. . . Cincinnati, February $6. RnoviFioBs—Buy ant and hlslier. Meee pork, 1 eld. $24; new, $26. Shoulders, 11 j^o; clear aid os,14?.' (A 15c. Lard, 16c. ^ '• WrusiNoTON^ February >6, ■ doTTON—Weak; middling20*ii32Ic. Naval Stokes:- Spirits turpentine nominal at 70<. Roelue weaker; strained nnd No. 2. $2 56: low No. i. « »a:— ? - —r Charleston, Feliruary 26. Sport at the Central Bars Track. The lovers of turf sport win be gratified bj announcement of An in ter eating series of racet which will take place to-day over the Central Race Track. The race will be a sweepstake fo( $250, for which dye horses have been entered for a single dash of one mile. A double team trotting match for a beautiful silver pitcher win oome off immediately after the first ruce. The horses are to condition and the track excellent, ahd this race promises to be in teresting. The prise will be ofl exhibition at the track.. .. 1 The day's sport will conclude with a scrub race, opes to all horse fl?sh—for a silver goblet and cup, the first and second pnstfk. This last raoe will be open only to horses denominated as “scrub,*' and none other will be allowed to contend for the prizes. Telegraphic —The telegraphic commu nication to Sivapuah has, by recent arrangement, been extended to the Screven House, where a branch office Las hern organized, under the control of the operator at this poiat. Tne arrangement made will fadlil&te business, and add to the legibility ol the prfcflH di'patches— we hope. Auction Sale of ^Furniture.—We would call attention to tlio-ie wishing to purchase fine furni ture to the advertisement of Messrs. Bell A Hull. At tue aale will L>e offered a rare otianca to housekeepers. All those interested would do well to atteud. The •ile coinmnnces at 10 o’clock, at the brick house on the corner of Habersham and Liberty streets. Readings from thb PoJIts —By reference to the advertisement m another cllnrnu it will be seau that the disiiu'ubfhed authoress and e'ocutlon- tsU Honorable Met. Yelvsriou. will give a reading Low the modern podta at the Masonic Hall this eve ning. W» have been informed that this distin guished lady has been greetei in tho Northern cities wi;h large and iatelleouial audiences, and we doubt not, will be equally honored in this city daring her brief Bojouru. .' The Savannah Museum—The pnbHc is luformed by an advertisement in another column that Mr. Meves, the worth/ aud agreeable propiietor of tlte above establishment, has just returned from New York with a varie y of new aud r*re curiosities for nis popular Museum, including several splendid spec imens of the Monkey tribes inhabiting different parks of Africa. - v ; lie has brought with him, also, a large number of Canary birds, of beautiful plumage and flue vocal powers, which he will seli upon the most reasonable terms. Mi. Moves deserves, and will receive, the patron- agaof the people ol bavannah and oi the public gen- eraliy. The children especially, with whom he is a k>e*t favorite, should hasten to see the near visitors frtlm the wilds of Africa. Atlantic and Gulf Road.—The people living on tho line of this road, as well as the travel* mg public, will bo glad to learn that a change of schedule is contemplated, by which the Postofflces l W ‘H rocriye the mails in the day, aud several hours’ earlier than by the pr« seat schedule arrangement. H is stated that thu new schedule will be ea follows: Lsuve Savamuth 7.60 a.ns. Arrive at Li"© Oak.. 6.60 p.m. Leave Live Oak 6.50 p.m. Arrive at Savaunsh 6.00 a. no. Leave Lawton (No 12) 2.30 p.m. Arrive at B.iiubridge »... 10.30 p.m. Leave liainbri-ige 2.00 p.m. Arrive at Lawton 9.30 p.m. SURGIC. Thb Court qf Bahxruptct.—Tb« fink meeting of Creditors In the caatss. of the following named Bankrupts will he hald at a Court oP Bank ruptcy before F. '8. HesAeltiue, Esq., Register St bis office, corner Bay and Drayton streets, Savannah, as follows : Ootnor A Sllverberg, Savannah—Thomai S. Lloyd, Counsellor. March6th, 10, a.m • ■ 1. Cohen A Bro., Savannah—Fitch A Bice, Chun sellar. March 6th, 10 a.m. I. 8. Davids n Is Bro., Savannah—Fitch A Bioe, Counsellor. . March 18th, 10 a.m. Edmund Ware, Albany—Fitch k Sice, Counsellors. March 16th, 12 a.m. * Clotalre 8, Gay, Chatham 00—A. W. Stone, 06qd- aellor March 17th, 10 a.m. Robert T. BmilUe, Chatham 00 —A* W. Stone, Counsellor. March 18th, 10 a.m. John A. Carter, Chatham oo—Fitch A Rice, Coun sellors. March 19th 10 a.m. - Tbe Register will hold Coart at Cuthbert on the loth of March ; at amithville on the 11th ; at Albany on the 12th; at Americas on thy 13th ; at Fort Valley on the 14th, and at Bainbridge on the 21st of March. Ktso of Pais sold by Druggists generally T. H. Walsh, Wnoleeale Agent. Cotton—Active, and advanced l>i*. Sales, 1,700 bales. Middling, 22Mo. jMakrkets. London, Pehrn-try 96—Evening. Financial.—Consols, 9i>i; U. 8. bends, 71 *6 LlvaaPoob, February *8—Evening. Cotton—Sales, 10.000 bales; uplands. 9‘,d; i port, 9}^@9)^d; Orleans, O^d. Sugar—Luojaut at 24s 6d Shipping Intelligence. Alalatars A Isiaaac-TliU Uey. High -water.. 6 82 ...t 5 . 1» 00 A —TT ' PORT OP SAVANNAH. Thursday, February 27,1868. Arrived Yesterday. . J.JH - 'A f? lHAiiC ; i AJAS H0-? .uoi^IifidOj 8TEkA-M ■ 5 i/At-l ' • < X F jZ*. *i - X CX B T rxxo ESTABLISHMENT, Ttl Bay '!01 j'JO'l ! Steamship Wyoming, Teal, Philadelphia—Hunter A Gamiueli. Steamer Dictator, Ooxetter, Palstka, Fla—L J Gml- martln It Co. Steamer City Point, Adkins, Charleston—L J Gail- nsHrtm d Co. Steamer Two Boys, Daniels, Hawkiasviila—Erwin A Hardee. , Ship Screamer, Young, Liverpool, in ballast, 33 date—Wilder k Fullsrbm. Br bark Ruby, 651 tons, McIntyre, London, 49 days, ballast— B A Soollard. i I • Sloop Fralklin. Cleared ¥«st*rday. Steamship Fannii*. Johnson, Baltimore—J B West A Oo. Ship Delhi, O’Reilly, Liverpool—B A Soollard. Ballsd Yesterday. Steamer Dictator, Ooxetter, Charleston—L J Ouil- utriin A Oo. Steamer City Point, Adkins, Palatka—L J Qnil- - dMfiB kCe. -— —. - Receipts. Per Steamor Two Boys from Hawklnsville—&‘0 I^Imm upland cotton. Per steamier Dictator, from Florida—49 tierc a rice, 4bhla'l<h. 118 baggy. 9 rice Per sloop Lower Mills. rice, 1 carriage. 1 boxes and 1« packages mdse. 600 ba-hels rough rice, to Exports* .... p Delhi, for Liverpool—838,628 feet lumber, Per ship De 14,122 feet p'anks. P^r steamship' Fannie, for B Utimore—4'.0 bales cotton, is bales, 100 bundles mdse. [By Telegraph.] Casa Lanya Beb z6,—Arrived, bark Mltka, Kenne- bank, Maine ; echr Clara, Montgomery, New York ; schr Serene. Baltimore. Constitution Wat^r is A certain care for Diabetes and all diseases of the Kidneys. For sale by all Druggists. y febll—eodlm Avis Important. THE LEANT WANT ANTlOirATED AT MU PCBFUM XBV DEPOT.' Perfumery is divided into five classes: 1st. Toilet soaps, creams, soap powders, and es sences of soap: . 2d. Pomades, oils, and cosmetics for the hair. 3d. Cologne waters, lavender waters, toilet vinal- gres, extracts and essences for the handkerchief, and spirituous waters for the toilet. 4th. Waters distilled of roses,.« fiowere and of mint. . 6th. Almond cream for the akin, powders, creams, milks for ihe complexion, dentrtfice powders and den- trifice waters, dyoa for the hair, preparations for per fumfog the apartments, art-elegant sadists for per fuming clothes. We cannot, in so large an assortment as Is found in Mr. Uppman’e importing- House, Southwest corner of Barnsrd and OungreV streets, particulame each article. We would arlatse every .oorip^htoTgoods in his hne to caU and examine his beautiful and w6H selected stork, as his importaltosis Of these beautifot goods are upon tbe lips of eVefy pne, not albne that^ but they are upon the persons ol our inirest ladies. It has been toe aim of thf* establishment to get out everything fbai la new and fiteaqt^ul in France, *ng- laod. ScoUant) and Germany. We invite one and all*, to call and fethmine his stock. *' fcfcW-tf , Commercial. a, J Rjr- l't-1 Bros, D (T-Hcranton, W □ Stark A Co, W A Thomas, C W Thoinpstin, Weed A n. Per s»eamef Dk tator, from Florida—J N Wbitoer. 4 J Gallmartin A t.o, J Or King, ft L, W Battersby A Dei, S Habersham A Sons, Mrs B S Smith, H Murray. -J P Haazard^ * * ■- ■ ' ' J '' Per steamer (Hr Point, from Charteston—L J G A Oo, J W Aaderaon’s Sons A CO, A C McRae, CRH AfU PAvant A W t t>mjtbjk K^ ~ J- . r For other bommerclai news see flrgt page. Bavaanah Market, Office of the Savannah, r News and, IIxrald.I i, February 26—ff P, M. I; CSasiffiMs per Cfatral K. H. February 28. 1889. 2,631 bVh* cotton, £89 sacks corn, 20 hhds bacon. 19 casks bacon. 16 bnndms hi fca 7 bols dried fruit, T sacks potatoes, 12 bales dpoiesttys. 5 lioxes mdse, 3 chrc lumber, 1 horse, wagon and harness, I box JGUliiHl ‘ ‘ ‘ Opebation.—A Mr. Parvis roujjht Lin wife from the country In a cart, to seek the medics) advice of a Dr. Newton, whose name and »m- ha* been trumpeted llirou 'h Ihe Stale as the carc-aii of diseases flash is heir to. The Mr. Purvis, lh kis wife in a cart, called upon Dr. Newton, who. after * *-'urvey of the patient and the nsnal formula quacks, commanded her to arise and walk, taking «patient and violently handliug her. The bu«- ‘id, Mr. Purvis, finding tbe core not at all calcu- * Vj br *»B his wife to health, called upon a yaician, who prouounced her c»5b cancer of the aQ d fol*l tbe husbaud to take his wife hou& ^ *«* her die, as the disease wm incurable. Mr^ .a 0 !'* 8 ’ Bearl J heart-broken at the result of bis trip 0 S*vai mah th —.concluded to seek, m a dernier resort, 6 medical skill of tlie legitimate fraternity, and car- tiu h ^ W * fe 10 ^ r * Bu,locl1 * Who, upon an examina- a uu baH,il y made, pronounced the case one needing ■orgical operation. The paiieut was carried to tbe * 1 l. ll08plUl . Dr. Bulloch, assisted by Dr. Arnold B Mr from ** aUj otaer 8ur 8°°a8. succeeded Cotton.—Our market to-day or one ^ with a quiet and aclive demand, but holders Were .generally very firm, asking too much for buyers* views*. About 11 A. M. the inquiry dropped off considerably, excepting at lowsf.rates, on accouut of Liverpool advices not being so favorable. New York, however, was . o-fGriffio i higher, but towards 3 P. M. It wha lort. SHU later, Liverpool reported a decline of 34d, With au. easy market, causing burera to hold tM. Our market doaed quisll, but steaflT. We quote: Good Ordinary *..*.*...*1.20 Low middling...*-I Middling *,*wL.*kl. •!*••»—**»*»*•*■•*■ The sales to-day have been aa follows: 13 bftl®* M 17c, 17 at 18,8latl9/J«2a519)4,648At9^ fifiAt ■&%, 192 at 21,162 at 21 >4, 8 at 21 \ .'IS* 5^22; 29 at 22>4; f 1 at28;.totaL uplauda, l,4$S^M4f*> Soa islands ore very flow, wtth asoal demand. Tba sah s fo-day amonnt to 99 btp, a*'follow*: I® bite. .tile. J»»t 4D, 10 te42,S/te<S I| A'«. « e»». 10 at 60 aud 6 at 70.- «’ ^ * Thh receipt to-day amount<b-5,2S3 GoLD-Ia ato«aV littla fismiad Biako»a are buying at 441; selling at 143. ; Exchange—to good demand. New York sigh*, bnytoght «udswing at ^ rter liug is weak, and at the waa bought, ok for aixfy dsya eight. FnnA.-^The market la quiet, and prices ur in.* aa last quoted: Georgia super. $13 80; extra, family. HteU.wn._MPM, jlu 78^12 “• * yim.riR —Tn Liverpool, by .(Mm, on npGMt. ’•< Purvi-j a uterine tumor weighing twenty- niue ounces. ^ , ,h,; operation tbe lady returned to ter home skill 6 ° oaa,ry ’ wi, L blessings upon the head and 111 which had thu- relieved her from death. Coassaiy Caere. Hon. Levi g. Rumell, Presiding. r ,8 met at lOVclock yesterday? and if the e °f tbe Uonveution’be taken aamn Indication, it is 13 last ,e **lon of this adjunct to public justice, and fo lourih. ** . Ihe following cases upon the criminal docket were **“««'= . Fa MU J. ihe state va Garnett Garter, colored, cba r ged with ^•demeanor, in which tbe priaonor p!e<id not guilty, *** tLo evidence eubetaniiating his pica, the «ort decided not guilty^ Ihe same pUa and decision was entered In the care the But* vs Patrick Hogao, charged with larceny, ( '^h-iuou Williams, colored, plead guilty to achatge larceny, stealing a trunk, and threw himself upon • mercy of the Court, which mercy was extended Wo\ ftDe htofith^ let)dr on toe public ■^he State vtWm JUreh, and toe camera Dick Rd- waa poUe prot by the Solicitor. ”he Conn adjourned until 10 o'clock tola morning. i. taking ^r^'^a IsM.ide^lgdl vii* on sea islands, Kfl? tordilgn Vta New York, Tn Havre bv sail, on uplttdk' , AKwlll®- 1° taudA $2 on rice, 78condoa n«m. XcMUPIteMte. jy -. -. IuhU. lc; tbroagb Inteimwlte ilmre i* • lag; with A wouhl he q -ion; $10 on li rice, 12a 13c to- Boafcm, outen nSgUtete. boa; lUte s&ssseasai , lie dmmritlw^AMaandha. r Tunasge is OkAtN.—Corn. Country, from ' Mar j iafjd ©»' n is editing from wharf, ut oats, $1 16. u i 'i_ •/* J ' ' .nmVteimn.—Bwnn te IimLJ****‘ •teen, Uci cImt libbndMtete »X®i *7 (tete,l»>4Ci ribted.Mw, Mb; GnteteffM* pteln. MtelSc; b 1U0 firm. C4eau Garofiua, pasieugen, Per steamship Wyoming, from Philadelphia—Mrs B Neuinayer, 3 chlldrcu and avt. T Drake and wife, Mies' Clara Drake, C Spencer and wile, C H Spencer, W.A LimemuraLj L Hubor. WJ Harvcii. T-tt Ap pel), A V CollineTL H Levett, A M Z-*hriakie, C II. Caffip; W Long. J Klein. J Scaire, Col O E Dilks. Perateamcr City Point, from Charieeion—W MU- iqr. T J Rankin. L Sheck, E Reed and wife, L H lie rk- ley. Grim, R H Macey, Gen Wilburn. Mr and Mrs aiaton. Mrs glair, W Pritchard, R B Dilland, W B Jooee, and 5 deck. Per steamer Dictator, from Florida—W Ogden sad wife* Mrs Whituer. 2 uhiUlreu uud uvt, Muu M A “iTli a me. Miss G E Willie, Mias L Foley. J J Pope. Rev F J Chandler, Miss M Ciiucu, L J klyerd, V i Wbeipley, J Btevena, Mr Schernerburu, C* Keni-ou. O W Brown, Dr U C King, Mrs C&evca, J P HaxaArd. slid 7 deck. ' CenilgRsss. Per Mematotp Wyoming, from Phradelphla-A A G R H, c R K.-J Adams, V Hauler, A S Bigelow, A Bort hort, Bol.^haw A S Mrs Berg, J Bramiueli. it L Bouliueau, Bou*e A B, Blnn a M, M A Cobeu, J P Collins, Claghorn AC, F W Coruwell, Cooper. 0 A Co, O Cohen A Co, W M Davidson, M J Doyle A Cu. J Deacy, T J D.iuTiar A Co. J A Douglass, Domun a j, 8 H Euaioao, A A L Fyetdeuberg, U Geiaeodeti, L J G'dBmartln * Co, Guerar t A H, Galingher A F, v L Gilbert, S Gardner, A Comm. Guckenhelmer A 8, J TGLmer, Huuler^G, G M Heidi, Holcombe A tlo, B W Hardy. C M ii .llsmah, A B Ives. R C Kennoly, Levett A Co, str Lizzie Baker. J Lions G B Lamar A Co. J Lippman, J Lima, Lilleuihal a K Wf Long. 'A Minis, F M Myrell, Mbinhurd, Bros Co, 8 Moore, W D R Millar A Co. Ir Mciutire A Co, J MaCoitsgUy, eft, Sorrel Br — '* " 11 fcnn w A We bare attaehed to VHJB OJHCJJ5 a Firat-Claaa JOB PRIRTIHG OFFICE, fl improved by tho addition of all tbo Lanin Bttlbs of :!!0* smgro »•. l PbHUvidol’op^t** . an .f rtr-’xr by a AHorUTMO 8tM.t?8bWFACIFiV GP4IIO, >nmo^atal Mia<WOte>l lir. tel^n •* a^fdo oe.nd., I» l»a«» barrel, BAKER'S ,nd JAKE IS’ ISLAND, SOUTH PACIFIC, Rut PnoSPBATIC eiC-' 1 ^ t T" r—[jit lit' irtifirf* "r '• --n • - 'mi BOLIVIAN, T .e» l ^ 1 aU,.,P4yiffi^SiCAH0Si>er 89 IB CAff6s....|i» w to Mi do Siiid-JSSfflO i ubl e ;.e J>* ,iW; ClIXEI) • OSpliG-P' Ammoniated Soluble Pacifia W H U W ™“ DAT - 10 ^ - —bbls. Fork Heads, Jowls, —balf-todw^lgr TbAtfsss; —bbls. Syrupy bhls. Yimegar, ■j-jltfnrtfil' vtosieww 1 - * Xbv-utete, , {! t*r ft 4 vtoo-d n*4M*fi0w m> • / ^ rucr a - fc ieVteBSf"~ ■■ ■ 1 goon sewing Machine, »Oottqi«ne.»M<te* SSUISS^MS&im. Piano at AuotioiL BT BBLLAJICUi. w *• Which are RICfi COMK1UNDH of BAKER’S ISL dNUJrriiig 65 and 80 per ceirt.'8«S*1)h<)sphiUe,*rtinJertii . cent, pljsphorie acid, ammoniated with No. 1 Peruvian GunhWand with animal matter, making a toon concentrate* and rich FerUliltaifomiNoing tlmjab»f,miiK(alll*Mtfi^i><f of all »■ ! .dmrtftd as nearly as possible to all cjiutates. soils .and crops, having been UmrCNBy MtdmBafa^orily tested by practical and sciputific farmers and flap' upon CoRonT ’fohacMT Wheat, aud Vegetables of all kinds, from whom the highest t' or RETAIL, in bags and barrels', in qmntttta to suit WqikAAfiOHMK .’iMOJpU ^aJOW 38JX •MmuMurr JOHN B. SARjJY, Importer and Manufacturer, n ** T W South Klrttt, ooraer Wall# Sew Yolk Aj <r ' TISOX & GOKlifM WJ Bw.^trest, i ^ GENERAL AGENTS,IT- SAYaRSTi^ GINE^I, No. 1 SfmlSar’d’s Lower Range, is aiso authorizedto etS. .•fci>s-A^n PURE SILVER WABE, Etc, Ktfl V» * S i UrpukSrtl ! w tu*V I l) fif'ti i - ;-'d OdL { Samuel p. Hamilton, i'ilTIJen#; CoilgfJ#, r 1 HAS JUST RETURNEO FROM THE NORTH-WITH A HlfflflTOCK OF Vatcies, DiambndSiPure Silv^O, JVench FAMcy Goods, Etc. fi-A * i B« would call particular attention to his large stock of ^ : * Goldand Sitver Watches of the Most Celebrated Manufacturer, ‘‘"v- French ahd American Clocks, .qhiaj I Silverware of Excellent Workmanship. Warranted Pare. X superb assortment of JEWELRY, FRENCH FANCY GOODS, suitsble for WEDDING and HOLIDAY PRESENTS. ' ,. ' 7 ' Hlabie, Tfjdd A ^o’s Celebrated Gold Pens, WfftraDtedv * . ■ tv. x6ENT FOR WHEELER. A WILSON'S CELEBRATED : - i f , b27 . M MiCfflRES! Presses, Type, Border,, ^ )se Machines were awarded I UTICAL ALMANACS AN lTCHES AND JEWELRY and ws woald call tbs partienlar attention of tbs Mercantile nnd Bnsinesn Community TO OUB FACILITIES FOB DOINQ EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE. ;.j i-‘ ;jnr. ,'hoY (These Machines were awarded the highest premium at Ae Paris'^position.) nt- NAUTICAL almanacs and charts foii kai e. WATCHES AND JEWELRY CAREFULLY HEPAIBED BY EXPERIENCED, W «e^eHRbNOMFTER8 RATED BY TRANSIT. par- HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD SILVER. aev21—3m | BLACKSTAR INDEPENDENT [M l! - WM BXBOSTC KVKUTi Dcncriptlon ol PrlmUmg, [i CIRCULARS, LETTER — - NOTE HEADINGS, te-11 .Vor ; BILL HEADS, DRAY BQQKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, CHECKS nnd D; BILLS 07 LADING, 1 it' :*«. LYONS, Master, ' 4 • » will ion« 1 \^ K r /; \*r, .*.;r.. rinfk H fr&TH lo-twrdmy, F«b. MO, at IO^ o’cloch m. m. For Vnight or Paatiage apply to t- » ^ 1 OOT1V08 OOHKV * CO.. Agwite, ,82 Bay a^r^L. Savunnah, Ga, “arS. LOWUKir,AKent,So! W W«t street. New r r:-V. ... i ^ * Ui fca, 71 vxgou aud KM (Iiuaq IM.liA Fal igout, M Newmaik, A Thomp- OOtKllUAO „— ■ou. Sloan. G * Co, LuKochtf 5 1), J Mclffabon auCo. OKB Agt, F W Sim* A Vo, Jonefl Si W, W Barfietl. F«*rrlll A W, L J GnBmartin A Co. W n Stark A Vo, Clark. J A Co. A C McKae, Botbwell A W, A 8 Hftrl- ritig", C Spuing A Co, W H Woods. Anatln A Griffio A Co, A tow* CfT, N A &Cd, 'l'ioon A G. W. BaUaryby 5 Co, J M Seymour, H N Ui urdiu A Oo, B Ifobeisham A Mop*. J W Laihrop A Co. NPkinion A W, KniMip, U A Co, Dancsn A J SraSiAG. w 4 sama. Wilder A F, B B A lieu H Oowdy. Brigham, H « Oo, Brady A M.JFiH HamU- tosi, « GOntman A Co, Klchardson A B, Wilcox, Q A Co, Pad cl foid A C. Darlsk Weakly Tim^r aad fihlpplm — ‘ Bsperk - • — (Reported by H. T.*8taw, Timber Merchant.) DARIHH, Ga.. February 24, W88. ’flMBHB.—Butnttle arriving. YietoauAbrtak. j VEASELS ARRIVED THIS WC$K- Scbooner Telumab, HaiL loading at ailto-J T Fa- (sricB A Co. - r .- v »atMts railxd this waaa. r? Schooner Charlotte Fiab. 8trong, New York, tim- iriotte Fish. Strong, -T Hilton A Son*. VttSKUIK PORT. Skip Bowsed; Roberts, loading at mill—J T Pater- eon -A Co. <• . Brlitete JW«* • SteOteiitete, ludinn M Botox-O Eppine British bark Unto, Obadbni. at Light Hooae—C the. .tbpins. “ r nehwMite Id. IV. Urteoo, ludinn nt tnlU-J T ateEson A 0o. *. Mchooner Benjamin Brown, loading rtae-Maatar. i . Schooner Coquette, Cruise, repairing—JI Bat erson >•: *• B ING. A ehliliu !■ Jr|<JlilfiUL ... 61 CORPhETl 8T8TKM OT ,, u PRACTICAL BOOK-KEEPING, KnenpHSed Is Thirteen BUa oi Beale, aeumpwied .:- i roTwith tbe vartram forma of MiU*B •>-•*:• i Marumtl'e Lettera, etc., BvNICBOLAS HABJKIS. A.. M„ { j'niu^ flQOM^St PWiOTiaK, wianniw ite sh«ve-*i.» aaglff—tf Bull fitreet, next to tbe Poet Office. iop?^4f . BOR8OF .-^spoUeaun who suite red for year* debility, premature decay.. uator Jak&g all the who the ■ III jit wm ebred. it*l»Mo^rea»b,’$»-2a#* 89; aiaapleycm^ asgtag (tom fifito $8 • 1 ) wishing to profit by the advertieer'a ssRisr' nnid-Mi JOHN B. OGinN, I No. 4S Cednrstioet, H, X. i HANDBILLS, • CARDS. POSTEAS. labels' T. i < X -f-fTli/raj •f PROFESSIONAL CARDS,’ **;;J SA-B* •Me WEDDING CARDS, BALL CARDS, 1 * I INVITATIONS J S ■•, msoasm m w BLANKS, . . . - , anoanl COMMERCIAL BUM&ail ! BLANKS FOB COUNTY or fiiiy^tiog else RULING and BOOK-BINDING pj w A««DiDKD^TO t’jS r*4) lAGA 4»o - i uiQ We would respectfully invite nil persons boring PRINTING dou to enUmt * lommmm WE ANYTHING IN OUB UNX, •ii- ’ ; :.-i h iaH! IT AS LITTLE [TOO, > Good S ‘trHfai ■ s I* idT. 1C1-0J low:. io RffiiuiciaiO AS AST ESTUUSIKET a TSI »Tt. H . -.4 t>l*IVt I -’-Li ■i *ycu.> S»- M180I * ssnuL hlimSikrTlil'L TO-MOBBOW, fThursday) February 27, at 11 o’cleek, u - 1 -*- w " * * ~ (,1b. Fine Rosewood Brocatel Parlor Setts, Dining Room setts, Fine Black Walnut Chamber Setts, Fine Large fpler spd-Dreesing Gissase, * ~ i, mdeboaraa, Hook Cases' Tables, Chairs. Sotae, Lounges, A fYsI of OIL PAIST1NG8 a MSSssn The above Furniture is of tbe ba*t Manufacture. Terms—Cash before delivery. feb26-2t ■frrt 1 rrr Auction Sales—Future Oavs Hidf Eitito 'at Auction. BY WILLIAMS, WAUO A BelHTXBR, toio^tbfW^mrt' kM* lahom. PAY, March 3d, between toe usual hours of sate, f fit LOT isAssnu en day of aale. . feb27-td ... ADMINISTBATOR’U BY BULL A BULL, On the first TUESDAY*In iYin March, next at 11 o’elook, A. M., will be sold before the Court House, in Chat ham county, under an ordfir of toe Oour: of Ordi nary. the lcUoytogv balonging to toe estate of > tbe late I. W. Morrell, deceased: ~ W" shares Smhhem Wsarance Company, 38 shares GgieuBurpa Ineurmnoe Oofispeny. 5 shares Eatoaton Ba^k Rallrotd flttox, 19 shares Auguste aud Savaonoh Railroad Steak, 100 10 M. AT. Bank stock, i ’ A. AG. B.B., goaritoteed 7 per seat. ■crie... 10 shares S. W. R: R. stock, ■,? 'TfZSSftx* »** 6 shares steamer Swan. ANDREW BOSS. BACON AT PRIVATE BALE. J* a!->««. * -ig. THB FIR$^LAS0 STEAMSHIP CLKOPATIL ,)H9SA .jjUFA ]M3 M= uovhaRI £- toUneisf For vale low by B tobtfi ? -IWILLLH^SE WARD AJMPNTIBE. *. . FOR & I iiAAti.-Vn TTOOOO . i UO M1W Will Mall for the al»ove port on . . Bnpgal Berth.' sitenf B«I*M £”j£? Paul for 4nd .“ - .j ^ mutt : i 3 f - *9 - > M eot in* ZjJl* . Through hills lading given here on Cotton degtlfied * !“^^o^« , iSKS3aapp‘ feh27 gCliMriI 84Bay FOR ATTiAHTICCOAST. Mail , SIDE WHEEL SHIPS, SAnjfiG EVERY ““Adjn i n istrator’sSale. SC Bbiu n uvcb, ' i Bj permUalonof tbe Hononble, Oi. Court of Ofdl- ..mir.wiUfeeaold on VBIDnV. Mneb 6tb, nt U o'clock, A. It., in front at th, ntore, iSa^ hebf, ° " v Four. Arm Chairs, Wire Dish Covers, j Wire Safe, Pair Seales, Office Peak. J ' - One Clip Jins Frew. ’ Thu abovehetng the pertahabie property wt W. D. MY 3 GKP. ^T. W^ULV. tote on to*dKRg*t2U£80Air in ■moh. within the kgai hour of. salat, the following acock, on which anInstalment of one dollar per share 1* due and unpaid, upon call ot January.17, H9T: 7ns boa ttA-% - ffiteres.Y'*' ^ • Ahmet. JuhP Eito»rfiann......489 E. 8. Abtshspu.. so CtarjeeGoidpm luo w. H. Young,Trustee..240 ttiWEu&ch.... 60 A. 0. RCkmau.^.... 69 ?fto$ A.8. Matolaon..^.... SO w., a. Bomm^.4.^... JUoiDuvi# Adame no &d£ly R!.I.*. 8*|Mrs. M?3?»aw^?!l09 P. M Russell lo w. W. Garrard etei^A 109 tetet »■ Burtl B.C. Bntecu 10.8. Onhuotelm—«te A, BotOte-.i . .teof- H. S......;., SO .1,4'.’ will positively leave on her regular day, YauMtay. Frtj A. Walker lOOjFleming A Bohiflaoo..l09 100 W. Stevenson 50 B. H. Broadnax 20 ..700,John A. Moore 100 ..620 F. M. Fisk I f»r> ul-i THB FINS SIDE WHEEL STEAMSHIP SAK SAfl-VXDOll, . • Febiuar y 25th,- unless paW for. m iw 1 • Foelti vely nqr engaged berths secured after ~V ufiless p iy Wsdneaday. Feb. 29. uDieae paid for. 4^ For freight ur passage, havlDgsuperior ac>J.* WM. A. iiABBIftON, Agent, fob24 No. a Bowling Green. New lork, — ft, i i n iwinpva^ _ -. . r S m A f tv ffigP r*«JA M WNW • 3M-A s . FOR DAMIEN 'ANDJEFFERSOllTON. TflitSTBAllgK^ , M- Gool a «b DMlBSv TEVERY WBDlUWJAY AND- 1 Parian, Irani Fa< 1 c i fbnf»a "Yh^rf. - *t 8ATCHD> YS will ton .nffitlgs on BatlLl". River, nr- a at S o’clock A. M , SItN- stHmmmp ojfrtlll.HMbtt-Ov. per cant. j snipper*. • ' For Sale orviCtarter. A SCHOONER r f«r isir'#ot (nitksr Isfarms- 5«tl-» * - ft vd „ 1 foWLEIAMS, WARD-A MoIRTIRE. Vavtoi*X'L&*•*** .Savannah Steam Bakery, : NU .«£»') VJ *MinnhAdfA's ofSlf frijraf'// SHIP BEKAB and CRACKERS. M-Orders for ahlpoina promptly attended to. |mij io aT.^Sft^sm ^ “ — PROPBIETOPS. J! For ireiglu or psiesage, hav n^ new and splen arranged accommodations, apply to Opposite tne P< ^ MuilftteaBudiliaCo. For PkilfidGlpMa, ChMn PSMMHffrt I SUO YMH BOWOliABfaE WFWFlOH D-FI>1» 8AIO OOUNTTe-The fett- ' utototy; o *Hie#x '-ufaf « e.tT WYOMIN0- i.~V * * ' • ' -t :t vtalcaa : -(ft - ' TULOteanMiv VV’< WIUsslI ferthh ibove porlnn j ~ OTKipaiaOTrxr feb2l HUNTEH A OAMMELj.^ tbefiC wilb fheir abccewors, and whom toes of bstowflliwtl u— Pdtof to toe ettj of Savan- Malil'to abtooaW oounty of Chatham. refoMMUly repreaenfitofr to*, mwr or Anatrumaait of wntinc -• hereto an^iffiK ffi>t dyhNfrlltofr petlti nera pray may be taken aa partor tffis petition, aeis f object ofyour poctlkment’ ^daiun EERNANDINA, E. FL TOUGHING AT- BWJNSWII bt. iuaY^‘iSA3fti^; Oconee, with* c_, _ . ipanyl iiie peHti-eter buatoem they propose .« HAYING A THROUGH ABRANGEMJ Ate. (fUR FLORIDA itdffiLBUAD smit; ?.«- -A f rtokui - c ... «r- .^r ■j ’isv> v:;Uiiv» i. Will leave Savannah regularly aa above, m lafihffilfi niumiato Itartbatotetef nffi Ototral road, an ' irom Jacksonville to nil points ofi Jehne River. , Returning WtoJNgbFtoofoidine every and FrldcyUfikM, arriving a on Wednosdty JbdWetortlaf morningfL For Fre! Wharf, or to •*> * ’ -munm* “”>i^obuapaiuY .xmo au/| % Shu W- VJ j ,• • . • a.« 1 eobaiatMfc— Waatedrm * 4 - 1 - LAM? JJJLMl. *1 -u^i Lg HSBm • ••• -