The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, February 28, 1868, Image 2

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:v- NEWS & HERALD. MASON & fcSTILL, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Col. W.T.TIIOm'SON,) Hr. S. JONHS. J Associate Kdit ore Official Paper of the City. USS£*r SiSBSUTIOI II Ctrl' AID muitiy. FRIDAY, FRURUARYI28, 1868. V TRK SAVANNAH PRICKS CURRENT ISSUED BY THE JHKRCHANTS GEN ERAL EXCHANGE. We publish this morning the Weekly Be- view of the Savannah Market, issued by the Board of Disectorsgpf the Merchants. Gen eral Exchange. TOe Letter Sheet Prices Current will be issued this morning, and merchants wish ing them will please band in their orders as early as possible. The Business Card oL any firm will be in«erted iu all orders lor twenty live copies or more. TEMKIULK DEATH OP A BRAVE SOL.HI Mil. The telegraph l^Hlus a brief report of an incendiary lire in last, afor^PPAQ^^^^Rksey & Jolwith were destroyed aud other iRfJWmQttged. It was also mentioned that a young Federal ^ soldier, named Charles W. Pay^, a native of W New Brunswick, N. Y., covered by a falling wall was Imi'ned <b deatl? In its account of the lire, flte Floridian says, by the unex pected fall af the wall, young Paytt, who with others was engaged in endeavoring to save property, was buried beueath a mass of rub R bish. Prompt elforte were made to extupate him as]well by officers and soldicra^of tht^egi- ment as citizens, but the flames were too Lot, and the poor fellow, amid the distress of the spectators and his own cries for help and groaus of suffering, was literally burned to death, dying a martyr to his zeal iu the effort to save tho property*of strangers. When it was formd that it was impossible . Uaxe^cue him. a suggestion was made that ho should be instantly killed by a blow from an uxe in the hands of a comrade, but he beg ged them nottodoit. Hope©!'ultimate safety, even in hi® desperate strait, did not desert him. His remains were rescued on Friday, and were buried in the afternoon ol that day, being followed ta the grave by a largo con course of citizens and soldiers, among the former of whom was the Governor of the 8tate. with many others of prominence. The deepest feeling was manifested for his terri ble fate, and the warmest sympathy felt for his bereaved relatives. Several clerks in the Be venue office at New Orleans have been stealing cotton per mits aud selling them on the streets. The idea is quite prevaleut iu Europe that J the vast war preparations of France are meant for more than national defence. Hon Alexander II. Stephens arrived in New York ou Friday evening last. He was called upon Saturday by Mayor Hoffman, aud other distinguished citizens. Captain Matthew F. Macby.—This gen tleman, says a Virginia paper, wili return from his long exile during the approaching summer, to accept a position in the Virginia Military Institute. A Washington dispatch Bays that Tbad. Stevens’ scheme for dividing up Texas, has not received the assent of a majority of the xecoustruction committee, nor will it. Florida Convention “Scrip.”—The Co lumbus Sun nays some idea of the value of scrip issued by. the Mule Team Convention may be gleaned from- the fact that one of the inernbere is said to have given one hun dred dollars for a bottle of whiskey, and several others took drinks to the tune of twenty dollars a piece. Commercial.—it is auuounced that a etcain*hip lias been put on the line between Feroandiua and New York, aud that she will leave the former port on her first trip March llth. We saw the statement in a Mobile paper a lew days since that it was in contemplation to establish forthwith & line of steamers between Cedar Keys and Mobile, with a view to tbe shipment of cotton by the Peninsular route from that oitynud New •Orleans to New York. A Caution.—A Northern journal calie at tention to the fact that some people never think of a revenue stamp when writing a letter ; yet some letters require stamping as much as a note or deed. Under the inter nal revenue laws, letters acknowledging the receipt of either drafts, checks or monty, exceeding twenty dollars, are subject to a stamp duly of two cents, the same as if a formal receipt had been given for so much money. This fact is sometimes forgotten, or is not knowu, even by good business men. Sergeant Bates —Tbi9 ex-Federal soldier, Who, it is &akl, has bet a large amount that he could make a trip on foot through the South, carrying the United States flag, with out a ceut of money, and be treated kindly, reached Columbus, Ga., ou Tuesday, aud - was received with demonstrations of kind ness. He left tor Macon yesterday morning. We should say, says tbe Sun, bis age i9 about thirty years. He la of medium height, . slimly built, and ha* a thin, frank, open and intelligent lace. His dress is of silk velvet, ’and around bis waist he wore, when on tbe inarch, a red sash. Yesterday be came from Crawford, where ho was welcomed most kindly. His baggage goes by rail, under charge of bis servant. IHNSATlORAIi HLSIOAS. Thft.fihbrte mtad every Where has been kept in a siatd of feverish excitement by the unfounded rumors in circulation that the President would call for a military force to execute his orders if he should be de posed by the United States Senate, or in other words be was about to perform some startling, undefioable coup d'etat. If auy thing were needed to correct tbe false im pression it might be found ia the well known fact that the President has no sympathy from the leading Generals of tbe army, and in a question of force, would have no great military chieftain to lean upon. But we are assured by the Washington correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch that there is not the slightest foundation for the sensational rumors to which we refer. He says he was authorized by the Presi dent himself to say that he has not, directly uor indirectly, called lor, nor intimated his pqrpose of fesorting to military aid iff the removal of Stanton and the appointment of Thomas ad interim. Every act that he has thus far performed has been within the civil law, as be aud Attorney General fciianbery understand the matter; and there would be no more authority of lavfe for calling upon the military through Grant, or auy of bis subordinates, to aid in tbe enforcement of orders thus far made, or proposed to be. made, in connection with the War Depar t ment controversy, than there would Ihj in calliug for the military in the first instance to enforce the judgment of a civil court in favour! creditor against debtor. The same correspondent says that the only use made of the military nrin in the War Department imbroglio by Si an ton hlmsejf, who placed aroun^the Wur Office a double guard of ai med soltjfeis to protect himself aud obey his (TMlers iff resistance ol the action of hie superior officer, the Presi dent of the United States. He closes his lengthy ijppalch, -written late on the evening of the 24lh instant, with tbe following statement of iacts, which will be read with interest : “From a condition of extraordinary ex citement and anxiety this morning, there has b^n a gradual transition throughout the day and until to-nigut, when we find the public mind comparatively calm, notwith standing tbe adoption of the impeachment resolution. The cause of this abatement of concern is attributable mainly to a. better general understanding of the situation. It is now apparsut to those who feared the President would resort to military force to sustain him and execute his orders, that be has bad no such purpose, and those who expeeted Congress to rush the impeach ment project to a finality, and depose, or attempt to depose, the President within ten days, as promised by some of the Radical members, now see olearly that the suggestions made by tbe correspondent last night are well founded—namely, that Judg« Chase cannot be induced to join in irregular ©r intemperate action in the Senate that at least a portion of the Re publican Senators will not consent to any improper or questionable proceedings, nor huriylng up to a conviction without giving ample time for preparation, argument, and deliberation, jeommensurate with the gravity of tbe trial and the dignity of the office tf President of the United States; i brief, that the trial will proceed regularly and that the decision of the Supre me C«mn will be first obtained before the Senate will take a final vote upon articles of impeach ment. Those who look for the end of the impeachment short of three or four months will, beyond doubt, be disappointed. The truth is these rnmors were started and circulated by Stanton and bis friends to injure Mr. Johnson, and weuken the Coo servattee party of the North. The refractory and unprincipled Secretary of War has By Telegraph. SIGHT DISPATCHES. Aft-For telegraphic markets see Commercial Intel* ligonce. FROM WASHINGTON Important Documents Dutroyei Mire—TIte Western WarkeU—'®wa Democratic Convention—A supposed , Conspiracy to Blow tip congress, sc. Washington, February 27.—The recent fire at the comer of 15th and F. streets, de stroyed a large amount of proof and docu ments in cotton cases, principally from Sa vannah and Charleston. The owners and counsel are inconvenienced. The Iowa Democratic State Convention elected delegates favorable to Pendleton, and instructed them to vote as such. The impeachment matter has made no progress to-dav. Several parties interested In Alabama's ad mission were before- the Reconstruction Committee to-day urging promptness. Senate.—Nothing generally interesting. The House bdl was presented for bridging the Ohio river at Paducab. A member of Illinois opposed the bill bceause tbe whole railroad system South guaged differently from Northern roads expressly in view of the seperation of tbe two sections. The passed. The bill for constructing a postal bridge over tbe Ohio at Licking River was passed. The civil appropriation bill was resumed. Speaker C dtax read to the House a letter from the Chief of Poliee ot New York to tbe Chief of Police of Washington, contain ing tbe statement that T. P. Shaffner had reported that one'hnudred and sixty pounds ot uiiro-glycerine was iu unauthorised hands. The New York Chief feared it was intended for Washington. The communica tion seemed to create more alarm than mer riment.. Adjourned. Tbe Western markets are not materially changed; Provisions very stiff and tend ing up. Uoticcs. ; mm A CARD- * Mb. Editor: You will please allow me to express through the columns of jour paj^r, our thank* for tbe patronvge extended to as during the Fair just ended. I am requested by the Committee to express their unlimited thanks to the numerous friends for their liberality, to the Rectora i>f the several Churches for their names and influence; to the daily papers for their gratuitous publications, and a'so to the citizens gen frally for. their patron age'and decorum", which, to gether, hasTenfceretHhe Feir of 8t. Stephen's Church a perfect success. [feb28-H] P. so utterly forfeited the confidence of all pa triotic men, eo wholly degraded himself in the estimation of gentlemen that he thought he could escape the execration of the public by fixing its attention upon Mr. Johnson. No man possessing a spark of gentlemanly feel- iug would occupy a position when he is con- s’dered a spy and an obstruction; whon the President and his Cabinet will hold do inter course with him, officially or otherwise. But the shameless Stanton cares nothing lor character or dignity; he loves money and power, and holds on to benefit himself and his Radical friends. The Mulatioes in Atlanta are very busy pare filing out offices. The nigger or gans of k thut village are filled with sugges tions of the names of ignoianl and incompe tent pypte to rule aud represent the people «f Georgia. The . candidates so far are all while. — Columbus Sun. ' Arrival of the Golconda at Monrovia. The Baltimore- American of Friday sffys : Letters have been received by Mr. Cop- piuger, Corresponding Secretary of tue A mane a u Colonization Society, reporting the arrival of the Society’s superior packet ship Giolcoudn, at Monrovia, December "24th, after a pleasant passage of thirty-six days from Charleston, South Carolina. The large - party of emigrants she safely carried out were well, and delighted with their adopted homes in Liberia. The Golconda was to leave the African coast, about the 20th of January,and may be expected soon to arrive st Baltimore. She will be provisioned at that vPpn sod call at Savannah, where she will take in the most of tbe intending emigrants. Some.tbree thousand »,f the thoughtful aud enterprising tteedmen have applied for pas sage,-and numbers are petitioning Congress for It© means to reach and sbute in that growing Republic. Giant Phantoms on the Battle Ground of Nashville.— Moat of our readers know the location of three bald headed hills—ien- dered so by the ravages of the late war lying between the Charlotte pike and tho riv er, in sight of and some two miles distant from the capitol. The outer lines of tho Federal works may still be scon along their sides and crests, bat there are no houses, trees, or fences, to further break tbe dull monotony of their outlines. Let aoy one who is desi rousof witnessing a most startling natural phenomenon, which throws the mirage of the plains and the mist visions of the Scot tish coast entirely in the shade, ascend the central mound in a dinefc line from the city, on any clear day, about an hour by sun’. When half way up the declivity lie will s- e other hills, palpable *even to crass clumps aud little stones, gradually rising in tbe air, beyond the ones he is ascending. If be pauses, these huge phantoms remain stall, ary; if he advances, they continue to rise before biin, uutil within a frw yards of tbe entrenchments, when they suddenly vani-h into nothingness, like sceoes in a dissolving view. How long this strange freak of mis: and sunlight has beld court near us it is im possible to say, for except some supersti tions whisperings of negroes, uothiug lraa been definitely known until within the past week.—Nashville Dispatch, 16th. Moral and Material.—A correspondent of the Louisville Courier draws the follow ing conclusion from a series of uudeniable propositions : The conclusion derived from the foregoing considerations is, that man’s moral develop ment largely depends upon his material pro gress. and that the true means of improving his condition is to secure him the satisfaction of his corporeal wants with the least expen diture on bis part of time and labor,so that he may have the necessary leisure for spiritual and mental improvement. A vast amount of bodily labor and of physical endurance and exertion is certain ever to be required of man. And it is good for bira that it should be so. But when the “daily bread" has been earned, religion aud reason alike demand that there should be time and op portanity afforded to the bread-winner to seek lor “manna from heaven.” Moreover, intelligent labor and brute labor arc as dis tinct, one frojji the other, as are man and beast. And the aim and mission ol civiliza tion is to exalt the immortal part of bur nu tate. Nori li Carolina leal Convention, Raleigh, February 27.—The Convention met and adjourned at an early hour, to at loud tbe Radical Nominating Convention. That body, up to 3& o'clock; bad made the following nominations: For Governor—W. W. Holden, of Wade county. For Lieutenant-Governor—Todd R. Cald well, of Burke county. For Secretary of Slate—H. J. Monniuger, Ohio. For Public Treasurer—D. A, Jenkins, of Gust on county. For Auditor—Henderson Adams, of Da vidson county... For Superintendent of Public Works—C. L. Harrison, of Wake county. For Superintendent of Public Instruction Rev. S. S. Ashley, of Massachusetts. For Judges of the Supreme Court—R. M. Pearson, the present Chief Justice; R P. Dickson, of Guilford county, and W. B. Rodman, of Beauford county. • Superior Court Judges: First circuit, C. ... Pool, ot Pasquotank; second circuit, E. W. Jones,-of Washington; third circuit, C. R. Thomas, of Craven; fourth circuit, D. Q. Russell, Jr., of Brunswick; fifth circuit, K. P. Button, of Cumberland. Seven others to be nominated. The following nominations were made by tbe distiict meetings held hers for Congress: First district—.John R. French, of Wash ington City, who is said not to be a citizen ot ihis State." Second district—Col. David Hedto-i, of Ohio. Fourth district—Col. J. T. DeWeese, of Illinois. It is said that J. li. iiairis (negro) was first nominated, but declined, giving as a reason that Radicals in Congress did not wish negroes elected to that body. i , South Carolina. lUrflca] Convention,&c, Charleston, February 27.—The Conven tiou yesieiday passed seventeen sections of the judiciary article. The judges will be elected by iho Legislature. Equity, district and probate courts are abolished. A etrong effort was made for the election of judges by the people, but fuiled. A resolution was adopted tendering the thanks of the loyal people of South Carolina to Congress, Grant and Stanton. Some ne groes opposed it. Tho committee ot two colored delegates have returned lrom Washington with the in formation that the Republicans did not wish for ti.e election of colored Congressman. The State is to be re-divided into Con gressional districts, with six representatives instead of four. There is a great rush for offices. The Convention will adjourn on or about tbe 15th of March. “ ■* ' * Kim nuM GOMEHY, ALABAMA. The Ehclluu Keturns—A Kleudish Mur* cler. 5 } * Montgomery, February 27.—The retains from a.l the counties in which elections were held have been received, but their pub lication is still forbidden. A negro man who was known as being op posed to tbe League, and used hit influence to keep negroes from voting, was killed by a violent Radical negro Iasi Monday night, about 20 miles from this city. Georgia ltadlcal Convention, Atlanta, February 27.—It was resolved in Convention to-day that the State capital be removed from Milledgevilie to Atlanta— yeas, 99; nays, 30. Hereafter (he Convention will meet at 9.30 a. in. and adjourn at 1 p. m. The afternoon session will be from three to six. An anti-relief party was inaugurated last night by thirty delegates in caucus. It pro poses to nominate a candidate for Governor; to at-k all opposed to repudiation, whether in lavor or uot of ratification, to support its nominee, aud to request Congress to reas semble the Convention, with, instructions to strike out the relief clause in the Constitu tion now tnrmiog. BACON, CORN AND OATS. 100 hhds. Bicon, assorted. 2000 sacks Prime Corn. 2000 sacks Seed Oats. Polytechnic College Xj. M.. Shater, 89 York street, opposite the Court House, is hereby appointed AGENT FOB THE CITY OF SA VANN An. T* receive end collect subscriptions for tho Polytechnic College, located in the City of liaiubridgo, Georgia. It is earnestly hoped that tbo citizens of Savannah wUl serieuely consifler^he linportam-o of the College, and lend a h- lying baud in order to its early comple tion. . , . r W, H. HOOKER, febis-tf General Agent. -VTIG HEALING FOOt. HOWAUD Asa< -ciati'-n Kepobt(*, for YOUNG MEN, on tho CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and the ERRORS, ABUSES audDlSE^sM which destroy the manly powers and create tmpt&iflbilts to MAltitfflllE. with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelope, froo of charge. Addieia, " Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGH (ON. Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. fehl 3mdAtw ia- BATCHELOR'S HAlVt'DYE.—Tliis splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world. The only true sniper fuel, Dye—Harmless, Reliable, Instanta neous. No diaapi>ointmont. No ridiculous tints. Re itedies the ill t-fleeta of Had Dyes. "Invigorates and leaves the hair, soft and beautiful, black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers, and properly applied at Batchelor's Wig Factory, Iti Bond alreot. New York. jaulo-ly Now AdvertiseinZ.ES. QUICK SALES it SHALL PROFITS! C. J. BEATTY’S / / pound SOLUBLE PHOSPHO-PKRUVIAM GUANO, aaoiaalaUd with Mo. 1 Peruvian, per IM «es.OOO pound.. In has *»0 e, AHHOHIkTED SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, amiuonlatdt with aoinal mat- tar, per ton ot 9,0UO Boandi, 1b bags «r barrels $68 (iq BAKER’S and J ARMS’ ISLAM D, SOUTH PACIFIC, best PHOSPHATIC GU ANOS, per tan or 9.000 pounds, to b»*« or barrels 950 ^ ■ObtYiAM, rich gaaolaa PACIFIC GUANOS, per ton of 4,000 pounds, in bags or barrels §55 (to Also, lower grades otPBOSPHATlC CARIBBEAN SKA GUANOS....#35 OO to §40 ^ Also, GROUND LAUD PLASTER, GYPSUM, at"$4 50 per barrel. (AGEMT) NEW GROCERY Provision Store, WHITAKER STREET, ,i Corner of llroaghton Stre.C Lnnr, (NLXT TO J. a MAKES A CO.) T THIS STAND WILL BE FOUND A SPUN- L DID AMIOKTMENT OP GUANO ! GUANO 7? m ‘ a.. 1 PlADTIAS OUANO, per ton of I,«M j nde, Im bags... ..993 os fa- CASH AT SAVANNAH. Credit will be given until November 1st, 1868, upon uu- donbted city acceptances in whies ease an extra charge will be added. PAKTICCLAR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE ABOVE-MENTIONED Solti Lie Phospho-Peruviau Ammoniated Soluble Pacific Guanos! Which are RR^H COMPOUNDS of BAKER’S ISLAND and BOLIVIAN GUANOS 65 and •• per coot, bdtls phosphate, rendered soluble, and yielding 30 to &> n e r ceut. phosphoric asid, ammoniated with No. I Peruvian Guano, and with animal matter making a most concentrated and rich Fertiliser; combining the chief mineral coHstitueati of all and adapted as nearly as possible to all climate*, soils and crops, bavinr been thoroughly and satisfactorily 1 tested by practical and sciemific Farmers aud Planter upon Cotton, Tobacco, Wheat”, 'and Vegetables of all kinds, from whom the highest testa- moniala have been received. . _ ‘ For sale, by the CARGO or RETAIL, in hags and barrels, in quantities to suit pnr- ehiuMxs, hy ■< CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROFUSIONS, At GREATLY REDUCED CASH PRICES, and Will be constantly in receipt ol Notice—Special Tax, 1868. Tax payers aro heruby notified tlmfc tbo tax on all business, traces, arid profossiana, prescribed by erdinanca of December 30, 18ti7, i* now duo. I am ready tb receivft payment- for tho name. JOHN WILLIMISON, jaoll City Treasurer. New duvertiseinunic. things of Schedule Fresh Supplies from Northern Markets, BUCH AS t_ CHOICE HAMS, BACON, FULTON MARKET BEEF, PORK, BUTTER, CIIEESE AND LARD, CODFISH, MACKEREL, BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR CORN MEAL, HOMINY, RICE, POTATOES, LKMO.V, SUGAR, SODA AND ALL KINDS , . ; OF B1SCU1Y*, COFFEE, CRUSHED, CLARIFIED AND BROWN SUGARS, GEN Kit A L SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, Atlantic A Golf KailuoaD Company, Savuauah. Feb. 27lb, lbtiS. QN AND AFTER MONDAY, THE 2nd MARCH th* time of arrival and dep-.nnrt* of PASSEN GER. TRAINS on this Road will be as follows, Bun- days excepted: ~ r “ Leave .'■avannah 7:00 A. M.‘ Arrive at Bainbnd^e 10:- o P. M. Arrive at Live Oak f>:30 P. M. Arrive at Jseksonvill 1 :3i> a. M- Arrive at Tallabarnee 2:45 .». M. Arrive at Quincy ; . A. AI. Leave Quincy »:l a A V. Leave Tailahaenee li:4> A. M. Leave Jacksonville U::it)A. M. Leave Live Oak fcJo P M. Leav Cambridge 2: 0 P. M. 4r»ive at SaviUJi-.-.h 0:00 A. M. PULLMA v’B SLLfiP.NG CAHo ON NIGHT HU N8., Connect at. Rainbridgh with Stfeamrr for At ban» every Saturday; fur Ap d -chimin ev-ry Wcdne«- ■Ia>; and for Fort Uaihi-t-, Eu:.iul;i oisd COiDc.hus, every TtfeVda , i'huixcay aud Saturday, steam-re retu ning from U- lumbua ratoe dn;,s. .-team ib eave Bainbiidg* on at rival oi tiaii a fr -in H-*vannah II. i*. HA IN i .-% ftb28 -fit General Siip^rlnivudent, Choice Greeu aud Black Teas, EIO AND JAVA COFFEE, SYRUP AND MOLASSES, CANDLES, VINEGAR, v SOAP, til 7 TOBACCO, CIGARS, For Liverpool. The fine ship GOLDEN LIGHT, Hlateb, Master, will have dieputeb. For freight E. A. SOUI.LARD. TO REa^T, M a street SMALL HOUSE, corner of Uharltou street laue and Barnard street. Inquire of Are. oERG, South Broad street, near Barnard. feb28—3l TO RENT, The WOODEN D WELLING on the south side ol Liberty street, third door east of Drayton. Water lu the yard. Apply to feh28—2t p. CONDON. IO RKNT-l TEBiKHr.NT EVANS* HOW', <:o>.taming eight ror,mi ami kitchen In the yard, witii water up aud downutalra. Apply to Mas I hVA>.S, feMS— 2t ;Evans’ Row. ’eruvian Guano, Pure, No. 1 A nd land plaster, for kale by fPb.S-lt a. MINM. CORN, FLOOR and OATS, F or sale by feb2«—it Choice Teas, Green and Biack, IJIOR SALE BY feb28—It Notice. ^LL BILLS AGAINST THE BRITISH BAItK AuVANCB. Crosby, Ma‘ter, ir ust tie loft at oar office before 12 o’clock, FRIDAY, ‘.Sth Insiat t, or payment wlli be dekaned. feb2S—It KNOOP, HANP.MaVN & CO. lost, . W THE N1QHT OF THE Sotji INhTAST. I„. JOHN MoMAHON A CO., Corner Broughton and Jefferson ata. Tborfow Weed says Mr. Greeley has writ ten John C. Breckinridge a private letter, urging him to once more place his Toot on ,hia uative heath. A isdi not long since, visiting a ceme tery with her little daughter, 'observed on %4** 04 'toe atones a ueauy-cut: figure of a r yWonderiug why fqch an emblem » should be used, they examined the inacrin- kused, they examined the inscrip- " "" >“0 <UB ? toiU!ig-. tidied of the night-mere. Gbn. Lee.—Note great while after Gen. Lae assumed tbe duties of President of Washington College, at Lexington, Va., he was taking bis enstomary afternoon ride; aud when some distauce lrom the village, he wa9 met by a pedestrian, who sainted him, and belling suddenly, asked iq full brogne, if be were “Giuuerl L««.” Ou being an swered affirmatively, the Irishman said: “An it’s me that’s glad to git the sight of ye, Ginnerl. Would ye mind, sir, av I’d jist give ye a bit iv a ch$«r?'' “Oh.” said tbe General, “I think we'd as well dispense with that.” “Bedad, sir, I think I'll have to do it amiy how.” And he thereupon whirled his hat enthu siastically around his head and gave a lusty “three cheers” tn solitaire—doubtless to the General's great, though unexpressed amuse- meat'*nd his own satisfaction.— Southern Bone Journal. ■ -J.t { .e,i J To the Ladies.! FRENCH DRESS — AND — CLOAK-MA K.-I N G ! M BS. I • LOU IS, haviug engaged one of M«iimn L. DHUUY'K Dress and oiiStk Oiltteiv. ts now prepared lo CDf. FIT and M4KR LaDIKS' aud lHILDKEN’S DRKSKE8, nLOAK.* BASQUES, et«.. ot the Uti-at fajihtuns and in tlte highest gtyle of the. Lad-es* Dre&ksCut and Bosred, ud warranted art. to fit, sen $2.00;.Paper Patterns for Ladies’ Waists, wairanfe i to fit, 50 cents; Gored Dresses and Skirt*, •5>) cents each. Embroidery, Stamping and Needle tlork mall its branches promptly .executed. frs-t.ALHBS taught to cut oy irapro^ed Chait. t-vil at No. 133 BmaiMea lirctt, febJU—lot UP STAIRS. y Madam Dr dry’s CHEAP EDITION OF DICKENS. JUST RErttlVKD a Farther Happlr.f SKETCHES BY “B0Z."'. v ..........US cent*. OUfi MUTUAL FRIEND ...40 oe»t«. A TALE OF T VVO CITIES 2S amts. FIOKWICK PAPERS 25 ceDta. OLIVER T WIST ,.„...2fi cents. GREAT EXPECTATIONS .2* ccnlg MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT 25 CHRfSTMAs S-OKIES 25 cants. NICHOLAS NICKLEBY..... 25 cents. DOMBEY AND SON.... 25 ceqtg. HARD TIMES. ..25senu. FOB BALE Of' E SlILh’S NEWS BEP0T, BU^BBBL NKX 1 TO THB POST OPPIOB. FLOUR I FLOUR I 50 >¥>“ fcbib—K BKACELltT. Tilt* fiuiler wrl be liborally rewarded by leaving it at the office nr " y ™ A hull. IMPROVED COTTON SEED FOR SALE BY Sloan, Groover & Co., feba8—tr No. 4 STODDiUD’S LQWEK KAN/JE GUM AFLOAT. Saisina, Pepper, Spioea, Soda, BftOOMS, BUCKETS, - PICKLES, U«_ U CANNED FRUITS, CANDY, nuts, Wines, Brandy, Whiskey, - CIDER, uL In fact everything uaually found in a FIRST-CLASS GUOURRY HlfVSK. Wdh LOW PRI !*8 afid PO- Lll a; ATTfiNTI-iN, he licpeu lo merit ttie aapport of an appreoiotiag public. .. y fW For BAiiGAlMS, there'ore, call at this eatahr UahmeuL C. J. BEATTY, WHITAKER STREET, Cor. Broughton St. Lame. THE TURF! Purse, $150. TROTTING MATCH will eom- off on 8AT0R- Ai D.\ Y. February t9lh, at Hie OBNTKAL Trto ’ TING COLRaB, between the celebrated horse SnOOTING STAK. entered by Mr. D MoConneH, BLAC K CitGOK, by Mi. Htanard, and JKFF. DaVD-, by M-. Flten. Sir POOl* at the Metropo’itan Billiard Saloon at 8 o’c-pck tula evening. fcWtS—*t CHANGE OF NAME T il E PROPRIETOR of UlO vOGLETHORPE SHADES” adopts this method of informing bis patrons that he has changed the name of his pa. tublislirnc-ntHtlhecovaerof Drayton and Yi to •* AIKTRUFOUTAN HETHKAl , 1 wili be n ea*d toaea hla Ulenda and th generally. York ata. V* where friends and the pablk SALT, SALT! 3000 S4CKS rtala UVBRPOOL iMdlsg god lor ulo in lot, to .Bit parckgs* ra. feb-it-tf JOHNSTON A DxLBON. JOHN B. SARDY, Importer and Manufacturer, •1 Meath Street, rerser Wall, Mew York. ' TfSO^ & GORDON, 96 Bay Street, ^GENERAL AGENTS AT SAVANNAH. C. GINB8L No. 1 Stoddard’s Lower Range, is also authorized to sell. HM; Fer farther psrticnlars rend for Pamphlet. »eb8— uprl WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FUSE SILVERWARE, Etc. ^ SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, Comer Congress, Whitaker -and St Julien Streets, HAS JUST RETURNED FROM. THE NORTH WITH A FINE STOCK OF Watches, Diamonds, Pure Silverware, French Fancy Goods, Etc. Ha would call particular attention lo his large slock of Gold and Silver Watches of the Most Celebrated Manufacturers, French and American C locks, Silverware of Excellent Workmanship. Warranted Pure. A guperb mortmeut of JEWELRY, FRENCH FANCY GOODS, suitable for WEDDING and HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Mabie, Todd & Co’s Celebrated Gold Pens, Warranted. AGENT FOR WHEELER * WILSON'S CELEBRATED ■(USELESS LOG! STITCH SEWING MACHINES! (These Macbweg were gwgrded the highest premium at the Paris Exposition.) ta- NAUTICAL ALMANACS AND CHARTS FOR SALE. BB- WATCHES AND JEWELRY CAR1FULLY REPAIRED BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. CHRONOMETERS RATED BY TRANSIT. fa- HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FI R OLD SILVER. 3m BOLSHAW & SILVA Crockery, NOTICE. E C. F£KGU8£ON, 42 South street, Now York', • Agent for Consignor of tb*- Puraviap Hovert* men t, is THE ONLY IMPORTER OF PERUVIAN IIU A NO IN THE UNITED .STATES. Hi-t Agent at Baltimore in B. F. VOSs. No.59Secor.d street. No. 1 PEUUV1AN GUANO on Jiaud and for sale at New York And Baltimore. janVT—taprl FOR RENT, The BRICK HOUSE on Hull 9treot, second door west from Mont- CHINA. GLASSWARE, — Kerosene Lamps, Oil, WASHING MACHINES! CLOTHES-WRINGERS AND flmiRniNG mm AT 68 8T. JULIEN POOPS R. OI.POTT It CO. For Rent «r Lease. fpHE PROPERTY known as O’fljrrnr’* Whatf I A —having a front un the River ot thref-huuJkd f feet an*i ovbi. and a depth of nix hundred feet, uu the place ic a spocicns Brick Warehou-n, conUiniLC nine large rooms. TIU> above property will be leased for a teiin uf years. Also, FOR RENT OR LEASE, Lot Sud Improvement* Non. HI endlt, I Fraukiln Ward. Apply £t the NEWS AND HERALD OFFICE. le04—tf STORE TO RENT, A BUCK STOBB .itwteJ ou St. Jan I rnnnliig back to Bryan street, next to tie j Market. For further particulars apply to BELL A BOLL feb’20 th. •i! tic Chesapeake Phosphate. Y VMV SUPKRIOB FBRTIL1ZKR. WUl 5 a ‘Id to Piantera ou tire lor appMred p.p«r. teb27—lw BOUT. HABKBjHAM * BOBS. NEW BOOKS. A. STORMY LIFE, by Lsdy /allerUm. Qaeen Victoria’s Journal in the Highland^ Sense, or Thoughtful Papers; by “Brick Pomeroy.” ON BOTH BIDES OF THE SEA by anther ' of Schoniberg Cotta Family. NONSENSE, by “Brick Pomeroy.** STKLLWAY ON THE EYE. ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY, by Louis Baser AN® 101 Bryan streets, GA, feb4^-lf 1 CANARY BIRDS] KAA « THIB FHVKST CANARY BIRDS evar breugat to Savannah. Also, Cooper, Olcott ft Co. fJlWO CARGOES, OF ABOUT SIGHT THOUSAND bushel* each, foraale to arrive. feb2S—lw ROBERT IlABF.RSHAM & f OS8. SCOTCH ALE, PINTS, SI™ 1 ?? 7 I s iN P. -Falkirk" and "Ten- <1 btddU i i-orter, .11 direct impor- tttlon. For Mlf h ? fteldg-llf A. MINIS NO UililM IBM ! EMPIRE CITY LAUNDRY, CORNS3 OF MONTGOMERY STREET AND CONG1US88 STREET LANK. LL KIND? OF ^ KINDS Of WA8HING EXECUTED IN A bliPiCKlOH MASNICU A .\D AT LO W HATES, &n ’l delivered, in any part Of Ute city, free uf charge A TRIAL 18 SOLICITED. A. J. KADOLTFF ft CO. ADVANCES ON COTTON, ■yy* *KK PSKPARBD TO MAKE Liberal Advances on Cotton Consign, d to a*, to be hold any leasth of Hf, *n!t- iug Consignors Faiticilar* will be given < cation at our office. HARNEY & CO r , 12 Sftoddkfd’s Upper Harm. fcbl0-tf In Stwe and for Sale, ■drown coma boo as. Cafa* of Every Style and Price, FOR 8ALB AT Meves’ Savannah Museum, CHlFFRWA 8QOABK. Jgr *•*- MMJ «J«> lulirm Hi. patron, tf. tk. Hiutnm ttuu h. ku kr. ngkt with kfu fruit tt.Nortksrr.nU large HCNKkTR. VaVim.ti i , kkd 8tk.r CTKIOMTIltB TT' For Sale. rpi^> umr trotting wagons for salr JL Qme wei^ks one huudr.d and fifty poaud*. and &e other one hundred and eirhiy uotOnLi, and will «ry torse hundred peands banday ’ • febaa-lw BOUT. HABERSHAM & SONS. RICE. QKORarrOWN AND SAVANNAH RJVKB, very **•**•• reft, flail thrMhed, and 45 to 4S pounds. frbat-lw BO^T. HABERSHAM ft SONS. FOR RENT, •JWTO COMFOBTABLB BOOMS, UNFUBNl.^HSli* I suitable for a small family without children, or i* I single gentlemen. Will be rented low to approve 1 I tenants. Apply as THIS OPTICS. feb!5-tf'| up aa< W t Bat . stri HAY! HAY B. )wl Mo p LOTS TJ SUIT FURCHASSRS, Landing aud for sale by fob7 WjuLL»AMH, WARD ft McINTIKS-, CANCELING- and BUSINESS] STAMPS. I FURNISH T[(S FOLLOWING CAFCiiL 1 -'' 5 1 STAMPS si makers* pricim: • .1 BeroTr-b’s Canceilng Stamp, with die "‘-f I nn;Jote. flS; Be-omb* Banking RoooedWTnp, « it dtle, lrom $12 to $15; eXtiaDies. 12 ml SOT I Mb wsi K outdite, from $12 to $15; etCisL... extra Ribbons, from $f bo lo $8; Dates, $2 wt-s-*-] Addres* orders to WM. EbTiLL- • . . Doll street, next to the PoBtoffl-"*'- . ]an21— . ttevssnA^I Bacon* Pork, i lacli yeai ffbh Cei|* totoi to h Neu per OC BOXES PRIME WffOKED SHOULDER 4J 20 Utxm prime flmoktd Sides, So barrels new Prims Fork. For sale bv Tl HILTON ft BAND .-Lb, febto—Stlf iWBaySlf^- A PROGLAMATI0>j GKOBGIA: Bt Tnoifi, H. Brosk. P* 1 " HONAL GOVBBNOB OT SAID STATE. Id City this Mesu are g be cm Wc nine, W HERRAR. t Board at $7 Per Week, Q.QOB BOAS9 CAN BB OBTAINED AT THB »*«• pitm p ir «wk Wltiln g lev walk tf .Bgjttnct. Algo,gnKNlSHKD BOOM TO KBRT. A*plj tftkl. Itfc. . williams, wasd * McnmKt GOODS! Do "Witt & JVtorjjfan Will TUI* Day Open PARIS DRESS GOODS. flatthttHttf anwldto.. BarfsM, Chtflieg, . Mohairs P-juiiiw buH iui.Tk.,,.i ^ SNinisTO^/i'-^^i: anli PiQDBS. A full line of BLACK hlLKS. BLACK bILKS, . -_ n I. 1 !- QliODS in ever? variety, ThbTn T?S?sk W gS-K QO P?r~ L neU Hh ‘ elin >f s n »»d ±*.°I e ." ??“•, * nd French CLOTHS, nn?«iK3S/x^ A ^ K F R b Nb’H CLOTHS, fto., Ac, at the lowest market prioes. Isbas-tT 137 ST. JOHN B. 8ABDY, j SHIPPING AMD OOMfUSSION MERCHANT. ALSO. IHPOBTKK AND n«ltf» ]N »» scorn 8TBBBT. NSW YOBK. n:. fH.10_lf 1“™ Wl 0A »-' “Tfifi WAS BETWEEN TBE STATES: national rottnimaw^ -•ri'.O Ouv ; i v.-». . febW-ltt* Bit. J. R. NEWTON wixjI, hkal the sick “ FKKK!” • 1 ' ft MOBM1BO AT 8T. ANDRRW'8 HALL. nm TWKLVS O’CLOCK AT TO* POLASKI — * bi « —‘jggpy* EDUCATIONAL! 1 . ■ . ,j .i. . ■ . -i A obbtleman latblt ARRIVED FROM Fruo. .Ittc to itOf RU wltk g fimlly "tar" UW.G gJJ« ixurnnua. In jSekc., .Ud Lnn„»VS ‘USg-5* B °* nL Adll ' Wt “ A - p - .tlMfSc? Loir. A °* P^AIN WOLD BB A»K 1» tb. •ifttf. *nbtf»r tn 8o.tb BtogA. A proptf nwltf tfBMpMAtt tt. gtfto. If ttABgntt b. Itft w fao»f , Mm i"' Li... T-jr i i fctuG ir *^* r *-“' lutSioi# has IoiLm fcia vj i OFFICIAL niPORMATW^il t>«i r»*ctF«) m this Dk(>. tment tka u " ;J iI »** committed IB tk. oouuG tf TtOttir. “ “/Jil February, 1663, npon tu» of Cabnel .1 A from jastic-e. I have tbonght p>op<*r. lame tala my prcelamatios. hereby uffeiink' a ef TWOMUNDRKD DOLLARS f ir tbs and delivery of the aaM Weeks to ibeShcrfi 1 ^1 aunty aa«) Statu. And I do, armorer, require «n nffi.«ers in this State, dvii nn-1 bevigUant tn endeavoring to.a#jpi•*«;<! ' ■uW i Weeks, in order that he m it be brought 10 u \ g the offence witft wbTcti he otands ctiarg d. DSSCRIPTION: d> - We*»h# la about six lebt high, dark dark eyes and dark hal *, wefgii* abont on** ^ and sfxty poasdo. Haanelatiooa in Florl- *> ^ I probably guee there. Given under my hand and the rf*. 3sale, at the Cspttnl hr Mdledceville. ^ afctth day of Fubinary, In the year of oar te 'J thousand eight hundred and ^j-eixbL^ a / L By 1 the Governor: It. ba-« a) Presti mend .Lost Hew i •Peeci F** toe-pa Ms'sei toe rej '■WlUi We. U Thao Doom West of Mabshsil lEAl^l IMrOBTEtt and d — IN — Tb.c B*MIi t* ®lf Hiwm, Wines, Liquors, ^ BOOM 1.1. tAiYeaf ol oal m •■Ott, 41 c