The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, March 04, 1868, Image 1

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w * VOL. 4-NO. 53. SAVANNAH, OBORtHA WKDNESDAY, MAECH: 4,1868 \ JJ\VS & HERALD. FCDLUHKD BT mason &. estill, , [J. n. utiu.] »**— 1 « BAV SXBKKT. »AVAI«*MI, ad. TERMS: it y news and herald . $10 00 D* iLT „ NKW S AND HERALD $8 0C 111 1 t11 i.weekly 5 cents. Siuglo Copw* hates op advertising. SQUARE is ten measured liM} of Nonpareil Hkoald. -vs, v- KWdA Nl) flKOALD. -J » c * _ ADVERTISEMENTS.—First insertion, $100 S ubf»<iuont Insertion, 76 cents per juare. f ; --i • • , t|' ^Advortiaeiuenta for one month or longer will ^ rIed at special ratea which can he ascertained |t ,he office Election,—The New' ampAire State election, for Governor ao«J Legislature takes place on the 8thi of March. In reference to the result, j W find the following in the New Haven (Co*n.) "A^wr, JfUbh tojfi^ave just received »m there, from an oTd resident of Now Haven, Bays: 'Our friends are working day and night, _and with a will. mL — success. unless elect blasts Harri|»an, bdt'^ woil*tS bet£Kfcen1 thing. The treat Dan Sickles the State. He was too heavy a loid; y»Uy -&ir>0 a speech.’ Our correspondent is id a position to know what he is talking about.” SCAN MAG* A (iirmi>l |l! Lmly that. Loved not Wisely hul Too Well—The Dangers of LelMs I Pori* U'lintallasband Learned Letter hy Mistake to a from b y Op**n« _ friend 1'“'“ own w,ft - a (am. d liiat vdl Fkea^ of Natlbe.—<ln. ijiuvipe qti Central a?eijue..i$ a effij fothiles ro*be a daM tor’Bariitfm. _ pmale,.now two years and seven, months of age, fully developed into womanhood/ The change from that of ordinary infancy to full ntaturitjr, tdok place when the Child was two years of .ago. With ths r firat indication of the presence jpf womanhood,, llie/Child’s bOdy rapidly cku&god, in aA»purU, from ithhi condition of the tender infancy to the fhll- . 11Wt§, $£ &SS& W Sinelair, (Democrat.) The Rndieals' rotu11 * “) a b and karabbrt I HD bright, sparkling and id m3 x. Jr _5r L .^L cares afitl jwitf cheira. * t r all its lea- intelligent cheffcft * ? i _ r ti t^e^atfcention of the many pbysician^of thecily, several of whom have obtained photographs of The child walk* taiksj tries *4*1 efts, jibe; other cliil- [From tli« Memplils Bulletin. Feb. 28.] f ir the i ast two days there has been ■ rU umrs on Ih« etrooia of Memphis rliitive lo tlio uanghty doings of a certain “'ll kauivn lady of fashiou, and a last v'mne man, who, up to wiihiu the past •' k has held n prominent- position in the n. Soto Bank. It hits been a sweet morsel toYiie lovers of scandle, aird the Mrs. Cnn- J„nra and Lady Sneerwells of the city have nlv.l it under their tongues with extreme Liian Kill! have visited their neigh hors j c j vcn tl -full, true and particular ac- Mini” ef I lie whole affair, solar as they la .»■ at the same lime holding up their luila and turning up the whites of their tps as they detailed aud dilated on. the par- ticularK of the ‘‘over true tale." tin 1 malt' r has now become of public fam,-, aud has been openly talked of on the rtreeis, n" further secrecy on the part of ,l„, 'urnsis of the city is required, even d’In,ugh some of the most respectaWe I:iDiilt"S *-f .Memttliis are involved in the ili*„race which is certain to follow when a fenmle forgets her lidelity to her husband ud bestows her affections on a gay young haciielor, whom, perhaps, she loves neither wisely nor well Tue parties in the scandalous affair-in question are a festive young bank clerk, of dashingappearance, lamiliar y known ainong j,i ; associates as Tom Lewis, aud a Mrs. Lct’di, wife of a most respected citizen, Mr. Thomas Leech, and the mother ol three voting and bo.Tutiful children. About a year a Z o Mrs. Leech, who was fond of gay autf fashionable society, left this city for the l*d risian capital, taking her children with her, but leaving her husband behind her. Mr. Leech, who is, «r was, fondly devoted to bis wile, accompanied Wer to New York, and saw her pafely on board the 1 sto&riicr ttia* was to carry all that was dear to him in the world across the Atlantic. When the vessel Bailed ho returned to Memphis and resumed bis business as a co< ton broker, in order to make money for the support of bis wife ami family in the gay capital of Paris. The lady and her little onus safely landed in La Bello Fmhcc, aud a letter announc ng the fact wits duly received by the husband and father, and as duly acknowledged. Every mail brought aud earned away loving; epistles from the busbaud to the wile, and vice persa. A. couple of days ago Mr- Thomas Leech, thehqsb iud and father iu (picsiiou, received Alters from his wife, in Paris, and the same mail brought a letter from the lady ad- drrssed to Mr. Thomas Lewis, the iudiyid- u:d above n ferred to. The similarity Ire- 1 Iweeu the nsiuies of Thomas Lewis and f bp- ma« L'jt'ch caused the po^t office ^krk, in the hurry of business, to place Lewis’ letter in fieeeb’s box. Mr. Leech, without scculi- Diziug the address v ery caretufiy, seeing the lettei r post-marked Paris, naturally thought il was from Iris loving wife, aud hastily opened it. He commenced to read, but 1 the , contents of the letter, perfeoily astonished him. It was undoubtedly from his wite, but Was certainly never intended lor his eyes, and turning to the envelope, he observed that it was' addressed to “Mr. Thomas Lewis.” He again picked up the- letter, and read oq and on, each line making a new revelation of his wife’s iufidelity. She al ^rted in rapturous terms to the pleaaant and happy u i... i « . r- ,•■*«* lief layer, # SLd painted iu roseate hues tfie period when they should be together in sweet commu nion. The husband was astonished as ho ' real the glowing language, and sat almost petrified, holding unco'nscionsly the epistle that told him of his wife’s shame, and also showed hull in the darkest colors that hap piness hud forever departed from hlshoqsp- iMJ. He was perfectly distracted, and fur utii^s he knew not what to do. His lir'st thought whs to go to the individual wh° H“d ruined his happiness and Rill him the bjv»:. Better counsels, however, prevailed, I and taking his brother into his confidence, he left him in charge of his bnsicess and de puted last night lor Paris to get possession of his three iutle young children, and bid , an intcriiul adieu to his faithless wife. As may he suspected, the report of such au occBrrance in the oi her wipe virtuous city ^ of Memphis caused quite a sensation, and Las been the theme of general rcinaiR at Mny a fireside for the past two nights. The gay Lothario, in this “pwer true” a nu iuierestiug t a |« of cohuhbial infidelity, a native of England, about twenty-five years of age, for several years a resident of ^ttfiphis, anil known as a fast,youug man I °Uf fown. He vv^s at least prepossessfng a Ppcnrance, sported good Clothing, car- ' e< h high head, and was more noted for assurance and pomposity than lor other oial and mental traits «f character. Ho lighted in tuo t-ocieiy of the fair » n d Fhbespecially attentive to parried ladies, * Stantow.—The Washington correspon dent of the Boston advertiser, in speaking of Mr. 7 Stmlpu’s iutentions about holding on tot^e WatoflA^ say*: That, at first, he (Stanton) had do inten tion, except until his successor could be agreed upon by tba President and the Sen ate ; that he prepared a letter of resignation aud would have forwarded it 4o the Presi dent on the third or fourth dafr after resu ming his duties, If the action of ^ie Sen ate had been re-jjecl^,^ Mr. dohnson; that the President authorized the announce ment that Mr. Stapton. Wf>ukl not be recog nized as Secretary or Way tor llie adminis- tration, either , 'dfre(nly'' or Ttroiroctly *; tpat this was not only a flagrant contempt of the’ Senate, which has equal power under the Oouslkutiou -with the President tin the making of the Cabinet Ministers, but t, gross insult to Mr. Stanton* aud of each <\ char acter that no man, with a decent- Mdfreppject would then have tendered hie resignation, aud that, therefore,,the President hns only himself lo blame for Air, ytanion’s coutin- uauce in office,, tJ< s ^ tl .nAtvtjoul Gen. Grant’s BtnnrooD. — Gen. Grant’s father is writing a hlbghiphy Of his sonj in dren of its age. It is quite forward in talk ing, speaking both German-and -English. I. .... ... n... / /. *, i /. O ^ t It Cincinnati ConuuercunL ,Fub. 27tJi f A GRRBABLE to an ordorof the Court of Onli uxty of McIaM,& coupiy will bo ioH on the FlKijT TUE ADA Yin Marth next at the Com t House in Dar’en, the REAL ESTATE of tt. B. Dcuu \Vjng.i Benjaiuiu F. Wing, Auguntun M.. Wii>g,^ud Aui'ieC. Powell, minors, coniaining ten acres’orl iotl more or le-is, ou winch In a small d veiling hoh£o aod kitchen, on-the east side or the Ridge Koad, two nillerf rr.»mtni*’r.ity of Darion iu said county, bold for the bunciii of minois. Terms cash, putetitteers paying Tor titles A. W. UORKBR. Jan21—law Gw (JuardiaQ. QTATR «F GEORGIA—LIBERTY COUNTY.—To all whomituuiy coucoru efe li au episode thd New Ydrk Ledger, in the General’s Ii^e>y . ; * > “ When Ulysses wasft ^ioy*,If;R circus or ...jy show came along, in which there ws|s a call for somebody to codio for Ward and ride a pouey, he was always one tQ present him self, and whatever he und^ook, to ride- he rode. This practic'd he’kept up until he got lo be so laige that he was ashamed to ride a pony. “Gncfe,.-when *hw was a boy, a show eame along in which there was a mischievous iw- uy, trained to go rouud the ring like light ning, and he was expected to,throw auy boy that attempted lo ride him. “ Will auy boy oome forward and ride Ibis pony V” shouted the riug-master. “ Ulysses stepped forward'and mounted the pouy. : The-performance began. K ifind aud round and round the ring, went tbe p<my, jafettr and lasher, making.the grCstoste effort.^ to dismount the rider. But Uiysses sat g9« st«-auy na it he had grown to the poi|y’s liable. UPfslently out anne a large monkey aud sprang up behind U lyases. The people set up a great shout of laughter, and on the pony run ; but it all produecd no effect uf<>n the rider. Then the ring-master made the monkey jump up on to Ulysses’ shoulders, standing with his feet on his shoulders, and wilhhis bauds holding on to his hair. At this thorn win enotbnroMto aiill louder «to*ut, hilt not. a muscle ot Ulysses’ face movpa.- Ch ic was * not a treipor of his nerves. I A f.ftw more rounds and the rina-meator giivb It up; he had come across a boy that the pony and the monkey both could not' dismount " Wheroas, S- a. Fraser will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters. DBpiiSHory as Executor on the estate of Josci>h Qaartt rrn.->n, ol suid county, de ceisod: These are, therefore, to cite and admoninh all whom It may concern to bfe aud appear before said Court, td make ohjection (if any thev have), on or before the lirst Monday in August’ iifeit, -otherwise said letters will be granted. ‘ Witness nay official signature, this Sil day of Feo- ruary, 18G8. W. P. GIRARDEAU, tef'13—laitCm Ordinary of Liberty county. A 1 A. ANDEKS JN, Fate of Liberty county, ddc'd. are notified to make immediate payment a*i*l thOw -ImvitiK demands agauist said esucc will present them in terms of thFlaw. JRs?fi BREWER. jau2i^-law6w . AdmintBLrator. S TATE OF GEORGIA—LIBERTY COUNTY.-AV ail whom it may concern : Whereas, Jesse Bsewcr and John P. Mell will ap plv at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Disdistury as Administrators on the estate pf James E. Me Fail, of said county, dv®eased: , j ■ These are, tjiefelore, to cite and admonish all whom it niay condorn, to'be and appear before said Court to make objection (if auy they-hav*) on Of be fore-; the first Monday in August next, otherwise ;id Letters will be granted. WdneeH my official signature this 221 day of Jauu- uaiy. 1888. W. I*.. (ilKAKoKAU, j.in24—lamCni' ’ O L» O. (t.itillt. LIBBBVV COUNTY —SiX'y Hays n kJT daro sppliciuion vdll t«e walih; to iho Ordii after _ Ordinary of Liberty countv for leave to sell all the IiAfibH Administmior. 'election, stolen by softie H^unc.-ilsbiulWry liave bees discovered in an old kidl_in the neighborhood of Rayoeaville. Getk-Mayden is on the track of tho robbers, and we dollbl not be will bring them to justice. At least such is the desire ol the while people of the .State. Th& ou'rage op the p$rt of the Badi- cals wa«* so plain that uo political capital lias been made by them. Murder will outjl-r - , Montgomery d rew of whom he had established him as a favorite ‘-walking stick. ”... He al- . : 1Q variahly appeared at the theatre on ■ lOHHhlenighis. gotten up apparently ^e- .tji.aieiis (xp.'pse, either so far as his own and S i°- r ^ 10 “ e °f others were concerned, j i will, oRt the company of some »’Ui , e ° l , . ua ' <J(,u * fl' 8 st yle ol conver- f ()i W:w of the exquisite, as aw! dem j ‘ ’ 0 ) ri * or , very patronizing and evidently tint9 t V n * ,rea8 with his magnificence Wdi . fi k r ured as “small fry” iu flis W estmiatioD, ten!i° l ll!U * e ? ela tion of tbf» unwelcome) let- of ti. 0Ve . re,errt <l to, it is said that 14 brother husband, accompanied by inif.Fr; grt lrien< J* sought and obtained an tw with Lewis, in a private retired a,,d there gave him the choice of '/L H c ieau breast or full confession of Lewis r 0Q| "aa'iT! 8 ' 1 *’ «n the spot, the for "" nr9 ° '“hen by surprise, but chose titanti, "if l ,r °i»>«Uiou, arid eoniessed most i u „ „ ““J y> biakiiig also an affidavit, show- i..|i oa 1 ciiuiitmi lutiiaacy iw-lween bita- txiit^j 1 ; frail wife untl mother bad larinr, , “ e ' rBr »I years previous to her de- | ow lor 6>e old world. He was then al- mtfn,n,,f°V TUe D6! I | ‘ d »y llB WW dismiss- v«, „ , h »ok with a biut that Jtjempbis H„ | 'f. a „ llMl| tby place far him »l present, ij- , lu,lt ' »ed having hastily col- trails together, left town ou Til'-fl- Wb learn that the lirfxei couudning the vote ol Diwudta <^)uaty u JUa., iu tho iale Cnot-ERA Ravaoiw;—A letter froin Buertns Ayres says: “Major General Asbotb, Atueri- eau Minister resident here, is lying very ill, aud eeitaffilj c»»not slBvive many days. He has long been an invalid aud great suf- fer<-». 8om^ of the chief judges and law yers, and many of the principal march ant* of the city, have been vietims^of the cholera. All work Waa in forty days, A,000 persons, iuspended, and those who depend for food on 4i«ir daily lalior must saffsr., Carts enough to (Siffivey the cjoad CSfiffitt be found, nor men to dig graves, “lib churches are taken for ffi»piUttffi and glany., pnable to he carried ih them;' die aMaff'-ih llWf Sonses. A Qobbb Tuans actios.—A Hoston oorfes pondent of thsjttjrroquth Kocte states that the ahsponding teller of tho Sbawmut Hank, of Huston, After reaching a locality wh*ru he was safe from arrest, Wrote’ back Hint he would relinquish tweuty-flve of the soventyT live thousand dollars which he had stolen, it the bank officers would execute a bond of protection from arrest,’molestation or offense hereafter; The directors took eounsel to gether, and decided to accept the proppai- lion. l ;;»■ KiPLASAVimx.—Surprise being expressed at tbe Treasury Department recognizing Stanton's warrants, on inquiry, it was ascer tained the money Wits Actually needed, and it went into the hands of the disbursing offi cers of tbe, War Department, Stanton not controlling One dotlay o.f ir (t -was there fore a mnUer of little consequencte who signed tho requisition, exqept in a technical point of view, and under necessities of pub lic service McCulloch consented to recognize the requisitions. The President left the matter Solely to tbe diaprptjon of- the Bern e- tary of the Treasury. ^vonrtfk bl ’ UUll » D i* «ald, tor the Isle Linh^ t | le Bv * which was honored by his iriu aRU early traiuiug. Habd J). tD 0N TU* Bubfau —Tho New Orleans iw iune makes the fbllowjug not vtry tom- entary allusion to tftA - f?retdmea’g; Bu* Ta L ' JUki » n "i demoralizing protection tihou- Wnhrv° i free dmen have become th ; eviDg E ’ In^ad <*f the field ga»R. we preri™*;- v P !, ng gang, driven pbont frejax White a 10 precinct * under the lash of some Salto* v!S? a . g0 K ae * whose moral sense |s m- du pea b ^ c ^ er th un the skins of his wretched The Mlierttbld lrapeichm«*| Its Probable CoMeqfieBfiii Already the imposing snd dWrwbeliuing proceediugs of the Hoa^e of Repwetitativest in the impeachment of Andrew Jofinsohjare; assuming the appearauce of a solemn but ri diculous farce. AUesfJy upon the esse ajraiust the aecnsd’it *S^ apparent there can be no conviction by the Henate. Whst lire the high crimes and raiademeahdrs noon which he is indioied^the overt .sets Which loyally render him subject to ramovalwom office 2 The removal of Mr. «tonton hs Sec retary of War and the appointment of Gett- awBSsKa#^,?! charged, Mr. Johnson has flatly rmlshul the Tenure of office ia.W ^W deted ^jesov- erign aulhority.of Congress. Bui here these questions recur—Is Mf, Btsnlon removed f and is Mr. Thonrss fflbng biapimsinlthe War office? No. Mr. SUuiton still holdsahsu- 1 uto iw^senljioir (, IjDl n dvpartmest, and Gen eral Thomas, aW making his daily demand fur a surrender ol the office, - gracefully re tires, leaving Slanton etill mastor of thei sit- oalion, Stanton slicks to bta post; Sumner, in his hot haste m enjoining him to “stick," has spoiled, the ttnpesenment. yt- J °In point Of fact, however.^tnatoo da the man who ought to he lmpssohed ^ m he is Clearly gnllty of Hie "high crime* arid; mis- demc*nors” of issutting.lh* dirrtgarding the orders of hissnpsrior Officer and of returning unff ttaffiotM,.in ‘ ba ' *" Office against ihe expwsit. cqmwapda of the President. What ra the government imt that of a mere cab»fWT : FfCuBh * this pr that eutiordinate^qflMhi'Wq^poi defy, his supsrior because, the sobeidini under tbe protection •of tbe dominant 1 for the time in Congrepa? We-,W. yiew, that no conktoMon ofc Urn presiflent can beiecnPed in the BennU-.tor^iin eforta to get *id pf this obno^ipus .and" lntob*rab subordinate, Stapton.— WlW-r-Ua —John H. Surratt is raid to be in ysr f poor health. - J,| , J i , j ft - t>‘‘ " 1 -a.- ... • Legal Notices. Guardian’s Sale. SPECIAL NOTICE. f PBlCE, 15 CENTS-' vOUMM* fTttaM&ft.'l. IMMS I ygigggSg “U. k-‘ • • -H ’ ri NERVOUS MID DEBILIMB. WHOSE SUFFEEING8 HAVE BEEN. PKOTBACTED FROM' HIDDEN CAUSES. AND WHOSE CASES li QUIRE PBOMPT TREATMENT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESHOkBLE. ib-tl triO tu.tnvU *- Mill /*i , tij ; .srij » '.-fll- lli - i-iJ J : arfJ i : ]) ir. t/ l 01 ■ eDIU l‘ a large Stack, is prepares to Sell, I [.The Proprietor, having his Agents ia Europe, and ree at PRICES which will be AS LOW. as tb»j*ean be Boagbt 4M »ew fork or Philadel|»hia, the following GOODS: n, i nu, • i fail/ * *,; m?' 1 >J Hi* Hi is.l Notice to Debtors and Creditors sn24—;aw2m S TATE OF GISORdiA. CHATHAM COUNTY.—To ' ‘UU-wRoialt msy concern i Vffi«r*art,Le*iD«Wi't and Wm. W. L'ucoln will „pply at the Court of Ordinary for..Letiera DianiiH- aory as Execuiora ou tin; ejstiue of Callierine I*. Hay- ‘«!cn, d< ceaiir’cf. : ' ‘ ‘ * , . . v These are, therefore; ta oite and. admoniHhall whom it may copfiern, i» Ue aud appear before said Court to make objection (if any they Uavej on or be fore tbe first Monday iu Juue next, otherwise s*hl VciLere will be granted. Witness uy oitteial ni^nature this Wth day ol November, L8tTI, ■ D; Ar--4FBYRNE, uuviS—lamOm O. O. jG. -To •TATE eF GtfOHGIA, IaIBERTY GOUNTY. I all whom it may concern : ' Whereas, ThonmrfB. Whcvler will apply at the Court «»1 Ordinary 'or lAoltfsrs DismiK.-4>i> as A«lmin- letrator on the estate of Win. G. Kobiumm, of f-aid coonly, deceasi-dv Phose arCwtherefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern to be and appear before aaid Court., t o in >kc obuMefioB (if ally they have) on or before the first Monday in July next, otherwise said let ters will be granted. ...... fVkJieHHmy ofllcitl signature this 28tb day of De- comlier, t8A7. W. F, GIRARDEAU, j*ul—lamfim 0. L. C. S TATE OF GEORGIA—MoINTOSII COUNTY.—To All Whom it may concern: WliereAS, Ann C. Hart has applied to the iJonrt tettew Of AdfU;iiiBti»tlun de lioula i*rf ut»fi ihWoHtkteof Sarah M. Gould, late pf Haid These are, therefore, to pite and admo:iinn-all and singular ihe Uei?a and ere litom o' aaid -state to<1 lo 'heir objectiou? 1 . it any,on *>r beforetne'flrat, Monday in April, otherwise said -letters Will be B wltnc!"< my offiolAl Alsnumr^ime ?Stb .lny^.i-''''- jj ■ ~ ’~ L - £ T TATK OF GROiUHA—MvINTOSH COUNT1’.- ) Tf*l all a, A.Bv (UiiAimpit- WheroffiR, i If yon are suffering ox have suffered involuntary discharges, what effect produce upon yonr general health feel weak, debilitated, easjjy tiled little extra exertion produce pal| the heart ? Does your ligerv or m gans, or your kidDeys, frequently order? Is your urine nornetim milky, or flocky, or is it ropy.on Or din’s a thick scum riee to the top ? Oris’ a sediment at the bottom after it hss stood awhile ? Do you have spellsof short breath ing or dyspeprip ? Are yonr- bdwels consti pated? Do yon have spell* of fainting or rushes of blood lo thc head ? - Is yonr mem ory impaired? I, your mind' constantly dwelling upon this subject J Do yon feel, dull, listless, moping, tired of eompaiiy, of life? Do you wish to be left aloqg, to get away from everybody? Dose any jittle thing make yon start or jump ? Is -ybur sleep broken or restless! Is the lustre! of- your eye as brilliant? The bjpem oil your cheek as bright 1 Do yon enjoy yourself ip society as well 1 Do you pursue your bnsi- ness with the same energy? Do you feel as much couftdeuce. ip yourself? Are ybwr spirits doll and flagging, givon to fitq of melancholy? If so, do not lay it to yjour liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, yodr knees weakjLnd lmvu but little appetite, and you attribm this to dyspepsia or liver-oomplaiut ? Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal giseaseS badly cured, and sexual excesses, are ail oa- pable of producing a weakness of the gen erative organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, rnuke tho mao. Hid you ever think that those bold, defiaut, en ergetic, persevering, successful business men ate always those whose geheratiye organs are in perfect health ? Jou never hear snch men comptAn of being, melancholy, of ner vousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannotsucceed in busi ness; they don’t become sad and discour aged; they are always polite and pleasant iu the company of ladies, and look you and them right iu the face—none of your down cast looks or auy other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs iuffamed hy running to oxcess. These will not only ruin thek constitutions, but also those they do bnsinesg with or tor. PAINTS, GARG0EN SEEDS, • /»U1 - > H ‘‘ -“** . , . . ... i... , „!.} j. it i .. ti Jl i ?,. . -ut cal Instruments, Dye Woods, Spjwge&JEtc. BUYERS 1 CHEAP DRY GOODS! J UST MOEIVBD BT WBAMBRS FRB8H AD- BITIONS to our already HkiVT STOCK ot Staple and Fancy Dry Goods! Asd whleta w« are determined to sell at SuchiPrices Ai wiU defy CompetiUofi. couslHtlng in part of— OAf^CB PRINTS AND DELAINES, CASES BLEACHED SHIRTINGS AND SHEETINGS. • , ' CASES KENTUCKY JEANS AND SATI NETS. CASES CASSIMEBES AND CLOTHS, CASES DAMASKS AND LINEN, BALES SHIRTINGS AND SHEETINGS, BALES BLANKETS AND SHAWLS, BALES LINSEYS AND FLANNELS, Ac. To all wfiqmitHSy^ ooucerni „ .. fierouP, Anu U. Ha?i ha^ appifod to tBfiCOnrt of Ordluary lor Leiturn ol Admininira ion de bonis nou upon the extHte of (Seorgo W. Dpnhain, late of Hxid ° There are?4l^‘i'' forp, ta cite »r d : wfnwQnbh all and 8mgohirifi«'^’ if' Hid-enditora of ‘wiideRiau* 10 file their ubjet tlons (if anv) on or tiie find. Mon day (u Aj.rU. olliid’eryidse. sakl letter^ will be mv offleial siffnatnre this 2Sib day of Feb ruary. IMi W. P. GIRARDBAU. mh’2-1aw4w L c> Administrator’s Notice. A LL pereona having claims afrainst Ihe estate of Pi- rcu BaMer, deceased^ will present ibem dW>y att«8ted within the Hme pn scribed by law, and all person* ludebt^ to mid estate will come forward and make imififUiate payment to the unfit raiguej. ™ * P. M. NIGHTINGALE, Ad .lin siraior. SEND YOUR TO THE viv J-JIOOS & S,c Job Qffice, NO.. Ul BA-V ST. THE BEST: OF WORK, Moderate [Prices -A1S®- ALL BRDEBS PROMPTLY FILLED. ik- Stoic • and for Sale, »0.i J- ■ if—.1.1.1.« i - JJROkRCOWKBSOOAB. cmmu > Kits Mackerel, hrir barrels Mackerel. : WILLIAMS,’WARD & McINTlRE. «e«. . ■ -■ __ , w NOTICE. gOBTlIWICSTKRN RAILROAD OOMPSllri.l yarexjs. AUeos, «a , Mebrerey qs, iss*. i j „ . bkvjdknd IV O, rfMVIDfffto OF ($4) FODR DOLLARS PBM A Share os the Capitsl S«xk ot Uh, Cmapw. Strata on tbe Zlst nitimo, has this day been declared *1 ^ tho Board ot Dir. dors from tbe remlngs ofttb f* me six iiontye eaaing siat ultimo; payeDio ncy. Company. stokbolders io Savannah will receive their drii* JOHN T. ROIFBDI&LBT, . , SocrvturjsBd Treasurer. How many men from badly-cored diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have brought abont that state of weakness n those organs that has reduced tbe general syslenrso much as to induce almost every other disease—idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spiual affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which homanity is heir to, and tbe real cause of tbe trouble scarcely ever suspected, aud have. doctored for all but the right onfc. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic. HEIABOLD'8 fluid extbacx BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, P'-. And is a certain cure for •>., DISRATES OF THE BLADDER, ' y M KLUNEYS, u.... GRAVEL, /. DROPSY; - L ; il ; ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS* .Whether existing in Male or Fepule, from ! • 01 wbslfcVer. cisse originattag, aad no niatteroflu>w longstanding. If no treatment is submitted to, CONSUMPTION or INSANITY may ensue. Our fleeh and blood era supported from these eources, and tlie health' and happiness, and that of posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. .. . il .UiT '--.a Helmbold’s Extract Buchn ESTABLISHED UPWARD OF 18 YEARS, PMKPAMKD BT H. T. HELMBOLD, 594 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, -rfJftT’-ni 104 80UTH TENTH BT., PHILADELPHIA, PA. PRICE—$1 SAaper bottle, or eix bcSttes Jor 98 so, delivered to any sJdruas. Sold bj an Bras' gists everywhere. febST—eodr— $ - k •' * * { - ■ -• ill & Eckraan, 151 CPNGHK^S STREET. TEtE OISTEY TEN PIN ALLEY! Is to be found at the l&EKET SQUIRE HOUSE VALENTINE BASLER, Where the choicest LIQUORS, ALESjind WINES Jan27-tt MAY BE HAD. JEWELRY. V. W. SKIFF, /■ riORMUHLY 129 Congress Street, SAVANNAH, IAKBS TUB METHOD of saying to his Son them T*riSis'iiT87v».'«b; arirr tne” ‘Whole state of IsWIi Georgis, that be is raw connected with and Is one of the firm, well known as tho BAILEY MMMMING [0., 181 Broadway? NEW YORK CITY. This House being extensively engaged iu the manu facturing of SILVER PLATED WARE, Are prepared to furnish the entire trade with every dMttiplionof thfe kind of Goode, at at* low figuree for same quality and upon as accommodating terms aa other dealers in tile same Hoe of bn-finese. In thih cooneetlon Mr. Skiff would adfi wbil hundred*of hie friends are knowing to toe hem and h.s close title to ■xx ,o«.u««k re appar- talning to the Watch, Jewelry and Fancy uooda imsinese. He would now s*y to thorn ihat h-i-bae intimate commercial yelHti.ins with all ihe leaning bouiie« in W? trade in New York City, and is PKB- -PARRD TV EXECUTE ANY COMMISSION IN TRAfi' LINE that bis friends may nu trust him with, promising at fill times to faithfaily carry ont their wishes and Instructions, aud ever to study lhepeca- nlirv Interest of either indhriduals " ‘ luhl—tf . s or firms. ^sr. F. M (Suocessor to W. H. MAY,) Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLERY, HiRNESS. SC.. JJAa'jtJgTTeoelTea a Stock of OAK and HEMLOCK (tanned) SOLE LEATHER, , Calf and Yaniso skins, .\l A P K S' A Valuable and For Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Peas, Garden Vegetables 4c. .li V i rr IT IS COMPOSED. OF INGREDIENTS EACH IN AND OF ITSELF A VIGOROUS i&ji 4^ } ,j r , . BO .y . A ’ '♦ » A They are used in their PURE ST.\.TE, and. combined in tha SUPER-PHOSPHATE FREE FROM ADULTEKAlTION, and PERFECTLY SOLUBLE The practical expe rience given below of plaoters dqruigthe past aeasoe, filler establish ail the ad van gee claimed for this well known Fertilizer. , j - w V |J ^\ f . Received the “HighfcBt Premiam” awarded to Fertilizera by the American Institute of New York, held October, 1867. i .^ v/ . .h Jo.««.«.i .il For full report, with analysis made by the Committee of the Institute, composed of Dr C. E. Buck, Prof, J. G. Koffie, and other prominent Chemists, see Pamphlets. The distinguishing leature of this Super-Phosphate from’other similar Fertilizers is that all of its ingredients are of animal origto* *Qci fare either soluble lit water, qi in a condition to quickly become soluble in the soil, be taken ap by theicrop. . Contains no iuert or mineral m*tei£alsL- (; 1 ,ii j (l r U > The proper relative proportion of the ingredients ha. Mopes’ 8uper-Phosphate, to meet the requirements of the Cotton crop on Georgia and South Qarolina soils, in fully proved by tbe experience of Planters, who testify that whenever they applied ttie same to land noted for rusting Cotton, the disease was entirely corrected and a healthy, rigorous growth produced, on the same land. : j : » i, ; mc » -..?=//,• i t .< t - , **■ eruvian Guafto and btfaer Fertilizers, have filled to sooarea healthy growth. | ^ ...» I J i.i w THOMAS S. SALTER, Washington county^Ga.. reuoria mat seventy five pnumif per aero, on old laud, increased both the Cotton end Coro threefold. Considers it far more economic** than Pefavien Guano. . iiiii.ift .1 ■* :* TESTIMONIALS. ; * •i.ll t»! t " • >/ ■■ - • ItUM JAMES MoMEBRIN, Alston. 8. C., re ports:—Use a ton of Peruvian and found the reeult but one-half ia compircd wl'h Mapea’ Super-Phosphate. Soil Db. E. PARSONS, Sandereville, Washington co. Ga ,says:—My obaurvatlon Is that Mapcs’ 1 SSpdr PhoaphuteisH preventive against rnrt in Cotton Hrte about doubled ike Cotton and < treldexi, the Corn. Has done better luaa i eruvisb pou^d iur pound. 1 J. W. SCOTT, of the same section, rei. cn>j» inannred with Peruvian 'iMisne 1 was far more affected by drouth and-excessive r*ob the*.where Mupes* Usfor-Piioaftbaie Wft*, used, ^ Q.^i Mapee’ la preference to any Fertiliser used by bis neighbors. i . u iris that bis W. H. SPARKS, Eatonton. Ga„ report*On land ftbo >t half covered with sedge, and wnich had not beeu cultivated in two years, where the manure was pQt in badly, manured crop would field two pounds where the would yield one. B..B. HAMILTON, Americas, Ga.,mpf*rta:—Ob tained the mo«t satisfactory r.sult hrom ^lfihpes’ S jper-Pnosphstc, applying it as a top-dressing-.' is considered by al , 1 have had the bcst’gafde^ t year in Southwestern Georgia. W. J. ANDERSON. Port Talley, Ga., repotta:— Mapes’ SaperrFuasphate.bus dum led ^beyefdp of Cot'.on in every, case reported, an,d some report it has more than df>iibied their crop. On' Wheel and Oats the result was very satisfactory. * ° D. A. WXRNOCK, Beach Branch, S. C. r reports in laud which always rusted Cottou incieaseqs the Crop two-fold, wh flue Cotton as he nos seen thrsyear. Prevented rust. Four rows unifiamired rawed in August. Everything the Mapee’ Super-Phosphate was tried op . did well- Odium, stood the cold weather iu 8prijig* kept perfectly green asd grew finely. Ham iieaf peruvl tn Qdand in hisneibhbor- hoo t. Believes it to be the best manure nowln me - report^:—■ tfapes? Sap jfu.pired with w . 'husphsie, the itfiift^wuar- in favor of Mspesf ^per-Pbusphatoi nU , - beyond doubt to the fact that the ravage* of tbe, j rust were not, by a marked difference, to be ;seen where it was applied, as wuere the other man dree mostly isandy, with clsjr snbmoiL Marked differ in size of the balls, in favor of Manes' Super-PL—- phsKe, 1 'On-cabbage plants the increased growth was about ISO per cant. JftaN IL HAW Mims. 8. C.:—Cotton wad made — .. .Apes* Soper- Piiosrihate produced MO pounds per acre mors Lot- ton than Rhodes’ Saper-Phospli'ate, and 50 pounds per,sere more than Soluble Pacific Guano. Sam* quantity ai each (160 pounds) need to the acre: cul tivated iw the same manner. Mapes* Bupsr-phos- pliau mure ^hfig OMded t*e of ootUm. f K. Jt Chtlrch Parish, 8. C.. ra- porta:—One application of pounds Mspes* Super phosphate per acre made the Cotton grow to the hebthtofi <dc>fe< mhece tt' fire# only two feet the year beiore. C.insiders Mapes’ Super Phosphate the BEST FERTILIZER FOE SEA I8LAND COTTON, and wouldzafeiy rficommendlt to all plaoters. 8. C MEANS, 8partanbnrfl l 8. C. write -Used use of Mapss’ Soper-Phpsphate pays hundreds. W. A. MERIWETHER; TMle Cards, near Colnm- the special manure for Turnips and Irish F. C. PENiWETON, YAIdostfi, GOorg^, wrlte*e- Mapes’Hrars^hofphste has eZcesdfid my i — TrirtaWre nmiuiM. if ... ‘I Qnttmin, Qa,r reports:—Applied - upds per sera, npon eMrv alter exult was truly astonishing. The fuurMMttw the neighboring lirti *iLi <». »->uf> f'.no hjji i »«. .. . I Letters from the above owned Flaotori, giviag their experienee in deteO, trill be- a nJ in our deteriptive pampblea. These jiarepblets ocretaie a treatise on mattm and general informatidn ot interent tin the Plastor. . — PKICE,PKRTCai t)F2;flqo POUNDS, CASH, •» 60. Or, oeeb,A32 5ff; payable oberlst, 1868, *32 50-SriSflO. ‘ .. , , November ] aiJl ul ttf liuni and a general assortment of SHOE TOOLS. Prices reasonable; sbttoibctlon guaranteed. DTOrrtcrBlot RUBBER and LEATHER BELTING and PAC1 filled prampUy. -jana* M, A Colfl, or. a Sore Tbroat. Requires immediate attention, and should be t cb«cb(od„ .Uaffowod to epntiBue, IrrttslWw^f tbs Lssgi« U Permanent — -- — csusmpUss, is oftra the remit. Brown’s Bronchial Troches harinff.«reetWMMM<M«i>«ee *»rtv give lame- • nliet Vsr firsneUtlf. Asthms, €s* b f^hssnptlvsflMBd'Throat Olscnsca IHRS Rfe ktod wRh arrays (rood suoceafi. ^ | • "ttkebto tv virile. f . ;; , • . ^ "BROWN’S' BRONCHIAL f \S 9 offSS£ W ^ worthlem PURSE t# General' Agents for the Statft of Georujia, jan27—If Notice to ii>id : o j ers of Georgia ... in . . i .11 r.... i Skt andar TgrmoW BWuffivrp o.« toarirrerirffitof W vemlpu "It I, bat J mttlukldiwUd .Ueto^he " THE old" ASH LOHQ EBTABLI8HED 1 C. ¥'1 Wti’X ej - ,'jf oiil ni in (Hi i i*Jo ’aaRoaT* •I *>.i? Of ifrfriUSiuf f k-1 II I rid ::.dri(ipri.TuviS CJ fiftJObqa-J fcl oH • . ;di lo I ■,a t:tll OK>3U Alt O0i> feb8—2m iyui, JhqA ci aojgaiifai.. : M