The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, March 06, 1868, Image 4

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ta NEWS & HERALD. FRIDAY MORNING. HABOfl «. IBM. In General. tk« King of Abjn- ttaey fight jntt a, —There is a colored woman living in Illi nois aged 135. — —The sale of obscene papers in Baltimore is to be suppressed. - ■■ r- ■ . —Augusta, Maine,"was vMted by quits an earthquake Saturday evening, whieh lasted several seconds. —Queen Victoria and sinia didn’t marry, but _ = much as if they had done so.—/tadica. —Why is the Hjaiftg JBMMaftr a stock yard? Because it's a good place to we calveg., 3i if ti C Hi R - >- i —A letter waa reoettUy dropped in the post-office at Denver, Colorado, addressed to Mr. Coldfacta, Senator Of Congress. —it ia not generally known that several private companies were enlisted in Wash ington, and read| to aid the President should be need their asaigtimoe* —‘‘Why huat gdrillas when you have one in the White House ?’’ exclaimed Edwin H, Stanton, Senator, >; ih l86i. Mr. Lfaoolu had just jrtrived in a Scotch cap and a long cloakj —A countryman at the, Astor the other day, alter tastihg some oTiyea, wanted to whip the waiter for pouring salt water on their plums. ' , . . ; —-The Hourtrta Joufeaf Say* that the re sult of the election in Texas for members of the liecooBtEQ.criou Convention will show a two-lairds majority in 5»T0r o£ Abe Conser- vatirtfft. • v a* Vi i 5uc. --- —The Montgomery lawyers ought to make a good thing of it in the way ol instituting Bankruptcy proceedings. About two hun dred applications were made in that city on Saturday last. ^ '% —Mr. George Fflmftia Ti£&.apologizes to the ‘‘Revolution” for fttvrtsrefhy of his let ter, Jbteceuse he ia “-deep in correspondence witll the' authorities .on, tl*e porclutfft-ci Ireland for £150,000,000 in gold.” —The Cincinnati Euquirer consols the country with the tact that while Congress is engaged Oft impeachment, it cannot indulge iu any other deviltry. *Tis an ill wind that blows no good. -~The destitution of the people of the Southern States is telling with most disas trous effect upon the clergy, many of whom have been forced by wametetaei-to feave the South, or engage in secular pursuits. —Sumner, in the Executive session of the United States Senate on the 28th ultimo, submitted a proposition to hold no inter course with the President in view of..,the impeachment, but. after considerable- discus sion the incendiar^j^Lgect was voted down. —California, W/sootosin, North Carolina, Louisiana* ^larylamh/Jkaasas and .^Nebraska will, it is known at Washington, support Mr. Wade at the Chicago Convention for Vice. President. —A poor scamp left his wife tn a grit rage, declaring that she should never see his faoe again till he i |yi0(nGf^cn^akh to come home iu a carriage, ue kept his word, for in two hours afterward he was brought home drunk in a wiieel-barrpw. —“Why (^pea the. operation of hanging kill a than?” inquired Ur. Whately. A phy Biologist replied, “Because inspiration is checked; circulation stopped; and'blood Suf- fnges and cougests the brain.” “Bosb,” re plied his grace. “It is beoatise the rope Is not long enough to let his feel touoh the ground!” ‘ —Olive Logan tells of a suffering South ern woman who “had not -eaten a bite for nearly four years, and had jtyOt slept * wink since the first gnn was fired oh Sumter,” who received thirteen doHars from some charitable ladies tn New Toih; and imme diately satisfied the terrible gnawings -of hun ger by the purchase of a-point lace collar at Stewart’s. —“Betsey, my dear,” said Stebbings, giv ing his wife a damaged pair of unmanlioo* bles, ‘have the goodness to mend these trbiT sers; it will be as good as going to the pity to-morrow night.’ Mrs. 8. took her needh,* but, confessing she could opt see the point, remarked, ‘how so?’ Wbv, my dear, you will eee the wonderful ravels in {he pant-o- mine.’ Mrs. Stebtiings finished this job, and banding back the nnttaBUpnabJes, stud, *that Is darned good.’ Parisian Politknkbs.—Rosseau introduced his head through the open Casement Of a porter’s lodge. ‘Good day, my friend.’ *Good day, sir/ ‘Will you please fell me the name of this nice bird in your window?’ ‘A linnet, with a black head, sir.’ ‘But why do you. prefer. a linnet with a black head?’ ‘Because it sings so well. listen!’ and the porter with-fcand on hip, face ah radiant, and head humoring the tune, enjoyed the song of his favorite. ‘Ab, very nice, indeed! You are a mar ried man, 1 suppose?’ ‘Yes! sir. Mr third darling is alive. ’ ‘And where is this darling with of yountf* ‘You mean my spoufee, I hope, sir. 1 * ^ ‘O, certainly; yoUr spouse, by all moans.* ‘bit, she is above, with our ledger on the fifth floor.’ ‘Ab! and what business has she with your lodger on the fifth floor?’ ‘Putting his room in order.’ ‘Is he young or old, this fifth floor ten ant?’ • n ‘ - ‘Mitldle age, sir.-’ ; ‘Very good; and where are your chil dren?’ ; , . : fl ■ ; ‘Sir, I have none.’ , ‘And what have you ; been about aU the time of your three marriage*?’ ‘I beg pardon, sir; arc you looking :for any one here?’ ‘No one.’ ‘is tneie anything I can do to obige you?* ‘Nothing whatever..*. ..» ‘But you have been heaping questions on me the last fifteen minutes.’ •Yes, to be sure.’ , * • ‘And to what are these questions apropos?’ ‘Apropos ... ‘And why, then,- docs tyohajpur do me the honor?’ ‘O, it is quite ®mpie. I am passing; I read over your window, .‘Speak to the Porter, ’ and I do so.’ OUR HOUSE OfflHO SALOON. BY E. H. KIRLIN Bay Street, Cor. Whitaker, SAVANNAH, ga. mHIS HOUSE nu oeea ureroogWj renovated and jL refitted, and every practical improvement made *“* *?«$**■ The TABLBS are supplied with the rihoicert "trades from the Domestic Market from Sew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Flo rida and elto where. Especial attention paid id pro curing th* Chai«*t ^ ; Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc. MNAIK FUBNI8HKD at AI.T. HOUB3, From t a. a. to midnight. Separate rooms for pri vate partiss. The beat of WINES, ALES, LIQUORS, GIGARb, Ac. jBhffitnral coots and courteous attendants. : L sterSalpon. JOHN IMMEN, AT THE STAND OH Whitaker street, "rear Bay, :='! (FOBMHRLY MONAHAN'S,] DAS the beat ffcdUtie. lor euppljing OYSTERS, M sfttunnvfte quantity, in shell or opened: or at his: Saloon, cooked i Q any style, lie warrants his Ojfters to be of the very best quality. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, &c., Of the best brands, on hand, and a LUNCH every day. nov9—ly Commission Motet ants. ,. JOHN McMAHON & CO., netiJM IN Groceres, Corn, Oats, Hay, Feed, «£?c.. CHIU ■IIIINTOR AMHfFUCMIfTtKT*- wr AU orfiera prompt!, .trnndafi^ trM-W DELETTRE & SYM0WS, jAuctioneers ; : AXtp ' . - General Ceaunlsslen Mertlaata, AaUeo am«.Yl?Y. Bytm IMihi,' r <■ ■ savannah, oa. '.:t nONSIdMMEVri OF ALf. IIHDfl BOLICTEKD Quick sales and prompt re uraa. M. N. DS'LETTRJC, laUof Augasta. H.B 8YMON8, of ddyoanah* dedT—tf U F. Boos*. f.ABttui. Bouse & Bryant. (Formarl, Hl.) A. C^AJaJD. Wfeat ia Tarrant** Effervescent Aper- feat, and what are its effects ? These are questions Which the great Amerloau public has a ri^bt to ask, ana it has also a right to expect a can. lid aod satis factory reply, Tbs preparation is a mild and gentle saline cathartic, alterative and tonic, aud is most carefully prepared In the form *>f a snow white pow der, containing ail iha wonderful medical preuerties of Oie far famed Seltzer Springs of Germany. Clf its effects we would say that those who have tested the preparation are the best jddges, and they declare over their uw.n signatures that the prepara tion will promptly relieve iutfigesfibh. 'P.egulals the How of the bile. Cure every species of headache. Tranquilize the nervous system. .Refresh and in vigorate the weak. Mitigate the ’ pangs of Hheuma- -ttem.. Neutralize acid in the Stomach. Cleanse and tone the bowels. Assist the failing appetite. Core the'heartburn. If you sire a sufferer give this remedy one trial,and it will convince yon of the above facts. TABBANT A OO., Bole Proprietors New York eiaM Tfentfota*' f->*o Purely Mutual Cash System! EQUITABLE LIFE 1SMCE SOCIETV, MS Bay street, Savannah, Georgia. GASH ASSETS upwards of.....$5,000,000 GASH ANNUAL INCOME $2,500,000 ANNUAL CASH DIVIDEND! qay20—3awly LANGDON BOWIB, (late of Oharle.Kton,) General Agent. 104 Bay Street, BAVAMSAH, - >' - - OBOBOU. 'ILL give prompt attention to recetVtng andfor- waidin* goods, W 1 Ing goods, ssler on consignment, and aU orders; and will also keep constantly on hand a good stock of Grocer ieg,Llquors, AgricoltnraiTmpl'c- .Agricoitnwtr ments, Building Materials, Fairbanks A Qo’a &c^ besides other-goods and- mannfat' for sale on consignment, and for w agents. Orders and consignments ri Icited. WM. ESTILL, Jr., NEWSDEALER ateamboats. San-ff£EKLT LIRE! FQR PAUATKA, FU., AND >> Snutt OLavleston» S. C. •pHB NEW AHD.EU^ASI STEAMERS X>XP*AWt>», , ; , 1V . i. a,OOP Teas,) m oaptaiB M/ oexsTTKB, INT, - TfilW Tons,) . V i» 1 WIB le>re EAVAJiNAH. OA., JukWTUI., «>» *"<““«* «a M. Jsha!i itiver, oQ WMaeafitkys’ and Satjjday, at 3 Returning, win IeaveWSka, Ylorids, oa Mdayi aad Maadiays, mtl o'eloek *, JacksotViBe on V-. Sajtmrdays »sd Ttiti4ay*, at 3 o’daek and Fernandlna s^me^y?* ^ Will leave Savannah.fur Charleston on Snndayi aad Wcdnsadayi, at D o’clock | -.... m* • »»y. Haturning, will leave Charleston on raealay« and Prldays, at tf o’clock p. m. aii-Frelght received from sunrise to auuset, at the lofida Wh.-tri, foot of das llvuse hill, and stored fret of charge. - T L. J. qUILMAKTlN A CO., Agent*, These steamers connect with stages a'. Pie - ' lata for at. Angnstiyie, C - fe»>4—tf Bay street. Say % AMD BOOKSELLER) Boll St., Next to the Post Office, j fDOWN STAIRS.) SAVANNAH, OEQUOU; FAIRBANK’8 PATIVT PLATFORM SCALES AND HERRING’S BROWN A SMITH. tpplmjg. fiuters and Notaries Public, Comer of Bay and Lincola streets, (over Wm. H. Stark A Co’s Store,) SAVANNAH GEORGIA. n1BKW8 SHIPPED and pot on board at the ehort- v eat notice. Marine Protests noted and extended, tv F. C. FORD, MAHFAtTIKR OF 9 a OF ALL KINDS. KO. 24 BEEKMAK ST., NEW YORK. rnai TBADR SUPPLIED ON UBERAL TERMS, Jl i Particular atteuti m glv<*n to "outhern orders. fV SAMPLES OF THE PRES^EH can be seen at Messrs. COOPEH, OLCOTT A CO.’S, Aomrrs, Savannah. nov28—1| THE EDICTS GRAND OF GEORGIA, r F. A. M. JOHN A. GRUBB, GENERAL NEWSPAPER’ ADVERTlSINGAGENT, 111 Bay Street, - ADocaTA, Ga., December 21, 1R67. fTK) THE STOCK HOLDERS OPTHMYHCiLtpGB-. 1 ViLLE. OB MACON"-AMD AUGIMTA. BAIL-’ ROAD COMPANY -.—Calls for payment on Sub scriptions to the Capital Stock of this Company have been made up fc> fifty-five per. cent., Sft>> which this amount has not been paid wil| VeCJir- feited to Lite Company. .• A further call 18 now ma4e for .tvent>-five p«r cent., payable on-oy tiefbrpJFgbrgsry vOih, J868. >t which date eighty pet cofcL ttffil.he tine, fbd 8b forfeited if m;t paid. ,, ' . Ah srockhniaers in arrears will at once correspond with the Treasurer. ' , Tho Road is no# in opfrsti<*ToJiiasdJcvlll«^knd is doing a large bosmesi. ’ U ds4iefiBvoa-tba*ar- rangementa will be made by whieh further calls will be avoided, if prempt paymenMs nov - h By order of the Board o! Director!. w ^ . . B. B. BULLOCK. PrbMfient. J. ^ S. MBfcLiQA*, Secretary «d4 Xrtf CHE1P EDfliOR ofmeib; JIIST^CKIVRD a Farther .app]f.f SKETCHES BY “BOZL” „..2S cent.. OUR MUTUAL FKIEND 40 coot.. A TALE OF T WO CITIES ^6 C0SU. PICKWICK PAPERS ..........M eoAto. OLIVER TWI8T.,™,......85 CenU. GREAT EXPECTATIONS 25 cools. MARTIN CHUZZtiRYVIT. ;...26 ceuto. CHRISTMAS 81 OWES .....25 cent*. NICHOLAS NICKLEBT.'... ....25 cen I& DOMBEY AND SOS.?. ....26 «Sti. HARD TIMES... 25 oenu. . „ ... . ESTILL’S SEWS ©KPttT, BULL STBXBT. NBZT'ITB SHB TOOT OCYICA leblMr-t Jt , , ; ‘ G rt your job nanmiiosomat tutfMln sir AND HERALD JOB *** r», *1 M "Dili TICKETS. ORURli or DAMUCg. pSoM to JOE oZ^W****^*™***a3 Compiled, under the direction of the G. 8., by Brother 8. LAURENCE. PRICK $1 OO. FOR SALK AT BstilPs News Depot, •«|1I street, next to Feat Office. * uam— •-*' *' •• • ■ ! BELL (t .HULL, Agents. rjlRfS HOUSE, haring been Agents for,the above A BiJALrS and SAFES for (he past fifteen years, are now receiving and keep constantly on hand a complete assortment of the above - Patent Platform Scale*,, from 3,500 pounds dormant down to 450 jmjundsplat X rcu and union groceFso finter'and rv«n Also, New Orleans pattern of COTTO.” and Plato , and prJc^ of H AY and GOAL ■- Also. HERRING’. PATENT: QRAMSj PROOF SAFES, with 'Paiehf CryataRr^ proof Bank and Money Safes. .Plates am can be seen at ofllce, and orders filled for any pattern aid.siae. - k * v ' - The above SCALES audSAPKS aretOo welfkQbWir to require any comment. «r*Th. y are the STANDARD from which there s no appeal, haviug obtained the FIBS f FRIZES and MEDALS at the FAIU9 EXHIBITION. Sac official reports. ORTH AKRR1CAK STEAMSHIP CO TBROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, iWi» P*:ti ra I» a «»r Nicarogaa, ■' . iBtll.ISG YKt>» REW YORK December 54k aimii IStfa; January 5th, Ulb aad ^5lh, mill Kebruary i c IStlt and 35tlr, • lYItbl^ew SfennirhipB of the Fir^t Class. . ! PASBAGK-LOWBB THAN BY ANY OTUEK LINK. ■ Fo^'fanker tnfoTraaliofi address the untleraignei! atift West sareet, ffiew Vol k, deft—8 m D,.N- CAR KINGTON, A vent. COLGATE & CO'S GERMAN ERASIYE SOAP FOR . LAUNDRY USE. jsn*T-*ink 10 PLANTERS AND FARMERS. ZELL’S RAW BOHE PHOSPHATE ■ and WESTERN METROPOLIS, fourth steamship now bonding, bamptop and Bremen, faking passengers Is 8owthamptan, London, Havre ana Bremen, at the following ratee,'payable in gold, or Its equiva teat In currency, (to London or Parte $6 additions!) Osbini 3130; Second Gabin,|06; steerage, $35. "»-■ Bremen, Soatfiatnpt tm ahff HfiVre to New First Cabin, Jilt ; Second Cabin, $T6; Steer ^QAUUBSION TICKETS OUT AND HOME, IrttCablQ, MMIOU • Xron York, F laall-f NAVANNAH. GA ST. IARTS RETREAT. A DIOCESAN SCHOOL 1 JTOB YOUNG LADIES, , 'i A? vl FERNAND1NA, FLORIDA, KJm4er the Patronage and Immediate Su pervision of thO; Rigbt Rcverind Dr. YOUNG, Bishop of Florida. S I SERVICES of most able and experienced EACHKRS, of Enropoiin education, having lecured, this InstiipDon wilh.otftkion the 16th of Febroar^ The School ‘year consists or two, terms of five months ew-h. The Chris mas Term 'begins on the desday In October, and the Easter Term on the ;th of February. For Circulars giving particulars, or other in forma tion,! apply to the Chaplain of the School, the Rrv. o. P. THalkaba, tarU—St&wtf Fernand ir-a. Fiorljla. Argus, UBLlSHED EVERY BA1UBDAY MORNING, [N BA1NBRIDGE, GA. - I WILLIS niTRUSSELL, EDITOR AND YKOTltli.TGlt. TERMS OP ftJBS.RIPl ION : $3 00. PER AN NUM, p«r,ble ia auvaace; or $6 00 at the eail ortbe mr. IZMENtB inserted at resaonsh)* rates. I ARll^ VArtctly a 4 FAllILY JOURNAL, »ted Ur the best interests ol .the country; and a* fidvertinii g MKDTCX i ffers aupeiior indnee- *s to the merchants and bnainess men of raven. Uharteston, BaftiatPfa, blew York, New Ortesns, •thrr eluos. p “A»ns” to Demoeratfc *n poll tfes, and apposed ■ d aaftage, and ianaticism geueraliy. ■AYE non oa taad a fall suppl, of 1_ ; BRADLEY’S CELEBRATED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF USE, Whieh we art pr-Npaied to sell on reasonable terms. fcyUten ■ A*. J. GUILMART1H & t4>. CORN! 4000 BUSHELS PRIME WHITE MIL LING CORN, is-balk, per aohooner r .A, ! - . HortABala, from Norfolk, B6W doe. 1000 Buemae MmB Tennessee CORN, per Railroad. balbby • ” ; ^ SOfiRtL BltOS. A bb adapted tq all kinds of chops and permanently improve the soil. Tltees Fertil izers were extensively used last ysar hff many intel- fiL'eatriantcrslnGeorglHrasalgave oniveraalsatis- racLioa, The Mauufecturew, an old aad Highly za- epuctable firm of iteltimore, kd , only aak a trial, side by. side with ethers, to sslsbitoh their superior vaiuie. . - • These Phosphates are as active aa FeruvUnGnano for the find crop, and for succeeding ones ttr supe rior. We invite attention to the Manufacturers' Oir culars. • i ••• Fur sale in bags only, at $66 per ton q< two thou sand pounds. UORBSL BBUTHEKB, scp2C—eod6m Agents. ^ THE ' VI8CIMA fOBrnt) MCI! [BfitabltilMd lalgM ) •' CONNOLLY & C0. t 45 Water Street,- NEW YORK, B EG TO GALL the attention of the Trade to their large and well assorted Stock of VIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO Suited to the wants of the Boot horn Trade. • IF Agents for the PBINCft>AX. MA$UFA<ftU- RKILS IN VIRGINIA. T DT special attention given to order*, whieh are solicited, and filled with cam. OHA8. M CONNOLLY, JR.» W. A. BASS. - V JaMKH a. CONN »LLT. \ deed—$taw6n»hW - THE ALBiNT Tri-Weekly News, PUBLISHED AT ALBANY. GA^EVERY TUES DAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDRY; "V - CABEY W. STYLES ^; Co^ T 1 ® JWgATIDN PF ter A ciiltrcs for expeditions circulation throughout the rich cotton sector a Southwestern <tosrr1*t-0m- bracftig the counties of Doqghertw, Baker, Mltohel, Dvcatur, Terrell, Lee, Worts, Thomas and Kooks, makes it l(npoctan>.tos«rsrMaevaand indispehaable to the reading pnblio of thte section. News on • day In adVsn*e of any other psper to mepeopte or Alhaay an* wrroatofiBg nnttlto The same news that is read in Albany In the evening- 1 from the Maoou papers, appegraiffi the NBW8 *■ the morning or tfiu same day. - or The price of subsoription to the NBWMiarw- a need to $6 per annum; $4 for six mouthy mad $1 per TDooth for any less petl * To clnbs of ten the fifty dqllars. e paper will be seat one t.‘ H. BTHOUk. CHANGE OF DAT I United States Mail For Palatka, E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK, ST- MA- BTS, FtXNANIHNA, JACKSONVILLE AND PIOOLATA - Tbe k* and elenant steam Packet Lizzie Baker, . j J Captain E. La ROHE, ' Will ieave Savannah for the above places EVERY WEDNESDAY MuBNlNG, at 9 o'clock. 1 - JIETUHNINQ, . leave Jacksonville fcVisit* SATURDAY MORN- and Fctnahdlna EVRRY SAT URDAY EVKN» S tynunah SUNDAY MORNING. ha»large and airy Stale Room accem- —,—c-lWr Passengeia. : For Freight oriFassage apply at the office, on Flo- rldk Steam Ticket Wharf, or to : | GLAOHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents. W No; Freighr reedvad after 8 o'clock on the dsyldf Bailing* . All Freight payable by Shippers. Tbto Bost'oorinects at-Fernaudlna with the Floiidn Railroad to Cedar Keys; at J ickson ville with the Central Railroad to LakePTHtf, and at Ficoiata i fcfeular linos of afciges to.St. Augustine. JHffiUESS OF SAVANNAH. aas ^ ^ Official, ■ gffaiB V-PVft, ■ -■ r MUPPHd CRAFTS. -i. -- 4-1 ■ mi i All ORDBfeKGB TojJtototoaAl IitoT^TaXto. tbA Baton Bevenue fi ■ the Cito eC Jnvaasutoe tonnMad to# various Ti OARL EPi'ING * OO., QeMralDosriB V chants, No. 149 Bay street, fetfsaril Vice ixmetoatea rfgpato aad — 7 1 JtoT CARL KFPING, Timber Merchant, 1 ffranswiua, ueorgoto * XTARMMX A* XX tzstoddsid _ made Oh' ConStguiufcOta of ■Ac,, to our friends in BaiOatife, ! BM'ssass™ i IB frTfW.lUr IJilUU. WtNJJi . tsa* AUU ft MClH'mU, ' SUipiilftii u.rtuuu. Uaj fttmet, fimnuli, nj rgia. Con sign rueuie of ail kinds noftsfind. AQC-. in I i days Tuesdays aid Frtdkya. Sfe -1 Georgia, lion’day8 guthij Kerosene Ofl. , , _ ; „ A?5SCSS3K35n J m GewmissuM •gem BtUforsoy fT&m iy3l-ly QBlFPiN 4 CO, .C _uun and Forwarding J gavithnafa. TUUNSON A WILSON, Cotton Factors and (to-1 , neral Oomuiission Me/chante, No.fcO Bay St annaiLWorgia. Libtrsi advatnies made on signmente K^ourseives hr hfht frldhds . and Liverpool- - , ‘ '".i ';,'.' txJl MARSHALL * MMO^ Gowemt UBounto-J 1* ston^siuppuig and LumlMcMfSBhaots,ili«ifij Harris!.R4>qk, Bug atrset. foot of jUonoia. Ooasigu- I stents respectfully solicited, and will receive atrito I attention. . . Jy38 ui a WADE 4 Q J., Cotton Faeftm amid (tow* i- £l. misaion Murohauts, No. fi »otosrWteUwsr {i itaagey • .. ■ . >r u tAyhl . 1 flTM. D. R. MILLAR 4 OO., 167 Bay Btltf : fr mission Mercbauta, Dealers in itoiin plies, Agents Tor lugeraoii’s Cotton ritotoltti- Jtf Wiktuon A ifo.t* Artie Wr^ase, Ac. JyM *ne per cenftfin on ilMi ’ b hundred A And it to tether e lid. That every ms. ' toe ages of t wenty- * to s poll or capi jx opt only such _|iUBtt tv registry and to:—„ whe shall tvgtotsr their vamrs . i- flection 6, Aui ItSfWUsr .tocrily afonsaaid. Theft on end Jeqmry next, the price Of s lie SOS liquors for one year toed b* ivstteMsm.roi toeappHomt *hafl t as securities two vespotteibie neighborhood as a nrer^quiaite to tha use; and tor s wholesale liquor i^n II be one hundred and fifty dollars, [made under a half gallon, by j '—Aad no bar-room shall has ftt an entrance to | t v fif*a‘ the spitraTice to the license shall 0B forfeited for of-dhy-SisfeelaMrorCity ordiuancej teWure the license shall not be “ of two years. . ii7„ And he it hereby orda r the same, That heraLfti thb prlcee for licenses or and animals hereinafter mi Mot three tujrn too. tmek, 1 each fouf hor-so dray or truck each one hdisecartV 5 - ‘ each two horse cart e each one horse cab, buck or bugey*’ — each two horse cao," v - -*— * * rhwe........ lift htjua ootke [ to. Jt I Wt -X.-uff I w«o», I or h^korpleaanretoi^ 8 ® I doiur^tociadiSi, piy,M^gj ViAR8HALL iiOOBK, havannab, Gkorfia. ili. jy28] A. B. Luck, Prgprtstor. { WUUliKSALU UfttSMt DkaLEUI. ml f n J. DUNBAR A CO.,. importers and Deaton I A a in Braq.Mes, Whiskeys^UBto Wtoem CffiMto fi jtc., and Agent for Smiih’a Ales, 147 Briy street. ... J)M j [ngmema, no» , ... id ereofttrofled Itf the city of dsvshnali^ «- t hoods of ^heettv ottovaunsh.. «•: raj; <j y, trade or caUng whstaoevah,' u vxVSpts»>- d and ordained to be”the drill oil^affificiat stknalng s atioa uf eui pioyar to another sesideot pw> ‘ g * poffHWSsHon, tq, t ofsucn employee, ana, uitnr ueanctinj vtoch- sutsrp.iec BsripHDSitiSto to yai h city, Mi,ini m .t i return must be uaae by the Pres- #J*8f Vife riteilwrttltftlfsfid 1 ihuie used for fqading o ■Mwinig vessels.... •ffl.e license fee h»r. cabs, h mid to the CuyTreisui'er. an^ not .lo th^*] /Otrucil, out, iu the ca«o uf. »r‘ * ladhes are exact ling or n 6 ‘. * ^ 3tg 1 ether vehTci-rr* ^ ol the L,lerfiT of Council, and the A And be it further ordained bv th„' ..rtoulrt r rh .Y all .. "J *U« W ILLIAM HONK,-Importer r • - — Dealer in Wines, yquurs and Cigars, Ray at., .Savannah, Georgia, and Sole Agents for Georgia£Ad Florida of M tepiie son A D6naW Smilh’s celebrated Pale Ale, iu barrels and half barrels. febS flllFi* l ill .L ■ per annum taxation. | one per centum on gross ■ transaction not iuetfidFdln 1, and including sM> bwat inamoutce coaapsnies, Djuponies, cotton ..presses^ for pa-sa'ge money payable' receipts i the above and fore- WUUhEsAhS UBOCEK8. 1 of elP heteto and vestonraate; ‘aud-ev Loll gis sa earning* .of , tonry bank* .topW agency, j banker, bill and exchange broker, out* per centum b®ft on awferoto **-'■- Isneh 1 JW L BUUMip, w , riof other than Ik local obmpautMtoritouks, two par-Centamy sothei AaaB,fiDs thsttof*rovetnebtsf Urn Savannah ialeoiiriver,qua j»gg-cauttnn pn aft s fftMght and ^iTTfiik I movey. received or collected by- the agent, M. DAVIDSON, Wuoiesaie Dealer in Gro ceries, Liquors, Teas and Cigars. I6P »et,Savannah, Sole’Agent in (Ub miaoluuiu ' ■& a-a •> ■ _ „ . Georgia for Massey, Houston A. tfo-.’s Philaddphi* | Ktoamboat^or ^VeewlsL^ .. r . r., •--1 *.•••• | riving mftordtoarfiiqt from port of Mbraovah, tt ——- ir 1 v ' I befog hereby made incumbent on the ageatv.of said LiqUOlU*, dec.. AT HMTA1L, > • I boats soft vessels doing, business in Savannah to ' e-rtta¥n# ufnderioatf mtfnffily to the OrtyTrtm- C US'i'OM HOUbiSbiiADEB. by F. Dow®, liay lane, fau^r.and pay the tasSiA-g rear of Post Office. Rest of Alto,’ Wines, | _8.‘ Gpe*«ity h(¥to icule, ^xcept. Uw»»e actually Liquors, Cigars, Ac., and a Lunch every day irom 111 ’ J " “ » *-•-- •- LliiLi. - r .^ - ■ - Jfit" j r itViNG UOUaE, corner ol at. Julian and Jefferson j f. streets..AtIVX L ww, *“ P*r»«*wrf«r , I *-f ‘ Wiues, liquors, Ktf&i DKiK;msi> Afip. AWiuytjjmHia., New York and Bremen Steam- I c • _ . -i is* ship Company. rjia* nswr-CLASS Uaiced state, MaU Stetmiiilp. ATLANTIC, ’ BALTIC. 1 . ilODIItT H. TATUM, Diaggt.t aftl „ Jlli aiul Wko.outo Dealer In Wlil6«* I SeroMto, .Oil, ouriMtf JeUoreou and„M _ soil, curoei; Ytoit taofti, ^ud.Jt^skiw Tii-.m mbbItags » I.v.jii I ill i. PHUTOGRAP MV. 3 F UUTOGitAPJlti. and aB other styles ol Motuve*; 4 withFraimja,.Fiiting8.D^*CiSi4o.»rfvjfi — - topics of ullkTuds from Oid Pictures neat’ btereracapic Views of Bonsreathre taJ Corner Uf Whiukvr and Broughfoa Wilson. t .. ^., {l ;j . VJ ;~^~WATt;i»mB' sip..j!&yy lit GK’JH CLAOD*. ifeile Ik Wttchto. x • »nd Silvtrwaro, hull street, opposite Mssntaie f Had, Bayou nali, Ga..; Waacton and Jewdlry ennfuity i repaired. ^ :! i; . ^, )i , OAMUBL P. HAMILTON (suspessor fo WlLuut * J O lDohiaond), Dealer is Watches, BUverware, Jew-1 elry, 4e., corner Wnttaker, tft. Julien and OongreA f streets. Watches and Jewelry rvpatevA‘Chnmome^ tors rated by transit ,. tyMh-ly* _hamxe<Liteiwyimtoie ksspas.i Leneer or merchant or ether person pn and all returns ofHUch sales shall be VftUy fRal*Mh8ftM4fii offjaitftta.’ - . On every dog, ih.;-annui*l >ox(M JtorepMoUaoi e iotyntoktod, StoHruot f eriidmed sshaUhtiriSHftod of.. And it shaft Ae'duty of ftie Treasurer to put every persou on, a »s to thv number of dogs on Ws >r fpt pre- ife. .si • -.'o-oui ..rrju latr.i-- |i* .1 . And H i* farther ordained by the autho- Nkc^hoi Kfostt-ien iubder tobrjoc anv •nee of said cilj, § ny re turn r any tax be •sesfriffbrtlmSTiy'i isident company'OF'Cbrporation,.the retui k made and too tmnhopq Okie by She agonior. r director of such company or cor ■“ever* df-fmft execution Shalt hum: ly; and that in the cam of every person or ttrsuh^ftiatokoOiBfitiirn.pgjfoif thte- uanee, ana whe * — 'M'ChM.’MM’- trfcmdtliB ib, relieved *ud kr-.B r.c jj.u at to ocauJh I Tt.riWS?. :MWtIW, *M Store H-CBlpli, ol .U st««m.lup I 1 of ,ny bust- “4 agebcie. carried, ou b, ctba IS; I i . Uxdd commission merchants or t rokira. nh-r* I m-totbfbr'ffieprt'redi'iifbl.mtb. bcBi.miug ati^! Breamut Fobrraryucit.eij-btocu banarodrei,;,^ | /odcHon SK* Aiifl ffis further ordained by tip ,- thoffity Hforesaid, That the following sbsil be thlT vStelvompcUkation, and no more, allowed Uu !T fowfogeity officeis and employees fnim aud*^ | the find rsgular meeting of Council in Juiuatyl ' that is to say i ' The Mayor...;. . plerk «f Council. * City Treasurer , AssistantC'ity Treasurer ,^ i City Marsh-i ? ^ I City* Priii tei Clerk t f V y, I .q^sengcr of Council beper of the Pest House ^ her “vehicles foV Dfipnty., I........‘.V 2 j ‘ g|p|>er of Fqr-di„— -\*w \ |fer r ••dtori tftem LteutolrthfemVi^ l; ‘'; I -J. I liter (by contiact) ••••■• ■ atOt the Market ‘mjj I rf«yqr„ ? ,... .”iS ferof Council of the Pest House , HtifiUdfng Deputy.. 1;. i'n m r^^2»rr^:r.r.;::r.;:i;5 iratiou Attorney >r Mtol.r ••••AR.'W) B liable SAItftS. AWNINGS. DA OB, Ato. P. BHAUFOHT, Exchange Wharf, Hani tarer of 6aiis, Awniugs.Tenta, Flagtel Ac. Bold’it New York prices. ' jj M- At other ordinance, and ‘Where deladiu ifl *>rwi1bub!e « y previous return, and if no retusmwhak ■ JM m» >» i JkbjtAOalkb, of not more than one hundred ao|- " T»Mifr r fi>fito06nrt-fdi' eVery ftfuriy ttofiitf UcMinr forthwith issue execaty$« ahdftk afi.tytos of “ ing returns or payment of taxes, ex«»- iksce. aud the taxed arid‘penalties col- in the manner now pointed ont by existing or ’ ‘ ^ ShOjUifflDMoAhe or refusing to take.out baag Abd ln any eato { where sqeh person tonDhammogiropertylobe iec ad, imrioT whfeh 1 ha commuted to jail for a period not lunger cond Cabin, $130; fiiceragi First »». hvw voox axv nnsrar. New York ftegL 14th and 28ih, Get. S6tl MM rt’ov, 9th. I^avc Bremen Get. 5th and lfcth Nov. 16th and 80th. ' Leave Soulhaiiiproi: for New York Oct. 9th and 23d, Nov. 2Uth ami Dec. 4th: * ■ — ■ ' . . BLDN A MKYER,' ' Agents for Savannah, Ga. ISAAC TAYLOR* FrdSMsut Nln. is Broadway New York# trs in Hardware, Cutlery; Files, Edge Teois,'Ag ricultural Implements,' Puwver, Shut, Caps find Lead, 113 Oongiess apd 67 8W J-ai.euslNs atom •nah, Georgia. ty CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STEAM PACKET J.IIVB, PILOT BOY, C»[Tt. W: T. McNBLTY, V A: 1ST IN' 1 E, Capi: f. PECK. One of the ‘•bore Steamers - will’leave Savannah r " i« _ip froffl* Charii stop.’ „ >ight $nd BLUFFTON Wharftge mustbe.prepald. ’ -• - For fre&ht or passage apply to ^ CLAGHURN A 1 CUNNINGHAM. waftt **'**• ’err Wednesday ahd 8stnnlny Morning % 1 n’clofki and ChariesMm every Mbnday ad ThursduvN lght. r At 13 o’clock, toucu- Ing at BLUFFTOxf on WetHiusUiiy trip >rom S*v;vn- nahandllon^wttipfroffrlSar in Wj * - ROYAL HSORAM COMP AM, OF LIVERPOOL, Capital £2,000,000 Sterling. UKSERVE FUND £1,500,000 STERLING. ANNUAL INCOME £700,000 STERLING. t ■ -re>. ■ - r^ONTISUES totake * ' Mer«autile aad Dwelling House Risks (Frame BqlHipgs excepted) * L AGAINST LOSS BY FIRR At owr*r«B&*:; Viftto*. ** j WM^'C. C08ENB, Agent, . Merchants’ Geofwsi Exchange, “ Battersby’s Building. ABCH1TEUT8 AMD MIWHBElto. M ULLER A BRUYN, Architect* and Ctyil and V chauicai Engineers, southwest ebrher BaV ah Bull streets, up stairs. M..P. MunLan,- Civil as Mechanical Eugiueer; DnWrrx Baoxx, Arohitoct. st*|>6 . „. _ _ longer than raSfi-Aftd it ir furtber ordained by then 4 ihority aforesaid, that, ftie following annual specific jtes shaU be levt^d'and collected:' 0a evVty »hcileneer, a t»v»bHndTwt dollars; on every rh lerote and retail deater in goods, wases and mer- ffiaadizq, exclusive,of ftq'tor license,, fifty dollars; «vu# retail di aler, exclusive ofTquor license, twen- tj-ftyedeltere;’o» every bank, hanker er baud agent din busing or yeiliog exchange, one hundred ergeants of the poiiee, each , i JatlGaarde, each... Health Officer............ 1 .Keeper of YaW4lGr HwnOwuetery;... Cfiy ipiBpensary v r. i.ii i.... u -- o f DepajrUneut, each. i Bhaeitr aniTEaglheer 61 Water Works. Jpniiiaut Sap< riutendom and Engineer of Water Wdrkfi |, ecohd Assistant Engineer of Waterworks.,.. t-erstary and Treasurer of Water Works untcodBeftoassr^wsrto.i ; M i Section ftk And itus hereby ordained by the adto- rity aforesaid. That,hereafter the Clerk of Coo* the City Marshal ahd the Neasenger of-C>uncil sifj ~oonipensathm • therefor, perform for’L. * of Health tho duties heretofore reapecthrij by. s»id .pffiprs .for suid Board, ll.' And it ft further ordained by the l rity aforesaid, That :;U Ordinances and pailsnf I ■aces, so far as they onUlsto frith thte otdinuw -they are jmseby repealed. IldDce passed ifrt TOpncil December SO' h, 183J. EDW’ARD C ANDERSON, Ksyw. JAMES'*TJ£ WART. , ; Clerk of (Vwncil. janl-^eodlf Book and Job Printing I o Am> . BOOk-BINDINC. NEWS THK AIM U HERALD BUM 1SB JOB PRM ,J>ALMEh 4 DEPP1SH,- Whole-ifcic and Retail Deal- j vrouLfiriehoirired defisrstAhe same for hr' keepers of a hotel, odd frtmhftd 41- ft > aMFir Wwifc house, one tfuuarea dollars; eve ~ painting and ubAZina. j.V' JJJJ iftoidy [ Ing house, one! } ewnsra. lessee c M urphy a clArk, i Pulaski House, House, ? boat Painters. Gliding, Oral _ Glazing. Signs of every description... PUSTEByEf Jm, . every the owner Ot lessees ofqoptto), driven by^ Sngine, two hundsed! 9>l<M;tofwttJhe owner- -or owners, lessee ur lessees of a junk shop, three hun T dred-doUara; a cotton pickery,' two hundred dot- I'lars; a cotton pickery two huudred dollars. I to h* confined •xeluttvety -‘to- * the date j cotton ; every (heowqer or owhcnylessee or lap | of a pubUc stable,.oub hundred dolL^rs i.every com- erAianf or factor, flfydoliafu; every shiu- 9,'Me hundrM dollars; eVuty stoAdoft, TiATY-*"TuSY,M.MMUl'iW tt,’ t il- - I tereia and Dealers in Latte, Ltedo, Plaalet. Natr, ,. Cement sad Building Material, Bryan street, betvesu 11 Dray ton 1 and Abet corn streets ft BOOKS AND NEWSPAPERS. hero Auer..or., (typers on . . ftitVdqJlar* ; every the’ r or keepe rs of a warolWdse^for the storage : df mohasdtee, gtawte.i4o.» foe-esch marehoase, is j. every the owner, or owners ot ahil- _ . . i UBhrlof hfte, one huhaiTil dollars for each, tab^; every the owner Mrowoun ef a-' ten -pin r „„ .... . . . . alley, filly dolhumfor ouch aftcy; every, the owner, or pSTILL A BRO., Bull street, next U the Tost ] owners of a saw mill, planing mill, saah and b;im J Otiioe, Dealers in NOwepapers, Magamnes, I factory, one hundred dottersi and eu the owner m Bo'-’ks and stationery. The latest Mew Yeuk asd I owners of every steam engine used for hoisting pur- otbor Daily and Weekly Newspapers rcoeifed by poses, ginning purposes, or any other purpose every mail and steamer. ‘.jrite—ly I or business not regularly taxed^gshoreu^efore stated TX4» PUT IN COMPLETE ORDER, will , XX «NEW type and MaOuINERY nf the mat ed consirnction bants and others requiring fitting of any Descriptien j flWSSfSSSSfi® WOES, atttite OFFICE. “ ACCOUNT' dOQKS llercbagtA.Bankers, Insnran *n and other Ora- lea RULED Ta PATTERN, wlih PKlXlifl) ADB, BOUND in the tt.wt snbstantraT manner. Sook-IiindingofAU Kindt ATTBSDSli'Tb. "" MASON 4 ESTILL. UNDERTAKEUS, TUfiBGCBON 4 DIXON, Undertakers, lap i J ton street, dealers in Fisk's Patent M ahogany, Walnut and Grained Coffins, Icc Do: for Preserving Bodies, Funerals furnished at Shortest notice. Country oruen promptly attend *o. :" ‘ *■ jyv7-u wspapera received b>. pOM. ginning purposes, or any other pi -jy24—ly lor business not regularly taud^gs^orey^e^re SaMWMHMw I or efinmei ated, severity-five dollars Ton every t * lotydlforftriUfingagrlsfttyftL twentyhfive doll r KlaiS I ft/...M M,In AAv .Vuire Hi. n. Are. :S. 8. MILLER, No. 167 Broughton street, 1) in Msiio^any and Walnut Fanritoro aiid' Krench co'tfitre CffanTlier Sets. Ala# a fin*, assort- L ment of Parlor Farfiiture. Mattresses made to or- f . ;,j- ...TWfiftr-Uu engine fog a grist qftU, twenty-five dollars; a ly dollar*; evejy the-owner or owners of. printing office,' twenty-five dollars; every nutf-‘ tor hufideri, fhaSon''fir'mrii!uhfc, ihcmtHng shm> makers and tailors, taking d<lntrimM for wiirk, tWenty- fivedoliatfefaveVy tttohtosararowcersof au intelii- ganen office, tyKShty. dsftaasi. svefg mapi^NAarer ok soda water seihpg 4r*m, teMuty-five. dolte and rnsnuiaoturlng -*nd.. buftfthff spda watei^ft dolUr»i.««re m, . eaoh ehUbliMiment, fifty dollars; every gas fitteCa ly-five dollars—one tax lor eaci)-Am- 0( 4wa gf i d amhrotyper, twenty«five dollars: every oteam- hip, ■tasmbiin, rote or other -sgaoay carried ■ by any other , than ttead lilisEAftES OF T1IK FEET. Cb.rhs, Bunions, INGROWING NAILS, TETTER, Salt Hhcnm otr ■ Scurvy. AND OTHER IHSEA8KS OF THE FEET. MBS; ELIZA KEOGH, • (Formerly of Charleston, 8. a, j ? her agMfiios; citiaens. and !»dierol tall, for die treatment itud dire of tte MB.. I BanloaeCarrd Without P*i« R8SDBW1-3* PRESIDENT STREET, («* Mrs. iPm’s. u ; Mr Hours from U A. M, fo 1 p. AJ-. an l from 3 to o’citx kT. tt LsffTes trihitbfl at fhelr readt utto Clravgea Moderate. SheRubmlti, fiom •. nnvipS-Sil ml-roti 3 ccrllflczb* venty-fivo dollars:on every exnresecbmmnv. OI cuarJeuUm:,.. •. . ■ ■ d, twenty-five hufidred and litMlLE A. SCllWi XI tween Jefferson and SarnsT'f s) fjterer, and dealer in WaH Paper, Window Cornices, Curtains, (kxfts,, Ta^sela tines. Oil Cloth’s, fitted, ma le up hikI 3WL. . _ , ^ » & •i^n ctWY ^•nars; otr every is . not taken out. up.snd Uid Hepy-JlT, I cna ABEBCQRN AND BRYAN STS. Sav an ii ah, Ga. 67 4 89 BAY SHEET. ~ SAV^yyAia,' €»iA. Manafnetunn of ftU kiad* of SHIP BREAD aad CRA0KEBS. •a-Orelei*forUtcwtodlo. . BTROU8 A RUWE, „ . YUOfXKtUlA Corn, ifaj andOfte. t AAD nwosnmMiuowooN li/UU 8uo hales Eastern an*Martkittt Hay, ^ w 1900 hhshals Secd Oats, ^“ For salt by R. B. CHIPMAM. jCDOF MY IN' S JJEPOT X. ALEXANDER. W UP . WM. A. RU88ILL. Seed ..Establishment! §r fl.R. cor. Ba/sad Whit _^,kudJ--- - - .dstli^am hud W7 North ficCOcd si - L FIELD anil FL6WER ,;FruL ‘and * Orhamhutal dottnuffiar^u hand, and ft bOrctiMpm, Dealers shu laWtie prios. Every hrtU lgJs r oflv oww fiousa (a phfia. L. TOUKNY A CO-. Ditteiutton ofCo-Partn£rship. ssssSarfaisE?*-*’'?* P; MTIU, Jit . will t ,y ,11 bill, .B<1.<WI«! ,1, h of tlie au, wi4 wtubonOiM. orerere tt Iftr “ ’ -• - - J. U.SRTIU,, to -mj ■ r?*wm. it on for lire n»t;4wo I -a coirtimiancB or the lib. heswweduponiL u£: " J. H. KtJTILL. ClVKliV iliBLKsT O ’CONNELL 4 CASH, Marsha] 1 House Stables. Tlie bote of Livery Horses and CsrHi ways on hand, with careful and experience*! iyaa TJULABJU HOUBS STABLES, by J- Txxim Oor-J X rtages, with competent drivi rs, or Bingls Teams, ’ * Boarding at cotsonaLie. prices. ' ~ DINING BAlftON. O UR UOU8R DINING SALOON 7 ^ rirqsft. cbs-1 ner WhlUkeri, Up stalls. MaaltteSm'4 iTlteB midnight, with a b!Uof Sro can^aSgT’^-- ^ ket affords. Every kind of fahfetis the fl pa»wd hr ttte-twt epoks obtatsad. CIGAll nANUFAitTUBR. G aOLfOMOk, Cigar Mansfactunw, IO* between Wbitati**and ilslir above the PMa^ki Boise, - - - * - - (fit#* qpaJtymdned dteteTsr fevery kittary efitoaor ” ~ three hundred dollars; every barber altop, nal tax of-twenty-fiva debars; every pnvaie cSmSm'SI t £l '* fI dreSS dmapw al-1 ■ mo,ej Urotbr WHO buj.-o^ WII, Mock., bonds, or UDMI AItoA] reo..y, Mk.rllftirtil. owwiiaU >1M1 bblhreiM-W nuU retre-ireBOd ft!M,-redw Mm* ribed b, turdbuireo. Tb« t.i.a provided -ftbaHUniNAU. dot. ai-muu. nore, lay of January, in each ahd every year.oi.ft therefor shell be made on safctfirai day of Si PP ttfityiatton 0ty) dftyo Sheroaflay: Protod. , I atyraro, that any person who may begin bu.-ines> after ■ **“ day of jjfir shaft finjnadtefetytOi tor ao h*. ipg business, make the proper returns; attd shall teMfyoitodteff Mtoarid tom ha*.yn> »r f that in the case of co-psrttfec«hip«tto “ “ W- Jf an (MiMyltet 1 and ordained, That n dtefohit^toetefiUsi 9 jxjusy, Lditi happy toHojthatMrs. Ke<igh has cared* 1 seseiul very bad toriw, that hud tron'-im we m f*tyi J"**®*/ I'liay- Were femovctl without ihelf* I io *i , CSflgned), . GKosflxhi/MT- * 1-.1 jr*pp (ha late Dr, Edward North. Ittyiikltmy duly loSiutetRit I have seen »«*• ffi rembVe 'rjbnr ami bunions 'with tM j •11, and without pall*. Kdwabd Nosth, M. D- Ur. Fitth. □cud all persons who are sffliew ive Mrs Keogh a t-ia). I have fl«; a h«r tr- hi, wKiiwood jddgmrut, and cure the m out pain. tfignedi j. htuh, tt. D- iivh«ttDr.I.IorliKut. Mis Keogte hn* cured ^ ,| SESSlSf. who orejlroabied with tht« > 'E.'Hoklbacx, tt.D. K'A’T’lWos' BANKS. iUlk. fu.i' - i:: O ULETttO&ptf fNamtANCB CO., psetmentt offing- UztBuy giroatl 4 What is Bis 1 8 RK Tlia fVMU>THE HAN! jr be , Are q' *«WJ«!ian UhU.ivm hft veil ivteOoh oihe White Haret ‘ Bf fivtol. ‘ gnftan* F f BOfoalr. BSTILL’A KkWg DtfOT, b: Bull street, next t0fuii| . dcil« MAURICE HAcKfittq UOOl’ER, AND AGENT OF-fHXK r”' MAIUNK WTVING AND WraS*- ■-■■■ - INOCOIRFAMT; «•“ ■ i r\mcs uNDiflVnirNtUYT 1<**M M WreokAllmrtlwr w-y, JArWi Md WrecklBf oompa»» can to laftrllk i ADVANCES Livet|MM«,NWXaMaNitottiti. ’ ' ** ■ KpUl-t AtWXBfANUa- e dwtlnrily express jonk shop or oottoa pickery flit Till thtety jHSCOVSRYI HIS OWN ABTISI! SCIENTIFIC W0NDER- aomSTOSsasr a u > ■tont,^wtite fall tostraftKoas, eent by ******* T 1«1 Kr«r City ftper Warehouse. PfCitel^ Breik-SindoS isfitotanwl attd for rwle. rarteft tends paper stock. •■“SpHfenhr. Altofit- ad . . iwgsmais nm. BfTNK-lffiflR freight wrtg- *°c _ ASSfti • PaairKy! Price, 1 $1.50. SENSE: or. HfFB ANDGBi nCISJS THE FOLLIES’OF THE DAi. » Poavsfojr. , m t U’SNEW.ffiBPOT, im «*** —.I'wwi—« «»■-’- *^toS£jg MB — cawceiwg jnd If*. tt UwBsalofthe city. Al ■Minimi. m9t stamps; «ri YOT.«WSW y cA»cai*8 Bali afreet, wTtoTto'rwt