The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, March 07, 1868, Image 1

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VIEW'S & HERALD. MASON &. ESTILL, {J- J *. | » BAV STREET. 8AVAS5AH, 8A. TEBSB : £f: -Ji; .SI, HERAIJS..., *!••• '■WalLl WEWS AXD HKBALD U SC i«U. r,l » tf lUuluuku. completed a eecondcartfuHyAonSaciedI*** riei of experiment* upon da-mom of tha rattlesnake. The principal to 1st. There lean Carbonic wmimiao tub?: howeyer, by “ pi ' 5!* Oopr* juries or advkktisijs. - rARKi* : * E a«* Kir * d Hne* ^ Jioapam: *rv‘ **9 U)T£BlI*i‘M2- s ' r8 —Rr* Ilf cbreimret ineertioa, n Crete j># mended, have no antidotel power. 24. The poieoa is absolutely harmless when swal lowed. It is even given internally to many u~ T *rr-scents for one month op footer will Ij bi fPM sal nroe which can be ascertained PROM WASHI*G|.TOa. icpfbfbmrnt Sew* and Gossip. Tjj Wobgion correspondent of the ‘ son San. coder dote of the M inataot. -— j- /* >.-fe house has b*en driren by the iro- . i” m -.nU oat of Oougrwd, with the ' V,4 Lurrying the prefect lo# verdict at "* .issumptioa"tliat'the re»uit : , L d & feature, be the removal v! ’’i,,r r> ju. 1 here we bat tew of this .-mpt to justify such a rewnfc ii. vl.0 men have leken it themselvas without injury. This mnocnons result is due to the fact that the poison is incapable of passing through F®^ ******* « dunogdigtaiffom anto otter ths b* - as a harmless substance. Applied'to rectum of a pigeon or the conjunctiva of animate, it had_nQLeffect. Si The poison is not injurious to the rattlesnake itself or to -fUsmatsgL' . fcorrobortfiag also ibffi Ufcfihlmy of Chefar Walert on, who made a very venomous South American serpent bite itself without ieju- nosi result to S'fo"$>e’regretted that Dr. Mucfcell procounces against the value of any internal reiqsdie*, alec nomrefol dis cussion of those generally accepted. For tut best treatment of a case of serpent poison we must refer to his memoir, merely re marking that he attaches considerable raise r r0 bt-r grounds than that there- *o alcoholic stimulant*. demoniac roar, ihc hors of their cages. f Mr. Jonuson n*»w became a ~-7:»te$ura, and therefore aii argumaete :' 0 ; [h * mc ri:s ot, or legal points involved • V praaecotion, are by thorn wcootod-as - 4s. Ii uc», 1°“ aim-jst unanimous, if. d. w. that ii the ProUaeot is •• 4 iiricii-.- ui^n the law thd the tacts, he “4: be aetianted, end that if the Senate 7T a Terdict of guilty, that the ver? *1. j-r t :. opon i>oiiticaland partisan . be s'&o*n upon the trial-that Presi- •..r; j j^s.iu \r*a in;o«nod by respecianle _ * ' \x :eveil what they slid, T hat 4 :cr had been given on tfce>2i§l of Feb- -44 alt ■ thit sli military officer* in tin* r«port m once to the heAdquar- f (.T- ^eri. Emory, to receive direction? \; certsih mihitry moveiuenis, sd4 ;w .: .» infuimstioB the Ptfsideut Seat far 1 b^aaai Em- rv and interrogated him, as re- siij m tbc latter’s evidence before the Hoa«« cocictiuee, and it is probable that Gv-rrs! Emory may rcco^fer, when his st- l t L:i .n is draw a closely to what took plnce s; He iiterTiew between the President and v^;f, jnai iLfttead of Mr. /obnsoi assert- :w&t military orders, No. 15 or 17, was .LA-aeUtui.cuai, he merely asked Genera* I_ rv if b- Emory) did not think the or- Cc: was in c .diet with the CX>usiitution. DlSoVjiLinSD fiSXATOKS. In addition to doobts which hang around ■ w e .'alas oi Mr. Wade as a Senator^ soould :evetd to toe l'rosideDcy, it mar be *U- ti ini there is no doubt tilat txception wiU re liken to las si.ting as a juror on the trial of u. President by reason of his being per- f.iiially concerned io prospective result. It is «ai4 mat ot.jt-cuon w»ii be raised on the :.*:i A ihe prosscution to Mr. Patterson, of i-.2L-?eee... sitting on the case, by reason of jziig \ua son-in-law of the President- t^rlain, as viewed by experienced per- %:.«iicre, thit some force atteches to these L./.oj a-, but as there is nothing in. the .-ariOQ providing for such a conUngeu- cr. ,i is not se<-n Low tne objection can be ‘..ii-.e-i These are only a few of the is //points that will be*pre?rntad to the court of impeachment f<»r argument. A 6CKXK IX THE HOCSit. V. e elc-sfng of the debate in the Hoaee of I.-; cs-DUlivtsS on the aroclets of nnpeach- a«ni airsicst the President, says the cor- :«spnd*:3t of the Gazwlte, preaeuted a ecu®e. LrTtr t-e-i.»re witnessed in our Halts of Na- Lonu! Legislature. The Great Commoner, u ur i* a* My led in ridicoic, haiLthe di>- zagcUhei privilt-ga accorded him of giving :he b lish'mg loueh to the veriuperative > j:-c which parry passion had poured on tie o! U,e Ctiiet M igi.-trato of the na- uoc. The fife-s of hate had been rekindled is :he old man, but they burned feebly, and his speech, wnich he read, was impotent wi trashy. Hi? clansmen surrounded their .eaderand endeavored to cheer and an*’ »:-^e tin with u seeming attention to bis U*: Ytnomous attsck of" Andrew Johnson, but tiic-ir coantenances bespoke only au- Doyan« aad vexation. This portion f . ihe farce having b^en g ‘Be through viUifcod tLe question of amendmenu to •Be artdes oi impeachmeut settled. Mr. Eidrklgo rriae irora his aeatontheDeaBo-- cratic side, and ca'led oat, *‘Mr. Speaker."! Aii cjr» turned on him in an instant. Bnt- i-r wii Dcard to exch&an, ‘*what now ?° The Kviical* Poked as if they feared bhaffaer*s -fr'.yceriue was indeed beneath their A.iier the tremor had part y fiabsidtd, lat Speakrr ventured to recognize the meai- ^rfmni Wisconsin, who asked to have read i; Clerk i table the paper he held in his Every iUdical voice was blended in cr )'- “1 cl j -d.” Mr. Eidridgs then said “ to a q .sstion of pritil^e. This tbs V-ker overruled, as the game had boon • 3 ': secured in advance. Mr. EUridge rf 2 ** the unanimons consent of the uu» hive the paper read, but this ap- j-eii vr&s a-l^reai^d to men thirsLiug fer 'iood, ani n« un!^e<je-i. A reqnc-st to b’ lL '* ike columns of the Globe was re- di - 2 the iaetancholy spectacle was pre- so the world, of men, dainting to bo •a- rcprcc^ntitivta of the freest people on sheoipting to disgrace their Chief “karate without permitting his friends to rc4<] or print one word in his defence. T3£ PfiOBiBU RESULT. TLcre is a (ii?-r-bcc of opinion here, says ►-Hit corre-pondent, as to the proha- •^;eaof c-evicting President Johaaon—a ^-.hrutc which extends through all circles '' ‘^y- Toose who beifevs the 3eaate oe i-rriEUtoted to b?we purposes, and ^ 2st or», -ining as a Courted Impeach^ ,^ Mr. J hnaon guilty, in ordhr J < *pn?e Liai of ibo power la do barm,. .1 cli - motive of the proposition; but w&o yet believe there is virtue in the iCon t the very idea that two-third* ; J Dfc hsnators c»n he basely used for party and rtvolutionery purposes — b ,?Tl - ^nature opposed to impeachment Dot hesitate to express a very decided that xh€ President will pass tbs K-r* unsc »b I ed. It is also understood, m among th^ Radicate themselves, that • Joansonk aeqaitui buries Um Radical y ky> deep for re^rrection. ■- - Wt-ii iufurmtd. writer t© the New York yhud whose views are thought wpnhy ^ column of comment by the NewLYhrk Q De, thus s*.CDs np the result ol bis '** of the Senate: *1umk 3 ^ ri0W ^ po-itivoly known to prove ^ itipeachmeat of Andrew Johnson • pobiif Jl ^ liie The following Be- i rf i& ^ niUors wi«j positively vote with un li,e question: TrwtebctE Anthony, Sprague, .Tipton, Van 4, £ lJl ey; Sberuian. Total 8- Sever- ~^pabiicwo Senators will pfobably t, . . K “ »® Democrats against the project thf.V aipeaciliae *l of Andrew dohofon in u le Wi]l be defeated fordiree reasons. S1 " D of 8 «ch strong, ‘ eltdr jndiciat ^ - Tnnaboll. Sa. Clio Ure “- V “* thrr* u r*4iy 1 , *' 8e ™ »hici to bae« a cunoetin* ; it 4a p, |T’‘ -Viff.r.nce 61 opioioo boUrt«a Sfem«BdCoopeM opona^ntto bt . .. r lo “nio tha aiacluiie” lo.lft® aod Wm. J IuK W!t,on °* **>* party - and the eotu*##. s WnndOTi will m- ke capital torlhe ttS^J^Pariy, hot Wades blonde** ie **»y it- Third, General U*n Uat wfll ** ““pop®*" wit * 1 y*® jrMieat was not iotexieated at the time oi ben, bitten.—Ikn. Csaflafratloa of Buaaa'i Hihib. The New York Dispatches**: . A fire breke out abort*y after midnight in Rarnam's Ma?cuin, in the portion occupied by. Van Antburg # menagerie. So rapid did toe fiames spread that ii was foaod iiupo»*4- bi* 1 to save any of the larger animal*. The yeUs of thoammate, as the 'flateet TedcbeA ifiem, were appalling, and they bounded flute aide to aide, of darted . madly against the .bars of their cages, iu vain efforts to free tficaxseives. A fow animals, among them a kangardora small leopard, a few monkeys, together with the pelican and a variety of other - small birds, were got out. The elecirkm machine was %l$o «a?ed. On the Meroer stree t side the police and others were more su^ectefoL .The giraffe, two camels, a pair of Japanese hogs, a Burmese ebw, a lama; aqd a variety of small animal* were got oul. Macy of them bed narrow escapes, aod a few weie slightly singed. The fire men were ai work at another fireln Spring street, sod when they arrived the bluffing was wrapped in flames. . In a short time the" i oicrior wr? burned out, and the adjoining buildings ierionsly damaged. The side of the Prescott House wa^g on fire at one time, but was saved by extraordinary exertions. The thieyer. In Ihe confusion, managed to appropriate a‘ considerable amount of property* Several spectators were relieved of their watches and wallets. While the flames were at the height. TharNew York correspondent of the Boston Journal tells how the living Astorg are man aging and increasing the great fortune which ' “ them, and what does it wfrr pf.liablybold HmH V generations to rnme. Wm. the style of _ bis fortune increased it Since the death of John Astor the business -has been con- tinued in the same style that marked it be fore he died. William B. A®tor has two sons, John Jacob and William B , Jr. They carefully trained to tbe^eme sin ess that_diringui-hed their 1 graodfatlker... fe lie iff He me. Story brick building on" Prince si reet, look ing like a small jail with the iron bars in front, the father and two- sons can be care of their immense quiet and reticent Lke ank clerk poe* to his business more steadily than They da At a given boor in the morning they enter their office. At a given hour, aruw in arm, they f | walk down Broadway to Wall street. Be- pr** they can be seen re- n-town office. They are seldom separate. They are capable, in dustrious. economical and pre-eminently de- vofodurdw^iwsi Shook! taeir father die tomorrow, CTeryihing would be taken up just where bn jett nor woald any change be made iu ihc mod6 of doing things during their lifetime. The., utmost care was tekeu of their Uncle John Jacob, who died the other day. Every wish of his father in re gard to him was BCTupnioos. yearned out His fine residence on Fourteenth sweet, w*th garden occupying a whole square, with his conches and horses, were preserved to tire [«is rare that three generation* of me n exhibit such cbar&cU'risuoi. -Thrown ipio its commanding aiiaauoa . would make the Astor House a source of revenue sdeh as it c \n never become as a boteE Bnt rise wishes of its founder, though dead, still prevail, and a hotel it "wiU be, probably, daring ihe lifetime of i«4 present ownsr. ADDRESS NERVOUS-MID BEBIUMD. WH06S BnTEKING3 IIATK BEEN l’BOTBACTED FROM BIDDER " CAUSE*. AND WHOSE CASES RE QUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. *. Jna th. city ot Danea ta saM room,. A. W. OO^KBL janti—lawSw . S TATE OF GEOBaiA—UBKffTT OOFSTT.—Ito all EPhote It tob? concern : WbsTM,a. A. Pmaer win anfor M tbe Coart of Ordinary for LcUnb Oirmiaaoiy a* Sncatot on the estate of Joseph Qoaxternun, of e*id county, de ce.eod: ’ . Thcaa are, te«raAcwa,tacife OUtaatt all when it may ooooen to be and appear before said Court, to make abjection (if any they bare), on. or before the first Monday in AagnSt next, otberwiie said letters Will be granted. Witness my cfteW signature, this 3d day of Feb ruary, 1368. W. P. GIRABBMAU, fobl3—laaBWa Ordinary of liberty oonnty. Axscnorn.—Wniie A. P^. Hili's division was tearing ffp the'B. kJO. R. R., in the fill ©t 1862, Lane’s brigade of line division _ was ordered, lurtoer nurth' than ihe oilier brigade*, where a live rebel wa? a curiosity. At ibis time, the Quartermaster* had not piocured new clothing to take the place of the worn. Uttered and ragged relics of the campaign into “My Maryland," and we rilgampMoEB—that's a fact. Tearing up raii- r-*ads ls not very pleasant busioea* and we had enjoyed ourselves far ahoat twenty-four hours, when Capt. K. of lhe7tb N. C. went to a house to get something cooked, and got into quite an interesting conversation with th^g'tod lady of the housr: Old Lady.—You is an officer, isn’t you ? Ciptain K. Yea. madhm, I am captain in th'* 7«h’N»' GL IcfanUy. ' Old Lxdy.—Thar, now, Betsy Ann, I told you he was no officer. I kin tell an officer whenever flays my two eye* on ’em.. The officers, they has the seats of their britches patched, and the eftiamon soldiers, they does’ut!—Land Wt Love. tongue of fire leaped down into the first story. Then it was found that the beasts encaged there had been m dormant OQly. Lions, tigers, bears and JoopariSS^InStandjT ~^ ni } carpet-oagrer* about “good oonstito- at the sight of the flames, burst at one* into £joD,” “driving off ihe whites,” forty acres A Good Sms-—Alar^e number of negroes bereabonte nre finding oni that lie* have bean told them by ihe so-called loyalists ine o»r» oi_uwar cjigt*. wm *!ry ■ tired ol^he **proua suuaiion, wacn u ger buret his prison bars, and with one wild brings them and thrir offspring, nothieg bnt eat reiaieu oy a ir»Tcirr, wu«», ui t, and foe vixenish mother ia fife a mules, Ac. In feci they are heartily tired of^lhe “proud ritual ion,” when il iesp thiough the wind.iw Ibe street. Tae crowtfru6hed sway in ho; haste, while ibe dazed beast looked around him in stu pid wonder an instant, and then started do wn B-oadway. A stream of water turned on aim brought him to bay, and a policeman stepped up and with three shots dtepasched aim. ? ' * w j^v v * wsT Inside the bailding another tiger had turn- bed his cage over to the floor, and was roll ing it over and over in mortal agony. A groks YiXj#Moss Pencrs thav Ox*.— The actibk of-(ho-Senate, teUlag Mr. 8ian- toa not to obey the President, remind* as of the incident related by l traveler, who, in pacing fa- — i —"““ *’** ogUaeon the farm, and toe vixenish doorway, advising the son “not to mind anything tbe father tells him.” The traveler addreaattd ifiej#4 with—“Too don’t seem to have a very w srtiffBStion tlecaaot^^l* _ — . we don’t care anything about him! Mother :tnd I don’t! Nor don’t the rest of us! and Bill and I have almost got the dog so that fcffinmiBERBStt maintain the respect of the neighbors or world, and certainly never could be prosper ous and happy.—Cittcivnoti Enquirer. Hones ot Dotegates of Wert Virginia. KjgsundiSitrfit' lawyers to qualify and practice in bis courts without taking the “iron-clad" oath. The lawyers so permitted to. qualify were CoL Samuel A. Miller, late Confederate member of Congress. Colonel Hounshell and sx- l*'** “’-W 1 - A Miaaet* Gaaai-eD.—Tbar.'a a homor- og* piatnre i" 4* 1 * l" 8 ' “Budget of Fun," Ayled “Another MiradaDrant-td.” Preai- ieut Johnson has Goaeial Grant by th« hair pears trahaye beaa sqtc(*ifolrfbr, Belolr the liustrationis printed the following— ‘Fed- dier Andy Johoaon: O. herd ia a wonderful thing. Isa tie oa*y idaa •"Wag.’ *kv can arska this open it* htoutfr." Aroupd art Stanton, Butler, Stereo* aod this «owd gaair* gfiflfflSTfMaD Says the Botton Advertiaer, we giye od« more eoarpositioo by tup Wejt ludics a.gro. boy. It is a treatise on the lfippopotamu%: ; “1 ouure m’e^'jKiK bccaoae he reaembUa An Sreuc* Pifcb^AayVy^.wa^ K aassaSw! to catcVHiro aa you unr know wb»* te Cad Rim. Wbei,.* IP to the'Zooloaji: fcalayov aeyac m BSnt-becaMe H* alwaj* t-eps Under water which make* the lino- aswWSBSI wid, His Feet and StrifdMtT Bishop Dojtgett For the EaaUtimo «»c*»ww . _ , IM watami aiKMUt-twohW»dred «|,t. ao She history ** ehhrbtk snffffm and Virginia S» */ tleT&i%C A f- l) (tT 0 J the .^ . of th* most poiidon oi —Boftimmr* misery and starve felt. Oar r&imers are treating-'ffiwse deceived people io the manner characteristic of the high toned 8outb«-ro planter, and in many instances, are hiring them when Cher* is no used of their ser vice*. When a nigger discovert the rascality cl the carpet-baggers, it is a pretty sore sign ihst jgateC is **b|l*ted. M —Mont. Advertiser, 3rd. Frtcn oftaeflriffia Star, who keeps as eye on th* A'Janta Radicals, gives the fol 1 swing as the present status of their guber natorial fighV Farroor cs. Bmliock.— 1 This “iitergato-l care is exciting touch interest among the Atlanta * spotted horse*. ” Farrow d!»js a full hand With the-Duion Ltagnes throughout ihe Slate, while Bollock .professes to hold “four acei,” consisting of tbe express office, the it-baggers,. toe- money bags, aud the »oddfl and ends." We want to see tbe “call’ —priMNmf Mallock’s “aces" will come ‘ missing! That will Le bad on Ballock! rn agc;u. maybe Parrott, who is a sly anon, ma^^p.Sa ¥ Uw ^r. Um* and tfluff tb«v«y, arbBe Jba Browa, ■tuns B withaBaplu,* “flosh” or an Arkaosa* ob!« **» yel “sweyp the tward!” out *haip, v..Radical “sporta!” Double Te.ihs.-Wc endtretaai that the eournrtiea of raUaoad offlraali lepresastiBg the Maes betwaen Wnauiogton and Naw Or- leaavxeeaiUlyiD aeadon at tho Must city, ftada such arrangement* a* render it highly urobabl* that doahle iiaily train Will be ran Sver the iinsa by the 15th of March, making iose connection* throughont the entire ssmfrwwm A rxVALB corrsspondsnt of the Rochester C.ion, who.uj»th« ? TartigI to Woman'e ight'e, icfniriftaiowr: Biaevt Were I the last woman ta the world, and d I atand with niff f&dt updn the White would com* ualaea I reeaotad, I would "till awing tbe Anicrican eagie by the tail and .heat, ‘-Giuk'Laqm BepoMftVrnr down I isht so amid ths fragments of creation. If you are suffering or have suffered from involuntary discharges, what effect does it produce upon jour general health ? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired ? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation erf the heart ? Does your liver,’ or urinary or gana, or your kidneys, frequently get out Of order? Ia your urine sometimes thick, milky, or ft >eky, or is it ropy on settling ? Or does a thick scum rise to the top ? Or is a sediment at the bottom altar it has stood awhile 7- Do you have spells of short breath ing or dyspepsia ? Are yonr bowels consti pated ? Do you have spells of feinting or rushes of blood to the head? Is your mem ory impaired ? Ia your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little tbint T make you start or jump ? Ia your rieep broken or restless! Is the lustra of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright ? Do you enjoy yonraalf In society ms well? Do you pursue your busi ness with ihe tame energy ? Do you feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy ? If so, do not lay It lo your liver cr dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, andJiave but little appetite, aud you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint ? Mow, reader, aeif-sbase, venereal diseases badly cured, aud sexual excesses are all ca pable of producing a weakness ef the gen erative organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, en ergetic, persevering, successful business men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health ? You never hear suck inua complain of being melancholy, of ner vousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot aucqeedin busi ness; they doa’t become sad and discour aged: they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you sue them right in the face—nr*# of your down cast looks or any other meanness them. I do not mean those who ke« organs inflamed by running to excess, will not only rain tbek constitutions, bnt also those they do business with or for. How many men tram badly-cured from the effects of aelf-abuss and have brought about that stale ef in those organa that has reduced tbe syBtem so much as to indues almost every other disease—idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, soidda, and almost every other form of disease which humanity, is heir to* and the real oanse of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doetered for all bnt the right one. Diseases of these organs require the naa of a dioreti*. HELIBOLDS FLUID EXTRACT Notice to Debtors and Creditors A LL PKR80KS indebted to the estate of JOBKPH A. A ASDKR50X, late of Liberty ooaotj, dec’d. are QOtiied to make immediate payment aid those ferine demand* agaiast said estate vriUpreaenttkem In term* of tfe law. JS&?S BREWER. OjTATE OF 0EOKGIA—LIBERTY OOUSTY.—Tc O aRwhetn-ftomyeoacem^ Woereaa, Jem* Brewer and John P. MeO v'il *p ply auto Court of ordinary ror Letter* D*mia*,rj as Admmiftraters on the estate of James E- McFai!. of ajkJdceuniy, See«am9d; These are, itierwtore, to cite and .idmonish, all whom it may concern, to be and appear tenure haiu Court to make o-. jecuoniif any theyhAvaj u» or be fore the first Monday in Aughit next, otherwtae eald Lett Tswffijhe granted. W.meaa my t terthi gignauge ihw i2 s day of Jam- uary. Ima. . W. P. CIRaSUSAU, jsnM—laaCm O L. C. G EOBOIA, LIBERTY CoONTY —^xty days stem date application wilt be made to tee Ordinary ot Liberty county for ieave to sell a!’ ute LAS LS ' icaging to die estate of Joaeph A. Asdaaos. -fee'a. 1RSSE liREW^S, *n2t—lawtm Adadnistratar. QTATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To O all whom it may coBCern: Whereas. Levi DeWitt an9 Wm. YT. Lincoln will apply at the Coart of Ordinary for Letters JMamta- sory aa Execniora oa tee estate of Oateeritte F. Hay* den. deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it bit concern, io be and appear before sabs Coart to i&ak» objection (if any they aave^on. or be fore the first Monday Ia Jane next, otherwise •aid letter* will be granted. . * % Witness my official signature this l*th day C November, 1867. D. A O'BYSMS. npEiS—lamSm U.C. C. S TATE OF GEORGIA. LIBERTY COUNTY.—To all .whom it may concern: Whereas, Thorn** B. heeler will apply at the Coart of Ordinary for Letter* Dtetmwer? as Admin istrator on tee estate of Wm. U. Robinson, of aod county, deceased: fheee are, therefore,to cite and admonish all whom it may concenrto be and appear before Said-Court, to m-dte objeotJos (if any tfey have} on or before the first Monday in July next, otherwise a»id ten will be exaixted. Witness my official •ignatnr* this 3Vth day of Bo mber, 1867. W. P. GIRARDEAU, eember, 1867. janl—lamSm °. L. C. S TATE OP GKORGU-McINTOSH COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: Where**, Awn C. Mart h&aapp'led to th© Coon of Oid i nary for Letters of Admuiisuation de bouia non npon tee estate of Sarah M. Gufed, i*ts of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and fringe lar'he heirs and creditoia o' said estate to file teeir objection*, il any, on or before toe hist MoQ'lay in April, otherwise said letters wfll be granted. , _ ^ Witnea* my official signature this SSth day of Feb ruary. 188*. W. P. GIRARDEAU, mhi—tewlm O- L. O S tats op Georgia—MeiSTOse county.— To all Whom it may concern: Wberew>. Ann C. H»n ha- applied to the Coart of Ordinary for Letters of Adiainiaira^ioil <ie bonisnon apon tee efrtate oTGoozxc W. Dan ham, Ate of said conaij, deceased: - M , These are, therefore, to cite ard adn om^h ail and sin :ul»r th** h- ir- and creditors of- said «smte to uie their objertlona (if any) oh or before the first Mon day ia April, otuererwia© said letters will he ^ Witness my official rtgna*»rs ihia 2Sih day of Fe> rasry, 18WL W. p. GtRABDKAU mh:-law4w : O. L C, Administrators Notide. A LL persons karin* ckuta* tanicst tbe e?tate of pierc. Bo.ier, deceMSSd, wil: present them iio y attested within tee time prescribed by law, aed all persona indebted to said estate wid tom* forward and maha Imn sdiate pay me* t to the nadershteed. r. M. SlGETl 5GALE, . * mhC—lrw*w Ad^iin aintor. . •* Jfegtt, sishliif jtfeidjhw mtaff'afi A Valuable and Pqwerftil Fertilizer ~ -d/ aw.fl tvjf jtii &.Tti.ra Trflnr»rn! j5niia|S5l V:^; -. S — For Cotton, Corn, Wheat, fieap, Garden Vegetables Ac. — . w fl <V **“ * - Agency! rr is composed of ingredients Fertilizing, They aw used iu tiieir PURE STAIR, aederroMned W tha SUFER.PHOSFH tTE FREE FROM ADULTERATION, and PKRFtOTLT SOLUBLE The praMea’ «ipe- rieooe glTeo beta* of plauiere d-irthg tha pi«t eataMbh all tbu aduao gm claimed fnr Uji-. 'iTLll ltiiown FtrrUnffaL * ! , RucUrM the “Higbeal Premia aa”au*(ded to ’ WBIfrn tf the Amatfeau Institute of NewTork, held Oetohcr, 1867. ■ For fall report, wiia analysis madeby the C-fcimltt*, of the &sflfrTr, rhoipoaed of Dr C. S. Back, Prof J. G. iuble, and other pro^iacuf Chahisis, as» Punphleta. ’ The dLtinguisiilagfoaJUreol thjaSurwc-Phuajibiieftnn) other stmiUr Fertilizers i that all of Maimrredienmarsof autaaal oft^in, aud are either wdaWglnfrAtot; or fa a conoiiicn to qoiekly beeome solablsia the salt and be taken up-by the crop. ConuijS no inert or miaefcU materials.!_ ’ The proper relative propeniea ef the iogredieuts fc Mapee’ Superphosphate, to meet th* requirement! of the OnCtoa crop oc Georgia pad death Carolina sons, k folly prosed . by tbe experience or Planters, who testify thst^henerdr ttey applied the same tolaud noted for rusting Cotton, the disease was eutniy enrlpeteS dud a' healthy, rigorous growth prodaeed. os the same lead. erueiea Gaatm and otow Fertiliaers hare fkik to seeuto a healthy growth. J THOMAS £ SALTSB, Wteamstoa eoant,.Qa_ ce{eorts UiAi teveaiy are po«Mca ^er fen, on. ©id iato. increased both tee Cottbn and Coruthree-fbld. C*Ki»ldea it ter Mira © ownaafcal team Wnvtaff liaasow . r Dm. E. PAB505^rsaad’?ravn!e, Wa^klcgtoa eo. " r-«y ol 5|Ssi6Ssft|ss»«^gfearss Start* vriteetarvctatauL Ittod differ toste© ad tee bails in favor of Mapee* Soper-F fflato Qm aEbtot^ftauta- g* was About looker I jo sir Luift <>* v *s'r«e—Jty observation fa teat MiytE’ Picspoate ia a preventive agni&st net te wr * }0<QT ff. fiiBl '■hM.'fl. a^-Ootton was 1 Hae About doaWtol Cotton treiied tfem nam. -ntn~iTni —il hfSUbf. amd ai Irattfwr esh Haseuat totHx tiiaa teranaapooadiorpeuiL waiWltaptf SperYSS^eTffSlTal cota,ai*d!.Wha otoeetwsnliiaMa. “ J.W.S-OTT, of the (UM section, reyortt that hl» crop manured with Peruvian • Guns wwa- far more by dromih and teoataiv© VfcpcA 8uper-PiiC»pt»ie 141 VapcA Super-Pitc»pt*te wm nsed. fitoll use. Rapes' in prefereme to any rirtilicsz^he ka* teem nAdUy nrfffbbor*. ^ ^ W. H. SPARKS. Emto a toe. Qm, reports:—On land sbo-v a ilhalf cevtiood » Dd wak U Deen ca.tivsted in two yean, r*-— pot Vu badly, manured crop \ p#r acre more teas Soiauie Pacific Go*co. tome pa ala jfiiira ■*— teaWiif fin fiiiif mfoeOem. Be B. HAMILTON, wined the sa:iff<u.-iory r-apit rom lUpas’ ysarin Soutevehtern Georgia. W. J. ANDERSON. Fdri Valley, Ga, * Rapes' Super-rhospiisUe bus douedod crop oi Cot-on in tvery ca.*e reportM, ihd .-ioai* report 11 dm more than £oub:ed teeir crop. On * - D. A- WARN'OUK. Beate Branch. 6. C.. reports Jn ]*'-<! which always rn«ied Cotton inoteased the Crop two-foil, as fin ? a? fie has aeen-thia year. Prevented rest. Four rewv anmanareti rested in An^Ofrt. Everything the Mopes* super-PtaMpbate wa» tried Dn^di i weiL Cottea .stood the JtmeJfT E: R. LILES. r^>ori--—AT JS, IsiaavUle, Andersen District, 8. C.,, compared wfth Peruvian Gbaso red Minn- sa^Paowkii*. to* vas a«hte!;, outforw nr ,,mdl. in avotStow t^per^aoisfaua, UBtbaaU. >4an | |f«Aifw» ptUfi taCjf toroid dooht to the fxa toa. .tbe ba,« 04 tee apenatarowi. * ere not. By a marled atfarmc*, lo be men it was applied, as wncre the other manuris were where were. ,8.0.t> LCBtW, fleartaotwre. g. c, writes—Cwd WOUaSt^racntaflSieS May ISi*. Caa Bhij toe of Mapm’ Snper-Ptatapltete puyi hmsdreda. given perfect smtistecUos, and teas it perauneatly improves tea soil: fiSno hsattstloa fern tLsspstaa! nmnmrofarTsnups sad Itah P. C. PENDLETON, Taldmtm, C jwesssrsassR«a , »« a nte- j h %d -sr w ’ M-B HUNTER, < . taerweof ltepoi nato four Vow*.’* THE ONLY *=.. TEW PIN ALLEY ! - --1 WJri« Is to be found At tbe MARKET SQD AKEBOnSE 1-, OOD BOARD CAB BB OBTAINED AT THK fjte frtseyw.N*^"^** <c - «“ of r Ai»« ro»|iUH*P sou* TO best. p?y»ttei*0flfrv. fobte—tf cs at,Private Sale. KfiLif '-LjIlJ li : FINE W*CL BBOKE MULES. farther lmfor»Atisn inq^r* at the office of ' WILLLAMB, MAfiff k MoEfTIBE. mb2—tf CoaL Ooal }•; fh 11'Tift's > . 1 T . It, ~|RREL PARLOR COAL »t $7 » Tww, J ^ At Upper Stemin »ea Mlltaf ' For safe by mhX—ljr BAM A SONS. fq HHI>R BALTiMORE CIIY CURED, ,aoo*ifc,«ie«»»refniAup x: ■hfrnM-x- JOMWOliAPkLftW-- ADVANCES M COTTON. AU *WARH> TDMAEK Liberal Advances on Cotton teLThej of otbeimr tffito fipp—s* .-Ticked to the bone diuuerja London ware sold for ahoat *7. 25 Per CenL Dividend. THE SMuIA B01£ INSORAK :E CO ok coi.rnsr,. ca. ' I v / i 1 *■ . DIRECTORS Off 1 HUB, CXiMPANY HAVE. BUCHU _ IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, arttuaaar^laeadte DIAKASSS Ot THK K1ADDKK, KIDNETS, OttATCL. I,i " DKOP8T. . OK IANIO ■chalk oeMhLAnrre. oknckax. dkbiutt, pisEANES OF THE URINARY ORGANS, wettest exhttiac la Mala ar Feauto&twt If bo tiearteat is sitemittsd to, 00N8UMPTI0E rMSAlnnanainc. OwMlMIM aappirtad boa that aoaicaa. aad. tha kaatth aaS fea^plteta, aas that of ^awtitft Siiaaiti 1 Helm bold’s Extract Buehu H. T. 104 BOCTfl 1 aw- PRICK—*1 m vet hatna. ot St Mill la. CtMtSaHfaSlaauf aSSrws Mitral November 1st, 1868, $32 SO—#63 00. “ i *e«> rn ,r r. ! BASLSS, :^ S ' -.v •- Where the ^tooret : ^ UQUORS, ALES and WINES JAB27—tf MAY BB HAD. a DIVIDEND OF FJVU PER C£> offiseof tbb Ootopfimy «a'e*rtaT To SCRIP bi » iy^gA^WWti-iPtTntn itoUClgj XT. cter at rwcrurj'ivu nut.t E.Tt. " ' " "* “ ig? - sgy * w * M feta-tt St?■cmarT^aCTtB, 9» Baj wte^. .. NOTICE. f** 1 Wa. lPUnmAN80AS0 M ~IMaa mi hr ula at Se» Tatk myl Bahimate Jaa^t-uor imsMUMESinm gREAEFAOTBAOO K. iw-- ocrsVBg oosm ft CO: HAY! HAY! Lasdtaf aad hw alia fcy MW, i •„ WILUAMSvI MOrtEfriii tywr.. tSaBotry-Pr HSids-'Book-keewai, ■ , ‘ r» from the above naiotd Plaatera,giying. their ei r descriptisa pamphltos. Thaae pataphla^ coataiu nMtioiLti nlHMCtnllui Ptobir ' VgiV« -fj. • _.! . *4 • ,4 V > •; i f . ■ . [2 «*- U giving; their exparianee^iu,detail, wiU b Letter* .from the above named . nd in our c teuesaliufannatte&ta iuledastotti* Plautor. i . . m- PRICE PER TON OF tuna FOUNDS, CASS, *53 SO. Or, caah.f»2S0; aayahl* ordober 1st. 1868, *32 50—*65 00. . ,„ f i •» — ’• - w-— titl'd '.;Yf*rrL - -,e v' - i . if s-fa-.- » General Agents for j«o3T-tf . H*. in Bay of Georgia, Notice to Planters tof Georgia! RHODES ■frswiv d.Jj . THEOLDASDi Standard '"It tolutl :at teat I atonid rate to fee C F|tRTf LIZER tore thrown opre ererytelag NjlgtijtegteMd have man Heat ad* pOdfU ta afire te aW'.Waattpha.slaSSy * t '-s'' V,i-: j»STOw«4a«>v Mwaitres,. Te wkeaysetors ao ff Plantar* wnt plane apjny. .. , .- ‘ - B.’ Ma EH8bBiS A €«., Otee S2 ShOi street, tofcf—Ssa'. ’ "l "S’ T " t— VU..T ,u".'-• BALTDlOB*.. BUYERSI J UST RECEIVED BY 8TKAXKSS FRESH AD- nai0M3 to I«r4te*4r HBWI SXO^S. «t x V i *vrtHFF, .» .rS t; . War r .r a..,x f • 1. a. t ..—a . Stapieiind Fan^Ocy GotosI "nmm.- j'.v-, SuicL ^fe'r^e&Vi V- 4a aC anyeeiniwiWafc eeaiMIfatto pair**- <*fr ■■*i f'.fut jd jaijiar. • rta OASES T AND 3r2a • i TT% 1 vitaic city. Ei^kin.^Jebpw,.,, ‘ rnttatuitowu*,