The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, May 26, 1868, Image 1

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VOL. 4—NO. 123. NEWS & HERALD. ,,•* • ,v y - -■ •»•=!« I .-;#r »ICH jitonmrrfca bco“ i'.TolJJ] ,-VoVifT?;. . PUBLISHED BT MASON & ESTILL, |. W. HAAOS.] IJ. H. JUnXLU] 111 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH, «A. | TERMS: dailv NEWS AND HERALD................flO 00 1BI-WEEKLY NEWS AND HERALD.. $6 0C Singla Oopie# >...•..,;..6,ceoUt. HATES OF AOVKRTISIWCT. gg- A SQUARE Is ten measured lines of Nonpareil' 1 oi the News and Herald. gf ADVERTISEMENTS.—flra|s lUfiartlop.i $1 oo •mire. “ -.T- T live menofHip-o'khprqfefct^'pffhaJfftHoo, iqnare, ^Advertisements for one month or longer will be inserted at special rates which can be ascertained ittheoffice. ^ . -.t' l -dva jmrn j THE FENIANS; Active Preparations for a New Invasion of Canada—An Advance Guard of 30,000 Fenians to make tbe Raid— 1 The Move ment died for July. The New York World professes to bs in possession of fall information regarding the movements of the Fenian ogganizattou in- this country, which ia said to be more ac tive and powerful than ever beioye t> and to be in readiness for a formidable invasion of Ciuada this summer. We give the World's report for what it is worth, remarking that as the World seems to be in sympathy with the movement, its revelations, if true, would seem to be a doubtful method of aiding the Fenian cause. After alluding to the causes of failure of General O’Neill’s demonstration in iD the summer of 18.66, the World says: Since that memorable day of the 2d of Juufc, 1866, tho Fenians have been more careful, and less given to the game of bra j. Fenian officials and brigadier-generals will not give information now-a-days jf they can heip it. taught by the bitter .experience of the past. But withal there is another inva sion coining again—one more to Tie drea<J- ed—fur its perfect organization, discipline, the hostile Fenian who may .purchase it The artillery ig now on the bordet ready for qsK h* tore* lot* qperart azaiast .€» • oavaiy, amieigSt bhttenrtiol’arullkfc. a few days we shall be able to give mole startling r^velatipna of this gigantic move ment, whlchJus Jkeen'^jrganified so secretb ■ and noiselessly for the last twelve months in onr midst, without a whisper or indication of ita ultimate purport.* r f -' • s’< • To show what, until ihe present hour, has beetf’ the opi nion of tfeis Whole country.npoi this aubjeo.t o/ negro rule, wet have only io delivered but a short time belore the War cratifcleS iidge Douglas; 'the other, ih i declaration of that? Republican leader who was twice elected by , hi* party to the ihle magistracy; and “who; bat-for the assassin's bullet, would now be in the place filled by Andrew Johh^nD..*n^darrjjhg opt the fame policy: ' Judge Douglas—t hold that this Govern meat was made ph the white basis, by white men, for the benefit of white inen and their posterity forever, and should be administer ed by white men, and hone others. I do not ‘beUeve that the Almighty made the negro capable of.eelf-goverqqtent. Mr. Lincoln, in reply—1 am not, nor ever have been, in favor of imhkiog voter* or jorora of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor jniermarryimy them with white people, and I will Bay, In addition le this; that there is a physical difference be tween the white and black race, which, X believe, will forever forbid the two races living together on terms ot social aod politi cal equality; «m inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together,' there must be a position op superior and inferior; anal, as much as any other man,am'io favor of having the superior position assign ed to the white race. manifested great attachment. They lived in the village—Hatton, his young- bride and Tommy—until about® month ago, when 1 at Ihe request of Hutton, Mrs. Fullerton and Tommy started with him' on a trip to Ohio on business. iyed at Sedalia, Hatton A T.le of Bigamy-Murder, Lynch Uw , aud Female JD«vot|on. A man calling himself Captain Hatton settled a year ago in Ssreoxie, Missouri, courted and married a Miss Fullerton, • respectable widow lady of aui the skid with which it is to be managed that village. ““ had frith him a eickly- by the Canadian Government. looking boy called Tommy, -for whom he llniish power is to be everywhere attacked -• north of our boundary line, and simnltane- ou-ly, with a loree largo enough,' in the opinion of Feoian officials, to Complete the work left unfinished in 1866. For eome time past General John O'Neill, tho President of the Brotherhood, has been traversing the cjuiury, and in each State which he fcaj visited conventions of all the circles have 1 been called for the purpose of listening to his plans and receiving his instructions for the coming campaigo. These instructions are secret, coacise, and to the poiat. The citcles will obey him to a mao. Over one thousand circles pay allegiance lo O'Neill in the Uni ted States. Canada itself is honeycombed wiih {reason and thousands ot Fenians are living and plotting in ihe shadow of the British flag. Besides large sections’of the French population have imbibed doctrines '.tree rouge or extreme stripe. For twelve months pest, right in the face or the Bailed StMes authorities, thousmns of aeryicea- ^t^SsS? <££’%?£ 8. SSWa. »-•>; Feoiao ; lUU 7. "f nuarrels have and do exist among ,a °’ t hnt the first Euglisb soldier that la till dbra Fenian ballet will leaven the en- «t ^powerful body ^entai^mtione «f t **£2 b a e&fw S hfwon!d*ake «< ment. A11 ® re . . nnwer in Australis, "•here who E pr!krto land in Ireland, and the SSk’BsS&S Femats ot whate e • V j l8 mea . lieve io the English PaiL^f r J y 8ay thal r a h 8 Bright™ill be beaten always on the John Bright Will . ni lhat we re E ' ,,bl t e ci“ a ^offid 6t ^t a renpiW^ Id at.Sedalia, Httttqu procured * attorney, with which he retorued obardwie, 1 anaby Firing of,the, writ' lug look possession of Mrs. Fullerton's pro perty, and commenced selling the eamel Suspicion was excitei). < His answer to qnes^ tions, .as. to. Mrs. Fallerton's whereabouts werennsatisfaptory.' lie was arrested after an enoiiing chase, and, threngb letters found ou his person, attenUorewas directed to a certain haute in, 8t. .Ipuis. There the officers found Tommy, in the person ot a young woman »hi confessed'that sbf was Hd'tTQn’a wife, and had oousented to his-fraudulent ihsr- nage of Miss Fullerton. Slid had .'been drugged duriug the journey, and Miss Ful lerton had disappeared, and, she bad no doubt, was murdered'. siStsras att^g s:.rr.r P w"”‘2-K{ m the house,where she was arrested. A mob took Hatton from jailand bamt bim. He tad Massed bv different names: Dan Springer, oJolepn Lee ■' “A. G. Hutton," and many ■ I ara The frail woman whose devotion to s oi led her n o be commutal of inch re- eoPinv crimes i* n jail atCsrlhage. She r Seb nami was ftTry Wliliams she was barn in Scioto cottiUy* Ohio, io Oxford to school, became, infatuated with riDrioeer? runaway with him, and they were mairifd at IrCntoi in 1866.- Afterward she went with him 10-Kansas, JJ male-attire aUhiTteq**?. was present when jie tftapicdMiss Falleuqn. PRICE. 5 CEXTS. l*V. t t*a iw • t* SPECIAL NOTICE. « -.»b bv.-ii; fc. Ja <}J2cr ii til uu l &3£ AHO'- [SImY A A-Wti SO 1 L-.t •d l >4 .«? n . TO TH* td | SKf®* 5 -.DEBHdtATED, WHOSE SCFFEKIN03 H*AVE BEEN PROTBACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES RE QUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO BENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. Iraq omnoE or*WTOn:<*irt*LiL m,\., sieia '.j; ;BUNkWAiMsfdhJMl n 1 anb urns ecHcrev. ¥arr«k. «TOS»Tiuw9i>i.t;:-i, JilT' on- aaarm’an. uan Sir/^vr.r.:v:*SEff >■■>* ' Connecting with train «bet leaves AQgoata8:40 A- < w Macon. the neared au accouut prtsed horse thief by a :led he to snecaeo, - tBot Ireland must Sb man believes that it is the duty oi every inn up the contest. AH that John rermu and William E. Gladstone can do will 6* as nothing in the eyes of such men, simply be ^ 7 view ihe question in entirely diL „ Aft ortse-d horse unci uj « mob, Dr Belf-Stj. vigilance committee, between JanwrrtfcHl asr%H placS'ir in an ^Uitdy dlga^UgM, tiid^ cause they f TUereforewe are to witness another inva- ,„„“L shortly, ot the Canadian provinces, bvthe Feniaa Brotherhood. This maybe, _ ^ i v.ts* iy will piHUP. hutched at, but U wiU come, and that beio.R “l lajgneu , s-jmeibiog may happen to a . veals the horrible foot that ab InnocentdBan has suffered death at the bands of tb* moo. It seems that lwo yoong men, pariiaUy in- SV the horseb down toCedsr A'aUs.' aid al'-"' “ and bung he it°^ D a1so 1 sl^Wtbat t ^oir obcrt3 wa8 b ? D * the next da^ '^ now om for the If yon are snffering or nayesnltered from involnntary dischargee, whet effect does it pToduee npon your general health t Do yon f*el weak, debilitated, easily tired ? Does a little extra exertion produce . palpitation of the heart? Does your liver; or urinary, or gans, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order? Is youf urine sometimes thick, milky, or fiocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick scum rise to the top ? Or is sediment at the bottom otter it has stood awhile? Do you have speiisof short breath ing or dyspepeia ? Are your bowels consti pated ? Do you have spells of fainting or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your mem ory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life?, Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from- everybody? Does any little thing make you start or jump ? I 9 your sleep broken or restless! is the lustre ot your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright ? Do you enjoy yourself iu society as well? Do you pursue your busi ness with the same energy V Do you feel as mneh confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits ot melancholy? If so, do not lay it io your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights ? Your back weak, your knees weaxi and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to badly cured, and eexuai'eacew-.". — pable of prodneiug a weakness ot the geu- eraiivii organsl The organs of generation when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, denant, en ergetic, persevering, successful business men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health ? You never near such men complain of being melancholy, cl ner- vousness,;of palpitation of the heart. Ibey are never afraid they cannot succeeatn the company of,ladies, and loox jou. “ d ihem right in thaface—none of your down- oast looka; or- any other meanness wont them. I dohot mean those who ke *P * * organs inflamed by running to excess. 1 wsc will not only ruin their conatUaucns, but also those they do business wUh or tor- froinb%dljHCR*^mi8?i .f self-abusi °-nrtnHny „ „ ve iaottv mt*t> ■ »y e y/ v, t anihuta.. am Connec lsxwldi trsuthat laaSss AUfaataUdOP.lL DOWS NIGHT THAIS. Savaunah 6:10A X . AwSre' 7! /■.'' .7;!i {! ”.' ’siSVi ’’ Wtlede'mille .8;68r sc..-...SOOTH laioatoB ...,a.-o»PH: CcnnecUrg with train that leans Augmta l»:lo P.ll , tifldfatE, r/J . v DBS. SSGEI) 4 L’KVttLE, DENTAL,, AUBOEON», 117 CHj|nw«|^Mkuta; Iqaan, I*, ; yi, .. hy-An OpwattonS fa -pental Sorgirr cap be per. Mtri>^riMjoi»pWia >lhtit>iWiwm pleMa keyaae. gAtS.kIgaW'arvte-- .-.masu^sm DR,tt. J,fl01fALL, maylfl—If,. JOUH G. Ot AasUUatK ~ SOUTHERM life mmm ‘PonhBitfBtf MaiXet atqmre. PRINCIPAL OPFICXS: Y v> ATLANTA, Ga m MEMPHIS, TENS. I.OCISTILLE, KF, ' y CAPITAL STOCK, $200,000 I Pare Loews. Its ptocipal bnelaeisTs WithHontK- era states, and to then it appex's tor p«uronig«L Ijt Has Ample Moan* to fally Protect Poli cy Holders and Pay all Losses. ; ' * SOARD OF DIRtOlllRS. ATLANTA, OA: ‘ ' John B. G '.edon, Bky. H. Hill. A. a. Colquitt, a, Austell. E. W. “Holland, T. M, (Sllwat. B. C. YIscet, BlS-siira, " ^ J. M. Johnson, Wads Hampton, J. F. Alxxasdeb. . ./,! O^FICEKS: John B. Oobdok. Prildsat; Bin, H. Hni, A. Hr Colquitt, Vice Presld^ta; a. Acartti, mTw. Hol land, Finance Com mil lee; W. O. Morris, Secretary. BOARD OF BIBEO^ORS. MEMPHIS. TKNN: B. C. Brinkley, President Memphis A Uttls Bock Rsliioad. 8am Tate; President Wemphli Oharteston R. H. F. M. White, President Min. & Tennessee K ft. A mo@ Woodruff, Pi esidmt Memphis * Onio B. B. T. H. Davis, pr« sident First Nst’l Bank, Memphis. n. p b. MeBp ^ T. A. Nelson, Cotton Ftctor, Memphis. Hugh Torrence, CottonFaetor, lltmphis. ! J. Wells:*, contractor, Memphis. W. A. uwynn, Cotton Fafcior, Memphis. 8 H. Be BevoX3E, Planter. Meiophis. L. Howes, Cottou Fac or, HepipDid. i\ W. trazes. Attorneys!: taVi, Mempbta. " ““ c ' jmmiaia “ a Mer - GEH. UASEHth ThAVKUOT AGKSX. net ASSETS OFliE COMPANY, FEB. 1st, 1868, (£56,917.94. --OP HIS PRO- 'otx» res'; sctfallp 'a. MOWS * . coroer ot ST. SQUARE. Ssfnn. Lm HAYWOOD, jSAGE^COs, Har, opye^.Uielr auw ar.( srtudtve . I c © II O U s e, |*S10NATRI> *> BAT ICS HlirSB," on tt iormaily known as “Andej 196, 198, and 292, J5? y; 5 ai kae P c °n*t%ntly on hand a large snp- ^ 1 2wIi£df , ,A f ? r8 i - thn cargo, car loud or package. trarftrtiHies ire such as to enable us toexacate With dispatch . 43“ Orders rn y a^o'be left at ti.-ir former olflce. STEAM spJlO—lm ton ISSUED BY THE OP SAVANNAH. :-l' ' aprSC-tf .1 OFFICE, 11T Buy Street. Grocers, OOR. ABERCORN AND BRYAN STE? Savannah, Ga. WM. S. ALEXANDER, WM. A. BUSSBUL. ocll—ly have brought about that etate of weakness in those "W.9M evstem 80 much as to mduce almost every other disease^^.df^t^- a ol'Julv. Somelbing may happen the euu OI , vet will Uie.iova- latertu* with these pan ^ E , g . s,ua l ^ e . p |“ < i: ey ^, y cannot seed enough aDli ‘ resist the combined attack ot thirty irooi-s to resist tne ^ nniforme (i troops, K?' J ^ d ea T d number calculated by fleneia O NeUl as capable of capturing the principal iCt f te»eattend sand veteran ‘Si®SSU ^a^v d enthou»ud~ h in«ldto C c"d“hese troops are «permneed gen- tlemen, ^nttbaFenUna believe tire fight hard; but ft* n led tape that it wdl are so tied down cy ^ do anything be Impossible tor “> The Fenian out of ‘te roufmremancex /h^, ^ assert that a thooem Qr leQ thou cannot be guarded by , g mll itia cannot sand regular troops, and that mimu be depended upon to st^d ,. . paigu suoh a| Fenians “ h Feniaii organization and eompmeat of the ten a this time wiU be tui.y ias goodM m Ihtir adversaries, with the gxcej second column of fiTC thons.ni1 ^ penetrate Wcliand, Urecolu and . Counties in C»*4 a " e *5 X»i-. JOHN McMAHON & C0„ SSALSBI ZB * Groceries, Corn, Oats, Hay Feed, &c.. D0£»R I86UGHI01 ADO JIFfERMI ITOEITI. tsr All orders prorapuj .ttmUeUto. jjas-t. IV. *1. SNEED. DKarrisT. No. 117 Congress itrtet, Savannah, G*., - ^XaS.^, 0 ^ * with Sub-Agenu in Cltjandtne Cvumties adioinhi* meyl8r-tt ... gigry Farmer Should Have Tffi ARU°Th«V were retort tertrtch tytt* JnjMJ ,une Oreat Paris tipsUinn, who **wrtd tothwi WM. ESTILL, Jr., 1UEWSDEALER AKD BOOKSELLER. Bull St., Next to tho Post 0files, Stopping Mm ter. ««l »»'*"'• “ — Corner ot Bay ml Lincoln .treett, (over Wm.H. bidik.A Ca's Store,) SAVANNAH.......« v • • - - .GEORGIA. f-^VSWS SHIPPED and put on board SSS" V'e*ii uot'^e. Marine Preieshi noted aod extended. Osaia. Krnrnr. Chas. Clark. MURPHY & CLARK, HOUSE, SIRS, SHIP aid STEAMBOAT eainters. QllaGiNQ. ©KAIKIK?, MABBLISQ, GI.A- 2iSQ, AUD PAPEH-HASGISOS. ,,'AKNESS OIL, XXIAl QRBA8B. etc. 77 Sc,«. *t., between Ball and Ortyten, mhU-lj gAVABBAH, *SA. ESTABLISHMENT, 111 Bay Street. We have attached to First-Class THIS OFFICE 1 JOB FUHTDIS OFFICE, mproved by the] addition of all the Iatxbt Smuts op Presses, Type, Borders, Ac., EVEBYTiiLWtt FRENCH DRESS —Am— cloak-ma king 1 to it, tor $2.00; Pap^T P*tt«rnB tor lodlei* W'ki*f *. warranted to HUO oenta; Gored Dreisea ana Skiru, aO cwnta each. Emhroldary. Stamphos and Needle Work in au tta teanchas ptomptlj executed. . A3-LAWBSTAUGHTTOO&T by Madam IWnry a improved chart. , Ve. 133 Brwgktea B*rc«t, febFB—<f PP BI'AIRH. THE LADIES OF THE Society each arttetea aa the JDUCfilMothe aollcM the patronage K »t. who may need Jan 25—tt Ja». W. Keogh, LOCKSMITHud BELL-HANGER, pTAR REMOVED from the corner of Jefftatonaad O. President afreets to the President a CORNER OF WHITAKER BTRHET AND CONGRESS-STREET LANE. mh*-tf WM. H. PECK; BW WABH1IGTOV Pl'ftAE1> NEW TORN, Commission, Sealer In SOUTHERN GREEN PEAS, BEANS, NEW POTATOES, TOMATOES, PEACHES, AvCef &Os 3 s COSUGSMKNTg BOLlcrrun, Referoktea ia 8arannah-J. a Rowland k Co Joseph A. Baku. »ah84—4low6t AGENTS WANTED FOB THE . Life of Jefferson Davis B Y FRANK H. ALFBIEND, of BioumoNI).—Thi* u tha only tall, authentic and oihcial hletorv of toe Life and PuhPo aerrfcerol the trat South*m leader. Mr. AHrlend baa had the cooperation and UfiatancAol the leading Confederate offlefaht In the preparation of thla work, aa wiB be apparent to all rel»L. S, iSr«*«*** I»0 CO.. Atlanta, Ga. iATIONAlfMDBLISH- mail—am* From thi3 Date. VfB. J081AH GBEKH LOW. Mr. CHAS- GBBEN, lfA Ja., or Sevennah, and Mr. ALFRED DJBELL. 01 .Liverpool, become, partners la our house, under the firm and style of CHARLES GREEN, SON * CO. CHARLES GREEN A SON. Start. Bw, May nt, ISffi. m ,1—im CANCELING and BUSINESS Aiture.. .menu. ^ (an 21— ' Havanas*.— r.WE EittCtiTB EVXKg Description ol PrintUnff SDCH Af| CIRCULABa IW- T. M AT , (Succeaaor to W. H. MAY,) I WholesaU and Retail Dealer In letter »— NOTE HEADINGS, BOOKS BY "BRICK" POMEROY, •saswa By ••Briek" Fomeioy. Price, 91.60- NONSENSE; on, HITS ANDdHIICISMS ON THE FOLLUB OF TB DAY. Ey “Brick" Pomeroy. Price, ®li60. FOB SALE AT ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, BWi STHKBT, REST TO THIS POST OFFICE, fctill—1 THE AGENT OF FRiaa ft«rv>-“ COMMON 8ZNSB B8WI50 TcriX2l2>” la happy In aloag ftroGctant public their snivaL He aseerta t We understand lhat one oftb" Visiu such Crimes with toafwrtlg-ti^M*; serve, b Ieelind asd Evatavre—There is ane' nroiect for the benefit Df Ireland^ ueo\ engineer b» memonehzed “ favur of,» causeway .W connectirflaad th Great Britaim, At one point there is » a » ,,i «Ii* e i eV eg miles between the two mllliops a .c«U4 “Sw^e'snhnnhfoi heir to. and'tfie real cause scarcely ever ta«pccrtd, , «Bd havB ooctored for all but the right one. Diseases ql these organ* .require the ofadiaNtlc- 1 QHAW3S1 oa; HELMBOLD'S _ _ SUDDLER’CHIRNESS. 1C„ *qr.t • mrlte»rly I OAK and HEMLOCK (termed) LE LEATHER, HALF and LINING SKINS, ,aoiILad@ tor isita such crimes with ;».r . u-f V TTl TT erve we hope tha ringleader* wUl mt »be hF IstlXA* * lauefit Of ii..—Qnhnaiw Ttmo.Meil Lf. I :t . - BX’TiAtiT „_^alo and Nh“garA to operate against HemUiou and Torunto, while three thousand. men will the j“^*wUl be a rtving-of thiriyda^^ndvo direct continuous yeu$ hence be Asot: mornio. - W tHE'QAKAT — ,3HUiAl-’^3Ha UriA SJ* is a certain core tor .1 OlflXASBS 6? WS SUhhSSi pwnoo * a'BAViL, mA% edsjuru* 0 wrej nr»u«n wr euapw.; *“ 0D * W h1y;C9AL AUJ CAtTLJSSCAm | CM >wlry-*»o, tkreefoar, STAvUsiMUinriwnkfev „ sSm; ■ l, . FOB SALE \rna OTi»*Bs«fcFb'0iMB fob bue .bout sc; S ;B ^*S'^r:::i®^'»ssSil 1 7,000 Acr«8 of Fin® Land, 9°- _ ‘ .... live rw. ...., ieoi, T^oots, |-onntT.bglotiviagtotes.^.tect Dr A. BeLeroctle, decrtMd. That lrtfl. ere tat* 0# In sepinte surveys or in. to two thousrtd wr^aiid wntbCoia either separately or tosethtr, u deetreO. some of these bade in heavily timbered Bj%“Sai j'H.lJii^^iiejare'S^'ritrttedAert Oebln Bluff, ttWwS'polit't'ieioutStoboate P«»vutbtoreg- J. E. gAge-BV.^,^ eol TdCSBI do <> SCO RTT.T. HEADS, prr.TJX OF lLoing, DRAY BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, CHECKS and DRAFTS; handbills, FOOTER* label*. BUSINESS CARD* PROFESSIONAL cards, WEDDING CABDM S^U^^n^^metoiiowmc tteitomffiSrity of eo»Km«ton, ud ooetequeut lon-llaWUty to ^ “Sdui *4. Thter con i xsiirsrdM *»**-?** third one <4 which' m*y boueuerod, ttUlnot rip or uh^Sot iffyt) the piioh tor thorn k only |1A OA^i-il&_i«Sg»°tkfy ertbe.obttoirt for at» tali of tho tfasuftetam. laoood timy or* THEORY TRUE SlIbri?n3Jtn. mETdeilrtU fumttval*Mk>a i M 2S!e. WIU be Rtvkd by a LAST wholly cen - j tween Buuard rtd win taker, directly Of pelt. tb. NEEDLEWOMAN’S FRIEND goensrrs arvici, at the Bias .qSKHTOt FAMILY SG4ra» . ball CARDS mv 1TATIONS, LAW JttUUO , - * SAVANNAH, ga. ol.—8.wl—W'Tb . ♦ oggl ^. ISSffiessssaif • •' “‘faicleil. wULZHOt:sia: _ , I ! D fi ff YS 800H.K«™<»,ky u 5or rtle K ISTILL’e KBWS V&OI, HTIR’ Woodstock, tiie rails, destroy otopsT. • ORGAKJjD WKAKaBSS. pBMBAL BIBHAfV, r OBGANS, I • rAtreBtu Chl^ggtfiiv I FinBk^K^ ioasfc *«Oh ^ Ban etteet, next to 'Ve Poet ogee. [COMMERCIAL BLANKS, blanks foh^oodotk torpaEB*. rUukTtcdiis «0*e trNWi W de * rt - | RULING and BOOK-WHDtNs] attends® *9 with «*«*• crJssftomVriolb land af^ . advancing alon^ wiftlcUt highestsoml arrv... mihtaflf* ofje'i bad ample tim* Xf he ba< b^knowlbff i he Vrsk innocent of to escape; D»*r® 0 ^, J jl^ a -41iUs, — any uffetoBffi*, Zfzz**^his headquarters, commandant oi gAarireB if any. — ton aa ^s^c%T , tnT.h«y Of ton thou- sand men which will meet * f, er if mediate point to ® e d ee ^®‘ e ^,e n”t^enough, thirty-three thousand men ate not en ^ ^ riK&fet abo ImvfdeaUwUb ^obably to For* P Gould, -d Lalkm.^ General ONeiU BOOK-BINDING. ,'fl ; , : V; ITHS new* AW® herald pg- WE flvRE FB*PAHE1> TO ANYTHING in oub ub*. commam Here he was lent nr‘ the j prompt u» of a reliable r. ere; dSiSK“ “ y > Oysters .vALBB.'WDOB, wndaoski — wau the very bus*.fluainy, two s ttiree qi a succeatfdi ne kauwe how hUown counsel. Fenian fanatic oLtl Stonewall Jacksdil hese arrest* Thirdly, he is’a devoted SblJof tkte^*C!!^S8 ;h« stripe of Cromwell sod A. ‘And; We« becomei Hfiluiboltl’s Extract ’f nff&fjg H. T. HELMBOLPpJJWW^ ?♦« - - 8 T *;| ea ffi 9ff ijo edf .1® eao ws {.■ ■■ t-ia 8 = bek Valdosta? Otjdw aoisi gaJSBS.ritS.om3E ‘* c l AtjOOlUCT BOOKS , Iuurrtcdn* other oom-l ,B.rrtu< he is capable of selecrijng his saboP**^^. The troops be'arnted wtttj* Tb*' ingr^fet^nej,,.^ clot^J Tho ttseed •» A untfonn l» a« folio®* -tr^A uiobIJ jacket, with yellow tnnfflj™ ■ ! - pant* (U- S- culted flutes i„ . nap. E*A 'ttdforrn.o^U-.JWef 1 ; 1 71 .SOITIO etffr: a\MsA : ox nottlea m ItlTKAlflarJO X .A a ““(fSfrttixttAMarJO j *.glMCi.TS3BTB7A«MI r ic'il ftl> javdl Uicit W ■ iiiM <* * Mm ; < "V' *0 - “9 *1 L ' -i * ~ " ' V'