The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, May 26, 1868, Image 4

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A dreary waste of year* ’twll be, Eut still we meet again, “we three!" Summer and winter will return, Aud we, in all those years, shall learn Tbit “Farewells'’ even- must be ukea. Though we to them shall not awaken, Until the many years have past, Since we have wept and smiled the las:. Tet, spring’# and autumn’s changeful weather Will come and go, until together “We three,” but friends In other days, Shall meet and sing those - asset old lays,” Which long ago have made ua glad, Bat now) alas i aeem bat too cad! i! sA V as .VaH, Ga , May 25,1868. GaXZ.HL. THE PUWKH 0«* LIKE. La-t year a tiny leaf-bud Peeped from the old ieaTa ata'k. And all through tbenohy winter It heard the wild winds talk. It heard them raging and boasting How they swept dead things awsy; But It only kept growing, growing It coaid wait, It was stronger than they. For the power of life was stirring Its leafy sheaf within, Growing, ever silently growlcg, Through all the storm and dm. Till now, one fair spring morning, The powers of life will wake; They will touch It, will softly klsa it, Till its last slight fetters break. The old leaf will fall, and the leabsbeath, The young leaf spread glad and green, Aud gaze on the snu in his beauty Without a veil between. For the Lord of life is work ng. An 1 His strongest force Is life; Ever with Death is wsgeth Silent, victorious atrirs. And Troth is stronger than Falsehood, And needs but an open field; And Love is stronger than Hatred, And Love will never yield. F ir God is Lor 1 , and He liveth, And Life la Hie living breatu And one breath of life is stronger Than all the hosts of Death. THE GBEAT BLOO D PUR IFIE B . T HIS I8 ONE OF THE MOST PEBFECT VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE and BLOOD CLEANSING CORDIALS known to the world, an lcfalWffi iemedy for ScroEnla w all its forms, SKIN DISEASES sach as Pimples, Boils, TetuCSaSnfcKbeum, Ringworm, Erysypelas, Chronic Rheumatism, Serolulous Sore Eyes, HtjCERS oTevery kind, every knownkind ol CONSTITUTIONAL, SYPHILIS or VENKH&Si DISEAbES—no matter how old or ioveterato. It quickly removes virus from ibe Constitution and Blood, ana re stores the patient to perfect health aud purity. s ^^THrHKMEDY meoded by the most eminent medical men, aud is konwn by itawojks as-th* lian M known by its frnita. WARRANTED TO CURE . \ . % \ ma~ FOR SALE BY THE DRUGGISTS. V - ,Cs J. S. PKMBKKTOiV & OO., PROPRIETORS AMD CHEMISTS, 'COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. —Brigham Young is having seveu state carriages made for him in New York. —Forney says he doesn’t dispair of the republic; whereupon Prentice says the re pub ic diapairs oi Forney. —Can’t tell about the safest place to get soot, but should suppose it safe to purchase from any honest dealer. —A. S*ndu3ky mother recently reproved her three-year-oldster lor eitiDg icicles. The analytical infant replied: “I didn’t eat 'cm, mamma, I dust sucked the juice out of em.’' —John C. Breckinridge, the body servant of Gen. Breckinridge daring the war, bss taken the stump in Campbell countv and is making effective speeches in behalf of the Conservative cau3e.. Sensible leliow. —William Freeman,, of Greencastle, Ind., 70 year3 old, gave his wife a beating lant Sunday morning, and then attended church, locking as serene as though nothing had oc curred. —0. C. Fuiton, of tbe Baltimore Ameii- cm, is being urged for tne position of Secre tary of the Senate, in place of Col. Forney Fulton has all the necessary qualifications to render him a worthy successor of the “Dead Duck.” —The suit against the Prince of Wales for tha' scandalous affair in Frankfort baa been hushed up. The father of the young girl la question has recently added a large amonot to his balance in bank He says a relative of his iu California died recently, bequeath ing him that sum. The English people pay for these little matters. GUL LETT’S co .A.. A.- Soiojn< April H—eod3m j^KikUkH, BA. The Equitable j ALLEN’S PAD DOCTOR! lift; ASSURANCE SOCIETY! OF THE UNITED STATES, No. 92 Broadway, N. Y. v-l.iii. Mwvfl , m.Quetal OomUHnii Mm- V chants. Ho. 149 day iUmL Savannah, Qeoffglai Bn»9WlOK.M88S«Mb — 11AMHHT a CO., UonuniasVm Merchants, Mo. sk-SSKSiSKi SIuuF VmA New York. aaso-ij of all kund* solicited. OtQMh ion daji Tuesday# and Fridays Agent fo* loaiUiKtwftaOH. ivaaiMh, sai-tr J C. KuWLAMl M CO., B to rage and General ■ Commission **«*■'■*»»«»**- cotton taken on Stor- aeem Jiauersoy'S First OlaeiFireproof Warehouses. Jy31-iy W ‘ GRIFFIN t CO., Cotton Factors, Con- • mission and Forwarding Merchants, So. 98 Bay street, twranaeh, «nor*% Jg8fc-ly T B, mahhoai.i. m sue* dBittm comnns- i aafi Lumtai Merchant*. Mo. 8 d*iais*JU<& Ms* stoset, MolLincoln. Consign ments respectfully solWtod*a» wUl reosltettjjct W M lee, Agents for Ingei atson 4k Co.’s Axis Grease, p. iaUTJUL. WHOLM9ALK U4lA 1»BaL*1W. T j. DUNBAR A CU., Lporter* and Oealars • ‘ In BTanuiea, WhiskeysJins, Wines. C-gaTa, ind Agent for Sml'A’s Uworated Philadelphia ac., and Agent for 8ml' Ales, 147 Hay street. WM. C. ALEXANDER PRESIDENT. W E offer for sale the above celebrated GINS, and are prepared to show from the reunite of last year's experience tbelr great ruperlorliy over the cuainon Gina of thee rantry. We have certificates of tne highest character from planter* who have uatd them, from factors both In this oountry and Europe who have aoid corton ginned by them, who testify to the superior giomng.and say that the Cotton baa been sold from 1 to A OENTo a pound advance «n other of the same classification ginned on the ordinary Gin; also from oroker* who hare purchased the Cotton, uad have paid the advance above stated over tfie <3AMfi CLASSIFICATION giane-l on the ordinary Bin. It. Is important to planters in the purchased GINS to conaidT theve tacts, and buy a good GIN, which will give perfect satisfaction in its use and re- sait iu a great saving of iponey. We have received driers from some of the best and largest planters cf Georgia aud Florida Call and ,-e es Sample Gin at our office. fW8end for Circular. WM. H. STARK & CO., , Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GA. WAgentS for "GULLETT’S STEEL-BRUSH COT TON GIN,’’ also •• E. FRANK Cos’d SUPER PHOSPHATE OP LIMB.’* ar*9—&n Turf, Eield and Farm, AND * JOURNAL of SOCIETY, Cash Assets, $6,000,000, (Being i Lree Times Larger than that ar'cumnlalcd by any other Compiny In the earns time.) which Is yearly tugmented by its Annual Premium Income, $4,000,000, I TS PHOGEEJ-R 13 UNPARALLELED. ACM AS SURED in 1S87 (new b ialnese). ovei $15,000, OOO, being nearly doub'e tne coubiped bni ness oi foar other Companies that wero organised about tlie same time. Its Policies average t'ie larg-irit of any American Company. It is so declared by the New York Insurance Department. This is an advantage, and U evidence that this Society le rao-t |«uonizcd riy the capitalists It Issues all de-irable NON roi:- FBITING POLICIES on a Single T.ire. Horn $^50 to $ar*,OUO. ALL PROFITS DiVIDKD among Policy- Holders. Divide* dfor one ve&r, F*-b. l«t, 1368. ash value, nearly $l,OUO,OOO. Dividends made annually from the start. This ij the mo-jt succea'ful Company ever oi tran- iced, and, for Its years, THK LABGKST MltiUAL UFE INSURANCE COMPAN Y lu tbe world. Itsoer centage of total “Out-go'* to “■''aeU Premium he- celpt*’’ was shown by the !nat official re[Hjrt of the New York Insurance Superintendent, to be Ieae than that of any other Company whatever. I.ANUOO\ BOVVIE, Agent, HihSO—law/m «« Bay street. Savannah. THEiETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD. Assets Over 8,000,000. HAS NEVER YET CONTESTED A CLAIM. T HI8 popular and sncceaefnl Company Isened In 1607, 13,5451 New Policies, being the law?ent number iaaued by any Company iu America except one—one-tenth of all, and over four times the aver- 3 re of the forty-one Companies doing business in ew York, as ehown by the official reports. j«*A DIVIDEND oi 50 Per« ent. was declared In January, 1668, which will be allowed on all LIFr POLICIES, the prexulnm* fbr which fall due prior U tfarch, 1469—this being the fifth consecutive 50 Per Cent. Dividend. • . . , . Ths jfiTAA accommodAtea the Insured by giving credit lor half the premium when dielred, which credit may continue at 6 Per Cent. Interest until canrtled by dividend®,thus famishing a much larger vmouot of Insurance for a much smaller cash pay ment than le reqaircd in an all cash company. POLICIES ISSUED under all the popultr and desirable plans—among Which ate the NON-FORFEITING EN DOW WENT POLICIES, payable at a specified age, or ai death I! itoccuia sooner, on which the premium is tn ten annual or annual payments. term POLICIES. Insuring for any number of years—and JOINT LIFE POLICIES, insuring the live* ol two persons, payable to the survivor on the decease of ^Persons desiring to make this prudent provlMlonfoi those dependent upon them will find In the ./*u Fla a til the advantages pos&eeeed by any, and at us favor- ible rates. W. B. GRIFFIN, Ganeral Agent, BS BAY STREgT. SAVANNAH. QA. D O TOD WANT A GEStllN* REMEDY, THAT WILL CURE YOLB PAINS AND ACHES- Khi-uraatibm, Palu in the Bdck, Head and Side, Sore Throat. Toot bathe. Burns, Corns, Cnts, Sprains, Pot- eouoaa Stings, Cramps. Dysentery, Ac., Ac. Get the above, at A. A. SOLOMONS k CO. For pale whole- 5,^'e and retail, and by other Druggists. Single bot- ! ties, 50 »nd 25 rents. mbll—ljr WHOLEeALE MOCEttB. «I7 M. DAVIDSON, Wneealo Dealer in Uro- 11 • oeries. Wines, ldqnon Teas and Cigars, ItO Bay street. Savannah, Bute lent in the (State of Ueorica for Massey, Houston! Ca*s Philsdelphls Aie. UftllViU, *e.. A HJBTA11.. Legal Notices. S TATE OP GEORGIA. OIIATIUIA COCNTY—To all whom it mavconcern: XT" Whereas, Aaroo H. CtampIcRl wfUMpptf at the Court of Ordinary for Letters DUniieaory on ihe es tate of William H. Davis, deceased ’ • “ These are, therefore, to cite and a it may concern, lo be and appear to make objection flf any they hav< tlrht Monday in D-cember next,. 1 ! tern will be granted. Witness my official signature, May, 1S68. Iftiff may‘^2—Ismfim Ordinary C USTOM MOUSE SHADES, y F. Dowd, Bay lane, rear of Post Office, bat of Ales, Winss, Liquors, Cigars, Ac., ana a Lush every any from 11 till 1. J** 8 KViNti HuUbE, comer ol t Jouau and Jetteraon , giroett. Aleck InviMO. Frwietor. Best of Ales, winds, Manors, qgsrt, sc., way ** • > Jg DRUGGISTS AMD ADTUECAHIES. nag: county. A HIGH-TONED JOURNAL, devoted to the Turf, Field Sports, betentiacand Practical Agricul ture. Literature, Ait, and the stage. It u the organ cf the gentlemen sportsmen of America, and every subject'is treated In a dignified manner. lie Editorial Corps Is large, embracing HAMIL TON BU3BLY and F. G. SKINNER. The welLknown CARL BENSON 1» a regular contrlhntor. its Home and Foreign Correspondence fa partlcn iarly able. The Press of the United Slates have noseed the highest, encomiums upon the TURF, FIELD AND FARM. From a great variety of complimentary notices, the following are nelectert: The TURF, FIELD AND FARM of New York Citv. nowxne acknowledged leading exponent In America Of the Interest* whleh it represents, ha* been enlarged, «nd *ppe.i» iba luw Md e.egam deess Mr:H.mUU«i Bu.oey, lornwrlT of IBM coon - l} u ii.e literary 1 and tsauclaw adltor.—Dailjr Me. public, Sprinfleld, Ohio. The TTJRf. FIELD AND FAUM la at ImpoiiHR and handsome la ai-pearalice a, tt 1» apirlted, able and iuleiestui*. It ta« brou*Ht to tbe dlKtuelon ol turf xuatters aiQoraltonehitnevto wanting, and[ut terly discountenances all brutal sports, sach as thost oi the prise riug. It is, in feet, u paper for gentle- men who are fond of horses »>nd stock, And we re- Jeice iuite success.—EXffett. Its editorials are abii ..Uton, npilt gereraJlv contains matter of home interest to Bnnhionans. It in mpiiily recommending itself to pnoiic lavor^- Buffalj Courier. The TURF. FIELD All FARM is anqncstloue biy oic best- publication of its class in America, ii not in the world. As an organ Of turf and field sports It has always maintained an elevated more? tone, which commends i: to the sppfDvsl or every man of pure taste and honorable principles con nectetl with these amusements, which it hts done »o inn ;u to redeem from the influence* of knavery and blackguardism. Iu agrlcuitoral department, under the editorship of F. G. Skinner, Bea , one ol the ablest and best informed gentlexneu on all anb- S TATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM «W«ITY.—To all whom It may concern: ( Whereas. James J. McGowsifr^Fill »1 Court of Ordinary for Letters of Ada* tne estate of Jeremiah Cevanaugii^Jrf, dcceas-sd. ~ ,rrrsi>T..r . These are. therefore, to cite ||aa jMffittnah all whom It mav concern, to be and appearhefore said Court to make objection (if any they M#$jMn or be- fore the first Monday in Jniy next, : "0]ji$rwlse e&bl letters will be granted. Atxr. Witness ray official signature tWS_14tn day ol Mav. 13£8. D. A. O’KYRItfi, may 16—lawSw <K.<L C. S TATE OP GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUlTTT.—To all whom It mav concern: JV Whereas, E ijah F. Henderson will apply at the Court >1 Ordinary for Letters IMsiste^oiy-Aa. Ad ministrator on the estate ol Euja Hefutentoa, fll said connty, deceased: 1 The?eare,therefore, tocite andAdmtmlsk-ffiwhoin It mav concern, to be and appear before s&idUom tto, make'objection (if any they have) on o? before the first Monday in December next,oJlisrwise|ara letters will ie granted. //■-» Slj/ , . Witness my official signstnreli this wn day of Mav, ISfiS. - D. AVO’MRNE. maylfi—lamflm* . Ct Administrator’s ' W ILL BE SOLD before the Coni Appling county, on the first gust next, one lot of LAND In the county, containing 490 acres mo§|‘ Lot No 458, for the benefit of the of the estate of JOHN Df&L, del maylg—!aw?m* S ’ nil whom it may concern: Win rea9, Grorge 0. Dunham 1 a writing purporting to lx* the,* Hamilton (colored), deceased, in which will apfwa; O. Dunbam is sole heir to tbe And whereas, the said George to the Court of Ordinary to have s»! and admitted to r°cord; also, for Ia Ibs: atlon cum testamento annexo on deceased. The«e are, therefore, to cite whrra it may concern to be and Court, on or before Ihe first Mom make obje'tiona (if any they have) of said will, or granting Lettet* ( as aforesaid. Witness my official signature this 4th 1858. W. P. GIP* may?—Iaw4w Ordinary Li I K UBEHT H. TATEM, Dnglst and Apothecary and Wholesale Dealer Window Glass and KymtiAn* OH, comer Jeffenn and McDonough streets, and corses East .oad aad Broughton streeu. Jy36~iy PHOTOGHPHB. t>hoTO<jkaFH8, and all oer styles o» Pictures, 1 with Frames, Fittings, Cee, Ao., of every klud. Copies of all kinds from Old lenres s neatly finished. 9 sni Savannah, ton streets, i N. 4 — —bn MATiHfii AfioliWEUtY. * Stereoscopic Views of Bona< Corner of Whitaker and ”~ WlLaoM. n GB03 CLAUDE, Dealeva Watches, Jewelry X* % and Silverware, Bali stet, opposite Masonic Mall. Savannah, Ga. repaired. Watchs«ad Jewelry carefully asvT-tf LJAMUEL P. HAMILTON Cwcessor to Wilmot A O Hlchreofid), Dealer in Wshes, Silverware, Jfiw- tdry, Ac., corner Whitaker, SWalien and Congress streets. Watches and Jewelry ^paired. Chronome ters rated by transit. JyM—ly SAILS. AWfiUGIBAGS, Ac. M P. BEAUFORT, Exchije Wh "solda^NhW Wharf, Manatee- sp!7—8 m ROYAL fflSDBAlfCE COMPANY, OF UTEBPOOL. Capital £2,000,000 Sterling. RESERVE FUND Al,500,000 BTEKLINQ. ANNUAL INCOME *700,000 STERLING. 0ONTINHES to talc Mercantile nod Dwelling House Risks (Frame Buildings excepted) ‘ AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, ^.t Curraut Xlatoa. WM. C. COSENS, Agent, Merchants’ General Exchange, 0C f ]j Esttersby’s Bolidlng. AHUHlTEUTs AND AGiflKEEk. M ULLER a BBUYN, Aichites and ClvU and Me- chanleal Engineers, sonthest corner Bhll streets, up stairs. M. PMunuta, ( , Mechanical Engineer; Da Witt aura, Architect. sop6 * HAfiUWAKB, CUtERV, ffi«. 1LMKR A DEPP1SH, Wholaie and Retail Daal- era la Barfiwars, Cutlery; tm, MdflS Tsois, Ag ricultural Implements, Powot Shot, Caps aad Lead. 143 Congress end 67 St. J en atree a, Savan nah. Georgia. Jy2«—ly M urphy a olabk. buu rset, opposite the Palaski Moose, Monas, — — boat Painters. Gilding, Gra „ OUslng. Signs of every descripta. / v RADY A TULLY. Plain and namental Piss- a sill mBSJunnum AM ORPQtAMM: ii nnina«j«< nmUnfllMOlr«* That the above a hereby repealed. aplT-lt Of «M».« ■ (too* Ion 1. The Muor Bid illw 1—B Bn-.'jnnb, Is Council umUM, 4o knnbr « To prweribe ASSSRK boiler engtoes la ths eity ef Aavi That fro i .... shall not tmlawCnl fOs sag'ndboiler in said c arulieM draught by the-in I smoke stack, a*y last muKuia coal, uuder for each and every < AttMt—iu. tow Cto*nf GontoL ■hHafi. CHEAP EDfTIQH 0FI , OUR MUTUAL FRIE “ A TALE OF TWO PICKWICK PAP1 OLIVER TWIST GREAT EXPECTATIONS.. MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT.... CHRISTMAS SIOBUES NICHOLAS NICKLEfiY. DOMBET AND SON....... HARD TIMES.... .25oeDi TOR RALE AT KSTILL’8 NEWS DEPOT, BULL STREET. NEXT TO TBE FO« REEVES’AMBROSIA FOR THE HAIR IMPBOVKP : AMMimwSwMHJtetteHntt. It Iwo th. Hnlr to Onrl btomHhOj. ; 3,1 ; IV; Ml .no.. >■ —* Utow Ctonnto Hnnlthy. IKmrmtottoBotoot the Hnlr. U Imp ttoMNc todtoU ta vow luvMnHr. It UnmdlnulT rtop» Hnlr muici Ont ‘ it twp«ih» Hto tom Ctontln. Color fc«n ly R MMWWW Hnlrf lt.Ortylnnl Color. W«t.toMfiOktow iMM IffllA Vi LI- : R » ooitooM cUtolTOt itopM Md pom* tov 4 hw nou<«i o..r tkannnd toMato- ^owUR ot to qowltoCA wnn, ot .hlck tn tom phltoim U Mik aMndtaf. R i.tod In hnlApomdbotSen (the nnm.Uown in itilto. h) Bniilnn itnrinlinln Tin T "-— .■wywtoAnt-ton Balto per Bottle. Whotoile *y DKMA8 BARNEG A GO . F. O. WELLH A OO. SOB1BITELIB A CO.. Row York. mhU-lj DISEASES OF THE F Corns, Biinioiis, INGROWING NAILS, TEHER, Halt Hheum or Honrry, AND OTHER DISEASES OF THE FEET. MRS. ELIZA KEOGH, (Formerly of Cbirtenon, A 014 O FFERS hor wrrmt to the ottinon, nat Mdto el BoTuinah.toth. trwwu nM cun of the Com. ui annteuCnndRUhntVnln or RESIDENCE—8t 7RESIDENT tOHET, (It Kn. Perm. WW-Hoonfram » A. M. tn IP. M, Udtetok to tjtffnlVttot to-llWi o'clock p. M. ikdiM trented ittnur reAttoaom. itnndliA-nRrtm, no onttc, n Chufu Riduiti. fcwdw.-»»>» «00kF»i’Oto She sabmits, ftoui smonga the following from * * of Charleston t From Hon. Georgs BolsL I am happy to «ay that Mrs. Medcb ktttaiMat of several very bad corns, that hsd troubles am Rw many years. They were removed wlthanttat Ismt pain. (signed) GaaaW JHEar- Frofr* the late Dr. fdWavfiNotfft. I think it my duty to suts that l bsrfiii Elis* Kscgh remut s corns and bUBtoos gr®ate3t skill, and without palu. (Slgred) Enwaai From Dr. ntek. 1 would recommend all persona who wl>h corns to give Mm. Keogh a trial, her treat, with good Judgment, aad care out pstfi. (Signed; J. From Dr. I. Horiback. I certify that Mrs Keogh hM cqnAmMM coriis, and advise all who are troubled with tfcfMi or bunlona, to apply to this Indy. ‘ * _ ■ (Signed)- 1. Bniafiiatf, It Ih T* Citizens aad i min op fava Orrica Clank or Ooqbi— TaminriANT'ro a kkhOlUT 1658 1« trnbnahed for iDfPnaaooq-m c hODSCholdeia, and attevtlea If called tot extracts from City Ordinance: « • • • • (2.) It Shall be the Inspect sach sad every their r**rpectlvs wards, wholesome collections may bs Uava immedUtaiy remored by Marshal or tttySc.vsagapyr^jftirM inuDsdiatsly Attaad to pac the owner or occnpter of . iummoned before the next . sner for snob neglect. And aajr^psrira.who sh refuse admittance to any «SWr of Wr Bowd visit and iiu-psct snchJua^cnolosnrsor yard shall, conviction tnereof bs fined fi eom wot “—* &CO., Stre«t, HEM) YORK, of theTreds tottshr nuAKoonouT, jr.) CERTAIN. 4» Spoedj Omw IEUML8U, AJTD Alii. . NERVOUS jyscti an IF&j/ Mmgieal^ I T n THE UsUfelllBg hUflMMhr in ail cases of Ksnraigin flails, often effecting a perfect cure in lsssthau twenty-four hours, from the Use of no more than TWOlfe TMMFJI FILLS No other form sf NsawlgU. , has fldlsd W yiffid to thlfi - Wondtrful Rnntdial Agent. heasby so amended nio allow the erection standards not exceeding two inches in be placed immediately OQ th® toner edge oTTu^i 0 *bfr horiaonui ponioi ^- moJiss»jsa^\ bo oonwnw< «o intborlto Ik. orontoi ormiS^ 1 Won of in, nwntot or ip in §adi miaii,r k off terfare with the convenience of persona r-Mti dsr any sadi sign,or nndsr any awning orxS 1 ^ •ring thereof; aad provided farther, that Si or awning shall not Interfere with any ns thel gct tberefrem. to any extent powib5S, P £ avoided^ Aad any person vtoiadug any pro«gi« l rf said rddred ordinance as amended uj IMaoV^^ •hail be liab e to tbo penalty or pcaalti« in above recited ordiaanca mentioned; btsidaitw? on conviction of the person ao guilty of vkRattonrf ordloanee. It shaU be lawful lor the Mayor to wdS aad cause tbe immediate removal ot thealgn or lag of sa^ psrfion, at his or her expend®. Ordinance paeeed in Council, May i»h. 1868 EDWARD C. ANDsBNON, l£ior Attest—Jims BrxwaaT, Oera of CoandL ‘ AN ORDINANCE To amend the Tex and Bevenne Ordinance, paaacd la Connell ua the 30th day of Decemtar, loG?. Section 1. The Mayor and Aldermen of the dtv ^ Savannah, in Council aecembltd, do hereby orSaio. Thatihe Tax and Revenue ordinance pas^db Council on the iAth day o: December, to the yevci 1887, be find the same is hereby so s-r ended u thi* the tax on Leight and passage money shall, freo and after ths first day «*f May, la f S be oc«-haif or ot* par centum, instead of one p^r rentum as by aiidor. fiiasaee is sour piovided parsed tn Council, April 29th. 1948. KDWAKD C. AbDtfi OY, Mayor Attest—J*MTS STEWAUT, Clerk o( Couodl. marl—1C; EitolnfMnFmmt one* ofOknnlo XianlfU FT« dwno^mnw,—of mnnjr Je»™ nUn. lu on (or n ,y^f. nlwkyi nt- (ortitluEHWt ^ml^Unw rcHel. nnd very rorely ‘ ‘w naitoptonwnd peminent cure. ” . . 4fngl or cuur swtorlnln In the .HEttei. *KIM (njnrlou, mn to Hu. iu dnllcnte ijitom, udeu khuyi b, ni£d iriai perfect eifetr. It Ul lMcbtnAlnnMtoatamtlqwnnya( oni uoitcnii- nentpAjslciini, who givn A tkitr imnnlmoas ind ( by rtr U on it cmnt of pnoe nnd pootayn. Dm (Kki|> R M, Pontic. « (till Me wAnii.....* to PtAu*. n conu. TmlM9Mtoc«»«l Poitnce IK cenu. RlnlpMlF nu Wbillbiind BnUU Denlen In To Job Printers. PRINTING PRESS yiUU nrn Justly tW- Orayton sad Absreora strests. augl-tx MMIKI AMD HKWmKPBBS, AN ORDINANCE To grant to the Savannah, Skldrway and Seaboard Bstixoad Company certain riants and privilege, on certain terms and conffitiona. Section 1. The Mayor and Aldermen of the city ct Savannah, in Connell assembled, «?u hereby oroais, That tbe Savannah, ► kids way and Seaboard Bailroad Company rtmll hare the right, with hone rahwsy airs er carriages, to connect Ihtir fine of ratoraj leading to and from the conntr.r with Drayton aai Whitaker streets, in Savannah, begtoning at Ander- son street, sad rnnnfngthe line cf said Drayton and Whitaker streets to Bey street and connecting by Bey street: provided the work of laying the track for such carriage raiiw»7 on Drayton 81reel be coc- -tttneed, in good tatth, within twelve months frcsi tbe date of ihe passing of this ordinance, and be cempfeted within eighteen months from the time Of such passing; and that the work cn Wtd:»- kST street Shall be commenced within six mooUu slier the passing of this ordinance, and finiabeu Within twelve mouths after the date of thbotdi- aaaos: Afid provided inrther, tint the said work shall be done us to gradings, ctoe sings, and all other things there*It<• concecctd, in tne manner and oa ths.Wrm* pnfccrtbed In tne ordtoance for the esWb- Uahment of line® of street ratlwajs passe din Conii- aU on ths first-day of AI y. iu the year tiahteeahur- d^y-gna Rttry--even and that ail tne rules, regula- tioni rod coadiUoLd c f said ordinance in reieticn to the rottning ot cars, the raft s of fare, and so forth, shall be applicable to the grant if aa:hor;ty bertby made: find provided further, that the said Coop a- ny Shall, t*ft>re entertrg upon thf- aald work or ary putt thereof, enter iuto bend, with approved sscuii- I v to the CHI eF Savannah to perform and. bias by alt such tenn a , rubs, regntatloni and condiiiou; and farther, that it will every day a ter beginning to ran on any atreetrna regntotly four titan * day from said Anderron stieetto B*y street,between thehocw of six o’clock iu the morning and eight o’clock to the evening : And provided farther, that the chy cf Sevanuan shall Haro th# same police jurisdic tion wtihlu said city over the said 3asac- nub, bkidaway and Seaboard Rafircad Com pany, Its employees and agents, as it would have Lad over any company that might have baen organ ised under the ordinance hereinbefore msntioced: And oa this further expre s condition—that if here after a sy stem of street railways fhall be entered up on by feiitiiorify of tbe City Council of Savannah, Scaboar j Railroad Company, invested or scqaired under the ^raht hereby made, shell be apKaistd by persons not exceeding three on each stcW, and on each appraisement, such City Railway Lon-pnaj snaU have the opt! jn to purchase sueh property a: each appraised value, and to u&e rod work tne same for Its own benefit thei eLfot-r, and, on tbe fldlure&i said savannah, Stldaway andS aboard Kallroed. Co. to Babmi’ to tuch appraisement within two months after notifi ;&tion or the other party of itsreadtoeas tn purchase on the terms a orecaid, then all the rights and privileges hereby granted shonld cease, and all such property shall revert and belong to ths City of Savannah • Ordinance passed in rooscQ- April 29 b, 1S6T. EDWARD C. ANDERSON, Mayor, ▲tie: t—Jakes Stswabx, Clerk of CunndL may 1—lot AN ORDINANCE To continue lo force until the Hast day of Jane next, 1868, the provisions of the ordinance passed to Council on the fifth d»y of September, 1966, enti tled “An ordinance to suspend 2b? a limited period the opereticn of the Fire Ordinan e of the City of Savannah, in sud over certain portioiw of the city, c and to remit certoln penalties that may have been tafomd.’* Whereas, The provisions of the aeove red’ed ordi nance, m relation to the erection end repair of build mgs in that portion Of the city east or Fr ee street aad tooth of liberty street, and also that portion of the city east of Weal Broad street, eouih of Gaston street and west of T«tuaU street, expired on th® 3M day of July. 1887; rod whereas,said provisions were, by an ordinance passed luUotu-cii on the ‘M day (u October. 1867, extended to tte 1st daycf Jsnaaiy ' at^lSdS, now-t hereto re— . , Section 1. The Mayor and Alder t en of the dty oi Savannah, in Council Resembled, do hereby^laain, TUstsaM provisions of said »»ov« reciwd ersfnance of tlM.«th of Septeuiber, 1866. in xefatioft to such erectloiiKnd repair oi buildiogs within »»'• portions of said city, be anil ths same »rc hersfiy further ex- leaded from said let day of J^nu«ry toU to the 1st day ox Jane next. 1» 6s. Ordinance passed in ConncUt April 1st. lww. . EDWARD .O. ^NDERSONr MhJW Attest—James grxwxBT. Clerk of Coandl. AN ORDINANCE To five to the Commissioners of Pilotage for thnBsr Ol Tybee and River Savannah the power to mak» miss and regulations for the government of tea Harbor Master of Savannah, subject to the ap proval. revision and control of the. City coandl SfSsvmuwh, mod oa osrtaia terffisaid < tloSs. Section 1. Tne Mayor and Aldermen of tbs city.of avronah, in Council assembled, do hereby ordain, Mat power Is hereby given to ths commissioner* ol W ILL BE SOLD, lu front of the city of Savannah, on the first TUI. Jane next, 1888, being tbe seoooddty of esb between the legal hoars cf sale, a portion of stock or 8ayer-t B. Harrington, consisting of Pa Sett-, Bed Room Setts, Bedsteads, Wsshatands. reaus, What-Nots. Dieeslng Cases, Chairs, Hocks etc. Yjevtert on b? virtue of a distress warn ont of the Honorsbl i the Bnpertor Court of County, in favor of George W. Wylly vs. BayersB. Harrington. BENJ. L. COLE, mayl—law d Sheriff of Chatham County* ,1; a*ii ; S TATE OF GEORGIA—LIBERTY COUNTY.—.To all whom it may concern; . *0. Whereas, 8. A. Fraser wJU apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dkxnlssory as Executor on the estate of Joseph Qafiltonaaa, of said county, de ceased: These are, therefore, to eite sadadmonlsh all whpxn It may concern to be and appear before said Court,to make objection (if any they have),; on or before the first Monday In August next, otherwise said letters will begranted. . . Witness my official signature, this Id day of F6» rrary, 1868. ’ ..W.'?. " fet>j3—lamSm J WXLL A BBO. •j Office, “ ‘ Bull street, sxt to the Fret . , in Newspaprs, Msfffiitnss, books and fftfitlonery. The lateat^ew York sad other Dally sad Weskly Newspsm received by every mall aad steamer. jyfi*—ly EISBGUfiON A DIXON. UndeXtaJbs, 120 J? too surot, dealers to Fisk's «tsst 1- 8KS£JS*SX? shortest notice. Country oroexs prtnptly attended Jects belonging to his specialty lu ihe country, ren ders it a highly valuable work to the fanning inter ests of the country, while its general literary tea tnrm entitle it to general co aside ration and patro naK e »a one of the most Instructive and bask Jour* nals la America*—Hudton Democrat. One copy one year $ 6 oo Nine copies one yssf 836 go Published at NO. 3T PARK BOW. NEW YORK, by S. D. Bruce and *H. Millard. deuO-tf 5 ■ : THE ALBANI Tri-Weekly News, ; -i. *3i- PUBLiaaJSD AT ALBANY, GA., EYEEi TUES DAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. CABET w. STILES s C#., PuMlsiicrs. location OF this JOURNAL and ire ta- T®cRitleafor expeditious clrcatstlbn throughout i ot Bonthwsatorn-Geotgto, sm- nyfing th* oounotts of Dougherty, Baker. WKrhul, iSSS, TfclreU* Wbrth. Thomas and Brooks, aStMit important to advestifiere and indlfljwissble to the raadlriir psblic^ tlfia section. ' * - AWUssm one ds'y in advance ot any other P*P® r of.Aihsmt.aad :snn»sndtpg Thea^srowsthatlsksadiaAtbroyto ti»*vrolcg from Ihe Mroonpspess, ropears iM the NEWS on '£* Sf roSsa-i/fion ta the NKWSUr»- ptr annum; #4 for six numthfi,, * 1 Ordinary of mrot of Fulor Furniture, Savannah, 1 That pow%r la hereby given t_ ———- - . rrt DUoto. (or th. Bu ol Ijboe »64 Hirer anuul make rule* aud regulations forth* government oi the Harbor Master of Savannah, subject tojhesp- nrovsL revision and control of the CBl Coandl o* fisvannah ; and that, upon th* adoption of sa^ ru!*9 ■Bd regalattoua ana the approval of Connell, tee same ahull be the rules and regnlationfi for ths gpv- sromont of said Harbor Master, under the direction tisn of Said Commissioners of Pilotage, subject to revision and control by sold City Coandl: And pro- limber*that nothing in this ordfaroee « , itaU „ coMtraed to piwntuie MtyortotW O0»rt. orttoMoyer»« U6mm JeO^aal t^TATE OF GEaBGIA—IJBEBTY OOCNTT.—To Wherea., Jn» BTtwer «nd Jobs F. Moll will ip pi, at Ills Coart of Or*l».x, for Lotura DUmlsi as Administrators OB Ike estate ol James £» Mol of said county, deceased: . . .. i „ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish fill whom It may concern, to be and Appear before said Court tomske objection (if any they have) on or be- fore the first Monday In August asst, otherwise said Letters will be granted. . am. 1 & w ™ mt a **Ti?6StiBg£ ta ' nary, l Janl4— lamflm o. l. a Administrator’s Notice. rflHE heirs of the eatats of Adam C. Dunbam frs X hereby notified that on the flrrt Monday of An suet next, 1 shall Apply to the Court of Oidinary of Liber;y connty ter an older to dhttribnl la kind. ’ A*N C. \ apU—2tm4m Admii Notice. T hree months sner <i.t* sppiissUo, wBi u. made to the Marine Bank of Georgia lorrenejral of Fcrtp No. 1,80s lor three shares of stock, Arid scrip haviiig been lost. mh2V—laaiSm ;^ WM, J. LA S TATE OF GEORGIA, LIBERTY COl all whom it may roiugon t .—To Whereas, T f hsmai B. Whesier will apply fit *h* Court ot Ordinary tor Letters Dlamiesory as Admin istrator on the relate of Wm. 8. Robtoson« mi Said county, deceased: : ' ' a Iheae are,therefore,to cite and admonish nU whom It may concern to be and appear before Said Ooart, to mnke objection (if any tbey havsj »n ox before first Monday In July next, otherwise said 1 ited.' • m V 9 3a ®juii rti-yn 10,! i-iii fi ’ .vtf^sa jilniauhsa O -GUNNELL A CASH. MBnlul] Bus torn Th.kus uLlreryMossss sad AnUn sL my, o* kud. vltk oknlkl sad upatowsoanna- AH ORBINAHCE Mr-K on rw*" or the Cot- ^j^guallbe ■v- °% rs Sii of the otter Pr*«* joodtof ofdlfl- ‘erown* —jy a> de ^roy such 4; and that j nf tWs ordi- partyhso* 0 * tmsfS GRAND LODGE OF GEORGIA OanpUed.mtoUM dtoctM^tka a. S., by V < Bntksv & LA.UWU0Xt MW!S- RSstillV Mwvro H .H .7?