Newspaper Page Text
Index f Hew Advertisements..
Meeting of Georgia Chapter, No. 8. R. A. M., this
evening 8 o’clock.
for List of Letters remaining la the Post Office see
second page.
Auction sale of dry goods, farnitare, etc., title morn
ing, at 10 % o’clock, by Bell A Holt,
pwelling bouses lor sale at auction next Tuesday by
B un A Meyer.
Lot* for sale at auction next Tuesday by Blun &
Mayer. c
House at auction next Tuesday by Bell A Hull,
pry salt bacon for sale by W. H. Stark A Co.
Lots for sale by M. Camming.
Persons are caationed sgalutt crediting Rebecca Lee,
wife of Jacob Lae.
Lecture at Masonic Hall next Thursday evening by
Hon. Henry S Pitch.
Excursion to St. Aagustine by steamer Dictator on
16tn June. ,
Ho'.lce—steamer City Point will leave for St. Augus
tine on 2d June.
H*y for sale by Bell Jt Hall.
Manilla and straw wrapping paper for sale by Mallcn
A Frierson.
Children's concert at Masonic Hall this evening.
Departube op th e Delegate to the Na
tional TrpoaR*.»HiOAL OonvemTIOn—Mr. H. J.
Middleton, the delegate of the Typographical Union
of Savannah to the National Typographical Conven
tion. which meets in Washington on Monday next,
will leave for that city at 12 M. to-day.
Mr. Middleton is an old and experienced typo, and
Is one of the founders of tho Typographical Union
of this city, and occupied for several years the hon
orable position of President of that body.
The Ualon has made an admirable selection, and
it need not fear that its interests in every respect
will be neglected while having as delegate one
who combines ao much wisdom and practical expe
he ace in all that pertains to the craft.
The Habeas Corpus Case.—The argu
ment in the habeas corpus caee was continued and
concluded before Judge Levi a. Bussell yesterday,
and time taken by the judge to consider.
James Burke was fined by the Mayor some t<me
since for selling liquor without a license. He was
arrested and lodged in jail. His attorney, Mr. D.
Hall Bice Bued out a writ.of habeas corpus. Mr. Bice
argued the case Monday afternoon. Yesterday Cel.
Stone argued in behalf of the prisoner, and Judge
Harden for the city.
Can it be Remedied?—Much complaint
exists among those who have to attend the Superior
Court because of the delay in consequence of the
nou a.tendance of witnesses, and frf quentiy of the
counsel, when the cases are called. Yesterday
morning the Court had to adjourn a case for tbia
reason. Judge Fleming has endeavored to remedy
the evil, but it still exists, and wiU, until some strin
gent measures are adopted to make witnesses and
• others attend when summoned.
Billiards.—The great game of billiards for
the championship and $S00, was played yesterday
evening at St. Andrew’s Hall, and won by Mr. Gay-
lurd, the score standing at the ciose, 764 for Gaylord,
and 647 for Clere.
The highest run mads was 64 by Gaylord, the next,
65 by Clere. ,52.':
There was a large attendance, and the playing was
Bankruptcy.—The parties named belbw
yesterday filed petitions for admission into all tire
rights and priviliges of bankruptcy:
James Heney, of Aagasta. Frank H. Miller, At
Geo. B. Hack, Lawtonville, Burke county. Frank
H. Miller, Attorney.
Jessie G. Butts, Sr., Sylvan Hill, Hancock county.
Wm. McKinney, Attorney.
Joslah Sherman, Columbia couuty. Barnes A
dimming, of Augusta, Attorneys.
Zichariah Falk, Savannah. Harden A Levy, At
TheOowtrBiKjwlwi,,';,, tinoreal hour.
The case of Thomas Jones, trustee, vs. Mechanics
Savings and Lean Association, Jti Which th* counsel
for tba pU^ttJ^r ai^ dei^4^Ai|raa^tqiiabiiit oer-
tain legal points to the"judge, and toko* verdict In
nee with tha decision of the Court, was
' ibenr.fc Yesterday' looming a ver
dict war rendered lor the plaintiff for $60747, with
interest and coats. J.tfjTji
Colonel A. W. Stone represented the plaintiff, and
Messrs. Law. Lovell * ValUgaat the defendant.
The case of Prince Johnson, nugro, indicted for.
the murd-r of a negro hoy, was .called, and the ac
cused brought into Court.
The Solicitor-General stated that his witnesses were
not present, and asked thaf they be sent for.
Tne judge ordered the bailiff* to bring them to
Major John O. Ferrlll appeared as counsel for the
acca-ed.and announced that an important witness for
the defence was confined In j*il* and though sum
moned, had not been sent. A.bailiff was ordered to
bring him into court, being announced alter some
delay that the wicueeads could nqt be brought before
the afternoon, the Judge decided to postpope the
jipiring of the cas j until 4 o’clock, Tae Jury was
then discharge j, aotfthe Court adjourned until that
hour. 1 1 s ; i*
The Court met pursuant to adjournment.
Prince Johnson was placed at the bar and plead not
guilty to,the charge of having shot and killed Isaac
Gilbert, colored, with a pistol, on the SOtb of Febru
ary last. / '. .■•£y- ‘-jt..;,.
Major Jno. O. Ferrlll represented the accused.
The accused'ia a short, thick act, inoffensive look’
ing negro, apparently fifteen or sixteen years of age.
The jury Was sworn in, after which the indictment
and the law of homicide was read to them by the So*
licitorGeneral. * : 7 * ! ‘ '
John Ward, negro, was introduced as a witness,
and it being ascertained that he was ten yean of age,
which bis appearance belted, was sworn, and testified
in snbstance M fblfows: '
I eaw the difficulty; my cousin, A brim Turner, sold
to the accused; my”—— M ------
; my brother Gilbert aud accusea
Death of Capt. Heney C. Brands.—Capt.
Henry C. Brandt, well known aa Freedmen’s Bureau
Agent for 3t. Pater’s parish, 8. O., but who has gen
erally kept his headquirters in Savannah, was found
dead lu his bed yesterday morning, at his room, No,
16, City Hotel Building. His disease was congestion
or the lungs, with which he hat been troubled for
years, but more seriously within a lew weeks. De
ceased was a Prussian by birth, came to this country
and served in the Federal army w.thdisiincUon. was
wounded, and received the appointment of Captain
in the Veteran Reserve Corps. Under the system
first adopted by the Government alter the dose of tha
war, he was detailed as FieeUtneu’s Bureau Agent
for St. Peter's parish, and conducted himself In that
position in a way to win golden opiniona from every
body. He gave the white people their rights; he pro
tected the blacks, but made the able-bodied onea
Work; he fed the indigent of both colors, but none
who were not unavoidably poor. Under the new
Freedmen’s Bureau arrangement he was transferred
from tbe army to a dvU capacity, with the same nay
and exercising the same functions. He had recently
been ordered to a new District, having been succeeded
in 81. Peter’s Parish by Capt. Young. He leaves a wife
aud daughter, who reside in New York. Deceased was,
we think, 46 years of age. Hi9 funeral Occurred
yesterday afternoon under charge of Mr. L. Buuueil^
an intimate acquaintance, and occupant of the»ad~
jotaing room to h's. Tnere are nnny here who will
preserve a kludly recollection of Capt. Brandt, the
soul of honor, a gallant soldier, as educated gentle
man, a genial acquaintance.
A Monstbr Alligator.—Faying a vis4 to
the Florida watering places last winter, we met*;
large party of prominent Northern excursionists,
among them Mr. R. C. Livingston, the eminent
steamboat man of New York, who, when other sport
failed, on the St John's River, acquired a considers
ble celebrity shooting alligators. Yesterday, passing
the establishment of Mr. G, Noble, the well known
txxl-lermlst, on Brcughton street,'near Lincoln, we
observed him through the window “putting up’*"the
largest alligator ve ever saw from these waters. It
was oae of the reptiles k lied by Mr. Livingston on
the St. John’s, we sicertalned; and is being stuffjd
to be sent on to him at New York. Th? animal rfe:
ciired several shots, but the fatal one was fiom Mr.
Livingston, on the right shoulder. The alligator
measured a few inches over twelve ieet iu length,
but a portion of the tall woe misting, axis generally
the case with “old settlers.” Had the caadal append
age been perfect, the length would have
been fifteen feet or more. Mr. Noble hae shown h;s
skill in transforming the carcass into a condition al
most as natural aa Hie. While at Mr. Noble’s place
we took a look at some live*alligators he has of hfl
own in his yard, one nine foot fellow, some plcanin-
nie*, a gopher, Ac. He has some fine specimens of
played fertile top; my brother wou It; accused said
ne would fight auy. q—n s—n of a b—h in Che crowd;
brother uakpd if he .meant him; accused said, “yes;
I mean you as much as auy one elsebrother asked
if ho wanted to fight a fist fight; he answered, “yes;"
accused went home then aud came back with a pistol;
he made a mark aud dared brother to come to it;
brother went up to him and he said: '’Deliver your
,iie to me/' and then suotand ran off; brother then
held hold ot his stomach, and some one came and
carried him to tue doctor; 1 was right by my brother
when he was khoti saw the accused fire; he is cer
tainty the boy; Saw him poiut and shoot the pistol;
this was since ChrUfma9;heshot brother near Mrs.
Marshall's house, on We»t Broad street; saw broth -r
alter he was dead; brother was shot in the left side;
brother was about the size of the accused.
Cross-Examiuut!oh—There were six of us there.
(The names .were given ) Brother had u pUt 1 aud a
suitelhhis pocket; the pistol was uot loaded; he
pulled them out ana threw them ou the ground pre
vious to the fight; 8am. Uourdin picked them up; I
did not see brother fire at the prieouer; 1 live with,
my mother.
Dr. Thos. smith Sworn—lama practicing physi
cian; a ne^ro boy was brought into my office one
evening, at what time I don’t remember; I nod seen
the boy before,aa Yattended the family; 1 kuew the
boy by the name ot Isaac; the flrat wound was ou the 1-ft
aide about two inches below the lius; found another
wound on the right tide some three or lour iuenes
from the. middle of tue spine; on first raising the
shirt a leaden ball uropptd on the door of my office;
I canuot say that 1 positively considered the wound
mortal, because I have seen men get well of such
wounds; think both wounds were made by tbe same
ball, the ball passing eaiiteiy through the body; it
wan a conical nail; can’t say that tbe wound produced
bl« death;. I had the boy sebt home. in the country,
intending to go out In the morning. At,9 o'clock the
next day I was told he eras dead, and I did not go to
see him. it wrea very dangerous wound.
Cross examination—I' oon't know that the boy
brought to iny office vies the boy that was mur
dered. . . .
ao ram Turner, negro boy, sworn—I Am fourteen
yearn old; .1 sola th* accused a top; Isaac Gilbert was
my cou iu; Isaac W«n the topfcr’iinoe called him a
u —n of a t»—b; isaac didn't miud that, and he went
off to the corner, auu. misoner cursed Bim again.
My c^us.n asked aaeoattl If he meant hini. Here
plied, “Yes, hedld<esaiiuolfUsiuiyR^’U of 4 b—h in
>be crowd. ’’ My cousin Infeed prisoner if ne would
fight hint a fair net fight, prisoner said, “Yes, he
Would/' The prisoner dorecLIsaac to gj to the tele
graph pole, almost m front'd?'Mrs. Marshall's huuse;
my cousut went towards him; Prince commenced to
laud off my coma u'e lick, and said ne would not fight
there; that he must come over to the other side;
Prince went over there, got his pistol aud came back
and told all tue boys to stand from arouud him, aud
men be shot and ran in the house, and an he ran,
uoiue boy snot at him aud hit him iu the neck; I saw
tfee accused when he shot Isaac; he shot him with a
cartridge hue shooter. Til is to .k vises right
at the comer of William and West Broad streem,
Detween 6 and 6 o’clock in the eveuing. Isaac was
carried to Dr. amiih’a office; the doctor told him what
to do, aud he wai afterwards carried home to hie
mother; Isaac waa 4 great deni taller than the ac
cused; a saw tbe.'ccceaoud after he was dead; he uied
at 6 o’clock the .next morning at McAlpin'a place;
am certain that the prisoner shot Iliac.
Cross-examination—My father auppoirs me all tbe
lime: sometimes 1 sell papers; there were aixot us
When * e u*tl at the saddler’s shop; I snow two boys
named Sunday May and ueorge Cunningham; I le-
member the aay wnen I whs examined before tho
uiagiatrate; I don’t know what l told George me day
i came oat of the coart-room; 1 did uot say to. those
two boys that Tswore that way because l was forced
to; isaac haa hU pistol and knife the day he was sunt,
bat he gave them to earn Gonrdin berore he was shot;
I did not sue Isaac shoot at the accused at all.
Ciara Porcher, negress, sworn—Isaac Gilbert is my
son; i did not see him sho.; be Went away from me
where I lived in the country, in perfect good health;
about two hour? alter dark be was brought home,
badly shot; I tuink he was nearly twenty yearn old;
he was very poorly; he died at 6 o’clock the next
morning, iu ray house, about three miles from here,'
on Mr. Telfair's place; he died from that wouud;
was shot tight through tie side; I have seen the ac
cused a heap of times io Mr. Doyle’s shop.
aaui Gourdin, negro, sworn—I was present when
Isaac Gilbert was shot; Prince Johnson and Isaac hud
a quarrel about *Aop; wa started down towards th“
steamer Sylvan Shore,but before wegot there Johnson
said h* coaid whipA*y s—n-of-a-b—h in the crowd;
Isooo afeked lf ho meant him; hereid yes,-as much
as any s—n-of-a-b—h in the crowd; Isaac asked him
if he wou.d fight hima-fa:r fight; prisoner said, yes,
he would; he then cursed Isaac again, And made a
cross-mark find dated aim tdcome to it; IsaM went,
^hpajwiacedrew»pistol and shot I«aac and then
ran; Isaac asked us to carry him to a doctor; we
picked him up and qferrWd him to Dr. Smith's office;
went with bun to bis mother’s in the conutry;
The Sxbameb J. W. Anderson.—We haxe
mentioned that a c jmmittie was appointed by the
Oglethorpe Fire Company to examine their steamer,
the J. W. Anderson. i
A number of experts have examined it and found useless. Some hav# expressed
the opinion that it could be fitted op so as to bq ui!
hae at an expense of about eighty dollars. Others
state that to make tbe steamer of permanent use to
the city new copper fines Will be required, which will
coat about six hundred dollars. It is hoped' that
some action will be taken in regard to the matter at
occe. Thu steamer ean b* of too much service jp
case of fire to allow it to remain idle.
At the fire on Friday night last the boilers lesked
*Qd pat oat the fires as fas: as they were bailt, and
compelled tbe oompany to cease working» iflSWt
that the members of the company are willing to pay
s portion of the expense necessary to At up thfi* P ar -
Until their steamer is repaired they Intend to carry*
their hose reel to all the fires and do Ellin their power
to extinguish the flsmee- They have only abofit five
hundred feet of hoee and ahonld have three hundred
feet more. ‘ f
The J. w. Anderson was constructed In Baltimore:
by Messrs. Poole A Hunt, cost about (>,000.
8hortly after the Oglethorpe Company came in pos
session of the steamer a trial was hsd and a stream
thrown two hundred and thirty-two diet ten inches.
At the celebration on tbe -first of the month, with
seventy pounds of steam, a stream was thrown only
one hundred and eighty fast.
l he company ie that the engine shall be
pat in thorough order, or a new one gotten. F^T the
present the J«W.‘ Afffiftkan is out of Berrien.
Meeting of the Colored Metropolitan
Cohsxbvaxite Club.-—A meeting of this Club was
held in the Court House last night, Francis McNeai,
President, in the chair.
The minutes of the list meeting were read and*p<
Proved. ~
A number of new members.were enrolled, # ; \
The Committee to nominate a treasurer, reported; ;
that Dr. L. A. FaUagauthad *sw aekbted.
The doctor wee .then
A motion wae made and cnrri<
of the Club who wufce&to weataConservative badge,
udbcatirtfrtTuw.,v :
A Committee was appointed to ha*» fefdpf;
badge made::’' «-iT
OaiStii" 1
otUiaclIui. .
elicit, flyen aettiDS
e.tHittl to an ao-
it oUargm him-
ifioMorof Imc Oittert, lntad of lmo aubort,
rpkniW Mhli lb* o, lb. state being tbit
“ injllotinfyt ^uOl art fortb, tMt tho pMou, u not
!».!« trm&a'dt color or an tfldijn.' In.utS&rt
of Jam inoaut M gnotad the ln*,'ui« decuion
.of^, : «tIJW,f^wtf iftn^niUw Otto,;
casc. " i it »
The Solicitor General reviewed tlie. testimony In an
able manner, and in answer to the ’above argument
of toe defence, argued that as slavery had been
abotlshed the reasoh for the law no longer existed.
The Judge, in bis charge to the Jury* which was
an able effort, said that in his opinion the point made
by tha dsfanes was wall taken; that the law was as
staled, and that tbe witnesses had proved that the
perasxi murdered was a persou of color, while tbs
indictment read as if ha was not aneb; theralore the
accused was entitled to acquittal. He then revfew&
the testimony^wkich he mid was of such a nature
as to make the Jury eater tain a reasonable deubt. iu
regard to the guilt of the accused. The testimony of
one witness, if accepted, proves that it was a justifia
ble homicide, and if so, the party must be acquitted.
The case was then given to the jury. They khan
’retired, remit naff-oat about five- minutes and re
turned, Mid through the foremin asked tbe Judge if
they could find any other verdict than guilty of mur
der or not guilty. The Judge stated that they could,
whereupon they again retired, .raitalning out three
minutes and returning with the following verdict:
“We. tbe Jury, find the defendant guilty of mfen-
The Court then adjourned until 10 a. m. to day.
nos. E. C. AKDEB80H, Presiding.
Tuesday, May 26.
Oae of tbe crying nuisances of tbe city under the
new regime has been the wanton behaviour on the
publio streets and squares of a depraved class of
colored wenches, and Iheir cum pan Ions, sometimes
black, often white. They fliunt one with gaudy at
tire, allow a contempt for decent people on the
streets, tnd indulge iu open lewdneas. with a perfect
reckless bravado. Ihidr habits in this respect grow
ing worst, asd it becoming almost impossible for a
respectable lady to walk out after dark without en
countering assignation‘parties on her way, and often
of involuntarily hearing tfce details of attain die
cussed unblushingly, and many of tho aoti >n<* belug
committed in broad daylight, oompla nt Was made to
the police, and last night a descent was made
on quite a number of these law violators. May
Richardson was charged with lascivious con.
duct with some low down white mtn, who
not arrested, in Lafayette Square. The
case was continued for Wither Investigation. Maria
Brown and Fanny Sager, lascivious conduct la Mon*
terey Square, fined $5 each. Charles Tompkins aud
Mary Thompson, similar offence in Qglethorpe
Square, same flue. Wm. Addison and Kate Gallagher,
similar behavior in Lafayette Square, also $5 each
John Miller aud Rebecca Williams, Madison 8quare,
Miry Williams, ditto, Oglethorpe Square*
J ilia Johnson and'Alice Mitchell were found with two.
soldiers near the Barracks. The wenches got tbe
usual fine; the soldiers were turned over to their
effloere, who will doubtless have them punished ior
disgracing themselves and outraging the community
We hope this haul will hive a gojd moral effect.
Wm. Robinson, an old chicken thief,got thirty
days In jail for having stolen fowls in his possession.
8, R. Bainer, drank and disorderly In the street,
fined $8
Jucob. Sherman,. charged wi h peddlirg cigars
wttbout a license, was let up for this time in sympa
thy for hie crippled condition, ho having lost one of
his arms.
Minty Mnngan, colored, was fined (ID for a bruta'.
asaanltoua child, whom sho deliberately and wilfully
knocked down in the s'reet.
Allen Williams was sent np for thirty days for
stealing a pair of chlcfeens from Harry Mack at the
Iilenc. Wray wa3 directed lurthar to investigate the
case of Jim Greer;, charged with having stolen cloth
ing in his poss‘. salon. ^ •
Justices’ Courts. '
Justice Mabsh—Jacob Manigsh’t, a person of
color, was committed to jail ye&torday l>y Jastice
Marsh upon a charge of larceny of bones, hereto
fore reported In the Nxw3 ittn Herald. Mr. Gard
ner belug the preseoutpr.
Justice Russell—The eas? of Captain Thomas
Britt vs. John Kelly, possessory warrant for a cabls
alleged to have been stolen from tbe gunboat
Milledgeviile was up, but was continued on ac
count of the abaeuoe ot the attorney for the de
fendant. '
Justice Fmith.—Mofie3 Hall, colored, was com
mitted to jail in default of bond, under a charge of
assault and battery. Mos$s drove over a lady on the
Patrick Johnson and James Brown were arrested
upon affidavit made of an assault and battery. They
give bonds (waiving an. ex Animation) to appear to
answer the charge before tne proper tribunal.
Justice Bonz.—Steven Malioty was committed to
Jail, in default of ball, under a charge of stealing a
plow. ' ‘
Wm. W, Malms, charged with an assault and bat
tery, entered into bonds for examination, which was
Nardsea Monier vs. John Graham, sued cat a pos
sessory warrant for two cows, alleged to 4 be in the
onlawlfil possession ot Graham. The cose will be
examined to-day.
KTOtaSm the O&ut «•» fee*
Ithenn.— ......
I wis pretty clo»e to Isaac When Johnson camo up;
ne urled oat “stand away from hex* boys,” and then
1 The testimony for the prosecution waa here closed,
Bid that tor the defence commenced >
James Benedict, maiaito, sworn—I eaw e party of
fl re boys croesiag the street, on West Bread sueet,
on* of tuern having a pistol in his hand; I heard uoja
«a* to.the boy wno had a piutoi, *'ahoot him;” they
were going over to where tne aceuaed was standing;
I wateoud them off and on, and onofedthen I waa not
looking, I heard two pistole fire; I Waa driving lor
captain Brown at the lime; there was a second’s dif
ference between the shots; I turned and saw one
boy with hi# ■ hands on fiLs etomacuf-tbe othfr, tbe
■rrlWrt ]^‘ff h '“ hinds to bis neck; do hot know
whbhnreilnrst; sawthem carry off one boy; the
ahead of the
u>i la the »- ,r^- —__y^-.. rir
mug; I hehi d ho quarfelllng; it W4te about five miu-
ntes alter l beard the remark when 1 heard the shot;
1 was driving along 411 the time; I testified beiorc
the magistrate*; i stated befo.e taem that I saw two
boys quarrelling; tore* of the witnesses here were in
'ie party I.eaw;,ihsaffair occurred in Fporuafy last.
RobertBmith, negro, awdn—I waa standing ou the
corner of Booth ana Broad stieeta* and eaw five
boys epinnipfe W)pa; iher then ha t a dispute and
c.oaewt the street, and the crowd cam* over where
I was. and Iaaao am* they ought uot to take “s—n or
a b— n fiom such a lit Lid fellow as that, but ought to
J give hit* hell;’’ ptDbner then cam* aeruss fend stood
in front of An. Marshak's, and th* crowd, Isaac
among them, weutovaraud asked tbe pr aoner if be
Would fight; I went ov*r with tfi m; lu going over
Abram Turner hanaed Isaac a pistol; Isaac asked the
prisoner if he would fight hint fair; the prisoner said
A# would; *bt deceased banded Bam .Gourdin bis pistol
and ibe prisoner said, “Never mind; I don't believe
I’d fight yon on the street;” Uo then turned to go off
und lease shot him in tbe neck; he clapped ble hand
ami shot isaacan the (yjydkaoi IsutocaUad to Bam
cauaht him, and he asked him to put him down;Isaac
was carried he«rd they took him to
a doctor.
On».eunUuiiou *>,**» »UU-I **> »cija«!nted
•till aU ot Um tutjfWfUat John Word; toldaffofe
hwud betweGB , >od t o’OKl; 1 w., aoraM tL»
linn ntwul wrtitei 1M qoM«Ua* ; lauc >wt
mo oruoB.r we|* Ok. oni, on*, qumnatiig; ■ w.» no
more tluo on nuaatfi Ixtvan w* Qatrreim, an*
to. .h ollogi fw.fl*® fM, o* *h«i too rtooung
The Feast of W*EE9.~To-day the Isra
elites throughout the world celebrate tbe Feast of
Weeks, the anniversary pT the revelation on Mount
8Insl, the great event of the giving of to*,
first written law, which ■ill Is the foun
dation «f all ‘ laws and , the basis of ai;
constitutions. This ev^nt transpired in the thira
month after Israel’s departure from Euypt, about
1500, B. O., aad still is no fresh in. Israel’s memory
tofet It annually aasembles the people in their houses
of worship to render praise and adoration to Him
who gave the Law.
Speaking of the Feastof Weeks, th* Nashville Bon-
neraaye: “Mol only in the eynagogaea, but also in
the bosom of each Jewish family, that beautiful feast
brings new glaJnes a and lest I ve. joy*. Hia t.efoast
of sptina. of flowers, the time of roses, when every
b*art is incHned to jpy and pleasure—the day +h»n
Israel exclaimed at Uie ^fpot of Sinai Naaseh Vehieh-
mafa. “We will do it had we will hear It.” For
Utiffirtofca, centuries they have/ adhered to this
promise. his no oth«r-system of doctrines
to show, and no other to.point to, which have
thus outlived all revolutions of histoiy, all change?
cf the globe, and all tbehuecesvlcns of emplres,:zeU-
gions, phlloaoph^es aodyar jicg of sgea’’
—nn———~t tv
A Card. I
At a meeting of the. undersigned, on board the
steamer Lizale Baker, daring atx excursion to the
Black-Fiah blanks off Tybee, coatepid for the purpose
of giving expression to our high appreciation ef the
liberality and kindness of those to whom, we were
indented for the pTfeasure of that trip, Henry Brig
ham, Esq, was called to the Chair, and John Gam-
meU, lsq., was appointed Secretary. The following
reiolutlons w«re then offered and nnanimously
adopted:- “ \ ....
Resolved, Th At the thanks of this party are hereby,
-most cofdlalty tendered to Captain Peter Lafioae ror
his Tcluuiary-offer to us of tbe uie of the steamer
Liczie Baker, and to Captain John Ten Broeck tor
hla folnntary offer of his bont, the “Emma A, Dick-
anon,’’ free of oh ♦rge ter this excursion. :
Resolved, that the courtesy of Captain LaRose and
jeothe.- officers of the Lizzie Baker, and the effi
ciency and deportment of her Rte ward and crow, com*
mew thas# to, sod prove them deserving the patron
age of the public.
: Resolved, That the press of Savannah is respect-,
fully requested to publish these resolutions.
a tff tlM spcaeed aad Isaac, sort waa
both of them; both had patois; Isaac T
fired first; both.had cartridge ptetcls; I
near them wh*le they had th* pistols
dld'ut .draw his pistol
was uffi HfOre the Mag-
• I neW tola anybody what I knew
hSrISn It; I It™ USM now; ,u bom *nd ralM^
last I saw the
me between
the bo^whei
the wound waa ii
fiess pointed ofit 1
ie side of the
sta^d that
Tdreas the woand;
MW Of the ueck; tbe wit-
d; tha ball want iajeat at
Khhd pasaed om; I,sup
posed the wouud was made by a pistol mu; two*
tot > OWWOO) J*«j» “>i**“» let,; 1
; i j^*?5o4ipta.
Qso. W. WfUt,
T. ,M- Norwood,
iM • b M Li v
,Pulaski House-—W D Hamilton, Gat/j Hager,
N t; A Wager, do; W B Jotoaton, Macon; J W
Spain, Ga; C Q Munnerleyn, do; J S Moanerleyn, go;
WH Gleason, FIs; JM Bparkman. do; WHSpark
man, do; J blager. do; GeO.Aatiereon, Gs; W BoWen,
dy;WW Colquitt, Ga; IlisaBealah Minton, Ga;
A t Green, city; T CAihCTd.' 6a R Wadis*, j do;
B A Garvin, Ga; T H Warc. d*.
SctxvxK Huua*.—C’W Whtolon nJk. Bervfent jc S
i Dr- i
<b«*r»'£f**42 ** of|
toe Bom4 Sf&itfUk conrepwl at Exchange last
The mlnafiM of UU tear meWrg were read ad con
firmed. j
fcaORre or wafinff.
Derby—la gopd ofdar. Pump.Meded; dry well, Ac.
Berrjen—In gojdoxdr.
Walton-Hr good* ortfer, exoeptipg^RdMrfe street,
Stewart street and 4portion of Jonea street.
Eibeit—In good jrdtr.
North Oglethorpe—In good order.
Dsrt>jT-la\the clunp of wooden boOdlngsat tho
corner of Whltekai and St. Julian atrect^ the rain
faffing from the rtcl fills the sinks and gives the
tenants great afanojoucs. In fhe lanes, particularly
iu Bey lane.' the sommuiatiosa of offal and filth are
attracting file#, AO.
Washingtcn—In food condition.
FfeWtown—in geod order.
Chattton—larpods condition.
North Ogletiioips—In good condition, with the ex
ception of a Bfiidmca Already iepeatedly reported*
especially in referred to the pump attested in the
ard. ■ (
A communicatioi was read from Hia Honor, the
Mayor, to rmtmtmtm to ihe eo*vevretou of the Board
with the city authoitiea, preventing ( |he^hrow log of
filth and garbage U tbe streets and lanes!
By Mr. Lee— ,
Resolved, That .file Mayor and CUy Council be re
quested to extern! tbe time of cleaning ol sinks by
me Contractor foi’ane mouth from Juoe is;.
By Mr. Withingtoi—
Resolved. Thst; hie Board request the Bo*rd of
Aldermen to dr&io Frew town Ward Withoni, delay.
Th* Secretary i*.roduc«d to tbe Board th* “Phcenix
Disinfectant,” whlJh was, on motion, referred to the
Committee of tha Board.
On motion theftiard adjourned.
Horse Thisk C\vaax.—Tuo News ard
Herald of Monday mentioned that the horse, saddle
and bridle of Dr. W. 8. Lawton had been stolen
from hia stable He Saturday night previous. We
were informed yiaterday chat ttu thief had been
caught with the rorse at Darien. He had ridden
night and day to gat there, aud arrived in time to be
8a Van nab Masrat**.,
omoa ir the News aud Herald, l
C M . : ffAVAKjtAM, May 26-6 F.;m. J
Cotto».—There haa iteen considerable inquiry for
the etiple today considering the season, and the
transactions are nor# numerous than we have been
for some time caffidupon to report. It mil fo said
to be only a temporary demand, however, occasioned
by a desire to fill tome special order, or theiuecesalty
to free an emoaat of tonnage. The sales We report
were mostly effected early, before the arrival of the
news, ad we dog>t if the sea* oouooa would now
bring the prices q>talced.for them in ih# morning.
At the same time we would lemaxk in general, that
owing to the small offering stock, holderAare firm,
and evince no Aepotiliou to yield ta the prices of
fered. f
We now quote fbm actual sales :
Middling i 29®
Luw m adiiug ’. ‘J.M
The sales to-djyhsve been aa fellows: 91 bales a t
27, C at 27>4,117 at 18, 7 at 26#, 50 at 29. Total, 271
The receipts to-diy amount to 192 bales.
Finarcial.—Gpk firmer; bought stlS9ffil8fM, and
sola at !4J(g)14i>4 Exchuge—New York sigbt Is
quiet; bougui at par, und sold at % premium. Bter-
ling Is firm; bough at 162 for 60 days bills.
Bacon.—The offiring stocks are light, some
lots being withdrawn from the market la an
ticipation or hlffier rates. Dry salted dear
ribbed aides have ben a Did daring tue we-k at I6jfc;
smoked do at 18c. The demand has been lair, and
«e now quote: bhtoldera, 15)£&l6c; ribbed sides,
clear rlbicdsides, clear aides,
scarce at 19e; hans, plain. 2Ka.'2c; canvassed. 28
Flour—is quiet-but steady. We quite fer
Northern super, flCC0®ll 00; extra, $11 OOfiilS 60;
r-imiiy, $15 00@16 0). Georgia flour is scarce and
unchanged—esy for choice lamfiy, 816 per barrel;
socks, $8 60. . p
Freights—On cotbn are very dull. We quote: To
Liverpool, by sail, A-;6®|jd op uplands anu fit osi sea
islands; on timber, .Jite; to Qacoastown, hie. When
calling for ordms; though via New York, by steam,
&don uplands; on sea i&landfl,; To New York,
by steam, >«c per a; 75c on domsstica. ,T» Phil
adelphia, J6&, on wjtenda, C5o on anmeehes. To
Boston, $8 on uploads; through via Philadelphia.
Xc. Through to Bfetott and Philadelphia via New
York, $3. To BHUinors, per lb. Ooaat-
Wise freights are.' more active. Small -vessels
with large ports Ae in request, as we learn
of several cargoes tf heavy timber awaiting ship
ment. Lumber to Bdtimore and Philadelphia, $8(§9
to New York ad fioeton on timber and lumber,
|10@12 Cuba trdghte on lumber $8 to north
side; *9@10 to south side, Bmsll ve*.«e,s are wanted
fer the trade. Boutl American freights $20, and $5
primage can be hud^ . s • ; *. -
Grain.—Com—Tbtre is little improvement in the
demand, and prices ire somewhat firmer. We now
quote prime white £1i\y A irom depot The
Siook of oats is very light, and no receipts; selling
from: atcre at fermei quotations, $110® 116. -
Rick—la firm. W> quote: Clean CArulina, 10®
10He; by the single cask. He higher; rough, $2 25
<S)i 40; seed, $3(^4; middling race, 7®8s; Rangoon.
iuh^Hc. j
8UOAB3—Are nncmnged. We quote: Crushed, 1$
@18H«; A white, lfet?**; & go, 2$Hffii7o; extra
uo, UJ@16Hc; yellofr o, 16®loHo;. brown clsrifidd,
14^t; Muacovado, 1IH®14; Porto Rico. 14®18c.
IU Markets.
LoEDon, May 26—noon.
Financial.—Secaiities tachanged,
• Livxbpool, May 26-^-Noon,
Cobcon—Heavy aid unchanged; bttslceaa;
•ilee,*4.0 0 bales. ' . - *
Gbain.—Wueat defined Id; red Wefit£rn, lsVsd.
tlVERPOOL, •Si, 2 J—afternoon.
Cotton.—Uplands ll,Hd; Orleans, UHd. .
Losno^May 26-Evepiog.
Financial. —Canada, 90H; oonds, U\.
' Frank post, May 96—Evening.
' Financial.—U. 8.Bjuds, 76H- '
jivrupooL. Miy 26—Evening,
Cotton—Dull sn^Leavy; sales, 4,000 bales.
Maucheatei- advios umarorable.
bUOAk—Dull. ' j
Honestlc Markets.,
, . •. • .. xOEX, Mai 21-Ho^a
Financial.—Staksactive; money, 4@5 .per gent;
exchange, ; cild,14i>j; Virginia 6’s, 55.
cotton—Droopitg; miduiing, 3(K430>4c.
FloUW—196^160 ower. /"»• » 1 ;
Oeais.—Waeat,‘;^3c lower; corn unchanged.
Pkovzsiaifs.—B<rfc heavy; ateee.$96 75.
Naval Vroin -Turpentine ready at 5lHc; roaln
uncuauged. 4 ;» fc , m
New York, M^ 26—Evening.
Financial.-Gaul, 140H; atertiog, llOH; ffid Yfr-
guaa bonds in uenaud at 50; other Sjutucm bonds
setive; 1862 oootona, 10H; Tenueasee 6’s, it; new,
» NoriU Carelna, new, «7. r
>cotton—Easier,and mor* aotng; ialM, 1100 bales;
mUddng. 8a#80Hv *t etosflyeoiai $tte '
FLour—Heavy, ind I0@20c lower; Sjuttiem, $9 80
@14 50.
Grain.—Wheat i*u, ad 2@3c lower; corn droob-
ing; white besithn, $t ii@ it. i j
Provisions.—Mfas peck, $98 70;'lard,18H#W>^o-
GaocERiEs—Heivy. t 1
Havas. axoRKs—Turpentine, 61 @51 He; rosin,
$81§@7, '
Nkw Orleans, May 25.
Financial.—Stirling, 60H@52; New York sight, H
pee tent, premiaoi; gold. 140%.
Cotton—Cnsstiisa; miudluffi, 2SHe; sale*, 1.IC0
balw; receipt*, 192 bales; exports, 4,58g balsa
Suguh—Finn and unchanged.
Molasses—Firm and unchanged.
Flour—Du; 1; superfine, $8 76.
QiteiN*—Gseiweei te*dwy upwmd at$I 06#
HO; oata firm at 80o. , ' i
Hay—Quiet at $18@20.
pRovuioNS.—L»rd higher and scarce; in tierce, 20c:
in keg.aOHc; po.kduRet $29 *o@» 7$. OAukAera
i4Ho; clear sides, l8Hc. j
BALrorosi, May 96.
Financial —Virginia 6*s, 48@48H; North Carolina
x-ooupoas. 67.
Flour—Quiet ad unohaged.
Qaw--MOrtae*>Te*-w*ss».ffrOe@8iO| wldt•
coin, $1^13@1 J8; ysllov, $t22Ml2S;0AH, 9*ffi94Hc;
^F^viron*—Steady adan^hanged.
CnoniAfi, May 26.
Flour—Dull- ■*.: • • t
rGaaBi.—Oarn unsettled at 95e.
Tioumtill*, May 25.
rtiiw—*tpwtelllg' ffre9. ‘ ’
noviBiWL—Km. pork, ,28 60; -kimW.., Ua
'WOUdWlOk, B. 0., Ksj to.
b<u Sloua—Spirit. mpnUM MT flrM at
Mtt«rn>tln. iaxooi OsmuO; MMl n u| U;
£l.«.*2 *0; So. L, $3 M«0 M; fSlTt*
ti tKim. .1 V .! . .
• '■JfWWMttilWSI.-
i WBieomor. Hoy SI, hsj.
Arrival IMt«6pp.
Son Jacinto, Atkins, N«w York—
_ ett, Faint, Adktu. Fnlatkn—L J omi-
ateMM^UtaUtor. ooz.tur, Ohirlenton-L J Gan.
’’SwuMT Fannie, Peck, ckarieiton—uugnom A
Cleared Yesterday.
Dictator. Coxetter. Palatka—L J Guilmar-
Polnt. Adkins. Charleston—L J
Br UrfMoreno, Black, Liverpobl-Brighsm, Holst
tt Co.
Bchr waitoa, Corbett, Richmond, Me-TB Mar-
ehatik Bro.
.,. Hailed Yesterday.
Steamsf McUtor,Coxetter, Falstka, Ha—L J Gull-
martin* Co.
Htoamer City Point, Wkins, Charleatoa-L J GnU-
martin & Co.
Refcc&pto. i 1 *
Per steamer Dictator, from Florida—4 packages
tin AOo.
• r '
kxn-rca. * t *
Per Br bark Moreno, fer Liverpool—S98.f»uQ feet
pitch pine timber, 23 4SQ f <-i pitch pine lumber.
Per sc hr Walton, ior iwc.imaud, Me—l' feel
lumber. . i<*-
Pai »tuim.
Per steamer Fsrnie. fro.n i bailee on—B Meyers, A
II Jeusiue, J-Potter, T Bituitvuse aud aon, and 16
Per ste iiniliipSin JeciUlo from New York—Mrs
Capt O Wheaton and <*hiid. M*s vv .^uuurae, Air
WaabOume. O Orff il At aiO'id ud J i. Vassar, F
Vose, Mr Kogiitu, Mv ilcae.>, u A i eu.iva!, L B For*
cival, h H Me csil/Mrs Aiorria, A X Th in, Mister F
Lincolu. C Cuiu iriogu
Per steamer C.ty i’ofb*. irom Florida—Nelson,
Evans, l'erryiuau, ' aii.tiitu, J * Dunuip. DutUous,
A T Mail, J Slajel, T il 1»A 1-AS C.i-ostooW, W H i’rou-
dy. Dr Uncoil, Misi Bake;, .in tiuj/ ai.d sady, ti
Cocbrs*. and 2 uvnk
’ Pfer steamer Dictator, fr-in i.Ii iriest.-n—D Jen-
Ulngs.Mtss U Jeuuiugs, Mlss &f Jeduiiigs. A McNu.-
ty, wife. Child and svt, Cui DODeJanivU. Miss i*>a-
griel, R W Woodbndge, J A Wiekiu-, U raarny, J Ai
hhudes, J M Sparkman, tv d Hjmrkmsn, u«.l D Mc-
Bs$,J.Hatfeins,'Mrs bsmmis, Miss Moopsr, F U Dua~
ney, J Aaderson, and $ dick.
Per steamer Dictator,.-from Charleston—L J Gull*
martin & Co. W M Tonno Sc Co, a A Kice, WWko
lattie. ' 11
iter steamer City Point,/rote Florida—A C Nelson,
J U Maker* Co. liLsvstwe. ...
iter stedmbip an Jsuinto. from New York—Cen
R B AgL A A G MK Agt, H*j CUS Alffeu. Biun & M,
w E b.»h*elt. Ball k H, Brj*n, tf A Ob, Brady a M.
MA Ubheop Chagqrioo A K T W Cotoey. Jeffrey «fc
B, CMgaorn « C, Cooper Q A Co. T J Dunbar a Co,
J II psAfind, Einstein, * Aoo. E F English, A Fer
; na*<frip It *L FrepHaafitg, M Feral* Oo, a G«imn,
“ ' * Co, O L Gilbett, Gansn
> J GaiUnarttn * Co. M uo
— A * Co, H 8 Haines,
V .M KrsusS & Co, A B
A X, J Lippnum, Lstbrop
L Bros * Co, -41S Meyer,
i*j0o, W D k Aiillsr, C
(. WalilliniHi, 7 Nnsanr
jher * IV'
too. Gi ^ • “
UoK«ilt*0&B.. r . .. .... - .
Meitgler, J C Maker;*'Cb,, siLNeldlinger, T Nugant,
G a Nichols, J OUver. Orff * W, K 1’iawhek, X luiey.
J Ryan, O D Rogers * Bed, bo Ex Co, W H Stork a
Co, F W Sims A Co, A A Halomo .s & Co, J M HeikirK.
W A Thomas, W MTunno A Co, J L Villalonga. J E
Vassar, W H Wiltberger, Weed iC, JB Wesi & Co,
W U Woods. W X Woods, Mrs M E Wilson,
Per steamer Fannie, from Charleston—Ulagborn A
C. B Molina, T 3 Nickerson, J W McDonald, k H Kir*
tiu, Fernandez & Bro, F M MyrelL J W Nevitt, und
[By Talegraph.]
Charleston, May 26—Arrived, steamer Cham
pion, from N< w York. Sailed steamer Maryland, for
Baltimore: svhr K T Burgess, fur Georgotowu, 8 C.
WjLixraoxoN, May 26—Arrived, Lncelle, from
consignees per Central R, R.
May 26, 1868.
164 bales col ton, 426 sacks corn, .31 bales yarn, 20
bales domestic!, 5 bides hides, 2 rolls leather, li
boxes tobacco. 36 sacks flour, 43 sacks oats, 2 boxes
drugs, l tte»t mdse. 1 box beeswax. 1 roll bedding
1 box eggs. 7 boxes mdse, and mdse, to Randell ft
Co, J * W Rutherford, J W McDonald, J Fountain,
Lathroy A Co. J Lama, W A McKerzle, C V Hutcn-
1ns, A A su’oraocs A Co, Querard * H, J McMahon &
Uo. GuCKfnhtduier i b, C R It Ag’, ASQRR agt,
Bothvveil * W, Jones * W, F W Sims St Co.
Consignees per Atlantic * Gulf R. R.
May 26,1863.
23 batei c tton, 86 care lumber, 1 car sheep, 68 bbls
rot in. 4 iibis turpentine, 9 coops chickens, 6 Dales
wool. 9 bandies hides, 11 sacks potatoes, and mdse,
to Dune in a J, Swan, U A Co, Burroughs, FljeA
Co, L J Guilmartin A Co, Oppenheimer, M & Co, BR
Laws. J w Auderson’s bons A Co, Conntrat & J, C
Collins, MM,CRR apt, Alexander A U, R Mclntire
A Co, Pute'-ki House, J Lama. W fi Stark A Co. J H
Dews. F Winter, J Kelly, JffftCA Mclntire, A
Goinm, Cooper A McA. D MailetS, LaRoche tD.JM
Cooper, M Y Henderson.
Philadelphia and Southern
Hail Steamship Co.
For Philadelphia.
Oh1,Ih PasMige SSS
Deck Passage* with subsistence...$15 OU
The Splendid New Steamthip
TEAL* Commander.
WiU sell for the above port on
laturdsy, Jane 6, at 9 o’clock a. a.
For freight or passage apply to
mai25 j 84 Bay'street. *
OAWjUV PASiAOK....................
STRKRAQK. wltk fiabslstence...
ATKINS, Master.
Will sail as above on
Satarday, Jtay 30*. at — o’clock — n»
Mg~ Poeittvely no engaged berths seemed after
Wednesday. May 27 th, unless paid for.
ggr^For feeignt or passage, navingauperior ac>
<0 o®*, apply BOSSS, Jr., Agent,
ao. 12 Stoddard's Range.
nayg Wo.SItowllngGreen. New York.
Murray’s -Line
caiumiuw ...$a» oo
ITXEttAQK, wltb SiMlUan ...til M
.• ‘ ■ . • . U • : u ,
DEARBORN* Commander
wni «eU Tor the above port !
Wtdmeadmr,-ffuko 5 o’clock p. m.
gtr Magaged Berths «reared tJalesf
Paid for by MONDAY JUMtMHO. Jan*
M. f ' •
e onCotton destined
JS ,u sd,' l^Vlo-felb Siil WMD .bsLquioG
t*aat t umtomjttmtm bmttttt*.
tmt-a nuuu wwmsAnwns.
ft , Uftft J ftlUftftf HU J ^
Lions Conqueroii by a Woman!
BY BEU * HtTlftb
THIS DAT, (WetoMOoj) KV 97U>. « MX 0’aiMk,
In front ci store, will bo sold:
Watch#*. Bings,
Breast Fine, Ear Rings,
Chains, Sleave Buitons,
Studs, Ac,, (all gold.)
Royal Bengal Tigers Subdued!
The Monsters Loose In the
Streets of Savannah!
Monday, Tuesday ft Wednesday,
June 1st, 2d and 3d.
mv wm ww,
, 5 , -AND-
Tropical aviary*
in its resource*, and more gorgeous and ole
gaut y equipped than auy kindred Exhibition extant.
The corps acth-t cumbers , ; 1 i.
37 AeccmpllshcA Artistes,
Male and Pema’e representative* of the more •!*-
sat. graceful and plearing Olympian Sports, includ
es Equestrianism, Gymnastics, Pantomimic*, Aero
bat tee, Ac'rstatK’fl, and Athletics. Among to# most
distinguirhi d of the troupe are
That acknowledge no enperiore
in the rendition cf true harmoj.
Educated Mules,
Acting Monkeys,
Tbe Beautiful and Falry-l4ke
Siporila Ella Eugenie,
And the Diftin«ulsbed ffetur
relief and Accomplished TIUSH-
Accotapanlre this Colossal Combi-
zutton. and . at eaoh exhibition
display their miraculous power
and indomitable codrags byepter-
lDgth*densor tbe
Tigfcia, Lions, Panthers and
The Zoological Department
Is of Immense Magnitude and embraces
Hundreds of* Wild Beasts
or almost every #p«de« ad geographical range, from
Of the burning Desert of Africa to the While Bear of
tha Arctic tseaa, or the Btoonof bur own Waters
Wilds. To this is added
an vimiDALir Luie* AVIAJIT,
Of Meat Beautiful and Brilliant Birds and Fowls.
Monkeys, Jpes and Baboons
In countless ntmffirfi and averi tribe.
tar Fnr List of AffimalS, and general particulars,
see Pictorial Porters, Detcriptive Bills* BuRatins, me.
ef *• j*hp*!?b SAn n
On the top ot one will be
Eagea surronaded by Lieu! 1
On the other, seated aide by Bide,
XengeT and a" Royal f TigerT
Dry Goods and turiiitute.
A general assortment of Grocerlei*conai>Ung of—
Smoked Shoulders,
Dry Salted 8bonllarf,
Hams, Beef, Butter, Choree.
Af EegsPukles, Flour, 8aap.
Candles, Btarch, Ales,
. WmoL aud Liquor a, Tobacco, Ac.
Terms cash. my27-lt
Underwriter’s Sale.
On WEDNESDAY, May 21th, at 10 o’clock, in front of
tho store, will be told,
1 keg Cloride or LUne,
-1 bag Coffee,
Damaged <>n voyage of importation ad aold fer sc-
of all concerned.
count c
Terma cash.
Auction Sales—Future Days.
WiU b*eold on TUESDAY. Jon* 2d, at IT o'clock, A.
M., in front of the Court House;
On# new 1)4 story frame dwelling house, on lot No.
28, Gaston Ward, fronting ou Wart Broad etraet, the
whole lot Is enclosed by a good fence, sub lea fer eix
horses la ihs yard, aubjeoi to a ground rent of $50
per annum; lease five years with privilege ox re*
uewal. cosh.
Two frame dwelling bouses in the best of order,
one fronting ou Mints street, the other on Gaston
street, both attnataa on lot No. 11, Berrien Ward;
attached io each house a stable ui the yard, ad all
-other convanienocs; ground subject to $5o anual
> out; louse for three yean. n yl7-td
Will be sold on IUESDAY, June 2d, at 11 o’oicck, A.
M-, iu front of the Court House:
Three-quarters cf lot No. 84. Charliou Ward, and
improvements, consisting of a well finished brick
residence on Tattnall street, 3d door from Gaat .«n;
said residence, containing eight rooms, and out
houses four rooms, stables, * good we.luf water tn
Uie yard, and a flower garden; Said tot sold as the
fence now stands, subject to a ground rent ot $43 41
per annum. Terma oaab.
One-half of lot No. 10, Gaaton Ward, containing
55 feet on Jefferson street, by 35 feet on Gaston
Street, with fmpovemeubi consisting of three tene
ments, irame building; ground, fee simple. Terms
Tr e vacant half of lot No. 10, Gaston Ward, f5 feet
on Tattnall atieet, by 85 ieet ou Gaston street; ground,
ft* simple.
The adjoining quarter lot on Tattnall attest.
On first TUB-DAY in June next, in front of the
Court House, will bo sold:
The House ou Trust Lots No. 26 ad 31, Chart toa
street, 42 by 6d feer, under lease of eight year*.
Terms cash. my27-td
20 barrela POTATOES,
(Jackson Whites.)
gg shares Atlantic A Gulf Railroad Stock, for sals
bell a hull.
Mail Steamship Lane,
n.cswuidTMjiiaUMUtag MMaiblp
W. B.EATO 4, Ooamander,
Will tali on
WadMrtff. l«y BTth,at Iff o’dseka.
Sills of lading gives Mr* on through freights
af cotton to Liverpool by first-class steamers.
For freight orpi—ge» having new and spiendidlj
arranged acr rMitoBMwmAapplytQ
/ ^.jSSKtad’irift
Opportte the Port Office.
®. B.—ffo engaged berths secured after Monday,
My 96 th. unless yffid for. . natyis
r’K.~ ———*■—-—•---
Cabin Fawage.
BU*ragt, wltk sabslsteac*.... •»#
SteSragt, wltkoat sabslsteac* $10
/ LA,
Batarisy, toy 30, at — o’clock — as.
For freight or Passage apply to
82 Bay street, Bavanah, Ga,
B. LOWDEN, Agent, No. 93 Wset street, New
York. msyl8
Cabin Pji—age.
Th. New ud Superior Stw.htp
<BEO. W. BILLUPS, Commander,
w!U ad for Baltimore on
THURSDAY. Jam* Atk, at A p. a.
Vto fre^rf ot pMBtff*. IsvlEf excelled second
, apply to
B urlap, linen and cotton bag* editable
for Wheat, Oorarftc., Cot sale hi quantities to
” ^ tor the tteisprf uuaof grain,