The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, May 27, 1868, Image 4

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s ?nV‘n«&ibvf . . Some lip* with pride op Scorn are curled To bide tiie pain they uaj sot epesk. The eves may Cash, the mouth may emlle, 3W voice ID Kiaddest music thrii,, JUId vet beneath tl)Qm at' the while Thu hungry heart be pining •till. These know-their doom and walk their way With level stupa and steadfast eyes, Nor Arlve with Fate, nor weep nor pray— While cl bars, not eo aadly wise. Are mocked by phantoms evermore. And lured hy seeming* of delight, Fair to their eye, but at the core Holding but bitter dust and blight. I sso them gazing from wistful eye?, I mark their sign of fading cbe-Jcs; 1 bear them breathe in smothered sighs, And note the grief that never speaks; For anight redkwsaee wtoog, No eye with pity is impaired. O, iu'sconstru -d and suffering long, O, hearts that hanger through (he world 1 For yon does life’s dall desert hold No loUQtaln shade, no date grove fair, No gash of waters clear and cold, Bat sandy reaches wide sun b ;re. The Toot may fall, the soul may faint. And weigh to earth the weary frame, Ter still ye make no weak complaint And spesk no word cf grief or blame. O, eager eye* which gaze afar! O. arms wnlch clavp the empty air I Not all unmarked your sorrows are, Not all unpitied jour despair. Smile, patient Ups so p'oudly dumb— When life’s frail teat at last is furled Your glorious recompense shall come, O, hearts that hunger through the world. In GJ-eneral. —Gastric fever is said to be a new name for delirium tremens in Washington. —Ben. Wade’s “jump forward” was a jump into his political grave. —Greeley i3 quoted as saying “d— c Chase.’' —Ben Wade can find no oath to do the subject justice. —The Rev. Dr. Junkie, who died in Phil adelphia the other day, was the father-in-law of Stonewall Jackson. —The remarkable fact that Colfax's moth er is only sixteen years older than himself is published. :I —Brownlow, like the national debt, origin al bia and ThacL Stevens, still lives.—Easton Post. — Matilda Heron baa opened a dramatic studio, near New York, for the education ot young aristocratic ladies in the mysteries o! bistorianism. —Those Frenchmen who believe in omeDP shrugged their shoulders when the flag of the Prince Imperial was tom to pieces in tLe wind at Cherbourg. —A. neat thing in ear-rings comes from Paris, in the shape of a pair of enormous, h*iry, spotted spiders, with a fly caught in their feelers. —Prentice suggests that the impeachers had better remember that a man may have a whip in his hand to-day and on his back to morrow. —The Democratic party hasn’t the ghost of a chance of suceess.—Forney. That’s because .its chances, unlike your parly’s, isn’t dead.—Prentice. —A wine manufacturer at Rheims has been compelled to to pay $0,000 for using the name of a second Widow Cliquoc on his brand. —The Paris style for a wedding suit is pearl-gray trousers, marine-blue track coat lined with white silk, and gold but tons with the wearer’s initial. —Another evidence oi the decadence of the American shipping interest is manifested by the tact that the New York end Havre Steamship Company are to dispose of their steamers Arago and Falton at auction, on the 25th instant. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIE $3 r ns IB ONK OF THE MOST PERFECT VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE and BI OLE ' GLEANS] all its forms. Erysypeli known kinl how old or in' GUL LETT’S » OOD CORDIALS known to (he world, an infallible remedy for Scrofula In DISEASES such aa Pimples, Boils, Tetter or Sait Rheum, Riugvform, a Jihemiiatinm, Scrofulous Sore Eyes, ULCERS of every kind, ievery IONSTITC riONAL, SYPHILIS or VENEREAL DISEASES—no Matter erste. It quickly removes virus from the Constitution and Blood, and re-^oatieM to pertect-health and purity. This REMEDY is used and rioom- mhoded twite most eminent medical men, and is known by its works as ths tree U known hjTjj, fmitsi~ WARRANTED TO CUKE, t f jaf* FOR SALE BY THE DRUGGISTS. J; S. PEMBERTON A CO., PROPRIETORS AND CHEMISTS, COLUMBU& GEORGIA. A. A.- Solomons & Co., ■- WMBlHAlt AIIH71, *A. The Equitable ALLENS PAIR DOCTOR! LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY! OF THE UNITED STATES, No. 92 Broadway, N. Y. WM. C. ALEXANDER PRESIDENT. Cash Assets, $6,000,000, (Being 1 hree Times Larger than thataccnm^lated by any other Comp-iny in the sometime,) which is. yearly augmented by its Animal Preminm Incite, $4,1)00,000. I TS PBOQEEP8 IS UNPARALLELED. SUM AS SURED in 1867 (new ba9lne*t>,.qvw $45,000,- OOO, b*Hng nearly double the copifefec^ business of tour olber Companies that were organized about the same tune. Its Policies average;- radTktgeet of any American Company. It is bo dettkiofr-'by the New York Insurance Department. Thiflfl anadTuntHge. aud is evidence that this Society im most batronized by the capitalists. It issued all ae>irable NON-FOR FEITING POLICIES on a Single Life, ftp to 8»50 to $3-9,000. ALL PROFITS DlVlDKOumting Policy. Holders. MS“ Dividend for oneyear, ?eb. 1st, 1 S<18, cash value, nearly $1,000,660. .Dividends made annually from the start. *’ \ v . ” This In the most successful Companyever orcan- ized, and, for its years. THE LARGEST MU 1 CAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY in Use world. ‘ Its per centage of total •‘Out-eo” to “Caelr premium He- cdpts” was shown by the last official report of the New York Insurance Superintendent, to be leas than that of any other Company whatever.^ LANGDON BqWIE t Agent, mh2ft—lawSw 88 Bay Street. Savannah. THE“ EWK W E offer lor sale thft.afcove celebrated CHS3, .and -re prepared to show from (he results of Jast year's experience tiieir grant puperlorii./ over .the common Gins of iheccmhiry. We have oardftoat »s of tie highest character from planters wb*>h»ve ns« d them, frum factors totQ la this country nakl Butope Who have sold cotton ginned by them, who testify *> the superior ginning.atid say that the Cotton hasbeea soldlcom 1 to 4 CENTS « pound advgaeeton usher of the same classification ginned on the ordinary 4>in; also from orokere who have purchased tte .Cokon, and have paiU the advance above stated *over the SAilfi CLAWliTCATION ginned «m the orditaary Gin. it la Important to plantain in the purchase ot GINS to consider these tacts, aud buy % good £IN. which will give perfect satitiaction in it* us© and r^ amt la a great saving of money. Wo have received orders from some ot the bet t and largest plantere of Georgia ana Florid* CaD amt dee Sample Gin at oar office. fcW*Sen,J lor Circular.. wm. h. Stark & ca, Grocer, ini Communion jneucu. cts, . SAVANKAR, OA. WAgents (or "GULLSTT’S aiUSKL-BK CSH COS- TON GIN, 1 ' also -• B. MANS COS’S SBFEB- i’HOSPHAIEOFUJik” ' Anfig—Aru Turf, Field and Farm, T I TUX Oil) Tnmihn Mopping at tan Mom SMB MB Md Uw idtMtMIMWt TV P- r - r. [iinigni ^nuir »Hw«»i,MiKw by B—uwn or loathern m—keU, will b. OOUiUcU, mpplUd t. Ua tnble. BhWV THE J Published for Thfornwiion. ‘CSSSSW& Vieeconattiatea of f tsr CARL SPPlNG, Rranawick, ueorguu made on :coantgnm«ata W cotton, -frout, nwra, 4c. our trieudd In RaWssore^ feUMsp^ ww W ARD A MClNmim socuou,Commit hhipping McrettanW Day street, \ Georgia. OouiigumanU o|all konij Bollottcd. Auo “‘lesdaye au«l Undaya. Agent for first uga-ti itondays Tuesdays au«l quAUn KerMcM oil. i - V-EoWi—AU « OU.»rBU)aw. uvt Ueumv! ■ oimmlMioo MerctuutW. Oottos WuutoS Star- —in Battermirt Elm uiw. Fireproof Wuehunnea. Fwtlnkr iimim give, to wctgSitt bud —mpUni l. O. HOWLAND. t 3TjL HOWLAND. jjai-i? , u. oKlttPIN A Co,, CottomSwkon, Com- . tulneloa ind gorwirding HerduAC^No. Hi w D O YOU WANT A GENUINE REMEDY/ THAT WILL CURE YOUR PAINS AM) ACllES- Rheumatiem, Pain in the Rack. Head and Side, Sore Throat, TonthacUe, Burns, Conns Cats, Sprains, Pol- aononB Stings, Cramna. Dysentery, Ac., Ao. Get the above, at A. A. SOLOMONS A CO. For sale whole sale and retail, and by other Druegiets. Single bot tles, M i.nd *25 cents. ' mhll-i-lji- Legal Notices. S TATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it mavconcern: Whereas, Aurou H. Coamplon will apply »t the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dlsuiiseory on the ee- tale of WUllsm H. Davie, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonlshallwhotn it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection f if any they have; on or before the first Monday in D ‘cember next, otherwise said let- teva will be granted ^ Witness my oitlcial signature, this 2t«t day ot May, 1S6S. D. A. O’BYRNE, may22—lsm6m Ordinary Chatham county. A BILL TO BBSMiraiiBD AN OJTDINAKO* *• *• dlniue to ptimt the m poH. ud «bm »<*•»• loaghbreoot the eh, et Uer»DE,h. rtiuorftloVth(—.MTVBudlag; ta| rnoj. thd m.naCT^Of pQMtwgvg^^ toBomof this ordtunoe.” BKtto. 1. TO.Hv^vudAleeneM M the fttj’it ^ss^°»Sflas»iTjgssi be ™ bT " P- * t uOoimcn.HpittiMhi, Onttnuicii npen the ftnt reedbf M i«n4 M he published for IfifonMUon. ^ ** aplT—It - AN ORWNAKOB Td pnecribe the kind w4 boiler engines; iu 8ectton*3L ^n*May<fr nhtt AlMbM? Sayaanak. Ut qouell aassntbled; do That from and afiar.t&e ipsijiyg of thli Shan not belswiuiror anypeisonto useth any ■engine boiler isa eSld cUy.ta vrtilch then SSf l aruficia! draught by the introdnetion U *emm r smoke stack, sny tael other than saU mlnbtu coal, under a pens’ty of notfii fi>r each and every day r Attest—Jas. SnwASt, 01 itfMt IT“ieiitoiMenMUMIwiwvLi ieuwati Bop- nilT1 n UiLftr f jvit MPiuveiB > Fetttw aantfei SKETCHES BY “BOA OUR MUTUAL FRIEND .ADcpnts. A TALE OF TWO CITIES. *6 cptla. .A. B, LL-Ofc proprietor. PICKWICK PAPERS —IB Ceuta. OLIVER TWIST. a cents. GREAT EXPECTATIONS .2$ cepu. MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT. 23 cents. CHRISTMAS 8(OKIES .85 cento. NICHOLAS NICKLEBY.^ .26 cents. DOMBEY AND SON 26c<mto. HARD TIMES. .25 aeBU. FOB SALE AT ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, BO 1.1, 8TBEET, NEXT TO THE TO8T OFpICI DISEASES OF THE F£ST; Corns, Bunions, INGROWING NAILS, TETTER, Halt Rheum op Hcurvy, AND OTBEB DI8EABX8 OF THE FUST. CONNOLLY fe CO 4t Watsr Strsst, NEW YORK, S W T® CALL the itenlee of iheTteAe to then taroesBA reetiepertsAetnek of. VIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO turtMotaar <Sb«MibenL tmiiA tar the PBiNOIPAl. MANDFAOIS- W ILKINSON 4 WJLdUJe Cotton Factors and G©- OoptJW M«hants. No. 80 Bay Street, 8avan uah, Georgia. Libestl advances made an con signments to ourselves or inr friends In New Yon and Liverpool.- 1 jy*7 T a. Marshall 4 < bbu., Geueni ^otnuds- a c sicm t 'Bhippini and lumber Merchants, No. S Uurrla’Block, Raystreet, hot of Lincoln. Oolialgn- meuta respocUullj toliciUsL and wUl reoslve strict attentica. IT" E " G. WADR'4 Cj.. button Factors and Uom- * mlSBloa Merchants Ho. t 'Stoddard's Lower Rarnre.. - ' ’• i 1 - - ‘ M.. D. -K. MILLAR an Ray street Oom- Merchants* leawva in Railroad Bup- 1 ^ROflLS. rn J. DUNRAR dt GO., Importers and Dealers is in Brandies, Whlaktf*,Ulna, Winea agars, ao;, and Agent for Smith’! celeorated PUflAdcIphis Alee. 14T Bay aikect, • • ■ Jy^ S TATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.—TO all whom it may concern: Whereas. Jamea J. McGowan will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Admlnisi ration on the estate of Jeremiah Cavanaugh, of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they navej on or fore the first Monday in July next, otherwise said lettere will be granted. Witness my official signature this 14th day of May, IS6S. D. A. O'BYRNB, znayie—lawGw O. C.iC. S TATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY —To all whom it may concern: Whereas, F. ijsh F. Henderson will apply at the Court d Ordinary for Letters Dlsmissory as Ad-' mlnistrator on the estate of Slija Henderson, of Slid conuty, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all' it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they havej on or before the first Monday in December next,otherwise said lettere will v> granted. Witness my official signature, this 15th day of May, 1868. D. A- O'BYRNB, may 16—lamflffi* O. C.{0. 8,900,000. HAS NEVER .YET CONTESTED A CLAIM. AND JOURNAL of SOCIETY, A Bi<3E-TONED JOURNAL, defotKl to the *or'. Field Sports, Scionllfloaiid Frsctlcnl Agricul ture, Literature, AtS^undt^C firtage. It is theorgan •cf the gentlemen sportSiado to* America, . and every subject is treawa In^dlgnlftetl manner. Its KdUanai Cortfs la larg^, embracing HAMIL- ' U. aKiS.NER. The wefi-kniavn lTA»atributOr. MXeapoodence Is parUcti ■Q>0 United States have i upon/the TUMP, TON BUSBEY and. CARL BENSON" lu Homs and. lariyaole. The passed the FIELD City, now tao aeanowiedged ieaolnrg exponent in America of the intercuts which It ^presents, has been enlarged, and appear*. >n a new *ad elegant dress. Mr/Hainliton »»oeyv foMn^rty ox this coun ty, ib the literary and associate ad itor.—Dotty Ac* public, SyrinjUld, Ohio. * ' The TUBE. FIELD .AND. FARM. Is as imposing andhdndsome'in appauiisce’tti i»[ Is spirited, able and interesting. It ha* brought to I be diseamlon of tun maters 'a moral tone Jutherto } vaqmbb, #nd ut- ly dlaco umtenandae sllb (^^Jsp^ tf&ikgi ah those ibocx, and we re- M. fuZawrlalN are co uaina tuna kh it -has dene pldly recommencing itse If to public favor.- bio Courier, i G' r A J Tto TUBF. FIELD A.? FJJSE U an«tlMUon bly i ke best pubiioaxtou of its class In America, II wot in . the world. Ae an on fan of turf and field sport* it hseftiweyt mstntainpd an elevated moral ton*, which comuMpds it to the approval of every maaOiiWfcHS* antfihnorwbleSinciples con- nected With these amuseme: ata. wT to Blttclt to redeem ^om the, tnflQt and blackguardism. Hu agWCultnral di (tote belongtag to ftfflwectal tflovuifo Wlt»ii«««* 1 w<f#t»t: Wti of ths country, whflc.i rs— .agaawBay^aw ‘ , . 1 Oh«mpt"ot» ; ye»r... r 60 sine cow«« <wt«- t>. *> paBBbow. S. D. Bruc T HIS popular and saccesslui Cwnpftuy issued in 1667r-M^i&t New Poltcles, being the largest number issued by any Company .In Am B rica excapt one—oue-tenth df all, aud Dv^rftjuf-tlaies.the aver age oi the forty-one OompaniAs'db^gJfiusinetis in Hew York, as show* by the officii Kepdtta. ■' Mark DIVIDEND oi 6U Per thtf^.whsvIeoMred In Jvttudrv, 1888, which willbethtowad-bn-AH LfFit POLICIES, the premiums for whichf*H-d6e. prior to March, 13ob—this being the fifth consefttllve 66 Per Cent. Dlvldcud. « ft ^ » .The AJ.TNA accommodates thfeImeured by givioa credit for hslf the premium when Jekired, which credit may continue at tt P**r Cent *IaJ€rest until canceled by dividende,thusfurniehlughjMuch larger amount of Insurance for a much hmailer cash pay- msat then Is required in *n a^I'cashCoiapacy, . POLICIES I9S6»I^ - under all the popular asd desirsbl^jBfihs—among which are the NuN-PORFEiTlNGTOHJOWllfiNT POLICIES, payablejit a specified agt, ov .at death if Itoccure.sooasr, on which the psfifijfum Is. payable In tsn annual or annual ptWHMflte’ I’AKM POLICIES, insuring tor any * Dd JOInT LIFE POLICIES. ineuMng. lire Ilf os cf two persons, payable to the survive* onth* decease of the other. Persons desiring to make this prudent provMon for those dependent upon them, will find in the /fiTN A ill the advantages possessed by any. and at as favor able rates. W. B. GRIFFIN, General Agent, »S BAY STREET. BAYAMUAB. UA. ap!7—8 m ROYAL nSDimCE OOMPAST, OF LIVERPOOL, Capital £2,000,000 Sterling. RESERVE FUND Al,600,000 STERLING. ANNUAL INCOME £700,000 STERLING. QONTiaUES.tottt, , KercantUe and DnelUng House Bisks (Frame Buildings excepted) against LOSS BY FUUt At Ourront Rate*. WM. O. COSES8, Agent, Merchants’ General Exchange, Battaraby’s Building. Administrator’s Sale. WILL BS SOLD before the Court House door tn ” Appling county, ou the first TUKSDAV in Au gust next, one lot of LAND lu the 2d district of said ceuoty, cnntalDiug 49J acres more or lees, hnn+n as Lot No 45S, for the benefit of the heirs and creditor* of the estate of JOHN DYAL, deceased. mayl2—lawXm* j S TATE OP GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY.—To ai< whom it may conoera: W hr re&s. Geoif# O. Duflhara has filed In my office a writing purporting to be the nuncupative will of Henrietta Hamilton (oolored), late of said county, deceased, in which wilM* appears Uat sn'd George C. Dunham is able heir to the estateof said deceased. And whereas, the said George O. Dunham has applied to the Court of Ordinary to have said will probated end admitted to record; also, for Letters of Admln- lssiatlon cum testamento annexe on the estate of said deceased. The^e are, the) afore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said Court, on or before lhe first Monday in July.-nest, to make objections (If any they have) to the probating of aald will, or granting Letters of Administration as aforesaid. ‘ Witness my official aignatnre this 4tb day of May, 1863. W. P. GIRARDEAU, may7—law4w Ordinary Liberty County, Tri-Weekly News, PCBUSBKD at ALBAHY, OA„ EVEBY TUis- “ 5; ‘o£t‘, ilmjisBit'AliD BATtlBDAY. CABBY, w. STYLES A Co., l - . ,i ’.rirr rjtHXEOOATlOI* < CHATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL BB SOLD, In front pf the Court House In the city of Ssvflnnafi, on the first TUB8DAYIn June next, 1858, being the second day of- ha Id mooT between the i*-gt»l hours of sale, a portion oftl __ stock or UayervB. Harrington, consisting of Pyrlor Setts, Bed Room Setts, Bedsteads, Waehstauds. Bu reaus, What-Nots, Diet slug dues. Chairs, Rockers, etc. Levied on bv virtu* oi s uistreae warrant L hut of the Honorable the Superior Oourt of onal County, in favor of . Geo»«W. Wylly vs. SsyeraD, Hsrriogton. • BENJ. L. COLE, mayl—Uw*d Sheriff of Chatham County. S TATE OF GEORGIA—LIBERTY COUNTY.—lb all whom 11 msyooncnrn: ' Whereas, S. A. Fraser will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letter* Dlemiaaory as Executor on the estate of Joseph Quarterman, or said county, de ceased: i • ' These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said Court, to make objection (If any they have), on or before the first Monday In August next, otherwise said 1* Wll 1 begranted. u Witness my official slgnaturs, this 3d day of Feb ruary, 1868. W. P. GIRARDEAU, febll >13—lamftm Ordinary of Liberty county. S TATE OF GEORGU—LIBRBTY OOCNTY.—To all whom It may concern : ~ . ' , Whereas, Jesse Brewer and John P. Xell will api ply at the Court of Ordinary tor Letters Dttmlmorir as Administrators on lhe estate of James K. McFRU, of said county, deeeaead: , ■ _ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and-eppear beteye Bald Oourt to make objection (If nay ttwghnveAporhe fore the firet Monday In August* next, Anerwlac said Letters will be gTurtad.- , : Witness my official slgnatmt this v^da^f J MB ' Jaa24—■ luaflot j..x.r , ~i y.'w^grfi. C. Administrator’s Notice. T IE heirs of the effiftte of Adam O. Dunha hereby ncQfled lhac on tht first Monday t-^. gust next;! shall apply to the Court of Ordinal* < dim O. Dunham are M Ansa au. uuuss. aumuMk. Geoir*. iyffll “ ' ~ WUUUCSALK Utflim UEAUIWI. REEYES'AMBROSIA FpR i^ mOmt IMPROVED I It 14 n f,|iH Drwtlar for ibt H«it. MtM ta* H»tito OnrlbMuttmUj. nkMFtttaSeAipCMBsaa Bulthj. it i»TlfOt«tMth, bta of th, H*lr. It taMta ike put nlBmd to j«o* ImikmUj. It faaaiwllAtaiT otoffo Half FilHnf Oot. IttreejuaeBAUfromChuirnfOotoT from Agt Itnatafttonx StartoitaOHvtata Odtor. ltbfUcioMHMTvk»t I»T* tM bald forjuo. ijjj . <k Maple And pu«lj «f» UbtaMbtauM*. -1 It bM rammr riz Ckootud ToluBtar, Mtl- BoatAla of it, anltoneq, taur of wMcb »re from .phygjgmg Ijlllfl ll^f tmH*i It U.aold In half-poun^ bprUee (Ue aggie blown in Iheglam), by Dwggiaia and Dsal— in Fancy Goods wayvbiw, *t One Dollar per Bottle. Wholesale by DWL8 BARNES * CD., F-C. WILLS 4 CO. BUHUmUN 4 CO., Mew York. mh»-ly turns and teniae of his j ie^bnX TKeVniSnuidXUUrffieg or thg>i t Savannah, in Council assembled, do-hwsST£ ty « JBSBBK5S5S said amendment take effect and he of onUmpassjijgol, (Jala ordinance. ® 0 *’ * inCouncll, May 13th, uss. r JnWAHD a A5DYBS0R, >yctaa«towwiE Jl 1 " AatOSDINANCE To amend the ordinance passed in Oouacfi nn ltth day of December, 18M, entiUed^An^S 1 Mace teprevanl the erection of asmia-n ^ sign postr in any of the streets s&diW?^ 1 fares ofth* riryoC Savannah, and for tW^T V*3 of thosetiowetandiite; to and manner of constractlng awnings tan r... Thattna above rettfod pnlioeace ue andihj hereby so amended as to allow the ersction Tm 4 connecMd wttB tbe bartwnul tlewof auawntos or tfga in such manner fo'^.w^he-oo^emence of per P ona der any »nffi «gn, or nndar any awning erinf thereof; artlhwYldedftmher, itateuc! or awning shall not intevfecu with taj (U uL}}}* sarftwdted etdlxfonceasw nended ^ wfiEg* shallttn lush o to the. penalty or peamUseTa^ abova reeled ordlasnca mentioned; bfsideivhiJb on conviction of the persn D ao guuiy of violation!!} ordinance; it shall be lawfaHor the lltjur to onto and causatha immediate removal or the Men or lac of ssub parpen, af.his <-r 4»r expaoew Ordinanco passed in Oi uuci>. May 13th lvs ' ■ - ” ' EDWARD O. AND*Wn, ^nt Attest—Jamie Stswabt, Cfiers of Loaned. ’ majl&—10t AH ORDINANCE WUOLkCa ALh tiR6CEilS. wwf . M. OAViDSGM, Vhoieeale Dealer lx* Gro ff «a oecies, Wines, LKnore, Teas end Cigars, 1G0 . -'t —miteo IW) Y IfWIUI i v UMM4l , Bay street, Bawannah, Sob Agent in the Georgia for Maasey, Hoatton « Co.’s ' ** AtO. 8“u 'j< i ' • - LIRVimN, die, AT RETAIL. /CUSTOM HOUSE 8UAJJBR, Dy f. Down, Bay lune, \J rear of Poet Office Beat of Ales, Wines, Honors, Cigars, 4c., and t Lunch every day irom ll HYING HoUoJC, cornel ut St,.Juhaa and Jefferson . streets. Annex Ibvino Proprietor. Best of A'“ Infi4 Llqnpra, Cigars, ic., always on hand. Jya ASAFB, . CERTAIN, Aim spM^Our* ' nt iu ■ NERVOUS DRuaGHTN AND APOTtUBCAKUCS. S OBMHT H. TATJBMj Druggist and and Wholesale Defier lnWludow _ . Kerosene Oil, corner Jaftoraon and MoDonongh streets, and corner Sat Broad and Broughton - - JylttXly , Cases, Ac., of every kind. 1 Pictures neatly finished, ikventure and havatnah. iroughlon streets. J N. WATCHES AID JEWELRY. ID GRO0 OLAUDB, lhalar in Watches, Jewelry f t and 811 verware, Bai Street, oppomte Masarlc Hall. Savannah, Ga. Wach*s and Jewelry carefully repaired- - - tabvl—tf S AMUEL f. HAMlLTtN (atemaaer to Wllifiot A Richmond), Dmler la Watches, bilverwara;j«W- airy.ACv corner WhtUka, AC Juliefi asd Oongrma streets. Watches and Jeselry repaired- Chroaov* tote ratodby uansiL -• ra - - Jy«a4ly MRS. tLIZA KEOGH, (Formerly of Charleston, 8. a, j O FFERS her services to the eltlseiia, and ladles ol Bavanuah, tor (he tics (meat and can of the above Diseases. . . . Corns and Bunions Cured Without Paia mr RESIDENCE—88 PRESIDENT hTREET, (hi Mrs. Parry's. parHoure from 9 Aa V. to 1 P. V., and from J to 8 o’clock P. M. Ladles treated at their rrtodencee. Charges moderate. submits, fiour smoags-namocous certificates the foliowlar from promlAcntphjSleisns and f^tiae&s of Charleston: ‘ . From Hon. George Boist. I am happy to sey that Mrs. Keogh has cased me of aoverul very had corns, that had troubled me for many ye*rs. They were removed vlthput the It pain. (signed) GcoadnBums From the late Dr. Sdward North. I think It my doty to state that 1 have seas M Elisa Keogh remove coxm and banians .with tht greatest skill, and without (Signed) From Dr. Fitch. 1 would recommend att persona w»o are afflicted 19$ Efbetoora I T IS THE VnJMllug Reaiedf in all eases of Nemahcia Paoialla. onenefltottog 4 parfoct cure Bleaathaa twentyjour Imva ftoa theaaeorno SOM ttom TWO (WTHREBPILLA. Nd other form of Neuralgia or Nervous Disease has faffed te yield to this To amend the Tax and Revenue Ordinance, puw I tn Connell on lhe 30tft day of December, 1167. Faction 1. The' Mayor and Aldermen of the dh c* Savannah, la Council aasemM.d, du hereby ordis’ Thetihe Tax apfif-Rfevcnna ordinance psueu |e Council on the cOih day <•< Decemler, inUjejeuc' 18S7, be and the XJibe ts hereby fio a.Tended aatlu" the tax on Might abd ptfsage money shall, fro D aid after the first day (J May. is* be one-kaff of oc« per.caotom. instead of one per isutour as by uid or. dlnsnce l* noW provld c-d Ordinanoe pamed in Connell, April £9ih. 19k. -KDWAKD O. ANI>ER:ON, Mayor AMett-JAMX3.B**W*Hx, Clerk of Council. . rasvl-lQi AN ORDINANCE To grant rathe Savannah, Ski da way and Seaboard Ba irood Company ceruin rignta and privUegn on certain teims and cpudinona Section' i: The Mayor and Aldermen of the city a Savfinaah, la Council Sesetnblsd. do hereby orcalL Thu the Savannah, Skldaway and Seaboard Bailrral Compuiy shall have the light, with horse niiva; ctIV or fcarrtages, to' connect thiir line ol iviivij leading to snil-froa tb# country with Drayton ana Whitaker street^ in.Savannah, beginning at Atde;- aon street, and rnnningthe Una of said Drsyb)n ard WMtakcr sffreta to Bay street and connecting bj Bay Street^ provided fie work of laying the track for guch carriage railway on Drayton street be com menced, ih >>ood fifth, within tvalve months Iron; the date of the lusstug of this ordinance, and be completed within eighteen mftdtts from lhe tine Of such passing; and that the work cn Wniu- ker Street shall'hectnnnenccd within fix tnootbi after the passing of this ordinance, and fiuiahec viihRi twelve mouths sKur the date of this ordi nance: Asd provided further, tlmt the bid woa •hall be done as to gradings, cro sings, and ail other thing* therewitt* Cocffecled, In the manner and os tha tanaapKccribed la the ordlx sure lor the tst,> liahment ot line* of st.eet railways passed in Cotr- cilonthb flrft day »*.fM>y. ia thfe year clifiteenhcr- dred and sixty-^evem sod that ail the rules, rcgnli- ttooa atifi conditions cf **<d ordinance In relation to thernnningol cars, theraersof fore, andsoforL shall he applicable to the grant cf aurhorlty herdj made? An<* provided flutter, that-r be aald Coopi - said work or s~ i i nahtobertor. all such term-, rules; regulations and -condition*: aod farther, that It will evert day a tor beginning •«. run on any atreatrun rsgulmlj four Uar s » day froc «atrt Ander-on afreet to Bay street- between the btran ufhi* (rtSeck In the morlfieg aod«:ight o’clock in ike evening : And provided further, that tire city ci Savannah shall have the- same police jariadk Wonderful Remedial Agent. ■raUttaintTMt cm ta chfoue Innlfk M |aml BerYom dmnttmtm*,—of maiy fmfi Afhfthigthe wUra.ntem. ila w'tt-i tatajAtf.Av.Hk.Ktk.inoK tattaltamovt Mtontabutf relief, tad Terr nnlT tAUUQ ^eoduov Aroreytart vikd pepavnvatcire. )> HiUtH no driii, ov.Ma»r««miti. ta ttetf ujbtnt tape, tajartou, nw lotto port delicti* ojrte*. end eta AiwVta b. u«I viiA pwfec) otttj. It An la^ totala eoBrttotvntar onto >>< « nort «U- MBipjOdn. Who (in it pete unAstnunoAM amoAHkea Approrvt. *..•«<» «irt)tft«( •S» oeesta - arceote. -V/IHtae; AWtfMPQ, BAOS, 4H>, kvlit coro. io p.e tare. Keogh nHAL -» taw. i M p. beacfort, fxctosge Wharf, Mantifac- ;• tanrof tail,, Avnlv^Tenti, Fla,a Bap, Ao. Bold et Hew York piicea. JjrcT hertr,.t,wi-JlgoodJttdgBMIlt, , oaCpotn, (Blgatfl, I. foci, At- From Dr. *. HotifttCk. c»M,.Wr.M^rp?L,or buntona, to apply to this lady. ■ *,= H. HDKlGIi M. ft Oaepackaf*......fl oo, • 8lX |UCkarea.....$B 00. ot. Footage 48 oont IttoioldLy hB WlfoleiaK. and Retail Dwleri to DraHPMfiModttlaio thwughoai tha Halted SfeUff w.)f-i TCB5EB * UO.. Sole Proprietor*, ‘ \\ patty, its emptoyeeeand agents, aa it wsoldhan tab on this further ¥*pre w coodMoft—that if herr j after may stem rff atzaet mHwayv ShaU be entered s; on by anthociiy, ol jhe City Couariltof Savatunk then aUiherights hereby granted’sha}! xhe propertv «tm told Savannah, Bkidtway aru Seaboard. RaLroad Company, invested, .or aeqairid unu«c thegcaat hereby made, shall be appraised tj persoiis hot exceeding three on each Mae, aide mefc 1 appraisement, such OUy Railway Coapoj ataUtev- theojSi mto patchas* such promrtyit < goth appra^ed value, and to ns* and work the %asa IbrTta owfi benefit tnere&ftf.-r, afiJ, on the fsCnrtc: aahHAvAnish, SkMaway and 8 aboard Railroid, Cc. to sobmlfcto *uch appraisement withl* two saon’Ja I . hathby grtoeed shonid cease, afidiii ateHuarart and belong to U* GU; d pdrC&Asfc oh't sadprtvflraa»h diSEffl arSitictb a.d t,«t>REuJ. ~ T* Cltlieai ud 8i|ld#U(ii. CUAl A BRDYM, AHklHclv end OteU uid Me- . chaoloti HugtoMrs, toathwaat corner Bay and BAApWABE, UUTLERY, Ac. A DEPPI8H, Yholesvle ud Retell De*t- _ letdwere, Uutlrrj, Hie., Bdge Teoli, Ag- nemutet lrtfleounu, tueraer, 8A«, Cep.! Ud . 14# OpAgrcM udofat. Jufca steee j. PAIFT19U UO BUkfU. M urphy a Clark, tail arnet, oppeait. tie Folaaki House, Home, Blga, Ship and Mpam- . rw__ M^biing'and plastmbrbb. --p.-taA Q.RADjf 4 TULLY, Hato and Oroamaatoi GMMBd Cdmunt.atoi **- Drayton am kUicrUl, Jtijraa akieet - KU&U- ■ BOOK, AHO towWAPlBa. ILL A BRO„ Bolt AM, out to tire Poet oatoe. Detain, in Nseqpvpen. M«gABnet 'And Button.r,. Tka t»wt Sew Yooklta.i Dtate and Wotalj ifemapen reotaM bp nrn Mautar. ; ijxi-ii CfTI OP BAY ANSAR, OrrlCXCLXBX PURSUANT TO A R X tha Board of Health. * liaeef thw SSUUSS$&-togSEM extracts from City OrdSianra r rn. i: $ tlsf-O .nslWi- ttnar rrvpectfra war whotoaomn ooUacttoog maf te hav* immediacy rfitno' J — Xirkfial or City, ficiyttun immediately attend to otto the owoevur acoapfexoC summonedbaforeth*nextOomicHl. ttat nd ItaTMt eaab due etaKMue or m- b,,^, A tata bo. (Si It .bell beta, duty ef taM N.eiA In eiwnr nkitan i ub.mwtut jmo mov*dbyU» proper effirar. * • *;i i ii u •-!'•« -fi - -A - BosMdof Health, 1868. CbelrieVA—Dr. a a AJttUlLIA ; . . . Amm.-rrT’tt. D. AiWJtlt 5."TTlSeBp, taAtf R.Ulj, R. D. Wtakrt, Dlh VTta. R. SukrtW - ' J8orto».-F. R. Oteea, R. D.: Mtpt, IfWIt Vita- 1 SvSnftffSilifm 1 ! - - — vv ■■ ; Forest City Paper Warehouse MAURICE HACKCTT, “woBmrai. isoBroj j—__ iTTva.5rarfg.1aoSSleS _ (ocJtotatafngaodMt. Puunta fnrnutoA >c the •bOrten&oUce. Connirpoixm promptly .Knud rciuriTiuta. U K RU.LBR, No.il7 Rl<mgbk»oreet,IMta» O* ta Kta>an«r ml Wtanot rnrnluu. ad Prenob CotUge ObtaBber DMA Alw>- *n> atont at Ptflw FnntUare. luitaww —Ol tab .1, e* •• ..... :.xq-»V 1 UVKRt ItAlUH. 0‘ 4 ?»>iJ^R!SS*Sd B 3S^ »nd eurerloBOHtdntaie. TjCUHRI HOURS FIABlET JL rltgcA with competent drit .brl.iam Cnr- rtegei, wltb competent drti»re,M tangle Tumn - BoerdtatafHtaiimettapdtan. -v 1 iff* MittauuMi, yj ;i 1-. ;iii > iff leas, a HUB ROOM annua BALOOK. tar rtreet. cor- m nerwiHAtar,up.ttat*. Hetanfrom •, midnight, with a bill of far* oomaddagraiUhamaxH ketapords, Eymytoadaf »m« latte Mw-tin fohaTkirjSto . j/«ifo»to-Dr‘Wfo. 1 JwnshMaMm,.^m.^.] Jackson^tL A. Ozans, P. Myaifi. ' JatjM Henry lib Connell. AMT1887. WARD c. ANDERSON, Mayor. Atteit-rJawx*STiWsnx, Clerk of OounciL mayl—itt J iiiw . AN-ORDINANCE To eontliMie fn toreeontfl the fiaat day of Jane ner- ! JOB, UmaprovtaiOBS at tha or Ainas ** passed t 1 ' the Opor*W(*n OT the fW Ordinsn eof theUltyc. Bavaonafip lfo and oveecertain portions of toe city. ^a^U*re(nltcertolapanalttoi that may have tees ■■ tat tx. . . Wheaesa. The provisions of ths aeove red'.ea on hinoe, in t*I£Wca to tB'e erection and repair of Jnga ln tftftt pordofiOf th® OHy e&vtol Prte* street *hd sooth Qf.LibCffBieflkreat, and a>so that portion c. I the city east of Wett Broad atieak south ofj0a»* street and west of "TAtrisD rtreet, expired bn tEe 3*r. ty, lSf.T:nml w her ear, fata provisions were. M^l«8» now4hdreR)ra— _ , ink. The Mas or and Alder'«of ti» erty* In Council assembled, do hereby ordafc >rovfolons bT isaid above recited ordinal** of the wa ? of fieptoteher. 1866, to relation to Best 1*6^. * n cogeeu. April lit. lSJS. ABC C. ASPSRSON, UMJOI- ', CttrlTof coQr.ell- Attent-Juos fterrUT, i , Ag ORDINANCE gaaaaaesar ss??i£» peonVntaltatfv an, control of tbe dte/”!?? m Rtreoiub, and on certain termimd conk. mat ot tboottT°< . do tarebjtfdin von'tothe ComtoitaioMnn rvben ettaRteertatvntak 1 ® totalen j»a agotaitato ftattn go'tfnmm'? -^■gSsSZZl •nm Of PifOtage, BCbjt^ revision and control by said City vided farther, that nothing in this ordhtowcm 'JSgfflSSff-£ ;;'*s*SS?s vent the Mayor from exercW^g rrapert to » a, P en *^^S 0 Uie: mem Tt»ir mnur, cf«n of w,md, i M j_ : d ":ccii Ooei Wcfil *■ »• %4tat ; ' - ^Edwta* M. Andtawm.*. <***£* ‘ J0| “ Coe » ira *“it , Y' im»}wmfoi 4X4 v i z t*J '.:\i a i.OifiJUi ftki ll ten j! Nick jiu-t ora ,\tii now 1 Ln=»en ;Ji »FlKxraD« traatPASiDW.” ■ -Til A iff 063# hr-* 1 |,i tin «p.a hilC! saw I.F.2.: PreriwtL—Hmir J-Rtatiemtn,’ M. T Trtf-f-n. 1 r ssap*.oi»--«r“<rz-4i' ttawStataw^-wtai'* « ** I ftt OonncU. tabrow 1«^^ ocidr n ic..EDVARD C. Atteot—Jams. ann»ta.<*»*-'‘ i or ■ W^kWDN” ; ntir- - -inn i.f.i. \ slj.. To prevent t AS, OBPOUKCE ^gavmnntan -mTof tta *W ^ WBfctaHRDWWYtaKBKDAT J IK. l g.iasii. . _ WILLIS. U ■ 3-.i>w K'f- mopsisa. ‘-GA- bws- JgfraZ£32^iJS£%«'* rLtcn: j .»■*»*»**• ;*«®Bh