The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, August 17, 1868, Image 1

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ESTI LL, |U BAY STREET. SAVANNAH, XEEMS: OAa pMLT NEWS AND HERALD..... $10 00 IBI-WBEKLY NEWB AND HERALD ....$# 00 Single Ooplee i Scents. HATES OB' ADVERTISING. tr a SQUARE is ten measured lines of Nonpareil oi the Nitwd and Herald. tgr ADVERTISEMENTS.—First insertion, $1 00 per square; each lubaequent insertion, 75 cents per 45-Advertisements for one .month or longer will be wearied *t special ratea which can be ascertained at ilio office. mm THE CbLTJJIBUS PRISONERS. CONFESSION, UNDER OATH, OF HE TECTIVE REEO, OF ACTS OF'SU- HOH.VATIO.V AND PERJURY. . the torture employed PULASKI. AT PORT . t TALE HADE UP FOB GOVERNMENT WITNESSES, Affidavit or William H. Reed, Govera- ment Detective. Washisgt 'N, D. C., July 3, 1868. Personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace for the District of Colombia, Win H. Reed, who, being duly sworn, de n.isetb and sayeth: I was telegraphed to by H. C. Whitley, a Government detective, to come to Washing ton from Boston, Mass. In answer to that dispatch I arrived in Washington on the 6tt. ot March, 1868. I joined H. C. Whitley;. hc> to:>k me to Cnipman & Hosmer’s office, ot Fourteenth street, and they told mo they wanted to employ me as United States Gov ernment detective in the impeachment of tie President ot the United Stales. Hosmei took me ap stairs in tne same buildiDg where his offici was, to a one-legged man’s room, whom they called Doctor. Hosmer to'.d me to go around to tne hotels, and make my report every day to the Doctor.: In a faw days Hosmer sent me to General O. O. Howard, commanding Preedmen’s Bureau. He, the General, told me to make my report to al-jor Mann. I did so with several other detectives, including a number of negroes, the Uthoriotb of April, and was paid by the Doctor and Major Maun three hundred dollars. Gen. 0. 0. Howard then ordered! me to go to Atlaota, Georgia, and report to Gen. Meade, to work up the Ashbnrn murder case. He (Gen. Howard) says you go there by order or Gen. Grant. He (Howard) sent me to Major Mann, who paid me one hundred dollars. Gen. Howard gave me a letter to General Meade in Atlanta, Georgia, in which he stated that I came as Govern ment detective, and be (Gen. Meade) to pay my expenses. I arrived there about the 18th of April. Gen. Meade referred me to Major Smythe, that he (Smythe) knew about the Ashburn murder case. Before I arrived in Atlanta there had been several ar rests made in Columbus, Georgia, and Major Sinytbe informed me that he had^discharged them for the want of evidence to implicate them with the murder of Ashburn. He told mu 1 could not make anything by going to Columbus, but hoped I could make up a case. Gen. Meade ordered me to go to Columbus. I staid there two or three weeks. In this time I teIt it was necessary for me to arrest several limies—H. C. Whitley having been sent for by General Meade at my request. Gen eral Meade desired I should not make any arrests until ths arrival of Whitley.:— General Meade telegraphed to Washing ton, to liavo the Government telegraph to Whitley, who was then In Kansas, for him te come immediately to Georgia. He ar rived in a few-days. Whitley came to Co- iHtnbas and met me. We had an interview with Captain Mills, the comm inder of the port at Columbus, Ga., and recommended him to make several arrests, which he de r clined to do without au order from General Meade. Whitley got an order trom General Meade that Captain Mills shonld arrest five or six parlies, to be pointed out by myaejjf and Whitley, and" they ’were "to' be sent To Fort Pulaski. We, before the arrests were made, went to Atlanta and got an order from General Meade to the commander pf ths post at Savannah to give us, myself ana Whitley, fall control of the prisoners- after they arrived at Fort Pulaski. While we were on our way to the fort, the following arrests were made at Columbus, • Ga. Ste vens and Birber, two white men. and John Stapler and John Wells, two negroes, and sent to Fort Pulaski. W met them (the prisoners) at Savannah, and procte led to the fort with them. At the fort one of the negroes, John Wells, was taken out of bis cell and put into a chair m one of the casements, with a cannon pointed at bis bead, aDd a soldier hold of the Bttwg, ready to snap the cap, apparently: to shoot the gun. a barber lushed bis head lull of lather and pretended to be ready to shave his head. This was done to have him give evidence in regard to killing Ashburn, the negro all the time contending he knew nothing about the murder. This farce was kept up about ten minutes; finally they put min back in his cell, with the understanding if he did not tell something, it would be worse for him. They took the other negro, •ohn Stapler, and put him before ttifi gun, With no better success; he was afterward put in the sweat-box and kept there in great pun- . jshment for at least thirty hours, until bjs tegs swelled, and I teok him oat of the box, being convinced that he knew nothing about theea«e. At Whitley’s and my request’tUe Mliowing other arrests were made : Daniel Hells and Amanda Patterson, who were sent to Fort Pulaski. Stevens and Barber were Pot in one cell. Whitley and myself se creted ourselves in the adjoining cell, but we conld bear no conversation between them implicating any of the prisoners. Amanda Patterson was considered an important vitaess, and was put in officers’ qnac- mn. Whitley and myself talked with her frequently in regard to the murder, but 6be earnestly declared that she knew nous of the parties, all of them being mmsked and painted. She acknowledged peuig in the house at the time of the shooi ng- Whitley persevered io questioning said Amanda, and said to me that he would, in time get enough evidence out of her to im plicate some of the prisoners and other par- hes, so as to give Whitley an opportunity *° ® 6ll e more arrests. Whitley then went w Columbus and arrested other parties. A man was arrested named Bennett and sent to Fort Pulaski to see if D could not , w some evidence from him in regard n»ti 6 mar ^ er - In my frequent conver sion with this man Bennett his, pre- varicition convinced me if any one was guuty of the killing of Ashburn this man Ben in iu aa .2 a ‘lty- After this Bennett was .pat j be.celi with Belts to see if he could not he M5 80me evidence from him. Afterward waa P“t in a room with Betts Stevens, with the view of still obtaining dencofrom both of them together. He ' “nett) admitted to me that he was in the that done the shooting at Ashbutn, ertnnPm 808 ^ 6 ^ Betts and Stevens to acknowt- wiih'Iu °omplicity of the prisoners arrested Benni.f m “ r 2 er - Whitley and myself placed Dosp nr 18n 1 ? etts a nd Stevens for the pur- tifv „ workiog Bette and Stevens np to tes- nivsBm‘ 08t tbe P™° nere - We ( Whitley and if jw P r °to ise G Bennett, Betts and Steven?, mn...^-]i TOO *“comeoatand expose the whole conversations with AmandaPatthrsoiv^p^ eating her in the evidence she:had ito;;g" also Betts and Stevens, making each one peat the evidence over and*o ver again, hayethem perfect, 90 when t'" upon to give their evidence same "story, yy muey ren qienlly that this whole *c move, and the cpuyictif would be a big thing nesseeVwould get . .. offered. .During, th^ time IM■ engaged^ working tip this caw m tftprgu, I dies money from thk ^Puiyisaswr oy Qener Meade’s order. - „ „ 1 " (Signed) Wn. H. Rekd. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Ju^ tice ot the .'Peace in and Xf«r Washington county, D. C., the 3d day of July. 1868. ¥’1 (Signed) . . Wm. y piibVISlhJlJl, statef*"d , AND COMPTROLLER REPORTS. J On Friday His Express-Agency Brilldcfc tranamUted to the Senate the. following Re ports, which; were,. referred to the Pmanct Committee, .^oth.the treasurer and Comp troller have turned their provisional offices overtth the perefina elected 10 those offices by the bogus Legislature: . Treasukkk’s Office, I MiiLKDOEvxcL.k;-‘'A.n^n9t '10 ) "1868. f Assistant Adjutant . General Department of tht South, quanta,, Gat j.<- /<) t :<j Sir—In compfianpe with General Orders No. 8. dated Headquarters "Third MUitiary District, Ailanla, Ga., January 13, 1868, I proceeded to this place and took possession of. the office, aod assumed the duties ot Trea surer of Georgia. The late 'Treasurer, John Jones, refused to-tarn over any records from which the condition of the Treashrj^ ‘could ba ascertained; he also refused to turn-’diver the assets, is. I found tn•(the 1 -'Vault the sum of ten cehta ($00 10), and have , also taken possession of the sum of five thousand two hundred and twenty-two dollars and eighty-nine, cents ($5,222 89-100), funds of the State fonnd in the Georgia Natioual Bank of Atlanta; Ga. The enclosed exhibit will show the amount of funds received from different sources, and the amount expended since January 15.1868, also tfie amount which I turn ovsr to my successor, Nj-li. Apgier, Treasurer. I Very respec.fully, your nbed’l serv’t, C. F/ Rockwell," referred to. ;; < iU) „ - ■ - J which .appear <»• .ttxeiylqniooniiHB, tftWP fc»§» «Wre*ed in «biftoffice on: ;( i - - wy from Headquarters Third MU- #W*» fiafld October fit, ,1867.. sent ^ pa^ tfie authority irom Provi- 4 jsda ■ The amount. entered asj ment of gqneTaltaxea, Vcovcra-Uiat which has been l,to . tax_ Coljectpra in , accotd.ance dipQ.847, Irwin'ACade df Georgia." Provisional Treasurer. Chas. F. Rockwell, Brevet Captain United States Army and Provisional Treasurer of the State,, in-account with The State of Geor-j gia from the 15th day of " January, 1868, to the 10th day-of August, 1868, both days in-} elusive. .-in:. eu-s y:i 18 $ ;, lAfl? 2*YTAD '03 O'* A Received from general tax of 1867, L F 4........ $ Received from liquor tax of 1867, L F 5 Received from tax on insurance companies, L F 95 Received _ from" tor on citc.ns ex*. bibilions, LF 7.... Received from tax on wild lands, L F 1 6. 1 . Received from W.esterfi Atlantic HR, L F<3. Received from Convention tax uf .1868, L F ,8.....> Received - from fees of Rx. De partment, L F 16..„.............. 4 OQ Received from fees of Secretary of State’s office, L F 17. 68.854 40 856 88 600 50 485 00 3 40 175,000 00 920 76 124,9 15*00 Amount found in vault 10 $370,639 44 Amount found in bank at A.Hanta.............. $5,222 89 ; $5,222 /99 1863. i Paid on civil establishment of 1867a L F 44 $ Paid on civil estabfishtgeat of 1868, L F 15..... Paid on contingent fund of-1867, LF 10.............. Paid on printing of 1867, LF 12.. Paid on over-payment of taxes of 1867, L F 13..— ........ Paid on special appropriations of Advances" made’ i 86, Code of Georgia Balance .". - moil i- 268 48 I 32,207 79 3,846 2d 2,252 00 8(307 92 1,537 50 97,956 38 Several persons who claim that they : have been appointefi.Tax Receives by the Major General Commanding.,Third Military Du- tnct, have written toiMaJ.,r Geoeral Meade since the,last election jq this State. Asking that the Tajx Dtgesjt bq immediately sent to lliem. Said letters were referred to this off fice from,Headquarters. N<i"information in regard to such appointments being ; on file, I was convinced that no appointments had been made, and if, they bad, the bonds ,were not on file. For these reasons no Digests were sent out. DigeBta are ready and can be fur nished to the Receivers at any moment. Tb Digests for the Wijd Land Returns have mot bean made, owing to a doubt as' to.the in- tention of tfie Legislature, but they can be made at very abort notice. I have the honor to suggest a ebaoge in these digesis, .which I think will prevent much vexation and this office, and secure to property holders their property without its beiug sub ject to the chance of sale tor taxes as it is now, viz: That when, property located in one county is returned on tho Digest of another county, the Tax Receiver of the county in which , tbe property is. returned should be required by law to furnish the Tax Receiver of the county in which, the property, is located with a certificate setting foitn the tact of its return. Bomesncb'law as this, will enable each Gonntv Receiver to show by his.retnrn that all of the property io his county ia returned and exactly where it is returned. ... <: , roil) nil The want .of such a law has-caused much trouble in,this cfflre, several;instances land has been advertised for sale ior. laxei jwhen it; was properly returned and tbe tax paid in other counties. The owneis.of tb, lands were obliged ia gome instance to come to- tbe Comptroller General; ;and. with him took over several -Digests to find property returned Which -was situated in one" county. - - - -- - - —rjz } On the 12th day of February General Orders 17, Current Series, Headquarters Third Military District oame to hand. This order removed Mr. N. C. Barnett from, the office ol Secretary of S ate End ’required me to discharge the duties of said qfflfie. I im mediately proceeded to carry out tbe- re- quirementa of the order, Mr. Barnett made no resislanee; but he or some one else had removed the great seal of the State, from the office. I made a demand upon him for it, but be did not prodqce it until the 8th day of tfie present month, when ,he. returned it to the office where it belongs. All records re- maiteddn the office. ; :i; , There are a number of connty, maps now ready to bd sent out, as inquired by the last Legislature. i, .1 hove thteday bean relieved from duty at theState House of Georgia by my succes sots, who wire elected by tho Legislature now in session at Atlanta. . CiiVeryregpeotfully, O. Wheaton, Captain United States Army- Receipts and disbursements at the Trea sury of Georgia from the l3th of January; 1863, to 10th August, 1868, both (lays inclu sive: 1868. Dr. I From Convention tax of 186S $124,920 76 From General tax of 1867......... 68,854 40 From Liquor tax of 1867 . 830 38 From tax on Wild Lands, 1867... 3 40 From tax on Insurance Comps- j ,i ntos, 1867......... 500 50 From tax on CucuaCo’s, 1867.... 485 00 From.W.AA. R. R» 175,000 00 From Fees of Ex. Dep't 4 (JO From Fees Seo’y State’s offic:... , , , 15 00 S370.639 44 Wnitlev and myself Balance turned oyer to N L An. - - - - Gier..C.;.:....:........7r..Z!3Z 103,179 37 Office CoKPiRotifR General. Millidgeville, August 10, ’186 Sis Excellency Rufus JB. Bullock, Governor of Georgia: _ • -i ! SiE-^rbavethe hpnor to submit the follow ing statement for your information: On-the zist day of January/ I8G8, I re lieved Mr. John T. Burns, of the duties of Comptroller General of Georgia, id; com pliance with Generali Orders No. 12, Cut-,' rent Series, Headquarters TLird Military District. When I came to this office, pnrsnant to the provisions of my order, I discovered Ithat Mr. Barns (had no jonrnal, ledger, war rant blotter jjrnieeipt book, but that he bad caused them to be removed trom the office. I made a demaind in writing for them, to which be replied, declining to return them- to the office. Not being aible to discover the where- aboafs of said b*ooks, I deemed it proper to have some mqde, and immediately ordered themmAde. f :: .Si V i H The Tax Digests, a book containing ac counts with the Tax Collectors, tbe Tax Col lectors’ accounts and correspondence were left in th e office. I immediately proceeded:, to the collection of the Lux due on general tax of 1856. by ol der ot Brevet Brigadier-General T. H. Roger, Provisi final Governor.Geqrgja, and other -’ijromHead- —-o - — Provisional Goverg or to statetheeocoant ; of John Jones, former Treasurer, who was relieved by Ospt. Messed to exa mine the accounts, &c., of tbe Trea surer, in accordance with section 89, Irwin’s Cpjte pf Georgia, jl found no books one- & ,»•«£. ot 1 he current ysar were removed from the of dee, and the funds were removed from tfie vault, with the exception of ten cents’in UnttetfSftittee^miifcy. No atateRieiit'Wasi i Vimiahed hy the formar Tfqasurer, or paper j of any kind by Whi£h the condition of the State finances could be ascertained. .1 have;the hooosto..enclose with this an exhibit, -which shows the condition of Ac counts since Lhaveboen'in office, I found nothing in the office from which I conld de-! rive any information as to the amounts ex panded in the different appropriations, and bv the layis of Georgia and the i i hare not been able: to-collect all that: •due thefitate on this .general,tax of If" Muscogee and Chatha in have given trouble, more especially , tb® i fltet Manv of the Collector, i have failed to send ig'fWLs. a tfnr ^hn finnl 1 ant Hp— ! Mow'if .r™ uul8nd expose the whole ment of their accounts.. 5SSSSV5K- Ew httt pretended to know anything evwt lhe “order.. These parties gave no cute ,? uU1 ' he y were imprisoned, tired bv wffi' evidence was wrung from them of Mayor Smytbe by promise IhevTwL-i. d 8ecur ‘ t y from punishment. “ej LWhiltey and Smythe) had frequent L? U : in their papers require;2 for the'final seltle- »*7i on the. on the book left with ‘i they will show when tlte turns over his books, i -The-Exhiblt - showi the Convention-tax oi jomein. The amoun P #J£ .ihimuat *> eaxw ^haijjiu [eijart of 1868, has ie greater $370,639 44 1868 Cs. On Civil establishment of 1867..$ 26? 48 On “ -m “ 1868.. 32,207 79 On Contingent Fund of .1867 3.846 2: Oo Printing Fund of 1867 '. - 2.252 01 On Special Appropriations of '67 229,263 On over, .payments, cm Gen’i tax' -1 3 307 91 Balance Iff Treasury Atg. 1 11; ’68 99,493 8: MiljllSMI £IHT : i‘J J/hliT $370 639.44 The above is a true exhibit of the accounts ot the Provisional Comptroller General o! Georgia daring the time mentioned. C. Wheaton,Cspt. U. S. A., Provisional Comptroller General. < I » . i / ~’l 1 ■ —- FROM ATLANTA. . , [0o:respondence of the Angnsts Chroniolo and Sen tinel.] £. . ATLAsxi, Anguat 14-p. M. N<HJlNATION8. ,. , Of course, as the exficniive sessions are held with closed doors, I am unable to give an accurate account of what transpired. .The following gentlemen: were.nominated as Associate Justices of the: Supreme Court by the Governor to-day: H. K. McCayfor the term of eight years, and Hiram Warner, for the term ot (our years. CIRCUIT COURTS—NOBT^tEBN CIRCUIT. The Governor also sent in the name ol Hon. Garnett Andrews, of Wilkes county, as Judge of the Northern Circuit, vice Judge Reese..:-) incnl lit /:■■■ eii lo'nuad - MACON CIRCUIT. Hon. Carlton B. Cole, of Bibb county, was nominated to the Jadgeship of the Macon Circuit. ’ l " 1 SOUIHERN CIRCUIT, Hon. J. R. Alexander; of Thomas county,; was nominated to 1 the Judgeship of the Southern Circuit vice Judge Fleming. ! SOLICITORS. .-.The Governor sent in the following named as his nominations for Solicitors of these Circuits: J. N. Mathews, of Madison, to Circuit; W>B-_ BenneftToLBrooks county, to be Solicitor of'the Southern Circuit. . ‘'.i.-.EidotaEiiiNtwiEirLoSb.-' 10 '’ ‘ • lU ; The above mentioned were all the nomina tions made by Governor Bullock to-day. Gibson’s getting it MORTIFICATION OF JUDGE WARNER'S FRIENDS. : judge Warner's friends here seem to feel much tho way in which this distingnUhed jaristaqd hightoned gentleman. has been treated by Bullook and the men .wl control Bullock. ... - l. . ■ j His nomination for the shortest term there is.'afrer'lieing'set aside and forced to give Dlace .to such men as Joe Brown Apd Rent, McKay, whose only qualifications for the high; places they occupy are their trickery, cun ning and unseropifiouanesSj in ca«ying.o^t.| the wilt of their partiy,, is looked npon as but little better than an.inBult;.and a good many; . inse.. . '^L'ne cou, tup Tumed ppto *«*in to-day. -ioRnsooncjc. PfI Representatives,; somP ilFM-Pjed: Demo mM^tocovered.^iim, and ;J u*mg, r offered., la ihp effect tbata -as afelo .» gofeying- the privilege qf, «I»|l»t.the. me*set«er be. oj j.iJ sew /i l ii-. . The vote on (fin resQlujton was-^yeas §5; „ Soif , tWerUfirds, got^ R Ws.drpnped.-;-.,. j . : .> -.i )i u- ?!-« j ji-j adjournment of the House, -i ->< ; | l The Hohse fate adjourned, tilt Wednesdiy next. tUat'the dommutees inay have time to report and-through courtesy to the Republi can Convention Which meeta here shortly, oil! l,.J .- -. f, ., j:i , . -.If e X. lilliJli'J I , JgOfiJ The Drought in Esollsd.—Cotempora- neously with the "Aeaeon; which hss produced very large crope of-hay and: grain in the United i States, bas come the remarkable drought in: England. .’Wheat baa. not: been mater ally injurediby the dry WBather, lint the late crops, and Mao bay “d grass have been greatly iojqred, The result upon: on market is already felt in: .the export demau fnr,hay, and ittsfairto cenclndc that the d» mand for butfor and Cbeead during the com ing autqmn wiil : be large, at ^biprices; Last year the breadstuff^ Rode badtbe bene} fit of ipqqrmausprices to the Liverpool and Rear S3q*sw«kstooMi tfip expense: pf.wm}- .fW.ere-i JR.the.present season ; tbe prospect fo/jo^pifoeshQf^jvheat.iisnd flour to f-very g?°d. im ooeeae ys‘ " ~ niii jiiiii ol biii_ lomiaoo WHITESDLPHDft BATHS I PBOP8TETOK TAKES PLEASURE IN AN- 0UNC1NQ to the SOUTHKH1TPUBLIC test he ™«ieted hl»mtmngf miiiiW for tbe acco^moda- SO ABRANQKMKNT3 are -the most teV’JMWPhririaniuth. ■ rjvo ea 1 ,E-t ; , j COACHES to COBr Etatlrojd, With the JiPBraona bajtnz tickets will atate that they are going to the Springs, and thereby re* ver week, tl*(0| ptx .month, ffooa ChiWreu under twelve ■years of ageand servants, h»K-prlc-. 1 JyW-lf * ‘ )* O. B. ROWAHD.-Proprietor. HiftERf H. SNEED; - - Manager. (usisifl io rediusm s yd Mvioasi .lUifi Jii” 1 ? f tflijoiJI SI-. . VI j.:‘ ;; . , NCR- SNEED ASSUMES THE management of the lit. House, and will be pleased to ste all at nia Wends. * "“ . A FREE OMNIBUS and atten'ive Portera will be at the Depot to convey gneata to the Hotun. aneS-tf ,,,-.-1 IJ.I. Jj 'to srffi of Schedule. (ill CIIASGK OP CAUS BETWBES SA- L-i:o VAJUSII, AUGUSTA, AND MOST- $ no odeMlilfrritf,to drttn ranasfOllOwsi - Cl J *, . OPPrOE OFiliSTHITOF tSansptn C.'h. K.,1 savannah, Aitguat 14-, IMS. - f Inst, Fas: ,tral Ballro F/iln i its she Ur DAT TRAIN. ’■■* ■ .1- Io -,,z*» vl-t'mui oi*AviE ' b abrivx. Savannah ii .-..8» ».A,«. 1 Macon- .Siai p. Mifledgeville. .R63 P( K. Baton on :....11:CSP, ML Connecting wtth tratna th itleave Adgosta 8:46 A ML i hsiesvai nlWOT.-HfiTiTBAlll.. Macon ..7:00 A It J dj-ioi Connecting with tram that'leanS Angnata 8:49 A. jl UP NIGHT RAIN. 1 SaVahnan.........7:20P. If-. ”kI*con ....k.•«•...J.. ...C:65 A.'IJ vf,* f • •• • -•••••••••.•-•«v•••••»•• •S.slS Id * JOnnec'lng with' train that teavta Angnata 9:33p. M, q DOWN NIGHT TRAIN. Kaepn.. ^—.......,..,.....6^6 P M,.,, tttttnnahI...'..........::.... ..6:10 A". M. AUgUaUi.............„i..I -.'.:... i .M...S:iSA: M MiUeUgeville ......J....4:ao,P.‘M: Buouton ‘2:40 P.M. Cennectlng with, train that leaves Augusta 9 >33 P. M A. M. trains from Savannah and AugiisU. arid P, M. train from. Macon connect wltfrSIlUtdgavatletrail, at Gordon daUy, Sundays exoeptod. from Savannah and Auguita with trait a on Bomb. WotWruShd.iMritopgSB RaUroads. o: (' :0, EWi-;fr 1>n ; : Jtet% : Maat^-^fT^nS^ti;ori. ' TO' LET-, Vi /•-’T « uoioaiq ,emi STORE NO. 14'5 BROUGHTON STREET, at present occupied by Nenfvllle Bros.' Poesesalou given 1st Octo GEO. W. PARIES, T;' 1 ' 1 1)ir(fln.(l« .bfr/1668. Address •og7—1m - * FOR . RENT, Possession given immediately, 'DWELLING northeast corner Sontt Broad .mil Lincoln atreets. This Dweiltni - ^TOma^ bath room, water .close djtovs lfcu:iu::. Wo. 05 rnn: FOR RENT, *l r jblbll03 i: 10 'd\') “t moUibliOZ i: Tf ii i‘ .it.ii 1 A FJNK JSTORB BfiAB THE MABECT, thirty feet front and sixty feet deep. Wil jheiduted low to a gooditananti - 4i ’’miijy^f .. RENT, . two large Rooms oyer ouaj stobR^' 0 ,:f> J.' lll LOMlll'I-i Possesaton can be had at WkT g. STARK & OO. for Offices. tanB—hw] * F, 4 N OFFICE in I i* Range. Also three stoiiei in asme Block, tulfSbls for storing cotton, fiflptofo: IimJ—.51 itfaguA wftolfc* 1 ti:« if. .BlJ A tMEW4>TSUi ..- 0FI -Jill iu ? • ,4 ■ ST 1 bsiqins NEWS. 8TRAW AND MARILLA' WRAP <i: : PING PAPRRU,^ inn",r w. X .! COinffiRCDGj NOTE -AiCID FLAT CAT B’pne 1 tend think that he owes it to. refuse such a position as T. J. Campbell (negro), Senator from the second: district, Tevived the matter this morningby moving a reconsideration of the action of the Senate on Bradley’s case. _ in foolish and ungram: as usual, occupied oal louud and relief Nile of the black “ ‘ following the pio making laws for t' ■iraoi sSi:2 nci ,cn BULLOCK AND sent in eg, to ;» airoq o xU:o' **& ,tiqn, oi it (came ent'twad- ;ht to be f! };;ctiliuo^WBK*gj8HWMnr. 7 on’ 3 -ro;) j " Screven Honse stables, .. . auels-dltw: ni-ranjUnear Marine Bkrifc moil .IIW' eouivL —~ TAKHIR on : BtyYAberoom, Congress or Drayton fJll j&nsmwisw istiii nomo o-s x:o » sttsetSi.e.HtoU .ieuiAP**^ 6 - The tteder .wffl plane lsave the ssms kt tb* Southern Zxpress con- 1 psny)* office. i -01395 ,0 COS A TOBAdOB WAREHOUSE, i THAXT0N, CREWS & C0. ; til dJlw ?lq[XJ* o vtj i ouiaii:> -?.! u j WHOLESALE DEALERS IN . twiV4( HUB . North Carolina and Virginia J&de JlITJOSU ,. ,02 ,1 del It . :jfc» ,Ui..I;---! MANUFACTURED AND SMOKING fo S AlCfiq o s, 19S Caiigmajiad ; 71 St. jrilfan St>., Jy*—iy SAVANNAH. GA. * OXaIV^ERj u ii u. , II Jl," O !tjf}*“» .. nciJ Sashes, Blinds and Doors, . t - ?AHITS. OILS, GLASS, PAINTERS’ AND GLAZIERS’ TOOLS, niXRO FAINTS Of all colors and 111 -jVlj; blil07) anil House and Kign Painting GLAZINGf Acie., “? s No. 6 Whitaker St., Conner or Bay Lone. ta*-Tiy : j , j g i- ■ t ■ DR. EDWIN W. L’ENGLE, Publishing House 89 & 91 BAT STREET, ii (UP STAIRS.) JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Book Bindery and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY »a88KD FACIL TIES enable ms to all wo'k in the above lines with the tmoit Dispatch and ia Superior btyle. EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE l INCLUDING PRINTING OFFICE, ■ ■ BOOK BINDERY, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. and PAPER RULING ROOM. The only eetabllshment in me city having an these facilities combined., A fait stock of PAPERS, LEATHER 3 and MATE RIALS on hand. Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed "V.N10I JjM-ly GEO. N. NICHOLS. ESTILL’S NEWSPAPER hm vm street, comer Bay Lane, DOWN STAIRS, And next to the Post-office. DAILY PAPERS. New York Herald, New York Timer, New York Tribune, New York World, New York Journal of Commerce, New York Son, REEVES’ _AM BR0SFA FbR T&E HAIR! IMPROVED 1 Itta an elegant Dreealng for the Hair. It cerises the Hair to Ontl beautlfnlly. It keeps the Scalp Clean and Healthy. It lnvlgoratea the Boots or the Hair. It forces the Hair and Beard to grow tnxnrlantly. It immedlatelr stops Hair Falling Ont. It ke^s the Hslr from Changing Color Iron Age. It restores Grey Hair to ita Original Color. It brings ont Hair on heads that have been bald foryears. It [a composed entirely of simple and purely vege table robaUnces. It has received over six thousand voluntary testi monials of ita excellence, many of which axe tram phjaffitftTii In hfgh It 1* sold hi half-poimd bottles (me name blown In **•*>*•*•1 *T Fancy Goods everywhere, St One' Dollar per Bottle. by DMAS BARNES & CO., F. O. WELLS A OO., SCU1KFFEUN A OO., New York. mh23—ly WM, ESTILL, Jr., AND BOOKSELLER. Bull St., Next to the Post Office, (DOWN stairs;) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Oyster Saloon. ENT, rJtS BETWEEN WHITAKER: AND BARNARD 8TS., I ,7 ,: Savannah, Ga. , JelMy iL. n. a. : ad lira, Batonton, Ga. /AYY, ' iSBUET A AD21I3, H. K. WA6HBCBN, Amerlcna; Ga. Savannah, Ga. & Co., COTTON FACTORS n A — NUtBMua jofo uUdiaWltH COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Office, No. 3 Stoddard’s Lower. Range, * t to c r..i- U PH0LSTERY. _ _ je.atteutloii of bis friends and the paultc genuriaiy to his new and well so- DietedStoctrof « »«q Sv.30J Jlafmotnia ! HoUsfe-fitting Materials, Isllog in part of WHITE end CHECK MAT- PAPERING, from the cheapest to the NDOW-CURTAINS; PAINTED and BS.'L’Ord and TasaelS; Bnfl j Holland., CORNICES or va- ier with many other articles of ■■L bally kept in blatlne. 1 - ij Ing outandlatd, JEFTAURcpairingln ble line d In workman-llke style. Prompt attention given moderate prices charged. -.DKiauxv/ ksmiiw-A-aatek, sohwabz. 'sp*^-iy Chbis; egsnuiai s Ones. OLabx. MUBlrlSI&CLARK, UlSTEiRBOU . OLA- OILDIN G, GUAINIBi G,JU HD LING. C - in t*io ban Boltw ohj t jiu jury.. , ARE PREPARED TO Bffilt AT WHOI.E- AXLE GREASE, etc. TT Brf.e St., between BaUud Drayton, mhl4—ly -SAVANNAH, GA. ■*Wv* : i&l. 1 ■ arwoiTw tri&ttuu t *l:a . . q jiica j,iiv(«uoeeawrto-w. D- MAY,, >, 3fl . P« lor w 5. Kl Setr York Dam- krar. Charleston Daily News, Charleston Mercury, Courier, Daily City Papers. WEEKLIES. American Union, Albion, American Army and Navy Jonrnal, American Miscellany, American Artisan, Burke’s Weekly, for Boys and Girls, : Base-Ball Chronicle, Danner of the 8oath, Boeton Pilot. (OathoUej, OiIpper. N. Y. (SporUne;, Criminal Zeitong, OommercUl and rlnandal Chronicle, Courier dee Btais Unis, Day’s Doinaa. Diip.tcD, (N. Y.J Demoknt, (German), Day Book, IS^ 1 Fireside Companion. Frank Leslie's Boys and Glila Weekly, Freeman’s Journal, Field, Torf and Farm, "Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, ,'Flag otdnr, Union. . Oaxten'anbe. Harper’s Bazar, . Harper’s Weekly, 1 Irish People,. Irish American, Irish Citizen. Irish Republic, Ilia, trued News, Illustrated Loudon News Journal 1 of Horticulture,'s Weekly, London Punch, “ Lloyd's Weekly, La Crone Democrat, Literary Album, i Literary Companion, La Crouica.' Metropolitan-Record, New York Citizen, Leader, •• T “ b zatnng (German), . 0 chimney Corner, National and Free Muon, New York Jbedger, ■ “ .Weekly, j bsmoieu Mercury, , ■■ Weekly Herald,- “ “ Times, «• "' F Tribune, * (•• World, National Police Gazette, . Nation, Bpnnd Table, Southern Cultivator. Scientific American, HtaatsZeitong, Sunday Mercury, Sunday Times. Saturday Night, MONTHLIES. American Journal and Horticulture. AcricnltoriaUat, American Miscellany, Ohlldren’B Hoar, bemicml T r ii 1 n ,r.1to New Stock of ^iatined) 0 filofl'l nao3 2i»n , LRA.THKR, GALF ibnd LIRING 8KIR8, and » general awaortlnent of-SHOE TOOLS. Prices — ierefor „ JKING ti hoojjlxkI—Aioauav» zi in 1 umisffimM k co.; «Sn..ardij i'jnii.i Hay qooq oestU .>» yd * _n;nrdt moo him & 1. • iva'dawWieotibdoi»t mom bsuiti<l»« •towatC f«| .floUsartclai W ! laj , e j iw j- .d.jO^MieejCM odEOahiiqinas'isq I lolnoiiqcii xhaolo et fooifoS lufil g-j-.. v <. ! HIKE! MOUOHTOi. ABB JEFFERSBI STREET!. r* All orders promptly attended to. Jytt-tanM LAIRD, BROWN A SMITH. porner ofB.y. »nd LlncpTn Etrecta, (over Wm-H. non ................GEORGIA, . j.. : 9 and put on board Bt tho‘ehort- Ino Protests noted arid extended. iaaoll'I 9tU /. 1M-4-. ! sii bae difi--: -4-^i /CONSTANTLY RECEIVING direct tom the Mill?, ,V b«6t MACHINE " " RALE ROPE, and for sale at sea.. Factors and deal- best Hemp Bops for III Id!.' . Np.o ■Jl. M. SCARBOROUGH, I Stoddard’s Lower Range, 1 “T . Bay street.,. UNDERSfGNKD- la the only Importer —.cl JVDSnJ. ,ie i£-oi oiod 1(9it h auglS-tf - fTtHET Ijb America.. „ -i.,-, ^No. 1 Pernri»n Gn»no ln_B» sir of FERXTVlAN. 1 GUANO In tue,.United States of t o „ oct .--ijlOr) f- > - a -.-v.- - . • I ' —sor Bale b? him and . nd,B.F.VOSS. _ _ ILiOi'FERGUSSON, „ . Akfintfox Oomienee, ot the Peruvian Gov't, Je8-ly Ro. 47South street. New York, .BTeddox stU ilojia ol loo I Frank- Lealle's Pleasant Honrs, “ BuegetofFon, Nix Nax, Halt’s Journal of Health, - Herald pf Health, . . Metryman’a Monthly, Llppencott’a Magazine, oLrYOThtcPblkB. La Palis Heaatoger, Putnam’s Monthly, Phuony Phellow, - 1 Phrenological Journal, People’s Magazine, Riverside Magazine, Loudon Society, Yarikee Notions, Atlantic Monthly, Appleton’s R. R. Guide, Arthur’s Home Magazine, Ballou’s $ Monthly, BlackwOod-S(Repriat). Boston Ten Cent Novelties, Comic Monthly, Catholic ^World, DeBow’s Bevlew, Demoresl’s Hmstrated Monthly, and Mad. Demoreat’a Minor of Funlun, .' Eclectic Magazine, Every Salnrday, Monthly Porta Frank Leslie’s Ladle* Mtgtzlne, “ Bodget-of fan, . Godey’a Lady’s Book, Galaxy. Hunt’s Merchant’s Magazine, Harper’s Magazine, -Jolly Joker, Ladies* Friend, Land We Love, , ., Le Bon Ton. BEADLE’S DIME PUBLICATIONS. DIME NOVELS, BONG BOOKS, kq. ISSTJXD SXMI-MOSTHI.T. Dime Novels, now ready, . Beadle’s Dime Songs, ho-lto 30,. BEADLE’S DIME BODES. Letter-Writer, Cook Book, „ (Rook _ , “ Croquet, “ Pedeetriantem, “xi Verses. MONRO’S DIME NOVELS. From No. 1 np, Monro’s Fong Books. QUARTERLY, 8EMI-YEABLY AND YEARLY. ; London Quarterly Review (Beprlnl), Britton Review (Reprint), Westminster Hsvlew (Reprint). Frank Leslie's Holiday Ecwnal, And all the tazJons kinds or Iteligiona, Comic. ^gricaltarAl And oth«r , , Alm»Dac.°. ad 3 :t v; r-:~ • -- -I K W. DEUilMONQ, G. C. DRUMMOND Of the late firm of L. J. GailmArtin & Co. E. W. DRUMMOND & BR0., GENERAL SHIPPING -AND— Commission Merchants, •V street, (7 dT; SAVANNAH; GEORGIA, anl-^f ' ..V„ Url ! PAMPHLETS, BY-LAWS, MUtUTES had DATA t HOGUES Bril JOB LAJUUES printt ornoM, iu Bay street. JOHN 12 AT THS STAND ON Whitaker Street, Near Bay, (FORMERLY MONAHAN’S,! H AS the best faculties for supplying OYSTERS; either in the quantity, In shell or opened: or a: hie Saloon, cooked In any style. He warrants his Oysters to Bo fiT the Very beet quality. AT:Kfl^ WLINKS, LIQUORS, &C., Or .the best brands, on hand, and a LUNCH every dhv now—iv Advertisements forwarded to aUNewipapera. No advance charged on Publishers’ prices. All leading Newspapers kept on file. Information as to Cost of Ad vertising furnished. AU Orders receive careful attention. Inquiries by MiU answered promptly,' Complete Printed Lists of Newspapers for sale. Special Lists prepared for Customers. Advertisements Written and Notices seemed. Ordera tom Business Men especially stSam^i ARKfsOW, jjA-tf FOR SALE. RICE SHEBflNGS yarns, tom the Columbus Factory TOBACCO GUNNX BAGGING SEA ISLAND BAGGING, Tucker, Carter * Co BALE ROPE. John w. andebson’s sons a oo. MANSION HOUSE, 69 Broad Streets - * ,- • - ' V BETWEEN MEETING AND CHURCH STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. rTUHS well-known and long-eatabllaUed House, has i been leased by tue undersigned, and Is now open to the Travelling Public, wnoae patronage la re- apectfally solicited. Guests will receive the attention’of a Flrat-class Hotel. .Treqelent Board gs. 60 perdey. Board can be arranged for upon “ Carriagesaaa Baggage Wa ^ ww Joll-tf bein reedlneaa c. Late of the Mills Honae. umncuk TEETfl! OR. N. M. SNEED, DENTIST, H aving every facility for the manu- - FACT DR B OF ARTIFICIAL TEETHin aU the various modes known to the profeealon, and compe tent assistants in my Dental Laboratory, I can at a few hours notice manufacture an entire sett of'Teeth, _ the old roots (which can be done in all eases without any pain.) OLD CASES riot comfortably worn, I can make so. OLD GOLD and BILVaB PLATES taken in part pay. OFFICE AND LABORATORY,; 11?' Congress Street, OPPOSITE PULASKI HOUSE, Between Bull tend Whitaker Streets, jeS—tf SAVAKNAH, GA. N’otice, Ladies! FLUTING, PfifKMG, STAMPING AND DRESS-MAKING, AT MADAME L. LOUIS’ BAZAAB, mnyta-ly 133 BROUGHTON ST, Up Blairs. GRAIN BAGS, ‘(iljElfr AND SECOND-HAND. TJUBLAP, LINEN AND COTTON BAGS, enltable XJ for Wheat, Com. Ac., for sale hr quantities to rtatiooof grain, let.. New l ! ork. by msysi—Sm 40 end *» 1 HERMETICALLY SEALED GOODS! VP CASES 2lb PEACHES. OO 3 lb PEACHES, 15 cases S pint PIKE APPLES, 87 case. JELLIES, assorted, In Goblets and 42 cases 2 lb <XJVB OYSTERS, S3 caaee 1 lb LOBSTERS, 16 cases CHOW CHOW, Instore and for sale by b^bney & CO., Bo. W Stoddard’s Upper Binge, - 8avapnah. Ge. and BUSINESS STAMPS. 1 iu LUlsil Ml.— . FURNISH THE FOLLOWING STAMPS "at makers’ prices z Becomb’s Canceling Stamp, with die and dates complete, *S; Secomh’a Banking HonaeStamp, with out date, tom $12 to $15; extra Dies, $2 so each, extra Ribbons, from $1 60 to $3; Dates, $2 so extra. Address ordera to WM. E8T1LL, J»., - Bull street, next to the Post Office, Savannah. CASOELES® Orthodoxy m Reform. A SERMON. fy Rev. Raphael D’C. Lewin. PRIOR 3> CENTS. FOB SALE AT EstilPs News Depot, Bull street, next to Post Office. B lank books ruled and bound to any Patten at the NEWS AND BXMALD JOB ornoM. U1 a, street. XIO-’S-S