The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, August 20, 1868, Image 1

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>W j »»^H[ jg V l •1.I |H Mb H| |H j My^^L, BL> MLj^ MxM^JnM -MY'/iMrk!i i j j tea dtrsaaijirov Wtoitoea tJo.,*a»t » 7»s *Vjf JMrl Jh*yj baa *i*tt*s ett! u tevrtod fcflibA:d sAt ju «i w5o tixp fci* JjBfwUJuit *<ti F *;>w #1 *~lbVtn*,u « '•Tfc'rtiiB’WJ''-. i. UUTOrtl >FwLF. ,,t b:tw -ssul 1 WV.'fi iMAV'tnJra* , aoii-si iJMfiiuzfloS m3 ot asitoH in«n 3HT BkWdBiw ^sS^Sm UM«t Mtri((t).li>ugB»» fit)!6 nafoe ‘Szid tj ■/1 ;■ tu* vri , ;>: j*j n ~ a t»cj wi tip J*a r-xti aaiHlpil -edi frg. 0Qj*jP.V5^i «if j);>u Una ids.-to Change of Schedule. MANGE OF CAMS BETWKE AN SAM, AUGUSTA, ASM MOS SPECIAL NOTICE. LAWTON, HART 4 CO, ban ^2: W* 4 HARRI# tinoe*?^ £ /I M} test i A !.'i; *Ti 9d 02 v iy dttfeet, Savaxuaali.iOa; . *- m faI 7 ; a.?»a **ud t v<J *i u f*QW *< eni otjoo^ W SC’PSiters^u* paChlh^Wiy id I «■ ^•,fagPTOt J R“PlniM«iLlfl OnTEtf!?' The object of toe. meeting waalexplained by : filLBEEIJ.-SHEEI, jgl-weekly news Single Copies... BATES O] XT a SQUASE la t oi tho jf^TTSAKp IIeb ^adyebtisem thiptSSeAfcii*^^ *-« Oae'YifkttPIMsh citizens, just below di*,' CM dl4d“>8iWfaU'*WOs*«» H ‘ Bn i4fF>fa**« jjf| He leaned over to hear the expected aw >_« iment, and the gentleman from Krin roared *ht in his face: “You sold out the Irish, Kin —d d—n you!” . Arta CaA^tiWtoaWiihnaomM’iwlddeniy.crawje^ A [tejrldently somewhat disgusted. friondi MANSION HOUSE, Savannah........ Macon GEN’LCOMMISSION MERCHANTS jj#~Adv&rtiiifem6nt6 for ozm month or long** ; t ‘3g(teT3W ^ “Ti'WflfB ie band tooted another moo. le crowd redooblaiMmli “ “ chahLkstoj, s. JJ? wen-known and long-establUhsd House, bias sn leased by the uiuierBigatd, and IsLbow i theTra r »Uu«Pubnc.wnu 9 ep.tro > uagpU re- No; 5 Stoddard's.jioijer Ranged Bij Si-, '■'; r v Bmamt^aaep * *•* •*» * mWf ,' ctAi^pat*«», et every: other atim,:iii8t HoraUo| 1 spouted it. -ipt upi*A .ttNaiWI a* «H Mj* 1 “ffl >r the accuracy of our ttpoUfsiw* xefeu : Stotej9,jra hundred of-our host.citizens. vho <av« ,a§^anae( ti—dTldiiw,i«ifldW«diAw»<awat.t .until*, adBf fayiuR to and tro, with-the_,unateady mo- tot a drunken man, lie said:SIA 1 *“■ lentlepLQH-a&ieijfcatE fogh—h—h) got to » 1 & ; from a long trip through th’^JVgsJ, perty, bei |-h—b), IVe m’ firat trip-(ugh) through teres to y Vest. I’m feryAirediahd duajsy and la- Ke iol?i fd (hie—ah>* I’m ^very tirfecTaiW du9ty mittec^of *ai vsju ! ,ui ■* H • floWiPiWBtar ■*■**!» td i -.t-i . .£i..Ji..Ua.a«.lMB9tiBt’> « aotkxj r. i itziu. ^Tai «IM I Lateoftbe dally exercised t^aftpow if ^eefe^foMe redress of the great wrong which this Badt- -jdGaQlc*.^ ivHMnalu °i£aHhfk «t hIto T6BAt3CO directfrtm the i ddcordially invite them 11 fuLorc meetings of oqr it the chair^point acorn- toaeUlowi o. a saDsn a supply be rebuked. When the lamented Joseph Henry Lumpkin was Caief Justice of thm Supreme Court, a?|omated with Nesbik Warner, Starnes and Jenkins, that august tribunal commanded the respect and confi dence of the people. . It seemed the. imperr “nationof justice and not its mere, repre^ sentative. The present ChieT JuatiM-'seeks to cover up bis infamy beneath the honored, mantle of his gifted predecessor. One of his. , associates has no other claim to the-position- fnan such as is founded on his aqtive.efforts to dishonor ft State with who?e ihteresl .ang, oro'perily he has no sympathy, either by birth or education. The legal lore and in corruptibility of the third cannot save the - court from the just execration of the people ! Tne object of these men is not- so much the salary as the honored position.- They, hope by their forced association with the'. Ear to battle successfully against tJiai jBOcfid ostracism with which they are now branded. It is in the power of the Bar. to defeat this lost effort of disappointed auibition to lift it self from the depth into which it has de scended. , i-i. i Let the members of the Bar r6fase to sub mit the rights of their elients to this tribunal.- Let them organize in every comity of Ihe' Stale and agree upon three eminent and in corruptible lawyers who shall act aa arbitra tors or referees, to whom all caeea shaH ba referred on Bills of Exception from the Su perior Coarts, and agree for their clients that * t ( .*« J-Wrfi -JWiV : TQBACCO WAHEHOUSE. , TEAXTON, CREWS & COJ, iSfag —N'imt —ijpudgi-tai) safe .an^ptwssifnt ohui —Wbf #iihi.ou», jritti authority to xsll'f aehaheetingajof the party a3 from time te - JMpe trfiwf deem propew; mjs.v r<suu>,U., TResoIvAd, 4th. That the proceedings of this meeting- be forwarded to the Editors of the Conservative papers of Savannah, with, the re- n that fhey pubhjb tho same. A. C. Scott, Sr, Chairman. Jons Mi Kiso, fertCuHeo, • .:t Dr. E. H.'Habt, ' -0kk«ioM^ - To;b. .‘-.t vst : A Committee., j /The meeting was first addressed by Colonel Clinch, .who spoke with mneh. forceffur half as hourj receiving frequent applause. Dr. Hart - - - — ' * ■» J »1 • *.I tr 1 »I Grant’s gi te crowd sel /-‘-If yon are suffering or have suffered from 0 involuntary discharges, what effect does lit 1 produce upon your general health?. Doyo* 1 i feel weak, debilitated, easily tired ? Dopua j little extra exertion produce palpitation rrf the heart? Does yonr liver, or.urinary or; 1 gans, or your kidneys, trequently got out of order? Is yonr urine sometimes thick, , n^lky, orffocky r or is it ropy oa settling? . Or does a thick scam rise to the top? Oris a sediment at the bottom alter it nas stood awhile? Do yon have spells of short breath.- j! ised their coloredbrelhren “to consult ,Pr. r uo J 011 naye speus oi iamung or old residents' of the county ana then ^ nsiles of Wood to the bead? Is your mem*-. repaired? Is yow nund con^y, * leettniSMd J 101 f- ] J dweiUng npon thM 8ubject? Do J0U fetf ' ^ ’ * _ V ! Hnn, liatiMM. moping, tired of company, ol •Judgs N: J. P*TT*Bsmr, Chairtaan:-' ' iSTI ? b. , ■ : l .21 atone, to get 1 aqua muauitw4.ow.wq.., . ^erybofly? Does any little FH-Auas Mi WisSKSSae. ' thing make yon start. or. jump ? Is yonr, „ Carolina and! Yirgiuia ; r*.TUKU.x»B S|f#«ir« mingled with chi it, Seymour and Ifaennan!” “Si iocrats and Radi lortico. bstuiBWpia Tdiignor MfcWftSaHt* i = -" t -- »«n« ' BRUISES, BURNS, r dsigw c: ttGOTS, SCALDS/ as lsispiniTii mil amis i : » s yjf-WMtln sdr at sijiltia it>« FORP’S f -:iq. roused Tecumseh’s “mjin/’andheigwwhed St at with-, wa ai _iuni**as »-*%ra*« i*t» “If yoot&Uows want to hear me speak,; w j ou'd better behave decently.- (Roars,-howA- riesof “bah !” ' *iod-#od-o<J-t)d I’i' frbnpihe rowd.) GeneraivGrant and l ata not-, to she no at ;down. -by. any:such-crowds..^ (Oheemf. fa ells, hoots, and tremendous criesfsnBiftiob jm ' - -• - — ■ — -ime Harrington, slapped flSdtw, im EyhNTs, bits. dLAS, whoso jaws. RRHtEA, CRAMP COHO, AND AT.T, DISEASES OF THE STOMACEL- «.a CLKAN8KS and PDEIFIES the ELOOTIJ Sf piinijwwt^pwu t mwaj 'WurnfM-to apBaag^s .. a 2 : : ■ -■ ■ : ■—rtr—9*r. Oil. &OWIN -W.‘fc’ENeLE, such reference Bhall be final find have the- , force and effect of decisions by the Supreme “ Court. . •'/. : ' The same thing can be done in Judicial ' Dhtricts, where the Bar may not have confi- J itfiy.dec] nitich Confidence in yourself? Are yo spirits dull and flagging/, given to ffts- melancholy? If so, do not lay it to yo ltver or dyspepsia. Have yan resueBS night Y^baok Weafc L ydOr j ^/-^ t rfbqt^ tlua a f -ywa“a conciliation and sober of rebels till we fighting. ~cB rian tones foi and ; Biair ;” abi4PW^. toJhsrSTi ides. Arguing from the stan«q»~-t cbels of Tennessee have left BOtb-j “Srh?Uto and that «U ftP- and petitions hayn been met' only m contempt, the Nashvi'lej to-morrow morning will strongly relentless proscription agrinst^’ ..discountenancing any lntercoatsa ni - whatever, either socially or »n matters, and this to b® kept up r “Three cheers “Tor Seymour and the ’%hOtt£^8it went np Bj some such system ’os'thi3 the civil rights of the people could be proteoted-from: io-noracC3 and corruption of the judiciary and the evils of the new jury system avoided. A which the rights of litigants can be protected and ihc seal of condemnation fixed upon a judiciary which in every hour of lta sittmgs will desecrate the throne of justice. . *.*■ It may cost the Bar some pocumary saert- fice, but that should not weigh ‘a feather in an honest endeavor to preserve the purity or the jndicial.department.-.*' t v--it f//,-1/ I throw out this suggestion hoping that it. may tesnlt in the perfection -of o ayatem by- vhich the object in vi^w may be ac^om- ^ The^nconveniencB WSfl-bs teinporarylLet Democracy triumph in November, the deci sions of the Supreme Court qf tha UOdeQ b!te c fj‘A--J lit Si-e ®dJ House-fitting Materials, ES:'¥S'iSS'S|s •” that Bit all, one gigantic voice sung ou». d better try it! YouUl get put in your- throughout tl but that this carped out, t 1\ M -A- x » (Succesaqrto W. H-KAS/j.- ale and Retail Dealer In insolence had provoked ci d away, from the temper of the Radical ConvCTtioh, todeciaie mhrtial law in any portion of toe Slafe, to send any number- of the militia he qrStttoRaftdJhau tir of a baffled wild' constitutions, but hooziaznnHlI wanted to know a were, that they itragaous prooeed- :fnl sniffle, assured they are all rebels thosetoeydd iMiiMWfc irsq f-iXT Jiretc ,/2/jbY.^, the people.. : . How Grist is to ee EcECrEB.—A 1 ft. n^qt ing of the R*di«aia, recently “held at behM ifissouri, one Johnson, candidate for Altar- ney-Goneral of the Sjateyij8p0-t»»9*®<Hr9J language : . “There could and - salt to the election tl LEATHER, Groceries, — V pother form of diaease- ibicn.bnmamty is joh Btrr GhAPHrc.—Col. E. H. Townley, hhaij ^ itim raal f -forte Of theuonblc r the tiS&SmvM a prosdnmihon- aoarcd y i the Btemocratic Club at Baltimore, a fewt -- a ^ ‘-Jr-L’ i since. HU experience of army JRa is.I /I •££mMSa& e~i’ lec»atidto-A»jia'|fe|- ■ - g -.r .« if Twa erU Mwl sdy wffl bet get ‘ -a* hi 4£s , There «Hwas issued u , W||A| i just before the Tazoo «^P edlt ^ j c jl * HKI.BlIllLll Q ' , >.««v-Jew'was put ashore. , d of - has vrisj* v -? ,y - sof tonU%^i0Owor t hofW^|«g i^oi^ncO ^ otism " NociSnlViVhie generris/irSFSrl >■ JUr»q3 oi snUM wv t +hirtv-aix bales from a negrft wj^ Tet-fih* * Grant, backed by the army am by the whole Radical party* wot with the bayonet, the inaognralii ocratic their paws, fipp^togA^gging. 3age, and exited. f'“~ ' ) of “renowned visitors”,took a few “stiff Xy^vjS®**^ ®* ttltaoas iehes. With . - , son would resist'and: put down, in the same way, any attempttoYhaugnraJC .th.eJIennfc cratic party into power in thisStatA This was not said under excitement,.for daring, a speech ot lRP-SdtiT 3 ! hegjpWdwM oiged as a reason-whyJJqniocrats should not Vote any but the -Radical' r Ticket, fhat their WBOLgSU^nQPEM^ q »,GUfliiFph B(HINGERiJ- votes would clae matter what the'resuti of the election, .they (the Radicals> were deleroiinfi3 that 0 DemocraUc>aminisft:atioii should not be es- “Great was Mwmmmvim; te “MWKit-awswfafi t r I lF-dnS • atovWBJPM «wl ova »■? . [J- 1 :*. .tjjfypi lOiiOlcrftriiioii k Commisaou Merchants, tgent of toie.pipWas : aidOdapiiii^§fw«#^ as follows to the LeaWenworth -(R*h^^^qW' Journal; under date of - t- ::. - - 0 ^ While a-party of. ladies toe post Wftto sitting on toe^pw^rtP^Qgt - of my quarters, engaged .nngfa^aqdgiM^ ing, a maa vtolf dftshed.among^d^«ie proenriog. weapons., go, aqett-afty Atf ac k -/ the aentinei afetfae-gnard- honss,' kwBrea at hitn, but with no-effect. Erom the guard house be proceeded to the hospital, made an attack upon a soldier, neariy tearing off Ins tight arm and biting off one ot Lis fiegerg. He afterward bit a colored soldier of ihc Tenth Cavalry, and'entered the quarters ti the laundress while she was in bed,biting through toe bed clothing, but not hurting her He made tor toe sentinel at toe bay :.lllO—lm-rrtrn Wrtteet, next to Post Office^ e VGBORGIA MASONlCatr^ j mutual life insurance CO. St 'l O^AS, T. VKl pV«RR,8<=’«t“>-y *ndfEr««aWr*V' T1HIS ASSOCIATION affords a cheap mode otren- i lSCRSSSsaswVra '* is Chaa L«" »* v .S.'“ br ° DIURETIC, i. Pass them arm thfeybnay'be seen JOB PRINTING OI * I ,iblb Book Bindery ■ Union. I tell you so because ever took a red-hot stpv.e, but A r four hours-for ode tPicool | ifit v i tuseit a- Tbfd^ 8 x^^\Wtove 0r ^rd-toe®, re'these:-There'had been a difficulty tween BUI and Joe some ‘j“ e P r ®7‘° j^ bot- muraer. On the day oLtbe murder J®» Dot rowed a gun: from a neighbor, and that o* The chignon is worn on_top_ot .tne j-^ss?ASsr.a htoftoe shape of a.barrel; large at And smaU at each end, with a "yfl uasi.. BOOK BINDERY, BANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, - -- and/PAPER RULING ROOM. The only sgtablishment In the city haying all these ^fnU B^k iTplPEES, LEATHEP.3 «-.d MAT*, ciroamstantial, 0 but it all poipts to J°e “^ “T- “ That s How we Stood. ’’—The New Or- leans Times, of. Wednesday n Monday a Seedman was oppomted forem of a jury in the Criminal Court Aft« hear ing tne testimony in the case, toejary j ed, and to a few momenta returned, by the sable foreman, «md he gave rn toe diet of eight for acqnlttal^and fonr tor co victioD./The Oo“* x^remw kind of a verdict that was. a no responded: “I dUiSuI wrn ” Th« mtelU ?ent lUiy was pTIFICUC TEETH rurns, pwkwb. st w»6 AND DRESS-MAKING, WITIIWR L LOUIS’ BAZAAR, H. M. SNEED, DENTIST/^/S to assist in forming s train, or “pannier,” is worn at the ,, upon which is gathered up kids of material in a kmd of is called the “blanchissense. .ah’s'Style, butveally .r^m- s of. a came) s back. t> Across Architectural Department fg^ART.umtD UPWARD OF 18 TBAB8, NOVELTY IRON WORKS, : - ' raff- 1 AVIHG EVERY FACILITY FOB THE HATttT- EAOTOBROF ARTIFICIAL TEETH ill all the M 7 7 ^ 88 Liberty **•» Broadway, NEW YORKy.-lf^itl 0 M lKTTFACrCREPUin and OrnamenUI Iron Work f,r Bnlldini;,: Complete Fire-Proof Stractoree. IX.lnmSa LiniSi. VloolirBoofs. OolnFA ShnttOT. Vauitri. Stofes, etc^ of Cast or Wrought Iron. Alao» UMt Bridge iron Flen, etc^etc. ^ jtSVIBOSSt t ua 1 r-*i» —* ”» "'%,g.lriiv hik.-v or washer- bles the h the lower extends. toilet Known, yi ™ ^alS^orSn for the last twohjmtoe IhSrln^rm?^ inous mode* known to the iirofeselon, and compe- nt aaaUuma in my Dtul&l Leboratory, I can »t * io Kauri notice mannl'acture an entire sett of/Teeth, [t«r extracting the old Toots Cwhlch can -be done in 1 casee nnttoui any jxiin.) ■ , „ OLD 0ASB6 not comfortably worn, I can maKOBo. ,jc | Just received! anotber.lQtjjL- THE NATIONAL BITTERS, * J I “’the BEST OFTHE ■got aaU by tbs cinn, bottle or drink by John T. Lineberarer, or FBICB-Sltf pet bottle, or nx DotUe* lor ioJo.deUTWwltoaaT adAsfc Bold tiy all Bra*- T nMuZdT The first name oi tne q publibhed.) J- d bnt aU r inform; WC th i he was an Englishman by bi. us tb f‘ h f_^ co aector elect of one Cr counties of Alabama, -Colnmb cago for the puspose of forming a new party, to consist of working men end women, the main objcct being to give the latter a fuli share, of representation. Among the novel ideas suggested was a “dual” Presidency to It u ( lit, ill Hi