The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, August 24, 1868, Image 1

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& | -tY8 • vol. 4-~m m ( j < > n pjtejea^CENm U i NEWS & HERALD. VUBUBBKD BY ' ■ ’j: AS 111 BAY BVJUBBV ter; vin&i * xbi- 1 Single Copies ... . 2.jL* 5 SOfi, SAVANNAH, S3U ..$10 00 " $«!oo iiVfKS OF ........Sent*. ! ’ A liV^RTISISi O.’ 1 1 *4" A SQUARE measured fines of Nonpareil ci the Nxws aHD Hemal, D. (i 1 *y ADVERTISEMENTS.—First insertion, $1 (X) per square; each subsequent insertion, 76 cent, per "rirAlvertlaemeuta for •ais month dr 4<£iger Will be inserted at speoial rates which can be ascertained .itheofeksLi H i> tlM IU [From the Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel ] AUGUSTA P4CTOI We toye bsea&vbretl witti-!a ropy of the twentieth semi-annual report of the Prew- dent of the Augusta Factory, Win- E. Jlck- sou, Esq . to the stockholders ot the Coin- piny. The sncceai of this manufacturing company of Augusta Is extraordinary. Much of that success, it is trqe. is dim to fortuitous cirenmsfannes^-au extraordinary demand for goodsy ca'haed'ty the consumption in war times under a,, state - blockade, and the price ot cotton'consequent.* But, making all due 1 Hllfttwince -ftr^-TOesh 1 adventions eonrees of profit, the report before ua ei- bibits clearjy bybajl may, be. acc^inpliahea in minufacturing at the South by skill and good management, and iavries the ener@ea?qt sour people to the development of this branch of industry- fl iiaTlfilW ] The factory property was originally pur chased from the CityTor ^140,000, payable, in ten annual instillments, with interest from date of purchase. The cash capital contri buted by the stockholders,'amount ecr to $00,- 000. “which waa almost entirely expended in the first two years in repairs, rendered necessary by the condition of the property.” “We have,” says President Jackson’s report, “since the purchase paid for the entire pro perty without calling on the stockholders for another dollar, added largely to ihd property by purchase and building'; bought about $100,000 of new machinery ; increased * the capital to $000,000 by the addition of a : por tion of the surplus ; paid dividends regular ly; and have now a property worth the par value ($600,000) in gold” and a surplus-Of $221,796 22 alter carrying to Profit and Boss account the sum ol .$497,612 XG~Jpfrt-by 1 he depreciation of property since the w». The operations fori the last three years.Tfem the [Prom the National Intelllgencer.J The Electoral Vote of >'lorlda. A national .election, is Approaching, and the rote of one State is certain to be duplex, unless it* so-called .Legislature abandons a purpose which they have solemnized in the form ot a statute. An act o£ assembled ad venturers and negroes of Florida, claiming 1 _ '—it . 1... l.,/.Saln$iTa OtlH 11 io.exercise the.legislative, and, t^e. tbe' past thtee or four days. They sovereign powers of that State, is now upon i 5 ^ . . . * . "T** sovereign powers . electors, in exclusion of the people. On the other band, the ptople of Florida, relieved of all fear by the emphatic, indignant, and gen eral denunciation of this extravagant usurpa tion pronounced by the ablest .of the. Radical presses, as recently cited in onr columns, will certainly disregard any steps taken by this desperate coo&lave, which Radical hardi hood pretends to treat as a legislature, yet actually does, for once, shrink from indulg ing lb a public outrage so grossly and so ridiculously insulting to common sense... Wo may, therefore, expect to, see an elec toral ticket of white and respectable citizens the State of Florida speedily pat in nom ination.'. If duly elected, they'wilt meet at" the seat of government of that Stale on the first Wednesday of December next, and vote by ballot for President and Vice President. Their vole they will then record and sign in triplicate and seal up. One'- eopy they‘will: transmit to the seat' of Government of the United States by speciaThand, to the Presi dent of the Senate, and another by mail to ■ he same. The third copy they will transmit, to the Judge of the United States Judicial District in which they vote. Thp, WaahingtoR, .eogypoadort, of. $he New York. Herald returns to the subject of the.rumored withdrawal of General ’GrUit He geya much “uneasiness has been .observed among the chief engineers of Oje Radical party have been heard to remark that if thaRe- pnblican ticket encounters defeat in the coming Presidential contest, certain leading, men-in both houses of Congress will ba^e i, heavy score, to settle with ibe party.’.’ .; He refers to. “vague rumors” that Grant is not only “inkewkrm in the cause,” hut that”*'be is actually on the stool of repent- ence” for having suffered himself to be en trapped into association “with a sinking party.” The Herald’s correspondent con cludes - But the electors mast have tbe poll lists of these learned doctors ot Radicalism into Illi- 17th of June, 1865, to the_13th of June,,1868, have been as lollows : The’gross earnings" were $932 906 57: »t Expense? -v. 78j30O6i Repairs .... 2* f **qi*n.b "33,386 72’ Taxes 214,479 fit New nuebiuiery ;;.-w * 92,686T76 : Dividends to stockholders......... 360,000'00 Surplus profits 1'24,052/07 Toe production for three years has beeeu: 4 4 ....11,337,660 yards 7 8 7,711351) i 250,049 “ Drills _ -1,065,759 j The sales lor three years aggregate $3,765,301 80; wages paid $622,280 15.' The number of hands employed average 578. The avenge product per loom perday-has been 45 90-100 yards. _ artxr—*rga Bat we present the operati-ms fur the last six mouths as a fair standard.for comparison wiih like operations'll the ceutroa of manu facturing North and East of us. ,We h4vb Ifie sniliority of - a. largo and ekjjlfdf manu facturer in the Eastern States for elating that tbe operations of one of the iargest mills far the last six months show,a loss of_2I cents per ponnd on every pound of cotton manulactared; and that those mills are kepi anning under the hope 1 that the euguieg year wiil show a ,greater demand for getods and a lower price for cotton. We believe that a large number of -Eastern mills nro sow running on short time, and some have stopped altogether, Tor thu reasons above given. ! The Augusta Factory during the last six months has paid its stockholders‘two divi dends, amounting to $60,000, or ten per cent 1 , its capital, and carried “to the credit of profit and loss account,” a surplus of S47,534 14. During this period they have manufactur ed 3,888,301 yards of shirtings, sheetings and drills, consuming 1,362,571 lbs., or abont'340 bales of cotton, with an average number of 505 looms running per day. Tbe cost of the cotton consnmed was within a fraction of twenty cents per pound, or about $272,514 20. and the sales for, the' same period aggregate $519 965 01, leaving goods yawed at $10S,- 630 91 m the hands et agCntt - . ~ a ” j “Good Wine needs no bush.” No one ex pects an exhibition of beiiutifai' clustery |pF rich luscious grapes to determine its charac ter. The skill and management of the manu-- facturer shapes success and force's the.decis ion of the public. - In conciudrog-our notice ot this report we submit, therefore,, tfits aims pie testimony to the skill and efficiency of its management—a recapitulation ofuie leading facta m the history of the Auznsla Factory.' The Company started , with $60,4100. in cash and a credit of $120,000. It is free' frtkn debt with a surplus of .nearly a quartdrArf a million and posaessesa property worth jnMq than nine hundred thousand dollars in green backs, acquired arid pfidP tor byitsiefimii^a in a period of ten years over and above the handsome sum—amounting to more than half a million of dollars returned to its stock holders in dividend?. ' It is hardly necessary to say that this sto'ek is at a premium of fifty per cent. the people. These the Governor should fui dish them With. Will he venture to hesitate! It must be done before the first Wednesday of December,, and a copy of .it is to accomi pany the return made to the seat of Govern ment and to the Judge, Bat it no return be mafia to the seat of .Government, let the. law speak; « tUi- «•-..! If a list of votes from auy State shall not have, been received at the seat of Govern ment on the Bai^ first Wednesday of Janua ry, 'then the Secretary of State shall send a special messenger to the District-Judge ip whose custody such. list shall have been lodged, who analr forthwith' transmit the same to the, seat of Government. See. 4, act of March 1, 1792- '^ If, meantime, -the vagrant-gemote shall Have designated several itinerating carpet- b aggers or bureau fed ndgroes as electors, and these shall also have met, voted,’ an ’ t ransmitted their 'retdrns, the question - wil then be which vote shall be counted. ' Let there be no apprehension of doubt about ib-The Radical press has itself already bat off all proBfieet of popular indulgence of members of the Houses of Congress who should dare to count the flagrant vote in the case supposed. -If it was not snfficient to turn the. scale in favor of Gen. Grant, no temptation would exist to trespass upon public sentiment. If it was sufficient, and it should come to pass that a President was to be made by such a suffragre, bis i In auguration as wicked as that of Loujs Napoleon. Trie people of these mighty States should no sooner hear that such a crime had been dared, than they should rise asiopp man to proclaim their irresistible wilt to maintain their own sovereign choice, and -to annihilate with the blasting thunderbolt of 'J nois after the General, is not known; bat; ' is supposed: that the before-mentioned ports about Grant’s withdrawal bad much‘to do with it, Theiesnlt of these pow-wows, however, is that all the stories in regard to said withdrawal of General Grant from the Presidential contest are denied by authority. Grant will not withdraw.. He finds, that be cannot dolt. He may wish to fly the cobra but ho cannot. Bat an nnderstanding.Wi arrived at daring these Interviews on anot 1 important point, winch may prove in text iag to the country—Grant will ran, bat it is elected Colfax will be President. “Tbuth is MiQnyr and winn Paievak..’’- The Alexandria Commercial Advertiser says: We are glad to see a gentleman of the' high position and sonnd jadgment of the Hon. Montgomery Blair, a partisan during the war of the cause of tbe Union as against se cession, boldly acknowledging, as he did in His speech on the night before last at the Seymour and Blair meeting, that the im pulse which led the people of the South:to secede from the Union was ,not so unjusti fiable after all. ‘-He had differed from them,” (the people of Virginia) said; Mr. Blair, “id believing that their, rights were to be sought in the Union, blit in looking, at the present posture of affairs, he was aimoBt inclined to think he had been wrong and the people of 'Virginia bad been right :”‘ahd‘ again, “the p’ebple’of the North knew that the people'of the Sonth were patriotic: there bad been cause for the resistance of the Sonth ; if the -people of the North had not seen it before, i hey begin to see it now, and it was for the future, m its developments, to say which aide was right.•a*-* Action or the House Committee os, vileqes and Elections.—We ieiiro majority of the Committee on Privileges aud Elections, at a meeting of said Committee, on last evening, agreed to report adverse to Ike eligibility of Fyall (negro), who claims to represent Macon county, on the ground! that he-is not a resident of tbe District which! gueStion~wab of Fyall on the gronnd that he was a negro, to which he replied in the affirmative, arid that he gave them notice that he should con test tbe right of all other negroes, in the House to seats in that body on the gronnd! that they were ineligible under the Constitu tion. •••••: — ) On leaving the; Committee room, Golden (negro) member of the ®tjnmit^7- stated that “be would give notice that the negroes, Ahongh declared ineligible. by the House) would bold their seats at the point' oC lhe bayonet.” Fyall and several other negroei, members of the Committee, endorsed the declaration. These black 'Radical rascals,.- finder the lead of meaner whi'" m^n_ nra fu. coming intolerable. Thi their intention by! force. over- On ofthe Housh; Avhin'ffieSeon- ttitntion of the State defines no right more clearly than that of that body to determine the eligibility of it's own'' ihembers. 1 (Let them, if they dare, make the issue on that point.—:Atlanta -Constitution. i tain—Rfs ar—He S *! Tiblc Warder or n. Sea Cirptaf k ^ iok FonraEss Mosaos, Vj^i&ngatti Vfl* wy of Captain Adam'Dennis, who i manded a small schooner called 'the .St' waa picked np on Thursday last,' in - public scorn every traitor who had4 publicly pr6p‘osed such a mshOOTT. ° * *** J “ *' * L-)t a universal frown put into irredeema ble contempt a pretension which is a national disgrace to have ever arisen, even among adventurers and negroes, on these free shores- Muscogee Bailroad, We have before ns the proof-sheets of the forthcoming 'anhaaTreport of the President aud officers to the stockholders of this road, frotfi which we collate the following: Tbu receipts for the year frem all sources, liave been 1.. i...!. $227,802 75 Expenses, operating: the Road for same™ i 14D.S50 29 Balance.... r..7............ Wbicb bare been dlsbureed as follows: Caaii paid Interest on bonds *1. “ “ sod Disconnt “ “ “ on Guaranteed btock. Re Inctlon of Floating Debt Cash and C*h Ayyn j^apit. .#/%.... a sol i? v t 33 -v. if $ 77.952 46 $19,380 31 S,7l9 83 6,900 00 87,386 97 o,*o6 30 $Tli952 46 . Another arrangement has been negotiated for the amalgamation of the Mnscogee and Sontfawestern- --Roads upon the following terms: The South-Western Company to as? -some and "puyall the liabilities of the Mus cogee Company, i-eceiye all of its assets, and! give its Stockholders script in the South- VVesterri Company at the rale of eighty-seven and halt dollars per-Ahare—raliog the Mns- cogee Stockat one hundr'ed dollars per sharer This arrangement is subject to the approval and concurrence of the stockholders of the Mnscogee Road at their approaching annual meeting. _ ' '1 IS'the .event the stockholders do not-conxi above cited arrange ment, the President suggests that the Board of Directors he empowered to lease the Mus cogee Road to the South-Western Company i upon terms that shall guarantee to tbe Mas-! cogee Company not less than eight per cent. 1 annual dividend. The. President further suggests that the lease shall not be. fur less than , fifty and ,no* iqnre.Ahan. ninety-mine years. i ad •>., [ -Tbe-following extract-from theSnperin- lendont’s report, shows the sources of earn ings of the road for the yeart v-i iixH < nMjwtektastt.-:.—.....$i9AU6 **' . boa in Ur£retghtw«t^....„. v 6Q,«78S5 J . : - Fox-iTs* nasmaatu.i. .'i«mi tm.stBitiiii ^37.179 » nr § liii>VKsl U* %TW GO Wfckmfirjtingr..-*'*.-. pflt.t xi iiaxt (" Columbus Sun.'' MxiR... Sad I)«iife*dii -TH« Coximons.—Yc-alerday a, Mrs- tSarah Brown, who; it seenu, was travelling from Florida to Alabama in a wngoD, -with her little son, arrived- hi) the southeast commons. Being much fatigued d4 iaHfeeble health, she(gpti ruff aud Mis. Davis, hearing of the sad cir- dMwOi . Mr- Evans waa then, cent burial.— But where there is so mneh. smoke there most be some fine. The trnth whioh forma the groundwork of. these rumors has been gradually leaking ont, it is said, and w soon come upon the country with snch volume of confirmatory evidence that it will defy, every effort to suppress it. 1 do not vouch for the truth of these statements, bat there are those now in this city-who pretend to know that two or. three, confidential c in stillations have been .held at Galena, lit., in which Grant and several of the prominent leaders of the Republican party participated Wbat mysterious influence operated to send T HE- IS DIAS Horrible Outrage! of the Indians in Kanina—Shocking Treatment of White Women. ‘‘ -’ 1 ' < St. Liuis, August 18.--A letter from Nils worth, Kansas, dated on tbe 14th instant, sayB: On Monday, the 12th instant, a band of'Some two hnqdred Indians, appealed on Spellman’s Creek, about sixteen miles north west ot Ellsworth. On arriving gt the house of a Mr. Shaw they caught and beat'him un- mercjfnlty'and drove hiui away. The devils then caught Mrs. Shaw and her' sister and violated their persohs! Some thirty or'more of the savagesContihUEd to abuse these help less women until long after the latter‘had become Senseless. After.destroying Mr. Shaw’s properly fhe Indians Wt the women for dead add pio- ceeded to the house of Mr. Smith and beat him in the' same manneraud violate: person of-hts Wife, leaving her iff a very criticaf condition, ' Indeed it ia feared that all tbe women who have been subjected to these outrages are fatally' injured. The red cfeviis met and abused several 1 other citizens by beating them, and after destroying all the property within their reach they left for the North. These poor women Bay tbatior five or six' hours they were subjected to outrages, and they shpw fearful marks of the cruelty of thur captofa. Iu their efforts of ret soon they received very serioda iojuries. detachment of BOldiers were sent after the Indians from Fort Harkter, accompanied by fifty or Sixty eortiera. On Wednesday night -they sent for reinforcements, and on Thursday a full company, nuder the com mand 1 of Colonel Benton, started for ihe scene of the outrages. The latest report is that Colonel Benton had come upon the Indians, who had some ten or fifteen women surrounded in a house, and that he had driven the Indians away, but whether bc'killed any ot them was not ascertained. Tuesa are probably the same Indians who have been murdering and .com mitting outrages on Spellman’s Creek. “Zaccheus, Comb Down.”—The editor of the Oentralia (Hi) Democrat is authorized :lo make, the following-bbt»> $1000 in gold that Seymour and Blair will carry tbe State of New York. $1000 in gold that Seymour and Blair wil I carry the State of Pennsylvania. 1 : ■ $1000 in-gold that Seymonr and Blair will carry Connecticut. $1000 in gold that Seymour and Blair will carryNew Jersey. [l'he four bets to be taken together.] Greenbacks will be accepted, with the rul- imr difference between snch fnnda and gold. A Farm, free from all incumbrance, three miles from Centralia, which cost its owner $3500, bnt which may be valued by disin terested parties—will be bet against its value in greenbacks that Seymour and Blair 1 will carry California aud Oregon. Eight Thousand Acres-of good tillable land in Iowa, located in the counties of Cass, Dea- Moines, Mahasky, Monroe, Lopas, Union) Montgomery, Pottawattamie,Tda and' Sioax. To this land a clear title and warranted deed can be given, with taxes all paid np. A value Ml OU1I CUOIUUJW4-, will not be the next President of the United States. .i. ; - n-:ij ; The editor of that paper says: “We have only to add that t he above propos'd tons moan business, and are made iu all seriousness, with’ the siugle view of accommodating those Hadfckis Who proffer the ‘cash down argu ment’ as 1'ue evideuco of tlio faillt that jajin them.’” ” 1 . -.-II - is) i 1 -A RADtoan 1 CxiirAioN. BoNd.—The follow ing campaign snug We^cR]). from A Western Republican jqurnai. which sayaR was song at the:Const Hottae^i ill the tchool-hdnae, iu tha market-place, and wherever two of t Radicals were galjber^ti together in (jincin, nati. !lt is shortr ferae, suggestive, and to the point. Here it is—Rah far Grant ant^ Colfax. .7. . -.44-..1*0. nesriuoj Colored Men IjEAvtsu mi Diett Con- CEEA^-We learned on the streets yastontoy that a large number of. .colored, men, -somo of whom use to: belong, to. tire Scalawags, were anxious, to form a r‘4th-Ward Demo-. c> a tie Clnb, ” and had been tendered the use power ana influence of'Radicalism rawing away from their vite grasp, and the’ man rallying to ;the standard of iMtott . fheitoej TucBB-Angnst a—a are vilbcM BBttle of Scaiawagism, and tlre ttOf^Bf wintery grave forever!—Oolnmbni layww.. change for produce: intended to ex- pemon $600 in currency: Whem-be^S smawe mao, ^jnrjkno Chowan River. \m i® 55T *T1 from “’Business' i»; T&*., OHa&aiom r bat :*l*4ie*s :.->‘Gemtrak trade i»be^nningto tWfl?t^ 1 4 little, but only a little. The dry goods deal- era. report a lair business in woolens, at fall prices, hut domestic cottonB 1 are--dull and drooping- Foreign dress Igoods are quiet; -is not expeotea to open for another week or tgfijfr&yfoi’U^i: **.**+* o'x* 7r/-^fi.y ' * WnoIz.iHflifife'i— York Tribune that Generals Steedman and abandoned Seymonr. and Blai A Mr. ‘iSHja'ttsaasiSffiR last Bldar.t took Township, his wife-being sick in bi down his gun to kill a chicken for her. standing by h^r"be3side, tic pot his foot^npon ffigefttothaj gun to see ff it was the gun WM discharged, Us contents passing upward fihrtiugh the brain, and he .few dead aero* the bed upon whfcb£hls"ifiis;wi*. lying. She was' alone and helpless, bnt her screams aroused a neighbor working near by, who came sad; found Lyon dead. Heh Was bi Sunday, a large orowd of, ’ * funeral;—lUct-Cototy 1 ( In Line.—There Is-no>; _ that President Johnson will exert i 'b-nrui j iHA or ffliat WOV Si AS.AN- 41^.1 JH Afff** i# ****&} [Mb «'£r He. A.DD B E S S lo iu3. tGUERARD “ifi 1 uvAvvinMAfi i uiavcD n«iut«q erfi m sn-.v.Ta >J j t mm mm GEN’LCOMMISSION MERCHANTS TO iltilHI & il b‘ NERVOUS AND DEWED. • fi Jfciil I.. ISO 1! :*•) .a x.! ,t --1 «j v, j i i -di - ■ * I. WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE BEEN 1 PROTRACTED FROM HI D D E N CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES.RE: QUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO BENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE in** iiJ si A ^iqo-'T If yon fire eaSkimg or have shftereti , involuntary discharges, what effect '(hoes it prodnoe upon yonr general health ? feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? 1 Wf trr-v fr tife i f.- 4 HARRl6‘ : BtOCK, • ,i ' 3ilt Vi eaolo t,ar udsd syeb wul a uns -■■It- *6 CHASGK Off CARS BCTWBBtl gj. l+.Ua.'WAKSiVB, AUGUSTA, UD MOST- ! I -.j.: GOBERV, ALA. tie 1 _. •- TL-itfl • jti w - - zsiaaii artPi ril: SJS* 1 ** “f -l !;WWA.VD a L’j n.'e DwtttvwiiTwatr. dt icofivn-rini nimM»asi {. cvnoMor atuisBOf tkanspt’n r rb, ' _bne srii to level * - Cw abliwrw .ai »:;it»«i* j LEAVX. AUEIVX. •; - v- i'zrrrrrt * ” ivUle..Uj” " No. 6 Stoddard’s Lower Fw.iugv, Bay at, 7 , fj ‘] i SA.v^NNAir; i, G(A;';-‘'‘^ v 1 W I^iberdl advances made on con igumeats. * > ■ UMMgV!-M '•**' fin: - TtJBAiccbisli st Xv'd cb'i- btoillsn oil! v I,'. r: *. n. : .... .. . .it ! Jones’ Upper Bkick, Savannah. ’is NOW ON HVND TOBICOO afi-’htfrdm Ah* i mS3sn inviteithl ___ ho Is able lose ioa pf Kbrill Carolina and. V rgiol*. I old patrons to ex-i>nine his stock, whic Q lower tnan any other l lower tnan any other bouse in ' '' t IrjUli, little extra exertion produce palpitation the heart? Does yonr liver, ox urinary or gana, or yonr kidneys, frequently gel ont oi order?- Is. yonr nnne sometimes thick, milky, or flocky^or is it aetU^? Or doeaa thick Bcum rise to the top? Oris a sediment atthe bottom alter ltnas awhile? ,Do-yon have apffilaof abort h ing or dyspepsia ? Are yonr bowels consti pated? Do yen have spells of fainting or rnahea of bloofftothe heftd? byonxmem ory implied? , la . yonr nuud constantly dwelling upon this subject? Do yon It dull, listless, moping, tired of eorngany,, life ? Do you.wiah to be left alone, to away from everybody? Does any .til thing make yon start or jump? Is yohi sleep broken or restiesal Ib the lnstre ol your eye as brilliant? The bloom on yom cheek aa bright ? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do yon pnrsne yonr busi ness with the same energy? Do yon feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fils ol melancholy? If so, do not lay it to yonr liver or dyspepsia. Have yon restless nights? Your back,weak, yonr knees weak, and. have but little appetite^and you attribute this to dyspepsia or Uyer-compiamt ? 4 . * ., ‘ Now, reader, self-abnso, venereal diseases badly cored, and sexual excesses, are all ca pable of producing a weakness ot the gen erative organs. The 1 organs of 1 generation, when in perfect health; make the man. Did yon ever think that'those bold, (tenant, en ergetic, persevering, sncceastn) business men arc always those whose generative: organs are in perfect health ? Yon never near Bnch men complain of being melancholy,. Of ner vousness, of palpitation of the heart.’ They are never afraid they cannot snoceea in busi ness; they don’t become sad and discour aged; they are always polite and pleasant ifi the company of ladies, and look yon them right in the face—-nunc of yonr di east looks: or, any other meanness them. I do hot mean those who keep organs inflamed by running to excess. These will not only rain their constitutions, but also those they do business with or tor. How many men from badly-cored diseases, front the effects of self-abu.-., and - ? have brought about that slate of w< in thosa organs that hat reduced the gen system so much as to induce almost every other disea30—idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suici.l almost eve to other form ol disease lien humanity is heir to, and 1 the ' real of the trouble Hite 1 and nave doctored lfe''aU‘haUhftgg4» , q^'' i . : ,: ; ,•-^.V.i.uvi ! Intifijft JC- -XTo uciiom-ntl ; Diseases of these organs require the use ;f i iiutsios ->Jl boa |i . bit! j;!.,; t . .F ^TOBACeO^^WAREHOUSer, -•ft . - : , ‘WHOfjBiji DEALERS IN - j -■ 7 :.;J ni (atrifsil ' . - t ■•■■■ hh,ul;r-\j-j North Carolina and Yirginia I n.o T_id> Iziii H »;jdt .n.;*- 1 J W MANUFACTURED AND SMOKING ; isa Congress muii- 71 St. Jallira Sts., *ir£5iJ 11 a£Y’, lr * -. • - w'DEAIiEB IN 1 - ■CLJii*1Q\l : ‘ ^AINffSKS^AED GLAZIERS* Td<^ MIXED P.UATS OF ALL COLORS AUD a iv»oq' lo. g* • *. 'ttttrisaT 1 , an'df ” Wo.8 WUIIsker St„ Comer olBsy haue. frS-llT. m . ,7 r.<-. ! - DR. EDWIN W. L’ENGLE, JDBISTTIST^; : No. 106 Bryan ^li’eet, €hai)jgdq of Sfijiedules-t t GILBERT Hi SIRED, ’Ani ^ a.. jj.1 . ..,.... ass.*; m. S^etttairiritii’trlil'irt'thVtiiifva jAngiigta i'ikA! 1 ■! i >. j • tie war ns v-MtAism- u: l : ,v tj j aamuisli..., 6:2 OP. m. AlQnwts :.4t93ltJ.b.:. J .. l ..S73SRIt. UOBuecnag with trsln that leaves Aug oats 8:45 A. Macon . M .*i,..^....s.....»»*45j..wu.i».(kS6A . Oonncciingwith nsinfha’t Isailtn Aiignsta'AiSS pi ..ill DOWN NIGHT THAIS, li. v oJ» *.*f ■• trft tr M.} i i, Ju J** I A*xmsla..V.'.'i. Y.'X.... -! ■ 7". 3A 3 A. 1 M. ConnECtlug wtth train thtt Is A. ii. trslna frosi Ssvsansl M. I ruin frrm Ifarton connect wtth l-is > ■WWlSSSSSfw hasU train DC South (.Ji ;r. szr.a-L Li VABQGMB, .angl4-if, , Act’g MaBter ol TrsnBportattoi DISSOLUTION- , .i -nil_Lay>r-ihfi. mT Special Co-Partnership. s s; i*z*xivsnz Uffttoailni signed, under the-Sroi of STARTS' 4 ROBERTS, be ^4 bT Jos. A. Roberts or E. Neumsyer, at theofflee, No eGto^d^DywrBsnge. Saraimah, August 3d, •' yr angTIawlin MACON, <3A* (Ul - «;r A FREE OMNIBUS SndattenltvefOrtsCT wUl b# at the Depot to COUTWT .nasla to the Hcass- . . tagS4t ...MANSION ROUSE; 69 Broad Street* ” Mh CHAHUCSTOH, S. C. open .psetfuttr solldteJ. Quests will recni.0 UOSTU C5L Do »IT HI Carriages ana toconvyy Jell-U House. .. . Proprietor, of tbe Mills r 'Spring* A STBINQU^mrt^fl A SujhS^rf r C61 JMbS 11 ecelve visitors. **- Hacks mn ’to meet^tfae trains on tbe Pensacola A Georgia Railroad at Wslboiu. eodlm m [Thomasrille Enterprise and TaHahsssei publish law Im and send bill to Springs.] j n n r — - - i : iedtussc SOBD’S SALVE!! w -A. s I B MOOBMKBMr.mHQREATMTDnPOTMgY ol the aga. j rot the rare ol RHEUMATISM, Go-Fartaersbiii Notice, q 0.13 rriHE arm of STARE & ROBERTS hSTlng bee ■ 1 day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Wl Starr, the uudersigued will oonliaoe the bnstneee aa heretofine, under the firm uame of , . Jftoibgrts l & Q, SEVauuah, An gnat 3d, * TTT“ Co-Partnership BETWEEN WHITAKEE A HP,BARNARD STS.,. Savannah, U*. Jel2-ly U2£ D. B. ADAMS, i of Batonton, Os. ASBUSX A. ADAMS, of Americus; Ga. ’ ” Savannah, Ga, ADAMS, WASHBURN & Coi, COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Office, No. 3 Stoddard's Lower flange. .ijfc2-^-8m ; ;i vvi i ron;: Ohms. Hubfbty. CHAS. ClaAKH. MURPHY & CLARK, flOQSE, SISK, SHIP aiiSIEIHBOii PADS 'TXffKS?, D, BKAIJIISG, BARBUSQ, OlA- 8, AND PA-PKli-HASGiKOS. nn. B Bi ARE PREPARED TO KELL, AT SALE AND RETAIL, PAINTS. OIL, G. PUTTY, and VARNISHES; MIXED “ BRUSHES of every UeacrlpUoa; MACHIh HARNESS OIL, AXLE GREASE, etc. - *"' 77 Bryan St., between 8nil and Drayiaa, mhl4—ly SAVASSAn. GA. Ii .Ablate. ! - .11 'IfA UflfCEf ET T, AND jiqE^T jQF (THE SI : DIVING AND WRECK- iCB UNDEB^THE BLCl'TV foot jwrqsti lAU.ocOSmtarjUialSatmiarlatc-DMq Wrecking Company^can be teft withj^an, J- -OPEVERY DESCRIPTION FOR SALE AT i: ' :m E. M. CONNOR’d 1 & :co„ DXALSBa rS 51-Icq vdl 1'- j i GroMtes, GQ.rn z turn* • Lea t-D-'T-lar- tm of a dioretlo. '-J •a ;dj fed fluid e: T K A/CfT Id* rlfcasitl«dj|. ti flitdB. lf.:dt I •J : fins ;0 tqisi JaJT 'u. i-jit.i J tfCC£ r -'.-A! 1 -'^qI r ( 1 > IB THE GREAT DIURETIC, i JL- ihdTka^SrfaMcS&b^mr'' 7 jnaaki§£i t riY vffa jftT.siiiPMt [ ' ji ioq ,* us ot na,n<-Tn - asm ■ai -- rm-oiaftyrtiia s.. ! • • -. o lo* ijl ;ii ■ josdT^SSPuw- uu ovsd 1 3d eariq osinffSQPP&'i'; iie.'c joq_Ln*a id bin stidi icial l’aC't*¥®^JWJ , iW94MBP | <1 Jii'iT Ss5.ji Jf£ST*!i I ii* • i ... Aa n. .me.'lM^ i t OtpgLAOT^ .fflENKBAi WfBIbpT |\| £ $ D E A L 7- te-l nl iftiixil oSY i£»;*riH ban cols ORGANS, t> QCJ-;ai.l-e77 A—at,i JAA' irt ttoaa r, if to whatever cause oririnaang. ana np fiinrJoK Wrtgfcgf how longstanding. - fL D&PBp 1 . iTTo wo Lwj ad iuut* c*-TlT n^sxr, GENERAL SHITPING 1 4:1,.- ,!WI ad) » 3-iT > ’ Commission Merchants, 154 Bay Street, d KGnffiAj. * tcsm.itos ■■dates ot ^gM( .at it znsv eusuel Our fleefi r and-tne health and i rappiueas, and .that el poateritj, ■ — prompt n*e of a rrtumie remedy. _i t *;=s7 it -! MdUTaaS, A - _ 4aa J. e-jot .bieniiti1 kirtadalA iinofi - MPCPS dbTr ffirS) frdi ij H, T. HELMBOLD, YORK, • sn ■ .a jit t G(,i ak l - ■ ' BOUxffWffllH ST.* laeji acwiO Vi Rfi of my Chemical tWbee x. Htr.MPOTn- PRICE—JI SS per bottle, or six Dottles for K Kith M Ol.i COBIER ;a i>rompil v- attended t o. jy EETI. tau24 , i.q e.U,::3 ( : *l]«J >• x»»irnon»XV . WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER^ 9 L.sft-1 c-q* twwolifi 30 Ur.aa AGENT FOR BiNINGER; WEST SIDE HABKET SQUARE. -a n^icef qjjWBW =7 O’- Any OT it c share .worhexecotfed At lh^rt , andm toe .very heat manner, by leaving ; EstilPs News 9: »?3« B W19W’iaA ndftifidMIFW' TO ■ >ta el bite sniB*smqc» ni .raecciq Ian ““.jar-q >dl 501:1.-- BOOKISEaLIfER, Ai_laamicoj oi vusr.-.-tojo Stjoeeb ml , Bull St.,Next to the Post Office, imamb has toiitsatedl ,aien-isi fil f'-iir.aeiqmr--. rj s im nee coa oii yic-anua - b&i srqi}^ors2^b ti !»**! ZO ANDDRESS-M AKING, AT MADAME L. LOUIS* B < $k*MyO! ta*Odn*m#r2*P 3iturjv> i scqorq oi X s 3* i dt od yaoTtr tan 9; I 41 srgiI I-dfletrc# a odt •rc^s^ai a to ccawtoi Ofi'J iir7.oq Jviiaizigpil *ai cl anafo won | Dji tiadi received, anothmr lot of ,* i eVxaL | * *t aO|ti Li ... JOHN H. GAI1DNKR H tblV dsyaamfited . Partner In oar business. The etyle of-the him bo EDMAND3, GARDNER A.CO. a PAGE EDUANDS A CO. Ssvaunah, August lg-jsta.. , . -.y- snAr-fin WILLC0X & ‘.-7’.-!7»i:iSHjiSNT .STfMACH BITHR5, po* cmM 1 3 J i’ y» DIARRHtEA, CRAMP OOLIO, AND ALL JHSEASE3 OF THE STOMACH. * CLEANSES and PURIFIES the BLOOD, and “ »■ ap - Price, par bottle, $100. A liberal discount to Drargistswmd Dealers. aw P^$’RjkWHg>TlM^pnh*h*d or any lead ing Drug llouie in the United States. , .. , J.-_ .... - - FORD A oo;. Proprietors, .. &Dd lor circalan noniiimn/ certificate®, etc* > ' Hm~ Lergd quantities east per Expreee to any part of thoUaltod State, C. O. IX : ]}3I—eodly "JL-, ^Pei^fe c$. NJITS SIliPLfCrPY. NOISLESSNESS, Strength I L ... oi Stitch and b-auty ol finish. 11ns s patout d; and' cannot set wroi Braider are; acknow! vice Which prevents its tarnfng'backward. ■* ’"NeEDLE'K' SEljF : ADJUSTMif6^! - i j ,' r0 pg its Hemmers, t’iDer aBd, lodged *npcflor to ail others. j> -rr runs so light < that ladloaln leebls health may ose it withebt injnry BS“8end for a circular contai am fall in formation —notices from* the Pretts, tcstimoniid&iroin., tho»“ using ihe Machiue, etc. We refer to any dhe uriqj this Machino. - ; -.j : t d: ! ' For side at msnufECtureni* prices by WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., ■ ai NO. B7 BAY SIREBT, SAVANNAH, I . .LJi rz-ii NO. BROAD ST-, AUGUSTA, 7 | General Agents for the State of Georgia, aa- AGENTS WANTED In every county through- »t the Slate to -sell Machines. ' ' jt93-lyl HEISfAPEES AND PERIODICALS ' iiri- SDUtheast Cemer of York and 1 . QlS—8m ■ - g**t«r 8tre*t««, ; r - N A “ K LARGE' BTEN0IL PLATES for Herchants cud GEORGIA MASONIC x ini isjBKiHi co. NSURALG1IA, BRUISES, BURNS, ih ut aatifi - CUTS, SCALDS,' And OLD ROBES of every kind, NO MATTER OF HnW LONG STANDING, IT HAS NO EQUAL. ' Price, for Salve and Wash. 75 cents. FORD’S UPHOLSTERY. _ IWIMMITM STREET. milk Undersigned bags the attention of hla friaods JL and thopohUc generally to his nsw and writ sfi- lected stock of . House-fitting Materials, jsrt of WHITS sad CHECK KAT- TINOS; WALL' PAPERING, Trom Ihe cheapest to the nest article: WINDOW CURTAINS; PAINTED and UIIJj WINDOW SHADES, Cord and Tassels; JBoff Green and White Shade Hollands. CORNICES of va- rtoqs utylesr-tezether with manv other scttetM of Household goods usually kept In hie line. KATTRBSSE8, CUSHIONS, MOSQUITO NETS, etc.,- made to or ler. Matting, Oil Cloths end Cupel ing cut and laid, twill Bepafrlngln bis line done Ut ,worknsui-Uk»style. Prompt attantkm gtrsn end moderate prices charged. E. A. SCHWARZ. . - No. IfiOBronghma street, ' «p8—ty opposite Messrs. Weed A Cornwell. Ww IP. M ^ Y , (Suficeasarto W. H. MAY,] Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLERY. HARNESS. 4C.. JUST received a New Stock of CALF and LINING SKINS, tof SHOE TOOLS. :illo Tivnvi Hs^lnpt AT THE STAND ON * a j. r.iz-y WMtaber Street, Hear Day, i fifi.-hff [FORMERLY MONAHAN’S,] at 5 at Saloon, cooked In any*style. Oysters to be of the very beet quality. . ' " • '7'Bun'stroeLncxtt'o^oetpflicy. j c Ofthebest brands,oalisnd, and a LPKCH stay Craidemt. d , . _ B, Secretary a-llitTreasurer. THIS ASSOCIATION affords a cheap mode ol rea- It j* Cheapr and Available to All. u-',-iiNfcl» Tor the snail ramof *V«t* \ A B »' jSm^tii^'the^commMiEhttlonroT’the W. H*ol the Lodge of whidi ha Is a member, shell be eligible to membership, sad st hisdaatS kla wldow aud de- P<md»S:chUy«Vl <^wichai«Bt>oa*a ha^n^y. demg m(ewilircceive asmanyailtsrsas there are mem bers belonging to the Association. Appllcanon for [,—torejf -mrt he w,arte tn. Z iLLC f - :* lep-tf ' m BaF htreet, gsvsaosh. IT .V u t BLANK BOOK MANUFACTOEY DENTIST, :.2i i-l ire ao entire seUoXTt attar extracting the old roots X which can be-done l£ all cnees vUhmt ansjuizU- -— a svas bj.’ rl) -tunUina • s' 1 taibasT;; .-BL»Bl>IU'TraY, ».i JBoeagveesn Street, ;? A-wssTTaMpeSiE ^bggtfr IfflBnff* Ji « r j Tfen^Ei RW m'VitSnmr&eeinM c r Streets, I i - jCfi-ritf jjaj savUmfUm vA. -y> i Itila c ii* - HlSWSf’ B 8fcftA^r 1 11 EING EAPEBS, ’^Vg^tSSSif^ Tr ' oa t-iLom sit! eww d-idw to frMod P/>^AHteeMWWjg^iSail 1* MACH^^^ASTE. bai-acvT adl! ! wfcsvai drifiw T)i - XU-A, WALBACEl® c * ,ij aoitoy wlT tti—Ty fiYcnmi tiq l »dWlji ? T"r ? isw-I»-BA<HisiniiffioAit| JfijlfTlfisJw^xsscB—ol J fiwatiotodi ol | Q-eOd-lST. U AGU i IA ti'>v *-» a* » 3 r„; PR1NTINC — AND — Publishing House 89 & 91 BAT STREET, (UP STAIRS.) JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Book Bindery AND KEY UNSURPASSED FACIL TIES m»m» me to ItA execute all wo'k In the above lines with the Utmost Dispatch and in Superior btyle. ;^Y*BTjBBPAKTMENT COMPLETE! PRINTING OFFICE, BOOK BINDERY, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, and PAPER RULING ROOM. The only establishment In the city having all these Facilities combined. A full stock of PAPER3, LEATHERS and MAZE- RIALS on hand. <IMn ]yao—i] H.1 Architectural Department NOVELTY IRON WORKS, 83 Liberty st., cor. Broadway, ffiEW YORK, \ifANDFACTUREPlain and Ornamental Iron Work It# for Sulldinge: Complete Fire-Proof Structures, Columns, Lintels. Vaults, Safes, etc.. __ Casings, Shutters, . — Castor WroughtIrou. Also, n lrrids«». Iron Piers, etc.; etc. HY. 3. DAVISON, X i- • WM. M. AYRES, j J. HEUVRLMAN, siiwiti. BY-LAWS, MINPTES _and^OA^A the IfSWS AXD . rnmx. &sntd edt' - ■HM