The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, September 07, 1868, Image 1

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Bi*: »rwaWff •in; & ■ PUBLISHED BY J. H. ESTILL, u 111 BAY skrbet, savashah, »a. TERMS : nULY HEVVS AND HERALD......7.........*10 00 jbi.weekm news and herald 00 Single Oopl9«..,..„ ! ..i K.Kveim. HATES OS' ADVERTISING. If a SQUARE la ten measured lines of Nonpareil oi ibe News Aim Hubaij). MT ADVEBTI8EMEHT8.—First Insertion, SI 00 peragnare; each subsequent Insertion, 76 cents per ignire. li : i jS-AdverUeement8 for one, month or longer wUl Ijelneortedat special rates which can be ascertained ,i it .suffice. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. prescribed tor white'persona committinglike I him the right to hold -office; The Gonalita acts or offenses.” Wliat immense ground be tion of Georgia and the reconstruction i» wa baa gained at a single bouad. It is a boon he have both given, the negro the right to vote cannot comprehend. The United States Cir- —neither has given him the right to hold edit Court has declared what is meant. by I office. Until this right is conferred upon “privileges and immunities.” Commenting kite by positive enactment, he cannot eniov upon the 2d section of article 4tb of the it. When I bast my vote against bis remain United States Constitution, “ citizens of each ingin the legislative halls of the country State shall be entitled to all privileges add ] then but -discharged my duty. If - this immunities in the several States.”- The Court line of argument should not prove as con- says r “This is confined to those - privileges elusive to other minds as my own, it ought add immunities which are fundamental in I at least to raise a strong doubt in anyintelli- tVloip nofnmi urhirtk linlnnrv rtf virvlit #r\ fho I mtvwl CTana >.nn _ J v . ■ m " HOUSE OP REPHESENTATTVE3. A AFTERNOON SESSION. Wednesday, Sept. 3,,18u- . Tbe House met pursuant to adjournment) sc d was called to order by the speaker. Mr. Chambers, ol Meriwether, "rote and/ paid, that in behalf of tha colored members,, be would state that they would not have aDy lurlher remarks to make in tbeir defense. Mr. Harper obtained the floor. He said their nature, which belong of right to the citizens of all tree governments, and which have at all times been epjbyed by the citizens of the several States which, compose this Union, from the.time of their becoming free, independent and sovereign. They may all be comprehended; under me fallowing gene ral heads : . Protection by Viho .govern ment; tbe enjoyment of life. And liberty; with the right to acquire add possess property of every kind, and to pursue and obtain happiness and safety, subject, never theless, to such —a.—!—— - gent mind. Have yon a doubt! Tnen give your race the benefit of it. We belong to a llorious race. A- race that has produced a Joke, a Lyttleton, a Blackatone, a Marshall and a Story, in the Department of Jnrisprn deuce; a Bacon, a Newton, and a Locke in tie Department of Pbilosopby; a Shak- speare, a Byron, a Milton, and a Longfellow in the Department of Literature; a Fulton a j Morse, and a ^ield in the Department of Applied Science; a Wellington, a Washing- mar preserfife.'jrdf, 1 WEST ‘ whole;therigbttpfany ckizento^asthroughiand an Adatna, a Webst«,°and aCaffernn°m ®3 ^’ de in any other State for the purposes the Department of Statesmanship. Ibave ntkl’^;t’ o a ? riC T - nr 1V Pr S feSa L 0na I P, ur3Ultrl0r ^dinted to but a few of the stars of the first ’ to tife benefit of tbe writ of mugQitqde among the tbousands in the ’eteSJiAj and maintain ac- galaxy of tbe glory of the Anglo-Saxon race, In rnb°e ?dX| kl .m d ri m H-a 6 ® oar i a of *b® State, whose brightness time has not and can never giSjilJBMaS dls P*®. of property. real j film. When I remember that I belong to or, personal, and exemption from higher tax- that great race. I feel that I have an inherits ln j^n.Tf P ?h. tl S? 8 r tha . n T- P aid by O ther l ance in the grand history of that rTce lud PJ 1 ?” 118 ,^be State; to which may be add- when I am called upon to discriminate in m be did not stand bore ip-day, to east his J the elective; franchise b* established and favor of my own *ao£ when thellw fc with vote against any man on account of his «ft»WJ>y.the Constitution and Jaws of the me, against a race whichin four ffion^ni He would vote against .^white.will^e m ««- ykis L, not “AW in « 8 "?»% bmd. is „ be occupied a seat here illegally. u constitutional duly to turn out the colored members, tor under that instrument they bad no legal right to a seat upon this floor. He was willing that they shonid place what ever construction they chose upon the De claration of independence;_ it had nothing to do with the Constitution of Georgia in refer ence to this question. The colored man was born without legal rights, and there was no way to give him those rights except by ppo- cial legislation. The rights of citizens, as laid down by Judge Blacks tone, are the pro tection of life, liberty and property. The right to vote and hold office can only be ob tained by immemorial custom, or by special enactment. Mr. Shumate rose and spoke as follows: Mr. Speaker: In tbe discusaiou of this matter I shall not be actuated by any feeling of hostility to the negro race. My object shall be simply to determine the true state of the iaw. Without farther preliminary re-, mark, I come at ouce to the aqaestion raised by the resolution now under consideration— arc negroes entitled to seats on tbis;floor un der the Constitution and laws of Georgia, or onter any law paramount thereto ? No one, I presume, will assert that Ike right of the negro to ho d office, or to be a member of the State Legislature, is anywhere affirmatively stated in fee Coeat tution. If ttii r ght exists at all. it must be derived irom tue second section of the declaration of luadamental principles, or from the second section of tbe article on franchise and elec- tiuns, or from the civil rights bill, or from the 14ih amendment of the Constitution of the United States, or the reconstruction acts. There is no other possible source from which ibis rigut can be derived. By these lie is made a citizen, and is given ail that is com prehended in the technical phrase, “privi leges and immunities,” ami ne is given the specific right to vote, by the franchise article of ihe Constitution. Probably the strongest affirmation of these rights (except theirfrht 1° vote) is fonnd in the second section of the dtciamiou of fundamental principles. It is as follows : “All persons born or natural ized in ihe United States, and resident in this State, and no law shall be made or en tered which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens oi the United States, or oi this State, or deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of its lave and it shall be the duty of ihe General Ajstmbly, by appropriate legislation, to pro- icct every person in the due enjoyment of enveloped in darkness so thick that no ray of the sun of civilization has yet penetrated it—I can have no hesitancy. Tne negro here, in a state of slavery, has reached a higher state of inteUectnal development than he has ever elsewhere attained. He now reflects much ol' the intelligence of tbe white race. He deserves credit for it. His natural info riority is his misfortune and not his fault. \yiiile lam willing and have sworn to protect judicial construction,, which have been given to the same language as occurs in the 2d section of our Bill of'Rights—it does not mean the right to hold, office—or even IQ vote. Does tbe right to vote carry • with • it the right to hold office! Does this right to vote, given to the negro in the 2J section of the article on franchise add elections, imply also, the right to hold office ? If it does, then every voter is entitled to ,, L MM hold any and all offices—if it makes him eli- ■ m ,n the enjoyment of all his recently ao- gtble to one office, why not all ?. lAud the Hatred rights—which I have before enumer- provisiona of our Jaws, limiting the offices of Hted ’ “ nd wbioh ure very great, in voting to Governor, Judges, State Senators and Bep- exclude him lrotn the-Legislative balls of tbe resentatives in Congress and other offices to I countr y> * but exercise what I regard an emi- particnlar classes of voters, olearly deprive I nent privilege and a most solemn duty. Lai Infge classes of voters of rights—laws pre- I tbe Georgia Legislature speak in an emphatic scribing qualifications as to residence, age, and manly voice, and let the wires through- profession and all qualifications other than I odt lbe * and tremble with the prond, the he- tbat of beiDg a voter, as pre-reqnisite to the I r 9 io utterance. holding ot any office, have robbed the voter ,, Bryant followed tho gentleman from of a portion of bis rights. Yet such laws I Whitfield in a harangue. HIb last word was have always existed, and we have beard no I revolution. outcry against them. This assumed princi-1 :Phillips then rose and delivered from pie, that tbe right to vote implies the right manuscript a very able speech which will ap- to hold offloe has not been recognized or I P ear In another issue of tbe Conatiutlon. practiced upon in our republican govern- I ^ r - Tumlin took the floor and dealt some merits—State or Federal. The Convention I heavy blows at carpet-baggers, and gave that framed our Constitution certainly did some wholesome advice to tue colored mem- not intend that all voters should be eligible bera > who had been misled by them. He to office. The question,was before the Con- I concluded by calling the previous question, vention—it cannot be said that the subject I ^ r - Bryant made a point that it required, escaped the attention of the Convention, according to the new Constitution, a two- Tbe report of the Committee on franchise I Herd’s vote to expel a member, and Elections, originally contained ten sec- Mr. Flournoy said this was not a question “ ns. The tenth read as foUows: “Ail qua- I expulsion; it was purely a declaration of ed electorsand none otherB Shal!. be eligi- ineligibility. He appealed to the Coriatitu- ble to . aDy office in this State, unless dis- | tlou and proved that it was therein expressly '“’alifiedhy the Constitution of this State or I stated that two-thirds were required in oaaes the UoitedStSffjs:”' 'On tbe 13th of ■ • • ruary, 1868; Mr. Harris, of Newton, movi to strike oat this tenth section. Mr. McCay moved to- amend so as to allow -any voter,, who could read and subscribe .tbe oath of office; to hold office. He withdrew his amendment, aud this tenth section was striekeu out.- Here perished the- only offer ot. this..great | boon;, whiojt the .Convention eSSi JATODOaetf^to civeike Jioctr^ strike out this tenth section ? -. Ike rights, privileges and immunities guar- ameed in this section.” Citizenship and all that is meant ia the technical phrase, ‘ privi- Icgss aud immunities, " are equally conferred Dpon the negro, and in language almost identical, in the first section oibbth the civil tights bill and the 14th amendment. Citizenship does not carry with it, to the Kgro, the right either to vote or hold office. In tbe opinion of tbe Congress of the United Stiles it does not, nor, did it in the opinion at the late Georgia Convention; and, in the p Jitical theory ot the Republican party,' it does not. The Congress'of the United States, ia the Fourteedthj,Ame cemly passed, and in the civil ’rights bill, which became a law in 1866, makes the. negto a citizen. Yet, in this identical amendment, second section, we find the ‘fol lowing: “Bat when the rignt to vote, at any election lor the choice of electors for Presi- J dent and Vice-President of the United States/ Itepresentatives in Congress, Judicial offli ms, &c., is denied to anv of the male inhah- ihnis of such State, being twentymo me-iy/Sare tf age and citizens of'the United States, drocr then the representation In Congress shaft be reduced, &c., clearly .conceding the right to ike individual States to grant - or deny the tight to vote, and a fortiori the right to hold office. Will any man deny that, in the lodgment of Congress, neither the Civil lights bill, nor the Fourteenth Amendment, tor any law which confers simple citizenship tad ail that is meant in ..“privileges and' iin-. Sanities,” does not confer the right —to.-rote,- bach less the right to bold office. The ktgru, by virtue of the Oivil Bights Ike Fourteenth Ainendment, is; as citizen to-day in Ohio and New York as he is ia Georgia, and has there all the rights a3 acitj- nawhichhehas here, except the right to vote, which the Constitution gives him. By .virtue of his citizenship does he vote or hold office, ih either of those States ? Nay, since he ban htl a citizen, Ohio has, by fifty thousand ■atjarity, denied him tbe right to vote, and k= has never presumed to ask ’the pri vilege of holding office there—and New Yora •ffii dimes him the right to vote. And I cur add that, though the negro is a" citizen all over the Northern Stales to.-day. we read sabstantially in the Republican platform that at the North he shall not' yote until the State to which he pliers to vote shall confer upon kim that rieUi. It cornea with exceedingly M grace from any ^eoubljcan io»say that Pilizansbip ourriea with it the right to vote or SPECUL MTICE. Tfkr. V .i k'4 o: < ir- add ekss to xua . , I *. I WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE PROTBAOTEBii OAUSE», ANp WHOSE CASES BBJ QUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. If you are auffermg or have suffered from involiiintaiy discharges, what effect does it produce upon your general healtii 7 Do yo u sel weak, debilitated, easily tired 7 Doetsa ittle extra exertion produce palpitation of Uw lmart? Dhes jfonr fiver, or' urinary or gans, or yonr kidneys, trequentiyget out of order? Is yonr unne sometimes thick, milky, or flooky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick scum riae to the top ?' Or is a sediment at the, bottom .* after, it r«» stood awhile? Do yon have apeBsof short breath ing or dyspepsia ? Are ydur bowels consti pated ? Do yon have spells of fainting or rushes of blood to the head? Is your mem ory impaired? la yonr mind constantly dwelling upon this subjeot? Do yon fee’ doll, listless, moping, tired ,oi company, ot life? Do yon wish to be left alone, to gel away from everybody? Does any- little thing make yon start, or jump ? Is yonr sleep broken or restless! is the lostre ojt your eye as brilliant ? -The bloom on your oheek as bright ? Do you enrjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursuB yohr hbjsi- neaa with the same energy? , Do yon fed as much confidence in yourself? '. Are- yoni spirits drill ahd ri -FOR.V.RENT. tAUOMFORTABLE DWELLING HORSE, with Sl’ORE, at corner of -Joqm street*. -Possession i Inquire of MBS. U. BE A HOCaB, ora PORTION of a HOUeE, FURNISHED ready for house-keeping. Is Abr nt October 1st, liy a party who will slve .. — reference. Address F. O. Box 8*a, Savannah, tfeoigls. sep4 4t* , n A RANGE ot BRICK TENEMENT i, perfectly new, will be sold her or separately. Apply to W. W. DANIELS, I eepl-3t Corner Bey and Barnard streets TO RENT, THAT FINE HOH8B situated corner of .(Til f . I fj , - ; ,, ' ' in street end Congress street lane, STORE attached. Apply to - JOHN H. STBODS, ao28—tf At Savannah Steam Bakery. FOR RENT, A FRAME HOUSE. located on the north- ii J! west corner of Bryan and Montgomery treats. Apply to THOMAS BOSTOCK. Aligfrtf Oh Bryan street, second door west. i TO RENT, to rii i, -t : It / ,j: - - , . FROM 1st OCTOBER, the SWELLING 143 BROUGHTON STREET. For terms, Ac.,-inquire of Messrs. A. market sqoare. . , J. A. SOLOMONS A OO. au24—tf FOR BENT, Jl comfortable two-stoby (on basement) BRICK DWELLING {on Montgomery street, next to the comer of Liberty {street. Apply to anglS-tf O. T. MOREL, at office ot Hartrldge A Neff. TO LET, STORE NO. 145 BROUGHTON at present occupied by [STREET, Mile Bros. But the Convention adopted the Code of Georgia, and the 1648th section of that Code roads as follws: “Among the rights of citi zens are tbe enjoyment of personal security, personal liberty, private property and the dis position thereof, the elective franchise, tbe right to bold office, to appeal to tbe courts, to perform any civil function and, to keep and bear arms." This enumeration evidently does not embrace all the rights of the citizen; and t hose enumerated do notbelong t o allcitizens. Female citizens, cilizena whoare minor8, cjt- izens who have recently come into the State irom other. Slates with-the intention of re maining, have only a part, certaiuly not all ot the rights enumerated. They ban neither vote or hold office. : .Only certain citizons ac- cording to law, . either by prescription or by positive enactment; are entitled to vote and hold officii. It has-been said, that in this country, all-civil and; political rights and privileges belong to the white man—that he enjoys'them by-a sortof proscriptive right, and he can only,be, deprived o( them by posi tive enactment; ‘and- L ttrat tGo J negro com menced with no civil .or political rights or privileges, and that all he enjoys has been given him by positive enactment. This, I believe, .is the thsoyy.ot the gtwenment.j .At: feist the'same laws of Congress which de- :ve white men pt lights and privi- ^es, , ; by - pomtive^onablment, confer tbe same .rights and privileges upon the negro by positive enactment. Now ibis section of the Code confers no right—it tioes not aay the 'citizen shall bava snefi and; such rights.’ It 1 simply says “among the rights of the citizens” elsewhere .conferred, or derived from other sooroes," .‘•are the following,” simply en'nmeratiog them; aitd as I before said, it does not enumerate all tbe rights of the citizen, and those it does ennmerate do not'belong to all'citizens. This section of f expulsion only; it followed that in all other imes a simple majority was sufficient, i Mr. Anderson appealed to the Chair for its decision. Tbe Chair stated that in the case of the white men be ruled at that time that it was a case of eligibility, and not expulsion, and that he would conform to the parliamentary opinion expressed at tbat time, that a ma- IftPttW Wen nnflininnf ? -A question, it was brought to a direct vote on tne resolution offered by Mr. Tomlin, of Randolph. The oall was sustained, and the main question being then pat, tbe yeas and nays were then demanded. Tbose wbo voted in tbe affirmative are Messrs. Andersoe, Ballard, Ballanger, Bar naul, Bell, Bennett, Brassell, Brioson, Brown, Bnrtz, Butt, Clarke, Cleghorn, Cloud, Cobb, Drake, Dooalson, Duncan, Ellis of Spalding, Erwin, Felder, Fincunon, Floyd, Flournoy, Ford, Fowler, George, Gober, Goff, Gray/ Gullatt, HaU of Bullock, Hall of Glynn, Hamilton, Harkness, Harrison of Franklin, Harris, Harper of Sampler, Harper of For-* rell, Higdon. Hook, Hndsun, Humber, Kel logg, Kylie, Long, McArthur, McCallongb, McDougald. Matthews, Nash, Nisbett, Nunn, Parke, Paulk, Pepper, Perkins of Cherokee. Phillips, Price, Rainey, Rawls, Reddish,. wi u no t only ruin‘th«r “donstitutiohs, bhf Rosser, Ruuse, Rnmph, Scroggins,-Scott, _;ajv, .. ■•.I..-’. •. S; - in hold office. Aftier the enactment of the 9 f ii righfe bill, end the proposal of ffif ,14th lojodment, Congress gave the negro in the.' Gn Southern Stales the right to vote, ex- presaly and affirmatively, in the reconstruc tion acts; and our Convention, after Congress, “d is several enactments made the negro, .a Wizen, and given him the privileges aud im munities of a citizen—after they.nafi. made “**n a citizen and' £iten him the ^privileges & ni immunities of a citizen, in the second soi'plasage In the Code. ' Strike it out, and' what right dp yon deprive anybody of— tell me? -“Personal liberty,” personal se curity;” “private property,” ure rights as o!d as the common law of England, -guaranteed by ihe ConBtitutioii of the United States, and the Constitution of every State in the Union, and by every Constitution that any State ever bad. -Tfie' “dispositioh'of proper- - ty.’’ Who does not know that it is a com mon law right to dispose of property by sale, voluntary consecjnence'or testament ?- These rights run through the whole woof and web of the law, both common nad maiute; the main object of th& law ia to establish and protect these rights, Snd their enumera tion here amounts 1 to nothing.- “The elective franchise,” Where do you get this right Irom ?•- Frotn thifi little clause in the Code of Georgia ? No, Bir; yon look to the Constitution, old or new, as the case may be; and there yon will find who may exercise this franchise; look to Seolion 1304 of the Code and : yon will find it more ex, plicitly conferred and defined. “The right to. hold (officelook to yonr Constitution and you. will there had Who can be Governor, who Representatives, O » oi.d .Tndcres. &c.. Constl- fection of thehiir drrigbts, diffnot rely upon tjfithisto confer the right to vote. What did they do? They conferred upon him affirmatively the right ta vote, in the second “oiion of the article on franchise and elec, lions, “every male person born'in the United. States, and every male person who has been . , ttatwalized, &c., shall bo deemed an elec- 'JS_ r tor.’’ Here the Constitution gives the negro ffia right to vote, but no where does- it. give tap right tq hold office. The negro may men ask, what have I gained by. being made a citizen—and of having 4 ‘privileges and im munities” conferred npon me V He has gained a great deal.. He has gained in' two rears what it cost our English forefathers tao hundred years of/ 10 wtin ^ frol _Lei the Civil Righti What he has gained, j‘ ’ fe ta&ke ana enforce Pf, sn ?di to be parties r gJ, erit > to purchase, I and personal pro. Md equal benefit of atj a „?g*> fe* 1 security of pat jot be subject to ... S—, pain or pi u on of any act or offe rmoil and bloody i of British •fgn Uaa < ad enumerate theright .ana. and ividenee, to w estate, anc or different i he commis- nchasarel w^^e^eantim^hf'^ief? toSSt t o; determine tbefeilUeMianf; thentarn fe the 12»ih section tim Oodmand you wtUfind ttus*agM farther defigrfig controUed: “To beep and bear rririS.” Thu is a com- the Cfode. I agtrin repeat it con- Ixt simple eunmeratea a few tbat Wire elsewhere conferred or derived from other sources, at the time the Code was (framdd; it has nojNtftriPg UPPP ffi 8 .*! 8 * 5 ™ 011 upon himiby-poaitiye enactment, ciyilnghta were given to. .him ■ by the Civil Rights Bill arid the,14th Amendment, and. have been re affirmed by tbe’ Conslit'ulion 'Of Georgia. After civil rights,We qqnfeqred uponJnm, Congress, by positive enactment, gave him ihe right to-voteJn the Southern States ^ the reconstruction acts, and thi3 tig* 1 . 1 ’ t08 > a has been reaffirmed -by._Um Cfmshtntion of d 'Georgia. The right to vote in the District of Columbia lias been given him by positive iactment, and now a bill is pending giving -fariaily. Newell, Snumate, Sisson, Smuu ot Ware, Sorrells, Surrency, Taliaferro, Tate, Tamlin,-. Tarnipseed, Vinson,' Warren of Qaitman, Welcbel, Wilcher, Williams of Dooly, and £sllars— 83. Tbose who voted in tbe negative are: .Messrs. Allen, of Hart, Ayer, Beard, Bel- cher, Bryant, Carson, Chambers, Cunning ham, Darnell, Fitzpatrick, Franks,, Fyell (one eighth negro) Karen, Hillyer, Johnson, of Towns, Madden, Madison, Maul], Osgood, Rice, Salter, Tweedy, Harden (subsequently withdrawn)—23 Those not voting are; Messrs. Allen; of Jasper, Adkins, Barnes, Betbune, Bradford (voted blank) Bachan, Caldweil (paired off with Htricklaud) Campbell, Carpenter, CUa- borne, Glower, Colby, Coatio, Crawford, El lis, Evans, Fryer, Gardner, Golden, Hall, of Merriwether, Harrison, Holden, Hooks, of Wilkinson, Hopkins, Houston, Hughes, joiner, Jobnson, of Wilcox,.Lane, Lastinger, Lee, Linder, Lindsay; of Lnmpkin, McCor mick, Maxwell, Meadows, Moore, Neal, O’Neal, of Lowndes, O’Neal, of Baldwin, Page, Penland (lose and voted blank) Per kins, of Daweoo, .Porter, Powell, Prndden, Reade, RicbarcLon, Seale, Shackeltord, Simms, Smith, of Mnscogee, Stone, Sufek- land (paired off with Caldwell) Turner, Wal- thal, Warren, of Burke, Watkins, Williams, of Harris, Williams, of Haralson, Williams, of Morgan—64. After the announcement of tbe vote, a protest was read, signed by the ousted mem bers^ to which objection was made because its misstatement of facts, and language ther- in reflecting npon the notion of the House. It was allowed to be withdrawn tor correc tion, and will-be offered to-morrow in a du- ferent shape. .Tnrner then asked if the members would be paid up to date. ' Cries Irom the Democrats, “yes, yea i” A motion was tnea made to adjourn, when Turner said that be would' like to walk out before the House adjourned,.which request find who. may exercise was granted, and he approached the Spenser s desk, raised bis foot and brushed the dust therefrom (in derision! and retired. Every thing went off neaoeably and quietly. ■ -,'j given' to fita ol melancholy? If so, do not lay it jjp ymir liver or dyspepsia,. Have you restless nighta? Your bank weak, you! knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute thu to dyspepsia or Uver^omplauit 7 Now, render, self-ab erative organs, when in perfect heal? yon ever think that those bold, denant, en ergetic, persevering, successful business men are always those whooe 1 generative organs are in perfect health ? . You never.near sneb men complain of being melancholy,- of ner vousness, of palpitation; of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in busi ness; they don’t' become sap and discour-. aged; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look yon and: them right in the face—none of yonr down- i'i jfiiii) ..i e-rlt.i-:-.* luMui icar, :i:. cast looks or any other meanness about them. . I do notineaiiithose who keep the organs inflamed by running to excess. These ber.1863. »ug7—1m TO Possession given 1st Octo- i (JiJO. W. PARIES, At C Epplng A Oo., 148 Bsy-sf. KE3STT LOW, FOR THE SlIMIlkR. 4HB' TWOhSTORY FRAMED BUILDINGS on New Houston street, between Boll and Drayton streets, fronting the south side of the Parade Ground. Apply > Bay street, to -tf GABMANY A ADAMS. also those they^p.b^sxrieSs witn or tor.' from theeffbots.of seil-abnt., and. excesses,, have brought about tliat mate of weakness in those organs that hse reduced the general system so much'as to induce almost every other diseaser-idiodyi j (lunacy, paralysis, spinal affrictioiis, 1 suici I.*■. ‘<.nu almost every other fant'irif‘didri’arife”!''.'^Licn 1 humanity. 18 heir to, aijd the igal rr/iC® of [the trouble scarcely ever suspects i,. and nave doctored for all but the rignt ores -. •} is til n. : 'W. j u -- iji. i Diseases of thoaa oiyans require tlie tue of!adinieMo.'. ' ’ - i-ati- F> i L t. 1 - ritOil i iii b'i,r .vaoc.i '•--*( - luii iuv “Westward the Star of Empire Takes its- w «**' h nufflt in THE W m. j F. Daw* ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 99 Bay street, Sayannalu Ga. A LL Professional -Bnslnesa sntrnstod to -him wilt be promptly attended to. Examination of tlttee and abstract of tbe same Irom County Records, with conveyanolng in ell its branches, carefully prepared, sepaiw tne. J. miwTO.v. A a. HART. J. O. OAKSXTT LAWTON, HART & CO.. Factors & Commission merchants, NO. 4 HARRIS’ BLOCK, Say- street. Savannah, Ga, ang!8-3m XDWABD L. HOLCOMBE. edqae i_ quisaud., GUERARD & HOLCOMBE, COTTON FACTORS, GEN’L COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' -tin rV- :Ti**®:"*;".'' Dealers in Produce, No, 5 Stoddard’s Lower Range, Bay st., SAVANNAH, GA. IV Liberal advances made on consignment!. *© »ngl7-tf ISAAC EHRLICH, WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST AND COM MISSION MERCHANT, Jones’ Upper Block, Savannah. OA9 NOW ON HAND TOBACCO direct from tbe 11 factories or North Carolina and Virginia. He invites bis old patron, to examine bie stock, which be is able to sell lower tnan any other house in the city. Also, a supply of BAOON, FLOOR, Ac., con stant! jonband. anil—ly JOHN OLIVER. DEAI/EB IN Sashes, Blinds and Doors, PAINTS. OILS GLASS, PAINTERS’ AND GLAZIERS’ TOOLS, MIXED PAINTS OFALL COLORS AND SHADES. House aud Sign Painting, GLAZING, &c. t • fe ; , Wo. 6 Whitaker 8t„ Corner ot Boy Lane JyS—Iy J. W. STANSBDRY k CO, STCOESSOB* TO TBK LATE wnrar OP E. D. Siytiie & Co. Importers and Dealer — IN— Glass and Qneensware, SILVER-PLATED AND BRITTANIA WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, KE ROSENE LAMPS, AND flOUSH FDHH GOOD!! ' * « GENERALLY, AT THE OLD STAND, 109 Broughton Street, SAVANNAH, GA, NT O T I OB. THE BUSINESS OF THE LATE FIRM OF E. D. SUYTHE <t CO., WILL BE LI- QUIDATED BY P3 ONLY. arig!9-tf DR. EDWIN W. L’ENGLE, DENTIST, No. 106 Brjan Street, BETWEEN WHITAKER AND BARNARD 8TS., Savannah, 6a, Jel2-ly J. MoDONOUGH. T. BALLENTTNE. LIBERTY ST. FOUNDRY, OPPOSITE GULF B. B. DEPOT. Iron and Brass Castings HADE TO ORDER. SSCBfJWBJkw&i ALL SIZES ON HAND. Swear Mills and Boilers, • REDUCTION IS PRICES. TTTE WILL SELL AS FOLLOWS:— W Sugar Milla, lS-lnch. (MOO Sugar MUls. 16-lnch T . 00 SuaK iuna, i«incb...,..; ss oo Sugar Mills, 12-inch. 36 00 Roger Bolter!, 40 gallons 17 00 Sugar Boilers, 50gallons... 23 00 Soger Boilere, SO gallons 25 00 SugarBoilera.80gallons.......... 34 OQ s. B. ADAMS, of Eatonton, Ga. ASBOBT J Of Americas, Ga. H. X. WASHBU3N, Of Savannah, Ga. - „ Our MILL SHAF1-8 are made out of tha hot 3-fnch' wrought iron. JOURNALS will he all ora standardise. FITRA BOXES always on hand. IF" From our well-known reputation, we solicit a shtre of pUbHe pstrooage. AD oor work Is warranted nd delivered at depots and steamboats free of large. An orders promptly attended to. anil—4m X. BaLLBNTYKB A OO. THE EMIGRANT HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION OF ADAMS, WASHBURN & Co., COTTON FACTORS AIn>. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ‘’“vwTuutim'il AWSdSg*' thaxton, ceews & co^ WHOLESALE DEALERS XH North. Carolina and Virginia MANUFACTURED AND SMOKING TOBACCOS, 163 Bay Street, City Hotel Bulldlnf. THE HOPEOFTHECOUNTRY. KNOW THEM ! The Finest, and Best, and Truest! t JJ4—ly SAVANNAH. GA. ll FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE GvSEAT DIURETIU. Aad U a certain cure tor DISEASES OP T^B BLADDER, KIDNEEB, GBAYEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS EXHALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY CALIFORNIA! INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE. NOVEMBER 30TH, 188X, for the purpose Of providing . HOMKS FOR ITS MEMBERS, 1 AND THUS; INDUCE; ^MIGRATION. ; ,- 1 CAPITAL STOCK,.— .31,080,000 Divided Into 300,000 SHares at *5 Bath, PiYAHLE IS I UNITED STATES CURRENCY. Certificates of Stoqk Issued to rabscribers imme- diatelj upon receipt Of Ihe monej. NO PERSON ALLOWED TO HOLD MOBE THAN i 5 ' :) 'F I V E 1 :, ’S;'H It R : ®:S. dtemoicn ot HJ IJ ooj Wjxu ^ -».. .. 93-A CIRCULAR containing a fnll descripRon of the property to be dtstribnted among the Share holders will be Fent tb ahy audrees, npon receipt of information as to the price of lind in any por- i td the stale, or upon any otber subject of In terest to parties proposing to immigrate, cheerlnUy turntshed nponrecelptof stamps fl>r postage. An letters shoifid be ad/feea^d, ItC’Y IMIBRAIT HSKIESTEAD AISOCIATiOly | . . Post CliHes Box No.. 83, an28-lm; ; SAN; EB.ANCISOO, CALIFORNIA. asms. Mdbfhx. MURPHY & CLARK, HOUSE, SIGN, SHIP ail STEAMBOAT painters. gilding, chaining, jhakbling, gla- ZING, AID paper-hangings. , BABE PREPARED TO 8ELL, ATTOOUt- 3 ALE AND RETAIL, PAINTS, OIL, GLASS, PUTTY, and VARNISHES; NIXED PAINTS, BROSHES of every description, MACHINERY and HARNESS OIL, axle GREASE, etc. 77 Bryan St., between Bull and Drayton, rabid—ly ‘ SAVANNAH,. GA. E very freeman—every white man and WOMAN of the Country, who pats trust for tne salvation ot the Constitution and the Union in ihe cutedin the best style of the art, are published ss follows: ' Lsrge Double Picture (Llthogrsph)-Sejmoar and Blair—22 by 23Inches...— $3 60 Single Pictures (Uthograph)-Srymonr end Blair—3 bj 10inches, each 1 oo TO CLUBS: Large Double Pictures—3 copies * 5 00 CitrgeDoube^PIdures—7.copies WOO SinglePlocnrei, ■ 6 copiM.... * o 00 Single Pictures—13 copies —....... 10 OQ The proceeds of these sales are to be devoted to campaign purposes. duo orders must be sent to on* address. , All pic tures kresentoii rollers so ss to avoid damage in the malls, audio an cases free or postage. Orders to amount of ten dohsra aod over may tie ailed by Express, and bin collected on delivery. With each order win be enclosed s package of se lected campaign documantn, Ac.,, to sdTane: the Address, carefully, E. 8. STEPHENS, Box 88*, Washington, D. O. _ N. B.—In ordering, please name papola which advertisement was seen. MAURICE HACKETT, COOPER, AND AGENT OF THE SUB MARINE DIVING AND WRECK ING COMPANY. O ffice under the bluff, foot of Drayton street. All orders lor the 6nbmailneM^B and Wrecking Company can be left with Mm, ana win be promptly attended to. oesa—II Thk Armenian inhabitants of Turkey are taking into consideration tbe propriety of emigrating to tbe United States. Very re- oently an Armenian gentleman baa arrived in this country With, tbe view; of 'finding 1 a proper location in the . Southern States foot a colony of two hundred Armenian families. At a meeting of a number of his countrymen residing, in New York, this gentleman said that there was in Constantinople a conside rable body of Protestant Armenians who en tertained a desire to find a land of religions liberty where they might settle, and arid tttat the American missionaries had pointed a the t Southern States of America as the _ remised, land, and also as a region having a climate similar to that of the countries bor dering ou the Mediterranean. DISEASES OF THE UBINABY ORGANB, .li;J:J jilt 1 -V-i Hi ■’ ,; Whether existing: In Hale or Ifenule, from whatever call** Orhdn*tfe*«.i , h 11 “ mattir of I>owlfinN*8 TI *V | d"‘ ! ' ! -- .nonmasmrH .lOisqmM ouf io resovu,- yd If no treatment la aatbaaltfed to, CONSUMPTION Sloped.—A negro who has been^ wel£ known in this city for many years, and one too,' Whom everybody trusted, went around town oh Wednesday trying to borrow p)8tola in the uanie of a ’ gentleman with whom he The riolfee'arhafta^hUn with a vim.—Jfacon Telegraph. I ' —— — ——— A New 1 Orleans Woman put a charcoal ' 1,1 ce in her bedroom to drive out the mpn- quitoes, and succeeded in suffocating her or INSANITY may en. me. Oor Wood «« fapportefifrom these aoarcis; and tne health had happiness, ahd that hr'posterity, nepenoi npon prompt nes ot A refitolie liehieay- [ juoi ni 111 on. doimi en ban Ainiioh fnaruou Helmbold’s Extract Bncbu 11 v(co Jon eliiii breed fe Juoroyaq-noo ESTABLISHED UPWJHD OF 18 IKARS, I j • ; a a nd t -.ttl-i d lo ' Id b raarsaxc'>x 1 : i: .isjono 1 ?tlhfflOOlil ill ..-Ob h- v- ■8C rBOADWAY.W.EWYUKK, * i - ;i io Evah edT” ■taqsq I; ur.. , c . .....> tedmoll asn ei \ot 10* 8aUTHJEKKTH-8T^PHH iADELPRlA, PA. ‘' yu£2i Ms i,red ot yfejlil ei “osiueK anT‘ How. an OemeHme aual*s* T d«*!“J>P^|Jd6«J; «2*raved wrapper, w “3f u 5“%; tf ntlfiooitio P-lroWSW PRICE.—»t2* per bottle, o.- mr N 50, deliver ed to am / addfata. Hol'd ey aui kUta eraryw here. je. NY ONE HAVJltfj FOR^TUEE which they «£- sire lo HIRE foi s year or longer, can do so by ring to the undersigned. Having many appU- UVwiU have Ub dlificulty In disposing of a Urge lot*careful person, acp3-4t Oomer Bay and BarnaTd streets. r*d to moet orders for _ _r BEARD’8;'&8iLF-ADJ DSTING BUCfKLE TIE. Also, for Beard’s Patent Loct-Tlb. Pacuira supplied bBIOHAM. HhlEli & OO. 100 r ! Flour ! BARRELS CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR. ' 60 barrels £ > Floor, BOO sacks Choice Fatally Flour, 350 h»l(escfcs*Oh<rice Family Flour, ilETTT In store and for sale by ~ — 1 1 . . IER & BUS3ELL. JJUBIHG OUR ABSENCE FROM THE 01TX, MB. ALFRED POINDEXTER U c ~ our •duly author- i Ized Attorney. : au«174f v i 3VJ 38 H/aBICTY * COD >lr>U UJ1 cC DWUi (Oil i H. G. RUWE, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, AGENT FOR BININGER, aulO—ly WEST SIDE MARKET 8QUABS. B W. DRUMMOND, G. C. DRUMMOND. Of the late ttrm of L. J. Gallmartin A Co. ’ . E. W. DRUMMOND & BRQ., GENERAL SHIPPING —AND— Commission Merchants, 154 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, mul—tf - WM. ESTILL, Jr. AND BOOKSELLER* Bull St., Next to the P6st Office, fDOWN STAIRS,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Notice, FLUTING, PINKING, STAMPING AND DRESS-MAKING, AT NiUAHrE L. LOUIS’ VAZAAB, may23-ly 133 BROUGHTON ST, (W .. CINS -rub Bn sa.ili l vvred ortotSe ..v-t.l." a v- - VTTE OFFER FOR SALE THE CELE11RATED V 7 , E. Carrer Gotton Gins. These Glia Lve beiiwcprfjesly prepal-edto ault waumoHmo punters of Georgia, Alak am* and rlda* aud are adapted to thei present laboi * ayatem* .KSallowedu cominisrioiu FOTMjcbj ■ ^24210 N* As H/JBDSE'H HON CO. — Geo. N. N'ich.ols’ PRINTING — AHD — Publishing 1 House 89 k 91 BAT STREET, (UP STAIRS.) JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 8ook Bindery J ‘ )\ f'. .Ji'IIIQ c.;I '-b- AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY the above lines with the iin Superior Style. EVEBY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE I iscLuinsa PBINTTNG OFFICE, ^ BOOK BINDERY, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, : i arid PAPER RULING ROOK, The only establishment In the city having all these ^a'lmetcSl'ofl^PKKS,LEATHERS and MATK- KLAL8 on hand. Orders solicited. SatU/actlrm guaranteed. jy20—ly . GEO.N. NICHOLS. LANIER HOUSE, MACON, GA- GILBERT H. SHEED, - - Manager. EffB. 8NEKD ASSUMES THE management or the JlIL House, and will be pleased lo .-6 all of bla triends. ^ FREE OMNIBUS and attentive Porters win be at the Depot to convey guests to the Haase. < >ng8-tf 181 Congress Street. Just received, another lot of THE NATIONAL BITTERS, THE BEST OF THE AGE. . 1 For eale by tbe case, bottle or drink by John T. Lineberffer, auge ageht MANSION HOUSE, 69 Broad Street? BETWEEN MEBTlKG AND CHURCH STREETS 4 CHARLESTON) S. C* T^u leased by tUe^uieraigned. and la now open to tbe Travelling Public, wnoae patponago I* re- ipectfully iolicitod. ‘ Quests will receive tbe attention of a ITrat-claaa Hotel. Trazuleot Board f 2 50 per day. Permanent Board nun be arranged for upon moderate terms. Carriages ana Baggage Wagons will be in readme* Upstair., to?&cr, jell-tf Late of tbe MiUa Home. 99 Planchette. HRW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. Prices, «1, *1 35. «1 50 mad $3. “Little Wonder,” The Or IMPROVED FLANOHETTB, with the MYSTIC POINTER. PRICE, 8* 50. me beet Game out, .1 THE “RACE FOR THE PRESIDENCY.” ■ aa27 HALLOS A FBIESWS.