The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, September 08, 1868, Image 1

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news & m BAY ,rnoD 89,|23Rfl8 BOLT SEWS AND ofl ^.WEEKLY NEWS AND HBB r M J ^.,j T .,. T MOO Single Coplea........................ b csiiti» * ^ HATES OF ADVJBRTISIWG. EIUL Ri GENER&L >u; j rr'i u White Syr-rHUB rtNFRAT, • Fall of flolidtadeifor the future iiona of the people df ! 'the Southern ly to Mijettain- -tjhe, senU mentsof that body o£*&rivi energatojeell sacrificing' men,'whtf, aftef sustaining thi Confederacy; fcr-four years, Ilaytl.:. , l lectlan The news from Port-au-Prince is to- the 8th August. a 11 - • -• • U- ri low„ Serious complications have: arisen ewbich M'twill probably bring ■Skttfirve’a ads to ad inglorious end. - He has been levying S3- a SQOAS^^ynMsnroa lines of^jfo^irelJ. ^q^s and swore allegiance to the Government blackmail upon ell the residents of. p<«t-an- Pnnea, haviog no respeqt tg foreigners. Aii Englishman was dragged off, to be.shqt, but the timely interference ofj Mr. Byron, the British Consul, saved him. Mr. Hartman, the : Prussian Consqi, was arrested in the ol ihe Nsv® S3" AD pers/uaro Ijnare. , , aa-Advor*' beinserted ,ttlieofflcmjy,. >"i. [From the New York World j aueJ V ntp are profoundly impressed with the the !co vv»a We are profoundly impressed conviction that a war of races, initiated by the Radicals for political.effect is .imminent j s the Sooth. The reasons of this belief may be thus given: i H « 1, In North ; Carolina Ithej pretended r, the pretended t^Eaker of the United States, whose trusted and be- loveffleadetyou h'ive'tiSeh: ; I see that* interpreting “State’s rights” to Bp+ * Sgs&igteg jpj- go great a country tSioIyiMo be, Jn - to at tend, tg 'pise.i<loO mo.iTH is, eer- nmenls or go farther, and: irriaVh to ukarttie Westand North that oontinhahee of - semi-anarchy, such as tralizition, swells our natu 1. in norm ,ua ftoUtenant-Governor, the tbe House, , and eighty T eight membera of 3 surreptitious Legislature lately issued ah address in which, among other revolutionary.,., utterances, appears the following detestable fad iocitment of tue negroes to rape, arson. and ~ murder: ... - ii Did it never occur to you, ye gentlemen of education, property, and character, yh men and especially ye women, who never received anything from these colored people but services, kindness, and protection—did it never occur to yon, that these same, people, who are so very bad, will not be willing to sleep in the oold when' your houses are denied them, merely because they Will not vote as you do ? That they may not'be willing to starve wbilej they are willing-to work for bread ? Did it never occur to yon that revenge, which is so sweet to you, may be as sweet to them?.' Hearua.uf .nothing else yon will hear, did it never occur to you that if yon killed their children with hunger they ^111 kill your children with'iear ?" Did it never occur to yon that if you good people maliciously determine that they shall have no shelter, they may determine that you shall have no shelter ? The result of this teaching is seen in the following dispatch: ‘ * * MCHWJKOva cjatneau ei BOWAimf > know that .our. currency mnstba de preciated so long as our bondsSro below par: and fhht, 'therefore, the vast business hod commerce of our country, most r suffer the terrible evil'of ai ffhctoating standard! of. valuiEvnililkecanremedyLtheevil condition Jfecuon, Contingenoiea, ' Wilmington', N. C., August' 31.'—A d culty occurred in Wilson County on Satur day between Zeno H. Green, a white man;! :: and David Rulfin, a colored man, in which ibe latter was shot and slightly wounded- ini the leg. Green was arrested and bound over to appear before the Supreme Court, After ward Bill Grimes, a negro, made a Jong speech from the Court House, in whfchhe urged the burning of Green’s house. About 11 o’clock Green's barn was discovered to be on fire, but he and his family were afraid to ventare out of the house. Grimes was seen near the barn just before the: fire. He was arrested and brought before the magis trate, and in default of [$300 security was sent to jail. Tbe community is greatly exr! cited, bat no further disturbance is appro, hended.” . - £- So much for North Carolina. The scoun drels who have been:foisted into power here- at the point of the bayonet: are rousiDg fife negroes to the use of fire and sword, and who knows how ldnjg . the patience of Hub Southern whites may suffice to keep them horn reprisal. 11. In South Carolina the negroes are or ganizing into military bands, and arms are entering the State from,the North for their use. Some-few days since we were privately apprised that certain parties in the North, were sending these weapons to the blacks, , and now the carpet-bag Governor, who finds' that he and his coadjutors have raised a devil they cannot lay, is out iu a circular repre- liending the formation of military organiza tions and “the introduction of arms into tue Siate.” Who is introducing, these arms?. He will tell you. It is the leaders of the Ridical party. -All these:threatening indica tions, all these foreshadowings of blood and lire are dictated from the Radical headquar ters in Washington. These men are mad and desperate. It- is all or nothing with' them. The issue Is not simply defeat, but annihilation, and,' as a last desperate, resort,- they seek to repeat tbe murderous .strategy, by which they fired tbe Northeraheatf with' Memphis and New Orleans. 1IL In Georgia the pretended ■ Senate has. cuied upon the man who writes himself Governor to disband; .all armed associations throughout the State!, and the same .dispatch, which states this says that armed; bands of' negroes exist throughout the-Stats, and in one connty have resisted the Sheriff. More than this, " ‘ . - —. - demagogical agitation, pudiation; andthonsand unnamed evils and;villanbeq dram atiii j 5$e km interests of-tbe ipeopleioftihe Soi foMararsq aa-Usaft .latnaa , I believe—every one, I know, who reflects believesj-fhatifttrtrpe<>pl^ofrttie.8c»uff>em; ~ msaamssysL le and ! labor lrom elsewhere to come „ lftdinongst • them- s they ‘Would rebuild their ruined foxtnnea, multiply‘jm'an)fold thg vatoe- of their lands, establish public conti- dence In onr political stability,"bring- our -Government ^odds to premip'm.our’cdrrency to d gold standard, and assqfe.fjjtthemselyea' I the whole nalion * most happy and jsporons future. Seeing this; and how all i interests concur in the workj l' aak the Sera aud= eoldiers .who fought for the dm-^very-'thinking man of the' great and Ncirth askg—why it cannot be ‘dope, .ytfi.i pi fit i, -i ■ Tj-.-.i:v; ti-r.-r—Sc e are told 'by,those who l^ave controlled d sentiment of the intelligent white are willing to attempt to lead and ~. T ,iehr llvia^ff.of,thd;ignorant atffi in- eriehee’d colorfidih^o, mqstiyiffieii. who be needy- adventurers or wituoat any qf aUributes bh whieh reliatioe! 'for good gniffiHtei^ %!S?YMhhueht; can be placed. ’. We are toldithsit, this kina of- government must be continued at the South until six of eight miUo^ of intelli^ejit, energetic White people glye.iuld'iti or. jnoye ohfVof;the,cpuutry, Now, I think, tbe Union army thinks,, and tlie people of the North and West, I dare say,;:peBevei'ther6;ffiuSt;bh.! ‘‘tchf thVjre''ought to tie, a shorter and surer way to get good ■ at the South- I ' N i Wtfhhdw lthat they who organized and tained the Southern Udhfedefacy }or four years against gigantic efforts, ought to be able ;ive peace, law, . older and 'protection to whole;pSople»mieShtafli. MEflJCI! J chief at the late Radical Convention iu Chi-: cage and fugleman-in-chief for that-interest . lJ( .. .. ,, in the State, offered incitements to the blacks' itoikpowu you an_c to. violence in his late speech in Atlanta. The-! j 01 ” * n "'“ ,Ul * u “ 11 streets of the reconstructed capital'have al- to ready been the scene of one pistol fight be- tweeu the races, and in Georgia! at large, • aa' tbronghont the other Southern States, it would seem that this latest Radical advice is ready to bear fruit in blood.. ' , IV. In Tennessee the eituation ia perhaps even more appalling. The unrestrained fe rocity of Brownlow -at the bead of fiis “foil’*, militia, for it is more than probable the rotli- lia bill will pass, will beyond, doubt lead to bloodshed, and so imminent appears, this peril that on behalf Of tbe good, citizens .'o£ the State, a gentleman has been dispatched jo the North to represent’' the situaiidh 1 in hopes of producing snch a moral pressure upon Brownlow aDd his Iiegislatare as may ■hike them halt in their desperate designs. . V. In Arkansas there are grave distnrb- enecs—so grave that the pretended Gpverndr tisbeen forced to hurry lo the scene of their occurrence. In Texas the recollection of the Miltican riots and the thorongh state, of pre- Purntion then shown by the negroes is sti fresh, and in all the other States of tbe South! ilia telegrapbj private information, and the Press represent the same condition of latent, animosity, ready at the least occasion to- hirst forth into active violence. . For this atate-of things the Radical party ‘s strictly responsible.' It took' the whole management of this Southern question, and j* we are, unhappily, to seea war of races >“ that beautiful but oppressed region, it oast be held amjtvMato^j forial^^fjjiji The Spot in the Sun:—A’photographic tketch of tbe large spot in tbe disk, of the *0n has been made by a scientific gentleman New Haven, which'is described as.follo wa: 'The length of the spot was 5i600. milea,."the black portion extending for 24,000 miles; or, jo give a more familiar idea of its magnitude, two planets, eaoh as large as our earth, could have been engalphed wiihin thiscbasm witihN. oat squeezing. I The neriphery to the central spot wag mottled with black and gray dots. , me photograph has- a very .curions appear ance,'somewhat resembling a capital 6. or a tomel with a curled tail, surrounded by an h„r lte ^ amb « ofBnwU spei:68 6f erayieh «nt. .The greater diameter of this sun spot 'Wended nearlj! due east and west, that wor- tton spoken of above as the tail cunftfrMiX Aliogetfier itineseated a te* larkable and unusual appearauce. - .. . 1 . ' "* - ’ '• tJnfr . )oTl99W l '■ *1 : -t: - • —i— ,*t £ ? rca1ate ^’ 8 °m s time since'of. event, expected, to wield an TSfS' 0ver 1* nex ‘ Rresiden- ual contest, daily appears to have more grounds to rest upon. An* hnnsual. ibfiertst : tffl.manifi hops an’ - . r . . °Wnbr m Noy, li fied in .the that he will but i that he win but Ris man, at . the ballot-box Umes. r the has existed for the, last three years in ten States of our Umon; ^i«5*l*reasea the danger of centralization, swells our national mdittitfesf i diminishes: :tmr. productions the ivaine of otir TiaUonal bonds and cur rency, and places the creditiof^the ric] .below thatof the podxhstnatiohlnChrik forth which commanded the - :U we can remedy the eyiloondition ' fro ,i more •,depre- lent-Joi the people of the South will not do it; that if svejr done at all, it must be done by the poor, Simple, ^unedncated,'landless freed men ana thej lomiMfof public M ided the city, the.reydiu-, tionists, might walk ia and take possession: Salnave was prepariog for this emergency ih^n tbe Darien left tor Jamaica. He' whs nont to bead the forces id an attack upon the revolutionists, and all foreign residents' had been oalled upon to present themselves before the police with their papers, as evi dence of the fact that they were not liable to do military duty. When Salnave’a steamer. 22d December, was captured by the revolutionists, it was found that a very large amount of household ffirnilure and the personal effects of the President were on board, -as also his mother, a pnest, and the Minister of War. The cap ture of these bad put Salnave into a fnrious rage, and from these circumstances, with others, it is now believed that Salnave had 'plabned his abdication and eseape to Turk’s -Island :by this vessel, and that, the money he U now raising by a forced loan from the mer chants ianvanted to provide him with ample means for making. himself comfortable iff exile. . .. . . -Jr He is preparing to marry a wealthy lady, the widow of a Mr. Dopey, who left her amply provided for when he died. A decree had been issued by Salnave, de claring that the coffee, arriving at Port-au-' Prince,and other ports mast be delivered to the Government, who would pay in paper currency, at a rate'to'be fired' by a special commission to be appointed. Halls were to be opened in all tbe towns iu poasesaion of the Government, for the reception.of coffee foij storage. This will have the effect of preventing any foreign merchandise . being imported, lor the only currency, of -the coun try is the produee which tlie merchant Ipur- chases. The coffee' of an American merchant had been seized at Porl-an-Prince, although it was shown that advances had been- made upon it; bnt notwithstanding an appeal tp; mi.years, that the American Minister, the coffee had not been released. Jacques. 0 ,ve the interest. and the power to educate .and elevate the ind ;tOi restore themselves i all the blessings of which. J'Ma’gp just eppkdn^ !jTh6^heetifptt we want answered :isrr“Are they $jtjipy^,d6 it ?“ I came dawn to find out. what the people ,of the Bhuth think of this, and to ask you what the' Officers hud soldiers’ who served in ike Confederate army, .aiid.ihs leading peo ple who sustained it»'think of these, things. - I came to ask morel. I Want to ask you, in whose purity and patriotism I here ex press unqualified: confidence, and so many' good men as you can couveuieotly consult, toisay what you tjttnk of ;it, and also what you are dwffimg dmfld^ahouttit.: .li want a written expression of views that cau be fol- lo Wed bv a condUrrenee- Of action. I want lowi tojk lenwhowRl . >n are willing „ e the people Of. the South to a chlv- alious and maguaoimous: devotion to' restor- mg..peace nod„prosperity to ohr hpmmon I want to carry that, pledge high polities,- td the late IB, Uhion arm'^, and ^e-piaople ohihoNprlh and. %esjt, aud to them to'Consider it,-and to take the ne- , eopfident;' that it will meet g'enerpUs, and with a response! qu, _ confiding: that we shall' see in iis’ 'sunshine .the_rainiib!st',Qf'heaee ih our polifical sky, '^s^sx^ssaBeiaat verence and regard for the Union, the Constitution,' and the welfare of the oouhlryj ind that what you would sa-y would be eu- lorsed by-nine-teoths of. tha-whole people oif ■ he South; but l should like to have thesig- bturqa pf all the^represehtative Sputherh men here who ; wOuldconcur tn .your views,, and expressions'' ofi their concurrence troin the principal officers-and representative men tMoughdqt .ffie, 8p.uJthV. .iyhehVfli 6 y can be ’procured. . - . . . sjp.\4.q aisimajiaq ' ill- This' concurrence of opinions and wills, all tending- to . peace,, ordeiv and' stability,' yours as.wilhinsure: & lasting, peace, with all its cduntless blessihOa■ » -s' « ’ if ! lgJ. . YhSi truly. JAir W-iti- ijBOSKOR ANS. t.: i L- J IJ : ii Ir»- W* Atwonuixano. General R. E. Le^ White Sulphnr Springs, j oil) I vjiwjifciiji. u iuii ..T Since Grant was ih, 6 Badical candidate forJPresiftent, the following results have been reached: r ' i.r, 1 <$§a^N. 1,iJMISU » ' ‘“ vi c^NEC'SGUT. Jinld. lO jU£ i%b .bdoaiJ-i lo fcfeirrX Bibth ofan Heib to the GreeeThrone.— iuence of the birth of an heir to the Greek me, .such an event dot having occurred ‘ > IpSt; four iceuturies. This child of reived, on the day- his OSeJd'OffAjigpstt .the Jitaffies Con«tan tine Henry Demostnenea. ine Were T"ng *iTifi eannon fired. • Tbe yj before the royal 'palace was densely ith! enthusiastic populace. Shouts of Long ifiye".ConVan*inel”‘rweire wefluently uttered; The Kiog appeared on the balcony with the Grand Duchess Alexandra of Rus sia, mother to the Queen, her two sous, the Grand Dukes Alexis ana. Nicholas, and all rand Dukes — . le officers ot, the Gonrt and the.'hij als of the State. Athe^*** 8 *” ays. tlie sctW oCscefitjrejc the ifrus street, an' detained . the guard. -j r- been Uireatene<d by'the President, who has bitter feelieg against him, in consequetice c nt.t nffiiir witfal FT ‘ XT S Ttnli* Ttm, : a MB who has a - - — eijhfeitee-tiF UjS old affair with 1 H.‘ M. S. BuU^Dhg,: at Cape'Hayti. No foreigner Was respected and! in consequence of - some indignities offered to' the British snbjecta; Mr. 8t. 'John, H B.'M. Charge d’Affaires, had detnanded redress in the name ot hla Government; and H. M. 8. Favorite (iron-clad!),' under the command of Captain McCrae, had moored close into shore, and iotopoeitipmo bombard the : fortifications, 'in the eyeut of Mr. St, John’s' demands not being complied. with. Th«J revolutionists, under Generals Lynch,, ser|j and Nissage, were to be informed ese demands were uot complied with, so that when the Favorite impaired? -Is yonr- minct constantly oiling upon this sqbjeot ? Do you fes> n listlpss, , moping, tired of company; ol ? Do you wish to be left alone, to gel away from everybody ? Does any tittle thing make yon start'ox jtfmp-? Is your Bleep broken or restless! is your eye aa brilliant?! The bloom on ypnr iek as bright ?- ®o yon -emoy yourself in =-' rAU ‘Do you pursue Jour busi ness That Triumfll. [From the National IntelUgsnoer 1 To read the jubilant) articles pf^fhe Radical prtss over the returns from would never dream that the Republican ma jority in the Green Mountain State had always been fn all contested elections over three to onle. It was idle lor the Democracy to think Ocfj wasting muck effort on such a State by out side help. Accordingly, the Green Mountain Democrats were left to work out their own sal vation, and right nobly have they exerted themselves! On the other hand, the cans, extremely solicitous to do' away with the prpof, of a popular reaction against Radical 'misrule, furnished by the Democratic triumphs ia! NeW York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Cali fornia and Kentucky,: and the eaormous gaina in Ohio, Michigan and elsewhere, strained every qerve, The result is before thi The Radicals do not touch their laf„ . 1864'by 417 votes, while the Democracy beat theirpoll of that year by 2,227. At nu elec tion since'1864 has a full vote been polled in Vermont." The Ridicals have' lost, while the Democracy have increased theirs thirteen per cent. A like increase in the Democratic rote over that cast for McClellan, would sweep all the North and West, and triumphantly elect Sevmonr and filait. Lheso are the figures: 1864. as well ? 1 ith thd'sSm | ''Arun “P»' vrsimm ,o f . dull and flagging, given to;fits; Pi (choly 1 ? If so, do not lay athto yjpite vt UvafumSo " loau ntntiIs ?! l restless i •in;-[ii fits? m iot west, yonr“khees weak, and titW but little appetite, and ym-a«xffiutu .t^uaj} rulli-ijzl diseases. L sexuat excesses, are all Can toeing j-* Weakness ot thk geii- The organs, t cd generation, u in perfect health. mase the man. Did gpr f hrntr .h.l thrwip SnlH- ' liiijni Republican .42,422 Democratic .............—13,825 1868. 42,005 15,552 Republican majority.........29,698 1 ..... 65,447 26,453 57,557 F.ullpo 1 If, .ina.poll of 57,66-7 votes tha Radicals lose 417, and the Democrats gain 2,227, it. is plain to be seen that in States' where parties are more, evenly divided, the sape triumph is assumed. ' . ' ' ■ Douohebxy Coohti.—Talking with & re- ' • rnuty planter yester- . ' ... - spectable Dougherty coi day, he expressed the opinion that the whole cotton eropof that county this year: would not average above a bale to every ten amea planted. He stated that the Eaglisb Com pany, who have a thousand acres in cotton,: Would not gather more than a hundred bales; and such was tbe condition of, the crop from the ravages of worms and disease, 1 that he thought the general average, of the whole ebuoty would.not exceed tnat rate. That-is certainly a bad -opCaUai from- Dougherty, which is usually one ot the very beBt cotton counties in Georgia.—Jfocon Te/eyrqpA. . aye always! tfeoeei-.whose, «onera»Y01 argW?! are in perfect health ? You never near such men complain of being' melancholy, ot ner vousness! of palpitation of the heart. They af e neyer*fraid they OShoqt suficeea ip uess; they don’t become saa and discour-: aged; they are always pollte and pleasant in! the company of .lgd^, gnd look you and 4efajj^g^tiii.Jhs .^iMi—qOpe py youy. ^own- cast looks or! any ottswr, meiVtne 8 ? [about them. Ido aot iheau those Who keep the will not x^d^"r^n ; their constitutions, but also'thoab they do busineae wrthor tor- | ldgin _ J * ; .r:nw eouundiiijatl ! How many men from badly-cured diseases, from ’t’ae effects of self-abuN, and excesses, so much .as to induce almost, every or disease-idiocy, lunacy, paralysis; affections, saitad t.: ana almost every ex fonn at disease wicn numamty is JWjaver suspqcyea. ^ nave rail but the xignt one., ; i - n, 1 ,-!• I*us8 silt nl—V'-ici .r.uj ,.io0 i Diseases of th’eke organs' require the use cif a diuretio. * - • j - - 1 i ‘a-- AaUji JctllJJtui *u c jci. .j hi . J . . "4iVJ UAtiiUi biiC I ** I ev ■ ‘i* 1 ^rol iIplIj , OVIil itiiBipj -The Depirt- Lientenant- _ i Disgraceful Cowardice ptsnt has also dispatqhqs^ ff Commander Cushing, commanding the Uni ted States '.ship Maumee, dated Yokohama, Tan.i'n TnlrrlO nnnAiinhinrr iVlOt. h A Kftll fflflTwl fLUID m BUCHU t B ha TRACT had been captured by pirates two weeks be^ fore, within sigHt of the east coaSt of: HaF- lati. Toe Leemona had ten able-bodied I hite men and a number of Chinese'passen- ;ers. She was armed with two cannons and number of breech-loading rifles, revolver's, ;o., and yet was captured after a short chase y a jack carrying tat two ganST and a crew of twenty Chiuamen. The Europeans did. not defend themselves by a single shot, but sur rendered in the most cowardly manner, and were actually set to work breaking out the CargoioritiansferUoithe. jlffik,; Lieutenabt- Jommander Cpshiog thiniw snch a cape . an encouragement to , piracy, and does not doubt it wtil lead to its |ncr^. ; . Afar;t&- tng all they desired the pirates sent the Cap tain of the bank and his men into the coal- locker forward,' an'd, closing m the sheet anehor and Ohr they scuttled the ship, stove tailed, a way,‘intending that i , jo dowa with the sinking ship., Tt tain and bis crew managed to'break .ail) r-iQ W I'll JB.-l! 11 udoliO a ha ium xim* tool i. IaiIs .si Ji—.iKiaaoi -xsa'W lb THE GREAT DIURETIC, Elli'iiW .:i!i3f::<-2 IJ-.'JU . .:, «MMkfWWR«?W!lf^i Si i il ««t DISKAHX8 or XHS BLADD1N, ziDNkYdi ■ ■ : OBAVkL, ’ z;i I : ORGANIC WEAKNESS. ret ashore, leaving the Chinese passengers w their fate. The whole history or this case, saysCommanderCufitiihg'is one of disgrsce- wnaiarililM- OTTBW; UomitiaiWlftr! " ok *> «.'A «i i. lers Oushing,'- after ia' long ci my of tlffi pirates, and in ol tailed for Yokohama. with the-services' of almeet all the ained at any yard, but the duties heretofore performed byTB® masters all devolve on ooe of the qiiartermen or a foreman, thereby saving a largeand useless expense. "Two hr three masters were continued at the.Ports- month yard’longer-than at-bome others;-but heEe.were discharged after the launching of !nnia, a hew sloop-of-war recently ' at that yard.—Washington Express, FEMALE i-Y Ti gimnur. nmTi.iT? COMPLAINTS, ' Ii! ' .. . . .7 ?. - • i c-iSbidfffcdiift'Yiii t M.-i-E DISEAS1S OF THE UBINAK Y ORGANS, dutr iniffin esilimirtbO oviluoizH tiu - j . wlu % v 4i ,cause ,a t^lu.aUn^, "7J 1 af^ -sv! -JioI jent lrtaiunitted toi OONSDMPTION maj ensne. ‘‘Oar fle*tt"«ncl uooaare •hS^oetMtiUh these ttwiMs. and me neaitn auc happine»», si,1 “PW >rompt one of-a reliable remaoy.- ■u.1f io tcistoiscB smT—.iiazut) ksuktoo3 do uoi inms&D vuniowA edi Lhi, t- eeti rstiT .ursauiaq-jGeilJ ai slit no v:r a g/r..R(u lo EfUABLC HUD J7FWABD OF 18 , ,i/a^ :!/ i>J a 1 J J uiadj iCfjt. goi $ECUReAHQMEINTHE .6 ^xtiM' ^rtion pirudnce palpitation of , w a , $i8&% or ‘ ghns, or yonr kidneys, frequently get, ant of order? Is your urine sometimes thick,. '' flbcky, or m it; roriy on 'SeBlteg? '^*;dm%liisk scum^e'to.tjie tpVV' 'Oris • pediment at anet awhile ? Do yon have spells of short breath- dyspepsia? Are you? bowels consti- of blood to the head?-,:Isybur memr! EMIGRANT SPECIAL NOTICE. -‘■*a ftiaodooA— ~ j '!<$, ^<ji6v/a n j Us lv: it.j) ’m jv j ti liaijsij edT -t j ~ ytil j /■ f:nT nv. r l Ta,»aa7#Of l ai-iW )JaJ A/a A i A A. X> D E K S S T IlSL j j 14«;«» J adcoa 111 Jlii IlflN oil trjinn. LtnUtji ,oI oj (»•: i, rj:UltllK »‘£ hli-HN/J 11] ;fto new iioiitfii fu*’ all {)fiM Htxlgmji'J .fri Viiiiifd ,-i. »:ii 1 .■T.a inrTrr. , ii \d ul j nalu Uuillil‘J891 « .« rl ei vbiO i ii ■ ~iil IrJXA jL NERVOUS AND uotjoimif i K anr ii'duqpSl #■ r > !'.!• ij r £ oti'i .»j*j ii .jtind Xyjj ev/ii *:t O Ii Dill ajoi'i !. . i-ia Das ut J07 £ \J yQ4 OUJ obf. 1 liVliJl lriuqqB h t j A’fc ol i‘ .» WHOSE SUFFERINGS !J - ~ '■ ">l ' I -: -i’i t,, > HAVE AUSES, AND WHOSE CASES' RE-' DIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO 1 RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. 1 c! 4 — . ; or ha ,1' /l£>5CLIIdi. fi j^h*ed‘frbm, .. jf .dischau^, whaf ^et ;doe^' it 1 ; j upon your general health ? , ~ , debilitated, easily tired ? Does a it/Jill Fi rnisbed :jL ‘gggM-paaLyau^ Kfl, 99 BSJ S.trBEtj SET3D11311, 63. xt^utOctaberMt^hyam^w wbqwm_mvebaprompuy attenuedto. ^eMnMoaat Hue. 'lo eleipiiasCr otij no,jri ion I >"% BOdBK, ota POKEON Ql a HOD8E, milt baud Addreanp, :v Baedx FqR'r.REUT, 1 i Th Aife l HO0HE i located .on the noitk- npnn — i;.. IV atuun fJ,:a:I ; -rr rn - rent corner ol Bryan :on bos ntreduz Antito:: !c“uf‘the aaule lrom County Becotdr, with, S m^jUtabranchen,care^yrepueA mft f- !ol Ojji atta t^yVTpN,’H ART & GOik Factors & Commission Merchants, TO RENT, oa hue Jno fidi uJh!e ot Belt . FHOM l,x OCTOBER, the D' hi-.n<tit.^midaa.AtfL.3mnr-od #or oy H it ’w umdSb J SavtontiM. CFa.- ‘JUil'BEOUaHTON feTKBEr. 1 ,^JO “ru FIT fc* O! ,20 i UK ici,'inquire of Uemu*i *r. 1 A. feOLOMOM t' OO^ ntd* t a\uLn ot in Vi;r,n<o i Market Square* ciifjj />np ^i: JH-lX- iT on; iontgomery street, next to Jti$t2'' ippiT&' !l - >1 i 1 11 ' *ui i--13—i ln h . tf —»? La ]o$!b ' ’ "odJi-A ■ ■ • ' SPS^Wra-Tfain T7a.; .uo/jejdu , ts6mery street, next to tbe corner of lldberty ‘ " I nfil-Wt MOBKIs at offlce ot Cartridge Aa Neff,: d Tri-f >V -'-’L-. Ttm ' idw neud i u'-tME ' TWO-STOBY' FRAMED, Ul 4t bU Ai ab OJ Hfe^airdr the Star of Empire itween Bull and I tha simth side of | - loi ' GABtfANY &'ADAMS. SQUiU l J i -lamri YOdT at rut Mteq uuiu 1 I Takes M , Way!’ baa — ‘ 'll , sev/si o-i[io da V luov 1 el JD.:,T m )i )"Y (,4 ligttnao liu'jjj 4oa lull ,11}-:a] "AA -jJ ■ I ■■ s i GOLDEN IS ,u;| J.' liW :;,QiuA, Inoi/'jstq io oinw no *171 me 1 i j.ii la lo a *§ lo b 'c i. h ■a.’ii.ia . a c*t ' ..-^- i:> iiii £•}(• ■ iii H <■-■ ■jiw 'q.Jv;i.< 11401*4 I11I|UU wtm 0,00 iS Ii: NOOHPOBAIED ONPEE THE LAWS proyidiDg 20 LUIILQ sn BfjadshSi .uob^.dh eoonr< !§MfiS Wffi iTS -*'* .'111'-..: sill tdw no tiSiui'J oni’ .yldi AND THUS INDUCE EMIGRATION. u [,. • ' . . 'in apUioti • ilvlded into 300,000 Shares at S5.8ach PAYABLE IN . CAPi Divided {j yiil Cm UNITED STATES CURRENCY. ; vi i,i ii .-i.-u« .nr ' Oertiaeatesof'Stoqk; Issued to subscribers inunei- dUtelj npouregeipt of(fie money. NO i^soil Alio WBitl '*0 i B6ld> HOHB THAH i»iw^aiESi' ,toii a jujaiKiH : I■ unlug a full description of butea' among tbe Share- t address, upon receipt of. ,-_tage,.: j; I ; . . -mi , . _^Oon asto-lh^pricoof land in any por Itate, or upon any other subject 1 of-lo- „3ei‘ tirbpispig' to 'immigrate, cheerfully I upon receipt of stamps for postage. An letters should besddressed, AISSCIATiOI, ■‘so. 83, • •'■'J BAN FHANOISCO; OAUB-OBSIA. jUs.u’J ij ±sjtl bm“Stss0^^S i.'s.lj y, m a. _Ati , fcL£‘uiJiit,i» on x- r.m flii-ff -I "j^eOKil©©. IhtuiR d ..ii too To udioona eoi to sitxaq edl ai r\UBING OUR'- ABSENCE FROM THE CITS, Jfcfiuw .ooiltUnsjEO eaolioy'L 11 util t; biLR-im jllB. ALFRED POINDEXTER is ; onr duly (Suthor- jsssd odw iLtui juojt n Itoii iii/liai ilaedAItomey: uuo n«m i-ifoodj ■ saamts etlT jiasH-ui L'»ie-Ft—f.ei li!. LAWTON. -BYA. HXBT.' " ‘4. O. 1 811*1 iijjV/i'i ii.-. .... i out an.7 ,liar, oitei-.1i.1 NO- .4 HARRIS’ BLOCK, ill j, ul v.ho ■ina j ISAAC EHRLICH, UOl-KSAliK -pooACpONIST AI I&luuslj \l*iq n 1 ficir 7-jb lOBACpONISX AND COM- . OHN OIiIVERy rtcibrfnr" s. Rittfls Md »oor% PAINTS; OttiS GLASS, GLAZING, L ; EDWIN WtL’ENGLE, No- 106 Bryap WHITAKER AND BARNARD STS.. 8.TOM..11. G». jmt Uti SUCCXSSOBS TO TUXXAtt HAM Ot ,E. D; SiyttB & Co, ■diTii u - a* It . m rraii Importers and Sealers 1 3 B -T.Mm bdll Oil tfi Glass ani|; (keensware, JfuiD lice •» dw ,au;Ju fSBtgfFklnk^ WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, KE ROSENE LAMPS, AND - IH. 01 3?Mil • lS7fli‘b ___ ■ AT THE OLD STAND, 109 Broughton Street uqT*^* 1 * 0 * ODiTTJit?// j-. satannah, aA, £t*iJ io i.T'X* 1 ,'Ln • r - Cfc: .W ■. . BUSINESS. OF THE J ii-IX SJiYTHE A CO., ; ja£W[ , a JBYPS ONLY. angiSftiC J; T. BAELESTXNE. s . FO DNDRT, of Bay i«n. U OPPOSITE ft^JLF B. B. DEPOT: in'V-T rr '- f i_t, j ar>ii*i««, — -e .. and Brass Castings MADIC TO OllDEK. boisajtfza tidioloi vltocrimfs. A.Iir^i ■1-jO ASr.UUY A. ADASIS, | H. X. WAS 13JBhalt, trf -t Americns, Ga. ■r SavAnSEh/Ga. TiKTJ D.'S. ADAMS, r„ | w tonton, Qa. DAMS, WASHBURN & Co., COTTON FACTORS " i 1 a ‘ '' ' ‘un>‘ '■ ■ COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Office, No. 3 Stoddard’s Lower Songs. I je2—3m . - - .L j, :l til ,:i ■ ; ■ i- - TOBACCO WAMHOWSE !- vg&XKir, crews s vo. ■-’•I wholssauimind is North Carolina and MANUFACTURED AND SMOKING pEsai 163 Bay Street, City Hotel Bnlldlmg. 1 Jy4—ly SAVANNAH.OA. ——a-— Oasis. Mubpht. MURPHY & CLARK, HOUSE. SIC-H, SHIP ani 8IHIB01 1 ■■ PAIN TlfiBS., GILDISO, GKAUnNO, BSHBliWB, OlA- i ZING, AND PAPBR-HASOnOg. ALL SIZES ON HAND., . r Mills and Boilers, 7 “ REDOGTIOS IS FJ 10 u FOLLOWS:— Mg «w SSiSS;: r 25,00 34 00 JOURNALS 5 vm'he all of S a standard aRB. 1 EXTRA BOXES alwaya on band. • From oar welt-known reputaiion, we solicit of public patronage. All onr work is warrant* aeeo anil—4m fth : T-iBALBENTYNE A OO. tHf HOPE OF THE COUNTRY. f L ' i KNOW THEM I The Finest, and Best, and Truest! fr -ata toiii iVERY T KEEMAlf--KVBBY WHITE MAN AND :. the Democratic Party, ought to know (be sides their principles) the features at least of those In . whom that hope is centered —of those through whom ■ it must be broucht to a glorious fruition. by authority of the Htiiosai. Spxyoon amt Bum Turn, Life-like Portraits of our candidates for Presi- ent-and .Vice-President Of the UoiMd States,exe- 1»: the best style of. the art, are published as ■s rrrE PREPARED' TO BELL, AT: WHOLE- •* b mm jSALE AND. Ri PUTTY, ana VA1 BRUSHES of ereryde . HARKE8S OIL, AXLE GREASE, otc. '77 BryaiaSt., b etryeea B11U and Draytom, and it)—S.ymmhdf -EibylOin^e^.,.....,.,. 1 00 'LargeDonb!ePlcttins-^3copies..'—t.-..— ..S S 00 " «8> Picturee-^13 j0opies— 10 00 mhl4—ly SAVANNAH, GA. -ttrr MAURICE HACKETT, 001 AND' AGENT OF THE SUB- DIVING AND WREQK- .. oaiJKft .CQMPjANY-, o /'AVEiCR UNDER THE BLURF, foot oJ tifito - ' U street. All orders ior tbe Submarine Dlv rad Wrecking Company can be left with Mm, 1 Will be promptly attended to. oo2Sr-U , H. G. RUWE,. WHOLESALE 1,11(1011 DEALER, ooitotoM a .. Vi: -j! I--J cmVf .juU oT AGENT FOR BINIWGER^ :3I a-. iv aulO—ly . MARKETS QUAKE. z B. W. DRUMMOND, G. C. DRUMMOND. ‘ 1 Of tbe latedcis of L. J. GaflmarUn 4Co. ti al nb lo Jv COTTON u <in UIIUIUI! •dob 1 udj lit ,.. ^ e ill •ti'iSUJui CELEBRATED lod^* . R Oiryra 1 ,Cotton Olns. These Gins have been expressly p: ■ "‘ForlaiAby "fi ai S. A.. HARDEE’S SON A CO. "sepa-Sm b- J - i!'T .chilf'cOA blii ,.l PHiefBIKSM «hen n ifWtils: axi. iuj ti; nohrtaa TWODR TD SBVI au26-tf S^M| a:;;: in street^* | c9T71o i no^/MisY-^ixeBAP^ mu Tlie MepcliitS’ aDi Plsiitm’ Bant, .r;a«qa j-id ai ?u Ibvr In the matter of theapplienttou of > Hitaur RobettO, aasiguee of. the | luEot snr “ 61 discharge' of hti trust, 'n Eli mu. : in th< be Id the{ of Chatham and top| County. _ - I 1 blaaaaUi saBo filed i asigacQ: o alas hi ! j Reduction of the Na' partmeut has, in aocordanee with tb' duced amount amount of appropriations and •'*' of Oongress, reduced the jiefsonnel- ,, . - - . . ..., , if !the navy to ^ b^ore the war, j, HB r.MBOl.D, DlUgglSt, -da ai -T9M****!*XTthfS tVl£l loi> iiiixV •9A B1 tOADWAT, NEW YORE, :ilD JUfCi’ - i x*—.TaV/A iiCIB,2diinv jju, tiurhas ’cE „ . ■■■■ present, the rname to the eaid HI- of ■■ i publication of im any patticip to the assets of aaii ! Jvrfi 'vifi Xjin^v,.affiinaie3'f tDOnowJ^ji j aoHobi:,.■ •; ntpgi egtmd low SOUTH CKSTH 8T- PHILADELPHIA. PA. upsaxia iiiiiiS hocE adl \a \nTin iqArg saw! Horn are Qsitulao unlCOa - dons U P in ateei- 'ongmyed. wrappsr, - wttn:^«mmU0' Q ^^’' slflJiibiT cl v ft VP8ICE-HIM per bottle, or mx.bottles for m,'delITBrsd*oiaia> sdlLea. Bold oy ai,' Druy 82 Bankid hands of the eaid Hiram Roberts, assignee, to be abmttmHhitn.i 1 •ioaisiiamta r,' | ■ - * it ii further ordered, that thia order he pnb- once a weOk'Jor three monthrin one public in the city ot savannah, one In Atlanta, one Montgomery, one in Cincinnati and one In. New dYorbuinodni: a 1 .. And it is further ore open for furtherorder'cmP. . . AtOhambera, September 1st. 1868- - • .... ,,, . npl boa iHeucsd In uogfSV- H- FLEMING, 7 vboputy Clerk 8nperior Conrt.Cnatnam County. , aW .Dcitiiidaiio viiecr? ed aha ! ariirB or.Gkoaara, :c I yaa weilr u- _ .^Chaihitm; copnty.) £ J n . ' L Qeorge W- Wi'laon, Deputy'cie'rk of the Superior Court of tne County and State aforesaid, do nereby certify that the foregoing instrument or writingcart- tataik a.kt Ue and faithful copy of the original order in said case as appears on die and of record in this dal eignstnre and I have hereunto set my ofil- IHH , Savannah, thtsfSd day Of September.'A. D. elgl‘teen hundred and aixty- elit. . GEO. WASHINGTON WILSON, .puty Clerk Superior Court Chatham County' lawim -a-o V* amTfd j—3 -'ll M- .: a ... . - Seymour and Blair Badges ■ . unminro r .on* OTreT, Ip " HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE SUPPLY •flfteen varietiee) oftbe above.- Wholesale or re- One Radge mailed to any address on receipt of 'oehtsi Ate 1 Badge* for 81 00. - Send in yonr orderTto BSTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, auSS—lm ' ' "Boll street, next to Post Office. ttmahl E. W. DRUMMONti & BRO., jJ sudda ki od r >::a : .,... .; i, GENERAL SHIPPING —AND— Gonunission Merchants, iieeji 7-ixq oiJiio ■ j vi; 154 Bay Street, ’t< iiaaii nhLiiv : • :uul ii C j3I_uI SA^ANNAHa,. Gb tt. j :>y.j; i i ri i ll , f jM ,\j ■. r: ~ an r i V/:- AND ...-ij hi' J BOOKSBIiLEIb Bull St;; Next to tlie Post Office, -•““tDbvrtrSTAIBWi ti .looqisviH of tqiriza SAVANNAH, OEOROIA. V I^otieei Xiadies ■‘eibj h.'. FLUTING, PINKING, ST V AND BRES5rBAKlNG, „ ti AT MADAME t. LOUIS’ BAZAAR, may23-Iy assies are,to be devoted to be sent to one addnsa. All plo- Jera sons to avoid damage in the mail*, and io all cases free of postage. Orders to amount of ten dollars a ad over maybe filled by Express, and toll collected on deUvery. With each order will be enclosed a p lected campaign doenmenta, Ac., to inset Adareea.careTuUy,^^ E^a.^8TI W--N.' B.-ih : . orf° X which advertirement is r. JSTicliols’ PRlNtlNC S0S-:?L5 t' ... 89 & 91 BAY STREET, (UPSTAIBa.) JOB PR1HT1HG QFFlCE r Book Bindery" ‘ a jj 'Wk BOOK BINDERY, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTOKY. . ... and FAPEK RULING BOOM. Mec^e^.lHhmentln thecRy jmvtog authera - A. fall'atock of PAPERS,T * “*"* wtatj^ on hand. ■ Ordern iolicited. Satisfaction r Jy20r-lyl :i ill.,-.. GEO.N. 1 MACON, GA- GILBERT H. SHRED, - - —i 0 u msAlnc U/TH. SNEED ASSUMES THE management of tbe iXL House, and will be pleased to see all of his i .atod Co I haoi-nii Jt^rei^v^aS 0 *^ BITTERS, the' best of THE AGE." ! o liZmo sal our, t e3Dia ii*ocTno c-paaao Far sale by the cas^bpttte tmd^ • . r£) Linebererer, MANSION Hq^ 6 9 Bio ad Street, BETWEEN MEETING AND CHURCH STREETS, CHSRLKtTCI, 8. C. has rv* jj - AGENT IDS! OSS SIATTBASSE" FOR SALE LOW. AND M l _ ...... __ made to order. Hotels and steamboats eup- piied at ehort nuuca. it* a. J COtiTJECS* dhil- . anS3—lm BAY STFtKJCT. DU orrii LANK B-3QKS RULED and BOUND TO ANY Pattern at the HSWJl OS, 111 wrr .aveet. blcl^iv/ia zeirz asoo J di J JOB miujia i.....a Ai A.FREE OMNIBUS ... iv 133 BROUGHTON ST, Up Stairs. attentive Porters will be at the Depot to conTey «°“ l » t q.»e.qgy>t 1 cn,. ;i i i ■ " - nq^tf •pectfully solicited. re- ~ Guests'will receive the attention of a First-class Hotel. " Transient Board ,2 60 per day. Permanent - - — - - iteterme. , i fa readiness and from the House. . I K. WELLS, Proprietor, » Jell-tt ' Late of tbe Mills House. ti Planchette.” NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. * Prices, $1, El 33, $1 50 aad $3. .The “Little Wonder,” Or IMPROVED PLANOHETTE, with the MXSTI0 POINTER. PRICE, 8* SO. TTie best Game out, THE “RACE FOR THE HALLOS <fc FHfEKMW. t morl nq m2 *