The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, September 14, 1868, Image 1

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dd... .-S'f ,cf i ,tt -**t. j VOL. 4—NO. 2i7. \ : , : " > -?.;x SAVANNAH, ^■V SHI II !S < ’- t ’-" g :-l^ Mu ": ff-v« .('sl^EsqsiE ar>* *sl0J ■ A'- : M0N»A^ : :SEPTElVfBEB-l'4,“;l968 . ;.i *•'*.‘i :-U luOsvj - J=g i* V• x- f * ti c, $ _ j"Ox*^ i- - ><u v/l PRICE. 5<3ENTS. Jamc l#t- a C • -■:-■». ::df n.- Jcj; ESTI LL, AS 6A. £Stfc ju say ewaisss** savajjhah TERMS : ntILY SEWS ASp ABfUjliD.j.,.., lal-WEEKU NEWS AND HEBAIA gingia Copies 5 cent®. HATSfiS O* 1 ADVEflTISWO. tT K sqDAKE Is ton meaenreiitafo of Nonpa 4I ,1»W«» jgr ADVERTISEMENTS.—First insertion, $100 pjjsjojre.'oiolj subsequent insertion, 76 cents por' '^rAdTertlBeTo.fctsfcrpneSmontlU; or |o**«t,#lU t .in»irted»t gpfoialirata* which can bs * it the office. fill [From the National Intelligencer.] ^ TUB ASI1BVR.V PIU9UNERS. geport ofOencral Mcade-T«ic Cruel and iahuman Treatment of the Prisoner* Admitted—Tiie Witnesses Cordite Prose- cation Subjected to Tortures of - all Kind* tq^ Waits iaj»< a Case . 4 gainst Then*- V- i3 Major-General ASe*S& B*¥| 8 . C S bis acttfln", ana that Or Ihe milua offlcws under him, in the matter of -the.arr r si and manner of treatment of prisoners charged with odmplicHy in the murder of Asbbarn, in Columbus, Georgia, who was killed in a brothel on the 30th day of March. it will be recollected that some of the parties tbns arrested hii|»*iUai ~ Bsniot the cruelties,And. inbtgStiff meat they were subjected to whilst under cries:, and that Reed; one of the detectives employed by General Meade and General Grant to “Work up the case,”' has also rtc ntly made an affidavit to the facts,-which jliow that certain persona among the ing the evidence is of the modi positive tin ami leaves no ground to doubt the convic lion of the principal actors, -> • [From the Macon Teiligrkpfi.] N A Pertinent Inquiry. Forney’s Philadelphia Press, ofthe 8th,-has the following special dispatch from Washing ton : i Gsc received.. . , f, a a vindication or himsell against . allegations, General Meade has asked ani _ cured antboriiy to publish an account of his doings. It appears that thg murder'-of Ash- baru, who had been a member of the Geotgia Cinstitntiopal Convention, caused a great God only knows the result in many,parka of deal of excitement, which ulthnattdy.4issum " ~ eJ the form of a political controversy. It was charged that General .Meade and some of bis subordinates entered into the' pursuit and' thefe-is t>v@ry reason to believe that thojrwill, irial of the alleged murderer* inpart lor the- aciiDou-, but Ibe great bulk of it is made up of copies or orders for arrest, and returns of. officers thereon. - - ■- Tue report shows that the civil authorities ai Columbus had undertaken to: ferret oul imdbriug to trial the persona that: killed Asliburn, and that ihc miiilarv commander: wuose headquarters were in that place, at hist Ciimmeuded the aclion of'ihe civil of ficers, bat afterwards, recommended that the military lake the case in hand. Thereupon Major General Meade ordered a military commission to try such p&rlie i aa ‘might be ariettecl and charged with the crime. .1 > A number of arrests were made, npon the suggestion of various parties, ToutetespBciaily upon the direction of , two detectives? White- ley and Reed,’ who were employed by the advice of General Grant, and «at the request ot General Jlende. Tue oflicer in charge, of Fort Pulaski certi fies, officially, that tuesu detectives, “came lo the fork with the prisoners - in charge,- with orders-to have the sole contrcd.ofjtl cmstqnentCy Ifiagnujei^Jifli* auBRjug^ . cept lu keep ifiiTm seeurelyT” To discover wether two coloied men, .Wells and Siap- lar, were in possession' of information'm'd- tciiai io the esse, the officer says “iho de- ttc.ites thought proper t > operate somewhat uponiheir feelings.” This operating upon, Its feelings consisted, in lathering , their lads, preparatory td shaving them; bliud- folding the prisoners; and placing them .in a cisemtnt of the fort; there the bandage was ukeo off, and before the prisoners’"' view there stood a soldier- ready to fire off- a can non which was pointed, at- the -accused.— iffiilst these threatening Operations were joing on the detectives endeavored to force lb prisoners to make eome disclosures si»ut the murder, but in vain, for they pro tested they knew nuthihg of the killing. Tiny were then placed in “syvaajt boxes,” described as a closet in-the walls Of- the fort, * htile wider than the. prisoner's body,, the door closing within three itches of Irik breast, and the oniy air admitted being, through a few augur-holes in the door. Here they were left in the belief that they were to be kopt there thirty days, unless sooner they snould disclose important facts. Taey were allowed to remain here thirty-three hours, dating which lime they were nearly suffoca ted, and again, questioned, but with uo suo- CeS9 -' * 1 , - • .<-• .i.sjRn" . • It is shown, also, that neither -of thuper- ton3 arrested—some twenty odd—w.dre |le'r- Diitied to consult counsel, 'or .converse with,, anybody, and that they were thrown into “d incarcerated within the prisons indis- criccinately. The prisoners wqo were cen- fiaed for a long .time; 'and ojtcrwarcla dia- cnarged without trial, deslcribe tlieir cell3 as being soma four by seven feet—others.two ‘etl ten inches wide, and dark; rid ventila-- tion; that they had had food, -&o. . , . 7 lipoQ the matter of the size of cells, the report includes-a letter of one of the prison-' to the mditary .officer ini charge, set- bng forth that ceils had been reduced from 10 two feef, that tjiey could scarcely breathe in them, Sc., &c. This letter, with others of like character was the t-ummanding General, who shortly after- e a "a instructions that “if these-prisoners ttUgive bonds not to attempt to escape, or the Sub-JWsp'iqk, ot Can be removed, to thi " e made as ooinfbrtat bhtir being under proper surveillance. inoihei charge of Uie released,-pris: that they were-.:arrested without warrant, or charge; and were- nof permitted conftr with .coonsel or ftienda . , ^.v. The report, npon this point shows, that in toe first instance,,;and foi some day*,; the to converse with any person whatever, bat TOfTO 10 ' The report shows, farther, that after the “rests had been made, uamety on the; 80th o' June last, General Meade-iofoTtnSGeheml Grant and the Secretary of War. that upon wing Washington be \vas of opioibn that Cl? rl prisoners might and should be' turned - \ orer-to the civSl unthoritiea upon the admis- - - -- - - 4U " Ashburn murder case J opinion, and he thinks th^t “tseions pending when the Efionid be earned dot by the-military adthd»t-- : “w, and asks if Cohgress can take/action in. ike matter.' % ,, ' , ‘ rourdajs prior to the foregoing commttni- ®"od, namely-26th of June, General Mitide' ’001 to the Secretary of War the following communication : JI ^. eem il of bhe ntmost imporlanb^ not oiy for the ends of justice, but for toy., Phonal ^i(aibn7hh"atTE"eiPBhn"-“""^ crers shonkt no by military- ‘tdingly ordi soeoia.—The.foHowiog leUer from r the Chairman oi the Republican State Executive Committee, ^illbe'hota made in it have already been fnlfilied. , It was-written previous to the expulsion of the colored members' of the Iiegislaturt, and is addresst d to the Republican C ongressional Committee: . v . ,»t“ The Democrats have inaugurated a new revolution in this StstA. * Thly' ratend to overthrow the State government. The first .sfejyhas been' taken, or rather commenced*. We havfe good evidenoe that they intend to expel thp.colored membersj5fthe.H0UAa.an1 then expel Ifie colored members “of theijen- mf, and seat Democrats in iheir places.' They will then have two-tbirds of ttre House; butif they should notbave White Republicans ! speaiter rather enough will be expelled td givd-them two- feet, and briot ds. They wilt in the same -way get carr ot the Senate. A bill will then be -pas- ed intake the State xaitrrads from the con trol !ol the Government and give it to the General Assembly.. The patronage- of. the State roads is: immense, and With it in their hands they. expect to control the Assembly. They then intend to impeach Lhh -Governor and remove him ; after that, God only knows what they will do/’ j /-. r". /J 1 J ; >tAfler appealing to Congress to prevent the expulsiorvof the colored meinbarsythe- tetter couiiouts: * Ik Onr voters.wilt have ho protection at the polls; and there is great daoger ot bloodshed, -but I domot knew, that Congress can do any thing for us, We are not iu as :good condir lio.n^aa other States, for they have Republican Legislatures, bat. the Democrats control ours. They can piss taws to protect voters, but we cahbot. ,We have reliable information that the Democrats are .every r part of the State had everything is being done that can ha io prevent tbe-colored men from acm- irrg. Ubless Congress, does something for us the State. Our party is composed entiroly p£. colored men. If il^e whites 1 tempt lo'roterfera with th'emat the polls, a almost and bloodshed will loilow. 1 Can Congress do anything tor na? Our General Assembly will do nothing to preserve peace; will Congress doit*:*: How. the ; “Chairman Of the Repnbitcau State Executive Committee "of -Gtorgia -has been formally announced by the Hidtcitl pa pers ot ihe State as Ex Governor. Joseph E. Erojwn. ‘Ts he the'aufncr of the foregoing dispatch? 11 it possiblehe has, by. bjs per sonal iufluence and exertions, first secured the expulsion of the negroes from the Legis lature. and then dispatched it to Forney as “ihe inauguration dl a new - revolution That is S-gay piece of diplomacy. Now, ono word as to. “protecUop at tbq pollk.” The Democxata.iof Georgia mean .that every man entitled to vote, (white and black) shall have the opportunity; but to se cure this rt suit, Jdrey jidU-WobaalykhaKrUtO.. take energetic meaaurea.. 'We, learned, day before yesterday, that a menilly negro over heard ’ certain 111djcal3 in' Bibb-yesterday digesting iheir plau of operations on eleciiou day. They intended-W-post-six'hundred well-armed negroea around every.poll, early in-the morning, anti not a “damned Demo- cral” sbould-vote till they had do'n'e'.as much as they wanted-to. Now, if that is the pro gramme, perhaps an exlru session Is needed to arm these guardians of the polls, so as to prevent bloods tied. \: ■ v ' We believe there-are- witne sses enough its Georgia who will command -the coniMencs of the Northern [isople, foexpose the falsehoods df this'diepitefi 'abdnl'D'emocrnta arming and threatening Violence. ’Ihe in- fl-xible determination Of ttid'wbites of Geor gia to mniotain peace at-all hazards and sac rifices, renders these ■ -slanders- useless and unavailing.' . •« .•TJy.ti > t - [Fxom the Wachlsgton Exprsas.) HiglilF lilfcvestlug tlcwi from kiherta Otlicr Parts of the Coast of Africa. ■■ Secretary^ letter frflifr OtffiiicSWlfeftf Nt ing the United States steamer Swutara., The letter is of great leuglh, is dated. Lisbon, Portugal, April 28, 1863, and is originally addressed 10 Admiral Farragut, and by him transferred to the Secretary,' It is a com plete acconnt-of a cruise of thb Swktara the coaat of.A6cica. >74. mjjea l)ia foilewipg abairact,from.the report: ' fThe Swatera sailed fur-Toulon February ^ touched at Gibraltar, and coaled at Pork) Frande, where there is always a large supply of coal and goad futilities far; placing it on the vesseL.r J ' *' H-mUCa '^Commander Jeffers states thathereuched. .Mofirovia on the 28i1i of February,' tkhon he -called upon the President, and was. much gratified by the evidences of the success of the attempt'to' plant oivilizflioh B Atrica'. The great waqt is capital; while the gtealer. rnprfioa of the emigrantB.have not been Vnltural laborers i fco many were l Northeru cidls; latidef mixed blood, Able to stand tho climate. -They occupy their time in trading Vill)-'natives. Forthis rjr.sou Liberia does not raise snCioient fued for thiaanpportf)f the,immigrant- popnlition,. and actnaily import^ it from ~tbe United-' States. Too Souther® colorml population laborers succeed well. “Wll w?48aBaJS'rs«a®f '2a»ssss?s»3S3Sas; own,. "tnd a 0 the emancipajtd negre diciotfs. tisihg’the ariurmjhtr 1 ,‘We ad hqtkt- 5 low the natives among u? to vote nnless.they have been educated.iw«®^hp$sIbeUdv5og them no more competent to understand .the limited gueatiops of inteingl and external‘ policy of ibis little Republic than the com- parativAiy' uneducated- coteked masses at| on, Rome (they all spoke of America as .home) ire able: to understand yonr numerous and' complicated ones.’ ” ■: “It appears to me from what I saw. in Li beria,: and aubseqaently down the coast, that tjt anyimpression 'made'on Africa it is to be through.tbia coUmy; which Is tiased on Christianizing and moralizing principles, wbile'afl'lhe other establishments ore biased on trade In- rntn, gunpowder and mdskets.” The Sivatara "Teached Elmira March. 5, id fpund Ihe plaoe .in a .state of aiege. in iThe coast had been formerly occnpied by jpd de-Vielopipentagp^ the Eogliab, French;. Dutch, Danes and ®od.i|te4 'V-ottu&iteM, wlib established trading posft. ’R militery com- \ c^mmarnj^r A report* that much trbukle andfr^ueht fotfcl fighld odetir between'tbJsft L.ja ” In his report he *8ettters and the natives. necessary forte* ' • ... la- ihe concluding part ot h3. report he “During my ernise 11 iiigen.tly sought . Tssboi '‘on. and flMonday next. Before going North I retain ^Governor Joseph E. Brownascoansetfot -Government. I "deem his services dfi f^niDortence, not only far his legal abil- gf-yutlor the influence bia position in the on my asking him what hia I iJ'a re P“ e ^ ‘Jive thousand dollars. 3 amAn 01 authodzed to -pay such an anfk 1 - Wlt hont the sanetton- ot superior a°ss m ty '-.u? e - then -2 xpressbd his willing- a „ jo withdraw, and not to- commuhicatB' Genetsl Meaie then advises the employ- board the £ “J^oriou --- .^formation from ail accetsiBlq sources, and" find our trade and interests-in a satisfactory states - . • .' . , “The slave trade 13 entirely .suppressed. ‘No serious cases of illness appeared QU,'’'' o-tisSSi 1. a . .15^1... lETTlSO QS ■ELEOrK>SSJ»A fewn WfMTt, ,j . very amusing incident of Uavel-isTe-f lated by u gentleman of. this city as haying occurred recently i©u one of . the railroads leading to Utica, New York,, the homuof Horatio Seymour. A number of-New Ad ventists were aboard the train returning from one of -their religious demonstrations,' ’ at Which tho doctrine that th)s wirtd would wind up its atfalrs-aboftl the first of feendw year had hebu extensively held w?. 1 Two of them sitting near him opened a conversal on the efeciion prospects, when bite re marked: . : - “I haven't the slightest doubt that the Dei mocrats will elect Seymour and Blair this fall, and I believe it ougfitldbe'done, too.” , “I don't see how yon figute-in'ttikt 'WAy,’' remarked the other; “Grant and- CJdlfax will be elected as sriroas November cotuesi and if I wera- a betting man Td-put up some money on it.” • *'1 ■ —- •, ?, At this another N. AV, with a long,- funeral countenance, !! very owl) of. transcendent wisdom, drawled solemnly:- :: “You are both' 1 mistaken,-tny Irieuds; the Lord Jesua'Christ will be President bi the- Uniled - States in 186S.” - ; .-*• ' Hardly bad this asge prediction been-ur- tered when a big Kentuckian on the other side; of the aisle, who had beard the last Jr iddisti'nc't'y,' [jumped tb his feet, and bringing flown bid fist, shoated, “I’ll bet you t*efity-five dollars he don't car ry Kentucky;” * - : -- 1. - ■ - Id five minutes the whole car was in a roar as Abe joke went around, and the discussion y,s-)r! ifcrj oji-au was abruptly-wound up, leaving, the eDthu- aiastio Curneracker very much astonished and puzz'ed at the result ot Ris sham of it. Louisville Courier.' AjmrvAt. op Tint Ship. Gulcosda—Lx-ritar FBon Liberia.—The ship Gbtconds, belong-' to’th* American Colonization Society,' Captain Lovell, camenp to the wtrarf yester day morning, hfiringhad apidasaht voyage from Monrovia, -She brought as cargo con siderable quantities of palm Ail,- sugar, coffee and arrowroot, -and the following passengers' all colored: Hon. j: J. Roberts, er-Presi dent tff Ibe-RepubliC, and wife ; Dr. Laini and daughtei; Augustus Washington, wifi and, child;'-'UrB. Eliza Bishop and two childreu; Emanual Blair and wife; Mrs. Fan-' nie ltobinsofe; Mrs. Sallie Thompson; Aaron- hr TtHman-; Samiiri Forrest, ‘ and several others. Ex-President --RobertS^ visits Iho United States on business- connected with the Liberia College, ofwbich ha la the prert poaera of Ufa, by Uborloaa employment, nmsholo- f den > Tb ?.^ hree . 1> ? ,lJf ?*gftyypaasen-jaomCihafih'a;hrohuiimeirauxUon, the''use of ‘ * * tex an d cctlaa, »n a Irrqaent ciludbirth. It is Uu- otteser caused 1>JV direct klitetiOD, applied totlo maoaUi morabrino of tile vagina ntotf. tA gers carried Out -by the Goleonda were -lauded in good health. Everything in the Repubjio was going'on prosperous^,- and business at Monrovia and- Basso was good. Captainl Lovett reports that a few-days before" he left the coast a vessel sailed from, Baasa, and. another from Monrovia, for - England, 1 loaded with palm-oil, and another was load ing for the same destination, to,sail in about six weeks. These vessels ,aro all of about three, hundred tons burthen, apd iheyi apd. . their cargoes owned by citizens of the Re- 1 public, null officered auiimanned by colored meq. Chief Jaatiee Ray^ot ^he, Saptema Court of tho, Republic, had been impeached, fpr alleged malpractice, and hafl Jbeqn.-; moved from office by the President. more jSuM.i .. , .. , , WhemBNiawfls foe>«a<aes 01 tease ; £WtnMtegi compUints, it Is ffoet. pxtefof to conttm^iate the at tendant evils consequent upon them., it U but sim ple lattice to the raoject to ehgmerale a few it the many-additional caheeswbica^to affaCt the life,health; aadhappiness or woutenla olt.ela>teoof eokety,.4mtwhfeh,ioaae 9 aBm;j,>« ( et, more or fees dlreetly, the welTare of the entlie liain an fatuity-. The. . . criiti lor precocious education ana mar- riiye causes the'years’that nature designed lor cur- pp’real deyMopmentto tw»- waeteii and'perverted the .restraints .of Hire**; He; early qonfinepieO* of ' " “ ’ ' r" ’ tea unhaaltey eicitepi.Bt of . 1" i .. . ■ 7"> ~ ~ How.Tiiey Get Gun a— Much aurprisais often-expressed id relation-to how and where Abe negroes in some sections obtain ttta new Enfield rifles with which they parade. cireiunsteOcu related us .by Major, 'hfaxson, of South Caioluia, may help to* Unravel the mystery: . -.lI. oanfj Some weeks ago a coffia was reoeived at Newmaiket, n station-oa the railroad about twenty-five milei above Djrn’a Mine, lu Edgefield District, marked to;a noted. Radi cal.- -Too suspicions •'■bf : lh3..Statioji-master being exerted by its weight;-it was opened and found to contain new Enfield rifles-. These were, taken out,-and in a feW-day sof ter the coffin was. dejivered to tha person to- whom it was directed, who bad the pru- :e. to keep silent in regard -to the loss of contents.—Talbattou Gazette, 10 th. ' Tue Prospect Ik North Cakolika.—In round numbers the vote at. the Jagt,ejection in the Slate ivus about as follows: , T Radical vote..........- tib.OOO. Couserwaffve, upward of —Tib000 •. ; bftjl Majority less than .80,000 At the time of that election tilers were re gistered and did not vote at-least 89,000 en franchised - atoters, nearly all of whom, had- they voted, wonld have votedthe Conservative ticket. 1 he.Radicals voted to n man. Be sides this,- between lD.OOO and 20,-000 votes are now enfranchised under the new CoristitUtitM who could not vote before;- Nfeady'-aif 2 of these will go for Seymour' and BlaS-1 And,’’ further'! than! this, thousands of- men of .the atic nominees.—Sentinel. TUNNO-LPEI } - , 1 0Lav^P®°i» IX.. ■ T-b-ti?:,.- laati. VM swat -J'lJ r. ihOMPOSED OF TWENXI-J ’ Citsa fast sAHing. Packets; intea«tefftab.f U4SP*1 ortnt^ht. or as fret,— me^cinfjln NovemTjai tae cotioii season. VessalB wlU be requcntly a» freignx warrants, coil* ^mT>c r '.unJconiiu^MQg agSronj;boBt YdZ- Ni.b-1 Vlile, MemiihjB, Vicksburg, tselma. lloctgcmirr, Em--.. faujo,-Macon, Cotumbua, Tallibassee, gnats, Gridin, Albany, Ameritu-i. Graa son, Covlnaton 1 , ■ Affiens; x “ Point. Cnihboct, baasons 1 and all points in the Southern staler, Gteat Britain and the Continent. » -o-j t ■ i-as : I Bills Of fading aignett upon railroad receipts r« interior points of shipment., prcaa rec^ptaat : 8» yann h, and dray xeceiptsatfiFeTpooI. , . .■ . ■ ^-Insurance efisctedfropi interior points of afilp meet, or frtrfn Bavenaab, 'in bar open POlfctea hoia, or In Liverpool, when daaried. • *B- ADVANCES! of three-fourth*-Of tb« teWi* the time of shipment given npon-consignments, and proceeds guaranteed. l3 tcut ffi latt For Liyerpoot, LVDIa btfOLF. Ule favorite last Bailing jacket WEaT, enptam Hxnn.TOS PEREV, ■ Appijt to ............ 1 • •H«awUu- ■W-.M.SDNNO A.OO. Notice. INTI PATS ASTE R . DATE APPLICATION , > will ba made to the Honorable the Com t of Ord inary or McIntosh couuty-for leave to eeU the real estate belonging to the estate Of Samuel and Charitf Bozir, lor the benefit or the betas and credit ora of said estate., HfcNRT W. HOWARD, Adm'r. . fallen. September 7,1868.:. , eeptO—laifgm* settle' “When the young man is about to ,wa. as “the'.husband of one wife, he ahouinresolve’ never to ma^e her jealous with his‘ Wild Sallies and his gay Ann Ticks. 1 FAMILY-SCHOOL rpHE 11eV.o.*$! n ’ 11 ' * t,r X at hia reaidenc.. MONDAY OF OOTOL _ -h a well-fnrnlahed rooin ana FUtST '*r& pepol^retcresleSfot Bpeaking, Uieirjia- ilve tongue. a limited number of popns the aiaw advantai ,'L A German philologist, -at Jena, predicts, a ‘ e <l jhat in five centuries English will be the uhl- ver'sal language. * given bia-ownchildren.** -' - - - Y *i - J - N. B—The Path fornlshea a convenient *nd plea sant playground. - .' Instruction lu Modem Langnagea and Music extra. eeplO—laadv - • *-'•; * < K6, JBIiIKKti, BLANKS for Oonnty and ofllccrspHntta^mtheMriMt at^__^£ Warehrraae, and signed WOMAN; i .1 • Oi vl-mV . y ii/e-fi- St-r’ i-.l V 1- Sr-lrMJt *• t*. •• tv fit 1 OuarwUHatjeata, Jrojn the huof ^bg^-.. sepu^tt,>: ?? ? {-I c JR^.BroUKMontra>y : . 4 va ;Z f \ t ‘.iis.-ir-O. : a*r 1 t At-'.- >i - i .w*ii - • • b <k hi:: v V 1 ^ t: *5.’%.r . • i. i j. .. .'«: **■» ft>- r- ’• 'fi; ^ - \V. r.:-* j**’-' . a yro ; i *v - J ,"tutti i./ w-’. -•••»*• Ai ^upottantrelaUooa^wfiiote-they -atateuff tbet* peco- jyuo^glb'teHeti.-waaBa'ighiea.ikarrf'iri'w.”* - - *• to vaioj iffff;rinj(a. Freedom lrom these tie in no small degree tetimCr bapplnesa and -for Rime Can be happy whe ar* 111. - Nfit-onJy ao, but no on* of then v>W0U» female cdmplainta can £Wg bcaufiCred'to'ftinpu -without fuvoiviiig the kiteoa ud prematura decline. Nor j»p|ofofaitto (hyribian for tha teUef of toeaov&foa'ifanckiidifflcteiua^ana oatjHipdu tea. jmtiuE^WikMtiy Via a.ttS winan *0 mr foeri flee her gfogltet cfi*rw u 'tffd&’ifiia. ’ jlha' fox ,wil 'a-— J -‘ ’- ‘ fian'ds. simple ape- uud efflcacloua in,feUtvteB and :jr|. ongof l^so troubledomo cam- te^aiox^ tafc - Wt .-.ox * f-u- • au-I h j r:.. ,'-rv. - ': >' w ' > .'.b-1*** vj -,u i ». !. j-| 1 IBs. fflvl -a - h .-.r.j ■- . Hundreds suffer on in Silence, and hundreds of others apply vainly’ to druggl43 and doctors, who ’*** ' merely tadtallae them' with the' hope of a cure' ly Aufemfo'WhlcU make them worse. I wonld ntit' wteh'tiinaAaert anything that would do lijuatice to ihe tinicied.butl am obliged, to aay that although ttmay be produced from axcewlye exhaustion of -She IS bit ‘--u-iir. i tt ?; * 1 fF«OBLR!5ltT« BBirfC Boose; With gas; WATEfti LAWTON, HART & Cft 4c., next "to -north'eaat fchraef of Wh'ft*k<r' _ ‘ ' - : ' ' , - __ -j- Factors Alommissioa Merehaats, f FOR RENT. * -• K tt -a-"- ar» sle- NORTHERN T^HEUER’E- of bnilding corner South Broad and Lin- mtr «T. -. r-. - ' ( j*.- j. •Ssaft^&in'j ... Ms&gjssaitz ids FOR* RENT, - ^ ^t6b4: nex^Ufthe afilfifef (ffEa*f.Hroad a|p| Brcn^hton steeels, to-. WantedtaRent, 1 A HOUSE IN A PLEAS1NT LOCALITY. - --. t-Wlv-'tx'. uo ; h t Gas and water preferred. ' ’’ ' Auaieof:“K|iY IHE.” . . atplO-lf v “ TD RENT, -t-'.-vw ■ FBOfi’ ia* OCTOBER, the DWELLING *•£> 1 -' »-v •*.; ... v. ;y. . . x*it BEOUGHTON STREET. For terms, Ac., Inquire of Meaara. A. Market Square. '' ' ’ A. SOLOMONS A OO., ■ I.W., .“fext'iash-Af' tr-rrt ^gs » AEMTh i .. FOR A tOMFORYABLE TWbStORY Con -hasqment).BRICK .PM’ELLING lontgomery street, next tothecorner of Ubeity atrefo-Apply to . 0. T. MOREL, auglS-tf . . . at office of Hartridge St Neif. n. *. nawrow. 1. . HXRT. NO. 4 HARRIS’-BLOCK*:, J. W. STAHSBDRT 4 60. i • awe? t* iii rr > • BfCCESSOE* Td tBX L1.TB FIMC O* : clU WISMV& Co. .-.-.j Bay sti'oet. Savannah. Go. awgl8-3m.■' w. . y . ISAAC EHRLICH, WnOLKSALK TOBACCONIST AND COM- JUffiUON Jones’ Upper BJocIc. Savannah,. ETAS NOW-ON HAND TOBACCO direct from the Abb; a supply Of BAO Btantiy on hand. ifoto the ! SILVER-PLATHD AND -BRITTANIA ± MH| JQBUSI OLIYm Sashes, Blinds^ asd PAifiTS. OILS GLASS, shed pahm Wall «pm«* Xd : -- ; •• .... UIADE& Boose anil? - Painting, GLAZING, ACc., * if if. B Whitaker Bt„ Corner or Bay Laae Hs-iy . ‘" '* ' " ' ' : *'. TtffajQi^dryLKKY,Idh'd',' ]-• R0SENE LAMPS,-AND PUKMSHIMi MS genebally, A* THE OLD STAND, ‘ f«— ,a { tr 109 Broughton Street* SAYAJOVAII. GA, HimMwnni sss REISTT ' ' . . Full THE SV9UHKU. THE XWO-STORY. FRAMED [1LDINGS on New Houston street, reefi Dull and Dra> ton atreeta, fronting south aide of the Parade Grounds Apply .tjOSHay.U*et. to. QAHMANT ft ADAMS. H Wesiv^ariJS^f &fXttipire its :»» SECURE ft HOME If* THE - J v.-f., .- .t q i ’{* GOLDEN c-v bail-rodra. " lhm. wiih the b'ady halfalothcd; aud the mind'andciy eiultod by iileanuro, pt-rrerUu^ lucildnlghtrevel the hinnw dteffilod by'nature*for sleep ami rest,-toe wart of Oedirnctkimia tuli accam- pl'riled. ^ ,};j In consequence of tLil early strain upon' her aya- tem, unnecessary tttbrf ts leqnlred by tho -delicate votary-to retatarher-situation 1£1 school or a later day; thua aggrxyatlug the. evil. excitemoulia - over, another iuprospecliveheepa thamina moibidly sensitive «o iinpreevion, whila the qow couetaut xe- stfoinf ot’koshlcaable lfi4aa,"mb9Clutelj- forbidding the cxcrciab-lndlspensiiDlc to tlie attaluineit and re- teution of organlc-Ueilchaod sUeugtk.-taav kpceute tonight air; the saoden changs qf temperature; the complete proetratloil pniaused by excesaive dancing, mast, of necosaity,jiroduc3 Uitlr. legilimato riijtt. At labt; an early maniage (5ap's rhe climax of injury, and Ibe unfortnnato one, hither fo' so utterly rCKird- leas of the plhin dictates -and rexacnatrdneos of-her delicate h*»o»isI>tepme*an.tiB*»U«gsuldectoI wedf icaitreatment. Thisiabat a Jrathful plctqreof the experfencfl of thousands of.qur young women. IfiSlpp llESTEUD ASSOGIATIOII liSlit:' Long before ihe ability. Sff exercise the function* of the generative prgau*. iheyjregaire an education rt their pfKUllar, nervouy system, compose* of whatia ceiled .^e tiune, which ,ia, In. common with the fehi^ie breast and Up% evidently under the control of mentpi emotion* «ed association*, at an e*rty,Deriod of life; ahfl. as.we thallacbeequently aaa, thcas emo- tions, whoa excoairciMead, Jong, before puberty/to habit* which *Bp the-vety liruocthsir victims ere naturejra* »*tf completed their devetopmant. e * "3Sv;l t lit l*v. d hf# f-^. . Ixttq b: i.. fctettmMIs Wcataeea anp *Debiiityy Whites or Lena conhrai. Too Prbftue MSnatrnailou, Exhiustiin, Too LJngOantinned Periods, far Prulapeu* ahd’fiefoihg NPOBPOEATED. UNDER- TEE LAWS OF THE afp^eridlcg .|W . Ji v-.ii io BOJHBS FOIl IK MBHtlEUK, AND THUS INDUCE EMIGRATION. _ CAPITAL srouK..... si,oao,oso Divided into 300,000 SHares' at S5 Each, PiVABLE IN CDRRENOY. State voted for the UonsUtutioo and wifir-ttfo Radicals before,- because' they thou^it it ne- DowOvtseifokpea* Uteri, we ctlcr the*' ttbsrberieet .dessary ‘-in order to get-back-intothcs: apesifle tnowti:—j - Union,” wbd Are - In reality as- iar from embra cing the infamous measures Of that party aa we are In view of these facta and figures, and of the tremendous awakening of our fe-o- plej-we. predict; with entire cobfi Noflh Carolina-is safe for tlie fjai cfafi vpasific tnown:—-> . J it.Ti <*<?-vq *iii) f lot * A i-y, ■J l US J i'(7 Jt: a . i.: ot.uo : L> AtCU -« HEfcMBOLftS ist&iV+it-*p Ui» A44 .i> .rent* kA-^i "r X »U oriA x-Li-x- . *' •. j '•*-* *•' - ’i CJOALFOTTISTD •sir; w Jit ' ;.//• .si 5:7X13 l. • : r- * ttu Soil .dry, Oirtlfloar«Bdf : 8toCjk loaned to aabsaribora.immc- dtately npun nscoiptof thamCOcy., XfO PERSP^AXLOWISD TO HoLil iiOEE THAN ve-SRabes. aar-A CIRCULAR hoabunlng a htli description of the property to oo dlatiibutcd Among .the Share- holders will be sent tb sny addreda, upon receipt of stamp* to cover ratnm postage. ' • - aat~ -fhforrudtioai a* tb the pried of tend in MfMtv tiou of thabtate, or upon, any other subject of ,ia- taisit to parties propcaing to immigrate, chscriully rnfatabed Upon rccerpt brstaiapa for postage:' - - - AIlKtteriaboifldbeadaresscd', tis-y IMIBBAit HfiHESTfAO .A»8CIATiOI .. . .IrwiD-gi tir ... ai-iir . - „ r.G *a26-lm HAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. PUDHO 1 I'U"f. ti ( 'ptrecaoMB ^ixae, tni*4vico'tqcjiopKnz : ' | •i/’w •? 4 «V3 . . v . . . ,, . itocffMi «M**fci; rilWftrt * aid nutate . Jh. the discharge of dtC-ltthctfoiui. Strength i* the j--gloryufmmnhooehad♦oatenhoodul -:-v t /ist*at*-- t-:-..---eie ■ J-Vir-v-i.. -■ ,7-- i.x,-. Jtete. iffj jiain i.-v f.fl ONSTANTLY RECEIVING direct from the Unis, ; beat MACHINE,BALE ROPE, and for a*ie at I manufacturers’ wholesale 'prices. * Factor* andfiaal^ 60* will dud it equal to’ utajaat'. Hemp Jtepe fpr planters’ use, and much cheaper. A. -aIs SCARBOROUGH, ii -, No. It Stoddard's Lower Range, ij9—tf - - Bayatreet ■ : -e-*vvj»iae i Hdl oj-ml | uffir. Cotton gins Helmbold’s Extract Bncbn iAdi m. Ut*fS - 5 : 'C ^ia^Ct^:• ii- f.j j” T* ifiofs strengt’deniog than any ol ttta preparations of Bark or Iron, infinitely safer, and mere pleasant. ; Si 1 AT , 1*5 *>j :)«.! ■(' Helnlbold’s Extract. BucfiUy , L v j iWSa»5»?t; re< .* - r-Y; ,= - -, ’ "'*t( i n. ,-j uiimf) 1>S 'itjd ->-t SaTicg received the endorsement ol.the-most promi nent physicians in the United State*, ia now offered to afflicted humanity ae a certain care for the fOfiow-* and symptoms, from whateveir evtek originating; General Debility, MenUl and. Phy*ioal . Depmaisa, ilmbeciUty,. DetcrminaUon of - Blood .to Head, Confaeed Ideas, HyB'.cria, General Inlta- Sieepieseneea nt’-Nlgla, Ab sence of MaegntarEffiaaicy, Loan of Appetite, Dyt- Spitlte, Disorganization' Poralyaia of ths Organaof Generation, Palpitation ol the Hu biuhi'J ihe Heath; and, in fact. ali the concnrnitaala or a Ner- vous ahd Debilitated State of the Byatem. - - *-v J fioatexebon v-u-t -y^di r-C Iter - j ftarTOTnanre the genhtee, entthi* "out-'-Aalc for HELMBOLD’S. Take no otlter. Sold by -Druggists aiid Dealer* everywhere. Price $1 20 per bottle, or »ix botJeefor iSs);; beHreiedto ony addrera. pe forihe symptoms in aiil comnianicatinns.' Address H*T. HELMBOLDj. .x • * •'' f : ' > \ AQ -- . ' Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 1 . ,y,fr' V .« , —: .ti tUtlf*. SO* BROADWAY; NSW TORE. ,-j sd L-' CVtnliib chi ci tv:' *■ — . . ,- A aiojw .<eq * barn ifSitib l<st!tr.v>w a* Noat an Bc'aatee unless done up in eteel- engravpd wrapper, with fac-timUe of my. Chemical i-is* 1. * i :a OFF^K FOB Bale 7 THE CELEBRATED Odl TCrf { r.. E. ^Carver Cotton Gins. have been expressly' prepared to suit These the wonts Florida, and are adapted to. the present I Factors allowed a commission. For a a. A. jiARpspdbQN fc jgo.. *71 - : ■ . ,• ;a ■ > % A rj l.'i TOR SitB BT X --- t.-.’-icr.-i, sit At"Rar<lee's Son &- Cor ■iifo-t/ ai ia.,- to SEVERAL ES, tsrttedir Ttztri :.-2 UT BB3IRABLE L0GAMI1E3: T>ABTIE3 wlaliiiiK to sell vdU find it to .their intar- JL est to cftli cn . i - w DAJilELS, ~ fopd-tf - - "' V Corner Bay and Barnard streets, fol J-rT'Z'- « d—i --e-. 5 . >»>i seplfi—eodeow TibLANE BOOHS RULED and BOUND TO ANT Pattern at too ftXWSAJfP HERALD JOB H. T. HXLMBOLD. ' OTTIOM, m a* otraet. DENTIST, - No. 106 Bryan Street, BETWEEN WHITAKER AND BARNARD BtS.. .Savannah, G». ‘‘ •' '" ]al3-ly ■ ' ' ■ ■ ■ ^PlP^'feBjHt|?3t>NLY. TOBACCO WAREHOUSE. ' OSrws.a co, tj ■ ' wwoLUALn t>ui.Eas ri> North Carolina and Vfrginlit MANUFACTURED AND SMOKING T O B -A.0CO8„ 103 Bay Street, City Hotel Building, jya-ty , SAVANNAH. OA. Oasis. Mnsrax. Oaaa. Claex. MORPHY & CLARK, HOUSE, SIGHj SBlf ittSfEaBftifi j (HhDISG, Git AIN ISO, BaRBUSO. ObA- ZING, AND DAJPEH-HANGINeS; fPE ABE PREPARED TO KELL, AT. 1 ■ SALE AND RETAIL, PAINTS, OIL, P'UT’Fy, and VARNISHES; MIXED J BRUSHES of ever; description, MACHINERY UL, AXLE GREASE, etc. n Bryan St., between Bull and Drnytnn, - mhl4—ly SAVANNAH, aa! MAURICE HACKETT, ;* OOOPKR, AND' AGENT OF THE SUB MARINE DIVING.AND. WRECK ING COMPANY. f\VmCS UNDER THE BLUFF, foot of Drayton VI street. All orders lor the Submarine Dii and Wrecking Company can be left with. him. will be promptly attended to. ; k. g. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, " AGENT FOR BININGER, amo—ly WEST SIDE' MAREET SQUARE. ■ -m s '4 sifTct ffDfcafo and Quccnsware, & *r o aat a l O^THE LATE FIBM ahgiu-tf ' “ g«5?g» 1 - ■f. MoDONDUGH . , T. BALLE^TTNE- SI. FODHDET, i :::: CbAjeh OPPOSITE GULF R. B. DEPOT. Iron and Brass Castings MEDE TO ORDER, .-i , AI*£JSEHON HANU. RiiiCarfiffifls^^aaid BoRers» REDUCTION *N PWCEI. , TT7E WILL 98LL AS FOLLOWS^- - Yf SngarJUIja, 18-<nch. .....*20 00 mietlnbh..; j.jffN * " -a « 9» 23 00 ti.:..... MOD sBtefi ; m Oan-MI fcftiriR ftFaff. ara rxadeoat Bf-ttaa-bOit tr Prom oar wei) : know-n rcpntaUon, we aoUdta yhare of public patronage. AH onr work fa warranted and HiHtegidjjufoBufti tnd strmnlineto.&nstnt- THE HOPE OFTHECOUNTRY. Finest, iwk- Best, and Truest I IiIEb: The TBVERY FREEMAN: Hi WOMAN of tbe Com \Q-J. F. W. CORNWELL*:: . - . PE.T.UC rii HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AGRICULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS AXES, HOES, NAILS, TRACES, &c. _ . Also, AgriSt for HciRTHUR’d COTTON GINS, No. 151 Brbngton street, ■ aepl-Bm . b,«M- HAvaumLa, Ga. B wi DRUMMOND. G. C. DRUMMOND. Qf the-latefirm bn,, -J.-Gail martin A Co. E. W. JDItUMMOND & BB0. # GENERAL SHIPPING 1 rJ —AND— 154 SAVANNAH, am—tf. Street, GEORGIA. AND BuLl St., Next to the Post Ofioe, (DOWN STOIBa.) ’SAVANNAH, aSORSlA. . WHITE RAN AND ; who puts trust for tha salvation uf the Cousti-.ation and the Union in ihe tnccees of the Democratic Parte, ought to know (be sides their oriucipb-s) the fearitrea at least of those in whom tost hope is centered-of three thrcnghjrbom it most MrifoUt a glorious fruition. ' ny antbority of the Naxtos-ox. SrmovR ads Braw Club, LiSMike Portroita of our candidate* for Paste and Vice-President or the United States, exo- in the best style of the art, are published«c Ingle Pictures .(Litnograpn)—8 ymonr and liiair— 3 by lo inches, each.... 100 , ibt .-At COOLUBd: . . :1!0. A copies. . S OO -T copies...r. 10 CO - . .. e,.... —j• —Xs fio, i Picture*—13 copies proceed* of these sales arc to be oo f sent io one eddress. 'AH plc- . she it* to avoid dsmageisthe mils, and ia all psaes free of postage. Orders to amomrtof ten del ars aid over mky bft ilea by Express, and full collsctcd on delivery. «ua. - AdalOs*. carefully, E. H STEPHENS, ! . Box 89*. Washington, D. O. ia ordering, pleafce name paper in which advertisement waaeccn. ' -AOT)- • ^Publishing 1 House CojnmBsioB Merchaats^' l s* * 9i bat stbCeTp f JOB priKting OFFICE, ;. Book Blnderv ' AHI> BLANK BOOK UANTTFACTOBY FLUTING, PINKING, STAMPING AND DRESS-SAKINGv AT MADAME L. LOUIS . . 133 BROUGHTON 8T-, Up Stair*. ' ' " ’ « ft - 181 Cpngx^ss Street. MACON, GA- ELBERT ff. SHEER, - - Manager. THE BB8T OF THE AGE. Forsalo by the ca**, John T. Iinebenrer, angs "' and attentive Porter* will be at the Depot to guests to the Honae.— AGENT Mattrasses, Mattrasses! M OSS afATTOASSEn FOR SALE LOW, AND mido to orders Hotels and- titeambrets sop- R. A. WALLACE,' J02STH:S**Tri , T»HlI6 RANGE, Iau2S—Im bay street. THE NEGRO, BY “ ARIELj” ; PRICE as 0ENT8. - CALIBAN: A Sequel to “Ariel.” Price 25c. THE ADAMIC RACE Price 25c. . NACHA3H . . WHlAT IS IT? Price 60c. A fajtber supply or the above works 3n»t received and for sale at - ; * - ' - Estill’s News Depot, an-rig—ixa Bail street next to post OfflC ' ;Y DEPARTMENT COMPLETE I *» Ai «cfl a PRINTING OFFICE, - , . BOOK BINDERY, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. ; - - 1 and PAPER RULING BOOM. The bnly estahli.hment in the city having alUhess LEATHERS and MATE- • -Alliri. jg£l iwv _ SNEED ASSUMES THE management of the Honse, and will be pleased to ses all of his— A FREE OMNIBUS. MANSION HOUSE, '69 B road Street* BETWEEN MEETING AND CHURCH STREETS, CHiRLUTCI, S. C. known and Icng-eatabliahcd Honse, has aased by the nnaeraigned, and is now to the Travelling Public, whose pitronage is rc- apectfally solicited. Quests will receive the attention ot a First-class Hotel. Transient Board *2 50 per day. Permanent Board out be arranged for npon moderate terms. Carriages ana Baggage Wagons will be in readiness " to convey Passenger* to and from the Honse. GEORGE K. WELLS, Proprietor, Late of the Mil is House. Jell-tf tt Planchette.” a NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. Price*, 81, $1 25, SO' »««d *3. The “Little Vvonder,” Or IMPROVED PLANCHETTE, with tbs MTSTrO POINTER. PRICE, S3 BO. Tbe beet Game out, THE “RACE FOR THE PRESIDENCY.” ac-27 "■ * aAbhOS Js FEIESSOI,