The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, September 15, 1868, Image 1

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.gJimti *| i »>tn : *' 1 edi *’■'' 'M ifi^n li»q amlisw «a7/ Mtto **4 ^cil \lqfmo **Lfl > vimii - "bu* '. iut.Ah. tflZr W.f m.q virajai 4 btvii 'U*'fli;n n ,[>j |7» .toUaili!; •BMiioH Ifiiaeqg TfSWfS ii MitifcxxaoioJJ M .«.A . ■Kt^J M4, v, uw.. .InmtburJO tsliz i a,r-\ UVt iuB itatJ. U tint ,uf leg Joctto b t» j,rn-Z7i o;4« «x*a'< owl u*4J OKHtfofllui u W >H}«1 KaMotsK) lUilj afliluiT z»IJ} oj( a oi aij .Laa tUl at fettaat >»#io ig ^1* »7H utttoQfltiuinKHlTJ, <v® T>i q« IdsrHiiduw ivJJm* arfi nbffi > 0 ‘k'itoaikleq *)iooqo bi.7fo«M iiioao |j ^ij BMr'tM) «t»o tot biaUataqaa i uf ,rluail-:*q oa to'oourr i k hid* sMGfcftMu&tESi 6i i! yd batsoiinar* iaawai lb iae'v oil fj, >*JatiH jn»Bn*»tl/ -.1 t»u« a aiorw I (1 , <*!l nl IO.7 0(| li ./ikMbfD'l odl **</» a, lo.i- . Htlbtaj r J bmS tan doi.itr ,t Ji odi iib ,?idi lo osooupsoaao at Jts £ MMf. The Panrtlitaa tbh—<», Amftifi ami Turkey causes,moreover aome twenty, millions of Start- in these- twocountries to gravitate toward a adoaa k^iimdiMrTtusaia M$4>e moat porferfaPin&iJ? lh#- Slavic tnBi aaa/tHei nalVrstlESOtecJor, of ./vJ/j ^»WTON,OTK.CO.v tjttUM*^a;,' mmm updp ttB coh&fitfn ' »* BAV *'***%&***+****■'>&» BOtt HBWH AMD H^Egy.jgg. At,- XaLotOH ■«SSi^SSSffi^8E %aT«» or apvKiwugMan™; t&tiktim. sssWGisims ""IMlPWaw.'tUfMMl il ll tq cffEut Broad and Brooch ton 'firtu*' i-XTUO ,-i■*,*7?iarlx^E fl* riS THRM- RCOHS and KITCE ,nce ‘in its natural frontiers—that is, was taken from' her by the European - iHrn'rff‘Iftliit’that friiifstsi (Ipi Urn ■ rprise, not to say the trickery ot Pros- 1' 1866; on-a word, it ia revenge for , aXMfcn1 tt tiny jot their country, known, at present, pi andj natural develo] Russia most long r the miitSin; pqint^qj one jf the first two or enspire. State of fi8arffis^w*p*w»: orVtigoe.KlUi, pop iiajjon.. ^•Atlvorl _ liniaUitt special rater which can be-Meortatoad- te question. If the BepnbUoJaiallen it !dttito*»t«K<»:a*< |»SrdCSwlnxQareh lately‘on to the Bbino, and»thus cou- d the greatnesanf Prance withits own. ie earth trembles under the ftetef Jta Ml* b- because the nation chafes.and ««r the^ttatne; «qddft dt^KqUkilWktQt! s Marshal Nielaiatea, the only Saropeah alls'r ^AhlfjO -^rtKrl-iv^ vHv>i s&m&w Xbe Sialistical Central Committee ot the u-sian Jlinistry of the Interior hag recently finished tGe official resiilts 6f Ihe ialeSfe^n-. l*vg j 'araycM Ixi I dj,o.»idi Florida—a ante-secea- a hihUMtiaUte Jsefe^i,filia?fm taSon, • -in lettersdafedr UMc4#> u Dw>«St‘»Ml*WW'. J I IruAityitiCV Blinds and Doors^ 5®B2lafUjt r; 'dsjrfi ^I.PAINTSrbtLS-fitM^t ’ 'PAimSIK' ANrMIfiAZIEBS- TOOJA . aiiXKO PAlNTS O^ XlO. COIaOKS AMD ; ?«« ,Wi ?«" lf * Wbi d; lW , i; -- I House 1 and Signed Painting. 1 Ho. a \VntUA*r 8u. Coracr ur B«y'fcn»« “ t i(e below a few hgnrsiyAUtt'fpHo the at f‘ d population of ihA^tiiPeSbire, win indicate its - present lfOMirtimt,' itsjrap [0fft h, and its rank anapng, Jho nations ^ earth. Tnese fignrcf are we]l worth t . inhnaiilerattOm. ." f* ;l .smy trots jfe gktb IQ . q.£ to laOiaaa uurflfcis., +1 ppssihUy by war if neces8|ry» i^Yes tha Witwhojl tof^itel 1 (loverument has * line otpolirics bw« ! *pl*i w faglmhatmBnr wUMhwJBww* Wt ' hy »nd ! Hi kiiow8 well that when it awn* ot wT uo^s-tboee yrinciplew thhFreuob peopjajln AdZrtly abandon t%.ta return, as it abandoned, tlje. ige'por- Bop»bena, tho Orieanlsts, and ^ven the Be : ImiBIhBt '{>uplioJ- And this is why Sncopq tsaot WiBk UpeeOhr t&lUtfsIS. 1 s " • g:! -' .Umzji tit 'V u a tMiaomoa to tltow seoitfo'a srlT . ^dali^tv ata *1>iih) uX ^ yj^ ! ' s * •-dei'ag s y, fc, 3l . t4dT , ao .,^ £t " 9 UPt wnTH'O ^ ,»isM ; 'tic total areamf-Sliwi/ ,sw< r 32 ‘fft;#9re l m l ilMi; So' iteaf rfgga*ss<Sjg Rulaod, with 145,BOr'e^uBre-mfleSj‘ Ta this:.aid cdculatiou the lakej^Jpftol^gWM. ;, : AIto* Ihr immsi 4hfW9g$S is. The-greater portion.- 'f#P . Earojeafi 5J|fc* therefore would bean imtueniio.empire^ exceeds in >-■ . our Union, which 193 square miles, nu.10 ,oc ,y this Union, inclnaive of the territories, HHUtit eiceadit by about TS^Cffsauara mttes. * But H?™P? an portion-ortne empire, in .i-iiu, tsubsuvliyft ed in 1863, 5,740,330 squarejinilts, that is, 1 tract of laud doable the 'size Uldfcai&Kjei aud since . thetf-grtttP Hal European Russia. ,p»sn Rnssta ia 1,1 iis must be added,.tp_a .,land, with 47,985, and at oK*ou ■ap^m/Cma^ia 1 > DBtBfiOwAfc^.PjENGLE M *r BENTI8T, - • --1 I oTthe dela'ded'colored people; imd : pJirtly' ,now, because shahnowa thia aa welhi ■ »^#Tff^K<MHIu T 13f r uAA.V(j«BoirMic4lf« 2fc>j because France hah.-been the-viOl t tiffid th , 0 ,; iiias£dTy"over-ns; they' seemed lived to retain that mastery byuaakiogi ^ : ATtt>* t. ilTer finropcan HaS3i.'cdniawgi'1i|ierefo|e“ : square miles. T _ „ _.. — __ t tnts is fertile dabd, cnpitrle-hf' mlppOTti»%= t dense popnlation. EuropeafiTt!i^b3y ; 9^^ : extent the, thirty-seven StatVs ot . tVftiB " ‘ 11,832,-- 'nn-vfi ymsax-jc ycl 0004! fan bio edl a ri sdl .(liv.ynu 000,7'.: 4S«-J ia I 'n.5tCrj mi 1 Ixitj Jl J, I JhiwraWfiss State Hlovern&ebt'rao odious thabc«ai niwEIteTnaiffrom tho North or etae- i(in;- lhnt she,will rise some day, when 1 all have found it expedient, and, when o t|flid«|«SM ia thafeoeof Jtgiaat, jOat dwithrirttw aslongas «.4mpj4m«¥ il in heri attenee; and before this rich. 1 nndant sonree is exhausted toe wholt S iUpe will Ua weak lrom tbe loas pf blo ese are weU- anown tocia, and ,-thie o OPPOSITE GULF R, «. DEPOT. TOBACCO WAREHOUSE ip ts*, Hit m c; i-a.y ;, 7 ■> , haxtou, cBtfws k:m j "’>-‘ ! j ' 1 Sitiai&* D x*rZ X M. n t - *. fortli Carolina jtn4; Tirginii i»wSSMfiirtlPftSBSft; y-to drugglswaml ^loetor»,Jtbq T . slice tnawWtMitaeriwWHni ***** r wtnch iaakStlieihworae-,.2 Wqtdd i te»tH^ttiittiWim*aTlo.t*an4irr < q. w " ~ '3 .1 J1 is aJiKrti ,. r'i'tlkarMV gniditoa tania'rfC «ivi Q d*rsq« to turn uuwo ton 1 b erfw fcaowtr^j si, . i f.ioo.-fi ‘,w ,oi(|- - tfoyiVvi Jsltuh. ... J *.:Lhet O rjtl,. r • iH bootob ni fqn 't*6i i-iWl-.T d i„ > iJ-srt'l C51J ip-r, E IN THE -> 1 bns .rivalt rhE States, IPH been made in the conqn^Sf ^f.Ttfidtf Tartary. Already a RusMaU'go.yvrqi Turkistou has been • organized,lorn khanates whichJtaye Jitjt'-i'jPJteMl rated with tno empire TijMfa.lJbCpftJ^wl^Iy dependent upon it. Their cntlra.aruteic-idjon ia generally regarded as bciog 4it)w«n|y 'Uie question of a few years. XhjS.^rrtjiDhrj%c- cordiug to the mo.-t lruatworUl5 : r<Jshdiaies, conlaius over 637,820 square ^nHeaj -audojx- cecJs by .about 121.564 .squ^S^wgt^c American po3sessfons''6f Ito&siajTrt^gt Wfte b;en sold to the United. States;: (Altogether Eus-ia may be said to c .aavtodthe'preitent day about 8,078.054 English squarti inite^ or rt »j UedJOi Li7j Farm argument with -taking forcible posaesstonrin which she has daVrbne of whom ! ho material interest.lo.agre* organi- |£qraft Bembte*ft Hitim#» t flwtrf, IjM.ihat wmld keen B6Fffr~ * k er& t! faetP r£y ;,fc.quu WWiI, ( eUe. wytdd iftjMffifear \gF#B*tte iffenwr Wiuw*at4>TOiwyigfli>t' itMpiMute^auie KwSBsSSE *"«# fiGhifS CJ J-jtof olqM-yq Ini'J fix lit fii .MUishn giuLi»3Hj.«j ii i r^uiii •niJiicq euofe^HAfe (bJic.;) ii;.p ■* «w^c*tw Uiuu ■’. > f TLir. *T3 *li "tT' r; I beatth, and afldUiee. <^r 0(7, cud wMQHrW«mMtl». egttt, moia or less -»t Jtliiil oJijy. ■ oid-anq ,djn.<fc adI<w <> *fc»il}B< c silt •Tqtto fcr d Sly . is,.there, Wflpt,>iip nearly three times the txtem>qfj%*’UMted Slates. i- - ' o i-rnc 0.-.".:.;Osatrt cs Russia in point of ciTeSPtfi i wfe-3‘f8Pab«W^ J say ciiuhtry of' the past of~ the-ptesmrf,. tffffi 4 . a lair prospect’ of seeing its. distance from: the next following jem?i^>denedS^bm: than lessened in tue iuture. The following list cf the great 'empires ot: lee world -jbhv im$ci BJA Iii Wtt li MM 1i tMlh^w iibW JSSnorf YT3T « 1o mmmm Tfti ■ r:^ t r»9b *»j- j i kisdtvSSfiit da trouble and spencajrt riptwi 'ou raise chickem yoil^tty fwenty aTg—five lot atch, five bdsmle'trrWwvHr five more ia at wid da pat and. nnk, .and when de five L tf es gto't«i-)-lS?4TiA© > 5l 1 Wl5 nabor’s pot, ndtotoat cvst><to.t9d you eat? More dan le mnkeLHfelnanM^B'ytiB m cicken 1 now fuii^ize widoat speute*®^^^-' or, close and yoh ^>aw, vote i mmycrack, AdOhrfciVoP-'aUf 'oeMaa.ticket vidout ft&id of ah^'ii^&iWM^ot p want-.-been nake you 6lave-a^MS.' ; l®^(?ot nuff uf puy wo thousand dollar, for adellah dey kin git dr twelve dollar a tndntan feed hisaeU” ut Vlc.'cbneludhd witfc-towiae.abate of .Uis give an accurate idea of Re relative position t. 1 Russia, 8.078.054 squarJ imK;6 ; , 2: 'Uhina, 4,677,347 square, miles; 3. British Etupire,. 4,42l), 134 square milS; A.Uplted'^StHtes-twrff ttie unubry pqKmj&AhremAlusSul 3,4i^j ; 749 square-milesf-o. :r Bru*i|-, \f,23lll r A tqtiara miles,-6 Turkey, 1,!M3,460 aquttib miles. Ot these, the British Empire: *nd- Turkey are Certain to be dissolved ere long, fur their hererogyneous parta.toan. Serves bts .monlriE^i inio the- homogenehris 1 , uolbf'qf^ee naitoujt and Cotnajday jiyelf their fate- The three remaining” S'al^e Rassia, the TPBTied ritates-iBH .Dt^zilpBeing virtually consolidated in point ot,nauqnality, aud growing rapidly and stbadi'y in point of' ptipulstion, seem', thdre^rre; deatitfed-Kr be“ eome the leading,nations of 4H r ,HsfTiI| q-iSffi are likely to expand at - the expense eUthiiautt weaker neighbors; bet Ilassla ' iS .paritaac ahead of dls-two-rivals rthst -il is at least highly improbable that it. wijl be unseated from 1I10 fl«l ranlr m nolnl of ovoo ‘ ' ■* <*fT JH9i-U'Hi*ly4tL I., j‘,7 rV*h*qsb ,Mjive aorce sJj 1, ibllglil! iovM'tbs’hoiai- dtfIjpiod-'by >iBUid-: toe ; anU rattl^^llbrk of atfct&u&on occom- . \^ CA fi |i in Si ova* orb dairf <r ga&it n fit tim', mnseqaenee of this vBrU'lhiklih 'iiifSabUiaHjmt uai^yrma^fatt.ta ifffllffj. bjj the .dsjtakte ^RSasaiSM mtd year^uttde^.iy^g^ was only oq an average, dent., now averages“& ■****—* -t'.'-'.o'U vnwvi.. MA URIC EHA CKEfit . ... . AW>.g aoice 0U4 J,; ru , [H0dB«}BiTHn,.iBn)*8 ?m MWh 9^ tm .CATS, UOYKMDgR 3QTH, XtiaV.'for the pnrpoae fyrovfiffijy l: w*VX-a*aa lb>lt litT «d) lo ioatnoqBorioa^o,noi?_ ULNUR IliPi .^SSb monopolists'af*^ ahtC otfaahlonahla - dreaa, .■mhfwHfraftfcmrinotoJ .I^q. oivldca into yuq,OJto ^L»rea qt. iri sad »Jii tl I ...... .XhiV-v-asone wnv?» r.i, 0 UNITED gfEATi ilifld litii d< BflUtBSUll II<*B0R B£^ .“'.AGENT FOR BININGER, -, 7 -wT•*•.•-' *bultsei Oiaalrtf .oiCiiia jo . »mo—Ay wyar filDR %tKET SQ£Afe*. ■must, of:neoeouy.piwlnai todr,W|tt(l>*»to »***, j** ta * 1 ** ttm «? «»*»««*ntmuwor.BHavi Xl ata nWdAWfflWafbanf, hhbaiurao.otkrl, rpavfu- ittrft Mtvljmtl T’r-ni'l niaan iiimfimur hiii. dehb^dattu^towjmeaan.unwtliln* anbjectotmea-. lcirfrjattment:; Thl» w fcrn *< tratnmi; pletaie of the expertof Tkocifeidadff crf onP Mtut woman. ' ;iT lantcell > ,SfSL:„'i thig£gl»& r e*ri|*b* 1 4»el rcqhtre ail odqeatoam theirpeedBar'ierroas system. esmpbtM y>r whu ta catted, the tUsao, which is, in common with th* hoesi ihis.traces, his ch*iris,' everything of iron—ia-jieceis 'tojiaak eapMSona prioeq fu ied 'tdsttb Sodbars —Baton Houya A.iiuiH.atc. urtT—ATelfferTo^iieiliteW. Lember 7, sisipt of ihein<l*6^.,d‘v*" in 11,j !-■ to il-jliii'-j ajj la ,i,aoyj*i ALLOWED TO RPI.D. MORE IH ““‘"“.T'/WSt# 1, Strhet toward his house,- accompanied by- Mr^ F:W.:COHKVif£I.L, jOOwv his potatoes, hia hay, pul vege country ($300,000,000, of it) i*exjjr£ purposely so arraogad aa .lq- mako i richer ..and .the poor poorer. , Upc three. Jiuudred -,mUiipBa gf papery sued bf the.Kaup.nal bapk* ; Qpyeriu aai arranged us taws -ihat a profl banks, of flueenpefit^ftt. o*^tain(, 4+eftear i t »xa*y.-0v»'PPr. : yyi t. ^ jp, times-OiirlyqietfCept^rWlpcJt toe^.di the laborer, the. poorer maqufaiolpjfe enable (be b aefcjBHUWtilish}4fUF» enormous profits. ‘; jiz'utor tyffca aii -TAgaimpirie x*riflr |US« ..firmgbb heavily even the.Tu.xniiqa,'ofewg.fl *JOgR."S , "ton^tertrt 1 tmefer^y; n T3AX“TS If.5i»i3 tfm i;aih|iiro * . , V rtw iiOihUr-1 -wi!, lie’? tiniBAlT MREUOa MWWUHj ” szasrm&m •* tjz Adding the iabebitunfk yf' thf {TOUniliM,i^ late anntxed-in. .tientral-Asia,jUip iPflgffijpt Empire has now a-' population"' of: neatly eighty millip^. v»*d In point ojUpoptuatTon Russia^opgi^qO^t occupy as burn ajcitSk~as-in- point of-w»?i- tory. It is in tfls^respect of rhe first st»te“-^tfi*^Guiac'e rmiuSci BT . 450,000 000, and the British empire, with about 200,000,000, precedft^P'jK^^Pf* TOO i^tU, tfa PruUpma and Bearing Jtcri. we offer the mostpez&ct \iw»<*sto tfi *, sigo* sax ... .-r*-iJiii ‘i .sTJaii to toisav and drawing a W iusl Uti 0 A cl lid, I4.-XI one shot; soiflflm jihe^uistQl juimpcfa auoisd to >iJ0T u dauiw .uVc-:a j~Ti: viiiolutdfc aoi JOB PRIN^ING OFFICE, isXislf? ceewsAI r- . mediately dashed. sition is scire to improve. T Caipa is elready so. dense, il room for a ritfra tfaceeasei • and in the JBfitish^^pije^Ui dissolution increases with th ulatiou. - In Russia, on .’the is room for an immense addi nlation; and with' lheinOT» the consolidation of thc eiui responding cUatree-HW'-crar; >MEEIiBOLDS tJh-<v>h t. - z Valok&m vim j-j: WP'Xaft ,.-(40 £ Dragglstsv as..yef-dei»«.p<(r dn—m, -audZ >‘ysia.'«nd 3& parcent-ad yainrejn. .■.r :u ^ ' * l AHetage^ if. JUxi (BitofeJl861the duty ad valorem.) »io* : ' WAmigM go thTongh •Shbwnp thesd ioeqnalitii where making the rich — -itot»m»7-aud Whihttlara, .therefore; -in ishiog (tMParhatoadwq^TJmd. redui Mtow’huilon of panpera.-.;5u-v :,'f— r.m ai Would that wo canid go tfilfl Mlfftt: A A 0 oi Jl at IO.WT ■aztU el: a, zn,, .- 4 j ,«C4aJU:7 WW | 043RM3E»OTTN*I '' EXTRACK'vGI 1 j3i9my£floC> iiiy ^iTloWT I a eaiBQ Uluilool toUral vi..Jiv*ij3J m «.r ( i^MPaps^S: r’ cl * M .< o b f-.w adiiijj'au J utsok 4 !•*«'{ oil* ai •■tffaJi Ji nastc-K^lo fbt, beet UACHINE BALE HOPE, infscmrera'-whnleeale prlncs ington letter says. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY Uhdrawinr some timi '3iiouew qoi [fiMriWMjenw was not with. Irfalibm—'I^’sekms that dnring tbt . -slio! ; in hq was lul casian provinces, admit of a dense popula. tion. The growth of -pdpulatiotk. ia. Ubtije s j rapid aa in 'some of the Eutopean coaq tries, but it already exceeds ‘somb^and if thi govt rnmeatshould in fntme be m cesalul tnamThasTieen -itrthe pset- tratiou, he aatnallytwi J nrldvilt a*;> jx; finUUihOaa the crSdfest: H&JTOa hnrried off to Cheyf- r^irmohtf duties wapa^onnU-SStto eoneau pot a stop to gossip. Thejp^hsi tskeir lroiu thB pcoOnidligirtfetOit On fsilroad itnn th* dnty ill SO greet 1 the. dnty ia ao_great that the SV 4»w^4d.f»r < to» 04'J »l ia, eoon t > 1 counS- ■tw«w >. roan -tnl Conservative at heart, and is already sick of the Radical- compajAhe is compelled to keeh-' The reason he'dMMnptoranim here is that The following (able illustrates the mov& meut of population siff Rnsshv H»:fip.nipwtp with the principal Slates of Europe: J. t s :4* Ct t- Belation T i a-i lahAliitints Inhabitants biribs^ai i STAMPING f . tft ti/oajiA» y.taisi7r-Ki^ *IG4 «7 «aui7rj A-VS .O* a.:V.l, /f. revrlin oil gwem« m i: jEv.^r-t; 'acturqrs ot the conn wteioiCoeBWitpi: ‘LjIU M nnhvii to 1 deatN. unable* w [r» anoidt hmjnshs l olst wallatacsvih. mo MAfeON, QA H. SIEEDy - ipaier, AlmboLdt’^EJOract ,M) a run Lira L lative number of than in any other 1 TI&kTI ;es in thaSonl : defaulting 1 JUA*re layied upon,; a family of eight, c •mucbtrayqa Isurfol ©TElSWStOSAIrBI'nraiBli •-*>». nimerfi U ahi ,j Kite France, but below. England (where tbt centage of iqAmQviis Rassia, Iria and Spain. The stabiliiy cent history iff MANSION HOUSE, _ T war ion in Dasiness. leeislfy oi lJ,Kv t Odw 'JHyrittr itjAbi; * owhewik Austria and Turkey ai to a great extent op tl is favorat itv>' Lcs of nati n-t !■ iAtW -[i£4,x fc^r o*a* MnoiZ e,ma..,i: tHUhWK ■T.a | « n r.rf iU tha concomiUt ffr-t Bf ■«irBjKBrm?nfS:rtw itier is a co' Armenians iva uj )„ 7 * *i %4 ' tift «. A. WALLACE, i"» ?rr.^3 Germans K Georgians 8C Tchtrke«atns_. ^Bt . The absorption isaooo 5C W0 41 000 iew xoikr for i ag; the amount inter. * “U— trjca wo YTvCl *nT j ,nc * ! “Planchette atoauu by u*u uj »“W'- -■»■ ■ ■ -w» - - gres5ional Cocniiiitteej--a*-per the encli notice '♦****e w»4 k..tV 2a tore made: the ched^payaMe to non-I us- epech ite ihools is LtCIE SEOROy BV AiUELy” ; PRICE a* CBNX8.' i b, ^ 3 *ar> • iaafi hti&it Jra,; j. 4 AliIBAN: A Sequel to “Ariel.” Price 25c. THEjAQ»mip'pj^.'ilPAw'|SL t “*.4e4 m NACHASH : WHAT IS IT ? Price 50c. A fortber supply of the above works lost lecelvc* ■ Cornier Bay and Barnard street*.'. i caw a-:fliriT"- n&Tfrd. at-' is li V-1.I f rLto 2-yrra, ^ -2 T .~9X**i.saf »7»4ir'«fHITT' JbC4^a» ^ Drug and Chemical Warehouse; ^ iiduTA Hil it'Idl-: X?ifl^7l7lL4V-(3 j "Je iLftewm SEW TOR*. m j ^ . in -female JshawmatXs. prgr, ™ ®103jy3iHio n 4^ « s^ssrdssSKAw;??:: s; his bootlace, and then suddenly bounc- En up buns Ks head Violently; IntQ the poi uach of a pedestrian psAymg by,' lfk sends.hitn head oyer heels. Contede- % a s then peuooe upon their vicliBl fleece Lo of Jiia mnnpv. firtS ** ’ in pi-6ces9~0f nbsnrplion gn ept Blair,: inians tnd in abi sad ■1V iMMI <">»»■ a r-yji leive to -srtf- the real enate n ——of,Samuel and Cbazto tod ho ihsuripction could be more‘ill-advised than j® Polish. ^Onlya EuroDean coih biua : .-.OUS to* Rnssta; and, Tif farted fjfi?SSSi a case, Russia might lose its Tolisii and German provinces, with a population of Horn* an BtaaUe unless done np In stael- -r ! ,'...' ; eepttr—tewam* Ban mi •and -aotrrtD xu amv Six or seven millions. Beyond this, the na-