The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, September 19, 1868, Image 1

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/i I POL. 4-NO. 222. (®WS & HERALD. —- .3)1 I CM GEORGIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. PRICE, 5 CENTS. PUULMHED US J. Hi i l 111 BAV SfllKBi'. S AVAN NAIL, «A, , TERMS : tiy sews and herald .....;$io oo NEWS AND HERALD....^;..*6 00 angi* OKpW:.»4. -s -iifiwa. A.JiScents.: / .. ratks or advertisiiic; ' 1 4 SQUARE UtemmeasuredUneapf Nonpareil , the 8E* B kSD Hebaij >- A pV£BrlfiElIENTS.—FliBt Insertion, $1 00 Further Particnlars of tie late ferri- rr S.J!.We»ialer. 1 , r iquira; 6SC ' J subsequent insertion. 76 cents per i" ,ra - i *1 • : ! . ‘ ■ 11i w -.liif ertlsements for one month or longer wUi iAt special rates which can ba ascertained State Electoral Ticket. FOB THE STATE AT LARGE : Qen. JOHN B. GORDON, of Fulton. Hon. JOHN T. CLARKE, of Randolph. ALTERNATES I Gen. W. T. WOFFORD, of Bartow. T. M. NORWOOD, of Chatham. ' foR the districts: JOHN C. NIOirOLLS. ol' Pierce. Col. OHAS. T. GOODE, of Sumter. 1!. j. MOSES, of Muscogee. 4 A. 0- BACON, of Bibb. jiajor J. B- GUMMING, of Richmond. i H. p. BELL, of Forsy th. ■ Col. JAMES D. WADDELL, of Fulton. alternates : . l J H. HUNTER, of Br&olfs. wji. (j. FLEMING, of Decatur.' ’ \V D. TUGGLE, of Troup. [) r '. HENRT WIMBERLY, of Twiggs. 5 cen. D. M. DuBOSE, of Wilkes. 1; GARRETT McMILLAN, of Habersham. r Col. V. A. GASKILL. of" Fulton. DlSIORBlSCES IN THE SOOIETT IsLINDS.— Hie Society Islands are reported to be the seeniMj! ‘-important politic:!! disturbances,” which sum U P a 'i follows:.. Tae—King of llidiiue, after a temporary imprisonment board a French ship, where he was com- ivlle.1 to sigu a new treaty with the French Government, went ashore, and was imme- mtt'ly'imprisoned by bis own subjects, who revolted, and cnose another king. There is njerious ditlleulty in Tahiti .between :the Governor of that island and the members of the Protectoral Go Vermont. The dispatch,., br-tlie by, conveys the curious information IU! this Governor, Emil du ia Roncitre, convicted,of. soma criminal offence in IS, and sentenced to ten years’"imprison-' m-ut, bat, by the iuflaence of his brother, Ibis sentence was commuted into the Gover- mrsaip of the Society Islands. Business of li! tiuda was entirely suspended in Tahiti oa ,uct ot ilie poinidal* EtlistAfbaucee; i anti iteEut-lish rosidenls wore said to be fearful | they would be obliged to leave; but there is ui„ra real cause -for alarm in the apprehen- that these Society Islands may ba offer- ej ijr sale to Mr. JSew.trd. FROM SOUTH A 2GIG!AM J HOZd i) alip^, as the shocks of earthquake oessent. is , The Unitid Stain ntnsmnr BotohifiiattjMafc ““ "Wuai , we merit have fojwaided stored addTuntti to'rk- la addition to the dor tali tyatlqniqne, lieye the present necessitidobf' Hte srafferAa. have tq record the death 6t Dr. Rockingham, How tie Calderon has given «liberal donation of Cities were Levelled to and Ships JJashed^Ki^eja 0, and ME Henry Meiggs, the Ameri- ^Mineral Thousands Crushedy browned and. Swallowed Up 1 .; * Desolation and Death Reigning Supreme lelga THRILLING SCENES AND INClbil^S. IT We j furnish onr readers to-day With-an’ad ditional feast ot horrors—8jiH iurther particu lars of the terrible calamity in Rcqartoyjand. Peru. . When it is understood that what we publish is Luba mere irajclion of the) migery and death Hcapsed by tlijs fearful dispensa tion wbicuan all wise Providence - has seen fit Winflict on the people of the countries mentioned, onr readers will be able to form a faint conception of the extent of this wide spread and awlul calamity—so- irtfFdt as to have no parallel in the history of modern times. Whole cities and towns in aofi Ecuador, with, in some cases, nearly all their inhabitants, have disappeared from the face of the earth. The estimate of,the number of lives lost, so far as heard from—ninrf from 1 many mountain towns there his, vis. yati. been no tidings—is 30,000 to 60,000,- and, the. loss of property is set down at not less than £300 000 000 1 ■ ! 1 x The following diagram girds the felsitlve positions of the main towns and cities affected by the earthquake, and exhibits the coast diagram, diverge from the .regular Andes chain, and approach the Pacific coast, from the Southern part of Peru* tii- the Oavribea sea. iBoth Ecuador and Peru are mountain ous countries : i>. .'. ga~:.j. can Contractor ot the Arequipt railroad do- nated an equal snm.Gb be distributed as fol lows: $20,000 for Arequipa, $10,000 for Arica, and $10, OOOffor Iquique,- and- the-balance for otherports. .••jia i-tiiio The principal part of Arica was destroyed by the first shock of earthquake; the" sec ond completed ..the work of destruction.— Numbers of persons who could 'not get out of their houses were crushed to-death. The loss of life is very great; the. earth opened in many places, ancr the shocfcft-srere'cOotitP- uatly repeated fdr upward of eighteen hrfore. Tte town is 1 ‘totally in -ruins. -The wife of Ueateuant Gcinmander \y. L. Johnson, of the Waleree, was kUled by a piece of timber "lling : ton her, while with her a husband in le^treetsot Arica making theirescape- .u OF UIEEIfliS CmZlKS and seamen lost 1 . ‘ loss on tbe FredohTa are : iffis'l'-fireP is^su’gss^sss^m veil, J. H. Hunt, Rudolph Bagstecte, as3chrave8,and,,Gt»rgo Beiwler.^tw-, Sylvester Huggins, August Alullor, Juane, John Lambach, John. Smith, 8 id—-George W. Du Esmeralda j*, oo oo 6o' oo ECUADOR ■>ii ,0: 'I I- j.llvj. I. oo oo .: oo : Cape Blanco oo oo oo oo oo , ‘ o 00 ’ 1 * Guayaquil ... oo ’ : oo : oo o : oo oSliRH l A oo oo i..;i ii.- i i ST*“ M Pbistsr's Political Glob and inn Sep- nuiiEii Session —1 Vashlnyton, SAutciubcr 13 -Tuo Priatirrs’ Gran: ancKJolfax Glub of this tiij-Imva issncil a letter, to Mtjaers. ffel Mil Mor|an urging thb call Op a ^issf r,Tinr<wn on tin ‘!l,t. for reasons stated". Tk-y say iliat anareby must ensue, and that S-.iiuoarand H air will certainly carry m- Sjutkia Suites, unless a session .is held They prelend to have information that it ] Congress Coes not assemble the President will remove Generals Meade, Thomas, and j C'auby, and put officers in accord with Dem- ocritic views in .their placos. The letter is replete with alarming ideas, just such as tiiebean used by Southern Radicals, and bears unmistakable evidence of having' been inspired by the latter, who are most anxious loustssiou.—0. K., in Baltimore. Sun. ■ • ' The printers want woik. When Congress is in stssion, they have money. At other lures, cone. - - $ li OO •Y- OO oo : oo « oo. * >.'i ; * oo j • . oo . : oo -.-a , i : oo. , V . w ;. : * Truxillo oo * i J.i it i j r. 1 ‘^PERlP li t oo i iiu»<t Ui: Ati OO : oo : oo ' • : oo * a. : oo • : oo : oo Callao: * ? J4m# ii j oo oo. oo • •' oo - ; : oo •:* - oo ■ : oo : 7 oo >92 )uty. commander; W. fcwolaj Oiiatles ILeville, Sbe is a ils art le mole wiU bavc to can be of-service. Iq before they Mr. Scott, and Mr. Kaerton/ The Pertivian 'Company-of Londotf is totally 5 dtf- -1 A i. kiih 1 " 1 a 1 — . 1 -A* - end 1 a m Rtroyad. 'After months erf labor, and ira- mense expenditure of money, the milling companjr, after being at Work-only two days, had their works entirely washed away, up ward pt fdhf hundred tons of silver ore, heavy machinery, bottlesof quieltsiiver r .were alt 'washed away Hke so rimeii thaff. At Ohancay Casma and Huarney the same phbriBmena Of the Mde- took' pl*ce. At the former port a large - quantity of merchandise ; In the town’of Rbco-dearly tWrty houses- have lalleri-in mine; The sea inundated this {dace arid nearly destroyed evciytbiug. - • In the-town of Canete ■ eonsiderable dam- waa sustained. > l. population is sad and. -'melaocholy ia the-el- treme ; the losses Sustained to their proper ties and their bodies is the least of their suf ferings. The 1 panic,and terror whidh pervades the people baffles all description. A reptli- tion of the earthquake, with alf its attendant horrors,, ik momentarily expected. Tt is nn- possible y et tO tell which of otrr volcanoka is the-'cause 61 this disaster. ’ Tbre Gakeittitodh! bas-fiot received ikformatiori Concerning its extent and duration. As yet we’have only beard from the villages sod towns iq the im mediate nsighborhoodofthracity. 0 t -The: portnf CerroAznl ia ..almost ruined by the inundation ; the-i shock.: felt heK«..w»? Lidi^t. .-jjs fmjt , bu. ,„j w , i -w nf Cerro Aznl is almost ruined a HUANCA.VBLIOA. From Hoancavclica no definite news has been received; but reports: say tbit all tho cities in. that -department have.been de stroyed. Cerro do Pasco is in ruins. The loss"of Efe-siid property, in the mining re gions is reported very large.. From Puno and Cuzco we have no tidings yet, but it is feared the news from ,these cities will be qottehs sad as any yet received, as the mo- tton of the earthquake seems to have oome from the .direction of these places, he com ‘ ili iliams, T. L. Du t Jansen. Wa'eree lost but one sailor, tda half inshore. number killed in Arica was not’known, calculated at 200. Among the killed Charles L, Worm, manager .of the and Tacna railroad. The loss of "prop- immense. The custom-house enn- 15,000 packages, valued at $1,800,000. Terrpr, hunger, and desolation reign su preme. There is no building habitable left. The customhouse, railroad station, post of fice, hospital, churches, the fort of Saa Joke,' all are gone—even to the trees. Np one is seen So the streets saVe-now and then a ptr-, son lookiog lor spaUs, or some, relative fon a dear lost one. ,, ,' f '* . DOWNFALL OF ARrquLPA. I . , AI correspondent'. of the -Panama Star .Writes tbns of this city, which is located miles inland : .n, city was completely destroyed by an uake on the 13th instant—not a church standing, not a bouse habitable. , The commenced at 5.20 in the atlernoon. osted six to seven minutes. The houses, being solidly built and one of the sisted for about one minute, which gave time for the people to rush into the middle of the streets, so the mortality, althoagh consider^ able, is not so great .as might urvo been cx pectect. If tbe’-eartbquake had taken 'place at bight few, indeed, would have been left to tell the story. As it is" tte f*lsqhbrs,la the carcel (public prison) and'-tha"'isck--ii» the hospital have perished. , The earthquake-commenced with an undu lating movement, and as the shock culmi nated no one could keep his feet ; thehouses The course of the earthquake was fropa south;to north, varied with repeated shocks from west to east; the .difference in ; time of the occurrence bet ween Islay and Cbafa, dis tance one hundred and f.Vrfy-five miles, was abbut ten minutes. ‘ ' •' “ '• ! ' THE ClTr OF IQUIQUE. Almost tile entire city of Iquique has been swept away. by tfie .waves. Tue offices of saltpetre at Hollo have suffered considerable loss, and Molle is completely destroyed. , Thb potts of Pisagua and Mcjillom-s no longer,.-exist.,: .The. important towns.of To-, rata, Locumba. and Sain a,- as w.ell as PocoN lay, Galana, and Pacbia, have .lost the great- tauts have had to remove to a distance ;ht leagues. reat number of towns in the Province ebas have likewiso disappeared, and’ (he capita! itself has suffered severely. Couutiug duly what is known up to t ivil e.xtends over SUMMARY AND. INCIDENTS. . On the I3th instant,'-betvveen *:66 'p. m. and 5.30 p. ml,-an earthquake, that in differ ent places lasted from two- oo seven, minutes, oscillating from Bomb to .northeast, ■ was felt with general consternation and fright in’ a ra dius of aix'ecn hundred ‘and' seventy miles from the port of Casma, in Peru, latitude 9 deg. 10 min. south."up to Cobija, in Bolivia, lautnde 13 min. 17 degi * ■ K'v tiY -V'l A ‘-••There is no tiadition in ..the history ol Peru of a convulsion pl' this extent, .dnration and ravages; because in this one not only the movement of the arid the consequent fire caused destrfuctidni but also the sea, re tiring to extraordii ary distances, returned on the coast at-the rate-of ted mites an hour and with a wave of fifty l'eet- high, that covered the towns and took away in-its refiux every thing within its power; leaving big ships high and dry. •: • • • ml i... In all the southern-ports, np to Gallao, the ravages have been caused -by: the double ac tion of earthquake and sea. In Callao the convulsion did no damage; 1 not so the sea, and more than the last, a lire that occurred at the Came time. The places where the convulsion were, felt the most have been : -Arequipa, 1 that is fifteen leagues inland, arid Moqnegua, at ten leagues distance. The first of these cities is close to the volcano called “Misti." and-the second close to the “Dbinas.” -Tacna-and lea, dis tant lrom the sea six Or eight -leagues, have suffered little in proportion to the others. © natea no oue uouiu Keep ms leet ; menonses preseut. the evu e.xtends over in hundred leagues in its greatest length. More tkan three million persons have re ed Without shelter and without bread ip iquenee of Ibis horrible catastfophe, and wi*lf difficulty shall we find in history an ia- etaube of a calamity which has embraced such dti iinftieuse extent of territory. • - Tfie Governnient omits no effort nor sacii- fice pf aDy- kind in order to alleviate the sad situifion of those unhappy beings wounded at the same time by all the plagues that can tormeot’poot human na-'Ore. -■ ,n The Minister ot Josi ice has - gone to the, South at the head of a-commission, and the amijunt invested the present, including the remittances in mom y, and what has been ^pe4t in the articles being remitted, amounts H millirm nP /Inlbirs . en and the crash of falling maaoory;.tbe upheaving of the earth, .and theskdsods o£ stone, with more lhau . f. .. . « . ©li nnHilniu.Kifanlo nnil fh-it-hi.l almann brw.n MwHUlpg mm blinding dust made up a aceue that cannot be described. ■ nil a-oa ottn w io We had nineteen minor, shocks the same: tugftt. and the earth still continnes in mo-. Herring the daacn'ihrc* utPutn. '©a-firif _ are boried alive as.certain death must have been tbefate of all those who mere pot able toget into the street. 1 . , ■ ,..., The earth has opened in all lhe plains around, and water has .appeared in various Plates. Arequipa: * oo loo tmu Yslay: * Mosqaegua 2^ -ii THEtolal number of United States sol diers interred ia the National Gsmoteries is S23,000.—ExcTia nge. That ia, it bas cost a \yhite. citizen’s lift} foyj eveiy negro’s vote in the country ! With, what horror3 will not a ruffian rule familiar* izs us I Think of the broken hearts'"and pining children! of the mountain of debt/ and the rum of trade—and all iri order that- long-haireJ, slouch’-hatted, lank,, lantern 1 jiwed, slab-sided, bilious, dyspeptic, hatch- et-pAted, fft e-loving carpet bagger may go to Congress to represer^L-a c^nstitu^ic-y^wUb skins not half go black ns hi| feyDoing heart, and a district wirh‘ wtncli h r K 1 acquaint ed as ol the moon All in the Family.—An attempt was re cently made to lyuch a fellow in Kenpac^y | ^ r - i IMUUti .. Coast lirjL * Towns. U_ oo 512° oo YJo: oo X.ocnixibia: j c.ftoo < Tacna: * oo : ^ 00 Arica t ♦ ' J oo * oo cM' oo oo ‘ - *" Isqniqne: * oo toil -r Oil/JO - • a *i : oo Cobija:*^ oo ^ 91 j£: r.v ^ a i£ ^ mm . nndar Pisagua:* ,total destruclion of the port of Cbala by an earthquake which occurred on the 13th Inst, at 5 P. M., the havoo continuing tor -about forty-five minutes. At the moment tbe steamer was about to anchor, after a shock and of i he company’a.hplk at anohgrf in the roadstead, and then returned at a height of about fifty feet, covering the-rocks about the anchorage and in tbe harbor, and sweeping t well From files of papers from the Guiding Star, the Vessel bringing ttie news, arh’gltUiH ered the following particulars ; W AkiU rout we uake. ohil- DESTRUCTION'OE s he is Witji, the maguetis P?i e I X wrUe^de7tfa/'Bha°do ; w^eat Brooklyn Aigus. .,dktief. Arica no longer .exists. At abi five o'clock in tbe afternoon of the 13th" were visited wi^ a treumndqps .earttal' had barely time tcr'getr my wife and .S.'S K vJord.akthey'-wereblownoutaBiLthey wero (pit at me; at the same time the,earth J probably twef q| i .,1 , , 1 out dust, adfconrpameu ■ _- - iy as (of powder; the air ansas Cilv. coutd not see my wife, ouraged vrites a card, saying that it, was all a mis,, take; that she sometimes loiight with, her sou’s wife, hut never with him, and that it *A3 all in the family at any rale. in !S Vith was darkened, and I who was within two the children. If this bad lasted any time we must have been suffo- A TnoBouoH-ooniQ Radical iu.Kans^is City, . Ho, the other night, hired a buggy, and in Meet ol me wan company with a fooly wench, rode through lasted any “““t the city durinc the evening. Driving,to one I cated,,b«t an abipt a couple *a miputej it of the y mosi ^romS ^ioous," life whSfe Tol “l^ * driver alighted and got a dfiqk, leaving the together, I then started tor l h ebony lady to hold the ribbons.' *Rih for ! How -we* passed through falling houses. UranU . A negro boy about' tjve in this place,’ deVtfies fiat •enty lalf his 'wi nonth to the support of his former mistress, *ho has become very poor eineu tbe war,,l soil is utterly unable to support herself, lie says that sbe shall never go to the po.or- louso while he can work. All honor to tbe Uuble-hearted fellow:—Bedford ( Va.). Sentinel. when we saw men struck down, some stone dead, others maimed, is to me a mystery, but a merciful Providence was over os. We wendrd our sad way as well as yve, could to- If man stands as the firm protecting tree in ihe garden of life, surely woman is the flower—beautifying, smiling, diffusing ’grace Ground the home ia which she dwells, and ward the hills, with the earth shaking, mak ing us stagger as drunken people, when a reat cry went up to Heaven, “Tbe'SeS-hasr retired!”, I hurried.on,,abd I had,barely got to the outskirts of the town when ed back and saw all the vessels iu the bay carried outfiapistibly to^sea, prehably wittj utes the great^‘outward current stopped; then arose a mighty wave, I should judge about .. - • — Tearful fifty feet high,;and came in with, rfea folding in her arms the seed of hope and rtt9b, carrying everything before irilr its promise, with tender nature, until it is able j ma ji sty; the whoieof theahipping 01 to take care of itself. aw- me Coming Down.—Lookout Mountain, in TeuDessee, is crumbling to pieebs, And the surrounding inhabitants, fearful of Uarni, are flocking to Chattanooga for gaiety. A piece Weighing five hundred’tons was detached re cently from the top of the mountain. backiwiiGit, sdmitimas ltuehiig in obeli*. struck the mole into atoms, swallowed up my office as a giant’s mouthful, and roaring on-swal lowed np the qua torn, hopse, aud rushing everything ba- Coal —Ol the many million tons of coaf j prrdnced throutbout the fworMt aalfOaflffr ’ rnisW 1( England : fm-^shda”7o4,000,W)” 1 elates 35,000.000. Prussia aud the Z 20 000,000, France. 10,000;000; oil oiher countries the baiance, ’ fore it in its irresistible course. The remains r . r htxrr—my - _ ' but thanking God lffe. Jbad beenpreserved to A death-bed MAEBiAofi has occurred Lk-ni haTrynikV^l 0 ^^ Ohio. The bridegroom had been jnortally rnomon fe fell wha 7 6of£ptete§i 5 Eve^j founded in a drunken fight, but hia^ianoed I c -jxber. ^ a bP r 0 ° r bottom"npw*ra.“‘ The determined not to give him- op, and;came to | steamer America lost about ti8 bedride at midnight/ when the ceremony j ^^ty- . Phelan & Collender’a bliUArd tibia factory 1 ? Ne w York has been b.urpe&J,ibd fout hua- arednew tableg', wiffi'mat^Mi’dr-aV-Thfany Jiore, destroyed. Jbess «2Q0iQP0, v and, ttiK DESTRUCTTON OF CHA*LA. The steamship Santiago reportd the almost up into the town-for the distance of of ’ up to the (tore than two > a million .-off dollars. -•TUB CIfY OP-AREQUIPA. Arrqliipa, that was a braiuilul city, coo- 50.000 inhabitants, and that hut always been distinguished for tbe. learning and valor of its sons, was; completely overthrown by the earthquake of tbe. 131b. Without qxaggera- ticui-jyemav-sav.tbat not oue stone lias been iilgs resist, the first, shocks,- and' gave time talhe.inhabi^an'.s to escape to the streets and squires,, but.wus not sufficient to arrest the violence Jfuj, tenacity .of the earthquake; noljvilbBtLiHli.og, .tbe number of persons buried beneath, tbe ruins ascends Ho two hundred. Deueatn. tbe ruins ascends Ti)p shocks sfil} continued on the 16th. _ ^ , " "Ih ,,Arequipa, as in the other "places, the firs! sJ^qqk was succeeds!"by iii'any others, which continued without luterriiptiou ; the neigbborho6ds of Tfabaya and Sabandia and all the outlets of the heantiful city have shared her lot'. The Mi9ti,'a volcano in yvhoje lap the town w.isbnttr. Vipeued'on the side toward the'norlh, and threw forth earth and ashes ; thh water which the' -inhabitants used ttf drink has' turned black, - and- of an insupportable taste. ” • - J ■ ■ ■ * ,J - Moqnegua, au industrious city, whose ex- yilent wines have-been rewarded at the last 1,000 feet. The custom-house, steamship tw0 exhibitions-el London • and Paris, baa m.On nnri mrorut hmiT aritnin rnrrro „ . agency, mole, and everything within innge was swept away by three successive 86as, preceeded and followed by as many as' twelve shocks of earthquake, each lasting friun three seconds to two minutes iu diira- liofi. . t ' i .' ■ >< j - tl d tt *b- DESTRUCriON OF IQUIQUE, j Tbe inhabitants at 5.15 .P. M. were thrown into a state of oonsternaiioa by the approach of an earthquake, whose sinister,noise was presaged in tue usual way., Tbe shock was . . . — • - foundations on l reduced, the-same as Arequipa, to a tremendous and shook to the. foundations os the fock the most solid ^nildipgs.'” Immediately on the paskiog ol tne pnnci- pal shock, tbe sea raised, a wave to.', the height of "thirty feet, which" Invaaecrthrejopa- latiou, completing the work oi ueaUuctioii l»piyu.. »!ete a catastrophe which has no .pw-atlel iu , ;he annals of thd ]Weet Coa^ (piji(|*(^»e) Ha- struction of Callao in 1746. Not a mercantile establishmen^-has J!8- a fourth-part of the area built over ; ninety bodieshove been disinterred, from the ruius, in !he aoaatta; not m.houso, not an office, uol are nan. enclosure, has remained staud- | ;<iha crop hwtibeen .completely lost ; it Was not. worth less than a million of dollars. ..The fioarisbiog city ot Arica,. through which the,, greatest,;part,of our'commerce with . the neighbor)ng",liepublic of Bolivia flofved, and which was the moat picturesque of Our ports, after having been destroyed by the eartbquake, Was‘-oblHerated by the sea. There, as in other .townp, on the coast,, the w^ter, .after having retired considerably, tell with irresistible force on the ruins of tbe gs, andlias left a.sad and.silent beach ere.but fteborktima bpforo w'aB activity !%■£ ...i eaffi»'Afti8*W> - in the bay not a aiqgle.pnshas, c-c.^ped, Abo entire or captd, nor does a Vestige greatei.fpWffldHf ..tbeif’ craws'."having per iattea ); with tue excepupa of the SVateree, a opulent ssd handsome ^section of^tbe^ town- The massive trite merchants, mostly copslructedQt sloqe. and lime, have entirely disappeared; and md even the remains of their. whereaboits exist. Those constructed ;hf CthnhntifvW conse- r ently destroyed with greater < t many ins'ances were removed b .. The Joss of life has fortunately r great as it would have been hid renoe taken place at night,Tidf is | Lima Comereio af fwolbph^^A. , ’ TTniversal diafress pervades ev ,. .y here; very many : rei chants and other inhabitants tally Tuined; '"'.I. 1 ' I Over two hundred peraoi ong the victims are Mr: Billing ing-t’-fribly for-ivatrt of- wdtori ■ . borhood is entirely void of fresh was"solely dependent' fdr a supply ’; condensing works situated close. ( which were washed away complex and ,The losses at Arica"are incalculable ; only in' merehaudise deposited in the' Custom- houSii, there were ihbre than $4,000,000; the death's ataount to foofe than onffhuodrqd. In Tabbatbe losses haVd been ofless edn- t -i sideration, since only fwenly or thirty houses' sc* have fallen. •' * - - ■ . In Piscb tbe aca 1 ■ retired more than‘four haddred yardk, andatteii" o’clock at night returned with -fury; pifs-fiog-ita usual ’ limits more than cwd huudred -yards; aud Carrying iTb I with it-everything at -encountered; - various ■ stores oh-the heaoh’ -were completely de- stroyed, and the-mole very much injured in its lounclarions. t sidcrable. iIuGbinnha Baja.tbe stores full, of goods orlQadiug,:.ibe offices .oL.tbft steam.uom- fly andmiuiostnfi fhehowfl ^era destroyed .’ollbe.SPSiji;;. •>; 4 «rj ua kiAst* Zii In the guano islands tbe shock, was so strongjhatjffi q^ ^ouffi Remain standing: the sca a remained ,ws FJ ent ..... .. . -. . ere, standing on tne brink of] lOment we are.expecting a repe of the-13tb.- You ’ isjpwfiai nth is baAttrending—a com; '?®aaiiaawi , r worst is to. come, as we stilffeel slij shocks, and the sea.retnains i have , just beard that " Bierrp Huancavelica are not to be it eighteen thousand tnfiab; of.our a y c#the whole i ;ht tied.*' raryngapf .uls. A hlackbrrd that wa3 cafifehvand c»gSd-M L®yden, Mass., the other day, aad aitorWarcffi set at tod at nightVoSfts^fiumecAifcKe iises, A fellow with a very large foot'admplsf q! ed that a horse, had crusbed.-it,:.when a con:-1 a'derate friehd -remarked thRt the * Qal ntust Step somewhere, pj -a * i on the top of. the sea.and landed about aSMsSSf ^TSS: ilp,. waa. bottomtnipward; every TOuloa : periib'twL-exceptmffjffie capt|hi,-itur- jeon, and pasmealer, whO-AWie on shore : the" remaltSSbTahull ;fialfntHerxrew ;,6- ™ „JSS& HW dKto {SSmbsT- TOfiK* ol ateil •Quadron, a Perttyiaa toig,. was placed wailwav FrufiF AnnUUltu wltUOW m we have auway hills without cove/ a-constant At^<^ vi nUk'ioit TjttwaaL, low can we esoape the power Ci«ddifi«uf<>ttielis oe of pitieara add the following: - G cha, Cabecers, P.allo, d Coracora. The oultivat tates near Acatf are ali ru] The port of,Los. Lomas slands in the bay; that port a existence. 1 •’ ?’ . TheChincha Lflands wfe.'.the sesne of lear trending calami ties. 1-Atirst a hurricane, ' nal" .c (aud beautiful i to .‘the longer atf) Idffi finally, ate rose to t the tibinchas shipping. Sf|8 >unc i done to the "and small ves- .a ea; Ytf oisa “ T 0£ an j ailing with irresistible force oh the lie'stray frfim' its foundations * about ty yards, catising' the inhiibltaots e themselves up fiJr'Tost; the vessels uchored, at the merdy of-the waves,' dashed 'itfr violence againat each other, their an- liors being of no avail, and "suffered con- iderable damage.- ■ ■ - • ’.' '• qdito. A Government circular, dated Quito, ugttst IS, givsa the following particulars: Aiittleralter 1 o’clock A. M. of thelCib of gust a .severe- and prolonged shock of tbquake was felt In thts ci.'y*causing loss Ms, and.doing,dama«e to property of the ost serious. nature, Up to noon of the bodies of .fifteen victims have bund, sJx.of.wfipffi .wew brought in •gim.-the...surrounding .villages.. Churches, - "ivents, and othec hjiTdings constructed of "‘-'Sayo been eo seriquajy damaged as, to [er entirely Uninhabitable or requiring 'iata and expensive repairs. ;e. to private buildings is vety rest "The terror .of the peoplh knows no .bunds'; all hive abandoned their domicils; some having fled to the open country, while others have permanently located themselves in the streets and public squares of the city, and cannot be-prevailed upon-to-return to fheir Domes. ■ J - - • The picture presented - by-tbe unhappy Arequipa is placed at 2,*92 »hBeB over-the level; of the sea,- aud Tsona at 580 miles. : It ‘ ‘ ' ‘ By the data that we have received till the pr.csent^ we believe that. the. centre of the phenomena has'(i tween Arequipa and'Tacni," Where are placed the Cailloma. the Dlisti, Ubinks, ‘Huathapb- tina, Tatnpaca; and GaudaraVe. The earthquake that took place in Chili io 1835; the most severe felt in America up to the last measured otily seven' hundred geo graphical miles in latitude'by Tour hundred in longitude. In the one-we speak of to-day the force of the- shbterraneaa movement ex- teuded eight hundred and thirty miles of lati tude by six hubdred of longitude. A letter from Tacna says that during the' earthquake a large light was seen in the atmos phere at a considerable elevation, unknown in meteorological pbenomena. Anotlier trivcller says tint: 'ie saw the Tambo of “Apo” placed’ in-the top-6f tbe Cordilleras tall to pieces. ,:i ( •“ ’* i. Offier intelligence of Arequipa says that a traveller saw the Mbunf ol Orqueta (last-of the snowy rtigronsldisnppeir. ' The captain of the America reports that in the moment of tbe commotion the sea changed its color and seemed to boil. In all the country round Arequipa' earth condoned ti embibg 'about seventy times "in twenty-four hours. : cnrLr. Some of the ports in the south have suf fered from inundations, which" have caused great damage, Our^correspoudent, m j Talca- huaua communicates -to ,ua respecting the disaster,. under date of,the 14tU instant, the following j .' _ ., , . jj • i/isc night the sea came forth from its depths, city lias sunereiTV&rirhdtfijaiSfev |bg s^rcejy. R.,amgle bouse. Urat t ^^ n -At.ijqq o’clpck, at light a piieiiuu.c...... noticed. The sea. had,.gone, back °ver two huqijrpd and seventy, yag^s, aud this,; in the o;unioii-pf iliqse who harf,.witnessed the de struction, in ifi3p,, was ,tbe goreruqqer of an iipmediatp deluge. .In fact, a htpe beforo 11 o’clock at night,,it Scented .to.swpll and rise, some thiee and a half or four metres above its former level, and ,dashed upon the beach with an awlul roar. Fortunately for the inhabitants of the port, who know either by their own experience or by the. traditions handed dpwp by,those whq saw the flqod of l83o, that/they phoujil not confide |p tin} usual ealuiunss pf the waters of our bay, they hastened up the.hills the first moment the.^ea wept out,,pud thanks, to this; forpsight we have not now to lament the loss of hundreds of lives. But, in spite of this, it is known that four persons have been .drowned, aud it will not be .strange shou^i.. Qthe*.acci dents have happened which are' as yet un known. , ( ., . ’ ' * 0 .' >»,'* *r..t * it ' From 12 at night unfit ‘2 ip tife morning the' sea was in gmat agitation, retreatiog and rush ing forward by turns, and at last subsiding Within its'ahcil-pt hounds, ,-j ” . .. B w: DRUMMOND, G. C. DlkOlISIOSP. - Of the late firm of L. 3. Goitmirtin h Co. GENERAL SHIPPING .0/ Commission .Merohants, 154 Bay Street, AffNAB,,. GEORGIA. sa: aul- . B. A. HAKT. , J. «. oakxjc^t I, HART & CO iCh&ng&>ofSchedule. NO’CHANGE OP CARS BETWEE.V SA- VJUfBAH, abgbsta, asi> xobt- * i Hi) 11. «? r . f 11:1* - K factors & Commission Herebants^ ~ NO. 4 HARRIS’ riLOCK, fOO no Bay street. Savannah. Gra- angl8-3nt » t n ,- ISAAC EfffiLieHr VHOLE^ALK TOBACCOIIIST AIVDCda MISSION SIERl t Jones’ Upper Block,.Savannah* |T13 NOW ON HAND TOBACCO direct from the n factories of North qatoUoa aud Virginia. He invites his old patrons to examine his stock, which lie issbloto tou lower tnsu any other house tn the ^tty^n^ 17 ° f JOIiiSI OLIVER '• j .IF MALEItm Saslies, Blinds and Doors, paints, ciits ctkfc: a ; PAINTERS’. AND GLAZIERS’;TOOLS, LINED PAINTS UP! ALL . i . .SHADES. House and Sign GLAZING, Bo. G will taker St,, C6nitr*r Bay Lane. J,3-ly ■■ ' Painting. OFFICE MAst4kdF TRANSFT'N C. fe. Ft, # AFTER SONDAX, non lost.. Passenger inu nnltillnwii °° **“ BffitoSwW win. Amxrnt, StoTAim&tl wiia...8^10A.M. »«»»««»§:40 P» If* Inflows: •\!*****T**y ••••;• iVlliO*.. L-.i •••* ./kta j J ... U:OOF. If. 8:« AM. in . &L • » WWW « • * • • 4 • ^ »« ***g^^' with trsmSist'iisaves"AUghsta BASA. All; CF NIGHT TRAIN, i . . Connecting with train DOWN ■«#«» » «••••••«!*4*/ -.3:13 A. M. 1 that leaves Augusts B-J3P.NL NIGHT TRAIN. ps Bstontoa....................2:10 F Connecting with train that leaves J A. M. trains from Stvanosh and • .5.40 A. AC. ...3:13 A. 1 ,4:SO p: ■ Augusts 9:33 P.M. i Augusts, end P» train from Macon connect with AlilledgevUle train at Gordon dslly, Sundays excepted. F. H.trajD from Bsvsnnah eonnecU with through, tail train on South Carolina R. K, and P, AI. tram bin Savannah and Augusts with trains cnSonffi- Westera and Husco^e i psffioada angl4-tf Art’g Afa^er Of TesnsporuUon. SOUTHERN COHPABY, DR. EDWIN W. L’ENGLE, No. 106 Bryau Street,) BETWEEN WUXTAKEB AND BARNARD STS., Savannah, Gs. ^! ...‘1 I rpiIE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY HAVJNS X made erteuain and complete arrangtment*. are prepared to- i: <• ■■ • * e and Forward. VALUABLES AND FkfeljGlHT/' To all parts of the United States, Canada and Europev connecting with wen known and responsible 1 Je43-ly TOBACCO WAREHOUSE. THAXTON, CREWS & CO. ' WHOLESALE DEALERS IH - North Carolina and Virginia MANUFACTURED’AND SMOKING B/.A. iS. ■ 103 Day Street, City Hotel Belidleg, Jy4—ly SAVANNAII.* «A. ‘ '” 3 “ 1 : ■ a ■. — Oheis. Mdbpht. MORPHY & CLARK, HOUSE, SlBi, SHIP all STEIIBOif 3P AINTERS:- ..uUKU, (UUUIIKU, JURBUBQ, OLA- ZINO, ABO fAPBU-HABOtieg. ARK PUBPARKD TO SEUk AT WHQI»-' puttvv-si*. «vpvj_jaiL_QtAsa. HARNESS Maurice Tackett, . 11 COOPER, AND AGE®’-OF.iT MARINE DIVING AND W' ING COMPANY. 7 nb iUB- O .FFICE UNDER2THE bLCKF, foot' of Drayton ' street. All sixers, tor the .Submarjne flivjm epd Wrecking Company can be left with him, and i ba promptly attended-to, - CCSf-rU •ii.;. .• t ‘J.ti J.lSiil tlieqi. The.water, da-jhcil. through^", the jtrcels dragging with it furniture, merchandise,' and alt that the, houses contained. The loss will be at least $3do,|l)0()., ,',, ’, ” ' , Every taco wor.c a look of apgu)shj most through . tear’ ptl'icrs throjugh,,seeing all Ihey possessed sjnk. beneath tbe, wavgf, It.wssa fearfulseeqy. , „ .. . .,,‘i The auihqrities fiav.e shown the most praise worthy, zeal and this sad occasion. The. most.singular feature .of this catastrophe. * 9 .tl|ftt,it was. not preceded by am earthquake or-by a wind. .^r .ic^; cit.ic.ui ..... , In Tome the town was likewise inundated, but the particulars have not yet hand. In Constilucion the vessels anchored in the port. were" swept up the river, some of them being'lefi egrpupd and others sustaining con siderable,damage. - Evei^iu our bay, Valparaiso, a great agil|i- tion ot" the water was seen at daybreak on the 14lh. THE HOPE OF THE COUN1RY, it no w i The Finest, aud Best, and Truest! ’ UXS’E-Ij ifiV FkBSMAN-:|iVBI FLUTING, PINKING, STAMPING ANti DK$S$TMWfmG, i , AT MADAME Li LOUIS’ BAZAAR, may23-4y . ,, 133 BRODSBTON ST., Up Btalre. E VERY FREEMAN—EVERT WOrfAN A# ihe-Uonuiry, who putu trnat for the WHITE MAW AND DAirationoi the Coueti ution urn! the Union in : ihe encceaa of thn Doaiocratio Pxrty, ought to know (bo- fckiea their principles) thd features at least of those in whom tttat hope in centered - of those through whom t most be brought to » glorious fruition. rofthe~" ~~ i by authority of the Nationai* Seymour and Blais Club, Life-like PorirAita of our canoidhtes forpresi- _ .ub, Life-like PorirAita of our caacidates for aent and Vice-Pre*ldent of the Umutf SUtea, exe cuted in the beat slyle of the art, are published as follows: r * Large Don Ue Pictum (Lithograph)—Seymoor and BJair—2^bjOSlnc^ef^.y...... ,..$3 00 Single Pictures (Lithograph)—S.-ymour and Blair—3 by ljOinches, eidh:........"1?00 I ' - TO CLUBS: •Large Double Pictures^ ooplev 5 00 10,00 5 00 10 00 are to be'devoted to campaign purposes* Oluo orders must be SMit to one rnddress. -All pic tures are sent on rollers so as to avoid damage in the -mails, am’ * ' iiugle Pictures—13 lies.. tails, and in all cases free of postage. ,WSp‘«^ffi a oteerf* lbe " — - ' aekage-of ee- to to»toca the STEPHENS, With eacn order will be eoaSosed loctctl campaign documents, Ac., cause, adurais, carefully, , tJT - N. B^—In' onteHng, "pit which advortieement was seen. —rj p»perln au£8—2m I MACON, GA- 0 uaoua S3.i-.1 • 'K, XLT . SHEED, -.- Manager. mds. _ . . itJAC A FREE omnibus -f.l iTZZeii< *■ AS or the all of his and attentive Porters will be at the -Depot to convey guests to the House. ang8-tf in li tis G. RUWE, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, AGENT FOR BININGER, anie—ly I T WEST HIDE MARKET SQUATS*. F. W. CORNWELL* -l *'<••• afefetfnfifcv »<** I f'f HARDWARE; CUTIffiRV, AGBTOULTU- RAE» IMPLEMENTS. AXE*,'HOR8; NAILS, TKACEri, &c. i ...n Also,. Ag-ut 'or McARTHJI^d.OQTrQN CaiJS,; sepl-Cm WM. ESTILL, Jr., ,di - " I Jx i -x, u . : ‘:.D 1 i • fi.M ;■ e . nhtL» T—" ,-i) • BOQKSELLEBi Bull St.,Ueit to the Post Office, roowN a-TAiita.). BAVABIAH, okouoia. i i otice, Xiadies 1 55 THE NEGRO, Bf ;‘ - FfiieE as CENTS. : - , . ..III! » it.-rilJ 'IA ‘-a! J:t \ ii CALIBAN: A B»mef to “A.rlel.’’ Price 25c. THE ADAMld RACE... Price 25c. NACHASHWHAT IS IT? Price 50c. A farther supply of the above work* Just received and for tale, at EXPERIENCED AND CAREFUL MRS. SENDERS OF THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY ON ALL P'ASSENGER TRAINS. CJ| lie) £,,,..felC.J t. ... ,. , ga-RelUb!Ilty. quick time and low rates are guar anteed by ihis Oumpan-v . • irMksset&m tng urayage and deUy to jcoitsignees. - - consigned to ihe care of the jSonthera ipsny wm be duly :tahen charge of and to. idoetQistlqn^ without extra chvrge or FRIjrf AND yRGETARLES TRANS- •' I -PORTED-AT LOW RATES. SBSSSBSB&Si- l ot Bites can be bsd on application to ahgIT-tl. . E. F- IgNiaOrt, Agent. pro. ARTIFIGIAL^ TEETH! DR. N. M. SNEED, DENTIST, ' ■ AVEiG-EVERY FACUTTY FOB THE M&NTJ- caesisunm ffimy DinfiJ'EifcJiSS^Ti^ . , urs notice manaLcture an entire sett ot Teeth. alter extmettag toe old roots (which can be dontOh worn, I can make ODD GOLD and blriVAB -El.ATE5 taken in part p so. partpayt OFFICE Atm hlBOSATURY,; 117 Congress Street, OPPOSITE PULASKI HOUSE, ta Bull sad Whitaker Streets, , , -4A VAXNAJI, OA. A CHATTAHOOCHEE WHITE SDtPHDaBATHS BOARD 1 REDUCED! i nr. IhSfIMtolBfS'nB- School nd a Pbyaiclxn in file : e have a lire of FOUB HOBSH COACHES to oon- tha» they are going to the Springe, and thereby mf core ticket* AT MaLF-PUICE. Board.—Per day, $2 50; per week. - : *1* COS P<* “““fit. fdftWr. OhUUren unde* ' years of sge and servants, half-price. DS*ir ’ t:: ) C. ft. HOWARD. T ' I !■- ._ hf,. 1 ., - if r~r IN EQUITY. , 1^ RICHMOND SUPERIOR COURT. At Chambers, 'August 27th, 1868. TN the matter of the application of Jchn Craig and X Chit d^u fy—i.rhnd unhnrBmiih^. advice and directum in the discharge of their ■t; afld fbr ^ discharge therefrom. " , solicitor for the peutlonere, ordered that. f doing business ite of Georgia, do “ d - «“*"» ter, or bajorever ia the asset* in tho bated; and that the da fit said assignee* .to be diatribi fhSS in tbktr their claims pro rata, according to their legal prlor^ *' such distribution r York, Ulncfniii (i J Judge Superior Court Middle District. itT Estill’s News Depot, «nM8—tm et' next to Post QfHt* ‘ Just received, another lot of THE NATIONAL BETTERS, THE BEST .OF THE. A-GEL. Yor sale Sjr the case,-bottle or drink by John T. Lineberarer, WUg6 AGENT Mattrasses, Mattrasses! M 0 w,, M . iTTB , ASH,i 3. J OK BALE LOW, AND JuedUhhortnoftce: H ° tela Steamboata .bp- R. A. WALlACE, JONES’. 'D'fi'PBlB IS-A.2fGrJB, an2S—lm ; BAY STABLEST. Btat* or Gxoaoii. I • | fn>qnty.J , T. EUery M. Brayton. Clerk of the Snpedor Court o£ Richmond County, do hereby certify that the above - - *— — q£ the order August 27, ^ . „ the Court, folio etv*. witness my hand aud the seal of said Court, Au gust 29Jb 1S6S. £, M. Bbattoh, - Clerk. JOHN CRAIG, 1 CHAB. A. ROWLAND.) AE3l 8 nM1 > • ‘AH 9 Broad street, Augusts. Ga. top5-l»w3m Atlantic &. Gulf Railroad Stock FOR SALE. <£ E ®a AY, the 6th of October next, at the Court DECATUR < L—Will be sold on ULaSe door in Savannah, between the or sale, FORTY (4J) BHAKEd OP THE CAPITAL STOCK OF THE ATLANTIC AND GOLF HAIL-, road COMPANY, Mill shares eUnding on the books ot tatdOonqiany lntbe name or Daniel Hem bo, lata ° f 9omby vlitae^f .nbrtfer from the Hon. Joel John- - son, Ordinary of Decatur "rWSaMBO, aerilo—lawfd '• Executor oi Daniel Hambo. BOOK-KEEPING RUFF’S BOOK-KEEPING, By Single and Don- I n? LO&lOtll.V fje.jf, r las -.loa/.c.mdefiu Jild s-io .nrtevxsa-Cto ’ “ a ' J * l £f> W. 1 -A- >hd! hBf wd: :ifi fli w O 12 .Sol 6- it n® yi L'C3 COffiU1-x' ute Entry—Price . . . .. -- - $3 T6 nr -rif Book-keeping, s 60 For sale St ESTILL’S NEWS DiPOT, •b2 Boll street,next to the Post Offioe. m..-: - nil: * tt>L i...a □ ,.Jqfcetmv'-;!U . ffiC .dl co grrei -i Jtjy tC:st3£ oi Abazm JXioly