The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, September 23, 1868, Image 1

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J VOL. 4—NO. 225. NEWS & HERALD, PUBLISHED BX J. H. ESTILL, n Exccuttve Rccognlz^! le colored ! | it 1X1 bay sibbet, savannah, ca, .i. " £ 1 tfi. «' . . TEBM8: * pilLV SEWS AND HERALD ...w...<10. 00 TBl-WEEKLY NEWS AND REkAIjD. ........$6 00 Single Copies. cento. . Il.VTES OE ADVERTlsi!sHr f J ' 13- a SQUARE is ten ioocsnred lines of Nonpareil' Oflis Jr'rWSAHDHlSBAMJ. 1.. ri i. i gj-ADVERTISEMENTS.—First ina^tem, $1 0 o pjrsgnara; each subsequent insertion, 75 cents per ignire. .S'Advertisements for one month or longer will tf inserted at special rates which can be ascertained tithe office. TJEKNKSSEE. jdddrbbs of Hie J Democrat! : Committee— Negro sulTriigt —Vigorous Canvass for Vot a•!«. [Special Dispatch fo the Lonisville Conrler.J NASHviLLE, September 18.—After aig deal of mysterious cpnsqltalion a sion, running through a couple past, the State Democratic Executive Com mittee have issued an address to the people of the State which (will appear to-morrow morning, dress was' the committee on the. negro aunrage ques lion. Atlast, however, the. African.'bell hi -J been : taken by the horns, and colored epffn is squarely recognized and tacitly indorsed ip a qualified way. On this point the address’ contains the — ; 1 " Washington During the War-Remark able Relatione by a Belgian Diploma- list. A French gentleman, named M. de Grille, shorn the . late King of Belgium had em ployed for sixteen years as a confidential diplomatic agent, has just published a vol ume of personal reminiscences, in which he says that he visited J)Tew York at)d Washing ton in 1861, 1862 and 1864, and that every thing he saw there at that tints, led,, him to believe that the Southern Confederacy would succeed m eatabliaiiing'itV in'deoendence.' * In New York, he was introduced to lead ing merchants and bankers, who boasted of the aid which they h id given to the South-, ern rebels, and in Washington, he saw prom-’ iueot Government officers, and even Gene rals of the army, in the most suspicious inti macy with men whom he knew to be agents of the Richmond Government. If. de Grille says that iu 1864 not a foreign diplomatist in Washington believed iu the success of die Union cause. and such wi the corruption of many GovernmeuYo" and the impudence of the rebel emissaries, that one of the most eminent members of the diplomatic corps said to him : “There is no way of saving IhiB country ckcept’ iby a ■wholesale fnsilade. '.There areiheireia Was’fi-i ington at least one thousand men whom the President should order to be shot .for the good of the country.”- Ha says, 'ftirther- m re, that nothing in hisiife ever astonished him so much as the news of the sudfloo col lapse of the Confederacy, and in regard to the assassination of President Lincoln, by John Wilkes Booth, he remarks that one cif the most singular features of the American rebellion b, ibat the rebels, murderous arid treacherous as was their spirit, allowed Mr.-, Lincoln to live so lone, when they lilight have killed him any day without incurring great personal risk. s; It was owing to these repsrts that King Leopold of Belgium lost faith in the ulluuate triumph i f the Union cause, although lie warmly admired thjs c tpntry, and at the break ng out of the rebellion expressed the. mo,t unfeigned regret; Had-he.noficon^ttv ered the sriccesS 6f tlie ^foutherii Goute&e- racy perfeclly certain, he would never have ronseoted to Jllaximilliau’s expedilion to Mexico.—Washington Evening Star. • Dl Matrimosial MoraLs in New York.—A fair relative of the Governor of New York has had a remarkable carce/. * Lbtlisa vTj 'Fenton was her name eight years ago, when She wasra- maiden beauty of seventeen. She fttind her fate in the person of a young man of good family, whom she loved Altogether too well, but nho finally married her under legal advice; She had been a wife hardly a- year when the conduct of her husband in the way- of infi delity enabled her to get a divorce. When frye she went to Boston—so the story pocs,—fasci Rated a gentleman of means in that city,, and was married. Going to New York about a year afer, she fell in with her former husband, iDc old love came back, and she soon gave her new husband ample cause for securing a divorce; which he did. As'soon as the decree was enl tered she was re-married to her first love. Jhfe time they held together until some six months ago, when the old trouble caused a new di vorce, and now the handsome thrice-divorced woman is engaged to a rich, and prominent New Yorker! A Wealthy Congregation.—The Jewish Messenger says that at the '.auction sale of pews in the newtTearple EmsrKuel, in New York, the amount received reached about §750,000. 'The traslees expected a pCey emp'ion of S80,000, bat it amounted to $200 000. The highest price paid-: was §4.000, the purchaser selecting the pew dr-b rectiy in front of the pulpit. The other members paid various. sums, ranging-from $4,000 to $5. ' The appraised yilue pi the pews was §600 f)00, there being twenty at §5,000 each. Many of the seats were.sold at a comparatively low price, the trustees very properly declining to neglect the claims of the poorer members. The lowest priced pews were sold for $300, accommodating seven occnpanis each. By this sale-the Temple stands free from debt, and with a finking fund of one - hundred" thousand dollars. i -j A Scene Not in the Bills.—At a recent peiloruiance of a drama in one of the Lon don theatres one of the most conspicuous boxes was occupied by a lady surrounded by her children. Suddenly she stood up, ad vanced to the front ot the box, and pointed her fioger at the actor, and actress then on the stage, exclaimed, “Gentlemen, that-ac tor is my husband; for the last three yepira he has been living with that actress; these ere his children. I ask you if such a scamp is worthy to appear before you.’’ Both ac- !or and actress immediately left the stage and the piece was not repeated on the fol lowing night. The parties who were the cause of this scandal it is said, have left for the United States. J - C. xtagious Suicide.—A young and once handsome “unfortunate”, was; arrested a night or two since in New York for sireet- walklDg and drunkenness. She had been locked in her cell but -half an hour when she was found hanging by tbe^ neck and de having fashioned a rope from the skirt or her dress. In the same prison was another “unfortunate,” who witnessed the' suicide^ her dying spasms, glaring eyes and quiver ing form, andfqenzied |>y tl^e sight, shekfco Bought relief £opa her misery iu death- nVflh her apron string she made a noose tor her reck, and attaching the other end to the bars of’ the cell, she threw herself forward as ihe other had done; but the effort failed, and she writhed and struggled in intense agony un il cut down by the turnkey. Arid-that was the scene during one evening only in *hk station house. Snake-Bitten.—The Bedford- Sentinel tells the following thrilling-story- One 1 evening last -week (our'informant' cor Id not remember the day), after Mr. Ru fus N. Thomas, son-in-law of John U. Hop kins, had retired to rest for the night,' he was awakened by a call from one air his Children, Who were sbeeping in the same room. He arose and started across the floor, but had proceeded a few steps only frbto his bed when he was suddenly bitten on the foot by a fail-grown moccasin snake. Many reme dies were applied, and much suffering en dured by Mr. Thomas before be ; obtained re lief. We are glad id know' ttifit lie’ is now much improved in condition. Wonderful Invention.—Mr. Samuel‘Cus ter, an humble citizen of Roanoke county, Vo., after more than twelve years of assidu ous labor and scientific research, ha3 at length invented an automatic registering ma rine compass,."the needle of which, it is claimed—and experiments have proved the claim well grounded—will resist ar - ” u ~ < * every local attraction whatever, and Points due north.—Fincastle Herald. The widow of Audubon, the naturalist, lives in want, tear New York, with twelve grandchildren dep -ndent upon her*, and .the exertions of one of her gran'd-daughtera, who *—” t music forsupport. - - f-JJlii J TTttt . i {From the Biagor iDeinoaafo'SepVrJTij How the Maine Democracy J Made Their Wonderful , Qalna maAT.Wfeaa Foei jiiai n ampaEntejLfl''' I Vhe'grerit contest id over; anhMho result i» before the people. Nevei- has • there been 8u chh.close political , never before bos there g. Tbe-delay in brioging out tbe ad~ gain. From thereturiia at haiid it appei as'causedbya conflict of opjbibniij that the 'Re^qblldab majority will, fail 1 imittee on the. negro‘suHfage.^ueS; low 20,000. In 1856 thfeir majoriiy v A t. loot however. the Afriean. hflir lifts, nearlv 28 000. t “Accepting facts as we'fiod.them—recogj nizing inevitable truths as they exist—blind ed by no prejudice of the dead past to the obscurity and detriment of our true interests in the living present—iinbiaBed by passion—; obeying the dictates of reason,'rather than impulse, with courage to be just, Ibat oar quarrel be thrice armed—acting honestly up‘ to the avowed principles of our.partjr,.that there shall be no taxation without represen tation,. let it be nniversally proclaimed throughout the Democratic party jji -Ten- nesjeo, lauk aud file, Iront and rear, that no colored citizffii of the State, -uniting with us in the overthrow oT a common tyranny, and in the redemption of our noble State,.: shall be-disturbed iu any of his Vested rights if, through his agency),our own rights should be restored.| “ ’ ’ Y lc L’ “With thisdistinct and unequivocab pledge to the people, through whom and with whom we can atone expect to triumph over the common oppressor, there can be no shadow of doubt as to- the triumph and result of our comliiuetl action. ' 1 “Ouf oyu interests aod those of Jhe.col- ired citizens beiDg mutual, and the interest^, if the Radical adventurers beiDg diam'etri- :ally opposed to both, this course upon our •art is demanded by ^yery consideration of. party expediency, common gratitude, justice and right.” A vigorous canvass to secure the colored vote will ' now be entered into, and ihe chances are, judging: firom the beginning al ready made, that a considerable per oentage of the negro .vote will’be secured to the De mocracy. ; There are mow over a score of Democratic colored olnbs, and-new ones are, being organized almost daily. f ’ At Hezle Green, -North Alabama, a couple of days since, a fight occurred between soime whites and blacks, in which one negro was killed and two wounded. According lo the report of a Huntsville paper, the negroes first commenced-fir'iDg. and without provocation. Mr J. I. Griffin, drussist, of Apalachi cola, .who has recently returned to that city from a trip in the counties up- the rive», "in forms the editor of the Apalachicola 'Reporter that notwithstanding the cotton crop .-looked: so promising in Augiisf,.the planters now-give: up all hope of gathering half a crop. The cat erpillar came along in the last week of August, and swept off Ihe last vestige of hope. Almost 1 the entire fruiting of August has been as com pletely destroyed its a killing frost could have' done the work, os . „ G Tlie work of destruction extends to many miles north of Colnmb(is, and the work of de vastation has been as completely performed.AS is represented to have been done doivn on the l-iver.—Columbus Mr. and Mrs. P. V e - Beebe, of New York city, were killed by a railroad accident nt the crossing of the Boston and Albany Rail road, is East Ohatham, N. Y., on Monday. They were attempting to- cross the track, when the af.ernoon - express, coming along suddenly, struck fheir carriage. TheJiorse was completely .cleared from his harness, end the carriage carried along the track by the en gine over half a mile before the iraim Was stop ped. Mr. and Mrs. Beebe were,taken from the wreck alive, but they died ina tew moments after. Mr. Beebe was about sixty years of age, and a gentleman of influeDCe in the city. He, with liis wife, was spending a few ‘days in the town of Chatham, of which he was a native. -fir J - .tr-rr” - * > *» * - - ' * •' The Difference.—The luka’ (Miss.) Ga zette fiefioes the difference between a carpet-; bagger and a scalawag as follows : ..The carpet-bagger:, is a Northern thief, who .cornea south to plunder every white man .who is.a gentleman, ot any property or respectability, and gefall the. offices be can. The scalawag is a Southern scoundrel; who will do all the qarpet-bugger wdL, and, be sides, murder the carpet-bagger for the gotta perch'a ring his sister gayejnim when he left home. , , , pAcinc Railroad.—From present appear ances we are likely to have a continuous rail to Sau Fiaucisco by the middle of the com ing year, the gap yet remaining between the Cen'.ra) Pacific Railroad, running east, and the Union .papjfip,, working west, being less than 600 miles. Since the 1st of July the Central Pacific Company has graded and laid abqut 200 mLcs of track over the plains of the Salt Lake basin, and- the work is being pushed forward energetically by both com panies in their. strife to ..couiroLtbe yet re maining territory over whieh lhe track. is to be laid.—.N. Y. it and their ‘e’jfiaest typ'e of Documents foe the South.—A friend hands us a Radical documeut for the "South ern blacks. ‘It is Illustrated by a picture twelve by fourteen, representing Seymour hounding a pack of whites to the slaughter of juvenile darkies. Clubs, pistols and knives are making short work of the' inno cents, and Seymour with hiB hat off presides over the scene. The engraving' must’ have been-taken from Harper’s "Weekly. It is nearly as bid as anything we have seen-in that journal of civilization.—Jfccon Telegraph. Looking fob Homes.—The Tarkieh agents who are.Dow in Virginia looking ior a home in.wbich to settle a colony offive dr six-hun dred Armenian families, have written that they will be in Washington In A few: days to lantls of Marylaud^mA^elawar?h>e?are*^l?£ initely deciding whaftbey will recommend to lire Sublime Porte. These Armenians are CbrisliaUs'of"tbe_Greek rTKH, ‘" h families'are' saidtS be pi BaStero beauty." *■ - i Li 'Flying.—M. Joseph Livtcbak, a Russian editor of no small repute among his coun trymen. in a letter to the Lemberg Slavo, maintains that he has solved the problem -of navigating the air; : The motive force em ployed- by him is steam ; the rate of speed attainable with his machinery he estimates at eighty miles per hour; Patents bave'been granted him- in Eegiand,: Austria Jtnd Hun gary. He promises soon to disclose his in- vtuition,,Which,be says, Jute f aRea^y passed througQTlie ordeal of a trial. their can didates for Congress are baying their nomi nations and paying more, for the endorse ment 0 f < the,..( ? 9fiyention8 than, their ^re salaries; costs tbeinkorimlfing^tq liye ip fWashmgtoa while discharging-thpir duly. How ao they manage'id u idkke »f “pay ? The enormous taxation, ' and the-gradual increase of the debt pla’iolv shows how.. Thqy rob the peo ple. — World. . r ; A broad-shouldered Germangiri recently met an exquisite on a street crossing in Cin- cionati, wDere nna or thg other most tarn out into the xnnd. . The exquisite didn’t care to dirty' hia boots, and m?an-insulting man- ner ordered the girl aside. , Her reply was ShlpwL from Ihe ehpnlder, whmh. sent the MLcleah off his fe?t..into ,the mud, andf alml'y stepped over his prostrate form, g on ary. Shod. . Great preparations are being made in Wales to celebrate the majority of the Mar quis ofBate.His income will be $1,500,- 000 xar gold a year. jearty 28.000.' When we consider the circumstances dor which this result has beeneb&ieved/ Democracy of-Mf ‘ * ‘ 'aine have feason' to Neveribefore drd’4hey‘havc such* a money to meet.. The Republicans have expended in fhe cabVSaS and election leas than one half million of dpllars. Every man who would sell his 'vote if any price foUndreadypurchasers.■ ,-;«L r Nor was ibis si). In the. contest, of last Monday the Democracy of Maine had fo contend against the whole power of the con- solidated-capital of the country. Never bd fore was there such 'k : pressure- brought tot bear upon the-employes by employers. Dem ocratic laboring men in tne employ of Re publicans, were compelled eitfier to vote the Radical ticket or keep away from the polls.. One lumbafmin jq this city discharged two young men because they had the indepsu- dmioe tq^go to the polls and vole their Lon esf con vict ions.' - . , Nor was this alii It will be observed that the Radicals make the great mats of their gains in the cities and large villages where they had absolute —*■ Take an example * the assistant assessor one hundred voters, and consequently their names were left off (he voting list In addi tion to this, late on Friday'afrernoon, agen- tlemah who is an honest man, in bis own ppinion, if in the opinion of nobody else, demanded that notices should be issued to pidety-three more Democrats whose names werAon the list. As Satnrday was the last day for ‘getting bn naides, ot coarse it was impossible to bant up all those men and get them into City Hall to prove -their right to vote. Accord ingly the Radical Board ot Aldermen were only too willing to strike off the names of all who did not appear. Sixty were struck-off at one fell sweep. Of the one hundred and ten left off by the assessors we were enabled to get on' bat some seventy. So that we were cheated out of over one hundred hon est Democratic votes in that ward aloae. This tyranny add oppression was practiced to a greater or less extent all over ibe State where the Radicals ha J control'Of the voting ilikti. ! ' 1 - - '• '• ' B tsuoB | J Id yieiV of these facts, therefore, we Say! the'Democracy have cause fo rejoice all over: tbe'bbtantfy over the fact that we hove bee if enabled lo reduce the ’Radical raajority of Itwb years ago over bight thousand votes. i ‘ I II MM I. I ■ 1 ' I- ....... V ‘sEnd your TO THE Lt,. &MHERALD I Vd ci frintmu ■■ If.n Job Office, NO. ! MtiJx iolad L 0 111 L. ZUILa BAY ST. WORJC, OijfJ]. — AND — tL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED f 03BFS FUtEtJAN, Fernanda a, Fla. j JAL. B. PAKBaMOPE, Madison, Fla. Notice of Co-Partnership. WE HAYS THIS DAY ASSOCIATED OO^- ■ * SBLYiJS together under the firm name of Joseph Finegan & Co., A3 Cotton Factors AND jthe pnblic generally consignments of COTA'ON, GRAIN and PBODUUB of fcvery description. LIBKRAL ADYjANQBU made on all condignments lo oarealYeaorj to ouTjCoriesponaents in New York and Liverpool. JOSEPH PIN EG AN & CO. ice, Jones 7 Upper Block, Bay street, Sa vannah. sepi5—lm l,id. FOR BCMT, , ,t, i^“ THE LARGE CliSp. two flor™, lately occupied by W. C. Robinson, »nd sult- atds tu .TVliolcnle and Jobbing Dry .and Fancy Goods HojSe. Fosscss-on. given Immediately.— . j . ... ... - . ■apM-Ltf •JNO. Mo'WA'HON fc Off. TO tap—’ , it it.i '.i ad 1 —iSt o—r——r TO RENT, A SMALL STORE AND ONE ROOM, next* to norihea9t corner of Bronghton and Lincoln street*. Apply next to cornertrouss. eepW—31* eiil ■ 1 - . . FOR- R£NT; . - A. 1 ' A.. f T^D'-ATtti ( A BIUOK -D.WSLLIKQ HOUSE, wltb necesizry ont- 5iS»ma^^afea?-tetWl _«??“«. » DS fcepll—tf ■ • - ft FOR RENT,* FURNISHED, ONE BED CHAMBER, large and airy, or TWO. BOOMS oommUBl- catimr. For particulara address Herald offlop. 8€p11—3t* ‘;“V ! -FOR RENT t A THESE STORE BRICK. DWELUKG HOUSE, on basement, 1 ’ in June, street, third door east of . Barnard, sontb side; inVaiwi at THIS OFFICE. sepiazswtr FOR RENT, j n6rTB@BN TBUBftjB^T OF building corner South Broad and Lin coln streets. Apply to W. B; ADAMS, ‘sepll—tf No- ®* Bay street. Office to Rent. FFICB BOOH id an eligible aitnstion, Apply at • • fiV3UH ’ 1 .. tuts kAV O \ ■ Hi . seplG-tf i ,1' - o No. lit' Bay street. i i iTTV/TT FOR RENT, t.:U dllw li . occrtpte eh immediately. Apply to- .. sepis-tf a. BSLLi * HULLi Bira UG STOKE, , who has A ^ -by a young-Irian, -a B»tWi been «orou<tlly educated to the JpROM ONE TO TWO THOUSAI3I1DOLL4B3YOB OtfE VflAR. Fifteen (16) per cent per annum will be p lid. Satisfactory secnrltT glvem. 4^* careof Po»t OfficeBox3Iv!, ... «dT TTIOR THE FOLLOWING FREIGHT, in wsrahouse JU of atouney City Point: [8J—74 boxes TpbajOcO: ,'iuH.B boxes Toba Mrs. Mary A. Bolden-One 1 . aep22—Gt i, Ii. J.nniLlIAiniN-A CQt, Agents. VfR. SlaLIOX WILLBKOPmhASSUttwL YOK M: BOYS in Chhtbam Academy on OCTOOTKPTH^ The scholastic year is^dlvided tttrdefWHitf . hf three: i months each. * Obarges—The usual thorpe square, corner President street. gep21—M.WAFlm Notice. jyj-R. JOHN B. DHXOS bas beed adnfiWed a member of car firm from the l»t instant. jNO. McMAHOK a) oo. TYUBtNG OUR ABSKJiCK FROM 'CHE CITft, MR. ALFRED FOCNDEXTSB is onr Only author; lzed Attorney- analT-tf • Co-Partnership M“, HUGH WADDELL; Jr., is thlff day associated with me in business, under the hrm name of E. A. CALDWELL & CO. sgpl-gam ’ e. 'A. CALDWELL. Co-Partnership Notice. B UNDERSIGNED heg leave to in r orm| ilheLr tqnds and the public geneiaUy that ihey hitw entered into a ^co-partu^ishix). under the firm nSme of CitAWl-OHD'A : BOYjHltilJr for tli^pari pose of transacansr a GENERAi ..WHOLESALE AND i streets!. • -W. O.* CRAWFOBD. : i « t . E. E- LOVELL . ..i . Savannah, Q^. { 8ept«mhQ» 1,1S6S. bui .0—2^ m op smi\iu ituMiN prlagof IS65 daring rhe paft^ sige of General i Sherman thrungd; South Carolina, viz:, ' •. • Nos^'3^.6,,'38‘1, 3B3 f ,' ^ J .andf 384, 1 } Five Dond?, $500 em?b, payable at the. pity Tre-iaury February l^fO, together with coupons, $i 7. 60 each, every first ol August atrdPob'Uarv at the City Bank, New York, sigued by It. Wayiib, Mayor, and Joseph Felt,Tresenrerl Jesued for subscription to the stock of t^e Angueti Hpd Waynesboro’ Railroad Company,' February .isl. 1 $50. ‘ ' ‘ J So,. 108,' MBLilXs anti 117, ‘ Four bonds, Unuecl, for subscription to the Routh- wesrein HftiJread Company idt: Juce, 1831, each for every Decemberand Jtmp, eic6"iV>f srfw*; psyt»'r/?t at City Treasury , and signed a2 above. Also, - No. 1581, . 1. One pond for $500, 1st December, 1853; piyab’.n 1st December^'18S«, With coupons baysble ev«Jry June and Decentber; edeh $>1-7■^6u. Issued for eabsoriptiou to the Havannah and Albany Railroad company, xud igned by At. 31 ivy or, and -Jus. W.Bobarls, df ike above TEN BONDS, together with the COUPONS, which uhen-Btolen-vrere utill attached have been stolen as above stated from . • OHaBLES KLEKKlfiON, sepl5—lavc4w; T , .Of Chagleaton. a. C. NEW BOOKS, I. By Lonis Figui.r. love amd Marriage. By .F;.tanndar»- ■■ ■■ • • POPULAR EDUCATION. By S. S. Randall. j MiKoIlontons Fros» Woiks. By Bniwcr. The Optnui Habit. ’ ' TbePDilusopbrrs of Fonfonville. By Badieal Free- Draper. **. M®U “ ; Oloot^ & Col Jtepl6-tf !£si otice I SUBSCRIBER, aatisted by MISS VVB VT. aad 1 - - r a 'j l o To a c ro -r.:, w i 1!. nu tbe aL C O DyXY ; ; ; VEMBER, JSRBCT, re.oj^en her u t rj ; _, j. Hoffie Day arid Boarding School rott 1 CHILDREN AHD YOUNG LiBIES, ' " I'Lll • ‘liS? CORKER UF SPOTE BROAD AHD BAR- HERD sthjskts.savakhajh. sepIV—IwD&thlawtNovl Atlantic & Girif Railroad Stock uiT- ’t—WlilUe poid on heat,’ at the Court iU, . n ,. House door in Savannah, between the Wilmama Of sale. FORTY (40) SHARES OF THE CAOT^M of TaW Company In the 1 name of Daniel Rainbo, late of Dacaiar county, deceased. ! -*L. , - paler from th? Hop. Joel John- 1 a-yo, D e ? a ? Hcoun.y. H ^ ? ia. iMBOi , eeplO—'lawia Bxecntor ol Daniel BamPo, s BE qGT.TfifPgD FOB FILLING AND GRADING sewer. lWnWltLa..a.»e. „ - tained in the vicinity of Gwinnett and Aborcocn sts. Bids most be for whole wora, and not by the yard, and time of ‘completion stated. V : - JOHN B. HOGG,. eepi8-tf , City Surveyor. SimaUtm as Teaclisr f SITUATION IS DESIRED BV ONE WHO HAS Instinct xHSEfiaCfHn , EagUBb and MnBio- .Tertns.vory moderate, toenit Ibe limes. References given and teoiRreAr Fbaiifa KXdLSIOR MiGltl SALVE!! i I «i f. ii-jiiifca-'d i t>til lo Ju.i . J, —AND— di-l'. W A. S H ! AT ANT DRUGGIST’S. 31 MS r# ,r STOMACH-BITTERS • riiin.ui Lau tvemijj ue \ ] uj ►. ...i; t.. . ! Gan be procured of any Druggist, Grocer orLiquor DealeiL - t * <ij ToJpofi a I- d ■>. i.r »-Price, $10b. Six bottles for S5 CO. :*p-Spocial terms, to dealers. GA.LLAGER * FOWKE- Wholesale ana Retail Dealers in Fold’s Rkmxdibs. ■ - ‘. - < Sole Propkistoks, jfSl-podly, No. 1 Pine etreei,-Aagaeta, at. ‘‘Westward the Star of Cmpire T4ke^its;:Vyay.” , SECURE A HOME IN THE THE EMIGRANT HOMESTEAD -ii - u . - as ; kill ASSOCIATION *i -.!T t- rii< -i-IlArfH f . .t ...C - ; OF' CAL HORN r A ! :* Lii* f. .. -J .L.. .J - : :?4 y;-- JNOOH^OBATffiD LENDER TE^jK : LA,W8 0& TBS SPATE, NOVEMB! BM Sfflip i. of providing 1S67, for tbe purpose InuGmait HOMES FOR ITS . . .'1 : :- ; I : 19da.slq^S A . :i I 1 AND THUS INDUCE A MIGRATION., , qividwl into ^00,000 Shares at S3 Each, rioS H .!• >( l. ,VWSrABi«m > O -UNITHD. OTAffEB GUBRPNCY.!. / : * Ourtlflcatos oi'8tocR Issued to subscribers inline- diatel^ uponTweiptci'themoney.- : ; -'dun . ** NO -PERSON ALLOWED TO HOLD MOBE THAN FIVE SHARES. SOr A CmeULAR contarttig s-fnll description of the proporty to be dlBtributeil among tbe Share holders: willhe rent, to any uartresa, upon receipt of Stamps to rfiver relarn postage. , Sj*— imuraiation iHio ibe" prlteVjf land iri any por- tiijtt cf trie Slate, 1 or upon auyother f-sbject or in-' teneet to partien prouoBing to immigrate, cheerfplly iurathbfd upon receiptgf ataippa far postage. - ; A11 lotcere should be addrcsgeil, - -• SECT EMI8RAKT HBMESTEAfl AS8BCIATI0N, —fu ; i, ii-.r'-.T , - sn26-lm GEORGIA MASONIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. a. S. OSKAR, President, j. W. BURKE, Secretary and Treararcr. rpni8 ASSOCIATION affords a cheap mode of ren- I during relief to widows and dependent children, or mothers and sisters or deceased Maadns."' If Ts Cheap and Available to All. For the email sum cf \ u ^ SI X D 6 S Any lf«ter Mason In good standing, and in good JiesUb, upon, .the reconupendatioit of the W. M. of the Loi^ge of which he is a member, shall be eligible to membership, andaC his death bis widow and de pendant children, or each persons a& he. may desig nate Will receive os many dollars ae there are mem bers belonging to the, As^ociatibo- Application for membeisblp can be made to jo29—tf 117 Bay Street, Savannah. tf i SAN’FRANCISCO; OALIPOBNIaI ■ .Jfi'ou' i ’ • ■ vV J. iMoDDNOBGH- .1 T. RAL^ENTSNE. ST. _ T. OFUGSiTE titltE % B. DE?OT. Iron and /Brass Castings J-Idvllut itilJ IH l 1 i : I I), 'I MADE TO | 0-13^ e ,16 A It . ALL SIZES OH- HAtilX Suu ar Mills and Boilers, REDUCTION IS PRICES. • .. ji u at ' :. I ijj.; i y , , BELL AS FOLLOWa:-r-. 1 i SnR«r I «ifiB.-V4 ! ibch.-.?.A-J..‘;... 65 W 8agar Mills, 32-iucli.. 36 00 «... 25an 1 84 00 . I. •) 1 Sugarl Boilerf,JOftgaitofia.i -i • * 4». C ALB Win be all of ■ always on hand!. *W From onr well-known.reputation, we solicit a ixgsi^fftrsgss jKiffiKiWsis •rr.TT THE H0PE0FTHEC0UNIRY. ■ Krfow TitfsiSii The Finest, and Best, arid Truest t ... f ..OifAN'dfVht saivaUcnol tbecobsli-ditlbn sneoess ofjOffiDemirimti<»Il«4i,oMJ|td»JtnnW g iJ^ whom that hdP'T^ cf liter G^-cf Vhose'Srbngb whom it mST-bebrou^httoa glofioris front ion. i j tsyiauthoritj or the UinoKU. BExatomt aid Exam Club, Ltfiriilfe Porl ? aiUa)l ow.cjnsmi8tM. foi; Bresi- dent and Vice-President ot tfie United States, fexa- cutted In tfid best stylebf tie sirt; arb paffilibed as LLt^mDoa^la TictursfLlthograpW—Swmow v *ud Blair—2i.hy 23 lnchL8;,._. —- ,-.§2 00 31rgTc"Pictures (tithbgfapB) T S. ymour and 1- - ' - Bla(r^8 6?1 o inSma, e»«i i ■.----’-A f- ;- •- 1 00 an lia . i -.stiio iffy<j8u&&uua r, n t L«-ge Donblo Pictures—A odpiee.^..—-i-.-LS 5 OO bargeljonh^PifipjOi^ copies• • *»»-_• 10 L0 , $lnft!e JE*lctare8-^6 cop‘i€V~.--«-^.......... ^6 00 Tne proceeds cif these sales are to be devoted to CamLaigupurposes. i ^ . 4.:i: OlnD orders must be sent to. one address.. Al\ pic tures ate sent on rollers' bo as' W'avold damage In the mails, and in all fcaaefc free of postage. Orderstoamouptof ted/dol ars add aver maybe filled-by Kxpreea, and bill collecied qa 4°? iver l* With each order will be enclosed a package of se lected campaign documehte, &c.‘, td‘advance the caused Admess.careTaJly. B.aBTEPHENS, Box 89^* Washington, D. O-. } N. B—In. ordering, please name paper In whicn advertisement was seen. >.u£8—2m LANIER HOUSE; MACGN, GA- 1 •j .... t f.tiiijovv -j..; . . Tioi b Seytpour and Blair Badges. I HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE SUPPLT (fifteen varieties) of the above. Wholesale or re- taU. One Badge mailed to any address on receipt of »n2S—lm Bull street, ngxt-to Poat Office,. A OO. Southern Bag w H AJR IF. ^faofrfWrer. olEsifr; r! ® rnlhgs,' Bags, c*r Oorers, w Oovera.FIngaretet.-and-Balt,---— — sJuSfwl Wp bc ‘ U7 500 HES WASTED /-\N THE MACON A BHUNSWICK RAILROAD. |l between Brunswick and: the Golf Road, atDoc- turtowu. Apply to Foremen and Agmita-om the and atten‘1 route. segXftggy . hull & miller,' Contractors. sli; eoais il:;.. ;. niiw NABUEGS, ■ Itc : Vlijj ? b b r °- a Y,rn8 ’ “Sfe (154 Bay street. H. MEED, - - Manager. B. 8NEBD JL8SUMB8 THE management of the Houi», and wU^ be pleased to oee ail of hia .ends. ‘ A FREE OMNIBUS bus i • • pepQt to convey aug8-tr C ONSTANTLY RECEIVING direct from the MM., best.MACHINE BALE BOFEi and for rale st msnnfacturers’ wholesale paces. Factors and deal ers will find it equal to tbo beat Hemp Bope for planters’ use, and much ^^^BBOEOUOH, No.D Stoddard’s Lower Range, i>W. T AW, BLANKS, BBJKFS, BLANKS fox County and l j other oUlcers printed in ^Qe n^test styie at the ffEWS AND HERALD JOB' OFFHJE% Ui BAY STBEXTi 7.0 v;JJ£V it ■ .-Ii--? >■.. J - ~ ' ROYAL. rTi/nLc'^ Capita! £2,000,000 Sterling, RESERVE Annual income ^700,000 snaaffNG. QONTHtUEStotaks^ Mercantile and Dwelling: House (Frame Buildings excepted) AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, A.t O-urrexxt Hates. Merchants’ General Exchange, oca—lv Battersby^s foliidlng. THE NORTH oi ■'> - *1. INSURANCE GOIPANT, ‘ . I : d) 53 el I -toiw u eilff s : ■ ... tA OR LOUDON AND KDISBCUGH. ESTABLISHED IIST 1809, GAPrrAL AND ASSETS (IN GOLD): Subscribed-capital j..... .*10,000,000 Accumulated. Fandi...•12,250,605 Annual Income *3,060,635 rpHE SUBSCRiBEB, HAVING BEEN APPOINTED 1 AGENT for the above CoiDptay -Is prepared to take BISKS ON BUILDINGS, COTTON, and MER CHANDISE GENERALLY, at current rates. Poli cies issued in gold or currency, set option ofappii cant.; Losses promptly adjostedand paid. HERHY B ft I GUAM j Agent, jy28—6m,, 115 Bay street. A. J. jRobiet, J. A. Bisanbr, jlarictta, ua. , , Marietta, Ga. ! Wh. A. Piichap.dsos, Y ’** Lonisville; Kr-'“" I ., •* <l.'h I IS u:.ih '■ . . r Marble Works. w - £li ‘ *.li Ui . E HAVE RECENTIsY PURCHASED and fitted up with the most approved machinery, the Georgia: Garble works, and we arepreparek to fiU'aTi orb era for MARBLE fn any quantity. iftS H&ltvji t | Ours la in quality.and#aaoeplibility of finish equal to tlie best Amerlcin Marble, and our facilities roc quarrying ore such that we can , supply, all demaoda at a less price than la .paid for the production of any Wot th ern quarry. D. alars ‘^ani been pplred with BLOCKS AN!) SLABS CO procure tuou uu,. r j iu-9 « r intffTHSt HtviM-engngKd the services of tbe nr-st experi enced workmen, we ere prepare,! t jiiU with diepsten all orders for FINISHED WORK, finch as Monuments, Toombs, &c. | Orders solicited firom 1 every cwy? town and neighborhood, ii .; ’ zroi ». .7 y; ; ui Adores* &tl communications lo Qfi jRGiA marble works, Jasper, Pickens coDnty, 0a. gepl9-Dl.w&TW2w ' 1 jQ 1 j.. . 1 Geo. Ni Nichols’ PRINTING — AND — i. 'wmumimmz -A JI SU lUP .STillfS-) - . . Book- Biiwtefv . -a . j'V.', t*m.1 Vl-aa"- - .' , ; BLANK BOOS MANUFACTORY -ary UN8URPA8SED'FACd) TIBS' enable me to 1VJ. execute ail wo k in the above lines with, ihe Utmost Dispatch and in Superior Style. EVEBY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE 1 i t : raonnwaa PRINTING OFFICE, J BOOK BINDERY k BLANK BOOK "MANUFACTORY. and PAPER RULING ROD The only eeUblishment m the Oily having all LEATHERS' and 1 Change of Schedule. *r >nr.. i — m v-* . OWIOT " O H AHD ASTER. SUNDAY. 10th inst. 1 Trains on the'G^’ocht^BMirouI^ffi Savannah.^ ..sawA^jf. Macon. J oonnecting wfrfi trains ihstlttve Augusts’ mI : DOWN DAY TRAIN. fitCOQ...s>*««s..*.sss..7!00 At AL that leaves Augusta 8:45 A. M. UP BIGHT TRAIN. 3.v.nnnn. . — —.. — -Hfl P- ] Macon...... ,.6:55 A. M. .......................3:13 fa. ff. i train that leaves Augusta saw. fit DOWN-NIGHT TRAIN. Mscon... .—..... ........ ....1:15 P. M. Savannah 5:10 A. M. -U i »»L »v»*4 *Wn •SUSA. K. ,-tnis.. r .4:30 p. M. on...:..’ WOP. M. Cennectintwtth train that leaves . A. M. trains from Savannah and Augusta, and P. M. train from Macon connect with MUledgcrllie train ac Gordon daily, Sundays excepted. P. M. train from savannah connects with through mail train cm South Carolina R. it,andP. M. tain from Savannah and Angosts with trains on South western and Hascogce Railroads. WM. ROGERS, anglAtT ACt’g Master of Transportation. J. W. STANSBDai 4 CO, SUCCESSORS 70 THE LATB XZEU OF E. IJ. Sfflytlie & Go. Importers andjDealers — IN — Glass and Qu.eeiisware, . <:.)3tlt .. t: I c i. .u 1 i 1 i> . . ff ■ SILVER-PLATED AND BRUT ANT A ■ WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, KE- , AND ' • ‘ GENERALLY, ' ; , AT THE OLD STAND, 109 Broughton Street, 'GA, o 1 W x. o b p THE BUSINESS OF THE LATE FIRM OF Is. D. SXITTHE So CO., WILL BE LI- QPIDATJEP By PS ONLY. augia-tf SAVANNAH ISSTITO ’krdlp7t — VO®’— ' 1 Yonng Ladies- IraSSrron J WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7TB. . The several dasaesin English, French and will enter npon the yearly course of study alt glnulBg of the term, and it is desirable ibat scbvJsr Shall be present at the ppenlng of the i ppr Toition S40 per term, of three months. Tbo Preparatory Department will be under the in struction of MIH£) ADAMS, a fatthinl and sn-ceesful teacher. Toltlott In thU Department, 8*5 pot term, of three months. , . J. S. F. LANCASTER, BsplStd" PRINCIPAL. Savannah Hebrew Collegiate Institute. Second Annual Session. FACULTYs D’O. LEWIN, Saperictendent fhe Tbs.,logical Department. .WEST, Teacher of Beitaa Letters and AldthpmxMtX Professor ADOLPH H33WALD, Teacher cf Lan- FISHER, Teacher of Hebrew and Thh- KNAPP. Teacher of Book-keeping. Tbe Second Annual Session of the Institute 'will commence on rheXIBSI MONDAY in October. The charges for toition will be regulated according to the IbUowiDg standard: --- From 5 to 8 jmrs otd-...-...—..-f 400 { Krojn 6 to 12 years old .. 7 00 per r iver 12 years old. — 1000 peso VJCCC. x i For full ptrticnlara see prospentna Issaed by the ^sSl'i-aw °- rder ' 11 9 PHttUPA-Secretary. facilities col . Stock of RIALS on band. Ordars solicited, hatisracttim guaranteed. jy39—lv .; . . GEQ. N. MCHOL8. : WM. H. TIbON. WM. W. GORDON. :& COTTON TACTORS { , -ASD^ COMMON .MERCmHTS, Sayamtah, €la. tS~ LIBERAL ADVANCES mide, on; —— manta. anifi.—r - XHOS. rigTiB^ -G. X. M’CONKICO. E. H. E H. HENLEY S CO., COTTON BUYERS -AND B B.OE.E B S, SAVASSAil.GEOlMUA.,. Office corner Bay and Lincoln streets, up stall*, over W.H- Stark A Co.'s. “ - 0 eeplO3m ; MANSION HOUSE, 6 9 B t*o.a,d‘ S’t'^ae t» BSTWESN MEETING AND CHURCH STREETS, OURbfetTCS, S. C. .-known and Kmg-establisfied Housa, has been leased "^ the hnaersignedr find la now o&en to the Travailing Pnblic, wnose patronage la re spectfully solid ted. - , . Guests win recaive the attention ot:a Firet-clase Hotel. Transient Board *2 50 per day. Permanent Board oin be arranged for npon moderate terms. Carriages ana Baggage Wagons will be in resdlnesa to convey Passengers to and from the House. GEORGE R. WELLS, Proprietor, jell-tf Late of tbe Mills House. i--fe •Plans and Estimates;', r A EE solicited for BUILDING A FOOT BRIDGE /V across each of the slips at the :foot of Barnard and Drayton streets. The apana are respective 75 and . 45 feet in tbe dear. The brldgea must be five feet i wjde and capable of sustaining a weight of one bon ded pounds per square foot. - •_ JOHN B. HOGG, . sepiSdf _ - Ctty Sturm ox. SCtOSXlH DR. «. M. SNEED, DENTIST, TTAVING "EVERY FAOTLITY FOR THE MANU- rt nunatc ob astifichal tketh in su u» varioua modes kpovato tke profegaloc, and compe* fc*>hours notice manufacture an entire settof Teeth, alter extra-ting the old roots (which can be done in OLD UAaBa not comtartably worn.I can make so. OLD GOLD and SILVisE PLATES taken fn pan pay. OFFICE ASi) liABOBATORY^ 117' Congress Street* Between Bnlland Whitaker Street*; lefi—tf SAVANKAB. OA. CHATTAHOOCHEE WHITE SULPHUR BATHS BOARD REDUCEDI rrtHZ PROPRIETOR TAKES PLEASURE IN AN- X NOUNC1NG10 the SOUTHERN PUBLIC that he ha* completed bis irrangement3 tor tbe accowmoda- tipnof VL-Itors, auamngwPaga)t<>MfiiniOMt- FOBTABLE TWO HUNDRED uUEoTS. The BATHING ARRANGEMENTS are the most extensive and delightful of any in the country, and the water andxllinate have proven themselves un surpassed in point of health. There la a good School and a Physician In the neighborhood. We have a line of FOUR HORSE COACHES to con nect at Box Springs. Muscogee Railroad,-wiUi the different trains. Persons buying tickets win state thattheyare goingto tbe Springs,and thereby te-~ core tickets AX HaLF-^RIOB. %M~ raxes or Eoaed.—Ter day. S2 50, per week, j *1* DO; per mouthy *40 00- Children under twelve Proprietor. COTTON CINS ! -yyE OFFER FOR SALE. THE CELEBRATED E, Carver Cotton Gins. These Gina have been eipreasly prepared to suit the wants of the planters of Georgia. A*abama and Florida* and are adapted to ths present labor System- Factors allowed a commission For sale by sep2-2m N. A. HARDKE d SON A CO. raJUAUK HOOAS rtULKD and BOUND TO ANY t> Pattern at the NEWS AND HERALD AOS OFFICE, Hi »T ttTMt, *Fr: j 1 _