The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, September 26, 1868, Image 1

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■F5EPWEH5B ?*% <■ * if % > *> mf- - a — VOL. 4—NO. SAVAl .jgJfC'/ 5= M;\VS & HERALD. J. H. ESTt L'LV > £> -• 14 ii *[ u JU BAY SMBET, SAVANNA^ *A, TEEMS: — ■ : a iri ! p>JLX NEWS AND HERALD. ■■■ ~.;..$I0’0O iei-weeelt news AND oc gjugla Copies.••■•«■ • .>••■<■& cents. BITES OF ABVKRTIS1SS. w - A SQUARE is ten measured llneg'of ‘ Nonpareil oitn? Nrvrs isn Hkeaxjd. «- ADVERTISEMENTS.—ytret? insertion,-*1 08 ptr square; each subsequent insertion, 75 contu per iqnare. <J*r* r one month or loams will :iai rates which can* * ^S-AdverttaeqMnta^ toeiifeert^»tfBpfcciaVrit( »t the office. Capt. Ball’s home Belles THE AliCTIC REGIONS. ■ ujuMtefe iiOTAL BEiOUER' OIUtIA, SATURDAY, -SEPTEMBER ^ 1868. ® 5 CENTS. Post Okeice Defalcation.—Infc,^ which has come to the ’ knowledge of llie post Office Department siqce ternoon, leads to the suspicion that a heavy defalcation lias been committed by; Col:' E. 1 B Olmstead, Disbursing Clerk and Superin tendent ortho' building. According to the narrative of one of the chief officers of the Department, Olmstead- yesterday • morning went to the residence-of a laborer employed jo that branch of ifce public service’and Obi tamed from him an army overcoat, • leading in exchange noqie of his own clothing, find giving bini the keys of his office and safe, and §1,000—the latterfor delivery to his Wife. The laborer, Branegan by name, ternoon visited a priest, tan/l related ,to him these circumstance^./ Acting united tbV&d- viceof the clergyman he called upon the Postmaster-General and related these facti Measures were at onca taten'for Olmstead’s arrest, but up to this even?ng<tieWRirjner in telligence has been'obtained concerning him 1 . An investigation into his’ financial'afftars wijl take place to-morrow in the Department. The extent of the defalcation is not known- A recent requisition from him on • the '’Trea sury Department not having been honored, oceas’umed some comment at the Depart ment, but there waajio* .expression at that time impugning his honesty. Olmstead has been employed as disbarshig clerk for two years, and it is said he has, in the meantime, been engaged in extensive pecuniary* specii- lslious.—ikus/t. Cor. N. Y. World. IsTEKEsriNo China and Japan News.— Toe steamer Great Republic has arrived at San Francisco, with Hoag Kong advices (o August 15 and Yokohama, dates to ,August 29, bringiug. ?15 passengers “ Slates steamers Monocaey aud at Cbolow, all well. The nude _ , w Mikado of Japan has been appointed Mikado’ by the Northern princes. There is a great panic among the Southerners,' who have behu lately worsted io several engagements, Mikado has been requested to will probably comply. ’The Pri father of the ex-Tycoon, is dead son now in Paris succeeds to_the t envoy extraordinary'frpm Spain ; ha to ratify the treaty with japan/ !L.; cell, late aciing Lieutenant United Navy, has been appoiuted overseer Japanese Navy, Under’thf .Sou ttai meat. The anti-foreign; feelia ; very s roag in the Country, and foreigners are of almost daily .occurrence. Another imperial decree has been circulated, throughout the empire. . United States Min ister J. B iss Browne hiad arrived at Yoko- l; am.-i. \ _ The to resign, and Prinra pf MUp, eadr Ayouuger Captain Hall learned from so the Esquimaux, io 1866, that about _ years prior to that, Captain Crozier and one of the Franklin crew had died in the neigh-: borhood of Southampton Island, while en deavoring to . make their way- to that place, in thqgi^f that they wqnSftf Mere able to meet a whaler to convey them back to England, or ia .fact, anywhere to .escape front their Arctic prison. Ui.» j Captain Hall is confident of the identity of Captain Crozier wilh one of the men so de scribed to hasp naWhed, as the natives not only gave Captam-CrbzrerVname, but were ed h- - - Captain. Co zier s watcb, a gold chronometer, made by Arnold &’ Dent,- of London, besides some email articles of silver and trinkets belonging to their outfit: iTheserelicsMr. Hall now iolds, and they have been seen and handled >y Dr. Goold. . Captain Crozier’s companion, _who died with him, is believed to jbavb been a steward of t either, the Erebus "or Ter ror, . as the natives say he was a server of food, but could hot recollect’. his name. ’The natives also , state that they Tftye among them, near Southampton Island, a piece of gold bullion which belonged to Captain Cro zier, and is believed to have formed part of one of hia-epauiettSsj . , t They also stated that a number of otberB bad Btarbed with Captain Crozier from a place very forjjfprtb, to reach Southampton Inlet, but had perished, one by one,' pn, The way. They had been passed from one band pf _ ) the other, and when'Captain Cro- f-zier haS passed through two tribes, the na tives say all further traces were lost, but Captain Hall himself traced the remainder. He says the opinion most entertained is that the natives killed them. They say them selves there-was no difficulty in Captain, Cro- zier’s getting through, because he was ac counted among the natives a first rate hun ter forthat country, and could at all times keep food. The records which Captain Hall hopes to be able to secure are iu King William’s Land, and considerable difficulty is anticipnted in the effort to reach _them. According JO-na- .. live information the- last survivors, built a cairn or rude vault of stones on the rocks, and deposited within it some documefats and such articles as they had no .further use lor their States of the ;m- . agues f>t, woqld have been an encumbrance on General Lee.—The editor of the Native Virginian, in a late letter-iiom the White Sulphur Springs, writes : When General Leo first came, he conld not enter the bail-room- without 1 being sur rounded by groups of' gentlemen and ladies, who were anxious to make his acquaintance. One evening it so happened that the group around him was composed exclusively pf old men, and tbi3 of itself attracted’aTi epfos to ward him. Just then, a silver-haired old geailemati, much more aged than, the rest, drew near the group and intrrfddeing him self to General Lee, grasped his hand.and holding it fast in his own said, with a trem bling voice: .j,.- “General; pardon an olcf ihan for telling you the plain truth. I love you better lhau I ever loved my own father.” Zj Overpowered by emotion. -Gen. Lee (at tempted no reply; but-ins buffo answer more eloquent who wilues.ei the scene say .that it ^ cumbrauce i °“ ^°For some Bote pwit s ffilg-^iffiiui aa^ hia tribe have been hostile toward •>“* native followers' ot King * Albert, who inhabit' tb6 region about Itepablie Bay; where Captain Hall was quartered, and would allow no in cursions into the country. The place, where this cairn is described to be situated is about four hundred and fifty miles northward from Repulse Bay, and ia order to reach it, Capt. Hall has formed an alliance with Albert and his people, and together with his escort of Enropeans, was preparing an expedition of ihoat ninety persons,.to march in quest of the records. It was Mr.' Halt’s intention to start in February or March, of this year and he had already accumulated supplies of pro visions, and other necessaries, for the pur pose. His force will consist of five Caucas ians, besides himself, and the remainder en. Le used eyes than words. Ti lay .that it was t of the moot affecting they ever beheldj ’ j The Western Corn Crop.—The Cincinnati Price Current, of Wedritsday, says : The corn crop is generally represented very good, and has compleied its growth in all good com land in the valleys of Ohio and Missis sippi. A correspondent at Chillicothe,' Ohio, reports the crop in the Scioto Valley the best and largest ever raised there, arid Apretly nearly matured. Advices from Kansas report the corn crop in that State large beyond pre cedent, and that the accounts from Missouri, Iowa and IHihois are all Favorable.’ TiT Ken tucky the corn is now; fully ifpc and unusually good ; ao that it may sa r ely be conceded that the year 1868 has produced the larg-at corn crop ever produced in the countryit is not probable now that any contiogemSyIwill arise to seriously injure it before it has fully matured. ’_ ■ : Negro Member of the “Assembly Harvard College.—-The Boston/; J< the 19th instant, says: , “Therefjv^. . ^ , _ fxciting time at the Assembly ’of'the JLstw School of Harvard College, last night, grot out of the attempt-.df George B.JlnfBn, a col ored member ofihe swrobl, fo^dim-the Assem bly under the first rule, which declares “that any member of the schooi afusll be of right w member of the Assembly upon signing, the rules.” The Democrats attempted to prevent Mr. Ruffip. from joining by first repealing this rule, but iu this were defeated.. They]then offered a resolution declaring-tha) tfiis^ul^ was not ini ended to admit colored persons. , This was discussed at great length, and finally drawn, as its defeat was. certain- Mr. Ruffin is therefore a member of the “Assembly.” The Caterpillar. —MncAr lias ■ beeitl said in reference to the ravages of the caterpillar this year upon the cotton. A gentleman was telling ns yesterday that they had*.taken en tire possession of; his fields, .eating, qp the, cotton, and that the lence was Jincct: \»ith them, crawling over each other and working about generally. He yyas- not very uneasy about the fence, however, as it was. an old one, and he would have to renew it-this win ter. We have not seen a farmer who hi caped them, and their ravages have bee: general. Farmers,- with few -«x< think their crop is out offi, ; fallyj» hi htore, and fit this time tbey'cho* m correct estimates cf -the. damage don Imnlus Sum ie ,at- made Those The WgLL of .A Millionaire.—Tl^p . the late Edwin A. Stevens, of New’ . bfqueaths nearly twenty millions of d< nance of another is donated. The Stevens battery, for the completion- of which one million is donated, is to be presented to, the entire estate is esiitnated. at from forty to fifty millions dollars. r , . , ^ There is a new fashion of petticoats, made with a succession of.plaits folded one: over another, and commencing at the whist, ex actly in the earns • manner • as kilts are ar ranged. They are made either 'of tartaq./pr of a simple white woollen, material, apd“ re quire neither cage noT- crinoline to be worn beneath them. . The daughters qf.a former street, edntrac- jor boasts the hoesii display o^ldi&nidiids in Hew York—$300,OOttwortlr. The Queen of Heard From— tclin Fori y Dis covered—An Jfixnedition Planned co ObtUin their Ktcords; Ji '1 V [Special tothe Cincinnati Commerciil ~ • llaw Yobk, September 19.—We hayj interesting, information in-relation to, me ex pedition of /Capt. Hall-in search of fib John Franklin. The information is-’furnished'by Dr. Gnnld, of. Dublin, who has been during the past two years-in the polar regions. The following are the fall particulars'-' Dr. Goold arrived at Net? Londoo, Con necticut, a,few xlh^spincei on hoard a whal ing ship from Cumberland Inlet, and states that in August, 1867,- ho spent soma time With Captain HaU, who was then at Repulse Bay. Captain Hall has traced the fate'di rectly of two of the last survivors of Sir John ’a party, and has obtained valuable S AT WOBK JU Alt KANSAS. .i-. ,o iniormalion regarding'the relics and some records reported byjtbe natives to have been left by the last’ expedition in King William’S of Wou'4 be composed of Albert’s men. Of the whites accompanying . him, two were Irish men;. uic,. one German,"one Englishman and one Swede, all of whom were recruited by him fiauTjwibJw «fj»Be FipnSr, Wax wrecked in the summer of 1867, atKing’s Cape. These men are all armed with re- volver3 nnd shot gun^./and it was mainly tbrongh a reliance on the 'Europeans and their weapons that the Albert men were in-; P— dneed to participate in the exenrsion. Alone they wpuld be nuable to cope with King William’s force, who number about two hundred, and conld be assembled in a month. C iplain Hall would offer no molestation to King William’s people, but, if opposed, would give Idem battle if necessary, as he was determined to obtain the records of the iost explorers, if possible- He would be ac companied also by joe and Hannah, the two maux or Bnewits who, it -will - be re- and Hannah are man and wife, and now form part of Oaptaan Hall’s retiune or household, affording, him valuable assistance, through their knowledge of the English language,-in communicating with the various tribes of natives,’-with whose dialects and peculiarities they are familiar. _ i '.; The entire distance, it waarexpected, would have to be traversed on sledges drawn by dogs, of which useful motive /power Oapiaiu Hall has abundant stock. It was Captain Hall’s determination, if successful in finding w^ftheesim; ahiino .unforeseen mrqumstnncaa or obstacles intervened, to press still farther forward/, and, If possible, reach the open ^ m wa y; si jits. If impeded,-ha^ expected 'TtoTeti ' “ “ liain’s take up pulse Bay. , Last year be wintered in this Ideality, and at the time Dr. Goold saw him, he was ia 66 deg. 28 mih. north latitude, and 85 deg. 5 - PW longitude- . . ' j 1 Tl»e “Loyal” tta Conceal t^e^Uar- ,IH ' iSiXlUlM tuU buc tOorrespondence of the St. Louis Republican;] f_1 WALftferGitaTB, Cuookej) Cue , Carroll County, Ark., September I .'DI1BI .It ■■ r reli were it^ yery mindst; The shrieks of the affright- «hea id^childreo, in connection with the. |>eU tnall x^3ah,pf» the jinjiocent and unsuspecting congregation, donbtlegs think ihty ttfdnfB'be instantly inurderfed, were ie* c Slfve- ■ men; were in/ •^nntiy, ho e ha could be justly prefeired».uave only that i were Conservatives- -or Democrats. A Ferrand. anlex-Federal soldier, died iustaot- Charles Lamb is not expected to five/ wtf the other two,- Waihic and..Robert Lamb, Will avfc ^U f jnaofflB7’ 1 AmT sfodife 1 tBh ganization, and at the very time of iliiS l ffiuf-> reconstructed State Were heard to say: “Now" We are a hundred strong, we wittdo as we please.” '3 noati . .. , Young Ferrand, who -died instantLi was shot for having on an-ordinary, califo dus ter—a fashion adopted by the students of Berryville Academy,-in. contradistinction of that of the young men of the country—they (the Rads) believing it to be a Ku-Klux garb, when, in- fact, none of the Klan are among ns. Aa aq evidence of the m.urqer- ous intention of this lawless bandi(lj,, : -they deliberately informed some of their supposed friends then on the ground, of lh(ur beaslly design. .In There, arq some ten! Democrats to one Radical an this county, and although the ex citement has been intense almost to frenzy, yet nolhtqrffflBjbeah'jjfcMjMjy.the eitweus {to bring these hrutaTa8Sassiua.foAecount by en-. forcing the civil law, hopmg the loyal mill 1 tia, as it was their imperatively eworn duty, would see the laws adopted by thejr Legis lature faithfully executed, and peace abd order promoted. But,;; ? to the woudri : amazement of * everybody/ these very ont- throats went immediately to their kith upq kin (the militia) for protection, and itfis now bring together the largest possible number of the Union’League, lest they shbnid 'have been overpowered and the criminals arrested. It is now suited, and generally believed, that these bad men have since been escorted by a strong'gnard of the militia and Loyal Leaguers out of the country to the Btate of 'Missouri—likely to Springfield, as two of then!, named Long, have a brother, a Baptist olergyman, living at do great distance from that place. 'Such occurrences as this are be coming very common throughout the-Stiite. s;.^ 9 aX ! sfa. o ^sss,i° stracted . South. . The. militia.organized and thrust upon us.Ip, .time of profound peace commit these fiendish deeds in order to have: a color of a pretext to Justify the uecesaity nf th,atotu±..«;“- xniraimpst wholly com posed of men who , during the late war de serted the gomh, went North, taking much of our property with them, and, attached to no army, banded together for the purpose of frequently 1 Tunning back 1 -'among us—mur- derod our citizens without regard to age or, condition, guilty or innocent—burned bur, houses—ravaged odr farms—fn s’ word, {to tally beggared us; and are now placed over us to .murder'those'who alter the surrender laid down their arms and With gladsome hearts returned to their wretched, starving, families in hope of a r 'BOlid, uninterrupted peace throughout the‘country. Brother Democrats of the North; we anx iously look to 1 yon for SO much of-assistance Tlirlllla{Iaclilciit In HUioati. LuuiuuMuu mjt .**• — —: 7 the following ‘fmd&s • W 6 , ° f dui « iii i ti .oai’i be doubted that the -En in Cooper county. The verified and ‘established be- A few days since our county .. numerous assistants, was en- .-iung thO line of some, lands in >f Moniteau township, and in ap is fonse, sent a man ahead with a red flag:“ Tfo: operations were anxiously watched bv an old gentleman and several of thfcweaknr’idx«im the-honse. <■’ Jtiji.tJlhe. ; dismay were qu tlieir coante- narices asthey Stobdaiid gazed with trem bling on the movementsJif the; party. -The ; ahdwki^S^ffiw«a'- , rba flh?*'{i# r *»»^i mysterioi® ways. 'Tb'e HUl^Syor balled'at the signil, planted his instrament ’iirmlyjron the’ grrc&d and leveled it aHhfi house. J At this a wild yell Mfoke from the anxious and terriffid'oechpants ot the ffiouse; Tho-flagf inai'dropped his banner, and ran witfoall ffii speed to see What was the ! matter. As 1 le rushed frantically into ! the : house the bid man and the wbinen fell on ‘ their knees and cbmmbnoed begging ptteoiislyJfor their lives. The Ragman tried in vain4d ujoiet theni fori 1 they would hot'be 1 quieted,* deiklafong,. ’yon cannot fool ns, we’ve heard oFyoasKu- .1 length^the old man was'foude ‘fin SEND Y0^^ “ o end daidw i kftatefe;’l!''Ai „ to see the rnatter in the'right light, but the females never cessed their crying untilfhe purveying' party Was out of Sight: The par ty proceeded a short distance, when-the iiu’e" approached another house. An old lady waa bitting by the door, wWh her handa. folded and alookof resignation on her fade. TI ■flagman came up Within "a, few -feet of the house, anfi ’wishing'lio kUbw .whetheri.‘he should go to the right or left, called back to thesuryeyort “Whicfi’Way does she run?” At’this the old lady broke forthi .V“Oh, Lord, I can’t run at ail. i If you are going tof kill me, yertt' will have- fodo it right here^ L can’t escape:” She was kindly- informed that no evil was intended' her^' when; with ill innocence and amazement, she asked -LftWhy,’ ain’ti ybu Kukluxers?V “She was answered id the negative, when-she Said t> “Wblb you took' like yon might be;’’ iThe rnstqfr family were then called from ttmir liidii places and’informed-that there > -was no ca forfear. - '*>■ i - V •• i :,a. ;mi ■ Pi I ISStfqjt’ Saffigfe Paper, ;e«J , , M 00 Siitipely; “tTsTew I ! Tt fADB? E6PEOIALLTTO OOB-OWN ORDER. *** Cl tll*„ a p u . . , , MARKING INK, ..Tlfifli GALLOS KEGS, ‘4yt’ l< ^ i O’ r Cents “PeT Cnllon, UTS forfqrO” ( kS|QBXTWW,¥ ■ itdperceat. LEfe than NewTotk-price. hoi,0 LI till in J-fi, IA'-- 7 .. COTTOM JIAIIKISG BRIISHKS ASU POTS •ia-. Streeta, 'ExECHTIVX jDEPABTMEFT.. as the laws of God permit,land-the enfferingcl.L I,, _ . . ■ _ a tlanta, g down-trodden condition of innocent men, i women and Uhildien require at your hands Justice demands it of you; mercy will bless it, add high heaven ‘will approve of it., conVict has been nnltbrmfy good and Ku Klnx Keported at Work A way from * Home. New York, September 22 —iVla said that Ku Klux have appeared in New Jersey. For some time past mysterious Warnings, with symbolic cards, daggers, bloody beads, and coffins, have been received by Radical mem bers of the military companias, threatening them with death, bat-no notice was taken of gSffl&MZMZWSZ! Ste iSEfiutaD’stsjss'ari and when found was itaensible. Near htmt .WW , was a poster marked with., Ku Klux.biero-. glyphics-and other eviden.e B aQf Uiq J Hxghlt iatFORTANT—If TrUe.—The Wash-; rilvap Under thy hand ayTthe Seal of thViifcative * ^ : ^ ■*’ " ' — ■*’—*- aud ington correspoudent of the HewTTprk Ttnae^ furnishes that journal with the folio wing highly’important it^pij-7-If true : _ Anns in CaARLESTON.’—A dispatch has teen received fioin a reliable source by! the’ ’’ Bytbi Gircrror; Secretary of the tlnion CongressfbnaTGoml ’ ~ ~ '~ ±l mittce aunoun liiia Of teve signed to’ Ccmgressiouai e arrival in Soulh Garo- ind stands of arms, as- prOminent Southern gentlemen,” ih’Charleston and elsewhere. They , consist of repeatingilifles. and other arms used fog cavalry and infantry during the war. The discovery has occasioned great excitement in Chaileston, and fears ara entertained {that they will be used ia armed political orgabiza- "tionS.- Ms4y^W##Ste'«Sri!lsMM*G , harles- ton, when the recent bogus conspiracy by the bla’cks’ to tisul-fPeOntMP of the city was alleged to have been discovered, announced their intention of arming themselves for de-. fence against the anticipated attacks.; These arms, itjs supposed, have been proedrea l for at purpose. We know n Registration Infamies in Arkansas. ■, j - [Special to the St. Louis Republican.] -( Lettlb ItiooK, S^fomher 17.—Begiitration has commenced in Arkansas. As conducted, an election will be a'mere "form. In effeot, Go.vl Clayton ’will appoint the.Congressmen and Presidential -Electors.- Un’dhr his in- [strn him to appoint one Democratic i Judge and ? la Clerk on each county election board to vouch refused _ require. |the hoards to regulate rejections by uniform rules, he replied that the-registrars’ duties were yflijcial, not i execuitive, and he again refused. - This was : done,' notwithstanding his first general instructions issued to the registrars' of Independence, Perry.apd Saline counties. Where the people are' all whites and Democratic, the registrars refuse to al- ilteS-f-’fow any" persons to register who voted against’ the ratification of the Constitution made un der the reconstruction law. Thus the regis- trern have the powbi to elect whom {hey please, and this shows what Clayton meant when be said that the Conway county elec tion and registration should be fair. Minnie Hauck’s contract with Strakosch is not so bad as reported. He is to pay all ber expenses for four years and give her $150,- 000 in gold.*:--, j j * A French collector J)i autographs written—“Pass General Bonaparte. Talma.’ The only Badical In Falton county, Ky.; has recentlynb3Copded with $20,000 of other pe ople’S; money- . ■ A New York barber paid $75 foi blonde hair on stood.”. ir pain for a crop of single head, taking it “as it The mate of a Bed river steamer caused a mutiny by calling his hands Congressmen. • of arms by ‘ to by tbe 2&3SESS* be importation t genflemen, as alinded ndent of the Times. 1 We the white people Were put' in a position to defend tbeip-households, recent developments made on the Island jacent to tbe city,-knd.«:Cambaha% i pears the neoroes have' been, armed. I Radical party.- Why not abe whUes arms too?, We have only tasayflfe.hoi announcement made hy-tha, oorrespoi of the Times is true, and that the citizens '’ haveheen piaceiin a eitnatw defend lhemaelvfes Horn;any ■ Bxcxim.Y Jtvb ’ifegro^s ’from claiming to be menibers of tho ^ State militia, crossed over into JniW near Friar’s Point, and declared their leader, dictalor’bf tjje^'tipper portion ’of'jSKS' ’ On the freedmen on the surrounding ] lions refusingto bow to the mandates of the woutd-bc dictator, he commenced an ; mdis- crimmate warfare upon them, and ran ill the freedmen oit: several, plantations; (into the woods. He ahd his party were finsllp rap tured, and are now safe in the priBOniat.Jht place. " Ii .’ '. . «-u ’» i gtl I Tboubls Among Roman Catholic Digni- ■o, September 21,—A jerimJa Bishop -Doeggon an A some' of his clergy. The matter has-been referred to Rome. Meantime Rev. Dr. Dunn, Vicar-General of ticket to the ComecRe Francafopjr whUfo^fS®^? Ite *- ^cGovep, Rev. Fa- ' ~ naparto. Tali ther Follaa. and Revi Dr. McMullen, are sus pended.'' The siory has been, started that some American General of the United States army has promised-the Nova Scotians the aid of twenty thousand American soldiers to assist them if they will secede from, the New Do minion. - • Extraordinary discoveries of goid have been made at Ophir, in New South WaleB. »di Official, T ? PROCL1MATIUN. Executive Department, . Atlanta, «^a., 17, 18B8> *>• To thr Principal Keeper of thi'Penitentiary WitEbias, Ac tbe January Term of the Snpefior ,CoflrtJiieia in ana for the couhty of tfhatham.1808, ^amuel ffoblnson was tfled for and coihricied 6f jtbe' effente bf simple larceny, and was then and'there'; therefor, sentenced by the pre.-iding Jad^e at said Court to be imprisoned at hard’labor in the Peniten tiary of this State for the term of five years; and whereaa, it is certified to me by both the principal Keeper and the Phys clans of the Penitentiary that the said convict Samuel Bobinsou is afilicted with an incorubje disease, vis : Dropsy in the ehest, (b^dfa thorax,) and & consequence thereof, both recom mended the diEcbarge.oft the said convict from the» said Penitentiary; therefore, it is . u \ j ^ i ; tTfoi^^a ^>ae{ ffdbinson be. and he is hereby, fuily.pardoued of said/offijnse ; that he be restored to all hia civil rights as t a citizen of this State, and be forthwith discharged from said pen* itentiary. , ^ , Given under my hand and the Seal of the Execntrve Department, at the Capitol, in Atlanta, the iday aiidy^ear above’Written. ' 1 t3 r 1 { RCFITA B. BULLOCK, (governor. ^By the Governor ~ 1 “ : ' B. B. DeQbaffenbeid, ' l [. Sec'y Executive Department. sep24»3 -LL PROCLAMATION. I f U _ . .. n ,# ‘ Atlanta, 0a;. Sept 17.186S }ft> vitentiui y . j iiuuo, At the October 8G6; otifik{91& perior Court, held in and for the ‘codtity' of ! CArrOtl,’ William Harrell was tried for and cpevicted of tlie crime of bigamy, and was then a id there, thei ' sentenced by t^e Judge presiding at said ..Court therjDfor, hrt to be’ imprisoned at haz^ labor in the- -■PouijLeatiary of this State for the term of two years, his ,said tt^rm'cx-' piling on-tbe 24thinstant;.andin consideration- that Department, at the Capitol, in Atlanta, the da’ year4borewfftl6L >4av j , RUITS^R’. JBftJLLOOg, i u . ..-i .. Governor. I Ail i | live Department. •jpdiSfTirfiSNW Vr Vni COVER XCH pl’of Pawton.'bs anUheia hereby tam'plleij oi; the Ikira, br'.the'iiii^ent 'nssh.-. General Aajsnjbly, tiy virtue r.f the auilioiity vested ifi me b; the l«45th secUon or the Code of Georgie- i ’ v ”‘ '• -'‘•KUFU’JBtBUtigck^^ i- iBfSiieQovemor:.: . , V Governor. 'B; B. DX0BirFXNSzn>, <W*m lilTiUMil j J lj( •fkc’y-Ex; iiabt- : . ;-.i&ih*L “.m j" fTIHE FOLLOWIN0 RQND3, OR. THB CITY riF 1 savannah were STOLEN from the State Burk oi Oliarleston in the eptlagoi 186* .daring the pas- ‘PJ sage oroeneral Sherman tbrongh Sooth Caroline, 3S*i X ' cifSteal Rohraary lit, .1870,. together With, coupons, $1' ■eashSrF Fphraary- each,every hrstoi August aouFebrnary at tl , 'Bank, New York, aigoed. hy BiWayne, Mhvqr. am i Joseph c'elt,Treasurer. Issued for subscription t' at- the stock or the Angnsta and Waynesboro’ H»iiroa< KwBsj5? m P i SVy.V*lW?! , S t J?° 0 '’ i Nos. 108, Ill, 115 and 11T, ’ sdI an ds. Issued for subscription to tire western Bui road Company 1st Jane, 1851, < $500, payable Juna-1, ,1876, iwith coupons every Dfct&teriira 7tm?, etch for $i7 6D,; every jjeuemoer ana June, on, payau at City Treasdry, and signed as above. Also,- .. V.V’Mj io Bon’d for $500; 1st 1 December, 1853; plufable eacli-JItsO. 'Issued ror subu«. t any Railroad Company, June- mast iptioa and have been stolen as abov g y-pia—IaWtW togeth eatills .persons , n.rtheew_ I/F „ f flSON*., Of Charleston, B. U PUBLISHED AT GAINESVILLE,' EASTFLORip PAPV, Editor, add -Mail i ad; ii year a M. K. rill Bja; fia H ; T his paper is published every i aturj Day MORNING, In SaioesviUe, PI. T - one ol the beat advertising mediums in TERMS: . For Business Cards—One square 3 months..,.$ig t» One square 6 months.... 15 0ft TwosqnaiCTKmonths... 15 bo fOTOa’rSdtowfb^^teis^**°*1L EUpip^ 6 sepll-tf Editor w ad Proprietor. H <’ --I- -B j .il-iidw ,, di OS A ni OA-...-.IOstdi ;a JQOU-M» i -'til mi fisuw.m Axm-sws&o mL*. \a-sr:y O* fcoog need oil Mill ijuc i.0 in lia adi no alqoeq t>s4 esaitiU: cl bat FORRENT, • ].®VP;.pF STOBl^ an'd ?, 6f GIBBONS’ RANGE.. Foa- ^fission given onihe 1st'of Octobdr; * - 1 1 **■ iuWrty , w.bpihnsa; ' 0 Job«,"Office, ) leoijiioq adj no alqoeq ssi esaiti SCTiisasHtffi'fet ^ftB WBSViOF WORK, •atsO'j Mil] ' . viiiodiu, -..lAi’-it w ■ . , j lOTUif mid v(jc flJiw fcaisTr^S??..' - i It YBWPTLT FILIP ^/EVaM &“C0bs*WELL? d uiid 109 East’ Bay Stree A No. 3 IIro I.,qe (’-cb^ftLEOTON, f 4®*: Samples for alstrlbutian attfo, pffoa,,of foft 1 .igL " V Nkwh anii Hkealii. ^ Notice of Cor-Partnershi miTE HAYS THIS DAY ASSOOI4TpU>_pi » * SKLVJiS together under the firm name of ' Fincgan & €o. } ^ “ -'isi Commissioii H^rpliante, In this city, and would solicit from oar friends and tne piiDlic -ghneraHy* rnnsiimmenta0of - COTTON. GRAIN and PR‘>DUCK HBKRAL ADVaNCKH made on'all conaigiiments to ourselves or^oourcorxesponUehts in iNfiw York aud UverpooL JO&&PH- FINBG 4N & CO. . OIUc& Jiinf aj Upper. Block, Bay street, fia- ▼aiinali. " * ^ septs—lm* MS mioM WADULLL, jr.. istiiis day associated rn me in basinesa, unjier the firm name of E. A- CALDWELL & CO. 8fiplr3Um ti , . K.,A. CALDWilLL. A RE SOLtCXJ-'Id^O£t nLtlNGt AND GRADING ;A" that po-ffon nTBoltnn streeP occupied By the (rSirst-reartitW built; The estimated contents are lourtcen hundred cable yards- Material may. be ob tained in the vicinity or Gwinnett and dbercorn sis. Bids Vllole work, and’ not by ttie yard, and titoeof'bompletionststad.-' ■ t-v-d 1.I1--7. at a.. : . • Jrtwvr. HOO0. • eepl8di ■ ;-; I Cli) . City Survey or. - u .u nSiiHatWas Teaciicr, Waaici. -Ji •SITUATION I8 UBSIRBD BY ONfct WHO HAS rx taught cDCcfesslully in somepf the fir.-t lamilies 4 ot &wlb C&roliua and Georgia. She ia competent to instruct young ladies in lyatin ana MoJorn Langtiagea, jfi^gllah aftd'lflu&ic. Terms’ very moderate, to suit the times Referecces givanand required. Address *‘U«iHM B. } V;fiox 106, Savannah, Ga. srp8- Cu t Southern Bag Manufacturer. : - M. P. BEAUFORT, 17lXH^iNQE’ ,w 4AB : F. Manu'actnrhr'oi Fails, Overton H.-Walton, Principal Keeper of.'Vaid Pen!: Dj Awhlngs, Bags. Car Covers, Hose, Diay •tentiary, certifies to me that*the conduct OX;fbo said ' Ooverfl, Flags, etc., aud bait, Flour and Grain Sacks. o i»rFlour riocks neatly stomped saie.or. lurii.i TexpauUn-rs for 1- — 1 i ■ si i.Hiui’Jin 1 sn tuncinr vwf^’rrWU durihg the said term of imprisonment hitherfo, and f; p , / _ 1 — • . Bid e es ' ■ JKAYJB BECEIYED ANOTHKR LARGE SUPPLY varieties/ of the above. Wholesale or re tell. ’.One Radge mailed td'ajfV addrtBtfon'receipt of Badgei> for $100. Send in yonr oadhnttO:- [(tfr JCSSIWd NEWS DfiPOT,- waa&^-lm . Bnjl etr^eL. next to Posp <iffire. MOHENWANTEB S N THB'MAOON' & BRUNSWICK RAILROAD, ,iiot«aca Brunswick apd the Gulr Road, at Doc-, own. Apply*to Foremen'and Agents on the' a 'V, *apl»3>v*, 0 , .. - V. Cobfarsctpr i3gJ -.0. aaJW foliqi! 1. tm oi qteasfiaba4i9)«Bea,T . lfiO barrels UnbaMoJassis, ' lOdbkfrels A; B.tJsuxar. Crushed Powder Sugar, eai i.L l2i«3]!*U 25 barrels Crushed Powder Si 25 r boxes Tobacco, in bond, 5110 kegs Naiia,;. 50 bales Gnnuy Bagging, DU UdlUS UUUUJT >i9 -aiiii SO roraPatcljedB^ng, . : 250 rolls .sea Island (T. C. <S Co.) Bagging, ’SbO cbiTs Machine R ipe, •• tn£* hogsheads C R Sides, hogshdads Suqnlders, % WW.key, etc; etc,- £n store an* for sale at teweatnrarket rates by RDssell upplfim Cqruer. A,bcrcorn and Uriah si eetg. •Choice Temieasee M Eeitey Mnlos f.. % -j, j ‘ f Sale ui • •MiJ'BTifi*" Vrj TO' SfeVKN YEARS OLD, medium and sizes.: u< trWlUfDN A DEHONEY, Screven Honse Stables, Bryan street, „l, t v I . .f . nqat MprtneBank ... C ^AEBS'OS/NA'BtJRlfo," U-iUi u s ocq Gill! 1) 20 bales Cotton Yarns, assorted numbers, - 1 PdraaiebV J-3 : . f. W. McDonald, aa ^ t 'f°« i3t 15* Bsy gtreet. I it: 1 1 •- -H : > lOTs) 111 H - l0 BO^3D.J,ff®Ei :l « -'Pdrttljby • “ “it - - - sepl4 . WILLIAMS, WARD & McIKTlBE. irrxarr SjTJC \ TDKT RE0SLVED PKR SHIPj^iUlEALD (3LE, ■UlO BALES PRIME edi.XPI.vJiaetBi.r:, , HAY. I 1 ' BnlGHAif, HOLST * CO. TTnrrrJTTtr While Mint Corn flOit r * ‘ Z M JiotKxa w,>v xxt avre. . . - TID WHVBlraEffi for ftHnH^use, and for sale cutap. WStorea supplied Oy wagon. Otoulxy.orderBprompU^flUedjD^ m j. dor. Habersham and Liberty ste. j* . *i iicn - dui, bi sheK undersigned are prepared to meet orders for — ’S StfiLF-ADJUSTING BUCKLE TIE. •s Pa tent Lock Tie. Factors supplied rates. J " -- • ■- • ^ eep3-tf BBIGHAM, HOLS J & 00, m ..FOR RENT. ^.aTPRE PH BROUGHTON STREET. Abo_the DWELLING ora the Store. App'y t° JOHN M. GUERARD, eep24-7-St 175 Bay street. TO RENT, A., HOCS3 ON SOUTH SIDE DF K second door west of Drayton, (_ Apufa toPr. J. A-,*! AYER, Bull street ^ FOR RENT, ; t j leoHOfi THB LARGE STORE 6Jz*<A t Wj : lately ocOupted by W. C. Robinson; ia Wholesale’ and jobbing Dry and Goods Hoase. Possession given tmmediatety.- JNO. HoWAHON* Ott u„ able for a ^sep22—tf FOR TWO AND A HALF STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with —^-..contains five hod rooms, ahd la located.- Apply at THIS OFFICE, sepal—tf x.-j , FOR RENT, ‘A* THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, on $ ^^^_J»rli in. done, street, third door east side. Inquire at THfoOBFIOB. Barnard, Sepi92avrtf 'Change of Schedule. wo CBayix BF cars between s VASSAH, AUGUSTA, AHD JHOST- .H l yHUCtOMKinr, ALA- aiBii ^ .^M"n«*B.An«natX«,180B. | O S AND ASTER SUNDAY, ISth taat., FaaaeBcer Trains on the Goorga Central BaUroad Will run as follows: - <U3(iMIF.8 i N XAAVa. • Savannah............... .,..80)8 A. X. Maron.—.......—...... .....—...6:A0 P. H, usn. - - e- ag-., i . DOWN DAY TRAIN. UPHlGHT 1 (eaaaaaaifa O^SP.U. Savannah,. At .5:10 A. E. .3:18 A. K. Connecting with train that las rrr - : ' “ DOWN night ...«»p. m. .a.......... lonnccting with train that leaves Augusta 9:0?. M. ’ A. M. trains f-om.Savannah and Angnsta. andP. d. train from Macon connect with MUledgetllletrain tttnuah^ctmueefs with through South Carolina R. r; had P. U. tarn SS^'gSr^^’ “ a ' W1L ROGERS. “•aas ..Acf’ei r of Transportation. FOR RENT. M northern tenement, of building corner South Broad said Iiin- qilnjstrepts. eopU—tf Apply to W. H. ADAMS, No. 95 Bay streei - iff Office to Rent, D FFICR ROOM in an eligible sitnotton,- .Apply at . evas issmQ »JT , t .JL j No. 117 Bay street. sepl»-tf foRremt. rpHE Counting Room, Sample-Room I Lower Stores in Hodgson’s and ” " Block, now occupied by H. uowdy, *'■' »«**'*’« - 1 8eplff-if _ _ Pbsse&loii g ea immediately . ’ Apply fo " 1 _ 1 ' 1 J ): ’ : l 1 j J l, seLlff-lf ^ - »i«i» • BBLL& JQULL. “Westward the Star . ; TaKes tis W&y ” SECURE A HOME IN GOLPEN STATE- f— THE EMIGRANT ASSOCIATION or :u GALIFOEMIA- di JNCOK PORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF | THE STATE;;NOVEMBER 30IH, J867, for the^urpose of providin'? • i,1 ttt,w aouo*.jd HOMES FOR ITS MEMBERS, ; .. . , j Eft) j ’^ND THUS INDUCE EMIGRATION. | -Yfol CAPITAL STOCK.#1,000,000. Divided lnto-a00,000 Shuci at S5 Esch, '• ' • - PAYAsras iw ■■■■-’i UNITED STATES CURRENCY. 1 * J • w * a t <*»; t i aJ t : ! to subsexibers Sei, Certificates of 8toc£ diftfcely upon receipt of 'no person allowed tg hold more THAN Savannah Hebrew Collegiate ; ; ;; Institute. Second Annual Session. FACULTY , T>EV. RAPHAEL IPO. LEWIS, Superiutendsnt Xb and Principal of tbe Theological Deportment. ILE> N. } SHARES l FIVE , • .Jji .V l£i\ , j udl r.V,'. . ms“ A OlRCULAB containing o full description of the property to he distributed aiuong thb 8haro- holdom’ will be sent to any>*l<Jreav upon receipt of stamps to cover return postage. jOSt rnformation a^TOtibe prioe-of fnrntrh-d upon receiptor samps for poataj cheerfully PMfoEhri ■***’ t upon I Ail let cars should, be addressed, 3‘C’Y EMIfiRAai HOMESTEAD AISOCIATiOE, • -Pefoijaeoili rreqg ■—asaj.-.ij it aril su26-lm 1 3KN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. J. MoDONOUaH. H T. BALLEMTY^E. L1BEETY ST. FOUNDRY, OPPOSITE GULF R. B. DEPOT. liron and Brass Castings . * JI.VDK TO OUDBR. Q-12ST (3-ICTY IE, ; . AUj. SIZES PN HAND. jSugar Mills and Boilers, . KHdWOWpN **“* TXTN Wllj. 8KLL A8 FOLLOWS:— • Sogar Mills, lS tnohv; 35 00 i Soger Boilers,40gallons ,...17 00 Sugar Boilers, 50gallons........... 27 00 tl Boilere.eOgallene,'.......... 25 Oft Bolters, SO gallons . 34 00- Roilen, 100gadons......... 45 as* Our HILL, S6JF i S ara made Out of 3-lhch' wrought iron.. ^ idard'sh*^ EXTRA t S are made out of the Dear OURNALS will be all of a BOXES always on hand. "sasm of pubBc pstronaga.- and delivered at depots and charge. All orders promptly attendedto. . • anil—4m T. BALLM?TYNK A PP? . . IT"-,. . ; . .cu; -■ X k.' " r 0 01 T*li ■ -n 4 L-ir-g MACON^GA jiaidsi irit. SNERD AB6UME3 THE management of the 1V1 House, and will be pleased to .sea, »Uof bis ; ; * xiiTgEfeOMNraiJE-; and attentive Portiira will be at the Depot to convey guests to the Houa<9w ; ; , ’ qng8-lf - f^ONSTAfPCCX : V-/ beet UACHI1 cjifip sO jfii: zciz from theMilla, and for eele et Planters’usn, .ud .ua^« i heap ( e iiioBOTaH) No. 6 Stoddard’s Lower Binge, .. . 7 . - - - •flsl - J adoita-req ‘ .... -/ . s. -■■■ Q od Ififo'eJ j ’ i.-SLl’; Io ish; al /fGdaxi) J. W. STANSBURY & CO., ’ * * U r oi’ri- \ C STTCCESSOBS TO THB LAT* FC3I 09 '• ■^li.;D ( .Siytlie& Ca.. •ti.,; — Importers mid Dealers !*jil 1 ! -ijili;. i’.. ' — IN — ui iim oj ... .. ; Ll CHINA, Glass and Queensware, SILVER-PLATED -and brittania W^RE, TABLE CUTLERY, KE- ROSENE LAMPS, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS GENERALLY, AT THE OLD STAND, 109 Broughton Street, GA t - ST O T X O II . THE BUSINESS OP THE LATE FIRM; OF R. D. SMYTHE A OO., WILL BE LI QUIDATED BY US ONLY. aug!9-tf SAVANNAH INSTITUTE — FOR — * t-j-d q HuT .. '• .. . ^ “ Yoniig Ladies. ACADEMY on . WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Vth. ginoingof the term, aud it is desirable^ that scholar e - . —- _ _ if the a per term, of three months. The Preparatory Department win be under the in fraction of MISS ADAMS, a fattbtut and successful eacher. Tuition In’this Department, )*5 per term, d ree months, ^ g ^ seplS-td PRUKOIFAL. OBARLEb N. WEST, Teacher of BetleoLettree and Mathematics. Professor aDOLPH EI3WALD, Teacher of Lon- gnflgPa, *'* Rev. K.-FISHER, Teacher <dHebrew and The ology. • , - EDWIN KNAPP, Teacher ot Book-keeping The’ Second Annual Session or the Institute will commence oh the FIRST MONDAY In October. The charge* for tuition will be regulated according to.the following standard: From5to8years old..400pern Iinamrnnr. From 8 to 12 years old 700 per r hSJSfJnfiV -OverMyeareold.........1000pert Djeci.uuo BooX-teepingteitrm)... 2 00perr All fees must be invariably paid monthly In ad vance. For full particular* see prospectus loaned by the DonclI. By order. . SeplS—2w B PHILLIPS. Secretary. H. M, SNEED, Hentist, AYING EVERY FAOfLPPY FOB THB MANU- FACTORS OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH in all the various modes known to the profession, and compe tent aaalstanta in my Dental Laboratory, I can at a i/»We»f»n»ffi»ifosn«ilWHiire aifnnlire sett of Teeth, niter extracting tbe old roota (which can be done in — ■"~‘<oqr pain.) ' ' 3 in part pay. OFFICE AH0 LABORATORY,’. Street* OPPOSITE PULASKI HOUSE, tea Bull wad Wnitwfcex Streeta, Jee-tf - SAVANNAH, OA. . CHATTAHOOCHEE BOARD REDUCED! -NOUNCiBGlo^eSOufHKRN^FOBUO? ^ I hie arrangements for t b* and 1b now prepared FOETABLETWO HUNDRED UUEaTS. The BATHING ARRANGEMENTS are the most extensive end delightful of any in the country, and the water and climate have proven themselves un- sorpessed in point of health. There is a good School and a Physician ia the neighborhood. We’have A lit* ofFOTTR-HOBSE COACHES to con nect at Box Springs, Muscogee Railroad, with the different trains. Persons buying tickets will state “that they are going to the Springs, s core tickets AT HALF-PRIOR. a ■ Per c or Boabd.- „ r day, $2 50; per week, *12 00; per month. *40 oo. Ohiiaren under twelve yea^of^eandservanULhtiPp^ GINS! l-vr *{i .-'a • ~ OFFER FOR SALE THE CELEBRATED Tw c E. Carver Cotton Gins. These Gins have been i tbe wants of the Florida, and are Factors allowed a sep2-2m