The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, September 26, 1868, Image 3

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kQCAL matters TUB JOAiL j. OY ntsTniL Kailboad, through pouohes tor New paiUdelpliia, Washington, Augusta, Oharles- *?'*Wa«m, Columbus, S. W. B. It, Chattanooga Oar.taking aU mail matter for tbe North, F ^Jn8tete»7 at 6.15 o'clock P. M, drily. W ?«flBlirBAt KAU.BOAD. through pouches for Au- Atlanta, Milledgevilte Eatonton, daily, and way r Mac of Central Ball road, and all points con- “ , ,n-i at 6% o’clock A M, daily, except Sundays. hv ArnaNTio ASD liiJLl Railroad, for all points on .v. road aud contiguous; Balnbridge, Ga., Talla- fjJa Jacksonville, and aU parts of Florida, tn'd yioridi Branch Railroad, 6 a. m., dally, except sfeimer, for Brunswick, St. Simon’s Islsnd, 8t. Frcderia, five.y Tuesday at ft a. m. Hi Steamer, for Darien, every Friday at 7 a. m. of. sandal's all malls will oiose at 2 p. m. MONET BENT WITHOUT DANGER OP LOSS, 6y ueana of Money Orders, at tbs Savannah Font Of- 4 “S’ niace Mill open for business at 9 o'clock a. m., ariose at 5 o'clock p. in. On Sundays the Office HI beopened tor the delivery of the mail ftom 9 to 10 o'clock a. m. T. P. Robb, P. U. ASEiVTS. ■-he following named perssons are authorized to act Mtents to receive subscriptions and advertisements ?’rmsN«wsAUOHx«AI.D; Was. Earn.!., Jr., Enll »treet, corner Bey vflOS—Havehs & Brown, New* Deal era. n irv—Theodore B. Wasdszi.. rr> jJilAD VlhLiR J. B. 8. DAVIS. nlJBblSt —J» J» AEKN. i Rjdtj, GA..—Adolph a. OaiBKaa Jb. v+iiim, GA.—1>. W. Davis. LiA r rJ^»—Jamks Russell. Hi7j£kiti^ViLL£i.—Jahes Russell. Hija.uK.-illEAK, QrA.—JAS. L. Moseley, • / . STOCKTON, GA.—George s. Herbert. VaLUOSTA, QA.—P. C. FKSbLETON. 51 (IsLED.SEVILLE, GA.—W. A. QuiLLlAN. A-AKliloUS, GA —351. B. Council. SILTON HEAD. S. O—W. H. CAlTERT. avLN*£dVHjLE, FDA.—Da. Porter. 210S riOELLO, FDA.—Thos. Siaimoks. pLEilXMGrUN, FDA.—H. 4. StaNWOOD, ji±L)I302f, FDA.—J. W. Jose a. jULXJY, FDA—Thomas J. Shbpard, laKE GITy, FDA—M. D- Mooke. T\01iSONVILDE, FLA—E. H. REID, f j.I.VANDI^A, FD&—F. 0. Suhrer. Ga,.—a. H. Sneed. bT. AUGUSTINE, FDA.—G. 8. GBEHKO. ' ■» HOUSTON, FDA.—anhus MoAulay. Xd>'/ YUM-—fl. M. Pettinoill <fc Go., 97 Perk Jor, Con & Go., No. l Spruce street; O. H. PatttsP3 x. Oo., New Yorfc Herald Building; Geo. a F. North. 10 Broad street. J.* Hooker & Oo., and Cooler & zMuohy, 7b F^ltpn street. BiLTlilGRiiir aid.—C. O. Holtzman, “Gazette*’ °SrON—3.M. Pkttxkgill Jk Oou, State etreei, in J OF.0S0E P. Row*ll .t Oo. t 23 Congress street, A. * Lincoln & Co., No. 89-Court street; S. B. Niles. * * PHILADELPHIA’—Joy Coe&Co., 144 South 8ixth ^OMCINSATI—S. H. PABVHJ, 176 Pine Street; floox. 0O3UBN & Mack, 138 Pine Street; : CHICAGO— 1 Oook, Coburn & Oo87 Dearbnrn-st. SfivV ORLEANS, LA—E. C. Wharton A Oo., 88 do^tHOH street. 0. W. PITTMAN, Jr .vis the General Travelling .wgat for the News and Herald for Florida, j K. L. GENTRY is the General Traveling Agent of the Newn and Herald, to receive subscriptions and adverasemtuts. e iSF HASTBitS everywhere arc authorized to rp- 6a7r; advertisements and subscriptions at our reg- - iutSex co Mew Advertisements* Meeting oi the Savannah Typographical Union this mo rn leg, at II o’clock. -> h j Board wanted la a private family. Cotton sample piper and marking ink Jox. kale by Cooper, Okott & Co. f t Notice that the v/holesale Store of A. A\ Solomons A Co. will be closed to-day. Ganuy b3gging aud com for sale by Bell'* Hol|: : Brick dwelling and two aioies for rent by H.T- Min r, Jr. - - • - . Baggies and rock away a fer sale by W. W-.P»aiel8. j Beaidence on lhe Salts for sal* by Bell A Hull. Anoti.»n sale of southern half of Dot No. 9, Kiddie Oglethorpe Ward, on the first Tuesday In October, by W. W- Daniels. , " Aa tlon sale of provisions, eic., thi-» morning, at 10>£ o’clock, by W. W. Daniels. Auction sale of groeoriea, dry good3, ehL, this mozn- lug, at 20& o’clock, by Bell & Hnll.- — — Stocks and bonds for sale by Bell & Hull. Valuable building lots for sale by Bell & Hull. L:>und improvements on Hall street for sale by Bell & Hull. • - ! . Base Ball—Forest City vs. Ogle- TnoBPES.—There was a large attendance on the ground in rear of the Park yesterday afternoon, , to wltoess the march game played bstween the Forest City and O^kthorpe Clibs of this city. The Clubs, though having some of their ‘tcrack” players on hand, failed to play as well as on pravi- oaa occasions. We must say, however, that when we look at the Tarious clubs, we cannot refrain from giving much praise to the OglethorpeS, as they are all quite youth ful, while the members of the Forest City Club are muscular and matured men. The hhort stop and third base runner of the Qgle- thorpea were obliged to absent themselves a short time before the game was called, ana consequently they were short-numbered towards the last of the game. The knowing ar9 the scores made by each respec tive Club: * - Outs Buns «'(jLETHOapzS. Buns 0 ' roiiEs Shafer 0 McNetty Case 3 1 Veit man.... Disher ... 2 1 tiay Nichols .... 2 2 Colquitt.... R >38 0 2 Ivunbjll.... Eluetein .... .. 2 1 6eard King 1 2 Craven Neidliugt.r.. .. 0 2 arilfln Einstein.... 1 1 Bel 1 Total.... .. 15 12 Total..4. 1 3- A 1 D, 1 1 8 0 ! 3 9. 0 2 2 1 1 0. s 15 13 Where is Your Bor, at Night*-—The practice of allowing boys to spend their evenings in the streets is one of tbe most minous, dangerous and mischievous things possible. Nothing so speedily and surely marks their course downward. They ac quire, under cover of night, an unhealthy state of mind, vulgar and profane language, obscene practi ces, criminal sentimen^and a lawless, riotouB bear- in*. Indeed, it is in the streets, after nightfall, that lojs acquire the education and the capacity tor be coming rowdy, dLsolute men. Parents, do you be lieve it? will you keep your children home of nights, *nd see that their home is made pleasant and proflL able 1—Excfynge- j f | 1 » Darisg Robbert. — Tnuraday, about twelve o’clock, the room of Mr. Donohue, ah emr ployee of the Custom House, was stealthily entered by some person or persona uhknown, who abstract ed therefrom a flue black coat aud a pair of panta loons that were lying on a chair three feet from the bed on which Mr. D. was sleeping. The poctets of the pantaloons contained twenty-two dollars greenbacks, but we are happy to state that in the harry of escape the thief or thieves dropped the pants in the hall, minus the grcentj|*fcs. Here U another lesson to those who are ia tbe habit of sleeping with their doer insecurely fastened. Domestic Infelicity.—Mr. and Mrs. Dree- 8er seem to be witnessing the disagreeable portion of their life, and on sundry occasions have arrayed themselves hors du combat. On yesterday Mrs. D. appeared before Justice P- H. Russell, Jr., xndcom- plained bitterly of the conduct of Mr. D-, whereupon the Justice issued a warrant against the stem and unfeeling Mr. D. The arrest was made, and at lhe appointed hour both Mr. and Mrs. D. appeared Afier many “pro’s and con’s,** the matter was ami cably adjusted. Wehavo no doubt but what they have returned home a much wiser pair. A Nuisance that Shouldjje ABATED.-pOor attention has been attracted for some tinqp ^ast tt> the motley groups of negro women ^who pxe In the habit of congregAtiag at nigh tin fbeviclhjty of the Tost Office. Ttey appear to be specimens of the lowest ed. and most degraded class of human nature; not a night passes that is not made hideous with oaths, ob scene remarks and jests, and the effrontery with which they flaunt their dusky forma la disgusting to all of onr law-abiding citizens. We think it |8 high time that some stop was put to this nuisance. Steamship Wyoming.—In consequence of the recent accident to this steamer the will not leave for Philadelphia to-day: We learn that the niw pro . peller, telegraphed for by her agents, Messrs. Hunter and Gammell, will arrive in a few days, when the steamer win be taken up on the ways fit the ship yard of Mr. H. F- Willink, Jr., where'.hex propeller . will be placed on by Messrs. P. J. Bulger & Co./ The Tonawanda sails for Philadelphia on Saturday, Octo ber 3d, at 9 o’clock. Bocsd Over.—A difficulty occurred yes- ierday morning between a white and a negro boy, during tb© progress of which the mother of the white boy urged him on, whereupon he struck the uegro boy on the head with a stone, which caused the procurement of a warrant by the negro boy for 8ault and battery against the white boy, audia peace warrant againfitTiis mother.1 Both parties gave the required bail aud were discharged. Arrival of the Leo at New Tors.—By a dispatch jeceivod by Messrs. Hunter & Gammell! tbe Rgeats in this city, we learn that the steamship Leo, hence for Hew York, arrived safely at that port at 2 O’clock on yesterday (Friday).' ^rrr Mayor’s Conrt. Hon. E. 0. Axtoebsoh, Mayor^ Presiding. FWDAY, September 25, 1869. - Before hi. Honor personally appeared one of our city officials, who, in attending to, his laborious da- ttss, took an over dose of ’^ig water” to counteract the effects of the son. and thereby lay prostrate on the steps of one or onr principal hotels. - Officer,. He- Hahon, taking the place of the “good Samaritan,'* poured a healing balm upon the sick man hjr taking him out of the street. His Honor, looking at the matter in a different light from that of the offender, allowed him to deposit ten. dollars in the city trass ary, and have his name placed before the Fathers of'the Commonwealth. List of Letten Held for Postage, ' Remaining In the Savannah PostOffice, which will he forwarded to the Dead Letter Office if not attended to by the witters before October 2d: 4 J' ^Hpv. Tr Vaysrito,'Newark, N. J.: J. Deroar, Charleston, S. O.; Josy Ha3eU, Beaufort, 8. C."; Mr. Charies Vansant. Eddington, Fa.; Col. N. H. Robert, Madison Court House, Florida; Messrs. Ogden &r Co_; New York, N. Y,; Jesse Brewer, McIntosh, Georgia; Mrs. M. J. Arledge, Balnbridge, Georgia; Thomas D. Harrison, Camden county, Georgia; John T. Bahn, Valdosta, Georgia; B. P. Spencer, Oolumbna, Geor gia; W. H. Harrison, Hon’gomery, Georgia; Mrs. J. M, Harrison, Montgomery, Georgia. ' Scarcity of Locals.—During this boated spell we must admit that an item for the local col. umn Is virtually a thing of gold, mad we are forced to tax oar Imaginative organs to thelrntmost capacity in coiueqnence of the sparsity of news I Yet we feet assured that a comparatively bare column la much more acceptable to the eyes of our generous patrons than a well-flUcd one composed of a general re-hash- lng of previonsly published items. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Pulaski House.—P Stotesbory, Fla; W J Lawton, City; A La Sueur,’Albany; Mrs E C Ponder, Thomas- vibe; Miss A M Ponder, Fta; A O Brown, do; H G Bond, Ga; JC Grtaley.and.:wife, Fla; J C Wicklifife, Femandina, Fla; SMBiggers, Coiambus; OB Dar den, Fla; W B Bowden, do; J E Deuse, Ga; W P Rey nolds, N 0; L K Martin, Aufcastg: i ‘ , i j M j Mabsball House.—G Teal,'jr, steaUahip Wyom ing; LD Barrett, do; O F Barey, do; J Raney, do; W Wilson, do; J Teal, do; Mrs M Morrison, NY; HW Dems, city; B A Stark, do; B Orovenson, Ky; P Mc- Gildor, NY; A McGoorelawn, do; Geo B Hack. Ga; N Batter, Fla; '4)r B Thomas, Ga; L Greenfield, do; Jean Bean vail, Ithoea. ScaxvER Houan—b A-Houston, Brunswick; w L Wol e, Baltimore; W O Boyd, Dublin, Ga; J Snyder, city; Mrs Beaufort, Columbus; Hiss Green, do; H Oetjen and lady, do; WL Scott, Anguata.p ioPFICIAL.) Proceedings or Council. Savahsah, September 24, 1SG8. Special Meetinq or Council. , t Council met pursuant to a call ter special meeting to consider the bill now before the Legislature ot tbe State of Georgia in relation to the extension of the charter of the Savannah, Skidaway and Seaboard Railroad Company. Present: tbe Uayor, Aldermen Brigham, Villakm- ea. Hunter. Qua, Burroughs, A, N. Miller, Waring, Meyer andSima. Tne Mayor stated the object of the meeting, and that a copy oi the proposed 0111 had been transmitted ter tbe conBideration of the Board by Hon. KufaaE. Lester, Senator First District, Georgia Senate, prior to lie being called np in the Senate. The bill was tben read for information of Council and Its provisions were folly dieenssed. On motion of Alderman Hunter, tbe bill was taken np by-sections, which were separately acted on and adopted, with the exception oi the 6th section, which was on motion of Alderman Banter (by reqnest or tbe President of the savannah, skidaway and Sea board Railroad Company.) stricken out. The bill as approved by Council reads as follows : A bill to he entitled An Act to confirm an Ordinance . qf the City ot Savannah, granting the right to the 1; Savannah, Skidaway and Seaboard Railroad Com pany to construct a street raitwayWer the streets In said city, and to grant furteor rights and privi leges to said railroad company, and to amend its charter: „ : Seeciiou 1. Bgit enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, That all' the-rights, privileges and fran chise granted to and: confe:red -on the Savannah, Skidaway and .-onboard Railroad Company by tbe corporation of the city 6f Savannah, through its Com mon Connell, by ordinance dated and’ passed on Jnly 21st, 1868, be and the eameare hereby confirmed as fully as it the same had been granted by this General Assembly. ' . ? ” - Bo it further enacted. That the time of ten fiby said ordinance -forkthei enjoyment iae, be and the same U hereby extended to thirty years. - See. 3. Be it farther enacted, That the charter of said 8avann*h, bkidaway and ' Seaboard Railroad Company be so amended th4t the said company shall ye tjte right to .extend aaid railroad to any point i Green Island, and also to Thunderbolt, upon the same terzna as to right of way and compeuattiion for private property taken by said corporation in making such extension as are already pre>crih©d in the char ter of sa:d corporation; and also that the width ot tbe right of way shall be one’ hundred feet—that is, fifty feer, from the ceatire of the road bed; and also that the time allowed for calling In instalments shall be thirty instead of sixty daysw Sec. 4. Be it rarther enacted that the State shall not have the power of withdrawing the franchise granted to the said G&vannah, Skidaway and Sea board Railroad Company either in the act granting its charter, or in this act extending and confirming its franchise and charter. Sec. 5. Be it farther enacted that the Capital Stock of said corporation may be increased to any sum not to exceed four hundred thousand dollars, whenever it may be deemed expedient by a majority of theDOard of Directors of said corporation. Sec 6 stricken out.' "* * * * * * Sec. 7. Be it farther enacted that all other acts and ordinances, ia conflict with this act, bo and the same ace hereby repealed* ' The following resolution was offered by Alderman Brigham and adopted: Resolved, That the bill now pending before the Senate of Georgia entitled *‘Aa act to confirm an Or dinance of tbe cily of 8»v&nnab, granting rights to the Savannah, Skidaway and Seaboard Railroad Com pany,’* excepting the sixth (6th) Section 4 hereo/, meets the approval of the City Council of Savannah. Council Adjourned. _ . JAMRS STEWART. Clerk of Council. Br Bankruptcy.—The petition of ’ William Warner, setting forth, that ho had comp dedr with all the requirements of the law in regard to Bankruptcy, was filed in the Clerk’s office, in this city, yesterday. 60; Oats dull; - BALnMom*, September 25. i'Loua—More active. Giunr.—Wheat firm; good to prime, 12 25522 corn firm; at 61 18@l 20; yellow. $1 27, at 65@75c; rye firmer; at $1 50(2)1 5$. ’ FkoYisxoh.—Firm. Augusta, September 25. Cotxok—Irregnlar; Bales. 132 bales; receipts, 835 bales; middling otaral at 22». . . Mobile, September 25. Cotxok—In good demand at 21@2lKe. which sellers refaaed; sale*, 100 at 27c; mariret bard.with little offering; receipts. 798 bM«;.export., UBbrieS •alee of the week, XOteIriSTWpSiYjM briei! 660 bale?; atock on ORABLEarOH, September 25. Oottok—AcUre but Mo lower;'arise, 300 bales; Abates; exports WmtntOTOK, September'25. Naval Stores—Turpentine firm: at 39itc: roains h vf*/ *r- Oottok—Firm; middling, 22c; strict middling. ■ ■ ■ I— Shipping Intelfigenca. v ; ;: '4h, V JjtRMAr.irg OWING TO the .PEOHLIAR AND' important relsllona which they enstrin, their pecn- llsrorganisation, and the offices they ..perforin, ire sneject to m iny euffjrlnge. Freedom ltom, {fieee contribute In no email degree to their happiness and welfare.for none |?n be bappy who are ilL Not only, icVbtitnOtrado'r'Sese various female complaints can if*£** suffered to rnn on without involving the gen eral health of the Individual, and ere loj^gprodnplng prejuAturejigciln ‘ llnlstari Aim a nice—This Ray. * 6 03 _....6 5T High water 3 10 A M Arrived YeaterTlny. ' Steamer H H Cool, Deming, Darien, *o—H A Co hen. -1-j f~ Schr Grey Eagle, Merwis, with seins, for Jackeon- *******< Jt JliMlA -i tAlu if Sailed Yesterday. Schr J H Morrilea, Newman, Fall Elver—Bichard- son A Barnard, ^ Ac c f GTDB 1—1-lOJ j Ov^ ; Exports. mu fWyf-^-* 00 fMt Memoranda. Brig S Strong 10 days from Jacksonville, arrived phla, 21st Inst, for St Marys. Brig Nnevlue, from this port for New York, was off Charleston, 20th, with crew sick, and leaking, Tbe Afina Camp, Drammond,salled lrom Antwerp,. Sept 8, Tor Savannah. Entered out, Sept 9, at Liverpool, Nlctanx, He Ar thur, for Savannah. Sailed Sept 9, from Haryport. Nelson, "Williams, for Savannah. - • ■ e>-> Bark Howard’ (Br) Sanlnier, sailed 29th, from ft Thomas for St Marys, to load for Cork. Brigs H H Herriman, Merriman. and F J Mffrri- rnan, UenUaun. arrived at. Brin. He, 17tU from Sa- [By Telegraph, j Charleston, Sept 25—Arrived, steamer Chat leg- ton. Crolu New York. Off the port, schr J W Knight, from Philadelphia.. brig Scic^.for Ustsozu; schr Junas Smith, for Providence. 'I t Ji i ’’-ipi-l;y f Coulgntu per Uaatrsit B. St, September 25.' 1868. 527 boles cotton, 147 bales domestics, A5 bales yarn, 336 sacks corn, ?5 sacks meal, 25 sacks and 10 bids grist, 30 sacks and lWbbls Boar, l not rye, 7 rolls leather, 2 bags wool, 1 bale hides, 1 bale sheep skins, 1 bbl wax, 4 bags smoking tobacco, 15 boxes tobacco, 1 cheat, 1 bundle hand-eplkea, *2 cases shoes, 2 sugar boilers, 3 boxes sundries 35 bbla and 22 Kick* dried fmit, and mdse, to Lath rep & Co, W H Stark A Co, Binstein A S, A Fernandez & Bro, Thaxtou, C t Oo, Lt B Pickett, Spenser tff.JW McDonald. R Hclo tire & Co, H B Nell, W If Boss * Co, W 0 Dawaon, M 3 Heyer, I’urae ft T, ORRagh A dbGR .RAgt, Bates A Co, W H Woods, H H.uolqolt, Duncan A J, Adams, W & Co, W A McKenzie, Sloan, G A Co. Freeman, D b Co. J W Lathrop A Co Hartridge A N, Davant A W, R N Reed A Co, Wilder i f, Austin & E, O Cohen A Co, Padriford A Cape. F W Sima A Co. removal. M. FERST & CO., WHOLESALE BEALEBS IN - Groceries, -Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, &c, H ave removed from gibbons’ building, in Congress street, to SOUTHWEST CORSER OF WHITAKER AND BAT STREETS, Where they will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of all articles in their line of bu^l- nois, which they will sell npoQ terms as reasonable' i< SONS’ xL’fthonaanda of onr yo B ANY ALE. They will be pleased to see their old customers and friends st their new stand* and respectfully invite purchasers to examine their stock. sep23-—if H. FERST Is CO. shd the mind ttadaljr excited by pleasure, perverting ‘In miflnight revel the hours designed by nature for sleep and rest, the work of destruction is half accom pushed. ,i f ! In consequence of this early strain nppn. her „ tem, unnecessary effort ia required by the delicate votary to retain her situation in school at a later day, thus aggravating the evil- When one excitement ip over. Another in prospective keeps the mind morbidly sensitive to impression, while, the- now coustaLt re straint of fashionable dress, absolutely forbidding, the exercise indispensable to the attainment aud; re tention qf organic health and strength; .‘the txposdie to night air; the sadden change of temperature;; the complete prostration produced by excessive dancing, must# of necessity, produce their legitimate c^ect. At last, an early marriage fflKnlaery, and the unfortunate one,’ hitherto so utterly regard less of the plain dictates , and remonstrances of delicate nature, becomes an unwilliog subject of xheil- FORD’S —AND— Qioegia State Lottery—For the benefit of tbe Masonic Orphans’ Homo—Howard A Oo., Mana gers, Atlanta. Commissioners—Mrs. 8. B. Gladding, Miss Susan O. Tnfts. Class 509, drawn in Savannah September 25th, 1868: 16—40—16—51—25—19—71—56—67—48— 63. Class 210, drawn in Savannah September 26tb, 1868: 45—37—42—62—41—3fi -9—30—28—78—12—65. How Ann A Co. Osid. 8. Welly, Agent Georgia State Lottery. Commercial. - ' ' Saraniiab Harkri. ' ' - Office of the News and Heiiald, 1 • Savannah, September 25—6 J Cotton.—The msrket was quite active; and we have to report tbe heaviest operations In any one day this season.. Tbe market opened with a.lively de mand, and holders were not slow to accept the propo sitions of buyers. About 372 bales changed hands at the following figures; 6 at 20, 6 at 21jf, 12 at 21, Is at 21%, 25 at 22%, 138 at 22, and 166 at 23. In tbe Afternoon a decline was annonheed in New York and Liverpool, and tbe market oloeed doll and heavy. Previous to the receipt of advices, middling wee quoted et 23 cents, bat at the close or the market would not have brought more than 22% cents. The receipts to-day amount to 627 bales. OARKEY8 BY TEbEQlUFR, Foreign llarktu. • ’ll London, September 25—Nb&P r inds, 73%; console, 94%. Spot firm; afloat bficjani. September 25—Noon. Oottok—Steady; sales, 10,000 bales; sales for the week 67.000 bries; exports, 14,000 bale?; on specala- tion, 6,000 bales; stock on band, 422,000 bales, whereof 126.000 bales arc American. Bbeadstoffo—Quiet. Pity visions—Unchanged. Liveufool, September 25—Afternoon. Gkaih.—Wheat unchanged; corn doll and about lc lower. Litebpool, September 26—Evening. Cotton—Qatet; uplands, 0%d: Orleans, 10%<L t Domestic Jgsrluu. NewYokk. September 25—Noon. Financial.—Sterling, 108%@109; gold, Ul%;%2e, 114; North OsroUna’s, 75%; new 75%: new, 73%; Virginia ex-coupcna.69% asked: new, 6B%j Cotton—Quiet and steady; middling, 25@25%o. Flode—5@l0o lower. euovzaOss—Hoe> poik dull; at $28 40; lard doll. Naval stohes—Turpentine unsettled; at 45c; ros ins quiet. —iexohxs—Firm. - - New .Yoke, September 25—Evening, ^jiroir—A .Badeflrorer, closlngljiiet;' sates. 1,200 bl FMm£^HSvy^rtMon’i quotations. Gkaih —Wheat heavy at noon’s quotations; Corn- mixed Western. *11«®1.18%; white Southern, ’ PaoviBIoxa. — Mess port, $28 35; lard, steam boiled, 19@19%o; kettle rendered, 20®20%c. GnocEaiKs—steady. |A^teg^Wp«ffe.>%®45a. FamOHTS—Firmer;ou grain unchanged. New Obleans, September 25. FIKAKCIAL—Sterling, 15X%@163%; New York sight, Sssgs» Suaxm—NomlnaJ. . F^na-JOnl); snperflne, $7; -XXX, *8 60@10. GKAnr—Coin dull; at $1@1 U3; o»ta dull; atCOc ®BHaN—Declined; at $1 20. Hat—Dnli and unchanged. „ ’ -. Pbovisions.—Mesa pork dull; at*30 25@30 50^ bacon dall; shoulders, 13%c; clear sides, 17%@17%c, lard steady; In tierce, 19%c; In keg, 21%o. W -A. S H ! BB PROCURED AT i 'ford’s STOMACH BITJERS Cen be procured Of any Druggist, Grocer or Liquor Dealer. , ' . , . , ' 1 ‘ j garPriee, *100. Six botUcs for *6 00. ^-Special termsto dealers. aa- GALL aQBR & FOWKE. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fobd’s Remedies. FORD & CO., ’ Sole Proprietors, jySl-eodly No. t pine atreet, Angnsta, Ga. ISotic© I;/ assisted by H1S3 WEST and a i iu'w aoic x'eacuers. will, on tbe SECOND DAY Of November next, reopen hex , ,ty lehecfl CIIILDBES A'Ntf YOUNG LADIES, AT THE ■ ’ '■ t~ ( f , CORNER OH SOUTH BROAD AMO BAR- iaro streets, savannah, j Circulars can be obtained on application, for the present, at corner of Bnll .’kc^LOCK. . sepia—1 wD&thlawtNoVl GOODMAN & MY^RS, TOBACCO COHHIteUOS KEriH.ANTB, EEIE NEWSSTAND VIRGINIA TOBACCOS. Kg- a re also paying the HIGHEST MARKET PBWBS for JUDES, WAX; Ae.‘ No. ISO Bay street, JOIVKS’ BLOCK, j , S2p22—1m 8avannah, Ga. JOHN B. DILLON has been admitted M E ‘ member o’f onrfinA from the it fnitant. I Bep22—5t JNO. MCMAHON At Oft j j— ■ — ■ ■«' i DAY BOABDi $6 PEB WEEK. BOARD AND LODGING, $7 PER WEE*. Location convenient to tbe business portion of the city. Apply at title office. - an27-tf Notice. S IXTY 1- DAYS AFTER DATE APPLIOATION will be made to the Honorable the Conrt of Ord- iuary of McIntosh county teg leave to tea the real estate belonging to tbe estate of Samuel and Charity Rozar. lor the benefit of file belra and cre-Iltors of nidSt^. UKJSBY W. HOWAHD, AdmT. Darien, SeptemberT, 1S*S. agplP.-law2m» Legal Notice. A LL PERSONS having Malm* sgrinsv the estate of Thomas H. Harris, deceased, wlU pnaent them, duly attested, within the time prescribed by l.™’ndrilrolled to said estate will mike p»/. ment to JAMES DEVLIN, tepl2—lawSW* AdmitUrirator. ’SNO „„ months alter date, application will be made * to the Conrt of Ordinary of Liberty county for leave to aril all tbe lands of the estate of George E. Brewer, late of said oonmy.deoreaed. . ^ J' sep8-law2m — 1 L other officers printed in the neateat i /news ASD BMMALD JOB OfTIOS, STREET, BAY ■mTj ■ l; a -'; WOMAN. it pleasant to pqpault a physician for the relieT of these various delicatq affectloqs, and only upon the most urgent necsssity will a true woman so tar aocri- in [d 10 o i f ,y A ^fu C. Feirffl, assignee of the [ Superior Court his trnit, and for further relict 1 Term, 1868. O n heading the foregoing petition it 18 ordered, on motion of Thomas E. Lloyd, Sc- lipitor fox the petitipoir, that oil persons bolding sienee ot said Bank, within six months from the date oi tbe publication of this' orders or be fofcver de- barred from any participation in or dividend of or claim*to rt»asset*, fiand B%nk in tho hinds of the said John O. Ferrill. assignee, to bh Blatribhted. And it Is farther ordered that this order’ be pub lished once a week lor three months ia one pnnlic ghiette tn Che city or Diniiait, one in Atignla, one in Montgomery, < ne in Cincinnati, and one in New Y Anil0leiratSieijoBA4j tb si^ be held open for farther order ana relief. rifltfUriaK iwMiHwjffS!’ i S TATE OF GBORGIA, .CHATHAM COUNTY—L Williarir H.'HOf’oAlGlSt.lf rile Wperinr Oourt of said county, do hereby certify that the writing on the foregoing IhceonewAte u trite gad correct copy of the Detltton ot John C F.-rrill, assignee, anil order thereon cashed July 9,11:68— UcRiLk], jy!3—lawjin r f plerk^p^ior Conrt Cnatnsm Co, those troublesome com- IA AVA2 iO L <urr\ ,U , . •'* i • -Af It j > Hundreds: suffer on in silence, and hundreds of others apply yalxd^ to druggists a*d doctor*, sr|i« olther merely tantalize them with the hope of a cinre or apply remedies which make them worse. I wqif d not wish to assert anything that would do iujusty.A to the afflicted, bull am obliged to say that although it may be produced from excesaive exhaustion of the powers of life, by laborious employment, unwhole- sozae air and food, profase menstruation, the use . of tda and coffee, and frequent childbirth, it is far oftener caused by direct irritation, applied to the mneems membrane of the .vagina itself. ' ' j *' ; • _ .- ’ i;. . * , I i When reviewing the causes of these distressing complaints, it is tags! painful to contemplate the at tendant evils consequent upon them, lt is but sim ple fastlc* to the snoject to enumerate a lew of the many additional causeawhicu so‘•largely affect life, health, and happiness of woman ia all classc society, and which, consequently, effect, more or directly ^the welfare of the e^ixe human family, fhe m&nlatnat exists for precoclouB oddeatiou and mar riage causes the years that nature designed for cor poreal development to be wasted and, parvert|d ip the restraints of dress, the early confinement of school, and especially in the unhealthy exotteicu-m of the bail-room. Thus, with’ the body haif-clothed. ^ CTVF V C ; 1C, W V1NBER and by virtue of a fi: fa. founded upon U foreclosurt* of mortgage, jssoed out of the i-on- Vlrable tho Superior Court of Chatham County,^in < fkkdr Of Wittidui.'Wanieri .Trustee, v<>.JU)^enzo B Morse,:I have levied- upoa ad that LUT OF LAND, situate in-Middle : Oglethorpe Ward, Jn thft city of SavT&nsh, having a front on West .Bread of sixty feet Ana.a (teptn west ward ly of two Iwih dred ^eej, bounded :pn the north, by lands formerly tfSIohgicg to Danier arKwe, on tue east t>y We-t Bro.kd.street, south by oth«r por tions of aaid Jot, and west by'a church lot, and will Ueorgia^ -on the first. TpesJay In November next, be- tween, the legal-Jiottr&of feilOp; J^ropeity pointed out 'paying for titles and Gonniy. Sjilc. u clyaure>«f mortgage, ip^hedaout pi the Honorable baperior Oouit of On&thuai UOnnty, lif favor of J. IL o ^anBKy/AdihlListrator bf ThoUiaa tt^JOKd&n. late of Said county, deceased, va. Joseph B. Biptey, tr.ustee Uf"E*teu E. Stewart ana children, I-hAve levied upon taining five^huudred and ./arty-three and one-half Jjonlsvlllo road; northeast by lands owned by James TSnfiutler: east by -the said ten five-acre lots and lauds owned Ijy Benedict Boniquin, and by the ?a vannuh and Ogeechee Canal; and we*t by iaude owned by Andrew Holliday, and vacant lahtis claimed, C^reSiie’Bnr^^Greftiidy tile WftMAery con stituting the eentro of eriil two acres: and will sell Ate same before-Mib Uotnt House aocr in the city of Savaunuh, connty of uuasbam,'’anTBciteof Georgia, on the first Tneaduy In October next, between the legal houri of erier "Property pointed out In said irtgage fi. ia. Terms c iah, purchaser paying for p8—lawl.1 *' ‘ Cll'atllS^^ciA^ty. M mw&rn ‘SHepiff'«• Sale. Superior Ool virtue of a fi fo^/oandid npan fore- _ o5*raortgage,-'is3a:;d out uf the Honorable Juperior Oourt onOhulnaffl"County, ih favor Of John Scudder vs. James uhatnpion, I have levied upon all TRAOT’*OR-'PAArt’X OF HAND, situate, lying and beiug iQ the expended limits of the city oi sa vannah, cotrafy of'ChkiMm; nfhl State Af Georgia, known aud distifiguisharm tbe map of Oglethorpe- -town us-iDT NUMBK1J TiiN flOj,. bopnded, on the norm, by New Uou-ton street, west by Jlfierbon* street tad jlideil, south by &oo twpottSr leet wida^ anMWW»ll(^. wi^the ISLPitQYEaiEN IS on the properly, aud wlh sell the j beforo the uohn adhse tiQor dn thefdity of iMvanaah, county of »«te of Gedrgia; on the iirst Tn, s.Jay in Uciobei^-qexL between the legal ‘hours of -ale. j^roperfy^pgiuteU'oiit in said raortgage fi fa. Teiins uh, nuicnaaeVpayicg 1[Or tftlef and stamps. ^ -Ikfk. JikklEfi haibam county. iJS* dl’XJMMAl gtEfaMgjjSi - f-, ,• Sfaer-ff ical treatment. This la but» truthful picture of the ‘ * tmgw&mett, : mfnb ctiuns ot Long before the ability to exercise the fuoctioxta ot lhe generative organs, they require an edncatidn of tiielr peculiar nervous stem, compiled of what is called the tissue, which Is, in common with the femolfe breast aud Ups, evidently mental emotions aad associations at an early period of life; and, as we shall subsequently see, these ^mo tions, when excessive, lead, long before pliberty, to habita which sap the very life of their victims ore nature has self completed their development. ' 1 ** For Female Weakness and Debility, Whites or Len- corihcoa, Too Frofnee Menstruation, Exhaustion, Too Long Continued Periods, for PkoIafKnS ani^, Bearing Dawn, or Prolapsus Uteri, we offer the most peKtct specific known:— j -’it COMPOUND EXTRACT OJB BUCHU -a Directions for nss, diet, and advice accompany. . Fematea In every period of life, frotfi’Infancy to extreme old age, will find it a Tem.edy to* aid,naiure In tbe diacharge of lts functions sirengtli in the glory of mriilioOd and woman ltoad. - :1 '■ -’.i” -Y • -Icf’j Ifelmbold’s Extract Binibxi t-i b-j Ri j, >■- j si la mo^e strengthening titan any of the pr^fiiUona ■- ' " Helrribold's Extract BuchjU, Having received Ute endoreemen toftlje most promi nent physicians to the United Stjitea, t i8 now Offered to afflicted tmmaaity as a certain core for the follow ing diseases and symptoms, from whatever canee originating: General Debility,..Menial and Physical* Depression, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the Head, Confused Ideas, Hysteria, 1 General ; Irrita bility, Restlessness and Sleeplessness at .Night, Ab- senceor Muscular Efficiency, LossotAppettte, Dys pepsia, Emaciation, Low Spirits, Disonranlzstidli or IVraiysis of the Organs of Generation, Palpitation ot tha-Heait, and; in rack all the cobcnjnltauts of a Ner vous and DebiUteted State of the System* . , r ,b« i TO ingare tho genuine, cut this out.. Ask for HELMBOLD’S. Take no, other. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere,, Price *1 25 per bottle, or elx botiles for $C 60. Delivered to any address. De- scribe symptoms in all cornmnnicatione. -Address . , H^T.IIUIaMBOLDi « f -K iiln' JU/ Drag and Chemical Waiehouse, -J: • 58* BBOADWAY, NEW TO HA., Son* am Genaine unless done up fo steel- eogzaved .wrapper, with fito-rimile of my Cmemiczl Warehouse, and signed gep!2—eodeow.. H. T. HELM BOLD. Chatham Sheriff's Sale. 1 ' virtue of a fi. fa founded upon ' gage. Issued out of mm H0norabifi|; of Chatham ^Jt^tty, Ju favor oi etc., I have levied upon tract ot^parcel'of land ljlngand being in Savannah, fon South Broad street, and to York-rt lane, known and distinguished or planof aaid city as Lot No. (gj eight, ' lng. Decker Ward, with.the ifiiproven thereon, constating of a large brick house files and outbuildings,—and will sell the sat the Oourt House doorin the .city of SavannaL, of Chatham and State of Georgia, qa tue first Tues day In October next, between the legal hoars of sale. Property potntod out In arid mortgage fi. fa._ .’. - . * - Terms cash, purchasers psyingter tjtlesj J tff&S DOONER, sep8—lawtd Sheriff Chatham County, he city ling back if lhe map ‘ er tyth- i situate itti »ta- e before b, county Auction Sales—This Day. Steam'’ Conimunibiiiiph with Europe!! •ftKil TTNDER and by virtue of a fi. fa. fount iea opt?: a fore- acres, bo ! dre- “ " lota; north by latida owned by Au- butlec, and ten five acre * f Heuaih*rt, and the yhattem Sheriff's ; Sa XTiNBEB andTliy virtue ,or A fL fa. Imfuded; upon LI sfprbci6%e qt mqi^age. isaued out of tWe *Hou- orableSu-icrjor’Court-or,Cki*th&m County, iff 1 favor at J'arquuar M,cRji,e Va. Wm. I). HeUle«ton, I have levied'upmrtS^WSirfwlug property to-wlu- AH that T ract or L<>*rfdlL«KL containing sixty-nlnp acres and three-temb**-of-ao -aerts, aiiuale in the county ol Obatbum, SAXHi ol Georgia, goand rear a creek or Seven (No. IL bounded onJLh^norcl? i Dy S n^No U ™'ou the east by s lid Creek- of matshbs thereof, on the sohih bi * * * ~ river; door ......... and Stetii of Goorgia, on.the first Tuesday in October nexL; Htx&weeri the legal' h^hrs. of hale. Pioperty "JAMteS DOONER, eep8—lawt^ 4 f , Sheriff Chaiham Coaniy^ Xhfcfifl’s Stile. Ctmt fore- 1 bio the Superior Cotirl. of OhatfianaCouiify, Iniavor of Mary M. Atuorous, afluiiniBtiatiTx, ctj., vs. Bdvar mBESomnPhaid dq:eod4 n ti reaidiug ,.ont of the State < f Georgia, I have levied upon all lliat pJauta- tlon or.tructqt LANE*^ 11 WlillmardU Island, iu Ba-iti State_»nd county, contafning three 'hundred and eighty acres more or le-tS, adjoining lands of Solomon Shad, WiDT&m Higgs, ^tidhard and Lewla Tarn«i^, togtthcr .maticjiljbnd fPfiguLiq the td-fices, buildings, rights, members, here’iltaments aud up- purreuuncea to the same belonging or iu anywine np- pertaiulug, and will .sell ih*i same before the Court Holland oof In thd city of Savannah, Cofiety of Chat ham' and State of Georgia, ba'tne ill at q-uosday in October next, between (he legil .houre ot sale. Pro perjy pointed.out in said mortgage fi. fa. Terms Cash,' purchaser paying for titTee and stumps. •; 5 * JAMES DOONER, jfcUaSl-lawlm Sheriff Chath^;u ffountr. ham county, nine miles from the cily of Savannah, o . the Louisville road, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more orl6*p, as the propertv-of tUo within ££££»'_ Terms cash, purchasers sep8 - lawtA'* JASIES DOONI5R, ’sheriff Chatham County. (Kiatliam Slie nil’s Mule. TTNDER end hx.virtue oi a fi. fa. Usned. out of the U HBBpffikteiffo Superipr-OouiiriChatBamCounty In imiriiFSine-D. LaRoriievaS Willlenf-Dannolfol- ser, I have levied on lwo and a half acres ot Lend, Oharles Van Horn, and weat by landa of Minckc, iikmtmw^s»tdo d rn r z uot Saf innnb,;county of CbfUuuiranc}, State of ^Kar gin, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the’ legal • hanr& bf sate. «• Property pointeq out t»y plaimttf's attorney r — — - - lair*' sepS~1awtd Sheriff Chatham County. j; .Chat|iam Sheriff's Sale; U UDKK find by wrtuapf a distrain wav rant Issued out of thff HoiiorabTethb'Saperior Codrt'of Cha tham Connty, ia favonof diOuis De Mqntmolllu, i.g’t vs. A. O. Comelmu, rns5fe levied uprtn* the entire stock of groceries, liquors, etc., of the defendant contained in the storo under the Masonic Hall, "on Ball street, oty of Savaunah, cad will sail the same by consent of parties at the store of said defendant i the - Arst.^Taeadaydh*October next, coimuencfibg at 2 o’clock p. m., and continue tbe sale until the stock le.ditI>q9ed«Lf a. . ^ Terms cash. JEroperty pointed out by plaintiff. - JAMES DOONER, - sep8—lawtd§ y | Sheriff Chatham County- 18 f ham S heriffs Sale, Chath TTNDiifiid br.Ttfitnaofoi ff: faJi^suod out of the - U Honorable the Superior'Court of uhatham County, in favor ot-William M. Davidson vs. Walter O’Meara, 1 have levied upon two billiard tables, com plete in «n (heir-appurtenances, and will sell the ‘ (.fare the Conrt House door In the olty of 8A — N KS X ^5 4riF_ 21.—A—l 4 — . -. K— ■— -_W rgi>i on eeii the. hours cf sale. Property pointed ontbyplain- b reims cast, purchasers p&yfner for titles. “ ' ■: JAMES DOON Administrator s Sal< le. STUB AN OBDE tile Coart ol fie sold, on the Fit*# Tonsnan i* DOGOBEK. 1S08, mt the Coait Hou-o door in said county, between the legal honre of sriftTIW XRACI .WFL.AND known a* WBIIB OAK, on the White Oak Creek, containing’alwrat six imndtedOBres, more.or loss, consisting of nnim- * line lands, belonging to N. A. the interest of the estate in tmforoved plant ing lands and bnildings. Also, a p»rt interest-In ' fourteen trandrodacres of-pine fond, jtsllUmbered; suited for getting timber, also, a certain ’ ot of notes and accounts. Terms cash, pnrchasr rs paying T TTjTn ’ ' ceoegia in uvsepnm- rat OT, ...... ... FJrslrCIass Kew iron lil^de- Bnilt Steamships, 4 ooMTdscfi enr •As SABASOTA Now building. SALUDA .’..a.-Now building. . SP.l.M A Now building. ii < SAllULA...... No# bniMnl? *• WAVFaLY .Captain Bryson. LEITH;..'.:,-1.... .Cap tou} RfitNETaoN. SriRLINti.... * j^*Freight taken from and to St. Louis, Memphis, Vicfcsbuig, Mqnlgomery, KufauU, lali.xiiai.tiec. Atlanta, M&cjn, Columbus, Augusta, Ohtiin, 1 Albany, Amehcus, Greensboro, Madhspa, Covington, Athens, Ncwnan, LaGrauge, West Point, Cuth'berf/Dawson.'ThoinbHVilte, ■Cwtargvllle,'aid ail points in the Southern states, tireat-Brluin and the ..tiogtiiunjt. * 1 7T Bills of iadihg signed upon railroad receipts at interior points of shipment. Press receipts at tis- vauuah and. dray receipt* at Liverpool. Insurance t fleeted from interior points of shipment and from Savannah, when desired, on our open Foliates here or in Liverpool. . .MS* Advance ol three-quarters of the. value at the time of shipment .given upon consignments, ana proceeds guar<uiteed. , _ 4 Proposed d«ys of sailing from Savannah, 1st sii 15th or eacli Mom it, commencing as folioifa: WAVBRLY, 1^00 bales capacity. ... 15th .November^ DON, .2,600"bales capacity... { . .1 .. .'lslfDecember. RlGAw a.^0 balMi c*P6city.... i .L. .isthljec^ber. LEITH, 4,500 baloj capacity. ......1st January. . A*-Extra steamer* of 1,600 and 3,000 bale pacity will De dispatched to Liverpool, Havre, men, Hamtmry;, Antwerp, Trieste, Genoa and Oron- stadt, whenever inducement offers. . , .. - J IT Freight taken from Cardiff or any Indirect port for Savannah. or.sHO dill WM. M. TUNNO & CO in Liverpool tb STODDART BROTHER! Leith to DONALD R. M'ACGUEGOU. snl5—lawlSwT BT W. W. DANIELS. -“ II. U. lymona, Awctleaeer. THIS DAY, inside of store, at 16% O'clock* wm ba 7boxreD , s'®oltlderi. 1 hhd Smoked Shoulders, IBbbls Brown Sugar; 16 bbla Molarees, 12 % obis Mackerel, new, 15 boxes Laundry Soap, . 19 boxes Toilet Soap, 10 keg3 Philadelphia White Lead, 10 kegiEngliab Mnrtard, loooocistn, * Xu “t ALSO. An lnvoics oT Crockery, Hardware, Cutlery, fcc. •K - ’ ' - in Tunno’s Line! For LiverpooL BREMEN AND HAVfiE! C OaiPOoED OF TWEflTY-FIYK SAILING PACK- JKTHOf 6P0 to 1500 tons reeiaier, is intended to b? DlrfPATCBKD miff VEBPUOL EYED Y WEEK and to BRBMBNJutiL.H4CVA.JB eveii fortnight, or aa fre quently _*8 lre:ght warrants, commencing in Novem ber aud contiuuing throughout tec cotioa fleaaonj .. jAnjYh^ieLiajpi be ri«m ! * 8S~ Freights taken from aiffl' to 31,-IjowI^ ffash- vine, lie jiphis, Vicksburg, Mima, Montgomery, En- tenia, Macon, Commbus, Tallahassee, Atlanta, Au- gnsta, Griffin, Albany, Americas^ Gromsoorff,‘Madi son, Covington, Athens, Newnan, LaUrange, Wesi Point, Cnthbort, Hasson. Thomas?Ule, Cartelbvilla, andalt points in tile Southern states. Great Britain and the Continent. ‘ ■ ' AarlnsnraDce effected from interior points ofshiie ment, or irom 8av..iiiiali. in onr' Open Poilcteh here, or in Liverpool, wiien eoalied, ‘tv t\ for fflHU Slfie ^htp ^AiTSTA X 1200 tons, will ieave ub “it... AWA,XSpL G. Haws, about the Jj'litdTol Novem- o«r; followed by the regular foat Bailing Packet LIDIa SAOLFl&LD, Cap.aiU CuhTM, 1300 tdn^aud the lavonte last Packet »»ip STditOF THL WBST, captain Hamilton Peeby, lSOO tons, appiy to * . eep3-lawiui W. BI. 1TJNNO A OO. m: S 'TATE OF ijkiRGlA, OHitek-’M l tJ06NTk.— . WuereaB, tne o«»uite ot W Wlnrney, ol Said couuiy, dr ceaeed, is now unrepreiented, and no reiie applying for aduninitiLration de bonis non theie- on, noiice id hereby given lo ail pers. na conccrneu lliat on tho ffrat Monday m October next lettets oi admiuiBnation do' bonla non upon aaid utiato will bt. granted iotae Ultra of tho auporlor. Court, or joine other fit find prop^peison. . . 1 Wijujad iny wlllclid ulgn dnre thte 3d day of Bep- teB#?»«. * BBN1CY S. WBIMOmT Bep4iawlui Or(Lnafy< CODNTYl |j ill apply at tht Oourt of Ordinary lor leiters dismfssory as executoi on tbe ebtaie of John B. Moore, ol aaid county, qa- CBrieOti: n optpu 10 * 1 tTneae are. theiofcre to cite and ajtmqniHh t^ifiayud^oera to Iteand to make objection,-!! any tney have, on or before ue first Monday In January next other wise said letters will be graniAd. i j U IV > (‘P Witneua my official signature this 6th day of U Ij 18GS. D. A. O’BYoNa* jyl—lam6cu '» • O. O.O. , iTATB OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—Tt I all whom it may concern: tV her eh a,-Aaron H. Lmamplon will apply at the urt of'urUinkcy fbr Leirenr DiStnlt&ory ou Lhe ea rn te of William ii. Davis, deceased. These are, therefore, tociteahjd admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before eald Court to make objection (if any they have} on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise enidiet- ilteifl °my*otficfal signature, XhiiffilA-Ltlay ot May, 1869. D. A. O’BYSNE, may22—’lam6m Ordinary Chatham county. CfTATB OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—Tc O all whom it may concern: .IF. * Whereas, Visglnm N. Fuiten wBl ! apply at tbe Court oi Ord inary ,1'or Let fore Dismiesory afiAdmin- ietriitrlx ou the estate oi Caspar J T Fulton, of said county, deceased : - These arc, therefore,to rite andadmoniahaU whom ft may concern tp be and appear before Bald Court, to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first ^lond&y in February next, otherwise said let. cers will be granted.' Witness my official signature this ICth day of July, T8iiS. D. A. U»BYRNE, iyl7—lamfim , - ■ Ordinary Chatham OJppty. ^TATH OK GEORGIA, CHATHAM COURT Y.—To O all whom it may concern: . Whereas, John o. Ferrill will apply at the Court ot Ordinary- for Letters Dismissory as ^Administra tor on me estate of Charles A. Henderson, Idle oi laid county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all ■vjiom it-mny concern to be ahd|aUpeaB before said to' make / objeeubu, if *&y *they*htfre; on oi before the first alonday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. . Witness toy official sJgnatrfro,t(i$B first day of June, w^^byrse; IS63. je5~lam«m* Ordinary Chatham County. TermsCffh,. r 1 •' ss]A6*lt GROCEEIB3, DlEY GOODS, FOEN1- TOBE, too., AT AUCTION. BY BELL A BULL. THIS DAY, to front of rf-re, at 10 o’clock, will be A general aaaortment cf GROCERIES, A general assortment cf DBY GOODS, A general assortment cf FURNITURE. Terms cask. Auction Sales—Futu re Days BY W.YY. DANItSLS. ' On the FIBS* TUESDAY lb October next, attha Conrt House, between the legal hours of Bale, SOUTHERN HA! F'OF LOT No. i, MIDDLE OGLETHORPE WABD. sixty by ninety fast, with th. improvements thereon, confuting of- two tram, a well lugs, and containing four room, with naeair, ont buiidinit*.now rertirg for two haudtril rtollarK per annnm each. Fee simple. Fermat- — *~ * , on cay of aria. valuable besidence on tbe salts at private sale. BY BELL 4c HULL. One of the finest residences at the tele of Hop*, in complete condition and repairs. 1 ” ALSO, Two valorise and beat Building Lota at Whit. Bluff, near the expected terminus of th. Sea Board Railroad. « i . ALSO, A valuable Plantation, ‘about four miles from the city. LOT AND IMP0VEHENTS AT PRIVATE r»>. tif,J. *»= SAUL , BY BELL 4c HULL. rijo t and improvements on Hnil a treat, near Price., ALSO. Half Let on Bay street, near West Broad. ' ecp26-thcl - : ; j* ';*.*/ AT PRIVATE SUfi. Bt'W. W. DANIELS, b ■ *’ Several fine new Buggies arid Bockawayg, at low prices. • 111 > sep26-2t ST^feKS AMD BONDS AT PRIVATE SALE. BY BELL St HULL, kite SO sbarea Central Bailroad Stock, 25 abaraa Atlantia A Golf Bailroad Stock. . 25 abates Southwestern Railroad Store, (4000 City of Savannah Bonds, *2000 Atlantic A Gulf Bailroad Bonds, guaranteed by too City of Savannah. *ep35 VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS AT PRI VATE SALE. BY BULL Si BULL. ONE VALUABLE LOT On York street, Oglethorpe - ONE VALUABLE LOT on Taylor street. SEVERAL VALUABLE LOTS west of the Baric. GROCKERT WARE AT AUCTION WITH OUT RESERVE. .Litll: BY WILLIAMS, WARD At : Willbeeold on TUESDAY,29‘lilnat., in front cl atoret at 10% O’clock: GRATES OF ASSORKD CROCKERY, part of: Breakfast, Dinner and Tea Seta, Oval Dishes and Platters, all sizes. Bowls, Pitchers, Basins and Ewers, Steak aud other Covered Dishes, different ktjlta and sizes. Batter end cream Dishes, Mags, Pitchers, Bioo and Salad Dubes, Pickle do.. Pistes of all sizes, to sets, Cbamneret plain and with cover*, Toy Tea Set*. Spittoons, ka, and a great variety of otLer an idea nsnlly forma ia a Crockery Stone. - All lhe above goods are to be arid without reserve, anti affords a fine opportunity lor housekeepers to supply themselves with any thing they may weed to toe way of Housekeeping Crockery’Vara. — BY W. W. DANIELS. ( , H. R. Symcrxs, Auctioneer-. Will bti luid. ok foa.-FIRST-TUESDAY ID October next, at the const House, between the legal hour* ot sale: A FINE PLANTATION ON BRYAN NECK, about fifteen miles from Savannah, containing EIGHTEEN HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, more or less, thoroughly ditched and drained. This U onu or the most desirable places on the coast, ami able lor Bice, Cotton, Corn, Ac. On the plans Is good water and magnificent pasturage. Terms on day of sale. 'ssp24-td ; *7 /;ROSE HILL FOR SALE. BY W. W. DA81ELS. 11. K. 8yaoni, Auctioneer. On the, FIRST TUESDAY In October next, bstweea . the legal poors of sale, at tne Ooart House: THE FINE-PLACE KNOWN AS ROSE HILL,” ON THE SPRINGFIELD 1 '" JPtAiTEATION, about two mflea from the city, ocmtalnlng. 90 acres, more br lcaa. On the place la a flue House, ucfln- 1 b1ic(1. containing fourteen rooms. Termaon day ot sale. Mp24-td BYW.W. 0AIIlfiL8. 11. IL Syuonst Aactloncer, Will be sold on tbe FIRST TUESDAY in October next, ac the Coart Booms, between tha legal hours ONE FRONT LOT AT WHITE BLUFF. Desirably located; 136 feet front by 400 foet deep. f " A1SO, TWO LOTS IN REAR OF SAME, Each 136x600 feet. Terms on day of sale. ecpai-td BACON SHOULDERS AND SIDE& 5 hhds choice BACON SHOULDERS, MO hbds choice bULE SIDES, For flaTe. To tirrire. aep*24-4t* BY BELL & HULL. «TA1!B OF GBDRIHA, CHATHAM pOUNTY.—To O whom tt may concern: Whereas, fitijahF. Henderson will apply at thfe Court* Jt Ordinary for Letters LMemisaory aa Ad ministrator ou the estate of Klija Henderson, df. said county, .deceased:' Theseare,therefore, tocite and admonish alL-whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Courttc make objection (if any they havd) on or 1>eforts the Witness my official signature, this 16th day, ol SsLl r; - 1 !%•# o’BYRira, o ' maylO—lamem- S lTATE OF GEOKGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—Ic > allwhom it may "concent: 1 * 3 . Whqrca3, Fritz Meincks will apply at the' Ooart of Ordinary for Letters DiemUsory aa Administrator an the estate of Rose Graham,, of said connty, de ceased; These arc, therefore, t» cite and ai homit may concern, to be and appear beforeAaU onrt to Buie objectlQli (i f an y they have j on orbe- ire the first Monday in Kebrnary next, othentlae - said lctterswill be granted. . , ■ . Witness my offlcinl signature thin 4th day to August, 1868. D. A. G'BYKNB, nuS—Xam«m • ■* ’ ftfia S TATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.— To all whom it may concern: * — * * * ppiy at Whereas, Lemuel W. Laudershino wiJVapplj the Court of Ordinary for letters of admlnlatrai on the estate of George A- Barchart, of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to dteandsdmonUhall whom It mayconrem, to be and appear before said court to make objection (If any they havej on or before the first Monday In October next, otherwise said letters win b. granted. Witness try official signature this 18th day of Au- n-nst, 18 8. HENRY 8. WETMoBB, “ tcu5-lawlm O. O. O.- ” 5# Whereas, Calhuon T. Moral wHl apply at the Court notes and acco lortl lea. an’24—lawtd THOS. D. HABB1SON, Adminiitrator. a Jlfiflgfern SheriiTs' Sale. LO BEFORE THE COURT HOUSE H hfflnBBam.cqunty. on the IN*NDVENDER N XT, between the nsnal hoars of sale, the I’RACT Or J.AND lately, occupied by PhiUp Homing, decerned, containing five hundred and erity-five rerf* bonnded on the north by-the lands tit James B. lhe rest by the lands of William Shearimao and Richard Shear- onse. on the sonib and west by tne tends ot Stephen F Keller. TUe’aborelsddis good and In a healthy location (about eighteen miles from Savannah), and well improved. There Is a fine range for stock. Said proberty is sold ter s'division among the heiis and creditors of Philip Horsing, under a foreclosure of a mortgage In favor of-the helraof Philip Horning, sBd.agalptt Jackson'^Sf. Neace. The undersigned winkhow the placi to any one wishing to see it be fore the day of sale., 1 * t™** “ area's run lie or tv nuaiu » -— These are, therefore, to cite andmdmonlah aU whom it mayooncern to bs and appear before said. Oourt, to make objection (if any they have), on or before the first Monday In October next, otherwise arid letters will be granted. Witness my official signature. thlsi9t]rday of An- COUNTY.- »"miriitrafm nn the eatate of.JOi iMcFril, of arid oonnty, deceased: “" w These are thereto re to cite and admonish allwhom It may concern to Dettsdzppear before said Oourt tc make objection. If any they have, on or before tbi Witness my official signature this lOtb day r fScj tember, 1868. W. Pt GIRARDEAU, Eepl4-l-,m6m Ordinary liberty County. -TRATOR’S NOTICE.—Two moi ter da r e app'ieatlon will be made to the Court o, rdinary of. Liberty County for leave to sell all the InnZ. of the ear.,tent A. iff Dunham, late of aaid sepll—lawtd ' JAMES ZITTROUER. Sheriff Effingham Connty, T ETfEK AND NOTE HEADINGS ] lands of the estate of A. C. Dunham, late of said lA b at oarer atd st the low connty, deceased. ANN C. HAHT. . SMW8 ASO WBBALD JOB i angfi—law2m Administratrix. I7BUI, S TATE OF GEOEGU-IN SDPEEIOS CODBT Uhstham Oonnty. in Equity. In tho matter of I the Application ol Anthony Porter and Wallace Cam ming, assignees of lhe Bank of the EUte of Georgia, fornssistaiUKi and dire tlon In tho ererntion of thetr trust and for a discharge: Upon reading the petition of the said Anthony orterand Wallace Camming, aaatgnereaa aforesaid. Inger, solicitors for the petitioners, that the said as signees do proceed at the expiration of six months from the date cf the drat publication of rills order, as hereinafter provided, to pay ont and distribute tbs and money to their handa under the aaid ae- mt. after detracting aU expenses of the said as- -to the creditors of the said The Bank of stale of Georgia who ah*U by that time have pra ted their claims to Uieaaid assignees, prorata ac- eording to their legal prioritise: and that (hey ahsH theneetorth bo relieved from aU obligation to credi- tors who abril not have presented their claims within the time atoreaaid, and be at liberty -to apply fora Ctkli discharge from the eaidanat. - And it la further ordered thai a copy of this order be published once a week for three months in one public gazette In each of the cities of Savannah, Au guste, Atlanta, Montgomery. LonisriUe^riad^Hew Judge EasternDiifcrict of Georffia. July 13th, 1888. State of Bear gin, Ckalkam County 1 - I, William JL Bulloch, Oierk ot the Eoperior Conrt of the Countynnd State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the writing an tbe aforegoing page, concluded on this page. Ins true and correct copy of the order of the preaiding Judge of the Superior Conrt, os above act forth, in the above entitled case. Given under my official signature and seal of office at Savannah, this fliteenlh day of July, A. D. ana ’’’-jusana eight hundred and sixty-eight. WM. H-IULLOCH, Superior Court of Chatham County. V yi4it oi usuauiA-uBttBTy QOCST1.—To bf Ordinary for Baiters of Administration _an times-, Whereas,'^lmo'n^iarrtagton will apply at tho •tate of WHUant Morel, of said county, deceased: <-• -o oart . of Ordinary for »Stt5a Dirtnisaoiyti Admin istrator on the estate of B. P. Barrington, ot Eald rmmtjj idfirmyil' -; - These are, therefore, to cite and admonish an whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Oourt to make objection (If any they have) on or be fore the first Monday to Ft - *Wtnessmyoffleirirignatnre this6th day or July 1868. ’ W. F. GIBABDEAU, jyis—lamrin O. L. C. ~, he - r . e ff* ?2ii. Q *.55! !n * nd J - 8 ’ 'WartieU wll). otaTK OP GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To lwnrt of Ordinary for tettere dimniporj Jj .jj whom It may concern: in the estate of tell .MnVaii nF nufri Whereas, Ann McSorley will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters of sdmmistntlon on the estate of LantyMciorley.-cf aaid connty, deceased: There are thereiore to cite and admonish aU -Tvton: it may concern to "be and appear before said Court to mate ob eclion, if any ttey bave, on or before the •Irfrt Monday in 2*oYemt>ar next, otherwise said letters wlti be granted- • -a. _ ■WitnepB tny cfficial signature, tbi* 21st day of Sap- tember, 186S. 11—IH I S. WESMORS, u 3er221awim ‘ ' ——