The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, September 26, 1868, Image 4

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m MTCMM.WSI5s|g" j 0| Capital £2,popSfOO ajakiaivK ! Fpmi : ’a,5wJ,boo i ANNUAL INCOME £700,000 STERLING. "(froiS aio’lonlstile Journal. J PASSING SHADOWN. BY BEY. W. H. PLATT. ! That below them h.Ve dim shadows. And above them angels’ smiles. Oft they oome In dark battalions, rading fast in retain* afar; 0>t cornea one jin loirtlyvTMiderlnga, j4 Like tome lost and mourning star. Shsdmnrfromthelr-pathwijUAlling. - ’ - rK m?d»me 4 MaTp d .fe - >«O Tl^’Uiep&rfr.wlfU.suna^ vle^r. i '# n. J i?J 3 * JdJ8 ra *° : TbneHBnr earthly cares and WWTQjfs-r u t ]Fi Phantoms seen-thro* misty tears— I.^avg4*4.-Jiind them nothing blighting Savenim^ornfethal childhood feats.. * BveipjOpd* ia cloudy pillar* Guides His people to llfeirrestf * *Tis bat shadows that veil from thee ; ;Hope's bright bow and risions blest; l the blows that seem to crush thee Are the Christ-like graces born- eepipg's for the night that nasses, J^h^ofwMttngjnoj^ nOliJllA -JAUUvtlle^ Marche 1868,-— i J3BTT5 ..WEUO'PfW'THECOUNTfiY, ., : t*t&ysr TnEJt! - f «-t.i5EIi&jfiR&st, . aud Best, and. Truest! *£££*1* IsXPE-IsUiB: ' p tj'V3RY FREEMAN—EVBBY V idi \ WO ski AN of the Couutry, who puts trust for ti. > saivatian of the Consti.ution and Ljie Union In ifie 1 ' success of the Uembcthtic Party, ought to know (be sides their.fcrinpfjglas) featunw at least of those in whom that hope is centered—oi those tirrot it most be brought to a glorious fruitioiu f n. «t>y -am.hofiitv of the National Seymour and Blais . H Club7 Lif^lifee Portedts or our cahaidiiiee fdr Preai- aent and Vice-President or the Umw*'Statear^*®- catedin the best style of the art, are published as NORTH BRITISH and MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY, ; OK LOMDOS AND KDISBUUOH. sc so?A:Bx.isih; h;x> itfr i so a CAPITAL AND ASSETS (IN GOLD): SnbHcrlbed Capital . .$10,000,000 Cash As feats.. 013,603,893.85 Annual Income $3,260,035 /tihe subscriber, Raving been appointed I ‘ AG ENT for th e above CO m folio . Xirge* Don de -Pifeture (Lithograph)—Seymour and - ~ A - Blah^-22 hy-2Sinches— Ob Single Pictures (Lithograpn)—St-ymour; «nd t. Biair—3 oy 10 mchee' e^ch 100 '*■ rz t i.XO^OXU^Lj i i I y-Xarge Double Pictures—3 copies $ 5 PO. TTsirge lhJub e Plenties—7 -copies. .-.-vr»v»-r«ww~lO E nrrnis ASSOCIATION affords a Cheap mode of ren- ^.2,. . _, _L dering relief to widows and dependent children, * sftgte^tuil^^^ jo8‘ ! .fi?^otber8andfltotera of deceased Masons. . Tue proceeds of these hales are to be devoted :to campaigu purposes. » > , . , . , * ; Ciuo orders must be sent to one address./JH1 plo- * tures are sent on roFlert ho as to avoid-damage in the mills, and in all casqd free oi postage. Orders to amount of ten dol&rs aud over may;be filled by ifixpreas.and bill codec ted op, deli very. With each order will be enclosed a-packageof se lea ted campaign documents, Ac., toadvunce the caa«. t&~ N. B.—In orderifte, .filsnae .name paper In .whicn advertisement was eeeu. ’ anf 'O* ~ ’ u£ff-2m In equiH, in RICHMOND, SME810R mm At Chambers, Adgds? i TN the matter of the application of John Craig and Ad Chanej A. Rowland,, assignees of the.union hank, for advice and direction in tne. discharge of their trust* and for a.discharge therefrom, . . On reddiog the foregoing petition (for direction and ^dlscnarge from their traat), It ia. on motion of Frank JHL,Jffiller, solicitor for the petitioners, ordered that *'«H P »rUes holding claims &g«lnat or :the. bills *>f said Union Bank, lately, doing * bnsiness in the county oi Kichmoud and 8thte of Georgia, do present the same to the said John Craig and Charles , A. Rowland,ias eigaees or said Bank, * within six months from the - u dace of the publication of 'this, order; pe iorevcr debarred from any participation ia the .qasets in iht' hands or said distributed; apd that at-Uie expiration of saidfslx months assigu- ees shall distribute and pay over the aescKS-in their ■” -hands asassignees, after .deductingcommiesioiis and ■ Qj ^rpdniie8to t hfe creditors, * who shautheh.-liaYe filed their claims pro rata, acqordingv to their legal priori ties; and upon tliUr makihg such distribution amt id assignees jSh^Ud^ ^gtrey^r dia- pAymencs/.thB charged irom all leeponaibility foi ' • And It is further oWere*f/ thdtf this order be pub- lished once a week for three months in onepublioga zette in the Citie^of a ivanpab, Atlapts* Jdontgom- ery,*lTew Yoi k/l^trclnhairand Augusta. ; ' • -WM.. GIBSON, Judge Superior Court Middle District. * State pr Georgia* T ' RictTuiOudcdunty / J 0ONTINOES to take AGAINST LOSS BT FIRE, 'Att Ourroixt Hate*. 1 Y :i iii e.Wfc-WCWjSvAEeni, . Merchants* General Exchange, 1 T ‘ Battersby’s Building. NO. 4 HARRIS’ BljOCK, Say- street. Savannah, Ga. angis^m ISAAC EHRLICH, WliULKBUiB TOBACCONIST AND COM MISSION aTEttCUANT, Jones’ Upp^er Block* havatinah, H as NOW ON HAND IOB&CCO direct from .t factories of North Carolina and Virginia. 3 invites his old patrons to examine his stock, which he la able to sell lower tnan any other house in the city. Also, a supply of BACON. ILOCB, Ac., con stantly on hand. ■ anil—ly the above Company Is prep ired to take BISKS ON bTJILt,IN»S, COTTON, and MEB- OHANDIsK GENERALLY, at enrront rates. Foil- cieB lsshed in gold or-eurrency, at option of sppli cant. '■ Losses promptly adjusted mid paid. I lid IN IIY BRIGHAM, Agent, jy*J8—6m }15 Bay street. / GEORGIA MASONIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. G. S. UBEAR, President. jh. W. BURKE, Secretary andTreaiurer, JFQJJN psapm m Sashes, Blinds and Boors, PAINTS. OILS GLASS, PAINTERS’ AN D GLAZIERS’ TOOL8, fllLKEO FAINTS OK ALL COLORS AND SHADES. House and Sigft 5 T4fAting aLA^lNO, ii No. 0 Whitaker St., Comer of t)»y h»nt jys-ly , It is Cheap and Available to All. ^or the small sum of Six dollaks Any Master Mason in good standing, and in good health, upon the recommendation of the W. M. of the Lofge of which he is a member, shall be 4^igible toahembership; and at bis death his widow and de pendent children, or such persons-as he/may desig nate will receive as many dollars as tbere are mem bers belonging to .the-Association. Application for membership can be made to. THOMAS, je29—tf 117 Bay Street, Savannah. DR. EDWIN W. L’ENGLE DUSMTIST, No. 106 Bryan Street, BETWEEN WRIT AKER AND BAKNARp STB., Straapali, Ga. Jeia-ly A. J.i Robert, Marietta, ua.< * < ■ *1 ‘ - / Wji. -A. Bicharsson, CS«l Ml J. A.. Bisaner, * ■* Marietta, Ga. TOBACCO WAREHOUSE. TIUXTON, BREWS 4 CO WHOLESALE, PElLESS QI ' North Carolina and VirginiB . 51 Afi CFACIURED AND SMOKIKG TOBAPOOB, 163 Bay Street, City Hotel Building Jy4—ly SAVANNAH. GA. L i, Ellery M. Brayton, clerk jot the Superior Court of Richmond Couut>, Uoue.eby certify that the above and foregoing ia atrueand correct copy or the order of the judge of Uie Superior Cuurt, dated August 27, 1863, ana entered on the minutes of the Court, folio Witness myjhand Mid the seal 6f said Court, An- - gnst 29ih, Ic68. . 3 . . E. M. Bbayxon, d . - 2' i " tZ'-s; "~"'J • £■ (ilfll’t*, -U v -iO.BN GBAIG. . • OHAS; Ai BO WLAND J Aseigneea, > Btoaa atreet, Angaata. Qtu. Eep5-law3m MfiicMnis’ M. Planters’ Bant S*.LeZl ^-1 ftflShffSM) (Otmii .. Jj In the matter of tha application of ) Ztn’7ixam Roberts, ass.gnee of the Merchants* arfd Piauterb'-Bauhl , advice and. (^rection in the isc •iarge ‘bf'hli tf • ‘ • — ‘La CTjl X. and - lor *. xh r.; ._. 4 _ in the ioi Court . Latham County. . OlBC.T - tarther Telief. * ip|N READING the foregoing petition, itls order- ed, on motion of Xaw.Xovdil and Falligant, sc- iicitors for the petitioner, that all .persons holding , against or the bills.of‘The Merchants’ ana — -Planters’ Bank uo present the same toiha said Hi ram Roberts, assignee,or said Bank* wituln 6 months from tne'dafe of the ptiblfcatfon of^his order, dr be forever debarred iron* any .participation - in or 'divi dends of, or claims to the assets of said Bank in ihe' bauds of the “said-Hiram Roberts, assignee, to be dutubated. . / ,. And it jB further ordered, that this order be pub- Iithed once a week lor thre^ months In one public gazette in, uie city oi i?aeanuah, one in Atlanta, one i» Montgomery, one in 'Cmcinnati wad one in hew in ai!t r.o •■.-i nn asoa- 7 ! And it is further ordered, .that this petition be held open for fu^b erordetr i*ml relic;f. • r At Chambers, September let, 1863. j A ■ ' WViJ. FLEMING, ' ‘ ' Judge Eastern District oi Georgia. Piled September 2d, 1863. ‘ . _ / Geo! WashxngtowWilson, . Deputy Clerk Superior Court Gnafhap County. StAtE Of GtoKQtX? \ * sm jo Chuiiiitua county, j . } , . , - X George W- Wilson* Deputy Clerk of the j3nperior r Court of tne County and htate aforesaid, do nereby certify that the foregoing instrument of W writmg con- « a -tains a true and faithful cop> of the oiiginal order in said case as appears on file and of record in this ^Office.’'’ *' *■ «- ■ v -..u-. .(I J ,T In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my offl- cialjHignature and iicai of onice, at Savannah, this 2d day Of September, A. D- eighteeri hundred and sixty- eight. GEO. WASHINGTON WILSON, . Deputy Clerk buperior Court Chatham Ooiihty s&pi-,i&w3m "J/.xisr IN CHATHAM-' SUPERIOR : ’’C^RT— " • - 'MAY TERM, 1868/. / | . _7TN TThS MATTER of the application of Geoiga W. X Anderson and Bngh W. Mercer, Assignees of the. Planters’ Bank, of tne State of Georgia, for advice and direction to the discharge ol thelr trust, and tot a discharge therefrom. ■. ..... On reading theforegoing petition (for direction and discharge Iron, their trust)-it ia,-on motion of Thos. - 35. Lloyd and Hartridge fle UhisomvBoUcitors for the petitioners, ordered, that aU parties bolding claims against or the Bills of saBL Planters’ Bank Of the State of Georgia, do prelent the same to the said George W. Anderson anil Hugh W. Mercer, ‘ of eaid Bank, within six months from the pnbUcittoh of this order, Jirbeloroverdcb anypartJcipationiin tha assets in the hands Assignees to bedlstrihntedjand thatetthe — of sSd six months the said and pay over the assets la their hands, as after deducting commissions and expem creditors'who ahaU then have filed their ' rata,according to their legal priorities; their-maHng enoh distribution and .pay said Assignees shaU be forever discharged: from all responsibility for said trust. And.' it is furtUer or dered thatthisorder be published once at week for threemonths In one-public gazette ln tSe cities oi Bavsnnah, Atlanta, Montgomery, New York and Cin cinnati. - - W.-Bi JF-LBMING, Judge E. D. Ga. - June 6th, 1868. - ■ . STATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COl Waiam fi. Bulloch, Clerk of the Snperior the County of Chatham, State aforesaid,- do -certify that the writing on the foregoing pag< ° ’ - eluded on the third and preceding-pages ia a l - ' r correct copy of the petition of. George W, and Hngh W. Mercer, Assignees of the ' ’ - < Bhnk or the State of Ueorgia, with the order, ot the • - - Judge of theBnperior Court at May Term, 1868. Given udder my official i signature, and seal o office,-at Savannah, this twenty-second day of June •list A. D. One thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. In. s.I WM. H.’ BULLOCH, —'■ ■'IHIAOI Marble Works. W B HAVE RBGBNTXY PURCHASED and fitted up wllb the most approve J machinery, the GEORGIA: MARBLE WORKS, aud we are prepared to fill all orders for MARBLE in any quantity. Ours Is in quality and Susceptibility of finish equal id the best American Mamie, and oat facilities for quarrying are sued that we can supply all demands at a less price than is paid for the production of any Northern quarry.... Dealers cap bp supplied with BLOCKS AND SLABJu of all^ dimensionE, and would find it to their interest to procure their supplies from us. Saving engaged the servicasof the m at experi enced workmen,, we are prepared to fill with dispatch all orders for FINISHED WORK, such as Monuments, Toombs, &c. AST Orders solicited from every city, town and neighborhood. Address an communications to GEORGIA MARBLB WORK3, Jasper, Pickens county, Ga. gep!9 Dfrw&TW2w 3 G-eo. 1ST. 3STich.ols 5 PRINTING — AND Publishing’ House 89 & 91 BAT STREET, (DP STAIRS.) JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Book Binderv AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY ANY ON SURPASSED FACTL TIES enable me to JJlL execute all wo: k in the above hues with the Utmost Dispatch and in Superior fetyle. EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE! ENCLUIUNG PRINTING OFFICE, BOOR BINDERY, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, and PAPER RULING ROOM. The only establishment in the city having all these Acuities combined. A mu Stock of PAPEita, LEATHERS ana MATE. RIALS on hand. Orders solicited. Satisfaction gnaranteed. Jj.HO—ly ^ GEO. N. NICHOLS. WM. H. TISON. WM. W. GORDON. TISON & COTTON FACTORS —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BA??TRl^iT,} 6flw f LIBERAL. ADVANCES made on consign ments. au 15—D AT W itm ribnte the pro _ upon is the r iaw3mo •slat Atlantic & Gulf,Railroad Stock _<JT TO^HAY, U,e.6thoJOpW^next, AttneCoort tjJpjxAL House door In Sav of sale, FORTY >(JOj l STOCK OF THE AT- , , iJSjM»MyA5Y^3ia i^r®i*^ n ?K of raid Company In the namo of Daniel . 'of Decaturcounty,-deceased. - - , Sold byVMtfaWof an orGer from the Hon. J son, Ordinaty of Decttor oonntgiSBOigr ta . hit v'diofta k uaDBDBK... «1 John- • seplO—lawtd Bxecatbr of Daniel Bimbo. QXATB OFOEORGIAr OHATHAM COUNTY-—To ' O xllwhom it may concern: i Whereas. Bobert Falligant wlU apply at the Court, of Ordinary lor letter, of administration on tue es tate of John E. Hayes, of said coonty, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It thty concern and appear before said Court to • make objection, If any they have, on or before the flrgrMouday in November next, otherwise said let-' »*« -will be granted. v i Witness my official .aignatnre this 17th day of Sep- THOS. PXTEBS. O. M. M’CONNICO. B. H. HENLEY. B. H. HENLEY & C£h, COTTON BUYERS AND 11 ' BROKERS, SAVANNAH, QBOUU1A. Office comer Bay and Lincoln streets, np stairs, over VY. H. Stark A Co.'s. seplO Om MANSION HOUSE, 69 Broad Street* BETWEEN MEETING AND CHUBCH STREETS, CHdBLKtTGS, B. C. fTIHIS well-known and long-established House, has I been leased by the undersigned, and Is now Open to the Travailing Public, whoee patronage ia re spectfully solicited. Guests wUl receive the attention of a First-class Hotel. Transient Hoard 62 60 per day. Permanent Board can be arranged for upon moderate terms. Carriages ana Baggage Wagons will be in readiness to convey Passengers to and Irom the House. GEORGE K. WELLS, Proprietor, jell-tf -I Late of the Mills House. Plans and Estimates A RE solicited for BUILDING A FOOT BRIDGE A. across each of the sUps at the foot of Barnard and Drayton streets. The spans are respective 76 and 46 feet in the clear. The bridges must be five feet wide and capable of sustaining a weight of one Ann-: died pounds per square foot. JQBS p n0QQ ■VplSdf City Snrveyor. BACON! • 'it *■ ,1. J. j. V, • ' ' W * Shoulders, Clear Rib Sides, Rib Sides, PRIME BALTIMORE CITY CURED. . . Warranted. In store and for sale by HARNEV4* C4., No. 12 Stoddard’s Upper Range, sepia-if SAVANNAH, GA. ,0 Chbis. MtraPHV. . Ggik. OIOSS. MURPHY & CLARK, HOUSE, SIGH, SHIP aul STEAMBOAT FAIN-TBB8. GILDING, GRAINING, MARBLING, GLA ZING, m PUTTY. BRUSHES of every description, MACHINERY and HARNESS OIL, AXLEGREASE, etc. 77 Bryan St., between Bnll and Drayton, mh!4—ly SAVANNAH, GA. MAURICE HACKETT, COOPER, AND AGENT OF THE. HUB- MARINE DIVING AND WRECK ING COMPANY. f\PFICB UNDER THE BLUFF; toot of Drayton V/ street. All orders tor the Submarine Divinj and Wrecking Company can be left witb him, and will be promptly sttehded to. Ha ,6. RUWE, • I WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, AGENT FOR BININGER, anlO—ly WEST SIDE MARKET SQUARE. F. W. CORNWELL, DE4X.EB IS HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AGRICULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS. AXES, HOES, NAILS, TRACES, &c. Also, Agent lor HcARTHUR’a COTTON GINS, No. 191 Brongfton street, sepl-6m ■ 11 Savaaxaa, Ga. Wflfi ESMLt, Jr., ' ' AND BQOES^LLBR. Bull St., Next to the Post Office, {DOWN STAIRS,) - SAVANNAH, OKOMGHLA. N*otic©, Ladies I FLUTING, PINKING, STAMPING AND DRESS-MAKING, AT MADAME L. LOUIS’ BAZAAR, may23-ly 133 BROUGHTON ST, Up Stain. THE NEGRO, BY “ ARIEL,” PRICE R6 GENTS. CALIBAN: A Seqael‘l» "Ariel.” Price 25c. THE ADAMIC RACE. . Price 26c. •; NACHASH: . WHAT IS IT? Price 50c: A farther supply of the above works lost received and tor sale at EstilPs News Depot, (uiGfi8—lm Boll street next to PopiOffir J* 1 Congress reet. Just received, another lot of THE NATIONAL BITiXBS, “ the BEST OF THE AGE. | For sals by. the cate, bottle or dMnk by ’ John T.-iinfibertrep, ihge - • fteunawA agtiit n ff * NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. •*“ Prices, n) $1 StS, $1 SO sad *3. ! l 1 ’ **!«•»••. - V.lT . The “ Hattie Wonder,’ Or IMPROVED FLANOHETTE, with the MYSTIC POINTER. PRICE; $3 SO. The best Game out, THE “RACE FOR THE PRESIDENCY.’ L Bu«f ■ ! 'HlAiAfcbs, jii>4lKIWOII. 1 'OSS MATTBASSE? FOR SALE LOW, AND . made to order. Hotels and Steamboats sup plied at short notice. R. A. WALLACE, Id JONES au2S—lm XT3?I'HiR BANG-K, BAT STREET. SAVANNAHjjaA;, rriHE TWELFTH ANNUAL COURSE OF LBO- I TUBBS in this Institution wUlcommoncs on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT, and couf tlnne four mouth.. gethcr under the style 6t -U5.-JSC ."I It s C.-1B BiWSfU Walker, Allen 'ediott;;—8. I^roi ARNOLD, M. D. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children—P. M. KOLLOCR, M. D. Adjunct—THOS. SMITH. M. D. Professor Principles and Practice of Surgery—W. G. tBULnOOH, M. D. Adjunct—J. CHARLTON, Professor’JllaCeriai deuce—1. B. HEAD, M. DT AdfundtA-B* jf NWllf, Professor Physiology and Pathology—J URIAH 1 HABK1SS. M. D. Adjunct—J. G. THOMaS, M. D. . 1 Professor Ain at only and Dean of Faculty—W. R. 1 WABINU.M. D. Professor Chemistry—VI. M. OHARIER9, M. D.' M<HtMCf-rW. H. |UL(OTT.n-fi.- u , . j Demonstrate °J 4 qat^my—wr DU NO AN, M. D. Assistant Demonstrator at\d Curator—R.F.’ MYERS,. •M.D. ' ‘O n -v- ■ baaoaxytgqsK - OS~ Requisites for graduation the same as in all regularly chartered Colleges of good standing. . i CHARGES., oi ; lacuj’ For Course ofLeofures ....t.... 1 :-......*10S 00 Matrlcnlatlon (paid only once). , ,-v 6 00 Dissecting Ticket................ 10 00 Diploma.• -• • v................T...** ob 00 For farther psrticalars address j it ... ^ <Wi'R WARireF aulO—law3mM pean of Faculty^ - MIR.^FARLEY’S Private School -/ •• —’irdB-— • YOUNG LADIES, •wife tatm P I CHATHAM ACADEMY', South Broad street; firit door ficmf : the Pavitibn Hotel, will opau OctoDer 5th. 1868. and cloae Inly 1st, 1869. a This School essentlsliy upon the sanmpjaE 1 with thst formerly known as the Ardlury Hall ‘Private' School, estahlhbed by Mr. F. several years before the war, and M limited as then he twenty-fire its main object is to carry the pupil* carefahy, an early'age, through' the usual studies of an El edncatlon. No pnptlB received under-eight; ege icoe !o The school year will be divided Into three of three months each. pr For pupils over twelve years of age, f JO oa a month; for pupils m-dpr tweRe years'oi a»e,jf8.0() a month. Bills payable at thcheglnnlng of eaca term, and no pupil taken for leas than One term.. I- r | Ample proviaiac ls made f ir French.aad Latin, at the option of the parents. , .. . I — Dn-ing the present vacation the School wiUhe fur nished with the Roas School desks, tharnwhich there are none better. Mr. F. may be consulted from date, at bis root In Chatham Acade iy, between 10 a. m. and 2 p. t— fiSrTbe School will bedpan fora few private pupils in the afternoon. • iiLcsou .- iaoll sep2-eod2m OH ARIES A- FARLEY, A- Tj. • rrxoaixa Comrififegfon Mercfeafit^; greatw*ying,«J:i 85W" l *e Sample Gin at our office.- mLsv Ussjej fffSLr Wholesale Grocers rifYCdifHaisMdm'IBi i tillaij .(■taYULfi 11 GA. itato ••GPLLEK'^STj ” ( aUo/ija. , TEOFXiMK’* ii .el- ..iv:1 .• of Spain and of tne NethSi;!?’ BntnswidkJjfcorgtsI Tlm ^ made oa conalgmneEta or cotton, WooLBiSr Ac., to onr friends in Baltimore, Ptutadelph]. V s , New York. \ ^hi V .J#Ct Hil' fCld v JtcY w«Z TC> Jioq-.w. uioii %i'4I in this- otiwmaBIwgld. •oMtymgaaiiowftMialM a GaABtamPprpdafe of ever 111 __ i'i £ bill* TCI BAGGING, HUFE, eic. d, “■«- When desired, wllf inakithe =c8nM ADviscss' on producein artattnai* .nam.t .-U tt E i.:>a aug21-2m tftlf ~omce No. 8 Drayton street. 1 -Trrrr ■ ?«a»l* .1- l^btecfi(re- Uni MMmr GPH£ MERCHANTS’ PKOTEOIlVfi - UNION, 1: kan ..... i J 0. JttJWLAXD «lg»- . Rtarage~aBd”^SLT, Oommisiiion Merchants. Gottoa taken ™ geifi HataswojKstFimt Class Firoproot Warnhe^ P yfc!'SoWLANDl ! ’ 1Vefc 10 'Th? H. GRIFFIN * CO., Cotton Factoir&v- misslon and Forwarding Merchania7wVL Bay street. Savannah, Georgia, ^ TYTILRINHON A WILSON, OcitottFactoH^dfe. lY neralOommiasion Merchants,No.SoBaisiv' ' - —■- Liberal advances madeo&Kif , ves or oar friend. In to- - aud Liverpool. to ourselves or our friends In New lad TILE-REFERENCE REGISTER, oottWLilS taker tttogYitauMmARaapwF^BiheBa*^ ebaats, traders, bafiken*, manufacturers and no 1 compabies In mare than tbirty IhonsandOf the cit towns,villages andsetthmenis throognont the Unii 8tales, their territories,-and the British Pn ' North America; and embraoUtg. the moat i_, . information attainable ao^aecessary t« enable the {jiOR THE USE OF COUNTY AND STATE J’ CE ' " CEHS. Notaries Public, Cot Societies, Corporations, Lodge:. .■BEALS;. M*-SXALSr*om*s. upwards, c PRESSES from $3 to $90.. The- style cost from $10 to All. The n DESIGNS ENGRAVED at the shortest noti a. r , • During.the past three years ovtsr three hnndrec -I SEALS and. FRkR8 E» haam: hgeWmadr DnyMlftnrp’ ' parties throughout this and tbaadAilning Btarns. aud t every instance they have given, entire sntisfacti on Parties desiring SE ALS can send * (Opgit Sketch I whatthey want add reafit ttia. pmbeM n root J it “ not enough I will Bend It and collect bslanqe bj expresa on delivery, and if more: than, suffieient tr cover expenses the surpica will be returned.: : I Address orders ttt-i. - WM. ESTILL, J«. t • j Bull street,- neyVtotbA Post Offl sail— sr.. - .... .Savannah. ili: Um. fy. K. MILLAR 4t OQ., 167 Bay atreauuSi: If mission Merchanjta, Dealers in Railroad tti plies, Ai-ents for Ingersoll’a Cotton Press and Watson^Co.'a Axle Grease, Ac. j^; RESALE LIQUOR DEaLEBS. n J. DUNBAR A CO.,, Importera and Deaim x S rn Brandies, Whiak^ya, Gins, Wines. CelabratcdFM *# .WHOLESALE GEOUGE3. M_ DAVIDSON, Wholesale Dealer m flij. holes, Wines, Liquors, Teas and Cigars, la Bay street, Savannah, Sole Agent in the Stats o' Georgia for Massey, Houston Jc Cot'S Fhjiadelpiiil TAur.' • ,/n are deemed wortliy ©f any.gra.dation of credit, PRIVATE SCHOOL FOB THE I Deaf and. Dnml)i ' • " -.IA T HE UNDERSIGNED WILL OPEN A PRIVATE SCHOOL at his mother’s residence, four miles west of Lexington. Oglethorpe county, Ga., on tbe.- 10th day of September, 186S. The location is about a quarter or a mile from the Railroad, in a Healthy and pleasant locality, and easy of access from .any place by railroad. Pupils can got off the cars within 3 carter of a mile from the school, lo colored or negro mntes, deaf and dumb, will be admitted on any terms, as tha School is exclu sively lor -he white mutes. . . , Teems—One hundred and fifty dollars per scho- ias tic year, which indndta Board; Tuition, ’Ac.: [ ♦ a JOSEPHUS B. EDWARDS. Lexington, Oa., August 3,1868. I, BEFEEEHCE3: Lexington, G At—George H. , . Willis Willingham, Whitson G. Joh att, James D. Maitl n, GCbrge F. Platt, JamesD. Mattbe-rs, E. C. Shackleford, -W. H. Ward, C. Si Hargrove, V. W. Johnson, L. J. Dnpree. Augusta.—M. S. Eeau, F. M. Loftus, J. J. Laturop. Athens. Ga Dr. Upscomb. Penfield, Ga.—Dr. H H. Tecker. Sparta, Oa —Bishop Pierce.ati29—tf correspondents whose character will piove a gnat tee ot> the correctness'of (the imyrmaUpn lurnisheu by them; it Is relieved mat tftrVepqfts will prove Vr] mote Tmthirtaodt eomslpta. apd;thsrelpfaBppe?i<>i to and of much greater valueu^® Jmsly 1 ^Ibrn't 3 - of-t be ffEA CA NITZE- REFERENCE. REG-' 1STER, huStnesB mem vTILLe enabipd to at-certaln at a glance tae capital and grudution of credi-, at c6ai- pareu ydth'finaocMl woru>,of-ne«iyrevery merchant, manUfactuMijtraffar andoanksr within the-above 1 namedterrltoiiallimits. !1» xsdi Crliiw CM|,r, On or about the fl ret of each'mouth subscribers will i also receive the Monthly Chroaicie.'cootainingamong other things a record of sach Important, changes in -the name-and condition oi firms throuRhcut .the country aa may OccuFsabaeqtaenaao tha pnlaUaanon of each half yearly tVotama-OPthe MERCANTILE REFERENCE REGISTER. L—: ; . Price oi THE MERCHANTS’' UNION MERCAN TILE REFERtN4tKtEfRTER, fifty dollars ($iOV EB3 in It stock,! Throat, Toothache, Bums, OemsgOttta, _ ■onoos Stings, Caamps-Dyeentery, Ac., Sc. Get the above, at A. A. SOLOMONS A OO. For sale whole- sale and retail, and by othecDruggists. Single bo 41eB,96-cTKL'25oenU. . ■■ a ,'mhll—ly ession of tie College' B egins on October 5, isgs, under the di rection of 'he following Faculty: Kev. J. M. BONNELL. D B., President. HevLC. WI SMITH. A. ML ErofeeBpr. <HtMat mattes and Astronomy. Rev. w. 0. BASS, A. M., Professor of Natural- Science. 0. SCHWARTZ, A. M„ Professor of Latin and Modern Languages. Mrs. A RIAdp' AaWstty | | 1 n Literary Depart ment. n “lirector (with ajqpUbl. 1 A. N. WHITNEY, ~MuM assistance). Mrs. E. T. CROWE, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. xs.—There are three terms in the scholastic year. For each term the charges, which are to be paid at the beginning of the term, are as follows: ~~ wnlar tuluon. $30: boaTd, including-waahin#/ A .t-r-i:- 3;H.l*b-aaP and iiehta, $76-' lhcldehtal fee,'charged tq a«y r 'tii3-dT oppoalteMeai scholars, $1. - The following alb optional: French, $16; instrumental Music, $26: nse of instrument, $3: Vocal Made In classes, $2—cot charged 16 those who take Instrumental Music; Drawing, $16r Paint ing, $20. j im Pupils who take French may he exensed from Latin without affectiLg their gradnatlon, Special advantages ptovided in the anonaddroSTheSealneS^ ‘ su27-enntoo'0 J- M. BONNELL, SOUTHERN iMOififFEitFlilEGEI qnHE FALIi TERM OF 1868 BEGINS AUGUST/ X 15 tn. Faculty—Gustayus J. Orb, A. M-, Pre- 5f^K r iR I e?^!ll^®. i,< “' ,n<r Professor or Ancient Languages, Moral Pntli and Evidances of Christianity; Sylvester A. I M. D, Professor of Natural Science; William Professor of Music; Mrs. Virginia 0. Uonyei BtroctreaeTn Preparatory Department.. -aj 'EXPENSES FOR THEFALt?fHftHi- I Tnition in Literary and Scientific Department, $25 00 Incidentaf .H. it-.. 2 00 Tnltibnln Depaitment of Music...—lejiv..;. 2000 Use of Instruments, .,v.- r -im-rr-re ■ ■,*& Tuition in fteparatory Department. -^ ts, will , $20 per- BOARD,- -Including washing, fuel and be tarnished in good .RunUieaatJfcqjn .* tors, at a coat to onr patrons for leas tha or even inferior advantages can bo prscnxeil else where. All the proceeds of tnition, over a certain (United amount, wlilbe appropriated r im payment of the board of indigent, pupiia-rdanghters of .living and Mas nn \ ' _ i Tiie daughters Of all IndJ^sntMttoustlill be taught free of tuition tiLthA Litermry ... Georgia. DAVID E.BUTLER, P. O. Mi, ,13* jj20—tf Chairman Executive Committee. 1.1 - srsei _ advantage for thorough training In the Literary and "dentine branches, and B^ihp. Schools of Law and The aggregate expenses for the Session of nine months are: For a Student in three Literary or Scl- enUfie-Schoola,about *3B0 ; Jf>r, ; a-Sttident In Law, " >dt$380; and lor a full coorse in the Medical jool, about 3370. These snms Include fees for: tuition and nse of library, board,' room, rent, fuel; U ^’orcatatagues! 1 ^>"r farther information, address itaiy of Faculty. f'FkcnIty. _ catalogues, or Mfr-IatyWw. ,-urnr CANCELING and' BCS1 STAMPS. nMCaii , . 1-rI 28-jil FURNISH THE FOLLOWING STAMPS at makers’ price* 1 Secomb-s Canceling Nttnp. Vritk.4lA e, bom $19 to $16 •om$li6ta$3; Borders to - WM. 1 BaU street, next to _ - : n.r, ... FT-Ta* ■ . U P H O 1* S T E R s h 160 BROTJfiHTON STBEET] rriHE undendgiS^^Se attention of his frionds Jl and the public generally to his new and well se- GS; Wall PAPFRING^m best article; WINDOW CURTAINS; PAINTE1I and GILD WINDOW SHADES, Cord and TaBselS;; Green and White Shade Hollands, CORNICES o ricue styles-togelhfewnli- many othermttich ..SaSSSS^ MOSQUm) NET'S.' fefo.iutadStdiordigrf MMMgjgflS fSgttiikgdUarpet- ing cut and laid!, fWAll Repairing in his line/done IA workman-like ^(atvrompt attention given and ^^e^^ec efaarfod. B _ 8CHWARZ, " iO Bra " W Hap. ummmfmztirr ftfahtfWefMF^alte ,1 vat TT AS JUST ropgivad a New Stock of Htrsavit -liUktCOmCiEA'" sndafcettxfil ffiaitment of SHOE 7TO0XS. “3 a! i.< w ^Jj- —Htl ^ ^ iOCl 1VO YOU WANE-AfGRNUINE REMEDY, THAT U WILL OURS SOUR PAINS AMD AC WATCHES AND JEWELRY. L 1 "-aROS CLAUDE, Dealer In Watche., Jewe.-r V « and Silverware, Bail street, opposite Kmon-- Hall, Savannah, Ga. Watches and Jewelry oareiiii; -epatred. nori-tf -SAILS, AWNINGS, MAGS, Ac. VC; P.. BEAUFORT, Exchange WharLManuia-. iTl > torer of Sails, Awning-, Tents,' Flags, Bara iC.» Sold at New York prices. jyjj ■ ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS. 'A4ULLER A BRUYN, Architects and Civil and Rt. ill clptutpal Engineers, southwest corner hay u,a tiuU streets, np stairs. M. P. Mulls a. Civil tci Mechanical Engineer; SiWui Bbdtm, Architect. -HARDWARE. CUTLERY, At. P ALMER A DSPP13H, Wiioleaale and EotaiiBeR : era in Hardware, Cattery, Files, Edge Teals^- icultdral Implements, Powder, Shot, Capt'ac-i -Lead,14S Congress and 67 St. Jui-tn streets, Uaraa- aah, Georgia. .- jy-23 PAINTING AND GLAZING. m UBPHY AS CLARE, Bryan street, opposite tte Bank State oi Georgia, House, Algo, Sitip and ' 3 ^amboai Painter?, Gilding, Graining, Marbling lid .Hazing. Signs of every dcscripuun. jy;: PLASTERERS. led to any address ini the. Rheamaiian. Sam in tha Back,HeatLandBlde, a for which it United States, transportation paid. Holders of five $>0 shares of the capital stock. In of fltiti&S; - trt>ld6rsy>r*tea ehares wiU b© entitled to two copies; and no more than ten stimres. •f the capital stock will be allotted to any one sppli* HfSff SP A PERS ‘ A KQ All remittances,' orders, or communications rela Live to the book should be a'idresse j to the CLANIS’ PBOTECTiVfC UNION, in the Amei qf every Description bur sale A’ CONNOR’S .A »J l). Sottthcast Corner oftirk sad Bont- g«n-er Strteti, aiul Post Office Yard, ei6—3m. : , ,, ■ ,... Polytechnic Golleget ^ ; 1 Siiaferj York -street, opposite the Jjourt House, is hereby appointed a‘4—1. t.r>i ersih sUiSOtB a, : J aoXicr : koB ; Ttt« crrPW» 8AVAinrA‘ft 1 f .•JtJn*JA ,tlF| To receive aud collect suhscriptipng r«»>ah« Polytechnic College, * F —- T .71 —..‘x —i located in the City, ofrUainbridge, Georgis, It is-earnestly hoped tint the citizens • ofHttt 1 consider,theimpQrtaucoo^|he Col ’ a helping hand in ordey^ita early comple pnurnnf y # duuIvo Di. J3ntwv.p ruiyiLnUi. S.m bon Bridge, bdf Reg. DAVMO WM*. M. AY RB 4. HBO ang8-8m Agents. loon. JUH-N I, AX THE STAND 300 llniV^fSltydf-South Carolina; ie very best quality. ales, wnraa,iaabops, .«feci, a* or the best brands, on hand; and a LUNCH every COMMERCIAL NOTE AND FUAT CAP iSB^axWES-PljtS, 1 ; n f*1?A MACHTNEBY'WASTE. ' : , Him :fyrj-' v ,s .ii mv: . riT T'■ f *rt% - a:? * ^ 'v -Rf AWALLAC ■t (ttw 9 i i»a v? ivkisbaTUn» A *,.r j&UX&A. n-xUal >0 tiMilriO ^3? su :) ta 9lMTte *43 lo ife txi r t tU’M « » mnUMtlM u« c 2QQ BACKS ^ \ U tutmbJL ' For sale chea^^f ^ Zizz 3.IYVYQ HO\ 41U. EH *7. nun e<3tt oa. SATURDAY NIGHT , nsqa akd thodqhtful. pap j By “Erip^-*’ Pomeroy. Pricje, 81.50,. NONSENSE; OE. HFT8 AND CRITICIBMfc ON THE FOLLIES OF THE DAY.! Bj, ’’Brick” Pcmeioy. --Price, 81.60. '«* ’•WBSMZil"'** > ,; ESTHA’S JSEWN DEPOT BHUj STFKET, KlXT to THo tost office fsQll—t tne Uni; .. j.'l’FertvMn’Ghrttr In Ut*refor«afe by him and by his agent at BtHttmore, Maryland, B. F. VOSS,. . _ , H. O. FEKGU88ON, Agent fa# Consignees oi the Peruvian Gov’t, ,.; Jq8-ly -|.. . No. X-Iflooth street. New Y)uk.;. (1 RADY A TOLLY, Plain and Ornamental Eta- vj tcrers and Dealers in Laths, Lime, Plaster, Hah, Cement and Bnildlng Material, Bryan street, bet- -..L tjraytem and Abercorn streets. augl-tf BODIES AND NEWsPAPEUB. ' (jtSTILL A BBO., Boil street, next to the Ton JiJ -Office, Dealers in Newspapers, Magaamea Hooka and Stationery. The latest New York act other Daily and Weekly Newspapers received b; every mail ana steamer. Jy2t DNDBRTAKktta, GVEBGUSON tt DIXON, Undertakers, 120 Eroagt- J? ton street, dealers in Fisk-a Patent XeWit Mahogany, Walnntand Grained Coffins, Ice Bot-s for Preserving Bodies, Funerals furnished at tie shortest notice. Country orders promptly attended AS. Jj2" FDIUMTCUk. F ULAHkI HOUSE STABLES, by J. Fsznsr. Cl'- riages, with competent drivcia,or SingieTastas. to let. Boarding at reasonable prices. jy23 CIGAR HASDFAGTUREB. SOLOMON, Cigar Manufacturer, Brvan eiref’, s. three between Whitaker and Bull streets, e the Pulaski House. doon JyM WILLCOX & SILENT CQTTGftiHHS. oCABTHY’S SEA ISLAND COTTON j- -■ *• - <*-'-'%» > best in Use. For sale by v - » k.,u.. JL3..0HIPM4N, egpfirtf - 177 Bays i ttee t- HOPE! .k: COILS SUPERIOR BALE ROPE INSTORE I too? And for sale.W.’ ‘ : HOLST is COW PEAS! aP jfny feSrw- IHfa^ELB • »1I ...v-T ££ w jA. Perfect Wonder r t ITS SIMFWOITY, NOISLESSSES8, -Strecga or Stitch and beauty of finish. Has a patent d.- yicewhjca Preynts its tnming backward. NEEDLE IS SELF-ADJUSTING, and cannot be set wrong. Its Hemmexs, -Filler and Braider are acknowledged superior to all others. IT RUNS 80 LIGHT thntiqd(*B in feeble health may nse it without Irjnrj 43-Send for a circular containing Fall informatioi —notices from fhe Press, testimonials from tho« using the Machine, etc. We refer to any one nsn-8 this Machine. For sale at manufacturers’ prices by WILCOX, GIBB6 & CO., ,, NO. ?7 BAY StBKpr, SAVANNAH, ,, NO. AH BROAD ST., AUQC3TA, General Agents for the State pf Georgia AGENTS WANTED in every county throng’ nt the State to sell Machines. jjs-iy For sale by - list u..a -. u~ »--- u,r -~- -.1 ; . .. - WTr.T.TAMB. WARD A MoISTlRE. Advertiaementa forwarded to all Newspapers. No advance charged on Poblisheis' prices. AU heading Newspapers kept on file. Information as to Coot of Advertising furnished. AU Orders receive careful attention. Inquiries by Mail answered promptly, Complete Printed lasts of Newspapers for sals. Rpeclal LUts prepared for Customers. Advertisements Written and Notices secured, twin Qcdcril from Business Mon especially FOR SAIX ^X*- tax :¥fM ? ai -l: 4 k— zxau r> m LAIRD, BROWN & SMITH.^ . Shipping Hasten and Hot»riea Public- ComtrofBay and Lincoln streets, tbver WBt -» .LrT :« rldaf'-Af Molasses. [OGSHEAD3 OF MOLASSES In store aid' jams,'- ward s mcintire. SACKS 8UPBRFINJE GRAS1TE .. 15U " MILLS flour, - 160 eacka Extra Granite Hills FIonr, 4>0- 300 boxes TDbscoo, all gradeaefrom j " B. N. E. Mayer’s Patent Hoap, , i Primrose Family W«*lng Soaps t- Clear EBTBidea (Mjgyhmd). : Prime shouldera (Maryland), Salt, Prime Muscovado MolaaHea (to arrit On consignment and far sale by ; — u : - sepB—bn FKRBHX& WE8L0W. JyS-tf Stark SCO’s Store,) SAVANNAH .....GEOBGIi- 'f HEWS v Jest not •enU—It sSof-’ FOB SALE. :bice ^?romthe ColmnbuBFactmT TOBACCO GUNNY BAGGING. SEA ISLAND BAGGING, m BA1 eSBdm Carter A O’ | B4LE Sw. ANDEESON’gjgKSkOO. JOB OFFICE, 111 1 — -^m. sii a i .(baMihUi- ,t'iu -r :