Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, July 22, 1809, Image 3

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the cithers oi Petet (burg, 1. The fourth of July, tM mi ni verfary of A me n can independence --may it continue the day of patri otic celebration boaftand inaiiifef tation, 2. The U. S. their union the balls of their ftrergch, peace and fijppinefs. j. James Madifon-—v;e view the Hr ft ad - uf his adminiftrarion as an infallible proof or impartiality cowards foreign nations', and we hail it cs a favorable prefege of future fioed. 4. The Eleventh Congrefs of the U. S—may they prove to their conftituents, that ‘mealurts and nut men, are the o! jrcts their purlult. 5. The Memory of George Wafliingtcln—-may the laurels he has won never wither on his tomb, while there is 3 tear of gratitude co moiften the day. 6. Thomas Jeff, rfon*—welt done good and fikhftd ft mint, take up thine everlaftir.g abode at the righc hand of Wafbirgtpn in the affedti ®r.s of every rrue American. 7. The patriots of Ame rice, whole blood was fried on the altar of liberty—raav that gallant lons never Jo oft* the fire” which animated the bofoms of their venerable fa thers. 8. The People of the U. S. too juft r.o evade the rights of others, too proud to Surrender their own. 9< John Adams, by nature an honeft politician—may he continue to ex pole the errors cf his former coiincellors, for the future example of degenerate patriots. 10. The Embargo, the cupel and off of panintiitn, it feparares pure metal from the drefs, and dif tingT,iihcs the true coin from the bale. 11. Tim Pi-: fee ring, Jofi -h Qumcy, Barient Gardimcr—their oppoficion is unmanly, their con dbeft, carle and di .'ingenuous. 52. Agriculture and domeft-c manufidhires, the tut eft grouau work of independence. 13. The ad v a nc t ment of i:- ent r ? and the difrbfton of informa tion, the aliment of true liberty. 14. (Commerce-—the right of all nations, may it be un/hackled by Briitifh injuftice 3nd Trench retali ation. 15. The militia—the furclt de-” fence and me ft impregnable bul wark of the American nation. 1 6. The American Eagle ; un der the protecting influence of its fettering wings we move, when its offered olive- branch is Spurred by the haughty rnsnoarcs of imperious tyrants—Quirldy may the thunder bolts of its vengeance be hurled on their devoted heads. 17. The American ftft—-may their arms prove our fweetett refuge in adveriity, and their frniks die fureft antitode to care. Volunteer by Mr, John Wat kins, Sen.— Spain and the Spanifh patriots— may all Spain prove to be Saragoft, and every Spaniard a Paiifox, Some doubt have been fusrflreft ed as to the liberation of Ameri can (hips in the ports of France, from the embargo ioid upon them. ‘—The power veiled in gen. Arm to regulate their departure, :p;d u fee dial bonds were given for tneir proceeding to the United Srates, while sc was an unexampled ovide bee of confidence in the niin llb'r luJ rcipede for our govern- mar, in the abide that has Ufcn n.ade 6/ it, tend greatly to tM I’jvijre injury of *.-ur commerce win* Europe. Ira;. the American Chips have left Iw uvee is cr:"c:i; that none.of them have r cac.i >•; trie United States is equally certain. In tne -• Sun,’ a rr/inifterial print of London, we find the following article : {< Fa-LMOut,-!, April goth, 1809. Arrived, trie American brig George, cant. Budge, from Bor deaux, ten Jays, with brandy ter New- Orleans, flopped for orders.” I his flu git? 1 act prooves that the American veflWs had tree egrets from the pcr'.• o l I'rantis oa th” ■iotimot April $ but sc alio proves that (he bone given to our miruiTi’ 11 av* e tit e n ri ifchax ye o Vv hat ni;-v Jie the confequeisce of this, thole who may make one good, voyage do nor care, but future oc caflons may aft ft in which good men may (utter, by this breach of good faith. New- Tcrk paper* Ktlf Extraft of letter, dated Xingfton, May 14, to & refpectable houfs in this city. fC We avail our fdves of the fit ft opportunity, via Cuba, to inform you that tbs Colemal Affismbly bars faffed an All hying a heavy duty cn year produce imported into this JJlatuj in every ether vet tom except Britijh 5 aifo, tonnage of vtflels under the flag of the United States. For our government we have herein tncJokd the articles fo raxed, and it is with regret we flare, thee the law is r:ow in force.” IMPORT DUTIES. Shingles, 6 8 per M. Staves, 15s per M. Pirchpine Lumber, 163 per M. Common do. 10s per M. Wood Hoops, 16s per M. Horft, Cattle, &c. 10 per cent. T onn age, 6> 8 per con. Flour, 6sß per bbh Corn Meal, j 5 per bb'l. Corn, Brans, &c. iodperbufhel. Rice, 354 per cwr, Builon Chips. per M. Ibid. The jo'hwhg was taken from the fir ft Bulletin : ORDER OF THE DAY. Soldiers !— You have juftifled my expectations 1 you have aug mented your numbers by your bravery ; you have giorioufly mark ed the difference between the fcl diers of CaeTar and the crowded armies of Xmxcs. In a few days yo*i hive triumphed in three battles, with rhe enemy, at de Abenfberg, and d’E-ckmuU, and in the combat of Fet flii g, Landfliut and Rati’fboh, 100 pieces of cannon, 40 ftandards, 50,000 prifoners, 3 equippages, 3coo waggons with baggage, and ail their miiliUry chefts, is the re i’uii: cf the rapidity of your marches and courage. The enemy deceiv ed by a perjured cabinet feerr.ed to have loft all remtmbefance of yen. This awakning was prompt, you appear to them more terrible than evt* r . Tjiey have crofied the Inn and occupied the territory of our allies, they flittered themfelves to carry the war into the bofoni of our country. T 0 day defeated, terrified he flies in diforder. Already my van guard has crofTed the Inn. Be fore a month hence, .we llisil be at Vienna. Done at our .imperial head quarters, Rarihon, April 24, 18cn. •; Sign ro ) N A 1? OLE O N T . Vft are informed from very good authority, that on Saturday the 20A nit. me foibwin* melanchvly cataf- Mophc, happened at the houfe of Mr. James Ford on Elk liver, ii ft“s Itetc. A bv tl>e name of Crouch, was lufpc&ed of having ftolen n boil'.*, and was purfued and apprehended at the houfe of Ford, by a Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Ka.e dou. Cwo tu others by the name ot Bowling who Were related to laid Crouch, ruard of his being in confineinenr, and refolved to relate him; accordingly, they went to Forci’j houfe, and after attempting unlucceftfuliy to cut the cords with which Ciotich was bound. 0r.3 of the Rowling’s predicted his rifle to the brevli ci Rtynclcs, he in left defence <hd the fame and they both fired nearly at rhe fame mo menr 5 Bowling was killed and Reynolds wounded in the :irrn The other Bowling then prefented Ids piece at the fame inltant at Raredon, vho alfo railed his rifle to Bowling’s brtaft, they tired together and both of them fell dead. Ihe fellow who was in cuftody then took to his heels and was purfued by Reynolds, who was unable to fire m him with iuccefs, being incapable of loading his rifle from dliabili ty induced by the wound in his arm. it is a matter of regret that the man who canft and this awful and bloody cataftrophe was not fecured, that if guilty he mignr jV.flferthc punifh ment of the law. Najbvilk paper. Jk/’The public arc informed that a Sermon will be preached in the Chappie on the day before rhe Public Commencement, addrdTVd to the Candidates for Degree*:; by the Rev. John Hodge. by this Morning’s mail, By the finp Cardins heydays from Cadiz which arrived at New- Turk on the yth infl , hr ought papers from the Seville Gazette up to the lZtb of A lay. And by the. Bar agon from Ujbon to the 5 ft? of June. From tbtfe papers have been made very i,n~ fort ant tr anJUttions, an ahjtrmd of which follows. The French army had retreated from Seville , and fuppojed to be on them march to Frame. It is fold in a let ter from Ltfbon that a declaration of war had bees made by linjjia again fi France. It is alfo mentioned in a triumphant fir am the brilliantfuccejs cf the Aujlriar.s on the Tyrol\ end the fur render of the French army in Por tugal to the Briiijh and Portugnifs troops. Sault with a few cf his troops had made his fie ape. Ibis with the capture cf Oporto and St. Antler* occafioned the greatefi rejoice ings at Cadiz. Particulars in our next. GEORGIA } fackjon county* By Edward Adams > Clerk of thi Court of Ordinary for Jaia county. Whereas Nancy Cook applies for letters of adminWiration on the tftate of Che; fare: of this county, dec?-?.::, ft Theje rv therefore to ctU and aJ mmtj.’j ‘.vdfingular the kindred and creditors cf fzzx aeceafed-j to be and appear at my office, within the thus preferibed by law, to Few caifis iff any j v,hy r iid testers fijQuli not be granted. Given under my hand this 1 ith day of Ju ty , 18 09. EDWARD ADAMS, C. C. O. A FLiV COPIES Of a Sermon Preached in Findication Of Revealed'Truth, and in which is produced fdhe of the firovg efi arguments that re ligion admits cf FOR £AL£ AT THIS OFFICE. CuLLEC FOR’s b?\ i Z On Ea; nr 1! : ( no.-’, wilt be dd t it tier court A vi f. ic fi ” /.: t v, tv ; :o mmm .. . •< ‘ , c;.v HBBBj ‘fooo Acres, 3d quality, ro RandokTrailor, lying in Jackfon county on the waters of lOuth Broad river, joining Drlfkol and others* given in by William Screetman as his own property for the year ifloy and as agent for Randol Trailor for the year xß®B—tax due for \ 807 1 dollar 67 1-2 cents, and for rhe year 1808, 1 dollar 25 cents. ALSO, 130 Acres, 3d quality, granted to Mar bury-, Jackfon county, mid - die Oconee, jOl n s ng 1 f lie, return* 6 ft by Jacob B. Warbington to ißc7jj —tax due 51 a\ # |fl Perms, rath. fl| T M C. T. C, f. C. - July 14. 1809. NOTI C E “ . The Members of the Bowling Green Jockey,Club, in the countv of Oglethorpe, are requeftrd to neet on the ground the ir.ft .Satur day in this month, by 12 o’clock to determine when the next racer Ihall commence. By order cf the Preftdent. July 15, i^cny. •tfMMiaun 11 -i M%Kvwumo4|M*>Ul'-V-a Georgia, Clerks county. By John Smith , Clerk of the Court 0; Ordinary of fetid county. Whereas Samuel Bell ah has ap plied for letters cf adev.r.iflraiiov on the eft a f fi Mfics Beliah , late of this county, due afed. Theje are therefore in cite and ad mottijh all and flnguld” tie kindred and creditoj s cf /aid dece.ficd, fo be and appear at my office wit bin tbs time preferibed by law, to jhevs can A, if any they have, why fail letter: fkculd not be granted. Given under my hand this 2;. i day of July, 1809, JOHN SMITH, C. C, O. GEORGIA, }Ac a Court cf Jackfon County, J ordinary being &. and field in and for the laid Coua tyV hTsy Term 1 3oq. Frcfent their honors jarpu . If. 1- dricks, Etheldred V\ ood, and D;~ vid Wict, Efqrs. Upon the petition of Jeffe Mitch el*Bating that Wiiliam Rarnfev ant.’ Henry Ramley in thddife rmr .If kc - cured their f3ond to snake tidt - to a certain tract of land in the County of Ogftftrm pt - yv.Sivinn two hundred anj fifty ,r rtz more or ftik and that mt fare Hrr.ty dtparftd chft Jifc In and A'ithnor Eirecocing laid T'l 1-i 2.2 c praying this Court to eft reft enc.uLmiuissrwtors of UA oe ceaVd to Execute titles In the terrtr. of the .aw, and the fil'd Bond ; s cc py of which;s:o the faid petition an atxed, whereupon it it, ordered thaf the Aid A'iromfttraxrs ot the fa id dcccsled, will at the oext court of or dinary, to be held in cnci for the county afortfiid on the fir ft: Monday in September next, be directed to Execute Titles, to the fa id tra-ft of land in terms of the law, unleft caufs be Ihewn to Tm conn dry, as * than this rule be p-uDllihed at ieafl three months nrevious to the {itre-o* of va'A court, in one cf r he public Gz zettes of rh-s fl j'e, and advertised in cviisr ‘note public places in fa id county. True Ext raft from the JVorsntes. Edward Adams C. C. Cb May, rft Bc ).