Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, July 29, 1809, Image 1

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    V t. II.)
The Editor of tbs Georgia Exprefs
will ’ if to avail bimfelf of the cppor-
Utn- of improving the eflablifoment,
an sf rendering it as extsrfively ufe
jl as his fituiition will permit, will
l -realty devote a portion of thefe
poets to the infer Cion of original poli
tical mniter y an&s for this furpo/e ,
has interefted a gentleman of hand fame
talents, and the pur eft political prin
ciples, in the inflitution. And he a
vails bimfelf of the occafionto off er his
fine ere thanks to his patrons far their
fupper t , and foil cits the continuance of
their favors.
The local fituation of this eflablifh-
Kisnt affords fever al obvious advanta
ges to its patrons. The Editor re
ceives the earliefi intelligence from
JVafhingfon city and New-Orleans ;
and is enabled, from rxijling arrange
ments, to communicate fitch intelli
gence to any part of this State, thro 1
tee medium of this Gazette, vuich
fc iner them the fame can he communi
cated from any other prefs in the
Thcfs ccnfideraticr.s have induced
tee Editor to endeavor tr. render the
utility of the eflablifhmsnt a; univer
jcdly beneficial as his geographical ad
vantages do manifejily facilitate. —•
kf it bout fame additional patronage,
however, from a generous and libei al
pitalic, the propojed improvement of
tins paper will eventually prove a
The fat all fcale on which it has
heretofore appeared, chiefly owing to
a very iimitted patronage, has pre
vented a more copious detail of do
wefiic, as well as of foreign aff airs ;
and, to get by with other circumjl an
tes, have, in a manner, wholly de
prived the Editor of the plea furs of
inferting original matter.
But he is (Hit difpefod to anticipate
that, the labor and expends be no w
propojss to bsfaow on tbs e/i a bit foment,
will, in fame degree, merit the addi
tional patronage of a liberal and en
lightened people ; and in preport ion to
the fupport be may receive, he fiat ter s
bimfelf that he will be enabled to meet,
in the execution of his duty, the weft
Jangutne anticipations of thefe who
may favor him with their patronage.
Fr.fa fang thefe principles which
dijlingWjh the real friend to his coun
try, he disclaims all exotic attach
ments, and all partialities in favor
cf foreign nations, which can only be
at ‘ended ultimately with fatal confe
fences, lie deems the government cf
the United and tales, f If- ton diluted, felf
cxiflhtg and in ad re (peels per fsilly
independent of all and every foreign
govern:sent cm earth. Asa citizen
<ffa:b government, be means to (up
per • it, without identifying its inte
rs (l with that of any for sign govern
‘The freedom of the prefs his been a
theme cf declamation ~uring % the exig
ence cf cur gc cenrment. ffa new ob
/srvation, iherefrre, will be attempted
Foreign Correspondent
ck thisJubjefl, nor any thing further
Gan to ebjerve that the Editor will,
at all times, endeavor to keep in view
tbs true dijilnSlion between the liberty
and licentiousnefs cf the prefs,—and
to effiefl this, will abfinin, as far as
poffible, from all participation, either
in the Jympathies or antipathies of
private animojities, or cf the feuds of
public parties.
To inveftigate -public meafares free
ly, fairly and candidly, will be at
tempted, for the amufement and infor
mation of his patrons. But no public
officer jhall be denounced, ttnlefs a pal
pable dereliflion from duty, jufported
by legal evidence, floall make it necef
f*ry. To purfue an impartial courfe,
on a line of rectitude, will be his en
deavor, —to obtain the public confi
dence, in this r effect, will be his pride
and ambition. ‘Thefe Jheets (hall ne
ver be [allied with fcurrility and a
buj'e, nor fiained and difkenored by
confeions inipropriety.
On thefe principles he folic)ts the
friendly co-operation cf his cotempo
raries ; and the patronage of a gene
rous and liberal public.
x* IT will be printed weekly* at
three dollars per annum ; one half
to be paid in advance, the remainder
at the expiration of iix months.
2. Advertiiements y ill be charg
ed at the race of (ixty-two and a
half cents per (quare for the dr it
infertion, and fifty cents for each
3. No papers will be difeonttnu
ed without a notice to that effect j
nor then if in arrears.
(ffy‘ All letters directed to the
Editor rnuft be poft paid.
The following Gentlemen are autlro -
rissed to receive Sub far ip fens for this
Taper :—
Clarks boro ’ —P 0 id - M a'fte r,
Jefferfon —Maj. Edwin L. Harris,
Watkinfmllc —E. B. Jenkins* efq.
and Mr. Edward Bond.
Lexington —Mr. Miller Fleming.
Oglethorpe —Mr. Samuel Shides,
and William Lumpkins* Efq.
Walnut Grove —Mr. Lee Atkins.
Goofe-pond —Mr. H. T. Woody.
Madijon —James G. Sims, Efq.
Greenesboro*-*- Cap:. T. Dawfon.
Sparta —Dctftor W. Terrell.
IVarrsnton — P< ft-Mafter.
P owe It on —Pc ft - M aft e r.
Monticello —Thomas W. Harris,
Milledgevilfa — James Bozen:an,
Eatonion —Chriftopher B. Strong,
Elbert on —Col. Wm. Chi Horn.
Petersburg —Alex. Pope, Efq. <£c
Dc<st. Watkins.
Wilzes —David Terrell* Elq. Sc
Dodor Bibo.
Vienna —S. B. Shields, Efq,
Lincoln —Captain N, Allen, 2nd
Cape. John Hughes.
Louifville —Melt. Day £>: Whee
Augujla —J. S. Walker, Elq. tz
Doctor Smdt.
Waynesboro '■—Col. John Davies,
SanderfuilU —Mr. Robert R.
M inter.
Savannah —Mr. H. H* Moun
ger, and Mr. A. W. Scribner.
NEW-YORK, July 9, 1809.
By the (hip Caroline, in 30 days
from Cadiz, we have received 2>c
vilie Gazettes to the 28th of May
—and by the ih p Paragon, Hague,
L:(bon payers to the sth of June.
From thefe papers the editors of
the New-York Gazette have made
a tranflaiion of fevtral important
By the Caroline, we learn, ver
bally, that the French army had
retreated from Seville, and a was
fuppoled they were on their set urn
to France.
We have received alerter from
our correfpondf nt, dated Lift)on,
June 5, enclofing a paper of that
city, of the 4th, dating the arrival
of a Erkiih brig in 15 days from
Malta, with the official news c i the
declaration cf war on the part of
Ruflia againft France. Our cor
refpoivdent dfo notices, in a. trium
phant (Fair, the brilliant fwet els of
the Andrians on the Tyrol, and
the lurrender of the French army
in Portugal to the Britifh and Por
tiiguelc troops. Sculr, ‘with a few
of his troops, had, it is fa:d, made
thtir eicape. This, w ith the taking
ol Oporto and St.*Andtro, oecafi
oneo the grtateft rejoicings at Ca
Captain Johanlen fays he had a
Spanifti paper containing a declara
t on of war by Mufti a again ft France
which, through prefling felicitation,
he gave to an officer of a Biitifti
cruizer, who boarded his fhip.—
He fptaks in a pofuive (train on
this lubjecl ; and his aficriion is
cor.firmed by captain Bowie, whet
came pafTenger in the Caroline. .
Captain Hague, cf tr.e (hip Pa
ragon, faded ticin Lifbon on the
17th of June i he informs us, that
the news of the furrender ot Opor
to to the Englifh, together with the
25,000 French troops, reached Lif
bon on the xft of June. —That the
Ergliih merchants, See, who had
left Oporto, previous to the French
taking poffeffion of ir, were return
ing. Lifbon was illuminated two
nights in conltquence of this glo
rious nev/s
It was reported th:t die Auftri
ans had obtained a cunq itte vidlo
ry over the F: nr 0, the latrt r having
loft 25,000 1 >< hiding tl e kil
led, wounded and pruVnets.
A confi i- rable forcr* of cavalry
arrived 25 L To-? I o:n KnH-iud a 1
the 2-J of Junr, dfftlned for th e
interior of PomigrJ ; and v t V
fuppofed that they would {
to Spain. > The Britifti and Sp
ards were making ufe of
to clear the country of Trench, ana
thera was no doubt of fuccei'3.
They calculated that Bonaparte had
enough to do on the continent.
Tt was reported at Lifbon, that
Ruftia had declared war agaihft
It'appears from our papers, that 3
nn action was fought on the 16th of
April on the Tyro), between the
Auftrian and French armies; the
advanced . gvaard. of the former < c
35,000 men was twice repuifed b
the iarter, being 50,000 ftrong, un
der the command of Prince Eugene
Beaoharnois, when the arcjidukc
j ohn came up with 2 body ot referve
or 20,000 men, and en-kcely defc:?t
ed the French army, with the iofs
of 20,000 men in killed, wounded
and prifoners, chiefly the former,
with Che whole of his artillery and
baggage. Prince Eug-ne * was
Extraordinary Gazette of tbs e event
Seville, ijtb May, 1809.
By official let et s received from
Triefte, dated 20th of April, the
Supreme Central Junta have advice
of the archduke John having beat
the French army of 50,000, under
the command of the vice king of
Italy* JSeauharnoife, 2: Salle, Pcr
fia Cornigliano.
. They have *lforeceived officially
through the lame channel;:, advice
of Raffia having declared in favor of
Aufiria againji France.
—— *
BOSTON, July 6, TSO9.
from the kavanna, June 12.
u The San Fraacifco de Paula,
of 74 guns, arrived this morning
from Vera Cruz, with feven milli
ons of dollars for Spain, and two
millions for this place. JMr. An
derfon, Apierican Agent, has dol
ed his office by exprefs orders of
the governor, and will take his dc
par.ure in a few days.
Lifbon, June I—The army com
manned by general Romana at
tacked the French at Metre, and
followed them to Ppranay. Here
the enemy hid them Elves in a fa
reftj which we fur rounded, fired on
them, and killed many. They
then retreated to Hugo, leaving in
our hands 3 pieces of cannon, &r.
Our troops followed tne enemy ft>
the gates, furrounded the city, plac
ing (Long detachments at the gates,
expe&ing jc will (urrender by capi
tulation or compuifion. Forfunate
-1? the apoftate Magarrado, who h
to lory- r een praifieg king Joiep 1
in A ftorga, is now ihut up in Lee
P. S. T his day, at 7 o'clock .
the evening, we have received the
(No. 62.