Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, July 29, 1809, Image 6

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KI CELEBRATED iMrC/RTESf HOUSE ‘ ( \ - P, afeafon at my fiable A hens, the i2ih of [u!y next, ■ which will continue until December following, ar twenty dollars, paya ble by i.oce the 25th of December rexr, winch may be difcharged by fifteen dollars if paid within the leafor*, with one dollar to the yroom in each cafe paid down. In conFcjUfme of the times be ing dull I am dire died by Mr. Jourl'an to put him at this reduced price, but no doubt will Hand at his ufuzl rate next fpring. JOHN BILLUPS. * t N. B. This famous Horfe has * arrived,'and, from what I have dif tovered of his point of form, ail ion movement, giratly excel all ‘other horfes that have been import ed into America—and from ac counts, his colts are much finer in Virginia and Kentucky *, both for figure and turf, to any other horlHs produce, as certificates that 1 have in pnfft flion will prove. It may be well to obferve that I have fe ve nd ent lofures of as good pafturage -e. is m the fiats for the reception of mares, gratis, but; will Led if cli rented at a moderate price j I will not Ire accountable foi act idents of any End.—l his notice will appear cnlv a few times, which is deemed 1 efficient. J. B. July 14, 1309. * The Kentucky Gazette announces 7 onng IVhip, tie proper ty of Kir. Cor. ko, having challenged the Conti nent fur a large fun?, and as yet has net icea taken up. MARCH TERM, 1809, SUPERIOR COURT, <5 I. if the petition tf Thomas Hirft, id* drg that Thornes i ov-an, m his life time, mortgagee! t 1 -iichucl A G-n.iv;?in a certain tradf or pared cf land, (being pa c of a five thonfond acre trad't anted to Count D LLiing) Ivirg and being ii? the ft! county on the north fork of the Oconee, combining live nunoicd inf fort/- leaen v v .jej-—*— to ft cure die payment of two notes cf h-an cl, ear h for the bum of four hun ched and fifty-eight dollars—the one payable the 25th of December, 1807, and the other on the 25th 1 )ccember, 18c8. The laid more gage bearing date on tfee tweivth of January, 1807, and the faid notes on the 10th Jantfcry, 1807—and on the ninth of February, 1,808, the faid Michael afiigned- the fa id Mortgage and Notes to the laid Thomas Hirft for value received, IT IS ORDERED, On taction, that the heirs or rr prefectativts of Thomas Cowan, becefttd, pay into court, within twlve months from this dare, the principal’and ir. fere ft doe on faid morrg ge, and all© die cofT, ctlurr wPe the equity of redemption of in to the laid mortgaged premifes ftiall ne from thencerorth forever barred and foreeriofed 5 and that this rule be published in one of the pubic gaxetas c f this flats cnee a month for ovdve months, or ferv ed on the Did heirs or reprtiema fives Cf rhe laid Tiicruas Cowan at ■nnrs mourn;*, prt vie idly to the me * upii. :ion of the Lid twelve mortis. -- extreftfrevi tie Admites tin cf At arch, 1809. .. t Df ARD 0. Clerk. -8 1 ißc v. r\ — - r?r* w t> ? r r * r t vUILLv aUh J oiiLb. l‘r ill le fold at the Cmrt IJci'fi ii Jackfon County, on Friday ths 1 ,th day of Augujt next j tie following ’ trails of land, or fo ranch thereof, as •will Jatiffy the tax due thereon with cofis, VIZ. 1150 Acres, 400 acres of which cf the 2d quakky, the balance of the 3d quality, (fo fays thj-ce free holders) originally granted to Baz del Jones, lying or. the Mulberry Fork i? Jacklon county, joining lands of Cobbs and faid Jones ; re ported to be in default from the year 1787 until the year 180 3, both included—tax due 38 dollars and 88 3 4 cents. 7300 Acres, 500 of w hich of the 2d qualitv, the balance of the 3d quality, (fo fays throo frteholdets) originally granted to Lazdtl Jones, lying in Jackfon county on the Ap prdaehv, joining lands of (aid J ones; reported to be in de'ault from the year 1787 until the year iBcB, both included—tax due 195 doliais 69- 1-2 cenrs. 7161 Acres, icoo acres of which of the 2d quality, the balance of the 3d quality, (fo fays three freehold ers) originally granted to Bazdd Tones, lying in Jackfon county on the Appalache, joining lands of F fib burn and Evans; reported fo be in default from the year 1787 until thr year iHcft both included —:ax due 204 dollars 72 3- 4 cents. , ]. ML C. Montgomery, I. CE J. C. Tune i-y ISO 9. CO.LI TXT ORIS SALE. Will he fold at the Court • Houjetn Jack- Jon County, or Wednesday the 20th of December next ; the following t raffs of Landy or Jo much thereof , as will falsify the tax dm thereon with cofis, VIZ . 467 Acres of the 3d quality (fo lays three freeholders) originally granted to William Ledford, lying in Jackfon county on the waters of the Oconee ; reported to be in de fault from the year 1805 unci! the year 1808, h included—-tax due 2 dollars 37 ccm^ 400 Acres lying in Jackfon coun ty on Aikifts Fork, 5 c acres of the 21J quality, the balance of tTTe 3d quality, (io fays three freeholders) granted to Lancer, joiivr.g Hick man and others j reported to be in default from the year ISO 6 until the year 1808, both included—us due 1 doiiar 94. s 2 cents. \. M. C. Montgomery, T. C. J. C. June 14, 1309, 56 iw 6m ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. . . AGREEABLE to an order cf the honora’We ti^ 1 Inferior Court of Elbert County, will oe lold aft-El bert Court-Houfe, on the Fir it Tuefday in September nexr, three hundred nineteen and one half acres ot land, more or kfs, lying in faid county, joins Jofeph Terrell and James F. Nunnelle and ethers, be ing the real eftate of Ifliam The mp lon, lure of faid county, deceafed—• Sold for the benefit of the heirs of faid deceafed. Terms, ♦ twelve months credit the purchafer giving bond with approved fecuritv. GEORGE COOK, Adm in iff rat or. June 26, 1809. A FEW COPIES O ‘ a Sermon Preached in Vindication Of Revealed Truth t and in winch is producedfeme of the fir ong efi a?gu ■'Merits that rc iigi n admits cf JCK SALE AT THIS OFFICE. SHERIFFS S ADD. On the firfi Tuefday C.i Sefleaser next, at the Court-Houfe in Ogle * tk-orpe County, between the ufura hours , WILL BE SOLD, One likely country born negro nan named Ifaac, ib jut 20 years old, and one negro girl named Jude, about t 4 years old, levied on a a the p roperty of James Kidd, to fati’ fy an execution in favor of Conway G aldington. ALSO. One negro boy named John, a bout 13 or 14 ve ars old, levied on as the,property of French E. .Stro ther ac me inflance of John Walton, and pointed out by the plamcifr. ALSO . 2 16 acres, more or left, in faid county on the waters of Big creek, joins Robert Holmes ana others, and a nqgro boy named Jerrv, about 14 years old, levied on as the pro perty of William Holmes to satisfy an execution in favor of Ferdinand Phinizy. Conditions cafh. WM. M. STOKES, D. S. J*dv 25, 1809. N O T I C E. IHNE months after the dare hereof, applvcation will be made to the leoorenle Tcfcrior Court of O glethorpe county, for F nvetokli o:m trail of land lying in the county of Wdkinfon, the preperry of Mi chael Whe;in .and known in faid county by lot No. 24, sTd difindl -•--ie/id for the -bcnefii of the hei.-s and creditors of faid deceafed. JOHN M. SIMS, JOSEPH BAUGH AN, Adminiftracors. July 29, ISO 9. FOR SALE THE plantation whereon the fubfcriber now lives, lying an B g creek m Oglethorpe county, con taining 276i -i acres, 60 of which is cleared and ail frefli and under good fences, a good law and grift m ils with an extellrnt: bolting cloth. The fubferiber being on dered incapable of frdng to bi fi ne ft by misfortune, a good bargain nay iv had and payments made ea y , but great allowatace made for prompt payment —p f, iL Hun given of tie plantation at Chr ftnias, but of the mills form if inquired. JOHN BOOTH, Sen. NOTICE. WIIL BE SOLD At the koufe cf Join M. Axis in Oglethorpe, county, on the fourth Saturday in September next, all the perfmat property cf Mu ba el Whe lm, deceafed, CONSISTING of one fotrel mare and funSry articles of horde hold furniture. Twelve months credit will be given the pure haler giving bond and approved lecurity. JOHN M. SIMS, JOSEPH BALI G HAN, Admimftraiors. July 2 9, 1809. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. Deferred from the Mail of the U. S. kfne time tall Mirch Vn the Cic rk Nation (M. TANARUS.) Ilacnh Bren ten, 11;.; above reward will be giv en to any perfon who will deliver laid Bremen in Milledgeville. By application to Col. B. Hawkins, agent of the TL S. for Indian a flairs, hr v. ii ii!reorders to the chiefs to have ir.ra delivered up. John IV Chandler, ir the P. iT-Oil ice l’ y. or;i nr, ic.h, 1809, or;:; CEE ft At • Cot;- (.* ; %.ct Ordinary }- j. i.t ; 1 Ivdd {.A kIA. 3 * da; oc Juiy, ■■■'■>• F'iHftnt the'r honors, John Lunipkir, John Devon port, Georgs > (cn’prth, jofm Moore, and Ch<u- , MatM'o. ON the petition of John Wool dridge Fating to the court that William Luclefe, deceafed, in his life time, to vCt, on the 6th day of May, 1796, entered into a certain iEfirumenc of writing for the con veyance of a certain t r afti of lor:, containing four nuncio r.:: to Will tarn Brown, (a. c coy o’ whmh is filed in this <-jfftice-) toko ooad or inftrumenr. of writ.o~g was o.frgn ed or transferred, on t'it 6th d,ty of October, i.Bc6, bv tr.e faid V. 7 dlwtn Brown unto the f-ftd John Wool dridge, and ft now in h’S pt fieffior, and that the ft id Luekie departed this life withotr t cuffrg MRS. to the faid land—Where open IBIS ORDERED, * THatJam• slai ck i e an and Koss - k’ah Luckie, executory of ft-d William Luckft, execute tides to the Lid J<h Wooldridge to the aforefaid trad land uniefs c-iufe to-the contrary be fhr vu- -And. that this be jA.;bhoicd o/vc a ir.on.rh for the fl ue of three tnocH the Georgia Exp?efs cr feme other public g.r;:';-p rft.s f,T . . Taken from the r.vnutcs of the court 4th of July, ißcq. MAT K AIL Ei, C. C, O. GEORGIA, Jackfon comfy. AT a mr.etirc; of ti.e h norable the Court of OrtliiMry for Lfti coun ty, on Monday the fifth day eft June 1809. Buckner Harris, ft Etbddred Wood, > Eftdre.r, David Wiit, 3 On the petition of Me fen Her rin praying this court to admit the adnViniftrators of William Dsal with the wiii an to mftx aft? io the (aid Moft for cert An txaSi of End lying and bring in tie county of Clarke, contTnfty-; ;lrcu hundred and twenty-? ; nutu. It is ORDERED, ft 1 *:-: ft-e L;d ad min'iftratssrs with the wil annexed, will be dtrnfled to rt-ike titles to the faid tracl of laod igycW >!e to the fai l bund unto Hu *. .! ./lofts Herrin on the fior M /roa/ iv, No vember next, tin left ecu- he ihewa to the ccuinry, end rhvr ■’ ■ vole be pft:'3iLed three months previous th ;reto. A true c 0 t;v fro 7? the mbs vies. EDWARD ADAMS; C. C. O. ENTER TA IN MEN T. We have proo*n*ed the houfe in this place, Known by the name of the Eagle ‘Tavern ('ft?- merly occupied by Mr. Thomas Mourger) wA\ have furnifhed ic v;i:ft the arttc; -a nereff .ry fur the Comforta ble accommo duioiT r<{ travellers ai.-d private boarders, {e ■ p.u i> ’ ige of : u • h p e r ft .< n s a s n? a y n e and 1 * pc 1 1 d to prom or- fke mtcreT of th;. ■:>ihlini:c;"e•, *■ •’ < ‘tr. : 2Z fully * . and Ly EdW Mci.rgcr, ‘ . ft/r/ ..Ar ft/ v i'icr. Nik ’ C' 1 ’ : . : ftp 1 St, 1809.