Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, August 12, 1809, Image 1
Vol. II.) ATHENS, GEORGIA: PRINTED BY ALEXANDER M‘DONNELL, ‘SATURDAY, AUGUST’ ia, UO3. SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, On the firjl Tuesday in September next, at the Court -Houfe in Clark County , between the heirs of Ten and Three o'clock, the following pro perty, VIZ. One I'm all hay horfe, two barrel to 1 v*. iatu ;...gers, eight hge t hifels, ten fmall chifels, four gaug es, one hand faw, rwo tenant laws, one let ot Bench planes, one fet of molding planes, one fer of bevels one let of turning, all levied on as fhe property of Elba a White, to iausiy an execution m favor of O. H Prince, pointed out by the de fendant. ALSO, 150 acres of land, be the fane ore or Infs, in Clark county on iVFNutts creek, originally granted to Mai bury, joining of Meriwether and others, which land was levied on .as the property of Charles Stew art to ftisfy an execution in favor 01 Sarah Moore, and pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, 70 acres of land, he the ir.rre mere or Ids, in Clarke county, on the waters of the Oconee, originally granted to Samuel Gardner, adjoin ing of John Barnett and othere, le vied on as the property of James Tye to fatisfy four executions a gainft fa id Tye in favor of the Planters Company, and returned to ‘■e by Ilaac Middle brook, conita- Lie. ALSO, One negro woman by the name of Dell, and one bay mare, execu ted cs the property of Leonard Ward to fatisfy an execution in fa vor of William Wallice, and point ed out by the defendant. ALSO, One negro girl by the name of ‘Liz, executed as the property of Leonard WCd for ro fatisfy an ex ecution in favor id James Harthorn, and pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, aco acres cf land, be the fame more or lefs, in Clarke county, but at the time of iurvey Franklin county, on ihe Appalachee, origi nally to John Dgrricott, joining Floyd and, ethers, well improved, it being the tract of land whereon A 1 xaocier MMlpin, ela. now lives, which land was levied on as the property cf John Darricotjt to fa tisfy an execution irUavor of the county of Wilkes againd faid Dar ia cot t as tax-coUeAor for the coun ty aforefaid for the year 1807, and Charles Smith as Frontv—the a bove End pointed out by the afore faid . aiich^ ALSO, 50 acres, be the fame more or lefs, in CL kg countv,’ on Nalls creek, Vtanted to Webftcr, joining Downs anti Others, levied on as the Foreign Correspondent ■ ‘ .'G ‘• ■ ‘ JBS& rJT GEORIG \ EXPRESS. MANY SHALL RUN T 9 AND PRO, AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL Eli INCREASED. property of Allen Rigfbey to fatisfy an execution in favor of Thomas Glafs, for the ufe of jamts Barber. ALSO, 87 1-2 acres, be the fame more or Iris, Clarke county, on the wa ters of Rofe Creek, granted to Wiliiamfon, joining Self and others, executed as the property of Tim’? Arenasie and Benjamin Arondui to fatisfy an execution in favor of James Kirkland for the ufe of Ben. Phillips, and pointed out by the defendant, ALSO, 350 acres cf land, be the fame more or lefs, it being three fraction al parts of a nine hundred and twen ty acres furvey, granted toMtcajah. Wiliiamfon, len’r, deceafed, ad joining lands of James C. Steel, Peter Wiliiamfon and Caleb Jo hu ff on, levied on as the property cf Micajah WHliarnfor, Jun*r, de ceafed, at the of Thomas Bell sgiinlt the adadniflrators of faid decoded, and pointed cut by George W. Moore. ALSO, 6c© acre?, be the fame more or lefs, in Clarke county, on the wa ters of Porters creek, granted to Prefton Runnels, joining Taylor & others, executed as the property of Pretlc.n Runnel? to fatisfy an exe cution n Tver 01 Dooley and Bond and po"nice out by £. Bond, one of the riai.GSs. a 7 c. rs o, i<o acres, be the fame more or lefs, in Clarke county, on the wa ters of Green Brier creek, granted to Daniel, joining Thrafhtr and Hotter, levied on as the property of Samuel Stewart to fatisfy an execu tion in favor of J. Cole and return ed to me by Elam Ward, ccnfia ble. ALSO, 200 acres, be the fame more or lefs, in Clarke county, on the waters cf M 4 Nutts creek* granted to Mar bury, joining Rufitl Brown and c thers, levied on as the property cf Tames Stringei to fatisfy ancxecu tion in favor of Thomas Jones and returned to me by William Nutt, cor. ft able. ALSO, 150 acres, oe the fame more or lefs, Clarke county, on IvFNutts creek, granted to Blunt, joining Hudfon—alio 150 acres, be the feme more or lefs, Clarke county, on Rofe creek, granted to MfGU tin, joining Roberlon and others— aho 150 acres, be the fame more cr lefs, Clarke county, granted to H. Mai bury, on Barbers creek, join ing Daniel and others, all levied on as the property of Robert E. Echols to fatisfv an execution in favor of Henry Thomas, and pointed cut bv the defendauc. ALSO, 130 acres, be the fame more or lefs, Clarke county, on Wild Cat creek, granted to Fs : email, joining Crowley and others, executed as the property of Obediah Fryer to fatisfy an execution in favor of the Adnuniftrator of John Barker, and returned to me by Richard Stan field, confUble. ALSO, 1/0 be fp;* f-'iT ;’ *tjor lefs, Clarke county, on the waters of the Beaver Dam crefk, granted to John Dai din, joining William Brands and others, exet med as the property of Sarnie i Born and John Born to fatisfy two executions in fa vor of T. Crane for William Face, and returned to me by Samuel Har ris, ccnitable. ALSO, . 159 acres, be the fame more or lefs, Clarke county, on the waters cf Wdd-Cat creek, granted to Freeman, joining Peter Kilgore and others, levied on as the property of John Cardin and Benjamin FT Coe to fatisfy an favor cf ..• Hillyer, ad puinued out by the ocundan t. ALSO, 4700 acres, be the fame more or lefs, in Clarke county, on the Ap palachee and Barbers cieek, be tween the high fhorls and the flic fhoals of laid Appalachjg, grant and by five feveral grams to Micajah Wiliiamfon which laid !reel of land has been levied on to fatisfy an exe cution founded on the foreclolure ofs mortgage agair.ft James String er at the iiiftance of Daniel W. Eafley. ALSO, 2co acres,- be the fame more or lefs, Clarke county, M‘Nutts creek, granted! to Marbury, joining Hays and others, levied on as the pro perty of Robert E. Echols to fa tisfy an t xecurion in favor of Ru h ard Dickiri, and pointed out by .he defendant. Conditions cam. JOHN SELMAN. J her. if, Auguft 3, 1809. SHERIFF’S SALT: V/ill be Soli, On the f.rfi TLL.L e b ptc r.ber next, at the court bot ebe : ple ihorpe county, between H b>. nr: it ten and three r. r eck • - / lowing property 306 aens of land, r ore or lefs, lying in the fiuk <'-i Long cretk, granted fo ‘"WiWjani Wilder, join r.g George I L'lrFid and others, levi ed on as the property cf Nathaniel Bradford to fr.Lsfy the folio wirg executions in faver cf George M.- ihews and* Robert Thnmplon, ?.-r Manning and 3Tb c , Bat. KrG ioid adminiltrojor c f Nathan.*r i Bradford, deceafed-—Alio, a ■ •:> y young negro trz n namEl Phill, le- (No. 64. vied on tu iacisfy Ye faid executi ons. M.SO . 310 acres of land more or lef . on the waters of long creek, joi:ic ing of William Suorg and others,, levied on to latisfy an executioniLy favor of Samuel DaL va. Benj?fY •.? a ‘ L’f ALSO, Four negroes, Darcus and three children, Charles, Carter I*'’ 1 *'’ Asbcrry, levied bn r,t the proV ty of John Gooiiby tv> execution in favor of Abner?” der, adminiilrator of Herjaii; ’ Knox vs. Thomas Goolfoy, Jobß Goollby and Daniel Saffold. * ALSO. Two hkeiy negroes, BMc p. boy, arid Will a man, levied on as the property of Hiram Morton to D tisfy fundry executions in lavnr cd James Mitchell, Robert Martin Ly James Brockman vs. faid Morto;.N . ALSO. \ One likely bay mare, fir. yea re old, levied on as the pfcpf.ny of William Brewer to Ltfsfy two exe cutions in lav or of An Smith vs. laid Biewer. ALSO, One Bufiet, 3 beds and furniture, 2 tables, our ebeu ot drawers, levi ed on as the pn perev of Geerge Fa fell a l to lacisty ,u* : . e.. c ,wi ui favor ot JtlT, end. ilec, 1 ... John H. Fafchai and Gcc [Li /dial. ALSO. 150 acres of janT, more or lefs, on the waters of Sandy creek, ievi ed on to fatisfy lundry execuiioor from tire juitices court in favor of Robert Harper vs. Thomas Rhea, aad returned to me by John Fofl-r coniL.bie. Condition? ccfh. THOMAS S. BAILEY. Sheriff. Auguft 18c9. SHE IGF MS SALE. On the I'irjf Tu.fdxy D k- :>tetris* rex*) at the Cc* t- Aoufe in -xckf i ■Joscmy, bet uj :/> Ae sfual F:.* •*; rail be fold she jcllcwi 7 or op •= n wit ; acne 0 o: L..d hr the :L - W-"\r, ot rA, (yi :rr] *, < -,, rl.sur: )iuir.g Adeu, h.Th ‘ ■ now ii\vS. Ltfkfi OU :, ii ; -crerf ‘ of faid Hiikj- at the i.TUuec cf Julia Grdfto, .1 u pp. p.crr i cLi*-: by the ceLncknr. A ? (\*\ j 1 , A 4 p** li. Z'CT’- . ‘>f j2‘ ■ ’ *■ tJ. . i-> r *• U mute cr.c;:, lying n F/Lu ■ irth, g-an-cd ro Count D’Eibu g, end levied on a : ; trie pro;>.-rtv Sher wood ”t * rail p io~ ■ i 1 ’ ; • -_; r. nous at b . inf-vi 0A J ;h fi foid and nthc-s, . .. p 0; -r/> pjinr td out bv i.\ fit. “• t >p C >rdicions cafn. \'.i ’r T T A • / TANARUS” r ‘ n* \T Vv .j ; . ■eerily. Aau;’ ■ > iSov