Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, August 12, 1809, Image 2

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    J ’ j LiV iVL/f j.
r. : ~c a, may 12.
Ills m ■ ii? 1 -
m c ’ CTiyui Gi tiers have
“a . - ■. r. u . ; .
rex ’
\ k;A S: ,v.,;i < j cr, Courier,
v ) pH it.,. . j<;a Uai ibon la#
iT/it, , . br kTk the mieTgrnce,
l .! Oil i!m 9,.is M.j hv tiit Lrr
•.or a:; 1 King entered Vienna. —
J yV*he Commandant.
(’ L. Felix/’
*‘ : tic Imperial Head Quarters, at
I.L nil s, 1 Way (j .
By virtue of a command of his
jVhv, fly, the Emperor 5... J Kirg,
ChatLhr, [si d.PTvit (RrYcA l. t-e
/Valln-m lender, ringleader or the
mlurrtt dor yroi, and. nuler of
the mil'’ ‘< s cornu. Red en Ba versa
i-n.i V -rch piiftr.r 1-; corurar, to
“a 5 v's a nations ih \io brought
ot i•■a l a M : h’ ary C f >r:. n • I fti in, and
f y.c< o t and v/ichin twenty-four hours
if c r Ik: fhail be taken, and this as
j-'* !- M r i.i wry robb as,
;j ,{’ ; Ai EXA DiDER Prince of
nivoPh.ed, &c.”
nh ’
516 /• 0 G r 3 J RGj M/ Y 12 ,
ai . ‘ord-ng Cos c&rtain in;elli
e the French troop* nre alr< a
•i on the other fide of Vienna.—
! b* is pri ha bio that they w b proceed
p ireftly towarA; Fii • my.ry, 10 order
To antieß: e Life in lucre ft ion there.
/• 7.1 Ay MAY 4
1W have he rd r -.Fog of battles
fi’.ce the reta c M Ju: Archduke
v..n;;r!. s over the Duivobc. He has
fixed his grc. army in Bohen&ia.
1 HAGUE, MAY* ?.£. ‘
VL folio Vying important infel-.i
'■ a* is contained in kt; rs of .he
j r h I nil. from ib L'-wer Rhine :—■
fhe 2 5 Ot April, the 2 ;r pe~
rot < : Uiifßa declared war
.■.. n.i;!7, ordertd h’ arn:a sto
i v ‘• Gallicia and Hm g-.ry. The
l'i turns have arler.dv ■* :• red Gul
iuu, and beaten the Amir bus.
‘Hie King of Krtifth, far frem
a; _ g the ddFLtion corrifokted
T .M.-; ];!, h;u lent an Sr my of go,-
r.o rr n again# that robber, in
conjunction wuh the troops of
\ A U ph'Jia.
ddtdr; of the National sijjembiy
‘/lazus end ijjae deprived cf the
v 7. ; v.-i 6 —iVe > Condi tilth n fra
J-\ Wed nr'*’eg t.j*c h, ail the
M .Gibers cf the Suites met nr an
v 1 tv liour in one ailembly, v. huh
v. s 1 ecr be remarked in the an f .Sweden. His Royal High
'h’ Regent, (Ueke .fSuccr
• 7an : ; ) ha/tug 0 1 rkred the Lord
Chancellor to r ‘ad ah.ud the Act cf
ARlß.uinn, voluntarily maik by
*’ v ■ Iv : a gc n the 9■:\\cl ayo f M arc h,
‘rt . ‘.Rnnen’wuu rofe and adclrel
t. . ‘ h 1 ~ !rhf o von, in a
■ • UM V... f >.;• ;• - crew
a “ore “ f the in onion .0 which
-1 v. v • >7 vy the King’s
‘°h. Tr v-c", renounceda!i aile-
; r *.v . ci ; buhrnce to the per ion
OH . ul.■ r • ‘ Gustavos ]V. and.
•<• vo ;im ..Mid illlie, now ...,d
• • f •v-pnved ct the Crown on.i
> ■•’ v- 7:•ci S vTen. T. Ia
• !:•/. a iked y : e-.her this,
Tcmn rvtcltidon rf his, sa
• • 1 *-•?■ hial ror.g;:? co;vvr
r • ire. Ihe ..-.pprot. *i n 7 the
-• s *■ ra. ; {: > .• rKa* v-r- >
v lo g ana rehciv'oc 1
cf >R. ib / --TVT
; ’ T trjrn ad carts, cud
B ren Tv?ynn t snneim’s deals:vden
V 0.3 uo ;i<ta uy a cCuKUtiOnvl Ro—
prr l'Actives vf rhe Swtdilh r.r. .on,
w :ut a fit gk ( ? ff n*i: g vcice.
His Royal Highnefs was then
cone!ailed t > the cnair, frera v, j ‘■ h
he addreffjd the AikmlsT. I :
proceeded to remark up n the
lla*e of the nation, noticed the a •
bufts which had crepe into every
de; aftnitn: of the Hates and lam •;
ted the inadequacy of the laws to
re ft rain or 1u p p rtfs the fe ab u f <*,. ~ -
therefore became in his opluiut ,
indifpfenfibly necdliry to new mod
el the ConhitUtipii, and enaft filch
laws as fnOuld Re 12re die * ountry
from a recurrence of the evils which
had brought it to the brink of ruin,
i fm execution of this object, f> Im
portant to the vital intend of Swe
den, he cor.b led n; rhe un 1 it d wf
dorn and counfels of tlie States, and
hoped they would dikha r g: their
duty with credit to themfeb/cs and
advantage to their country.
In the mean time he wouki take
upon hirr-fif, and execute to t. a
belt vf his ability, the manag-:men:
cf public nflAis in-the capacity of
rrgent, and willu and thac noihi; g
Ihould be reudvtd upon rcfpcclug
hi::?k!f until the rnw Cor.ftktuxn
Bioul J be drawn up and prefented
for adurtivn.
I'o-m rrow,. a Committee Hr
dr ml r u p the new Ccnftitjdon
wi; be choirn, arc! when they fball
have terminated their labours, it is
i'uppoled that the States, will declare
them.hms in favor of his Royal
high neb, the Regent Duke of Sr un
cle to Gudavus.
Sc hi libs bold enterprise contin
ues. to give the greateft alarm 1
enemy in the .Noah of Germany.—
He has taken Bremen, and his band,
rapidiy increafing to an army, is
Iproaclingr itfeif (hrorsrh Erunfwick
ana Hanover, the mhabiiauis of
which are to a man in hir. fav-
J ere me Bonaparte has no army ca
y Tole of eppofmg him, and con
fines hitnfulf to Proclaroatimv* of
fer ing rewards for his appre iu r Ju
One article Hates that the King of
Pjufiia, fo far from approving of his
eendcfl, ban lent an crPnv cf
men again!! him. The neceP.By
which is here cm.f iled of lending
fo large a force again# him proves
H.e fortuP.darie r .uure c i the mliu
re6l ion which he lias brought about.
But we do not believe the King cf
I'rtffia has lent any force aW-nnfl:
him, and we remember having read
in the Leyden Gazette the other day
home rt flections again# his Pruffian
Majdly upon the iubjeft or Sdiill’s
SALLM, July 22.
/ rrlvod ar Beverly, lift evening,
fhhoom r Auguila, Srkkley, in g \
days bom Bayonne, to Hon. i
1 hornhikf-'.
Hi vs veffd was permitted to fail
•n bvikft by givirg bonis rpvtea--
He to the lateorcer of the iK*. A
g v.trnmerit. Every thing reaiain
td in a liate of as to Arrv
r.ccn aitairr, when the
j ved, as u icit accounts received
horn that country ftated.
Mr, llk end ike, a nephew of
Gel. norndik,, who came p ficn
gcr >n the Augutla, i-nfonns’os that’
cx reports relpcfling die battles
Li iVt itria v/as lorn u to |• i• ok h
belief in the nurds cA * all well in
■iorr.jet! perlOr-> -ho and .re ro coc-
YArtu on.t he IT j Bp that the iols of
the ‘French v:m at ka# 30,000
TT7 ‘T'OY T . .1
12 WO I V.’ . y \ j I ‘J)
r- .1. f.u r" ..._, y
fr * * Halifax we have reced
ptrs to the luh infß containing
1 c::(k<n cL os to the 25 h cf May.—
They furni#l difarceabie inteidgence
v. to American ;.fFurs. The Bri
t. Miuifter has dedared, no: that
he v V‘l not faifii any engsgertxms
he hat d‘.reeled Mr. L fkine to
uaku, but thi:t Mr. I:'.. wa.-. not au
t’n-riled by his ioitruftions to rnclce
the arrangements he has. The
infrrucrions tniift be pubMhed—
wlien it will be known, whether we
are to impute our T{appointment to
the bad .faith of Mr. Canning, cr
the bi anderf of Mr, Ef fkize. The
. Brio#l G< \eua*ne;)t ha -o, nrwever,
fgrcea - ■ rßyect oie rYtkir.ciit
win T has been made till its expla
r. at ions reach /meric* ; s.c and we
ho; e the a juitmi-n: v/d be fd Tly
fiudied, roc with landing • present
UjH i"i cian cc s
80/viparte is Bated to have ad
vanced to Vienne, without an addi
tior-ai battle, leaving the large
>’ uir Army under the Archduke
C narlcs in Boh:w : a, and an Auitrian
force in the Tyrol. They migi.t cut
c' r his rerreat, if their force was
h.iijcknt to pronwfe fucceis.
Thu infurredinon in IVdl-phalia
grows more formidable.
Extra Si of a kit or from halljtax,
July 9.
<f Y- #:w-’ay s;need a king’s
vfehooner, in 24 day from For f
niouth, Eng. v. \ li cv[patches for
the A.dfmnj, • By her, we have
procured xhut.London pipe s (211)
2.3 1 /•■ 251', May j the (Courier J
T Var. guard of the F.ench had
rt.wohed Vienna, and entered thatci
u. r* f i.i vus, with cue. much rtfur
an-'e. T his evenf, aov. -vtr, does
not Hem to be con fide red’ as putting
au end to the Auitris.a war. Their
armies are yet unbeaten—and the
French may have much to do. An
other patent enemy (Ruffia,) is alio
f.'d to have diked a declaration a
ruF # the emperor of Auftrfa—
v. : -'h if true, may, probably, ex
ii- .* .1 the. la# Ip ark. cf rcfiliaiice
to ihinapanean tyranny in this part
of Europe,
t : A$ ro Ame r lean affairs,, I fear
011 r .!anguine hopes of complete ue~
c- ay and anon v;iU be difappoiruf.
ivwv M:'. EasKiNE will account
H conduft ro -The? country, I
know not —bat I can nor help think-
F t, that he has done incoaeiyable
injury ro both j. and I certamly,
cannot find, in any of Mr. Can
ning’s previous (peeches, or of
ficial letters to Mr. Pimknly, ary
rhirg to juftify an opinion that a
complete repeal (or a'nnihilLiion) of
the Orders in council was ever con
templated by the prefen: Miniftry.”
Ti c Mr. J ackfon who comes
cut to palaver the American gov
eri.ment, ab..ut the propriety eftre
Pr A A/: vs conduct c i 1h e 3 rib fh
cabiaet is well known in the diplo
- .c v/odd by hi? cor daft ar Co
penhagen prior to bombardment
by the bloody Nelfcn. He aifo
cut a cccfpicuous figure in the af
fair or the duke *of Enghein, .and
would have been compelled by B > *
naparte to for pefidiqijfheE
committed in the vettai garb cf di
pipmacy, had net his preo pirate re
treat item Munich intervened to
} ievent-ir. I is laid ierd Aukland,
another adept in the ot infa
my, is appointed envoy extraordin
ary, to efli# in f< t iTeclirg by nego
< union what carrjee be done by
From the BaLuabre *.Vhig.
V u touched fame’ da vs pel: ci a
JubjeSl highly important to the mb
fare of the United SiaU*, to zv:t: *n
intrigue carried on between Mr.7*.
W. and Mr. Canning, for the pca
po fe cf efFedtin-g a feparation of th j
United States. The JuljVd, lun -
aerjland from a gentleman (lately
jlow i VeJJj ‘wp v on) vs ill he fuhimt :
to the donate V the Vrated States, j “
their confide ration, at the -next Jcjjton,
and:/ the fa Vs are as lave been rela
ted Is a 9in Neman late It from Vary,
O * v ‘
there can be Tide doubt hut Ihne/y
Vi ll be expelled from that honor aba
body. lam . acquained ‘with the gen
tleman. the initials of wlofe name ye it
have given 1 presume you. are r r-.
Mr.'S . IV. is Samuel ;rl Via ms of
Bo it on, now ef London, a net hew V
‘Colonel Picketing, formerly con fid :n
London, (dfplaced by A A*, ffjajai)
he is a z*oji implacable r retry to 1 2
prefent cdminiflraiion dj'be AT. .\
to whom tie letter was written by
Mr. Williams , is alp §,t hUjffchu -
Jetts, had been earful at Cadiz, ard
was difplaecd by Mr. Jefrfn, be
was at Paris widen be received the
letter alluded to,, to emit : in June or
July, ISOB r-Mr. Piehle is not a
man :f talents, but fWin ms is. The
other Mr. P. to whom you allude, is a
Mr, darker alfu <f IhfKw, a man of
talents and fir lure, who Eves his
country, and alt ho ’ his connexions are
off be EJJex Junto,'he mds jii tick with
horror, end cm]Jared hi-yf iC'sc
pelkrd by the love h bore to Vs r.a .
-tics country, to give a deiVEd flats
merit of the confer/ of the let Ur to the
cof ui general, who ccnnntimcafbd the
information to Gemma l Am fir mg,
(then in Switzerland.) The Gen. ,
cn his return to Paris, dj\eviained t/e
cor ten's of tie buy:- V .-/:•? ’ fVthr'-. -m
• j */
ef Mr. Parker and one cr two,a v ! - who were frejsnf u I 7
Mr. Preble read the Utter. “Lot t
be re code fled, that Mr. ‘Williams v. rs
at that period Mr. Ca l --
ring as if he had hen an accredited’
fituttper i that June ayid ‘Ely was li e
peii'.d when Mr. Can mug cccyai
iuJdrnlv his am dr .7 from that zv'Vih
h’-d induced Mr. Fh.huy to write ■
V.j govt / a-ae>/t, ttCtU .he had go. 1
1 e<j-::n to believe an . bur a Her ernes
with England zvculd[con be- arfaf-ord
to cur fatufcFUhn, All -at once Can
ning changed his car da Ft ; that change.-.,
is believed, both by P. and A. to have)
been sc caponed by a hope, that had/
been in fifed into him. that a divijicn
might be effected of the United States,,
and the paflern Stives be yytiled into
afeparate government under the gua
rantee’ if Great Britain.
But to return to the letter as paled
to Gen. Arrhjlrexg : Mr. Preble re
ceived a Utter from S asm el Williams ,.
f *-1 tj a■ he s j aa.bis? ca ay
lis relation, Timothy Pickering, 13
rt prefen: to TVr/Canring, that it was
the wife cf the Eagern Vales tofe
par ate from the Union } iE.t they
vjifhc l t$ be it:formed how far they
might calculate n: the atd>of Gt t v
E. itain to enable them to (hell an ob
ject fo hazardous and jo very impor
J will mt vouph for the prccVf
words of the Vter—Pial unde"-
frandy j rev: viy informant, that Gen,
Armftrorg ?■ m . •;. he dept
two cr three ff the gentieftten whs
■ heard the letter redd. I underpaid
that the Jabjccl - w&s “"no jecret ci 4
Z. Z.