Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, August 12, 1809, Image 3

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    6£3jesee£?£X: rsrsssigrasareg’ rr
‘ATHENS, AUG Us T ii .
| The -Sixth ‘Fabric CR-r.imeru'e
%Ti* nt of the L i i--n , '.’ji|tv r oi G*os£ia
’tv/-7.S hO: and t.'Ti id .hi', fa A■£o.l \•/ ci’.iEt
’ day the 20 irftt.* On ‘he preceding
. div tia t LUi.n and. inept; .a ve •.I• i
*. jrie, adarf iled to £ne Find d.ncS’
for drgt-ees, was deliver.::! in Re
Ohao-cbv ih Rev. John Hobg--,
i 2 rinci | al of the - Cramrn:,r School.
The Members ct rhe Bound cf
T.uft rs pre lent were, . Genrrd
’ -s Gen CIO: (
Gen.- Sicwuri, Gen. Dviitcheji, Rev*.
I lr. Hull, CO. Cairne-, Hu ‘
c iienc /G. vi ;r-.or ]. ••, C- ‘.ford
I" 1 iOl-i OOy J 3t and F.-C i~> J fa .U
■Early. Ac 11 . -clock., cut? S.o.ivi. a
<• t i-fie O ; ; •: ■.. .1.; v. 7 r i-- r ,£. !co? i,
in proeclßoin, *.* r.i “and f ., 11!• .* B ‘ *■. i
C; j. : liftcca aad tilt? i.j.tjscuo>'i ci
luOiity to t:>c new F . t -ct i.. i*
prayer by the Rev. ivi r. Hull, v.rd
ous Orations and Dialogues, or>-
r. <t and lei celt."., wei c pronounced
O'/. Win. Sour, ’ Woo Mitchell, j.
lair, L. i'wuu ,-g ,p. Csrey, J.
Fralcr, A. FjA--, J. Duds, F
PhOioc. Li. Ladder, ih hod; i,
D. Caiunaoi, Yhe Deg ce cc
FachGoi. M ArtS-W-i-r id n cc-rfor
red; in the ufoal form, on Claries
Jelkutia Meigs, Creed Taylor Strong
and Kola i Scots 5 and ti e Prc n .lent
declared the unarnnveus refohiann
of tire Board, co the nP.g he De
-02 of I F :t r r-f Li -, IF •,
‘Joel.B}iric-:v, Efq. eft \Yfthd., ; :on
CF/.-v Toe couGH J
with the Va‘e.d:cti:-*y Ora:;on by
Robert Scott,
O a Ihe it?co.eo-3ing d;y a n \i rob.;r
of the Students to the Goonmnr
Sc!>oed, txhibited fptci oeos 4 tit•.•;ir
uk.its 2nd aroficCticy in ei-u:nnro.
A v .-y t’ • ••;•. , ous-aG ■,e.}y..i:i .;
audience teitT and their r-pjoG rjon
ct the- Eoterclfes which they h-J
honored hy their preience.
The Board of T?codes continu
ed their K.oions till. Tuel'dav morn
in-g, the 7;h. The Board oi V for;; s
was not formed, there being r-rdenc
of that Board only His 1 ,:a;eikncy
the (Governor and fudge Eari/.
Ih v;emir? the various mutetiens
cf Jsrztijb ‘policy, we are jut prized,
from tins to tine, by she boll a::d
daring iihtavaticns of their councils oa
the acknowledged principles of public
law. ids are afotiijhsd at the pus
tec a u pet city, fir'atageni, trick and
cunning of their diplomatic negotia
te ns. Ar.d tee are flocked with’ eve
ry emotion of indignaticu •whefn con -
trary to all ih 1 rules of national honor %
good faith and public confidence, they
unbluJJjwgly extend public, ndticr :,l
and cfpci-rJ depravity to the difnvo-iv
al of public alts ofjuJUce manifejh'd :n
negotiation by their acknowledged di
plomatic agent. ft would feem, in
acid, that no fur tier confidence could,
be placed in that government .
jut uher ; ■ : 7 .v;;F r tel that
ton ir is 1 inducement f. r the
■atecmmddail ; u % of a-J.:alt: s in., s that
nation, voe an l.d to 0 dene that the
pretend-d cihtiyerhd ijaggro bat ion of
the ■ tertyrh and -.\r? awymeni; of Mr.
dir h'.c vdd cur admin*fir alln is a
•serfy cfys of she Britijh carle- st, n
order to on better terms ‘oath the
governmrat of the Untied States.
•• This eg saw is f founded ortvarvu s
fubflanthd vertical reafons and in con axioms of Brztifh ftiitcy
butjdyt and principally on the avow
ed iFord of the Briiyhgovernment
in makir? the deftred rrv.-chron with
o •* o
ihfi.i aj the United Stales.
It is ackn w 1 edged, on all hands,
that the advantages arijing from the
convnpce of the United Stat Z J iwf l H y at
t.U ■ .*•• v, if:: :l dUnce the Erg
l\U grvrn.uirti id v-I fr-zv ruddy ic
wvihj us ; ii > is ■ cir intereji to t b
y.-. Jhe gr-U ex ten. f our parti ci
py lien In the carrying t. ads is aim of:
the die ca re cf ihod alfjicultics and
ssii. under fhmdings which have hereto -
fare ex 1 red ‘be t : w sen the two govern
meats. On-this point, therefore, tiny
1 ..'. endeavor tc abridge cur rights,
a nut cur enterprife, circun-jcribe our
p; ivi tig gf, and reduce the extent of
cur v; tj as fan ill a facad, 4 *
the fid ever lion cf. all their efforts in
dap tity, a. ailing, jfrat.agem, fraud,
7 ebon.l intriguspojjibdy can tifeff
G: ‘-is, there is no doubt, as is wav
'd far • their known attachment to
their own htSitfi.
Is is evident that the commerce of
the Untied States has become, in a
intone.y nectfafaary to England. This
■ s b-en muni feftcd during tie late
r. ; i stive rm.: fares cf our govern
,. nt. But on the"prefent occcfion the
1 . tips .. ;• biiiet, by the mvft.unprece
d yr.cri cL.Uitity ■ and new faaftSnncd
cddr.fas, fa vc Geared the eifa ymeut of
cu c ‘ ■ : .Vi rsc during - the propofed no
g Got;or. Our.flips and pruhifthns
hi Ueglt fa : -cr!s ; and ah ho*
they difappro-ve cf the cctivje avopti ci
by \J, ByV they a.-cord aplatfti
kle jluirryg.- * t: ■■ commerce, for a
h/nirU :ti;r v shad as an undeniable
proof of their dig ■■ tit ion to negotiate,
alihfa they rec,i dir Erfkhae, they
appoint ft. r. fa ad:fan who is now, or
Jhorily will arrive, in the United
‘States for the avowedpurpofe cf tie
g’ ...Von.
hr fan: n and is well acquainted with
the -oys>-nmeni of theJJ iited States.
S:s? knows the pacific policy of our
csirtinift return. And alibi, fake is
vulnerable on fever ad t points, and com
pletely vhbin ‘cur power, fa a hv, ws
tint ci. r array is Gitbanded ; and that
i-i cr fa qverse bf /vis, ver
cfa Canada ansi A ova Scotia are in she
mc_ft<perfei 7 i fecurky. She knows that
the fume go fey which fuff ere.l the at
tack on ties -Chtfaf sake with out a de
claration cf war, still not take ranch
tv he mi the ia/isu: Gy of its commerce,
nor will and be vo; hated to the left de
gree by h “ dfa.’ rowvl of the over
tures. C[rid cs.'.c.Jfisns of Mr. Erfalnc,
(JpkicHy when false can cite a prece
(.r-! in point, on the part ‘of the U. S.
where the Executive af approved of a
treaty made by our mtinifter in Eng
land andfaeht it hack', ‘without even
the advice cf Ids council.
If the attitude cf our government
was hfas pacific ; If our niter at. fa ties
indicated & martial appearance; if
the afpeef cf cur affairs dejignated a
j fir is of military enterpr ife, we might
reafonably anticipate great facility in
our negocuiliuns with England- In
fuch cafe, we might, not only bops for,
and expett.j but, demand terms worthy
cf great- nation. But under
circumjlsrces, alibi England ha: no
dljpojition to be on bad terms with us,
yc: (he is, bfovi a doubt, determined
to treat with us on her oven terms 5
end while fee is treating false will erjey
r-r commerce fa fasti in all ref petits to
hr own orders, rules and regulations.
r ! he Mails f New-Orleans ar 7
Wc %hzt'on CEy arrived E k r*
—but brought m papers cfa a fate dau.
A Camp Meciirg commenced
in K:nci,ck coun f y, on the 27th
iG. and continued until the 31ft. —
Th“ narr-ber of tents, waggons, ccz. was net afcertaired —
but f orn ebe ft calculation there
was about Wo'eros, the fame num
ber of v.aggor sand ca. ;s and be
tween 6000 and yoco people. At
this meeting it is corfidently akerred
Fiat ico pro felted 13 have experi
enced the pardoning love of Got- —
fa yti L ? | /• - , ,
r ’ ; u gviy :of v 4iv fa v ibp ■■/r, f t ; -
Jkii A, ■ bkiF, : . ?: . *< f
til 1C vnk :o .. •? • -7; :< w
th< . •.,, ■
Til oft L. fa: y ;.iy V.l,
tiens) preytd.-d thrcughctit he
n.aling. MilGdg-viite A: w:s.
N'EW-york, July 18.
Captain Bfal-tils, cf the ji::p
henry.} in eight de vs rcm lia :r.:uu,
nm us, 1 hat he fa
UUqtte on tk-> sviih off June, and, cn
tyth dayy a a vices were ; ecu . ■ s.'s, re,
n the capture of t:e Til n feet, by
•’'• ■ • .
Jail ed the rne, far or J ean ti gams,
end thirty, having cn heard
ibe //e m h gan if on of ti ■ rcc ti .7. 1. •
Capiadn D. further infacru.s, that a
veffel hud arrizsd at f-lariimque,
having fpvken an incrican fas t faj cm
Gibraltar, and was inform and by the
American captain , that Lord Co/lirg
wood bad qr rived at Gibraltar previ
ous to his failing, with the whole cf
tbs French fleet, prizes.
jhe above is confirmed by a letter
from tit. Croix, of the ad of July, re
ceived by the Richard.
MV r-7t ink
DIED, near Wbukirdvitle, on
Monday IT, in *A no n vear <.f
his egr y I)after Jeffe Stu-divert, n
native .of Brunfwkk oounty, Vi fa
r but fee, a few y<-ars’ pod. an m
hobltatif of this Stale. In the va
rious rcßticns of life it was his uni
form maxim to do.unto others as ho
w:foed them to do to bird. Far
fro’tr* his rdatiiKS and friends, he
liiihunid a lingering and painml
inddpcfition, wuh dor pah Are
fig nation which v. e fumy--timer. Ac
e:.I:F led nut he ve r ;urpaftbd. From
h m whole foul wus fnioght with
Lenevodnc**, fcacey v.Fs not v.hth
! *j *W+}g pg f V') r*•.rl x•& s { t-*fy
I '\ 1 r
fs For who to dumb for?eti'u ‘refs a
Thispieajtng, anxious being e'er re
left the warm precintis of the cheer
ful da y \
Nir cadi one longing, fan faring look
On J’onie fond brejtfl the parting foul
relies ;
Some pious drops the cl fug eye re
quires :
E’en from the tomb the voice cf na
. ture cries,
E'en in our a floes live their wanted
’-|p MO TICK.
Jk HAT after the expiration of
nine months from tics uace, apj )i
----cation will be made to the honora
ble the court o i ordinary for the
county of jat kfhr, for leave to f 11
four trafts of land, the v.v.t le of the
real r fate of JoHuh M f DdnF’d, de
reaf-ci, to wi?—one craft cf four
hundred and hxty'keres lying in the
county of jackGn at the uoie < f
Purvey now the county cf Clarkt
on Green Brier ere tic, granted to
j on*ph Caifon, jo:ns Runn<: l s j ’ cne
hundred ar.d twenty acres, granted
to Marbury, lying on MarburyF
err -k : r-.e troft cf tv. o hundred
two and a half acres, granted to
Parifli, in the filth dilriCt of former
Wilkinfon county;Tod ore hun
dred and ten a res, b. ng jcindv
between thet(laces of the Cccfaud
a rc] Nehemiah Smith, granted to
Williamfon, lying on VVilhatr fords
creek in the county of Jackion. —
The fame beirg for the ben? Be of
the heirs and creditors cf laid eie
Avguft 5, 1 boy. Acm mftrator?.
w *£■
? t ■;. \
‘’ übv . i.) and • F'• x
t ■ u?f . fjr. - d'-'dar-, T
i ‘o u v ;i. . b ” : ... i
Letcrniiiif and net
I)/ShCLUflOyG • TEA'Afati-- ,
T r T V r on - , f Tn -• ‘
hlfod • - j .nr b. •
\FE >\V * ■> •.; -1; “*F
VWS v : •
and that ia;n s J • .■ ■ is ! ./-'Bv
apthuriGd ro k- T. c.m bqu‘ o\ ; and)
maf urs and cue: .7..:. Lv . >rg glO
leiu fi; to.
v'. .A\gm
E-Gv'ES Mb VUG. . / ‘
UiiiVOHo A;q\\ fa\‘
Argpd’ 2 .1 G *
GEOfaGiti, f .e a : U 1; • v
Jackftn c unty y mr -.if ‘■*"/
dinary hoDt-n in :a ti'b. :. ..
‘MAY iLRM 1 boa.
T T ‘ & ’
Wood, .(hitmg diat .. u u ti.xi,: ,a
his life tune made wd t;uc -
certain bund u r <‘ ‘ ■ . •, m
Adam Pu.>! ro ni tkr tuj -s f ... b
tarn lot of lr,r*d lying mb t Et?
the* diftnct of WdkmGn, k,u/ rai
t; in id. ■ ’ cnc hunch .-d :> F ; \ 1* :i J x
the laid A,dam Purl or a.r C rn ’~‘'.
under the pend tv H one ?", t Npe:
dollars, vvh'Gi laid hend or <- : iagu
,-V- W* ./
non his !ren f , : ; g
‘the and Pen in IGrr,
parted this i.fe Wiou. .u - *
titles to the lYh ’ fat v.F . ah •
v/ith'ouc leaving a,.v *d; G> ‘Gap;
In what manner . w to
t.u, ir-\ and r.. pr. u''r
dire ft He Athivu.ii: -m 1 r r.o ‘:-/r * cd':e
talcs to the laid lor, of 1 ;>•.?.] ofo ?■>, or 1
h*s order, agrccsble to the b . ••’ ft. ~
.the ofiignmenc. tiiefoon 7;>d thr cfa
of Afi.rmbjy in 11.1. h tales umuc; ce
It IS ORDERS-: f> that di, ‘
Tjduiatatrix of Gu <<} •■f A, o
cca'vd, ‘ ) frudv?* tiiks to <g
iot of find the Bi ft M indsy
v mbtr next, tr i-■ ■ s cau:c bo ...
to :he con ;;uyag r and ‘ i. •
bond and of the u r i : •m . r.G .
thereon 5 and trio • hi-, id- i
L.focd in one of the pu G’ -
of this or ate, a r;> .
term of three *>*.<>n r G*
faid time, and in cnee < . a . ‘
r url c plaets in faid coo re. >
able to he aft c>f Afuu.Gy fo •;
cafes made and provnl-. and.
A true ci)[;y. h an ?!•- muu.j: ,
RDWAiin AD/iM. u vG and.
7VT N O T 1 C E.
TNE mon ds after d.ite rppP
cation wfti ho ,:.vm. the h *i. “
Cc urt o f Gu’ . c C; ■uri ;• v, f■ < 1. . -•
ro fell at;Ex < f 110 ti m 1 Icar :
on the waters of To cr< :U,
t- ‘• •p * -fp {* |4 -? ,- . 1 -r\ pr* a;■ .
’ 1 o - - ‘ ‘ * ‘ 1 * ll ■i - 1
the real chare of James > l'-v. ;
dcceafed —:o he {old for the b ; and : t
of the heiiS and,7 of Lit ~
diet AN. l *
April 7, 1809. F \".n>trv
AT j IdN i V bfa !
ALL til'd; that :.f to {;*•*
Volunteer R fie Corea G:y f Ciuk
County, am rcqu/H •1 to a:: zi
Athens on the Lurch Si miGv of
this month, for the • u p-.dg
h ad.; ‘ riiud'-r 2-d iTirdo ; ,:o:G ■
fory arrsnc/*mer.ts ;r, o c . ..>
Auguft t~j ibvy.