Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, August 12, 1809, Image 4

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    t • ‘ hcf.rjl Tufa ay in September next,
.-'; be Court- Hoife in Jackfon coun
ty between tl c bounty will be
fold, tve following property,
400 acres of land be the fame
r ore or lei’s, lyin'? on the waters of
h. u . ■ Che, i!ioo,hee, granted to Jones
re: ,T ; Rufifei and Aurrey, whereon
if w i;m Hamilton now lives- 1 Irvi
l< A on a . the property of faid Ha
iv* 11 con a f ; tl : inftancc of Abfalom
Ramey, uhe property pointed out
by the defendant.
500 sores of L. id be the lame
I re -r lefs, lying on Marbury's
t -• ck, v. her et > n 11 * 0 r-n, j Mll i. \ap s
•-: v ■ IF■ e 5, I; vudon by fu ndry ex•
* ‘ t :oir> as the property of William
Cowles at the inftance of Thomas
Duke and others.
30 5c r (s of corn be the fame
more or lefs, on the plantation
‘■’•■hereon Elizabeth Kirk ■c n now
. s, levied on as the property of
C i.c'uiu :ftratrix cf William Kir
k n, dcceshid, at the inftance cf
’ v Brown, the property point*
r: ” out by the defendant*
*>< f ALSO,
IT C wo cows at ri calvrs, levied on
r 4the property of Thomas Y. Gdl
n< Vrhc inftnnce of Henry Sarrow,
an :'iriftrator of Z. Kidd.
rr -t Conditions cafh.
3 0 JOS. J. SCOTT, D. S.
‘ 1 ..’ft c, 1809.
’ ( 3r< c
be fold at the Court - Honfe in
Tv AT# County, on Friday the I'blh
Ly of Auguji next ; the following
teds of land, or jo ranch thereofas
will fit iffy the tax due thereon
‘with efts, VIZ.
1150 Acres, 400 acres of which
f the 2d qualiitv, the balance of
the 3 1 quality, (fo fays three free
holders) originally granted to Baz
del Jones, lying on the Mulberry
Fork in Jack lon county, joining
lands of Cobbs and faid Jones ; re
ported to l;e in default from the
year 1787 until the year yBqS, both
included—tax due 38 dollars and
S3 3-4 cents.
7300 Acres, 500 of which of the
cd quality, the balance of the 3d
quality, (fo fays three freeholders)
<%r Tnnlly granted to Bszdel Jones,
lying in Jackfon county on the Ap
| ala- T , joining lands of faid Jones j
reported to be in default from the
year 1787 until the year 1808, both
‘iiieluded—tax due 195 dollars 69-
1-2 Ccars.
7161 Acres, of which
of the 2d quality, the balance of the
3 ‘ quality, (fo fays three freehold
's) originally granted to Basdel
Tones, lying in Jackfon county on
he Appalache, joining lands of
Fifhburn and Evans j reported to
he in default from the year 1787
uhtil the year tSoB, both included
—tax due 104 ’o’ .ars 72 3 4 cents,
T. M. C. Montgomery,
T. C. J. C.
June 14, 1809.
AD i\ 1 1NIS TRA TO R’s S A LE.
On Friday the 1 nth of Auguji next ,
will be rid at the bouj'e ef William
and archill, feu r miles above Athens,
A negro woman, and a boy .about
ft ven years of age, the property of
William Mitcht’l, jun. deceafed—
Credit until the 25th of December
j:ext v. V ; he allowed, the purchafer
giving bond with approved fecurity
t ) bear ir from the date if not
r uuCtually paid..
AdmUdj: rater.
Cl art ccftKVy jtiu b, > , u.
er r. 777 t ipr>, ctr Y 7
on’ s e/iLii.
On the ft ft lufdiiy in September
r ut, -t the Court-Hcufe in Ogle
thorpe County, between the vfual
One likely country born negro
man named Ifaac, about 20 years
old, and one negro girl named Jude,-
about 14 years old, levied on as the
property cf James Kidd, to Satisfy
an execution in favor of Conway
One negro boy naped John, a
bour. 13 0 i 14 . ears oM, levied on
ns the property of French H. Stro
ther at the ir fiance cf John Waken,
and pointed out by the plaintiff.
216 acres, more or left, in faid
county on the waters of FTg creek,
joins Robert Holmes and other?,
aid a negro boy named Jerry, about
I’4 years old, levied on as the pro -
perty cf WUuam Holmes to facisfy
an execution in favor ®f Ferdinand
Conditions calk.
July 25, 1809.
NINE months after the da?f
hereof, application will be made to
the honorable Inferior Court of O
glethorpe county, for l,ave to fdl
one tract of land lying in the county
of Wilkinfon, the property of Mi
chael Whello and known in faid
county by lot No. 24, 2?d diflridl
—fold for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of faid ‘deceafed*
Joseph Baugh an,
July 29, 1809.
THE plantation whereon the
fubfenber now lives, lying on Big
creek in Oglethorpe county, con
taining'276 1-2 acres, 6oof which
is cleared and all frefh and under
good fences, a good faw and grift
mills with an excellent bolting
cloth. The fubferiber beirg ren
c: - red incapable of feeing to buf:-
nefs by misfortune, a good bargain
may be had and payments made
cafy, but great allowance made for
prompt pay iment—pr iTftlon given
of the plantation at Chriftmas, but
of the mills foon if required.
At the boufe of John M. fonts ; n
Ggletbotpe county , cn the fourth
Saturday in September next , all the
perjonal property of Michael Whe
lm, deceafed ,
Consisting r one ibrrei
mare 2nd fundry articles of noufe
hold furniture. Twelve months
credit will be given the purchafer
giving bond and approved fecurity.
July 29, 1809.
Deferred from the Mtil of the U.
S. lonic time iaft March in the
Creek Nation (M. TANARUS.) Ifacah Bren
ton, The above reward will be giv
en to any perfen who will deliver
laid Brenton in Milledgeville. By
application to Col. B. Hawkins,
agent of the. U. S. for icotan affairs,
he will ifTue orders to the chiefs to
l ave him delivered up.
John B. Chandler,
Jn the PofKOffice Dfparfiment.
J une iorh, 1809.
Jr 111 be Jo Id at the Court Uoujeinfack-
Jcn County, on Wednesday the 20th of
Ftcember next ; the following tracts
of Land, erf: much thereof, as will
falsify the tax due thereon with ufs s
467 of the 3d qualify (fo
fays three freeholders) originally
granted to W liiam Ledford, lying
in Jackfon county on the waters of
t.'* Oconee ; reported o be in de
fauk: from the year 1805 unril the
/ear :3bß, both Induced —tax cLe
2 dollars 37 cents.
400 Acres lying i/. Jackfon coun
ty on Allc.Ts Fork, 50 acres of the
2d quality, the balance of the 3d
quality, (fo fays three freeholders)
granted to Lamar, joirrrg Hick
man and ethers ; reported to be in
and( Y’ from the year 1806 until
the yr r SoS, both included —-tax
due 1 dollar 94 1-2 cents.
L M. C. Montgomery,
T. C. j. C.
June 14, 1809. 56 rw 6m
Ov Saturday, the 23d of September
- r.t, will be fold at the court -houfe
in Jackfon county, between the
l curs of ten and three o'clock, the
following trabls of land or as much
as will jail sfy the tax due i Ist eon,
zvtth cojh, vies —-
1 goo Acres, 3d quality, granted
to Randoi Trailer, lying in Jackfon
r :n:y on the waters of fouth Broad
rk r, joining Drlfkol and others,
g-.ven in by William Streetman as
i .: own property for the year 1807
end us ogefrt for Randoi Trailer
for the year iß®B—• tax due for 1807
1 dollar 67 1-2 cents, and for the
year 1808, i dollar 25 cents,
tjo A.cres, 3d quality, granted
to Marbury, Jackfon county, mid
-1 die Oconee, joining Lille, returned
by Jacob B. Warbington for 1807
—tax due 5 1 cents.
Terms, calh.
J. M C. Montgomery,
2: C. J. C.
July 14, 1809.
AGREEABLE to an order of
the honorable the Inferior Court of
Elbert County, will be fold at El
be t Court-Houfe, on the Firft
To fday in September next, three
hundred nineteen and one half acres
ei land, more or lefs, lying in laid
county, joins Jofeph Terrell and
James F. Nunnelle and others, be
ing the real eftate cf Ilham Thomp
fon, late of faid county, deceafed—
Sold for the benefit of the heirs of
faid deceafed. Terms, twelve
months credit the purchafer giving
bond with approved fecurity.
June 26, 1809.
WILLIAM 01.1 VER respeft
fully acquaints his friends and the
community generally, that he keeps
House of Entertainment, in
the town of Peter 1 burg, (the one
formeily occupied by Mrs, Rag
land.) He will be thankful to tin fe
who may pieafe to favor him with
their cuftoro, and allures them they
will at all times find rhe bell ac
commodation and the utmeft good
order and regularity in his place.
Pcxenburg, June lorn, 1809.
N O T I C E. jl
The Members of the Bowling* a
Green J irkey Club, in the county |
cf ( i thofpc, fire rec]ue(ted to’)
meet on the ground the Eft Satur
day in this month, by 12 o'clock,
to determine when the next races’
fhr.ll commence.
By order cf the Frcfdent. <
Aug. 5, 1809. ‘I
1 forwarn all periens whatfoever *]
from trading for two promifLry (1
notes of hand, which I gave to
I/lerii Coliier feme time in the v
year 1808,. payable on the 25th of f
December *BO9, for one hundred
dollars each, with a credit cf fort/
dollars or upwards on one of their,
as they were fraudulently obtained
I am determined not to pay them.
July 20, ISO 9.
F N T E R T A i N M E N T.
We have procured the houfe in
this place. Known by the name
of the Eagle T. vern (for- \
meriy occupied by Mr.
Thomas Mounger) and
have furnifiled it with
the arcidts necdLtfy
for the Comforta
ble accoaimo
dation of
private be orders.
The patronage of fuch
per fans ns may be diipofed
to promote the interdl of
thiseftabliflimenr, will be greaf •
fully received by
F dwin Mounger,
Stet lir.g Grimes.
Milledgeville, May Ist, 1809.
GEORGIA, \ At 3 Court of Or-
Clark County 5 dinary held for Lid
county on the Brit Monday of July,
Pre lent their honors on the bench,
Abfalom Ramey, John Floyd,
William Strong and David Sirm,
PON the petition of Alexan
der M'Alpin listing that he is m
pofTeftion of a bond executed by
Jeremiah Culbenfon, deceafed, in
his life time, together with others
ro execute to your petitioner and
William Browning titles to his dii
tributive ffare of a cerrafn trait cr
parcel of land (ituated on Red river,
in Loufiana formerly, now Territo
ry of Orleans, containing fourteen
hundred and forty acres, adjoining
Monetc’s land, 2 copy of which faid
bond is filed in the clerk’s office of
the court of Ordinary, and that
your petitioner is now the foie pro
prietor of faid bond and that the
lLd Jerjmkh Cuibertion departed
this life imeftate, without carrying
Lis faid bond into effect—Where
upon it is
ORDERED, the titles to the
faid land be executed to the laid
Alexander MTTpin by rhe Admi
niftratrix of the aforefaid Jeremiah
Culbertfor, according to the ftatutr
in fuch cafes made and provided,
unlefs caufc be fhev,n to the contra
ry, and that this rule be pubhihed
once ‘a month for the fpace zr.d
term of three merths in the Geor
gia Exp ref*.
True copv from the mini Yes.
AKg'ft 5, ISO 9