Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, August 19, 1809, Image 2

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    h tie <+d battalion of the K am
bLa*u xehr.
Sllftrail of French Bulletins,
“i he sth French Bulletin, da‘cd
Lns, 4:;. May, gives aa account of
the action at E.htt iVjjg, in which
the French claim a brilliant victory
o/er the Austrians ; —during the
couilagrai on of the city, Gen. Cla-
civ; is on alone, 13 laid 10
j avc mo.ntaincd a conteft of three
floors, with 30,000 Auflrians under
Gen. Jdlachich,
The 7th Bulletin is dated 2: Vi
trios, May ij, and gives an ac
count of the feverd fkirrmfries
•whic;* took place between tne
French treops and the Archduke
Meximiiiar., who commanded the
city, with a force of about 16,000
| Landwchrs and light troops, imme
cibteiy previous to its capitulation.
In thefc operations the fuburbs, as
util as the city, luffered confidera
-1 biy ; # xSco mot wtre fired into the
rov n, sr.o many part? cf it ft-t on
fire; tne Archdiwe was killed—
and on the nch, after two days
Yruickfs cafiflance, the city caphia
The ixrh Bulletin relates-tQ fo m e
-pardal fuccefits of the French near
Dints over three Auftrian columns,
under Grinoide, RucalowwLz and
Surr.racrira, luppoitcd by a idhrve
corps under Gtn. Jellachlch.
The 12th Bulletin, is dated ET
erfdo/ff, May 26 and Rates, .that
tne French were pr< paring to drive
n !' : -ne cl piles to which to attach an
immcnle chain of iron ; by thole
means and by the aid cr tonifica
tions, they expebWd to- iu&i.caavre
on both baaks of iht riven Tne
piifoneis fiace the cap* option of
Vienna, are 7 fiMi rnaifhal lkurui
ants, 9 hii'jor generals, 10 colonels,
so majors, and lieutenant colonels,
ico captrdns, 350 fubalterns, 3CCO
non-coinniifhontd officers and pa
lates, befides lev cuai thou Linus at
iac hofpitais.
The 13th Bulk tin, is dated at
!..vO UolK, May 28, and announces
tin tecond dt ttrudlion of the brit g
rs by the force of toe waters, cod
mills, \. flich had been let afloat;
there not having been tone to drive
the piles, and fix the great iron
chain; one bridge wts however
immediacy repaired, and ancih r
expected to be nni hal the ne*r
Jay. This bulletin aider dating
the arrival of the army from Italy
with the Vidlory, fend deft ruction cl
Gen. JeliichUVs diviners, lays, the
Archduke John evacuated Gramz
yeftts lay, carrying with him but
20, or 25,000 men of the fine army
that entered Italy. Speaking of
the battle of the 21 ft and and, it
fays--the wits of Vienna remark,
thu; 41 Gen. Danube laved the
Aukrian army.*’ Tyrol and VOL -
burg; arc declared to be fuojugated.
Carrio'a, l .yria, Carinthu, Salcz
burg, Upp r and Louver Aoftria are
ifanqutliicd and difarnaed! The
brigacfcfr Serb 11 has been driven to
an sfTnd 1 the Elbe. King } 10-
me, bellies 15,000 native troops,
has one Dutch and one Front h di
v lion ; add to tins two divifions of
a corps of obftrvaiion under Rib
band and Dtfpeaux, and Beaumont's
30no cavalrv, now difpofabie ’ey
the pacification of Swabia.
The 14:11 Bulletin, it dated Lb
erfdorfr, June 1, and ft;iv r that the
bridges cn the Danube are tntu ly
rebuilt. They haseadord tv them
a flying bridge, aid they are prepar
ing aj* the materials neceflary for
throwing over another bridge cf
lifts: -Seven machine*: ere chiving
pats, but the Danube be :g in
Jevcral placfs 24 and 26 feet deep,
much time is required in compFu
iig the works. Fhc Brigadier
Gen. of Engineers, is working on
the laft ban.-e, on the head o- a
bridge which will be 1600 tofo in
extent, and will be covered with a
good ditch, filled with running wa
ter. Thu 44A crew of fRhL 1
cf Boulogne has arrived ; acTvdi
be emplw>cci in the river ; a batuL
ion Oi navy workmen has allo arri
ved, and are to conitruet ar
med vtffrls to comtriana the rive .*.
[ln the name of wonder what re
thefe preparations for f] Gen.
Luurefton has psfTd into the firit
county of Hutgary, with a ftrong
advanced guard; he reports, that
there are lb r.e com mot or. s in Hun
gary ; that*the minds cf the p. pic
are not in fjvor uf Auftna. The
Vice Roy of Italy, Prince Eugene,
has been for two days at the head
quarters of the -Emperor. C-'cu.
Macdonald found at Graatz, itu
mer.fe magazines of proviiions and
equipmer*.s of every fork M.Uv
fhnl Lafncs, died yefterday,murning
at 5 o'clock. Ev-cry exeifipn
which fk.ll o; humanity could ren
der, was tned-to fave his life ; buc
dcftruCiive fever taking place, all
hopes were proved to be Iruitlefs.
Idie Emperor har ordered his body
to be embalmed, and Fm to Paris,
ter the purpole of icadving fueh
funeral honors us his tank; and em
inent lervices are cntitkei to. In
the different ergagemcrits of which
he was an aCI or,. he had locei'y cd 13
The s sth Bulletin is dated Eb
erfdoifF, June 2, and lia rs the pro
g. iisiy 1 tne a r n \y- of D a Ur. ad a, i p
their til arch to join che Grand ar
jny>i of forne flicctiics agmjfiMnc
Auttflaqs,at Mont Kitta,Qiadchatz,
Licca and At achatz; and cf the
pc&fiion of I’riefte.
E Bersdokff, June 4 —The cn
tray had thrown upon the right
bank, oppofict Prtibur g 3 a divifiou
of 9000 men, who hr.a thuer-ched
thcmielves in the vi|i 4 gt ol F.rgc
reau. The Duke of Am Aide eu-d
---t and tc to be attacked oy the tirail
leurs of Htife Daimttadt. ihe
village was carried with rapidity.—
A maj r, 3 efficers, and forty men
have been taken,; the reft ©f the
regime tic was wounded, ot
driven into the river.
The Vice - Roy < f Laly, this day
h:*d iiu liwuO CjuUicciS ut Occ- -
The tnofi prccici s efFcdfs of tie
court have been traniported from
Beuda to Peterwamdan, where the
Etn-prefs, of Aufiria hath retreated.
The Duke of Ragufa has arrived
at Labach. Gen. Macdonald is
uiafter of Gratz. He has iiiveiled
the citadel which makes 2 fhew of
refinance. The Danube lowers.
Accounts from the army of the
Grand Duchy of War law, ftau ,
that Prince Pon rat© wiki had at
tacked the army cf the Aichakke
P etuinand in bvvrd !.*< i?- j.
been eminently lucctfsiu! in every
one of tiiem.y [The direelion which
the Auftrians luve taken in melr
rerrtar. from Poland is net menti
When Trxefte was nice pcfef
fma v . all Eiigiiifi coiomtl pro
duce v...s ct idiscartd.
London, June 10.
The Refiian fleet is fuppofed to
be ceftineti againft Stockholm. —
The emperor's army has broken up
from its cantonments in Finland,
and he thre .then* to p-ur it k vO the
heart of Sweden, unit ft ihe ca.knts
ro -iccepv a iiing of his ncmjr.acion.
fir James Saumartz has fried lor
the Bilts'c, ‘and we hope will come
up with the enemy. ‘The Swedifh
Diet is laid to be much divided;
rhe Deputies from the farmers in
fir upon framing anew Constitution
lMore ihey chords a King. The
array,‘it is alfo laid, is far from he
ir g unanimous. Finding that the
Gifpofition of the King has not pro
duced the effedt of ttfisting Deace
with Ruflia, feveral regiments, in is
laid, hive exprtfied fentiments of
cotiipaflion fort #: tuiforcunate mo
naoih, stud repentance at the con
duct that has been adopted towards
The Emperor of Rufiia has ex
plained to the Swedifh Rulers the
terms on which alone he will con
lent to negotiate, viz. the Cdlion
of Finland, the exclufionr of the
Britifh fhjppirig from the Swedifii
port.:, and the re-eftabldfiment of
legitimated Government. We
know not whether tne left mention
ed condition is to be m.derftocd as
qn interference in favor of the King,
or as a.hint to the nation to acknow
ledge a fete reign cf Ruffian ap
PLYMOUTH, (Eng ) June 3.
Came down a king’s mdDnger,
with d>'patches for the government
of North America.,. Lie went im
mediately on b aid the Ccntcft,
which failed directly for New-York.
In the evening another mefferger
came down with farther dilpatches,
with which he went on board the
Piover, arid failed immediately for
Philadelphia. The Phoenix 44,
cakes out cur new envoy to the
American government, Mr. jack
ion, and i is fuite.
Y he Exprefs Packet has arrived
?n 16 days fioiu Halifax, previoul
ly flora New-York.
Transports are taken up for the
conveyance of 30,000 troops, on
another expedition.
S i V#
In an appendix to our Court Ga
zette, ftands the fcllowir-sr :
if Aker repeated approximations
to ptace with the Ottoman Forte,
which were however without ef
ii<F. it wasj idged expedient to c
ptn negotiations with herPlentpc
tefitiary, in order to fettle the bafis
of it. But juft as the Plenipoten
tiaries reached ihe defignated fpot,
ce was received that the
Perce, contrary to her engagements,
had formed anew alliance with a
Power hoftiie to us, and received
un EnghOi Ambafiador. This in
telligence revealed i. c principal cf
her conduct, and her wifh, b) nFgo
ciation to gain time for preparations
in order to carry on the war,
* f En confiquence 6f this difeove
ry, Prince Profcro'.vfky, Comtnand
ci in Chief cf the Army of Molda
via, receivfd orders to fend aa cx
orefis. *tb v Conftantinople, end
nounce to the Tu;k;fh Govern
ment, that unlefs the Lnglifh Mimf
ter wasdifmifftd within twenty four
hours, the armiftice fhouid be at zn
endo a;.d iioftiiicies renewed.
<J This propoltl vras rejected by
the Poite, and the war began on
the fame day.
tc The ifi: It movement was to def
troy Sloßodlcjah, a pdft cf mipor
taace to the enemy;, near the for
t:els Guirge, and the ifeizureof the
aificutinition and magazines in that
fortre- 5 This w&s carried into tf
•che cfiarndftriiric bravery
- isD * and on the 2ill cf
.. _ 1
March Li-rtt. Gen. - Ll z.:dj\vitfch
fenc the foiiown g u.-ivacch to :he
Coiiimander in Cine t.
<c Tlie mu'enciiiiimts of the rar
treft Guirga have been completely
deftro/ed, notwithftan lmg tlic ob
it in ate refinance oi. the enemy.—
Two pieces of cannon were capiur
ed, and the reft foiled.
“ Siobodfcjiih was taken and.
deftroved by Colonel Lopucnan. *
The po vder magazine under the
BalhavsfT houfi, v.rch an aifcnal i.u
the houfc, wire biown up. From
the magazines every thing poflible \
was taken aut, and die reft deftroy
ed. T'wenty-Icven cannon of laiga
calibre were fpiked. The enemy
slid left 32 ftandards. The booty
was divided among the Lftcbery.
i( The enemyL iois was coniider
able, though tc cannot yet be elti
mated. Guc iofs has ueen inec-iili
derable; but Major ‘oeßtrai ht.l w
izkic wus killed by a cannon mu*.
“ Colonel s Grekow has brought
over to our fide about a hourund
1 urkifhfamilies ” \
NEW-YORJC, July 28
The Hope, cape. HumpluF,
2c days from Botdeaux, *u rived
here ycitcfday Eh. i.lo ; cla
by fpccial pTcsiiiliion, wi.h pul A l. -
B tT $’ / . , J
From the cap tarn and p..iiivngc-rs,
we learn, tliac Bonapzdc had nor,
nor would not relax his Decree.:,
agaift our ccminerce. It is me
opinion of feveral psfiftnger:., that
American veil Is iaiied after
the embargo, bound to Holland,
would be Laueftrated. The dil
patch fhip Sy ren was erdered im
mediately to fa l v? Angle and ---Tla
Mentor T*as waiting the ordeis of
General Arm ft *ong, at Paris ; who,
it was reported, would ,embark a*
her for America. When the
Hope was leaving ch: Gordo-, m,
the 20th June, the Lift mg letur
was recclveo from Bc-iTauxy . an: i
the 15th cf t hat mouth.
4< Tliۥ cumD.i fi,.ry of marine at.
Kochefcrt, has juft writ 1:20 to the
irAi.rit.t.'tc TiCicit uc t 5o a, roc
tc grant any clearances to American
vcilels, as they had juft heard that
the commercial ’intercourie between
America and Franco, had been iui
pendtd oy a Lw of the American
Cong reft, oa the sock of May laft.”
GFORGLiy Clark county.
By John Smih , Clerk of the Court
Of Ordinary of/aid county.
Whereas Jcfepb Brou- • A? for
letters oi adnunijiraiic ill ate
of Jeffe Sturdivai:;t> base j. a
ly } deeeafei.
Thefe are therefore to a ]
snonijh all and r
and creditors cf faid d?ccc/.\
and appear at my office wh
time prefer iked by law, to Jbew
*a any cy *zc . r fatci l
Could not be f ranted.
J Cos
Gn-en under my hand this 14
dsv cf Acguft 1809,
jOHN Sift TH, CN.:. O
THE Suhfcribcr intends leaving
the State in a few weeks, and m
his a3 fence has appointed Mr.
John NEMurrav (of Morgan coun
ty near the H gh Shoals cl the Ap
paUchee) his agmt, ro whom thoik
in arrears are referred
Augu ft 19, ISO 9.
.*, A44’ w a * 4V *