Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, August 19, 1809, Image 3

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ATHENS', AUGUST 19. i.BY rHIi MORNINGS MAIL. EY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNI , i’liD STATES OF AMERICA. M PROCLAMATION. \ ,7| / HEREAS in cos kqucnce of V v a communiCaTon from His ’ Britannic Majrfty’s Envoy Extra ordinary and Meeker Pienipoten riarv, declaring that tr.c Br'.cifn Or i ders in Council of January and No vember :207, would have been with jrawn on the loth day of June lap.; and by virtue of authority gi ver*, ia foch event, by the nth Lilian of the act of Coi greii, enti i: and Cv an att o ijrerdM the com mercial in te re curie between the United States and Great Britain and- France and their dependencies,” or I, JAMES MADISON, Prefttenc of the United States, did iliue ray Proclamation bearing date on the I lp h c A i i’d Eft, declaring * hat Ye Orders m Council afore {a id would have b<en fo wthdre-vn on the fa id xoth day of June, afrer which the trade fufpended by certain ads of Cong refs might be renewed ; And whereas it is now < fri !lv made known to me that the laid ordtrsin council have not been withdraw a grteably to the commu’.y'a*ion and declaration aforefaid : I do hereby proclaim the fame, and confcquent ly that the trade renewable on the event of the laid orders being with drawn, is to be confidered as under the operation of the feveial acts by which fuch trade was fufpcndtd. Given tender try hand and the Seal f * Tr .c i <* . c * *■ of IV&jhington the ninth day of Auguft hi the year of ur Lord onethoufand eight hundred and nine , and of the Independence of the feud United States the thirty• fourth . ... (Signed) JAMES MADISON By the P ref dent , R. SML Ilf Secretary cf State. The di(avowal of Mr. Erfkte*i arrangement, and the iniquitous refute) ro indemnify us for our con fidence ; n it, does net merely affedt the commercial capital sj} oat; but L I ike wife deeply afLcb the whole i. Ac: mil coni cue .%;c cf the U. * Mites; every fale that has been made eh her of the products of the foil, or the foil itfelf. Such war, the uni • erfal confidence and anima tion irfpired by that event, that cv r produce rt.fe, our property rofe, new diredions were given to our wealth end the Jahsr cf our citizens, under the iiveiled expecta tion of remuneration and profit. The order of May, by its inflantanf ous operation, by its cruel operation indeed in many cafes before it was known, blafts al* thde hopes, and in one fatal mo me nr ck Ureys the property and cnafcrt of thoufands, annihilates millions at a blow, and fcuu.t is the g wealth vitK the fickienefs of fortune. A 'at. hid. NEW-YORK, Auguft 4 . 7he dppat cb-flip Mentor y Captain H ard) axi ived hereyefterday after noon, in 14 days from L’Orient, with difpaUhcs from Mr. Ann Strong to cur government. Mr. Gelf on, who is the hearer of theni proceeded this day Ur tic feat of government. On its arrival of a veffid in fo poor* pciffidge, ranch new3 is natural ly expedhu ; tout Ibe fad is, no change has t&Kcn prate, in cur apt airs. Mr, Arm remains in Pa; vs and the l'i . *ciJlY:> iujs-\g. There had been ns battles cf wo * tue •: jinee the defeat of Bonaparte near i isun,, yon tec l \ji u)i-~ ‘2. of May , thereupon cf w hich is y shat Napoleon was waiting the arrival of a large Ruffian army, which was marching through Gailizia in three divijions. We have received Parts papers to the gd of July. They certain the bul letins tv No, 2, v : the Uji is aatea as Vienna , the 2. nth of June. The bridges on the Danube have been te o , paired ; and Bonaparte expected to defircy the Aufrian army, as that of Ruffiu had joined him. It appears, by the Inf bulletins, their Bonaparte had r'ctrogated from Ebsrsdorf to Vienna , where his heed quarters were on the 24 th of June .—<• Bu “ctin No. 19, fates that an aßi cn had been fought near Pa ah in Hungary , cn the iythcf June. The French army was commanded by Prim's Eugene-, and the Aufrian s by the Archduke John. The latter were J raced by 3 ‘cohrtns, cf 20 or 25,000 men ; the jipi column was attacked by the French am 1 r epu r h-d but the id detained for a moment the impetuofity of the Frenchfrf divifion, which was immediately reinforced, and repuf.d the Avfir tans. Auftrian lofs 30 c killed, and about the fame numb wounded. French lofs 900 killed c.. wounded. The 20 th bulletin fates t’ . Ruffian army, under the com- “■ I f Prince Gallitzan, had <a v • .. A ‘ litzia near Hungary . • -. f June, in three divine:, he Aufirians. The . .Acre v > u~ count of the capt: ■ Ay cf Raab to the F. • <• ny un der Prince F:> M r. Mr-’ ‘ U Paris with J-” C cl. 1.. . ■ ‘ >’ Stock holm, from E Several sad ar rived in thep pi-’ Two, it is faid, vun ‘ ’• Cavt. Fa •’ a fate ± that during hi ‘ at, he received the iendly treatment from the French govern h he Wipes thus ts , -Aid acknowledge meats London. Jun: Every dsv gives birth to cv which the figicity c t tit c polk! icerns ro Live little t;; : cn •: which ftill cffoids a reaie. .... ground cf hope that the indepe je ence of Europe may yet he rmb fertedo Its now afeertsi'ned beyonc a doubt (what but'very few days rg., would have overt rejrUtd as incredi ble,) that Prufiia has opr only de termined upon war with Bonaparte, but that 40,000 Fruffians havea'-- tuaUj entered Laxony and proceed ed to a6fs of hoftiiity. Copies of the declaradon cf war by Prufiia againfi France have with in the laft few days been circulated, in which the gtobnds urged lor a gain appealing to aims are, the 1 1 - tendon of S ctfin, Cuftrir, a .ri by p’ranc R in violation the ftipulations of the late pearc. the detention of a conli Arable rrun: ■ ber of pnfoners, under various pretexts, the extortions of France, and the.further ini office and txcr bitancy of her demands. The dead body of Schill is L’d to have heen expofed at Stralfund and recognized,by of his lui diers. i bis Ihews the trap rta ice attached to the death of lias diftin gullhed Robber, 5 * vd.uli influ ence in Germany muft have been greatly dresded by the French par r; ’ 5 th.rps county . Aug 4, ißco.. i■* A- . i. i.... *O .C*l . eii’ , When a man receives an L in* ry *t is right, it is his duty, tu hi 1.- klfand family, to call upon the au thor of luch injury, a.:d require fuch an explanation as may Rem, at If > toconnrrn his guilt, or tvi ac iit .1.41 Ui c..C drai ki.i him, Feeling as I do the necefilty of retaining at lead in unindpeached character; I call upon you as a gentleman, (for fuch you afreft to be) to explain tQ- the world your . lions for defaming me and ray family*—l have no doubt that you will do this, as the public mind has become weary of your afLrticns unaccompanied wuf. evidences in tacir fupport.—A lolitwry initance cf this ingenerefity, could be t-afily ov'erlooked, but an Irjuricus repc ur in, is unpardonable. You aifert that my family in \ irgh u is yoid t-f reputation, “even ihere mo ft common- —You aIF re that I have neither honor or repu nt;ior>, where I am known, and that I am tr Bing to excels. Mvs, Sir, requires fomething more than your itmpie alErtion ro ;Aiblifb, vet that it may by feme nelieved* is not uritik ly, when no- denied—l call upon yetß'fir, to name one inftance wherein any of rav family have trefpaffed on the rules of honefty or honor. —11 you csn ndfne one inftance, I challenge you to do it-—lf you can no*, then remain, as I conceive you to be, a and calumniator, devoid of thefe qualifications whEh cor.ftiiure the gentleman. —Thua I leave vou .. m. ~n pvr'“ f farT'v r.hst in juftice to your own keltngs, (if you have any) you will at kail exculpate yourf If from thefe charges, by proving yonrfeif undeferving of them, WILLIAM 1i- BURTON. (tO 3 The Board or Truftecs hav ing perufed the minutes of Evidence made by the Prtfident upon an en quiry had by the authority of the fame, into certain charges exhibit ed again ft: fome Students for killing hogs the property of Daniel W. ‘alFy, and they having been re i-rd by the authority aforefaid fa their opiniors upon the .vi, ence, and alio as to die j proj er to be taken thereupon, delve, that the Evidence ap is r.o them fufiiciept again(t hn DSvis, Yelveiton King, r.d ames Thweat, and advife that the aid perfons be- by me Prelifen: inblickly acimonifhed in the Col* eg? Chapel. * y * The Editor of the Monitor ts ■requefled ic infer l the above once. FOR SALE TWO valuable tradls cf Land, j addon county, in the neigh ;orhood of Jefferion Jackion lOUtt-houf?) containing between 3 nd 400 acres each, adjoining the Jnivedi'y Lands on the cuddle fork ot the Oconee river —I he fi cuation of thefe lands will be well worth the attention of pur chalets; one of the laid tracts lying within one mile of Jtffcrfofi, the other a bout two. A further ddcnpt.on is deemed unnefctfTary as ro pcifan, it is prrfumed, wih irchr.e w'itSi c. * viewing th : cmiles. For terras apply to Efq. n ar Arheror to’ the fuofenber in Columbia county. j. AFPIJCG. Augnft “, !?> 9. 1* 3m U 1* I d P.. A /\ /-4 . . ‘ X jSILLi 1 rions indebn and u- the 1 .jlciiber .lie hr 1 coy iiurtNcd 1..2’, iiugulL-.n S. Oavton, Efq. o r . Athens, C’ k cnuri., .3 . uthorifed to receive payments and give r* ccipts, and t!;olh who are dif >oi to fettle their accounts, aid t'a!- ch&rgc the ’. r!ues, w' 1 ; ’•) weU t make an early appFcati n to imn, as he has a pcifrU discretion in cclledling by Lw o • otL ■ r -\v;G. RANSOM ATKINS. Align# 19, 180;. N O T I C E. np JI HO E perfons who ire in ar rears for rent on the ‘Siam’ id; tract of lank, Cfi k uc s.\ty, beloj g* inir to Ye T f oltees . t the IJ e-e. - O fity oi Georg a, w brr er .4 01 “fi- •! leffecs or under ltfTces are hereby notified that un iefs pavmenf. is raids to the fufci..rider, or the old aor'es taken up, and new ones given, (in which ca-'b * rcafonable credit will be allowed) Julie areortiriec! *oi>e commenced in ihe Rupeiipr againft ail perfons who hivrhecn. in pi ft film of the lan-d . i the’ nfc a.,d ocVu nation of faid 1 E. A. S. CLAYTOI , A'At. o Auguf 19, 1809. 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. AGREEABLE to an order of fhe honorable the Infto k r Court of Eibert County, wiU be i id .. Li bert Court-Houle, on ihe ICY Eu Yday in . Sepu mh-i •. n:.xt, thieo hundred nineteen ao.i ot : ;ff acres cf land, more-or- lefs, lyhig *n fai-d county, j -'Uis j o:cph i rr,.li and Janru b F. Nuuncllc aud other.-, br ing the real . fiait of Ijfharn Murvip l'on. late of faid ccun.y, and Y'J - Sold for the benefit of the Lews cf laid deceafed. Terms, cu <l \ months credit the purcMkrr bond with approved kcurity. krEORGE CDOk, j'idic illljli .V. June 2w, 1809. ENTERTAIN MLI : f. WILLIAM OLIVER rc’spY • fully acquaints lus h ientis and. bic cornmuuity generally, ilcu hr k -oi a House ot Fhtert/.ixmln . the town of Feterlbuig, ( :..e one formerly occupied fey Mr.. Rag land.) lie will be thankful cih ic who may pltafe to favcir ihm vn; t their cuitom,’ and afturts tin r . / will at ail tun s find die Uit ac commodation the good order and regularity in h.s place. Ptlerlb irg, June loro, 1 ‘6c j. In the Superior Court , Put. am cows A l . RULE NNI. GILES TOMKTnS, HENDRICK LUA7KINS. Upon the pc.ub n c. b. Strong, oouiifei for u.c pluun if, it is ordered, that unicL the iiui Hen drick Lurnkins pay into the hands of the Clerk of tnc Supcri r Coon: before tue cxpinui*>.i M r.vdvi months the priacipal, mp reft, • nl coft of fsri f.fir, the ,w;<i Al to be end |s or.eby {o?c£luitd, and that this rule be inserted i ..Si: (he puoiic Gazettes of m tfaie, uc .Ctin. once a on 1 h 10. .c. tc o ■ f one year, or ir. ved j:> the .r: sajreL or his -MY i.ytn:, a kan. i•—? 1. ‘. mu, lk~ B l-U* j . jetted to vi par •. Knit a 1 prom ti * mi uu. WM. IVILLLiMf Cik ’ iqtb> li.o / l *