Newspaper Page Text
f fuam of io late a -a ate r.; tpe 28.0
lilt. Tl'.cy write that no account
• f the fecund battle between the two
grand armies had reached them ; it’
was certain, however, that Bona
parte was in an aukward predica
ment. lie was completely kept fa
cliec!; by ‘the Archduke Charles,
while the whole of die Tyrol was
up in arms, and she north of Ger
* rtiiiiy in pollution of the Auftrians.
lz was undei flood in Holland that
all the Dutch ports would be elofed
on the 20th j uly, but on what ac
• ■n: was not laid. American vcf
, i would not be admitted arcord
to the prefeot determination of
t: Dutch government.
lie expedition, which is now
eat forwardness, will certainly
A fad in a week. vVe lament
ro re\ rhat government have ex
•.• r need great difficulties in the
mlng of tranfports. The A
m an merchants have this day
er j informed, that inch Amerioaa
as can be at Deptford early in the
v't*. j may be engaged for a tnree
hs fetvice, at 25*. per month,
me of the German papers talk,
emaciations for peace. We *
.foe is no foundation for them
;y 4^or what real perm tnent good
’ Y1 kry could re idle from them.—
-parte would return to France,
> ■ with more pacific fenrintems m
■ • cart, but v/ith a deter mination
• , .ake war again th.e moment a
able opportunity prelented
. Surely, Auftfia and every
: mull now be convinced that
. can be no end to war, but in
overthrow of him who is the
or of it.
Plymouth, June 27.
s y de Csfiar, 84, hon. rear ad
miral Stopfoid, from Bafque Roads,
L learnt that ail the French line of
battle fldps, except thofe deftroyed,
are gone up the river near Roch
fort to be repared as frTl as pofiible.
Ore frigate is kept in liafque
Roads as a guard jftiip.
A report was ycllerday in circula
tion, that a conlpiracy had been
formed agair.ft the Emperor of
Rufiia, and that by the members of
this conlpiracy he has been threat
(slid with dethronement if he tool;
the fide of France againft Auftria,
fee. It might have occurred ro
every one, that it is not by threats
that ccrdpiracies agairtft foveieigns
cither in Ruflii or any where tile,
ihat ktteis of the 7th inii. have
been received from Ifoerfbu.g, in
which no afiufion whatever is made
lo inch a circuaiPance.
London, July 2.
We hear with much pltafure,
that accounts have been received
by government, of the French
having been repulfed with ccnfidera
ble lois in feveral attempts which
they made on the 15th, i6di, and
17 th uii. to crofs tlie Danube, in
the neighborhood of Prtfburg.—
The details of theft operations are
Unknown \ but the faff of the de
feat of the enemy is fo tar credited
by ininifters, as to. have induced
their communication of it to Prince
Scab re ro burg, and to the Spanifh
Yefterday we received an Am
sterdam p iper of Tueltiay laity to
gether with feveral German Gaz
ettes to the 2o:h ulr. The informa
tion Which they furniih will be read
with incereft, principally as Ihrwing
the great embarraffmenis to which
Bonaparte is reduced and the fiuc-
Ci lies which have attended the pat
nufic exertions of the Tyroleans.
So critical has Bonaparte’s fitua
tion btc:c:ne, fo comprchenfive are
expeditions to reinforce h:s,ar
my, that me ibldiera wounded in are
battles of Ration, Echrnul, Ac.
wins were left in the fick quarters a;
Munich, Augfourgh, Ac. have been
obliged to appear before a medical
com million, charged with an ex
amination into the conditon of their
won ids, and every man, fufficiemly
recovered to be competent to do
any kind of military duty, has b- en
fent to the army in waggons.
tween the ift and 12th of June,
General Moulin fent from Ai’gf
burg upwards of joo wounded r Ri
ccis for Vienna. Many of ihoft,
who were unable to bear the fa
tigue ot a had carriage were con
veyed by water.
The communication between
Munich and Vienna has become fo
inlecure from the incur fions of die
Auftrians and Tyrolians, that five
waggons loaded w ith fpccie, which
were proceeding from Munich for
the payment of the French army,
had, on their arrival at Marker,
been obliged to return to Munich,
and it was fuppofed would be fent
for greater fecurity to Augfburg.
Bonaparte, after the idle battle of
Ra iilbur, ordered his military chef.",
arid the greater part of me baggrge
or his army,^to be lent to LVleru,
promifing his foldiers abundant (up
piies from the Auftrian magazines.
He has however, been difappoihtcd
and been obliged to bring back his,
baggage, Ac. from the Rhine to
Augfburg, ar.d to trahfport 1c from
thence to Vienna 6n rafts. Early
in June, Count Collowarch inter
cepted three of thefe rafts, with a
cofi ftrable quantity of baggage and
amuniticn, oh the Danube, below
C rents.
‘X he moft important fucccffes
continue to crown the patriotic ex
ertions of the Tyroiiafts. They
have compelled the Bavarian Gen.
Derby to fly from the ftrong pofi
tion of Kufftin, after two days fight
ing, and to retire by Wis-lbichau
towards ‘ Munich. Gen. Pi earn
had at the lame time, been driven
from Kempton, and been purified
as Kaufaeuron within four polls of
Aufburg, while the Wirtemburg
corps, under Gen. Von Scheelci,
has been beaten beyond the Scheffer,.
Another corps of Patriots, from
Schernitz, had advanced into Ba
varia, as far as Aibiing and had on
tneir return been joined by numbers
of the inhabitants.
The Archduke Maximilian, on
retiring from Vienna, ca tied with
bin; the whole of his own corps, to
gether with 6coo men who had
joined him on the 1 it!:, under the
orders of Gen. Kienmaver, and this
retreat, which is reprtfenred in the
French Bulletin as the flight of a
few individuals, was Conducted with
the greatefl: order.
Early in the laft month feveral
waggons loaded with preferus from
Napoleon to Alexander, puffed
through Frankfort, on their route
from Paris to Petetfburgh.—They
are valued atthreti millions of flo
-1 ins.
A confiderable number of troops
have been ftationed along the Ruf
fian coaft, in the Baltic, under an
apprehenfion of a defeent Ircm the
Britifii fiquadroas in that lea.
Extraordinary exertions are mak
ing in Bavaria to recruit the army,
and fix battalions of referve have
been ordered.—The people, howe
ver, are decidedly adverfe to the
fervice, and great numbers have
joined the infurgents in the Tyrol.
T’ Wi , ’
To ihe Editor of the Foreign Cor ref
pendent fs Georgia E?.profs.
Si lv ,
After the pubiieatiojypf the piece
under the fignature of Franklin, a
name too revered and bfloved by
all valuable Arnfrican whigs to be
ufed at the heel of icurrilicy, which
appeared in your paper of the 2d
in ft an c, you can have no hefitation
inlaying the enciofed reply before
the public. The publication in
your paper is marked with many
features of corrupt incoherent falf
hoods and vulgarity in miircpre
fentacions of fadts, fully obvious to
any penetrating eye—the defign to
ufe the microfcopical view in the
multiplication of Ample and friend
ly innocence to ‘‘that of atrocity of
cvfl wickednefs and crimes, which
warrants any fpecies of reply.
To the Free Citizens and Inhabitants
of the County of Clark.
IT may be rccoikded that one of
the oormififfioners appointed by the
the Siate of Georg a,
for ihe purpofe of felling the frac
tional fiirveys of the land lailly ac
quired of the Creek Nation of In
dians, re Tided at that time within
the limits of the county of Clark,
when that individual gindeman
had before enjoyed, on more dun
ooe ocesfion full confidence in the
flare and county by obtaining an e-
Fdticn as a fit and proper prribn to
fill that important office of collec
tor of public taxes by a maj ;ri:y of
votes, by the per Tons felc&ed by,
law to vote on fu -h elections: And
if lam rightly inform and, received
his Lfl appointment for colk&or
of public taxes at the very time that
he -ams engaged in feliing the flare
fnftionai iurv.eys in the t/yvn of
M iledgi- vHle. How it r he may
have committed hitnfelf fince, the
relpefiled coftirnuriity may have
had a fair opportunity of judging
for them?elves. It may alfo be Veen
that after he the laid commifiionem
had executed his bond of office as
commifiioner for felling the frac
tions of land, he had >ct kept up
that fiiare of confidence amongft
his near and wdl refptfiled neigh
bors, who readily became his fiecu
ricks their, for the faithful perform
aace of the duties required of col-
Kfilor of public taxes in the penal
ty of 8000 dollars j and thereupon,
there could be no hefitation in the
mind of, even that, of the juoft ac
rimonious being, that at kail there
could then appear to bis fecurkies
but iLtlf doubt of his eligibility in
talents and integrity in the dtipofal
of the frafitional iurveys ; which ic~
curicits, in thefe enlightened and
fpeculative days, on eitfiliont, ate
offered much accritnony and invec
tive fdllhoods, by the I crib biing
pen of an or a
endeavoring to imprcTs on the
minds of our patriotic citizens a
heap of black mu fin 00 m fluff, for
the only plain feen purpofe of re
moving fome of your hard tried
and wed known public fervams, (to
occafibn thereby room for eicher
themfelves or friends to fqueeze
into places carefully difigiud by
the wiidom of the freemui of the
county of Clark for republicans and
better men) by *that abhorrent fhci
te r, commonly called low cunning.
“ And” fays the author of No. 1
“ has not this convifiiion fhewn be
yond the pofiibiiity of a doubt chat
the Col.’s bond is forfeited, and
that he, and his co-fecuritics are
juflly indebted to the liate the faid
ium of 30,000 dollars.”—A poor
barren paced jockey boy, mult this
fneaking divulger of nufreprefen
tations of ufits and fimple ftate-
RicßW, be thus impofed upon the
. . j
j'jfi-and good under Line mg of thofe 1
c *il ghfcnsd repubiiCari people of
the county of Clark, in order to
arreit their r ght of iuffrage from
their ov/n free choice, and fo to
“ barnboozio” them out of that all
important right, the bulwark and”
fundamental .corner ♦flone of r.heir
freedom as white men ? and really
to dirett their fufivage to the gap
ing candidate, fo as to aid his poll
to a probability of fecuring in his
elefiiiorj on the firfl Monday in
Qfitober next in the county of
Clark. <f Is it not a faff that the
ftate has ordered fuits,” Ac. ? Yes
it is a faff: as to die weflern com
miffiOoer and fecuritics coo ! ani
procefs has been ferved by the proD
per (fficer, and returned to the
honorable the fuperior court in the
Oakmuigee circuit, from whence it
iffued, wfltre it is now pending oa
trial under the penalty of that trion
flrous thirty choui’anci dollars.”'—
After a few more of your itupid
numbers, you probably may be
better informed, for really your pen
indicates a very feeble defenption
of the operaiion and practice in
claims on penal bonds, You fhould
ge” ready before you roundly affcrC
what yon know noc of things you
dare to ft ate as facts, which never
d.d or c\* 1 will ex ft in any en
lightened or chriftian country, that
any man or fin of men may be itn
merfed in damages to the arnounttif
30,000 dollars, when from and by
the grandeft inquefl that is known
in America, the honorable the high
court of impeachment on the trud
of the faid com mi flu tiers, fitting ac
two feveral terms, whh the interval
o f inon t h sir o m : lie fi ritto th 1 fie -
coad and conclufion, with ail fiufii -
cicnt time to Larch up teflrimony
again It each and every of toe Lid
cornmtrfioners ; aid could find
proof only i’ufficient :o charge ono
of the commifiioners* u-irh having
forfeited his bond of 30,000 dol
lars, fur the bare compenfadon of 2 ’
frw yards of country cloth, only
fu (He tent 10 make a fiuiall coat for
Fulfil', a very fmall man, and to
bind up the bargain complete, the
purchaftr of the fraffiori from that
comm fiioner, mult trec with a oot- *
tic cf v/uif —-Dear coat and wine in
iy opinion, according to the bed
lam decifion in No. I, To caft o
ver one moments rcflefibioa, which j
is always frefil in the memory of e- *
very great and good man on the )
difpeniation ot that good eld golden ft
law, he will readily know that ia ■
thefe good old rimes, one eye was
required tor another, one tooth Ac.
. fo that it may be concluded that
the wife rule rs of our nation wdl
always and in every cate of their 1
(iccifinns of adjudications, that when
fair juftice is announced on penal
chi ‘ms, that, that is all which is re
quired, that is to fay, fo much for
io much actually fiuftained,. And
upon that event, it may be hoped
by the icon rules to the commifiion
ers, that juft fo much as they have
erred in, juft fio much preciitly will
be demanded with cofts cf Hit. and
juft fo much will be exptfiled by
the fecurities from their principles,
or el fie make up any deficiency ffi
damages hat may be claimed by
the ftate on the final do ft of the .
fuits now pending in law. Can
aijy man in his ftnfts doubt that the
Coi. will apply to tiie legiflature to
r< leafie him from his fecurity (hip,
If any man fhould be fo fiiiv cr. ro
have entertained fuch a doubt r” ,
Ac. I am much fur prized to find
any individual fo extremely fooiiih
as to afk fo poor and pitiful a quef
uon, v;iu a he knows (if he has the
(ffidkft portion of decency) th&: ‘