Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, September 23, 1809, Image 3

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and col. Su Croix were ad. Ihe adj utant c© n - was killed. The ninth regiment of infan iine remained on the tie. This regiment co with glorv. serai of flafFis making lent of our lofs. ar circumltance in this : is, that the columns, jfareft to Vienna, were fts diflant from it. Tnc population covered the ■is and heights, to wit at tpel. idt*. teror of Auftria quitted i or. the 6:h at < in the : afeended fit Belvedere, faw the field of battle, “and till noor, when he iway at full feted. July 2 1, 8 o'clock A. M. i.i a courier from the I’ kkg has arrived with ■t anndiice agreed upon ; two emperors on the ind has brought us the cws mat p-ace is very T JUSTICE i between the emperor of id king cf Italy and ibs Aufiria . there (hall be an ar ;ween his majefty the he French, king of Ita]y ajefty the emperor of the line of demarcation, of Aufiria is boundary Firm & finhenva, the ran & a line eftablifked i ; es of Mahren above s line begins atßrunn brill and the Mirth on ije Willi ikS J , ,ya, from thence to St. along the road from Reiss burg ark three i the city. The river 1 ill its con Sue nee with rid three miles from its it reaches Styermark, :m, (with the exeep v e which is fubmitted to nation of his highnefs L Charles.) “fse citadJs of Bruen fhall be immediatdly I after fisnlne of the ar- O V? he Auftrian troops (hall ML- ■ Tyrol and the Voral rt of Sachfenburg lhall i op to the French he raagaziner:, pro arms, in theAuftrian be carried away, Ifith regard to Poland, fhaSl occupy what they fkfs. h e preft n c arm iftl c e e for one month —fif- :ice (hall be given prior Tie nee merit of hoftili ora mi Si oners on both >e appointed to fulfil s of this armifuce. o morrow (the 13th) troops fhall begin e territories defignated ce. Ftirt Bruen lhall op to the French on IGrarz on the loth concluded by the un ci authorifed by both >N VIMPSEN, in chief of the ft off cf ill (Irian army. ■ NEUFCHATEL. h ” G * )l > ofth'ejiaffcf Jks yd REUBEIk . 1 he becretary in the abfence 0f ike Comm-i id ant, MARIN VILLE. It is confidercd by the greatelh cotton manufacturing houle in Pro vidence, R. i. that the confump tioa of >309 in the mills within 15 mik-s ot that town is 15,000 ibs. per week or *780,000 lbs. per an num.-“-They add that the confump don of i3io, will be 20,000 ibs. per week or 1,040,000 ibs. per annum.— This will make twofuen mer pantaloons, and two hummer coats for 200,000 men. The val ue will be one million of dollars at the wliolelale cafh price of the Ruff only. To a country of 30 miles fquare, this is a ferious matter for lubhltance, and profit. The works ot this houfe (the greatdt in that diftridc) employ in various ways 1000 perfons. The fhmp duty on ncwfpapers done, in England, produced laft year two millions of pounds fter iuig. A fum equal to 8,885,20 b dollars. The report of the iecre tary of the trealury, dated Decem ber io, 1808, eftimates the expen ses of the current year 1809, as follows: 1. Civil ]ft mifeel- dollars. laneous expenies, 900,000 2. Foreign intercourse, 200,000 3. Grams by cong-efs, and mifcdlantous ■ unlorcfeen demands 3 j 0,000 4. Military and Indian departments, 2,736,000 5* Naval departments, 2,*114.000 5,000,000 From thefe rafts k refults, that the mere ft strips upon new j paper j are, in amount, a tax upon c it peo ple of Great Britain of three millions eight hundred and eighty five thou- Jand two hundred dollars more tCun the whole amount of the whole an nual rxpenfes of the government of the United States. Timothy Pickering, 2 Ana tor of the U. S. .from the it are of ALffa fchufetts, is laid to have commenced an adion againft Mr. Irvine, editor of the Baltimore Whig, for the late publication refpedting his corref pondence with his nephew in Lon don. His damages are moil modeft ly laid sr only ten thou/and dollars!!! Pie mu ft iurely nave eihtnatcei a printer’s refources, in this country, by the taxes which the proftffion pay in England. Sav. Rep. Char left on, Auguft 29. On Fridoy lait, a baueaux v/ith three men ?n it was upiet along fide of a fifhing fmack inourhaibor, and in a moment an enormous Shark caught one of the men, aid no part ot his body has iince bten found. Two Tiger Sharks were caught on Sunday laft on the market wharf j one of them was eleven and a half and the other ten a id a half feet long. A fire broke out on the 15-th in ft. in an un tenanted ware-houle on one cf the wharves of Norfolk, which was extinguifhed after having dc ltroyed five ware houfes, and near ly all their contents. The lofs is eftimated at 15,000 dollars. City Gazette. CASH GIVEN FOR CLEAN COTTON & LINEN FAGS, AT THIS OFFICE . To use Citiz.bis of Clarke County. *ll ii Sub fen her has been re- Cjucfted to collect information rela tive to the Rate of manufadtures in this county, for the information of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, to enable him to re port to Congrels on that fubj jft at their next ltftion, in conformity to toeir rdoiution cl the 7th of Line laft. So accompP(h the view I wifti to know the quantity and quality of goods manufactured in the county —with lpecitat ns of each -kind—toe prices at which they can be afforded—the quantity of marc rials for manufactures, iuch as iron, cropper, &c.—the prices of labor—■ the number of hands which are or might be employed if an exter.five eftabliihment were attempted—and generally any tuner information re lative to the fubjeft. i take the liberty to requeft my intelligent ft How-county men and particularly the military officers to coileft infor mation within their leveral diftridts. I will attend a: Watkinfvilß on the day of Election in October next, to receive Inch communication re lative to the premifes as may enable me to comply with the requeft of the Government. J. MEIGS. DISSOLUTION OF FAR F NERSHIP. T JL HE Co- parrnerfhip of Carnes Cft Clayton in the practice of the Law in the W< ftern Circuit having been dift lved by mutual eoaienc on the iecondday of July iaib; the fubferiber. notifies thofe who wiih his profcliional fervices in the Wes tern Circuit of this State, or in the Diftiicls of Abbeville and Pendle ton in. South-Carolina, that letters add raffed to him at Carncsvllie in Franklin county between this time and the fi ft of January next and at this place after that date will be promptly and diligently attended to. TFIOs. P. CARNES. Athens, September 18, 1809. N OTIC E. k\,LL thofe indebted to the Sub feribers eidier by Note or Rook Ac count, are nqueited to make pay ment by the 25th of D-.ceinber next j if not dilcharged by that time, they may cxp.Et to find them in the hands of the proper cfxLer for cclledtion. Phinizy, Son & Shields. China-Grove, Oglethorpe (Aunty, September 20, 1809. 70 iw 2 m. N O T 1 C E. IK r mcnchs after date appli cation wifi be made to the honora ble Juftices of the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, for leave to fill one trade of land, adjoining James Edrnundfon, containing two hundred and fifty acres —one otn trad adjoining William Finch and others, containing ;ao hundred a cres—alfo one other trad confin ing two huocred acres, adjoming Reuben M‘Clain and outers, all on the waters of Litrk River—to he fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors cf the eftate of William Swanfon, dereafed. j AMES SWANSON, Admin'ijirator . S sit ember 16, 1809, BI AT IS MA T BE HAD AT Ufi OFtiCh. GEORGIA, C:ark ,o:.ny. By Jjj;t Smith, Clerk of th: Court of Ordinary if faid county. Whereas Robert Trawiek applies for letters of adminiftr&tion on the ej tate of Lunsford Trawkk, late of fail county, decs a fed. Thefs are therefore to cite and ad monifh all and f tegular the kindred and creditors cf faid dececfed, to Ft and appear at my office within the time preferibed by law, to jhezv cauls 9 if any they have, why faid letters jhould not be granted. Given unurr my hand this 3Bui day of September 1809. JOHN SMI 1 if, C.C. O. ADMIM3TRATCR’s SALE. Will be fold on the thirty jd fi day cf Gel. her next, at the late rcadence of William L. Brazed, decaf A, in Jackfon county, all the perjoual eft ale of faid dc coifed, Consisting of i-iorfcs, Cat tie, H:g‘, Plantation Tools C'f Houfehoid and Kitchen Terms of Ale to be made ki<M on the day of Idle—The Niece* continue from day to day un. 1 all are fold. . GEORGE HE ADEN, Adcniniftramr. September 7, 1809. GEORGIA Ac a Court of Or- Viai 1’ County sdlnaryheid i< >rla 1v 1 county on ihefi.ft Monday cfjuly, Freicnt thdr honors on the bench, AbAlorn Ramey, John Floyd, Wfiiiam Strong and Dav and Sims. RULE NHL j j PON the petition of Alexan der M'Alpin lUting’ihat he is in pofLftion of a bond executed by Jeremiah Culbertfon, decraffd, in las itfc time, together with others to execute to your petitioner and William Browning titles eo hisdif tributive ftuie of 2 certain tract or parcel of land fuuatcd on Red'river, in Louiiana formerly, now Fcnito ry cf Orleans, containing fourteen hundred and forty acres, adjoining Moneti’s land, a copy of which (aid bond is filed in the clerk’s office of the court of Ordinary, and that your petitioner is now the foie pro prietor of faid bond and that tnc hvd Jerimiah Cuibertfori departed this life iiiteftate, vvioout c zr i g ids laid bond intoctfcft—Where upon it :s ORDERED, the titles to the laid land be executed to the iaid Alexander M c Alpiii by the Admi nittratrix cf the aforefaid Jeremiah Cuibcrtfon, accordinc to the ftatu e in fuch calcs made anil provided, unlefs caufe be ftiewn to the contra ry, and that this rule be publifhed once a month for the fpace and term of three montns in tnc Geor gia Exo refs. True copy from the miViUtes. JOHN SMITH, C. C. O. / ■jy.vdt ’ . 3809. N O T I C E. \T LftLv A months cf er appli es’ on will be rnahG to the Interior Court of Greene County, for leave to fell a traft of land in (aid county, cs the waters ot 1 own creek, con taining live hundred acres, being the R-ai eitate of James Sanforn, deceafed —to be iold for the bem-fic of the hen s o.ud cteditors ef Ltd decsaft: and. FZEKIEL PARK, JOHN LAM UL April 7, 1 Executors ,