Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, September 23, 1809, Image 4
SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, Cn the f.rji Tuesday in o etcher next, at the Court-Hcufetn Clark County, between the hours of Ten and Three o'clock, the following pro perty, VIZ. One hundred and ftxty-two acres of land in Clarke county, under mortgage, in favor of fife Lane, with a crop of corn and cotton growing thereon, amount for which mortgage is 98 dollars 87 1- 2 cents, alfo four or five thoufand pine ihingles, one raw hide, one fide fuddle, one man's fiddle, ten or fifteen pounds of fhingling nails, one bay mare, one forrel horfe, three cows and calves, two heifers, nine head of g*r?fe, fix teen head of hogs and fix final! pigs, one corner cupboard, fix fplic bottomed chairs, one pine cht ft, one writing defk, all which property is to be fold as the prop: rtv of Richard Lawrence, under the Infolvent Law for the bent fit of his creditors—the geefe and hogs will lie Ibid as they run jkie plantation. m ALSO. + J&h? hundred and eight acres and half of land, be the fame more or lei’s, in Clark county, it b ung the plantation whereon Jacob Bur gar now lives, levied on as the pro perty of Jacob Burgar to fa tit fy lun dry executions at the inftance of Robert Grimmett, and pointed out by the defendant and returned me by Richard Stanfield, ronftable. ALSO. One defk and book cafe, two folding tables, one pine flrb and eight chairs, two fea.her beds and furniture, one fit of tea china, le vied on as the property of M Rajah Williamfen, deceafed, to fiuisfy an execution in favor of William & Felix Gilbert 1 , and pointed out by William Williamfon. Conditions cafh. JOHN SELMAN. Sheriff, September t, 3809. SHERIFF’S SALE. On the firft Tuejday in Q etc her next, at the Court-Houfe in Jack/on coun ty between the ufual hours, will be fold, the following property, Viz. 470 acres of land be the fame more or Ids, on the waters of the Oconee, granted to -joining Bowen, levied on by fundry execu tions as the property of John Lane at the inftance of Pope be Bibb and others i the property pointed out by laid Lane. ALSO, One negro woman named Har riot, levied on by fundry executions as the property of SherodThomp fon at the inftance of Johnßach f’ord and others. Conditions cafh. WILLIAM POTTS, Sheris'. Augufi 28, 1809. •>1 —■*■ ■—— ■ .-.u xwi.niMm m w mmwirn PUBLIC NOTICE. ALL per Tons travelling through the Creek Nation are at liberty ot crofs the, either at Mr. John MarfhaPs ferry or at Mr. M‘lntofh's, whichever they pleale as they arc both half breeds j and pledge our word and honor that all travellers coming or going through our country fball be ufed well, as this is the wifh and talk of the Chin's of Como. LITTLE PRINCE, CHIEF of Cos we 10 Towns. N. B. The eld road goes to Mr. Marfhals which is the left hand. Auguft 26, sScq, 66 t, f. N OTIC E. A LiLl perfons having any de mancL againft the eftate cf Natha niel Bridges, deceafed, are requefted to e xhibit them properly attefted within the time preferibed by law, in order that provision may be made to difeharge the fame—And all perfons indebted to laid eft ate are requefted to make payment to WILIEJ BRIDGES, AND WM. M. STOKES, Executors. Augufi 17, 1809. SHERIFF'S SALE. On the firft ‘Tuejday in October next, at the Court -Houfe in Jackfon County, between the ufual hours, will be fold the following property, to wit : ico acres cf land be fame more or lefs, on the waters of the middle river, adjoining Samuel Wilfcn, alfo one bay horfe and ooe forrel horfi, all levied on as the property of George Martin at the inftance of Samuel Wilfon, the property point ed out by the plaintiff*. * ALSO . One bay mare levied on as the property of John Phinecy at the inftance of Uonh Humphries, the property pointed out by the defen dant. Conditions cafh. JOS. J. SCOTT, D. S. Augufi 20, 1809. COLLECTOR'S SALE. Will be fold at the Court- Houfe in Jack- Jon County, on Wednesday the loth of December next ; ike following trafts of Land, or Jo much thereof, us will Jaisify the tax due thereon with ecjls, VIZ. 467 Acres of the 3d quality (fb fir s three freeholders) originally granted to William Ledford, lying in Jackfon county on the waters of the Oconee ; reported to be in de fault from the year 1805 until the year iScS, b -th included—-tax due 2 dollars 37 cents. 400 Acres lying in Jackfon coun ty on Allen's Fork, 30 acres of the 2d quality* the balance of the 3d quality, ((© fays three freeholders) granted to Lamar, joinmg Hick man and others ; reported to be in default from the yea* 1806 until the year 180S, both included—tax due 1 doliat 94 1-2 cents. J. M. C. Montgomery, T. C. J. C. June 14, 1809. 56 iw 6 m NOTICE. ON Wcdntlday the 25th day of October next, will be foid at the late rcfidence of Abel Howard de ceafed on Broad fiver in Oglethorpe county, ALL the ftock cf cattle belong ing to the tftate of laid deceafed. GROVES HOWARD. Executor. September 4th 1809. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. Deferted from the Mail of theU. S. ioroe time laft March in tke Cret k Nation (M. TANARUS.) Ifacah Bren ton, The above reward will be giv tn to any peifon who will deliver faid Brenton in Milledgeville. By application to Col. B. Hawkins, agent of the U. S. for Indian affairs, he will ifine orders to the chiefs to have him delivered up. John B. Chandler, In the Pofl-Office Department. June 10th, ißoc. COLLECTOR'S SALE. On Saturday the 2yd of September next, veill be fold at the court -heufe in Jackfon county, between the hours of ten and three o'clock , the following trafts cf land or as much as willJatisfy the tax due thereon, wtth cojls, viz • — iogo Acres, 3d quality, granted to RandolTrailer, lying in Jackfon county on the watersof fouth Broad river, joining Drifko) and others, given in by William Streetman as his own property for the year 1807 and as agent for Randol Trailor for the year 180S —tax due for 1807 1 doilar 67 1-2 cents, anci for the year iBcB, 1 dollar 25 cents. ALSO, 1 Acres, 3d quality, granted to ’ ury, Jackfon county, mid dle ee, joining Ufle, returned by j )B. Warbington for 1807 --La. e 51 cents. ms, cafh. VI C. Montgomery, T. C. J. C. July 1. , 1869. ENTERTAINMENT. WILLIAM OLIVER, respect ful! acquaints his friends aid the cc iii nicy generally, that he keeps a UiK of Entertainment, in i!i own of Peter fburg, (the one f • ily occupied by Mrs. Rag lane. ) He will be thankful to thofe whr -nay pleafe to favor him with their uftorn, and affurcs them they wili :: all times find the be ft ac comn. dation and the utmoft good order and regularity in his place. Prttvfburg, June iorh, 1809, N O T I C E. THIS day the Co-Partnerfhip between Richard Eafley C3 Thornton Jones is diffjlved in the Taurung bufioefs. Ali perfons having any claims or demands again ft laid firm, are de fFeo to come forward with their acc eats on or before the 25t.i1 da A September next —And ail th fe indebted are defined io come forward aid make immediate pay ment or liquidate heir accomprs. The Tanning bi lintfs will be continued bv lad E-*ft v. RICHARD FAS LEY. THORNTON JONES. Augufi 32, 1809. rp NOTICE. J_ HAT after the expiration of nine months from tEs date, appli cation will be made to the honora ble the court of ordinary for the county of Jackfon, for leave to fell four trails of land, the whole of the real Lit ato of Jofiah M‘ Donald, de ceafed, to wit—one tract of tour hundred and fixty acres lying in the county of Jackfon at the tune or furvey now the county of Clarke on Green Brier creek, granted to Jofeph Carfon, joins Runnels; one hundred and twenty acres, granted to Marbury, lying on Maibury s creek j one trad of two hundred two and a half acres, granted to Parifn, in the fifth d.ftrid of former Wilkinlbn county; and one hun dred and ten acres, being jointly between theeftates of the detealed and Nehtmiah Smith, granted to Williamfon, lying on Wdliauifoa's creek in che county of Jacklon.— The lame being for the benefit of the heirs and creditors cf la.d de ’ GEORGE HUMPHRIES, JOHN BRADLEY, Adminiiba ors. Aug’-ft S> 180 9- FOR SALE TWO valuable trad: in Jackfon cou ty, in borhood cf Jcfferfon ( court-houfe) containing and 400 acres each, ad 3 Unfit! ficy Lands on fork of the Oconee rive cc - tuation of the fe lands 1 - worth the attention of j ‘■-* ; one of the faid tracts h n one mile of J< fferfon, tl . er bout two. A further dt . deemed unnecefiary as it is prefumed will pur’ cut viewing ?he prem terms apply to Reuben , near Athens, or to the • - in Columbia county. J. AP Augufi: 8, 3809. 6 : STRAYED F ROM the fubfi nber 12th Auffuft 1.-ft, Two wit) one Black horfi a years old be about 141-2 bi nd in the right eye, ; forehead and a I’m all i x. nefte; a fwabTail—the chefnut forrel [even year J coloured main and Ta matn and 1 wab i ad, abot inches high, branded but not recollected. Whoe’ liver the above ddVribet either of 1 h t rn to e*ither fcribeis livh g near Lind en the north fork of t River in Jackfon count’ lioculiv icwarced by JAMES ‘IOI s Sc JAMES CAI Sept. 5 h 1809. THE TAX COLLI FOR iSc3 A J. %RE notified that, ; er 1 o h of November next j g>fixture will be fund Itacement, in which w bited the names of fuch r. * r ficurides) as fhaii thei. in lears, with the amount —and tha: executions r in default at that rime, diately thereafter iff ie. ELEAZERi Complyc-. GEO. R. CL Tte ’Milledgeville, 7 September 8, 1809. § NOTICE NINE months afee * hereof, application will the honorable Ffirior C gkthorpe county, for ‘■ • one of land lying i of Wilkinfon, the prop cltael WheVin and knt county by lot No. 24, —fold for the benelic aod creditors of fa and de- TOHN M. SY JOSEPH BA b'. Admu;. • : rs. July 29, 3809. NOTICE. NINE months ftc hereof, I apply He the Inferior Cot: County (or an cider of all the real eft ate of the . Mitchell, Jun. decea - r bvn fit yf ti e heirs an< -■ Lid defeated* T. MI W i Admini April 15, 1809.