Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, October 07, 1809, Image 2

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‘’' ’ ■ ‘ *’ % >* : c 1 *r. rv. “; 41v re >\N? ( £yf ■.-erptbo litth; foreign j.v.i and i jUil'.c fonnr. and too great >i: >i;ie •’ a fim o> die Laei, fyr ir.t go-d of the inhabiiiUKS. y? hovfe fail cf machines —At the ■er fills of B g Be-avy; creek, there a-v, an oil mill, fumng mill, r. t:> II for boring and grilling gun ! i-r a wo::; carding machine, a r: ii fjcbnry, • o a trull for (awing wh* (loner, r<il under one roof. Ac thujame place, area cotton carding nuckine and {'pinning jenny,* an in g nious machine Hr cutting and k ■rite h, a machine for cutting large ferevvs for tobacco pre-IDs and full ing nrnll*, and one for making fullers (hears. The greater part of the above machines x*e made by David Townshend, an inclefari yrabie and ing.-miouS mechanic, and one of the firm. Boat & Jhip building. —Kentucky and New-Orleans boats, keels, barges, fit fFs, &c. arc made in great numbers on all our rivers.— LAnd there now is a veficl of 150 ►Jons J u 1 ding on the Allegheny ri ver about ten miles above this place Robbins. Confiderable ’ ; the bofi eis has been fiickened by the change of our commercial affairs with Europe, ‘.hole fyftem of commerce feeins to be that of war and plunder, our’s peace and jufiice. Thefe principles ere now at iffu?, (and time they .flmuld be) and the great dTpenfer ’ f events only knows where rt Will ; erminate. Pipes Cfi quejufwarg. —W;: have a pipe fadory in town, and there is i\ good kind of qu enfware made at Ciurleftown, Brooke county, Vir. together with ftene wares: (tone wares are asfo made at Wheeling and ► other places. Earthen potters are numerous. y Woollen CP co‘ton cards. —There is a f.- ftory of thefe at Brownfvjjle, and one for cotton cards is now e.-e Ting at. Eddyville, on the Cum b. s land river, (K.) by Mat phew Lyon. f Paper, —We hav&two extenfive p:per mills, one oh. Big Red ft one and the other near thepnouth of L:r ---; Beavercreek, good paper ofd It rent kinds to’fjie value of about 25 or 30,000 delKars worth annually. Buc they do not Apply as much as the s£rke‘ ftands \n need of. Much of tins article is ; rt brought over the m jiintuins.— There are fi xpa pe r informed in the date of Kentucky, one of which goes part of the vear by the force of (team —yfpWe ll icerely admonifti our good houfe wives and their little daughters to rave all clean linen and cotton rag? t for without thefe no paper can be •made, and without paper books can not be printed. A good price will be given for them by all Ihe prin ters of this place. Steam mill. —A mill of this kind has bees recently erebled in town, and of a conferuflion and mech&n sfm that does L nor to human in vention. It is calculated for three pair of Rones, which it is expedt- and will make 100 barrels of fl nver in 24 hours. The running gears are ;ii of call iron, of which there is near 10 tons about it. The two cylindrical boilers, which are of v -might iron, arc 26 feec i r length rr,d 27 inches in diameter ; thev con fume about 20 buftids of coal c idy, which cods one dollar. The rod is owned by Owen and Oliver f vans ro Philadelphia, and has coft yb m ’’t is fa ; d,‘ 14,0. c dollars. o)t ‘ ■ r • ; e jc ■ c*V> of fait tra e annu.d/ c.” 1I1: Onondago fait work in the rtr..? of New-Yoik. The two work., on B'g Yellow Creek, Ohio, re.Pa about 3000 bulb’s a vear. jhe fait works below Chillicoche, 1/ 3000 bufhtls. In IC-*ntucky there arc 15 1 cks, at which are made about 60,000 bulhds. lOng*s laic works, h irdering'fenreff-e, make, fay 25,000 buiDls. The (aline v-orks in the Indian territory, 15,000 buihels a year. Tec works ne*v{y for into operation in Bn ier county, (Pen.) by Th- rrus C llins, F.'q. make about 2,c00 buflr Is ; amounting in ail to about 420,000 bufhels of an internal fupply. And it is thought d< üble this quan tity could be made, were thc(e works carried on to their full ex tent. A report cf Albert Gallatin , of January lair, fays “ The annua! ave rage of imported and confumption of laic, is aimoft 3,000,000 bulheis, weighing cash 56 Ids. ccik I to 75, coo tors, and requiring in Bet, 125,000 tons of fhippirg f r its importation. Bar iron and c a flings, —Our country is rich ; n (urn aor sand forges. Within 60 ridEs r f tins place there about 4000 toot rfb ir iron, 18,000 tons of 1 igs H czfi ings, and 400 tons of flit iron, made annually. Ex civ five of what, is made at thefe forges, about 500 tons of rolled and her iron come to our market annually from foiges in the mountains. Phot There is rr old Rciory of this article at the lead- furnace in Lou:liana territory, and we under- Brand a faffory f*r paten? fhnt : s about to be ereAed there on a very large fi ale. [There are two on”- 4 - - (hot factories in Philadelph ?. which make Quantities of this arti cle.] Powder. —We have fevernl pow der mills in this country 5 but their fupplies are nor eq ?al ro rhe cn fumption. Confidenble qtmr ti s are brought from the rmnuhßlories pver the morr^iins. Saddlery. — Th s bofinefs is oi'- ried on bnfkly j f o rhe value cf about 40,000 dollars worth of (A dies, Arc. a?e manufaff ured here anr-ujfly i and in Kentucky, we are infcwied, it is (kill more cxrenfivt*. Cheefe. —This article is made in New Connedfcur, Ohio., to a very confiderable amounr, and exported to Kentucky and to thispla e.— Confiderable qnanti'ies of g -od checfe is, however, made by the induflrious farmers ; n this neighbor hood ;sVid difpclcd of in our mat krr. Mr. Robbins, about a mile from town, it is fuppofed, makes In three dairies, 9.00® pounds annually, at t 2 i~2 cents per pound, is 1125 dollars. Boots & fiwes.— Thefe are made in this place to the amount of about 35,cc0 pr.irs of Coot s, and 15,000 pairs of boots annually. The rrmit exteufive manukTure In this plate is Mr. James Riddle, whole annual fairs are confiderably above yoco dollars. Women’s fhces, however, are not made to any cor fid or able extent. A ccniidtrable fhoe facto ry is carried on at Harmony, Buti-rr county, (Pen.) a hand Tome vilhge fettled by Germans, Hats. —We have a g~eat intrr rai fupply of hats manufadtu; and throughout the wefeern countr-’. Mr. Abraham Watkins, is nllowt a nd, by the befl judg t s, to manufnfture l.ats equal to any in the U. S or perhaps in the world. Stockings. —But few of thefe are made, except thole knit in private 1 0 , ; . .- 2 ot z . coa: I r 1; n < f woollen {tacking.* and f ks—they are, however, mcreaf > g. fChe f nkowirg is an anl>xtr of the brave gen. Mark, to an in vita ti n from the cit zens of B^n- to join them in com memorating tie t 6 h 0 “ Auguft.] Letter from gen. Sta.^^ At my quarters, Derry field, My triends and fellow ioldiers.— I received your's of the 22d irdlanr, containing your f rvent expreflions of friendftf p, and your very police in v V;a tV m to tne rtwi t h y o u r cele bration the 16 .h of Aug. in Ben nington. As you obferved, Dean never forget that* I ‘ commanded Ame rican troops * on the day In Ben ningron-—They were men that had not Jeatned rhe art of fubtmffion, nor hsd they learnt the art of war. R t ci r c afionifiling fuccefß taught the enemies of liberty, char: undicip- Iviedfreer.rn are fuperior to veteran fii /es. And I fear we (hall have to reach the kbfjn anew to that peifi ctions nation. Not king could afford me more ph-afore than to meet the ( fins of IP<er * fon that unfortunate fpot.- Bat as you infcly anticipate the in- v fi. nf ties of old age will not permit 5 for \ am now tour Tore and one years old, and the lamp of life is al nnk ‘bent. I have of late had ma ny m b invitations, but was not ready for there was not od enough in the lamp. You fay you wifii your young mto to fee me, but who have Been me can tell thei®, that I never was worth much for a (how, and cer tainly cannot be worth feeing now. In cafe of my not being able to at tend, you wifh my ientiments —- them you (had have as free as me air we breathe. As I was then I am now— The friend of the equal r gits of ram, of representative de mocracy, of rcpublicani!m, and the declaration of independence, the g'cai: charter of our rational rights* and of courfc the friend of the in duTduble union and confiitution of the ft ate. lam the enemy of ad foreign influence-, for all foreign in ti uence i s- the influence of cy 1 anoy. This is the only chofen fpot of li berty-—this is the only republic on earth. You well know, gentlemen, th it at the time of the event you cdo brace, there was a powerful Bot fin fa&ion in die country (called tones) and a material part of the force we ha:l to contend with was tones. —• Ths faclion was rankling in our councils, till they had laid the foun dation for the (übverfion of our li berties. But by good fentinels at our out ports we were appnied ot o a d;*r;ger * and the lons of free born beat the alarm—and, as at Bennington, ( they came, they iavq and they corquered.But again tire faction has rallied to the charge and again they have been beaten. I is my orders now, and will be my orders to all my volunteers ro look well to their fenines : lor there is a dangerous Britilh party i 1 this country, lurking in their hiding places, more dangerous chan all our foreign enemies—and when ever they frail appear openly, ren der the fame account of them that was given in Benniu.gton, let cheat affume what name they will ; not doubting that the ladies will be as patriotic in furnifiiing every aid, as they were at Bennington in ’77, who even di(mantled their beds to fur n -h cords to fecurc and kad them c ifi. IPi .tr : T' ! ” 1 j- ■- i~ }- rcfpecic you and me irf ab.cants c ‘4m have (!vwn nie, til go to count y from wh ch notravt’*rr re**i turns. J mult Boon receive maccalß ing o, r dcrs. JOHN STARK, i lion. G 01 ‘ti 7 tSuVi-Jon &? O . V<?y<l| p. S- I _ will gve ’’v y u rrjv v<. lunteer tosfi. five free or +>dsath is not the greate!i cf all evil-, I Ail JENS, OCT. 7. H MARRIED, on Thuridav thJ 28m ot September, M r . John Pur-Jf year to Ivf fi> Lucy Smith, buth c.fl| Cojrk county. m mm ■ •!•.** % DIED on Wedn t\d f .h e 2c ! h j of September, Mr. William Shave. J merchant of Clark county, a native 1 of Scotland, but who for a number a cf years part had rtiided in thlsl* county—B■-■loved by all who we..!.?” acquainted with him for his (her ling honerty aid uprighinefs—he-'” always adhered rtridly to the rule of doing unto others as he would they jfhould do unto him. Hviei \ le/r an aft Tb ornate wife and three fmail children to nv urn l i- l TANARUS, —, On Sunday Eft, NT] ;r i?* M'-Kigney, of this p!a c—ln h ■: the community have loft an honmt and benevolent citizen, and .his fa mily a kind and afF: dLcmace fadiec and hulband. The Rev. Ihpe Hull will preacb . in the Cnapel to-moiTovvat u o'- clock, A. M. Monday Ufi being the day fir .T ----hfling Members fir toe the following are the returns as far as <Wt’ have been able to procure —- CL ARK. Col. Runnels, Senator. ’ ‘ David Sams, Efqrs. Reprcfintaiives* J fiCKsON. Major Hendetior, Senator. Captain ITyde, •-•■•go mtry ar.d CO l ki < . a , on;q •. RcprsfintrJvves. OGLETHORPE. M'Kore, Senaior, Hndfpcth, Beil, and Luck>, ?e~ prefintatlves. TT7 XT xr rj o tr 1 1, JLo. T albot, final or. \V ji OOli- 1, jr.ioe11 Ji.u X” ••, ‘ -i reprefintanves. GREEN. Park, f viler , Grier, i Lard an and Wa: t, rep re - fenicuives. HANCOCK. Mitch el, final or. Adams, Brown, and Chandler* reprefintati ves. MORGAN. Crown, fen at or. Ilarrifbn, reprefinta*ire. RANDOLPH. Carter, [mater. Liardwic k, reprfi utalive. JONES. T\-‘ f CI gjjdo p, fi aicr. Buoih, rep fieri.a!Per. B iLD c/ jj.'t, Owens, fir.a 1 r. } 1011, rep r •fe r.t a Ave. PfJ PNAIvI, Reed, fivatcr . Z it nary, reprefirt alive. At th? time o( the B'rrh c-f D *- tor Franklin, there w?* hut a rev.-(paper printed in Norbi Av- - riea. This paper vas p ‘ ; r• \ Burton, once H four w ? c?:;s, - o ‘ was only a half-fhvet. N >-.v t•. u nre printed, within dc 1• m ? r • . : United-States, at leak /cut ■■■ A